HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter 1987d CONTENTS Page I.C. ®.P. Lodge is instituted- 3 Brazos County $1,riging Association 4 x Masonic in Brazos County 5 Presidents 13 Editorial 13 Researching the Polish Ancestor,: 14 Corrections 15 r Que "r i es 16 Free Genealogical Query Column 16. Brazos County Texas 1870 Census Peach Creek .,,Cemetery,,,,,.,., _B5 ;,, . ''""Pod toelee" ,. Charti 31 Index 37 r Volume VIll ' Number l Winter 1987 Bor-yran - College Station, Texas - rk r Y THE 13RAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box 5493 Br T 77SO OFFICERS 1986 EXCHANGE PRESIDENT ............. BELL VICE PRESIDENT ALICE STUBBS The Advertiser is available for SECRETARY ...... E I LEEN W,ELLN CK I exchange with other organiza- TREASURER ...... HARRY J.. or publishers who have LIBRARIAN ............ _. JOY BROWN pub to offer. Send EDITOR NADINE BILLINGSLEY inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan Tx. 77e05. 'STAFF� -EDITORS :� LiCITATION .-RESEARCH /INTERNATIONAL ... .. =z r t ........... . ROSEMARY BOYKIN Ube , ­_sbll-ci.t ­queries family 2 -�� HISTORY .......... ...... cl art4­;­ - c"6p 1' e s of Bible .......... . -NAOM-I M records": ir'tic­16s and stories _dON'T I NU I NG. tER I ES. ...... --With u ]3r -Va 11 el/ ties. .............. HARRY­PORTZER Fami-l)" charts shbuld be-e 1/2 x . -PRINTING CONSULTANT.".:. ...... ..................... ALICE FISHER V 11 and fl a 3 ring binder. - MEETINGS -,,EDITORIAL POLICY" Meetings are the on the third Neither" the Brazos Genealogi- Monday of each month from 7:00 cal Society or the staff of the pm to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Advertiser will be responsible Public Librarys for error of fact or opinion expresised herein._Every effor MEMBERSHIP AND DUES is made` ,to- -pub li'�h-.reliable in- f ormation. The editorial staff Memb er s6 ip is on..:, a. calE epd a r rr_-_�e.ves the right to accept r year - h asi s, January,, th4 g t� , oriate material with edit- � _,apF pmaterial , December., in Privileges on_ a. space available basis. ......... s i ng I e P iamb e r sh i p J Z 1 B. -00. .... . Fami ly .',The '6L'�mbers of the society are e n C, 4b U'r ag e d tid - tubmit:.articles QUARTERLY of interest concerning the 3 r'a,z o t 1-4. eyr . per- The Advertiser is published as taining to deeds, Bible the Spring, Summer, Fall and records, schools, churches, and - 1. 1 , -, -.-Wi hter - Issues-4- -�Eadh vo'l Lime . -o � -, 11. ­ I - orga nizations I ­&i� -- -groups oar . - Advertis I'l cor•re�ipaPd t h =e er wil ''Research on with the membership year. Free materi-31 before -the the to members during current_ mem-century we -ne _�;entury is-especially- lcot bership. Non-members $4.00 per issue. ***** 4 -k-'* GA �U razo5 Ue nealogical vcrtiser Volume VIII Number 1 Bryan- College. Station Winter- 1987 Texas LODGE INSTITUTED I 0. 0. F. Lodge Reorganized In Bryan Under Favorable Auspices Many years ago Odd Fellows had a splendid organization in Bryan, and a Large hall we built for their use, being subsequently used by nearly all the lodges-in' town, and still in-a serviceable condition. The 1. 0. F. fell into decay, however,,ancl for number of years there has been no organization here. Through the instrumentality of Mr. J. S, MOORING, we are glad to say the organization has been ,revived, or rather instituted anew..,This happy, was accomplished yesterday evening at Odd Fellows hall by Grand Master Ben S. ROGERS of Brenham, who was aided in the work by Col. J. H. FREEMAN, J. M.'SLOAN I. BOCK, Isadore HARRIS and N. V. DEADERICK, members of Navasota lodge, from which the membership of Mr. J. S. MOORING was transferred.,. The lodge was instituted with sixteen members, and the follow - ing officers were duly elected and installedt J. S. MOORING, noble grand; John B. MIKE, vice grand; C. A. ADAMS, warden; T. A. SUMMER? SUMMERLATTE? conductor; Claud HORTMAN, secretary; T. F. CASTLER, treasurer; R. M. GORDON, right supporter of noble grand; S. J. BAIN, left supporter of noble grand; R. L. YOUNG, right supporter of vice- grand; John M. LAWRENCE, left supporter of vice grand; Seth MOORING, inner guard; R. M. NALL, outer guard; A. C. CAIRNS, scene supporter. The lodge was duly named Bryan Lodge, and a number will soon be given it. Another meeting io to be held Wednesday night to complete some details of the work of organization. 