HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.4 No.1i 1982 OFFICERS President . . . . . . H. A. MONCRIEF Vice - President . . . Mason RITTMAN Secretary . ® . . . Claudia WILLIAMS Treasurer . a ® ® , 0 . 0@ Stan CLARK Librarian . , . . Judith PEDIGO Editor . . . . . , . Mary COOPER X. 0 CONTENTS Vo`lu IV Number 1 July - August 1982 KNOW SHAT Feature Articles Page Pot Pourri 3 Robertson Co. TX Census 1860 7 Brazos Co. TX Census 1860 13 Willowhole Cemetery, Madison Co. TX 16 Bird Cemetery, Burleson Co., TX 20 Cox Cemetery, Hookerville, Burleson Co. TX 21 KNOW WHERE? Research Sources Texas A &M Library- 4 WHO KNOWS? Queries /Questions 22 WHO'S NEW? Membership 22 WHERE Index 23 X. 0 One . word about the delay in getting out this issue: In order to keep printing costs as low as possible, we waited to send you this lend of the summer' issue. In the long run, it will mean more books in our Library--and.that's important too! Hope you understand. The July meeting was a Saturday tour of the A&M Library �l led by Bill PAGE. We are indebted to him for his help and for his Guide to Genealogical Research (which we call PAGE's Pages). Supplement #5 is on pages 4 and 5. More to follow. 3 The survey of Brazos County cemeteries is going very slowly. Can we pick up the pate when the HOT weather moderates a bit?? Please contact the editor if you plan to list a ceme- teryj and if there is a small, obscure or hard to find family cemetery, please list it or contact some one with directions to the site and the name of a person to contact if we need to do that. One . word about the delay in getting out this issue: In order to keep printing costs as low as possible, we waited to send you this lend of the summer' issue. In the long run, it will mean more books in our Library--and.that's important too! Hope you understand. The July meeting was a Saturday tour of the A&M Library �l led by Bill PAGE. We are indebted to him for his help and for his Guide to Genealogical Research (which we call PAGE's Pages). Supplement #5 is on pages 4 and 5. More to follow. 3 "Names of Those Who Died of the Fever" [in New London, Conn., frm Aug. to Oct. 1798] in Holt, Charles. A Short Account of the Yellow Fev Evans Collection # 33890 Micro a t -- � -- -f 80 -- names mes Claims of the Citizens of the Territory of Kansas 35th Cong., 2d Sess, H. sc. e r i Mi Does® S er i al # 1017 D Microfiche Documents Divisi LOUISIANA Private Land Claims in Louisiana 43d Cong. 1st Sess., H. Ex. Docs. 60 Serial — Documents microfiche Documents Division # 1607 mi MASSACHUSETTS "List of Those Who Died" [in Newburyport, Mass., in 1796] in Plumme�r, Jonathan. The Awful Mali nant Fever at Newburyport, in the Year 1796. Evans Co llectio n # 316-1- 8M1 — i& - 0 — te>�t Dept. (4 Whitney, Peter. The History of the County of Worcester (1793) # 26481. Evans Collection -Mi�rotex-FD-e­pt.