HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.2 No.5ANOTHER TREAT IN APRIL Remember the excellent program" had last � � fall when Dr. Victor TREAT of the A&M History Department spoke to us on migrations? Well, we are in for another treats Dr. TREAT has agreed to talk to us about the Scotch -Irish immigration. � Don't miss this. Most of us have at least one Scotch -Irish ancestor. 'A e Bryan Library Monday, April 20, 1981 7,00 - 9;00 pm X4 '1 r N, ?� BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER i, APR 5 Volume II Number March - April 1981 740 Garden. Acres Bryan, TX 77801 Elizabeth GATLIN 1501 Laura Lane College Station, TX 77840 ` � ?� '_bt, _0 0, e P 0-4-,0 77 y a 71 I J 84 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER is an information publication of the Brazos Genealogical Association of Bryan-College Station, Texas. 1981 OFFICERS President . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . Dorothy CLARK Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth GATLIN Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara GREENAWALT Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anna HALLARAN Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marian GRAHAM Editor . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary COOPER CONTENTS Vol. II No. 5 March-April 1981 Page KNOW WHAT? Articles Union Hill Baptist Church of Christ 85 (Grimes Co.) MURPHREE - HUTCHINGS Bible Record 92 KNOW WHO? Pedigree Chart Mike KERSTETTER 88 WHAT'S NEW? Bryan Library 93 WHO KNOWS? Queries/Questions 98 WHO'S NEW? New Members/Membership 99 WHERE? Index 101 P�J P f1e f 2fr a;1 'reneeley rce �f;l . t�e2 c1et -` Volume II Number 5 Bryan - College Station March -April 1981 Texas UNION HILL BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST Grimes Co. TX Mr. W.N. WILLIAMSON has given us permission to continue excerpts from his book, Minutes of the Union Hill Baptist Church of Christ (1882-18 This church was moved from its w original site to Singleton two miles away (still in Grimes Co.) in 1909 The cemetery is one mile north of the church. Perhaps a listing of the cemetery can be done at a later date. This issue continues (From Vol. II, No. 4, p. 65 - 67) with the member- ship roll. It is reproduced just as it appears in the book. L.C. RIDENS excluded J.N. WOODS dis" by let" recd " by letter G.W. CRISP Excluded W.H. MANLY Sen Excluded Dan HUGGINS Excluded Rest H.J. MATHEWS dis by letter L.R. WREN, dis by letter Richard BYRD dis. by letter S.B. (Boyd) TRIGS Caroline (Greenwood) MAGEE excluded Rebecca (Byrd) DAVIS Dis by letter Elizabeth (Combs) HUGGINS Estella WREN dis by letter Eliza NOBLES dis by letter M.J. BYRD dis by letter John MARTIN dis" by letter John CARRELL dis. by letter Della SMITH Excluded y John HENDLEY Excluded Jane NOBLES dis by letter W.H. MANLY Jr. Excluded Wm. MENTS Excluded W. BAILEY Excluded Robt. CURRY Jane WILLIAMS dis by letter M.D. LEE Martha HENDLEY ded John BYRD Dis" by letter Auburn FREEMAN Excluded Bethena GREENWOOD Excluded W.W. SIKES died, Nov. 28, 1880 J.H. SIKES Excluded 85 W-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Union Hill Baptist Church of Christ, Grimes Co., TX, Continued) John B. MANLY dis by letter Jennie WILSON dis" by" Lett Lizzie Curry) MANLY Rosanna YOUNG dismissed by let Laura DAVIS Mollie WOODS dis by letter recd by let. Allen ANDERSON dis by letter Excluded Wm. YOUNG Excluded Clarence GUTTER dis by letter Louis SANDERS George POOL Excluded Samuel PLUMMER Excluded W.E. SMITH John GUTTER dis by letter Jas. WILSON dis by letter Wm. GRIFFIN Dis by letter Lizzie SIKES dead Viola POOL Excluded Pierce BYRD Excluded Jennie (Searcy) HENDLEY dis by let S.C. WILSON dis by letter N.W. DREHER Estella DREHER G.W. BEAUCHARY dis by letter J.H. KEY M.L. DREHER dead A.M. MANLY Excluded F.T. STEWART E.A.,McDOUGALD recd by letter Hope POPE recd" by statemint F.J. BEAUCHANY dis by letter L.A. HOKE dis by letter John McGILBERRY received by letter Lucinda McGILBERRY recd by letter Cornelious KEY recd by letter died E.S. KEY recd by letter N.D. KEY recd by letter V.J. KEEL recd by letter excluded M.E. VANSLACK reed by letter excluded L.G. EVERETT dis by letter (Union Hill Baptist Church of Christ, Grimes Co., TX, Continued) Bro Dan KEEL received by letter June the 11th 1887 Bro and Sis Jct CRUTCHFIELD Received by letter July 7th 1887 Bro H PATISON Sis L.A. PA in care of church dis by letter Sis GREAHER in care of Church Bro Jack LOFTEN