HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.3 No.1AUGUST MEETING :IS RACK ON SCE Z- DUI -- We've had two great Saturday- Summer 'dorkshops and have profited by them; Now we will get back to our regular Monday night. Bess GATLIN has done an outstanding job of getting excellent and varied programs. Although vialter PARSONS will not be able to present the August program, you can count on a good one -- whatever Bess brings to us. Be sure to come and share the fellowship and inspiration. ' RYAN LIBRARY Monday, 17 August 1981 7:00 - 9:00 pm Monday, 17 August 1981 BRYAN Library m BRAZOS GENEALOGIC AL ADVERTISER Volume III Number 1 j my - August 1981 740 Garden Acres Bryan, TX 77801 Elizabeth GATLIN 1501 Laura bane College Station, TX 77840 s 35 Elizabeth GATLIN 1501 Laura bane College Station, TX 77840 2 'r-- #",c# � °i'ri: aaeic # # # # #- ;°_�_# X. ;ca�tr v. e t v °a„e .;cr it e i• v.# x x_�_ e r r _ .. •. �, i. s. # is # ,r i. # # r ;. # .r # ii �Yr � a i;- is # .c r # is # # # # � :: is # # # # °�° The "BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER is an information publication of the Brazos Genealogical Association of Bryan - College Station, Texas 1981 OFFICERS President . . . . . . . . . Dorothy CLANK Vice - President . . . . . . Elizabeth GATLIN Secretary . . . a . . Barbara GREENAWALT Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . Anna HALLARAN Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . Marian GRAHA2r1 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary COOPER "i ithout Genealogy, the study of History is completely lifeless. -John FISKE- CONTENTS Vol.III No. 1 July-August 1981 Page KNO4 `THAT? Feature Articles Brazos County 'fax Rolf 1842 4 , ,°[HC' S NEW? iembership 3 KNOW ',7HERE? Research Sources Texas State Library /Archives 9 `e+HAT ` S NEW? Libraries Bryan Library 10 Texas A&M Library 12 YIHO? Pedigree Chart Dorothy Lillian BATE160 CLARK 15 WHERE? Index 20 GB `T•he `Brazos genealogical c�lld vertiser Volume III Number 1 Bryan- College Station July August 1981 Texas READY! GET SETT GO! ',lith this issue, the Advertiser is two years old 'going on three' and is really getting about the business for which it was created. This issue continues a cemetery listing, presents an early Brazos County document, reports new books in the Bryan Library, more sources in the A&M, Library, and lifts up some new and /or temporarily forgotten sources and resources. During the coming year, we hope to continue publishing Brazos County information, such as census, more tax rolls, ceme- teries, indexes from early county clerk records (deeds, probate, marriages). Those of us who do not have Brazos County roots, remember that this is where we live and these are the records that need to be preserved by those to whom it is accessible. How many times have we profited because someone in our ancestral county went to the courthouse, or squinted over mircrofilm, in order to publish the listing that helped us over another generation ?! Your Editor's recent trip to Austin pointed up very clear- ly how much we might be doing. In the Texas section I figured there were at least eighteen feet of shelf space devoted to Texas counties. I did find two items that may have taken up two inches which I could identify as Brazos County. (There may have been more that I just didn't find.) I was particularly impressed with the recent publications about Coryell County - -and we can do it, too! In September, you may receive a phone . call asking for a day to help with a cemetery or an evening to help list census. Save our calling you by calling first and saying what you are able to fit into a schedule that we already know is a busy onet Come on! Let's publish! Here are the new members who joined during our June work shop. 'le welcome them. Look over their surnames and see if you can help: SIYONS, Donald F. and Victoria 589 -2 Rt. 2, °ox 342, 3ryan, TX 77801 DeROCHE FREDERICK NELSON SI CNS FARRAR HARDGRAVES PECHIN SMITH 3 4 o N cd k U I cYl co O v CO 1 ul 00 4� 0 0 CO Vl c 1 .--i -P c d O �O Cam- u1 O O �' N O r-1 CT N O y , H r 4 fit N .-� N �p .-1 • r t' 1 .-1 N .-i .-+ .--� .-+ .-1 Q r-i r-I Ei �O 1 a-9 �•d a--0 r4 r0 r-1 r-4 O O O fly � � V1 Z —4 o o ~ -' Cd a) z r X ® o w o o -1 O +�x O+ O o O F z > c � cd � k cd o Wu o 40 4 ' D bDcd p �m -+ 4- (1) cd U a) Z U �!-. o 0 0 � ul V -4 ZO O O U Z ZZ E^+ p 4 N V -4 O J CH +- p O H t` 0 n co CD t T9 W Q ♦ 1 O 1 � c y r y l co 1 � y ° 6 � �q � /� � q t o W b O x ♦ �p {® 1 0 n W N a) •, +' Sr \D ,-4 O Lam- C?) a� °D CO O O c +) o cd H a U n cr1 c 1 n" � ® a N 0 U n ® a� q) cv1 � co ` V l ra p.. c . y o to Cd CO N O V-4 - o a [-�i �O \O co �O �O ra r O d Z N •-o Cd En H Cd a t/Z Q 4J CC EE-4 W c7 e � o o _ d v 4 `4 E H , z > U 4-4 o U W w V U U Z Z 4 W m E� O C`Y U] H w H w a H a ri c7, , ; �-1 > cf U2 E-a H W W E- U o E N Z W W U U w 110 H a H H O O W W W W C rz of x � Z Z a a p, 44 Gle co ul co �D Co cl CO co Co O1 OT N CT ON ON CT CN C` co Cl O .