4nd instruction,and it is expected that Grand Master ROGERS and Col. FREEMAN will be present on that occasion. It will be observed that there are a number of active and energetic young men .in the new organization, and we anticipate that they will speedily push to the front rank among the secret orders of Bryan. Fromt Bryan Daily Eagle, January 16, 1896 February 25, 1896 Bry an Daily Eagle,had an account of the Odd Fellows monthly meeting, presided over by Mr. T. -P. ANDERSON, district deputy grand master of the encampment. Mr. J. M. MOORING was presented 'a solid gold I. 0. 0. F. watch chain, presentation by Mayor C. A. ADAMS. N 4 BRAZOS COUNTY SINGING ASSOCIATION Two Days Meeting at Cottonwood The Brazos County Singing Association convened at Cott=wood church in were in 'attendance 1898. About si-x.tundred peop he first-day, in- creasing to one thaus6i4 the second day .:,Capt,, yas, ea.cting, �presi- dent and Mr. Albert BULLOGIT tar e y. was acting . �R -el vexe � ?,. � % HA LAN d i re a welcome address and prayer by J. We FULLER. y r. Wj. He WILEY and -,T McGEE were elected to read credentials. A list of delegates, alternates and song leaders weres' From Tabor--E. THOMPSON, T. McCALLUM, T. CONAWAY, Misses Kittle FULLER and Effie CONAWAY. From Brightlight--T. DIESS, A. We DYESS, ftiss's-Magg HOt -XND and Malinda DYESS. HENR ' He' 0. CONWAY Thompson's Creek-4. E. CONWAY, J. A. P Je' E. C. DULANEY, Misses Rena VIKADS, Eula HENRY. Adti-''CONWAY -Lillle WADSWORTH, 7 ­Maggie DeHART. Bethel--A. P.101), Be He WILEY, Misses Miie­ TODD Fannie McCLUNG. - tARRON Rock Prairie - -A. J. TABOR, G. 0. ROYDEE`, P, L.' Cottonwood--Blanche HICKMAN, Dollie ELLIOTT' Mattie ZIMMERMAN, J. 0. FULLER, C. Me TURNER, Miss Nora THOMAS, J. IC Robert OIREAR Joe THOMAS, Joe McGEE. J. 0. FULLER,. Tryon,-)Rall--Misses Emma CLOUD, T. A. CLOUD, T. A. TOBIAS, Miss Olie WILSON, L.E. EDGE. Wixon--Misses Georgia WHITE, Pearl BEARD,- E. J:_BEARD, J. BEARD, Miss Jennie FREEMAN. Reliance--C. E. WHITTINGTON, Miss Mattie BULLOCK, Sidney SMITH, Albert BULLOCK, Eugene SHEALEY, Misses Minnie MORGAN, Parelee JONES E14ge_-R. Me NASH Steep Hollow- -Will TERRY Roberson-4. E. SMITH (elected critic.) Henry Prairie--H. SMITH The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: C. E. WHITTINGTON. =esident; We He WILEY, vice-president; Albert BULLOCK, Secretary and treasurer; Joe McGEE, speaker for the next meeting. The committee on and Periodicals composed of We He WILEY, J. D. FULLER, and R. NASH reported on The Crowning Day, The Drawing Light, Church Harvest and the Call, Musical-Millions.and Musica]. Trio. C. E. BULLOCK, Jess6'HICKS and Will HOLLIGAN were appointed a committee to prepare a resolution of thanks. Re NASH, J. TABOR, We He WILEY and J. T. PARKER were ap a committee for the afternoon program. Others who ass' isted ire le the -singing were:' Henry SIKES, J. Be We SCOTT, Richard NASH, Ben WILEY-, - T. M. TU11-NER D. FULLER Reliance was selected as the - ne':kt meeting place for the association. A fine dinner was served: on"' the- ground 'each noonday. 