HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.4 No.4Have you sent in your 1983 membership?? If you haven't, this will be your last ADVERTISER. Don't let that happen to you: Make check for `10.00 ($15-00 for couples) P payable - ' U - o Brazos Genealogical Association. Nail to L.A. 1-irADDOX Jr., 2806 Brothers College Station, TX 77840 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER Volume IV Number 4 January - February 1 9 8 3 740 Garden Acres Bryan TX 77801 11 ac 1v „z f 3. i 5 a ° F #32 # # #i'rig #iE #iE #ici # F3t ## #oY #ii # #3i ## r The BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER is an information publication of the Brazos Genealogical Association of Bryan- College Station 'texas. Meetings are the third Monday of each month from 7 ®00 9, 00 in the Bryan Library. 1983 OFFICERS President . . . . . Stanley CLARK Vice - President . . . . Don SIfviONS Secretary . . . . . . . . . Mary BELL Treasurer . . . . . . L. A. MADDOX Librarian . . . . . . . . . Nan ROSS Editor . . . . . . . . Mary COOPER CONTENTS Volume IV Number° 4 January - February 1983 KNOW WHAT? Articles Page The History of Brazos County is Coming 77 Steep Hollow Cemetery, 8 y Brazos Co. T�. Robertson Co. TX Census 1860 82 Fryan City Cemetery Book 2 87 Carr Cemetery, Burleson Co. TX 9a Brazos County Tai Census 1860 93 'WHO KNOWS? Queries /Questions 91 KNOW WHERE? Texas A &M Library 91 WHERE? Index 9 9 Etryan-College Station Texas The recording of the county cemeteries will still be our own project--and every member is urged to be involved in this listing in order to prepare for that publication. Mary COOPER is coordinating the cemetery listings in coopera- Ition with other heritage organizations in the county. Don SIMONS will be identifying cemeteries for descriptions in the History which will complement our own book. The record- ing of the Brazos County Census will also be a project that we should be involved in--in addition to the 1860 census which is already in process. Brazos County is rich in early Texas history and deserves the attention that this project will bring. We all may work; there is plenty to do' Even though our roots may be elsewhere, our homes are here and this is where we can serve best. Everyone -- get involved! a * 0 0 . 0 * 0 0 0 0 . a % 0 a 0 0 0 0 Harris County Genealogical Society Third Annual Genealogical Seminar and Workshop Ramada Inn Hobby 7:3 - 5:3 March 19, 1983 Subjects: Indian Records, Tennessee, Carolinas and the Clayton Library 77 STEEP CEMETERY Brazos County TX N Iwo Steep Hollow Cemetery Brazos County TX BARROW, Infant son of W.O. BARROW 1 Aug 1912, 10 Aug 1912 BARROW, William David 18 Sept 1917, 10 Dec 1 93 4 BARROW, Willie C. 1888 - 1966 "BATTLE, Miss Lue Emma 12 May 1867, 25 Jan 1881 BATTLE, Georgiana 3 June 1876, 27 No'v' BATTLE, Infant of A.J. & M.A. BATTLE aged 5 days All three of above are on one stone BEVERLY, Alton B. 7 Feb 1918, 4 Oct 1978 VW II BEVERLY, Aubrey B. 23 June 1888, 11 Sept 1 97 4 BEVERLY, Janette 22 July 1890, 16 Aug 1942 age 52 yrs,24das wi of A.B. BEVERLY BOLMANSKIE, Mattie 14 Sept 1913, 10 Sept 1963 BOND, Emma H. 29 Dec 1888, 16 Oct 1 978 wi of Joe M. BOND BOND, Joe M. 8 Oct 1888, 26 Mar 1977 hus of Emma H. BOND BORING, Kenneth Hardy 11 July 1 933, 6 June 1 93 4 BUCHANAN, A. C. 2 Feb 1873, 18 Apr 1911 BUCHANAN, A. G. 1842 - 1872 BUCHANAN, Alice Skelton 1912 (no other date) BUCHANAN, Charldeen Brown 12 Apr 1905, 23 Nov 1977 BUCHANAN, George W. 1905 - 1964 Texas Cpl 1951 Svc Comd Unit 3 Mar 1 9 0 5, 5 Oct 1964 WW II BUCHANAN, I. H. Jack (no dates) BUCHANAN, Infant of Mr. & Mrs. A.C. BUCHANAN b 29 Oct 18 97 BUCHANAN, Infant dau of R.L. & Mattie A. BUCHANAN 13 Mar 1910 BUCHANAN, J. H. Jack (no dates) BUCHANAN, Jack C. 1 - 1 95 1 BUCHANAN, Jane B. 27 Apr 1817, 25 Apr 1901 wi of W. G. BUCHANAN BUCHANAN, John H. 7 Aug 1901, 31 Dec 1 972 BUCHANAN., Martha Hensarling 30 Apr 1876, 28 Mar 1 95 1 wi of R.L. BUCHANAN BUCHANAN., Martha J. 29 July 1842, 24 Dec 1901 wi of S.B. BUCHANAN BUCHANAN, Patrice Olivia 1 Mar 1896, 16 July 1916 dau of R.L. & Mattie A. BUCHANAN BUCHANAN, R. L. 18 Feb 1872, 1 3 June 1928 L Steep Hollow Cemetery 81 Steep Follow Cemetery Brazos County TX CARGILL, Afhie 1905 - 1907 CARGILL, George Lamont 1903 ® 1965 m 19 Aug 1925 hus of Stella Kornegay CARGILL CARGILL, Johnnie M. 8 Jan 1905, 12 Aug 1 977 'Sister' CARGILL, Lelia 14. 