in care of Church got a Letter Union Hill J Sis. S.E. SANDERS bap Brother, A.B. STEWART Sister STEWART Bro Charley RICE aly the 2and Protracted July the 10, bap July the bap July the bap July the 1887 meeting Commence 1887 10th 1887 10th 1887 10th 1887 Sister Jane RICE bap July the 10th 1887 dis by letter Brother Charley MANLEY bap July the 10th 1887 Excluded, Sept. 10th 1887 Bro J.N. RICE bap July the 17th 1887 Excluded June 8th 1.889 Bra J.K. POLK bap July the 17th 1887 Sis POLK bap July the 17th 1887 Sis Lottie Mathews bap July the 17th 1887 dis by letter Sis S.E. SMITH bap July the 17th 1887 Sis CURREY bap July the 17th 1887 Sis COX bap July the 17th 1887 Sis KEEL bap July the 17th 1887 Sis MYERS bap July the 17th 1887 Excluded w Bro M SANDERS bap July the 17th 1887 August the 14th 1887 Bro N.C. LOGGINS bap Augs the 14th 1887 Sis A HAYES bag Aust the 14th 1887 dis by letter Sis L.B. LOFTEN bap Aust the 14th 1887 Sis THORNTON bap Sept the 11th 1887 Bro John THORNTON bap Sept the 11th 1887 Rev. J.A. GODKINS by letter Deceased Sister L.A. GODKINS by letter Bro G.T. LOFTEN by letter Sis L.A. LOFTIN by letter Sis Zettie LOFTEN by letter (Union - Hill - Baptist Church of Christ, Grimes Co., TX, Continued) sett }e- A-- Geeki�s- �eea�ve�- bar- �e�te� D.A. CRUTCHFIELD by F.D. CRUTCHFIELD by Glen THOMPSON Tom BENNETT Jno STUART J.L. McGILBERRY Died J.J.McGILBERRY R.D. HALE W.F. BARNETT Thomas STUART Jno RICE dis by letter Dee CLEGHORN Jack CURREY D.R. CAPPLEMAN W.L. THOMPSON Deacon letter letter Texanna POLK J.A. LAMBERT E.C. LAMBERT M.E. BARNETT Ida BARNETT Ve rz SMITH Alice STUART Laura RICE dis by V.C. THOMPSON Eva THOMPSON Joicy. THOMAS letter Ordinations By Union Hill Church G.H.M. WILSON, was ordained to the full work of of the Gospel Ministry on the 7 th day of Sept. 1873. By Elds. J.W. HARGROVES and N.T. SHANKS G. W. NEWSOM, on the By LIM D.A. WILSON, on the The minutes also recorded in this book are very interesting. We will try to have those in a later issue. Our appreciation to Mr. WILLIAMSON for sharing. The ADVERTISER will be grateful to others who may have material of this kind to share. e- na(V Q_ - e-red Z ee ( uha414 MIKE KERSTETTER - Pedigree Chart Our Aggie member, who has moved to the Seattle Washington area, recently sent his pedigree charts to share. Mike is a very creative researcher and has secured a lot of information. His charts will be in the Bryan Library vertical file. , l A p.b. A arastre —, o J b /S a 1 g'0 Com m cbert No. --L- "qa e 89 Nam* of Compiler �r�xwc`.S, �L89 =ER ST Person No. 1 on this chart is the same �t Chart No. K ERereT7>rlt R-Oae.er 1 b, 22 MAR 18 (Mother of No. Z) ;4 Address 34P 6.4 pelr®om as No. I on chart No. _L_. 18 . ,/� City, State �T"_ kA . �SG3 / , ,//�� 8 I<ER.STE?'r"y DAViD FK AAIKIf )U • 27 JAA1 1 5. 5 Z (Fatter d Na S. ..ZY A6w /85 cant m cearc No.,_ z p�( l b. MAK IS'f (fathe o( No. i1, Date - ' i6 r (�t ' , ii (Parker d !� 4) {b. JA A/ f 87't 1 I rd ,& MAR 95 / a ' 4 GA k!IZASEThJ Cont. m Curt Na m. X (a Dec 1845 �,/�_ 4 11YJt 5T6T TE de / V'l�f�G�{3 / tl.L1:N p.b. 9A fOko 7+ar ( *vxrw G. , ,� , 2 J-1 /944 17 , O p 'mother d No. e, b.18J6 11 .U. 103 1 C=L on chart No. (Mother of of No. s) Ig � / A,,& /SG9 d :n f d. Sd 23 S 1 T CORaeA-d C (Farber rw. 2) b, S? RAY /89 7 d. l / S,1 d, 3FE3 /9SD mChart b . h. Date detft ce Fla d Dire . , p.b. P AX tN /I �C)trr p,, ?A. - 9 p.d Ax,aJaS MOIR7 P., TA. ' 4BEA)JAA4 /A! p.b. Zv. 0 6V1,no, Gass e 7Ex, ;pi, m. Data d Marries C, Derr d Dose , m. / Se p 1 9 z D 9 (t 4 o Sr: /8 5,2 (Pa3er d No 9 caa. m Clean ho. b .10 , /?Z X (Father of No. 12, `® . x.5.1 KL M Cost. m cbart Na — p,d aoe d P1 Daeeb d. MAR /973 d l U M L rt M 4) (f other d Na 6) b. 10 01-7 /779 25 ,Z SE P J 9 1 5RaKtalAW i 1p•d ,CONGV /E1.?, &RE6fr, /4ze b. 15' IJ 187`1 s p. b. CAVE #I L,&, WA Srt,,V 6 rD a/,/+R,I(. RrCE, .fcE A: ✓�/_� 2 TTEIQ_ /G 4L4-RA; p,b.5MAHox aI TwI., Atoer ,, 'o, r ` Mothe.r of No. 9, b. Caoc m cbArt NL S yn, d. y OCT ! 9 S2 f 14ER3TE , �iCFD E t[ /7 1^2 (Paesr of No. 1) 7 d. 1 Af1G 1134 ' d � . ,} q /i R p • b, �4oOM /tE.L U�A/T Ib. +/ `p.b. S ftR r(rN NoRr ri �a. , t . p.d Ai x,,vOS, A� ®,c7N o., PA. 1 20 I"1t�.ER JAMES �. �.., , m. 31) Ja,AI 1956 C�z .lo w /Pe C/ 3) ,n 10 1u.ER EBk6£ KED rRjctC 13 b.11 1164 / $3S (Fathe d Noe 10, cast. m chert N. m.12 !