0 MASONIC LODGES IN BRAZOS COUNTY (M441 - tha!hks . '. > Cae1 - 1_ANDI SS, our guest Editor, for the fine work' hte`` hi s .,_dr n ,in putting ''together our mini series for this quarter. H's is greatly appreciated.) Texas history and Freemasonry are c losely interwoven. Many the prop inept. a?ail :y,- political and business leaders who played a vital role in the growth and development of 're:ias and the nation were masons. %The role of early Teas masons include such names as:AUSTI,N, HOUSTON, TRAVIS, BOWIE, JONES, LAMAR and many others. The influence of the Masonic lodge locally can readily be seen in reading ,the membership rosters of the.several lodges. The records o+, Gram Lodge of Freemasonry in Texas and other states offers an another source for finding Out a little more about a ma.l a members of your family that you know to have been a mason The Grand Lodge of Texas has annual proceedings, called Returns of Lodges, for - al 1 .Te;.as lodges since 1336 -37. Information for each member is contained on a 3 x c card. The amount of information a v a i l a b l e may vary from a rather detailed record to just a listing of the persons name, year and lodge to which he belonged. In writing for information always send a SASE. While there is no charge for this service, they do maintain a Masonic Grand Lodge Library and Museum of Texas, to which a donation is appreciated. Members of Freemasonry in Brazos County a.l one w i l l number into several thousand. The fol 1 owing report on Masonic-Lodges in Bravos County lists only early or founding members of the lodge. The time of the founding, merging; or demise of a given lodge and its geographical location in the county will. be of help in trying to determine to which lodge your ancestor belonged,. Research sources: Secretary, grand Lodge of Tel as , F' .O . Box 446, Waco, TX. 76703 1854 19 4 , .CPntenn ; al Hi story of ;Brazos Un Lodge No. 1 by George, A. L'NG, 1954. History of Cedar Creek: Lodge No. 300. by E. R. LLOYD and Copies of origins l , p.et t;a ons,;,: for lodge and other related papers. (All of the references are available from the Grand Lodge) � = B8ONEVIU-E LODGE No. 55 A.F. A;M. E4"t4blished in 1848, Booneville Lodge No. 55'A4F�!&^A.MW wa\s^the first 0asonic Lodge to be established in`Brazos`Coubty: ' lodge, as the name implies, was located in theAownVfQ6onswiile which at that time was the count' seat of January of 1849, the name of the lodge wai changed to Bibl' ioer Lodges No. 55. A short time later the lodge�moVedat&awcc,MmUmity near Wheelock-and later merged with Hemphill Lodge Ndv?452.��The minutes of the/1odge dated 27 December 1848 list the^4olloWing ' officers and persons in attendance: 'Byrum WICKSON,nJohMi/h�BEALE, E. N. MILLICAN, James K. MARKEY, Albert G. PERRY, Claiborne VARNER, Harvey MITCHELL, W. F. CASE, C. C. SEALE MARKEY who had recently transferred from Orphans Friend Lodge No. 17 at Fanthorps. Later after the lodge had moved to Wheelock, som&oKth6awsame masons would be instrumental in establishing Brazos Union Lodge No. 129. Shortly after Gillespie Lodge No. 55 moved to a community near Wheelock in Robertson County, several masons with the consent and approval of the Gillespie Lodge applied for a warrant authorizing them to organize a new lodge in Booneville. Those signing the application weret Harvey MITCHELL, E. M. MILLZCAN, James M. PRICE m. C. BOYES,William REED Robert JOHNSON, James I. BOWMAN, C. C. SEALE, H, R. HENRY, John FULLERTON, Henry FULLERTON, and William LAWRENCE. The application was presented through Francis L. Barziza, Deputy Grand Master on December 7, 1852. A dispensation granting authority to form the new lodge was granted the same day. The lodge was named Brazos Union Lodge No. 129 ` The first officers of the lodge were: Harvey ` MITCHELL^ ~ ^ �~ Master` ' ^ Wilson - �-/ REED - �' e/ � ` ' Senior Warden ` E M. MIL ��� Junior Warden ' C. C. - �����n �� SEALE -� � r. Treasurer Robert JOHNSON Secretary Wm. C. BOYES Senior Deacon James M. PRICE � ~ ' Tiler ' The second meeting of the lodge was held on 25 December 1952 at ` | `^ which time George HIGGS became the first new member to be initiated into the lodge. Other early members of the lodge include: J~A.WOHNSON Hugh'R.'HENRY, A. B^ MULLINS, S. B. BEBD_`� W. M. @ECTORIAt�B,MITCHELL Sr.; W. G, BUNGER,^Charles DAVIS, `-� H.Q. STODDARB, SAUNDERS, J. L. MAYO, Sam R.-HENDERS8N,±nci' P. BUFORD,'J FOUNTAIN,. .D. C. BEMART, P. M. RAYSOR, O. B. BEALv John 'WILSONj Q; N~TATWOOD, William G. WILSON, James-I. BOWMAN, � 4 H. BOWMAN,�Wil}iam�M~ J. P. MITCHELL, S. M. HUNTER,+r� Leonard HUDSONy &'JL. GARTH, T. J. DEARING, J.'L. 