HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.7 No.6f i enealogieal C19dvertiser CONTENTS Page The Rev. W. B. Eaves is Dead 247 Sam Eaves Tells of Early History of Bryan 247 New Format for Advertiser 210 President's Message 210 Software and the Family Tree 211 Warning 212 Restever Memorial Park Cemetery 213 Free Genealogical Query Columns 228 Queries 229 Researching the Irish Immigrant Ancestor 324 Genealogy: A Short Study 233 New Books in the Bryan Public Library, 1486 235 " Pedigree Charts 237 Index 241 Volume 'ELI Number Winter 1 986 _: Bryan - College Station, Texas k THE BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box 5493 Bryan Tx 77840 OFFICERS 1486 PRESIDENT .............MARY BELL VICE PRESIDENT ........ JOY BROWN SECRETARY ............ PEGGY HOPE TREASURER ......... ANNA HALLARAN LIBRARIAN .......... JIMMY VERNON EDITOR....... NADINE BILLINGSLEY STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH /INTERNATIONAL......... ROSEMARY 20YKIN LOCAL HISTORY ............... ®.. ................NAOMI McCORMICK CONTINUING.SERIES .............. HARRY PORTEER MEETINGS Meetings are the on the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is on a calendar year basis, January through December. $12.00....... single membership $18.00....... family membership QUARTERLY The Advertiser is published as the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Issues. Each volume of the Advertiser will correspond with the membership year. Free to members during current mem- bership. Non-members .$4.00 per issue. EXCHANGE The Advertiser is available for exchange with other organiza- tions or publishers who have publications to offer in ex- change. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan Tx. 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, charts, copies of records, articles and with Brazos Valley Family charts should be 11 and fit a 3 ring bin family Bible stories ties. 8 1/2 x der. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogi- cal Society or the staff of the Advertiser will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable in- formation. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with edit- ing privileges on a space available basis. The members of the society are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research per- taining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churchesA and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. LK Volume VII Dumber 6 Tinter 1986 Bryan - College Staticn Texas THE REV. W. B. EAVES IS DEAD Rev. W. B. EAVES, an old resident of Brazos county, was born in Mont- gomery, Ala., November 16, 1819; moved to Noringo county, Ala., and lived there until'he was 17 years of age. There he was converted and united with the Missionary Baptist church. Moved thence to Knox, Miss., where he was married to Miss Amelia PRUITT, May 11, 1843. Thence he moved to Texas- in 1850, and landed in Burleson countyduring the fall of that year. There he was licensed and ordained to preach at Providence church in 1853 by J. W. D. CRETH, Soloman O'BRAIN, Daniel FISHER, and Rev. SEWELL. Afterwards he traveled all ov er Texas as a missionary, preaching and organizing churches. He was one of the early supporters of Baylor college and uni- versity, and traveled in its interest. He was intimately associated with R. C. BULERSON, John M. CLAIBOURNE, J. W. D. CRETH, Z. N. MORRELL, J. B. LINK, W. C. CAIN and others. He held the first protracted meeting at Waco and Corsicana, assisted by Michael ROSS; also at Lampassas, where he was shot at by Indians. He organized the First Baptist Church of Bryan in an old ten pin alley, and was its pastor for several years. Through his in- fluence Dr. LAW was called to the care of the church after he resigned the charge. He moved to Bryan in 1866. All of the old members who organized the old Baptist church are now dead except Major J. W. TABOR. Rev. EAVES has lived Brazos vounty since 1866, in Bryan most of the time, where he raised a family of seven boys, all now grown, and four girls, all married. All his children were with him at his death except the eldest daughter who died in Bremond in 1882, and Z. T. EAVES who resides in Uvalde, Texas. Rev. EAVES became ill on the 11th day of May, the 52nd anniversary of his marriage, and died June 21, 1895, of paralysis at his home six miles north of Bryan in the 76th year of his age. Funeral services were conducted by W. C. FRILEY. From: Bryan Eagle, June 27, 1895 The following account, told by Sam EAVES, son of the Rev. W. B. EAVES vividly protrays the early history of Bryan and First Baptist Church during the first half century of their existance. From: Bryan Daily Eagle, Wed. June 23, 1926. SAM EAVES TELLS OF EARLY HISTORY OF BRYAN Lying upon his bed, one side of his body paralyzed, Sam EAVES, one of the very oldest residents of Bryan, who was here before there was any Bryan, recounted to an Eagle reporter one afternoon recently, the story of Bryan as he remembers it and this story will be published from time to time in the Eagle.......... 207 208 There is no one more able to recount this early history than Sam EAVES and his wife, both of whom recall with vivid distinctness some of the early happenings that will be novel and interesting reading to the younger gener- ations here. Dates and places come to ham'with remarkable clearness for a man who has reached the ripe age of 73. The Eagle herewith presents the first story given out by Mr. EAVES which deals with the founding of Bryan. Moving to Texas Sam EAVES was born on November 20, 1852, at Tunis, in Burleson county about 7 miles west of the present site of Jones Bridge on the Caldwell road. His parents were W. B. and Pamelia PRUITT EAVES. The father was born in Georgia and the mother in MississiDDi. Thev were married in Miss. in 1843 and came to Texas in 1845, settling at Indian Camp Prairie, or Tunis, the site of which is at present owned by Mit PARKER Other surviving members of this EAVES family are Dr. W. G. EAVES of mond, R. T. EAVES of Cannon, New Mexico; Jim T. EAVES of Austin, who works for the water service there; Mrs. J. D. ROBERTSON of Wixon Creek community and Mrs. John Robinson of Benchley. "My earliest recollection of Bryan is in 1865." There was nothing here then but a few residences and a store or so. The postoffice was out at old Boonville, about four miles east of Bryan. That building was moved into Bryan and is still standing one block east of the H. & T. C. station, the property recently purchased by Geo. EDGE and known for many years as MARTIN's Rooming House and now occupied by the MEAD Rooming House. The building was hauled to Bryan by six yoke of steers and those in charge were W. R. KING and J. T. RADFORD. This was in 1867 and shortly after the railroad reached, Bryan from Millican, which was on August 14th. "The first election that was ever held in Bryan, when I was just a kid of a boy, was in that old postoffice. Lon MOORE was the postmaster. Dave McINTOSH was the postmaster at old Boonville before the change was made to Bryan. When Edmund J. DAVIS was elected governor of Texas, of course, all appointive offices went into Republican hands. "The first store to go up in Bryan was in 1867 where the Texas Bakery now stands, and in the same building, or at least a part of the present build- ing still remains in existence. It was operated by HILL and MOSELEY, with a stock of general merchandise. The first rooming house in Bryan was operated by Mrs. SHAW, just to the east of where Pat PATTERSON now runs the Bryan Auto Shop, on that corner across from BO1 EVILLE's Store. It was torn down some years ago. John SEBESTA bought it later and sold it to Jim JAMES- -the site. The hotel was built in 1867. "The BONNEVILLE House was burned out. It belonged to Bill BOWMAN. He had put up a big hotel where the EMERY Apartments now are located. M. BONNEVILLE, Sr., bought the site and put up the hotel. "I came to Bryan on November 16, 1865. At that time there was just the broad prairie. My parents moved here and I came with them. They took up their residence where the Brazos Feed Store is now. At that time there were living in Bryan: Major TABOR on the hill east of the oil mill, near the cemetery; Dr. Jim WEBB, who lived where the HC TELL Lumber Company is now; Capt. W. A. BELL, who lived on the hill occupied by the blest Side Park ncw. and others whom I do not now recall. 209 "Some of the first stores in Bryan were the W. P. and Allen P. SANGER store, which moved to Bryan,from Millican as the railroad came north in 1867; ` The TABOR and LOOSE wholesale Grocery, located where John HANYAY's Harness Shop is now; COLE Brothers General Merchandise store where the present hard- ware store stands, and others. "General H. B. STODDARD came to Bryan in 1866 from Plillican. He was a big Mason and my daddy was too. I remember when we were coming in to Bryan from Benchley one time. We met General STODDARD near the SEALE's place - -or what is the SEALE's place now. The General's mount had died on him and my father wanted me to sell one of my ponies. I sold it to him, though it was • most treasured animal to me, for 137.50. They laughed at me�for selling a pony I thought so much of. General STODDARD bought cotton at ;Taco and kept the pony in a pasture there. That fall he brought the horse back to Bryan, gave the animal to me, along with a saddle and bridle and on top of that, gave me a hundred dollars in gold. We were always friends after that and I never knew a better man than General H. B. STODDARD. "Capt. Billy SAL'NDERS came here in 1874-from Virginia. He clerked for McQUEEN and DAVIS in the dry goods and grocery store where Eugene EDGE is now, the very same building. J. W. JOHNSON came here with them. He worked for Sam J EaCLES in the grocery and general merchandise store where the State Bank is now. "I was married in Bryan December 2, 18 ?5, to Miss Gussie KIP ?G, who was born in E1 Dorado, Arkansas, but who came to Bryan in 1863. She was here two years before I came." Mrs. EAVES interrupted Sam's story to say that the only store hare then was operated by a fellow by the name of GRIP'S and most of the people who lived around what is now Bryan went to Millican to do their trading. "My daddy was the first man that ever preached a sermon in this town_ and he organized the First Baptist Church on November 16, 1868, with eleven char- ter members, among them being Capt. and Mrs. W. A. BELL, my father and mother, Jim BATTS and wife, and Major and I.Irs. TABOR. "I used to go to school to Jack BARRYMAN where the I. G. N. depot is now located. It was in front of what is now ET Drug Store where Bill McKEEVER killed Greene HEARNE (the same way the tcwn of Hearne is spelled, for good reason) - -but that is another story." The reporter did not want to tire Mr. EAVES. He will return at a future date and secure another story for the Eagle. ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the length of cemetery listings the 1870 Brazos County Census is not included in this issue. It will continue in later issues. Members of the society are encouraged to submit articles of in- terest in the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bibles records, schools, churches, and other groups or organiza- tions are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. 