-r C\? W Q\ 01 O O O .-i 1-4 r-i 5 O N CO O O O �O O ul N vl' O N N \O CI- O U1 ul �p C` O CO %r O r-1 C 1 C` O Crl (' 1 H - It N O �O O O O O O O r-1 $•1 e-1 r-1 •--I. till V4 O a) �+ -4 a) S-4 > S-+ Sa L3 a) O m a) a) a) m a) b a) a) > a) > > > O m r-i O O 0 O a) o a) o r-i o r--i a) 4-� z r-i r--i r a .,-4 -., a ,, i O O O +P O :63 O +P 0 +3 > O O > $-1 s4 S4 W 4 Sa 4J s4 +) S.a 4J S: a) S4 +� �4 a) hD bL hD U $4 u cd u Cd 4D Cd z u Cd to 3 r- 0 () a) O 00 () U a) U O O a) U a) O O ZZ ZW Z Z Z E- OZ. ? E4 O t*1 C` ul O O .--1 .-I b Vl t- e-1 .-1 � .-1 � r-t Lam- N .-1 .--� •--� •-� tr1 O CO CO O � -t O O O O N N Q\ Y1' n cc ul N N N �D .--� CO U'1 Cl - ul co cr1 f•1 t'1 e-I �ti ul N N C` O C�- CO \0 O CD cc O O O O N O C� H H r- ri H v1 N H V V CO O O O O O ON j n N N N\10 e cr1 CI- �D C1 C 1 ('1 H r4 CIN C1 \O \O �O CT1 N r „i CD N N u1 vl co 1C -+ u1 ul V1 N , V N CIA �p O Cam- CO O cc cc t v 1 N O O �' O N a -' CO '. a- r - e 4 N 1 Co o m cd W m o cd to P? ::5 a •'-I - (1) s~ cd S-1 m ti c� s; m 4 r-q m .-1 m m�C o Z U , CH r O' E O X ,--1 O H d ti O ,� �, v •tea a v w x - 1 cn E-+ r 1 } W W U2 4-r E-+ Q E-+ U1 -U? U2 U U W O r 4 Z r w Q a ❑- r I Ei E- a a a x ¢ r D W W W I I E-+ U 2 W L W W 0, P, E. CJ E-+ � 1 cz tx tz a t t ,n u� v� w U2 to - cn rn cn u1 cn > \D C- CO Q e--I N cr) j V1 C` cc O\ O O O O O O O O w r-I ra -4 r•U H i-4 r-4 v-i a--1 N N N N e-1 .-i r r--i .-t r1 - V-4 e-4 . e q H .--1 - .-i r-1 4 H .-4 4 .-4 r H r4 6 � , -P Cd u` C- Or, O ri Cd r-i a °E." Q 1 0 �L4cz O r- 0 N ,-4 N O tin O 'll O fZ 3 I H w M N CO O e- 1 +� S+ C- O O Co F a -:4� r- .14 j H tic o IV O I >j �z 1( a) m N ea N y S C1 4� CU r-+ v 4 .-+ .-+ .--� aH cz 0 co >� L� H' \O a O 0 O X E+ -P c O C` 4-� p Z y U O L N c r 0 V, ON 0 O Cd Co o -C z-4 N ,-4 N O tin O 'll C` N CO N CO O e- 1 C \O C- O O Co O N N r-1 Cat N ea N C1 r-+ v 4 .-+ .-+ .--� •� e-+ .-+ 0 \O O O c O C` 4-� p ai c r 0 V, ON Co 0 z� o o � °O H a H i x Q) Cd a �> � p� + za) � + +� �4 +' r-4 U co 3 z z Cd cd o 40' M o UL1q a) �y U 0 0 0 0 Cd s v1. e e v N R� r-i PQ N . r4 . O O O O co ul N O O O l \40 (n t Co C` CO O O �-4 �4 c h Ul era Zt2 tit'1 .-d r-1 to CT A >a A .-i �4 cY1 a3 0 1 1� N ..z E PP O O O N O Crl �O C` a C` 0 O c- c- V � ON OIN cn d O O O m Ln .� CS C~ O O N N \D cn C- L` O Ld r� cn r-+ U) .-o O Ul 1 a a a a s U U U U U O u'1 CN CO O C ` �i N J N O \C O \O O O c O C` p 0 V, ON Co Cd Cd s vn� cd ci o O C!] O s S 4 �-4 �4 h •-i Cd Zt2 ti Ra O Z O A >a A �4 c a3 0 1 1� Cd ..z E PP O O O 0 0 W U) U) O 1 a a a a s U U U U U O N N N a N (n Cn c'1 C1 n Cn cl'� Cn C'1 (n -� .-+ T-4 .-4 .-4 r+ � .-4 .-4 ,-, .4 V-4 �4 .-4 .-4 t-+ .-4 .--4 '-, J a Received a phone call from Anahuac saying they are planning to have ter. 3RENER for Saturday 22 Aug. 1981. Anahuac is in Chambers Co. (between Baytown and 3eaumont) Registration will start about 9:00 and they are meeting in the Court House. As you know, Mr. EREMER has so much to share that you can go to Anahuac and hear a lot of new things that you missed or that he didn't say when he was here! Hope some of -, you can attend. 4 +3 z a CO M 0 j a) r+ M - ,� to U H b.0 a) x +, >e cd �Z� o �4 0 v to (3) m C 0 E-1 N W Cd 4 S-+ p 4- U H E-+ Uz �4 W Q, �4 0 a,1 Z U N 0 a) m E N cd U U X a) .0 —4 td m M m 0 a) 4 + x O 34 x C +- N a) H W4 C 3 o v Ea) ts rz � Cd U) v W W O -rq .. S-+ ? E � O Cd ,C H —4 O.r i O a) rO 4D - �4 a)1 O > OI 0 0 +� 4-11 U O E-+ S-4 Co -' H O E-H ' Z Z :7 Cd x Z 7-4 Cn Z r-( O� x ?C 4- > 0 M cd M ? �} E-+ 0 -ri Received a phone call from Anahuac saying they are planning to have ter. 3RENER for Saturday 22 Aug. 1981. Anahuac is in Chambers Co. (between Baytown and 3eaumont) Registration will start about 9:00 and they are meeting in the Court House. As you know, Mr. EREMER has so much to share that you can go to Anahuac and hear a lot of new things that you missed or that he didn't say when he was here! Hope some of v� -, you can attend. � CO n N of CO M 0 j a) r+ M - ,� to U a) x cd �+ ON v to :d tzo �4 C p 4- U H W Q, �4 -;3 a,1 Z U cd E cd - 1-1 0 r $-4 o a) S 0 a) m cd U U X a) .0 —4 td m M m 0 a) 4 + x O o) x C +- a) H W4 C 3 o v Ea) ts rz � Cd U) Q) W W O -rq .. S-+ ? E � O Cd ,C H —4 O.r i O a) rO 4D - �4 a)1 O > 0 0 +� 0 Cd O - U2 0 �4 x ,C -i - - (1) E 0 O W cd x U O E-+ S-4 Co -' H O E-H ' Z Z :7 Cd x Z 7-4 Cn Z O (Z' h E+ C7 U 4- > 0 M M ? �} W I — i WWZOWW W>U1��M > CIO - 0 -ri 0 b x zx7�7- 0E -4 ZE- 4xHC C:7 =rxxa(4 w b; Cd 9< 0E c)0CCxN>+xx�--lxxC7 42� > spa, Cd 04004a444oaWw�Www¢00 0 WE M a +� �4 P 0 0 a) a) 3 O UZ - -P H Vl .