HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.7 No.5iren ealogical dvertiser CONTENTS Beware of Family Heritage Book Fraud Brazos County Texas 1870 Census College Station Cemetery -' Daughters of the Confederacy Editorial Free Genealogical Query Columns Index Letter of Enquiry (Italian) Membership Application Old Folks Concert Pedigree Charts Place Names of Brazos County President's Message Queries Researching the Italian Immigrant Ancestor Volume V11 Number 5 Fall 1986 Bryan - College St tin Texas Page 184 1$e 170 167 169 1G3 202 183 203 167 196 185 169 184 181 THE BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box 5493 Bryan Tx 77840 OFFICERS 1986 PRESIDENT .......... MARY BELL VICE PRESIDENT..... JOY BROWN SECRETARY ......... PEGGY HOPE TREASURER ...... ANNA HALLARAN LIBRARIAN ....... JIMMY VERNON EDITOR.... NADINE BILLINGSLEY STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH /INTERNATIONAL......... ......... ROSEMARY BOYKIN LOCAL HISTORY ............... .............NAOMI McCORMICK CONTINUING .SERIES .............. .......... HARRY PORT2ER MEETINGS Meetings are the on the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is on a calendar year basis, Jan.1 through Dec. 31. $10.00.... single membership $15.00.... family membership {QUARTERLY The Advertiser is published as the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Issues. Each volume of the Advertiser will correspond with the membership year. Free to members during current mem- bership. Non- members $4.00 per issue. EXCHANGE The Advertiser is available for exchange with other organiza- tions or publishers who have publications to offer in ex- change. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493 Bryan Tx. 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, charts, copies of records, articles and with Brazos Valley Family charts should be 11 and fit a 3 ring bin+ fami ly Bible stories ties. 8 1/2 x jer. . EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogi- cal Society or the staff of the Advertiser will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed by contributors. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis only. The members of the society are encouraged to submit articles of interest in the Brazos Val- ley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bibles records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. Re- search on material before the turn of the century is espe- cially welcome. i Lo A razo Genealogical dvertlse -C Volume VII Number 5 Bryan- College Station Fall 1986 Texas DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY The charter authorizing the L. S. Ross Chapter No, 100 of the Daughters of the Confederacy has been received. The charter members are hereby noti- fied that a full application for membership must be filed with the secretary and the committee on credentials, composed of Mrs. R. K. CHATHAM, chairman; Mrs. J. J. ADAMS and Mrs. W. G. TALLEAFERRO, will pass on the applications of new members. The chapter will assist Camp J. B. Robertson in any work suggested, and will contribute to the Southern monument fund on demand. An effort will be made to care for sick veterans of the county, provide medicines, delicacies, etc. Application blanks are ordered and will be ready for distribution before the next regular meeting April 27. This organization should have the hearty encouragement, support and coop - oration of everyone interested in perpetuating the golden memories of our glorious Southland. All ladies eligible to membership are invited to make formal application. Bryan is a good field for such a work, which should be given the encouragement the movement deserves, strengthening the chapter and stimulating the activity of the members. Officers elected are as follows: Miss SHEPARD, president; Mrs. Amanda TRUE, vice - president; Frs. R. K. CHATHAM, 2nd vice - president; Mrs. J. F. PARKS recording secretary; Miss Lottie STODDARD, corresponding secretary and Mrs. A. J. BUCHANAN, treasurer. Copied from Bryan Eagle (weekly newspaper) April 22, 1897 OLD FOLKS CONCERT At the Opera House a C:rand Success No entertainment given in Bryan for years perhaps has been more thorough- ly successful in its purpose and results than the Old Folks concert given at the Opera House last night under the direction of the ladies of L. S. Ross chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy for the benefit of the Ross monu- ment to be erected on the campus at the Agricultural and Mechanical College. The house was packed to its full capacity both up and down stairs, the crowd being estimated at 600, and the receipts will probably considerably exceed $125.00. College was largely and creditably represented, and the members of the college band rendered invaluable service with their excellent music. Enthusiasm prevailed from the rise of the curtain to the close of the least number on the program. Everyone participating in the exercise seemed thoroughly imbued with the spirit of the occasion and the result was a splendid performance all the way through. The stage was decorated in red, white and blue with a soldier's tent and arms stacked in the background. A score of old veterans participated in the singing of the first song, "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground." 167 168 The Daughters of the Confederacy wore quaint old costumes and were re- ` ceived with rousing encores at every appearance. Their medley of catchy old - -- songs, winding up with a dash of the new in "A Hot Time in the Old Town To- night," was cheered to the echo and could not be surpassed. Col. CHATHAM and Mr. PARKS both brought dowel the house with their war songs and were led back to the stage, in response to vociferous recalls, by Gen. STODDARD who was master of ceremonies. Col. CHATHAM looked superb in an old uniform of Confederate grey with a sword at his side- -the same sword worn by Col. M. W. SIMS during the war. Mrs. A. L. BANKS and Miss SHIELDS sang beautifully and were both re- called, Miss SHIELDS repeating "My Maryland" by request from the audience after the program was nearly concluded. Mrs. Webb HOWELL sang "Within a Mile o' Edinborro Town," with great sweetness of expression. The recitations of Mrs. � hi JAY and Miss JOHNSON related to the sentiment and 'heroism of war times and were highly creditable. One of the most pleasing numbers on the program was "Twenty Years Ago," a sketch by Mrs. ADAMS and Mrs. TRUE, in which they introduced an old fashioned pair of cotton "cards" and spinning wheel, with songs of that period. The ladies interested in the entertainment were; Meadames M. W. SIMS, W. A. BANKS, J. W. JOHNSON, A. J. BUCHANAN, W. C. FRILEY, J. F. PARKS, J. J. ADAMS, R. K. CHATHAM, Ida SHEPARD, Eliza JOHNSON, J. Webb HOWELL, J. T. HAN- WAY, Paul BRADLEY, A. L. BANKS, T. B. GILLESPIE; Misses STODDARD, SHIELDS, ROGERS, JOHNSON, and Mable ROBINSON. The ladies were greatly assisted in the entertainment by a number of the wy members of Camp J. B. Robertson, U. C. V., while Messers H. C. ROBINSON, W. A. WITHERS, and J. B. STEVENSON added much to the excellence of the music. Following Dixie.-, ... **too ... o ... o-o ..... o*.@* ... *.**..*.Orchestra Chorus, Tenting on the Old Camp Ground ......... Camp J. B. Robertson Chorus, Auld Lang Syne ... ......................Daughters of the Confederacy 'local Solo, Maryland, My Maryland ..............Miss T. SHIELDS Recitation, The Baltimore Grays ................Miss L. JOHNSON Solo, Within a Mile o' Edinborro Town.......... Mrs. Webb HOWELL A nnie Laurie .....:....... ......................Quartette Solo, The Contraband ....................... J. F. PARKS Tableau, American Beauties ..................... ? Bonnie Blue Flag.... . ...........................Band Twenty Years Ago ..... *to ...................... Meadames ADAMS and TRUE Chorus, Old Folks at Home ......................Daughters of the Confederacy Solo, The Volunteer .. ..........................Col. CHATHAM" Medley and Chorus Old Kentucky Home ....... .....Daughters . of the Confederacy Solo, Lorena ........ ...........................Mrs. A. L. BANKS Recitation .......... ....... ....................Mrs. J. T. HANWAY H ome Sweet Home ............ Copied from Bryan Eagle, April 16, 1898 169 NEW EDITORIAL STAFF With this issue the Advertiser has a new editorial staff. We would like to thank MARY COOPER, the previous editor, for all the work she has given to our publication for the last seven years. She has set high standards for all who follow. Thank you, Mary, for your dedication. At this time we would like to introduce our new editorial staff. Each has a different and unique background. All have been active in many dif- ferent community organizations, both here and abroad. All are actively working on their own family genealogy and each brings different skills to the Advertiser NAOMI McC,ORMICK is Local His- tory Editor and, as a long -time Brazos County resident,is familiar with families, churches and organizations in the Brazos Valley area. ROSEMARY BOYKIN is Research and International Editor. She recently published a book on her DePASQUALE' family. She gathered information from both US and Italian sources. HARRY PORTZER is Continuing Series Editor. He has compiled information on his family using the computer,and has worked with a non profit newspaper publication in Mobile Alabama before moving to our area. NADINE BILLINGSLEY is Editor and has published a book on her - family history. While working on this book she became inter- ested in genealogy'. EDITOR PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Our organization has had a very busy year and, thus far, a successful one. Much of our time has been spent rechecking and bringing our Brazos County Cemetery Listings up to date. Also in obtaining histories of these cemeteries. We are now nearing completion of this task and work as begun on ways and means for publishing our findings. We do need a few more members to help with work in the Bryan cemeteries. If you can help, please let us know. Seventeen new members have been welcomed into our organization this year. May they all profit from this experience. One dark cloud did come into the picture. Mary Cooper, Editor of the advertiser for seven years, resigned. It was with regret that we lost Mary in this capacity; however, vie are glad we can still see her going about with her many other activities. Mary, we hope your retirement years will be happy ones. After Mary's resignation,we did much checking of our member's qualifications and came up with an Editorial staff of four. This staff has been hard at work and we are looking forward to future issues of the Adver- tiser. Three other members of the old staff will continue their contributions for the rest of this year. Thanks to all these hard working people. Mary Bell, President 170 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX SPRlGGS, Charles O. 1896 8 Feb 1956 59y 3m 17d Marlin E-33-5 SRAMEK, Albina 11 Oct 1891 30 Jan 1920 Shiloh SRAMEK, Jacob 1864 - 1953 hus of Victoria SRAMEK Shiloh = SRAMEK, Patricia 1830 - 1885 Shiloh SRAMEK, Victoria 1864 - 1944 w\ of Jacob SRAMEK Shiloh ~ STALLINGS, Homer A. 21 Apr 1924 20 Oct 1967 TX RM3 USNR WW II Mason E-71-8 STAPLES, Judith Ann 15 Oct 1948 12 Nov 1983 G-50-6 STARK, Eva Smith 1876 3 Jul 1960 84y Bryan B-23-7 STARK, Sayra Elaine 20 Apr 1945 5 Dec 1969 � F-4-6 STASNEY, Fannie 1887 - 1920 vii of John L. STASNEY "She was a kind & affectionate wife, a fond mother, & a friend to all." Shiloh STASNEY, Frank, Sr. Frank, Fannie, Francis, Jody Also Louis Adolph TAUBER Shiloh STASNEY, Grace Brown 16 May 1904 (blank) on stone with Leon W. STASNEY Shiloh STASNEY, Hugo F. 12 Apr 1881 9 Jun 1942 Shiloh STASNEY, John L. 1874 - 1949 hus of Fannie STASNEY "A kind loving father" Mason Shiloh STASNEY, infant son of John L. & Fannie STASNEY 24 Apr 1900 STASNEY, Leon William 25 April 1901 12 Aug 1979 on stone with Grace Brown STASNEY Shiloh STASNY, Frank 1857 - 1937 on stone w/ Josephine STASNY Shiloh ' STASNY, Josephine 1859 - 1938 on stone w/ Frank STASNY Shiloh STASNY, Katerina Nar 6 Pros 1835 ZenKrela 27 Led 1914 Shiloh STASNY , W i l l i am S. 3 Oct 1 886 3 Nov 1904 Sh i l oh ^ STAVINOHA, Stacie Elizabeth 2 Apr 1965 29 Mar 1978 (picture) H-16-5 STE , Billy Ray 28 Jun 1961 age 5d Bryan Washington Chapel STEEN, Charity (blank) 9 Oct 1974 104y Washington Chapel STEEN, Daisy 1908 (blank) on stone w/ Wa)ter STEEN Wash. Ch. STEEN Sylvester 1904 19 Jul 1985 (Daniel & son) Wash. Chapel �~, � ^ COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX STEBN, Walter 1909 27 Jan 1970 60y on stone with Daisy STEEN d Seattle, Peoples Fun Hm Washington Chapel STELLY, Louise Paula 30 Sep 1954 20 Sep 1982 27y A-109-3 STGPHENSON, Frances Marie Beecher 24 May 1899 13 Jun 1958 wife of Henson Knowlen STEPHBNSON 59y 19d C.S. E-56-1 STEWART, Bonnie N. 20 Aug 1915 (blank) w/ Robert E. STEWART H STEWART, Robert E. 4 May 1915 18 Nov 1983 Lt Col US Army WW II Army Air Corps on stone with Bonnie N. STEWART H-28-4 STOKES, Marilyn V. 1943 24 Jul 1976 G-4-5 STRODE , Willard D. 1915 5 Jul 1966 E-24-4 STUDBNSKY, Annie 1888 31 Dec 1972 Shiloh ' STUDENSKY, Richard 25 Dec 1881 14 Sep 1961 79y Brazos Co. Shiloh STUDBNSKY, Robert Joe 21 Jan 1924 30 Aug 1943 Shiloh SULLlNGER, Edyth B. (blank) 14 May 1971 83y E-47-pt.2 SULLIVAN, Fran 1903 (blank) on stone w/ Harold SULLIVAN H-27- SULLIVAN, Harold 1899 24 Aug 1973 with Fran SULLIVAN H-27-8 SULLIVAN, Jack D. 1923 18 Dec 1978 US Army WW II A-639-2 ' SULLIVAN, James R. 11 Feb 1890 6 Jan 1959 68y 10m 25d E-47-3 SUMMEY, George, Jr. 1880 17 Feb 1970 with Helen Dinwiddie ` SUMMEY E-22-4 SUMMEY, Helen Dinwiddie 1881 23 Apr 1969 on stone w/ George ' SUMMEY, Jr. E-22-3 SVARC, Karel Zemr 26 Unor 1894 V stari 49 Roku Shiloh ` SWIFT, Owen 24 Feb 1951 18 Mar 1973 H-35-6 SWlGART, Theodore Earl IIl 28 Nov 1945 9 Mar 1979 F-47-6 ' SWINDLER, Bernard Francis 4 July 1905 17 Mar 1962 56y B-10-2 SYKES, Bill Cyril M. 26 Apr 1898 5 Jul 1975 on stone w/ Luci l . ` Gourdain SYKES G-41-4 SYKES, Lucille Gourdain 21 Mar 1899 (blank) on stone w/ Bill Cyril M. SYKES 8-41- TABOR, A. J. 13 Aug 1842 14 Feb 1923 on stone w/ Nety TABOR Shiloh TABOR, Andrew J. 11 Jun 1876 27 Nov 1919 WOW Shiloh COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX TABOR, Nety 17 Nov 1840 17 Dec 1907 on stone with A.J. TABOR Shiloh TAGGART, Edna L. 1871 3 May 1950 78y 6m 15d C.S. E-20-7 TAUBER, Betty 1914 - 19__ on stone w/ Wm. TAUBER, Sr. Shiloh " TAUBER, John 24 Apr 1857 7 Jun 1929 Shiloh TAUBER, Jos. 24 Dec 1820 27 Feb 1900 other side Kate TAUBER ' Shiloh TAUBER, Kate 24 Nov 1821 27 Mar 1905 other side Jos. TAUBER Shiloh TAUBER, Leon James 21 Feb 1887 25 Apr 1956 TX Sgt 434 RES LABOR BN QMC WW I Mason Shiloh TAUBER, Louis Adolph on stone with Frank STASNEY, Sr. Shiloh TAUBER, Marie 15 Aug 1859 14 Jun 1947 Shiloh TAUBER, V. L. 17 Sep 1884 17 Apr 1913 Shiloh TAUBER, William, Sr. (Willie F.) 18 Apr 1889 28 Mar 1955 TX Cpl 510 MTR Truck Co QMC WW I on stone w/ Betty TAUBER Shiloh � TARE-, Cantm 2 Apr 1926 7 Mar 1976 US Navy WW II Korea Washington Chapel TAYLOR, Clara M. 4 Dec 1904 7 Oct 1975 E-27-2 TAYLOR, David Elijah 13 May 1973 6 Mar 1978 Brazos Valley March o+ Dimes Poster Child 1978 G-33-7 TAYLOR, Gerald H. 27 Sep 1906 12 Sep 1978 on stone w/ Marie C. TAYLOR G-33-6 TAYLOR, Marie C. 12 Aug 1905 3 Feb 1978 w/ G.H.TAYLOR G-33-5 TERRY, Bobby L. 1925 - 1951 Washington Chapel - THlGPBN, Eddie-A. 24 Feb 1893 9 Oct 1970 with I. H. THlGPEN B-35-7 THIGPEN, Inez H. 5 Aug 1906 14 May 1974 with E. A. THlGPEN ' B-35-'6 THOMAS, Frank 2 Jul 1897 12 Mar 1979 Old section THOMAS, Frank Lincoln 16 Oct 1887 (blank) w/ Mabel C. THOMAS E-73- THOMAS, Lorena Ann 5 Jun 1957 21 Feb 1978 G-71-2 THOMAS, Mabel Clare 18 Jan 1887 26 Nov 1975 DAR On stone with Frank L. THOMAS E-73-4 THOMP8ON, Charlie 15 Dec 1900 30 Mar 1978 78y C.S. on stone . with Susie THOMPSON (Peoples) Washington Chapel COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX THOMPSON, Elma 27 Apr 1909 8 Dec 1978 Washington Chapel THOMPSON, J. George H. 1911 12 Jul 1984 double with Marion K. THOMPSON G-21-7 THOMPSON, Lonnie 16 May 1901 15 Sep 1974 Washington Chapel THOMPSON, Marion K. 1916 (blank) double with J.G.H. THOMPSON G-21- THOMPSON, Susie 11 Feb 1907 (blank) with Charlie THOMPSON Washington Chapel THORNTON, John Loy 1966 1986 A- THORNTON, Lucille R. 21 Jan 1893 30 Jul 1972 on stone with Marmaduke THORNTON THORNTON, Marmaduke K. 8 Feb 1892 9 Jan 1984 with Lucille THORNTON E-73-1 TIMM, Tyrus Raymond 27 Aug 1912 4 Sep 1977 TAMU Class of 1934 F-52-8 TINGLEY, Betty Boriskie 5 Oct 1905 (blank) on stone with Dr. Daniel Millard TINGLEY Shiloh TINGLEY, Dr. Daniel Millard 8 Nov 1901 23 Jul 1972 w/ Betty B. TINGLEY Shiloh TIPPlT, Catharine K. 1 Jun 1926 7 May 1981 beside Lawrence N. TIPPlT E-40-2 TlPPlT, Lawrence