210 NEW FORMAT FOR ADVERTISER To serve the Society membership more efficiently the Editorial Staff has made the decision to change the publication of the Brazos Genealogical Societies Quarterly "Advertiser ". Pre- viously the volume numbers changed in July. The new pub- lication year will now begin in January rather than July. This will increase the 'ef- ficiency of the Society as both dues and the Quarterly will be on a calendar year. To proceed with this change the first two issues published by the new Editorial Staff carries the same Vol. number as the Spring and Summer with the ex- ception of the issues numbered "5" and "6". This issue will be the last for 1955. The membership will continue receiving four issues each year. The first Quarterly issue for 1487 will be Vol. VIII Spring issue, followed by issues for Summer, Pall, and Winter. E_ ■ Our early settlers not only lived in Brazos County, many had families, business and owned property in surrounding Counties. Therefore we have developed this logo for our Ad- vertiser to illustrate the crossing not only family lines but county lines as well. The logo being used is to en- hance and demonstrate our in- terest not only in Brazos County but also in the adjacent areas. We encourage our mem- bership to contribute articles, Bible records and data of genealogical interest to the entire area. Editor PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Thanks to all of you who responded to my call for help in completing the re-listing and updating ing of Ear azos Co my Cemetery i nformat ion. This phase of our job as been com- pleted. We would like to shout "HURRAH." We are now busy with plans for publishing this in- format I would also like to commend ou 1"1 Editorial Staff for their work on the Advertiser. A small lending library for the use of our members has been formed and is housed in the hom of Joy S. BROWN. Though we have started with a small collection of boob: =S and genealogical quarterlies, we hope to grow fast. Thanks to all of those who have con - tributed. Langston GOREE has given a copy of " BRAVOS COUNTY HISTORY, RICH PAST - BRIGHT FUTURE which, in addition to county history, has mant, family histories. Pattie Rose TRIP - PETT (Waco) has contributed " JOHN N �M 1 C Y HISTORY" mu ch of which per tain s to Brazos County. In ex change, we hope we car: help her with her BOWMAN f i f would like to give to OUr library, call Joy. January will soon be here - - time to pay dues. Note the new rates ($12. for an individual and $1B. for a family) . Also , encourage prospective members e January As we come to the close o f the year . I wish} to thank= each of you for helping to make this a successful y ear . 1: has been real pleasure serving as Your president for the year 3PS. Mary Bell. X 211 SOFTWARE AND THE FAMILY TREE In a Wall St. Journal article (15 July 1996) Donald B. Trivette,relates his experience with genealogy and three software programs designed to help the genealogist. "At 12 I started in'the pursuit of my roots. Every time I got a tree neatly drawn, someone would remember a long - forgotten cousin. Genealogy was too messy to hold the interest of a 12 year old and I gave up. But not before learning one of the basic paradoxes of genealogy: Each generation the number of grandparents doubles and aunts and uncles increase exponen- tially. Genealogy runs up against some very large numbers and this is where the computer has begun to play a role. There are three major computer programs avail- able to help the serious genealogist tie the family together: Roots II by Com- mSoft, Family Roots by Quin - sept, and Personal Ancestral File put out by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints. While I was waiting for copies of these programs to arrive, I began drawing family trees using Lotus 1 -2 -3, a spreadsheet program. Although spreadsheets are com- monly used to organize numbers into rows and columns, it works equally well with names and dates. Each column can repre- sent a generation and the rows may be spaced to indicate who was a parent to whom. In addi- tion, 1 -2 -3 has some nice com- mands for quickly and easily moving whole sections of data from one place to another. The computer makes printing and disseminating family trees as fast and simple as generating form letters. Forms sent out to dozens of relatives and to- tal strangers, asking for help and to fill in blanks greatly expand the cast of characters. I was relieved when the profes- sional genealogy software ar- rived. After testing each program, I settle on the one developed by the Morman Church. Personal Ancestral File. It is well designed and at $35. qualifies as a true software bargain. (It's available in CPM. MS - DOS, and Apple II ver- sions.) My objections to the other two programs were more personal than objective. They are writ- ten for people who have no com- puter skills and never expect to acquire any. The number of special keys one must push to match up relatives and record an ancestor is annoying for anyone who can type. One program developer claimed this method of data entry caused fewer errors and is more "user friendly ". Maybe, but very few would have any dif- ficulty with PAF. Using the PAF menu, the user may add ancestors and tie them together into families. For each individual, one may enter the sex, name, and dates for birth, christening, marriage and death. Space is available to add notes . Once all the individuals are recorded, a variety of reports 212 and printouts are available. The descendants chart and pedigree printout are the most familiar to genealogist, al- though I confess I prefer the pedigree charts constructed using Lotus 1 -2 -3. Additional programs, included on the diskettes computes the relationship between any two people." For an excellent reference about the state of the art of genealogy computing see,Paul A Andereck & Richard A Pence, COMPUTER GENEALQGY, A Guide to Research Throuah Hirsh Technol- MERIN ** WARNING ** We have just received this report from the desk of Jo Ann Schmidt ESTES of Burleson, Texas, of a new contagious disease. We are now reporting it in case any of our membership observe it in a person in their presents. It reads as follows; WARNING: Highly Contagious SYMPTOMS: Continual complaints as to names, dates, and places. Blank expression, faraway look in eyes. Periodically deaf to children and spouses. Distaste for work except feverishly looking through records of libraries and court houses. A compulsion to write letters and swears at mailman when he doesn't leave mail. Frequents strange places as cemeteries, ruins, and remote desolate country areas. Makes secret night calls. Hides phone bills from spouse. TREATMENT: NO KNOWN CURE. Patient should attend genealogy workshops, subscribe to genealogical magazines and be given a quiet corner in the house where he /she can be alone. PROGNOSIS: Gets progressively worse, but is not fatal. REMARKS: The sicker the patient gets, the more he /she en- joys it. SUGGESTION: Report the victim with GENEALOGY DISEA to your local Society so he /she may have moral support. 213 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or AQe Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: ABBOTT, Pansey W. 63 yr 22 May 1985 Devotion 75 B 2 ABEAGLEN, Fred - - - -- 05 Apr 1986 Devotion 105 A 1 ADAMS, Benny Lee 1952 08 May 1968 Devotion 106 B 3 Accident victim. ADAMS, Clarence Douglas 9 May 1948 15 Sep 1982 17 Sep 1982 Devotion 104 B 1 ADAMS, Dolly 14 Oct 1911 08 Apr 1982 10 Apr 1982 Devotion 90 A 3 ADAMS, John M. 6 Feb 1906 04 Dec 1979 Devotion 81 A i ADAMS, Lee H. 2 Feb 1894 11 Aug 1972 Rest S 5 E AKIM, Truett B. 15 Aug 1906 09 Feb 1980 Devotion 76 B 1 ALLEN, Bessie M. 28 Jul 1917 23 May 1979 25 May 1979 Devotion 59 D 2 ALLEN, Betty 63 yr 30 Apr 1985 Devotion 52 A 4 ALLEN, Charles F. II 7 Sep 1934 04 Oct 1965 13 Oct 1965 Devotion 51 C 1 Capt USAF Vietman ALTER, Harry M. 13 Apr 1897 05 Jul 1975 07 Jul 1975 Devotion 134 B I Smn 2nd USN WW I ALTIMORE, Jim 5 Oct 1913 23 Jan 1984 26 Jan 1984 Devotion 37 B I ALTIMORE, Virgil William 03 Apr 1928 18 Jan 1964 19 Jan 1964 Devotion 37 A 4 ALVAREZ, Isabel Deanda 24 Oct 1886 23 Sep 1980 25 Sep 1980 Devotion 82 8 1 ANTROBUS, Grace C. 12 Feb 1889 29 Aug 1979 01 Sep 1979 Devotion 35 A 4 AOUILENA, Ruth Blanche 12 Apr 1900 26 Jun 1964 Devotion 87 C 1 ARNOLD, Matthew Key 15 Aug 1966 19 Aug 1966 20 Aug 1966 Babyland -- 53 Son /Charles R. & Patricia ATCHLEY, Aubrey M. 7 Mar 1897 10 Feb 1970 Rest D 13 F Automobile accident. ATCHLEY, Winnie L. 30 Dec 1899 10 Feb 1970 Rest D 13 F Automobile accident. ATKINS, West Brooks 7 Apr 1883 25 Mar 1968 26 Mar 1963 Devotion 56 A 1 AUTREY, James Gilbert 5 Aug 1923 20 Sep 1972 23 Sep 1972 Devotion 22 C 3 BMC USN WW II BAILEY, Clyde A. 2 Jun 1912 23 Dec 1969 Rest D 2 B BAILEY, Corinne 22 Mar 1909 Of Jun 1982 02 Jun 1982 Devotion 94 A 2 BAILEY, Robert Ray 1 Nov 1925 24 Nov 1970 25 Nov 1970 Devotion 114 A 1 Smn 1st USN t;,l II BAKER, Denzil L. 17 Mar 1912 25 Sep 1972 Devotion 87 D 3 BAKER, John Robert 35 yr 17 Apr 1985 Holy Cross 107 D 4 BAKER, Nathan C. 29 Aug 1883 26 Dec 1975 Devotion 138 B 3 BAKER, Ruth Davis 1912 17 Sep 1982 Devotion 87 D 4 Gramanay— Cardel; Missouri City, Texas. BALLEW, Veronica M. 1934 25 Apr 1983 Holy Cross 13 A 2 BANKS, (girl, stillborn) 4 Oct 1972 06 Oct 1972 Babyland -- 149 BARCHENGER, Mary Opal 30 Mar 1922 01 Sep 1972 Devotion 88 D 4 BARNARD, Lena Gibson 1890 26 Jul 1977 Devotion 83 C 2 BARNARD, Thomas J. 5 Jan 1887 24 Jul 1973 Devotion 83 C 1 BARRERA, Nicolasa 1887 09 Feb 1985 Holy Cross 1 8 4 BARRETT, Annie 2 Nov 1886 02 Jun 1962 04 Jun 1962 Devotion 99 C 2 BARRON, J. M. 'Mike' 72 yr 26 Sep 1982 Holy Cross 7 B 3 BARTON, Sybil 26 Dec 1907 10 May 1974 11 May 1974 Devotion 94 D 1 BATTEN, Rufus P. 10 Jan 1897 09 Feb 1977 11 Feb 1977 Devotion 73 D 1 US Army WW I BEARD, Billy E., Jr. 18 Aug 1952 29 Jun 1981 Devotion 65 A I BEARDEN, Claud 8 Feb 1894 01 Dec 1980 Devotion 14 C 2 BEARDEN, Myrtle Elva 1892 12 Sep 1981 Devotion 14 C 3 BECERRA, Jose H. IF Mar 1888 19 Mar 1976 Holy Cross 78 A 1 BECERRA, Lydia 15 Sep 1939 26 Jan 1976 Holy Cross 66 6 4 BECKER, Harold James (Jim) 21 Dec 1925 24 Sep 1974 26 Sep 1974 Devotion 86 C 4 BECKER, Jesse 31 Jan 1903 21 Aug 1964 23 Aug 1964 Devotion 97 D 1 214 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: BECKER, Jewell Eula 56 yr 07 May 1964 Devotion 75 A 2 BECKER, Louis 7 Aug 1914 13 Jul 1977 Devotion 75 A 1 BEHRNS, John Leonard, Col. 1900 09 Apr 1985 Devotion 93 D 3 BELL, Lillian M. 20 Nov 1898 21 Jun 1981 Devotion 109 B 4 BELL, Roy C. 'Beau' 20 Aug 1907 14 Sep 1977 16 Sep 1977 Devotion 23 D 4 U.S. Army BENNING, Lynn R. 1892 24 Aug 1978 Devotion 40 8 3 Oklahoma Funeral Home. BENSON, Don G. 12 Sep 1905 09 Feb 1977 Devotion 116 C 3 BENSON, Patricia S. 1907 06 Jan 1982 Devotion 116 C 4 BERRY, Curthsell Allen 13 Dec 1976 16 Dec 1976 Babyland -- 210 BERRY, David 5 Jan 19708 20 Jan 1978 Babyland -- 209 BIRDWELL, Carl 27 Aug 1900 31 dec 1973 Devotion 49 C 3 BIRDWELL, Oneta W. (Peggy) 2 Oct 1904 29 Nov 1971 Devotion 49 C 4 BLACK, Annie Laurie 1906 30 Dec 1974 Rest D 14 C BLACK, Grady W. 65 yr 1905 19 Jan 1971 Rest D 14 C BLAIR, Alton M. 1913 30 May 1978 Devotion 65 B 1 U.S. Navy WW II BLANK, Horace Richard 1898 26 Jan 1984 devotion 16 A I BLOCKER, Jeremy Phillip 11 Dec 1979 01 Feb 1980 Babyland - -- 15 BLONDEAU, Charles Julius 29 Jun 1896 05 Feb 1078 07 Feb 1978 Devotion 134 C 2 BLONDEAU, Myrie Nell 24 Apr 1894 26 Nov 1977 28 Nov 1977 Devotion 134 C 3 BOATCALLE, Ruth - -- 23 Dec 1963 Rest D 1 B BORING, Betty Reed 24 Apr 1892 13 Feb 1975 14 Feb 1975 Devotion 56 A 4 BOLMANSKI, Betty Holick 23 Jan 1910 19 Jan 1973 Holy Cross 89 D 1 BOLMANSKI, Louis J. 1902 20 May 1981 Holy Cross 89 D I BORING, Vernon Carrol (Bud)23 Jan 1930 07 Oct 1975 Devotion 77 A i BOSQUEZ, Crecencio G. 15 Sep 1911 19 Oct 1983 21 Oct 1983 Devotion 119 A 1 BOSWELL, Mary Pearl 1897 08 Jan 1985 Devotion 41 C 4 BOSWELL, Thomas Luther 4 Mar 1897 12 Aug 1980 13 Aug 1980 Devotion 41 C 3 Pic U.S. Army WW II BRADSHAW, Carolyn Renee 25 Feb 1985 26 Feb 1985 28 Feb 1985 Babyland -- 141 BRANDON, Alfreda L. 82 yr 29 Dec 1985 Devotion 61 C 2 BRANDON, George R. 21 Sep 1897 14 Nov 1964 Devotion 61 C 1 BRANNON, Lottie L. 1904 19 Apr 1984 Devotion 50 A 2 BRANNON, William T. 28 Feb 1906 26 May 1980 Devotion 50 A i BRASWELL, Jeffrey Allen 3 mo 23 Dec 1983 Babyland -- 109 BRAY, Mary Oxella 'Vaughn 12 Jan 1903 14 Apr 1980 Devotion 135 A 4 Ed C. Smith & Bra; Dallas. BREWER, Ira V. J. 