HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummer 1987 Genealogical c521dvertiser ~ I CONTENTS ... , -. EARLY LAWMEN OF BRAZOS COUNTY AIN.T NOBODY HERE BUT 3US. US SCOUTS EDITORIAL PRESIDENT.S MESSAGE LEGAL TERMS FOUND IN COURT HOUSE RECORDS TERMS PECULIAR TO SOME STATES BETHEL CEMETERY SMITH CEMETERY BLUME CENETERY BRAZOS COUNTY INQUEST RECORDS, 1878-1911 LAND MEASUREMENTS DEED OF GIFT HERALDRY HANDWRITING IN EARLY RECORDS BASIC REFERENCE SOURCES WHERE ARE YESTERDAY.S RECORDS LOCATED TODAY? BRAZOS COUNTY CENSUS QUERIES PEDIGREE INDEX ~ I Volume VIII Number 3 \ Summer 1987 Bryan - College Station, Texas ~ PAGE 85 86 87 87 88 90 91 97 97 98 100 100 101 102 106 108 109 117 ,) 118 120 I Bryan Tx 77805 THE BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.o. Box 5493 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICERS 1987 PRESIDENT.............MARY BELL VICE PRESIDENT.....ALICE STUBBS SECRETARY......EILEEN WELLNICkI TREASURER......HARRY J. PORT2ER LIBRARIAN............ .JOY BROWN EDITOR.......NADINE BILLINGSLEY PAST PRESIDENT...MARY McCULLOCH STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/INTERNATIONAL. ........ ... ... ......... ROSEMARY BOYKIN LOCAL H I STORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................NAOMI McCORMICK CONTINUING.SERIES.............. ................. HARRY PORT2ER PR I NT I NG CONSULTANT............ ..................ALICE FISCHER MEETINGS Meetings are on the third Mon- day of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is year basis, December. on a January calendar through $12.00....... single membership $18.00....... fami ly membership QUARTERLY The Advertiser is published as the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Issues. Each volume of the" Adver t i ser will correspond with the membership year. Free to members during current mem- bership. Non-members $4.00 per Issue. EXCHANGE The Advertiser is available for exchange with other organiza- tions or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan Tx. 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY . Neither the Brazos Genealogi- cal Society or the staff of the Advertiser will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable in- formation. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with edit- ing privileges on a space available basis. The members of the society are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research per- taining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches. and other gr~ups or org~~iz~tion: are desIred. . Rf:!( II,,:!!; . mater ial before>t~h'e1ii' century is especi~~ '~:'i~ ~ ~..l~~~",~ '., .. :~~t~.~ ******** ~""~. ,':;J;p:ir:; '>_ ~ ,.,1 .~. i~" ,'. CJJrazosGenealogical 85 c521dvertiser VOLUME VIII NUMBER 3 SUMMER 1987 BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION TEXAS EARLY LAWMEN OFl3RAZOS COUNTY By Naomi McCormick -, Information for this article was taken from Brazos Count~ History, George HAMILTON, author of "Lawmen and, Outlaws." Elliot McNeil MILLICAN was appointed sheriff of Brazos County by the Congress of the Republic of Texas, 1 January, 1841. An election was held in March and Elliot was our first elected sheriff of Brazos County. rc.., It seems MILLICAN had established himself as one of the marksmen of Brazos County and a formidable Indian fighter. There is a story told which alludes to his marksmanship and his fighting ability. , Prior to his appointment, MILLICAN and several other men were attacked by a group of Indians while riding across the prairie. They sought cover in a thicket. The men decided to let MILLICAN do all the shooting, due to his outstanding marksmanship, and I suppose they kept the guns loaded. The first Indian'to charge was dropped with the first shot. The next three In- dians were also dropped, each in turn with the next three shots by MILLICAN. The remaining Indians withdrew from the powerful "groUP" of Indian Fighters. However, during the affray, MILLICAN had taken an arrow in the leg. To remove the arrowhead which Was lodged in 'the bone, some of the flesh had to be cut away. I believe Elliot McNeil MILLICAN was chosen, not only for his bravery and marksmanship, but for his willingness and desire to serve his fellow man. I know it wasn't for the pay--he reportedly received $J8.80 for his . first year of labor as sheriff of Brazos County. Later, on 4 December, 1859, Elliot MILLICAN sold where the town of Millican is located to the Houston and Texas Central Railroad. It reached as far as Millican in 1860. SHERIFFS 'OF ~RAZOS COUNTY--1800s 1 MILLICAN, Elliot McNeil l~6~-l~6) I ZIMMERMAN, J. M. VESS, William 1865-1866 HARDY. Henderson HUDSON, Leonard 1866-1868 NEILL, John H. JOHNSON, Robert 1868-1869 \ERWIN, ,L. BOYLES, William C. 1869-1870 FARROW, George W. ROBINSOn, Joseph T. 1870-1880 FORMAN, W. B. BOYLES, William C. (resigned) RILEY, James I. 28 June, 1880- \ HUDSON, S. E. w. 15 Nov., 1880 DAWSON, D. D. (resigned) 15 Nov., 1880- HUDSON, Leonard 7 Dec., 1882 MAYO, J. L. 7 Dec., 1882- lJ Nov., 1890 DAWSON. D. D. lJ Nov., 1890- 26 Nov., 1904 NUNN, T. C. ~ I 1841-1844 1844-1847 1847-1850 1850 l850-Feb. 1852 Feb.-Aug. 1852 Aug. 1852-1854 1854-1856 1856-1859 l859-May 1861 May, 1861- 19 Aug., 1861 "19 Aug.. 1861- ,1864 . MULLINS, A. B. HUDSON, S. E. W. S6 r, AINT NOBODY HERE BUT JUS' US SCOUTS Ralph McCORMICK is currently compiling a history of the Arrowmoon Dis- trict of the Boy Scouts of America. One of the stories concerns a lawman of nearly 50 years ago. With Ralph's consent we publish the following: I enjoy visiting with Scouters of yesteryear because they like to talk about their Scouting experiences and usually have a good story to tell. Edward HANOVER is no exception. Ed was Scoutmaster of Troop 140 in Wheelock which organized back in February, 1941, and he served until February, 1942 when he entered the. ser- vice. Charter members of that rural Scout unit were: Carl SMITH, Wayne SMITH, W. C. SCASTA, Jr., James MILBERGER, Jack McNAIR, Joe McNAIR, Aaron McNAIR and John Henry SCASTA. Ed says, "The troop operated on a zero budget because none of us had any money. They were a fine bunch of boys." He tells me that one Friday he borrowed an old one-horse cart, equipped with buggy wheels, from his aunt, and loaded it with the Scout's gear and bedding, along with tarps, food, shovel, axe, cooking utensils and a kero- sene lantern. Some of the dads helped him get the loaded vehicle to the road which passes in front of the Treasure Hunt Ranch (the old DUNN place.) There, all of his Scouts got off the school bus, ready to begin their treck. Ed and Aaron'McNAIR, his largest Scout, manned a bar which was lashed across the end of the shaves. A long rope, attached to the front of the buggy, ran between the shaves and beyond. Cross sticks were tied into the rope, so that, Scouts could line up like a dog-sled team along both sides of the improvised tow-line. "It was not much of a load for any of us," Ed says. Their desti- nation was Camp Arrowmoon where they had plans to spend their time working on Scout advancements. Once through the fence, they crossed Treasure Hunt Ranch, following a trace of an old Wheelock-Sutton road. They crossed a lot of barbed-wire fences by going over some and under others. The sun set early and the moon rose late that night. The darker it became, the thicker the brush became, but Ed and his boys had been on a lot of 'possum hunts, making them good night time navagators. By the time they crossed Spring Creek they had to grope their way through the thicket and up the hill toward the mess hall with only dim light from their lantern. "It must have been 11:30 or so when we got there," says Ed. "By the time we made a campfire, set up camp and ate, it was after mid-night before we hit the sack." Meanwhile, things were happening back where they came from. Mr. Jim PERKINS of Hearne, former Texas Ranger, was then serving as "Cattle Ranger" in that area because some cattle rustling had been reported. While passing by,' the. Ranger's keen eye observed the spot where the Scouts had set out on their journey. Suspicious of such evidence, he followed their trail with his flashlight, until he lost it in the thicket. He hurried back to his car and drove around to Camp Arrowmoon hoping to out-flank and apprehend the elusive suspects. \ " About 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, a car pulled up across the lake from the campers. The driver got out and yelled, "Who's over there?" Ed called back and in their conversation the young Scoutmaster assured the lawman that he and his Scouts had created the mysterious trail. Mr. PERKINS drove away, convinced there was not one cattle rustler among them, but he returned the next morning to pay the Scouts a visit. He told them that during his search 9f their trail he had wondered how a cart had gotten across country w1thout a horse to pull it. f A FAMILY.S GOOD NAME SHOULD BE TREASURED. Several days ago while cleaning out some files I came acr-oss this poem by Edgar A. GUEST and felt as genealogists, it would have a special meaning for us. I offer it now as this issues editorial. YOUR NAME by Edgar A. Guest You got it from your father, 'twas the best he had to give. And right gladly he be- stowed it. It. s yours, the whi Ie you 1 ive. You may lose the watch he gave you and another you may claim, But remember, when you're tempted, to be careful of his name. It was fair the day you got it, and a worthy name to bear, When he took it from his father, there was no dishonor there. Through the years he proudly wore ft, to his father he was