N. 30 Jul 1953 29 Jul 1959 5y beside Cath. K TIPPlT E-40-1 TISDLE, James 1897 30 Nov 1957 60y Rockdale TISHLER, Carl E. 19 Jan 1902 (blank) G-18- TISHLER, Rose Cook 21 Jun 1902 10 May 1984 G-18-6 TOLIVER, Mary 8 Feb 1902 10 Oct 1975 Washington Chapel TODD Double marker, no other information. TODD, Mozellp W. 28 Nov 1918 12 Mar 1976 A-107-7 TOLINER, Mary (blank) 10 Oct 1974 62y Washington Chapel TOMPKINS, Charlotte M. 7 Sep 1905 4 Apr 1981 F-9-1 TRAIL, Charles Darwin 15 Apr 1918 11 Aug 1960 43y San Antonio Colonel 4397 Air RFLG WG AF WW II CR Mrs. Billie M. TRAIL is owner of record. B-34-4 TROSSBN, Calvin W. 1919 8 Apr 1984 on stone w/ Mary N. TROSSEN B-1U-6 TROS5EN, Mary Navles 1922 28 Sep 1976 on stone w/ C. W. TROSSBN B-10-7 TUREK, Frances B. 27 Feb 1894 19 Jan 1979 on stone w/ James W. ' - ' TUREK Shiloh COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX TUREK, Frantiska Manzelka Jana Nar 24 Rijna 1853 zemr 18 Cervence 1896 UDE .odnociva. U Panu. zesnula" Shiloh TUREK, Frantiska Matka Nar 24 Rijna 1853 Zem 18 Cervence 1896 On stone with Jan TUREK, Otec Shiloh (probably the same person as above) TUREK, James Walton 11 Apr 1888 23 May 1969 81y Bryan on stone with Frances B. TUREK Shiloh TUREK, Jan, Otec Nar 24 Kv4tna 1852 Zem 18 Zari 1931 On stone w/ Frantiska TUREK Shiloh TUREK, Joseph L. 5 Nov 1884 15 Aug 1927 "At rest" Shiloh TURNER, Ada May Smith Brown (blank) 11 Feb 1981 Wash. Chapel TURNER, Albert 6 Aug 1898 16 Nov 1979 Washington Chapel TURNER, Curtis L. 6 Jun 1899 10 Oct 1964 TX Cpl Co D 117 Sup Tn 42 Div WW I E-24-8 ULLRICH, Alfred Harry (blank) 19 Oct 1973 63y E 25-8 ULLRICH, Mattie L. (blank) 20 Aug 1976 75y E-25-7 UNDERWOOD, Sheena K. 20 Jan 1945 (blank) w/ W.G. UNDERWOOD G-26- UNDERWOOD, Warren G. 26 Dec 1943 28 Jun 1981 w/ S UNDERWOOD G-26-2 VAN OVERBEEK, Johannes 1908 (blank) double with Thelma T. VAN OVERBEEK F-56- VAN OVERBEEK, Thelma T. 1918 bur 14 Jan 1980 dbl w/ Johannes VAN OVERBEEK F-56-7 VARVEL Linda Frances, 30 Mar 1946 1 May 1946 1m Infant dau of Walter and Cornelia VARVEL Houston E- VEZEY, Edward Earl 1889 6 Jun 1975 on stone with Myrtle H. VEZEY D-6-2 VEZEY, Myrtle H. 1888 25 Sep 1967 with E. E. VEZEY D-6-3 VEZEY, Goldie Mae 29 Sep 1903 16 Jan 1979 5-pointed star D-6-3 VOSS, Archie R. 16 Apr 1914 9 Feb 1979 VOSS, Earl 28 Apr 1906 19 Nov 1984 w/ Josie A. VOSS A-130-8 VOSS, Josie A. 7 Nov 1914 (blank) w/ Earl A-130- WADE, John Riley 15 Sep 1952 10 Jun 1982 G-27-8 WAGGONER, Coletta M. 5 Sep 1912 21 Jan 1983 on stone w/ Norman K. WAGGONER G-13-5 175 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX WAGGONER, Norman K. 27 Nov 1912 (blank) w/ Coletta M. WAGGONER G -13- WALDON, Hattie 27 Nov 1908 15 Jan 1984 Washington Chapel WALDON, Terry C., Jr 1981 1985 (Jones & Wash) Wash. Chapel (City Hall shows Tony Curtis Waldon, Jr. d 31 May 1935) WALKER, Alice Reba 10 May 1900 (blank) w/ James Knox WALKER A-86- WALKER, James Knox 1 7 Dec 1894 21 Sep 1980 2nd Lt US Army WW II On stone with Alice Reba WALKER A -86 -2 WALKER, W i l l i e D. 1926 bur 1 Jun 1983 Pf c US Array WW II A -8 -5 WALLACE, L zzie (blank) bur 17 Apr 1959 Old Section WALSH, Abigail Hope 18 Oct 1972 19 Oct 1972 B- 68- no.pt. of 1 WALTON, Robert C. 7 Oct 1957 24 Aug 1980 son A -92 -1 WAMBLE, Albert Cecil 7 Feb 1909 21 Aug 1970 w/ Hallie WAMBLE D -2 -4 WAMBLE, Hal l i e McElroy 6 Aug 1910 (blank) w /Albert C. WAMBLE D -2- WARD, E. D. 17 Nov 1882 5 Aug 1938 Washington Chapel WARD, Thelma 1924 - 1982 Washington Chapel WARE, Dolores Dale 15 Jul 1928 10 DEC 1966 E -4 -7 L Manerva (illegible) Washington Chapel WASHINGTON, Addie Lee 14 May 1906 4 Dec 1972 Washington Chapel WASHINGTON, Ben 1381 5 May 1472 Washington Chapel WASHINGTON, Eddie 1885 12 May 1978 83y Bryan Wash. Chapel. WASHINGTON, Gussie 1884 -1473, but in concrete 1885 14 Aug 1974 Wash. Chapel WASHINGTON, Robert E., Jr. 18 Feb 1953 22 Jul 1981 "In loving memory of" Wash. Chapel WATKINS, George L. 28 Feb 1915 29 Jul 1975 w.i Ruth E. WATKINS F -25 -8 WATKINS, Ruth E. 14 Apr 1923 (blank) on stone w/ G. L. WATKINS F -25- WATSON, Ada Beatrice 19 Aug 1904 3 Oct 1980 beside C. WATSON Washington Chapel WATSON, Cornelius 2 Dec 1900 22 Jun 1971 beside Ada B. WATSON Washington Chapel WATSON, Floyd Bolden 15 Dec 1926 5 Oct 1984 beside Mary B. WATSON Washington Chapel COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX WATSON, James 1902 15 Jul 1971 69y Bryan Washington Chapel WATSON, Mary B. 8 Jan 1899 6 Apr 1977 76y Bryan beside Floyd B. WATSON "May she rest in peace." Washington Chapel WATSON, Leonard Joseph 21 Feb 1900 17 Feb 1968 E-62-2 WEAVER, Frances Elizabeth 19 Jan 1907 25 Nov 1984 A-72-3 ^ WEAVER, Graeme D., Ph.D. 6 Feb 1938 24 Jul 1981 A-72-1 WEBB, Cora Pansy 25 Mar 1925 (blank) G- WEINZEL, Frank 1871 - 1944 on stone with Marie WEINZEL Shiloh WElNZEL, Harold 16 Jul 1919 14 Aug 1959 TX Pvt Signal Corps WW II Shiloh WElNZEL, Marie 1874 - 1922 on stone with Frank WEINZEL -Shiloh WEIRUS, Barbara Lynn 1945 24 Dec 1972 27y F-37-4 WELTY, Irene Bortz 20 Mar 1889 10 Aug 1978 A-52-1 WEST Shiloh WHEELER, Arthur M. 12 Oct 1884 24 Mar 1964 8-47-7 WHITE, Carla Denison 30 Aug 1944 8 Sep 1971 D-25-5 WHITE, Eugene Marshall 18 Oct 1892 25 Jul 1971 on stone with .Johnnie Mae WHITE D-6-7 WHITE, Henry Bluford buried 17 May 1965 95y E-48-1 WHITE, Joe Ross 15 Jul 1918 29 Mar 1983 Col US Air Force WW II Korea on stone with Marjorie H. WHITE B-10-4 WHITE, Johnnie Mae 4 Feb 1897 25 Sep 1983 on stone with E.M. WHITE D-6-6 WHITE, Marjorie H. w/ Joe Ross WHITE B-10- WHITE, Mary Lucile 1890 - 1964 beside Thos. Hogg WHITE B-21-3 WHITE, Steve Edward 6 May 1954 WHITE, Thomas Hogg 1889 - 1971 WHITEHOUSE, Doris S. 4 Apr 1929 WHITEHOUSE, U. Grant II 27 Jul WHlTELEY, Eli Lamar Jr. 18 Aug 26 May 1981 Capt US Mar. Corps F-66-4 beside Mary Lucile WHITE B-21-4 (blank) dbl w/ U. Grant WHITEHOUSE II G-62- 1917 27 Apr 1983 db\ w/ Doris S WHITEHOUSE G-62-2 1950 14 May 1970 F-20-6 177 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County T: WIATT, Louise Ann 1 Feb 1931 (blank) A- WIATT, Robert Eugene 10 Aug 1926 (blank) A WIATT, Scat Edward 13 Jan 1958 30 May 1976 A -117 -8 W I EN ING, Victor 1921 27 Oct 1973 B -36 -5 WILBANKS, Alton A. 11 Nov 1895 18 Jun 1985 Pfc US Army WW I B -33 -8 WILBANKS, Sally P 30 Au g 1893 31 May 1981 B -33 -7 WILBORN, randy 20 Jan 1901 15 Feb 1980 w/ Gussie G. WILBORN to whom married 9 Dec 1923 A -15 -8 WILBORN, Gussie G. 15 Jul 1905 'blank;) gr dau of Tess dau: Rosetta Dernice On stone w/ Andy WILBORN A -15- WILCOX, George Barton 1889 9 Feb 1981 on stone w/ Ruth Rawls WILCOX F -3 -7 WILCOX, Ruth Rawl on stone t,. George Barton WILCOX F -3- WILKINS, Tennie Bel 1913 12 Aug 1753 39y Sm 24d Bryan B -53 -3 Owner of record is Taylor WILKINS. WILKINS, William T. 26 Aug 1915 20 Feb 1774 Col CAS Army B -53 -4 WILLIAMS, Albina J. 1895 11 Feb 1971 75y Houston �,/ Jahn B. WILLIAMS S h i l o h WILLIAMS, John B. 17 Jan 1595 18 Nov 1966 TX SFC Field Artil- lery WW I, WW II Bryan w/ Albina J. WILLIAMS Shiloh WILLIAMS, Coleman 1899 - 1900 Shil WILLIAMS, Cora Cooner 1861 1934 w/ John M. WILLIAMS Shiloh WILLIAMS, John Monroe 1857 -1940 tki Cora C. WILLIAMS Shiloh WILLIAMS, David E. 17 Oct 1955 23 Aug 1974 F -7 -4 WILLIAMS. David Willard 1892 -1985 D -28- WILLIAMS, D. Y. 8 Aug 1598 7 Feb 1951 Washington Chapel WILLIAMS, Edward L. 9 Apr 1593 14 Jun 1954 Bryan B -47 -6 W I L L I A M S , Edward L . , Jr. 27 Nov 1927 28 May 1967 TX Lt Col Arti B -47 -4 WILLIAMS, Elizabeth King 6 Dec 1902 (blank) w Robert Orin WILLIAMS B- WILLIAMS, Robert Orin 17 Dec 1902 15 Nov 1976 Navasota Mason w/ El i z . King WILLIAMS B- WILLIAMS, Grace 1889 - 1890 Shiloh MOO U COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX , ' WILLIAMS, Jane Wheeler 1891 6 Sep 1973 B-47-5 WILLIAMS, Jodie Elkins 6 Jun 1914 18 Sep 1980 B-45-1 WILLIAMS, Magdalene Rees 1896 18 Jun 1985 D-28-1 " WILLIAMS, George Earl (Mrs. T. O.) born 29 Nov 1911 died 25 Aug 1977 65y wi of T. O. WILLIAMS Shiloh ~ WILLIAMS, Thelston O. 27 Jul 1909' 6 Feb 1968 58y Bryan Mason hus of George Earl WILLIAMS Shiloh WILSON, Foster W. 22 Dec 1921 (blank) w/ Marg. P. WILSON F- WILSON, Henry (blank) 21 Jan 1935 43y TX Pvt lCL 24 Inf Washington Chapel WILSON, L. R. 5 Apr ____ 31 Oct 1917? Washington Chapel WILSON, Margaret P. 26 Feb 1916 (blank) w/ Foster W. WILSON F- WIMBERLY, Honey (Claude F.) 1904 29 Dec 1956 on stone w/ Zenda C. WIMBERLY E-22-2 WIOBERLY, Zenda C. 1904 15 Nov 1984 w/ Honey WIMBERLY E-22-1 _ WINDER, Ada Holland 