HomeMy WebLinkAboutBGA v1-1 June-July 1979__ ~ ~. . 4 LISTEN! ,~ Editorial ,~---~- ,. :. , ~:~y `'° "The entire, membership of our' Association must be involved and active in the publi- cation of our newsletter or we cannot :make t.;Therefore, the entire membersh`ip' should be -' kept infor~n`ed and we will begin with the; proposals that-were- taken to the Executive Com- ~ mittee' on June 4, 1979... e ~ a 1: Publication will be bimonthly. . 2. Publication year will begin with the June-July issue. ' 3: ~`ditc~r will be confirmed yearly by the Executive Committee' in May. The. position . will be filled from those who apply during the month of April. . ~. The. Executive Committee will serve in an advisory capacity to the publication ,,, staff concerning publication policies and budget. ' . , , << 5: The Editor will be a member of the Executive Committee. 6.` ~ The newsletter °staff ~ will consist of -the Editor, Contributors, Publisher,; Typists, and Indexer. 7. The budget will be submitted to the Executive- Committee. in April to be voted. on ` by the membership in May. 'The newsletter will be supported by the Association through .yearly dues. -. ~ , ,. ~~\ $. Subscription to the newsletter will be a part of the benefits of membership. Out- .side subscriptions w~L~be ~$tQ0 , ;k ., ~ ~ ~` ~ - . , , f , 4 ~ ~... r .: ; 9. Queries and questions will be accepted from members and subscribers. .The membership will have an opportunity_ to vote on these proposals as well as the con- as it will beyour dues that support it. '" timed publication of the newsletter , ,; The document .presented. below is a draft of the Constitution and By-Laws which our association will be asked to vote on at' the August meetings Please read it carefully and if you have constructive criticism, please contact a member of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE I NAME z , BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCTATION h ll be th f thi i ti Th n . on s e ame o s organ za a e ... ,A,RTICI~IL; PURPOSE 'fihe purpose- of this prganization shall be to promote interest in genealogy. and mutual assistance in genes- - „ logical research; as well as to collect and develop resource materials. , ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP '~ Membership-.shall consist' of all those individuals who, are interested in historical. and/or genealogical research. ,` .ARTICLE IV DUES :The annual dues shall be set by a majority vote in a regular meeting. , ~~r~. ,, :. .. ~. ,` t ~ . k_A=: T496. Rearranged in'` s ~nl HOUSTON., Martha 8 :> a,'~~#;[~T'S hiP;W??Continued: Book Acquisitions at the Library ~ ~ . T ~ ~ Kinney County Historical Commission. Kinney County, 1852-1977 Shr",ft his- 976 4 tones oftowns, important places, and special events. Family histories`, some with . ~ .~_.::".:ancestor eharts.lVlany pictures. Index to names, pp.148-159. : ~ '`°3' ' ' Knox County History Committee. Knox County History. County history con- , and other ~~ ~'76 ~?I =tams"hlstOtleS of Small communltleSy churches important places, Short . , ; . ' ` fa#nily`hi~tories.'~1arne and subject indexes. x;=,~ ;.~ ~~~ 'Madeline. More Early Southeast`Texas Families '°"~nl `° M'ARTIN Family histories of , . 