HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.1 No.4BRAM-171, I RTISERa,V o V91 Number 4 :. J Decembe _ J^N Va 74 Garden cr �: x P Brp", �7 t� bG . , ,I,96 mom:' a . � n P TO..' Elizabeth Gatlin 1501 Laura Lane College Station, Tx 77840 NOTICEI NOTICEII January 21, 1 980 Meeting NOTICE11 NOTICE1 NOTICEII NOTICEII NOTICE!! NOTICEII The Brazos Genealogical Association will meet in the Bryan Library, Monday, January 21, 1980, at 7 :00 pm. Dorothy CLARK, our new vice - president, will tell us about her trip to England and Anglesey, Wales, and the research sources that she and Stan found there. It is really inspiring to hear about the "on- the - spot' research they did and the interesting items that they found. This will make you want to book flight to England on the next planet i 68 The BRAZQS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER is an information publication of the Brazos Genealogical Association of .Bryan- College Station, Texas e 1 -980 Officers President . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Ralph McCORMICK, Vice- President . . . . . . . . . . ., .- . . .- . . . Dorothy CLARK Secretary .- . .- . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ., . Christine DULANEY Treasurer . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . Shirley REDMAN Librarian . . . . . . . . . . .. . . e. e . .. .. . Marian GRAHAM Editor . . . . . . ., . . . . .. .: . .. . . . . . . . . Mary COOPER CONTENTS Vol.. I No. 4 December - January 1979 -80 Page KNOW WHAT? Feature Articles 69 Record of Funerals 1885 -1904 69 Lineage Chart 74 WHAT'S NEW? Bryan Library New Acquisitions 75 KNOW WHERE? Research Sources & Materials Development of Texas Counties 76 WHEN? Local Events 78 WHO? WENT WHERE? Membership News 78 WHO'S NEW? New Members_ 79 KNOW WHO? Pedigree Chart 79` WHO KNOWS? Queries 82 HOW? Methods /Materials 83 WHERE? Index 86 _, 91CA i e ""Brazos genealogical c,9dvertiser Volume I Number 4 Bryan- College Station, Texas December - January 1979 -80 From the messy desk of your new President, GREETINGS! I cannot assume this new responsibility without acknowledging the great job done by Mary COOPER in this capacity during the past two years. Mary will still be around in much evidence as she and Theresa EARLE will carry on in the editing and typing of our Brazos Genealogical Advertiser. We have added Dorothy CLARK, Christine DULANEY and Marian GRAHAM to the official staff. They will serve as Vice - President, Recording Secretary and Librarian respectively. Shirley REDMAN is still ready to collect your dues. Our membership has quadrupled since a dozen or so of us huddled in an organizational meeting two years ago this month. It will take all of us working together to insure con- tinuing growth. There are things YOU can do, such as make phone calls, contribute items to the ADVERTISER, and attend and bring friends to the monthly meetings. See you later, The following article is the result of a good geneal- ogist who is always looking out for helpful information- -even when it doesn't help his finest Walter PARSONS ran across an old book in a building on the Texas A &M campus. The book was in the discard pile, but Walter thought it might be of interest to searchers in the area. The book itself is A MANUAL FOR FUNERALS For the Use of Pastors, Compiled and Edited by Lansing BURROWS, D.D. There is no publishing date, but the preface says 'Augusta,. Ga., 1885. The book appears to have been the property of Dr. T. D. BROOKS, and there are some small books and a. few pictures that were his also. Our interest is in the listing of funerals conducted. These are listed in the book along with some additional notes on the services held. The following article is the genealogical infor- mation that may be of use to people in the area. There is no nota- tion on most of these as to the place of burial, and it does not appear that they were Brazos County, but may be in nearby counties. Additional information concerning this little book will be welcome and may be published in a future edition. 