9 Apr 1895 23 Feb 1970 wi of Lazarus E. WINDER E-18-6 WINDER, Lazarus Elmer 14 Dec 1895 10 Aug 1962 hus of Ada Holland WINDER (m 22 Dec 1914) E-18-7 WTNGREN, Roy Matthew 5 Oct 1905 24 May 1972 G-42-8 WONG, Raymond Chi Fan 27 Apr 1963 17 Jan 1981 F-63-3 WOODARD, Bernetta M. 25 Dec 1902 4 Nov 1971 w/ P.A. WOODARD - B-53-5 WOODARD, Paul Albert 26 Feb 1899 16 Mar 1954 TX 1st Lt Marine Corps Res. WW I w/ Bernetta M. WOODARD B-53-6 - WOOLKET, Florence E. Aldrich 30 Sep 1900 15 Oct 1974 w/ Joseph J. WOOLKET B-42-5 - WOOLKET, Joseph J. 15 Dec 1900 22 Sep 1979 Mason: Grand Commander of Texas w/ Florence E. A. WOOLKET B-42-6 WORLEY, Mary Alice 1914 6 May 1986 72y G-49-1 WORSHAM, Arthur 1909 bur 19 Apr 1979 w/ Louise WORSHAM A-33-8 WORSHAM, Louise 1916 - (blank) on stone w/ Arthur WORSHAM A-33- ' WRIGHT, Samuel Robert "Bob" 1901 21 Mar 1978 on stone w/ Mae _ WRIGHT A-86-4 WRIGHT, Mae 1903 (blank) on stone w/ S.R. WRIGHT A-86- COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX �-' WYTHE, Landon Douglas, Jr. 28 Apr 1930 11 Nov 1985 1st Lt US Army Korea G-45-5 YIN, Lillian 1 Mar 1940 12 Jun 1971 F-44-4 YING, Mayfang Yo 17 Apr 1912 17 Aug 1984 dbl w/ Ting-Kuei YING G-51-1 " YING, Ting-Kuei 17 Nov 1909 (blank) dbl w/ Mayfang Yu YING G-51- YOUNG, Carl Milton "Oscar" 6Aug 1946 3 Feb 1980 F- ~ YOUNG, Mildred Stokes 6 Feb 1915 (blank) w/ V. G. YOUNG, Sr. ^ F-11- YOUNG Vernon Graham, Sr. 1 Nov 1912 14 Jun 1969 w/ Mildred S. YOUNG F-11-2 YOUNGBLOOD, Ben E., Sr. 25 Oct 1895 6 May 1977 w/ Ruby K. YOUNGBLOOD, Dorothy R. (Dottye) 1923 2 Sep 1974 E-9-5 YOUNGBLOOD, Ruby K. 18 Dec 1893 8 Sep 1985 on stone w/ Ben YOUNGBLOOD, Sr. E-9-6 ZAK, Alfred Nar 7 Cervence 1903 Zem 1 Ledna 1904 Shiloh ZAK, Anton Narozen 24 Unora R 1845 Zemrel 10 Unora R 1907 Stari 62 Roku Bud Mu Zeme Lehkov Zde Odpociva w/ Marie ZAK Shiloh ZAK, Marie Narozena Dne 29 Ledna 1846 Zemrela Dne 19 Ledna 1930 Zde Lezi On stone w/ Anton ZAK Shiloh ZAK, Helena Nar 18 Srpna 1921 Zem 11 Zari 1921 Shiloh ZAK, Victorie Nar 10 Kvetna 1883 Zem 3 Rijna 1915 Shiloh ZENNER, Suzan Marie 16 Feb 1956 2 May 1976 H-34-3 ZINN, Bennie A. 1904 27 Apr 1978 Lt Col US Army WW II D-18-6 ZINN, Timothy W. 19 Jun 1962 31 May 1963 D-17-4 Miscellaneous not otherwise listed: ~ ^ MEREBRO HENDSON 1931 - 1945 PATRANELLA, Luke M. 22 Jul 1899 15 Jun 1946 TX Pvt 55 (SS?) AM TN CAC WW I[ 8-40-6 __________, Elizabeth 1931 Peoples Mortuary Approximately ten additional stones from which no information could be deciphered, because they were broken, or fallen and too heavy to lift, or simply weathered away. RECTOR, Josephine E. Shiloh "Who gave four acres here on May 23, 1870 for this cemetery" ' Erected June 8, 1970 ME BEWARE OF FAMILY HERITAGE BOOK FRAUD An article in the Sep /Oct issue of the National Genealogical Society Newsletter tells the outcome of recent litigation involving the state of Wiscon- sin and a fraudulent family heritage book. "On July 26 19e5, Judge R.W. BARDWELL of the Dane County, Wisconsin Circuit Court, found BEATRICE BAYLEY Incorporated `guilty of untrue, deceptive and misleading solicitation' in connection with the sale of its `family heritage books,' in violation of a consent judgment issued by the court in 1980, and ordered a forteiture of $1,500. During the trial an expert wit- nesses testified that the term `family heritage'has essen- tially the same meaning as `family history' or `family genealogy,' and pointed out that there are no relationships set forth between the various names listed in the BAYLEY `family heritage books.' "Under cross examination, BEATRICE BAYLEY testified that the family heritage books are identical except for the names listed in each book, that those names are assembled from auto license registrations, telephone books, social security lists and city. direc- tories, and that the lists do not include deceased family members or female family mem- bers who have married. "Judge BARDWELL laid down the following guidelines to be fol- lowed in the future in Wiscon- sin by BEATRICE BAYLEY Incorporated: 11 1. All representations to prospective purchasers must make clear that the book being offered is not a `family heritage book' or an `album' but is a general guidebook to genealogy, including a section listing names of individuals with the family name of the purchaser. "2.The defendant shall make no representation or implication that BEATRICE BAYLEY has per- sonally researched the purchaser's family history, un- less this is the case. "3. The defendant shall make no representation to prospective purchasers which indicates directly or by implication that any claimed amount of hours or dollars expended on research was directed at locating in- dividuals with the same surname as the purchaser. "4. The defendant shall make no representation directly or by implication that the book being offered the purchaser is unique if all persons with the same surname are to receive the identical book, unless defen- dant clearly represents that the book is only a guide to the purchaser's genealogy or family history." COPY CENTER I ,� i 181 RESEARCHING THE ITALIAN IMMIGRANT ANCESTOR ....... ................... Having just completed a book on my Italian ancestry, The DePasquales - From Italylgicily to Texas, i wanted to share with you some of the many things that I learned while undertaking such an endeavor. Because my mother was born in Italy and my father's parents were born in Sicily, my genealogical searching took m overseas at a very early stage. For the most part this proved to be quite pleasurable but I will have to admit that there were also a few frustrating moments, If the origin of the family in Italy or Sicily is not known the source of the Italian surname itself can often be traced, and its formation and modifications identified, according to an article by Trafford R. COLE, The Origin, I"leaniny and Changes in Major Italian ,Surnames He lists four major categories from which family names originate: 1) - personal names - (religious origin) DOMENICO; (Latin origin, or Latin variations of Greek, German and Hebrew names) GIOVANNI, (cultural connotation) GUIDO, DANTE. Each became the root for the many variations that then stemmed from that name. Ex. ANDREA, the Greek root 'andros' meaning 'man', variations: ANDREOTTI, ANDREINI, ANDREONI, ANDREACCHIO. in Italian, the endings otto, otti, one, oni, all denote something large, therefore, if the ANDREA in a village was a large man his surname became ANDREOTTO or ANDREONE, whereas, if he were small or short, his family name most probably would be ANDREINI. Regional variations also occurred: the D'ANDREA and De ANDREA typical of the south, the ANDREAN, ANDREASI, ANDRAT forms are found in Northeast Italy and the Slavic variations, such as ANDRIC, ANDREASSICH near Yugoslavia. 2) - nicknames - Surnames were often taken from the nickname of a person. it was common during the Middle Ages to identify a person through some personal characteristic such as, BIONDO(blonde), ROSSI(red), GRASSO (fat). Intellectual or behavioral characteristics: ASTUTO (clever), TARDO (retarded), BEVILACQUA drinks water), FUMAGALLI (chicken thief) etc. Sometimes nicknames originated from events that had occurred previously: MAGNAVACCA (ate a cow), MACCAFERRI (dented iron), etc, This group includes almost 387 of all Italian family names. 3) - names of localities - includes almost 377 of all Italian family names.Ex. MANTOVANI, meaning 'from Mantova,' FERRARA and FURLAN meaning 'from Friuli.' 