929,1 more than twenty families include histories of Names .and. communities where they were -located. Index by last .name, then first. r. T MOSELEY, Laurie III, ed. Somerville County. Centenni~l,,1875-1975. Histories ~~ ,976,„ of communities, groups, churches in the county. Some doctors mentioned. No '..462;1 index.. ' <;. {.: T SHELTON, Hooper, compiler. First One Hundred Years of Jones. County, Texas. .:976.4 County history .through histories of towns. Goodmap on wrapper showing route of ,_ ' ' °' ` "~ overland stage, mail, and emigrant routes. No index. Nancy McCRAW ROSS, Reference Librarian ; , ~~~~~~~~x~~x~~x~x~~~x~~x~~~~~x~*~~~~x~~x~x~~~x~x~~~~~~~~x~=~~x~x~~~~~xx~x~:~x~~x~~~~x~x~x~~x~~~~x~~~ LUCKS-CALDWELL-E`LLIOTT The following 13ible appeared in the Friends of the Library gift. box early in 1979. I looked.. through it as I try to do with all gift books, and found t'was a=Family Bible. If any- rune w,oul"d'like to ~6wn~ i~, and can prove their relati®nship, I will be glad to give it to them. , q. '.G S3S; e~( q" ..f g.Yyi Fl® k- * ~... . 3:5 { * , . ` (Nancy McCRAW ROSS, ~.eference Librarian) The Holy Bible. Philadelphia: Holman, not dated. Marriage of Eula Beth LOCKS and Robert Walker CALDWELL in .Bryan on 22 December 1930. MARRIt~GES: Charles W. CALDWELL m. Linda Dine TAYLOR, 14 April 1967. Robert W. CALDWELL m. Beverly Nan WATSON, no date ' ~iI~.THS~: Charles Edward LOCKS, 3 September 1886 (-1932 added in pencil). e ~'~ Eula'E.lizabeth` LOCKE,12 December 1889 (-1968) added in pencil) ` . -Fula Beth LOCKS, 30 September 1911.- B DW r ~` eth and Robert CAL ELL, S ~ Roberti-~; CALDV~ELL; Jr.: son of . was born 8 August :} ~ : v 1933.. a. a.. ~ - , . Elizabeth CALDWELL, daughter of Beth and Robert. W. CaldweA, Sr, was born 4 April . 1936. Charles William CALDWELL •was born 10 March 1944, son of Beth and Robert W. .CALDWELL;. Sr. _ ~ .. ~'I)EATHS: ~ : - :. . ; Charles ddward LOCKS was born September 3, 1886;- married. Fula .Elizabeth ELLIOTT January 5, 1911.One daughter, Eula Beth, was born 30 September 1911. Charles Edward ~ ' ' :_ LOCKE died 111ay 2nd, 1932. ~~ ~ .4 . - .On a separate sheet of tpaper: , 'Richard"Burton EhLIOTT was born May 12, 1844, died October 18, 1913." Minnie ~' - Adele ELLIOTT was born Dec. 8,1860, died March 6;1942. `' ;' ~, aJ' as sac ...caecavcaaac uciy. eaclc a.~ [11:1G1$$G4Ciy {;aadCU L$U lrlul'$(:lli'$ 4JW.iilt'Lt'iytl, Wedl. ,; DUNLAP, Marcelio J.... b. September 14,1859, d.1Vlarch 21,1861. .:.. --.... - : MILLICAN, Lucy Lee ..... b. April 27, 1862, d. Ausut 8, .1866... ,: _, , ". MILLICAN, Christopher G...... b. March 1, 1857,. d. December 15, 1859. MILLICAN, Elliott McNeal ..... b. July 6,1860, d. November 1,1861.. ,_ _ _._: _ MILLICAN, Francis E...... b. Austu 9,1864, d. August 17,1864. -` MILLICAN,"Tsabella G. '..... b. November 19, 187[?], a. July 22,1875. - MILLICAN;:JOhn .:... "b. November 8.,1837, d. August 29,1872. _. .. MILLICAIV, Adeline B...... bDecember 11,1:868., d. July. 21, 1869. . _ : ; : MILLICAN, Mary Josephine .... b. October 14,1858, d; August 14,1865. MILLICAN, Sam Houston .. .. b. August 1,1868, d August 5,1$74. