HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 Materials~-„ ~~ ~~~ r,~~~ "''6'st 1Gns for ~I'O~?1CS f G:L' `~°TGnt't'11~~ i'~:.~t lYl'' ~:O~TraI1sS `.axle .fart tY~e Le;~as 2vary ~.!ayed iry the Te~~l.can ;ar - ,Ta~nPS 1~r~.dferd, '~'~~T,U r~ic.tory ~ 1~ e lit . Overseas Research {Germas:y, .:cotland, Switzer?-and, Ireland,..::~_r~ ~a.rid j ,,, 3r~a` r n~ i+ ' ~ Lf . ~'~rc_i ivy: ~_-Lrrstrip L<nd Grant '''eserw.rr.,h i3,ccrds in the .t~ranch I:Jat ion~2l ~'~r~,hivea~ T~'or t '~lorth 'aexas a.r>d FIo~~7 t n Use ~l`he?~. ~" ~~otch lrisli ~li.~r<~•r~t J_on to ;°:mer ic.~r.~ ?,nd in t~erica ~PT"iaY1:JeS in i~ii;'ration Patterns ir. the ~out~aezn ~'t ales 3ust 'after the ;'vii !"tar L,oeatin; Official Uocu~ents in othez° ~~tat~s i~Rigration `_Prails and ~rerzds frog ~,~ther Gauntries t=:eland, srelarad., Pq:~and~ C~ivl '::'ar rtecord~~ ~~"la~"tOn .Lai~rc`3.r;~' esGUiGe3 and '~1elr 7.I~E' ~~',pea~c"r frG'?" ~'.Ia~CY'i Research: in Texas ;Mate :t~°~t3rary and C~enera.l Land Office -Panel frcm ~~:.rchives, Genealc~~°y "ect ion and GEn. Land ~ off ice ~zbrarz.an prom nc-~,rby .~~~rara.es _ Conroe, ''°de:~.C:o, ~.,.:~.w, fort '•,;~ortT~ r lrid~n-j our `T'exas .enior ~a.t zzens Research in '4rirginia, Tiar;yrl.and and "'3~orth Carolina T~~Pmi~ership Re<~uirements for Patriotic t"~rsar~izatio - '` aR, UDC, ~1G'i, -.Tt`a, 181.2, etc.. P•Zicrofilmn" Pami"~.y s~ecords ._ Publishir~~ Family Records tJndsrstandin~ Tun ited States Counties {counties, J-~a.rishes, etc.. Interviewing Relative: ha;~es ~:hanres and I~amin~ is.tterns Use of. P~~aps in ~Pnealo~ical research Gett ink your Family Infor~at ion in ~'exas J?~rita~*e Sez°ies l,orkin~; in I,ibr~.ries or `~.rchiles i3nited States Vital Records `~ Chuz°ch Resources Cer~et Pry ~eSParc."1 United States Death Records Research in Georgia and the Carolinas Ro4a t o Check for Passenger List s 'r,"here to 't;!rite fox Vital Stat i~t ics Information Texas. Lands Carolyn and Joe I.:~icson~ 1 Preserving, Family liistory° (Patty Caddess> TeTames and Naming Patterns -Their significance in Genealogy Genealogical Problems -Panel of Members to Answer Member Problems Success Stories in Genealogical Research ~^~'ashington on the Brazos .Museum (Smith} '~ Please study the above and add others you think. of. ~~l II ~t'L~t'LKr;R I'~~< <~Ctv'T?-ILY ~~c~I~TTi~i:: tfrs. (Jm~ir Sm~_th, 411. Crescent, F;ryar~, Tel. 8~6-5617 r',lincr Ti7ar,ce (in emer~erc<y~ Bill P~~e 8~6--5115? or 845-5741 Inf. fog microtext I, Catharine ~~ri~;~~;s - 346-x}`71 Patti Cat~dess -- X22-4783 l;Jalt er Henry - 693-198.4 ~ ~)r. T,randivt:r ~s45-3211 T21f, for secretary i ~'dith ~a,'i~ite - 8;x.6-8693 Francis ~~v~nry - 6~~;-1934 i Anne Kolle L.T_i, ~ e 1 ~ f ~ t crn6 ~~< ~, ~~ re and r n o~.ra rom gal - ~,~ ®7yc; - ?ion oral (res. r~ zalt Y,ake~ I - ~cn~eone from. i•"yap Room `~'~1r~'~.T { C1.~:-rissa Tatterton 76~-2817 ~~r.~} •????? Karen I~Telson ??? 