--- NEW MEXICO Private Land Claims in New Mexico 36th Cong., 2d sess., H.EX. Docs. 28, Serial 1097 Documents Microfiche Documents, Division NMI A NEW YORK "A List of the Names of the Persons Interred in . . the City of New York from August .1 to November 14, 1798" in Hardie, James. An Account of the Mal' Want "ever (1799). Evans Collection # 35586 Microtext Dell: -- — - New Yor City) ommittee of Health. Names of Persons Who Have Died ... of the Yellow Fever, from the 29th . of Jul, to the I T Ljr�a of November, 1795. Evans Collectioj_# 2906 Microtext Dept. Tabout 700 name - T New York (State) Legislature. A List of the Names of Persons to Wh0j_,-q Military Patents Ave issued 793)E_vans Coll ection �' 2590O Microtext Dept: PENNSYLVANIA Dallas, Alexander James. Reports of uses—in the Courts of Pennsylvania... Vol. I P 22445 Evans Collection Ricrotext Dept, Vol. 2 P 33598 Evans Collection Microtext Dept. Both of these volumes deal with cases before 1800 Only. Hogan, Edward. The Prospect of Philadelphia (a city directory) 1795 ? 28845 Evans Collection Microtext Dept. 1796 # 30571 Evans Collection Micrpte;t Dept. -ties of "List of Burials in the Several Grave Yards of the City and Liber Philadelphia during the Months of August, September, and October, 1 797" in Folwell, Richard. Short History of the Yellow Fever ... (1798) Evans Collection * 33742 Microtext "List of Persons Who Died in Phi 1 adel phi a. . , f rom August 1 st, to 'the Mi of December 1793" in Carey, Mathew. A Short Account of the Malignant Fever _ Lately Prevalent in Philadelphia. _(T7'9 Col # 26736 Microtext Dept. ( T)01 4 300 names) "Names of the Persons Who Died in Philadelphia ... from the 1st of August, to the Ist of November, 1798" in Condie, Thomas. History of the Pestilence. ---------- (1799) Evans Collection W 35335 Microtext Dept. This item is from The Colonial Courier Vol. XXVI, No. 3, a pub- lication of the National society, Daughters of the American Colonists. It was sent in by Marguerite Dana PINTHER, Organizing Regent of the Three Flags Chapter NSDAC. Designations of Cousins Have you ever wondered exactly what relation you were to your Mother ®s first cousin, or to the child of your Mother's first cousin? Recently I found the answers in my American Heritage Dictionary® A "first cousin," "full cousin," or a "cousin-german' is a child of one's aunt or uncle. A more specific definition is "a relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grand- father, by two or more steps in a diverging line." Then these relatives are placed in two categories: A - Those relatives descended the same number of steps. B - Those relatives descend- ed an unequal number of steps. (Continued on page 6 ) I — ` Allie Mae WHITLEY is listing Brazos County and Mary COOPER is listing Robertson County. We do appreciate the time and effort that goes into this listing. Would other members be willing to do some similar work in the Brazos County Court House?? Robert County TX Census 1860 Continued from Vo1.I11, No- 5, P- 11 9 Page 6 Precinct #2 Rob ertson C o. ° TX 9 J une 1 860 Punted # 168A P Offices Whee Enum. G.H,LOV � ® o 4-3 to o C v •� B� :5 ZH WP, - U Cd a c 0) w :� En ® > a > w w U) m (C ontd) Annett KILL 38 F Hous I11 Nancy J 1 4 F Tex X Sarah E 12 F '° X Ann ett W 10 F BB X Henry C 7 M B. X Charles C 4 M BB Isaac 2 M iB Jo hn L. KILLOUGH 19 M F arm Labore Tenn R ichard INGHRAM 35 M Carpenter S C 34 34 Geo F. WHEELOCK, 40 M Farmer 12, 600 4735 Ill Mary A. 21 F Tenn. Louella 1 F Tex W illiam VAUGHN 25 M Labore LA Samuel TAYLOR 25 M 'B Ill 35 35 Hen TIEBOUT 3 9 M Merchant 6000 PA Lodo skie 32 F Housekeeper Tex Franci 9 N B. X 36 36 John J. CHARLTON ' 37 X Carpenter 500 700 VA 'wilzabeth J 2E F Housekeeper KY 8 M' Tex X William G 6 M Di Francis J 4 M B® Nancy N I F BD 37 37 Randal STEWART 50 M Farmer 700 11$0 Ireland Mary 46 F Housekeeper iB James Y 22 M Labore Pa Mary E 12 F Ala X William L 10 M Tex m 38 3 Geo. W. GAY 53 M Druggist 4600 3200 N Y Cethr°ine B 50 F Housekeeper iB Gear. A. GAY 22 M Clerk 360 Ill William 19 M Tex Frances 15 F Student Stephen .e4 y Dade 13 14; BB 39 39 'A'i11i am GAREY 21. V, Labor°er 7000 100 Tex 40 40 L A. McDONALD 41 j !