'FOUNTAIN, �sr B. H. PEVERLy,sJ` %i TABOR, W. H. NALL S. B. BUCHANAN, T. J~+0AAINGoand Ti/AV�SEARCY. - The aboye'listing,oVearly members of Brazos Union Lodge No, 129 are only few:of the several hundred past members of the lodge. A recommended source for those interested in searching an ' ancestor who may have been a member of this lodge is: 1854 7,054-CENTENNIAL HISTORY of BRAZOS UNION LODGE No. 12? A.F. & A.M~,.byGeorge A. LONG. ^ MILLICAN DEPOT A.F. & A.M. No. 247 M petitioned the G On September 1859 eleven Master Masons pe on e ran d Lodge of Texas for permission to "... form a new Lodge at the Depot of Millican to be named Brazos Lodge." Those signing the petition � were: James M. PRICE, Nelson W. RECTOR, Wm. WALKER, John HOOD, _ Benja. H. PEVERLEY, E. M. ALEXANDER, Bartlett McGIGAN, R. T. CASPER, C. N. BRSIEN, Y. HOLIDAY, W. A. DALLES. On 30 November 1859, J. F. TAYLOR, Grand Master of the grand Lodge of Texas granted permissiyn for the lodge to begin work. However, the name was changed by the Grand Lodge from the requested Brazos Lodge to Millican Depot �Lodge. Later the word Depot was dropped. In ` 1964, the lodge again changed its name from Millican Lodge to Adah Zillah Lodge No. 247. - A deed dated .18 April 1862 shows that the lodge purchased Lots/" 9 and 10 in Block 49 in Millican from the Houston & Texas Central _ Railway Co. for the sum of one dollar. Names appearing on the deed representing the lodge were: William WALKER, Nelson W. RECTOR, Robert CUNNINGHAM, B. H. PEVERLY and R. T. McMICHAEL. Other names on the deed include: D. Q. ALLEN, witness; W. R. BAKER, Secy. and T. M. KOSSEErepresenting the railroad co.; Arthur EDWARDS, Notary, Brazos County. The deed was recorded Brazos County Clerk's office in Booneville on 2 May 1862 and so noted on the deed by T. J. WOOLTON, County Clerk. �^ Millican Lodge No. 247 demised, October 1883. � � CEDAR CREEK LODGE No. 300 A.F.& A.M., Early in 1866 James M ZIMMERMAN J M HOOD J p ' � M. , James M. , �_�����LLOY1: H.D. BOWMAN, W.W. BERRY, Joseph SEALE, Joshua SEALE`,-'L HUDSON, Monroe BOND, J.W. PEARBON, J.R. STEWART, Harvey Mitcchel,l� E. P. MASSEY and John HUDSON petitioned the Grand Lodgee\o-F Te'as for permission to establish a new Masonic Lodge to I'ocated, twelve miles northeast of Bryan in the Kurten communi.t\,�- Approval of the petition was recommended by Brazos Union Lodge/���4���2�. The lodge was named for Cedar Creek which ran through .' community and was well known for its good water. The first ^ meeting of the new lodge was held in the Tryan Church on June 30, 1866. -- Members of the lodge from 1866 t0 1919: ' � Ellis ALCORN T. S. ALLEN, Wm~ ALLEN A. S. ARNOLD A� M. BALL' George BALL, W. T. BARNETT, D. BARRETT, P. N. BODEFORD, H. BOWDER S. A. 8OWEN, James T. BOWMAN, T. C. BOWMAN, W. N. BRASWB-L, G. C. BRYAN, C. A. BUCHANAN, S. B. BUCHAWAN, W. H. BUCHANAN, J. M.BULLOCK, C. H. CLIFFORD, W. S. COFFIELD, M. A. COLEMAN, L. P. COLLINS, L. D~ COLLINS, J. D. CONAWAY, J. A. CONAWAY, J. P. CONAWAY, W. T. CONAWAY, J. C. CRAIG, D. M. DANSBY D. D. DAWSON, M. K. DEASON, Fred DOBRESKEY, H. D. COWDEN, R. A. EATIN, W. B. EVES, John FERGUSON, John FOLEY, J. D. FULLER, ' James GEORGE, J. P. BILPIN, E. L. GRIFFIN, J. A. HAMMOND, M. HAMMOND, J. A. HEAD, J. H. HEARN J. W. HENDERSON, J. B. HILLARD, J. P. HOLLAND, J. M. HOOD, W. S. HOOD A. HORTON, H. C. HORTON,A. P. HOUSE, A. HUDSON, H. G. HUDSON, John HUDSON, J. W. HUNTER, S. M. HUNTER, J. D. JACQBS,. Frank JONES, Henry JONES J. L. JONES, W. A. JONES, B. KACZER, W. P. KELLbGG Henry KURTEN, Jesse LANE, J. M. LEWIS, N. W. LINDSEY, Sam LIPSCOMB, D. S. LLOYD, E. R. LLOYD, J. R. LLOYD, J. H. LLOYD, J. C. LLOYD, L. L. LLOYD, D. S. LLOYD Jr., L. LOCKRIDGE, G. H. LOVE, A. S. MARTIN J. F. MARTIN, S. C. MARTIN, W. T. MASSEY, J. E. MATHIS, W. H. MATHIS, Dan McCORQUODALE, John McCORQUODALE, Rich MaDONALD, S. McGLAUGHLIN, John McMURRY, W. P. MEANS, T. A. MENIFEE, John MERIDTH, Chas. MERKA, Frank MERKA, J. J. MERKA, J. C. MICKLE, W. F. MINTS, � Harvey MITCHELL, W. H. MORGAN, D. M. MORROW, W. S. MOTT, J. H. MURDOCK, W. W, MURPHY, J. T. NASH, W. F. ODOM, R. OREAR. Josiah PARKER, L. A. PARKER, E. C. PEARSON, Isom PEEPLES, ' N. RANDOLPH, M. REGISTER, A. RUNNELS W. E. SAUNDERS, S. SCOTT, A. P. SEALE, J. A. SEALE, O. P. SEALE, T. E. SHAW, W. H. SHELBY, W. S. SHELBY, H. F. SHEPPARD J. R. SHEPPARD, JOHN SHERFIELD, U. S. SHINE, R. T. SHORT, Wm. SHULTZ, Tom SIPTACK, J. M. SOLE ` 5 ' J. W. SPARKS, J. R. STEWART W.