-1 ° a t� H ccNOQOC`00n \,o3000 0 a ro >> O Vl O O N N Vl r+ C` -4 CO N N \O Q) �. O V1 C`-� N t*1c'1Vl N--t N C'1 c'1(r1 h C O Q) a r-1 a U2 a) -�t \O O e I' O O Cam- c0 N CO � O O Co S+ N O C`Oj 0 N V N C�� -t 4 n\o q Z:� ONE n\c \O D- Z W 4 .--1 .- I r-+ � .-i � N _:t M O a) H r-I \O CO N t� N W Cd .r.{ = 4 \40 O C P4 H .--� - t \D r+ r��� V�1C v� a 4 � CO n N of CO M 0 j a) r+ M - ,� to U cd �+ ON v to tzo �4 C p 4- U H Q, �4 -;3 a,1 Z U cd E cd - 1-1 0 r $-4 o a) S 0 a) cd U U X a) .0 —4 td m M m 0 a) 4 + x O o) x C +- a) M w z P+ 4-4 a Cd _4 O 0 4D S 4 hIf- c C 3 o v Ea) ts rz � Cd U) Q) W W O -rq M N S-+ ? E � O Cd ,C H —4 O.r i O a) rO 4D - �4 a)1 O > E-I C +� 0 Cd O - U2 0 �4 x ,C -i - - (1) E 0 O W cd x U O E-+ S-4 Co -' H O E-H ' Z Z :7 Cd x Z 7-4 Cn Z O (Z' h E+ C7 C/) U) Cd 0 M M 0 W I — i WWZOWW W>U1��M > CIO - N b x zx7�7- 0E -4 ZE- 4xHC C:7 =rxxa(4 w b; Cd 9< 0E c)0CCxN>+xx�--lxxC7 42� > spa, Cd 04004a444oaWw�Www¢00 U1 WE a = =ra14�nPO U UWw .=%X - 8 S & Town Lots Assessed in Brame }„,+ O N n41. yisRe`�.r uouncieS Brazoria Co. Under Title By Survey Acres Dol Acres Dol MIILLIC.AN, D adum 3498 1749 WALKER, Wm. C. 4605 2302 177 88 ON- 0 L11 O r N 9\ u1 N N C` VI CC O Cl- Cl- 0 C N N (ON a V4 \O �• n Cam- r-4 v-4 -:t -'.t V-4 V-4 C --.t N .-a \0 c\t N c co O N +a c x O U c� w +� OOO to cd V V� V z > N O •r•A O � U � a � +� M +' +, +3 0 m •�. bo c�.r? rn . L- Ln co. V1.0 O •-q >� O O \D \O O cn n ON N N O Q n' !` e-d Vl Cam- '4 nn O > N `--� c\2 r - 4 • O {!2 O r f .a CO N \D cr1 G'\ f' S-4 0C\ ''n OOC` U + n G O r1 r-i \O O N + O 00 Vl O r-I Sa M co ri m - d Sa O O Q - 1 0 D LJ «i ef, cr) N O ( Cd cz M � M a) - OH fM Z r- + .�" C � r4 Z r-1 C U •� G O O Z •r-i .O O Z r 3 G o E. s� G a) m C\I Q H 4--:' --t ZZUWU �W Sa co - 'd 4 r- r- r- wwwc7caa4 Q4 �- »>xxa� -44 aaa x 0 O 000 -t-;4" W -4 40 a 4 E z C4 a ON- 0 L11 O r N 9\ u1 N N C` VI CC O Cl- Cl- 0 C N N (ON a V4 \O �• n Cam- r-4 v-4 -:t -'.t V-4 V-4 C --.t N .-a \0 c\t N c co O N +' r i •H O Cd 0E bO a �Qx •r� �a� �- +wwt -+ NE - � 3 O CQ CC) n ON ing in O r-1 O + E-+ E •z a F= I a U m Cd I o x X 3 9 rJ P. j eatcs? , Jcitrce.4 The Texas State Library in the Archives Building in Austin has so many volumes and microfilm reels, it is impossible to tap ever_ a small part of the information available. Every visit some new'source or resource is found. On a recent visit, the fol- lowing set of books was found in the biography (family books) sec- tion of the library. It will be worth looking into! Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy by 'William Wade HINSHX4 There are six volumes giving births, deaths, marriages, dismissals etc. from the beginning of the group through nineteenth century. Beginning dates are given for some of the groups to give an indi- cation of the scope of information. Volume I covers North Carolina; Volume II is primarily Pennsylvania _(1682), also includes Salem NJ (1676), Burlington NJ (1678) and Fall PA (1683); Volume III is New York from 1672; Volumes IV and'.V were Ohio beginning about 1785; Volume VI is about Virginia. Caution: Don't mark these off with "Mine weren't Quakers" until you have checked it out. That long ago, you may be surprised to find one of yours in the Quaker group. Some were listed as being dismissed because they married out of the group. Look it over you never can tell! Another resource we often forget is the room with vital statistics: birth and death records from 1903. A special reminder: there are also records there of Delayed Birth Certificates going back into the 1800's and into other states. Remember? `,then Social Security required proof of birth date back in the thirties, many delayed birth certificates were issued and recorded in the county where they were currently living. The State Library is open Monday through Saturday 8:00 - 5;00. It is well- arranged for easy access and the staff is so helpful. Xn o w 00/e 2 e 2 Allie WHITLEY can tell you that you get a lot of help in the Archives section, tool She needed a reference out of Sam Houston's papers and also out of a paper, The Texas.Republican published in Marshall, TX in 1860. One of the assistants helped her find the references and arrange for copying. The Archives also has military information on Texans in addition to housing original papers for Confederate pension applications. There is also a collection of 'old newspapers in the Arc Archives and others on microfilm on the third floor. Check on theml The Archives are open only Monday through Friday 8:00 -5:00. Your Editor EN WIZ Cl tv Nan ROSS, Reference Librarian of our Bryan