true, And that ~name was clean and spotless when he passed it on to you. Oh, ther's much that he has given that he values not at all. He has watched you break your playthings in the days when you were small. You have lost the knife he gave you and you've scattered many a game, But you'll never hurt your father if you're careful with his name. It is yours to wear ," ".i 87 PRESIDENT-S MESSAGE C Now that summer has come and gone, let's all get back into genealogy. Our Bylaws Committee has done much work in updating our Con- stitution and Bylaws to fit our present organization. We want to do all that we can to make this truly your Association. If you want to get the most from your membership, please participate by attanding all meetings and with your suggest- ions. We are open to al criticism--good or bad--this is necessary if we are to grow. Our Program Chairman, Alice ~TUBBS, has been hard at work and has lined up several inter- esting programs. We regret that so many of you missed the very interesting presentation of Judge Davis in July on THE FRAMING OF THE U.S. CONSTITU- TION. I t r I I Mary BELL, President forever, you~ to wear the while you live, Yours, perhaps, some dis- tant morning, another boy to give. rJ And you'll smile as did your father--wi!th a smi Ie that all can share, If a clean name and a good name you a~\e giving him to wear. Nadine Billingsley, Editor I , I I I I I, I . I J: .1 I I 88 LEGAL TERMS FOUND IN COURT HOUSE RECORDS Account.............a report of Executor or Administrator. Administrator.......man appointed by a Probate Court to settle the estate of a deceased person. Administratrix......woman administrator. Administrator,......one who is appointed to succeed an de bonis non administrator who died before completing his trust. Administrator,......one who is appointed to settle an estate when with will an executor was not named or to succeed a annexed named executor who failed to act. affiant.............a person making an affidavit, also called a deponent. alias.............. .formerly, before, at another time. annuity.............a yearly payment of a certain sum of money. appraisal...........a valuation of property by one who is author- ized by .the court, if an estate is involved. behoof. .. .. . . . .. . .. .use or benefi t. bequest.............a testamentary gift of real or personal pro- perty. bondsman............a person who is bound to insure the perfor~ mance of a specified act. certified copy......a copy of a document attested to by a Notary Public as identical to the original. codici l.............a supplement to a wi 11, adding to or changing it. consort.............wife. devise..............a gift of land, by a will, to become effect- ive at the death of the donor. devisee.............a person who receives property by will. dower...............a widow's life interest in one-third of the lands and tenements which her deceased hus- band acquired during the marriage. generation. .........usually considered 33 years. guardian............a person to whom the court has given custody of a minor, an estate or incompetent person. hereditaments.......any property which may be transmitted by law of descent. holograph......... ..an instrument hand-written by the person from whom it eminates and need not be witnessed. imprimis............in the first place--as in old wills. intestate......... ..without a will of record. inventory...........an account made by an Executor or Administra- , tor of all the goods and chattels and some- times real estate of a deceased person. item................a charge in an account, in wills~ tetters.............documents issued by probate court to the ex- ,Testamentary ecutor, after the will has been filed for probate, authorizing him to act. moiety............. .about one-half (in wills or deeds>. Nuncupative.... ... ..an unwritten will, having been declared by the testator, shortly before his death, in the presence of witnesses, and later reduced 89 to writing and signed by the same witnesses. primogeniture.... ...first born, seniority. Eldest son inherits to the exclusion of others. prove.............. .deposition of witnesses to a will or deed, who state that they saw testator or grantor ~ign the instrument which has been,presented to the court. probate.......... ...the process of proving before an authorize person that a document submitted for certif- cation and registration is genuine. relict..............a widow. succession..........a will in Louisiana. Testatrix...........a woman who died leaving a will. abstract of.........a chronological summary of all transfers used title in proving title to land. assignee............one to whom an assignment is made. bounty land.........land donated by a government for volunteer services rendered. brand...............a mark of identification burned into the side of an animal to show ownership. land warrant. .... ...a negotiable government certificate entitling holder to a specified quantity of public land deed of gift..... ...a gift, of real or personal property, to an heir before the death of the grantor. deed of partition...a deed by persons holding property jointly. deed of trust.......a deed which creates a trust. District Land.......a book of maps showing the location of the Office plate land of all patentees. boo k2 donation land..... ..bounty land in Texas, donated to veterans of the Alamo, Goliad, San Antonio, and Harris- burg. These land could not be sold during the life of the grantee. Later, veterans of Confederate service were also awarded land for their service. et al............ ...and others. Use of this phrase in deed may indicate an estate settlement including a complete list of heirs. et ux........ .......and wife. 1 glebe.............. .land belonging to a Parish Church. grantee... ..........person to whom a deed or other agreement is made. I grantor...... .......person who makes a deed or lother agreement. indenture.... .......a deed originally made in two pa~ts formed tearing in the middle so t~at the two parts may be matched to form a co~plete instrument. land warranty-......a type of conveyance used i~ England and lease and colonial land records. \ release lessee..............person to whom a lease is given. lessor..............one who grants a lease or sells land. marriage.. ..........a widow who is to marry again may deed the settlement estate of her first husband to a near rela- tive to be held in trust until all the heirs ..,...) 9 0 reach majo~ity or are married. pace....... .........a unit of measurement equal to a step or stride. Actual length varies from 30 to 40 inches. patent..............an instrument conveying title to public lands to private ownership. power of a written statement legally authorizing one attorney person to act for another. public domain.......lands owned by a government or nation. Public lands of the United States included Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, part of Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and all states west of the Mississippi River except Texas and Alaska. TERMS PECULIAR TO SOME STATES chancery clerk......custodian of wills, deeds and probate records in some states, as in Mississippi. chancery court......court of equity. Chancellor..........Judge in Court of Chancery. circuit court.......a court which meets in various places. circuit clerk.......custodian of marriage records in some states, for instance, Mississippi. Justice of Peace....an elected official with jurisdiction over a small district or part of a county. He has authority to decide minor cases, commit per- sons to trial in a higher court, and perform marriages in some states. Ordinary............Judge of Probate In some states. Clerk of Ordinary. ..custodian of marriage records in Georgia. Court of Ordinary...custodian of wills and deed in Georgia. memorials...........land records found in South Carolina, in the nature of an abstract of title. All purchas- ers were required to file memorials at one time. mesne.......... .....legal conveyance of land, as a deed, in South conveyances Carolina. j Parish Clerk... .....custodian of wills, deeds, marriages,divorces and civil court records in Louisiana. Prerogative Court...in Maryland, has records of probate which were recorded in the counties prior to 1777. If county records were burned look for some record in Prerogative Court. \ Surrogate...... .....custodian of wills, guardianships, and Or- phans Court records in New York. \ ..,...) 92 BETHEL CEt1ETERY (Go out Hwy 30, turn left on Hardy-Weedon Rd 1.5 mile. Cemetery on left.) ADAMS, John J. ADAMS, Mary L. ANDREl~S, Gar th ANDREWS, Lela Ethel ANDREWS, Leldon Dwain ANDREWS, Leldon Lee ANDREWS, Oscar Lee ANDREWS, Will iam Ray ARNOLD, Gladys Ann ARNOLD, Richard ARRINGTON, Clyde Will iam ARRINGT~~, Coleman P. ARRINGTON, Dalton ARRINGTON, G. P. ) ARRINGTON, Mary Regan) ARRINGTON, Jennie E. ARRINGTON, Jennie W. ARRINGTON, Lillie Belle ARRINGTON, Mary Pearl ARRINGTON, Regan Clyde ARRINGTON, Vance M. ATKINSON, Will iam H. ATKINSON, Ida J. Birth Date RemarKs Death Date Age 65yr 17 Feb 1892 12 Aug 1837 26 Nov 1878 24 Jun 1920 22 Nov 1932 29 Dec 1885 11 Jun 1956 ObI/Oscar Lee 17 Mar 1951 18 Mar 1951 1913 1985 1879 06 Aug 1973 Dbl/Lela Ethel 1923 22 Oct 1956 1905 (blanK) 1904 05 Jun 1980 1896 06 Mar 1978 1922 19 Sep 1981 1915 1928 These two together. Stone decorated with a lamb. Digging yielded only the words AT REST. 1898 1922 1893 (blanK) 1924 02 Sep 1943 1902 02 Feb 1963 1949 04 Oct 1949 1891 15 Aug 1962 1881 1955 1884 1962 05 Jan 16 Nov 23 Feb 25 Oct 28 Jul 02 Jul Dbl/Richard Dbl/Gl adys Ann "Daddy" U.S. Army, World War II 08 Oe t 21 Nov 05 Aug 02 Oc t 06 Nov Dbl/Vanee M. Daughter of Clyde and Mary "Mother" "Father" ObI/Jennie W. ObI/Ida J. Db 1 /W i 11 i am H. BARRON , Al i ee 11 Se p 1889 15 Jun 1937 BARRON, Arne 1 i a 02 Jan 1823 15 Nov 1901 BARRON , Bessie C. 1891 1915 Dau Mr. & Mrs. J.W. BARRON, Elsie (blanK) 02 Nov 1899 Age 8 daj Dbl/Thomas BARRON, Joanna 1854 1898 Wi f e of J. W . "Mother" BARRON, John M. 1858 1940 Age 81 yr BARRON, Johnnie Frances 1868 1923 Age 55 yr BARRON, Joseph Lee 02 Nov IB85 04 Nov 1944 BARRON , JuliusM. 