4) - names of vocations - SARTORI (tailors), SEGATO (lumberers), FABBRO or. FERRARI (smiths), etc, Many surnames have changed in recent years due to the emigration to other countries, and in particular to the U.S, Names such as CHINICE were "Americanized" to become KINISH. Often the immigrant was illiterate and not able to spell his name for the immigration officer who had to spell through phonics from an unfamiliar pronunciation, During the period from 1022 to 1044 under the rule of Benito MUSSOLINI Italy was relatively isolated both politically and culturally from the surrounding 182 countries, in an attempt to prohibit any Italian confrontation with other societies. Persons with foreign names were required by law to Italianize them, -- thus KUCEL became CUCELLI, LUTTMAN was changed to LUTTINI. Although after the war, some families went through the legal process to retake their old surname, many of these new variations remained. If you are fortunate enough to know when and where your ancestors first entered these United States numerous passenger lists may be found in the Genealogy Room of the Bryan Library. The National Archives and Records Servi General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408 has incomplete series of customs passenger lists and immigration passenger lists of ships arriving from r abroad at Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico ports, such as: Customs immigration Passenger Passenger Port Lists Lists Indexes Baltimore 1820 -91 1891 -1909 1820 -1952 Boston 1820-74'& 1891 -1943 1848 -91 & 1883 -91 1902 -20 New Orleans 1820 -1902 1903 -45 1853 - 1952 New York 1820 -97 1897 -1942 1820 -46 & 1897 -1943 Philadelphia 1800 -82 1883 -1945 1800 -1948 Certain minor'_ - -' ports 1820 -73 1893 -1945 1890 -1924 Supplementing the indexes listed above is a general index to quarterly reports of arrivals at most ports except New York, 1820 -74. One has but to write to the address above for the pamphlet, Genealogical Records in the Nationa� Archives, which will describe in more detail the services that are available. Meanwhile, the microfilm copies of these lists may be ordered through the Interlibrary Loan Service of the Sterling C, Evans Library at Texas A &M University. Another publication of considerable value to the researcher of Italian ancestry is Records of Genealogical value for Italy, The Genealogical Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints, Series G., No. 2, 1979, The Genealogical Dept. 50 East N. Temple St. Salt Lake City, Utah 84150, Valuable information is contained within as to how and where various genealogical records are stored and a brief description of their contents. The Genealogical Dept. of the LDS Church has sample form letters to send to Italy. Bunn CacciaHM 183 Letter of Enquiry Regarding the Italian Ancestor Signore: ( Gentlemen) (Cerco informazione la data di nascita a paese del mio nonno.) (I am searching for information regarding the date and place of birth of my grandfather) (Grandfather's name) nato it (date) ma non so it paese. (Grandfather's name) was born (date) but I am not certain of the place. OR (Grandfather's name) nato it (province) ma no it paese e data. (Grandfather's name) was born in ( Province) but I am not certain of the city or the date. Per piacere se mi puor dare questa informazione e certificati di nascita. (Would you please send the above information and certificate(s) of birth. Ti ringrazio motto. ( I would be very grateful.) (Signature) (Address) Other names which may be inserted: nonna (grandmother), bisnonno (a) (great - grandparent), zia (aunt), zio (uncle). Free Genealogical Query Columns ...................... Recently while searching through some early issues of the Oklahoma Genealogical Society Quarterly I found the following information. Although dated 1983 it is still possible that these publications may still offer free Query services. It is certainly worth a try. For Oklahoma connections: Mary GODDARD, Daily Oklahoman and Times, P.O. Box 25125, OKC, OK 73125. Also, Gloryann HANKINS YOUNG Box 21, Wister, OK 74966 writes collumns for Poteau News and Spiro Graphic, southeast OK. Queries and announcements are welcome. QUERIES -v89 SHANNON Searching for information regarding SHANNON family, particularly James SHANNON: where born, died, and buried. Served in War 1812, Married Margaret GRIMLEAR. Issue: 12 children. Joyce SHANNON, Rt. 2, Box 50 -X, Keithvi Ile LA 71047. -v90 HEATH Searching for information regarding Thomas G, HEATH, b Ada, OK 1887, d 8 Aug 1925 Waterloo IOWA, m Eula Lee WHITE 1904 McCulloch Co. TX, Rosemary BOYKIN, 1505 Laura Lane, College Station TX 77840. -'91 PAGE Searching for Texanna (Annie) STUBBLEFIELD PAGE, b Trinity Co. TX 1871, m Dan PAGE 1885 Trinity Co. Death due to burns. Nadine BILLINGSLEY, 706 Pershing, College Station TX 77840. -v92 HILL Need data on James Hay HILL, b 1 May 1864 or 1856, Liberty Co. TX;m Mary Charlotte (Lottie) Kemp O'NEAL, Clifton, TX, 18 Feb 1891. Brother, Frank KEMP,lived in Midland,TX during 1910 Census, age 49, listed father's bp: NC and mother's bp:GA. J.H. HILL lived in Comanche Co,TX in 1910. Peggy DURHAM HOPE, 305 East Brookside, Bryan, TX 77801 QUERIES Address Queries to Rosemary BOYKIN, Queries Editor, P,O. Box 5493, Bryan TX 77805. Type or print each on a separate half sheet of paper. Please limit to 35 words and limit Query to one person. Queries will be edited if necessary and will be printed in order received. Members' Queries are free. There is a charge of $1,00 per Query for non-members. COMPUTER GENEALOGY: Interest group forming'. Meeting: First Wed. of the month. L.D.S. Library, 2500 Barak Lane, Bryan, 7:00 -9:00. 185 pp I ry U X W U U > Z • A r I� U rn O '11 Q T-0 U.� O � P J Ul Z 3 Q1 I > W �+ U ?. � O O J LL u ul ul Ut x Q1 �t p G CD M �+ CO r 3 U u '-+ O Q! U ti ri 'Q Q1 N ti F-r L Y v C Q L Y u to Y Q1 Y1 Y V Y. N Y Y v O y Y N Q! N 4J N Ul N L N Y. V V C- m d L V N w O L V C v V O C L . V Y at N GI L Q7 d^ v u L N c V- a� ,- vl Y E +-� u . (a U C Os q d. O O +•+ J rt9 d N O O m O; O N f4 w Ql O TI 1 Y Y ti N v v Y Y L U N y U Y N ^ Y N C y V w L L U Y L Y v Y Y Q b O! iN rO pJ V 4/ Ql Y N L Y L Y N V L N L L i Z Y QJ a d. N V C C 2 tL L fll C1 i L L C O to T L C C L V 01 N O N J m m LC. 2 to d m 3 --. vt m U 2 m m J •-- N (`l cp to lD 1\ m Ot O N C") ^Y tll tp P- W. j I'll 1 -Z Z W( C 7 r• N f n V 1. c p� O M m V v N N N N n 1 M M• Ql L L al - 00 09 A a) T O Ot C C OI L.G L w L. A A OIL w C C C.O L L L. W A W ft 6d.. W T L L Y9 ® T rt9 °P W C L t- L- L w L dl L W 7 a) LL L L L t a➢ •r w L w L QI w a) L O U. w L w a) 6t L w (U •r C .� Vl a W a) Ib lL w a) 0 L m =° Ot i w m w W Ou. U w U- O O -- w 4 12 w d® w K w w m w w.- w C T-0 M- A w w w i w.-•w C A- 5 L- O w al 1l tY U da m - •.- c u e$ F- L L a-1 O C da O G a8 -O Y .- U Q) N C w O O+ 91 U 41 +$ L '� N L M17 •� �- O'.0 G C7 U vm LI w.� � O C I= M }° N C 9 P N C la. W a) 16 O >> 7 7 p O. U •r -P r O • - °r L 7 7 O U •r as - W J w LL LQ m w w W LL "1 - 3 E E S A O-' C13 Vo U- d lY R C7 U 6m 4, 8 F- h K a R W ^ X l 1.1 n N M G CO 1T ® V (n B M 1 lD M n rm ®� M i0 I 1 ® N N In eV 161 f@ e•- u .� - ®NevNNNNNN v w J w a ^ 1 0 v c ++ a ++ w L C N N C w w 41 ® _ N C O Y a w L O +� C C O N Y O L L C O a) m C 4 L w •-- E 41 d.l O 41 m Q,' t0 '• O w .� d G C8 O E ++ a a) rtf 1i7 a E E a E w - r>° w CA ld \ V) N al Q1'O E O ♦1 +1 (). Q8 V1 T aG m L a+ O L d O a N O C Ot e-1 v) d- w H 41 O E G U U V) L L C) V7 r t6 N a) L G8 W .- v a1 •-- Vl r O d A U L w C U 0 w v U a) O D 1/1 Vl O 4! tO 1® b b e-- w w U w L S• L r- tz - O G -m •> - al C w �e C h1 W w .- U U U U r° A- C - a) d L L O G •.- w L N > O C L w 0 7 N rt9 L t L - J-1 •+•° •-•° •r •+° . v Iq w 0— 6 X G a) w O C> F- C X U �C G > M r6 a- N O> > ^-• N w w G +1 T.e -^ .-- > O, C •P° O+ a) w O O. Y Y ;e w 0 d O e8 d C Y O N T� � ++ i L W. -.r °r a.1 O al U.- �.�.� L >, .- O'a ,® a) 4) C Tr-- - w X O to O U Q8 Qi O 'L L al O O w A L L L L .- T VI It9 °r •r- •P •r 7 7 M a) T v +1 a.+: au N L t6 M a) u °r O U- ,-•° Q Q to m m mm U UU W �-- .--- •- +---JJ = mr t �z2- d== V)V)In V1 F-!- 2: 3 3.33 1- u w , w e 187 1 v � -- V C 4/ •.- O O 0 O C L N N O O C L r V L O V N pl H N' 0 m N N o r O '�° R U O O O L^ A AN AL - L W L C V eo li N W W C A e G 0-0 0 0 ,+- N ,�+ C C 4- T L 0 0 fU to S. — C 00 r w �-- ul LI i�. L o yr a. m eo �t L L L u c aeaomo•r ^ q •r ^ v w vl WWI. V13 J eY F- 4 ® e� t,j 1 .. n; LI W a 1 II e Q m V o w LL(D n Y J= r O a d 5 w k- w N � ev v 4- m .� 7 r C 0— O C fY d 4 L i d •r •r 4- m;; V- m p° L C v L L •r- -•r •� L A L C O. •r L. L Y3 L W •r b ,O L r L • O. .. 7 an L N L 6 r O b d •r rtf.L L •r b d •, O ...� N .... m 9e N Q. O. N O L 0. L L 0.0- b L N C N vl L lei a "^C. Lf1Y W 91 dJ N eT O L Qe 0. 0 b Vb O d U - - �. F- 4- L.' ley G •r C 61 •r N O 01 C O' � U Be , r• C •W ^ N O� N d •r q A• ' N C ^ ' Q1 u S L L L G C W m ]f Q. N mu LLS_ N C co = a - =NN3: 1- u w , w e 187 .:, BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Page No. 83 Post Office: Bryan 31 July 1870 Printed, ffl42 > ®M w ®� � a) o o co 0 0 a Zl pq M 667 66o McMAGHAAN, Jas 20 M W Farmer Tex FREESTONE, Isabella, 30 F W No occupation of Mary 5 F W is REILLY, Wm 10 M W ff � 7 PRESSLY, Sarah 6 F W rf 68 61 EaYmAN, Jas 26 M W Fanner Mo Margret 22 F W K house Tex JERIDO, Isaac 36 M B Farmer S C Rebecca 30 F B K house La Mary 5 F B Tex Isaac 2 M B it 69 62 McMILL N, Jas 52 M W Farmer 15,000 1000 Ireland. Geo 19 M W Laborer Tex Wm 17 M W 'f it Mary 15 F W at home it Margret 12 F W ft f, e, Susan. 