�A1 J. TATUM Joseph TERRY T L TERRY Joseph P�t THOMAS , T. L. , Peter , ^' W. T. THURMAN, Oswel7 TWONSAK, J�l]� W. WHITE, Mark WILCOX, Wm. WILKERSON, R. H. WILSON, H. WINDSOR, John WINSOR, W. T WOOD Dan ZIMMERMAN J W ZIMMERMAN, T. ' r J. W. , ` J. F. ZIMMERMAN, Joseph M. ZIMMERMAN. M Death List of Members and dates. .Joshua SEALE 26 August 1867 John ".Hi.1DSCiV!:. 28 January 1.87G ,Joseph THOMAS .. . 23 October 1870 John McHURRY - _ 15 March 1872 N: 1 RANDOLPH 29 April t 1872 L. - LOCKRI DGE - . 23 February 1874 H ". B .i DOWDEN 27 July 1874 M. HAMMONL1` 4 January 1876 J. W..WHITE 7 January 1876 W. F'e:. M INTS' 9 December 1878 T ". C. BOWMAN ­- 17 November 1879 .Joseph TERRY 1S September 1880 J. R. STEWART 12 January 1883 S. A. BOWEN 23 March 1887 Wm. SCHULTZ 27 November 1892 S. L. SCOTT 7 August 1894 J. H. MUI DOCk:: 18 March 1895 J. F. ZIMMERMAN 25 April 1896 J. B. HILLARD 19 July 1896 A. OREAR 19 December 1896 J. A. SEALE 16 December 1899 Peter THOMAS 10 March 1900 J. P. LLOYD 1 Deacember 1900 W. K. DEASON No record of date S. C. MARTIN 24 December 1903 J. M. Z I MMERMAN 8 November 1904 M. REGISTER 1 March 1905 H. B. KURTEN 1 November 1906 W. H. SHELBY 24 November 1910 W. A. STEWART 7 May 1911 J. W. HENDERSON 5 May 1914 Source. Grand Lodge of Texas Archives, Waco, Texas. "History of Cedar Creek Lodge" by E. R. LLOYD and J. P, GILPIN, 2 September 1919. ADAM ROY DER LODGE No ., -.7-r 8 A.F. & A.M. On 18 March 1895, a dispensation was granted for the formation of a new masonic lodge in . Wel bore:., 7exas.. The charter was granted ors 4 December 1895. Orginal 1 y, *nasons l iving in Welborn could attend the Mi l l iean Lodge. However as the popLtl at ion of Mil 1 ican : , declined the lodge petitioned for permission merge with the lodge in Navasota. Adam Royder,,along with other Welborn mason petitioned for a lodge to be located in Welborn. Adam Ro•,fder died after submitting the petition and before the granting of the _ charter. The lodge was renamed Adam Royder Lodge in recognition of the work Mr. Royder had done in helping establish the lodge. ` The first officers of the lodge were: B.H. PEVERLY Master' Thomas H. ROYDER Sr. Warden G.W. DICKERSQN Jr. Warden ^ A.H. EAVES Treasurer M.B. LASKI Secretary J.E. FARGUAR Sr. Deacon J.F. EAVES Jr. Deacon B.H. WILLIAMS Tiler The report of the Adam Royder Lodge to the Grand Lodge of'Texas for the year ending 24 June 1895 lists the following roster of members: ` C. B. BECK, J. W. BECK, J. W. BLACK, R. K. CHATHAM, G. L. CRAWFORO, A. B. CARR R. B. DAWSON, R. G. DICKERSON E. J. FOUNTAIN, Geo. HEMPFLIN, J. T. JOHNSON, M. B. LASKI, J. R. MIDDLETON, Jno. McCORQUADLE, J. T, McCORQUADLE, S. J. MILLS, W. C. POOLE, W. N. PARKER, B. H. PEVERLY, B. W. PEVERLY, W G. RHODES, A. W. ROYDER, J. W. ROYDER, T. W. ROYDER, J.. SOLES, P. F. WATSON, S. W. WEATHERFORD, B. W. WILLIAMS, _ and W. G. WILLIAMS. Adam Royder Lodge No. 778 is still very active and meets in Welborn. HEMPHILL LODGE No. 452 A.F. & A.M. On 15 July 1875 Joseph D. SAYERS, Grand Master of Texas signed a petition granting permission for a group of masons to form e' new Masonic Lodge at Murphysboro, Brazos County, Texas. Charles DAVIS of Bryan was assigned to install the new lodge. The lodge to be named Hemphill Lodge N Ma were: James ' F.. MARTIN, R M DO James NASH, E. A. HUTCHINS, W. C. HEDRICK,.S-. J . LIPSCOMB, A. P. HOUSE W. B. LIPSCOMB,C. B. PORTER, James. G R. A. EATON,~ � ` J M. LEWIS, G. H. LOVE, A. C. REY ` REEDY, J. D. JACOBS, J. C. CRAIG, W. J. REYNOLDS. T. A. MENIFEE, -� W. A. RESTRIDGE, C. S. PORTER, and T. S. ALLEN. ' In 1905, the lodge