1885 - 1968 CARGILL, Martell 8 Dec 1910, 13 Aug 1969 CARGILL, Stella Kornegay 1905 - ® m® m 19 Aug 1925 wi of George Lamont CARGILL CARGILL, W. H. 11 Apr 1881, 14 Sept 1951 CA.RR, Newton H. 1 Dec 1862, 28 Oct 1916 CARRIER, A. E. (Jack) 28 Oct 1898, 9 May 1973 Texas Act hus of Mary Alice CARRIER Sgt US Army V4 I CARRIER, Edward Bruce 14 Feb 1941, 29 Apr 1976 A 3C US AF CARRIER, Mary Aline 2 July 1906, --- wi of A.E. ( Jack) CARRIER CARROLL, Nettie Belle 1881 4 1947 CARROLL, William M. 1877 - 1947 CLoSS, Bessie Risinger 1899 - 1935 on stone with Bertie Risinger SMITH CLOSS, Elizabeth Maye Infant 1 935 COLE, Daniel E. born & died 23 July 1880 CONWAY, Allene Ray 27 Jan 1917, 9 Mar 1917 COOK, Annie 24 Dec 1865, 1 Feb 1949 wi of Marion COOK COOK, I0 S. 10 Dec 1830, 24 Sept 1897 COOK, Marion 20 Feb 1869, 4 July 1937 hus of Annie COOK (Continued in Vol.IV,No ®5) 82 Robertson County. TX Ce 1.2 ------------- n 2pS—U 186 -Lin1Le Page 20 Precinct #1 20 June 1860 Printed #162A Post Office: Owenville W 4-1 0 Cd H -P 4A r-4 >� Q Cd rq 0 W W 0 Cd 4-� r Pq � rA W 0 (D :3 W � P 0 0 fl, P.4 Pq C/) 1 35 135 George SWINGLER 25 M Farmer Tenant 450 Germany Sarah 20 F Seamstress Ky 136 136 J.H. ANDERSON 34 M Farmer 2577 1080 Tenn Elizabeth 30 F Housekeeper go Eliza A. 11 F Texas X Frances E. 6 F it Isaac H. 4 m as Mary L. 2 F it Susan A. 3/12 F of 1 37 1 37 Barbary A. SWING R24 F Seamstress 660 Germany Sarah A. 9 F Tex Julia 1 F ea Benjamin MERREN 20 M Stock driver Ala Franklin JONES 26 Y, Stock driver Tenn 1 3 8 1 3 8 Absalom BECK 59 M Trader 2000 Tenn 1 39 1 39 William D. ANDERSON 32 M Farmer 11,250 775 Tenn Mary E. 27 F Housekeeper Ala James D. 7 M Tex Richard BRANDON 16 M Farm Laborer Ala 140 140 Elizabeth B. LOVE 59 F Farmer 5677 12,302 Va Jefferson T. 35 M Surveyor Tenn John D. 29 M Overseer ®a William P. 25 M Stockraiser Texas Louisa F. 20 F Seamstress as 141 141 William KINSEY 35 M Farmer 1400 2346 N C Elizabeth J. 3 F Texas 142 142 Elbert C. SMITH 39 M Fanner 1 95 0 7670 Miss Louisa, 36 F Housekeeper it Susan A. 16 F Seamstress as William T. 14 m 09 George W. 11 M to Mary A. 9 F La Martha E. 6 F ®a Louisa 4 F it Mirrel 2 IM Tx Linne DAVIS 67 F Ga 143 143 Barbary BILLINGTON 63 F Midwife 200 N C 144 144 Byron D. SMITH 28 IV Farmer Tenant 5 Tenn Rebecca 26 F Seamstress to Francis B. 7 Y1 TX 83 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Rage 21 Precinct #1 21 June 1860 Printed # 1 6 3 Post Office: Owenville c 0W 0Cd � ri a dl a) o Q9 4 rt � a >P, PL, .Elijah P. SMITH 4 M Texas Mary S. 2 F tt Rebecca MULLINS 70 F N G 145 1 4 5 Silas MONK 50 M Farmer Tenant 230 Ala Mary W. 28 .F Housekeeper Texas George W. 6 m 't Sarah 4 F to M F . 1' i 2 F tt Amanda S. 8,12 F of 146 146 Benjamin MONK 24 M Farmer Tenant 175 Ala Margaret F. Ma 9't 24 F a.shinwoman Texas Jo hn m M it W 3 M of John WOOLSY 26 M Day Laborer La Thomas FISHER 18 Tea °° °° Texas 147 147 Ann E. KILGORE 50 F 33 NC Anna Em 11 F Ark 148 1 48 Godwin MAXWELL 21 M Farmer Tenant 134 Hy Nie1`6Tl.na; Po 17 F S to 149 149 Dawson CLAY 3 PUS Farmer Tenant 432 Tenn Elea S. 23 F Ga Henry D. 3 M Texas John A. 1 M tt .Laura Love 4/12 F °t 150 150 Jam W . RUCKE,R 33 M Farmer 1700 4615 VA Permelia C. 30 F Housekeeper Tenn Thomas S. 5 M of Virginia 4/12 F Texas 151 151 Henry MAMIS 36 M Day Laborer 150 Pa 15 2 1 William H. WINKLER 33 M 500 440 N G Mary A. 1 F � Housekeeper Texas William He eJ Jr. .!