HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.6 No.3L� AVIVA .o razos, g enealogical c 4dvertiser CONTENTS Volume VI No. 3 1985 January- February- March " Page KNOW WHAT? Articles Constitution & $y -Laws 94 Brazos County TX 1870 Census 96 Smetana Cemetery, White, Brazos -Co. 105 Bryan City Cemetery Bogk 3 110 College Station Cemetery, Brazos Co. 126 Polish Genealogy Society 125 WHO KNOWS? Queries /Questions 144 KNOW WHO? Pedigree Charts Martian MORTSON,GRAHAM - 115 Ralph F. CUWGiLL 116 Anna TOWNS HALLARAN , 117 Vernie SMITH RENNETT 118 Joy SNODGRASS BROWN 120 TEW 0 WATSON D .Norma GA O W 121 Dorothy BOLTON PERKINS 122 WHERE? Index 130 s r Bryan College Station v. amaw4LS:+'+e rd-: unr+ a+.+= v.- r,. wwrww.«✓. a., ................................+._ �.-...,+ .. ..- ...- ..- :_.,..,-- ..�..., -.. —. .. ,,:,,.... _ _I 92 The BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER is an information publication of the Brazos Genealogical Association of Bryan College Station, Texas. Meetings are the third Monday of each month from 7:00 to 9 :00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. OFFICERS 1985 . President Mary McCULLOCH Vice President . . . . . . . . Mary BELL Secretary . . . . Peggy HOPE Treasurer . . . . L. A. MADDOX Jr. Librarian . . . .Nan•ROSS Editor Mary COOPER Membership is $10.00 for the calendar year. Make check payable to Brazos Genealogical Association. Mail to Brazos Genealogical Association Treasurer: L. A. MADDOX Jr. P. 0. Box 5+93 Bryan TX 77805 -5493 Please send him your name (as you want it listed on the membership list), address and phone number. Also send your pedigree chart if it has not already been submitted so that it can be published in the Advertiser. Dear Friends, Your editor has had a difficult spring and Brazos Genealogical Association members deserve an expla- nation. Beginning with the Christmas season the trusty type writer developed serious problems which three trips to the repairman didn't cure. Finally Number 2 of this Volume was completed with some printing problems which you may have noted. Just as your editor thought things were getting better, our edito developed problems "which took several days for repair and some weeks for recovery! Now I have a new typewriter which I am still trying to get acquainted with, and 'every day in every way, I'm getting better and better!' I do want to thank the members who visited, called, sent cards, and were so caring and understanding. Hopefulhy, now I can 'make up' and catch' up. 'N n e 1 i �1 d ver t�is'' -a z o c cog r volume VI No. 3 19$5. Bryan Col Station January - February -March TEXAS X "0W a� UP -DATE ON THE BRAZOS CODUNTY HISTORY BQOK: Plans are to have the books ready for presentation in January 1986 Texas' Sesquicentennial year. Flyers will soon be out about pre- publi- cation price and how to order yours! They are going to be`.very handsome and will have many interesting chapters on the growth and development of Brazos County as well as stories about the pioneer families who settled and built this area. If your family was here before 1900, I hope you can read about them in our BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORY BOOK. + .. + . . + ' + + + + + + .. + t * * + . + Members have expressed a`'desire to know about the history of our organization, so Z am`again publishing the history Qf the Brazos Genealogical Association On succeeding pages the Consti- e t -xe �- f t u �. By -Laws ' on "' a B -Laws are also being printed agai n _L et g ' acquainted with.our Association and its purpose. Your Editor a s 'zed gro was b l o Y Asso ` i The zos Ge of genealogists on January 23, 197 in the Bryan Pub Library. The ity of the major group had been in the Genealogy Class sponsored 'by College Station Community Education and taught by Mary COLLIE- COOPER, (Mary laugh I' ingly says she is the 'organ=t her'.) The meeting came from a desire t of the group to continue to ideas, friendship and fellowship. Don DYAL (A&M Special Collections) was the speaker for that first meeting. Mary COOPER served as President the first two years. Succeeding Presidents: Ralph McCORMICK, Dorothy CLARK, H. A . MONCRIEF, Stanley CLARK, Don SMONS op and Mary McC=MH. Meetings were held alternately in Bryan anti Col,],° Station until. the,College Station place for meetings was not available. Meetings are p resent ly the 'third 'Monday of each month from 7 :00 to 9:00 pm in the Bryan. Public Library. The Brazos Genealogical Advertiser was begun an June of 1979 as a r " b- monthly newsletter and was wed as the meeting notice c fo a ve r other meeting for the first two or three years. At that time its contents had more current information about members, research hints and ideas. By 1984 z r • Bra os er and its contents is ranarity, , the Advertiser had become a quart �. P County orec�rds and information, anticipating the Se,suicentenn al Celebra- tion of Texas in 1986. 93 94 CONSTITUTION BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION" "I 'AttICLE fb The name of this organization shalf`be the'BRAZOS GENEALOCGIdjAL,ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE 11 PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to promote interest in genealogy and mutual assistance in genea- logical research, as well as to collect and develop resource materials. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP • Membership shall consist of all those individuals who are interested in historical and/ or genealogical research. , ARTICLE IV DUES The annual dues shall be set by a majority vote in a regular meeting. ARTICLE V_, OFFICERS' The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, e. Vice- President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Libra - rian, and the Editor of the newsletter. ARTICLE VI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee shall be the six officers andthe immediate past president. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Monthly meetings will be held with time and place to be set annually by vote of the membership in regular meeting: ARTICLE VIII AD MEN DMENTS ` This i amendment has may en presented i be amended. at t any rear meeting by a two: -thirds vote of members present, provided ; writing at the previous meeting. ARTICLE IX DISSOLUTION In the event of dissolution of this organization, or in the event that it shall cease to carry out the purpose for which it was established, all assets including funds will go to the Bryan Library for the express use of increas- ing the holdings in the Genealogy Section of the Library. „ BY -LAVES DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1.:_ The'President shall: ;a: Preside -'at all-meetings. b. Call and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee. . c: Appoint members of standing committees and special_committees: d. Be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Vice- President shall: a. Assume duties and responsibilities of the President in the President's absence. b. Serve as chairman of the Program Committee. c. Serve on the Executive Committee; - 3 The Secretary shall: a. Record the proceedings oteach regular meeting as well as the Executive Committee Meetings. ; b, Conduct any correspondence, required by, the Association. c: Serve on the Executive Committee. d. Serve as Chairman of the Publicity Committee. 95 4. The Treasurer shall: a. Receive, deposit and disburse the funds of the Association. b. Present a brief financial report to members at each meeting, c. Serve as Membership Chairman. d. Serve on the Executive Committee. 5. The Librarian shall: a. Maintain the surname card rile and the verticlq file of pedigree charts in the Bryan Library. b. Inform the membership of new acquisitions. c. Encourage improvement and enlargement of the Genealogy Section of the Bryan Library. d. Serve as chairman of the Library Committee. e. Serve on the Executive Commitpe. 