7 F W ee �......_.. Geo 49 M W Farmer 6000 500 S C Alice 14 F W at School Tex X Mar 1.2 F W fe et it Bettie 8 F W It E nma 5 F W It Wm 2 M W ff 670 63 YOUNG, Lizzie 19 F W K hoes 5000 " MEWTON, Isaac 6o M B Farmer Ky Eliza. 24 F B K house Tenn Zack 8 M B Tex Lucy 6 F B ff Aarthur 3 M B ®® Henry 1 M B ff 71 64 S=Y, Paul 65 M B Farmer Miss Letty 60 F B K house Tenn e 72 65 Monroe 35 M B Farmer Miss Willie 40 F B K house IN C Mary 18 F B work in field Tex Nathan 13 M B at School "` X Kolli.e 24 F B works in field Tex Charity 8 F B at School "' X Mary Jane 4 F B it ADAMS, Nathan 45 M B Farmer Miss i 4 0 4z Q) X ,- a) v o 30 F B K house 13 M B at school 10 F B 9FB 4FB 1FB 38 M B Babtist Preacher 60 F B K house 21 M 'B Fazmir.- 30 M B Laborer 28 F B works in field 20 F B 5FB 2FB 12 F B 45 F B Farming- 24 F B K. House 18 M B Laborer 16 M B " 14 M B " 12 MB " 40 M B Farmer 13 F B at school 30 F B 65 M B Farmer 60 M B works in field 17 F B 1t 11 ,t 10 M B at home 8MB 56 M B Farmer 35 F B K house 10 F B 56 M B Farming 30 F B K house 46 F W K house 13 F W at school 11 F W TV 11 10 M W 11 1v F azming 3O F W K House L" a) rl a� 672 666 ADAMS Mira Enoch oc� Sarah Mary Rachel Florida 73 67 CONNALLY, Hill Delilah c Saml 74 68 Logan Nar Cheyny � at w Frances M Harriett Tex Ann 75 69 LITTLErroN, Julia X Harriett t, t, /1 tl Edwin James Ransom Litt 76 670 TURNER, Henry Maria Matilda 77 71 CARSON, John Sylvia Mary Ike Jerry 78 72 ALDRIDGE, John Delilah Mary 79 73 STROTHER, Alfred Mary 680 74 CONWAY, Nancy Ply Rachel Jefferson. 75 REYNOLDS, James Many 0 4z Q) X ,- a) v o 30 F B K house 13 M B at school 10 F B 9FB 4FB 1FB 38 M B Babtist Preacher 60 F B K house 21 M 'B Fazmir.- 30 M B Laborer 28 F B works in field 20 F B 5FB 2FB 12 F B 45 F B Farming- 24 F B K. House 18 M B Laborer 16 M B " 14 M B " 12 MB " 40 M B Farmer 13 F B at school 30 F B 65 M B Farmer 60 M B works in field 17 F B 1t 11 ,t 10 M B at home 8MB 56 M B Farmer 35 F B K house 10 F B 56 M B Farming 30 F B K house 46 F W K house 13 F W at school 11 F W TV 11 10 M W 11 1v F azming 3O F W K House aw . N C Miss Tenn NC Miss to Tex it Miss if It it La it TV Miss Tex X Miss Miss VA Tex it if GA Miss et Ky tt 1000 200 Ala Tex X X t X Ala Miss L" a) 0 oc� r-�� r c r-4 � 4 ,mo � at w = M Tex if X t, t, /1 tl X aw . N C Miss Tenn NC Miss to Tex it Miss if It it La it TV Miss Tex X Miss Miss VA Tex it if GA Miss et Ky tt 1000 200 Ala Tex X X t X Ala Miss 190 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 85 Post Office: Bryan 1 August 1870 Printed # 43 ® co v ®� o a �4 �� �� 682 676 MCQUEEN, John 43 M W Farmer S C Eliza 36 F W K House N C Cecilia 19 F W at home Miss Willie 13 M W " Tex John 6 M W if Benjm 3 M W it DanLl 10/12 M W Aug it 8� 77 KENDRICK, Caseal 55 M W Physician 1000 200 Tenn Mary 44 F W K. house, Ky Jose - Dh 21 M W Physician " Mlar tha 19 F W at home Willie 16 M W " school Tex X Addie 13 F W " of X Danl 9 M W ee .e It X Benue 8 M W tv X Dacema 5 .N W " ee 11 X Agnes 3 F W " 84 78 MCG, Henz°y 34 M W Farmer 2000 200 " Mary 31 F W K house " Wiley 12 M W at School X ?eta 10 F W "' X Lizzie 8 F W '° °' X Mollie 8 F W " Annie 6 F W " Jennie 2 F W " 85 79 HENRY, Robert 46 M W Farmer 5000 1000 S C Y 211 9t 29 F W K house Tenn Ann 18 F W at School Tex X James 16 °? W Laborer of W m 15 M W ee it Catherine 13 F W at School ff X Caroline 11 F W X Wilson 9 M W " John 5 M W ' l F W ,r Robert 1/12 M 9 Apl " 86 680 James 68 M W Farmer 8000 2000 Ireland James Jr. 32 M W Farmer 3000 1000 Ala Alex 31 M W Farmer 3000 500 " Jane 35 F W K house`s 191 a Is BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 86 Post Office: Bryan 1 August 1870 Printed # 43A ) z4z O U i ° W ° a) ao o +3 o ° 0 jai C w a rn0 o Q)M > �a, - as Q to 686 680 HENRY, Jennett 70 F W S C MAWHINE'Y, Easter 15 F W at School Tex X James 1� M W ,� �� X Jinnett 8 F W " X HENRY, Margt 8 F W "` X 87 81 PHILLIPS, James 40 M W Farmer Miss Mary 30 F W K House of Jane 12 F W at School Tex Kate 10 F W " " It Robt 8 M W it 88 82 GRAVES, William 40 M W'Fanner Ga Ann 39 F W K house Ala Geo 14 M W at School Tex X Jeff 12 M W " " it X Fannie 10 F W " " " X James 8 M W Mary 6 F W " 89 83 LAKE, John 35 M W Farmer La Kate 35 F W K. House Ga Mary 13 F W at home Tex 690 84 SMITH, Bob 43 M B Farmer Tenn Dinah 30 F B K house Ky Margt 12 F B at home Tex Jack 10 M B " Bill 7 M B " Bob 3 M B Ga 91 85 WEATHERSBY, Ann 55 F W K house Ga Nancy 31 F W at home Ala Martha 28 F W '° it .Eliza 23 F W Tex Mollie 18 F W " '° " 92 86 HALE, Mary 53 F W K house Md John 22 M W Farmer Tex William 20 M W Laborer Charly 16 M W Job 12 M W at home " 93 87 JOHNSON, Luella 31 F W K house Ala Georgianna 28 F W at home it ,AWHINEY, Geo 11 M W at School Tex X 94 88 RUTH, Jonathan 38 M W Farmer 2000 100 S C 192 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page Noe 87 Post Office: Bryan 2 August 1870 Printed #44 -' ° ® a� �,- o� �aXio �W � 694 688 RUTH, Sarah 41 F W K house Ga QUEES ( ?) Lu e ` 11a 21 F W at home Ala Rebeccah 19 F W °, e Fenzie 13 F W °° Tex Nancy 11 F W '° it RUTH, James 4 M W it JOHNSON, Wm 1 M W it Eliza 4 F W it 694 89 PITMAN, James 58 M W Farmer 1000 100 N C Matilda 58 F W K house Term Martha. 21 F W at home Miss Dorrie 14 F W " '° Tex DICKISON, Sherrud 22 M W Hunter La, Bella 18 F W No occupation Tex PITMAN, Wm 20 M W Laborer " 95 690 O WEN, Gilbert 45 M B Farmer - Va Bni 45 F B K house Ga _ Allen 17 M B Laborer v. Albert 15 M B " June 12 F B at home Tex H 9 F B It Amanda 3 F B if Sarah 1 F B " 96 91 WALLACE, Saml 58 M W Wagon Maker '300 100 Term Eliza 45 F W K house S C POW ELL, , James 15 M W at home Ga Elizabeth 12 F W " '° of 97 92 SHAW, Wm 41 M W La. Oliver 18 F W at home Ga WEATHERSBY, Aman- 10 F W Tex Nancy 8 F W if 98 9'3 WILCOX, Wm 27 M W Farmer 600 50 Miss Arabella 25 F W K house Yo John 1/12 M W Apl Tex Mary 49 F W at home Ky Walton 8 M W Tex Osburn 14 M W Domestic Servant La 99 94 R.F= Eliza 38 F W K House Ala WM 14 M W at home Tex 71 iza 12 r W ,o co s BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census 193 Page No. 88 Post Office: Bryan 2 August 1870 Printed # 44A o CZ o c o a� a) o � OU W pa 699 694 REILLY, Basby 10 F W at home Tex Julia 9 F W „ Mary 7 F W , Jas 5 M W „ Jno 3 M W „ 700 695 RIGA, Geo. 67 M W Farmer 3000 1000 Tenn Effie 66 F W K house it James 37 M W Farmer It Tom 35 M W Laborer to Saml 19 M w Tex Minerva 21 F W at home 701 96 " Ben j 40 M W Farming 1000 Teruo Syntha 20 F W K house if 702 97 Turner, Bob 35 M B Farmer Va Eda 25 F B K house Tex Lucy 2 F B if 3 98 THORNTON, Bob 40 M B Farmer La Sarah 25 F B K house It Bill 13 M B at home Tex John 11 M B " "' " Bob 7 M B o, 4 99 DAWSON, John 25 M W Farmer 2000 500 " Mary 23 F W K house " L. 112 F W Atpl " JONES, Colum 26 M W Farming 20,000 500 " Eliza 22 F W K house Ark 5 700 ALEXANDER, James 61 M W Beef Packer N H( ?) Oliver 25 M W " if Mass BONAPARTE, John 50 M W Laborer France DELMONT, Jacob 50 M W " of TAPS, Saml 33 M W Denmark 6 1 DONAWAN, John 30 M W Ireland FLANAGAN, Mills 50 M W VINSON, Battis 30 M W JOICE, Thomas 37 M W GIMGO, Romeo 44 M w France CARROLL Chas 24 M W Ireland BURK, John 22 M W " it GREEN, Nichols 50 M w Hamburgh GEL? E, August 26 M W " Prussia 194 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 89 Post Office: Bryan � August 1870 Printed #45 FULLER, John 21 M B " NB= , James 30 M M DUNLAP, Harriett 30 F B Cook CORNOLLIS, Palo 35 M W laborer to Louis 4o M W " BURK, Henry 21 M B WASSELS, John 25 M W " GREEN, Isusel( ?) 18 M W RATHEY, Wm o PERGARMO, Bill 30 M W " GUSSEP, Ausist 25 M W 708 702 MATHENEY, Larene 36 F W K house Georgia 18 F W at home Joseph 17 M W Laborer r rte 15 M W " 706 701 CARROLL, Steph 40 M W Rail Road Boss Ireland TRENTIN, Jno 16 M W at home La BERTRONT, Louis 45 M W Laborer France GILBOA, Emerald 24 M W Stone Mason Canada MARTINAS, Antona 40 M W laborer Mexico 707 It Francisco 30 M W " WELD , Fleming 28 M W " McSHANE Wm 27 M B " FULLER, John 21 M B " NB= , James 30 M M DUNLAP, Harriett 30 F B Cook CORNOLLIS, Palo 35 M W laborer to Louis 4o M W " BURK, Henry 21 M B WASSELS, John 25 M W " GREEN, Isusel( ?) 