1878 1949 Dbl/Minnie t1ay BARRON, J. W. 28 Sep IB48 03 Jun 1928 Husband of Joanna BARRON, Lena 05 Jun 1869 27 Apr 1916 W i fie 0 f P. L. BARRON, Lizzie 09 Dee 1864 10 Jun 18B5 Wife of J. M. Barron BARRON, Lit tIe May 09 Jul 1891 30 Jun 1892 DaJ J.M. & J.F. BARRON, Mill i e F. 01 Sep 1884 24 Nov 1884 Dau J.M. & L. F . . BARRON, Mil ton 16 Jan 1891 05 Oet 1895 Son of P.L. & Lena BARRON, Mi nn i e May 1877 1947 Dbl~JUl ius'M. BARRON, 01 i v i a 1879 1941 ObI PinKeyj "Mother" BARRON, PinKey 1879 1945 ObI \1 iviaj "Father" BARRON, PinKney Elbert 04 Oc t 1 880 14 Nov 1950 BARRON, Thomas (blanK) 01 Sep 1898 Age 7 daj ObI/Elsie BEARD, Lill ian BARRON 27 Dee 1896 04 Aug 1959 BIERING, Mrs. June B. ( illegible) 1983 BOUND, t10n t y J. 08 Dee 1904 01 Dee 1956 Cc.urt record. BOYD, Jim Joe, Jr. 26 Jan 1955 16 Jun 1955 BOYD, Rob i n No data given 92 BRUNT, Charles F. BRUNT, Mary D. BRYANT, Maude Jones CARROLL, Martha Dora CARROLL, Mary Jo CARROLL, R. Everette, DVM CARROLL, Stephen M. CLARK, Nona Gilbert COOK, Earnest J. COOK, I da Ryan COOK, Pearl E. CRENSHAW, Will i e CUMMINGS, Gladys Reed DEASON, Edmond Ben DEASON, Rebecca DEASON " Will i am K. DICKEN, Arean DOWLING, Thelma O. BARRON DREWS, Alvin Herman DYESS, Sar ah A. EOEN, Dewey EDEN, Jessie R. EDEN, J. R. ED8~, Rosa ELLINGTON, Moll ie WALKER Birth Date BETHEL CEt1ETERY 16 Jun 1936 07 Oc t 1937 1907 17 Ju1 1 2 Nov 30 Nov 22 Apr 13 Jan 11 Sep 06 Feb 02 Mar 08 Dee 23 Nov 20 Jun 03 Nov 03 Dee 12 Sep 30 Mar 16 Dee 28 Dee 20 Dee 27 Ju1 29 Sep 23 Jul 19 Mar 1899 1898 1895 1881 1878 1868 1918 1892 1937 1922 1894 1862 1935 1890 1870 1893 1945 1923 1877 1870 1916 1864 1968 1911 1968 1900 1898 1877 1898 1888 1907 23 Feb 1868 1848 1845 02 Ju1 1851 12 Oct 1898 1918 13 Ju 1 1832 (blanK) 20 Sep 1873 31 Dee 1849 11 J an 1889 20 Ju1 1845 Death Date 20 Dc t 1976 (blanK) 1967 08 Aug 1904 (blank) 1960 05 Sep 1901 20 Jun 1945 07 Feb 1956 1928 (blank) 01 Ju 1 1974 (blank) (blank) 16Aug 1971 04 Ju1 1936 13 Ju 1 1983 01 Mar 1965 09 Dee 1947 ' 30 Oct 1981 16 Nov 1965 1977 16 Jul 1944 1960 (blank) 05 Jan 1954 1968 20 Sep 1982 17 Dee 1968 06 Oct 1981 19 Aug 1942 31 Jul 1943 01 Jun 1982 29 Sep 1889 23 Mar 1926 31 May 1915 1927 1895 1871 1925 1982 1908 1901 CARGILL, J. P. CARLL, Edna J. CARLL, James C. CARNES, Jenn i e E CARNES, Joseph P. CARNES, Magg i e P CARROLL, Abb CARROLL, A. Marshall, Sr. CARROLL, A. N. "Bob" CARROLL, Dorothy Nell CARROLL, Evelyn Ruth CARROLL, Ida TODD CARROLL, James Burt CARROLL, James David CARROLL, James Truman CARROLL, John Wesley CARROLL, Lanos Lamar CARROLL, Larry Milton CARROLL, Lorene Opal CARROLL, Lucy Irene CARROLL, . Lu 1 a CARROLL, Marguerite Helen 29 May 19 Apr 19 Sep 18 May 1 5 Nov 29 Sep 12 t1ay 07 Nov 12 Mar 1946 1928 1972 1899 Remar K s Db 1 /t1ary D. Dbl/Charl es F. Age 29 yr 10 mo 10 da Db l/James C. Db1/Edna J. Dau of J.P. and A.D. Db 1 /t1agg i e P. Dbl/Joseph P. Dbl/Lul a Trp1/Lorene O. & Evelyn R. Dbl/Ida TODD Dbl/James David Trpl/Lorene O. & A. M., Sr. Dbl/A.N. Dbl/Martha Dora Dbl/Dorothy Nell TX Farrier Vet Hosp 10 WW Dbl/Lucy Irene Cpl U.S. Army WW I T'A FA U.S. Navy Trp1/Evelyn R. & A.M., Sr. Db1/ John Wesley Db1/Abb Db1/Robert Everette/married 3 Jun 1934 Db1/James Burt Dbl/Marguerite Helen Db1/Pearl E. Db1/Earnest J. Dau of W.T. & E.C. 'J Age 79j Db1/Wi11 iam K. Age 50j Dbl/Rebecca \ Wife of B 0 .\ 3 yr 3 mo 15. daj Son of C. L. & Rox i e Dbl/Rosa Dbl/Jessie R. Wife of D.C. J"} ELLINGTON, T. J. ETHERIDGE, Annie Laurie EVANS, J. B. " Bill" EVANS, John Alexander EVANS, Minnie May, EYRE, Edw in, Sr. EYRE, Jeanne D. EYRE, Marl< S. FERGUSON, John FERGUSON, Josephine H. FERGUSON, Paul L. FERGUSON, Walter L. FLOYD, Lula FRANKLIN, Benjamin FULLER, Henry B. FULLER, James FULLER, Lester K., Sr. FULLER, Milton FULLER, Moll ie FULLER, Roy FULLER, <Infant) GILBERT, Allace Gertrude GILBERT, Fannie O. GILBERT, George W. GILBERT, Olen Lee GOEN, Amsia GOEN, Eva GOEN, I da GOEN, Jane Maria GOEN, J. D. GOEN, Lula GOEN, Missouri Ann GOEN, W. Hugh GOODMAN, Landy H. GOODMAN, Thomas B. GOODMAN, Thomas Shelby GRAHAM, Cyrus Calhoun GRAHAM, E. T. GRAHAM, Francis E. GRAHAM, Le 1 i a HAGGART, Glenda Faye HAIR, G. W. HOLLAND, Mattie BARRON HORTON, JacK L. HUDSON, El izabeth 77 yr HUDSON, El izabeth H. HUDSON, H. C. HUDSON, Leonard BETHEL CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date 03 Feb 1871 27 Oc t 1 908 1915 1885 06 Oct 1889 23 May 1923 21 No\) 1925 23 Ju 1 1962 12 Jun 1846 22 Sep 1853 19 May 1893 29 Dee 1874 01 Dee 1876 04 Feb 1846 02 Sep 1894 02 Apr 1859 16 Dee 1900 04 Se p 1 91 2 25 Mar 1871 08 Mar 1898 04 Sep 1887 11 Oc t 1895 26 Jan 1876 04 Aug 1874 19 Oct 1903 25 Sep 1881 06 Aug 1881 10 Aug 1865 20 Sep 1828 01 Oct 1861 11 Dee 1860 28 Aug 1860 01 Ju 1 1892 1899 1864 1890 16 Oct 1861 12 May 1835 18 Feb 1839 1878 24 Dee 1950 25 Jul 1876 01 Jul 1894 11 Jul 1912 11 mo 10 da 06 Apr 1828 77 yr 1 mo 23 da 29 May 1826 07 Oct 1900 (blanK) 1981 1956 01 May 1938 (b lan K ) (blanK) c- 01 Feb 1983 07 Oct 1919 29 No\) 1917 22 Ju 1 1982 10 Oct 1908 31 Aug 1942 14 De c 1935 16 Apr 1970 24 Mar 1916 21 Oct 1971 11 Dee 1913 08 Oct 1940 09 No\) 1899 06 Sep 1887 07 Jan 1901 02 Jun 1955 08 Mar 1949 (blanK) 29 Ju 1 1883 13 Aug 1900 20 Oct 1901 12 Dee 1878 22 Aug 1936 09 Apr 1884 27 Aug 1825 25 Jul 1934 1975 1936 1964 31 Oct 1894 09 No\) 1917 1 2 Oc t 1 902 1937 12 No\) 1 980 01 Se p 1912 05 Oct 1925 02 Jan 1983 24 No\) 1880 19 Jan 1870 24 Mar 1877 16 J an 1890 ~ 93 RemarKs Son of D. C. Dbl/Aubrey Thurston JONES 48 yr 6 mo 25 da Trpl/Jeanne D. & MarK S. Trpl/Edwin Sr. & Jeanne D. Trpl/Edwin Sr. & Jeanne D. Dbl/Josephine H. Dbl/John WW I "Uncle Dan" wow "Mother" Son of J.T. & Moll ie Son of J.T. & Moll ie Dau of G.W. & Fannie O. Dbl/George W. Dbl/Fann i e O. Dau of J.D. & M.A. Dau of Hugh & Jane Wife of Hugh "Father" Wife of W.R. Wi f e of J. D . "Brother"; WOW iJ I "Father"; Husb. of Francis W i f e of E. T . \ "Mama · Wi f\Of LB. U.s. Army Wife of H.C. Wife of E.W. Husb of El izabeth; Mason 94 HUDSON, Thomas JOLLY, JOLLY, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES JONES, Alonzo Mary C. Ada R. Aubrey Thurston Beatrice V. Bertha Bonn i e De 11 Carrie Annie Charles Nunn C. S. Eli z abe t h "Be t tie" Emma Frances El izabeth Jennie V. John Daniel John Floy John Jolly Mary M. GOODMAN Mrs. N. C. N. Ruth Sam D. Samuel H. S. Ross Thomas Lesl ie Weldon T. (i nfant) Wi 11 S. KELLEY, Sadie KINCANNON, C. J. KINCANNON Emma Irene ??? KINCANNON, James M. KINCANNON, Mary KINCANNON, Will iam KINCANNON, l~. C. Birth Date BETHEL CEMETERY Death Date 01 May 1877 10 Oct 1878 Son of A. & L. RemarKs 22 Dee 1876 17 Apr 1843 05 Dee 1875 28 Mar 1902 24 Dee 1875 1 7 J an 1883 09 Jan 1910 20 Feb 1894 24 Oc t 1 902 03 Aug 1858 03 Feb 1862 06 Oc t 1 858 22 Oc t 1 868 1872 22 Jun 1856 22 Mar 1900 1864 1903 15 Jun 1837 14 Mar 1906 1 4 Oc t 1 877 09 Jun 1840 1 2 J an 1901 23 May 1896 21 Dee 1898 (blank) 13 Jul 1872 08 Feb 1884 21 Dee 1878 ARNOLD 3Dec 1882 (blank) 10 Ap r 1872 24 May 1908 07 Nov 1904 05 Jul 1869 McCULLOCH, E. L. MCCULLOCH, Homer McCULLOCH, Homer, Jr. McCULLOCH, J. W. McCULLOCH, Lawrence McCULLOCH, Martha Ann ticCULLOCH, W. M. McCULLOUGH, J. H. McCULLOUGH, PinKey E. t1cKAY, James McKAY, Michael MARRIOTT, Eugene Emory 10 May 1853 27 Dee 1880 (blanK) 04 Nov 1853 17 De c 1886 07 Dee 1864 31 Jan 1813 1860 1866 22 Ju 1 1824 Age 60 yr 16 Apr 1841 08 De-c 1897 06 Dec 1872 23 Sep 1930 17 Jan 1962 18 Jan 1952 15 Aug 1884 30 Nov 1920 20 May 1911 16 Sep 1976 22 Mar 1927 05 Nov 1943 25 Apr 1935 25 Mar 1944 1960 23 Oc t 1943 12 Feb 1902 1934 1961 01 De c 1913 (blanK) 19 Oct 1918 25 Feb 1930 11 Nov 1954 06 Nov 1899 25 Dec 1934 25 Oc t 1925 01 Feb 1929 28 Ju 1 1904 02 Oc t 1 899 21 Mar 1976 21 ? 1 970 12 Feb 1929 (blanK) 26 Nov 1971 25 Sep 1904 28 Sep 1892 03 Dee 1903 (blanK) 21 Jan 1894 15 Jan 1910 01 De-c 1934 19 Jul 1876 1923 1946 29 Nov 1893 23 Jun 1888 08 Apr 1920 Wi f e of W. J . ObI/Annie Laurie ETHERIDGE Oau of C.S. & M.E. Oau of C.S. & M.E. Obl/M. El izabeth Dbl/C.S. DbllJohn Daniel ObI/John Jolly; "Mother" ObI/Frances El izabeth Son of C.S. & M.E. ObI/Jennie V.; "Father" Wife of J.R. Db liS. Ross WOW Conf Co 0 3rd Ala Cavalry DbllN. Ruth Son of C.S. & M.E. Son of Weldon & Maurine Wife of J.T. dbllJames M. ?yr 3mo 1 da Dbl/Emma Irene Db lIl~ i 11 i am ObI/Mary ARNOLD Dbl/J.W.; "t1other" Son of J.W. & Nina Age 3mo \ Dbl/E.L.; "Father" \ \ Born Cumberland County, PA Dbl/PinKey E. DbllJ.H. MARRIOTT, Mayme Young MARRIOTT, Mary L. MARRIOTT, Wilmer Keller MARTIN, Barbara Anna MARTIN, Hurme t . MARTIN, Iva E. MARTIN, Li 11 i th t1ARTIN, Norman A. MARTIN, Samuel A. MARTIN, Thomas Bowen t1ARTIN , Vi 11 a MITCHELL, Bessie F. MOREHEAD, Bassie V. MORGAN, E ff i e E. MORRIS, Fred MORRIS, Lola PARKER, W. J. PARNELL, Minnie L. PATE, John T. PATE, Josie PATE, Martha E. PATE, Mary Ann PATE, Sam B. PATE, Samuel T. PATE, Stella E. PATE, Thomas PATE, Virginia H. PATE, Wa1 ter E. PATE, Will iam Luther PEYTON, Mrs. T. B. >l 95 BETHEL CEt1ETERY Birth Date Death Date RemarKs 22 Oct 1882 21 Aug 1941 Db1/Wi1mer Keller 16 Ap r 1850 24 Nov 1901 l~ i f e of E. E . 15 Nov 1873 19 Nov 1932 Dbl/Mayme Young 18 Ju1 1862 13 Sep 1926 Wife of T.8. 