6. The Editor of the Advertiser sha.0; a. Publish a bi-monthly newsletter. b. Serve as chairman of the Advertiser Staff, c. Serve on the Executive Committee. 11. DUTIES OF STANDING COMMITTEES 1. The Executive Committee shall: a. Serve as consultants to the President in matter of policy. b. Appoint officer replacements if vacancies occur during the year. c. Select from applicants in April. the Editor to be appointed in May. d. Serve as an advisory board for the Advertiser staff. 2. The Program Committee shall: a. Assist the Vice-President in planning and presenting the monthly meetings. 3. The Publicity Committee shall: a. Assist the Secretary in publiefizing the meetings and activities of the Association through member notification as well as through the media and personal contacts. 4. The Membership Committee shall: a. Work with the Treasurer to maintain the membership list and recruit new members. 5. The Nominating Committee shall: a. Be appointed by.the President in September. b. Determine the best qualified nominees and contact them for acceptance. c. Present the slate of officers at the November meeting. 6. The Library Committee shall; a, Help with the Librarian's activities and secure volunteer help for library or research projects, III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The slate of officers shall be presented by the Nominating Committee at the November meeting. Additional nominations will be called for by the President. Election will be by a majority of members present and officers will assume their responsibilities January 1. Ballots may be used at the discretion of the President. IV. DUES 1. Dues will be paid for the budget year, January 1 through December 31. 2. Annual dues shall be $10.00 per year. New members after March will pay a dollar per month for the remainder of the first year and will receive the Advertiser for compar4ble months. 3. Family dues will be one and one-half annual dues ($15) and Will receive .one copy of the Adver- tiser. This, too, may be prorated. 4. Proposal of a change in dues will be made one meeting prior to the vote. V. AMENDMENTS These By4aws may be amended or suspended by majority vote of the membership present at a regular meeting. 96 BRAz0S Count Texas 187 Census Page No. 3 5 Post O ffice: Br 4 July 1870 Printed #18 an .° w � w r- >) d - a a r_1 k' v o X: o 3 4) 40 X 0) ri. o rj � U cd w r-4 N O ad 4 k' $4 4 . q U A w a In U O a > w w PQ vi 285 271 S M ITH, J. G. 6 M W Tex DENNISON F.. 18.,M W Printer Miss 86 CARVIN, C. 45 M W Watchmaker Sicily T. 12 M W at school Eng X E. 10 M W " of -_. Tex. X Wat y ( M W •, " , ,e X 87 7 2 LAMBDIN, W. 2 7 M W Publisher 2500 Va E.L. 21 F W K House Mass W. McK 6/12 M w J an Tex HUME, T. H. 26 M W Printer New York MILLER, Jas T. 44 M W Barkeeper 5 000 200 Ky S. E. 37 FW,K. House Miss J. W. 17 M W Driving Dray Ark I. T• 14 'W at school " 88 73 KIMBROUGH, J.J. 34 M w Lawyer 2000 'House 2 Ky Mary 29 F W K Mo Jessie ,10 F W at school X W. Y. 7 MY Tex J., W. 89 THOMAS, J. D. 42 M W Lawyer 10,000 Tenn L. T. 28 F W K Hou S C F. 4 F 'W Miss J. R. 5112 M W Aug ..Tex 290 74 BAILLEY, A . C. 26'M W Grocer Merchant `2000 10,00 Va S. C. 28 F W K House Ga J* PO, 64 M W Farmer Va T. S. 27 F W No occupation „ M. J. 24 F W " " Mo, CRAW .,LEY, J. L. 30 M W Farmer Pa 91 75 LAMKIN;, R. 35 N W Hotel Keeper Pa A. 22 F W K. House Ark THURMOND, J. M. 30 F W No occupation N Y CALLAHAM, K. A. 10 F W at home Ill CHILDS, L. 24 F W No occupation Tex W m'. 3 2 M W Hotel Keeper Ga Mo 3/12 F W Mar Tex 92 76 GREGG, V. 1 9 M B Domestic Servant Tex AND , M . AN F B 1B of La ROWEL, J. y 2 Q 2 18 M M " " " " Lax REYNOLDS, June 35 F M 0 97 BRAO Cc ty texas 1870 Census — Pag No. 36 Post O ffices Br yan 4 July 187 Printed #18A $4 .° CH 4 o W w r ;P, ® d N m ..� a ° o ti c ,� N A . to o ` p ,��,, p 0 / i�i 4 •P , 0 r Q /r En . 0 ` N ® / W >- a fT W V` 292 276 WOODS, L. 15 M B Domestic Servant Ga JOHNSON, Ea 25 M B La GILMORE A. 21 M B Md HOWARD, 'M. 22 M B La LOFTIN , J. 19 M B °' " of EIKURE, Chad _.37 M W Barber Hanover RAMSEY, L. J. 26 M W No occupation Ky GLAZE, W. W. 26 M W Barkeeper Ala IRWIN, F. 50 F B Washerwoman Va. 93 77 JACKSON, T. 26 F B Mo " Frank 45 M B Cook in Hotel IRWIN, R. 5 0 M B Miss 94 7 8 CARBUCK, G. A 32 M W Cabinet Maker Prussia S. J. 24 F W K. House Tex, 95 79 RO M. 35 F B washerwoman Md T. 15 F B Tex L. Ae 13 F B � N E. 9F �. C. 6F B " M. J. 5/12 F B Dec " 96 280 PETTILLE, W. L. 45 M W Policeman Tenn L. A. 39 F W K. House U. 18 F W No occupation R. 15 F W w " Ark J. M. 6/12 M W Dec. Tex AWBREG, W. 17 F W �. " Ark WHITED ® M. 28 F W R. 9 F W Tex C® 2 F W .. 97 85 GOODWIN, F. C. 30 F W K. House 4000 200 Miss L. 10 F W at school Tex X E. 7 M W „ Eliz 5 F w „ Arthur 9 M B Ark • 98 CRAI J. L. 35 M W Barkeeper Ga M. M. 24 F W K. House Ala 99 MORRISON, A. 35 M W K.LiveryStable 8000 2000 N C Matte 1 8 F W Tex Lucy L. 24 F W No Occupation Va MOORS, C. T. 25 M W District Clk N J 98 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page Now -Post Office: Bryan 5 July 1870 Printed _ # 19 ®m 0Cd- .°i P° o d H $4 m 0 .G 3 40 a� o v ai 0 cd o> � A° w cc En 0 o > r� > a a as 299 28 MORRISON, Jerry 9 M m Tex 300 PATTERSON, C. A. 35 M W Painter N C S. V. 3 2 F W K. House A. F. 8 FW .. Geo. A. 4 M W .. A. Y. 6/12,M W Dec Tex UPRIGHT, Jerry 23 M W N C 1 PATTERSON, J. 54 M,W Painter N C M. A. 4 9 F W, K. House 2 DAYTON, Geo L. 24 M W House Carpenter of S. A. 30 F W K. House to 7 M W It MOFFATT, J. T. 35 M1 Dry Goods Merchant. Tenn PATRICK, A. Me 51. M W Express agt •• 3 86 TINSLEY, Susan 35 F B Washerwoman Va 4 87 COONER, M 3 0 F B F. 10 FM Tex Frank 10 M B C . 4MB .. We 1MM .. 5 88 WALCOTT, Wash. 3 5 M B Tenn V. 30 .F M of Amanda 10. F M TeX J. S. 1 M M of 6 89 SHAW, Geo 39 M B Tenn C. 27 F B Ky J. W. 7 M B Tex 7 290 WEBB, J. H. 48 M W Physician 500 200 N C M. H. 46 F W K. House F . Be 15 F W at home Ala R. S S 13 M W Jas M. 11 M W °' '• " ? 4 9 F W .. HOWELL, E., < 22 F W No occupation Willie 2 M W Tex 8 91 'BAILEY, J. P. 64 M W Grocer Merchant " 9 9? ORAM, He 27 M W K.LiveryStable Miss Jane 23 F W K. House Ala H . 3 1 F F W W Tex I Mary 99 BRA ZOS County Texas 1820 Census Page No- 38 Post Office Bryan 5 July 1870 Printed 19A +� 0 vs W 4h "1 4-4 o M o c -P + «a r4 rq >, rq $4 ad W m 9 $4 wow w H - o a� 0 o §+ �� � 0$4 .� o N w Eav 0 o >a a wa as va 309 292 ROBINSON, N. A. 18 F W No occupation Tenn BOWLES,'Thos 60 M W " " Va, 310 93 ALLEN, A. 61 M W No occupation N C , S. 61 F W K. House R. N. 30 M W Lumber Merchant " W.P.C. 24 M W at School Tenn X A® M. 18 F W No occupation Tex MURR, D. A. 22 M W Shoe Maker N C 11 94 PHILLIPS, L. C. 61 M W Minister 1500 20 0 0 , KY N? A 53 F W K.House " M. A. 29 F No occ upation Mo S. E. 16 F W at School Miss X R® E. 11 M W to X HENDERSON, Jas 24 M W Laborer Tenn PHILLIPS, Jacob 19 M B of La - SPILLER, M. 13 F B at home Tex 12 95 GILBERT R. R. 69 M W Physician N Y L. 26 F W K. House Mo I? 4 F W Tex 13 96 JOHNSON, S. 25 M B Laborer 200 N C i Jane 26 F B Washerwoman Mo BROPHLY, James 25 M W Laborer Ireland MASSEY 25 M W Sailor CASEY 24 M W Laborer � 14 97'BRYANT, Henry 23 M B Laborer KY WILLIAMS, M. 18 F M Washerwoman ►' 15 98 GEARY, C. 33 M M Painter Va Mary 2 4 F M Washerw L a MAR Geo g 34' M M Bricklayer V a 16 99 BRESTER, B. 30 M B Waggoner N C ? 25 F B Was " E. 8 F B Tex 17 300 TUCKER, C. 22 F M Nurse Ga. WARREN, Sarah' 11 F M at school Tex X &® .3FM " 18 1 WASHINGTON A. 22 F B Washerwoman Mo Geo 25 M B Farmer miss 19 2 RUSSE, Jas F. 50 25 M F B B DrayMan No occupation " Ga s J. H. 5/12 M M Tex 100 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census 39 F W K. House Page Ko:-, 39 Post' Offices ,Bryan 6 Jul 1870 Printed #20 Clk in DryGoodsStore Tex P . 