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~ The. Weaver .Cemetery at 1Vlillican was recorded by Shirley REDMAN who lives in the vicinity. When she made her list two years ago, there were seventeen stones; now, she says . "there' are only three. When W. Broaddus SMITH. listed this cemetery in his book, Pioneers of Br~zas County, ?'axes, 1800-1850, there were twenty-seven. This is solid proof that we need to be .listing these small cemeteries before they are.lost to us entirely. If you know of one, please"list it`and send it far publication, or report it-maybe we can find someone who can :list it. ` " . ~-; - ~. ; ~ y,? y' 11 _ .. WHO?? WENT WHERE?? MEMBERSHIP NEWS I ~ ~ Dorothy CLARK,-who was our April speaker, has made that trip to England that she . told us about. She has a fantastic story you wouldn't believe! And she has pr®mised t~sl~are it with us in a later issue. v ~~k~~~~''k~~k~%K~k'-k~k . . DULANEYs recently made a trip to Alabama. Christine said she was g)ad she Th e went~he found out some of those RILEY ancestors she thought were hers, turned aut to be f' the wrong. ones-.but the story has a happy ending-she also found the right ones to put in -~ their place! Allie Mae WHiTLEY and Mary COOPER are expecting to dig up all the` SC~R:UGGS, LONGS, COBBs, ABNEYs, BELLS, and WELLS when they "motor" through Alabama and " Georgia-the. Good Lord. willing and the gas prices don't rise (too much). Where have YOU been? Let. us know and share that nugget ®f wisdom or that trick 1 :. ofresearch that you have learned. . - ~ . .. . HOW? METHODS/MATERIALS ,. :1• ~~ ,~, ~` ~~ •a~~bp ` ~~ ..~_~ ;w ~ ;.~: Name • The little ~ note .pad, ~ Mr {~ : , ; ~,~ <.:~ ~ ~ ~, .:She and showed pus at the Febru Pl~~ace : x.~ p ary, Birth date. meeting is the "how"'for this issue. ~ ' Using this note pad when you visit a relative or an"old-timer' Marriage date : ' Place :.. - ~, in an ancestral. town .will save writ- • ~ ,. ing back to ask that important question you forgot while you were Death date: ` P1'ace. ~.,;-~~ ~. there, , - , ~..a. ~ . . Here is a copY~ but you 4:: .a ., Chi 1 dr n e ~- can get the pad--cheap--from:. ,: ,.., ~ . 'GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH : ;;~ ~ b , . , SUPPLY : P. O. Box 1534 Father: ~. ~~ Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 .. - Mother:. ' School: __ Place: `~ :~.~~ ~,~ ~ .. Paternal Orders : ,, ~ _° ,. ,. a Businesses: ~,' A ~, Land owned : -~ ` ~ _: _, ProfessonsJTrades: ~ h1i l 1 i ta,ry '•% 12 ;WHO :KNOWS?? _ QUERIES & QTa7ESTIONS ~ ~~ ~~***'k***Queries or questions axe limited to members or subscribers **~`***'~*** '~z s . ., ... = ~f .~®u h~veF a qu~~y about that "problem" surname or that great grandfather who ran away - efr~x~}riiome., write it up BRIEFLY (we are not setting a limit®yet)! Send it-°or hand it~to the:editor (Mary COOPER, 740 Garden Acres, Bryan, Texas 77801). ~~°~~~(~1 ~ ,;_ SCRUGGS, LONG. Need parents of John H. SCRUGGS, b. Tenn ca 1821; ' ..