�'d of Mary A. 1 F it 153 153 Alexander ARCHER 26 M Farmer 890 1790 Ala Jane A. 26 F Housekeeper Tenn Emily E. 5 F Tex Delia A. 3 F tt Mary A. 1 F °° 1:54 154 John LyND 45 M Farmer 609 640 Newhampshire Mary 25 F Housekeeper Texas 84 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page 22 Precinct #1 22 June 1860 Printed #163A Post Officet Owenville 0 Cd 4- 0 EO 0 Cd +J Cd ?-A r j W P4 PQ as Z � a7 0 0 P4 .1-1 0 ;5 W P4 2 4- 0 W 0 Cd a) W W P4 Pq H M 0 U) Thomas J. LYND 15 M Farm Laborer Texas Martha J. 5 F of William 4 m is John 2 M IV Melissa YOUNG 16 F Seamstress 99 155 155 John LANGFORD 36 M Farmer 1185 2280 Ala Julia A. 26 F housekeeper Ark Josephine 7 F Tex Nathan 5 M 10 Richard N. 1 M Qv Daniel KINSEY 23 Y, Day Laborer Ga John 30 M " ®® N C 156 156 Christopher C. BROAD ELL 37 M Carpenter 150 N C Mary A. 19 F Housekeeper Miss Mary F. 3 F Texas James A. 1 M e® 157 157 Newton P. RICHARDSON 30 M Phisician 3650 11,260 Ala Caroline E. 28 F housekeeper If Alice 8 F Texas Emma 6 F 09 158 158 M. A. IRBY 31 F 640 60.1.5 Ala Albert 9 M 09 159 159 Edmond ONEAL 58 M Farmer 2 3622 N C Clarinda 46 F Housekeeper S C William S. 18 M Farm Laborer Miss Lorinzo A. 15 M Student o® William R. 12 M ®® Barton E. 8 m Texas Edmund S. 5 M to J.N.B® WILLIAMS 27 M Teacher Co School Ala 160 160 Peter KING 30 M Farmer Tenn Mary Katherine 22 F Housekeeper Ala Thomas J. 8 M Texas X Mary • F ®o Martha K. 3 F Frances J. 3/12 F Empson THOMPSON 24 M Day Laborer Miss 161 161 Nelson BLATHERWICK 25 M Farmer 300 425 England Eliza 25 F Seamstress Texas Sarah J. 4 F B® 85 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page 23 Precinct #1 23 June 1860 Printed 164 Post Office® Owenvill z4z Cd U z4t 0 w 0 w -P H Cd Z P PA �i r ::s a) 0 q) :::; M P4 H H G) X 0 H Cd r--i �4 0 P 9 `V) as 0 Cd a) Cd a) � •rA 3 -4 (A 0 >- 0� a4 Pi pr) Texana B. BLATHERWICK 2 F Texas Raymond I Y IV 162 162 John BLATHER` ICK 59 M Farmer 200 625 England Charles H. 20 M Day Laborer 01 John. SUIT 24 M Farm Laborer Maryland 163 163 Riley WELCH 30 'IN", Farmer Tenant 270 S C Permelia 24 J ' ;I Housekeeper Ala James C. 4 1 Texas John T. 2 M 99 Caledonia 6112 F of 164 164 George W, SWEAT 37 M Farmer Tenant 585 Tenn Emeline 36 F Housekeeper Ala Mary 14 F Texas Margaret 12 F 1/ Martha 9 F of John 7 M Ellen 1 F 165 165 Benjamin BROWN 49 116, Farmer 11 0 3 18, 050 Ala Frances 33 F 11ousekeeper 07 George 16 M Stockraiser Texas William 13 1 Nancy J. 10 F Earl 5 M Iv Martha 2 F IB 166 166 Waddy EDMIONSON 59 M Farmer 1 950 990 S C Nancy 49 F Housekeeper if Polk 1 5 M Farm Laborer Ala Martha 1 3 F of Dallas 10 iV Texas Sam 8 M e® 167 167 John EDMONSON 20 PV1 Farmer Tenant 485 Ala Ann 20 F Seamstress Y" i s s 168 168 David PIERCE 27 M Farmer Tenant 3000 Ala Adaline 24 F Housekeeper go Alfred 4 if, Texas Nancy A. 1 F it 169 169 James RUCKER 63 M Farmer Tenant 1700 Va Elizabeth 58 F Housekeeper 3000 170 170 Nelson RUCKER 22 M Farmer Tenant 1770 SI Katharine 1 ,5 F Housekeeper miss 86 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page 24 Precinct #1 23 June 1860 Printed #164A Post Office: Willow Creek 1Z IN 40 a) C.) Cd W :4 0 Cd 36 M Farm Tenant 0 M IV: N P4 F L� 40 a) C.) Cd W :4 In 0 36 M Farm Tenant 9 IV: 7 F L� M 57 F Farmer 1.400 27 M Farm Laborer 24 F' Seamstress 20 M Farm Laborer 15 M " 19 30 M Farmer Tenant 19 F Housekeeper 3 M Farmer Tenant 25 F Housekeeper 6 F 3 F 1 M 32 M Blacksmith 22 F Housekeeper 3 F 9/12 DA 21 M Day Laborer 20 F 3 M 2 F 2/12 F 26 M Carpenter 18 F Seamstress 3 M 1 M 43 F Washerwoman 48 M Farmer Tenant 44 F Housekeeper 19 M Farm Laborer 16 m 12 F 9 M 7 M 3 M 6/12 F 22 M Day Laborer ENE M . CD C.) Cd r-4 P4 �4 . Pq Va Texas Tenn Texas Va Indiana of YA ��Mt Ga Texas G M, i s s S C La AI Texas go 99 11 miss (Continued in VOI.IV,N0.5) aRYAN CITY CEMETERY i (Continued • * • p..