13 Jan 1889 03 Aug 1889 11 Mar 1901 15 Jun 1901 24 Jun 1882 07 Aug 1888 09 Sep 1898 21 Sep 1900 :, 26 Oct 1880 23 Jun 1881 10 Oct 1852 26 Oct 1947 01 Aug 1902 29 Sep 1908 04 Aug 1903 18 Apr 1951 (blanK) 09 Feb 1906 W i f e of E. 23 Jan 1875 02 Apr 1918 27 Sep 1897 29 Jun 1979 Db1/Lo1a 09 Feb 1903 (blanK) Dbl/Fred 27 Mar 1860 16 Feb 1882 17 Ju1 1887 05 Jun 1908 07 Jan 1861 27 Mar 1933 Db1/Martha E. 18 Feb 1879 13 Jun 1900 Dau of W.T. & M.A; 18 Dc t 1866 24 Sep 1963 Dbl/John T. lODe t 1838 07 Nov 1921 18 Jan 1902 (b 1 an K ) Db1/Virginia H. 07 Apr 1881 30 Mar 1971 Dbl/Ste 11a E. 06 Mar 1886 17 Nov 1960 Db1/Samue1 T. 07 Oct 1831 01 Apr 1894 13 Apr 1905 03 Jun 1982 Db1/Sam B. 01 De c 1892 16 Sep 1928 07 Mar 1890 02 NOl) 1981 1 8 Dc t 1888 06 Oct 1914 RAINES, I. L. "Bud" 12 Mar 1853 RAINES, Lola S. 24 Jun 1896 RAINES, Moll ie 11 Oct 1859 RAINES, Will iam C. 09 Feb 1889 REED, Crystal A. 28 Jan 1904 REED, Floy S. 08 Oct 1897 REED, Horace T. 15 Ju1 1900 REED, James Henry 15 Aug 1865 .REED, Mary Etta 17 Mar 1870 ROBINSON, Thomas W."Tommy" 6 Oct 1956 ROBINSON, Vera Thames 09 Apr 1917 ROBINSON, W. A. "Bill" 15 Dee 1912 ROSS, Giles B. 05 Feb 1915 ROSS, Hazel R. 23 Oct 1913 ROSS, H. T. 01 Dee 1846 ROSS, Martha 15 Oct 1848 ROSS, Mary L. 15 Jan 1887 ROSS, Thomas J. 11 Apr 1880 22 Oc t 1939 25 Nov 1970 10 Oct 1927 17 Dee 1934 (blanK) (blanK) 02 Aug 1941 19 Feb 1943 14 Dee 1940 04 t1ay 1984 (b1amK) 25 May 1983 26 Jun 1972 24 Jun 1983 03 Mar 1923 13 Jun 1923 16 May 1960 05 Ju1 1933 Dbl/t1011ie Db l/I"j ill i am C. Dbl/I.L. "Bud" Dbl/Lo1a S. Db 1j/F1 oy S. Db1/Crysta1 A. I Db1/Mary Etta; "Father" Db1/James Henry; "Mother" Db1\'W.A. "Bill" Db1~Vera Thames Db l/~az e 1 R. Db1/G'i1es B. Age 76yr 3mo 2da Age 74yr 8mo 7da Db1/Thomas J. Db 1 /t1ar y L. ~ 96 BETHEL CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date RemarKs SAWYER, M. L. 1856 1919 SAINYER, Thomas 09 Jul 1809 18 De c 1882 SAWYER, T. J. 1846 1914 Db lIW . L . SAWYER, W.L. 1866 1919 Dbl/T.J. SHACKLEFORD (infant) (blanK) 11 Ju 1 1902 Son of D.A.L. ~ Ida SHAW, t1r s. J. A. Age 39yr 23 Sep 1898 Wife of J. Thibodeaux SHEPHARDSON, Lill ian 07 May 1892 13 Apr 1973 FERGUSON SMITH, Eugene A. 1902 1969 SOLES, Dr. J. M. 13 Dec 1834 30 Sep 1898 t1ason SOLES, Mrs. J. M. Age 66yr 19 Nov 1910 THIBODEAUX, Mary Dolores 27 Dec 1883 24 Od 1937 TODD, Alma Holder 10 Jun 1891 16 Od 1976 ObI/John L. TODD, Altho 01 May 1826 20 Jan 1892 ObI/Carol ine TODD, Carol i ne 04 May 1829 22 May 1892 Dbl/Altho; his wife TODD, Floyd 1863 1939 Trpl/Mattie GRAHAM & Nancy TODD, Hardy Lewis 31 Oct 1907 11 Mar 1968 Dbl/Jimmie Roe; TX Pvt 1st Class US Army WW II TODD, Irvin B. 1869 1943 TODD, Jessie B. Age 82yr 5mo 3da 14 Apr 1915 TODD, J. H. 15 Feb 1854 05 Mar 1892 TODD, J imm i e Roe 16 Feb 1907 (blanK) ObI/Hardy Lewis TODD, John L. 23 Jul 1893 11 Jan 1965 ObI/Alma Holder TODD, Li 11 i e M. 22 Jan 1887 04 Aug 1980 Wife of Jess B. TODD, Ma t tie GRAHAM 1863 1931 'Trpl/Nancy & Floyd; 2nd wife of Floyd TODD, Mary Ann 16 Jun 1922 (blanK) ObI/Thomas Lionell "Tommie" TODD, Nancy 26 May 1863 17 Oc t 1894 Trpl/Mattie GRAHAM & Floyd 1st wife of Floyd TODD, Muse t ta 04 Nov 1876 27 Aug 1900 Wife of I. B. TODD, Nancy J. 26 Jul 1863 17 Od 1894 Wife of H. F; single stone TODD, Noah Alton 1906 1955 TODD, Raymond P. 03 Od 1897 10 Apr 1942 "Daddy" TODD, Sam 1896 1985 TODD, Sarah Jane 1873 1960 I TODD, Thomas Lionell 06 Aug 1918 13 Ju 1 1982 ObI/Mary Ann; Tech. 5 "Tommi e" US Army WW II J WALLACE, Ell a 12 Mar 1868 11 Dec 1884 WALLACE, Frances E. 27 Aug 1841 07 Apr 1906 \ WALLACE, G. C. 25 Oct 1829 10 Jan 1903 l~ALLACE, Ursu I a 04 Feb 1886 19 Jul 1892 Dbl/Lavada\Anna; D< Pfc WEEDON, James Elmo 31 Jul 1894 18 Jun 1963 \ " Co "A" Spprt Trng Di v (..)1,0./ WEEDON, Lavada Anna 24 Jun 1895 24 Mar 1984 ObI/James Elmo WH ITE , Kimberly Dawn 24 Jun 1967 11 Apr 1979 WILLIAMS, Addie Ellen 25 Feb 1887 13 Nov 1889 Dau of J .0. & t1ary WI LLIAMS, Amon 18 Dec 1916 16 May 1918 Son of Amon .~ t1 inn i e WILLIAMS, Amon C. 1882 1929 WILLIAMS (infant) 02 Aug 1914 02 Aug 1914 Son of Amon .~ t1innie WILLIAMS, Aubrey Cl if ton WILLIAMS, Ell ie WILLIAMS, El izabeth WILLIAMS, Essie V. (Goen) WILLIAMS, George W. WILLIAMS, Harry Wayne WILLIAMS, James David WILLIAMS, Jessie Vera WILLIAMS, Josephine WILLIAMS, Lillie Beatrice WI LLIAMS, L. S. WI LLIAMS, Mary WILLIAMS, Mary Lavina WILLIAMS, Mill ie Ann WILLIAMS, Minnie H. WI LLIAMS, M. L. WILLIAMS, Otho WILLIAMS, Tracy C. WILLIAMS, Wilford WILLIAMS, W. V. WOOD, Will WYATT WYATT, Margaret WILLIAMS WYATT, Susan WYATT, Z. T. YARDLEY, James T. YARDLEY, W. C. Birth Date BETHEL CEt1ETERY Death Date 01 Sep 1897 14 Nov IB62 (blank) 04 t1ar 1 BB9 IB54 ,23 Nov 191B 25 Nov IB54 29 Oct 1909 22 Sep 1845 25 Oct 1 B95 1 0 Oc t 1857 Age 7Byr 1 3 Se p 1 B62 11 Se p 1 B 12 1B86 1 4 Nov 1900 27 Aug IB85 01 Mar 1906 1 5 Nov 1891 (blank) (blank) (blank) IB47 22 Se p 1851 20 Feb 1848 31 Aug 1898 16 Feb 1920 19 Nov 1934 09 Jun 194B 1919 06 Dec 1951 20 Jan 1900 26 May 1913 25 Dee 1911 02 Jul 1912 28 Apr 1921 15 Dec 1921 23 Feb 1932 30 Jan 1 B9B 1954 22 May 1909 22 Aug 1963 27 Feb 1921 25 Jun 1894 (blanK) (blank) (blanK) 1923 31 May 1893 02 Jun 191B 25 Jun 1863 18 Dec IB99 1836 25 May 1903 SMITH CEt1ETERY / 97 RemarKs Wife of L.S j Dbl; "Mother" Dbl/Otho Age 65yr Dbl/t1ary Lav i na Dau of Amon & Minnie Dau of J.D. & Mary Dbl/Elliej "Father" Dbl/James David Wife of LuKe Wife of Amon Sr. Son of L.V. & L.M. Dbl/Essie V. (Goen) Son of Amon & Minnie Son of G.T. & B.T. Col 21st TX Cvlry CSA Wife of 2. T . (Off Hwy 21 W right on OSR (Old Spanish Rd) go 1.5 mi just past Fazzino Rd, turn right over cattle guard about 100 ft on lane to house of Mrs. Jerry Smith. Cemetery is about half-way, a small fenced area under a big pecan tree.) McNERNEY, Ida SMITH McNERNEY, Lue Ellen SMITH, SMITH, , SMITH, SMITH, C. C. Elbina Nan'c i e W. W. Jane Etta BLUME, J. C. BLut1E, Lucy L. 23 Nov 1875 28 Nov 1900 Dau of W.W/ & Mattie SMITH OB Nov 1900 28 Jul 190B Da~ of Ida SMITH McNERNEY Brother of W.W. I 25 Dec 15 Apr 11 Mar 23 May 1845 1852 1896 IB54 \ Br\her (Off Hwy 21 W right on Smetana Rd, left on Britten Rd, right on Homola Rd 0.4 mi. Cemetery on left about 100 in cleared opening in pasture on farm of Mrs. James B. 15 Aug 29 Nov 16 Mar 26 Apr 1906 1914 1896 1918 BLUME CEMETERY of C.C. cross RR, immediately {t back at small tree Milberger.) 18 Sep 1840 20 May 1910 Dbl/Lucy L. 18 Nov 1851 01 Jun 1910 Dbl/J.C. .--- '-v 98 , I BRAZOS COUNTY INQUEST RECORDS, 1898-1911 compiled by Eileen Wellnicki 2/3 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: A Negro woman had been shot and died on A.W. SHELTON'S place. Information given by C.L. BAKER. DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 21 March 1898, 12 m(idnight) WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: At home of deceased on A.W. SHELTON'S farm DATE OF DECEASED: 20 March 1898 WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: At home of deceased on A.W. SHELTON'S farm NAME OF DECEASED: MRS. ANNA NcKNIGHT DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: A Mulatto woman about 28 years old, 5 ft. 7 in. in height, weight about 135 pounds. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: ....she came to her death from the ef- fects of a pistol shot wound ...said pistol, when fired, was in the hands of GRANT McKNIGHT... 4/5 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: A negro had died from the effects of wounds received on the Houston & Texas Central Rail Road. Given by LEAK KING DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 7 August 1898, 9 a.m. WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: at LEAK KING'S in Bryan, Texas DATE OF DECEASE: 6 August 1B98 at 8:30 p.m. WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: At KING'S in Bryan, Texas NAME OF DECEASED: 3AMES KING DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: Negro man or boy, 18 years old, about 5 ft. 9 in. high, weight about 150 or 160 pounds FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: ...it is the opinion of the presiding officer that the deceased came to his death from a wound received...and that it was inflicted either by the ~rain on the Houston & Texas Central Rail Road or by some person or persons in the employ of said Road at that time on said train. 6/7 \ NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTIC OF TH~PEACE AND BY '~HOM: SAM HALL had been found dead near WETTER'S Shop in the City of Bryan,'Texas Given by LEVI NEAL DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 3 September 1898, 1:30 a.m. WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: Near WETTER'S Shop DATE OF DECEASE: Not known, supposed to be about 11 p.m., Sep- tember 3rd, 1898 WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: Near WETTER'S Shop, Bryan, , , '-v_ 99 NAME OF DECEASE: SAM HALL DESCRIPTION OF DECEASE: A white man, about 5 ft. 9 in. in height, weight about 140 pounds and 30 years of age FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE:. ... witnesses DR. GEO. R. TABOR, 30HN D. LOVELL, 30HN FLUKER and others, it is the opinion of the presiding officer that the deceased came to his death from an overdose of cocaine or some other narcotic administered by him- self, while under the influence of stimulants and without suicidal intent. 