'Dickey' 14 Nov 1942 30 Oct 1982 02 Nov 1982 Devotion 17 A 1 BREWER, James Oliver 66 yr 31 Aug 1986 Holy Cross 108 C 2 BRISBIN, Bennie E. 18 May 1897 29 May 1968 31 May 1968 Devotion 66 B 1 BRITTOiN, Bryce O. 10 Jun 1917 14 Mar 1978 16 Mar 1978 Devotion 104 C 1 St Sgt U.S. Army WW II BROOME, Mallie Thomas 4 Feb 1905 21 Feb 1973 Devotion 19 8 1 BROWN, Claude E. 15 Dec 1909 27 Sep 1968 29 Sep 1968 Devotion 50 C 3 Chi Carp U.S. Navy BROWN, Ethel Stone 15 Sep 1915 30 Aug 1984 02 Sep 1984 Devotion 62 D 1 BRAN, Henry Clark 26 Jun 1907 19 Jul 1979 Devotion 11 B 3 Mason BRAN, Kenneth Gary 23 May 1945 28 Dec 1977 30 Dec 1977 Devotion 50 C 4 Av mech 2nd USAF BROWN, Timothy Wayne I8 Jul 1982 18 Nov 1982 20 Nov 1982 Babyland -- 175 'Our loving son' BR(1.NING, Edgar L. 9 Sep 1910 13 May 1975 15 May 1975 Devotion 130 C 3 BR( dLEE, Haskell 1906 1968 ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ??????? ? ??? ? ? ?? B04K, Allen Hendrix 10 Aug 1918 12 May 1983 14 May 1983 Devotion 13 D i Lt Col U.S. Army Air Corps BUCK, Loris E. 1902 10 Jun 1983 Devotion 132 D I 215 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or AQe Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: BUCKLEY, Carol A. 18 yr 1953 25 Jun 1971 Love So N 22 BUEKER, Arthur J. 6 Feb 1893 13 May 1972 Holy Cross 61 B 3 BUNN (or BURN) Forrester B 28 Feb 1927 17 Dec 1972 Devotion 7 C 1 BURGIN, Jeannette I Jun 1929 11 Dec 1978 Devotion 34 D 4 BURKHALTER, Thomas E. 16 Apr 1908 29 Jun 1965 01 Jul 1965 Devotion 50 D 3 BURNS, Randall William 14 yr 29 Nov 1967 Devotion 43 A 2 Accident victim. BUTLER, Walter 50 yr 06 Sep 1986 Prayer I G 17 BYARS, Wallace Henry 6 Apr 1916 07 Oct 1982 09 Oct 1982 Holy Cross 17 A 1 CM 1st U.S. Navy WW II. BYRD, William M. 9 Mar 1907 11 May 1979 Devotion 68 B I CAMPBELL, Mark E. 2 Feb 1912 30 Mar 1973 Rest D 3 D CARLTON, Clayton C. 1911 29 Apr 1968 Devotion 96 D 1 Died in Tyler, TX. CARLTO`d, Nell M. 50 yr 16 Jan 1964 Devotion 96 D 2 CASEY, Melvin Ray 1904 18 Apr 1965 Devotion 74 C 3 CASTENADA (Baby girl) 3 Apr 1976 05 Apr 1976 Babyland - -- 21 CASTRO, Reynaldo Castillo, Jr.13 Sep 1952 28 Jul 08 Aug 1974 Devotion 88 B 3 Drowned. Pfc U.S. Army. CATES, Betty Ann 3 Mar 1960 01 May 1978 Devotion 28 A 2 Automobile accident. CATES, Homer W., Sr. 25 Mar 1909 28 May 1976 Devotion 53 B 1 CATES, Melissa Ann 7 Apr 1977 26 Aug 1979 Devotion 16 B 4 Drowned. 'Our daughter'. CATES, Ronald David 24 Dec 1955 25 Apr 1978 Devotion 28 A 1 Automobile accident. CATHEY, Carl Cornell 1947 27 Sep 1983 Love - N 24 Accident victim. CAVANAUGH, Michael Clinton 1 Jan 1947 28 Mar 1969 31 Mar 1969 Devotion 65 C 4 Automobile accident. CECH, Charlie 28 Feb 1911 21 Oct 1975 23 Oct 1975 Devotion 86 D 1 Pvt Army AF WW II. CECH, Julia Emily 18 Nov 1922 18 Sep 1976 20 Sep 1976 Devotion 86 D 2 'Wife and mother'. CHALK, Alfred 71 yr 21 Sep 1985 Devotion 107 C 3 CHANDLER, Myrtle - - - -- -- Jun 1955 Devotion 39 C 1 Buried limb only. CHANDLER, Waymon D. 71 yr 26 Nov 1985 Devotion 17 B 1 CHANDLER, William Bruce 1928 31 Aug 1982 Devotion 77 B 3 CHILDRESS, (Infant son) (stillborn) 20 Jan 1983 Babyland - -- 45 CHILDRESS, (Infant son) (stillborn) 20 Jan 1983 Babyland - -- 45 CHRISTIAN, Major Harmon E. 4 Oct 1905 02 Sep 1980 04 Sep 1980 Devotion 101 A 3 Full military honors. CHUNK, Prentis W., Jr. 16 Oct 1917 25 Aug 1966 02 Sep 1966 Devotion 38 C i Cremated. CINZEL, Alecia Diane 27 Apr 1972 29 Apr 1972 Devotion 35 B 3 CLARK, Avis 88 yr 21 Apr 1982 Devotion 52 8 1 CLAY, Henry B. 1915 08 Dec 1983 Rest D 16 A CLEPPER, Gail Ilene -26 Dec 1947 15 Jun 1966 16 Jun 1966 Devotion 51 B 2 CLEPPER, Janie Marie 11 Oct 1953 15 Jun 1966 16 Jun 1966 Devotion 51 B I COFFEY, Laurin P. 18 Mar 1897 29 Nov 1973 Devotion 32 A 3 COFFEY, Nena D. 25 Jun 1899 25 Oct 1973 Devotion 32 A 4 COLLIER, Russell Best 1891 16 Apr 1971 Devotion 82 C 1 COMBS, Laurinda Wine 8 Jul 1917 13 Dec 1978 Devotion 78 A 3 Automobile accident. CLAY, Robert Henry 12 Jul 1922 23 Jun 1984 24 Jun 1984 Devotion 73 B I CONNOR, Huell E. 81 yr 31 Aug 1986 Rest D 10 F CONNOR, Mildred S. 13 Jul 1906 26 Dec 1976 Rest D 10 F CONRY, Agnes Rosalie 12 Jan 1912 17 Jan 1964 19 Jan 1964 Devotion ill D 1 COOK, Norman D. 62 yr 21 Dec 1985 Holy Cross 98 A 4 COOPER, Frank W. 1896 03 Jun 1981 Rest D 12 E Heartfield; Hearne, TX. COOPER, Melvin Devoy 22 Jun 1978 24 Jun 1978 Babyland - - -- 18 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: CORN, Cheryl Ann CORN, Curtis Michael COURTNEY, Maurice CRADDOCK, T. D. CRAWFORD, Charles William CRAWFORD, Lillian M. CRAWFORD, Vera V. CRAWFORD, William H. CRENSHAW, Artie T. CRENSHAW, Margarette May CRISWELL, Elmyra CROCKET, Thomas Eugene CROW, Lowell H. CROWDER, Emma Perteet CROWDER, Robert S. CRUTCHFIELD William Erwin CRUZ, Mary CULPEPPER, John Cecil CULPEPPER, Mary Lake CUNNINGHAM, Earl C. CUNNINGHAM, Jocelyn A. CUNNINGHAM, Joy T. CUNNINGHAM, Lynne E. DAHL, Charles F. DAHLBURG, F. I. `Ike' DAHLBURG, Jewell Thomas DAVILA, Yvonne (Bonnie) DAVIS, Doris DAVIS, Eli J. DAVIS, Erroll B. DAVIS, Marie B. DAVIS, Pearl Kathryn Tansy DE LA GARZA, Monica Lena DENNY, Anna Lorene DEWITT, Anna L. DIAZ, Antonia DIES, Joseph Howard III DIGGS, Twila Bell DISHMAN, Harry C. DISII, Hazel Kelley DODD, Hattie A. DODD, M. J. 'Bud' DONAHO, Ottis B. DONEY, Virginia A. DOOLEY, Bettie Cole DOOLEY, Doris F. 24 Mar 1960 27 Feb 1975 01 Mar 1975 Devotion 26 Oct 1957 21 Apr 1963 25 Apr 1963 Devotion 11 Jun 1900 10 Apr 1973 Devotion Jun 1976 1908 1973 25 Jan 1979 Rest Devotion 88 yr 03 Jun 1986 Rest 29 Nov 1898 05 Jan 1973 Rest Oct 1971 1899 27 Jun 1984 Devotion Devotion 1923 1894 23 Oct 1978 Devotion 4 Jul 1906 26 Oct 1974 Devotion Devotion 1898 16 Aug 1966 Devotion 18 Jul 1923 15 Aug 1969 Rest i Dec 1938 24 Apr 1962 26 Apr 1962 Devotion 22 Apr 1924 18 Aug 1968 20 Aug 1968 Devotion Holy Cross 1904 29 Jul 1971 Devotion 1898 17 Feb 1984 Devotion 3 Sep 1914 25 Jun 1976 28 Jun 1976 Devotion 65 yr 30 Oct 1985 Devotion 5 Dec 1900 12 Mar 1973 Rest 1893 12 Nov 1965 Rest 1917 04 Oct 1971 Devotion 1958 04 Oct 1971 Devotion 1923 04 Oct 1971 Devotion 1949 04 Oct 1971 Devotion 5 Jan 1884 21 Jun 1972 23 Jun 1972 Holy Cross 8 Jan 1904 31 May 1972 Rest 1903 27 Jul 1982 Rest 17 Nov 1955 14 Feb 1974 Devotion 81 yr 19 Feb 1984 Devotion 11 Oct 1905 06 Dec 1980 Devotion 17 Apr 1894 28 Feb 1981 Devotion 87 yr 28 May 1982 Devotion 1900 18 Apr 1984 Rest 1 Sep 1976 16 Oct 1976 Babyland 72 yr 27 Jun 1985 Holy Cross 87 yr 26 Mar 1985 Holy Cross 6 wk 13 Dec 1976 Babyland (stillborn) 01 Jun 1983 03 Jun 1983 Babyland 17 Apr 1952 15 Aug 1973 20 Aug 1973 Devotion 25 Apr 1909 30 May 1975 Rest 72 yr 26 Nov 1985 Rest 22 Nov 1887 17 Mar 1978 Devotion 3 Mar 1892 03 Mar 1974 Devotion 1909 12 Jan 1968 Rest - -- 19 Jun 1964 Rest 1911 15 Feb 1984 Devotion 14 Nov 1918 16 Feb 1971 Devotion 107 A 4 107 A 3 81 D 1 S8C D16E D16E 54 A 4 54 A3 88 C 1 88 C2 D 12A 23 A 2 90 C3 117 8 4 117 B 3 2983 130 B 2 D14B D14B 57 A 1 57 A 2 57 A 1 57 A 2 89 A i D9E D9E 108 D4 34 D3 34 D2 85 A 3 85 A 4 D6C -- 114 9084 99 A 2 -- 178 - -- 77 104 D 1 D16C D16C 37 D4 37 D3 D14E D13C 100 A 4 100 D 2 Motorcycle accident. 'Our Mike' From Oakwood Cem Hamilton. Brought from Ingleside, TX Peters; Franklin, TX. Automobile accident. Hoelscher; Rosebud, TX. St Sgt U.S. Army WW II. Plane crash; cremated. Plane crash; cremated. Plane crash; cremated. Plane crash; cremated. 217 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks; DOOLEY, James C. 9 Oct 1918 13 Nov 1970 15 Nov 1970 Devotion 100 D 1 Sgt Co C 53 Tnk Bn WW II. DOUCA, Scotty Joe 16 Mar 1972 Oct 1903 20 19 Mar 1973 Babyland - -- 148 DRYDEN, William Bennett 14 Aug 1907 20 Jul 1984 22 Jul 1984 Devotion 81 B i DUCKETT, Gene]] S. 23 Jul 1922 26 Jan 1981 28 Jan 1981 Devotion 14 B 4 DUNCAN, John Thomas 28 Nov 1901 1902 02 Jan 1979 Rest D 12 F DYER, Grace 13 Mar 1889 10 Feb 1978 12 Feb 1978 Devotion 49 D 3 EADS, Mabelle M. FADS, Richard A. ECHOLS, Ralph M. EDEN, Mary Louise EDGE, Bert (ie ?) M. EDGE, Claude A., Jr. EIMANN , Lydia L. ELLWOOD, Leonard E. EMMONS, Cecil L. C. ESTRADA, Manuel EVANS, A. L. 'Doc' EVANS, Myrtle A. EVERETT, Bessie Mary FAHLQUIST, Shirley FAULKNER, Floyd Evan FAULKNER, Nona Belle FEATH, Margaret Lynn FERGUSON, Elton H. FERGUSON, Wayne Bruce FINKE, Fred FINKE, Opal FISHER, Charles Weldon FISHER, Mary Ruth FLEITAS, Teadula Pilar FOSTER, Gary W. FOSTER, John E. FOSTER, Jewel Wright FRANCKLO(N or W), J. Kelly FRANCKLO(N or W), Marie FRANCO, Fedrico C. FREDE, Elmer F. FREDE, Marjorie King FREE, Johnny Wayne FREE, William Ruby FREIBERGER, Dimple FREIBERGER, William H. FULLER, Earl J. FUTRELL, Evelyn Davison FUTRELL, James Jefferson 8 Jan 1895 23 Feb 1978 Rest D 15 E - -- 06 Jul 1964 Rest D 15 E 26 Oct 1903 20 Apr 1970 Devotion 73 D 3 22 Jul 1910 25 Feb 1981 Devotion 40 A 4 - - -- 17 Sep 1985 Devotion 75 C 3 Baby 26 Oct 1931 05 Mar 1966 Devotion 75 C 4 4 May 1904 25 Jul 1981 28 Jul 1981 Devotion 26 B 2 1902 09 Mar 1984 Devotion 63 C 1 74 yr 22 Apr 1986 Holy Cross 5 A 1 12 Sep 1886 17 Jul 1970 Holy Cross 73 A 4 24 Sep 1903 16 Feb 1969 Devotion 25 C 1 1906 27 Aug 1983 Devotion 25 C 2 2 Feb 1935 15 Oct 1973 17 Oct 1973 Devotion 32 B 2 Re- interment from Navasota. 'Mother' Holy Cross II. I Jan 1925 16 Dec 1968 Love So. N 21 Ashes put in mausoleum. 68 yr 21 Sep 1961 Devotion 101 B 2 1900 31 Jul 1967 Devotion 101 B 2 By Wilke -Clay, Austin, TX 39 yr 24 Mar 1986 Devotion 25 D 2 1913 22 Feb 1983 Devotion 13 8 3 1944 29 Mar 1984 Love -- N 1 26 May 1910 11 Jan 1974 Devotion 93 C 1 1917 1978 Devotion 93 C 2 ?? 45 yr 1912 16 Apr 1957 15 Mar 1969 Dev to Rest D 12 C From 80 A 1 15 Mar 1969. 1913 25 Nov 1983 Rest D 12 C 91 yr 01 Mar 1986 Holy Cross 73 C I 10 Oct 1944 15 Feb 1980 18 Feb 1980 Devotion 88 A 1 Capt USAF Vietnam. 14 Dec 1889 17 Jun 1973 Devotion 21 C 1 1902 22 Sep 1982 Devotion 21 C 2 1901 05 Jul 1982 Rest D 2 E - - - -- 14 Sep 1985 Rest D 2 E 19 Oct 1930 11 Nov 1983 13 Nov 1983 Holy Cross 78 B 3 13 Jun 1898 31 Dec 1971 Devotion 65 A 3 11 May 1899 29 Dec 1960 Devotion 65 A 4 7 Dec 1950 13 Aug 1971 Devotion 92 B 4 Kilted in Vietman. 1909 15 Feb 1985 Devotion 92 B 2 17 May 1899 30 Jan 1969 Devotion 79 D 1 29 Oct 1893 28 Aug 1975 30 Aug 1975 Devotion 67 C 4 1930 04 Dec 1984 Devotion 94 B 1 26 Jan 1891 10 Jan 1981 Devotion 89 B 4 71 yr 21 Jun 1963 Devotion 89 B 3 Cpl Co 359 Infantry WW I. RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or AQe Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: GALLOWAY, Mary Elizabeth 14 Apr 1953 22 Jul 1970 Devotion 68 A 3 Automobile accident. GARCIA, George 4 Nov 1975 23 Jan 1976 Babyland - -- 51 GARRETT, Cora Elizabeth 24 Jul 1887 14 Nov 1978 Devotion 67 A 2 GARRETT, Ida LaRue 13 Aug 1912 11 Mar 1971 Devotion 55 B 4 GARRETT, Thomas Walter 80 yr 10 Jan 1964 Devotion 67 A i GARVIN, Imogene C. Haynie 1888 12 Feb 1966 Rest S 6 F GENTRY, tV or Blernita 16 Oct 1890 14 Sep 1971 Devotion 114 D 1 GENTRY, Herschel J. 29 Apr 1913 17 Oct 1984 20 Oct 1984 Devotion 63 C 3 GIBBONS, Claude 21 Dec 1916 27 May 1977 29 May 1977 Devotion 106 B 2 GIBBONS, Eldred Hargis 20 Feb 1897 01 Feb 1973 Devotion 96 A I GIBBONS, Mabel B. 1900 06 Oct 1965 Devotion 96 A 2 GIBSON, Janes Henry 24 Dec 1882 20 Jun 1970 Devotion 90 A 1 GIBSOI, Myrtle N. 8 Apr 1888 06 May 1980 Devotion 90 A 2 GILLETTE, Mary M. 71 yr 22 Jun 1986 Devotion 92 D 2 GILLETTE, Norfleet D. 1913 12 Jun 1983 Devotion 92 D 1 GINZEL, Alecia Diane 27 Apr 1972 28 Apr 1972 ? ? ???? ?? ???? ????? 