~, wi Elizabeth B. LONG, b. Ala ca 1825. m 18 Jan 1843, Tishomingo Co., Miss. , Mrs. Allie WHI TLEY, 1535. Wolf Run, College Station, Tx 77840. < ..,. ,~~ , , ; < , . , No. 002 LYON(S), FROST.. Need parents of Jane LYON(S) b. in Georgia,''m, Hilliard J. FROST about 1836-37. Lived in Troupe Co., Georgia in 1$48, migrated to Claiborne Parish, La. in 1848. . ; ~ ,; Mrs. Ralph D. McCORMICK, 417 W. Brookside Dr., Bryan, Tx 77801-. ~ t "No.003,- MERCHANT, McGEE (MAGEE). Need proof of marriage ca 1:$78 for Robert Fulton MERCHANT and Missnire (?) Jemima J. McGEE. May be Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, or Mississippi. ... - Mrse Euline MERCHANT BENBOW, 603 E. 29th, No. 4, Bryan 77801. GPBELL, ANDERSON, Where is Duncan C. CAMPBELL buried.? d. ;_hT,o:=004. `° ; . $ April 1874 in Bastrop,. Texas. Where is his wife buried and when did she } ~.~~- ~ ~: ~ dTe~ Nancy~.~NI~~~,N,.CAli1PB~I~L ~l..after 188(4 A R s ~, .: ~; ~ . •. ~ t s ~ M, COLLIE C~Q±QPER; 740 :Garde 'Aces, Eryari, 7t'x41 , ; ' ~ ~ r ,. i r r -rFrc ~+I K `.fi Where can I find a 2"ea~as county m~~ ~ , f . . . Ans. The Bryan Library has a bound volume of all Texas County Maps. The map room in the A&M University. Library (second floor) has this .volume also- and many other maps useful to the genealogist. y,~,_,. The Highway Department will sell county maps in three sizes. The regional office (on Highway 6 North) will have the maps of surrounding counties and will. give you the order blanks for any Texas Cor.~nty Map you. wish.. ~_ .From J.C. ;u .,T_ Ise there someone in the Brazos .County area who will do research an the Marietta, Ga. ~ Bryan Library and Brazos County Courthouse? `~~Ans..':~. j ~ . ~. 3 The Brazos Genealogical Association has a-list of people willing to do this Bind of local research. The list wll~be sent to you. and you may write da- sect to make arxangments. _, . .., . ,. ,. 1 . -- , `~~ , Y _ t, ~. .« '- _ -~~ ~,. F 15 McNIEL, Mr. &-Mrs. N. A. (Jane) REDMAN, Shirley " ~ " ' 1700 Jersey No. 201 Box 103 `~ College Station, Tx 77840 Wellborn, Texas 77881 . phone: 693-6316 phone: 693-477A `_ ~' a .e~. ~ ~~ NANCE, Mrs. John M. (Eleanor) ' .xs,E.;~ ROSS, Nan '~ " 1403 Post Oak Drive ~ ~ 1600 East 25th St. ' College Station, Tx 77840 Bryan, Texas 77801 phone: 696-5864 phone: 779-1338 ~: j. A ODEN, Ray WHITLEY, Al1ie M. .. ~' 1213 Garden Lane 1535 Wolf .Run , r cL . .Bryan, Texas 77$01 College Station; Tx 77840 phone: 822-3610 phone: 693-4202 b ~ ~~: k RANEY, Mrs. John (Elizabeth) WILLIAMS, Claudia` ~ .~ ~ - '' 2315 Bristol :~ 2305 Carter Creek Parkway " Bryan, Texas 77801 Bryan, Texas 77801 phone: 779.4424 phone: 882-6380 `": REASONOVER, Frances L. .; YOUNG, Don and Nell _ 311 Foch _ 814 East 30th Bryan, Texas778U1 Bryan, Texas 77801 " phone: 846-4678 phone: 822-0780 ~ ~_ ,_. ~ N . ~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~~ ~,>. here Thanks .tc some hard wor"k"o~n'the part of Ralph and Naomi McCcirnuek; are tl~e+surn~mes l' ~. our members are researching. (kIf you have additions to this part, of the list; ~~l'1 the Moor- ' ~®; date ``~b ' f ` tucks at 846-8254): Ralph"is anxious for unto bring our pedigree charts uP ~ a _ .:f.. P. O. Box 885, College Station, Mary BELL Mrs Texas 77840 , . F . CHILES KOONCE STORY YOUNGw• - JONES LOVING WILLIAMS " '~ Mrs. Euiine Benbow, 603 East 29th Street, Bryan, Texas 77801 779-0781 ~~, ~ BAR.NETT EWING WY~~Y~# <<'°,' MAGEE (McGEE) BAUGH' FRAZIER MERCHANT BEATTY JAMISON ~, x PATTON "` . BENBOW `LOVE WALKER •- ' `.