69 70 KNOW WHAT ;` ARTICLES The chart in the back of the book is headed in this way: RECORD OF FUNERALS DATE NAME AGE' TEXT 1885 Nov 26 J. H. PERRIN 36 Fever Dec Dr. HOSKINS 22 Consumption 1886 March 24 J. S. KNOX 56 Dropsy "' 25 Mrs. E. J. CHAPMAN 30 Fever Aug 9 George BARKLEY 39 Pneumonia if 29 Earle FLOWERS 12 yrs Hemorage of Bowels it 31 Della RENSHAW" 4 yrs Fever 1886 Dec 30 Mary A. DAW 44 Rev 13 -14 April 15 John P. DALE 71 Heb 4 -9 " 17 S. B. BRADBERRY 33 Consumption ' May 15th Simeon ENGLISH 89 Old Age Oct' 17 W. E. CONELY' 47 Fever 1889 Oct 26 Mrs. Arrena REESE° 39 Consumption Ellis Co. TX Dec Marrion WIGGINS 30 Consumption - Milford Jan 14/90 Frank HARRIS= (child) 16 mos Fever Jan 24/90 A. A. BUCHANNAN 39 Consumption - buried at Bee Creek Jan 26/90" Miss Vinie BOWLES 20 Consumption Milford, Tex Feb 14 /90 Mrs. L. J. DILLEHAY 45 Measles & child birth Feb 18/90' Willie S. MARRS 12 yrs Typhoid & Pneumonia March 24/go Sarah Ann FARMER 70 Fever & old age it 24/90 Wm. 0. FINCH 152 yrs Pneumonia July 3 -1890 Mrs. Rellie WRIGHT 53 Paralysis July 11, 1890'C. C. WARREN 702 Typhoid Fever Aug 1st 1890 Mrs. Lenora FEARAS 272 Heart paralysis Nov 16th Willie S THOMAS 28 Pneumonia Nov 17 Miss Victoria MCCARLEY 18 Minegetis 71 Record of Funerals Dr. T. D. BROOKS (Coot' d. ) Date Name Age Text 1891 Jan 21st John Ervin WRIGHT 31 Consumption Feb 3rd Miss Annie O'NEAL 18 Fever April 1st /1891 Mrs. A. I. MATHEWS 28 Consumption May 18 Mr. W. H. LOWRY 67 Paralysis June 7 Mack JONES 11 Fever Oct 19 W. A. PRYOR 31 Fever Oct 20 W. B. LEWIS 252 Fever Dec 16th H. W. WARD 83 2 Paralysis Jan 4th 1892 G. M. WEEKLEY 77 Pneumonia to 31st Mary E. EDDLEMON 20 Consumption Feb 12 E. Willie WOFFORD 25 Pneumonia April 13 Mary WARD 14 1/6 Consumption Aug 8 Mrs. Eliza HILL 61 Erysipalis Sept 10 Mrs. Nancy LOYD 70 Fever ff 11 Mrs. TAYLOR 36 Fever 1893 Jan 10 Charlie 0. GOWAN 18 2 Pneumonia There are other notes which are given here as they are found in the book or on separate sheets placed in the book. Simeon ENGLISH was born near Macon Geo in 22nd July 1798 lacked two months and 7 days of 89 year of age - Moved to Cape Girardeau Co. MO when 6 yrs old- - Lived there until in the fall of 1852 - -he came to this Co -- settled on this place. Lived here 35 years - nearly -- Joined the Baptist Church at old Concord & remained there until his death -- Baptised either by Bro ANDERSON or Bro PICKET (the two were baptiz- ing at once) 25 were baptized that day. Always lived an extraordinary temperate life. Has always been frail, and for the last ten years- -has lived in constant expectation of death- - Never expressed doubts- - A consistant Christian -- He has entered his reward -- 19 live %sic) living grand children Three living children His wife been dead 13 years- -was 16 yrs younger than he 72 Record of Funerals Dr. T. D. BROOKS (Cont On the next page; Arrena REESE - died Oct 25, 1889 about 39 yrs old Leaves 6 children and husband A member of Baptist Ch about 25 yrs- Plasent Ridge Baptized by Louis Ball -- in Union Co. Lived in Lamar Co -- Paxton J. Miss Died rejoicing. -- Lamar Co. Tex Wm S MARKS -- 122 yrs old in Navarro Co. Tex Wm H STOCKARD At the bottom of the page was written: Eline = 12 Spring 3 score 10 Palm Trees Other notes; Manuel Edmon STANSEL Age 3 month 13 days Died Jan 23 - A M 8 -30 Child of Rev. T. J. and E. V. STANSEL 4th child dead 1 living Marion WIGGINS Born 155 Dec 29 30 yrs Died Dec 21st,. 