3???? ???? GINZEL, Martha M. 18 Oct 1917 16 Jan 1979 Devotion 34 C 2 GLASGOW, Gilbert J. 6 Feb 1895 09 Dec 1969 11 Dec 1969 Devotion 113 D I Sgt Btry F 52 Fld Art WW I GLASGOW, Gladys T. 7 Sep 1903 07 Mar 1984 09 Mar 1984 Devotion 113 D 2 GOMEZ, Manuel 1 Jun 1917 08 Jun 1969 Devotion 56 A 2 GOIGORA, (Infant) 8 Dec 1977 12 Jan 1978 Babyland -- 117 GOODWIN, Michael 18 Apr 1977 18 Apr 1977 20 Apr 1977 Babyland -- 212 GOUGER, Jennie P. 8 Jan 1881 07 Mar 1970 Rest D 5 A GOUGER, Robert R. - -- -- - -- 1962 Rest D 5 A GOYTOI, Maurice R. 59 yr 03 Sep 1983 Devotion 40 A 1 GRAY, David Lee I Mar 1966 24 Nov 1971 26 Nov 1971 Babyland -- 116 GRAY, Joseph S. 28 Jun 1894 21 Feb 1974 24 Feb 1974 Devotion 13 A 3 GRAY, Joseph W. 8 Feb 1919 14 Dec 1 17 Dec 1981 Devotion 13 A i Pic U.S. Army WW II. GRAY, Theo Geraldine 53 yr 02 Nov 1967 Devotion 23 A 1 Died in Galveston. GREEN, Robert M. 1923 31 Dec 1981 03 Jan 1982 Holy Cross 53 B 2 GUYTON, Maurice Ray 12 Jan 1924 31 Aug 1983 ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?????? ??? ?? Coxswain U.S. Navy GUYTOI, Robert H. 1890 19 Jul 1964 Devotion 21 D 1 HACKNEY, B. Mason 1909 29 Nov 1980 Devotion 122 D 3 HAIR, Jim 8 Jul 1904 10 Nov 1976 Devotion 22 C 4 HANCOCK, Alice Michelle 2 yr 18 Mar 1974 Babyland -- 145 HANSON, Herbert 82 yr 04 May 1985 Devotion 77 C 3 Wilkerson - Hatch; Waco, TX. HARDY, Bettie R. 15 Sep 1911 02 Feb 1979 04 Feb 1979 Devotion 90 C 2 HARLESS, Herman Oscar 28 Sep 1894 01 Jan 1971 Devotion 63 C 3 HARRIS, Eulalia 'McCameron' 3 Apr 1898 18 May 1969 Devotion 89 0 2 HARGROVE, Ethel Z. 23 Apr 1896 25 Sep 1976 27 Sep 1976 Devotion 112 A 4 HARGROVE, Rufus Clyde 31 Jul 1896 16 Mar 1959 18 Mar 1959 Devotion 112 A 3 HATCHER, Larry Monroe 14 Sep 1941 09 Apr 1964 Devotion 69 A 4 iIAUSINGER, Howard Edward 1900 17 Jan 1982 Devotion 97 C 3 Strickland; Somerville, TX HAVEROI, Albert 23 Sep 1891 12 May 1978 Holy Cross 76 B 3 HAZELWOOD, Misty Lee 12 Aug 1980 22 Aug 1980 Babyland - -- 47 Comanche; Comanche, T.X. HAVES, Ruby Edna 19 Sep 1914 05 May 1980 Devotion 132 A 2 HEATOI, William E. 15 Aug 1905 14 Mar 1969 17 Mar 1969 Devotion 82 C 2 Tec 5 U.S. Army WW II. HE RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY d NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: HENSLEY, Eva Lee 19 Sep 1908 31 Oct 1973 Devotion 69 D 4 HENSLEY, Tilman 1. 15 Sep 1911 14 Apr 1982 16 Apr 1982 Devotion 57 B 1 HENSON, Katie A. 22 Sep 1904 15 Mar 1970 Devotion 89 B 2 HERNANDEZ, Juan B 'Johnny' 30 Aug 1950 23 Aug 1975 26 Aug 1975 Holy Cross I B 1 HERNANDEZ, Thomas Lopez, Jr. 3 mo 07 Sep 1981 Babyland — 111 HERNDON, Henry M. 31 Jan 1883 19 Nov 1964 22 Nov 1964 Devotion 110 A 3 HERNDON, Maude W. 19 Apr 1893 29 Aug 1973 Devotion 110 A 4 HERRERA, Thomas P. 7 Aug 1915 03 Oct 1980 10 Oct 1980 Holy Cross 63 A 4 HERROD, Paul Edward 19 Nov 1954 12 Apr 1978 Devotion 29 D 3 HILLIER, Charles F. 'Dock' 22 Dec 1891 21 Oct 1975 Rest D 11 B HILLIER, Margaret Ward 1893 06 Jan 1982 Rest D 11 B HOGAN, Gladys Marie 73 yr 16 Oct 1981 Devotion 130 A I HOLLEY, Nelle M. 1903 06 Dec 1984 Rest D 1 D HOLZMANN, Christian B. 1889 05 Jul 1983 Devotion 4 B I HOOD, Eddy Burl 72 yr 16 Dec 1971 Devotion 26 D 2 HOOD, Mary Valerie 14 Feb 1932 24 Sep 1968 Devotion 26 D i HOPKINS, Jason Robert 20 Nov 1974 07 Jan 1975 08 Jan 9Q7; Devotion 133 A 2 HORN, Howard 16 Jun 1916 06 Jan 1981 Devotion 98 B 3 HOWARD, 1. L. 16 Aug 1904 20 Apr 1977 Devotion 20 A 3 HOWELL, Marcha Ann 34 yr 11 Dec 1984 Devotion 92 C 3 HUCKABY, Rosa Nell 18 Feb 1960 10 Jun 1967 12 Jun 1967 Devotion 39 B 3 HUDSON, Royce F. 19 Jun 1936 18 Jun 1976 Devotion 18 D 3 HUGHES, Grady 1899 16 Feb 1966 Rest D 4 F HUGHES, M. V. 'Dick' 75 yr 29 Jan 1986 Rest D 16 F HUGHES, Thomas Wayland 4 Nov 1902 16 Mar 1978 18 Mar 1978 Devotion 73 A 1 HUGHES, Willie Maggie - - -- 26 Sep 1981 Holy Cross 112 C 2 HUMESTON, Robert F. 1910 23 Jan 1985 Holy Cross 56 B 1 HUNTER, Christina Rosalee 30 Dec 1972 05 Dec 1982 07 Dec 1982 Babyland - - -- 13 JAQUES, Edna Earl 78 yr 03 May 1974 Rest (5 ?) 8 B JASTER, Bertha 1904 29 Jul 1984 Devotion 82 A 2 JASTER, Herman W. 3 Mar 1906 16 Jul 1979 Devotion 82 A I JENKINS, Lori Ann 15 Apr 1959 15 May 1959 Devotion III D 4 JOHNSON, Elizabeth Marie 17 Apr 1976 19 Apr 1976 Babyland - -- 20 JOHNSON, John C. 63 yr 10 May 1986 Prayer I F 5 JONES, Cora Morris 13 Jun 1886 08 Oct 1978 Rest D 14 A JONES, Joseph E. 1889 21 Nov 1965 Rest D 14 B JOSEY, Carol Jane 29 Oct 1951 17 Jun 1973 Devotion 69 A 1 JOSEY, Henry Roger 19 Aug 1906 07 Aug 1977 11 Aug 1977 Devotion 119 D 1 JUETT, John William 1916 20 Mar 1973 Devotion 44 A I KAZMEIER, F. W. 31 Aug 1890 19 Oct 1969 Rest D 4 B KELLY, H. R. (Bill) 16 Feb 1918 01 May 1969 Rest D 5 B KELLY, Michael Peter 7 Dec 1975 07 Dec 1975 08 Dec 1975 Babyland - -- 82 KING, Margaret Ann 1919 10 Feb 1971 Devotion 96 C 4 KITCHER, Irma V. 6 Jan 1910 16 Nov 1976 18 Nov 1976 Devotion 69 D 3 KNISPEL, Herman A. 81 yr 04 Feb 1962 Devotion 22 D 4 KNISPEL, M ildred 76 yr 22 Aug 1959 Devotion 22 D 3 M. Sgt U.S. Army WW II Kor Automobile accident. Pvt U.S. Army WW II. Electrocution at work. Klien; Tomball, TX. Heartfield; Hearne, TX. To Cap Mem, Austin 8 -6 -82 To 1. c. 29 Jul 1986. Rem`ns removed 13 May 1983 22® RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier; Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: KOKEMOOR, Ervin H. 24 Apr 1916 17 Jan 1975 Devotion 135 B 3 KREHBIEL, Elva E. 16 Sep 1925 08 Dec 1975 Love So N 23 Ashes removed 28 Jan 1985. KUBENA, Edd i Jan 1922 16 Nov 1974 19 Nov 1974 Devotion 121 D 3 KUBENA, Natalie °Nannie' 6 Jun 1915 27 Apr 1979 Devotion 121 D 4 KURTIS, Cindy 29 yr 23 Jul 1985 Devotion 52 B 1 LACEWELL, Tiffany 17 Mar 1977 18 Mar 1977 Babyland -- 211 LAMBRIGHT, Robert James 5 Jun 1934 04 Feb 1972 09 Feb 1972 Devotion 66 A 1 By Blair - Stubbs; Mexia, TX LANDRY, Jules - - - -- 10 Aug 1965 Rest S 2 F LANHAM, Curtis Charles 1903 01 Feb 1982 Devotion 71 C 3 LAVENDER, Donna Marie 28 Aug 1968 12 Feb 1969 14 Feb 1969 Devotion 46 A 4 LAWTtNd, Irma Jean 16 May 1921 16 Mar 1979 Devotion 99 B 2 LEE, Carlton R. 1918 29 Jan 1979 Rest D 3 A LEE, Haskell Brown 12 Dec 1906 25 Sep 1968 Rest D 4 E LEE, Laura 5 Feb 1910 14 Aug 1973 Devotion 79 C 4 LEE, Wilbur J. 3 Feb 1911 26 Apr 1980 Devotion 79 C 3 LEHDE, Edgar J. 1901 22 Feb 1980 Holy Cross 61? A i Phillips- Luckey; Caldwell. LEHDE, Lydia Albin: 81 yr 04 Mar 1985 Holy Cross 61 A 2 Phillips- Luckey; Caldwell. LENZ, Henry J. 14 Dec 1901 04 May 1979 Devotion 38 A i LESTER, Frances K. 1907 01 Mar 1982 Rest D 15 C LEVERETT, Max T. 43 yr 09 Dec 1977 Devotion 22 C 1 LEWIS, Adelaide M. 1896 20 Mar 1982 Rest D 2 F LIGHTFOOT, Willis H. 5 Jul 1891 02 Dec 1970 04 Dec 1970 Devotion 14 B I Rut U.S. Army WW 1. LIGHTSEY, J. G. (Jay) 30 Apr 1891 24 Aug 1973 Devotion 96 A 3 LIGHTSEY, Ola N. 86 yr 10 Apr 1983 Devotion 96 A 4 LISENBE, Obie F. 75 yr 07 Jun 1961 Devotion 22 B 3 LISENBE, Suia Jean 26 Dec 1896 26 Jun 1970 Devotion 22 B 4 LOCKETT, Henry Edward 6 Nov 1896 01 JUn 1969 08 Jun 1969 Devotion 25 A 3 By Heartfield; Hearne, T.X. LONGMIRE, Paul G. 2 Jul 1897 31 Dec 1973 Rest D 1 C By Adams; Marlin, TX. L(NGMIRE, Ruth Pearce IS Dec 1895 30 Jul 1977 Rest D I C By Adams; Marlin, TX. LOPEZ, Juan L. 24 Sep 1906 29 Nov 1976 01 Dec 1976 Holy Cross 51 B 4 LOPEZ, Modesta 8 Sep 1906 14 Mar 1975 16 Mar 1975 Holy Cross 63 A 2 LUCAS, Arvil E. 86 yr 04 Jan 1985 Devotion 75 A 3 Mission Park; San Antonio. LUCAS, Cora Louise 6 Jun 1902 21 Nov 1970 27 Nov 1970 Devotion 75 A 4 LUCAS, William E. 11 Dec 1596 02 Sep 1972 04 Sep 1972 Devotion 13 8 1 CBM U.S. Navy WW I & 11. LUCAS, William R., Jr. 3 Oct 1963 17 Jun 1981 19 Jun 1981 Devotion 13 C I LUCE, Darrel Wayne 17 Noy 1963 17 Aug 1968 Devotion 14 D 1 Drowning victim. MABREY, (Infant girl) 31 Oct 1915 01 Noy 1975 Babyland -- 115 McCALLY, Elsie 0 -0 -0 20 Mar 1963 Babyland - -- ?? Disinterred 20 Feb 1967 McCAMERON, Clyde C. 20 Dec 1892 19 Sep 1956 21 Sep 1956 Devotion 89 D 1 McCLAIN, Howell L. 1907 17 Oct 1966 Devotion 26 A I McCULLOUGH, Christopher 7 Sep 1975 07 Sep 1975 09 Sep 1975 Babyland -- .84 McCULLY, Kristy Gayle -0 -- 08 Oct 1986 Holy Cross 86 B 2 McDERMOTT. Thomas R. 6 Sep 1931 16 Apr 1971 17 Apr 1971 Devotion 83 A I Died in E1 Campo, TX. McDERMOTT) (stillborn 10 Jan 1955 10 Jan 1955 13 May 1971 Devotion 71 B 4) Re- interred from Bryan McDERMOTT) twins) 10 Jan 1955 10 Jan 1955 13 May 1971 Devotion 71 B 4) Cemetery MCDtLD, George Gilbert 1906 19 Jun 1984 Devotion 49 B 3 221 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Aue Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks. MCDLD, Reed 19 May 1908 15 Dec 1971 Rest D 8 F McDONALD, Vera 48 yr 15 Aug 1955 Devotion 49 B 4 Sara Lou Vera Alston McGEE, Gladys F. 69 yr 12 Jul 1986 Holy Cross 13 D 3 Holy Cross II. McKEEBEY, Thyra C. 5 Feb 1904 22 Dec 1977 24 Dec 1977 Devotion 63 D 3 McLAIN, Joe Kelly 12 Aug 1912 14 Aug 1980 Devotion 34 C 3 McMULLAN, Charles Ronald 24 Mar 1923 25 May 1974 29 May 1974 Devotion 31 A 1 McMULLAN, Etta Mae 23 May 1905 08 Nov 1977 Devotion 31 A 4 McMULLAN, Garnet Lee 30 Dec 1924 05 May 1977 Devotion 31 A 2 McQUAIDE, Matthew 24 Jun 1981 28 Jun 1981 Babyland - -- 14 MACIAS, Guadalupe 2 Mar 1915 06 Jan 1977 07 Jan 1977 Holy Cross 49 A I MADDOX, Janes B. 5 May 1905 23 Nov 1972 25 Nov 1972 Devotion 63 A I MADDOX, Stella Lee 12 Apr 1907 04 Jun 1980 06 Jun 1980 Devotion 63 A 2 MAJORS, Julius E. 62 yr 24 Feb 1960 Devotion ill C 1 MAJORS, Lillian H. 1899 01 Oct 1980 Devotion III C 2 Huntsville; Huntsville, TX MARRERO, Elizabeth 18 Jun 1978 20 Jun 1978 Babyland - -- 50 MARTIN, E. D., Sr. 'Oscar" 4 Nov 1888 17 Nov 1982 19 Nov 1982 Holy Cross 10 B 1 MARTIN, Gladys M. 4 yr 28 Feb 1985 02 Mar 1985 Devotion 57 B 3 MARTIN, Jay W., Sr. 93 yr 11 Apr 1986 Devotion 64 B 4 MARTIN, Jay W. III 6 Dec 1950 05 Jul 1970 07 Jul 1970 Devotion 76 A 2 MARTIN, Laura M. 1892 14 Apr 1982 Devotion 76 A I MARTINEZ, Suzanne 24 Apr 1977 25 Apr 1977 27 Apr 1977 Babyland -- 213 MARTINEZ, Felix 20 Oct 1882 03 May 1970 05 May 1970 Devotion 58 D 2 By Heartfield; Hearne, TX. MARTINEZ, Louis 13 yr 1956 05 Aug 1970 Devotion 58 D 1 By Heartfield; Hearne, TX. Run over by icecream truck MASON, Dora Ouinn 72 yr 18 Mar 1986 Devotion 118 C 4 MATEJKA, Annie M. 27 Aug 1892 10 Mar 1963 Devotion 86 A 2 MATEJKA, Janie C. 24 Jun 1955 15 Oct 1976 Holy Cross 13 A 4 MATEJKA, Rudolph F. 11 Jan 1892 25 Aug 1966 27 Aug 1966 Devotion 86 A 1 MATHEWS, Peggy Springer 1930 1983 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? MATHIS, Doris 30 Dec 1926 20 Jan 1978 Devotion 41 C 2 MATHIS, Roy B. 2 Feb 1902 05 Apr 1969 Devotion 113 C i MATHIS, Ruby Dee 1915 07 Oct 1984 Devotion 113 C 2 MAYFIELD, Joe Grady 13 Dec 1973 15 Dec 1973 15 Dec 1973 Babyland -- 147 MEADS, Rufus Carroll 8 Jul 1890 18 Apr 1978 Devotion 17 B 3 Smn 2nd U.S. Navy WW 1. MEDINA, Aquilio Contreras 1902 07 Mar 1982 Devotion 130 D 3 MEDINA, Vivianna Lopez 29 May 1906 27 Mar 1980 Devotion 130 D 4 MEDLEY, Clinton M. 'Mike' 67 yr 23 Sep 1984 Devotion 89 D 3 MEEK, Carrie Louise S.Aug 1887 17 Dec 1979 Rest S 4 D MEEK, Robert W. 16 Aug 1881 10 Nov 1972 Rest S 3 D MELCHER, Truman 0. Quinn,MD 4 Jan 1915 07 May 1981 10 May 1981 Devotion 31 D I Capt U.S. Army WW 11. MERRELL, Earl E. 90 yr 16 Feb 1986 Devotion 83 D 1 MIDDLEBROOK, Luther R. 1910 12 Apr 1966 Devotion 75 D 3 MILLER, Ella L. 8 Mar 1888 14 May 1974 Devotion 29 A 4 MILLER, Eugene A. 13 Apr 1887 22 Mar 1975 Devotion 29 A 3 MILLER, Dallas P. 1881 18 Jun 1967 Devotion 34 A 1 . MILLER, Lydia Mae 7 Sep 1888 26 Sep 1973 Devotion 34 A 2 4 -- MITCHELL, Monna Joyce 1932 13 May 1983 Devotion 53 D 4 MOBLEY, Faye 56 yr 13 Jun 1985 Devotion 23 C 3 9W RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: MOEHLMAN, Johann (a ?) Reese MOFFETT, Benton W. MOHR, Arno George MOHR, William G. "Doc" MONCIVAIS, Manuel G. MONCIVIAS, Emil MONSIVIAS, Rosa Elena MOON William B. MOORE, Calvin E. MOORE, Florence E. MOORE, Lottie Marie MORELLO, Louise L. MORENO, Juana Chavarria MORGAN, Dena MORGAN, Emma R. 'Mimi" MORRIS, Estelle R. MORRIS, Lex B. MORRISON, Frank MORTON, Ethel L. MORTON, John L. MOUSNER, Lloyd R. MUEGGE, Elton MUEGGE, Margarette Nell MUSE, Ruth (Heaton) MUSE, Terrell Oglesby NEELEY, John Truman NEWELL, Jessie Pearl NEWELL, Virgil Meirl NEWHALL, Beverly Ann NORRIS, Carolyn Leann NOVAK, Matthew Anthony NOVAK, Melissa Diane NOVOSAD, Joe, Jr. NOWAK, Mattie H. NEWELL, Marsha Ann OGG, Andrew Lee, Sr. OWENS, James Payne PAGE, Dr. John 0. PARR, Mary E. PARTAIN, Forrest V. PATRANELLA, John M. PAVLAS, Michael S. PEARSON, C. P. PEARSON, Ethel M. PEARSON, Harley Franklin 8 Aug 1934 11 Aug 1977 13 Aug 1977 Devotion 92 C 2 21 Jul 1903 31 Oct 1974 Devotion I C 1 31 Oct 1927 07 Sep 1979 Devotion 79 D 3 6 May 1904 28 Jan 1964 30 Jan 1964 Devotion 79 D 3 19 Nov 1919 31 Jan 1976 12 Nov 1977 Devotion 55 D 1 76 yr 24 Jul 1985 Devotion 30 D 1 11 Aug 1977 12 Aug 1977 Babyland - -- 82 1915 16 Apr 1983 Holy Cross 17 A 3 8 Sep 1903 04 Feb 1976 07 Feb 1976 Devotion 78 8 3 48 yr 29 Jul 1963 Rest S 1 B 20 Sep 1903 01 Sep 1980 03 Sep 1980 Devotion 78 8 4 1915 01 Jul 1983 Holy Cross 97 D 3 10 Aug 1893 02 Feb 1977 04 Feb 1977 Holy Cross 110 B 4 71 yr 08 Feb 1986 Devotion 69 A 3 22 Aug 1904 17 Mar 1971 Devotion 108 C 2 23 Jul 1921 03 Mar 1974 05 Mar 1974 Devotion 77 B 2 8 Oct 1889 12 Jun 1965 15 Jun 1965 Devotion 77 B 1 60 yr Rec'd 4 Nov 05 Nov 1985 Holy Cross 25 A 1 12 May 1897 22 Apr 1977 Devotion 73 C 4 1888 05 Mar 1967 Devotion 73 C 3 13 Dec 1902 10 Jul 1983 12 Jul 1983 devotion 47 B 2 25 Aug 1915 19 Dec 1980 Devotion 124 A 3 21 May 1922 21 Sep 1975 Devotion 124 A 4 10 Jun 1905 24 Nov 1975 26 Nov 1975 Devotion 82 C 3 29 Sep 1910 13 Jun 1980 Devotion 82 C 2 1903 27 Oct 1982 Devotion 61 D 3 1898 12 Oct 1984 Devotion 120 C 2 27 Oct 1893 24 Sep 1979 Devotion 120 C 1 41 yr 07 Mar 1985 Devotion 27 C 2 5 Jun 1974 16 Jun 1975 17 Jun 1975 Babyland -- 180 1927 12 Oct 1977 Love So N 28 31 Dec 1969 03 Jan 1970 Holy Cross 107 B 4 72 yr 13 Aug 1985 Holy Cross 25 B 3 1922 03 Jan 1979 Devotion 108 B 4 1950 1984 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? 