Library, has sent us the listing of new ,books recently received for the genealogy '~ room. We appreciate the work Nan puts into this section of the library. (Incidentally, have you heard that the doctor has pre - dicted twins in Nan's future? Very best wishes to you, Nan!) GNL Ship Passenger Lists Marvelous! Coming out with a biblio- graphy and supplements. By last name, then first, gives date of immigration, place of immigration and number referr- ing back to source. GNL Ship Passenger Lists: National and New England, 1600 - 1825 325 Passenger lists compiled from original lists, books and articles. Indexed by last name, then first. Index of variant surname spellings follows index. _ GNL Ship Passenger Lists: New York and New Jersey, 1600 -1825 325 As above. Includes New York naturalization papers. GNL Ship Passenger Lists: Pennsylvania and Delaware, 1641 -1825 325 From original lists, art ic es, books and minutes. Indexes: ship names, place names, personal names and variant surname spellings. GNL KIRKHAM. A Genealogical and Histori Atlas of the United 910 States of America By no means definitive but certainly helpful in showing everchanging boundaries between states and counties. Some towns. Also contains: an 1884 index to cities and towns;" of historical.events, lists of first /early settlements of states /territories, general historical information for each state, date when last county organized in each state. Bibliography. GNL The KITTRELL Journals The Journals of Dr. Peasant Williams 929.2 KITTRELL written Un Texas, beginning March 1854, ending 12 February 1868. Covers Madison, Houston, Robertson, Leon, Ellis, Polk and Walker counties. An excellent look at day- to -day life in Texas 1854 -1868. Indexed. GNL KIRKHAM. Our Native Americans, Their Record of Ger_e alogi 970.1 cal Value. Volume I. Lists Indian records which follow an outline of having names (Indian /English), age, sex, rela- tionship and identification with documents. Sources include Federal Record Centers, tribal headquarters, historical societies, and the genealogical holdings in Utah. Chapter 1 on how to use Indian records should be invaluable! No index. GNL CLARK. Loyalist in the Southern Campaig o f the Revolu 973. tionar 'rear. Vo ume I: Officia rolls of loyalists re- cruited from North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. Derived from military records in the archives of the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Read Preface. Indexed. GNL 3REJER. Alabama, Her History, Resource '114'ar Record and 976.1 Public Men from 134 to 1072 Classic history of Alabama, � >, 11 New Books in Bryan Library (cont her counties and civil war regiments. Index of names. GNL CLAIBORNE. Mississippi As a Province, Territory and State. 976.2 Classic history of the state of Mississippi's early history reprinted. Indexed. GNL McDONALD. Brazos County Bar Association in 1936. History 976.4 of the local bar association, its members and the practice of 1 J.T. McDONALD, Sr. Excellent local history. Not indexed. GNL Old Northwest Texas. Volume 1-3: Navarro County 1846-1860. Early History of the county, colonies, settlements, roads, post offices, churches. Population schedules of 185 and 1860 census. Indexed. Covers volumes I-A and I-B. GNL SCOATES. 1850 Census, Brazos County, Texas. Margaret 976. SCOATES, one of our association members, transcribed this from the microfilm. May her name be bless6d! Transcription Indexed! GNL BOGLE. Cherokee Nation Births and Deaths, 1884-1901. 976.6 Indian T7r_F1_tory records before 1907 are quite scarce so these records taken from two newspapers, The Indian Chief- tain and the Dail Chieftain should prove invaluable. Read the introduction. Alphabetically arranged by last name. GNL Checklist of Missouri State Publications 1979. Publica- 977.8 "ions issued by the state in 1979 and copies housed in the state archives. GNL Checklist of Publications Relating to Missouri Counties. 977.8 Also Supplement One. Volumes, pamphlets, etc. the state archives hold on history of various counties. Marvelous! GNL Guide to County Records on Microfilm. Missouri State 977.8 Archives holdings existing on microfilm. By county. GNL Historical Calendar of .Missouri Events. Calendar form. 977.8 Brie f bitsof history. GNL Missouri's Public Domain: United States Land Sales, 1818 - 977.8 1922. Again from the holdings of the state archives, a history of available land records. Invaluable for tracing families across the state! Nan'also called to remind members that she has collected various forms as samples in case you need something in a hurry, or want to see what is available. She had placed a set at Kinkols, but these seem to have been cast out with the remodeling that they are doing now. If you need some forms, check with Nan at the Bryan Library or with Dottie CLARK or Mary COOPER. 