1889 A black - bordered Funeral Notice reads as follows; "Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral of MRS. J. E. WOOD Wife of Col. F. H. WOOD, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. G. H. BEENE, near Vaughan, at 2 :30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, July 27, 1910, aged 82 years, 7 months and 16 days. Funeral services will be held at the grave at 3 :30 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. D. BROOKS, assisted by Rev. FINCHER. Interment in Bell Cemetery, Vaughan, Texas, July 28, 1910. *DON'T FORGET TO* *SEND YOUR DUES Q 73 Record of Funerals Dr. T. D. BROOKS (Cont'd) April 15th 1815 77 nearly G. M. WEEKLEY Came to Texas in '37 Ellis Co since .53 = 39 (The numbers of this last note seem to say, Mr. WEEKLY had been living in Ellis Co. since 1853, which would have been 39 years. The funeral listing (p. 71) shows his funeral date as Jan 4, 1892. These notes were on an old piece of note paper: Eppie Irene SELLERS was born October 4, 1859 Was married to W. A. SELLERS in September 1881 She a faithful member of the Baptist Church, having united thereto in the year 1886 She died at 7 p.m. on March 12, 1907. She leaves a family of 2 boys and three girls- - the oldest child 24 years- -the youngest 10 yrs. She died peacefully but without recognizing relatives and friends in the last hours. On a half sheet: "Mrs. Eliza HILL, born in Knox Ten in 1831 Member of P -Ch ever since 12 or 14 yrs old Erysiphalis - -- On the inside of the cover: Eugene TANNER Celestial TANNER Jewel TANNER 5 weeks old Sarah G. GARNETT 83 yrs. born in Franklin Co. Tenn. The final item is hand written on stationary of T. W. WARD, Constable, Precinct No. 4, the State of Texas, County of Ellis Milford, Texas, March 28th, 1904. "Thomas Williams WARD was borned December 6th 1860 in Hill County Tex and moved to Ellis County 1866 where he has lived ever since -- been officer in this town for some 10 years or more -- performing his duties well- - He professed Christianity about 2 mos ago- - He leaves behind him a wife and three children. Editor's Note: In presenting the information from this very inter- esting book, I have tried to present, spell, space and punctuate as it appeared in the book. If anyone finds a reference that he would like to see in the original, I am sure that Walter will be happy to make an appointment with you to see it. - - -and a special thanks to Walter PARSONS for saving and sharing this with us. ?4 Nan ROSS, Research Librarian in the Bryan Library, has offered this copy of -a lineage chart which was found in an old book given to the library. She said that considering the condition of the paper it was on, it may be at least 25 -30+ years old. Does this belong to you or anyone you know? UA 121S I Y 3 9 /7.7, l / f 7 ' 110� 41 3M014 WAN :r 1545 Cotner Meww tva tAnssies 25, Cmiii. 4 ��""' A note at the bottom says, "The nearest t DAR will mark the grave of the Real Daughter', Isabella (CARMICHAEL) RICHARDSON if descendants can help locate it A HAT'S NEW r RYAN LIBRARY New Books in the Bryan Library Ares GNL STEPHENSON. Scotch -Irish Migration to South Carolina, 975 1772. Five ship oads brought over by Rev. William MARTIN, Ti st Covenenting minister in S.C. Includes suggestions for identifying other Irish immigrants, and notes on variations in surname spelling. Indexed. GNL KINNEY. Index to Applications for Texas Confederate 976.4 Pensions. Revised edition. This edi.t'� ion of a classic i.n' dudes more that 1,100 corrections in name