1 Jaale s Bradford ~~ fir, l~rict or great '~ Texas St ate Librarian d Clayt on Library ,~ State i':U c u itdTs j Dr. i~'iilton T3at7C6' Betty ~?orner ,; ~,ynn kuhb;~ of Houston Post `~I SII~:~~~T CiT'~~?~3 ~, L BP.ANCH GTdEALOCICAL T IBR~RT' { iaGTJ ) LOCATIO~Z: C.-IURCI~ CF J:~SUS CHRIST OF :~ATTLR DAY" SAIr~1TS . 2 :~ 0 0 LARAh LA!v ~ , URYAI'd Tk . SOUTH ?tiEST.v;NTRA?'v'Ci TIML SC'riEDULE: TUL'SDAYS and THURSDAYS la:~c-2:o~ 7:00 -9:30 VISITS IyAY BE SCHEDULuD P.T' OTHER TI~~1ES FOR SPF~CIAL GP.OUPS . LIBRARIA~dS : GEORGENE ~i.T~;"1r~-iP.I:~S ...STAKE GENEALOGICAL LIBR. ANiv KOT.,LY.... v`~'ATIS1iCAL LIBR. JEAN RAKISITS... PATRON SEP.VICES LIBR. ASSISTANCE» ..KAY RITTI~'IAN JOP.N NiORGAN I~1R. AND I~:RS . PURVIS a-ZR. AND MRS . CULBRF.,TH JA.T~iES HUMPHRIL'S STAFF TRAIN%R...JOSLPH COTTON OUR STAr^F ARE VOLL'NTEEP. ~^]OP.r:ERS , PLEASE LET THEM KNCW YOU APPP.~CIATE,THEIR ASSISTANCE. LIBRARY AREAS : ROOM14 , ROOhI 15 , F.OOM I6 PHONE: 846-7929 PAI??,O_' REGISTEF.: PLEASE .SIGN IN AS YGU ~.'NTER OUR LIBRARY. i YOUR FIRST STEP: BRING YOUR FIRST 3 or_ 4 GENER~ITIONS ttdlT~~ YOU . WE HAVE RECORDS OF YHE DECEASED OPvLY . STATE BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS: WE CAN HELP DIP.ECT YOU TO FIND BIRTH, DEATH, 1~:.ARRIAGE AND DIVORCE RL'CORDS , FROI~1 PRESENT BACK TO ABOUT 1900 WfiE~1 THE BVS BEGAN ?REGIST'RATTONS THREE AND FOUR GENEATION FILE, LDS: FAMILY GROUP SHEETS SUMITTED MAJOR LINKAGE FILE TO FORTH GENERATIOI~1 INFORMATION DILL NOT BE FOUND IN "IGI" INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL INDEX: lI0 MILLION NAMES OF DECEASED ANCESTOR COI~iPUTOR FILE INDEX TO THE GENEALOGICE RECORDS SUBMITTED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: FGRA...FAMILY GROUP ARCHIVES TIB... TEMPLE INDEX CFI... COMPL'TOR FILE, 1969-1981 CONTROLLED EXTRACTION...VITAL RECORDS EXPLANATION OF INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL SOURCES: A... FAMILY GROUP. RECORD ARCHIVES 1 ...MAIN SECTION: 1942-1969 records submitted on graup sheets to the temple 2...PATRON SECTION: 1962-1978 3 and 4 GENERATION FILE, NOT FOUND IN "IGI" 3...OLD PATRON SECTION: Records submitted 1924-1962 Pedigree cr~arts etc. sumitted for filing only 4 ... " HATCH NUMBE~:S IN "IGI" t~JILL IDENTTFI' SOURCE. J EXPLANATION] OF INTERNATIOrIAL GENEALOGICAL INDEX SOURCES CONT: B...TIB 1...INDEX TO MEMBER TEMPLE ORDINANCES,1842-1970 2...INDEX TO APPROXIr'iRTEL1' 30 r1ILLIOr3 NA.~ES 3...ON CARDS 3x5 4...MAN1Y NAMES HERE NOT IN FGRA 5...THIS IS A RESTRICTED FILE BUT PATRONS CAN GET INFO BY SENDING A "a'EMPLE INDEX P.EQUEST FOP.M" `TO CI-tECK FOR INFORMATIOt•; NOT FOUND IN THE "IGI" . C...CFI 1...OUT OF DA`PE COr4PUTOR FILE BEGAN IN 1968 2...INFORMATION NOW FOUND IN TI-IE "IGI". D...CONTROLL~'D EXTRACTION PROGRAM 1...VITAL RECORDS, PARISH RECOF.DS(PRE~1900) BIRTH CHRISTENINGS r~~RRIAGEs ,~ c~NSUs 2...IDENTIFIED BY BATCI~ NUMBER FROM "IGI" 3 ... MAY BE O_=cDEF.ED FROM THE GENEAL OGICA?