18 M W RATHEY, Wm 35 M W PERGARMO, Bill 30 M W " GUSSEP, Ausist 25 M W 708 702 MATHENEY, Larene 36 F W K house Georgia 18 F W at home Joseph 17 M W Laborer Charley 15 M W " Jen - iie 11 F W at home Ana 4 F W HARRINGTON, Chas 45 M W Farmer 708 70'3 Marthat 710 704 VANCE, Jose - oh Alabama Sarah PAYNE, Fannie Geo. 711 705 MAYS, Arney TAYLOR, Jane LEWIS, Luella MAYS, Henry Sarah Mary 21 F W K house 21 M W Farmer 1(sic)17 F W at school 12 F W " 9FW 6Mw 50 F B works in field 20 F B Farming 17 F B " 19 M B Laborer 20 F B " 1 F B If S C N C to S C NC Italy SC Prussia Tex Ireland Italy Ala Miss it 1, It it Ala Miss La " X v, X Tex VI Tenn if Tex Tenn Tex of 712 706 '° Tvallony 24 M B F ar i ng Tenn Lucy 20 F B " 195 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 90 Post Offices Bryan 3 August 1870 Printed #45A a 0 I v 4-4 4--) ow � R= 10,000 o a� ri �4 4--) P-4 W 100 o �-4 U W U1 Tex to Miss Tex if Tenn it Tex Term it if Tex to Ga Ala Tenn Ga N C Tex it Wales England Tex X if X N C of if if II Ga Ala X X Ark it 8000 20,000 Tenn KY Tex it Va a r-1 r4 o 712 706 MALLORY, M Ella 4 F B Wm 2MB 713 707 KENNARD, Geo 28 M B Farming Sallie 21 F M K house Made 1 F M 714 708 FUZZLE, Henry 27 M W Engineer Grist ®Mill, Julia 22 F W K house Prior 3 M W SMITH, Thomas 25 M W at home Benjn 19 M W Laborer Ca] lie 17 F W at home Erna. 17 F W , o Wm H. 9/12 M W Oct 715 709 VICK,'Geo. 25 M W Farmer Mary 27 F W K house FUZZ ELL, Jerry 16 M W Domestic Servant 716 710 DAm\r=, Ba lly 37 M B Stone Mason Margt 22 F B K house Isabella 4 F B Dove 2 F B 717 711 EDWARDS, Arthur 56 M W Bookkeeper Sarah 4 F W K house Mary 15 F W at School Jackson 9 M W to " 718 712 BATSMAN, Jerry 47 M B Farmer Pleasant 50 F B K house SANDERS, Martha 22 F B at home YcCALLISH, Isaac 12 M B at home EMa. 6 F B 719 713 PETERSON, Batt 51 M W Physician. Julia 38 F W K house Fannie 16 F W at School Marshall 12 M W " " Kizzie 13 F B Domestic Servant Lvnard 15 M B " 720 714 SHELTON, Robt 46 M W Dry Goods & Grocer Emily 36 F W K House Kate 8 F Tea Bob 4 M vV Eliza 35 F B Domestic Servant v 4-4 4--) ow � R= 10,000 o a� ri �4 4--) P-4 W 100 o �-4 U W U1 Tex to Miss Tex if Tenn it Tex Term it if Tex to Ga Ala Tenn Ga N C Tex it Wales England Tex X if X N C of if if II Ga Ala X X Ark it 8000 20,000 Tenn KY Tex it Va 1 1 M M PEDIGREE CHART Name and Address of Submitter: Chart No. - ALICE SANDERSON) SPENCE BOX 104 WEAVERVILLE, CA, PHONE: 96093 8 James Henry ANDERSON- 7 -------- - - - - -- ; BORN: ABT 1825 Number I on this chart ; PLACE: Cincinnati is the same person ; MARR: 24 MAR 1855 - -4 as No. ___- on 4 Harry James ANDERSON- S ------------------- ; PLACE: ,OH. Chart No. -_ -m ; BORN: 16 DEC 1859 ; DIED: 12 MAY 1901 ; PLACE: Cincinnati ; PLACE: Cincinnati ; MARR: 21 JAN 1884 ; PLACE: ,AR. 9 Lucy B. COX-B ---------------------- ; DIED: 10 JUL 1906 BORN: AST 1825 ; PLACE: Pickering,Vernon Parish,La. PLACE: Philadelphia,Pa. 2 James Jefferson ANDERSON- 3--------- - - - - -; DIED% 17 APR 1886 ; BORN: 20 DEC 1884 ; PLACE: Cincinnati ; PLACE: Texarkana,Bowie Co.,TX. ; ; MARR; 23 MAR 1911 ° -2 ; 10 Thomas Jefferson PARIS-25 ----------- ; PLACE: ,La. ; ; BORN: 8 NOY 1838 DIED: 5 DEC 1933 ; PLACE: Burke Co.,GA. ; PLACE: Tennant,Siskiyou Co.,Ca, ; ; MARK: 14 BE 1854 - -13 5 Elizabeth Ann PARIS- 6--------------- - - - - -; PLACE: ,AR. BORN: 27 OCT 1860 ; DIED: I APR 1877 PLACE: El Dorado,Union Co.,AR. ; PLACE: Bryan,Brazos Co.,TX. DIED; 20 OCT 1936 ; PLACE: Port Arthur,TX. 11 Elizabeth Keziah LO'YETT- 26 ---------- i Alice Elizabeth ANDERSON- 2--------- - - - - -- BORN: 19 APR 1840 BORN: 18 JUL 1920 PLACE: Conecun Co.,Al. PLACE: Chicago,Cook Co.,IL. DIED: 19 DEC 1902 MARR: 5 MAY 1953 - -1 PLACE: Kenard,Houston Co.,TX. ; PLACE: DIED: 12 Charles Edwin YOUMARS- 13 ------------- ;PLACE: !-BORN: 4 MAY 1832 ;Ivan Bale SPEHCE- 1-- -- --- -------- a - - - -- ; PLACE: Rockland Lake „ NY. ; Spouse ; MARR: 23 MAR 1853 - -7 6 George Burton YOUMARS- 11-- ----- -- -- -- - - - -; PLACE: ,NY. ; BORN: 28 JUL 1864 ; DIED: 27 JUL 1887 ; PLACE: Seneca,LaSalle Co.,IL. ; PLACE: Seneca,Lasaile Co.,IL. ; MARK: 28 JUN 1888 ; PLACE: ,IL. 13 Hannah Louisa UNDERHILL-14 ---------- ; DIED: 17 MAY 1911 BORN: 2 MAY 1835 PLACE: Chicago,Cook Cb.,IL. PLACE: m New York „ NY. 3 Edythe MAY YOUMANS- 4---------------- - - - - -; DIED: 18 DEC 1914 BORN: 63 MAR 1889 ; PLACE: Chicaao,Cook Co.,IL, PLACE: Ottawa,LaSaile Co.,IL. DIED: 30 JAN 1974 ; 14 Leendert BOOGERD-19 ------------------ PLACE: Weaverviile,Trinity Co.,Ca. ; ; BORN: 7 APR 1334 ; PLACE: Zeeland,Holland ; MARK: 24 NOV 1859 - -10 7 Cynthia Cornelia BOSERD- 12 --------------- ; PLACE: ,Holland BORN: 29 MAY 1866 ; DIED: 18 JUN 1901 PLACE: Dayton,LaSalle Co.,ll. ; PLACE: Rutland T.,LaSalle Co.,IL. DIED: 29 NOV 1946 ; PLACE: Chicaa_o,Cook Co.,IL. 15 Martina VISSER- 20-- ------- ----- - - - - -- BORN: 3 MAR 1835 PLACE: Zeeland,Holland DIED: g MAR '1904 - PLACE: Ottaxa,LaSalle Co.,1L. 197 PEDIGREE CHART "dame and Address of 5ubmitter: Chart No. ALICE t`ANDER54Ni SPENCE BOX 104 WEAVERViLLE, CA. PHONE: 9.6003 E ------ ------------------------ - - - - -- _ 1 BORN: � Number 1 an this chart 1 PLACE : ' is the same person 1 MARR: as dh o 4 -------------------- - - - - - PLACE: Chart No. BORN: 1 DIED: PLACE: PLACE: 1 MARK: r d PLACE: 4 -------------------------°---------- 1 DIED: BORN: PLACE: PLACE: 2 john F. LDVETT- c7 ------------------------ 1 DIED: 1 BORN: 1857 PLACE: 1 PLACE: ,BA. MARK. - -14 10 ------------------------------------- i PLACE: 1 1 BORN: 1 :LIED: 18 DEC 1851 1 1 PUCE: 1 PLACE: A. 1 1 MARK: E----------- ------------ -------- ----- -- -- -1 PLACE: 1 BORN: 1 DIED: PLACE: 1 PLACE: DIED: i PLACE: 11 ---°-------------------------------- I Elizabeth Keziah LDVETT- H --------------- BURN: 1 BORN: 19 APR 1940 PLACE: 1 PLACE: Conecun Co.,Al. DIED: MARR: 14 SEP 1854 - -13 PLACE: PLACE, ,AR. 1 DIED: 19 DEC M2 is ----- -------- ------- ------- --- - - - --- i PLACE - Venard,Houston Co.,TX. 1 HR N: iThccas PARIS-25 -------------------------- 1 PLACE: Spouse 1 MARK: o----------------- ------------- ---- -- ---- PLACE: BORN: ` i DI-D: ` 1 PLACE: PLACE. MARR: PLACE: 1s ------------------------------------ 1 DIED: BORN: 1 PLACE: PLACE: r 9 abeth Aire '1�+, °.8 --------------------- - �.z 1 � a a 'J ".rJ t ,.: 27 AUG 1820 PLACE PLACL: 7 i!L 1885 14 °----------------------------------- . ,AR, !ACE. 1 m AYR: - - - -° ------------------ ---------- ----- -- -- P ..r. I rLA ", vJi•iY : i u a rue: PLACE: PLACE, D 1 IED: -r -- - - - - ----------------------------- PEACE: "ILL : PLACE: E: 198 PEDIGREE CHART Name and Address of Subutter: Chart Nei, ALICE !ANDERSON) SPENCE BOX 104 WEAVERVILLE, CA. PHONE, Q.gi_tY3 - a ------------------------------------ 1 BORN: Naa;:.er I on this chart 1 PLACE: is the sane person 1 !"ARP.: as No. _ on a -- ------------------------------ --- --- - - --- PLACE: Chart No. BORN: 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: PLACE, MARR: 1 PLACE: 4 ------------------------------ - - - - -- 1 DIED: BORN. 1 PLACE: PLACE: 2 Nilliaa D. YOUMANS- 15--------------- - - - - -; DIED: 1 BORN: 1804 PLACE. 1 PLACE: ,NY. 1 MARR: 182 -a 1 10 ------------------------------------ i PLACE: i 1 BORN: DIED: 1886 1 1 PLACE: 1 PLACE: „ IN. MARK: 1 5 ------------------------------------ - - - - -1 PLACE: 1 BORN: 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: 1 PLACE: i DIED: 1 PLACE: 1 1 ------------------------------------ 1 Charles Edwin YGI"MANS- 13--------- -- -- - - -- BORN, 1 BORN: 4 MAY 1832 PLACE: PLACE: Rockland Lakel,slY. DIED: MARR 2 "s MAR 1853 - -. PLACE: . PLACE: lNY. _ i DIED: 27 ML 1837 2 ------- --- --- --- ---------- -- - - -- - -- 1 PLACE: Seneca,LaSalle Co. 1 BORN: !'Hannah Louisa UNDERHILL- 14--- ------ - - - - -- 1 PLACE: Spouse 1 MARR: 6 --------------------- --- ------------ - - - - -1 PLACE: 1 BORN: 1 DIED: PLACE: 1 PLACE; 1 MARK: 1 PLACE: 13 ------------------------------------- DIED: ?-0 ON a PLACE: ;PLACE- S 21i-aceth -------------------- 'I DIED: PLACE: LACE. ,IY. .:!L V: I • 1 } BORN ------------------ - - - - -- : a n Y . .v OAT• i—r , i ED. - J— PLACE: PLACE: LACE: 1. ------------------------------- - - - - -- 0 R N' : PLAC" Der PLAICE. 199 PEDIGREE CHART ?lame and Address of Sabmitter: Chart No. ALICE (ANDERSON) SPENCE BOX 104 NEA4'ERVILLE, CA. PHONE: ?5043 8 ------------------------------------ 1 BORN: Number I on this chart 1 PLACE: is the same person ; HARR: as No. - - -- on 4 ----------------------- ---- --------- - - - - -1 PLACE: Chart No. ; BORN: ; DIED: 1 PLACE: ; PLACE: HARR: ;. 