8/9 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: A dead man had been found near Turkey Creek in Brazos County, about 1/2 mile beyond the residence of GIBEON FOSTER. Was furnished by T.C. NUMM, Sheriff DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 3 September 1898, 4. p.m. WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: Where he was found DATE IF DECEASE: Not known WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: As above NAME OF DECEASE: Supposed to be an Italian, name not know (afterword found to be TONY GENERA> DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: A white man, about 5 ar. 4 in. ln height, weight about 120-130 pounds, age not known, but from ap- pearances he was a young man. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: ...It is the opinion of the presiding officer, that he was killed by some person using a shot gun at short range.. .It seems to have been a cold blooded murder... 10/11 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: A Negro, had died on DANSBY farm from the effects of wounds received at the hands of other Negros. Given 9Y Sheriff T.C.NUNN DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 26 December 1898, 11 a.m. , WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: At home of deceased DATE OF DECEASED: 25 December 1898 .WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS fOUND: At his home NAME OF DECEASED: CHARLEY WOODS \ DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: Black Negro man, age 22 years, about 5 ft. 10-11 in. in height, weight about 130-140 gounds FINDING OF THE 3USTICE: ...came to his deatr from a wound in- flicted on the head with a gun in the hands of WM. PORCH and that said PORCH was to some extent, justifiable...aD~ the Court fur- ther finds that in a previous difficulty on the same night, December 24, the deceased was assaulted with a rock by RICHD. STERLING and a club or stick by ED. STERLING NAMES OF SUSPECTED PERSONS, IF ANY: WILLIAM PORCH, RICHARD STER- LING, ED. STERLING AMOUNT OF BAIL BOND: $500. $250. $250. 1 00 NAMES OF SURITIES ON BAIL BOND: . h <--v D.M. DANSBY, J.J. ADAMS Each inquest was signed by J.T. CLOSS Justice of the Peace In and for Brazos County Texas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is abstracted * from a microfi1med handwritten document and as such may contain some erro~s due to reading of old fashioned handwriting. The numbers at the top of each entry represents the page numbers of the original document. Each entry took up two pages of the ledger. This microfilm is housed at the Archives at Texas A&M University, Evans Library. At this time I wish to thank Paul SCOTT of the Archives for his suggestion and his help ~ on this project. * A complete transcription of the microfilm is being done by Eileen WELLNICKI. Editor. LAND MEASUREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------- At one time or another while doing family research the sys- tem of measurement used by early surveryors is confronted. The basis of measurment was the GUNTHER chain developed by Ed- mund GUNTHER in 1620. His chain was sixty-six feet long and consisted of 100 links of 7 92/100 inches each. It was made of number 6 or 9 wire. This chain played an important role In today's system of measurement. Our rod is 16 1/2 feet or one-fourth of a chain. The mile is 80 chains. The acre is ten square chains of 43,450 square feet. The rod was also known as a pole. Streets were laid out one chain wide. The old linear measure, now of- ten called the suveyor's measure was as follows: "}. 92/100 inches 25 links 100 links, 4 poles (66 feet) 10 chains make 1 LINK make 1 POLE make 1 CHAIN make 1 FURLONG 8 furlongs or 80 chains make 1 MILE In addition to the above infor- mation one will find on land grants the names of the CHAIN carriers. These are good clues to family relationships. The male chain carriers must have been fourteen years old or older and were usually sons or brothers of the grantee. If there were no males of that age the the chain carrier was pos- sibly a member of the wife's family. DEED OF GIFT: When there were two dates listed on a deed of gift, and these dates are at a wide berth (sic); one is lookng at the ap- proximate date of death of the grantor. Often a deed of gift from father to son devulges the approximate marriage date of the son. I , (C~~b;~l~~d-c;~~ty\G;~;~l;gi~~l Soiciety, Fayetteville, NC January 1986) tiERALDRY The following is part of an ar- ticle, submitted by PEGGY HOPE, written by RICHARD E. COE, and published in the National Genealogical Society by Susanne Murrary. Regardless of their interest in family history, most people are intrigued with the idea of pos- sessing a coat of, arms. Quite a few of the uninitiated refer to it as the family "crest", not realizing that this was only a device of wood, leather, or metal which was attached to the top of the gallant knight's helmet as an additional means of recognition by his friends and foes. The arms, or insignia on the shields, of course, evolved be- cause of the need of identify- ing an individual among the many fighting men in clanking armor who lost their recog- nizability when they donned these trappings. Later the same symbols were put on ban- ners, on the coverings for horses, and embroidered on the surcoats protecting the armor from heat, dust, and rust. Hence the expression, "Coat of Arms." These sets of symbols were proud possessions of their owners, and they were passed from father to son, along with the surnames handed down from generation to generation. Four centuries ago a system of dif- ferentiation, or "differencing" (the heraldic term), was in- stituted by the sons of a family. While each son used the same devices as his father, he added a little symbol to show which son he was. This 111 v-0 system is ,still being used. There are altogether too many firms capitalizing on this preening human trait through unprincipled advertising, and extreme caution should be exer- cised when it comes to "Mail Order Heraldry." Unlike the British Isles, there is no law in America to prevent any per- son from appropriating any coat of arms to which he takes a fancy. Firms which purport to offer a coat of arms "for your family name" are taking unfair advantage of ignorance, for such arms cannot actually belong to you unless originally granted to an ancestor' of yours in the direct male line. As genealogists we need to re- search and verify any symbol of heraldry before accepting and using it as a symbol of ones family. As there is some in- terest in this subject among our membership, with the next issue of the ADVERTISER we will be running a series of articles on Heraldry. Nadine BILLINGSLEY, Editor 1 Mary COO~ER, has transcribed The Bryan City Cemetery books, 1870-1910J the information transcribJd from these books includes n~me, age, place of birth, dat~ and cause of death. The next i~sue of the Adver- tiser will\ publish pages from book five. .. 1 02 HANDWR I T I NG I N EARLY RECOHDS................................................................... Nothing is more frustrating than to find an old document which is difficult to read because of its style of handwriting. Because the quill was the writing instrument used on most documents up until about 1850 many factors are involved in the deciphering of the letters of the alphabet. Most quills were made by the persons doing the actual writing. thus personal preferences as to the widths of the pen nib greatly influenced the appearance of the letters, as well as. the parchments or papers used. The art of making paper from fibrous matter appears to have been practiced by the Chinese at a very distant period. Actually. different writers have traced it back to the 20nd century B.C. The manufacture of paper in Europe was first estab llshed by the Moors in Spain in the middle of the 12th century. But on the fall of the Moorish power the manufacture. passing into the hands of the less skilled Chris1tans, declined in the quality of its production. In Italy the art of paper-making was no doubt established through the Arab occupation of Siclly and was of oriental quality. In fact. the oldest recorded document on raper was a deed of King Roger of Sicily. of the year 1102; and there are others of Sicilian kings, of the 12ti. century, In Italy the first place which appears to have become a great centre of the paper-making industry-was Fabriano in the marquisate of Ancona. where mills were first set up in 1276, and which lose into importance on the decline of the manufacture in Spain. To this day the name, Fabrianr.. still carries considerable esteem in paper-making. particularly for calligraphy. There is evidence that at the beginning of the 14th century the use of paper in E'1g1and became a common occurrence. In America, the first paper mill was built in 1690 in Germantown. Pennsylvania. In 1810 there were more than 200 mills in operation making about $2.000.000 'r1urth of products. The combination of various qualities of papers, quills. writing skills and education often produced manuscripts which were undecipherable. But there were certain forms characteristic of the writing of our emigrant ancestors which were due neither to paper. pen nor lack of training. Fortunately, there are not many. but they appear with sufficient frequency to puzzle one unfamiliar with the SUbject. Letter Forms Found in American Handwriting (Date unknown) '-v - ~ _......-..- -- - -- - - - - - -- letter Forms Found in American HandwriUng (Date unknown) 4G c. c ~ LJ -1fu d~ iff D Gf/ ~ p~ 1 03 =r: 51 d ~~ In j; qp ~ ~/( W; ~ C:.J ~ 0u &} J~ !z;~. /~~~,-4- 0 .\::.7(JC/~ d~ M..f : ~ C6 ~~ d~h n ~ Q~~ .;c~ .t'"/_&;'A ~.. '. ~~ rei '1-n~9 V Var"7 13"'-vnJ Jt~ j~~I[#nJc ~ g~ ~a~-._ 0~ I Letter Forms Found in American Handwriting (Date unknown) . aut /tce6P ~ L ~~ q9t" rU?e c! , ~,.b~~ ~~ ~)# ~ Lf~~o~ ~~~~~( ~~~~.~~ . \. 