$L3 G /0 OV lvl�v (Father d No. 13, CatL / 'Z 1 3.1Le4, 1873 m chart No — d, (Father d N o. d. Fes M6 d, !9 Dec 192 7 m. 1931 p.d b. 7 /4"(1 /S(®4 21 DR1 8161e 11ARR /E7 2? � 1 LsoN . -SA CArF > QiI�WC Es { - 3 �,t /) I C AL.7N 'D PAS (Mother of No. 13, b /8 IYA1Q 1865 Coot. m mart No. /3 , (Mother of No. !R c R M !"1i xwe /tM (Mother of No. 1) b. zY SCr' /933 , l A p.b. A arastre —, o J b /S a 1 g'0 Com m cbert No. --L- DAI m.15 Dsc. /888 d. /931 b, 22 MAR 18 (Mother of No. Z) ;4 d. 2cd Dec 19 22 FE.cS1Art�•ER J�tC.DZ S A / b. FVESGO AFsud 4sCaFi R/V6 %'�A, p• J r p.d ,[ E6J, GRE6G, 14X. -. p�( l b. MAK IS'f (fathe o( No. i1, ' d. J "-j 1 Fm.S 1 j &E k&nr t a Cont. m Curt Na m. X (a Dec 1845 PA k om(wrkj, TP (Mother of of No. s) Ig � / A,,& /SG9 d. 4 Fes /9O'f b p p.b. 91AVOsi'bJJ, 4"t'sww , pi . 23 S 1 T CORaeA-d C (mother d Na i1. COOL 4. y � 1 _)KEfZS'rETTER /� iaotet ScgTT d, 3FE3 /9SD mChart b . , b. 2 't MAR / pea. kPAJ6 -VIE t1, 60-EbG 7- ex. d.24 Hale 1871 p.b. Zv. 0 6V1,no, Gass e 7Ex, R ��/ 24 /1tCf141CI 5OAJ W/uiAA4 M. 9 = 4 , f 12 �RDSo�J Yt1>[il.tM b .10 , /?Z X (Father of No. 12, `® . x.5.1 KL M Cost. m cbart Na — d. p.d. (f other d Na 6) b. 10 01-7 /779 25 ,Z SE P J 9 1 5RaKtalAW i DD '�f/ 4,v l�ICWA1t O SoAJ 17E • s p. b. CAVE #I L,&, WA Srt,,V 6 rD a/,/+R,I(. c AlAR&ARET of mmartNw t b.18 A A C ' /Stf,p7 e se rg J (Father of No. 3) Ib, f5 Dcr /4 o'f E yn, d. y OCT ! 9 S2 d. 'f Nov /9aZ , q /i R p • b, �4oOM /tE.L U�A/T g.d GEA rAy B&A>roa, AaK . -r 26 ELL RClChK,hrf M! /AR �.., OIJ �♦ M. 7 ,.5 A , - r"5A, OK. 13 r"t ,,gg�� ITC E1.L j J Y /0 OV lvl�v (Father d No. 13, CatL / 'Z 1 3.1Le4, 1873 m chart No — d. Fes M6 e A/ /S ( Mother of No. 6) m. 1931 (® p.d 4dv&v1&o, �+eacv , 7ex, b. 2 6 Nt:v 1 �B,Z 2? � 1 LsoN . -SA CArF > QiI�WC Es I ; b - 3 �,t /) p. b (Mother of No. 13, b /8 IYA1Q 1865 Coot. m mart No. /3 c R M !"1i xwe /tM (Mother of No. 1) b. zY SCr' /933 d. 1940 /+ P . CsEAt+'+�1',13ggfiroa A+a t d. 3 Jrw 1929 28 �1 �G�RA/7'E p � 3 a p.b. / 64 13.4, T6CL ,4, OX. d. �� l�.ANSE � OMAIL (Father of No. 14, 1 AL Cant. m char No ? L ntE T 14 , E5 R 5 M . r p.d. ( (Father of Na n Z,$ AF /88 d. b. 29 7 R lJ ® ? y � ' *AJ7'r >�tL�.td1r} � LA R. p.b. (Mother d No.. 14, b. Caa[ m ma rt No t 5 CO&;A)F- m. MAR 14 ®1 d. / �,^^}1 b. V VG7 19 /2 - (Mother d No. 3) d. AO h rR /9sJ ;p v1 p.b. JCF t t,v, JA S P£R , /ID, .S A N rA 4,t,,1 RAA16 CA. 30 C V4a dr m- l d„ 2 7 A�py /4 7 D 1 p. d IS oeL3 M H BE b. /3 % 50 (Fame: of No. 15, �L4 re S cant m chats No 1(e M. 30 JAN S'71 PA, ^/G✓tEla/, GR� ,Tx 4,c (Mather d No, �} d. 3 H'W 191 7 b .S.J6LL 188;L 31, CosSEY, W+r14 t)A -D (Spouse of No. 1) / ,C, p.b. '.AC'.EDE C " '"10. f (Mother d No. Is, b• �Pec. /852. Cora. m mart No. /7 b. d. d. /� �utr 11,33 d. D SeP 1�� J p.b. p.d. p.d. k/E36 C JAzrrk� /� 90 Pedigree Chart - Mike KERSTETTER _ (Continued To find the father of any person listed, double the number. Each man's wife is the following number. (Men are even numbers; women are odd numbers.) 32. Philip KERSTETTER, b 25 Sep 1800 PA, d_18 Jan 1884 33. Catharine SCHLEICH, b 29 Oct 1810 PA 34. James GASS, b ca 1809, m 14 Oct 1835, d 30 Dec 1854 PA 35. Mary Magdelina DUNKELBERGER, b 29 Oct 1817 36. Jacob HUMMEL, b 9 Feb 1819 37. Margaret SCHMIDT 38. William PRICE 39. Keturah 40. Frederick MILLER, b Mar 1797 PA, d 13 June 1886 PA 41. Julian SCHWANDER, b ca 1808 42. George DEIBLER, b ca 1767 PA, d PA 43. Elizabeth BASSLER, b ca 1800, d PA 46. Daniel SMITH 47. Elizabeth 52. George W. MITCHELL, b 10 Apr 1823 TN, d 15 Mar 1906 Ark 53, Mary A. LONDAGAN, b 10 Dec 1821, d 17 Mar 1902 Ark 54, Robert Browder WILSON, b 15 Jan 1819 TN, d 3 Oct 1904 Ark 55. Nancy BROWN, b Athens, McMinn, TN 60. Robert 0. RANDELS 61. Margaret HOLARD, b TN 62. Thomas COSSEY, b Ind 63, Sarah E. b MO 64. Leonard KE RSTETTER'Jr. b ca 1769, d PA 65 Susanna GERHARD, d PA 66. Adam SCHLEICH Jr., b 1774 PA, d 1819 PA 67. Catharine DERCK 70. Henry DUNKELBERGER, b 4 May 1791, d June 1875 71. Catharine HENNIGER 72. Abraham HUMMEL, b 11 Feb 1789 PA, d 10 Sep 1863 PA 73. Barbara HOFFMAN, b 19 Dec 1793, d 20 Aug 1870 91 Pedigree Chart - Mike KERSTETTER (Continued) 80. Godfrey Henry MILLER, b 1747 NY, d Sep 1831 PA 81. Solnay Julian CROUSE, b 1739 PA, d 1839 82. Adam SCHWANDER Jr., b 1769, d 1846 PA 83. Catharine KURTZ, b 1774, d 1853 92. John SMITH 128. Leonard KERSTETTER, Sr. b 3 Sep 1739 PA, m 25 Nov 1776 d/p 4 Feb 1791 PA 129. Anna Elizabeth ZEHRUNG 130. Philip GERHARD, d 23 Mar 1806 PA 131. Catharine MAURER 132. Adam SCHLEICH Sr., b Ger 140. Christopher DUNKELBERGER, b 1749, d/p 2 Mar .1838 PA 141. Elizabeth HILL, b ca 1750, d ca 1850 