12 Bill PAGE's Pages on Genealogical Material in the Texas A &M Library have been so much help. First of all, just encouraging us to know that there is a lot there for us. Mr. BREMER repeated that message in his presentation to us in June. The Pages are not yet available for purchase, so the Advertiser would like to print another group of material that may not have been used as much as it could be - - old Texas Newspapers. (Newspapers from other states will be printed in the next issue.) The newspapers listed are on :microfilm and available in the Microtext section of the Library on the second floor. There is a printed listing and they are also a part of the card catalog that is located in the microtext section. The other major advantage is that there are sufficient readers so you don't feel you are depriving a student of reading time. If you have any questions - -askt They are very nice and helpful. Abilene Abilene Reporter Jl 26 1888 - D 21 1900 Microfilm /N/531 t Taylor County News Mr 20 1885 - Mr 249 1899 Microfilm /N /532 Austin Austin Statesman. J1 26 1871 - Microfilm /N/535 Daily 'Bulletin N "27 1841 - Ja 18 1842 Microfilm /N/536 Daily State Journal F 1 1870 - Ap 2 1874 Microfilm /N/537 Southern Intelligencer N 19 1856 - Je 6 1867 Microfilm /N/538 Texas Sentinel Ja 15 1840 - N 11 1.841 microfilm/N/536 Tri- Weekly Gazette D 3 1849 - Ja 13 1873 Microfilm /N/539 `Seekly Texas State Gazette Ag 25 1849 - 0 19 1878 Microfilm /N/ '- Beeville 539 Beeville Bee My 27 1886 - D 24 1913 Microfilm/N/542 Bellville Texas Baptist 1855 - 1861 Microfilm /N/533 Texas Countryman J1 28 1860 - 0 29 1869 Vol 1&2 Microfilm /N /419 3razoria Advocate of the People's Rights F 22.1834 Extra 2. 27 1834 Microfilm /N/545 Brazos Courier D 3 1839 D 22 1840 +licrofilm /N/536 &: N/545 Constitutional Advocate and Texas Public Advertiser S 25 1829 - July 1833 Microfilm /N/545 The People Ap 18 1838 Microfilm /N/545 Texas Gazette and Brazoria Commercial Advertiser J1 23 1832 Microfilm /N/545 Texas Planter Jl 28 1852 S 20 1855 (Inc.) Microfilm/N /545 & 547 Texas Republican Jl 5 1834 - Mr 9 1836 Microfi1m /N/545 Brenham Brenham Banner (semi- weekly) F 28 1871 - D 24 1875 Microfilm /N/551 Brenham 3anner (Ieekly) Ap 1877 - Dec 1912 Microfilm /N/551 Brenham Daily Banner -Press 0 1 1913 - D 31 1919 Microfilm N/551 Daily Banner 0 5 1875 - Dec 1913 , +microfilm /N/551 13 Texas A &r•1 Library - Old Texas newspapers on Microfilm - (Continued) Brownfield Terry County Herald - D 11 1903 0 29 1954 Microfilm /N/554 Brownsville Brownsville Herald J1 4 1892 Je 29 1901 Microfilm/N/555 Ranchero ( Place of publication varies and has included Corpus Christi, Texas, and Matamoros, Mexico) 0 22 1859 0 20 1870 Microfilm /N/556 Bryan Bryan Daily Eagle D 5 1895 Microfilm /N/557 Bryan_ Weekly Eagle 0 24 1889- 0 16 1890; N 15 1894 - S 15 1937 Microfilm /N/557 Canyon Canyon News S 19 1901 - S 30 1910; Ja 6 1927 - D 28 1955 Microfilm /N/55 Carthage Panola Watchman Jl 2 1873 D 21 1904 Microfilm /N/417 venterville Leon Pioneer Je 9 1852 - Je 13 1855 Microfilm /N/418 Clarksville Northern Standard Ag 20 1842 - Ap 22 1848; Ap 29 1848 - Mr 26 1853 Microfilm /N/559 Standard Ap 2 1853 D 6 1888 Microfilm /N/559 College Station Battalion D 1889 - Microfilm /N/560 Columbia Democrat and Planter 0 18 1853 - 0 22 1861 Microfilm /N/562 Corpus Phristi Corpus Christi Caller Ja 21 1883 - Ag 21 1914 Microfilm /N/564 Corpus Christi Caller and Daily Herald Ap 8 1910 - 0 17 1917 1 ilm /N/564 Corpus Christi Star S 19 1848 S 8 1849 Microfilm /N/565 Nueces Valley Ag 27 1870 D 26 1874 Microfilm /N/566 Dallas Dallas Herald D 8 1855 - D 3 1885 Microfilm /N/571 Dallas Morning News 0 1885 Microfilm /N/572 Fort Worth Fort '4orth Democrat Ja 25 1873 Je 30 1882 Microfilm /N/574 Fort Worth Gazette Ja 2 1883 - Ap 30 1896 Microfilm /N/574 (Boxes not marked Gazette) Galveston Civilian and Galveston Gazette 0 19 1838 - 1858; 1868 - 1871 Microfilm /N/577 Crisis S 3 1860 :Microfilm /N/577 Galveston Daily Advertiser F 26 1842 Microfilm/N Galveston Daily News Ap 19 1842; F 21 1865 - D 31 1900 (m) Microfilm/NI/580 14 Nan ROSS received• a commuriieati'on from General Services Administration, National Archives and..Records Service, "Jashington, D.C. The interlibrary loan program has been consolidated.in.- F .dorth.. This Fort , Yorth Archives .Branch -is currently providing 3 .•af- -filnr° each month by interlibrary loan,. and the vol- ume i.s steadily increasing. The letter further states: 'Budget and - "staff ng cuts affecting-the.