9a'~4 ,/ c:r. ~ ~// , fr{~a.;fY ftt~- "- ~~Uu:;ed ~~ . V rl-eL .. . -'- ' r . (jJ~~ -.e-t.~~ ~ G)oii/u V1(~. ~~ 7J.?~~ J~~ '\ o <.Y/u.; ~t>- ~ 4z., ' 1 04, JY a.l.L x?'~ ~~ ~-~ ~~~;,~ fJ~' ~t~~'~ -u/ ?v 1f~~ Ji~~ t/~ tLo ~ -1.ua-t c;) ~ ' ~~~M"'J.~ d H.J-JJt:'/73- ;;U~~V :; 0 ' /~-t-/7':;b , :- . .~ ~ ' ~ r ~ f./ j.'~- ~ . ,.~- ~ . I h..R...;:; ~ /l 7 . . / ~ -,' tl""" f7 '--/.J. J~ r~ L:Ldha-h . . 1 t,,~~~ (/'-- d~ ~ ..Wr, : J'toJn ~ -?-___ I.' q,) DA.a- ~ ~ tit. ~ /~ ~. -u--. ~~= t~ ~J.'~ ~ ~ -e4; .[0 ~ C (\JV. =" ,~ ~~ JJc~ JI~..-= ~-<4" k ~ .~ l,.,.J /~. ..A 8uJ:' ~ 1 Ot5 letter Forms Found 1n Amer1can Handwr1Ung 1640 - 1790 A.Jl.lt (l,Al/ N QZ Y/.; n /rt '5 2J? crt < 6- 0 rjJ fY' cT eX C -BJ; &',~ 'pc /P t~ yr DJ' c:9J Q ~ cQ.. ~ Z E '/2 e &~1: R - (i( /If-2", F ~ r7 I' f 5' .A. .f1/-er G rd i g ~ T ~ 7t, rr H ( lfJf G -i:'- u v1P 11' ~ ~ /61111J ,~ "it i W C(jf) ~ aJ/)v K g{ fi. i X '1j/, 'I[; ~ LA. L-t,-l;O ~ P !ff i ~ tvl 'Wt ?1t -m /71t; L' "Z. / () ,} Q )?~ pyv- cP~ Yr -p:JM1 a-li 1 Early Letter Forms I (Date unknown) A . c7. '. \f5? ~. ~, ~'."'~'F"'--.. ~ t6J! ~~ J~ .I~ "271 ~~ r-!(j~ ~ ~-- p'.2..... g-, / -1P~-) ps ,.;7 1 06 SUBJECT Abstract Companies Almanacs Archives National State Associations Atlases Autobiography Biographies Business Archives History Calendar Census Federal General Mortality Chamber of Commerce Church Agencies Arc~ves Atlases Histories BASIC REFERENCE SOURCES REFERENCE American Land Title Association. Directory: American Lalld Title Associa- tioll. Washington, D.C.: American Land Title Association, 1974. Drake, Milton. Almallacs of the United States. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1962, two volumes. Co1ket, Meredith B. and Bridgers, Frank E. Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives. Washington, D.C.: The National Archives, 1964. Directory of State and Provincial Archivists. Nashville: Society of American Archivists, 1971. Encyclopedia of American Associations. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1970. .OJ<-. Library of Congress, Map Division. A List of Geographical Atlases ill rhe Library of Congress, Volume 1-, 1909-. Washington, D.C.: Reprinted (Volumes 1-11). New York: Paladin Press, 1968. United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. The National A.tlas of the United States of America. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1972. . Kaplan, Louis, et a!. A Bibliography of American Autobiographies. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1961. O'Neill, Edward H. Bibliography by Americans. 1658-1936: A subject Bib- liography. Philadelphia: Milford, 1939. Society of American Archivists. Directory of Business Archives in the United States and Canada. Ann Arbor: Society of American Archivists. 1969. Larson, Henrietta Melia. Guide to Business History: A/aterials for the Swdy of American Business History and Suggestions for Their Use. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1948. Watkins, Harold. Time Counts: The Story of the Calendar. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Co1ket, Meredith B. and Bridgers, Frank E. Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives. Washington, D.C.: The National Archives, 1964. Stemmons, Jack, ed. The Census Compendium. Salt Lake City: The Institute of Family Research, 1973. ;/. Colket, Meredith B. and Bridgers, Frank E. Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives. Washington, D.C.: The National Archives, 1964. I World Wide Chamber of Commerce Directory. Loveland, Colorado: Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., annual. Jacquet, Constant .H., Jr., ed. Yearbook of American ~nd Canadian Glurches. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 197 4. ~ Sueflow, August R. A Preliminary Guide to Church Records Repositories. Ann Arbor: Society of American Archivists, 1969. ' Gaustad, t=;dwin Scott. Historical Atlas of Religion in America. New York: Harper and Row, 1962. - Mead, Frank S. Handbook of Denominations in the United States. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1970. SUBJECT Church ICominu.:d) Libraries Records Schools '\ie~roooks City Records CoaL; of .-\rrr.') Coll:~g~s A:::hi\'es Fr:lt~rnit:es Newspapers County Bibliography Formation Government Historical Survey (W.P.A.) History Court Appellate -, Organization 107 BASIC REFERE.\'CE SOURCES (COlltillucd) (, REFERENCE Rodda, Dorothy and H::rvey, John. Directory of Church Libraries. Phila- delphia: Drexel Press. 1%7. Kirkham, E. Kay. Sliney of A.merican Church Records. Salt Lake Cicy: Deseret .Book Company, 1969, two volumes. Am(!rican Association 0;' Theological Schools Direcrory. Dayton: Amencl:-. Association of Theological Scnools. annual. DeGroot, A.T. Library 0;' American Church Records, Ecumenism Resear::h Agency, 11040 Windsor Drive, Sun City, Arizona 85351. (Microfilm in two series. ) Kirkham, E. Kay. A' Handy Guide to Record-searching in the Larger Cities of the United States: IlIeluding a GUide ro Tlzeir Vital Records alld Some ,Haps ~I.:irh Street Indexes witJz Other IlIformation of Ge1lealogical Value. Lopn. Utah: Everton Publishers. [nc.. 197..;.. Moncreiffe, lain and Pottinger. Don. Simple Heraldry: CJzeer]idly Illustrated. London: Thomas Nelson Jnd Sons Limited. 1971. Elliott, Norman R., ed. Patterson's American Educatioll. Mt. Prospect. Ill.: Educational Directories, Inc., annual. Society of American Archivists. College and University ArchiJ'es ill the Uni- ted States and Canada. Ann Arbor: University of ~1ichigln, 1972. Baird. William Raimond. ed. Baird's Manual of American College Frater- I/ities. Menaha. Wisconsin: G. Banta Company. 1968. Editor and Publisher Yearbook. New York: The Editor and Publisher Com- pany.annual. Haywood, Charles. A Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folk- song. New York: Dover PublicJtions, Inc., 1961, Volume 1. 'Kane, Joseph N. Tlze American COLlI/ties. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1972. Wager, Paul W., ed. COUIllY Govemmelll Across the Sarion. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1950. Child, Sargent B. and Holmes. Dorothy P. Check List of Historical Records Survey Publications: Bibliography of Rese~rc}z Projects Reports, 1943. Balti- more: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1'969, Reprint.) Peterson, Clarence Stewart. ConsolidatedlBibliography of County Histories in Fifty States in 1961. Baltimore: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1963. Decennial Edition of the American Dig.J\ A Complete Table of American Cases From 1658-1906. St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1911, Volumes ~ 1-~5. \ Pound, Roscoe. Organi=ation of Co IIrts. B()ston: Little, Brown and Com- pany, 1940. United States Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Adminis- tration. National Survey of Court Organization. Washington, D.C.: ..United States Government Printing Office, 1973. '0 it il I, I 1 08 WHERE ARE YESTERDA Y'S RECORDS LOCA TED TODA Y? Z, TYPES OF RECORDS WHERE USUALLY LOCATED Academy Account Books Agricultural Society Alien Alliance Almanacs Almshouse Animal Registration Apprenticesh i p Artifacts Association Atlases Attorney Autobiographies Bank Barber Biographies Birth Early Recent Brands Business Cabinetmaker Canal Carpenter Cemetery Association Census State Federal Centennials Charity Church Church Yearbooks City Directories General Early Recent College Congressional County Histories Court Records Stat~., Federal Death Early Recent Deeds ~ Local Historical Society, State Library, or University Library Local Historical Society, State Library, or University Library Local Historical Society, State Library, or University Library Count'{ Courthouse, Federal District Courthouse, or Federal Records Center Main office of company State Historical Society or State Library Local Historical Society or State Library County Courthouse or Town Hall County Courthouse or Town Hall Descendants, In-laws, Museum State Office or National Office State Library or University Library Local Historical Society or University Library Local Historical Society or University Library Local Historical Society or University Library Local Historical Society or University Library State Library or Library of Congress County Courthouse or Town Hall State Bureau of Vital Statistics County Courthouse of Town Hall Local Historical Society or University Library Local Historical Society Local Historical Society or Museum Local Historical Society Association Office or Headquarters , Office of Secretary of State or State Archives National Archives State Library County Courthouse Local Church, Denominational Archives, or University Archives Denominational Archives Main City Library American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts Library of Congress College Archives Library of Congress Local Library or State Library County Courthouse or Town Hall Federal District Courthouse' or Federal Records Center County Courthouse or Town Hall State Bureau of Vital Statistics County Courthouse ~ \ 1 09 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 107 Post Office: Bryan 13 Aug 1870 Printed #54- Q) ~ s:: ~ Q) 0 CJ ;) .~ ~ ...-1 Ct-t+J Ct-tr-l~ m ~ ~ 0&3 o~cV ~ r-l ~ Q) Q)O+J ;::: ri .~ 0 ;:lr-l ;:loom t ~ Q)><:ri CJ crtm ri~+J ~Q)o CJ ~~&3 ...