142. John HENNINGER 143. Maria Agatha - -- 144. Fredrick HUMMEL, b Apr 1761 PA, d 4 Mar 1844 PA 145. Magdalina HAEFNER, b 26 July 1765, d 15 Nov 1835 146. Abraham HOFFMAN 160. Henry MILLER 161. Anna Madona - -- 164. Adam SCHNANDER Sr. 165. Elizabeth REITZ, b 1750, d 1830 PA 167. Elizabeth - -- 256. John Martin KERSTETTER, d May 1759 PA 257. Maria Dorthea .280. Clementz DUNKELBERGER, d 1782 PA 281. Anna Maria HAUER 282. Daniel HILL 290. Heinrich HAEFNER 292. Jacob HOFFMAN 328. Frederick SCHWANDER, d Apr 1801 PA 562. Michael HAUER, b Ger, d Mar 1758 PA 563. Anna Maria - -- 580 °. Andreas HAEFNER 581. Maria Eva KELCHNER 92 .din« ud '01 er l ' P' E l r{ � e . V// Ii C le 14 MURPHREE - HUTCHINGS Bible Record Nan ROSS, Reference librarian in the Bryan Library always keeps an eye open for genealogical materials. One of th places she checks is the gift box. Sometimes there are old books contributed to the gift box that are good genealogical source books. Once in a while she finds an old Bible there. Recently a Bible was placed in the gift box that has some family information that should be preserved. Nan has copied the information for the vertical file there in the library, sent a copy for our Advertiser, and said she would be happy to give the Bible to a family member who would like to have it. Here is Nan's record of the Bible. Family Bible found in gift box, Bryan Public Library, 8 April 1981, New Indexed Bible, John A. DICKSON Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1913. Marriage Certificate: Beaulah P. HUTCHINGS and Seaborn D. MURPHREE were married at Mt. Pleasant, Texas, 20 August 1898 Witnesses: G.O. CASS, C.D. GATE Family History: Grandfather's Father: David MURPHREE, born 9 December 1819 North Carolina Grandfather's Mother: Grandmother's Father: - Grandmother's Mother: Father's Father: B.Y. Father's Mother: M.M. Mother's Father: A.J. Lucy A. MURPHREE, born 30 September 1819 North Carolina Seaborn DAVIS Matilda DAVIS MURPHREE, born 5 November 1843, Mississippi MURPHREE, born 16 March 1845 HUTCHINGS Mother's Mother: Eppee E. HUTCHINGS, born 31 December Parents: S.D. MURPHREE, born 19 July 1873, Airmount, Mississippi, died 5 May 1945 Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Beulah MURPHREE, born 17 January 1878, Titus County -- died 28 June 1939 Mt. Pleasant, Texas Children: Bert MURPHREE, born 23 March 1903, Titus Co. Mt.Pleasant married 7 June 1928, Claude A. EDGE M. MURPHREE, born 6 December 1906, Titus Co. Mt.Pleasant Eppie MURPHREE, born 15 October 1908, Roby, Texas. Other Notes: Uncle Edgar died 9 am 27 November 1964 Lodusky Helen HUTCHINGS died at 4 :30 am Thursday, 26 April 1962 Funeral 2 pm Friday, 27 April 1962. , - Thanks to Nan ROSS, our good member and reference libra- rian, the genealogical section of the Bryan Library continues to grow; This is the latest list of books furnished with a short review by Nan. Next time you are in there, thank her for the good work and add your special requests to the list. GNL Genealogical and Local History Books In Print 016.929 Latest edition. Vanishing Te Bi- monthly magazine. History of Texas. Articles from past issues cover such subjects as: Jackson massacre, Whitfield Chalk, Enchanted Rock, Naomi DeWitt MATHIS, Garland raid, Rachel PLUMMER and J.B. CALLICOATTE. Greatt; Shelved with periodical collection. GNL Loblolly Vol. 3, No. 2, Fall 1975. Susan Pickard 920 PATTON: arriving in Texas in 1857 (includes PICKARD, WINDHAM, FRANKS and CHILDERS families). John SPURLOCK: East Texas and Arcadia Louisiana. Mrs. Clifford BRITTON, her life. Courtship and Marriage - recollections of many people. Fascinating readingt GNL Loblolly. Vol. 5, No. 3, Winter 1978. Buncombe School 920 and Alpine School, Buncombe, Panola County. Gives names of some students shown in a picture. GNL Loblolly Vol. 7, No. 1, Summer 1979. Carthage, Panola 920 County, Texas. Town square--businesses and people. GNL Loblolly Vol. 7, No- 3, Winter 1980. Issue on Monroe 920 BRANNON, Gary's master story teller. GNL_ COLDHAM. American Loyalist Claims, Vol. 1. Claims by 973.3 loyalists from all 3 co onies, ranging from claims for relief through claims for extensive holdings. Indexed. GNL New England Annals; History and Genealogy Includes 974 Worcester, Mass; Charlestown, N.H. ; Waterbury, Conn. Salem, Mass; Duxbury, Mass; Hampton, iti,H. Materials included are not otherwise readily available or afford - able. Detailed index. Note: Chapter 5 is alphabeti- cally arranged and not in the index! GNL Old Times of North Yarmouth, Maine, 1877 - 1884. 