~ SOCI ~~TY BY USING '° MICROFILM REQUEST FORM" 4...P.ECGRDS OF DECEASED PERSONS ONLY E... USE THE MCC "GUIDE BOOK" HOW TO TRACE IGI" BATCH NUMBERS (HANDOUT) ACCELERATED CENSUS INDEX: 1...SEE BACK OF "EVERTON,S HANDY BOOK" ?....8 '`T'IME PERIODS (I6:t9- 1870) 3...EPJUMERATES ALL OF THE UNITED STATES, TAX LISTS VOTERS REGISTEP.ATIONS MORTALITY SCHEDULES CENSUS 4...ALPHABETICAL BY SURNAME 5...SEE GUIDE FOR FULLER EXPLANATION FAMILY REGISTER 1,.,RDGISTER YOUR FAMILY nROBLEMS IIvT RESEARCH 2...FREE INQTJIRIES ON MICRO FICHE 3 ... UPDATED F:VEP.LT 3-4 AivNZ'HS 4...U+O.RLD ti1TIDE DIS^1RIBUTION TO ALL LDS BRANCH LIBRARIF3S 5...FREE FOR_~1S TO REGISTER FROM °'BGL" PASSENGER LIST II~TDEX: 1...COMING AT LAST, A LISTING , ALPHABETICAL, OF AL,L OUR IM.IwSIGRAN'.T' ANCESTORS (IN PROCESS } GTJIDE: MICROFILMED EDIT'.~ON OF THE' CARD CATALOi~ (MCC} l...ACTUAL PICTUP.ES GF' THE CARD INDEX FILE IN "SLC" 2...FILED UNDER 3 CAT~'~GORIES SURNAMES: ROOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, ETC. SUBJ::'CT: IATDIANS, HFP.ALDRY, ROYALISTS yTC. LOCALITY: UNITED S~iATES CAI~TADIAi~ GREAT r~RITAIN SCAiIDIC1AVIAN CONTENENTAN ~aYJR.OP LA.TZN-AMERICAIQ/IBERIAIvT PEI~1IIv`SULA AFRO-ASIAN MISCELANIOUS FILE 3...THIS IS A MICROFILT~1 INDEX CURRENT TO 1981 ~....TNI,S FILE IS BEING UPDATED ON MICRO-FICHE UPDATE OF MC'_'_'.: ( IGLC -1981-82° ( GLC -1982-84) MICRO-FICHE INDEX TO THE LARD CA~'ALOG. MUST BE USED AS AN EXTENTIOZI TO THE MICRO-FILMED ,PRE 1981 MCC< 2000BOOKS: WE HAVE ORDERED , ON D-IICRO-FICHE, RESEARCF~ AIDS ~- ~- ~ L I ~ ~ I ATNER M11 MI SPUUot'~ P ~ 04fE BATCH SNFETI ~BRAUBURY1 HART E i i L'NAGHURY, W1N:Y~ S N -K N N L~AR~D tl (p~l~ ~ a01b~4~f35~ ~ nRAUUUSdY, MARV R08ERT SAUTE N M 016E81624 NECKTNGTON 1!'~RIgflONAI ~;.p9141 10452 IBRAUBERRY, MARY Y1Ll1AM K1EPE N M ORAUG1736 CIAYPOLE 02MA1j.972S1~ 9610417 ~ ~ BRAD!iURY, MAHY VALENTINE BRADDURY/ANNE F C U55EV1742 ROPSLEY 27SED1975LD 250CT19IS10 I2NOY19)Sl0 L03115Y lelA I ~ BHADHURY, MANY NIll1AM pRAUBUWY/SANAN F C 12NDY1745 NALTON NOIEGATE 23JUN1973AL 03JU11983A1 29NOY1913AL CO?PN72 0102 BRAODURYy MARY YIILIAM BWAUUURY/FANNY F 'C 22APR181U NAXEY 27APR19720G 95JUN19720G 21JI1L1972 C02900~ 44 rbkpDI;URY, MARYI-~NOPNI~BRADUUR~JAN F t 6JAN1925 GAfN3B0~k0U~N OlAUG19)20G ~18AUG1931pG 15NOY1972~~L011063: 2245 BR.AUUARY, MARY Altll FRANCdS BRAOUARY/ANH F C 23FEB1B02 LLNCOLN, ST DETER Ai GOUTS 1NFAN1 '.INFANT 14FE®1969MT) P041371 2507 BRADBURY, MARY ANN F C 21AUG1803 LINCOLN, Si -0ETER Ai 60UTS iRANC15 8RA08U11r/ANN BRADUAAY QIMAR1966LG 21JUN1966LG lIFE81969MT P017371 2530 BRA08UR~NANC1' JOHN PAUL BRADBIIRY/NANCY F B 26NAT1840 HAkEY CLEARED CLEAAEO CLEANED 90]6699 1URY SUSANN~~ONN~fIRAUBURY)SUSAN ~JRN!