• 1873 Oct 21 Miss Allice JONES Lot No® 10 1874 Jan 5 Capt A. A. HARIRIS ®/ 22 28 Mrs Ella A HILL °® 22 Feb 1 Peter DROWN (ire pencil) /® 50 May 19 James SYRUS (CYRUS) gg 35 July 1 Jullien E. McCASLAND °$ 41 ®® 6 Louis WETTER at 56 ®® G. B. GO LEZ (or GO Y) // 58 Oct 25 Mrs S A SHAW /° 16 e® 19 Daughter of G E GOLEZ gg 8 gg 1 31 Mrs M. 0. DILLESSHAW 34 to 30 Episcopal / s Minister infant // 33 Nov 7 Charles H BROWN ®tl 7 Dec 1 Mr® E. D. BARNETT of 27 ®' 22 Selia ASTIN gg 44 1875 Jan 30 Dr G. W. CASTIE // 4 Feb 18 W R. RHODES ® son ®® 45 May 8 Mrs M. CLOWER gg 6 if 16 Loula Bell CHATH (sic) ®® 46 of 22 Child of R K CHATHAM to 46 Jun 14 Leonidas ERIN g6 7 Sept 13 Joshua PICO tltl 29 Nov 25 Moses RHODES gg 45 Decr 21 Maj F. O® RAGSDALE g/ 58 Lot Date Jan 1 Infant of C. S., DECK gg 24 1876 May 27 Infant of S. FORD it 16 1876 June 13 Dr T. L. FOUNTAIN gg 30 1876 August 11 Hannah R. CARY Easton gg 23 1876 August 11 Annie R. CA Y Barton of 23 1876 Annie E. SOUTH gg 62 1876 Oct 19 Elizabeth BEARD gg 41 1876 Nov 14 P. T. HEARD g s infant IB 41 1876 88' Feby BRYAN CITY CEMET Book 2 (do n°tln e ) Annie BURROWS to Black No. 2' (Continued) Lot Mar Date Nov 6 Wiley WILKE May 32 1876 January 8 A PARKER 8 18 Februy 18 W . M. WREN '® 28 187 February 21 R R RAND .E 35 1878 June 7 Mrs. L ZA ' TTr .® 25 1878 June 24 Mrs. F. J. SHELTOM ®. 17 1878 A ugu st 15 A . D. BENSON w s Stan .. 15 1878 Deer 10 Thos F MUSE it 35 1877 Sept 21 Ed SCOGINS to 1 3 18`78 End of Block No. 2 This pag appears to be a record of payments. Listed in one column ®n the page, presented herewith in two columns. Spence FORD 100 A B CARR 40 0 co.lect 250 T GRIFFITH 400 J W COLE 50 J W HO WELL 50 C B BECK 50 E LITTLEFIELD 75 S C ECO 50 McCRAW 400 c lect J L FOUNTAIN 50' KNOWLES 100 J W TABOR 11 50:, M. PARKER 50 F WETT 50 J J ADDAVIS 50 HOOFER 400 `c ollect J. F. B0 EN 50 A , PARIS 7 5 W R CARR 50 Gus H ARPER 50 K CHATHAM 100 J B REED 100 Nam es of Persons :entered in Block No. 3 Let No M T COOK Qa 9V Ea co eo o® eo ®� Let No 09 of 8g 9® as so 1 2 3 21 3 0 53 53 53 Feby 16 Annie BURROWS to 8 Robert R HALL Mar 22 0 p STAP May 20 Mrs. Elizabeth ALIG R ®n Mr CHARLTON s® to CHARLTON Oct 29 Miss Lizzie AD 0 infant of W O BUNZER. 1871 Dec 14 Rebecca, Wife of F LITTLEFIEL Feby° Jose Wif e of MERRIWET Ea co eo o® eo ®� Let No 09 of 8g 9® as so 1 2 3 21 3 0 53 53 53 On the inside of the back cover are some numbers (someone doing some calculations) and two names: Col L. A. ABERCROMBIE deed M. B, ABERCROMBIE Dead This is all of the information found in Books 1 & 2. This book has been returned to the ': Library and will be placed in the Archives of Texas A&M University. 89 BRYAN CITY CEMETERY Book 2 (Continued) (Names of Persons Intered in Block No. 3) Nov 25 Henry DRAKEFORD Lot No 42 Dec infant J S BARMOUR 4 18 73 Jan 8 Travis BEARD 9 Mar 1 Judge ANDERSON as @@ 6 Feb 26 J PALMER 8 July 31 Bettie M WILLIAMS To to 22 Oct 24 Son of Arther WORLEZ as to 6 1875 Jan 29 Zack HALL to to 3 June 10 Mrs Dicey SMITH 9V as 3 09 23 A M GIDION's infant go 90 20 July 25 Mrs E J COOPER OR as 38 Sept 18 James P ROBINSON as to 18 Intered in 1876 March 8 J HALL Lot 3 1870 June 16 Col. ANDERSON's Wife Lot 19 Block 3 1876 Decr 14 J. W. FINLEY's infant Lot 20 in B- 3 1876 May 20 A B CAR Lot 36 Block 3 1877 January 2 John A McMICHAVEL Lot 26 Block 3 1878 March 13 Mrs HASSLE Lot 40 Block 3 1878 Oct 1 3 Benjamin WORLEY Lot 6 Block 3 1878 Sept 28 William H RANDLE Lot 39 1878 Oct 26 Mrs. M. A. PIERCE Lot 41 1878 Decr A B CAR ®s infant in Lot 36 Block 3 18 Intered in Cemetr January 1879 January 10 Miss Hattie ROBINSON Lot 26 Block 3 On the inside of the back cover are some numbers (someone doing some calculations) and two names: Col L. A. ABERCROMBIE deed M. B, ABERCROMBIE Dead This is all of the information found in Books 1 & 2. This book has been returned to the ': Library and will be placed in the Archives of Texas A&M University. NMI CARR CERETERY Burleson County TX Surveyed by