97 Reprint of an ear y magazine series. Indexed. GNL First Census of the United States 1790, Virginia. 975.5 Also includes state enumerations 17 2 -17 5. Indexed. (Bryan Library, Continued) GNL Abstract of North Carolina Wills. Abstracts of old 975.6 wills ti ed in the office of the North Carolina Secretary of State. Alphabetical by testator. Indexed. Appendix indexes wills by book. GNL 975.6 OLDS. Abstract of North Carolina Designed to supp ement Abstract Wills. By county, then a ph�a.b`eti No index. name. GNL SHIELDS. Abstracts of Wills Recorded in Orange Count 975 .6 North Caro ina, 1 75 2-180 0 and 2 Marriages Not Shown in the Oran e County Marra e Bonds and Abstracts o Wil s Recorded in Orange County, North Carolina, 185 0- 1850. The title pretty well says it all. Read the foreward. Indexed. NOTE: This is two books in one so there are two indiciesd GNL South Carolina Genealogical Register. Vol. 2, 1964 975.7 Contains: Abbeville Co., Methodist Preachers, Old 96, VANCE gnl., Cherokee County, Laurens Co., Union Co., BOMAR gnl., DAVIS gnl., CRAIG gnl., ANDERSON gnl., WITHERSPOON gnl., also misc. family Bible and cemetery records. Not indexed - -bahl GNL South Carolina Genealo ical Re ister Vol. 3, 1965. 975 Contains f ollowing counties districts: Greenville, Spartanburg, Edgefield, Orangeburg, Lancaster, Old 96th, Colleton, Newberry. Also Revolutionary War Soldier. Indexed. GNL South Carolina Genealogical Register. Vol. 4, 1966 975.7 Three books. Contains cemetery records from Laurens and Greenville counties, wills of Newberry county, formation and 1820 census of Colleton district, and early land records of Abbeville district. Also contains the following districts /counties : Marborough, Camden, Spartanburg, Richland, Fairfield, Laurens, Spartanburg. Indexed in Number 4. GNL South Carolina Genealo ical Register. Vol. 5, 1967. 975.7 Four volumes. Contains following districts counties: Fairfield, Greenville, Spartanburg, Chester, Laurens, Richland, Anderson, Abbeville, Edgefield, Union. Also South Carolinians to Kentucky, marriage settlements (1780's), wills index prior to 1853 Indexed in No. 4. GNL Alabama Genealogical Register. Vol 1, 1959 Read notice 976.1 at front3 Contains the following counties: Blount, Lawrence, Pickens, St. Clair, Sumter, Tuscaloosa, Clark, Talladega, Bullock, Chambers, Mobile, Dale, Tallapoosa. Also contains CLAYTON family Bible. Not indexed! 6o -180o. 95 (Bryan Library, Continued) GNL Alabama Genealogical Re5ister. Vol. 2, 1960. Read 976.1 �notice in front. includes the followj-ng counties: Lowndes, Bibb, Marengo, Pickens, Hale, Perry, Jackson, Morgan, Montgomery, Henry, Madison, Lee, Russell, Greene, Jefferson, Dallas. Also includes: early Alabama trails. Not indexed. GNL Alabama Genealogical Register. Vol. 3, 1961. Contains 976.1 the Following counties: Lowndes, Lawrence, Autauga, Montgomery, Jefferson, Barbour, Perry, DeKalb, Baldwin, Chambers, Sumpter, Greene, Dale, Coosa, Also includes: FISHER family, WATSON family Bible, ROSS family, some people in Mississippi in 1850/1860 who were born in Alabama, McMILLAN family Bible, and University of Alabama graduates. Indexed. Be sure and read introduction GNL Alabama Genealogical Register. Vol. 4, 1962. Read 976.1 introductory notice. contains the following counties: Henry, Clarke, Sumter, Perry, Lee, Covington, Conecuh, Crenshaw, Hale, Jackson, Tuscaloosa, Dallas. Also contains: Navarro County Texas persons born in Alabama, University of Alabama students, POSTELL family, CAMPBELL family, AUSTIN family. Not indexed! GNL Alabama Genealogical Register. Vol. 5, 1962. Read 976.1 notice at front! Contains f ollowing counties: Cotaco, Lawrence, Marengo, Lee, Blount, Elmore, Washington, Montgomery, Dallas, Greene, Lamar, Henry and Pike. Also contains: BLEDSOE family Bible, LEWIS family, University of Alabama students, COLLINS family and PRIDGEN family. Indexed! GNL Alabama Genealogical Register. Vol. 6, 1964. Three 976.1 Books. Contain the following counties Pike, Conecuh, Montgomery. Also contains; gnl. of Lyndon Baines JOHNSON, McPHERSON family, Confederate Soldiers, LOCKE family and SUMMERS family. Not indexedl GNL Alabama GenealoEical Record. Vol. 7, 1965. Contains the 976.1 TolIowing counties: Sumter, Greene, Coosa, Baldwin, Conecuh, Dallas,,Franklin, St. Clair, Shelby and Washington. Also contains following families; AKINS, TATUM, HARPER, TAYLOR, SIMS and CRAWFORD. Indexed. GNL Alabama Genealogical R2f,ister. Vol. 8, 1966. Three 976.1 volumes. Contains following counties: Wilcox, Lime- stone, Henry, Coosa, Perry, Pickens, Sumter, Greene, Tuscaloosa, Randolph and Monroe. Also includes: Moses BAILEY, University of Alabama students, 1797 Spanish census, BRAGG family, EDWARDS family, William STRONG, Alabamans buried in Mississippi, HANDLEY family, ADAMS family and WILLIAMS family. Indexed. 