~~ M(rn1lYi~lt'~ L M b~•IUN1973N1 OS.111L1913NZ 05SEV1973NZ COlU33l lR9fl'. BRAUBU L /MARY BRADBUAT M C 26MAY1645 SKEILINGTNONPE -0OMAY1913Ptl 12JUL1973QY UNCLEARED C03I151 0778 ~ I BRAUbUtdr'~TNUMASS TMONAS BR OtlURY/JANE MI{ 250CP1A1S GAINSBOROUGH 04AUG19120G 09NOY19720G OH OY19720G O11U63 ..0611 i I IIVTRbDUCTIGIN given line. This is done 6y noting the batch number in tfie Fast two columns: (fV'o4 all the names in the IGl The International Genealogical Index (lGl), for- were compiled through genealogical research. The merly known as'the Cornputerfile Index or CFI, lists name may have been simply extracted as?parfof an ': names found in the computer of the Genealogical indexing project.) f~epartment of 1`he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints (Genealogical Society of Utah). It does 4. For LDS Church members, to determine the dates not include all information known about an indi- that temple ordinances were performed 'for de- vidual, but' it uniquely identifies each person and ceased. family members. Temple ordinances for gives a batch number- that can be_traced to the those arsons ma have been p y .,performed during. original input source. their lifetime or by proxyafter their death: Theyrnay have been performed at arty time from the`184f)s'to the-date printed on top of the microfiche. (The IGI is The IGI can be used for at least four purposes:. limited to names of deceased persons. The records of living LDS Church ,members ar.e kept `by the 1. To find geneaiogical,inforrnatiort. Church Membership and Statistical fecords l]eparf- merit. For information on living. t_DS Church mem- 2. To avoid duplication in research: bars, you must check with them personally. If they do no4 have the information. 4hey will need to check ~ 3. To determine if someone else is researching a with their present ward clerk.) USING THE IGI You can search the-IGI personallyat the Genealogi- caLDepartment Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, and at most LUS branch genealogical libra•ies; or you can send a completed Temple Ordirian:e Indexes Request form (stock no. PFGS-007.3) and S1:G0 for each name to the GenealogicaF Department: Re- quest forms are available frorn 4he `Lv~-:~.urch Distribution Center, 1999 -West 1700 South, 5d~. Lake City, Utah 84104 (or the distribution cent~.~ nearest you) `and from most branch libraries. The request must'include a name, date, and place (see below). To use the IGI, you need the following. information about a person: (1) name; (2) a date of an event>n the .person's life, such as birth, christening, or marriage (the date may be approximate); and (zj t!:' place of the event (at least a state In the United States, a'`county in Er-gland and the Scandinavian countries,.. and-a province in Canada' for Germany you mustknow at least the name o` the kingdom or duchy as it existed from 187;. to 1918, such as Baden, Bavaria, or Prussia)... You mey ha~~e to look under every jurisdiction to which a placd bPlohged, at any time: For example, rt of Vir info until 1863 2. Place the microfiche in the reading'machine. 