Narris PRALY SRINURRY, Frank 0. b 19 Apr 1909 - 13 'Apr 1 957 Texas TEC5 91 Quartermaster Co. WW II 5ROADDUS, Jane d 23 Jan 1892 aged 62 yrs,4 mos,11 days CRADDOCK, Sudie Wallin b 7 Dec 18 73 d 18 Dec 1 956 DRAPER, Ernest R. d 4 Sept 1 975 aged 81 yrs, 26 days hus of Millie A. DRAPER DRAPER, Hattie b 5 July 1860 d 8 Yar 1 93 0 DRAPER, Willie Y. b 3 Mar 1892 d 18 Nov 1968 wi of Ernest R. DRAPER JONES, A. J. d 24 Nov 1874 aged 34 yrs,il mos,i day JONES, Jennie Wharton b 1 July 1870 d 19 Mar 18 87 JONES, I. E. b 3 May 18 55 d 14 Oct 1876 NORCROSS, Sallie S. b 1 3 Oct 1896 d 19 Mar 1 933 PERKINS, Dora b 10 Feb 1866 d 18 Apr 1890 PERKINS, Flora Bell b 28 Dec 109 d 25 Feb 1924 dau of C.S. & Edna PERKINS age 4 yrs,l mo,28 days POLLOCK, Annie W. b 16 Dec 1864 d 14 June 1 93 0 wi of Frank P. POLLOCK POLLOCK, Frank P. b 8 May 18 53 d 6 Aug 1 93 0 hus of Annie W. POLLCCK POLLOCK, Moody b 5 June 1902 d 28 Feb 1919 STAPLES, Maggie 1. b 1886 d 1 977 WALLIN, Alexander b 15 July 1844 d 19 Feb 1 931 Co A 'mauls Texas Legion CSA WALLIN, Alexander J. b 23 Nov 1878 d 4 Oct 1 971 hus of Ella Janek WALLIN WALLIN, Ella janek b 5 Nov 1 879 d 8 Apr 1962 wi of Alexander J. WALLIN, James 3. b 24 Sept 18 50 d 19 Feb 1902 WALLIN, Fannie b 1862 d 18 95 wi of John WALLIN WALLIN, John b 1862 d 1 939 hus of Fannie WALLIN WALLIN, Yattie E. 1 5 Sept 1928 (no other date) WALLIN, Sarah L. d 26 July 18 76 aged 24 yrs,11 mos,2 days wi of A.P. WALLIN WORTHINGTON, Mr.& Ars. T. W. (no dates) WORTHINGTON, Virginia A.b 1 5 Sept 1882 d 18 War 1940 (Several graves with only rock for identification) al # 053 HOWELL I am trying to research the hOWELL family which moved from South Carolina to Grimes Co. circa 1859, then after a few years to Bryan. I know that there are many des- cendants of these HO4PELI,s still in the Bryan area, but with the death of an elderly relative some years ago, I have lost contact with my cousins there® Can you help with this? Mrs. E.A. PALMER, 2705 Henry, Irving TX 75062 A Note from PAGE'S PAGES Here are some further listings that you may want to explore the next time you are in the Evans Library on the Texas A&M Campus® General Works (All of the following are in the 1 1 'd4icrotext Room) EVANS, Charles, Early American Imprints EVANS collected material printed in the English colonies prior to 1800 which was later extended to 1820. Copies of these works were made on cicrocard so we have a copy of the Pay Colony Psalm Book, for example, which was the first item published in English America. These works are indexed by year® There is also a Short Title EVANS which indexes items bir name in case you aren't concerned about the date of publication. SABIN, Joseph, 3ibliotheca Americana The SABIN collection includes works about America® It is not complete. A few rolls are added each year. It is indexed alphabetically. GOLDSMITH-KRESS Library of Economic Literature Although the title indicates the material is economic, all sorts of other material is included. Unfortunately, it is indexed chronologically. American Culture Series This collection includes hard-to-find works about the United States. It is indexed by title, author and subject. The indices to the above works are on shelves directly behind the desk area in the microtext room® 92 More Notes from PAGE's PAGES Genealogical Books BAILEY, Frederick W. Early Connecticul Di'arriages as Found in Ancient Church Records Prior to 1800, (1896-1906; 1976) F/93/P16 CHAPMAN, Blanche Adams Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1647-1800, (1938;1975) F/232/I8/c6 CHAPMAN, 1lanche Adams Marriages of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1628-1800 ( F/232/I8/C6 CHAFI John A. and John B. O'NEALL The Annals of Newberry, South Carolina (1892; 1 974) z John A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England, 1620-1675 (1829,1976) F/3/F23 FARMER, John memorials of the