0 - (Bryan Library, Continued) GNL Alabama Genealogical Register. Vol. 9, 1967 Contains 976.1 the following counties: Perry, Chilton, Greene, Baldwin, Tuscaloosa, Pickens, Sumter, Wilcox, Lowndes, Randolph, Morgan, Washington, Monroe, Montgomery. Also contains: Revolutionary War Soldiers, CANTE.LOU family, North Carolinians to Alabama, Univ. Ala. students, WINN- McCONNELL families, CARAWAY family, STARR family and 1819 Cherokee Nation residents. Indexed. GNL Alabama Genealogical Register. Vol. 10,_ 1968. Three 976.1 books. Contains the foilowing counties; Greene, Monroe, Clarke, Dallas, Madison. Also contains: Univ. of Ala. students, changes of name. Not indexed. GNL Alabama Genealo ical Re inter. Vol. 11 1969. Read 976.1 Notice in front. Contains the following counties: Greene, Madison, Marengo and Hale. Also contains: JACKSON family, BAXTER family, SCOTT family, LESTER family and MOORE family. Indexed. GNL EVANS. Mother MONROE. Includes historical sketches, 976.2 cemetery records. Indexed by topic and last name. GNL Archives and Pioneers of Hunt County, Texas, Vol. III 976.4 Transcription of county. record Book A, Part II. Indexed. GNL Astride the Old San Antonio Road. History and genealogy 976.4 of Burleson County. Beautiful7ly donel Historical society holds much more than could be included in this volume. Detailed index. GNL BLAND. Collin County, Texas 1850 Census and Mortalit 976.4 Schedule in . Copied from census microfi m, where n doubt checked against six sources listed in prefatory materials. Indexed. GNL BLAND. Collin County, Texas 1860 Census. Taken from 976.4 the orig n - a census. Notes, pages 117 References, page 121. Indexed. GNL CAWTHORN. Marriage and Death Notices Marion County, 976.4 Texas and Environs, 1 3- 1927. Newspapers extracted: Jefferson, Texas; Texas Republican and Tri- Meekly Herald of Marshall, Texas; South- Western of Shreveport, LA; New Orleans Christian Advocate and the Texas Christian Advocate Thorough indexl GNL Erath County, Texas, Marria a Records 1869 -1891 976.4 Copied from the original marriage books. Indexed. GNL Erath County, Texas, Marriage Records 1891 -1900 976.4 Same as above. 97 (Bryan Library, Continued) GNL ERICSON. People of Nacogdoches County the Civil War. 976.4 Read the foreword. A munumentai works Indexed. GNL Jefferson County, Texas, Cemeteries Part one: Oak 976.4 Bluff Memorial Park Cemetery, Port Neches, Texas. Indexed. GNL Kaufman County Texas Marriages. Vol. 1: 1848 -1880. 976.4 Vol. 2: lbbl-lb90. Vol. 3: 1 91 -1900. Gives: Groom, Bride, date, book number. Bride index cross references to last name of groom only! GNL McLEAN. Papers Concerning Robertson's Colony in Texas 976.4 December , 1831 through October, 1 33 Volume seven in a landmark series. Indexed. GNL Muster Roll of Reserve Militia, Naco doches County, 976.4 Texas, 187 0. Transcription of bath black and white mil!Tia members, roughly alphabetically arranged. Gives: Name, age (years and months), precinct number, and occupation. GNL San Augustine Count , Texas, Marriage Records, 1837 -1880 976.4 Indexed transcription. GNL Story of the Early Settlers and Deceased of Alexander. 976.4 Early Brazos County people GNL DOLLAR. Cemetery Records of Jackson County, Oklahoma. 976.6 This county was once a part of Greer County, Texas! By cemetery. Indexed by last name. GNL 1830 Census Middle Tennessee Covers the counties of 976.8 Bedford, Davidson, Franklin, Jackson, Lincoln, Ma-Ur Robertson, Rutherford, Smith, Sumner, Warren, White, Williamson and Wilson. Read the introduction. Indexed GNL 1830 Census Middle Tennessee. Same as above but covers 976.8 counties: Carroll, Dickson, Dyer, Fayette, Gibson, Giles, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Hickman, Humphreys, Lawrence, Madison, McNairy, Montgomery, Obion, Perry, Shelby, Stewart, Tipton, Wayne and Wea kley counties. GNL RAY. Tennessee Cousins. Replacement copy of a classic 976.8 that "walked off" -- curses on the person who took it -- may all of their lines end in dead ends! GNL Adair County, Kentucky Births. 