~ -,., ~; ~ ` ' . , <, . ,.~ .,. , i Mrs. Joy Brown, -1212 Glade'Street, College Station, Tx 77840 693-0992 ~~ " t :~- ASHTON HAMERSLEY PATTERS®N rSNODGRASS AUTRY HAY PATTON `'STO'NEPvIxAN' II BAKER HAYS PROUDFIT SYKES ~ '' _ .:BAYS , _ _ HILL PRY(E) TABOR. BRENT HOOSIER RICHARDS TAYLOR .; , ~, i 16 Joy BROWN continued ... __ $I~.I~TON KENNER ROBBiNS TERRY ,._ :~~.Bi~OWlol -: LONG ROBINSON TUBB r ~; .i~h'TON ' MASSEY SEAL(S) WALLACE ° P~ ;_: CLflW1JR McCARTHY SEATON WILEY ~DMUIVD S MITCHELL S13ARPE t~VILLIAMS , ESKRIDGE MOORS SHULER WIRICK FLOWERS MORGAN SIGHTS WRIGH'1' FULLER MYERS SIMS GRIZZLE OELKERS SMITH ~3 Mrsa Mary COOPER, 740 Garden Acres Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77801 846-8278 A13NEY HEILSON PATRICK ALLEN NORTON RUTHIERFORD `ATKiNSON KELLEY SAUNDERS BAXTER LEE STEWART BELL MASON WELLS BLOSSOM OLIVER WILSON BOX O'NEIL Mr. 8z Mrs. W. H. CORBUSIER 1505 E. 31st Street, Bryan, Texas 77801 779-2299 CORBUSIER ~ -~; , H,~il~MI;~i~IAEI,.:,: ~$ ~ . : .;: ,:~ MOORS„ ~ , . . DUNBAR NdEItRIWEATHi PORTE~i. GASTON •$ .~ , , , :.1ViEYER - -: WALTON .~,. ,, Louie & Christine DULANEY $00 Hawth®rne, College Station, Tex. 77840. 696-4543 ~- BOSTICK DePEW JONES RILEY BOYLES DOGGETT McIZIER ;BREWER DULANEY MILLS -~~ G'IURCHILL HAMPTON PIERCE ' Theresa EARLS ' 407 Timber, College Station, Texas 77840 696®7128 .ALEXANDER BUTT(S) McCAULEY RADFORD ALLF~T ;. EARLS MOORS RYAN .BARKER ETHERIDGE PAYNE(PAINE) SLAYTON BLANSETT GATLIN PARHAM TEMPLETON BOURLAND - HOOD PORTLOCK WRIGHT BUSH WILLIAMSON Guy & Doris`FRANCESCHINI, Route 2, Box 140, Caldwell,-Texas 77836, 713-272-8326 CROSBY CORDON SAGRATI STEVENS FRANCESCHINI KRICK STEELS Mrs. Elizabeth GATLIN, 1501 Laura Lane, College Station, Tx 77840, 693-2054 _ {see surnames listed for Theresa EARLS) ,, ~.~' 17 ~, ~ Mr. & Mrs. J. V. GLOVER, , 1413 Burt, Bryan, Texas 77801 822-2624 ', BACON CYPHERS HOGGETT RUCKER~ { BEAVERS DABBS HUMPHREY(S) SHERWi~OD ~~ ' BISHOP DILLON LEE STEPI-IENSON ~% , BOBBITT - FOWLER LOCKE {STEVENSON) - BRODAWAY GENT (JENT) McCURRY . TWEEDLE a BROOKS GLOVER NOWELL WINGO ~ "i BUGG GRANT PARKS CLANCY HEDGPETH RAMSEY Mrs. Marian- GRAHAM 2700 Longmire Drive, College Station, Tx 77840 693-5112 BENNS LANGER NEWTON TURNER CARP LINCOLN NORTON WARD `~ CONLEY 1VIOORE SHANNON WHITE • HOUSE MORTON TABB WILLIAMS KING HASH TUBBS i Mr. L. V. HALBROOKS 2303 Burton Drive, Bryan, Texas 77801 822.-3410 HALBROOK(S) HOLBROOK(S) _ 5 Mrs. Anne T. HALLARAN, 733 N. Rosemary~`Iiiyan-,~~Texas 77801 846=5660 : ~ . r t .. F HAAS <... I~NOTT PARROTT y ~, ;, ,- ,:.. HALLARAN MILLER RUSSELL ~ ~ KENNEDY . OGILRIE . ,:TOWNS .r,~~, Mrs. Marilyn HARVELL Route 4, Box 104, Bryan, Texas 77801 693-0099 BARYON. DEAN HARPER MATTINGLY BORING EDEN HARVELL THORNTON BOSTICK GRIFFIN HILL . ,, , s .: Waiter & Frances Henry, '` 1202 Caudill, College Station, Tx 77$40 693-1984., BUTNER HANNAN PARKER SHOCK CONARD HENRY `PARSONS COX LAWHORN ROBINSON `~ ELLIS NICHOLSON SAFFER ~ "~ Mrs. Merle HOBGOOD 509 Moran Street, Bryan, Tx 77801 ; 846-6563 ' ALCOCK HO$GOOD `PROVINCE ~ COFFEE(EY) PLUMMER `ROUSE Mrs: Coulter HOPPESS ' 1202 Hoppers St., Bryan, Texas 77801 822-1405 BARROW GATI~INGS LANDRUM SEDBERRY ;, , 'COOPER ` HOPPESS MEREDITH ='WALKER ~„ {~ I I I I 4+^: 18' Mrs.: William KELLETT, Jr., .1000 Esther, Bryan, Texas 77801 .822-4851 , - `' , DALE. HARRISON NELSON DOTSON KELLETT ROBERTSON .' CROWSON MOFFATT SMITH ~`~ Carl & Georgia Belle LANDISS, 803. Dexter, College Station, Tx 77840, 696-5654 ,- ASPACI~ RUNAWAY DYER HALL DAMS' ?