� -': 150 N 1. R u Reh 3 8 : Seamstress 1�S«�a iA i.:,1 OA :i a ss 4P W illiam R P 1 / M Clerk Henrietta 9 F L' BB r ,� 8 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page 7 Precinct Robertson Co. TX 9 June 1860 Post Office Wheelock Printed #16 813 b a $4 - •° C H a � 0 0 9 En 0 d 0 S.4 41 41 Robert HUDSPETH Mine 31 M Merchant � a 3410 >. 10 525 Te T Mary F 2 F Housekeeper As ° Willi M 3 F Tex L Laura A y � 1 09 42 4 2 Thomas HUDSPETH .0 27 M Merchant AB 6000 Te 4 3 43 A. G. SMITH James WITTMAN 28 M Farmed° Tenant 24 Miss Julius PARIS M Merchant 2 3 M AA 450 Prussia 44 44 Nancy SHEETS Henrietta 3 1 F Seamstress 530 450 A. 7 64 Ark John T. 14 F 1 Tex X Ge o T 2 M AA X Mar Mod. AA X Henry F 4 M X Mi riam THOMPS 7 F AA 45 45 V . 0® JOHNSON 52 M Carpenter AA '475 LA Julia 45 F S eamstre ss AA 46 46 Sam KE LLER 39 M Blacksmith 300 820\,S C Sarah Isabella 14 F Housekeeper ka Alice C 10 F T�. ,, _X Clementine 7 F Parlee 6 F William A 2 M ®® Adam JOHNSON 48 M ®® 47 4 C. BURROWS Farmer-tenant 5 Insane 150 K y Ann F 6M Ohio 48 48 John L. ARNETT 31 M Merchant 780 Tenn 49 49 C® C. HEARN 45 M Farmer 84 ,000 55,000 GA ha 39 F Housekeeper 1{ Mar E La X Chas C 11 M AA Selby W 8 M X John R 6 M AA X Millard F 4 M AA X S. HOPKINS 35 M Overseer Tex s C 50 50 John REYNOLDS 30 M Saddler 800 1200 Ty (sic J F® 38 M S e a mstress M Tex 9 Robertson County TX Census 1860 -a e 8 precinct 2 Robertson Co. TX 11 June 1860 , rimed # 169 A Post Office Wheelock 40 O 4-1 4-3 0 4 � 4 e H ® r.� P r� Cd : 0 W r-4 a 4 ( ,� 0 i J t ° Richard C. REYNOLDS M M V W 'hex X David M 3 oe Laura A 1 F ®a 51 51 Philip CHEEK 51 M Farmer 4 6,000 36,075 VA Charles ;DUCK 36 M Overseer 1 35 Miss j Fran HUBBLE 28 M Waggoner 65 nn 52 52 John D JOHNSON 27 M Lawyer 1500 9510 Ala 53 53 Charles LEWIS 40 M Farmer 22,500 42,07 Conn Adeline M 32 F Hous Ala Henry L 13 M LA X Frances ll F na X Char les C 9 M Willi C .7 M Tex N orm a 8 F to 5 54 Jahn KING 35 M Overseer 300 S C Miss - -� Mary 25 FHousekeeper Garrett, 3 M nn Jane 6/12 F Tex 55 55 Ephraim C.MATTHEWS 50 M Carpenter 2500 S C Elizabeth J 37 F Housekeeper Miss Mary T Ruth J 14 12 F F is Tex Ulee V 1/12 M to Pr iscilla RINGGOLD 70 F N C 56 56 John NICHOL 45 M Carpenter 2 3 8 Scotland to Jane _ 45 F Housekeeper Jess 16 F Seamstress to Margret 14 F of en J ane 12 F. ®® Christiana 10 F ° Robert 8 6 M F ne Tex Emily E 57 57 Nancy K. HEARN 26 F 41,100 Ala Martin A 10 M Tex X Selby A Lucia A. SELY 7 15 F F Student La Tex X 58 58 V. R. MEEKS 2 6 M Well digger Ark Martha. P 26 F Seamstress Ga \~ Mary T 5 F Tex 19 59 Joshua. McCHRISTIAN 30 M Faxon Laborer 2000 ®� wo, Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page 9 Precinct #2 Robertson Co. TX 12 June 1860 Post Office: Wheelock Enum. G. H. LOVE Printed #169B -P �4 0 ri ed CH 4J CH H >) Cd rj rA r-4 Cd P4 44 0 $4 P4 r-4 :S C-) a) :$ H H Cd 4) 0 a) : W P4 H $4 