1911 01 Jul 1982 Devotion 41 D 3 1912 07 Jun 1984 Holy Cross 17 C 3 By Earthmore; Houston. Cremated; at foot of WHM. From Resthaven, Lubbock Capt U.S. Army WW II. Sgt U.S. Army WW II. Cremated; ashes interred. Heartfield; Hearne, TX. Heartfield; Hearne, TX. Heartfield; Hearne, TX. Infant, 2 days old. 80 yr 30 May 1986 Holy Cross 114 B 1 1907 1984 ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? 3 Dec 1927 08 Oct 1976 09 Oct 1976 Devotion 118 D 1 17 Jan 1916 02 Jul 1975 Devotion 67 C I Suicide. 10 yr 1960 01 Oct 1970 Holy Cross 75 C 4 1895 19 May 1962 Rest D I F 1883 16 Oct 1970 Devotion 101 A 2 10 Nov 1903 24 Dec 1978 Devotion 129 A 1 223 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or AQe Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks; PEARSON, Henry Clay IB78 30 May 1958 Devotion 101 A 1 PERRY, Harry J. 1910 10 Dec 1983 Devotion 70 B 3 PILLOW, Debra Lynn 5 Feb 1974 06 Feb 1974 Babyland -- 146 PILLOW, Roy Lee 18 Oct 1954 04 Jul 1973 06 Jul 1973 Devotion 30 C 1 Electrocution victim. PLAGENS, Edward, Sr. 1899 02 May 1964 Holy Cross 37 B I PLAGENS, Walter Henry 1904 06 Jun 1960 Devotion 88 C 3 'Husband and father'. POE, Eugene Brock 16 Dec 1949 13 Oct 1978 15 Oct 1978 Devotion 98 A 3 POLK, Elsie 20 Jan 1915 11 Dec 1980 Devotion 92 A 2 POLK, Howard L. 17 Apr 1907 06 Sep 1976 Devotion 92 A I POLLEN, Emory Lee 27 Aug 1923 28 May 1973 Devotion 102 C 3 PONZIO, Jeffrey Gerard 2 Jun 1976 03 Jun 1976 04 Jun 1976 Babyland - -- 19 PORTER, Mary Jarvis 1913 21 Jun 1964 Rest D 6 A PORTER, Peggy 53 yr 22 Mar 1983 Devotion 43 D 2 Heartfield; Hearne, TX. POWELL, Guy M. 1886 21 Mar 1968 Devotion 75 B 3 Harper- Talasek, Temple, TX POWELL, Mamye E. 1895 14 Mar 1968 Devotion 75 B 4 Harper- Talasek, Temple, TX PRICE, Thomas Reed 29 Jun 1971 02 Jul 1971 Babyland -- 117 PRITCHARD, Durst Earl 2 Jul 1904 14 Mar 1977 Devotion 61 C 3 PRITCHARD, Mary Elsie i Oct 1911 04 Jun 1977 Devotion 61 C 4 PRITCHETT, Jimmy C. 25 Jul 1910 17 Jun 1968 18 Jun 1968 Devotion 73 C 1 GM 3 USNR WW II. PRUETT, Heather Honey 20 Jun 1972 20 Jun 1972 22 Jun 1972 Babyland - -- 52 POLLEN, Homer Lee i Sep 1888 12 Jul 1966 15 Jul 1966 Devotion 102 B 3 POLLEN, S. Josephine 16 Jul 1890 21 Jul 1974 Devotion 102 B 4 PURGERSON, Malcolm J. 2 Apr 1914 24 Jul 1980 25 Jul 1980 Devotion 85 D 1 U.S. Navy WW II. QUEEN, Fitzhugh Lee 3 Jul 1897 23 Sep 1974 Holy Cross 112 B 1 RAGSDALE, Joseph R. 16 Feb 1919 28 Nov 1983 30 Nov 1983 Devotion 109 A i U.S. Army. RAHNERT, Delma 12 Oct 1901 08 Aug 1976 Devotion 111 B 2 RAY, Henrietta Lester 1901 13 May 1981 Rest S 5 D REDMOND, Velma Jean 1945 17 Nov 1978 Rest S 6 C REED, Effie L. 7 Oct 1897 03 Apr 1975 Devotion 6 B 4 REED, Henry H. 1897 30 Jul 1960 Devotion 6 B 3 REED, Waiter Earl 2 yr 20 Dec 1934 31 May 1956 Devotion 18 A 3 Re- interment. REED, W. S. 'Bud' 1909 31 Mar 1984 Devotion 18 A 1 REESE, Clarence E. 1929 18 Jan 1983 Devotion 64 A 3 REESE, William Earl 1903 03 Mar 1962 Devotion 64 A i REEVES, Douglas Bayne 1926 05 Sep 1962 Devotion 49 B I REGINI, Carmello Nick 71 yr 07 Jan 1985 Holy Cross 96 ? 3 RESTMYER, Henry U. 49 yr 23 Feb 1971 Devotion 57 C 4 RICH, Mary Odilla 20 May 1892 14 Jan 1978 16 Jan 1978 Devotion 45 D I Blair- Stubbs; Franklin T.X. RICHARDS, James Otto 5 Nov 1981 06 Nov 1981 Babyland -- 143 RINN, Ravenelle R. 1908 1980 Body willed to Baylor College of Medicine. RISINGER, Bennie C. 1901 05 Apr 1983 Devotion 104 B 2 RITCHEY, Dr. G. R. 1886 11 Aug 1980 Rest D 3 F Clayton Kay; Itasca Tx. RITCHEY, May Belie 7 Nov 1881 12 May 1969 Rest D 3 F Hollingsworth; Itasca TX. ROATH, Harley W. 5 Dec 1909 11 May 1977 Devotion 125 A 3 ROBERTSON, Charles B. i Feb 1920 22 Aug 1975 25 Aug 1975 Devotion 24 B 1 S 2nd U.S. Navy WW II. ROCKETT, Hosea H. 9 Dec 1885 16 Feb 1971 Rest D 6 E Bow- Harv- Schill; Caldwell. 224 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Barden: Crypt Remarks: ROCKETT, Ruby H. 1893 13 Jun 1973 Rest D 6 E Bow°Hare- Schill; Caldwell. ROCKEY, Errol G. 22 Jul 1908 15 Aug 1972 16 Aug 1972 Devotion 33 A 1 ROHLOFF, Charles A. 24 Nov 1884 29 Nov 1975 Devotion 50 B 1 ROHLOFF, Clara Jordan 4 Jun 1890 08 Nov 1976 Devotion 50 B 2 ROJAS, Antonia G. 18 Mar 1902 02 Jan 1976 05 Jan 1976 Holy Cross 78 B 4 ROLFE, Arvil E. 1 Jun 1920 04 May 06 May 1981 Devotion 87 B 3 Lt Col U.S. Army, ROLFE, Gregory A. 21 Jul 1954 16 Jul 1981 18 Jul 1981 Devotion 87 B 1 Oil rig accident. ROSAS, Mike A. 51 yr 28 Mar 1985 Devotion 18 C 1 ROSENKRANZ, Reinhart Walter13 Jul 1887 10 Jul 1978 12 Jul 1978 Devotion 101 B 3 RUSSELL, Robert Gordon 9 May 1904 08 Nov 1973 Devotion 14 C 3 RUSSELL, William L. 20 Dec 1897 18 Dec 1976 Devotion 49 A 3 SALAZAR, Pauline 2 Jul 1890 26 Apr 1979 28 Apr 1979 Devotion 127 B 2 SANDLIN, Malcom R. 1933 07 Aug 1981 Love - N 19 Cremated. SANDSTROM, Edward R. 'Ted' 19 Jan 1926 15 Jul 1977 Devotion 54 B 3 Tec 5th U.S. Army WW II. SANDSTROM, A. Ashild 'Mimi'27 Jun 1915 05 Sep 1978 08 Sep 1978 Devotion 54 B 4 SAUSLEY, Sam 78 yr 11 Jul 1985 Holy Cross 73 A 1 SAXION, Thomas Lewis 21 Mar 1899 28 Sep 1975 30 Sep 1975 Devotion 56 B 1 Put U.S. Army WW I & II. SCASTA, Marvin Ray 15 Jul 1950 14 Jul 1969 Devotion 58 C 4 Accident victim. SCHOEDEL, Charles A. 30 Apr 1902 04 Oct 1972 Devotion 78 D 1 SCHOONOVER, Cecil Opel 1910 28 Jun 1966 Devotion 22 C 2 SCHOONOVER, L. Jessie 27 Mar 1910 23 Aug 1972 24 Aug 1972 Devotion 50 A 4 SCOGIN, John M. 16 Jun 1917 19 Oct 1970 20 Oct 1970 Devotion 79 A 1 Tc 4th Sery Cmd Unit WW II SCOTT, Opal Finke 19 Aug 1917 01 Feb 1978 Devotion 93 C 2 SCOTT, William N. 77 yr 29 May 1966 Devotion 45 C 3 SEARCY, Lois Turner 1905 18 Feb 1984 Rest D 8 A SEGNER (Infant son) 24 Oct 1975 24 Oct 1975 27 Oct 1975 Babyland -- 179 Son o4 Bob & Suzanne. SEMETKO, Andrew S. 11 Mar 1917 06 Apr 1983 09 Apr 1983 Devotion 59 C i Adams; Marlin, TX. SERAFINO, Anthony V. 9 Aug 1896 27 Apr 1982 29 Apr 1982 Devotion 67 D i Sgt U.S. Army WW I. SEWARD, Clay L. 69 yr 16 Jul 1986 Devotion 44 B 2 SHAW, Pauline 6 Apr 1908 18 Dec 1965 20 Dec 1965 Devotion 83 C 4 SHAW, Robert R. 7 Feb 1876 24 Sep 1963 26 Sep 1963 Devotion 82 C 4 Hsp Crps Spanish -timer War. SHENKIR, Calvin E. 21 Mar 1927 22 Jun 1977 24 Jun 1977 Devotion 121 C i Sp 1st U.S. Navy WW II. SIEGERT, Berthold H. 'Ben' 61 yr 01 Oct 1962 Devotion 96 C I SIEGERT, Bennie Cecil 51 yr 1926 23 May 1977 Devotion 97 B I SIEGERT, Berta Mae 1905 14 Oct 1978 Devotion 96 C 2 SIEPMAN, Anna Marie 17 May 1887 23 Oct 1971 25 Oct 1971 Holy Cross 75 B 4 SINS, Merle 1911 16 Nov 1971 Devotion 62 C 4 SMITH, (baby girl) -0 -- 05 Dec 1985 Dev. Babyland - 78 SMITH, Christopher Barrett 9 Sep 1980 11 Sep 1980 Babyland - -- 79 SMITH, Della Ethel 13 Mar 1887 06 Sep 1963 08 Sep 1963 Devotion 83 C 3 'Mother' SMITH, Elton David 1902 28 Oct 1967 Devotion 97 D 3 Died in Mexico. SMITH, Fern L. 1897 23 Mar 1962 Devotion 85 A I SMITH, Floyd Nelson 5 Sep 1923 9 Sep 1969 10 Sep 1969 Devotion 29 D 1 SMITH, Geneva 13 May 1910 19 Apr 1981 Devotion 67 D 4 SMITH, George W. 19 Oct 1888 25 Jun 1969 Rest D 15 D SMITH, John Foley 'Red' 29 Sep 1915 17 Aug 1975 19 Aug 1975 Devotion 70 A 1 WT 3 U.S. Navy WW 1I Korea SMITH, Lena T. 90 yr 23 Apr 1985 Devotion 110 D 2 James Crowder; LaPorte, TX Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: SMITH, Richard Wayne SMITH, Robbie Powers SMITH, Thomas Lawson SNYDER, Roy W. SOUTH, Justin Blake SPIKES, Dewey SPRAGUE, Carl T. SPRINGER, Clayborn Young STACY, Mabel Veida STACY, Paschal Pierce, Sr. STACY, Ralph W. STALLWORTH, Cecil E. STANEK, Earl STANISLAW, Elizabeth STEVENS, Alfred, Jr. STEVENS, Anna Marie STEVENS, Gary 'Bubba' STEWART, Patsy Ruth STONE, William Trant STOREY, Mary T. (McLain) STOWE, William A. "Bill' STRAIN, Jeanne Lamm STRENGTH, Betty J. SUMMERS, Etta SUMMERS, Frank L. SUSTAITA, Julius H. 5 Dec 1960 07 Apr 1982 10 Apr 1982 Devotion 23 Mar 1892 04 Jun 1975 Rest 1889 22 Aug 1958 Devotion 10 Jun 1898 26 Jan 1980 Rest 3 wk 29 Mar 1986 Dev Babyl 12 Jan 1908 05 Jan 1979 06 Jan 1979 Devotion 10 May 1895 23 Feb 1979 Rest 18 Oct 1894 02 Oct 1980 04 Oct 1980 Devotion 104 yr 05 Mar 1985 Devotion 1883 08 Jun 1965 Devotion 19 Mar 1911 28 Jul 1970 29 Jul 1970 Devotion 1908 09 May 1965 Devotion 72 yr 01 Feb 1986 Devotion 25 May 1919 28 Jul 1984 30 Jul 1984 Devotion 1926 25 Jul 1982 Devotion 60 yr 11 Jul 1985 Devotion 21 May 1961 18 Aug 1980 20 Aug 1980 Devotion 4 Jan 1910 11 Dec 1977 Devotion 1909 23 Apr 1960 24 Sep 1969 Devotion 1 Apr 1910 21 Nov 1979 Devotion 24 Dec 1924 30 Jul 1978 02 Aug 1978 Devotion 1917 08 Feb 1985 Love 25 Jun 1917 27 Aug 1979 Devotion 1903 27 Nov 1977 Devotion 86 yr 12 Feb 1985 Devotion 13 Aug 1909 20 Jan 1976 Devotion 70 A3 D15D 110 D 1 D10E and - 172 23 A 4 D14D 45 D 3 Blair- Stubbs; Franklin, TX 110 A 2 110 A I Porter /Loring, San Antonio 110 D 3 M Sgt 55th Fghtr Gp WW II. 21 B1 121 8 3 2B2 114 A 3 114 A 4 115 A 1 51 D4 71 D 2 Reinter from Pasadena, TX 4383 32 B3 - N 20 18 D2 99 B4 9983 127 B3 TAYLOR, Tom T. 1911 17 Feb 1964 Rest D 16 B TAYLOR, Vesta Lea 1927 1978 1 Rest D 16 B TEAGLE, 0. C. - - - -- 22 Sep 1985 Devotion 59 B 2 TELG, Arthur W. 1 Mar 1910 20 Aug 1980 22 Aug 1980 Devotion 56 8 2 TELG, Christopher Allan 22 Nov 1981 29 Nov 1981 01 Dec 1981 Devotion 44 B 1 TELG, Michael Seth 22 Feb 1980 28 Feb 1980 01 Mar 1980 Devotion 44 A 4 THARP, John W. 15 Oct 1892 27 Mar 1975 Devotion 100 D 3 THARP, Lenard 25 Jan 1894 18 Sep 1974 19 Sep 1974 Devotion 66 D 2 Pvt U.S. Army WW I. THARP, Mary Ethel 1894 25 Apr 1984 Devotion 100 D 4 THEARL, Beverly 3 Mar 1933 14 Aug 1971 16 Aug 1971 Devotion 37 D 2 THIELEMANN, Alfred R. 1914 13 Sep 1982 Holy Cross 53 A 1 THIELEMAN , Annette Sue 19 Aug 1952 13 Dec 1976 16 Dec 1976 Devotion 117 A 2 THIS, Lucy Thorp 18 Dec 1883 03 Jan 1979 Devotion 15 D 2 THOMAS, Reed Johnson 77 yr 29 Jan 1986 Holy Cross 6 B 1 Holy Cross 11 THOMAS, Warner L. 1880 02 Feb 1968 Devotion 15 D 1 THOiPSO , Charles L. 1913 07 Dec 1984 Holy Cross 56 B 3 THORPE, Clifford Loyd 1906 14 Jan 1985 Devotion 27 D 3 TINSLEY, Jimmy R. 1900 07 Mar 1961 Devotion 78 C i TINSLEY, Velma 16 Jan 1902 25 Jan 1980 Devotion 78 C 2 TINSLEY, Warren 0. 9 Oct 1910 03 Jan 1974 Devotion 90 D 4 TODD, Grover Cleveland 1886 14 Feb 1970 Devotion 65 D 1 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or Age Death Date Burial Date Garden. Crypt Remarks: TODD, Mollie E. TODD, Robert D. TOEPFLER, Sarah Elizabeth TOMME, Janna Leigh TORRANCE, Evelyn Joyce TOWNSEND, Nora E. TUBBS., Selma M. TUCKER, Joseph Oliver TUCKER, Paula Jones TYDLACKA, Annie Marie TYDLACKA, Tommy Joe TYDLACKA, Willie E. UPCHURCH, Lou Anna URBANOVSKY, Frank Henry 15 Sep 1889 24 Nov 1972 Devotion 65 D 2 1912 65 15 Jun 1982 Devotion 65 D 3 -0 -- May 02 Oct 1986 Dev Babyland - 140 2 Jun 1972 01 May 1977 03 May 1977 Babyland - -- 18 55 yr B 1 07 feb 1986 Devotion 128 A 4 1897 1974 27 Nov 1970 Devotion 103 B 4 83 yr Jun 20 Feb 1986 Devotion 116 B 4 8 Jul 1922 05 May 1976 07 May 1976 Devotion 32 A 3 12 Sep 1927 21 Feb 1976 22 Feb 1976 Devotion 32 A 4 1906 Sep 15 May 1984 Holy Cross 49 A 4 1945 1924 02 Jan 1968 Holy Cross 49 B 1 1907 WALKER, Anne Moore 22 May 1981 Holy Cross 49 A 3 By Heartfield, Hearne, TX. Accident victim. 