-National Archives this year and in FY 82 are having a severe impact on many of its programs. During this two year period, we must absorb a reduction of approximately 10 percent funding for our program activities and the loss of the equivalent of 339 full - time positions. These developments force us to torsi -. der reductions in numerous programs and to seek alternative methods for delivering services, including the interlibrary loan of micro- film. 'The interlibrary loan of microfilm is a service provided without charge to participating libraries and their patrons. How ever, if we are to continue. thi- s- service, requesters `viii eper- ience delays,..., .._ Nan wanted you to know, when you ask for film on inter - library loan, the delays are going to be greater,, and there's nothing she /we can do about it1 _, - •...## 3' c# i' c## a' e#- �### ?5�E# �k- �•,#### �- # # # #;f #- itit- #`f #�c # #rc # #,it c?;•z # # #3E ember Robert McJIhTON shared another communication with US. From The university of Texas at Arlington comes a very inter =­ esting announcement. "Continuing Education of The University of Texas at Arlington and Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris, Ph.D., C.G., F.H.G., F.S.A.Scote, F.S.H.S., F.A.H.C., F.A.S.H., F.A.S., Genealogical and Heraldic Coordinator for Continuing Education, have prepared outstanding Genealogical, Heraldic and Historical Programs for 1981- 1982, which have been titled "1981 - 1982 -The Year For Genealogical And Heraldic Celebration" in addition to four Courses which will be presented by Dr. Morris. "These very special presentations have been inspired by an all out drive by The Greater Metroplex Council For Genealogical Research to es- tablish a Chair of Genealogy, leading to a degree, at The University of Texas at Arlington with the ta=rget date for the dedication of The Chair in 1983 during the National' Genealogical Society & Fort Worth Genealog- ical Society, Fort Worth Conference." The Second Seminar/Workshop will be presented by Mr. John_Frederick Dorman, B.A., M.A., - Fellow, American Society of Genealogists, Presi- dent, for Certification of Genealogists, Editor - Publisher, "The Virginia Genealogists" Author - Compiler of numerous books of genealog ies and publications which includes 41 volumes of "Abstracta of'Colo nial Virginia Court Records" and 29 volumes of "Virginia Revolutionary Pension' Records," on August 21 -22, 1981 at The University of Texas at 15 F : Arlington. He will be the speaker at the Banquet on Friday, Aug. 21, 1981 following the Win and Cheese Reception honoring him, with the all day Seminar / on Saturday Aug. 22, 1981, when he will present the following four lectures: 1. "Introduction to Research in Virginia. 2. 11 "Jills and Estate Records; Court Orders." 3. "Deeds, Land Patents, Tax Records." 4. "Vital Statistics, Church Records, Military Records." Price for the two days is X28.00 per person plus $12.00 per person for the Wine and Cheese Reception and Banquet. If you are interested, registration Form will be available from Nan ROSS. C.E.U. Credit and Certificate will be awarded to each person completing each Course, Seminar / 4 dorkshop and in response to pop - ular demand Book Dealers /Publishers and their displays will be at each of the Seminars / trJe have an exciting agenda of Courses, Seminars /4orkshops prepared for 1582 and a special letter with complete coverage of each will be sent in ample time to register for them. before January 1,- 1982. (Check the bulletin board in the Bryan Library.) !,L / )� - -- - - -- -- - f' (jf *� ! P P ( t, > ll ev Dottie CLARK has done a lot of hard -- beautiful- -work getting her pedigree chart ready for publication and placement in the Library. Hope this inspires other members to do thou likewise! Dottie's Pedigree Chart is page 16 which begins with herself in the first position. Her extension, beginning on page 17 places her great grandfather Ashley Lucien Sampson as number one since that is the line that she has researched most completely. Dottie has also prepared the file cards for the Bryan Library and when you see how many names she has you will know how much work she has put into thisi3 Again, does this inspire some other members ?? The card file is only going to be of value to us and visitors in the Library if we all do the same thing. Remember, the card is a 4 x 6 with the surname (only, one surname to a card) at the top given names, places and dates as you deem necessary. Your name and address at the bottom of the card could be a return address label, but be sure to add your phone number. Row about making this an August project ?? O S- O Q r-� cd cd 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° o o ^[ c o o <. o 4 o o •� co o 4 d CA m d '0 '0 9 -0 c 0 o aO �O t.l qO O� OlC cis C. T� �•C . C � A M C � w •� 'y C OU Z r" 2 OU oU OV z f �*i� ri V �'•. e , O c .nC O e U O aU �r •� . O ;V G eV 'e °G. eV (;u G ��z .. C aU .G: a . 