0 4 4- �4 0 0 60 60 rri 0 O (d >. cd a) 14 >- P4 P, r4 Pq Foster BRIGANCE E. M. 43 M Commission Merchant 1600 Tenn Mary ® J 38 F Seamstress 17 F it Ga William F. 15 M Student Tex Laura V 13 F Martha L 11 F James F 9M Alfred C 4 m to Catherine E 1 F 61 61 $4 Richard REYNOLDS 61 M Blacksmith 100 Itl Tenn (D P4 Nanc y Elias 61 F Housekeeper Ky David 22 M Saddler 20 M Blacksmith 09 99 Sarah 19 F Seamstress to Alexander 18 M Blacksmith to +:1 0 James M Sarah 26 M Physician 26 500 :V F Seamstress to 62 62 Julius C. ANTHONY 56 M Farmer & 5800 10,630 Mass $4 0 Mary William HOLDER 60 F Housekeeper 28 M WaggonMaker Va P4 Sam1® MAFFET 25 M of Ga 60 John FERGUSON 35 M Carpenter Unk String ARMSTRONG 30 M to of r-1 Leonidus McMURRY 21 M Waggoner 1000 La 0 John Martha HUBBARD 17 M Student 35 F Seamstress 600 Tex X Sarah 14 F, 1 Ky to Benton COLLINS 22 M Trader 2000 Tenn 63 63 Ann ARMSTRONG William 59 F Hotel Keeper 16 1350 121200 tltl SPARKS 24 M Carpenter Ky J. ELWOOD D. DANIELS 35 M School Teacher 25 M Clerk N Y to E. W. THOMPSON 35 M Laborer 1 950 La Franklin CAVITT 29 M Farmer 3000 7376 Tenn 64 64 Thomas ARMSTRONG 20 M Stockraiser 8640 7900 Tex Isabella A 18 F Housekeeper Tenn Marion C 6112 M 65 65 Mary WHEELOCK 62 F Farmer 4 500 3400 Tex ill David 28 M Constable of George GREEN 26 M Carpenter 200 Tex 4-21 �a bD o t-1 vri v 4) 0 (D 4 0 A tit h�0 En d N ni �- pt� Cd ( >- Ra •� 9Q X11 66 66 W illiam WHEELOCK 32 M Trader 5630 300 Ill .. 21 F Housekeeper Ala. t 5 F Tex ` Bruno 1 M 00 67 67 C. C. SHUMATE 33 M School Teacher 610 2010 Ga G ® A t 32 F Asst tt tt to Mary A. 9 F Ala 4 M Tex S arah S ar L 1 F to John LEEDOM 11 M to X 6 8 68 Nan R ®LEDBETTER 2 5 F Seamstress 200 Ala Susan E 4 F Tex Daniel A 2 M to Hortense 11/12 F of \ 69 69 Sc COBB 27 M Fanner 3160 464 Tenn Cathrine 25 F Housekeeper 0t Molly A 6 F Tex J ohn John L 4 M of Amanda D 1 F to Smallwood OWENS 46 M Laborer 00 70 70 A lexander GLASS 43 M Sheppard 300 Sc otlan d M ary 31 F Housekeeper tt Jane 10 F tt X William 4 M tt Margaret 2 F Tex 71 71 David COBS 44 M Farmer 1500 5060 Ala D Housekeeper to • Albert 1 � Te Mary J° 13 F tt X Stans 10 M to Roland 8 M of .X X David 7 M of Clay 5 M to Eveline 4 F to Aman 2 F to L. BUF 2 3 M Laborer Ala Geo McALISTER 20 M Student Miss X David 13 M to 72 72 J. H. COBB 2 8 M Laborer 200 S C Elizabeth 22 F Seamstress Ga 12 Robertson County TX Census 1860 'age 11 Precinct #2 Robertson Co. TX 13 June 1860 Post Office: Wheelock Printed #l70B, v ®� a� o� d H p< O N 0 O � 3 W o P Q 0 Cd 0) Cd N i4 .,A U :>a :>- ww w E 73 73 Thomas EATON 43 M Mini ster M R C 1650 2 25 0 Ill John 18 M Laborer Tex Sarah 14 F � Margret 11 F � Thomas 8 M Dan iel 6 M Eli J 4 F ®, Richard 31 M Carpenter 300 Ill '!4 74 Thomas STROOPS 20 M Laborer La Nathan W. BUSBY 24 M - 100 Alai: Sarah A 23 F Wash Woman Tenn James W 2 M Tex Sylvester 1 M of 75 75 John CAZEY 35 M Farm 1 150 1360 Ala Susan 23 F Housekeeper Ga ' William 7 M Tex John 6M #. Mary J 5 F to Martha A 3 F t o Samuel 1 M 76 76 John STROTHER 52 M Miller 900 Tenn Sus 4 5 F Housekeeper if V'itula MOORE 17 F Student Tex X Sarah 15 F A® if X Caro 10 F X Alice 6 F ,o Margret E. HUDSON 3 F o0 7 7 77 Claris COBB 45 M Farmer Etc 4720 7695 Ala Susan 46 F Housekeeper N C William L 24 M Stockminder Miss Silas 0 22 M Laborer Tex Hansford 14 M of , X