11 Jan 1875 13 Jul 1975 Devotion 77 D 4 1905 12 May 1976 31 Mar 1977 Devotion 132 C 3 Re- interred from Caldwell. VANCE, Sobie 57 yr 11 Jun 1981 Devotion 65 C 3 VAUGHN, James Edward, Sr. 1920 22 May 1984 Devotion 135 B 1 VERNON, Luther A. 20 Aug 1910 23 Aug 1983 25 Aug 1983 Devotion 64 B 1 VERNON, 011ie M. 10 Sep 1919 12 Nov 1974 Devotion 76 B 4 VYTOPIL, Jerry Wesley 29 May 1922 08 Jun 1983 10 Jun 1983 Devotion 85 D 3 St Sgt U.S. Army Ww 11. WADDELL, Ruby May 1909 20 Sep 1982 Devotion 102 C 2 WADDELL, William W. 1899 02 Sep 1981 Devotion 102 C i WAGNER, Robert William, Sr. 1924 06 Sep 1984 Devotion 92 D 3 WALKER, Anne Moore 30 Aug 1916 18 Sep 1979 Devotion 82 A 4 WALLIN, Lena (Mrs. W. F.) 9 Mar 1908 09 Nov 1971 Devotion 117 D 4 WATSON, Bessie B. 19 Aug 1901 14 Jun 1977 Devotion 103 A I WATSON, Dallas E. 27 Mar 1893 22 Sep 1976 Devotion 61 B i WATSON, Dallas E., Jr. 1923 14 Jun 1977 Devotion 61 B 3 WATSON, Earl 19 Apr 1908 17 Sep 1982 19 Sep 1982 Devotion 59 B 4 WATSON, John C. 25 Jun 1919 05 Nov 1966 07 Nov 1966 Devotion 61 A 3 WATSON, Verna E. 1896 12 Oct 1970 Devotion 61 B 2 WAY, E. Nelson 30 Apr 1905 22 Jul 1969 Devotion 29 A 1 WAYNE, (Baby Boy) Infant 28 Nov 1965 Devotion 53 A I Son of Philip & Lila. WEAVER, William Gordon 1901 07 Aug 1984 Devotion 127 A i WEBB, Gervin P. 1905 15 Mar 1983 Devotion 34 B 1 WEBSTER, Jack D. 64 yr 10 Oct 1963 Devotion 99 A 3 WEDEL, Herbert Lee 'Bill' 76 yr 05 Oct 1986 Devotion 89 C 3 WEEKES, Elizabeth Dorothy 1904 09 Oct 1965 Devotion 93 A 4 WEHMEYER, Gus 83 yr 16 Mar 1985 Devotion 107 8 3 WEHMEYER, Sophia M. 1902 15 Jan 1983 Devotion 107 B 4 WEICHERT, Henry C. 4 Jul 1889 26 May 1970 Devotion 66 B 3 WEICHERT, Minnie F. 18 Apr 1894 16 Nov 1977 Devotion 66 B 4 WENTRCEK, David Wayne 4 Jun 1955 41 May 1975 Devotion 86 B 3 WENTRCEK, Frank 1900 29 Apr 1965 Devotion 86 C 1 WEST, Forrest C. 14 Jul 1914 19 Nov 1975 Devotion 90 B 2 WEST, Tom Lee 1888 22 Nov 1966 Devotion 90 B 1 227 RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAN, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Tier, Lot, Birth Date Haven or Grave or or AQe Death Date Burial Date Garden: Crypt Remarks: WESTER, Jack D. 6 Aug 1899 08 Oct 1963 WESTER, Michael 1941 09 Mar 1984 Devotion 99 A 2 Harrington- Bratcher- Dickey Plano, Texas. WHITAKER, Cynthia Ann 21 Aug 1964 2? Apr 1985 Devotion 42 D 2 WHITE, May 24 May 1907 13 Feb 1976 Devotion 132 B 4 WHITESIDES, Catherine Jean 30 Nov 1922 21 Mar 1976 Rest (?) 5 2 B WHITESIDES, Roy Daniel 1 Dec 1909 02 Feb 1977 03 Feb 1977 Devotion 133 B 4 U.S. Navy WW II. WHITLEY, Annie Lea 14 Jun 1898 02 May 1978 Devotion 87 C 3 WHITLEY, H. L., Jr. 15 Dec 1918 09 Jan 1980 11 Jan 1980 Devotion 98 D 4 'Our Dad' WHITLEY, H. L., Sr. 31 Aug 1894 03 Jan 1977 Devotion 87 C 2 WIESE, Ernest Frederick 14 Oct 1927 27 Jun 1978 Devotion 62 B 1 Automobile accident. WIESE, Myrtle T. 1923 24 Nov 1982 Rest S 4 F WILBURN, Jeems L. 8 Jan 1904 26 Nov 1957 Devotion 91 B 3 'Husband and father' WILBURN, Sharon K. Infant 17 Aug 1964 Devotion 91 B 4 WILKERSON, L. 0. 17 Jun 1894 13 Jan 1977 Rest D 8 B WILKERSON, William Westley 1900 31 Jan 1985 Devotion 2 C 2 WILKINS, Curtis Aubrey 20 Aug 1902 16 Jun 1977 Devotion 46 C 1 'Grandfather' WILKINS, Essie T. 79 yr 26 Dec 1985 Devotion 46 C 2 WILKINS, Vesta Lee Taylor 15 Apr 1920 23 Apr 1978 Rest D 16 B WILLIAMS, David Woodbury 18 Jul 1956 05 Jul 1975 09 Jul 1975 Devotion 131 B 4 Put U.S. Army, A ` WILLIAMS, Grady C, infant 22 Mar 1942 25 Feb 1975 Babyland -- 181 Re- interred from Cross, TX WILLINGS, W. H. 63 yr 25 Jul 1966 Devotion 14 A 3 Removed 21 Feb 1974. WILSON, Albert Vernon 2 Sep 1897 22 Apr 1969 Devotion 114 B 3 WILSON, Carrie 15 Aug 1898 28 Apr 1985 Devotion 49 C 2 WILSON, Eva Lozelle 17 Dec 1918 20 Aug 1975 Devotion 26 A 2 WILSON, Grace H. 21 Jan 1900 25 Jun. 1980 Devotion 78 B 2 Eastern Star WILSON, J. B., Sr. I May 1901 29 Oct 1963 Devotion 99 D i WILSON, Luther B. 3 Jun 1895 01 Aug 1973 Devotion 49 C 1 WILSON, Thomas H. 6 Sep 1899 24 Jan 1971 Devotion 78 B 1 WINE, Laurinda Coombs 8 Jul 1917 10 Dec 1978 ? ? ? ? ?? 1978 Devotion 78 A 3 WINE, Lee R. 30 Oct 1915 29 Sep 1962 Devotion 78 A 4 WINTERS, Ella B. 14 Apr 1897 21 Sep 1975 Devotion 57 D 2 _ WINTERS, Elton C. 1921 18 Dec 1982 Devotion 57 D 3 WINTERS, Robert H. 1890 10 Mar 1973 Devotion 57 D 1 WOOD, Guy L. 6 Jul 1921 03 Dec 1971 06 Dec 1971 Devotion 29 8 1 WOOD, Seth S., Jr. 1918 10 Oct 1981 Rest D 9 D WOODMANSEE, Monte L. 1898 02 Sep 1963 Devotion 62 A 3 WOODMANSEE, Nora L. 1898 09 Mar 1982 Devotion 62 A 4 Zoeller; New Braunfels, TX WOODS, Beulah 91 yr 24 Mar 1982 Devotion 74 C 2 WOODS, David R; M.D. 29 Mar 1883 03 Apr 1965 04 Apr 1965 Devotion 74 C 1 WOODS, John C. 2 Feb 1923 09 Jan 1977 21 Jan 1977 Devotion 74 C 1:2 Cremated; interred between WOODSON, Harrie P., III 0 -0 -0 09 Mar 1921 26 Feb 1962 Devotion 95 A 1 Re- interment. WOODSON, Harrie Philip, Jr 15 Mar 1892 11 Apr 1974 13 Apr 1974 Devotion 95 A 3 WOODSON, Henrietta Watkins 30 Jan 1893 18 Feb 1961 19 Feb 1981 Devotion 95 A 2 WRIGHT, Leah Renee 28 Sep 1970 30 Sep 1970 Babyland - -- 85 Infant, 2 days old. YANCEY, Benjamin (infant) 05 Oct 1985 Devotion 94 B 4 Johnson; S. Anton: d Dall. YANCEY, Carl 59 yr 05 Oct 1985 Devotion 94 B 2 Johnson; San Antonio. M RESTEVER MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY HIGHWAY 6 NORTH BRYAfi, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEAS YANCEY, Gail Crawford 8 Dec 1930 14 May 1980 Rest S 6 D Johnson; San Angelo, TX. ® 6 05 Oct 1985 Devotion 94 B 3 Re-interred from mausoleum YEAGER, Benjamin Thomas 3 17 Nov 1946 16 May 1968 18 May 1968 Devotion 95 A 4 Accident victim. YOUNG, Jim Thomas (The Reverend) 1896 21 Jan 1970 Devotion 110 B 3 YOUNG, Orbie 1903 23 Jul 1979 Devotion 110 B 4 YOUNG, Thelma 16 Nov 1927 16 Nov 1927 08 May 1954 Devotion 110 B 2 Frm Willow Hole Madison Co ZADDEM, Dalanda Antonette 12 Jan 1970 18 Dec 1973 Devotion 29 C 1 Accident victim. ZADDEM, Hamadi Paul 7 Dec 1944 18 Dec 1973 Devotion 29 D 4 Accident victim. ZAMORA, Christopher Jacob 22 Aug 1979 25 Aug 1979 Babyland ®m° 16 ZCABAY, Brent 15 yr 16 Jul 1985 Holy Cross 112 C i ZWEIFEL, Shannon Ray 16 Aug 1965 23 Oct 1970 25 Oct 1970 Devotion 45 A 4 ** *CORRECTION *** Miscellaneous, Page 179, Vol. VII No. 5 Fall 1986 should have read Patranella, Luke M. 22 Jul 1899 5 Jun 1946 Tx Pvt 55 AM TN CRC WW 1 8 -40 -6 We appreicate errors brought to our attention. Thank You. For research in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, query of 50 words or less. Mound City News, Genealogy Editor, Mound City, MO 64470. For searching in Georgia: Mrs. R.T. (Norma) GUNBY, Sr. writes for The Newnan-Times Herald, P.O. Box 1057, Newnan, GA 30264, Queries 50 words or less pertaining to Coweta County and related families. South Bend Indiana Tribune weekly column regarding northern Indiana and southern Michigan. Address: Carol COLLINS, Michigaa Roots, South Bend Tribune, 225 W. Colfax, South Bend, IN 46626. 229 -v93 HILL I would like to contact descendents of Kora GLAZE HILL who lived in College Station, TX in 1959. Annie Jo HARTLEY, 200 North Fifth Street, Slaton TX 79364. -'94 PAYNE I would 1 ike to contact descendents of Etta GLAZE PAYNE who 1 ived in Edge, TX in 1959. Interested in hearing from GLAZE researcher. Annie Jo HARTLEY, 200 North Fifth Street, Slaton TX 79364. #95 WHITE I am searching for information regarding Milam WHITE, b. Milam Co. TX, date unknown. Died before 1900 census, m. Thula JACKSON, date unknown, had five children. Rosemary BOYKIN, 1505 Laura Lane, College Station, TX 77840. -v96 YOUNG, SUNDAY Need maiden name of Mrs. Narcissa YOUNG, m. 1 September 1874 to Thomas Jefferson SUNDAY, Montgomery Co. TX. Nadine BILLINGSLEY, 706 Pershing, College Station TX 77840. #97 HILL Need data on James Hay HILL, b 1 May 1864 or 1856, Liberty Co. TX; m Mary Charlotte (Lottie) Kemp O'NEAL, Clifton, TX, 18 Feb 189 1. Brother, Frank KEMP, lived in Midland, TX during 1910 Census, age 49, listed father's bp: NC and mother's bp: GA. J.H. HILL lived in Comanche Co, TX in 1910. Peggy DURHAM HOPE, 305 East Brookside, Bryan, TX 77801, QUERIES Address Queries to Rosemary BOYKIN, Queries Editor, P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. Type or print each on a separate half sheet: of paper. Please limit to 35 words and 1 i m i t Query to one person. Query es w i 1 i be ed1 ted 1 f necessary and w 111 be printed in order received. Members' Queries are free. There is a charge of $1.00 per Query for non- members. 4MG] RESEARCHING THE IRISH IMMIGRANT ANCESTOR .................................. Searching for the Irish immigrant ancestor can, at times, prove to be rather trying since record keeping during the past two hundred years was not practiced with diligence. This was partially due to historical circumstances and partly to the degree of reliance placed on oral tradition. During the great Famine, 1845 - 1855, while hundreds of thousands of people were leaving that country scarcely a single record was kept at ports of embarkation such as Queenstown (Cobh), Dublin, Galway, Derry and Belfast. The destruction of the Record Tower in Dublin Castle in 1710 and later on the Public Record Office in 1922 further depleted already lacking primary source materials. It is indeed surprising, however, how often Irish records can prove adequate when used to the fullest possible extent. If you are fortunate enough to already know the townsland from which your ancestor originated then The Alphabetical Index to the Townlands and Towns of Ireland Dublin: Alexander Thom, 1877 would be a good place to begin your search. It explains that a !Qwnland is the smallest administrative division of land in Ireland with an average area of 350 acres; a parish can be one of two types: a civil parish which is a state unit of territorial division for census and valuation purposes; or an ecclesiastical parish which is a normal unit of local Church administration and generally embraces a number of civil parishes. It further explains that baronies (there are over 300 in all) represent divisions of great antiquity based on the Gaelic clan and family holdings. Large Sheet Ordnance Survey Maps are also available and are on a scale of 6" = I mile and show in great detail all of the features of a given area. These are available from the Government Publications Sales Office, G.P.O. Arcade, Dublin at a cost of El/sheet and A TopographicalVictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis. London: S. Lewis and Company, 1837 provides you with a description of the various areas. Sir Roland Griffith's Primary Valuation of Tenements, 1848-1864 deals with action taken by the Irish government after the Act of 1838 to determine the amount of tax each tenant should pay towards the support of the poor and destitute. Consisting of over 200 volumes this valuable aid will be found only in the major Irish libraries such as the National Library of Ireland, Kildare St.; the public Records Office, Four Courts Building and the Genealogical Office, Dublin Castle. Tithe Composition Applotment Books for the individual parishes are another valuable source of genealogical information. Under the Tithe Composition Acts of 1823 and preceding years provision was made for the payment of tithes to the clergy of each parish in money rather than kind. The records for each parish contain a list of land tenants all of whom were liable for the payment of tithes to the Established Protestant Church regardless of their religion. Not only is the tenant's name listed but the name of his townland, acreage of his farm, its valuation and the yearly tithe for which he was liable. Numbering in the thousands 231 these records are in the Public Record Office, Four Courts Building Dublin with the exception of those for Counties Derry, Armagh, Antrim, Down, Fermanagh and Tyrone which are in the Public Record Office of Northen Ireland, May Street, Belfast. _ If you know the county of origin you can determine with reasonable accuracy the part of that county in which your people formerly resided by consulting the relevant County Index. Stator's Directory of Ireland 1846 is helpful if your people happened to have resided in one of