~U1~iKLE GILLEAN LANDISS Ccaleman M. LOYD 749 Meadow Lane Bryan, Texas 77801 846-4248 COOK HOLCOMB MILLER CURTISS HOLSINGER SCALES .EMMERT 1iORNER SLOGGETT ~{_ Mr. & Mrs. L. A. MADDOX, Jr. 1002 Munson., College Station, Tx 77840 .696-6027 BUSBY KING McDOUGLE PARMELEE ~GO~BET MADDOX McELDOWNEY . I-IUBBARD MAHLE MOSS. , ,, Ellen 1VIax~~i~r 1018 Guadali~lae IDr., College Station,'1x'77840 693-7 525_':. ;~ ,_., .._ . , AI~AM~ S'~HIWETZ ° ~' - ' `TERRY ~ ~ ,, HAUSMAN(N) SMITH Ralph & Naomi McCormick 41? W. Brookside Drive, Bryan, Tx 77801 846-8254 APPLE (APPEL) COBB HUFFMAN NEECE `~ ` -BALL COWAN HOFFMAN NUE BALLINGER COX HUNTER OESTER® BARB CULPEPPER HUTCHINGS REICHER BAR,TEE ELLIS JOHNSON OWEN(S) BEASLEY ELSTON KELSEY SCOTT BfJWLES (BOLES) FROST KEY SIMS BUCHANAN` GAGGSTATT LINE STEVENS BUT RILL GILLESPIE LOFTIN TEAGUE CA11~IBELI~ GILLETT(E) LONG THORNBURG DAMS . HAMILTON LYON(S) TURNER DOSS HODGES LUCAS UTLEY DOUTHIT ROGUE McCORMICK WEAVERR 1VIEIER (WEBER) WOLFE `~1Vir.` & Mrs. N. A. McNIEL Box 9971. College Station, Tx 77840 693.6316 ABBOT BURT COOP ' McNIEL BAUER CLOYES McKINNEY RICHTER ,~~ ~- , _ __ .. _ _ ;~ ~ 19 --~,~ Mr. H. A.IVIONCRIEF 209 Fleetwood, Bryan, Texas 77801: 846-7859 ;~~° .. - ~._~ MONCRIEF WALLER 6 ,- ~~ d Mr. Ray. ODEN 1213 Garden Lane Bryan, Texas 77801 822-3610 . .5 ALEXANDER BURWELL LEMAISTRE ODUN `9 ATKINS(ON) DAVIS LUDLOWE THOMAS AVERY EILAND LUDWELL THOMPSON BACON JACKSON- MARTIN WILSON; BARRETT LACY MONTGOMERY WOOD - BEDELL LONDON MORGAN WYCHE BLACK:.. LEE ODEN . -~.,,~`., Col. Walter H. PARSONS, Jr. 824 Vine, Bryan, Texas 77801 $46-8161 :. ,, . , AHER CHURCH JANSON SCHMIDTLEiN ATWATER ROOK JOHNSON SECORD BALIS FINNEGAN REINS SLAVIN BALL FOOTE KEITH SMITH ' BARNES FRANKLIN KELLOGG STALE ,.. - BARRY FUGILL KILMER THO1VdPSON ~ BECKER GLOVER - LANE TINNERY BRIGHT GREGSON NICHOLS TOMLiNSON BRINSMAID GUNN O'NEILL - TUTTLE '.DANIEL ° . ° - . - HANNEN ~ : ~PAR~Q~VS, ;; s V,IC.~iRS ~ ' ~~ DAWSEY HARRIS PIERSON V~AItD ~~ DICKENSON HAWKINS ~ ,- ~ RUSSELL WEAVER. ~~, , Mrs. John RANEY 23 15 Sristol, Aryan, Texas 77801 846-4344 BAKER GREENWAY LARY SMITHER BANKHEAD HARPER McGILBERRY STORY . CALMES HODGES PARISH THOMASON CRAWFORD HOOKER PETRIE (PETERIE) DEW HUGHES QUINNAN GARDNER KEY RANEY Frances L. REASONOVER . .311 Foch, Bryan, Texas 77801 846.-4678 ,. = BEATTY HITT$ON(HITSON) McPHERSON RIDER , ~ BENSON EIDSON(EDSON) MOTLEY(MOTTLEY) ,' WILSON =' ~. ,, _, ,, Shirley REDMAN ' P. O. Box 103 Wellborn, Texas 77881 693-4770 ~ BATSON HALE (HAILS) MOLDENHAUER SANDERS + (HAILES) ; (SAUNDERS) BERRY HUNTER NORWOOD , TIPTON NE BO JOHNSTON POTTS BRYAN(BRYANT) LUSK REDMAN ~ , RTER CA MILLICAN MILLIGAN ( ) RUNNELS ,. 