John T. 13 M if X Claris 11 M of X Luthe 7, M 79 78 78 William B. HAWS 47 M Farmer 750 715 Va Mary A 38 M(sic) Midwife Ill John 19 M Laborer No W illiam 17 M Farm Laborer of James 1 3 M Tex ,\ (Continued in Vol ®IV, #2) 13 B razos County TX Census 1860 Continued from Vol.III ;age 86 Pr e cinct #1 Brazos C TX 2 July 18 Printed # 83B Post Office: Boonville Enum. G.H. LOVE o ro v bb ® w ° Z ti Cd .04 Cd En 0 �a �P4 629 629 Geo. CLARK 34 M B -Smith 100 KY Martha 21 F Seamstress Tex Sarah J. 4 F " William 2 M It G W . 3/ M °, 630 630 Jam HE NRY 57 M Farmer` 1920 7990 Ireland Jennett 60 F Housekeeper S C Emma 30 F Seamstress It Isebella J 27 F of William 25 M Ala James 23 jVj ®, Alex 21 M B0 Jennett C 17 F Cook °° 631 631 Rob M. HENRY 37 M Farmer 960 1 925 Ala Jan 28 F Ho Ireland Ann 8M Tex Jam 7 M `® Wm 6 M Cathrine 4 F ®` Caroline 2 F •• Galvin 6/12 M •• 632 632 Mary McMAGHEN 48 F Housekeeper 800 413 Ireland Wm. H. 15 M Texas Margaret 13 F '° X And J 10 M °° X 634 634 James McMILLAN 42 M Farmer 10,449 2937 Ireland Margt J. 29 F Housekeeper Ala ° Ann E 12 F Tex X George R 9 M X Wm. H. 7 M X Mary C 5 F ., Margt J 3 F Aron NESBITT 1 M 635 635 Jak R OBERT 34 M Carpenter 27,570 13,087 MS Mart 4 3 F Housekeeper Va Colum.PIGENE (Sic) 17 M Stock raisin Tex Sam H. 14 M ,° X Marth A 12 F X Madora 11 F'` X 14 Brazos County TX Census 1860 'age 87 Precinct #1 Brazos Co. TX - - P ost Office: Boonville Printed # 84 aQ 4 +3 Cd a) 0w w 00� H ,at A <H 40 P+ v � ®a ® � o EQ 0 C d Cd of � 914 P4 Ellen ROBERT 6 F William J 3 M Tex 1, James F. McCARTY 13 M 1, Jam C L RK 14 M 1, 636 636 W® W DONE 26 M Farmer T Mary E. 21 F Seamstress 1250 4565 Tex W. H. BARTON 24 M Stock Minder MS - W. T. A 17 M to Tex E. J. 15 F Seamstress of W. A. GEAVES 5 M 19 6 37 637 J. H. JOKE 24 M Carpent 1760 2250 Tex Martha E 17 F Housekeeper MS Wm. J, 6112 M Tex 638 638 Gib FOSTER 22 M St ock minder 1650 4925 Tex Eliza., a4 , 20 F Housekeeper ,/ Walter 1 M „ 639 639 G. D. FULLIN 30 M Ferryman 32 5 Ala cy 18 F Housekeeper if John D 6/12 M Tex James D. CONWIN 33 M Overseer Ala Mary 26 F Housekeeper MS Jam 3 M of Rebecca 1 F Tex William FAVELL 12 M Eng. 640 640 F. WOMBLE 5 1 M Farmer 11,190 2 2,530 N C Sarah W® 38 F Ga John E. 14 M Geo. C. 12 M ®, Eliza V. 10 F 11 641 641 Joedy NEWSOM 38 M Fanner 20,755 52,440 Ga Mary A 28F Housekeeper „ Je s se 14 M 10 Sarah A. 12 F 1, John 10 M ,1 Mary W. 7 F Tex Olivia 5 F Robert 2 M 1, 642 642 Jim BATTS Olivia 42 M Farmer 130,340 26,450 Ga 42 F Housekeeper OR Chas Je se 14 M 10 M Ala „ 0 -1� d Brazos County TX Census 1860, , 6M image 88 Precinct #1 Brazos Co. TX Mary A 5 Printed #85 99 L. GLASS Post Office: Boonville M Overseer Tenn L. L. WILSON 277 99 S C Willie BOYLES 28 �A Carpenter W D. C. WALKER 25 M Schoo Teacher Ga 643 643 T. V. WALKER 28 M Farmer 2040 30,280 Ga Vir ginia 22 F Housekeeper- Ala Jane 2 F Tex Rachie - F •� 4 M Overseer Ga Nancy 33 F Housekeeper Miss Mary 4 F Tex. C. 2 F 99 6144 644 B. F. ELLIOTT 33 M S 1375 Tenn a 26 W Q Q9 X- Ma r y C. 6 F Tex Eliz. J. 4 F` 99 B F. 3 M 99 John A. 1 M 645 645 Wm PHELPS 46 M Farmer 3675 Ga A 40 ­ 4 En O > cry / P4 P1 90 Albert J. BATTS 7 M Ala Mary A 5 F 99 L. GLASS 45 M Overseer Tenn L. L. WILSON 277 99 S C Willie BOYLES 28 �A Carpenter Va D. C. WALKER 25 M Schoo Teacher Ga 643 643 T. V. WALKER 28 M Farmer 