spellings or pension information, includes the 1st edition's addenda in the main body and notes which of many pension papers previously listed as missing have been located. Greats GNL Mc LEAN. Papers Concerning Robertson Colony in Texas 976 .4 Have volumes Vol ume 6, the newest, takes the colony from 6 March 1831 - 5 December 1831. Compiled from original ms. and correspondence in Spanish and English, this is an invaluable source on the history of this area. The Association is fortunate to have Nan ROSS in the Bryan Library to inform us of acquisitions. When you visit the library, she is a good source of information and assistance. ----- and on the subject of the Library, have you checked the surname card file lately? Have you put your new surname cards in the file ?? Here are three books recently acquired by Mary COOPER, which she would be willing to share. If you would like to search any of these, call her at 846 -8278 and arrange to use or borrow. Abstracts of Colonial Wills of the State of Georgia 1733 -1777. Wills are abstracted, but the named of those mentioned in the wills either as witnesses or beneficiaries are not indexed. Patent Land Survey (Index of Land Acquisitions) 1770 -1820 Lists in a phabetical order the names, acres, location of the land and the page number in the Books (A - 1784 - 1786; B - Missing; C - 1785 -1788; D - 1788 -1799; E - 1791 - 1803; F - 1799 -1803; G - 1804 - 1819.) The land is in Parts of the Old Ninety -Six District of South Carolina -- Greenville, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg and Union Counties. s of aaphabe - ication DON'T FORGET YOUR 1980 DUES! of fortunate draw and date granted. 76 KNOW WHERE ? RESEARCH SOURCES TEXAS COUN'T'IES FROM THE ORIGINAL LAND DISTRICTS This continues information on the development of the present counties from information furnished by the General Land Office at Austin, Texas. (Continued from Vol. 1 #3, P. 58) Angeline Cherokee Dallas aufman - R ockwall .Henderson Van Zandt Ay ood Rains Rains Hopkin Delta Nacogdoches Anderson Houston Henderson Trinity Hunt Rains Rusk Gregg Smith Camp Gregg ransas Ref ugio Cee Sabine San Augustine arion Shelby rpanola arrisorpanola n pshur e Witt Victoria Calhoun Lavaca. 77 TEXAS COUNTIES FROM THE ORIGINAL LAND DISTRICTS (Cont'd) razor Burleson adison Washington Lee rimes Calker adison -Montgomery —.Walker Can Jacinto , an Jacinto Brazoria Galveston aye tte Lavac Colorad Lee Lavaca Wol t. Bend Austi Waller LEE Goliad 'De Witt Karnes Karnes omal Caldwell Gonzales De Witt Guadalupe Lavaca °'Sir, to MM angsUry short, said the genealogist, "we shook Harms your family tree and a bunch of / squirrels fell outt" harton .. Jackson Lavaca Jasper - �- �--- -- °Newton I WHEN LOCAL EVENTS Read again the notice about the January meeting (on the address page), 'because it is one you will not want to missl Don't forget - Monday, 7:00 to 9 :00, January 21, 1980 ALSO REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR CHECK BOOK SO YOU CAN PAY YOUR 1980 DUES. DUES ARE STILL $10.00- -THE BEST GENEALOGICAL INVESTMENT IN LOCAL RESEARCH. - - -and bring a new member with you, too. Dorothy CLARK, Vice - President in charge of programs, tells me that we are in for a treat in February, too. The February 17 meeting will bring us Mr. Jim BERRY from the University Studios, College Station, who will talk to us about restoring old pictures. This is a topic we have requests for. Mr. BERRY will bring examples from his files, and the members may bring pictures to discuss with him. You may have questions for him also and he will try to answer these. Sound interesting ?? Put February 17 on your calendar nowl WHO? WENT