16 M w of of �� of A. 12 F W at school X H. 8 M W .e ., .. X L. 6 M C , HILTON, R. B. f' o w V-4 Bricklayer � . i BELL, D. A. 50 $4 �. m 4 P4 r-4 O 3 42 . M W m 0 0 , W � �cd .r4 o q cd �s, K. House La En U O > AG Pa Ca 319 302 GREGORY, Ellen 36 F W K.xouse W Miss Scotland 24 7 GARUM, W. H. Duddly, 18 M W,No occupation Md Tex J. H. 48 F Edgar 16 M W " of Hattie` of F 320 3 LULLIES, J. 60 M W Laborer M Ya at school Tex X E. 35 F W Washerwoman to " N C - 321 4 McCLELLAND, J.B. 57 M W Grocer Merchant 700 S C 29 M W E. G. 56 F W N. 24 of W K. House Tenn T. R. 32 M W No occupation W Miss Tex 26 9 SMYTHE, D. L. 28 F W Physician Ala M. L. 36 F M . . 20 F W .. A. .. F W at home E. M. 18 F W " . M .. at School " X R. C 30 M W Clk in GroceryStore T. M. 25 M W .. .. .. .. A. G. �3 M W .� of N ., 22 5 RANDOLPH, C. H. 53 M W Grocer Merchant Ill ■ e 0 S. 39 F W K. House _ 1V10 J. 14 M W Clk in DryGoodsStore Tex P . 16 M w of of �� of A. 12 F W at school X H. 8 M W .e ., .. X L. 6 M W , HILTON, R. B. 39 M W Bricklayer Ireland BELL, D. A. 50 M W Painter Ky 23 6 WELLKY, R. J. 42 . M W HHouseCarpenter - Poland S. M. 30 F W K. House La L. J. 2 F W Tex JEFFRY, Thomas 39 M W hostler Scotland 24 7 GARUM, W. H. 60 M K.LiveryStable Md J. H. 48 F W K. House S C Hattie` 20 F W at home Miss' J. I. 18 M W at school Tex X L. 11 F W . to " to M. L. 7 F W of 25 8 BAILLEY, J. M. 29 M W Policeman Va N. 24 F W K. House Tenn B. : 3 F W Tex 26 9 SMYTHE, D. 46 M W Physician Ala M. L. 36 F W K. House Tenn A. 16 F W at home Tex H. 10 M W at School " X ■ e 0 101 R gs Cguntv TI Z,112 18 Cens Page No. 40 Post Office: Bryan 6 July 1870 Printed #20 +� -P 0 m ea `-4 ra o + o a •-� e 0v $4 ° A w 327 310 SMYTHE'E. 2 M W T eX Me 22 F B Domestic Servant " m e 7', F B " Be 3' M B " D. 3/ F B Feb ee Wm. 24 M B Laborer Md 28 11 SMYTHE, H. 45' B Washerwoman Va' 29 12 COLLINS, M. A. 4 5 F W K.Hou Ala P, 14 F W at school Tex X Me 11 F W X 33 13 QUINZERSET,Car 39 F W K.; House France 31 14 POWELL V 39, M W Clk DryGood N Y 32 1 5 DAVIS, B. T. 40 1 W School Teacher Tenn M. L. 341F W K. House Ga M. C. 13 F W at school Tex X Be T. 10 M W $I ee ee X 2 M W er .. Wm. WILSON. J. D. 3 1 M W Bricklayer N Y L. B. 24 F W No occupation - 1500 N C 33 16 FISHER, 0. 66 M W Minister Vermont R. J. 39 F W K.House Pa Re J. Jr. 19 F W at home Tex Fe 161 F W °' " 0. 8 M W Cal 35 CASTLES, G. We 52 M W Physician S. C. I. J. 29 F W K.House Tenn Jas 20 M W No occupation Ala Wm 18 M W to Geo 15 M W at school Tex X Jno 12 M W « a X B 10 M W " " " X CAVITT, Fannie 10 F W IN " LENORE , Kate 3 F W ® 36 1 7 DO WNARD, J. S. 50 M W Physician Ky E. F. 43 F W K. house °° J. S. 11 M at School Tex X A. Z? 9F 0° " R e We F n Me S. 5 ° 102 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 41 Post Offices Bryan 7 July 1870 Printed. #21 ;4 00 C 4h . 4& W o m a � _V4 rq >b o d W a � � 4 336 317 SIMS, Ann 40 F B Domestic Servant Va JOHNSON, L. 5 M B Tex 37 18 MASSE, ? 60 M B No occupation S C Ada 50 F B - Washerwoman Ky HOWELL, Jno 12 M B at home; La James 4 M B Tex 38 19 DAVIS, Peter 35 M B Laborer Md 5. 35 F B Washerwoman Ga J.DAVIS 9 'M` B Tex A. C. 6 M B " 39 320 LEVI, John 50 M B Laborer N C- LEVI, C. 40 F B Washervoman Va 340 X21 McNOLAN, J 26 M B Drayman 200 Tenn A. H. 30 F M KHouse S C V. 1 110 F B at school Ark X E. 5 M B Tex 41 22 .ADAMS, Jas 30 M B Laborer 250 Ala M • ` 39 F B washerwoman Tenn Wm 10 M Ala LEWIS, A. 8 F B Tex 42 .23 FOSTER, C. Be 5 0 M B Minister Ala L. 50 F B K.House " 43 2 4 MITCHELL, Be 3 0 F B Washerwoman Miss Fannie 14 F B 'at home Tex C. 5 F B " D. 1 M B " 44 25 M OO RE, Robt 30 M B Hostler Tenn M. A. 30 F B:Washerwoman Ala JOHNSON, Jo 25 F B Tex 45 26 DILLARD, Geo 26 M B Blacksmith Va H. 2 5 F B K.house La HAINES, C. 20 F M Seamstress - Miss 46 27 JOHNSON A. 45 M B House Carpenter Va C. 36 F M K.House Tenn . M. 16 F B W a sh erwoman La Be 14 M B at home Tex W. V. 4 F B " 47 28 MANLEY M. 40 M B Farmer N C E. 35 F B K. Hou Ala Sarah 1 F B at home Tex 103 BRA20s Count Texas 1870 Census Page N ®. °42 Post Offices Bryan' 7 July 1870 Printed #21A , 0 A. W o 347 328 COCKRAAM R. 45 M B Laborer 50 Ga. " H. 33 F B Washerwoman Jo 16 M B Laborer Tex Gib Ann 13 10 M $ F " at school " .. X E. 7 F B .. Ada 5FB .. M. 1FB " 48 330 MASON, P. 35 M B Laborer 200 Va. Ky s. 30 F 'M K.House L. 2 F M Tex 49 31 CARTER, Allen 23 M B Laborer Tex R. 20.F B Washerwoman WALKER, V 40 F B 100 La 350 32 CANTON, M. 40 M B HouseCarpenter Muss -, E. 30 F B Washerwoman La M. C , 13 F M at home .. ` C. 11 g B " E. B. 9FM 7 F B 'Tex F. -15MM 51 33 WILSON, Tom 35 M B Laborer 150 Tenn Va E. 0 F B K.House P. 12 M B at home Tex Frank 9 M B 52 34 WATSON', Jno 38 M B Barber N C Be 30 F M seamstress all Js 2 M B Tex T. 2/12 M B Mar " - 53 35 KNOX, W. 5 M B Farmer, 150 Miss Tex Cal 27 F M Washerwoman E. 12 M Mat 'home Mary 10 F B " E. 8 F M .. J• `1 M. F B WREN, D. 42 M B Laborer Ga ° 5 4 3 6 WREN, Sarah: 43 F B Teacher Ky Tex BROOK, H. 10 M B Miss 55 37 PRATT. Jno 28 M B Well Digger 104 WA 0- n owa 2 u e i ie. 2a ;x`70 SINGLETON, HAMPTON Hampton V. SINGLETON married Mary BUNDICK 14 Feb 1846 in St. Landry parish in Louisiana. They may have come to Texas after that near Madison Co. No records in Madison Co Maybe Polk Co? Charles BUNDICK and -Eliza BUNDICK were found in Polk Co.Is anyone searching the same names? Please write or call collect. In AINSAfflORTH, Rt. 3, Box 855 Franklin TX . 77856. 409 - 828 - 4180 #71 BARNES, BLACK,' PRESLEY, WORD My grandparents, Benjamin Harvey BLACK and Ruby Belle BARNES married in Brazos Co. 28 Nov 1886. Ben's parents''were Benjamin= ;Franklin BLACK from Ark and Frances E. ? from Ala. Ruby's parents were 'Pleasant L. BARNES from Ala and Sarah (Sallie) E. PRESLEY from La.. Sally's parents were Hosea PRESLEY from Tenn and Lovely WORD from North Carolina. Ruby Belle BARNES was born in or around.Bryan in 1871. Pleasant BARNES appears in Brazos tax records 1874& 5. Would like to know if anyone else's working on this..family., , Sally,.RADEBAUGH, 9010 Magnetic Apt 21, El Paso, TX 79904 #72 DIXON, McARTHUR, BARE KAN, HARDIN, ANDERSON, KENDALL Wm. DIXON Sr. b 1790 VA 1846 to Navarro Co. TX from Sullivan Co. Ind. His first of three wives was Melinda McARTHUR b 1790 Ohio or 'KY, d 1838. Who were the parents of =�Wm. and Melinda? Their children were Joseph b 1811, Charity b 1812, Joah b 1814, Jane -b 1,817 mar Joshua BAREKMAN, Wm. Jr. b 1819 mar Marilla DONALDSON, Susanna Louise b 1822 mar Dr. Wm. Nicks ANDERSON, Alex, Joseph mar Mary L. KEIVDALL, Mary Eliz.,mar James G. HARDIN parents of Wes;HARDIN, Malinda mar James LEE, Nancy Ann mar James M. SHEGOG. Would like to correspond with anyone researching any of these. (Alex,Joseph DIXON is my Grandfather.) Howard.'K. DIXSON, 9826 Bartley Ave. Santa Fe Springs, CA '90670 ` 213 699 - .9890 #7 3 MYERS, BRANDENBURG Free Information Anyone,researching Elias Tidwell MYERS `b 22 Mar 1821:, d 18 Jan 1902 or Nancy Ann BRANDENBURG MYERS b 17 Jul 1821 d 11 Dec 1890. or their children: William Henry b 13 Feb 1 843, John Wesley b 29 Jan 1845f..Charles Absolom b 7 Jun 1851, Samuel Benjamin & James M.