2040 30,280 Ga Vir ginia 22 F Housekeeper- Ala Jane 2 F Tex Rachie 1 F B Thos CONWAY 35 M Overseer Ga Nancy 33 F Housekeeper Miss Mary 4 F Tex. C. 2 F 99 6144 644 B. F. ELLIOTT 33 M S 1375 Tenn L. A. 26 F Hou Ma r y C. 6 F Tex Eliz. J. 4 F` 99 B F. 3 M 99 John A. 1 M 645 645 Wm PHELPS 46 M Farmer 3675 Ga Chris 40 F 99 ¢J on A 22 , M. vv Eliz 18 M 99 Nancy J 15 M(sic) 1 B 12 M 99 G.N.A. 11 N; D . B. 8 M .9 Rich. M. 6 M' 9v Ben F. 4 M 99 (Continued IV, 2) Willowhole Cemetery of Madison County, Texas, is now a. separate publication and may be secured for $5.00 from Allie WHIT Y, 1535 Wolf Run, College Station, TX 77801. We will also continue to run it in the Advertiser as we have available space. Four pages from this volume are on-pages 16 ®19. Another Burleson County Cemetery is on pages 20421, courtesy of N® W. BRALY. Our Advertiser is interested not only in Brazos County but surrounding counties as.well. Our histories are too closely laced to craw a fine division line. Our ancestors were not that concerned about county lines or bound- aries either--as we have a l l d iscovere d: 16 Willowhole Cemetery, Madison Co. TX (Continued) FERRELL, Ruty L. 26 Dec 1,,1 (1 --- wi of George L.FE - i vy. "ERRELL, Wm. Frank 5 Dec 19?7, 27 Arr 1947 'Pather' hus of Maggie 131eile Fj�.jjp T FERRELL, Taimage 8 tan 19 10 Apl 1929 'Son FERRELL, Thomas Aubrey 4 July 1902, 18 Sept 1 .937 'Son' FOLSOM, William 'Bill' d 1.946 'Father' FOLSOM, Eva Mae d 1 939 'Pirother' FOLSOM, A.W. 5 June 1884, 24 Oct 1962 FOLSOM, C.C. 2 Aug 1888, d son Of J-E-& S.J.FOLSOV FOLSOM, Della F. 25 Feb 188 3, 23 Apr. 1946 wi of o. %j FOLSOM, Frank E. 18 77 - 1950 bus bf Yary A. FOLSOM FOLSOM, J.E. 15 Sept 1 d --- FOLSOM, James W. 'Father' Mary E. 'Mother' and children FOLSOM, Jesse Lee 21 Oct 1905, 9 'Dec 197 r. 12 1 a 1 -933 FOLSOM John L. 1877 - 1 -945 F 0 LS 0 M , Kate 6 Aug 1880, 1.5 Mar 1 968 FOLSOM, Lena Mae 27 Jan 1906, d -- m 12 May 1 933 FOLSOM, Leonard 23 Feb 1 925, 17 May - 1976 FOLSOM, Louise 2 Oct 1926, d, --- FOLSOM, Luther Edgar 14 Nov 1895, 5 July 1 Pvt Co E 141 Inf 36 Div WW I F lj o, FOLSOM, Mrs. M. M. 24 Aug 1846 y 1 1, " ay 1911 wi o A.W.FOLSOM. FOLSOM, Mary A. 1876 - 1956 wi of Frank 'E'. F 0 LS 0 N4 FOLSOM, Minnie B. 30 Aug 1 29 S ian. 1,973 FOLSOM, Noble 1902 - 1 9 1 3 FOLSOM, O® M- 1 9 Oct 188 3, Dec 1961 hus of Del la F. FOLSOIA FOLSOM, Reed R. 25 Feb 1879, 11 Jan 1911 (W.O.W.) FOLSOM, S.J. 22 Apr 1852, 7 Aug 1911 w". of J.E. FOLS01"vi FOLSOM, William J. 15 Feb 1900, 1 9 Oct 1. 976 foot marker says "dilliam Woodly FORD, A. F� 4 Sept 1897, 23 APr 1969 hus of Letha 1. FORD m 27 Feb 1915 T FORD, Edgar Lee 21 Oct 1889, �6 j uly 1948 FORD, Laura Fannie, 22 May 1892, d FORD, Letha McGILL 14 Nov 1897, 25 Apr 197� 'Mama' wi of A.F. FORD m 27 Feb 1915 FRANKLIN, Ada 16 Aug 1872, 15 Nov 18?2 c , of' �—F.& G.M.H. PRAM KLA" FRANKLIN, Emma Blount 29 Feb 1908, d -- wi George FRANKLIN Willowhole Cemetery, Mad son.Co_. TX '(Continued) FRANKLIN, George 13 Dec 1902, 12 July 1968 hus of Emma Blount FRANKLIN FRANKLIN, Mary J. 26 Nov 1877, 4 Nov 1880 'dau of B.