Graduates of Harvard University in Cambridge, 1642-1647 ( !Ucrofiche C 2126 GRIMES, J. T-Iryan Abstract of North Carolina Wills, 1663-1760 ( 1 975) F/253/N86 HANNA, Charles A. Historical Collections of Harrison County, Ohio (1900, 1 975) F/ Hopewell Friends History 1 73 4 - 1 93 4 , Frederick County, Virginia ( 1 975) EX/7780/ KNITTLE, Walter Allen Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration ( 1 937; 1 976) F/130/P2/K6 PASSANO, Eleanor Phillips An Index of the Source Records of Maryland (1940; 1974) Z/ SARGENT, William Mi. Maine 'Alills, 1640-1760 (1867; 1 972) F/18/S2.4 SKORDAS, Gust. The Early Settlers of Maryland: An Index to Names of Immigrants Compiled from Records of Land Patents, 1633-1680, in the Hall of Records (1968; 1974) F/ SKORDAS, Gust., Elisabeth HARTSOOK Land Office and Prerogative Court Records of Colonial Maryland, 1 967. American 'N I Genealogical-o a hical Index Z/5313/U5/A5.5 i Set n progress, current 1 through MOSSLY. Abstracts from Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette, 1 77 53 7 - REM NDER The Third Annual Conference of the National Genealogical Society will be at the Americana Hotel in Fort Worth Texas April 13 - 16, 1 9 8 3. There is information (registration, etc.) at the reference desk of the Bryan Library. Take advantage of this excellent conference while it is so close to home: Brazos County TX Census 1860 93 Continued from Vol.IV,No.3,p.65 Page 99 Precinct #1 Post Office: Boonvill Printed #82A 3 August 1860 De of o 0 •rq 4-) 4-q - 1--) 0 U) 4-1 r 0 W 4- Cd r-1 W P4 a) 0 a) P4 4.0 Cd (1) Cd a) S-4 •,A -:4 U) 0 > 01; P, 41 ril Sarah C. CARSON 1 F Tex 73 731 John CARSON 74 M Farmer 64 30 1 2850 S.C. 732 732 James B. CARSON 34 DVI Farmer 350 Ala Jane G. 23 F Housekeeper miss Elizabeth A. 3 F Texas Harriet 2 F ®r 733 733 L.E.W. HUDSON 37 M Farmer 8 750 5900 Ark Elizabeth 27 F Housewife Ala Anson 1 3 M Tex James M. 11 M if Catherine 8 F e® Mary 3 F of 734 734 Geo. CARTER 3 M Carpenter 576 80 Tenn Nancy A. 35 F Housekeeper IT Elizabeth HOWELL 3 F Tex 735 735 John PEYTON 27 M Hand 1600 1900 Ark Emma 4 F Tex Margaret FOLLEY 50 M Midwife Tenn Josephine 16 F Seamstress f® Harry 14 Y. ®e Georgia A. 12 F go Wm. 9 M to Samantha HUDSON 5 F i® 736 736 Artilling Mc ' CULLOCK 34 F 1 50 102 Tenn Stephen E. 16 1, [, , Mailrider ®Y Phebe A. 12 F it J. W. 6 m ®® Francis 70 m S.C. 737 737 Parthenia JOHNSON 44 F Seamstress 1004 Tex Thomas B. 18 M Laborer Miss Presly R. 15 M Cow Drover ®c Charles D. 10 M o® De of 94 Brazos County TX Census 1860 Page 100 Precinct #2 Post Office Boonville 4 Aug 1860 a; es ct + _P 0 ff Printed # 89 0 co a) co a) r �q 0 Cd a) �4 �4 H _C� 0 a) (P Y) 14 Tex X 30 M cl ;-, P :laden a) 0 4) F 0 �� W P_, ill 0 Benedict CURD 738 738 Geo SIMMS Julia Ellen Michael 739 739 'olright DICKSON Mary J. Sarah E. Geo 740 740 wm. C. PRICE Lucinda L. Joshua 741 741 James B. VAUGTHT Martha J. 742 742 Geo. 1HEYFFLING Catherine Geo. 743 743 Andrew J. ORR Margaret Margaret F. 744 744 J.M.C. TRIPLETT Adelia H. William John GRISHAM 745 745 Rich Y. 1 F. W. 'rd m. John Mary Edwina Wartha Jame s "4arren Geo. Nancy hYTON 746 746 William DUNLAP Lucinda J. William Mary E. Elliott B a) 0 co a) co a) r �q 0 Cd a) �4 �4 H _C� 0 (P Y) 14 Tex X 30 M Farmer 380 1.010 :laden 24 F ill 4 F Tex 2/12 M Tex 32 fi, School Teacher 320 170 Eng 22 F Milliner .