1852 -1859, 1861 -1894, 976.9 - 7 - 903-1904, 1906-1907. Indexed. (Bryan Library, Continued) GNL Kentucky Vital Records, Series II, Volume 2, Adair 976.9 County Marriage Records. Records for lb52- `s 9�, 1861 -1894, 1903 -1904, 1906 -1907. Indexed. Nan, that is quite a list! The typist will be right down to check on theset A lot of other members will be there, too. Sounds great! min tit e 2 i e,i 029 BULLOCK On a recent visit to the Clayton Library in Houston, Allie WHITLEY and Mary COOPER met a Bryan native. At the same table in the Texas room were Mr. and Mrs. B.L. BULLOCK. Mr. BULLOCK grew up in Brazos County. Grand- father Samuel C. BULLOCK came to this area about 1864- 1868 and is buried at Steep Hollow. They were working on a BULLOCK book, so if any of you have BULLOCK infor- mation, write to themt B.L. BULLOCK, 2322 Wake Forest, Deer Park, TX 77536 030 FOLEY, HENRY, MITCHELL, PEYTON, HOWELL Mrs. SMITH writes: I am interested in information concerning my great- grandmother, Miss Bettie FOLEY, who married my great - grandfather, Hugh Reed HENRY, son of Robert HENRY. Bettie FOLEY was born Sept 6, 1826, and dried March 18, 1872. Her sister, Arthuisa Jane FOLEY married Harvey MITCHELL in 1848. Another sister, Margaret V. FOLEY married John R. PEYTON in 1854 and Susan Ann FOLEY married James HOWELL, in 1849. Genealogical records on these sisters of Bettie FOLEY could possibly help me obtain the names of her parents. (Harvey MITCHELL was in Brazos County) Mrs. Berkley SMITH, 9839 Elmcrest, Dallas, TX 75238 CEMETERY LISTING Listing the Willow Hole Cemetery is still coming along, although wind, rain and threatening weather have caused some delays. Allie WHITLEY is eoordin ing -this. Is any one else working on listing any of the surround- ing cemeteries? Make it a spring and summer project! Call Dottie CLARK and let her know so no one else will duplicate. Help us preserve the heritage of this area. , 99 Our membership list grows! These have joined this year and we welcome them to our group, hoping that the meetings and the contacts will help new and old members alike. Where we have the information, surnames are listed. If your surnames are not listed, send them to the Editor, and they will be printed in a future edition. You never know who will read them and give you the next clue! Mr. and Mrs N. W. BRALY 803 Fawn St., Caldwell, TX 77836 567 -3603 Lynda McCARN BREEDING P.O. Box 368, Madisonville, TX 77864 ARMSTRONG F-RENCH QUALLS STONE BREEDING GLAZE RIGGS SUTTON CARLTON McCARN RUSSELL WHITE EAST PHILLIPS STATON/ WILSON STAYTON Mrs. Patton BURNS 1 009 Walton Dr. College Station, TX 77840 696 -7235 Mrs. James CARLISI 8 Haslach Ave. Trenton, N.J. o8629 See her Query, P. 56 Vol II, No. 3. Query # 025 PALMER /PARMER SEALE Mrs. Joanne GLOWSKI 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092 681 -5619 BERGER, Richard (Rock) DOMINIK, Frank & Marie 1882 -1951 BUDZISZ, John DOMINIK, Peter & Anna 1882 -1934 BUDZISZ, Pete PIATKOWSKI CHOLEWIAK, Joe CHOLEWIAK, Michael Mrs. L..M. HAUPT (Stella) Rt. 4, Box 19, College Station, TX ?7840 693 -8034 Mrs. Charles L. McCULLOCH (Mary) 114 Pleasant, Bryan, TX 77801 846 -3518 Mrs. Billy Wayne MILLER 2300 Oxford, Bryan, TX 77801 Mrs. Henry L. PRESNAL 704 Ma.tous, Bryan, TX 77801 822 -6342 100 WHO'S-NEW? -------------------------------------------- Membership More New Members! Mrs. E. E. SIMS (Lucille) 3901 Oak Bend, Bryan, TX 77801 846-8641 BLACKWOOD CRENSHAW HARGIS Mrs. William A. WASSON, (Julie) 1608 Austin, College Station, TX 77840 6 93 -5672 Andi WILSON (Mrs. John J.) work phone 822 -7373 ext 241 2323 Wilkes, Bryan, TX 77801 779 -4871 BLAKELEY EDWARDS HAMMOND BOTTINI GERAULT WILSON Mrs. Iris ZIMMERMAN R t. 1, Box 137, Bertram, TX 78605 Here is a listing (no addresses or surnames) of the present membership. If your name is not on here and you have sent your check, please call Anna HALLARAN or Mary COOPER. If your name is not on here, and you have not sent your check, send it to Anna HALLARAN, 733 Rosemary, Bryan, TX 77801. Your copy of the ADVERTISER will be sent soon after. Mary BELL Euline BENBOW Nadine BILLINGSLEY Joy BROWN Ken BROWN Frances BRUSSE Stan and Dorothy CLARK Mary COOPER W.H. & Elinor CORBUSIER Floy P. DAUENHAUER Louie & Christine DULANEY M.C. FORISTER Elizabeth GATLIN Sally GEELAN Mr. & Mrs. Jay GLOVER Marian GRAHAM Barbara GREENAWALT Anna T. HALLARAN Nolan HENSARLING Lillie Rush HOPPESS Mary Creed HORN Steve & Mary