& Mary FRANKLIN FRYE, Herman E 2 Mar 1918, 19 June 1955 Texas S Sgt 621 Base Unit AA.F WET II FRYE, Herman Elton 2 Mar 1918, 19 June 1955 FRYE, Joe S. 23 Sept 1857, 1 Mar 1940., hus of Susan C.FRYE FRYE, John Marlon 26 Aug 1892, 15 July 1974 hus of Mary Elizabeth FRYE FRYE, Mary Elizabeth 28 Jan 1897, 10 Dec 1977 wi of John Marion FRYE FRYE, Susan C. 13 Dec 1860, 6 Nov 1925 wi of Joe S. FRYE FUHLBERG, Arthur Lee 20 Jan 1920, 14 Mar 1979. PFC US Army WW II FUHLBURG, Carl A. 26 Oct 1890, 4` M4r 1961 3 Texas Pvt Btry E 77 Field Arty WW I FUHLBERG, Edwin 3 May 1896, 2 Aug 1896 son of G.A.& S ®S.FUHLBERG FUHLBERG, Gussie 8 July 1807, 17 June 1898 .son of G.A.& S. S. FUHLBERG FUHLBERG, Gustave A. 24 Jars 1866, 23 May 1' 938 'Father FUHLBERG, James 8 Feb 1873, 11 May 1959 hus of Mary A. FUHLBERG FUHLBERG, Lizzie Bell 1 8 83,- 1952 FUHLBERG, Mary A. 12 Apr 1876, 18 July 1947 wi of James FUHLBERG FUHLBERG, Mary W. 15 Feb 1878, 25 June 1938 Mother wi of Gustave A. FUHLBERG FUHLBERG, Rintie 24 June 1891,'19 Sept 1897 dau of G.A.& S.S. FUHLBERG FUHLBERG, Ruby 15 Mar 1902 FUHLBERG, Sophia S. 9 Feb 1865, 21 June 1907 °Mother° wi of Gustave A. FUHLBERG FUHLBERG, Willis A. 18 Dec 1892,_2 Feb 1.894 ` son of G.A.& S ®S . FUHLBERG GAFFORD, Jeromy Lynn 15 May 1976 (Infant) GARLAND, Alva 1884 ® 1923 GARLAND, Frances Elizabeth 1909 1977 GARLAND, Sarah Elizabeth Mathews 1886 - 1964' GARNER, Florence 29 May 1880, 30 Aug 1957 - GARNER, J. P. 12 Aug 1844,`12 May 1927 Age 83 yrs. GARNER, Logan Jere 21 Dee 1936, 1 Jan 1974 hus of Mildred Louise Texas S.gt US Marine Corps Korea GARNER :19 Willowhole Cemetery, Madison. Co. TX (Continued) I GRESSETT, Ira 24 Jan 1875, 14 Oct 1933 hus of Bell GRESSETT GRESSETT, Liz Carrot 11 July 1960, 4 Apr 1961 S GRESSETT, Willie Dearl 14 Sept 1930® 2 N 1942 GRESSETT, Willie Edgar 15 Feb 1902, 10 Sept 1979 'Age 77 GRIFFIN, Bertha J. 28 July 191q, 9 Aug 1910 . dau of L ®A ®& W.H. GRIFFIN GRIFFIN, Charley Edmond 9 May 1882,21 June 1957 GRIFFIN, Clarence H. 3 July 1905, 7 Apr 1907 son of Thomas H. GRIFFIN HAHN, Eugene L. 14 Dec 1912, 7 Nov 1954 HAHN Frank 24 Jan 1914, 23 Aug 1967 HAHN, James Roy 21 Nov 1951, 16 July 1965 HAHN, Jessie C. 15 Feb 1911, 15 Oct 1971 HAHN, John 1 Apr 1888, 13 Apr 1966 HAHN, Marvin E. 3 Apr 1927, 21 July HAHN, 011ie 28 May 1889, 3 Feb 1968 p COX, David 0 22 Nov 1853, 21 ,Apr 1926 CO ,Leona Nellie (no dates) COX, Susan M 6 O 1861, 30 Jan 1913 wi of David 0® COX COX, Tennessee Iona (no date DUNNA I, lane 17 Aug 1878, 31 July 1879 dau of J ® F.& L ® A ®DUNNAM aged,ll mos, 14 days FLOYD, WU D. 19 Dec 184 14 D ec 1903 ILBERT, Martha E. 18 Mar 1829, 7 Feb 1 870 wi of A.P.GILBERT LAM ONS, Lillie E. 11 Sept 1874, 1 Sept 1878 dau of T.J ®& M ®A ®LAMONS OWENS, Jas d Oct 29, ?°? Age 82 Co. A 1 Tenn. Inf® (J.W. HARVEY & SONS of Caldwell) FERRY, J. � 3 N 1853, 12 Apr 1886 PERRY, Josh 10 Apr 1824, 9 Dec 1905 PERRY, M. E. 11 June 1837, 21..July 1891 'RICE, Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Webb PRICE d 19 Mar 1928 RATLIFF, Sebaborn Hervey 23 Apr 1861, 28 Jan 1885 ROBINSON, William 30 Nov 1852,. July 1882 SHEPHERD, Jud S. d 6 May 1962 age 56 STOKES, Tomas L. 17 Nov 1871, 5 Apr 1 9 6 5 TANNER, G. W. 24 D 1825, 29 Sept 1891 TANNER, J. B . 