(twins) b 6,Mar 1856, George Thomas b 5 Jul 1857, Rebecca Ann b 1 Jul 1859, David Elias b 23 Jun 1863. Several grandchildren of Charles Absolom MYERS are supposed to be living in the Bryan area. Can obtain any and all information, free of charge, I have available on the MYERS line. I have large quantities of Xerox copies of old pictures, homesteads, wagon &buggies, family reunions, pages from Bibles, etc. Census reports from-1850 to 1910 census by census, family by family; I want to share this information with other relatives. Wilbur Thomas MYERS, P.O. Box 368, Sulphur Springs TX 754 105 smetana Cemetery White Continued) FICKEL,, Annie BRANDESKY 22 June 1864 19 Nov 1926 wi of Q. H. FICKEL FICKEL G. H. 15 Dec 1859 4 July 1929 FICKEL Lee 18 Dec 18999 13 Mar 1935 'Husband' FRANKLIN, Harrison lo July 1906 13 Feb 1977 hue of Lily Ruth FRANKLIN FRANKLIN, Lily Ruth 6 Nov 19079 21 May 1980 A of Harrison FRANKLIN FRIEDA, Gladys L. 25 Feb 1931 (no other date) FRIEDA, Ida z 1899 - 1981, FRIEDA, Juel D.C. (Jake) 24 July 1926 1 June 1977 TEO 5 US Army World War II FRIEDA, Cottie A" Nov 1919 29 July 1976 FRIEDA, Rudolph H. 1891 1983 HABARTA, Alois Jan Narozen Drezcervna Roku 1906 Zemrel HABARTA, Anna nar 30 Kvetna roku 1841 zem 1 Kvetna roku 1911 HABARTA Frank nar 14 Bzezna roku 1847, zen 18 Cevence roku 1917 HAMPTON, Baby 1947 - 1947 HAMPTON, Baby 1949 - 1949 HAMPTON, Baby 1952 - 1952 HANUS, Alice Ruth nar 10 Cervna 1925, zem 11 Unora 1932 Pceruska Jana o Anny HANUS, Joseph 15 June 1891 11 Aug 1976 Pvt US Army World War. I HARRIS, Alma A, 28 Dec 1912 9 Aug 1920 HEBRON, Fred 1894 - 1894 'Baby' HERROD John Willie 1907 - 1967 HOLIKOVA, Anna Ozde Odpociva Zepee la 6 Zari R 1892 HOLICK, Frances 4 Sept 1882 14 April 1961 wi of Joseph J. HOLICK HOLICK, Joseph J. 14 Jan 1881, 26 Dec 1967 hus of Frances HOLICK HOLICK, William Charles 30 Oct 1907 5 Oct 1931 HOLIK, Joseph 1850 1900 hus of Rosalie HOLIK HOLIK, Rosalie 1857 1945 wi of Joseph HOLIK HOLUBEC Jim J. 1910 - 1 HOLLER, Angelina 10 June 19089 25.Sept 1964 106 Smetana Cemetery, White HOMOLA, Ana a Frantisk nar a Zem 22 Pros 192.2 Oce.ruska HOMOLA, Frances 1891 1955 wi of John HOMOLII HOMOLA, John 1886 - 1951 hus of Frances HOMOLA HOMOLA, Peter Narozen v Arnolci na Morave 29 Gervna 1859 do `Texas Pri jel 19 Zati 1902 Zemrel 10 Srpna 1931 HUDEK, Frantisek Rozen'15 Unora Roku 1884 Zemrel 20 Srpna Roku 1895 HUDEC, Josefa roz One 5'List 1842 zem 26 Unora 1920 Odpociven v pohoji milovora Matko a pra Staveno JARMA, J. a M. Zde, odpociva, v Panu, Ze'snula. Izabella D cers, nar 4 Led 1897,:ach, kde, '5' drahoushu on stone with Josefa JARMA JARMA, Josefa zde, odpociva, v Panu, Zesnula,- Mnnzelka, nar 22 Ceruna- 1858,,,Zemr 5 F Cervence 1896 on stone with J. aM. " JARMA` JESKE, Ernest Albert 13 ,Feb 1906 21 Jan 1981 'Father' hus ; of Julie Loren JESKE JESKE, Julie Loren 21, Apr 19159 - -- 'Mother' wi of Ernest Albert JESKE JONES, Chester Paul 25 Apr 1918, 1 July 1979 'Daddy' EMZ US Navy WW II hus of Emma J,JONES m 10 Nov 1937 JONES, Emma J. 19 Nov 1921 - -- ' Mama' wi of Chester Paul JONES m 10 Nov 1937; JONES, Ethel Mae 6 Sept 1909 Jan 1980 wi of. Frank J. JONES Sr. JONES, Frank J. Sr. 6 Sept 1901,;4 May 1981 hus of Ethel Mae .JONES KALINCA, Anezka Manzeika'Frantska nar 25 Unora R. 1904 zem 26 Breznar 1925 KALINEC, James L. 1931 - 1981 KALINEC, Joe 1885 1900 KALINEC,. John 1860 -,1900 KALINEC, John W. 1894 - 1975 hus of Lucille KALINEC Pvt US Army World War I KALINEC, John Jr. .1917 -,1917 '.Baby' KALINEC, Julia 1861 -`1949 KALINEC, Lucille 1898 - 1965 Mother' wi of John KALINEC KALINEC, Paul 1860 -, 1900 . KALINEC, Willie F. 9 Feb 1919, 12 Jan 1983 'Daddy' I C) 107 Smetana Cemetery. White KOPEC Joe 4 Sept 1 22 Aug 1931 KOPECKY, Christine Tena S. 4 Apr 1886, a' Jan 1918 . wi of John A. KOPECKY KOPECKY, John A. 23 June 1895; 2 Fe 1979 hus of Christine Tena S. KOPECKY KOPECKY, Laura 17 May 1891, 27 Feb 1964 wi of Lee KOPECKY KOPECKY, Zee 24 Dec 1889 16 Jan 1969 hus of Laura KOPECKY KOPECKY, Mary d 13 Jan 1900 age 55 yrs KOPECKY, Rosie 15 Sept 1867, 21 Jan 1919 KORVAS, Johann 1844 - 1924 wi of Petr KORVAS KORVAS, Petr 1854 - 1932, hue of Johan KORVAS KOSAREK, Albert zmemrel Dne 25 Srpna 1901 Stari 3 Rokv 1 Mesic 3 S yn Jana A. Marie KOSAREK, Alice A. 18 Aug 1903, 14 Jan 1975 KOSAREK, Charley J. 2 Oct 1901, 10 Dec 1962 'Father' KOSAREK, Edina M. 6 Nov 1905 wi of Henry B.KOSAREK KOSAREK, Henry B 14 Mar 1906, 13 Dec 195 hus of Edina M. KOSAREK - KOSAREK, Jan Syn Jana A. Marie zemrel Dne 1 Zari 1901 stari 11 Mesicu 29 DNI KOSAREK, John 17 June 1871 26 Dec 1927 wow KOSAREK, Mary 15 Oct 1871, 2 June 19 KOSAREK, Victor narozen 20 Pros 1904 zemrel 18 Cervna 1911 KOSAREK, Vilem Syn Jana A. Marie - zemrel Dne 10 Kyetna 1896 Stari 11 Mecigu 6 DNI KOSAREK, Vilem S yn Jos A Anny zemrel DNE 22 Gervence 1892 Stari 10 Boku 6 Mesicu 29 INE KROhCZYK, Mary 13 Jan 18,88 9 O ct 1942 KUBIN, Charles _19 Aug 1898 27 Aug 1973 KUBIN, Frank J. 19 July 1893. 14 April 1965 KUBIN, Frolin C. 10 Ma 1879, 15 Oct 193 'Father' KUBIN, Helen K. 1 Aug 1895 26 Oct 1980 KUBIN, John 20 July 1856 17 Feb 1923 hus of Mary KUBIN KUBIN, John J. 6 Feb 1890, 15 June 1 963 KUBIN, Johnnie L. 22 June 1916 21 Feb 1980 hue of Pauline F. �' KUBIN, Josephine 25 Mar 1884, 2 June 1947 'Mother Smetana Cemetery, White KUBIN, Mary 10 Apr 1856, 21 Apr 1943 wi,of John KUBIN KUBIN, Pauline F. 23 Sept 1922, -- 1984 wi of Johnnie L. KUBIN KUBIN, Little Willie: 12 Dec 1913,`26 June 1915 age 18 ms,l3ds son of Mr.& Mrs.F.C. KUBIN KUBNA, Frank J. 3 Jan 1907, 21 Feb 1984 KUDER, Albert 1914 - 1915 KUDER, Anton, 1885 - 1958 'Father' hue of Molly KUDER KUDER, Bart 27 July 1853. 14 Feb 1932 KUDER, Justina 13 May 186.0,.17 July 1940 KUDER, Lillie M. 1911 - 1912 KUDER, Mildred M. May 1940 (only date) 'Mother' KUDER, Molly. 1886 - 1969 wi of Anton KUDER "Mother* KUDER, Willie J. Jr. 11 Sept 1940, 22 Dec 1974 'Daddy* LANICEK, Antone 4 June 1900 22 Feb 1980 LANICEK,' Gabriel ` 188T- 1959 LANICEK, Josef a Jeha dtky nar 14 Brez 1858 ve zdanic ch na Morave zem ll Srp 1914 LANICEK, Mary 1868, 1946 LERO, Lillian 10 May 1916, - - -. 'Mama' wi of Frank J. LERO m 19 Oct 1937 ZERO, Frank J. 7'May 1909 - -- ' Daddy' hus of Lillian LERO m.19 Oct 1937 ZERO, Paul A. 29 June 1940 29 June 1940 'Leon = -- 1907 - 1981 .MALY, Anna Nar., 31 .Brez 1876, Zem 21 List 1935 MALY, Frank J. 1900 - 1926 (nearby are two unmarked graves with steel crosses) MALY, Joe 1913 - 1919 MALY, Joseph 19 Oct 1867, 2 Oct 1947 MALY, Karolina 1874 - 1957 Mother' wi of ;Tom MALY MALY, Ronald 11 May 1947, 3 Nov 1948 MAZY, Tom 1870 1953 'Father' hus of Karolina MALY MALY, Walter 11 Feb 1896, 6 Mar 1978 US Army World War ,I MAREK, Frantisek nar 11 Cervence 1878 zem ll Zari 1914 v. stari 36 let 2 mesice a 0 109 v M Smetana Cemetery, White MAREK, William 11 Feb 1904, 23 Aug 1906 MARKOWSKI, Alice Mary 14 Dec 1909 - -- ' Mother' wi of Bill Albin MARKOWSKI MARKOWSKI, Bill`Albin 9 Sept 1904 16 Dec.1969 'Father' hus of Alice Mary MARKOWSKL MATOUS, Joseph nar, 24 Brezna 1866, zem 1 Ledna 1936 MATOUS, Karel nar 24 Cervna 1895 zem '6 Rijna 1918 MATOUS, Marie roku 1905 zem 15 Lisiopadu 1917 MATOUS, Terezie nar 15 Rijna 1864, 4 Breznal 1947 Mc GEE, Caroline M. 12 Feb 1905, -- wi of Robert H.McGEE McGEE, Robert H. 20 Nov 1905 31 Jan 1982 hue of Caroline M. McGEE McGOUGH,'Charles C. Sr. 20 Apr 1927, 6 Jan 1983 PFC US Army World War I2 McKINSTRY, Robert L. 20 May 1907, 11 July 1979 hus of Rose S. McKINSTRY, m 30 June 1936 McKINSTRY, Rose S. 14 May 1912, 18 June 1972 wi of Robert L. McKINSTRY, m 30 June 1936` McNERNY, Patrick 'Paddy' b Cork County, Irelands d 1912 MERKA, Anastasia 1881 - 1965 Woodmen of the World MERKA, Anna 30 Sept 1896, 26 Jan 1901 dau of Joseph & E.B. MERKA MERKA, Anna Regmund 28 Nov 1904 -- wi of Joseph Felix MERKA MERKA, Annie 1879 - 1921 wi of Anton MERKA MERKA, Anton 1879 - 1955 hue of Annie MERKA MERKA, August C. 8 Aug 1886 10 Apr 1970 hus of Frances Z. MERKA m 2 Feb-1909 MERKA, Charles 1881 1955 Woodmen of the World MERKA, Edward 13 Nov 191?/ 9 July 1971 Texas Sl.USNR WW II MERKA, Elizabeth 1877 1960 MERKA, Prances Z. lb June 1885 27 Feb 1970 wi of August C. MERKA m 2 Feb 1909 MERKA® Francis 4 Dec 1870, 8 Sept 1924 'Mother' MERKA, James 7 July 1912 19 Nov 1969 MERKA, Joe 1874 - 1932 MERKA, Joe 20 Mar 1910, 12 Jan 1972 hus of Sally E.MERKA MERKA, Joseph Felix 20 Nov 1894, 7 Aug 1982 WW I hus of Anna Regmund MERKA (Concluded in Vo1.VI,No.4) 110 Bryan City Cemetery Book 3 (Continued) Date of Sale Names Lot B Due Paid .Remarks Pa Block No. 4 &e 38 March 9/94 Mrs. Anne M.BERRYMAN`66 4 + Paid SouthEast 66 Jan 20/90 Dr.A.R.CANFIELD 67 4 Pd March 5/85 Mrs. L. FERGUSON .68 4 v< Paid SouthEast 68 Sept 9/95 H.L.