00 ov > ... C �•:,.. oU 1 4cr o . �z v z z z O z �z z z z a . Q C4 L3 6.. z z — Q a H O � E aq O On � cz , -r � LJ1 O c*1 •ri q r-1 C\ ri y-% r-i . �-1 O O cd •� O Q tJY cd O (1) r N .• q O Cy •.t C > Cp , 1 U O •+-d rz C'1 O C` cd C7� or+ CSj w ul �1 co O "-4 ;Z0 `� O • A z ° ' - + .-� z� r c o u1 ° to q r - ( ' .Z O T q coca] r+ zC0 3 .-i O ri 2fl0 O [T "n •r+ ° O CLt •r-i ° ° b a-1 ° E ° Q ° . ° =0 °H •` U co $a, t �r 8 , Tr • r1 L • mp.{ r7 W .e • 1 (!I L L • O O TI O •-+ w Ga tti W cr a �. v O !•+ C) r cd cd cat Sa x �!] ( O d ak4 — Cs` E + Cu ti O q w U rl O cd . C C� h X U N G� L� E '.�. • cn h: W CQ C�\o Q LCI H cn (\t 0 O (so e®4 c` a d a c 8 �+ Q � .6 d i E-4 q d d d 4 a s Is a3 a s 'd CL' a .a A a E d d ri a 2t c ti a ^� .6 U a 4 a a .c d 8 d z A A V d • e; 0 ca Ct5 Z u1 q r-i Q \0 C- E-4 O m 4J C CO r+ W U w O r; a0 u1 q \O • N� a ^' l -�0 - 3 t� -ul q CT ,c ' o 'LS ra z ` S.+ O r9 ... � 0 n la) • p .��-4 " +- `o . O m,q 4 41 ZE d 4-I U O s O .� w a° C\ � x �a m W N �N� a v a d E C14 d o d a e� cs U d 8 d ei, . o ti d a t .. - E •� to •.-� z. ai r✓ cv _ o e C\j 0 a z o� d L s = m Q os n--t O O + r O\ Cti c\2 rl�' •r-q C7\ ., zCT �v X r d — O U cd CO � S•a O F } — � kappa i�d t3 Q c'J 4 i a ti p C � En m w g d � a E. �oc o O O to r, a v) -4 . a ---4 C N �, ° x U -N asi - H 1-4 a C. E w a ¢ z v rf o d cm O S- O Q � Pedigree Chart Dorothy Lillian BATEMAN CLARK (Continued) To find the father of any person listed, double the number. Each man's wife is the following number. (men are even numbers; women are odd numbers.) I F 1. Ashley, Lucien Sampson BATEMA14 2. Alvin BATEMAN 3. Flora SAMPSON 52. Thomas MERRILL 4. Luther BATEMAN 53. Judith KE NT 5. Ruth CURTIS" 54. Orlando BAG 6. Daniel SAMPSON 55. Sarah ANNIS 7. Betsey GILBERT 56. Joseph GILBERT 8. Thomas BATEMAN 57. Elizabeth SMITH 9. Priscilla GOULD 60. Thomas BULL 10. Israel CURTISS 61. Esther COW 11. Eunice TO 62. John ASHLEY 12. William SAMPSON 63. Sarah DE+VEY 1.3. Judith "- TRRILL 64. 'dilliam BATEi• AN 14. Isaiah GILBERT 66. Henry BROOKS 15. Esther 3ULL 16. Eleazar BATEMAN 68. John WRIGHT 17. Elizabeth WRIGHT 69. Priscilla BYFIELD 18. Thomas GOULD 70. Richard HASSELL 19. Priscilla BATEM 71. Joanna BATEIVIAIN 20. Stephen CURTISS 72. John GOULD 21. Sarah MINOR 73. Joanna - - - -- 22. John TOWNER 74. Jeremiah BELCN.ER 23. Jane FRENCH 75. Nary LOCK` OOD 24. Jonathan SAMPSON 76. Same as #32 25 . Mary - - - -- 77. Same as 733 26. Thomas VIERRILL 80. John CURTIS 27. Hannah BAGY 28. " Joseph G ILBERT 82.' William BEARDSLEY 29. , Hannah MINTHORN 83. Crary HARVEY 30. David DULL 84. Thomas IvINOR 3 Sarah ASHLEY " 85. Grace PALMER 32. Thomas BATEMAN 86. Richard BOOTH 33• Martha BROOKS 87. Elizabeth HAWLEY 34. Joseph WRIGHT 92. William FRENC 35. Elizabeth HASSELL 93, Elizabeth SYl4 -S 36. John GOULD 94. William BUNNELL 37. Abigail BELCHER 95 Ann :dILiJ;OT 38. Thomas DATEMLAN 39 Ruth - - - -- 98. John ELWELL 40. Israel CURTISS 99. Jane DURIN 41 . Rebecca BEARDSLEY - 104. Abel MERRILL 42. John MINOR 105. Priscilla CHASE 43. Elizab BOOTH 106. John KEENT - 44. , Richard TO 'dNER 107. Sarah WOODMAN 45. Mary - - - -- 108. Orlando BAGL Y 46. Francis FRENCH 109. Sarah COLBY 47. Lydia BUNNELL 110. ` Charles A1INIS 48. `Willi SAI.iIPSON 111. Sarah CHASE 49. Christian ELVELL 18 Pedigree Chart - Dorothy Lillian BATEvTAN CLARK (Continued) To find the father of any person listed, double the number. Each man's wife is the following number. (Men are even numbers women are odd numbers.) 112. Capt. John GILBERT 228. Jose - oh SMITH 113. Amy LORD 114. Joseph SMITH 230, Ephraim HUIT 115. Lydia HUIT 231. Lydia - - - ®_ 120. Thomas BULL 2 Robert ASHLEY 121. Susanna - - - -- 2 Mrs. Mary Eddy HORTON 122. John COWLES 250. Henry GLOVER 123, Hannah - - - -- 251. Helena RUSSELL 124. David ASHLEY 252. Thomas DEWEY 125. Hannah GLOVER 2 53. Mrs. Frances CLARK 126. Jedediah DEWE'Y 2 5 4 • Thomas ORTON 127, Sarah ORTON 255• Margaret PRATT 140. W illiam HASSELL 320. William CURTIS 141. Sarah - - - -- 321. Agnes - - - -- 152, William BATE IAN 328. John BEARDSLE,Y 160 John CURTIS 336. "Jilliam MINER 161. Elizabeth HUTCHENS 340. Sir John PAl2ZR 164. William BEARDSLEY 341. Elizabeth VERNAY 166. Richard HARVIE 416. Nathaniel MERRILL 167. Ellen ELLIOTT 417, Mary BLACKSOLL 1 68. Clement MINOR 428. Edward WOODMAN 169. Sarah POPE 429, Olive MALLET 170. 