1 1 ~ ,. ~~ ,, ~~ . FOSTER HUDSON MERCHANT GRIFIIIN McCORMICI~ MOONEY Allie Mo WHITLEY 1535 Wolf Run College Station, Tx 77840 693-4202 BESSER HAMPTONS LONGS SMITH ,. COBBS HENLEYS SCRUGGS WHITLEY 5 °~ I)ain & Nell Young 814 East 30th Street, Bryan, Tx 77801 8220780 -~ CAMPBELL - HUNTER McI~NIGHT THOMPSON CUNNINGHAM LOVE STALLCUP YOUNG ,: ; s r `~__ :~. 4_ ~<. i ~ ;; WHERE? INDEX ~ °' 21 ABBOTT, 18 BUSBY, 18 EARLE, 3,14, 16 HOGUE,18 't ABNEI',11, 16 BUSH, 16 18 BURT EDEN; 17 N 16 HOLBROOL: 14, 17 HOLCOMB 18 ~ ADAMS, 18 , DS, EDMU , AHER 19 BURWELL, 19 EIDSON (EDSON), 19 HOLSINGER;18 ~ ALCOCK, 17 BUTNER, 17 EILAND 19 HOOKER, 19 .< ~ ALEXANDER. 16 19 ' BUTT(S), 16 ELLIOTT, 8 HOPPESS, 14, 17, ALLEN, 16(2) BUTTRILL, 18 - Eula Eliz. HORNER; 18 .ANDERSON, Nancy 12 Minnie A. HORTON;16 i APPLE/APPEL 18 ~ CALDWELL Richard B. HOUSE, 17 ' ASHTON; 15 ASPACH; 18 Eula Beth, 8 Ghas W., 8 ELLIS,17,18 ELSTON,18 HOUSTON, 7 HUBBARD,1$ ATKINSON,16 Robert W., $ EMMERT, i8 HUGHES, 19 ATKINS(ON), 19 Robert W., Jr., 8 ESKRIDGE,16 HUDSON,:20 ATWATER,19 CALMES, 19 ETHERIDGE,16 HULL; 9 ' t~UTRY, 15 CAMPBELL, 16, 18, 20 SWING, 15 HUMBOLD, 13 E Y AV R 19 9 Duncan C., 12 H PHREY 17 UM , I Nancy Anderson, l2 FELLDIN, Jean, 7 HUNTER, 18, 19, 20 BACON, 17, 19 CARTER, 19 FINNEGAN,19 HUTCHINCTS;v18 BAKER, 15,19 CARY,17 FISHER, M. E., 10 BALIS, 19 CHILES, 15 FITZRANDOLPH, 16 JACKSON, 19 BALL; 18, 19 CHURCH, 19 FLOWERS, 16 JAMISON; 15 BALLINGER, 18 CHURCHILL, 16 FOREHAND, 16 JANSON,19 BANKHEAD, 19 CLANCY, 17 FOSTER, 20 JOHNSON, 18, 19 BARKER(S), 16 CLARK, Dorothy,ll FRANCESCHINI, 14,16 JOHNSTON,19 BARNES, 19 CLIFTON, 16 FRANKLIN, 19 JONES, 15; 16 BARNETT, 15 GLOWER, 16 FRAZIER,15 BARR, 18 CLOYES,18 FROST, 12,18 KEINS,19 BARRETT, 19 COBB; 11;18, (s) 20 FUGILL, 19 `KEITH, 19 BARROW, 17 COCKRELL,16 FULLER, 16 KELLETT,14,18 BARRY; 19 COFFEE(EY) KELLEY, 16 j BARTEE, 18 COLLIE, 12, 16 GAGGSTATT, 18 KELLOGG, 19 B"ARTON, 17 CONARD,17 GASTON,16 KELSEY;18 i ~ BATSON, 19 CONGER, 16 GATHINGS, 17 6 I KENDALL,14 E BAUER, 18 CONLEY; 17 GATL N, 14,1 KENN R,16 1 BAUGH, 15 COOK, 18 GENT(JENT), 17 KERSTETTER,13 BAYS, 15 COOP, 18 GiLLEAN,18 KEY; 19; (E)(S),18 BAXTER, 16 COOPER, 17 GILLESPIE, 18 KILMER,19 BEASLEY, 18 Mary, 3,10, 11, (2)12,14, GILLETT(E), 18 KING,18 BEATTY, 15, 19 CORBUSIER,16 GLOVER, 17, 19 KOONCE,15 1 BEAVERS, 17 COWAN, 18 GORDON,16 KRICK, 16 BECKER, 19 COX, 17; 18 GORBET,18 BEDELL,19 CRAWFORD, 19 GRAHAM, 14 LACY, 19 ..BELL, 11, 16 CREWS, D'Anne, 7 GRAMMAR, 7 LANDTSS,14,18 Mary; 14, 15 CROSBY; 16 GRANT, 17 LANDRUM,17 BENBOW, Euline, 14, 15 ' CROWSON, 18 GREENWAY, 19 LANE, 19 BENNS; 17 CULPEPPER, 18 GREGSON, 19 LANGER,17 BENSON, 19 CUNNINGHAM, 20 GRIFFIN, 17, 20 LARY,19 BERRY, 19 CURTiSS,18 GRIZZLE, 16 LAWHORN, 17 BESSER, 20 CYPHERS, 17 GUNN, 19 LEE, 16,17,19 BISHOP, 17 LEMAISTRE19 .BLACK, 19 DABBS,17 HAAS, 17 LINCOLN, 17 - BLANSETT, 16 DALE; 18 HALBROOK(S), 17 LINE; 18 BLOSSOM, 16 DANIEL, 19 HALE;19 LOCKS, 8,17 BOBBITT;17 DAVIS,{2)18,19 HALL; 18 Chas. E. BONE, 19 DAWSEY,19 HALLARAN,14,17 LOFTIN,18 BORING, 17 DEAN; 17 HAMERSLEY,15 LONDON, 19 BOSTICK, 16, 17 DePEW,16 HAMILTON, 18 LONG, 12,16;18, 20 BOURLAND, 16 DEW; 19' HAMPTON, 16, (S) 20 LOVE, 15, 20 BOWLES(BOLES), 18 DICKINSON, 19 HANNAN,17 LOVING, 15 BOYLES, 16 DILLON, 17 HANNEN, 19 LOYD, C.; 14 _ BOX,16 DOGGETT, 16 HARPER, 17, 19 `LUCAS, 18 BRENT 15 