-BULLOCK ; 68 4 v Paid.NorthWest 4 68 Aug 25/99 .:..G. D TUCKER - -- 14/901 68,4 Pd S W N E 68 Jany 10/85 Charles G.SCHULTZ 69 _4 Paid SouthWest 4 July 4/85 K.H. GODWIN 69 4 Paid SouthEast Jan 28/85: A.- OSWALD 69 4 ✓ Paid North Aug 2/84 J.H. WATTS 70 4 v Paid South Oct 27/84 A.A. STEWART 70 4 Paid North Feb 28/85 Henry KERNOLE 71 4 Paid p .. . 71 4 Paid May 18/85 H.X. PHILPOTT 72 4 v Paid South Aug 15/88 W.P. YAGER 72 4 Pai .North June 1/85 C.C'. ROLLO 73 4 Paid South 73 Jan 11/89 W.G. , HILL 73 4 Pd N East 4 ` 73 ". Jany 18/88 Rev.C.H.BUCHANAN 73 4 ✓ Paid N West ; ?3 Jan /89 Transfered to W.T.HILL 734 N Wst 73 June 5/88 Jame s C. LAWRENCE 74 4 v Paid South 74 Decr 18/92 Marion C.ARMSTRONG 74 4 Pd North 74 Aug 30/89 D.C. VICK 75 4 v Paid South 75 Oct lst 1901 DUNICA 75 ✓ NorthEast 76 76 July 11/92 A. PAUL - 77 4 Paid SouthEast Mar 10/97 Mrs.A.L. LINCOLN 77 4 Paid SouthWest Augst 13/88 Peter WINTER 78 4 Paid 13/88 Peter WINTER 78 4 ✓ Paid I . a Bryan City Cemetery Book 3 Date of Sale Names Lot B Due Paid Remarks Page 29 Block No. 4 Nov 3/88 Mrs.Helene KIEFER 79 4 Paid The North Nov 3/88 Mrs.Helene KIEFER 79 4 Y Paid Sold to J.N. LAWRENCE Nov 19/896. Mrch 4/85 Mrs.Francis L.HARRIS 80 4 v Paid Southwest June 13/ Mrs.Loduska TIEBOUT 80 4 Paid SouthEast June 21/87 Mr.J.N.and Mrs.A.P. MUSTACHA, 80 4 Paid North half Nov 11/85 Mrs.M.A.WELLMAN 81 4 ✓ Paid South 81 Mr.John BURGER ✓ North 81 --n 20/91 A.G. . DUNNICA 82 4 Paid North half 82 .--m 5/95 C.M. SPELL 82 4 v Pd, South half 82 Oct 4/90 Joseph ELLIS 83 4 Pd South * 83 9/97 J.F. PARKS 83 4 v Pd N W j Transfered to R.H.PRICE Oct 21 1897 -/98 Estate of S.J.CLUTE 83 N E 83 March 2 1904,Mr.Ed POCHYLD 84 4 SouthEast 84 84 85 85 June 24/91 J.N.WILSON 86 4 Paid South 86 86 Nvm 7/90 G.L.DEATON and Dr.J.T.O•BARR 87 4 1-- Paid Nvm 7/90 G.L.DEATON and Dr.J.T.O•BARR 87 4 ✓ Paid Deer 29/92 C.C.SHELBURN 88 4 v' Pd Transfered to Lila SHELBURNE Decr 29/92 C.C.SHELBURN 88 4 ✓ Pd L Dec 17/1906 East Half of lot 88 in Block No. 4 March 3/90 Roger T.BOTIZ Jr. 89 4 t- Paid North Augst 9/1901 J.B. HINgS 89 4 v Paid South Oct 18/84 W.L, BRINGHURST go 4 v Paid South Dec 2-1911 V.B. HUDSON go v Paid North July 2 1911 Go*-9/1901 May 21/94 J.Allen MYERS 90 4 ✓ Paid 112 8 1911 Howard R. CAYITT 102 102 Bryan City Cemetery.! Book 3 Feb 8 1911 Fred L. CAVITT 103” Page 40 Block No 4 103 Pace 41 Block No. 4 May 2 „1/9 J. Allen MYERS 91 4 104 Pd Mar 24/90 E.F. CARTER 92 4 ✓ Pd South's Novm 1195 T.W. GUSTAVUS 92 4 ✓ Pd N W j 92 v Paid Novm- 4/96:.. C.AXSON 92 4 Pd N E J 92 WALKER 107' Sept 17/94 Protection H ose 107 . Company N•. 1 93 4 ✓ Pd Southwest 9� 94 95 95 Jan 5/9 Mr.A.C. LINSY 96 ✓ North 96 _ 96 March 8,1908 H.H.`HARINGTON 97 '� North 97 March "Oct 10/1908 J.W*- QQLTYR 98 ' Mrs. Malcom COMES 98 ✓ North 98 99 Lewis WHITE 99 ✓ North } 99 .n C:.M. BETHANY 100 ✓ north 100 100 Feb 8 1911 Ed S. DURDEN - 101 ✓ North * 101 Feb 8 1911 Howard R. CAYITT 102 102 Feb 8 1911 Fred L. CAVITT 103” 103 Pace 41 Block No. 4 E.:' H. BAKER 104 104 Augat 9 1908 J.W. COLTER 105 ✓ Paid 105 Feb 18,1907, J.E. ` BUTLER, 106 v Paid 106 -on 2 W.J. WALKER 107' ✓ Paid 107 . 113 Bryan City Cemetery Book 3 Page 41 Block No. 4 Continued 108 Charlie TODARO l®9 ✓ South 109 April 12 1912 J.W. WITT 109 ✓ N ®rthFast Novo 24 1909 110 J.D. COME 11 ✓ Feb 8 1911 Jim ROBERTSON 111 111 April 13 1911 Mrs.Marvin BAKER 112 South A ril 13 1911 C. L. BAKER p 112 , ✓ North �} April 13 1911 J. Web HOWELL 113 ,i Doc 6 1911 Tom Be HIGGS 114 ✓ South 114 June 5 1911 J, S. MOONY 115 (Transfored South to Mrs. M. LIPSCOMB April_ 12 1912 Mr. HEWITT 115 ✓ North half Nov 25 1911 Albert HOUSEMAN 116 ✓ South 116 Page 42 Block No. 4 . R.E. A 2 1 11 Mrs. B TTE N 5. 9 11 ? South 11 118 118 I � March 9- 1912`Tomy SAICUGE 119 119 April 1/1912 Mrs. J.T. dk W.H. EVANS 120 120 Frank HARRIS ? 121 ✓ OPPERSTENY 114 Bryan City Cemetery Book 3 Page Plat No. 1 Designated on Map as place to bury 'Strangers In The Eastern Portion of Bryan City Cemetery Date Name Lot Plat Due Paid Mar .30/92, R. C. DENNIS 1 l Paid June, 6/9,3 Dr.E.J.FOUNTAIN 3 1 . Paid S sold to Dr.H.L. FOUNTAIN Deer 29/99 John T. CANWAY 5 1 Paid Jan 2 1900 Maj.W.A. BANKS '< 4 1 Paid' Feb 4/1903 WILCOX 2 1 Paid North " 28/1903 C.M. CAMP 2, i S W No other entries. There are some accounts in the back° of this book that refer to materials'and labor. 4 '1 d'c 45 4E it Book 4 of the 'Bryan City Cemetery will begin in Volume VI No. 4 Information has been received about.the ARCHER Associa tion. It has as its purpose 'to promote and to publish` research and to preserve primary and other records dealing with persons surnamed ARCHER'. If you are interested in knowing more about this group, or becoming a member, write The Archer Association 6502 El Nido Drive McLean VA 22101 The Pedigree Charts have become a very popular part of the Advertiser If.you have not submitted your chart for pub - lication, send it in soon! The originals will be in the vertical file at the Bryan Library. The first chart is from Marian GRAHAM. She 'tried out' the new form that I discussed in one of our meetings. This form traces the surname rather than the complete pedigree. I think you will find it very interesting. j m � ro c� M p •ro a o■ •o c� -T Y . ; o� S C 0 o a e "3 Er. ios O i Y C c E e ng .. 2 u -o f� m30� t c a f e 0 0 ma0 \ c . 1 O C -c ■ 1 y •a o C • 6 ! • o t Lf c nE A a ■ ° �'- E . O w : o o a L IL U 7 a c • °c 0 3 Y 'o Saa C 3'a e s ..sE e 0 E!! , • eec g cs • u i c H o W d u n ei Continued on: Page: &i: corm .Rl- e 5 dune 9 Iq Ow 8: 2.1 A la I L fQ&LD Ocameth v= v W' , Sri v CorW1 _ Md 2 W Br w , tf 1I Age .O W Md -. W To r0 �� r Age. <1 - ,1 44OU.S O Age c O e Age (✓' w P w w R•f Ref. I. C� Cl.l'ri 8 I 1$06 Oce 9 t d 0 - Md !805 .:.. Age 2l To Yb..Y� Y• V Y. Te a (1ZIhQ.�'t. 2�Wt0W o Au we. �3 Ao• ` - 0 1 Se I Aa. eg {' W w W d. � ' I _ r►e Ref Ref , Lm tLeL 4 W g A o« e ( o ou W CL w s s Md I I Stem I 3 til Age.. 10 Md -1 AQe w ' N1LL66. L w Matt To Y rL0 To OY 4 O 13 PfoJ a Age 52 O Ib N04 Age b w vt. w M Ref .R•f . 1 3 T ]. a 219 MARIC.1% I WT oce a yb3E ou S r, w LL 0 ars 6 IN 5 `ttt M ss Md as t -,I Age .26 Md b Age W W To cS, 3N' PlW SOW _ To . 5 0 Age SS AQe Ref _. Ref 0, to i 3 ® ` r5 1.0 J u, I bocC. ® y+ 0. 4 o o . W Md w b . Ape W Md :W AQe To VYt.c- To 'p W Ileb `� Ape ". 0 w A rm ILO �. Qf :Age -.Ref Ref B Oee 8 Oee w W Md . AQe Md Age W W To To O A p e - O AQe W - W ,Ref Rd 116 14we"Oft eat Name of Compiler COWGILL Ralph, ; F person No. 1 on this chart is the same Chart No. Address 333 Cireleview Dr. N person as xo: oa chart No. 18 WROTEN,' Leaven 4 a 1816 MS " (Father of No. t:, ci `Hurst'; TX 7,6,0 54 tY. Cont. on chart No. _) s tte 26 November 1984 cFather of No. ,) b.02 Feb 1847 17 COWARD, Celia Ann R. 4WROTEN, Jose h p.bPike Count MS m. 15 Jan 1874 TX (Mother of No. S. b.ca 1816 Cont. on chart N -) (Father of No. 2). b.30 Dec 1877 d, 2 3 Jan 1 905 _ d. p.bPanola Count TX y p.dVictoria,Victoria,TX1a PITMAN.Tbomas Monroe t b. Date of Birth Plac m.02 Jun 190,1 TX �� a PITMAN Mar Elizabeth • 3 0 De a m22 18 3 0 Coot e on chart 1. ) 1852' TN rn. Date of d. Date of Date of Death M arr i age d. Death fl, / � 0 e� Jul 19 5 5 � (Mother o[ NA 4) -Au d. 22 Oc {. - 19 71 p.d. Place of Death P.dGalveston,Galveston,TXb. 25 Dec 1 - i9 LEFEVERS, Martha p ,bWoodbury,Cannon,TN b • Ol Jan 1831 Coo,*o�°hartNo l . z WROTEN, Seth Woodson - d. May 1923 - d.0 Oct 1906 TX _ (Father of No, 1) b. 26 Apr 1902 p,dVictoria,Victoria,TXzo p.b.Temple , Bell, TX - b.2 7 May .1820 (F of No. lo, m.05 Nov 1922 TX 10 RIGBY' Russell Elias M. Cont. on chart No. d. 07 May 1946 y (FatherofNo.5) d.28 Feb <1888 TX p• d Beaumont, Jefferson,TX b. ca 1845 2 1 ADEN Mary tIGBY, Alfa Minnie p.bKemper `County, MS b,16 Aug . (Atgther of No, 10, 1825 Cont.onchart No.