moved to Wheelock, Texas and in 1929 merged with Patrick Lodge No. 359 of Wheelock. ` MILLICAN LODGE No. 818 A.F. & A.M� � (ALLEN FARM LODGE No. 818) ` , - �~r Following the demise of Millican Lodge No. 247, the nearest Masonic Lodge for those masons living in the Allen Farm and Millican communities waseither Welborn or Navasota. Therefore, early in 1898 the following masons petitioned John M. TERRELL, Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Texas for permission to form a new lodge to be located at Allen Farm, Brazos county. The petition originally requested the name Sam WILLIAMS Lodge but this was changed to Allen A dispensation to begin work was granted 8 April 1898 under the name Allen Farm Lodge No. 818. Signees of the petition were: B. H. PEVERLEY, R. W. MEREDITH, E. P. MILLER, John H.McGREGOR, Lee J. MILLS, W. A. STACEY, W.-H. WEBB, J�'M. SOLES HEMPFLING, George W. HARRINGTON, D. D. McCORQUODALE, C. L. CRAWFORD, A. B. CARR, D. S. GREEN, R. B. DAWSON, Joseph VANCE, J. F. EAVES, Jas. M. SHAW, P. R. BARRETT, and W. C. POOLE. z ,� ' - The petition carried the statement ,...proposed location being � more than ten miles from the nearest lodge." The mode of i transportation in 1898 being either by foot, horse back or buggy, ` a distance of more than ten miles meant an hour or more in travel time both to and from the meeting. The lodge met at 8 p.m. so it would be late at night before members who lived very far from the/ lodgereturned home. On 30 December 1B98, the lodge was granted a Charter and at the same time the name of the lodge was changed from Allen Farm Lodge No. 818 to Millican Lodge No. 818 and permission was granted for the lodge to move to its new building in Millican. The Charter carries the signatures of Deputy Grand Master W. K. NALL of Bryan and John WATSON, Secretary of the Grand Lodge. Millican Lodge No. 818 demised in 1915. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. l3VO AF & AM ' , Sul Ross Lodge No, 1300 AF &AM �a chartered by the Grand Lodge � of Texas, Ancie Free ^ Accepted [1asons, on 12 December 1947, ' Sri ecial�1nermission M A& . Coliege Board — irectors to the A&M campus.' It is believed that -' Lodge the first Masonic'Lodge to meet on the campus` col1'ege or A unique of feature o the new 1pdge that among �ts members were the president, all of the deans, � and almost all of the department ` heads. The lodge enrolled ,almost one hundred new members during _ the first year of its charter. , Officers Worshipful Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer - Secretary Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Senior Stewart Jun ior Stewart Chaplin Tiler Gibb GILCHRIST Joe J. WOOLKET Harry L.-E)OYER ~- ' Ira G. ADAMS W. Howard BADGETT W. Lamar FLY So} R4 WRIGHT Joseph H. SOPRELS Ralph W. STEEN Al B. NELSON Nestor M. NcGlNNIS Charter Members Of Sul Ross Lodge No. 1300 ADAMS, Ira Gillespie ALLEN, Oscar F. ALLEN, Truman AMES, Ezra Estes BADGETT W. Howard BAKER, Arch C. BARL0W, Howard Walter BINNEY, John Henry BOLTON, Frank Cleveland BOYER, Harry L. BRISON, Fred R. BROOKS, Thomas Dudley BUCHARD, C.Winfield BURGESS, Herschel E. CAIN, Robert F. CAMPBELL, Charles Boyle CLARK, Jack P. COLE, Louis B. COODY, James D. COVEY, Tom T. Jr. DULANEY, Louie P. ELKINS, Rollin L. FEA6AN, George H.. FlLYAW, Earnest C. FLY, W. Lamar GILCHRIST, Gibb GOODWlN, Charles J. GRANT, J. F. HALL, William Carey HARRlNGTON, Edward L. HEATON, H. Loyd HENSEL, Fred E. HODGE, Dexter L. JONES, Luther B. LANDlSS, Carl W. LELAND, Thomas W. LONG, Wayne E. MADLEY, Edward G.. MA6EE, Aden Combs MANNING, Walter S. MILLER, Otis Horace MILLER, Thomas L. MEYER, Hubert Otto MOORE, Calvin E. MURRAY, Harold P. McGlNNIS, Nestor M. NELSON, Al B. ODEH, J. Ray OWEN, Glynn Byron RATTAN, Thomas Edison ROGERS, Raymond L. ROWLAND, William B. ROSS, Warren Behrend SCHLAMEUS, Kermit R. SCHLESSELMAN, George W. SHAW, Edmond P. Jr. SHEPARDSON, Charles N. SMITH, Lloyd David SORRELS, Joseph H. STEEN, Ralph W. STREET, William E. SUMMER, Vance D. TURNER, William M. WARD, Thomas Dudley ` WILLIAMS, Edwin L. ' WILLIAMS, Warren Gee'' WINDER Lazarus E7me , . WOOLKET, Joe J. WRIGHT, Sol R. ZINN, Bennie A. ` Editorial `�� Editorial ''�-~` ' ��- Presidents Messag Although Genealogy"' �s not generally --�e` iied" as a , part of the (academic) -' social sciences, it�c�' orates fea- tures of '' both` and anthropology * however, slowly e being ~ recognized for our interest in preserving family history and doing it properly. Genealogy can be ~/iewed from two different perspectives. 