WHERE ? MEMBERSHIP EWS Open House at Mary COOPER'S house before Christmas was fun and a very nice group swapped stories, visited with friends, and shared the latest triumph or problem with the others. Mary's granddaughters were her helpers. Mrs. GATLIN invited a couple who are interested in genealogy - -Mr. and Mrs. Dubb MANSFIELD. We hope they will visit us again! Frances HENRY brought her book of family portraits which were done by her photographer son, Carl. Very nicer One of our charter members, Euline BENBOW, lost her mother, Mrs. Ora MERCHANT, on December 30. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Euline. We are pleased that Eleanor NANCE is back home after an extended stay with an elderly aunt. Did you know that that handsome and well - endowed Santa in the Mall was really our in- coming President, Ralph McCORMICK? He must have worked very hard at 'ho- ho- ho -ing because he has been down with the flu since Christmas. Our new member for this issue has some very interesting surnames that other members will be wanting to talk to her about! BRUSSE, Mrs. Joseph C. (Frances WILLIAMS) 693-196 28 Celinda, College Station, TX 77840 ADAMS EVANS LOVICK POPE ASHLEY FORBES LUKEN POTTER AUBREY FRANCK LUTCHER READ BARBEE GARRIOCH LYGON RHEM BARCLAY GLOSTER MASSEY different RHODES BLACK HARROLD MASSIE lines SANDERS BLAIR HARTIN MELTAN SCURLOCK BLOUNT HAY MENIE SISON BOSWELL HERRING MILLER SKUTT BOUCHER HINES (Scotch Presby)SLOSS BOWEN HOLLAND (Dutch MILLER SMITH BULLOCK HOWARD (Ger.Palatine) SPENSER BURTONSHALL IVEY MILLER (English)TERRILL BUTLER ISLER MINOR URQUEHART CANDLER JOHNSON MOORMAN VANS CAREY KINGSWELL MOTTROM WALL CHILES LAMAR NEVILLE WASHINGTON CLARK LA ROQUE NORWOOD (Connects with COOPER LEWIS O'CONNOR George) Cox LIGHT PAGE WATERS DAILEY LOCKHART PARKE WHITFIELD DUNN LOFTIN PATRICK WILLIAMS ELLIS LORIES PATTON WINN WRIGHT Connects with Magna Carta Sureties WRISTHESLEY WYCHE This is a good place to remind all members to get your 4x6 surname cards into the file in the library. (See page 38, Vol. 1, #2 for samples and suggestions. KNUN WHO & I ' EDIGREE CHARTS Another reminder is to place your pedigree charts in the vertical file in the library. The best way for a genealogist to progress is to share information with others, for in return, a lot of information is shared with youll On the following pages is another pedigree chart of one of our members. We appreciate the efforts necessary to prepare this information for publication. Others will follow in succeeding issues. X - 06 1I E BORN 1785 WHERE Wales MARRIED Nov 30, 1859 WHERE DIED WHERE Indiana Co. PA Cath BORN 1796 WHERE DIED Nov 20, 1868 WHERE Indiana Co. PA Daniel WEAVER BORN Feb 11, 1810 WHERE Westmoreland CO. PA MARRIED Sept 25, 1834 WHERE DIED Mar 21 1872 _ WHERE Warren Co Tenn Mary Ann HUFFMAN W E 1rHERE BORN Feb 11, 1822 DIED July 1840 WHERE Lincoln Co. Tenn WHERE Lincoln Co. Tenn MARRIED Feb 1, 1854 WHERE 13 ,Nancy BUCHANAN DIED Nov 17, 1899 BORN Mar 2 3, 1799 WHERE Navarro Co. TX WHERE Lincoln Co, Tenn . h a y„ rg r DIED cTuly 1824 31 . BORN Feb 3, 1866 WHERE Lincoln Co. Tenn WHERE Lincoln Co. Tenn DIED Mar 1, 1945 14 James ELLIS Jr. _ - WHERE" Navarro Co. Texas BORN Dec 18, 1799 WHERE Lincoln Co. Tenn MARRIED Sept 1818 7 Sarah Ann ' Sall ' ELLIS WHERE BORN Mar 11, 1863 DIED Mar 8, 1843 WHERE Lincoln Co. Tenn WHERE Lincoln. Co. Tenn DIED July 12, 1888 _ WHERE Navarro Co. TexA* Stac - BORN Aug 2, 1807 WHERE Lincoln Co. Tenn DIED July 1, 1885 WHERE Lincoln Co. Tenn Daniel _Scott OWENS BORN July 24, 1861 WHERE Indiana Co PA MARRIED Sept 23, 1883 WHERE DIED Feb 9, 1945 WHERE Navarro Co. TX WHERE DIED Septa 13, 1963 12 Sherrod HUNTER WHERE