___) S m. 2 0 Nov 1860 TX d. 28 Apr 187 9 TX (Mother of Nu. 2) b. 11 Feb 1880 d. 05 Aug 1889 22 TWITCHELL, Edward p.bKeechi, Leon,_ TX p.dMills Coun TX b.14 Se 1785 (Fatherof No 11, P . d.12 Feb 1954 ll WITCHELL L dia Annie M10 Sep Cont. on chart No._�_ ) 1826 AL' p.ciouston,Harris, TX (Mo of No* 5) 6. b. 07 Apr 1843 23 AMPBELL, Sarah p,bWashington County,AL ( Mother of No. 11. WROTEN, Winnie Rhea a. 20 Feb 1923 b.ca 1808 TN Cont•o chart No. -- ) b. 31 Jan 1926 p.dFort Worth,Tarrant,TX d - p.b.Houston, Harris, TX 24 ROSENBUSCH John m . , 04 Aug 1946 TX b. (Father of No. 12, Cont. on chart No ------ ° d 12 ROSENBUSH, John M. (Father of No. 6) p•a b. 15 Oct 1834 25 HOFFMAN Dorothea m p.bBav aria Co thor °ha No:. m eROSENBUSH, Walter m.14 Jul '1 TX b. - - -� oa o: a (Father of No. 3p b.19 Oct 1876 d. 0 3 Oct 18 8 3 d. y p.i£or't Bend County, TX F Bend C T p.dort eounty,X 6 E 2 SCHNIDER, Johannes 2 y a „gym m.15 Jan - 1903 TX 13 CHNEIDER Alwna b. m. ( Father of Notl3 Co nt. on chart No. - _-- -.__.) 4�a d. 20 Mar 1955 (Mother o f No. 5) a. p.diouston, Harris, .TX b. 20 Aug, 1848 24 STRACK, Elise v 3E p•bPrussia b.14 May 1813 Cont. on chart No: ...___) 3 hea T� a (M other of No. l) d. 09 Nov 1901 p•dFort Bend County,TX d.11 Aug 1883 TX ��� b. 02 Jan 1904 28PATTISON James Tarrant Lp 9 p.b.Foster,Fort Bend,TX PATTISON, b•01 May 1810 (Fa of No. 14, �W d. 14Benjamin Franklin m 21 Jan 1888 M (j '2 1 p.d - : (Father of No. 7) .0 8_ Dec 1872 TX . Nay E _.. b. 12 May 1857 29 SMITH' Sarah c y 5 p.bj'attison,Waller,TX (Mother of No. 14, -) Wes; � PATTISON, Hallie Lee m.22 Se 1877 TX p bi 2 M �' Cont. on chart No. __ 1819 y Cher of No. 3) b. 24 . Jun 18 d. 23 Oct 1884 d18 Feb 1879 TX p.b.Pattison,Waller,TX p.dPattison, Waller, TX 30 FOSTER,Isaac Prestwood d; 08 Nov 1954 47 J an I m16 1830 (Father of ar t 15, Cont. on chart No.._ —� . dRichmond Fort Bend a , FOSTER Luc Elizabeth 7) Sep 1852 TX p. . COWGILL, Ralph Fredric (Mother of No. b.08 Aug 1856 31 EWELL, d.0 3 Jun 1896 TX Ann Eliza (Spouse of No. 1) p.b. Foster Fort B TX s b 1 4 Feb (M other of No. 15, 18 3 7 C ont. on chart No. ) y� b.19 Jan 1924 d. d. 19 Dec 1930 d04 Feb 1924 TX p•b• Susquehanna, p•d• p.d. Pattison, Waller, TX SuSQ uehanna.P® m w O -• N Y Yn n n m H I M P a m 0 0% � 6' 0 . O O O O C J_ O O_ O - .1 2 - - - -. f L, � _ - I 1 I 7� 9 F pig n n 1 a a0 aa* a a a c c - .� y t-- O n 1n m w O -• N Y Yn n n m 0 300 m P a m 0 0% � 6' 0 . O O O O C J_ O O_ O - - - - - - -. .. - L, � _ - 1 10O F F F n n 1 a a0 aa* a a a c c - e0 fn Y1 u co co co n 0 y d a CU.1: .d O CJ jj .i ul A .r e V am CO 12 N T ic ; . N v Qi d m f.• d ^� r 3 0 4 L do '4 co N •_ � Y d Of 1 Y O O' d O I m �, T N . F• 00. .G H rl N .T•N O'00 M .1 F.'..�T .1 N M V, .1 .4 N N I •� N M .°1 7 .. ..7 d O 9... N . A 7 d 7 D V. 7 ..-I aV a/1 r•, .P N N � � � 01 o I C E d L fa eo e0 - ao _ O a n .a co .� • _ }. - ..1 �•O O aq y .1 .-1 .1 N .•• C V d , l r O v...1 N.. Cf O . O O . I, 1.TV O 4 9 CI *10 Y Yyq1.OY 01 L d M L >. N 00 C Y fn h y ra tb r1 1O M 7 J6 .O N C W.1 U y ! W 6 7 Y d 6 ••/ T A C U 7t OI y O C q G 7 7 h O 1Ni 1 an 4 CI V -1 c o 7 H a/ y �N N H i - O O N n .1 - d e0 p e0 O G O O " ..1. to @ O 'O A I O t O W .4 10 .i 3 6 d a .1 V a1 a0 C C7 b O - .1 .1 R7 e+1 A. to a-1 C7 N W M aO W .f .'a4L. 5 . a C •Y' y C V d E y O .. r •� 7 y Y t .1 V O Y 1 .. C A .� Y FF Y O E L Y .. O s SI Y p H SG O F � � Ol m O L 4 �. �. , A r?, n• C W m 3Ta LO3 ro -� 3 G 3 - g m 3 3 y '4 v . 3 ^ - at H d .1 m m � � i•. al 7E 7C of is .o C v al a d 41 N N `u y c r.1 a=i "Or'um N Y � u.� - E mw >Hm 3p w F - 1 E� aj 6 N . a. >� 0 e q 0 11 F V. q .I S � .O N Y 7 H 'f .-1 1 :3 f+ . S C 11 CL 1.8 d 2 14 N O Ji .a m a° LY 7N - Y. m ',� .'-1 ao d O IC N q 1 re 7< y y . N O .1 ' O g A - a'9 m �. N q E E d P+ a d a b N " trf A� 3 E r C o N a 4 IN f A fb m W yA 0, N � 1 H S '�� � �. d. V d. .@ � e c CS f, 3 1 v »Q � mc9 6� i ,r �e� a1 - 10.70 a. � _ 1 ba i $ .Y .•1l0t H NR7 am+enA 8 v1N�� 3 g Yi E V y• y a ` yy lal D O S Zi V �_ aP�� � tsY 4 O Y O o rim. p. p O uC � • sy �y + i to n m t%. O P (L C) c- • C - u OU r ro OD a , a r, .- �-i P. X CJ P , - P Ei cd I co r• •r1 co EQ s O CJ M CO CT (=t ri Qom. 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E�1 ct0 co 01' z 0 H cd U) r _-i W ca OO a) W a) .. f� Q Zj ' - cc k Cb -H, Q d as r. _ cv3 a 0'4 U 2 , Q 2 r- � 0 r1 W W 2 ¢ ¢ 0 °_ w I ° ; ° Z I 0 e i r n a rl OIV IY. • (i (V I ~ r W 1� LL X C ° r'1 0 O i ° 4 2 a" C.) ti c a Ix A Q 2 O • Cd N 2 O CAIO I O ca E70 a i ¢ u ¢ X. N o'1' � ° lk1 (ij 2 CC '' p 0 s'• I W 2. Q 2 0 W Q W W Q t •1 .° � - W O Y V IX t W 1 a O ' .. 0 ,. 11• '"' �� '" � `V w W W 0 W d 0 0 j G i �Q ~ • tc\ v _ E- 119 w cd A O U 00 , cd O T o W bjG - w L I. U Z, W � W Z Q Z Q 0 Q 0 W W W �y���r,, ,y��.�,, r r i P O O N a 0 EIG�) R 1 i o Q G z Q Icy u N { w , 4- rya a a o NQO a U Q Z Q Z 0 Q Z Q A Q W Z W W. 0 W W Z W CC 0 W W W Q W W W 0 W Z 6. O � Q = i 0 T I Q = W _ 0 Z a w = 0 = W = W l) = W T = W 0 _ ': 0 1 = W J O 0 ] m 3 P., i • 1 � In cd ?S ' f—' El f LI\ U C) • �t N U CO o T Lam' o • � I }z o w N P. O G+ a w U) C ¢ ¢ ¢ _ �. U Z Q.. W. O W 4S Q W 0 W W 2 c w 2 w I 0 w W= 2¢ ¢ w r o w w v'iI G I W= ® 0 3 G= m 3 2 o i 0 m 3 = 3 G G v • NN w n Ei M W E-+ T � `V w W W 0 W d 0 0 j G i �Q ~ • tc\ v _ E- w cd A O U 00 , cd O T o W bjG - w Q Q I. U Z, W � W Z Q Z Q 0 Q 0 W W W � `V w W W 0 W d 0 0 j G i �Q ~ m Z 0 r a Q G. z w 0 N W u a c) N 4 --1 _ E- I I. LL �y���r,, ,y��.�,, r r P O O N r= co co c 0 EIG�) i o c O D U MhL G z Icy u N w , 4- rya o NQO U �OG ia Illl z Q U W G O I i O LAI P., i • 1 � m Z 0 r a Q G. z w 0 N W u a c) N F 120 H >c E E-+ >c H� E-1 IE �� I I I11 i �. I Io I I r. S4 t y ~ U S i A • A 9 • n1 �•� A (U R 9 r AU N Aa d y O' L O t O A U) t U L S4 nro t W A L t L L L m` L •� L W L�.. U U� I\ V r-1 V� U U C C o CC C o � C o • � L y �. R�.LL ��11 f. C a � C � C _ C 0 C 0''"1 C � rcl C � .3 C 0 �" C o � O �r44 IS ,0 � V F y -�..I .° UI. � � M O O • Q ,^ Y p Y 3 'p • V • -4 Y •° fd C ri I�I.� -f _. C P'I 1'�I — C - H r o C 04J —.E 9 �. 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(d U O Q r-I O U 11 1 co (d c c 111 N } 4 " 0l0 --1 �. ..00 to U 00 •ri .DO (1( oo M 0 -4 r-1 a% U) .� 00 or U Cl � (d 00 (d H - rq to w U (dl 0 , W 0 00 r-1 - NI -C1' 4 Cl 50 rz:,r -1 � d1 Lr) I` m U � ° 00 rl 00 00 -a' - U) ¢+M O -,-4 Or-, t oo h ' = Sri 00 r4 r-i fd W ` I �" I ri S4 4 - 4N O N I N N t 1 oN 104 r •r1 I r too O ri m (T• A r1 U) I ri q .cr' (d 1 `o I$ O' Li - 1 ri r-1 ri ri I11 1 N I I f~ N a) s 1 r I tr um I O r ri - 4 <` i 1 I rl . ' rl •r{ r cM .41 ,� 3_rl O d' rl )i 4•. 1 I4 "1 1 rl :E" fd r-1 r l0 Ul to L(1 •r1 •rl � 3 - r-I M •rl I 1~ I I �' (d 1 1•I 1 •14 N --V � - M 1 - 1 -P 1 d 1 U) I I ri > aJ) cM l� 1 I z a) M I`- Co -1 N U1 H d 3 A I rl I 1 0 00 H m a Ln U•1 Ln •rl M (� N O N _ d N N Ei d r-I N r-I • � • • a a'W ri N ri a d al ul r-1 1- 14 r - 4 - (�+ ri N V r -I I N ,c N r E d d 1�j1 s f e a ti d E ro_ a d�I r o c x11111 Qs C L� .a -_r 09 H &4 Ei a r-A > &' 0 Si a� N �4 E''_ Z E' H N 3 U - N ; .N 14 04 -i r-I fd IV ul rd ra! 1-1-1 • 00 M N U) 44 jr-I N w C U Cl Lo U - r 0 00 '00 U r-4 M cd 44 U) a) 00 W M 5 COO -4 co ri oo al x° M ri r-I CT O -1! Q., rn PQ r to '0' r-�1 • ' `r-I , 1 ri (d h u . I 4 `-,I - .Co z .I 1 z > v ri 1 N r 1 Q) r=: -4 1 O (d ri r-I 04 N Ori F: -A H N rsi -ri O •,4 ii 1. r-1 r- rl ri ( I)-X - (dNr '� r'd ri W _. I�4 - ri d 1 1 d ri; - I fd 1 E l0 -r-I O -7' a U to �D M m ri a 00 co a N r- N N M >~ N N - I .--I ri _ 1-li ri 0 N H - .. .6 a a CL a E ti d U a ti CL •n m r .r o N H - co i (n >C >C Ei _ N E 1 H ri - U) X i R r ' }.I R ri o ro H = p, T E-4 ,d ri fd %.0 3 N W 0 - o E�l rn ,. Z m ri U) to r" V' Z 0 r d 1° (d �4 : d' M N (d 9 Cl r N 00 (d N 1"+ Cl .