1) Descendants which begins with a particular person.and lists, as far as possible, all of his descendants. 2) Ascendants, which starts with a person and goes back to a particular per- son or a significant period such as The Revolution. The end result is a lineage and is useful when preparing a family history. Both groups will have to find" research and interpret official government documents and corre- late them with other sources of information such as private, and religious papers, letters, diaries and newspapers. The researcher must learn to recog- nize bits and pieces of infor- mation that complements offi- cial records or gives clues as to where to look.next ,He/she must also keep .alert and not miss an important fact of the research. Every effort must be made to be accurate and 'or- ganize all factual_ information ^ ' ^- so that names and a can be � _� ' accessed Hears�ay ��d � �trad ` - -/` tions �must be stated as `such and m��st not be reported..'as a documented fact. The genealogist must be part sociologist, lawyer, geographr° historian and writer, but most of all he/she I appreciate the honor of being your president for another year. Hope this will be a year we can all be proud of. Your new officers met in exec'u- tive session on Jan. 13th, making plans for the new year. With all members working together, this will be a successful genealogical year. There is work for all--suggest material for programs' and workshops and items for the'Acl- vertiser, attend meetings and get new members. Also` send-in your Pedigree Charts and Bur- names if you have not already done so. -� It has been said that the mem- bership of every organization is made up of four types.�of bones. (1) WISH BONES, those who sit around and wish everyone else would do,aIl the work. (2) JAW BONES, do all the talking but very little of any- thing else. (3) KNUCKLE BONES' knock everything that others try to do. (4) / BACK BONES, those who do the work with little or no help. � MARY BELL - _____________________________=_ must be interested in people regardless of their status or station in life. � - - -` Family histories are ~s treasure chest to the history of ` ` people and country. Academic historian are beginning to recognize it as an important window to written folklore, NADINE BILLINGSLEY 14 RESEARCHING THE POLISH ANCESTOR In order for onne to be able to search for the Polish ancestor it is' - h ry to have -an unde rstandifig 'of the history of that country. In medieval times Poland became one of the most powerful states Ih-furope:" "In 1386 It becamal. the third largest ration in Europe when it united with Lithuania and its populationµexpan to 6pproximet6ly fifteen million. During the period of from 1577 to 1772 Poland was an electoral commonwealth, in which the king was �e by the nobility. A combination of weak elected king and a p&erful nobility weakened the r country during w hich time wars were fought with Russia, Turkey and Swede n resulting in a dimi nishin g of its borders and its population to approximately eleven million. Between 1772 and 1795, the country suffers three partitions that ultimately removed' it from the map. This resulted in more than half of the country becoming a part of Russia, and the remeinindportion dividi alcdreist equally between Austria and Prussia. TM' Duch of Warsaw was established in 1807, as a French protectorate; after Napoli took Warsaw from Prussia the year' before. The duchy only lasted six years, but left behind a legacy of progressive soc