Northam, Freestone, TX t 1784 =1785 3 ertha May FROST WHERE Wake Co, N SPOUSE MARRIED 8 Richard OWENS_ BORN Oct 4, 1830 WHERE Indiana Co. PA MARRIED Nov 23, 1854 WHERE g DIED. May 23, 1886 WHERECrawford Co. Ark 10 5 1 Marth e WE VE BORN Aug 7, 18 35 WHERE Indiana Co. PA DIED 'Mar 7, 1920 WHERE Lula, Oklahoma 11 Phomas Edwin OWENS BORN Nov 15, 1815 BORN Mar 19, 1886 WHERE Westmoreland Co. PA - - WHERE Navarro Co. TX DIED Jan 9, 1893 MARRIED Dec 25, 1907 WHERE Warren Co., Tenn 81 PEDIGREE CHART — Naomi Sibyl OWENS McCORMICK (Continued) To find the father of any person listed, double the number. Each man's wife is the following number. (Men are even numbers; women are odd numbers.) 20. Frederick WEAVER 21. Margaret - -- 22. William HUFFMAN 23. Barbara WOLF b Aug 19, 1963 d May 7, 1847 b Aug 12_, 1785 d June 19, 1849 24. Reuben HUNTER Jr. b Nov 4, 1761 Wake Co. NC m Feb 15, 1783 d July 15, 1833 Lincoln Co. Tenn 25. Cynthia UTLEY b 1762 Wake Co. NC d Oct 1854 Lincoln Co TN 26. Robert BUCHANAN b 1777 Washington Co. VA d July 17, 1845 Lincoln Co. TN 27. Rebeccah KEYS 28. James ELLIS Sr b May 1758 Albany Co. NY m 1780 d Nov 1817 Lincoln Co TN 29. Sarah RIGGS b ca 1760 Newark NJ d ca 1840 Lincoln Co. TN 30. John DOUTHIT III b Feb 10, 1868 Rowan Co® NC d Dec 25, 1860 Lincoln Co. TN 31. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Elizabeth - - - -- Reuben HUNTER Sr. d 179 Sarah - - - -- d 1.811 Wake John UTLEY b ca 1739 d Martha COOK b 1742 Wake Moses Alexander BUCHANAN 5 Wake Co. NC Co. NC 1802 Wake Co. NC Co. NC d 1807 Wake Co. NC b ca 1745 Chester Co. PA d 1795 Washington Co. VA 58. Timothy RIGGS 60. John DOUTHIT Jr, b Apr 10, 1740 Frederick Co. MD m Mar 9, 1764 d June 9, 1813 Pickens Co. SC 61. Eleanor DAVIS b Rowan Co. NC d Mar 26, 1806 Greenville Co. SC 96. Isaac HUNTER d ca 1850 Northampton Co. NC 100. William UTLEY b ca 1720 d May 27, 1794 Wake Co. NC 101. Elizabeth TURNER b ca 1724 d Aug 6, 1801 Wake Co. NC 102. Arthur COOK d 1794 Wake Co. NC 103. Martha - - - -- d Wake Co. NC 104. Samuel BUCHANAN b ca 1718 Sterlingshire Scotland d 1783 Washington Co. VA 105. Martha KEYS 82 PEDIGREE CHART - Naomi Sibyl OWENS McCORMICK (Continued) 120. John DOUTHIT Sr. b May 4, 1709 Colerain, . ?3erry Co. Ireland m 1838 d Feb 22, 1784 Hope, Rowan Co. NC 121. Mary SCOTT b 1721 PA d June 29, 1794 Hope, Rowan Co. NC 122. James DAVIS d 1765 Rowan Co. NC 123. Elinor 'Nellie - - - -- 192. Nicholas HUNTER d Carteret Co. NC 384. William HUNTER li Nansemond Co. VA 1695 & 1702 This pedigree chart prepared by Naomi Sibyl OWENS McCORMICK Phone: 846-8254. 417 W. Brookside Dr. Bryan, TX 77801 WHAT S , ELY? BRYAN LIBRARY A newsletter (Vol 1, No 1) has been received from the Nacogdoches Genealogical Society. Their newsletter is a ten page quarterly. It is a nice looking publication with some interesting information for searchers in that area. See the publication in our Bryan Library. +++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + +++ ++ Also in the Bryan Library is the Newsletter published by the State Archives and Records Service of the State of Louisiana. This is a six page quarterly. It contains information on their holdings which are presently being enlarged. They are looking forward to an extensive building project. +++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ The annual Newsletter from the Vicksburg and Warren County Historical Society ( Vicksburg, Mississippi) has just been received. One article reports the additions to the McCardle Research Library which is located in that beautiful old Court House Museum. When you are doing your sight - seeing in Vicksburg -- and there are so many wonderful sights to see in