- O -4 dl r S' W 3 N �i (b 4 - ) . ° oo • C(1 ko 3 Ol N r 1 ° Ol fd ri T Ol U) - M; •I a) f _ Z 3 ri O r-I dl r-1 ri s ri U s~ o`ri ► r-1 O' , M. rd ; � ` = U r E: c U ri E.. rn i (d M E s Ll - (d I N tr N bl •r1 (d a) (1) 4J M Q _ I ! C :2 I U (d '.d rd (", :j O f< d r CL 0 = d X. a) H r `r O -4 4 z (1) I � � � � � '•rl A �' N _ (d rl � > 4 N O 0) M 0-i m W o0 3 r1 I 00 a Pq r-I Ln ,'� M U • .E CV _ 1 ri N ,® rl ,� E N t SI >`I ri ti U r ri a E o d 6 a d d d a' e d A a o d A: - 0 7. U 4 121 o � � `1` ! •� U U Y Y V V. V V V W V V V Y V V J cc 0 0 o W a 1 ap C �O C P C P G G C G O O\ G C a. zl, ol. ZJ xJ Z•+ Z�. Z` Z �� 7. z pL / :.. z z C. � z '' Z" � ` � 94, ate' Z u ' � li �_ � w ctI. Q1 Vi "[ v 3 rq TJrq�r �. u 30 1- I r te; W r •` \ • cS S �, • G O O W z � W Z , y 1` cv Z z Z Z Li' s All �� W a fi_ V r� � s c � m \ o `o � ' ' •J ��.��I� ;n r � r LLI LL. d c o tit; �. J - I e' z s'E ti a G E� d J _ d a d a E ti- a� a d v d' - Ull zz rz F. + Y - i F , z J� z� LUz -> J r d� V4 J � n n L 11 ^ W �J za v Lij J Q - V� X41 - s ct a b .t ti a ti d i a +.� d E VJ too ` ,) Lu .�, p .' .�, 1 r` C� fir �i I ; r �/Y �. •� .. \�, Q o V a y( �a`3 =a Z a s Z ¢ 7 122 I��I I�I.I�•I i I I�.. u:: � y\ _ u Ab Y U n• V Y C V% V ® 'U V V A V 1s C C pp C 1 \ 6. 0 O O {« 0 O O O C O • 6 6 6 6 6 O O Z 0 i. O O a v v v v v v w v v . 0 v v v v 4t o v v c =G b C PC l�.�C 0 0 O O V O 0 O O O C O O O O' O 0. 6(-) jt.. ?v imz.: ��... - qz 7.: z z� z ,Z z a te. 0 0 0 o '�•.. o O O O 14 1 4m ti 1� %la h r ok Q V V R p �nqt\W mow-- �N_ z z t Ir X y •� L \ A 1 1..•♦ � ��_ d E ti a _ ci d d L4, d E 9 d c s d a e d E v a 1 c ci d o i d E e n e a v a W� p, N Q w O �' , o PJ CIO Lk tfl2t O �o o `♦tom Q •�`► �R ',r - � y �'��� � QcC � �'� v,yo yr '� �� = �^� •�� ..= r o ji Q a ti 5 a a ti Z Q r d 8 d a a , e� a d Ss a E ti d ,p -•t a d ro a p J f0 h Alt ow 0 i ms� u, y `. r C�.ek 1 }. ew W Q ♦ �-g z _ 4 ` r r w v el Z s a 4 15 o (� E+- L11 a d o d�► r d d }s c l L 123 ol qr- UA C3 06: ..ci•� of .� � � +: �. � e �� A 1 r` r � � � � o. De a oho � � - z UA r- -C IN V. tj 7,0 tz 13 Z �AFq� Q 6' zzk aA c I t* u ' c am qc' '146 tx ZZ I J ag Lu le d ZIA A 134� - 0 EM W V 4 M -j- ov ^� p � W O N .A i s.3E Q O � V � � o �� ;. r `y v►h a w �> M O �Q Y a k ,3 v v X • ?0o O.cL w� a 'tb 14r% INA, ' K V V gOpOa°�o t N o J Kv u ' oc Qh4Q 1 4 �Q 0.0 l� �'O�O•a q..aQr w'� ci —. . �rn 124 04� { Z T ar� ah el ' V • O W V 4 M -j- ov ^� p � W O N .A i s.3E Q O � V � � o �� ;. r `y v►h a w �> M O �Q Y a k ,3 v v X • ?0o O.cL w� a 'tb 14r% INA, ' K V V gOpOa°�o t N o J Kv u ' oc Qh4Q 1 4 �Q 0.0 l� �'O�O•a q..aQr w'� ci —. r 125 Polish Genealogical Society OF TEXAS, 14022 Cleobrook, Houston, Texas. 77070 I d 15 January 1985 I TO ALL INTERESTED ERE STED ORGANIZATI -ON$ THAT HAVE EXCHANGE,,MEMBERSHIP I' In the Fall of 1982<seven of Polish heritage in the Houston, Texas, area met informally to discuss problems in re- searching records of their ancestors. Semi - annual meetings were held thereafter as additional researchers were identified thru referrals and happenstance meetings. In May, 1984, a formal constitution was adopted, officers were elected and the group chose the name of Houston Polish Genealog- ical Society. Since that date, our membership now includes re.si- dents of many other Texas cities besides Houston - Franklin, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Magnolia, Navasota, F'riendswood, land Baytown Deer Park, Spring, Porter, Alta Loma, Katy, Pear Y r ska N ew York Wash in g ton, and Nebra own. The states of e , Georgetown. are also reprsented. For these reasons, as of 1985 our name was changed to the POLISH GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF TEXAS. Three news- ' u � letters have been published since we were formed with plans to pri q Y• The group has expanded to 59 members with contacts continuing'to various organizations. The aim of the society is to share infor- mation on resources and findings. A guest speaker at the Septem ber meeting talked on the best ways of tracing ships records. Dues are X5.00 yearl with exchange membership available to all organizations. Anyone interested should contact Teana Sechelski, President, 3606 Maroneal, Houston, Texas 77025; or, Joanne i , Glowski, Vice - President, 4131 Bethel, Houston, Texas 77092; or, Sandra Hunt, Secretary- Editor, 14022 Cleobrook, Houston, Texas 77070; for more information. 126 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX (Continued) JUNEK, No Daniel 20 July 1947, - -- JUNEK, Lydia Arlene 26 April 1948, --- JUNGERMAN, Thelma`Ruddle 16 Feb 1911,-23 Dec 1965 KAPCENS, Felix Narozen V 1856, Zemrel V 1891 Vstri 35 R 7 M Odpoc Ive Jupokoj KAROW, Ethel Lucille 'Cille' 6 Dec 1900, 24 May 1973 wi of Martin Gregory KAROW y KAROW, Martin Gregory 'Marty' 18 July 1904, - -- hus of Ethel Lucille KAROW KEATHLEY, Thomas L. 13 Dec 1897, 15 Sept 1970 Texas Lt Col Signal Corps World . War,,, I & II L M KELLY, Leo Horace. 17 Feb -1902 , 11 Nov ,1967 KELTON, M. Teresa 1930 - - -- wi of Wm. H. KELTON KELTON, Wm. H. 1920 - 1975 let Lt US Army WW II hus of M. Teresa KELTON KENIMER, Sonja Lynn 8 Aug 1964 20 Jan 1983 Daughter and Sister KENNARD, Charles E. 22_ Aug 18950 ; 2 Oct 1971 Texas. Bugler'132 Fld`_Arty 36 Div -WW I; KENNEDY, Harvey T. 3,June 1900, 27 July,1970 hus of Helen B. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Helen B. 27 May 1898, 10 Oct 1971 wi of Harvey T. KENNEDY KENT, Daisy. Josephine 4 Aug 1880, 22 Sept 1968 KENT, Elmer J. 1915- 1979 hus of Victoria. C KENT KENT, Victoria Co 1916 = - -- wi `of' Elmer J. KENT KEOWN,:Mary Virginia 19 Aug 1913 ---. wi of William Peyton ,KEOWN KEOWN, William Peyton. 27 Feb 1897. 18 Jan 1973 hus of Mary Virginia KEOWN KEY, Percy Clark 4 Jan 188.5 22 Feb 1966 KEYSER, George Christian, 1 April 1910, 3 Mar 1979 hus of Thelma Archer KEYSER CSK US Coast Guard WW II KEYSER Thelma Archer 1912 - 1983 wi of George Christian KEYSER KIDWELL, Robert As 18 Aug 1908, 13 April _1975 KILLOUGH, David T. 29 July 1895, - -- hus of Mabel D. KILLOUGH KILLOUGH,' Mabel D. 17 Oct 18Q6, 19 Mar 1978 wi of David T. KILLOUGGH x . 127 COLLEGE STATION CE, y , T ... Y Rrazoe C ty, -, . KILPATRICK. Esther Louise 7 Aug 1920® - -- wi of Warren James KILPATRICK KILPATRICK, Warren James 31 May 1920, -2 Dec 1 hue of Esther Louise KILPATRICK LCDR US Navy WW II KIMBRO, Alice Vivian 2? Aug 1902, 12 Aug 1980 KIMBRO, Charles Taylor 24 June 1948, 26 May 1972 KIMBRO, Rufus harry 20 Oct 1895, 25 July 1970 Texas Pfc CoE 18 Ammo Tn WW I KINCANNON, Evelyn Lemmon (no dates) wi of John A. KINCANNON KINCANNON, John A. 19 June 1913, 23 Jan 1976 WW II hue of Evelyn Lemmon KINCANNON Sgt Army Air Forces KING, Carol M. 1925 - 19 74 wi of Kenneth Re KING KING, Helen -- 19 .Clerk says 24 yrs old) -- 05. ?Jan 1932. (Co . KING, James I. 1878 1959 KING, Kenneth R. 1924 - - -- hue - of' Carol -M. KING KING, Margaret 1889 -- wi of Ruben KING KING, Ruben 1886` - hue of Margaret KING KNEELAND Ines W. 1882 - 1972 'Mother' KONECNY, Joseph H. 1 Mar 1916 14 Mar 1981 hue of Mary L. KONECNY KONECNY, Mary L. 17 Nov 19099 -- wi of Joseph H. KONECNY KRENEK, Amelia 24 May 1, 11 Apr 1944 wi of George KRENEK KRENEK, Antone 5 Dec 1898, 12 Sept 1964' _ Texas Sea US Navy, WW I KRENEK, Emma 27 Apr 1906, ,2 Feb 1981 wi of Joe KRENEK KRENEK, Geneva W. 19 Feb 1897, ll May 1981 KRENEK, George 28 July 1856, 15 July 1912 hus of Amelia KRENEK KRENEK, Joe 5 Jan 1896, '5 Sept 1974 US Navy, hus of Emma KRENEK KRENEK, Jon 26 Cevra 1819, 2 Srdna 1912 KRENEK, Lawrence 1882 - 1954 hue of Rosa KRENEK KRENEK, Patrick Thompson- no dates KRENEK, , -Rosa 1885 1969 wi of Lawrence KRENEK KRENEK, Theodore H. 21 Sept 1890 13 May 1964 KRENEK, William H. 15 Sept 1893# 9 Apr 1958 128 COLLEGE`STATION CEMETERY Brazos�County TX KULAK, George 28 Apr 1928 12 Jan 1959 KULAK, Joe'Sr. `1876 - 1961 ' KULAK, Jerome 17 Feb 1913; 10 June 19 71 Texas S Sgt Hq Co 1 N , 357, Inf WW II KULAK, Joseph M. 1&.. June .18991 9 Aug 1955 KULAK, Louise 12 May 1880 g8 Feb 1948 KULAK, Muriel 8 May 1922 - -- ` wi of, ,Jerome KULAK KULAK, Vincene 8 Dec 1905, 13 July 1906 7 mo. 5 days son of Joe and Louisa KULAK KUNKEL,`Geoffrey Kevin 19 ,July 1965 29 June 1975 KUTTLER, Abner Kenneth 15 Nov; 1890, 6 July 1969 hue of Susie' Latimer KUTTLER KUTTLER, Susie Latimer 18' July 1888 30 Apr 1982 wi of Abner Kenneth KUTTLER LAMB, Nellie July 1926, October 1971 .Maie. LaMOTTE, Charles 29 Aug 1900,,,.30 July`1980 LANCASTER, Erma DOUGLASS 29 Sept 1890,, 8 °M 1975 wi of Robert °Roy LANCASTER LANCASTER, Robert Roy 8 April, 24 J hus of Erma DOUGLASS . LANCASTER LANGFORD' Ernest 30 M 189 1,:14 Sept 1951 hue of Isla D. LANGFORD TAMU '13 School of Architecture ­27 yret Archivist - 14 yrss Mayor of College Station - 23 yrs. ` LANGFORD, Jessie Lee 25 June 1`885 # 16 Apr 1956 wi of Wm. Buchanan LANGFORD Devoted Mother Devout Christian LANGFORD. Lela D. 1893 - 1983 wi of Ernest LANGFORD LANGFORD, Wm. `Buchanan 23 Nov 1882 24 May 1957 Banker hue of Jessie ­Lee LANCFORD Telegrapher- Researcher LANGFORD, Wm. Burnard 27 Feb' 1906,. 