the numerous small towns throughout Ireland. A genealogical and Historical Mgp of Ireland is another useful tool which, among other things, shows the distribution and location of Irish family names barony by barony. The searching of wills can be made much easier by checking the Wills lndeA to the Prerogative Wills of Ireland by Arthur Vicars to determine whether such a will was made. Other sources: Eustace Will Abstracts, A guide tc Copies of Irish Wills by Wallace Clare (may be found at the Genealogical Office, Dublin Castle); and, Registry of deed° Abstracts of Willsedited by P.B. Eustace. Memorials are used extensively in the Irish graveyards. Publications by the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead are extremely useful and interesting. The Religious Census of 1766was instituted by the House of Lords listed heads of households as Catholic or Protestant. Of further interest are the Heartt Money Rolls colloquially known as .Smoke .silver. A tax of 2 shillings on every hearth and fireplace was established by an act of Parliament during the reign of Charles II. To help pay for the wars of Stuart king. Persons liable to pay were entered on these rolls. The following are only a few of the major record repositories in Ireland: 1. The Office of the Registrar - General. Located in the Custom House, Dublin.Has records of births, marriages and deaths as from January 1,1864. Church of Ireland (Protestant) weddings are on record from April 1, 1845. Certified copies of entries in the registers can be procured at a cost of 65p. 2. The Genealogical Office. Located in Dublin Castle. Contains Heraldic Museum. Houses hundreds of manuscripts and printed books containing arms and pedigrees of numerous Gaelic, Norman And Anglo -Irish families. Professional assistance may be obtained for £8 per four hours work. 3. The Public Record Office. Located in the Four Courts Building on Arran Quay. Houses Betham °s notebooks containing Genealogical abstracts from all Prerogative wills up to the year 1800, Tithe Composition Applotment Books for all counties of the Republic, Marriage Licence bonds (Protestant) for 1750 -1845, Will and Census records not destroyed in 1922 and microfilm copies of many church of Ireland parish registers. 2,32 Brother Self or Sister [�L•J Nephew or Niece First V Second Cousin A Cousin First Second Cousin once once Removed r ) (cousin Removed Grand First Grand Nephew Cousin Twice Child ®r Removed Niece Chart of Blood Relations 233 GENEALOGY: A Short Study The term Genealogy is derived from the Greek GENOS, meaning RACE and LOGOS mean DISCOURSE. With the early civilized people genealogy was of prime impor- tance. We find it in the early writings of the Hebrew history. Every student of the Bible is familiar with the begets. English genealogy began with heraldry and the adoption of sur- names. It would be difficult for most of us to trace our an- cestry directly back to the Norman Conquest and pedigrees going back to the early Tudors are fairly uncommon. The monks of Battle Abbey compiled a list, The Roll of Battle Abbey which is of the principal followers of William the Conqueror and it is to this list of men you must trace to claim an ancestor at the Battle of Hastings. In America, genealogy was not considered a prime activity until the middle of the nineteenth century, and it has achieved popularity only in the last few decades. People in America were, uneducated, too poor or too busy earning a living to be interested in their ancestors. Most knew their grandparents names and a few could name their great grandparents before that little was remembered. With the growth of wealth, education, and patriotic hereditary societies, interest in American genealogy has grown. In America, the family member who was the original emigrant is considered to be the founder of the family. Many of us can track our line back to this emigrant. How are we related to all the people we find in researching? It is interesting to know the proper terms and relationship to one another. A series of persons descending from a common progenitor is called a line. Blood relationship can be LINEAL or COL- LATERAL. LINEAL is one who is on a direct line; child, parent, grandparent, etc.. COLLATERAL, are people descending from dif- ferent lines but with a common ancestor, uncle, aunt, brother, sisters, cousins etc.. They are all related but collaterally. As Americans migrated west parents and grandparents were left be- hind and unless other family members migrated together children had little relationship with collateral relatives and the proper rules and terms were for these relationships were lost. With genealogy research an accurate description of these relationships is essential and fortunately very simple. The children of brothers and sisters are first cousins. The children of first cousins are second cousins to each other. The children of second cousins are third cousins. The term first cousins, second cousin, third cousin, etc., should be used be- tween people of the same generation. The term second cousin to the son or daughter of a first cousin is improper. He or she is a first cousin once removed. The charts may help clarify relationships' Chart UfDegrees Gleamed from THE ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA, 1953 ed. , NEW BOOKS IN THE BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 1986 Gnl 325 Wuerttemberg Emigration Index, Volume One. Gnl 973.3 Neagles. Summer Soldiers: A survey & Index of Revolutionary War Courts - Martial. Gnl 9f6.4 [Texas] Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Muster Rolls of the Texas Revolution. Carefoot. To Genealogy Research In The Texas State Archives. Tombstone Inscriptions ... Lampasas County. Original Grantee Patentee Baylor County Texas Land Titles Original Grantee Patentee Part I Angelina County Texas Land Titles, Part II Aransas County Texas Land Titles. Original Grantee Patentee Part I Archer County, Texas Land Titles Part II Andrews County Texas Land Titles. Marriages Dallas County Texas Vol. 1 Books A -E !1846- 1877 ? Original Grantee Patentee Part 1 Bee County, Texas Land Titles, Part II Borden County, Texas Land Titles. White. First Settlers of Bowie & Cass County, Texas. Kennedy. Polk County Texas Marriage Records 1B46 thru 1880. Original Grantee Patentee Anderson County, Texas Land Titles. Index to Probate Cases Dallas County, Texas 1846 -1900. Original Grantee Patentee Bexar County, Texas Land Titles. History of Cass County People Jefferson County, Texas Cemeteries, part 2. Jefferson County, Texas Cemeteries, part 3. Ingmire. Archives and Pioneers of Hunt County, Texas volume 1. Ulrick. Houston County Collection, volume 1: Crockett News- papers 1853 -1896. Memorial and Biographical History of McLennan, Falls, Bell & Coryell Counties, Texas. Grayson County, Texas Cemetery Inscriptions and Related Family Data, volumes I, II, III. Fort Bend County Cemetery Inscriptions, volumes I & II._ Ingmire. Caldwell County Texas Marriage Records 1868 -1873. Ingmire. Caldwell County Texas Marriage Records, Book E -F, 1874 -1886. Harris County, Texas Cemetery Inscription, vol. I, II. Priginal Grantee Patentee Part I Bee County, Texas Land Titles part II Borden County, Texas Land Titles. Bonham, Fannin County, Texas Log Book 1885 -3889 Maddrey & Hunter Livery Stables. Chambers County, Texas 1870 Census. Colorado County Republic of Texas Marriage Records 1837- 1845. Delta County, Texas Marriage Records 1871-1892. Austin County Republic of Texas Marriage Records 1B24-1e35. Galveston County Texas Marriage Records Book A le38-1e5O. Goodpasture. Hemphill County Texas Marriage Records 1ee7 1910. � Goodpasture, Gray County, Texas Marriage Records Book I Harris County, Texas Naturalization Intent Records. Index to Probate Cases of Texas No. 105 Hays County November 22, ie4e-December 15,1939. Ingmire. Caldwell County Texas Marriage Records Book A-B Ingmire. Brazoria County Republic of Texas Marriage Records Ingmire. Fort Send County Texas Marriage Records 183e-186e. Ingmire. Deaf Smith County Texas Marriage Records Book I lODHOLZ. Atascosa County, Texas Marriage Records IB56-legg Registers 1-2-3-4. McManus. Comal County Texas and New BraunfelsGerman Immigra McManus. Frio County, Texas Marriage Records Book 1-2-3 McManus. Atascosa County, Texas Cemetery Inscriptions. Original Grantee Patentee Part 1 Austin Cgunty Texas Land Titles Part II Bandera County, Texas Land Titles. Original Grantee Patentee Fannin County, Texas Land Titles. Original Grantee Patentee Bell County, Texas Land Titles. Original Grantee Patentee Callahan County, Part II: Cameron County, Part III; Texas Land Titles. Original Grantee Patentee Calhoun County, Part I; elanco County, Part II; Texas Land Titles. Register of Probate Cases, Comal County, Texas. Rehobeth A Pioneer's Church and Cemetery Fannin County, Gnl 929.1: Maps of the United States Showing How it Grew 1790-1960. Hefner. WPA Historical Records Survey: A Guide To The Unpublished Inventories, Indexes, And Transcripts. Gnl 977.9 Gnl 929.2 Gnl 325 Gnl 312 Gnl Missouri Miscellany, volume X (1geo). Damron Family: Pioneer Settlers of Fannin County Texas 1929. Miller. Migration, Emigration, Imnigration, volume II. Directory of Census Information Sources. PEDIGREE CHART 237 Name and Address of 5ubmitter: Chart No. Ann Thurman 4702 Toreador Dr. Austin, PHONE: Texas, 78746 8 Wintford T. THURMAN- 1---------- - - - - -- Wm. Horace THURMAN- 7--------------- - - - - -- BURN: 12 AUG 1931 PLACE: Ft. Worth,Tarrant Co.,TX. 1 HARR: 25 DEC 1950 - -4 1 PLACE: Ft. Worth,TX. 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: Mary Ann RATTIKIN- 8---------------- - - - - -- 1 Spouse 6 , B , B 9 1 1 , 3 Dorothy Mae CROWLEY- 6------------ - - - - - -- BORN: 2 JUN 1908 PLACE: Grapevine,TX. DIED: PLACE: BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 12 We. Jasper CROWLEY-11---------------- 1 BURN: 27 JUL 1844 Number 1 on this chart 1 HARR: 1887 --6 1 PLACE: White CD.,TN. is the same person 1 DIED: 1924 1 PLACE: G 1 HARR: --I 25 JUL 1907 - -7 1 as No. - - -- on 4 Wylie Leonidus THURMAN- 3 ----------------- 1 PLACE: BORN: 1 PLACE: F Chart No. - _ 1 BURN: 3 MAR 1872 1 DIED: 27 AUG 1903 PLACE: McDonald Co.,MU.? 1 PLACE: Brazos Co.,TX. MARR: ABT 1894 - -2 ; 1 PLACE: 9 America MILLER-2-------------------- 1 DIED: 28 OCT 1949 BORN- 1 PLACE: Ft. Worth,Tarrant Co.,TX. PLACE- 2 Pittman Horace THURMAN- 5------------ - - - - -1 DIED: ART 1874 1 BORN: 5 NOV 1901 PLACE: Brazos Co.,TX. 1 PLACE: Edge,Brazos Co.,TX. ; 1 HARR: I JUN 1930 - -3 10 ------------------------------- - - - - -- 1 PLACE: Ft. Worth,TX. 1 BURN: DIED: 19 AUG 1965 1 PLACE: 1 PLACE: Ft. Worth,TX. 1 HARR: 5 Cora E. COTTON- 4-------------------- - - - - -1 PLACE: BORN: ABT 1873 1 DIED: PLACE: Mayfield,Graves Co.,KY. 1 PLACE: DIED: MAR 1902 ; PLACE: Edge,Brazos Co.,TX. 11 ------------------------------ - - - - -- Wm. Horace THURMAN- 7--------------- - - - - -- BURN: 12 AUG 1931 PLACE: Ft. Worth,Tarrant Co.,TX. 1 HARR: 25 DEC 1950 - -4 1 PLACE: Ft. Worth,TX. 