Vicksburg! -- be sure you take a little time to check the shelves in the McCardle Research Library. And if you are wondering about what some of those wonderful sights are that you can see in Vicksburg, just give your editor a call. ++++++++++++++ + + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + + + + + +++ ++ Remember to bring your 1980 dues and a new member to the January 21 meeting.1 1 83 W HO KNows ? Q UERIES QUESTIONS 012 LAWHORN. Want to find the parents of William David LAWHORN who was born December 1837 in Missouri. His parents had left Texas to. go to California for the Gold Rush. Because of illness they stopped in Cape Girardeau, MO, where the father died. His father and brothers had earlier come to Texas and fought for the cause of Texas. They reportedly were all given land grants, probably in Jefferson Co. Any one who has information please contact. Will exchange information. Mrs. Walter K. HENRY, Caudill, College Station, TX 77840 # 014 HOME Frances HENRY has a book entitled THE HOXXIE FAMILY Three Centuries in America This family lived near Independence, TX. Frances will search the book for you if you will contact her. (Phone 693 -1984) Mrs. Walter K. HENRY, 1202 Caudill,College Station, TX 77840 # 015 WELLS. Want to contact anyone working on the WELLS family that moved to Nacogdoches Co. TX from northeast Louisiana (Union, Ouachita, Lincoln or Jackson Parishes) around 1890. Mary COLLIE COOPER, 740 Garden Acres, Bryan, TX 77801 F_ A non - genealogist friend, Helen PUTNAM, sent the editor this Thought for the Day: WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS MOST ARE FAMILY TREES THAT PRODUCE MORE LUMBER AND FEWER NUTS1 Is that a special message for the editor ?? How METHODS-/MATERIALS The item selected for this section is a useful tool that can give a clear picture of the census information that you have gathered. You can trace that ten year old great grandfather in the family household in 1790, through the census to his own house- hold, record grandfather and trace him on through the census into his household. First tempted to fill this out as an example, the editor decided to -leave it clear for each subscriber to try out for himself. The form is available from Netti Schreiner - Yantis, 6818 Lois Drive, Springfield, VA 22150. You'll have to write for a price list. Try it out and let us know how you have used it. IN HOUSEHOLD OF: Males Females - U) o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qo a �n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z Encircle age group in wh ich o �, M ", co y o -� n , n, Q-, this person is listed ry i I f t 1 1 i t 1 O 1830 -Co. St. O u1 ^i ry N M V' u1 ko N 00 a1 .^i O:.Ln ^I �-i N M �. � SD N d> Name: 1840 -Co. St. Name: S CENSUS HISTORY OF: s 3 Date of birth: Date of death: IN HOUSEHOLD OF: Males Males Females N .Q .0 •H O 1z 4 Encircle age group in which ry m O ` N - -1 47 o N Head of family this person is listed p 4 -1 4J oU) ~ o Iri 1 (4 o Ln ~ y U U O -Ln -- - 1790 -Co. St. ry' - Name: y-I k 1800 -Co. St. 44 1 o U ro Q) Name: a4 1850 - County: State: Post office:. 1810 -Co. St. 7 Name: y v=. 1820 -Co. St. C Name: � 1 IN HOUSEHOLD OF: Males Females - U) o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qo a �n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z Encircle age group in wh ich o �, M ", co y o -� n , n, Q-, this person is listed ry i I f t 1 1 i t 1 O 1830 -Co. St. O u1 ^i ry N M V' u1 ko N 00 a1 .^i O:.Ln ^I �-i N M �. � SD N d> Name: 1840 -Co. St. Name: s 3 N .Q .0 •H O 1z 4 -W 4J - -1 47 Head of family 'Ury 4 -1 4J oU) 4i -4 o ro 1H o Iri �+ Q ~ y U U O ry' N ~ y-I k 44 1 o U ro Q) (a ^ Q) 4 a4 1850 - County: State: Post office:. 