® 7 F Del 1 11V: Tex 24 M Tenant 1950 Tex 21 F Housewife Tex 2 1( IV 20 1 Farmer 350 Miss 26 F Housewife Tex 5 Y, Farmer 2600 1825 Prussia 59 F 10 25 Y Laborer it 26 Y, Farmer 1570 Ga 19 F Housekeeper Prussia 2 F Tex 22 M Stockman 2 3827 18 F Housekeeper Tex ? r"'. IV 22 141 Carpenter N.C. 47 M Farmer 2000 780 Ga 44 F Seamstress °® 26 "v! Overseer Ala 24 v Laborer of 18 F Seamstress 91 16 F it of X 14 F ®9 X 11 P " 99 X 10 M 01 X 6 m Tex X 18 F Seamstress o 46 M Farmer 2 9►330 14 S.C. 3 F housekeeper Tex 11 IM Tex X 7 F to X 5 i.". of -1 k n 95 Brazos County TX Census 1860 Page 101 Precinct #2 Post Offices Boonvill Printed # 89A 4 Aug 186o o C Q o n ® a cd -P H .9-4 . cd W 9 $4 P4 r-� d >a >-�P ° Pq n Q w o 0 Robt DUNLAP 4 M Tex Geo. 2 M 99 Maisella J. 10/12 F P9 Elias W. MORCEY 23 M School Teacher N Y John THOMPSON 26 M Well Digger 60 Prusia 747 747 Ben H. KNOX 39 M Farmer 5770 1 3, 6 75 S.C. Martha 23 F Housekeeper Kiss Geo. H. 13 M Ala David B. 4 wi Tex Luculus 3 M °® Paulina 1 F e° W. K. HINDMAN 65 Iv, lo 000 Pa 748 748 T. J. KNOX 21 M Farmer 3000 760o S.C. Edward C. 37 M Farmer 7500 11,785 ° 749 749 William BROOKSHIRE 4 0 M Farmer 5070 13,240 S.C. Nancy 50 F Tenn Caroline H. 10 F IV J. TIDWELL 28 M Overseer Ala 750 75 Andrew J. HALL 33 M Farmer 8000 6270 Tex Amy 24 F Seamstress Ky D. W. MEADORS 20 M Student /° X 751 751 Thomas M. JOSLIN 40 M Carpenter 390 Miss Susana 25 F Housekeeper Ala Louisa 10 F Miss Ann E. 6 F Tex Texana 4 F '® Thomas 2 M to 752 752 Wiley JOSLIN 30 M Overseer 80 Tenn Jane 25 F Seamstress Ala John R. 2 M Tex 753 7 53 Samuel DUNLAP 4 2 M Farmer 1600 11,080 S.C. Amelia 42 F Housekeeper ®' Mary 13 F to Mary NETTLES 62 F 8800 01 James FAGAN 38 M Laborer Ireland 754 754 Rebecca W ILLIAMS 42 F Seamstress 80 Ga Jane 17 F Of to X Stephen 16 M Laborer '@ X Pernelia 13 F ®® X John 6 M Tex 96 Brazos County TX Census 1860 Page 102 Precinct #2 Post Office: Boonvill Printed # 90 6 Aug 1860 - bD 4 0 rl co 4- Cd 0 W 0 Cd 4- i� �4 r-4 P4 a) 0 0 :Zi EQ Pi lc� 4- 0 0 W a) Cd 0) S4 -H > X - "4 Ia., 71 755 755 Hugh CUNNINGHAM 67 M Farmer 3540 4260 �S' . C Mahala 65 F Joseph 25 Y' Laborer 756 756 Samuel J. LUCY 45 M' Huckster 3840 16 S.C. Martha A. 33 F Tenn Durinda 10 F TX Lucinda 10 F II Mary E. BARNS 50 F Ga 757 757 C.M. HEMSACKER 34 M Laborer 35 S.C. Mary 3 F Nurse 91 Thomas M. 6 , v. OT Rachie A. 4 F Tex Lawrence J. 1 M If 758 75 James ''ROOKS 28 M',' Laborer 80 ill Lucinda 27 F Housekeeper Ind John A. 3 , V' Tex Geo W. 1 P4 it 759 759 W. P. CROCKER 26 Y. Laborer 50 Ala M artha 22 F Housekeeper Mo Jasper FLETCHER 18 m, Laborer Tex William HUGHES 22 Y Farmer '® 760 760 Mary D. PATTERSON 35 IF Laborer 2000 N.0 William SUGART 20 M Grocery tp Layfatte 1 3 M KY X Viantha 10 F Ga X Ann 7 F it X Texana 6 F Tex X 761 761 David L. LLOYD 26 Iv; Merchant 5 Ala Ellen 24 F Miss Samuel H. ALLKIN 25 M Grocery Keeper 2000 Tenn Elisha EDWARDS 16 M Clerk Miss Marvin MOORE 27 M Carpenter r0 Jese F. LLOYD 22 M Clerk M Wm. EDiIARDS 26 1 Tinner 620 Miss David CALLOWAY 3 M Laborer Scotland J. W. ROBERTSON 23 1 I' Tenn James F. CONRAD 23 M Va Pleasiant ROBERTSON 25 Y Tenn Matt MILLMORE 2 3 M! Ireland Ben F. MILTON 2 6 m 160 N.C. 97 Brazos County TX Census 1860 Page 103 Precinct #2 Post Office Boonvi.11 Printed # 90A 6 August 1860 C . a 4-1 4-1' CH � � 0w Z� a �� �EGP4 r-i � 0 H (da) Cdv H a b En 0 0 > Ps P4 Pl Q w Wells ADAMS 25 M Day Laborer S.C. J. M. CALDWELL 45 M Carpenter Tenn 762 762 James HOGAN 21 Phi Carpenter Ala Jesse SCHNIDER 33 M Wagoner m® 450 Tenn Eliza T. 7 F Ala Mary Jane 23 F Housekeeper miss John T. 5 M Tex Lasan (?) G 3 F William L. 1 M A, Charles TRIESH (?) 30 M Wagoner Wis 763 763 John W. HOTT 28 DPI Day Laborer Ky Susan 29 F Seamstress Mo 764 764 W. R. MARTIN 40 M Day Laborer 1175 Tenn Roda A. 38 F Housekeeper N.C. Mary J. 18 F Penn Sarah R. 17 F AA James P. 15 M Day Laborer '® Nancy C. 14 F Miss X Wm. M. 9 M Tex Betty A. 6 F ,A Jesse N. BASS 23 M Carpenter Tenn J.R. ROBERTSON 30 M Well Diger (sic) Conn 765 765 Wm. R. ELLIS 46 P1 Wagoner 1880 Tenn Mahala 45 F Housekeeper Miss Wiley C. 24 M Wagoner „ E. K 23 M Tex. Rash . 