JERNIGAN Sandra KARNES Mrs. William KELLETT Jr. Mike KERSTETTER Carl & Georgia Belle LANDISS L.A. MADDOX Jr. H.A. MONCRIEF Ralph & Naomi McCORMICK Robert B. Mc JILTON Jr. Nina NOBLES Mrs. J.H. OVERTON Walter PARSONS Barbara PHILLIPS �1 101 WHO'S NEW? Membership Membership List Continued Sally RADEBAUGH Elizabeth_ RANEY Frances REASONOVER Shirley REDMAN Mason RITTMAN Nan ROSS Sandra S. SLOWEY Donald Frederick TAYLOR Allie M. WHITLEY Claudia WILLIAMS We may not be the largest association - -but we do have QUALITY!! PAGE's Pa es Wasn't our March meeting great? Bill PAGE has really helped us so much with the listing of materials in the A &M Library; but to hear from him first hand and ask specific questions was so much help for us as 'laymen' trying to use that huge collection. We almost feel like the kid in the candy store and not really knowing where to turn first. Well, Bill PAGE's Pages have cer- tainly helped us to know which tempting morsel to use first and where to find itt Don't forget to ask for PAGE's Pages at the Reference Desk or upstairs at the Micro -text desk to refresh your memory on just what is there. The Brazos Genealogical Association would like to thank Bill for his presentation at the meeting and also for sharing the 'pages' with us. More Pages will be in future ADVERTISER issues. 91 .4 e4 ADAMS 95 AKINS 95 ANDERSON 86i94 ARMSTRONG 99 AUSTIN 95 BAILEY 85, 95 BARNETT 88 BASSLER 90 BAXTER 96 BEAUCHARY 86 BEAUCHANY 86 BELL 100 BENBOW 100 BENNETT 88 BERGER 99 BILLINGSLEY 100 dot ale x BLACKWOOD 100 BURNS 99 CLEGHORN 88 BLAKELEY 100 BYRD 85, 86 COLDHAM 93 BLAND 96 BLEDSOE 95 CALLICOATTE 93 COLLINS 95 COOPER 84,98,100 BOMAR 94 CAMPBELL CANT 95 98: CORBUSIER 100 BOTTINI 100 88 COSSEY 89,90 BRAGG 95 CAPPLENIA N CARAWAY .COX 87 BRALY 99 96 CRAIG 94 93 CARL 99 CRAWFORD 95 BREEDING 99 CARL TON L CARRELLL E 99 85 CRENSHAW 100 BRITTON 93 CRISP 85 BROKINAW 89 CAWS CAWTHORN 96 CROUSE 91 BROWN 90,100 CHILDERS 93 CRUTCHFIELD 87,88 BRUSSE 100 CHOLEWIAK 99 CURREY 87,88 BUDZISZ 99 CLARK 84,98,100 CURRY 85 BULLOCK 98 CLAYTON 94 im DAUENHAUER 100 DAVIS 85,86,92 94 DEIBLER 89,90 D RGK 90 DICKSON 92 DOLLAR 97 DOMINIK 99 DREHER 86 DULANEY 100 DUNKELBERGER 90,91 EAST 99 EDGE 92 EDWARDS 95,100 ERICSON 97 EVANS 96 EVERETT 86 FELSINGER 89 FISHER 95 FOLEY 9 8 FORISTER 100 FRANKS 93 FREEMAN 85 FRENCH 99 GASS 8 GATE 92 GATLIN 84,100 GEELAN 100 GERAULT 1 00 GERHARD 9 0,91 GLAZE 99 GLOVER 100 GLOWSKI 99 GODKINS 87 88 HENNINGER 9 0 , 9 1 MCCARIN 99 SCHWANDER 90, 91 HENRY 98 McCONNELL 96 SCOTT 96 HENSARLING 100 MCCORMICK 100 SEALE 99 HILL 91 McCULLOCH 99 SHANKS 88 HOFFMAN 9 0,91 McDOUGALD 86 SHIELDS 94 HOKE 86 MCGILBERRY 86,88SIKES 85,86 HOLARD 90 McJILTON 100 SINES 95,100 HOPPESS 100 Mc LEAN 97 SLOWEY 101 HORN 100 McMILLAN 95 SMITH 85,86,87,88, HOWELL 98 McPHERSON 95 89, 90, 91 98 HUGGINS 85 HUMMEL 89, 9 0, 9 1 88 NOBLES: , SPURLOCK 93 STARR 96 LOCKE 95 NOBLES 85, 5, 100 95 ACKSON 96 JACKSON PRICE 89,90 SUTTON 99 JHNLOAN OLDS 94 STAYTON 99 JOHNSON 95 GUTTER 86 STEWART 86,87 LONDAGAN 90 OVE RTON 100 STONE 99 KARNES 100 KEEL 86,87 PAGE 101 .-STRONG 95 88 KELCHNER 9 1 PALMER MER 99 UART SUMMERS 95 KELLETT 100 FARMER 99 SUTTON 84,92 PARSONS 100 99 KERSTETTER 84,88 FATISON 87 89,90,91,100 RADEBAUGH 101 GREAHER 87 GREENAWALT 84,10ANLEY KEY 86 PATTON 93 KURTZ 91 PEYTON 98 GRIFFIN 86 PHILLIPS 99,100 LAMBERT 88 PIATKOWSKI 99 LANDISS 1 00 PICKARD 93 LaFLAN TE 89 PLUFv MER 86,93 LEE 85 POLK 87,88 85 LESTER 96 POOL 86 MILLER LEWIS 95 POPE 86 HANDLEY LOCKE 95 POS 95 LOFTEN 87 PRICE 89,90 RI 91 LOFTIN 87 PRIDGEN 95 LOGGINS 87 PRESNAL 99 LONDAGAN 90 ROSS 92, HAUER 91 MONROE QUALMS 99 GRAHAM 84,100 MADDOX MAGEE 100 85 RADEBAUGH 101 GREAHER 87 GREENAWALT 84,10ANLEY RANDELS 89, 90 GREENWOOD 85 85 RANEY 101 RAY 97 GRIFFIN 86 MARTIN RTIN M A 85 85 87 REASONOVER 101 HAEFNER 91 MATHIS 93 RE 91 88 MAURER 91 R HALE, HALLARAN 8 MENTS 85 RICE 7, CE 8 HAMMOND 100 MILLER 89, 90, 91 ' RI 8 9 HANDLEY 8 5 9 5 99' RI 8 HARGIS 100 MITCHELL 89,90, RI 91 HARGROVES 88 98 RITT M�4N 101 HARPER 95 MONCRIEF 100 ROSS 92, HAUER 91 MONROE 96 RUSSELL 99 99 HAUPT 99 MOORE 96 SANDERS 86,87 HAYES 87 MURPHREE 84,92 SCHLEICH 90,91 HENDLEY 85,86 MYERS 87 SCHMIDT 90 TA TUM 95 TAYLOR 95,101 THOMAS 88 THOMPSON 88 THORNTON 87 TREAT 83 TRIBS 85 VANCE 9 4 VANSLACK 86 WASSON 100 WATSON 95 WHITE 99 WHITLEY 98,101 WILLIAMS 85,95,101 WILLIAMSON 85, WILSON 86,88,89, 90, 99, WINDHAM 93 WINN 96 WITHERSPOON 94 WOODS 85,86 WREN 85 YOUNG 86 ZEHRUN G 91 Z IMIVIE RMAN 10 0