11 'Son' on stone with Wm..Buchanan. & Je,ssie Lee LANGFORD Engineer- Soldier- Lawyer: LANDIN, George 28 Dec 1914, 9 Sept 1979 LAVERTY, Carl Dee 1906 - 1983 LAWSON, Nina Taylor 10 Feb 1883,.17 Dec 1965 LEE, Ida Mae 5 June 1902, - -= wi of Louis T. LEE LEE, Louis T. 12 Sept 1892 7 Feb 1973 hue of Ida Mae LEE LEIGHTON, Leta Fern 29 May 1913. - -- wi of Rudolph E. LEIGHTON ' h,, 1 2 9 COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY Brazos County TX e� LEIGHTON, Rudolph E. 8 July 1910, 6 M Q75 hus of Leta Fern LEIGHTON LELAND, Thomas W. 11 June 1895 7 Oct 1963 Wisconsin Pvt' Co 1 343 Inf WW I LEONARD Marth Je 6 Apr 1851, 11 Mar 1887 wi of J ames LEONARD LEONARD, Cavett about 2 mos. son of James & Martha LEONARD. LEWIS, Converse R. III 30 Nov' 1939, 26 Oct, 1967 Texan Cpl Co 'K 5 MAR I MAR Div Vietnam LEYERLE, Daniel W. 9.Nov 1908, 22 Jan 1978 hus of Veda C: LEYERLE LEYERLE,' Veda C. 12 Jan 1913, - -- wi of Daniel W.LEYERLE LILES, Myrtle COWAN 30 Mar 1885 ' 24 Mar 1975 LINDSAY, James D. 24 Aug 1899 4 Nov 1980 US Navy WW I LINDSAY, Stephen Crawford 5 Jan 1963, 11 Aug 1979 youngest child of Rose .Marie & James Irwin LINDSAY LINDSEY, Don Carlton 6 Aug 1912, 29 Apr 1980 Pvt US Army WW II LINDSEY, Grant 28 Aug 1900 2$ Aug 1955 LINDSEY, Hattie B. 16 Jan 1893, 8 May 1979 wi ° Walter G. LINDSEY LINDSEY, Walter G. 29 Sept 1889, 7 Mar 1977 hus of Hattie B. LINDSEY LINERODE, Timothy Scott 17 Jan 1978, 1 Apr 1982 Our beloved son and brother LINTON, Allen ' M.'Sr. 21 Jan 1914, - -- hue of Mary R.LINTON LINTON, Mary R. 10 Feb 1919 19 June 1979 wi of Allen M. LINTON Sr. LITTLE!, John Walthal 3 Apr 1928, 3 Aug 1970 Kentucky A3C Strat Recon WG AF Kore L ITTLE, Mary E. DAVIDSON 10 De 18 2,9 — Mar 1955 LLOYD, Irvin H. 7 Oct 1913 25 May 1969 'hue of Rebecca M. LLOYD LLOYD, Rebecca M. 31 Oct 19 17, - -- wi of Irvin H. LLOYD LONGLEY, E. U. °'DeDe' 12 Aug 1921 30 Apr 1978 wi of John B. LONGLEY LONGLEY, John B. 13 Apr 1921, 1 Aug 1978 y hus of E. U. LONGLEY LOVELESS, Effie CHUNN 1 Jan 1896 21 Nov 1979' LOVELESS, Sidney Ervin 8 Aug 1888,.3 July 1950 (Continued in Vol. VI, No. 4) 130 ADAMS 102 CANTON 103 EUBANKS 118 HOLIK 105,, '- AINSWORTH 104 CARBUCK' EVANS 113, HOLIKOVA 105 ALLEN 99 CARTER 103,112 EWELL 116 HOLLER 105 AN2 104, CARVIN 96 FERGUSON 110. HOLUBEC 1 HOMOL'A 106 1 1222,124 CASEY 99 FICKEL 1.05 - HOPE 92 ° ANDREWS 96 CASTLES 101 FIELDS '122 HOUSE 115,116 ARCHER 114 CAVITT 101,112 CHILDS 96 FISH 118 HOUSEMAN 113 ARMSTRONG 110 CHUNN 129 FISHER 101 `HOWARD 97 AWBERG�`97 .:.. CLARK 93 FOSTER 102,116 ROWEL 96 AXSON 112 CLAY 123 FOUNTAIN 114 HOWELL,98,102, BAILEY 98 CLAYTON 117 FRANKLIN 105 11 3 BAILLEY 96 ,100 CLUTE 111 FRIEDA 10 HUDEC_106 BAKER 112,113 COBB 122,123: GARUM 100 HUDEK`106 BANKS 114 COCHRAN 117 GATEWOOD 91,121 HUDSON 111 BAREKMAN 104 ' '° COCKRAM '10 GEARY 99 HUME_,9 BARNES 104 - COLLIE 93' ' 124 HUNT 125' BARSTOW 115 COLLINS 101 GILBERT 99 HURT 121 BATTE 113 COLTER 112 97 IRWIN 97 BAYS 120 COMES 112 GLAZE 97 BELL 92 ,1OQ- CONITZ 122 GLOWSKI 125 JACKSO.: 97 9? BENNETT 91,118 CONLEE GODWIN 110 JARMA,106 BERRYMAN 110 COONER 98 GOODWIN 97 JEFFRY 100 BETHANY 112 COOPER 92, GRAHAM 91, 114, JESKE 106 BLACK 104 CORNWELL 122, 115 JOHNSON"97 99, BOLTON 91,117, 102, 124. 120 COWARD 116 GREGG196, JUNEK 126 BOWLES 99 COWGILL 91,116 GREGORY 100 'JUNGERMAN 126.% BOYLE 111 CRAINE 97 GROVES 12 JONES 106,. 12v' BRANDENBURG 104 CRAWLEY 96 GUSTAVUS 112 KALINCA 106 ' BRANDESKY 105 BRESTER 99 D 129 HABARTA 105 KALINEC'106 BRINGHURST 11.1 DAVIS 101,102 HAINES 102 KAPCENS 126 16 BRITTON 120 DAYTON 98 HALLARAN.91, KAROW 2 KEATHLE 126 BROCK 103 BROPHLY 99 DEYTON 111 DENNIS 114 117 HAMPTON 104,105 KELLY 126 BROWN 91,117, DENNISON 96 HANUS 105 KELTON 126 KENDALL 104 120 BRYANT 99 DILLARD 102. DIXON 10 HARDIN 1 HARINGTON 112 KEMMER 126 BUCHANAN 110 DIXSON 104 HARRIS 105,111, KENNARD 126 KENNEDY 147, 126 BULLOCK 110 DONALDSON 104 113 KENT 12b BUNDICK 104 DOUGLAS 124 HAYDEN 117> KEOWN 126 BURGER 111 DOUGLASS 128 HEBRON 105 BURGESS 122,124 DOWNARD 101 HENDERSON 99 KERNOLE 110 BURNHAM 12 =1 DRURY 117 HENRY 122,123 KEY 126 KEYSER 126 BURNT 122 DUNICA 110 HERROD 105 KIDWELL 126 BUTLER 112 DUNNICA Ill HEWITT 113 DURDEN 112 HIGGS 113 KIEFER 111 ` CALLAHAM 96 DYAL 93 HILL 110 KILLOUGH 126 CAMP 114 HINES 111 KILPATRICK 127 CAMPBELL 116 EDMUNDS 120 HILTON 100 KIMBRO 127 CANFIELD 110 EIKURE 97 HOFFMAN 116 KIMBROUGH 96 CANWAY 114 ELLIS 111 HOLICK 105 KINCANNON 127 �`` 131 WHF.RF? Index KING 115, 127° KNEELAND 127 KNOTT 117 KNOX 103 KONECNY 127 KOPECKY 107 KORVAS 107 KOSAREK 107 KRENEK 127 KROLCZYK 107 KUBIN 107, 108 KUBNA 108 KUDER 108 KULAK 128 KUNKEL 128 KUTTLER 128 LAMB 128 LAMBDIN 96 LAMKIN 96 LaMOTTE 128 LANCASTER 128 LANDIN 128 LANE 124 LANGFORD 128 LANICEK 108 LARIMER 121. LAVERTY 128 LAWRENCE 110 LAWSON 128 LEE 104,128 LEFEVERS 116 LEIGHTON 128, 129 LELAND 129 LENORE 101 LEONARD 129 ZERO 108 LEVI 102 LEWIS 102, 129 LEYERLE 129 LILES 129 LINCOLN 110 LINDSAY 1-9 LINDSEY 129 LINERODE 129 LINSEY 117 LINSY 112 LINTON 129 LIPSCOMB 113 LITTLE 129 LLOYD 129 LOFTIN 97 LONGLEY 129 LOVELESS 129 LULLIES 100 MADDOX 92 MALY 108 MANLEY 102 MAREK 108, 109 MARKOWSKI '109 MARY 99 MASON 103 MASSE 102 MASSEY 99 MATOUS 109 MERKA 109 MIERS 120 MILLER 96, 117, 123 MITCHELL 102 MIXON 124 '4OFFATT 98 MONCRIEF 93 MOONY 113 MOORE 97, 102 MORRISON 97,98 MORTSON 91, 115, 116 MULLER 117 MURR 99 MUSTACHA 111 MYERS 104, 111, 1.12, 120 McARTHUR 104 McCAULEY 117 McCLELLAND 100 McCLOUD 118 McCORMICK 93 McCULLOCH 92, 93 McGEE 109 McKINSTRY 109. McLEOD 118 McLOUD 118 McNERNY 109 McNOLAN 102 NEWTON 115 NICHOLS 115 NIX 121 NORTON 115 O'BARR 111 ODEN 116 OGILVIE 117 OPPERSTENY 113 ORAM 98 OSWALD 110 PACE 121 PARKER 122, 123 PARKS 111 PARROTT 117 PATRICK 98 PATTERSON 98 PATTISON 116 PATTON 120 PAUL 110 PERKINS 91, 122, 123, 124 PETTILLE 97 PHILLIPS 99 PHILPOTT 110 PINSON 115, 122 PITMAN 116 POCHYLD 111 POLK 124 POWELL 101 PRATT 103 PRESLEY 104 PRICE 111 PRUITT 121 QUICK 117 QUINZERSET_101 RADEBAUGH 104 RAMSEY 97 RANDOLPH 100 REID 123 REYNOLDS 96 RIGBY 116 RITCHEY 121 ROBBINS 120 ROBERTSON 113 ROBINSON 99 ROGERS 97 ROLLO 110 ROSENBUSCH 116 ROSS 92 RUSSE 99 RUSSELL 117 SAICUGE 113 SCHNEIDER 116 SCHULTZ 110 SECHELSKI 125 SHAW 98 SHEGOG 104 SHELBURN 111 SIMONS 93 SIMS 102 SINGLETON 104 SITZ 122 SMITH 91, 969 116. 118. 119, -- SMYTHE 100.101 SNODGRASS 91,12u -- SPELL 111 SPILLER 99 STANLEY 121 STEWART 110 STONEMAN 120 STRACK 116 SWAIN 118 SWEAT 122,124 TABOR 120 TAYLOR 120 TERRY 120 THOMAS 96 THURMOND 96 TIEBOUT 111 TINSLEY 98 TODAR0.113. TOWNS 91, 117 TUCKER 99,110 TWITCHELL 116 UPRIGHT 98 VICK 110 WALCOTT 98 WALKER 1031112 WARREN 99 WASHINGTON 99 WATSON 91, 103,127 WATTS 110 WEBB 98 WELLKY 100 WELLMAN 11, WHITE 112,117 WHITED 97 WHITMIRE 118 WILCOX 114 WILLIAMS 99 120 WILSON 101, 103,111 WINTER 110 WITT 113 WOODS 97 WORD 104 WREN 103 WRIGHT 120 WROTEN 116 YAGER 110 YOUNG 121,122 124 o- v EIS 3 111 AU 1iC T 1 , co i n� 1� N 0 E + (IJ w r a Ch i cd .., .. H H U10 1�4 00 W O\ A :4 (1) O Q 1 5400 � cd U O H Z S4 N 5C '0 O ' Q J C3 W ccS �4 N W £S w - S4 - :� :� Cl- 0l r-1 c o cd O �ti pq ��vr