-1 Ii:. tf.lU 0 :>0::: j:Q 856 856 HENDERSON, Mary 60 F B K house Ala 57 57 JORroN, wm 35 M B Farmer Ga Frances 30 F B K. House Tex Adam 7MB " Mary 5 F B " Jane 3 F B " Dinah 4/12 F B Jan " 58 58 ROSEL, Tempy 35 F B Ala Fannie 6 F B Tex Tom 4MB " Mary 3 F B " 59 59 JOHNSON, John 24 M B Farmer tel CLANTON, Silla 24 F B K House Fla Wesley 4MB Tex Ann 2 F B " LOVE, Walton 27 M W Farmer " ROGERS, James 26 M W " I.L -eland 860 860 HOLLIDAY, Attelia 63 F W at home 12,000 1?00 N C L?wn 30 M W Farmer Miss Andrew 23 M W laborer " wm 19 M W " " 61 61 SCOTr, Porter 40 M B Farmer " Retta 40 F B K house "l Cagen 20 M B laborer " Tom 17 M B " It Rich 15 M B " It Dinah 10 F B Tex 62 62 KNOX, Joshua 45 M B Farmer 'J Miss Letsie 40 F B K House " Aron 18 M B laborer It Jim 15 M B " I It Bob 13 M B " " ,. 63 63 CHEATUM, Ned 45 M B Farmer \ la Eliza 40 F B K house " Ned 5 M B Tex 64 64 CLANTOM, Anthony 40 M B Farmer la " Mary 35 F B K House " Ann 14 F B at home " Bob 10 M B " " Tex Jim 4MB " 11 0 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 108 Post Office: Bryan 13 Aug 1870 Printed #'J-+A Q) ~ 6 4-'l Q) Ct-i-S c.> .~ ~ .r-! ~~Q) ~ 4-'l o~ r-i ~ ~ ~ Q) Q)04-'l 2 r-i j 0 ;:Sr-i ;:s Ul a:! 4-'l ~ ~><r-i c.> r-ia:! r-i~4-'l ~ Q) 0 c.> ~~ ~~~ .r-! rno 0 ~ 865 865 ALDRIGE, Reddan 50 M B Farmer N C Rose 40 F B K House " Kezziah 18 F B at home Tex Redden 15 M B laborer " Sarah 13F B at home " Mary 6 F B " Jim 4FB " 66 66 CLANTON, Rich 30 M B Farmer la Farmie 24 F B K House " 67 67 NEILL, Dick 35 M B Farmer Va Josephine 25 F M K House Tex Alex 4MB " Noah 2FB " 68 68 CLANTON, Edwin 28 M B Farmer la June 20 F B K house " 69 69 HARVEY, Newell 25 M B Farmer Tex Dinah 20 F B K house " 870 870 HARDY, Chunk 30 M B Farmer Ala WASHINGTON, Geo. 19 M B " Tex 71 71 GREEN, Thomas 59 M W Farmer 8000 1000 N C Harriett 39 F W K. house Tex EADES, Gano 6MW " 72 72. LEWIS, Mary 45 F B Domestic servant Term Bob 14 M B " " Tex Morgan 8MB " ~e 6MB " Jones 5MB " Minerver 1 F B 1 " 73 73 PERKINS,- Jack 52 M B Farmer I Term Kate 45 F B K house " Amanda 14 F B Tex Frank 12 M B at home \ " 74 74 HARDY, Moses 37 M B Farmer Miss Florence 25 F B K house " Dinah 1 F B " " 75 75 BARNES, Freeman 50 M B Farmer N C Eliza 49 F B K house " Geo 18 M B " Oscar 16 M B Idiot Tex BREiNER, Bill 45 M B Farmer Miss BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 109 Post Office: Bryan 15 Aug 1870 ... ::t:l:: .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & 875 875 BREWER, Huldah 76 76 HANKINS, Ned Dinah Mary 77 77 HASKIL,c'West Caldonia July 78 78 SHEPPARD, John Polley Georgia 79 79 TARVER, James Martha 880 880 KING, Peter Cynthia DINNIS, Emeline WTI.J..J:AM , Jane KING, Noble Hubbard 81 81 BUTLER, John Julia Winfield Ellen 82 82 SMITH, Mike Patience lavinia 8) 8) JENKINS, Isaah Judy Ellen Elsie Henry Peter Jane Liz Louisa 8) 8) OSBOURN, Peter Matilda Frank Ad Jane fVlary S .r-! ~ a o ;::s a.> ><: r-I Q ~c958 8 39 F B Keeping House 35 M B Farmer 25 F B K. House 1 F B 55 M B Farmer 45 F B K house 17 F B at home )0 M B Farmer 20 F B K. House 6/12 F B Jan )0 M B Farmer )0 F B K house 40 M B Farmer )0 F B K house 16 F B at home 10 F B " II 7 M B 5MB 35 M B Farmer 30 F B K house 19 M B laborer 6 F B .)0 M B Farmer 25 F B K house 1 F B 40 M B Farmer 35 F B K. house 20 F B at home 18 F B " " 1) M B " II 12 M B " II 10 F B 8MB 4 F B 60 M B Farmer 50 F B K. house )0 M B laborer 25 M B II 24 M B in the field 5 F B 1 I \ 111 Printed #55 a.> Q ro r-I .@' t .r-! j:Q Miss la " Tex Term " Tex Miss Ga Tex Ala Ga la . " II Tex " " la " " II la II Tex Ga Tex Miss II II " Term Tex r . 112 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 110 Post Office: Bryan 15 Aug 1870 h., I ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 884 884 OSBOURN , John FINDAY, rave WYATr, Alex 85 85 CLANTON, Willis 86 86 BARNEr:r, Thornton Esther Pricilla Fannie Oliver Peter DAVE " Allice 87 87 KANE, Harry Mary Nancy 88 88 MILTON, Hiram Matilda Sandy RICHARDSON, Hub 89 89 WALIDN, Turner Elnaline MANGEY " Budd Turner Major 890 890 JOHNSON, Green Ann 91 91 McGUIRE, Jim Mollie Phillip Saml 92 92 SALISBURY, Wilson Hannah John 93 93 McCREA, Charity H.AI1VfAN, Henry McCREA, Anderson fvTartha Joseph Emily s:: o .,-j ~ C) C) o ~ o <1> ><.-l ~858 1 M B 60 M B Farming 17 M B laborer 60 M B Fanner 40 M B Fanner 50 F B K. House 19 F B at home 15 F B " " 13 M B " " 14 M B " " 12 M B " " 8 F B 32 M B Fanner 26 F B K House 3 F B 33 M B Fanner 26 F B K House 18 M B L-..,orer 20 M B laborer 40 M B Fanner 30 F B K House 9 F B 7MB 6MB 2MB 23 M B Fanner 19 F B K. House 29 M B Fanner 47 F B K. house 20 M B laborer 18 M B " 55 M B Farmer 45 F B K House 18 M B laborer 55 F B Farming 23 M B laborer 21 M B " 17 F B at home 15 M B " " 8 F B 7 \ Printed #55A <1> ~ .@< ~ ~ .,-j j:Q Tex la " " Ga S C Ga Tex It " " " la " Tex Miss Ala Miss A.1.a Ga Tex " " " Ga Tex Ga Va " Ga It Va Ga Tex " " " " " BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census sP~e No. 111 Post Office: Bryan 16 Aug 1870 .~ ~ ...-l ...-l ~ ! 893 893 WILLIAMS , Charity 94 94 HAlMAN, E. Willie 95 95 KICKS, Phil Ann Henrietta Rose WYATr, Cheyny MILLICAN, NT.artha 96 96 JOHNSON, Marion Martha Malinda 97 97 BIGBY, Scott Frances 98 98 SMITH, John CARROLL, Thomas 99 99 JOHNSON, Warren Frances Fanney Mary 900 900 MILlS, WIn Louisa Caroline Mary 1 1 SAVAGE, Geo CHERRY, Bill WILLIAMS, Susan 2 2 CRUPP, Stephen Frances Cubit 3 HOLLIDAY, Ted Josephine Farmie Dick Tom John 4 MUCKISON, Kenneth Jack Henry Thomas 3 4 S-l o ~Q) ><...-l Q) 0 mo 1 F B 19 F B 1 M B 26 M B Farmer 23 F B K house 7 F B 2FB 60 F B 12 F B at School 30 M B Fanning 30 F B K House 80 F B at home .54 M B Farmer 4.5 F B K house 37 M W Plasterer 32 M W Stone Mason 22 M B Farmer 18 M B K house 2 F B 1 F B 37 M W Farmer 37 F W K house 12 F W at School 8FW" II 27 M W Farmer 28 M W " 30 F B Domestic servant 50 M B Farmer 40 F B K house 22 M B laborer 28 M B Farmer 25 F B K house 9 F B 2/12 M B 16 M B 7MB 37 M M Farmer 12 M W at home 7MW 5MW May Q) 4-J 'HE o rJ) ~ Q) ~~ ~&! 113 Printe~ #t6 'H ...-l ro.~ o~Q) -a...-l ~ 0 4-J .s:: 0 ,..JrJ)ro ~ 0 ...-l S-l 4-J S-l.s:: ro Q) rJ) .r-! 0 :> p.. ~ ..J:Q U) 'l'ex Miss Tex Va Term Tex " Va Tex X Miss Va NC Va Ga Ireland II Ala Tex " " 2000 1000 Ga " Tex X " X Va .. .} Ga Ala Ga Ala Miss la Tex \ 700 " " .. 500 Ala Tex II " 114 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 112 Post Office: Bryan 16 Aug 1870 I I 1 :::j:l;:: .~ ~ r-l r-l a1 .~ ~ Ii.4 905 905 MOORE, Robt KNIGHT, James Margret Eliza W. An.~ 6 6 HAYES, WIn Patience Bann 7 7 McRISEN, WIn La. Dora 8 8 BLUNT, Isam Pauline Authur Peter. Anthony Jack Ann Martha 9 9 LEWIS, Tom Ida 910 910 BLUNT, Allice 11 11 TAMNEY, Austin Mary Gilbert Jim 12 12 ALLEN, Toney Eliza 13 13 VENSO, Ann TONEY, Jim Ned Puss Ann 14 14 BROWN, Wesley STEPHENS, John James COMBAST, Tom Martha James WASSLEY, J 0 . s .~ +:l ~ ~ ~Q) >< r-l C,,) Q) 0 C,,) enu 0 4.5 M W Laborer 29 M W Fanner 20 F W K house 3 F W 7/12 F W Nov 48 M W Fanner 4.5 F W K house 16 F W at home 30 M W Fanner 23 F W K house 1 F W 60 M B Fanning .5.5 F B K house 24- M B laborer 22 M B " 20 M B " 12 M B at home 10 F B " " 5 F B 2.5 M B Fanning 16 F B K house 21 F B K. house 2.5 M B Fanner 38 F B K house 1.5 M B laborer 12 M B 7.5 M B Fanner .50 F B K house 40 F B Washwoman 6.5 M B No occupation 10 M B at home '. 9FB 7 F B 38 M W Fanning 28 M W " 18 M W laborer 2.5 M W Fanner 22 F W K house 23 F W" " 1 7 IVI W laborer Printed #.56A Q) +:l 1ji 1j~Q) Q) Q) 0 +:l ~~ ~~.s ~~ ~~~ 1800 1000 ,} I Blind \ 22,20(i) 1000 \ Q) C,,) ro r-l ~ +' ~ .~ j:Q Ireland Ala " Tex " Ark Ala " la " Tex Va " la " " " " " Term la Tex Ala Term Tex " N C Md . , la S C la " " Ala " " " " " Eng ~ BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 113 Post Office: Bryan 17 Aug 1870 ~ ~ ; ~ l 915 915 OLDRIDGE, Leonides ALDRIDGE, Thomas BROWN, Simmon 16 16 HETH, Alex Mary Ada wm 17 17 John Tenny WHITFIELD, Dan CARTER , John 18 18 BAKER, Nathan Dinah 19 19 SMALLWOOD, WID Sylvia LOGIN, Bob 920 920 IDJARDS , John Wary HARROLD, WID Rose 21 21 STilE, Henry Rachael Geo Frankey Lucy Eliza 22 22 MANUEL, Nelson Rose Lila wID Sarah 23 23 CURRY, Effie Clay 24 24 WILLIAMS, Stepney MITCHELL, Abe JOHNSON, Henry 25 25 THOROUGHGOOD, wm ROWE, Jack W.ANUEL, Iafney GAINES, Dick ~ o a>><r-l l:Ul<1>O ~tf.)O 6 .,-i +" ~ o o o <1> +" 'H.r5 o Ul ~ Q) ::Sr-l ~~ 7000 22 M W lawyer 21 M W Farmer 35 M W Ferry W.an 50 M W Farmer 40 F W K house 18 F W at home 16 M W 25 M W Farmer 21 F W K house 19 M W laborer 18 M W " 55 M B Farmer 50 F B K house 30 M B laborer 60 F B K house 16 M B laborer 30 M W laborer 25 F W K house 35 M W Farming 24 F W K house 50 M B Farming 40 F B K house 11 M B 7 F B 5 F B 1 F B 40 M B Fanner 35 F B K house 11 F B at home 3MB 22 F B at home 25 F B Cook 10 M B at home 19 M B laborer 45 M B Fanning 35 M B 11 58 M B " 22 M B " 7rF B 22 M B laborer i} I \ 115 Printed #57 <1> o tU ~ t .,-i l=Q Term " Tex Ky " " " " " Tex Eng Ala 11 la . " Tex Miss 11 " " Va " Tex " 11 " Miss " Tex " " Ala Tex Ala Miss Va " Tex " Va 116 r-- BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 114 Post Office: Bryan 17 Aug 1870 ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & 926 926 SCW?RG, Jack Alford Josephine Alphonza Evy Tilley 27 27 FARQUER, Frank Fannie Fannie Jr. Bill 28 28 RUCKER, Manuel Erie HErH, Andrew Letty Ada Willie John Mary 29 29 BAKER, Nathan Grace 930 930 SMALLWOOD, wm Sylvia WHITFIELD, tan 31 31 CRAWBY, Moses Judy Phillip Onick Esther Ellen 32 32 BROWN, Tennie :Einily 33 33 Dave Clarissa HILL, Sam 34 34 BROWN, Luke " Harietta Josephine Jane JACKSON, Henry 35 35 SCURRY, ~~tchel s:: o .r-i +J ~ ~ ~O> >< r-f t) 0>0 t) tl)O 0 60 M B Fanner 14 M B laborer 12 F B at home 10 M B 8 F B 6FB 25 M B Farmer 23 F B K House 3 F B 1 M B 40 M B Farming 35 F B K house 56 M W Fanner 51 F W Keeping house 18 F W at home 16M W .. " 28 M W Farmer 28 F W K house 59 M B Farming 55 F B K house 25 M B laborer 80 F B at home 20 M B laborer 65 M B Farmer 40. F B K house 20 M B laborer 13 M B .. 