3. Locate. the surname. Surnames are. sometimes: arranged according to standard spellings, so they may not appear to be in strict' alphabetical order. Entries with the same surname are arranged atphabe- tically by given Dame. 4. Search for the given name, Look under all sp?!ling -ariations. Entries wi4h the same name are arranged chronologically by event date. Forms for extracting information, in the IGt format, are available. from the Genealogical Department • tstock na. PFGS0368): Photocopiesmay be mace of individu<<17GI pages. FINDING THE ORIGINAt_ INPUT ~~iiiiCE The last two columns ofi the tGl give"a reference number that ;'ou ;.an use to find the original source. -The reference nun~~Pr is made up of the batch number and the serial/~.tivs, number. Totrac~ batch numbers, use the /Gl Batch Number Index, available on microfiche'wherever copies of the IGI are found: The. majorsources of information indexed in the IGI .West Virgirna was a pa 9 Earlier entries for that area should be found under "Virginia.'..' However, if an entry was submitted that ~~ said that the person was born in 1790 in. West. Virginia, the person's name wil'I appear in'the IGI under''West Virginia." When using the IGI, follow these steps: 1. Obtain the correct microfiche. -Names are filed under the place of the event. The microfiche are. arranged. by geographical reg - ions (such,as North America, England, Southern Europe). Within each region, names are arranged ' alphabetically by'surname: {Those for Norway. and Iceland are arranged bygiven name. For Walesand Monmouthshire, England, there are two sets of microfiche -one arranged by given name and one by surname.) The region, locality, and first. name on the micro- ticheare printed at the top of each microfiche (see example). Thus, it you were looking for a Mary Asti in Lincolnshire, England, you would look on micro- fiche C 0002.' 00001 ENGLAND LINCOLN LINCOLN AS OF DEC 1980 i 00002 ENGLAND s LINCOLN - ARNOID'SARAN AS OF DEC 1980 00003 ENGLAND LINCOLN 6ANN15TER MARY A. OF DEG 1980 are. 1. Extraction programs. Names wereextracted from original or printed sources such as vital records of births and marriages. Entries from extraction pro- grams have batch numbers that beginwith C, E, J, K, M (except M17 and M18), P, 725, T44, 745, and 754. 2. Entries submitted by LDS Church members have all-digit batch numbers with the third digit smaller than 4, such as 7108514-67. Use the IGI ;Batch Number Index to determine the correct film number, and use the sheet number to find the correct form on -the film. 3: Marriage sealing record taken from LDStemple records: Batch numbers for these entries begin with A, M17 or M18. For more details, see the' introduction to the !GI Batch Number Indexx, on =microfiche at branch genealogical libraries and at the main library. PFGS t655 rev,setl Juty 8t ELN Copyr,ght ~ 199t bylhe Corporation olthe pres~eent ut The'Church of Jesus Chnst of Loner-Coy Saints