24 May 1 10 Sept 1912 TANNER, Kale 22 Oct 1870, 6 Tune 1906 wi of J.B. TANNER TANNER, Martha J. 7 Jan 1827, 2 Nov 1882 wi of G. W. TANNER 2 E 23 9f4e2e t� ANTHONY 10 GAFFORD 17 ARMSTRONG 10 GAREY 7 ARNETT 8 GARLAND 17 BARTON 14 GARNER 17,18 BATTS 14,15 GAY 7 GEAVES 14 BIRD 20 GIBBON 18 BOWLIN 20 GILBERT 21 B OYLES 15 GLASS 11 BRALY 15, 20,21 GOODMAN 18 BRIGANCE 10 GOODSON 18 B UFORD 11 GRAY 18 BURNS 21, GREEN 10 BURROWS 8.' GREGG 18 BUSBY 12 GRESHAM 18 CALDWELL 22 GRESSETT.18,19 CAREY 5 GRIFFIN 19 CAVITT 10 GUNNELS 19 CAZEY 12 GUSTAVUS 19 CHARLTON 7 GUSTINE 19 CHEEK 9 CLARK 1,2,13' 14 HADDOX 20 COBB 11,12 HAHN 19 HARDIE 5 COLLINS 10 HARVEY 21 CONDIE 5 HAWS 12" CONWAY 15 HEARN 8,9 CONWIN 14 HENRY 13 COOPER 2,3,6 HOGAN 5 COURTNEY 20 HOLDER 10 COX 21 HOLT 4 CRAIG 22 HOPKINS 8 DALLAS 5 HOYACK 20 N DANIELS 10' HUBBARD 10 DUNNAM 21 HUBBLE 9 HUDSON 12 EATON 12 HUDSPETH 8 ELLIOTT 15 ELWOOD 10 INGHRAM 7 FAVELL 14 JOHNSON 8 9 20 FERGUSON 10 22 g FERRELL 16 JONE 14 FLOYD 211 KACHTIK 20 FOLSOM 16 KELLER 8 FOLWELL 5 KILLOUGH 7 FORS 16 I KING FOSTER 14 FRANKLIN 16,17 LAMONS 21 FRYE 16 1 LAKE 14 FUHLBERG' 17 LEDBETTER 11 FULLIN 14 LEEDOM 11 LEWIS 9 LLOYD 6 LOVE 6,7,10, 11 ,13 LUCK 9 MAFFET 10 MATCEK 20 MATTHEWS 9 McALISTER 11 McCARTY 14 McCHRISTIAN 9 McDONALD 7 Mc GILL 16 McMAGHEN 13 McMILLAN 13 ,. McMURRY 10 MEEKS 9 MILLER 22 MONCRIEF 2,3 MOORE '12 NESBITT 13 NEWSOM 14 NICHOL 9 OWENS 11,21 PAGE 3 PAJONK 20 PARIS 8 PEDIGO 2 PERRY 21 PHELPS 15 PIGENE 13 PINTHER 5 PLUMME R 4 POWELL 20 PRICE 21 RATLIFF.21 REYNOLDS 8,9,10 RINGGOLD 9 RITTMAN 2 ROBERT 13,14 ROBINSON 21 RYAN 20 SELY 9 SHEETS 8 SHEPHERD 21 SHUMATE 11 SMITH 4,8 SPARKS 10 STARKEY 22 STEWART 7 STOKES 21 STROOPS 12 STROTHER 12 SUBLETT 22 TANNER 21 TAYLOR 7 TIEBOUT 7 THOMPSON 8,10 VAUGHN 7 WAGNER 20 9 21 WRIGHT 21 WALKER 15,22 WHEELOCK 7,10,11 WHITNEY 6,15 WHITNEY 4 WILLIAMS 2 WILSON 15,22 WITTMAN 8 WOMBLE 14 A FAMILY TREE CLIMBING CAN BE FUN The �Leon . County Genealogical Society and the County Genealogical Society will sponsor an Everton, Family Tree Climbing Can Be Fun workshop on Thursday, October 21 at Centerville, Texas, in the District Courtroom beginning at 6 pm. Those attending the workshop will receive 6 issues of the Genealogical Helper, free refreshments, goodie bags, and the opportunity to purchase research aids and supplies offered by Everton Publishers in their current catalog at a savings of 1 5%. Best of all they will obtain first-hand genealogical direction, encouragement and valuable up-to-date information by the excellent team of Floten and Phyllis PREECE of1the Everton staff. There will be personal consul- tation as'time permits. Pre-'registration begins now until October 9. Committee members, Barbara PRICE (214) 389-4632 in Fairfield; Charlcie THOMPSON (214) 322-5 in Buffalo and Anna Lee GRESHAM (214) 536-2240 in Centerville are prepared to answer your questions. You may write to: LCGS B ' Centerville TX 75 or FCGS, P.O. Box 14, Fairfield TX 758 for further information. SASE please. Pre-registration price is $14.00, at the door $ In the event you are unable to attend, you will still receive the subscription to the Genealogical Helper. * Those attending who already subscribe to the Genealog- 'ical Helper will have their subscription extended for 6-issues. (Regular subscription price for 6 issues is $1 Make check or money order payable to Freestone County Genealogical Society. Mail to FOGS, P.O. Box 14, Fairfield TX 75840. NAME — ADDRESS CITY STATE) ZIP SURNAMES Ple ase four ' surnames being-researche ] Please indicate if you have a current subscription to the Genealogical Helper by checking here f