11 F B at home 1 F B 55 F B K house 16 F B works in field 38 M B Farming 24 F B Farming 19 M B laborer 37 M B Farmer 25 F B K house 9 F B 7 F B 13 M B laborer 35 M B Farmer Printed #57A 0> t) ~ 2 +J .~ !Xl Term Tex " It " " " Term Tex " " N C Va Ky " " " .. S C NY Va It It S C It It II Tex 1 .. \ Ky Tex Term Term Miss Term Ala Tex " Ala Term 117 QUERI ES . HILL I would like to contact descendents of Kora GLAZE HILL who lived in College Station, TX in 1959. Annie Jo HARTLEY, 200 North Fifth Street, Slaton TX 79364. PAYNE I would like to contact descendents of Etta GLAZE PAYNE who lived in Edge, TX in 1959. Interested in hearing from GLAZE researcher. Annie Jo HARTLEY, 200 North Fifth Street, Slaton TX 79364. WHITE I am searching for information regarding Milam WHITE, b. Milam Co. TX, date unknown. Died before 1900 census, m. Thula JACKSON, date unknown, had five children. Rosemary BOYKIN, 1505 Laura Lane, College Station, TX 77840. YOUNG, SUNDAY. Need maiden name of Mrs. Narcissa YOUNG, m. 1 September 1874 to Thomas Jefferson SUNDAY, Montgomery Co. TX. Nadine BILLINGSLEY, 706 Pershing, College Station TX 77840. HILL Need data on James Hay HILL, b 1 May 1864 or 1856, Liberty Co. TX; m Mary Charlotte (Lottie) Kemp O'NEAL, Clifton, TX, 18 Feb 1891. Brother, Frank KEMP, lived in Midland, TX during 1910 Census, age 49, listed father's bp: NC and mother's bp: GA. J.H. HILL lived in Comanche Co, TX in 1910. J Peggy DURHAM HOPE, 305 East Brookside, Bryan, TX 7f780 1. I QUERIES ~ ' Address Queries to Rosemary BOYKIN, Queries Editor, P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. Type or print each on a separate half sheet of paper. Please limit to 35 words and 1 i m i t Query to one person. Queri es will be ed i ted iT necessary and will be printed in order received. Members' Queries are free. There is a charge of $1.00 per Query for non-members. I, 118 r!;ea~tM e~t N:lme o!COI:l";ltlllrRosemarv El::.zabeth , ~. ~.- _ De?a..'1rJ u,J,2.e Boykir Addrtts:J -'::':'.LJ-L. :::2 1 ~ .... ~ i, ':.1 "n .~ C"..3..-t ~!o. L- !):~~t.:'\;S~~:~i. c-...dlu'tt'<o.--l 1~ D"'mi7'':1o ~. ll' Clt7. St:l.ts Col' e!<e sta tion, '!'X D~te a Vincenzo DeP8,c:cualP 1831' UO..-oCNo,') b. 12.b.Hi1lazzo, Sicily :no c!. ".t.f i Har 1 a ~MOu.4tt' ;0( ~ J. ~.."1! d::Ut~..._....J l'l. 4 Ros:::'io De?a~alJ.9.1e '-':,.4 Oct. 1863 (I''''::;:-:;;';''~ p.::r1ilazzo, Sicily ~ :.a e1 J!1"Q I 16 oc t l8Q3 ~ 71<c. .. :l1z';:,:n. . / .:30 ~""'~lo',::~. ,.1 22 Ifo'T 1Q]5 ~ ="".c.rtC...u,a Jlo.Lo. ." ......?!.o<<o.., c-.. !p.dD ic kin s on, TX <1. 18 b. 1m. ld.. I 11li ~~~.___J Ga10faro t~~':!~."J bol831 p.b. d. !l.d (M~~~o..". c.a._QuC~_': b. d. 2 Dome~ic Victor DePa~aua1e I 0 J"" '901 (1'........;'.....1 lb. ./ _n - - p.b. Dicki:1scn, TX m.2l Feb. 1925 d. 8 July 1958 p.d Dickinson, TX 20 Francesco rI\'!!'T,.....!"1~, b. ._-(t~;.:..lO" c-."___l loDo m. <1. 21 Rosa b. <1. 22'14' Brocato (_..,_ia. c:-.-. __---l b.18 March 1840 pol). Lascari, Sicily m. <1. ~d Dickinson, TX 11 E1 5 .osa Termini ~."""~ b. 2 Feb. 1871 ".b. Lascari1 Sicily d. 5 Mar. 1':;;151 p.<1.Dickinson, TX !Do <1. 23 Giusenna lRosemarv Elizabeth b.3 Jan 1926 p.b.Dic kin s on, TX 11130 June 1946 d. p.d. DeP"lc:qua1e Q T t-i (1'..-..,_11. 2 1837" ...... --=--.; (1'.........""".. b.25 July 1842 p~.Termo1i, Italy m. d. p.d e Alfredo Teti t,(UDW CIt .... b.13 Jan.' 187'7 p.b. Tert:!oli, Italy m.23 Aug. 1902 <1.13 Aug. 1956 iP.d Ithaca, NY . 3biOV"l~nin~ Pl;7.~nc~~ 0.1 Oc t. 1903(104...-. 1'....1) p.l:. Termoli, Italy d... p.~. (1'..-.., """ u. c-... ClIO<<__ b. p.b. d. p.<1. (Momat at :10.. 13.. eo.. _ can tfo._ 'T'cti hp'1;~ O='.ua.r ol :I.. ~.. c-... c:o.r< N-.._ 14 Vincen b.25 Har. 1841 p.b.Termol1, Italy 111. d.24 Dec. 1906? p.d Termoli, Italy (MorJIa' ell ~a. ;. t. c..... QU'C:-4.. _ b. d. 7 Earietta DeChelli~ b.1 April 18~."""J) p.t-.Termo1i, Italy dJO Nov. 1957 p.a. Ithaca, NY Clay B ovkin. Jr. ~ SQOI.&M CII No. .i.) 30 b. 1:5 P. 0 I:l. d. 31 b. a. b. p.b. d. p.d. Calvin (Mcxur oe Na. L".. c.... .. CUt1 N-.._ Rosemary Elizabeth r!~~~tM e~t Name a! COmilUer DePa~al1ale RnykiIPer:san No.1 an this chart ~ the same Adc1resa 150 5 Laura Lane per:sozus No.Ron chart No.---1- Clt7.StataCollege Stationf 'T'X 8 Datil (1..- at No. 41 14 ~b. p.!J. Severia Scierrett. _..___._,_.__~--::1. ~_.-. I <:t. p.d 15 4 Pa b. p.l:l. ... Dole <II 1_ p.A PIom <II _ ... Dole. Io4u'rtap cl. 00<8 '" o.m p.4 P~ <II o.m m. d. .d 2 Salvatore Teti b. 6 Oct. 180~-.No.II p~. Termoli, Italy :.29 April 1837 d. .d 5 Maria Cesarea Tangredi ~.No.~ be p.l:l. d. p.d. 1 Giovanni Teti b.25 July 1842 p.b. Termoli, Italy m. d. p.d. eGiovanni Pi b. p.l:l. m. d. IP.d Z, !"},::l'.o:r:'Clda FiP.'l:i.ole. --v:r;~-ot~ 1) ~.20 July 1817 ,~ Ter~oli, Italy d. p.d. J"ic!'ta 'e. p.b. d.. p.d. Giovanp.ina di Colagiovanni \!:-~'_.!,lOCMo.i.) be p.l:l. m. d. p.d II b. p.b. d. p.d 10 be p.b. m. d. p.d 11 be p.". d. p.d. U b. p.b. ZD. do p.d 13 b. p.b. d. ~.d. (1'__ ~.No.J) (P_. No. 01 ("'om.. _ 01 \f"'~~."a..i') (M~ ol Ha. n b. 1'.b. d. p.d. 119 2 Cb2rt No._ 18 ~. 17i (P_<II_a. c:-.. -...---: (M.... . ,... &. c:-.........---: b. d. (P_._~. c:-.........---: (tl40CC' 01. No. 9. c...... _......_~ 20 b. m. do 21 b. d. 21 J b. d. 24 J b. d. 28 m. 2l' b. d. ~ 28 1:.1. b. '. .291- \ b. d. 30 I~. .)d. b. d. (F...u-: CI: :-la. lO. C<<.:. .. c:.an Mo._) (_._Ill. c:..:........ _--l (famw a<<:-" u. c............. -_l (tfICICIMI' CIIl tM. u. c..............__l (P..- at _ 11. c...... ........ 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C..x1'- _ c.:I&l't No.-- ~."'~Ol:No..l~. ~...l:n&n:Nc.._ 120 INDEX ADAMS 91, 100 ALDRIDGE 115 ALDR I GE , 110 ALLEN 114 ANDREWS 91 ARNOLD 91, 94 ARRINGTON 91 ATKINSON 91 BAKER 98, 115, 116 I BARNES 110 BARNETT 112 BARRON 91, 92, 93 BEARD 91 BELL 87 BIERING 91 BIGBY 113 BI LLINGSLEY 87, 101, 11 7 BLUNT 114 BLUME 97 BOUND 91 BOYD 91 BOYLES 85 BOYKIN 118, 119, 117 BREWER 110, 111 BROCATO 118 BROWN 114, 115, 116 BRUNT 92 BRYANT 92 BUTLER 111 1\ CANNARSA 118 CARGILL 92 CARLL 92 CARNES 92 CARROLL 92, 113 CARTER 115 CHEATUM 109 CHERRY 113 CLANTOM 109 CLANTON 109, 110, 112 CLARK 92 CLOSS 100 COM BAST 11 4 COOK 92 COOPER 101 CRAWBY 11 6 CRENSHAW 92 c"Rupp 113 CUMMINGS 92 CURRY 115 DANSBY 99, 100 DAVE 112 DAVIS 87 DAWSON 85 DEASON 92 DeCHELLI S 118 DePASQUALE 118; 119 DICKEN 92 diCOLAGIOVANNI 118, 119 DINNIS 111 DOWLING 92 DREWS 92 DYESS 92 EADES 110 EDEN 92 EDWARDS 115 ELLINGTON 92, 93 ERWIN 85 ETHERIDGE 93 EVANS 93 EYRE 93 FARQUER 116 FARROW 85 FERGUSON 93, 96 FES I 118 FIGLIO~ 118, 119 FINDAY 112 FLOYD 93 FLUKER 99 FORMAN 85 FOSTER 99 FRANKLIN 93 FULLER 93 GAINES 115 GALI FARO 118 GENERA 99 GILBERT 93 GLAZE 117 GOEN 93 GOODMAN 93, 94 GRAHAM 93 GREEN 110 HAGGART 93 HAIR 93 HALL 98, 99 HALMAN 11 2, 113 HAMILTON 85 HANOVER 86 HANKINS 111 HASKIL 111. HARDY 85, 110 HARROLD 115 HARTLEY 117 HARVEY 110 HAYES 114 HENDERSON 109 HETH 115, 11 6 HICKS 113 HILL 116, 117 HOLLAND 93 HOLLIDAY 109, 113 HOPE 101, 117 HORTON 93 HUDSON 85, 93, 94 \ I. I \ ~ .., . I I Ii I JACKSON 116, 117 JENKINS 111 JOHNSON 85, 109, 112, 113, 115 JOLLY 94 JONES 94 JORDON 109 ! I f KANE 112 KELLEY 94 KEMP 117 KINCANNON 94 KING 98, 111 KNIGHT 114 KNOX 109 . LEWIS 110, 114 LOGIN 115 LOVE 109 LOVELL 99 ~ ~) McCORMICK 85, 86 McCREA 112 McCULLOCH 94 McGUIRE 112 McKAY 94 McKNI GHT ~8 McNAIR 86 McNERNEY 97 McRISEN 114 MACALUSO 118 MANGEY 112 I MANUEL 115 \ MARR I OTT 9\ 95 MARTIN 95 MAYO 85 . t1ILBERGER 86 t11 LLI CAN 85, 113 t1ILLS 113 MILTON 112 MITCHELL 95, 115 INDEX MOORE 114 MOREHEAD 95 MORGAN 95 MORRIS 95 MUCHISON 113 MULLINS 85 NEAL 98 NEILL 85, 110 NUNN 85, 99 OLDRIDGE 115 O/NEAL 117 OSBOURN 111, 112 PARKER 95 PARNELL 95 PATE 95 PAYNE 117 PERKINS 86, 110 PEYTON 95 PINADUA 118 PORCH 99 RAINES 95 REED 95 RICHARDSON 112 RILEY 85 ROBINSON 85, 95 ROGERS 109 ROSEL 109 ROSS 95 TET I 118, 119 ROWE 115 THIBODEAUX 96 RUCKER 116 THOROUGHGOOD 115 TODD 96 SALI SBURY 112 TONEY 114 SAVAGE 113 SAWYER 96 VENSO 114 SCASTA 86 VESS 85 SCIARRETTA 119 SCOTT 100, 109 WALDON 112 SCURRY 116 WALKER 92 SCW?RG 116 WALLACE 96 SHACKLEFORD 96 WASHINGTON 110 SHAW 96 WASSLEY 11 4 SHELTON 98 WEEDON 96 SHEPHARDSON 96 WETTER 98 SHEPPARD 111 WHITE 96, 117 SMALLWOOD 115, 116 WHITFI ELD 115, 116 SMITH 86, 96, 97, 111, 113 WILLIAM 111 SOLES 96 WILLIAMS 96, 97, 113, 115 STEPHENS 114 WELLNICKI 98, 100 STERLING 99 WOOD 97 STILE 115 WOODS 99 STUBBS 87 WYATT 97, 112, Ip SUNDAY 117 TABOR 99 TANNEY 114 TANGREDI 119 TARVER 111 TERMINI 118 YARDLEY 97 YOUNG 117 ZIMMERMAN 85 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION DUES: Individual, $12.00; Family, $18.00 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) COMPLETE the following form and mail with your PEDIGREE CHART, to be published in the Brazos Genealclgical Advertiser. You may also send in individual 4>:6 cards on your ancestors to be placed in our FAMILY RESEARCH CARD FILE. (Your name) ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- (Address) (Tel. No.) (Surname) ANCESTOR INFnRMATION \ (State and/or Country foun~) (Period of time) , I I I I ~. 11:lJ..t~~( , 11l'T t I 3" 3" 2- 1/4" 1/8 page 114 page Once/year $6.00 Once/year $12.00 4x/year $18.00 4x/year $37.00 4 -112" ~ '2- 1/4" " j:;." BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, Texas 77805 Volume VIII Number 3 Summer 1987 7X. /}/p./ <./ . (< tAl ,;t. ;.r- ", I~ . ~e.. . 1.- ~)J,..4'.l 3 d--~ . ~, ROSE~1ARY BOYI< I N 1505 LAURA LANE I COLLEGE STA. TX. '. 7784.(1 \ .- 4-1/2" Half page: Once/year $26:00 4x/year $78.00 Whole page: Once/year $52.00 4x/year $157,00 (All prices include tax). - S' ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~