DOSS, 18 HARRIS, 19 LUDLOWE,19 BREWER,, 16 DOTSON, 18 HARRISON, 18 LUDWELL,19 BRIDGES, C.A.; 7 DOUTHIT, 18 HARWELL,17 LUSK, 19 BRIGHT, 19 DOWNIE, A., 7 HAUSMAN(N), 18 LYONS, 12, 1$ BRINSMAID, 19 DRAKE, 16 HAWKINS; 19 BRITTON; 16 . DULANEY,10, 14,.16 Y HAY, 15; (S),15 D McCORMICK, 3, 12,. BRODAWAY 17 ~ W 18 DUNA A H EA , 20 14 15 18 20 BROOKS, 17 DUNBAR, 16 HEDGPETH,17 _ McCARTHY,16 ,• _ 'BROWN, 16(2) ' DUNKLE, 18 HEILSON,16 McCAULEY; 16 Jay, 14; 15, 16 DUNLAP; 10 HENLEY(S), 20 VIcCRAW, 20 ~~ BRYAN(BRYANT),19 Lucinda J. HENRY; 14, 17 McCURRY; 17 BUCHANAN, 18 Marcello J. HILL, 15;17 ' McDOUGLE,18 ;4a BUGG, 17 Mary E. HIT(T)SON,19 , ' BULLARD; 20 Robert HOBGOOD,14, 17, ~ William (2) HODGES;18,19 DYER, 18 HOFFMAN, 18 HOGGETT.17 22 McELDOWNEY, 18 PARISH, 19 SNODGRASS, 15 ~~ 1VIcGEEJMAGEE,12, 15 PARHAM,16 SOUTH, 9 ° ~' ,4 ~ McGILBERRY, 19 PARKER, 17 Bester ~` McIVER, 16 PARKS, 17 Charles W. McKINNEY,18 PARMELEE,18 Maggie McKNIGHT, 20 PARROTT, 17 M.H, McMICHAEL, 16 PARSONS, 17,19 Johnnie McNIEL, 15, 18 PATRICK; 16 W.S., Rev. McPHERSON, 19 PATTERSON,15 STACK, 19 PATTON;15(2) STALLCUP, 20 MADDOX, 14, 18 PETRIE(PETERIE), 19 STEELE,16 MAHLE,18 PIERCE, 16 STEVENS,16,18 .MARTIN, 8, 19 PIERSON,19 STEVENSON, 17 MARQUIS, 14 PLUMMER,17 STEWART,16 MASON, 16 PORTER, 16 STONEMAN,15 MASSEY, 16 POTTS, 19 STORY, 15,19 MATTINGLY,17 PROUDFIT, 15 SYKES, 15 MEIER,18 PROVINCE, 17 MERCHANT, 12,15, 20 PRY(E), 15 TABB,17 MEREDITH, 17 TABOR, 15 MERRIWEATHER, 16 QUINAN, 19 TEAGUE,18 MEYER, 16 TEMPLETON,16 MILLER, 17, 18 RADFORD,16 TERRY, 16, 18 MILLICANJMILLIGAN, 19 RAMSEY, 17 THOMAS, 19 Adaline B., 10 RANEY, 15,19 THOMASON,19 Christopher, 10 REASONOVER, 15 THOMPSON,19(2), 20 Elliott M., 10 REDMAN, 3, 10,15,19 THORNBURG, 18 Francis E, 10 RICHTER, 18 THORNTON,17 Isabella G„ 10 RIDER, 19 TINNERY, 19 John, 10 RILEY, 16 TIPTON, 19 Lucy Lee, 10 BOBBINS, 16 TOMLINSON,19 M. R.; 10 ROBERTSON,`18 TOWNS, 17 .Mary J., 10 ROBINSON,16,17 TUBB,16 Sam Houston, i0 ROOK, 19 TUBBS,17 Wilbur A, 10 ROSS, 3, $, 15, 20 TURNER,17, i8 MILLS, 16 ROUSE, 17 TUTTLE, 19 - ~~ MITCHELL, 16 BUCKER, 17 TWEEDLE,17 MOFFATT,18 RUNNELS, 19' MOLDENHAUER, 19 RUSSELL, 17 19 UTLEY, 18 1VIONCRIEF, 19 _ MONTGOMERY, 19 RUTHERFORD, 16 RYAN, 16 VICARS, 19 MOONEY, 20 MOORE, 16(2), 17 SAFFER, 17 WADE, 10 MORGAN, 16, 19 SAGRATI, 16 WALKER, 15, 17, MORTON, 17 SANDERS, 19 WALLACE, 16 MOSELYE, 8 SAUNDERS` 16, 19 WALLER, 19 MOSS, 18 SCALES, 18 WALTON, 16 MOTLEY, 19 SCHIWETZ,18 WARD, 17,19 MULLINS, 7 SCHMIDTLEIN, 19 WEAVER, 18, 19 MYERS, 16 SCOTT, 18 WEBER, 1$ SCRUGGS,11,12, 20 WELLS, 11,16 NANCE,15 SEAL(E),16 WHITE, 17 NASH,17 SECORD, 19 WHITLEY,10,12,15, 20 NEECE, 18 SEpBERRY, 17 WILEY,16 NELSON, 18 SHARPE,16 WILLIAMS, 15(2),16,17 NEWTON, 17 SHELTON, 8 WILSON, 16,19(2) NICHOLS, 19 SHEPARD,11 WINGO, 17 NICHOLSON, 17 SHERWOOD,17 WIRICK,16 NORTON, 17 SHOCK, 17 WOLFE,18 NORWOOD, 19 SHULER, 16 WOOD, 19 NOWELL, 17 SIGHTS, 16 WRiGHT,16(2) NUE, 18 SIMPSON,13 WYCHE,19 SIMS, 16,.18 WYLEY,15 OELKERS, 16 SLATON,16 OESTERREICHER, 18 SLAVIN,19 YOUNG, 15(2), 20 ~~ ODEN, 15, 19 SLOGGETT, 18 ODUN, 19 SMITH, 16,18(2), 19, 20 OGILRIE, 17 Mary, 10 OLIVER, 16 O'NEIL 6 L 9 R. A., 10 W B dd 10 , 1 , ( ),1 . roa us, OWEN(S), 18 SMITHER,19 I