1 PLACE: q ------------------------------------ 1 1 DIED: BORN: PLACE: PLACE: 2 Abraham Cock UNDERHILL- 17----------- - - - - -1 DIED: 1 BORN: 1744 1 PLACE- 1 PLACE: ,NY. ; 1 HARR: 1824 - -4 10 --- ------------------------------- 1 PLACE: ,NY. 1 BORN: DIED: 1887 1 ; PLACE: 1 PLACE: ,NY, 1 1 HARP,: 5 ---------------- — ---------------------- , PLACE: 1 BORN: 1 OT ED: PLACE: 1 PLACE: DIED: 1 PLACE: 11 ----------------------------------- 1 Hannah Louisa UNDERHILL- 14--------- - - - - -- BORN: 1 BORN: 2 MAY 1835 PLACE: 1 PLACE: New York,,NY. DIED: 1 HARR: 23 MAR 1853 --7 PLACE: 1 PLACE: ,ht. 1 DIED: 18 DEC 1414 12 ----------- 1 PLACE: Chicaco,Cook Co.,IL. 1 BORN: ;Charles Edwin YOUMANS- 13 ----------------- PLACE: 1 Spouse 1 HARR- ____________ _______ _______ ______ ____ _ __ __; PLACE: 1 1 BORN: 1 DIED: 1 ; PLACE: 1 PLACE: HARR: 1 1 PLACE: 13 ------------------------------------ 1 DIED: BORN: 1 PLACE: PLACE: 3 Elizabeth B. EUCKLEi- 18------------- - - - - -1 DIED; BORN: 1 PLACE: e PLACE: DIED: 1837 ; 14 ------------------------------------ PLACE: ,NY. 1 BORN: PLACE: 1 1 HARR: 7 ------------------------------------ - - - - -; PLACE: BORN DIED PLACE: 1 PLACE: DIED: i PLACE: is ------------------------------------ BORN: PLACE: DIED. I PLACE: 200 PED16REE. CHART ibile and Address of Subgitter; ALICE IANDERSON) SPENCE BOX 104 EAVERVILLE, CA. 9 -6i 0i a,3 PHONE: Chart No 1 BORN: NumUer I on this chart : PLACE: is the sane Person i MARR: as No, ---- or b -- ------------- --------------------- - - - - -9 PLACE: Chart No, BORN: 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: 1 PLACE: t MARR: PLACE: -------- DIED; BORN: PLACE: PLACE: I Korrelis 3006; D-21 ---------------------- I ER DIED- I BORN- 1810 PLACE- PL ACE: ACE: Holland MAIRR- 1832 --11 --------- PLACE: BORN: DIED: 1861 1 PL ACE: PLACE: Holland p MARK: 5 ----------------------------------------- : PLACE: BORN: 1 DIED: KAU- 1 PLACE. DIED- PLACE, U --- - - - - -- I Leendert .4001GERD-19 ---------------------- PORN: BORN: -, APR 1834 PLACE. PLACE: Zeelan.d,8fliand DIED. TARP; 24 NOV 18 9 --10 PLACE: PLACE: P H olland DIED: Is jUN 1901 12 --------- PLACE: Rutland T- LaSalle Co. i BORN- 'Martina YI65ER-20 ------------------------ PLACE- Spouse MARK: ----------------------------------------- 1 PLACE: BORN: - PLACE. "ACE: MAR?: 1 PLACE. 13 --- - - - - -- DIED: I PLACE: PLACE: Elizateth V'OJERBEIRG-2: ---------------------- 1 Pa 1" 0 1 B 0 LP H ! land I T C 7, - �1 HC7-. �7 o an d 'Oph PL ACE: M A = ------------------------------------------ PLACE- F LACE: DIED: ,A,C7-. P1 15 --------- PLACE: T iI Chart No II , 201 PEDIGREE CHAR ..t : Sl Chart No. : fame and sddress , aubm — er. HLILE (ANDERSON) SPENCE BOX 104 tiEA +ER'JILLE, CA. PHONE: wa3 ' BORN: Number 1 to this chart ; PLACE: - is the same person i MARR: 35 No. @n y ----------------------------------------- , LACE: v a N ; v "ar BORN: t DIED: ' : PLACE: ; GLACE . t :MARR: PLACE: ----------------------------------------- DIE ➢: BORN: - ° -_ t PLACE: " 2 ?an Leendert VISSER- 23---- °--- °--- ------ -' DIED: BORN: 1797 t PLACE. PLACE: ,Holland 1 M. A R.P. : 1517 - -12 ti ---- ------------------- - - - - -- - ------- ---- ; PLACE: BORN: - ° -° t DIED: 1562 PLACE: PLACE: ,H «hand ; i M r,R: 5 ----------------------------------------- PLACE: BORN: t DIED: PLACE- t PLACE: DIED: ; PLACE: 11 _________________________________________ - 1 , Martina VI S 20-- ---------------- - - - - -- BORN: - - -- ;BORN: 3 MAR 16 PLACE: PLACE: ieeland,Holland DIED: NAPR: 24 NOV 1359 --10 PLACE: PLACE: ,Holland t DIED: 5 ;BAR 1969 is ---- ------------------------------------- PLACE: Ottawa,LaSalle Co., TL. ; BORN: __ -- ;Leendert BO OGERD- 19---------------- -- - --- PLACE: iMARR: u -------------- -------- ------ -- -- ----- ----' PLACE: t BORN: t DIED: PLACE PLACE: MARK: � ri HCt t -� ED .. t Pi C. LH a6a �LAC 3' __glna _,:AtL E=Ai #3E ti I V ,le�: ._ya ----------------- PLACE: 1Hrilland 1 BORN: - : LACE Si :.Gyp --- -------------------------------------- : 9 -.ARC ,iT -7,. "LACE: �I Ai Ee LIED, . FL CE .._ALL. 1 � - PLACE. J 202 INDEX ACKERMAN 198 ADAMS 167,168,188, 189 ALDRIDGE 189 ALEXANDER 193 ANDERSON 196,197, 198,199, 200, 201 ANDRAT 181 ANDREA 181 ANDREACCHIO 181 ANDREAN 181 ANDREASI 181 ANDREASSICH 181 ANDREINI 181 ANDREONE 181 ANDREONI 181 ANDREOTTI 181 ANDREOTTO 181 ANDRIC 181 ASTUTO 181 BANKS 168 BARDWELL 180 BATEMAN 195 BAYLEY 180 BELL 166,169 BERTRONT 194 BEVILACQUA 181 BIONDO 181 BILLINGSLEY 166, 169,184 BOGERD 196 BONAPARTE 193 BOOGERD 196,200 BOYKIN 160",169,184 BRADLEY 168 BROWN 166 BUCHANAN 167,168 BUCKLEY 199 Bi iRK 193,194 CARROLL 193,194 CARSON 189 CHATHAM 167,168 CHINICE 181 COLE 181 CONNALLY 189 CONWAY 189 COOPER 169 CORNOLLIS 194 COX 196 CUCELLI 182 D'ANDREA 181 DANNELL 195 DANTE 181 DAWSON 193 De ANDREA 181 DELMONT 193 DePASQUALE 169,181 DICKISON 192 DIEM 185 DOMENICO 181 DONAWAN 193 DUNLAP 194 DURHAM 184 EDWARDS 195 FABBRO 181 FERRARI 181 FERRARA 181 FLANAGAN 193 FREESTONE 188 FRILEY 168 FULLER 194 FUMIGALLI 181 FURLAN 181 FUZZELL 195 FUZZLE 195 GELKE 193 GILBOA 194 GILLESPIE 168 LIMBO 193 G I OVANN I 181 GODDARD 183 GRASSO 181 GRAVES 191 GREEN 193,194 GRIMLEAR 184 GUIDO 101 GUSSEP 194 HALE 191 HALLARAN 166 HANKINS 183 HANWAY 168 HARMAN 188 HARRINGTON 194 HEATH 184 HENDSON 179 HENRY 190,191 HIGA 193 HILL 184 HOPE 166,184 HOWELL 168 JERIDO 188 JOHNSON 168,191 , 192 JOICE 193 JONES 193 KEMP 184 KENDRICK 190 KENNARD 195 KINISH 181 KUCEL 182 LAKE 191 LITTLETON 189 LEWIS 194 LOVETT 196,197 LUTTINI 182 LUTTMAN 182 McCALLISH 195 McCORMICK 166,169 McGEE 190 McMAGHAN 188 McMILLAN 188 Mc QUEEN 190 Mc SHANE 194 MACCAFERRI 181 MAGNAVACCA 181 MALLORY 195 MARTINAS 194 MATHENEY 194 MAWHINE'Y 191 MAY 197 MAYS 194 MEREBRO 179 MEWTON 188 MUSSOLINI 181 NETTLES 194 O'NEAL 184 O'WEN 192 PAGE 184 PARIS 196 PARKS 167068 PATRANELLA 179 PAYNE 194 PERGARMO 194 PETERSON 195 PHILLIPS 191 PITMAN 192 PORTLER 166,169 POWELL 192 PRESSLY 188 QUEES 192 RATHEY 194 RECTOR 179 REILL'Y" 188,192,193 REYNOLDS 189 ROBINSON 168 ROGERS 168 ROSSI 181 RUTH 191,192 SANDERS 195 SARTORI 181 SEGATO 181 SHAW 192 SHANNON 184 SHELTON 195 SHEPARD 167,168 SHIELDS 168 SIMS 168 SMALLEGANGE 201 SMIL'Y 188 SMITH 191,195 SPENCE 196,197,198 199,200,201 SPRIGGS 170 SRAMEK 170 STALLINGS 170 STAPLES 170 STARK 170 STASNEY 170 STA SN`( 170 STAVINOHA 170 STEEN 170,171 STELLY 171 STEPHENSON 171 STEVENSON 168 STEWART 17i STODDARD 167,168 STOKES 171 STRODE 171 STROTHER 139 ST UBBLEFIELD 184 S7UDENSKY 171 SULLINGER 171 SULLIVAN 171 SUMMEY 171 SVARC 171 SW I FT 171 SW I GA RT 171 0 r IPDQel* SWINDLER 171 SYKES 171 TABOR 171,172 TAFS 193 TAGGART 172 TALLEAFERRO 167 TARDO 131 TAREL 172 TAUBER 172 TAYLOR 172,194 TERRY 172 THIGPEN 172 THOMAS 172 THOMPSON 172,173 THORNTON 173,19:3 TI 173 TINGLEY 173 TIPPIT 173 TISDLE 173 TISHLER 173 TOLIVER 173 TODD 173 TOLINER 173 TOMPKINS 173 TRAIL 173 TRENTIN 194 TROSSEN 173 TRUE 167,168 TUREK 173,174 TURNER 174,189,193 ULLRICH 174 UNDERHILL 196,199 UNDERWOOD 174 VANCE 194 VAN OVERBEEK 174 VARVEL 174 VERNON 166 VEZEY 174 :TICK 195 VINSON 193 VISSER 196,201 VOSS 174 VYVERBURG 200 W ADE 17 4 WAGGONER 174,175 WALDON 175 +:BALKER 175 WALLACE 175,192 WALSH 175 WALTON 175 WAMBLE 175 WARD 175 WARE 175 WASBORN 175 WASHINGTON 175 WASSELS 194 WATKINS 175 WATSON 175,176 WEATHERSBY 191,192 WEAVER 176 WEBB 176 WEINZEL 176 WEIRUS 176 WELLES 194 WELTY 176 WEST 176 WHEELER 176 WHITE 176,184 WHITEHOUSE 171 WHITELEY 176 WIATT 177 WIENING 177 WILBANKS 177 WILBORN 177 WILCOX 177,192 WILKINS 177 WILLIAMS 177,178 WILSON 173 WIMBERLY 178 WINDER 173 WINGREN 178 WITHERS 163 WONG 178 WOODARD 178 IAOOLKET 178 WORLEY 173 WORSHAM 173 WRIGHT 178 WYTHE 179 YTN 179 Y 1li; 17 YO UMr` NS 196,198 YOUNG 179,183,188 YOUNGBLOOD 179 ZAK 179 ZENNER 179 Z I NN 17' MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION 0 I DUES: Individual, $10.00; Family, $15.00 (.Tan 1 m Dec. 31) COMPLETE the following form and mail with your PEDIGREE CHART, to be published in the Brazos Genealogical Advertiser. You may also send in individual 4x6 cards on your ancestors to be placed in our FAMILY RESEARCH CARD FILE. Your name) (Address) (Tel. No.) ANCESTOR INFORMATION (Surname) State and /or Country where Found Period of Time �J 2 1/4" 1/8 page 1/4 page Once /year $6.31 Once /year $12,61 4x /year $18,92 4x /year $37.85 41/2" 21/4" A BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O, Box 5493 Bryan, Texas 77805 Volume VI I Number 5 Fall 1986 -: E 101 . „1 .._l * - 3 E. .' & 4 r:. 0 41/2 Half page: Once /year $26.29 4x /year $78,85 Whole page: Once /year $52.56 4x /year $157.69 (All prices include tax). �i r