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: Mary Ann RATTIKIN- 8---------------- - - - - -- 1 Spouse 6 , B , B 9 1 1 , 3 Dorothy Mae CROWLEY- 6------------ - - - - - -- BORN: 2 JUN 1908 PLACE: Grapevine,TX. DIED: PLACE: BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: -1 DIED: 1 PLACE: 1 14 Sam Houston EVANS-16 -------------- 1 1 BURN: ABT 1851 1 1 PLACE: AL. 1 1 HARR: 27 SEP 1864 - -9 Vivien Vesta EVANS- 14 -------------------- 1 PLACE: BURN: 24 APR 1892 1 DIED: 13 JUL 1926/1927 PLACE: Canon,Van Zandt Co.,TX. 1 PLACE: Grapevine,TX. DIED: 1 PLACE: 15 Mary Louise PARNELL-17 ------------ BORN: 25 NOY 1866 PLACE: AL. DIED: 13 JAN 1898 PLACE: Wills Pt.,TX. 12 We. Jasper CROWLEY-11---------------- 1 HORN: ABT 1849 1 PLACE: MO. 1 HARR: 1887 --6 Jessie J Jackson CROWLEY- 13 ---------------- 1 1 PLACE: 1 BORN: 2 27 JUL 1888/1689 1 1 DIED: 1924 1 PLACE: G Grapevine,TX. 1 1 PLACE: Grapevine,TX. 1 HARR: 2 25 JUL 1907 - -7 1 1 1 PLACE: G Grapevine,TX. 1 13 Lola Ann DENTON 2nd wife-12---------- 1 DIED: 2 2 MAY 1965 B BORN: 1 PLACE: F Ft. Worth,TX. P PLACE: 1 14 Sam Houston EVANS-16 -------------- 1 1 BURN: ABT 1851 1 1 PLACE: AL. 1 1 HARR: 27 SEP 1864 - -9 Vivien Vesta EVANS- 14 -------------------- 1 PLACE: BURN: 24 APR 1892 1 DIED: 13 JUL 1926/1927 PLACE: Canon,Van Zandt Co.,TX. 1 PLACE: Grapevine,TX. DIED: 1 PLACE: 15 Mary Louise PARNELL-17 ------------ BORN: 25 NOY 1866 PLACE: AL. DIED: 13 JAN 1898 PLACE: Wills Pt.,TX. 238 PEDIGREE CHART Name and Address of Submitter: Chart No. Ann Thurman 4702 Toreador Dr. Austin, PHONE: Texas, 78746 Number 1 on this chart is the same person as No. _ - on 4 ------------------- Chart No. 1 BORN: - - -- ; PLACE: HARR: PLACE: 1 DIED: PLACE: 2 Joseph EVANS- 15 -------------------------- 1 BORN: PLACE: AL. ; HARR: - °8 1 PLACE: ; DIED: ; PLACE: Grapevine,TX. ; 5 ------------------- BORN- PLACE- DIED- PLACE: 1 Sam Houston EVANS-16 --------------------- ; BORN: ABT 1851 PLACE: AL. NARR: 27 SEP 1884 - -9 PLACE: DIED: 13 JUL 192601327 ; PLACE: Grapevine,TX. ;Mary Louise PARNELL-17 ------------------- spouse 6 ------------------- BORN: ; PLACE: 1 HARR: ; PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 3 ----------------------------------------- 1 BORN: ; PLACE: ; DIED: ; PLACE: ; 8 0 7 ------------- - - - - -- BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 8 ------------------------------------- ; BORN: PLACE: ; HARR: -------- - - - - -; PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 0 9 ------------------------------------- BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: to ------------------------------- - - - - -- 1 BORN: ; PLACE- ! HARP.: ----- --- - - - - -; PLACE: ; DIED: PLACE: H 11 ------------------------------------- BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 12 ------------------------------- - - - - -e BORN: ; PLACE: MARK: -------- - - -- -1 PLACE: DIED: PLACE: B B 13 ------------------------------------- BORN: PLACE- DIED- PLACE- 14 ------------------------------------- ; BORN: PLACE: HARR: -------------- ; PLACE: DIED: PLACE: , 15---------- ---- -- -- - - -e BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: PEDIGREE CHART 2 39 Name and Address of 5ubwitter: Chart No. Ann Thurman 4702 Toreador Dr. j Austin, PHONE: Texas, 79746 8 ------------------------------------ 1 BORN: Number 1 on this chart 1 PLACE: is the same person 1 MARR: as No. on 4 ------------------------------------ - - - - -, PLACE: Chart No. -_ -- BORN: 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: 1 PLACE: 1 MARR: 1 1 PLACE: 9 ------------------------------------- 1 DIED: BORN: 1 PLACE: PLACE- 2 Benjamin F. CRONLEY- 9-------------- - - - - --1 DIED: BORN: PLACE- 1 PLACE: 1 MARR: - -5 to ------------------------------------- 1 PLACE: 1 BORN: 1 DIED: 1904 1 PLACE: ! PLACE: Grapevine,T%. 1 1 MARR: 5 ------------------------------------ - - - --1 PLACE: BORN: 1 DIED: PLACE: 1 PLACE: 1 DIED: 1 o PLACE: 11 ------------------------------------- i Wm. Jasper CROWLEY- 11-------------- - - - - -- BORN: 1 BORN: ABT 1949 PLACE: 1 PLACE: NO. DIED: 1 MARR: 1897 - -6 PLACE: 1 PLACE: 1 DIED: 1924 12 ------------------------------- - - - - -- 1 PLACE: Grapevine,TX. 1 BORN: !Lola Ann DENTON 2nd wife-12 -------------- 1 PLACE: 1 Spouse 1 MARR: 1 6 ------------------------------------ - - - - -1 PLACE: 1 1 BORN: 1 DIED: 1 1 PLACE: 1 PLACE: 1 1 MARR: 1 1 1 PLACE: 13 ------------------------------------- 1 1 DIED: BORN: 1 1 PLACE: PLACE: 3 Edna LEAKE- 1 .0 ---------------------------- 1 DIED: BORN: 1 PLACE: PLACE: MO. 1 DIED: 1999 1 14 ------------------------------- - - - - -- PLACE: Grapevine,TR.,Bear Cr. Cem. 1 1 BORN: 1 1 PLACE: 1 MARR: 7 ------------------------------------ - - - - -1 PLACE: BORN: 1 DIED: PLACE: 1 PLACE: DIED: 1 PLACE: 15 ------------------------------------- BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 24C ?1— and Address of Submitter: Ann Thurman 47(12 Toreador Dr. Aa=_ -tin, PHONE: Texas, 78746 Number 1 on this chart is the same person PEDIGREE CHART Chart No. ae. No, ___ on 4 ------------------ Chart No. I PORN: PLACE: 1 HARR: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: Pm. Malcolm PARNELL °18 ------------------- ; PORN: ; PLACE: ; HARR: - -10 1 PLACE: ; ; DIED: ; PLACE: Terrell,TX. ; 5 ------------------- BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: I Nary Louise PARNELL-17 ------------------- BORN: 25 NOV 1866 PLACE: AL. HARR: 27 SEP 1884 - -9 PLACE: DIED: 13 JAN 1998 PLACE: Wills Pt.,TX. ;Sam Houston EVANS-16 --------------------- Spouse 6 ------------------- BORN: PLACE: HARR: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 3 Sarah Ann WEST 19-------------- ----- - ----I BORN: ; PLACE: AL. DIED: PLACE: Terrell,TX. H 7 - - - - - -- BORN: PLACE- DIED- PLACE: 8 -------------------------=----------- ; 80RE1: PLACE: 1 HARR: ------------ - - - - -- PLACE: DIED: PLACE: ; 9 ------------------------------------ PORN: PLACE- DIED- PLACE: to------------------------------------ 1 BORN: PLACE: HARR: --------- -- -- -- -- -1 PLACE: DIED: PLACE: ; It------------------------------------- BORN: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 12 -------------------------------------- BORN: PLACE: HARR: ------------- - - -- -; PLACE- DIED- PLACE: B 13 ---------------------------- PORN: PLACE- DIED- PLACE- 14 ------------------------------------- PORN: PLACE: HARP,: ------------------ ; PLACE: DIED: PLACE: 15 ------------------------------------- PORN. PLACE: DIED: PLACE: � �1 241 It.aDE "'i I ABBOTT 213 HBEHGLEt! 213 ADAM 210 ADAMS 213 AKIM 213 ALLEN '213 ALTER 213 ALTIMORE 213 ALVAREZ 213 At 213 AQUILENA 213 ARNOLD 213 ATCHLEY 213 ATKINS 213 AUTREY 213 BOWMAN 208, 210 BOYKIN 206, '229 BRADSHAW 214 BRANDON 214 BRANNON 214 BRASWELL 214 BRAY 214 BREWER 214 BRISBIN 214 BRITTON 214 BROOME 214 BROWN 206, 210, 214 BROWNING 214 BROWNLEE 214 BRUNK 214 BUCK 214 BUCKLEY 215 BUEKER 215 BULERSON 207 BUNN 215 BURGIN 215 BURKHALTER 215 BURN 215 BURNS 215 BUTLER 215 BYARS 215 BYRD 215 CONAWAY 215 CONNOR 215 CONRY 215 COOK 215 COOPER 215 CORN 216 COTTON 236 COURTNEY 216 CRADDOCK 216 CRAWFORD 216 CRENSHAW 216 CRETH 207 CRISWELL 216 CROCKETT 216 CROW 216 CROWDER 216 CROWLEY 236, 238 CRUTCHFIELD 216 CRUZ 216 CULPEPPER 216 CUNNINGHAM 216 DAHL 216 DAHLBURG 216 DAVILA 216 DAVIS 208, 209, 216 DE LA GARZA 216 ELLWOOD 217 EMERY 208 E11MEL 209 EMMONS 217 ESTES 212 ESTRADA 217 EVANS 217, 236, 237, 239 EVERETT 217 FAHLQUIST 217 FAULKNER 217 FEATH 217 FERGUSON 217 FINKE 217 FISHER 207, 217 FLEITAS 217 FOSTER 217 FRANKLON 217 FRANKLOW 217 FRANCO 217 FREDE 217 FREE 217 FREIBERGER 217 FRILEY 207 FULLER 217 FUTRELL 217 BATTS 209 DENNY 216 GALLOWAY 218 BEARD 213 CAIN 207 DENTON 236, 238 GARCIA 218 BEARDEN 213 CAMPBELL 215 DEWITT 216 GARRETT 218 BEC:ERRA 213 CARLTON 215 DIAZ 216 GARVIN 218 BEC:KER 213, 214 CASEY 215 DIES 216 GENTRY 218 BEHRNS 214 CASTENADA 215 DIGGS 216 GIBBINS 218 BELL 206, 208, 209 CASTRO 215 DISHMAN 216 GIBBONS 218 210, 214 CATES 215 DODD 210 GIBSON 218 BENNING 214 CATHEY 215 DONAHO 216 GILLETTE 218 BENSON 214 CAVANAUGH 215 DONEY 210 GINZEL 218 BERRY 214 CECH 215 DOOLEY 216, 217 GLASGOW 218 BILLINGSLEY 206, CHALK 215 DOUCA 217 GLAZE 2 229 CHANDLER 215 DRYDEN 217 GOMEZ 218 BIRDWELL 214 CHILDRESS 215 DUCKETT 217 GONGORA 218 BLACK 214 CHRISTIAN 215 DUNCAN 217 GOODWIN 218 BLAIR 214 CHUNK 215 DURHAM 229 GOUGER 218 BLANK 214 CINZEL 215 DYER 217 GOREE 210 BLOCKER 214 CLAIBOURNE 207 GOYTON '218 BLONDEAU 214 CLARK 215 EADS 217 GRAY 218 BOATCALLE 214 CLAY 215 EAVES 207, 208 GREEN 218 BOLI14G 214 CLEPPER 215 209 GRIMES 209 BOLMANSKI 214 COFFEY 215 ECHOLS 217 GUNBY 228 BONNEVILLE 208 COLE 209 ECKLES 209 GUYTON 218 BORING 214 COLLIER 215 EDEN 217 BOSQUEZ 214 COLLINS 228 EDGE 208, 209, 217 HACKNEY 218 BOSWELL 214 COMBS 215 EIMANN 217 HAIR 218 BAILEY 213 BAKER 213 SALLEW 213 BANKS 213 BARCHENGER 213 BARNARD 213 BARRERA 213 BARRETT 213 BARRON 213 BARB` MAN 209 BARTON 213 BATTEN 213 242 INDEX HALLARAN 206 HANCOCK 218 HANSON 218 HANWAY 209 HARDY 218 HARLESS 218 HARRIS 218 HARGROVE 218 HARTLEY 229 HATCHER 218 HAUSINGER 218 HAVERON 218 HAZELWOOD 218 HAYES 218 HEARNE 209 HEATON 218 HENSLEY 219 HENSON 219 HERNANDEZ 219 HERNDON 219 HERRERA 219 HERROD 219 HILL 208, 229 HILLIER 219 HOGAN 219 HOLLEY 219 HOLZMANta 219 HOOD 219 HOPE 206, 229 HOPKINS 219 HORN 219 HOWARD 219 HOWELL 219 HUCKABY 219 HUDSON 219 HUGHES 219 HUMESTON 219 HUNTER 219 JACKSON 229 JAQUES 219 JAMES 208 JASTER 219 JENKINS 219 JOHNSON 209, 219 JONES 219 JOSE' 219 JUETT '219 KAZMEIER 219 KELLY 219 KEMP 229 KING 208, 209,_ 219 KITCHER 219 KNISPEL 219 KOKElOOR 220 KREHBIEL 220 KUBENA 220 KURTIS 220 LACEWELL 220 LAMBRIGHT 220 LANDRY 220 LANHAM 220 LAVENDER 220 LArJTON 220 LEAKS 238 LEE 220 LEHDE 220 LENZ 220 LESTER 220 LEVERETT 220 LEWIS 220 LIGHTFOOT 220 LIGHTSEY 220 LINK 207 LISENBE 220 LOCKETT 220 LONGMIRE 220 LOOSE 209 LOPEZ 220 LUCAS 220 LUCE 220 MABREY 220 McCALLY 220 Mc CAMERON 20 McCLAIN 220 HcCORMICK 206 McCULLOUGH 220 McCULLY 220 McDERMOTT 220 McDONALD 220, 221 McGEE 221 Mc INTOSH 208 McKEEBEY 221 McKEEVER 209 Mc LAIN 221 McMULLAN 221 McQUAIDE 221 McQUEEN 209 MACIAS 221 MADDO:{ 221 MAJORS 221 MARRERO 221 MARTIN 208, 221 MARTINEZ 221 MASON 221 MATEJKA 221 MATHEWS 221 MAT H I S 221 MA`('FIELD 221 MEADS 221 MEDINA 221 MEDLEY 221 MEEK 221 MELCHER 221 MERRELL 221 MIDDLEBROOK 221 MILLER 221, 236 MILLER 221 MITCHELL 221 MOBLE °Y 221 MOEHLMAN 222 MOFFETT 222 MOHR 22'2 MONCIVAIS 222 MONCIVIAS 222 MONSIVIAS 222 MOON 222 MOORE 208, 222 MORELLO 222 MORENO 222 MORGAN 222 MORRELL 207 MORRIS 222 MORRISON 222 MORTON 222 MOSELY 208 MOUSNER 222 MUEGGE 222 MUSE 222 NEELEY 222 NEWELL 222 NEWHALL 22 NORRIS 222 NOVAK 222 NOVOSAD 222 NOWAK 222 NOWELL 222 O'BRAIN 207 OGG '22'2 O "HEAL 229 OUIENS 222 PAGE 222 PARKER 203 PARNELL 236, 237, 239 PARR 222 PARTAIN 222 PATRANELLA 222, 228 PATTERSON 208 PAVLAS 222 PAYNE 229 PEARSON 222, 223 PERRY 223 PILLOW 223 PLAGENS 223 POE 223 POLK 223 POLLEN 223 PONZ I O 223 PORTER 223 PORTZER 206 POWELL 223 PRICE 223 PRITCHARD 223 PRITCHETT 223 PRUETT 223 PRUITT 207, 208 POLLEN 223 PURGERSON 223 QUEEN 223 RADFORD 208 RAGSDALE 223 RAHNERT 223 RATTIKIN 236 RAY 223 REDMOND 223 REED 223 REESE 223 REEVES 223 REGINI 223 RESTMYER 223 RICH 22'3 RICHARDS 223 RINN 223 RI SINGER 223 RITCHEY 223 ROATH 223 ROBERTSON 208, ROBINSON 208 ROCKETT 223, ROCKEY 224 ROHLOFF 224 ROJAS 224 ROLFE 224 ROSAS 224 ROSENKRANZ 224 ROSS 207 223 x'24 INDEX RUSSELL 224 SALAZAR 224 SANDLIN 224 SANDSTROM 224 SANGER 209 SAUNDERS 209 SAUSLEY 224 SAX I ON 224 SCASTA 224 SCHOEDEL 224 SCHOONOVER 224 SCOGIN 224 SCOTT 224 SEALE 209 SEARCY 224 SEBESTA 208 SEGNER 224 SEMETKO 224 SERAFINO 224 SEWARD 224 SEWELL 207 SHAW 203, 224 SHENKIR 224 SIEGERT 224 SIEPMAN 224 SIMS 224 SMITH 224, 225 SNY DER 225 SOUTH 225 SPIKES 225 SPRAGUE 225 SPRINGER 225 STACY 225 STALLWORTH 225 STANEK 225 STANISLAW 225 STEVENS 225 STEWART 225 STODDARD 209 STONE 225 STOREY 225 STONE 225 STRAIN 225 STRENGTH 225 SUMMERS 225 SUNDAY 229 SUSTAITA 225 TABOR 207, 208, 209 TAYLOR 225 TEAGLE 225 TELL 115 THARP 225 THEARL 225 THIELEMANN 225 THOMAS 225 THOMPSON 225 THORPE 225 THURMAN 236 TINSLEY 225 TODD 225, 226 TOEPFLER 226 TOMME 226 TORRANCE 226 TOWNSEND 226 TRIPPETT 210 TUBBS 226 TUCKER 226 TYDLACKA 226 UPCHURCH 226 URBANOVSKY 226 '•DANCE 226 VAUGHN 226 VERNON 206, 226 VYTOPIL 226 WADDELL 226 WAGNER 226 WALKER 226 WALLIN 226 WATSON 226 WAY 226 WAYNE 226 WEAVER 226 WEBB 208, 226 WEBSTER 226 WEDEL 226 WEEKES 226 WEHMEYER 226 WEICHERT 226 WENTRCEK 226 WEST 226, 239 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION DUES: Individual, $12.00; Family, $18.00 (Jan 1 ® Dec. 31) WESTER 227 WHITAKER 227 WHITE 227, 229 WHITESIDES 227 WHITLEY 227 WIESE 227 WILBURN 227 WILKERSON 227 WILKINS 227 WILLIAMS 227 WI LLINGS 227 WILSON 227 WINE 227 WINTERS 227 WOOD 227 WOODMANSEE 227 WOODS 2'27 WOODSON 227 WRIGHT 227 YANCEY 227, 228 YEAGER 228 YOUNG 228, 229 ZADDEM 228 ZAMORA 228 Z GABA`r' 223 ZWEIFEL 228 COMPLETE the following form and mail with your PEDIGREE CHART, to be published in the Brazos Genealogical Advertiser. 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