19 M La Jos.H. 18 M Well Digger AA Kezia 17 F Seamstress ,A Jemima A. 15 F it K Martha 10 F Ark X 766 766 Vim. NUTT 40 M Carpenter 350 N.C. Lina J. 30 F Seamstress Mo Araminta 2 F Tex Thos, N, HYTTON 32 M Carpenter 50 Mo Hazel W. MCKEE 40 M Day Laborer N.C. 767 767 Berien WILLIAMS 59 ICI Farmer g00 8600 Ga Nancy 59 F of Robert Thomas 29 M Carpenter AA Berrien 23 M Wagoner it e* W B razos County TX Census 1860 91 Page 10 Precinct #2 Post Office: Boonvill Printed # 7 August 1860 Z ;3 (a Pf += o Q � 0 �X >-PAPq Pq 768 768 Wilson .REED 48 M Farmer 6942 26,940 Tenn Gerogie Ann 24 F Housekeeper S.C. Willie 17 M Stockraiser Tex X William 14 M of X Elizabeth 11 F to X . Wilson 7 M _® Mike 1 M. P6 769 769 A. MOWBRAY 38 M Carpenter 1500 795 Ohio Ann 39 F Seamstress Ky Arniett 3 F Tex 770 770 Willie J. DO'_SION 39 M Farmer 11,000 168 Ga Luciella J. 27 F Housekeeper S.C. Joseph T. 6 M Ala .Lewis T. 4 M if James V. 2 M ®P Sarah J. 10/12 F T ,- 771 771 H. G. HUDSON 60 M Gunsmith 3241 3715 Tenn Elizabeth 58 F Housekeeper '® John 17 M Student 200 Tex 772 772 Albert T. JONES 22 M Stockraiser 1050 1640 Tex Kate 24 :F' Housekeeper Ark 773 773 Geo. W. JONES 38 M Farmer 1074 3310 0. Polly A. 38 F Housekeeper Ark John 14 m Tex X Cathrin 10 F of X Eliza 6 F ®. X o Henry 3 N to Cora V. 1 F ®® 774 774 B. COMSTOCK 65 M Engineer 2600 450 Conn Julia A. 40 F Housekeeper 0. Emma J. 14 F of Joseph 10 M Ind X 775 775 G. W. DAVIS 51 M Farmer 4 80 1724 S.C. Mary A. 41 F Housekeeper of John B. 16 M Day Laborer Ala X Jasper C. 14 N of X G. W. 11 M ®, X Mary A. 9 F A! , Rm. W. 6 Iv, oo X , Richd. J. 3 M _ f (Continued in Vol.IV,No.5) 99 ABERCROMBIE 89 CAR-ROLL 81 GOLEZ 8 MERREN 82 ADAMS 88, CARSON 93 GRIFFITH 88 MERRIWETHER 88 ,--ADDAMS 88 CARTER 93 GRIMES 91 MILLMORE 96 ALLEN 78 CARY 87 GRISHANi 94 IVILTON 96 ALLKIN 96 CASTLE 87 HALL 88, 89095 MONK 83 ANDERSON 82,89 CHAPMAN 91 HAN 78 MOORE 96 ANDREWS 78 CHARLTON 88 T�;ORCEY 95 ARCHER 83 CHATHAM 87, 88 HANNA 92 92 HARIRIS 87 MOW BRAY 98 ASTIN 87 CHATHAN 87 HARPER 88 MULLINS 83 BAILEY 91 CLARK 76 CLAY 83 HASSLE 89 MUSE 88 BARiN',OUR 89 C C LCSS 81 HENPFLING 94 l' cCASLAND 87 BARNES 78 r C 87 HEMSACKER 96 McC ^^mm R yy A: 8 '�aa 8 BARNETT 78 C 81,88 HILL 87 yyLLOCK 93 McC BARNS 96 COMSTOCK_ 98 HOGAN 97 lecKEE 97 BARRON 78 , 79 CoN RAD 96 HONEY 86 Ia cY'ICHAEL 89, 94 BASS 97 CON�rAY 81 HOOPER 88 SETTLES 95 BATTLE 79 'BEARD COOK 81,88 HOPPESS 77 NEYLAND 86 87,89 COOPER 7677089 HOPSON 86 NOBLES 78 BECK 82,87,88 BELL 76, 78 CRADDOCK 90 HOTT 97 HOWELL 88, 91, 93 NiORCROSS 90 T 3ENSON 88 CROCK.E,R 96 CUNNINGHAM 96 c HUDSON 93 9 98 NUTT 97 BEVERLY 79 CURD 94 HUGHES 96 ONEAL 84 7 82 CYRUS 87 HYTON 94 ORR 94 BIVINS 86 HYTTON 97 BLATHEKWICK 84, DAVIS 82,98 84 PAGE 91, 92 85 DICKSON 94 R�3 IY PALMER 89, 91 DOLMANSKI 79 DILLESSHAW 87 JOHNSON 93 PARIS 88 BOND 79 DOBSON 98 JONES 82 ,86,87, DARKEN 88 BOREN 88 DRAKEFORD 89 90,98 PASSERS 92 = BORING 79 DRAPER 90 JOSLIN 95 PN 96 BRADY 86 DUNLAP 94,95 PERKINS RKIN 9a BRALY 90 KILGORE 83 PEYTON 93 BRANDON 82 ECOLS 88 KING 84 PIi O 87 90 ��RIA BROADDUS EDb'ONSON 85 KINSEY 82 PIERCE 85,89 D DUSY 90 EDW 96 KNITTLE 92 POLLOCK 90 ' B ROAD��ELL 84 ELLIS 97 KNOWLES 88 PRICE 94 BROOKS 96 , E 8 EVANS 91 KNOX 95 KRESS 91 RAGSDALE 87 ?3ROOKSHIRE 95 RANDLE 88, PROv1N 85, 87 FAGAN 95 LANGFORD 84 REED 88,98 BUCHANAN 79,80 FARIMIER 92 LITTLEFIELD 88 RHODES 87 BULLOCK 80,81 FINLEY 89 LLOYD 96 RICHARDSON 84 EUNZER 88 FISHER 83 LOVE 82 ROBERTSON 96 BURROWS 88 FLETCHER 96 LUCY 96 ROBINSON 89 BURT 81 FOLLEY 93 LYND 83, ROSS 76 CALD4�ELL 97 FORD 87,88 FOUNTAIN 87, MADD ®� 75. RUCa�ER 8 3, 85,86 CALLOWAY 96 MAMIS 83 S.At IN 91 CAR 89 GALIGER 88 MARTIN 97 SARGENT 92 CARGILL 81 GIDION 89 MAXWELL 83 SCHNIDiER 97 CARR 81,88 GOLDSMITH 91 P+IEADORS 95 SCOGINS 88 CARRIER 81 GOLEY 87 MERIT 86 SHAW 87 100 WHERE? Index SMELTOM 88 SUGA.R,T 96 TRIESH ( ?) 97 WINKLER SImMS 94 SUIT 85 TRIPLETT 94 WOOLSY 83; SIMONS 76 SKORDAS 92 SWEAT 85 SWINGLER 82 NAUGHT 9 WOR Y 8.9 SMITH 82 83, 89 SYRUS 87 WALLIN 90 WORLEZ 89 WORTHINGTON 90 SOUTH 87 STAPLES 90 TABOR 88 WELCH 85 WREN 88 STAPPS 88 T 84, 95 WETTER 87,88 WILKES 88 YOUNG H� STRIKER 86 94ELL TIC °JPLI� 95 dILLIAM8 84, 89 , ZAN TTI 88 95,97 #1 0#00000# 0000 r r ° I I II I i i