7 y v=. C � 1 y ti v O'3 ti G:J 1860 - County: State: Post office: v U T ' a RK s LM 1880 - County: State: Page #: Super. Dist. #: 'Enum. Dist. #: Twp. /citylst.add: 4 Name of each person a m whose place of abode Val ue of -q p, q4a .Q on June 1, 1900 was o ry ' in this family m o ' S4 V1 �4 a vas o x rZ4 Name of each person x .c v v, 1900 - County: State: �-4 j M 'ry W tn •N o ( Z ti i ' + b, whose lace of abode p .q A O 4J v,� , .v 1 ; � 1 0 H z on June 1, 1870 was 4- -W ro Q) r, ro o v, o c o-q ro � -4 '4J I in this family ro o o, Z;, ro 4J �i o -- 4-4 .;' z' m Q, v x ° Q) -W � ro a ro ro H U nn O il zi m A W ro � U O a N Q4 r /1 r ro ' O D O w. ^ N 1 1870 - County: State: Post office. 04 w'o 04 61 �; c a . J q 3 Y i N 3 N o Q) �, • U f-4 un •H •H Name of each person a v u o �, � �, ro ` o Q) q Q) m o A Q) 04 .Q a ' whose place of abode ro a H ti June 1, 1880 A �+ [ 4J U Q) o o ti H on was in this family o H O roz� u ro y -1 '0 M o f u ro O Q) +�? 4°j o m - -W U 3 A w U�� bi Q) Q) a9 O w U o O � Q) 1 L7 asp -W � ro v " 4.4 wo ^I 4 ao o 1880 - County: State: Page #: Super. Dist. #: 'Enum. Dist. #: Twp. /citylst.add: Sheet #: Super. Dist. #: 4 Name of each person a m whose place of abode t) q4a .Q on June 1, 1900 was o ry ' in this family m o ' S4 V1 �4 a vas o x rZ4 x .c v v, 1900 - County: State: Enum. Dist. #: Twp. /city /st.add.: Sheet #: Super. Dist. #: 4 �4 4J -W -,I ' S4 V1 �4 � H U •� � •y + N .q A O 4, � v,� Q) 4 J A� ? O 4- o v, o c o-q ro � -4 '4J I ro o o, Z;, ro 4J �i Q .c m Q, ro Q) O a ro ro ro O il o ro t3, ro -q 41 r_, 4., � w :;;z 04 w'o 04 61 �; c Sheet #: Super. Dist. #: 86 WHERE j" INDEX ADAMS 79 EARLE 69 LOFTIN 79 RHEM 79 ANDERSON 71 EDDLEMON 71 LORIES 79 RHODES 79 , ASHLEY 79 ELLIS 79,80,81 LOVICK 79 RICHARDSON 74 AUBREY 79 ENGLISH 70, 71 LOWRY 71 RIGGS 81 BALL '?2 EVANS 79 LOYD 71 ROSS 74,75 LUKEN 79 BARBEE 79 FARMER 70 LUTCHER 79 SANDERS 79 BARKLEY 70 FEARAS 7 0 LYGON 79 SCHLAFLY 74 BARCLAY 79 FINCH 70 SCHREINER YANTIS 83 BEENE 72 FLOWERS 70 McCARLEY 70 SCOTT 82 BENBOW 78 FORBES 79 MCCORMICK 68, SCURLOCK 79 BLACK 79 FRANCK 79 69,78,82 SELLERS 73 BLAIR 79 FROST 80 Mc LEAN 75 SISON 79 BLOUNT 79 GARNETT 73 Mansfield 78 SKUTT 79 BOS�VELL 79 GARRIOCH 79 MARRS 70,72 SLOSS 79 BOUCHER 79 GATLIN 78 MARTIN 75 SMITH 79 BOWEN 79 GLOSTER 79. MASSEY 79 SPENSER 79 BOWLES 70 GOWAN 71 MASSIE 79 STANS 72 BOYD 74 GRAHAM 68,69 MATHEWS 71 STEPHENSON 75 BRADBERRY 70 MELTAN 79 STOCKARD 72 BROOKS 69, 70, HARRIS 70 MENIE 79 TANNER 73 71, HARROLD 79 MERCHANT 78 TAYLOR 71 BRUSSE 79 HARTIN 79 MILLER 79, TERRILL 79 BUCHANAN 70, HAY 79 MINOR 79 THOMAS 70 80, 81 HENRY 78,83 MOORE 74 TURNER 81 BULLOCK 79 HERRING 79 MOORMAN 79 r' BURTONSHALL 79 HILL 71, MOTTROM 79 URQUEHART 79 BUTLER 79 HINES 79 UTLEY 81 CANDLER 79 HOLLAND 79 HOSKINS 70 NANCE 78 NEVILLE 79 VANS 79 CAREY 79 HOWARD 79 NORWOOD 79 WALL 79 CARMICHAEL 74 CAVITT 74 HOXXIE 83 O'CONNOR 79 WANDS 74 CHAPMAN 70 HUFFMAN 80,81 O'NEAL 71 WARD 71,73 CHILES 79 HUNTER 80,81,82 OWENS 871 WARREN '70 CLARK 67,68,69 IVEY 79 PAGE 79 WASHINGTON 79 WATERS 79 78, ISLER 79 PARKE 79 WEAVER 80,81 COLLIE 83 JOHNSON 79 PARKER 74 WEEKLEY 71,73 CONELY 70 JONES 7 1 PARSONS 69 ,73 WELLS 83 COOK 81 PATRICK 79 WHITFIELD 79 COOPER 68,69, KEYS 81 PATTON 79 WIGGINS 70, 72 75,78,79, KINGSWELL 79 PERRIN 70 WILLIAMS 79 COX 79 KINNEY 7 5 PICKET 71 WI 79 DAILEY 79 KNOX 70 POPE 79 WOFFORD 71 DALE 70 LAMAR 79 POTTER 79 WOLF 81 DAVIS 81,82 LA ROQUE 79 PRYOR 71 WOOD 72 DAW 70 LAWHORN 83 PUTNAM 83 WRIGHT 70, 71, DILLEHAY 70 LAWRENCE 74 READ 79 WRISTHESLEY 79 g DOUTHIT 80,81,82 LEWIS 71,79 REDMAN 68,69 WYCHE 79 DULANEY 68, 69 LIGHT 79 RENSHAW 70 DUNN 79 LOCKHART 79 REESE 70, s