1 71. Walter PALMER Ann Elizabeth - - - -- 4 36® Thomas COLBY 437, Beatrice FELTON 174. Samuel HA'tVLEY 444. Aquila CHASE 190. Benjamin W ILMOT 445. Martha JELLI� 191.. Ann -_ - ®_ 446. John JHEELER 196. Robert ELWELL 4 47® Agnes or Anne YEO 197. Jane - - - -- 452 Richard LORD 208. Nathaniel MERRILL 4 53• 4 5 4 • Joan - - - -- Robert BIRD 209. Susanna WILTERTON 455. Amy - - - -- 212. 213. Richard KENT Emma 498. John EDDY 214. Edward , 499. Amy DOGGETT 21 Joanna SAU 672. William MINER 218. Anthony COLBY 6 73• Isabel Harcope de FRCLIBAY 219. Susanna HADDON 680. Sir Thomas PALaR 222. Aquila CHASE 681. Catherine STRADLING 223. Anne HEELER 682. Sir Henry VE 224. Thomas GILBERT 832. John MERRILL 225. Lydia - - - -- 833. Prudence - - - -- 226. Thomas LORE, 227. Dorothy BIRD 872. John COLBY 873. Alice BRE�'1SE . 0 a 19 A Pedigree Chart - Dorothy Lillian 3ATEMAN CLARK (Continued) 7104. John CHASE 874. Thomas FELTOI 21816. John DINHAY' 875. rr'ary GER�VON 21817. Muriel de COURTENAY 888. Richard CHASE 43008. Henry MINER 889. Joan BISHOP 43010. Edward NICKS 892. Dominick 74HEELER 43616. John ARUNDEL 893• Mercy JEL 43617. Joan LUSCOTE 996. William EDDY 43618. Sir "'; illiam LAt,, 30URNE 997• nary FCSTON 43619. Joan le SOOR 1344. Thomas MINER 43632. John DINHAY 1345. Bridget Harvie de ST. MARTINS 43633 Margaret HEYDON 43634. Sir Thomas de CCURTENAY 1362, Sir Eduard STRADLING 43635, Muriel de Y110ELS 1363. Elizabeth ARUNDEL 87232. Sir John ARUNDEL 1776. Thomas CHASE 87233. Elizabeth CARPIINO"'i 1777. Elizabeth 31O ";1CHIE.1 87234. Sir 7 4illiam LUSCOTE 2688. Lodovick .P.IN= 87235 Alice ARCKD 2689. Anna DYER 87264. Sir Oliver DINHA:: 2690. George Harvie de ST. MARTINS 87265. Isabel jTERE 2724. Thomas STRADLING 174464. Sir John ARUNDEL 2725. Janet ;, "_ATIErd 174465. Joan Le SOOR 2726. Sir Thomas ARUNDEL 174466. Sir Oliver CARP�iINOY'i 2727. Catherine DINHAiI 174467. Elizabeth PONIEROY 3552 Mathew CHASE 17 John de tIERd 3553 Elizabeth 3OULD 1 474531 . vaud E:AD ESiJ1EPE 537 Thomas ;IIyER 348928. Sir Ralph ARUNDEL 5377 --- -jRESSIEYS 348929. Eva de la ROCHE 537 Thomas DYER 348930. Ralph le SOOR 5 Sir John ARUNDEL 3 Mabel BERKELEY 5 Catherine CHIDICC 697856. Sir Renfry ARUNDEL 5454. Sir John DI IHA�ti 697857 • Alice ANNEHERINE 5455. Joan ARCHES 697858. Sir Richard de la ROCHD 10752. William MI,`dER 10753. - - - -- HODS 10904. Sir John ARUNDEL 10905. ' "argaret 3URGHERSH :0906. Sir John C- 1 1IDIOC 10907. Catherine LUP%iLEY 10908. Sir John DINHAM 10909. Phillipa LOVE 10910. Richard ARCHES 21504. Henry 1 21505. Henrietta. HICKS 21808. Sir John ARUNDEL 21809. Annora LA-GOURNE 21810. Sir John 3URG HERSH 20 9 e 4 e AARON 7,8 AINNEHE RNE 19 A1NNIS 17 ARCHES 19 ARCKDEKNE 19 ARUNDEL 19 ASHLEY 17,18 ATKINS 16 3ADLESP, 19 BAGLEY 17 BAIIZ, 7 3ATEI�":AN 16,17 18 3ATRILE 7 3AYNE 7 BEARDSLEY 17 18 R 'T 17 LCa-�R BERKZIZ Y 19 BIRD 18 2zsH0P 19 BLACKSOLL 18 BOGIE 11 RCONE 7 BI_ 17 /9 TTT 1 A 3ouL,, s9 B O "'IC IEW 19 3 RE "I R 7,12 B RE'v'IE R 8 3REdSE 18 3RCOKS 17 BULL 17,18 vUNNELL 17 BURGHERSH 19 BURTON 7 3YF IELD 17 CARY INOY''l 19 CARTE R 7, 8 CATTLLTT 8 CHASE 17,18 19 CHIDIOC 19 CLAIBORNE 11 CLARK 2,10 11 15,16,18,19 CLCSS 7 COL3Y 17,18 COOPER 2,11 CO 17,18 CREAGER 16 CREG0R 16 -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- .Yjz el e x CURRY 7, 8 HENRY 7 CURTIS 17,18 H.EYDON 19 CURTISS 17 HICKS 19 de CCURTENAY 19 H,GB 7 de FROLIBAY 18 S 9 de la; RO CH , "" 19 HORTON de rvIOELS 19 HUIT 18 De ROCHE 3 HUTCHENS 18 de St MARTINS JELLIMAN 18 19 de VERE 19 JELLY 19 DE;EY 17,18 ,TONES 5,7 DINH .A2,7 19 KENT 17 DOGGETT 18 KIRKHAM 10 DORMAN 14 KITTRELL 10 DiJk -'I; 16 DUNHAM ..7 DURIN 17 DYER 19 EDDY 18,19 ELLIOTT 18 ELLIS 7 E!l ELL 17,18 FARRAR 3 F T Rf!?nT '9 i E.uiv1V lv, 19 FERGUSON 7 F ISKE 2 FOSTCN 19 FREDERICK 3 FRENCH 17 GATLIN 1,2 GERNON 19 GILL -ERT 17,18 GLOVER 18 LAMEOURNE 19 le SOOR 19 LOCK 17 LORD 18 LOVE 7, 8 LOVEEL 19 LUG +LEY 19 LUSCOTE 19 MALLET 18 VAR KS 16 MAT:HN 19 MAYFIELD 4,8 MERRILL 17,18 MILLICAN 4,7 8 MINER 18,19 MINOR 17,18 MINTHORN 17 MINTON 16 MO RGAN 4,8 GOULD 17 MORRIS 14 GRAHAM 2 McDONALD 11 GREENAYVALT 2 McJILTON 14 GRESSLEYS 19 NANNY 4 HADDON 18 HALLARAN 2 HANOVER 8 HARDGRAVES 3 HARDYSTYE 7 HARVEY 17 HARVIE 18 HASSELL 17,18 HA';; LEY 17, 18 HEAD 7 NEEDHAr.r, 4, 8 NELQS 4 NELSON 3 N'EVI 4 ORTON 18 PAGE 12 PALS E R 17, 18 PARSONS 1 PEAK 16 PECHIN 3 PETTINGELL 16 POr:iEROY 19 POPE 18 PRATT 18 PRICE 4 PRUETT 4 REI1D 5,8 ROBERTSON 5 ROSS 10,14 RUSSELL 18 SALWAY 18 SArvPSON 1 6, 17 SCHLEY 5 SC0ATES 11 SCOTT 5 SEALS 5 SI 3 SMITH 3, 5, 17 Q SP ENCE S SPRINGER l SIO'KES 5 STUART 5, 7 STUDEVILLE 5 STRADLING 18,19 SYr+SES 17 TOWNER 17 VAUGHAN 5 VE RE 19 VERNAY 18 VANS 6, 8 :'. ALLACE 6 t� AL R 6 , 8 ,16 WE BB 6 WH 18 7, HITLEY 9 ^IICKSON 6,8 .4ILLIA:vIS 6 W ILLISTON 16 4'IL;CT 17, 18 WILSON 6 WILTERTON 18 '40ODBURY 16 W 0 0 Drv1AN 17 ,18 ','tRI GH T 17 YE 0 P+iAN 18 O UN GE 6, 8 A a