i-aY and economic reforms, including the beginning of civil regi - Ih i 815 the Congress of Vienna redistributed the partitioned territory and most of the duchy was given to Russia and was called the Kingdom of Poland or Congress Poland, with the tsar as king. Prussia received the provinces of Poznan and West Prussia, and Austria took Galici Poland proclaimed its independence in November 1918 and, at the close of WWII, ceded its eastern territories to the Soviet Union, and its western borders were moved west to the Oder and N rivers. It present der population is approximately thirty -six million. , Besse of its varied history there are numerous languages to be encountered in Polish recor The major language are Polish, Latin, German and Russian. Other significant languages include Yiddish, Ukrainian, Belorussian and Old Church Slavonic. Gaze tteers Because vital records in Poland were kept locally, it is necessary to determine the locality from which your Polish ancestor came. These localities must be properly identified since many have the some place- names, for example, there are over 150 places calf Gorki. Each one, however, can be uniquely identified by the county, district, or township jurisdiction. Because most vital records were kept by a church or synagogue, it is also important to determine the ecclesiastical jusridiction. These references should be he] pful° &w tter of the Palish W&r nictwa KeRanitwil Zw2vowl, 1967 ( For modern Poland) 11m1w of lowlitles of the Polish 011h 2 rrels Pr yrsl• nict tsi . %• mw towe /, 1934. (For early Republic of Poland, 1918 -39); 61mW aphical diets i° of toe KIIAWAw of Po/ and other .Slovic ntrisa 13 w/A Warsaw.- Svlixiarstl i Walawsti, 1860 -1942. ( For former Russian Territory); 6Wr ttmr of tip crow I ' twritwim rep rnm tee in the I� psrlsi Cowil. Yel 12, Awttmr of 61plivie. XIMA K.K. 5&&911SVAW Z &7tr8 aniss 19VZ ( Former Austrian Territory); M' 's ` ite r and sf;rwthry of the &rArm Fmpiro. Leipzig OffillW40isebw Ins et, 1 12 ' (Former German Territory). Xra*l, Otte, wri zmwfeldar, Frow, 08VtSZ* -f1-8W^Vr=Ai 9 W &t on W2VAchnis (AW guavitear) 3` vols 6erlixt• 1WtsrAw Ybr1Ajsgww1saMfl, 19.31. ( For changed place- names). All of these publications are available in the Genealogical Library of the Genealogical Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 - - NorLl*e Temple_St., Salt lake City, Utah 84150 and are _ E k on microfilm. Passenger Lists - Until 1893 few arrival `lists indicate specific -pla of origin; from; the late: 1890s on, many lists do. Lists are kept at the National Arch I ves of the :United Stag, and microfilms are available through the regional federal records enters. Many are available on microfilm at the Genealogical Library. The major ports of departure for° emigrants from the area of Poland were Brennen and Hamburg: `.. Bremen lists have not been premed. Those from Harn'burg give names of passengers, their ages, occu pations, and specific p1 of origin, � T e cdverinl Aw period of from 1850 to the present are" 15 available fr th logioa Library ( Aho AIWAwy PassoMw Lis&, 6Wm Rm R4wrs, sar. Vital Records - There are two major types: (1) church registers of christenings, marriages, and' burials maintained for ecclesiastical uses, and (2) civil registers of births, marri, and deaths,, maintained. by . state government Giv l misters often include civil transcripts (copies) of data recorded in church registers. Again, the Genealogical Library in Salt Lake City, Utah has an extensive g I collection of vital. r 'ds from throughout Poland, 'including many church registers. and many civil records: from gUthe arm -,of Poi .Yital, records :after 187O,are rarely, included in the library's collection, therefore, would itate writing to the parish or to one of the following archives: Naczelna Dyrekcia, ArchJwow Psnstw h, ul.:. Dluga 6, skr. poczt. 1005.,00-950 Warsmal Poland. or: Archiwam 0-towne Att Dawnych, ul. Dluge 7, 00 -950 War a. Poland -or. Urzed stanu ilnegoo Ornezydium Dzielnico Frei Rady NarodoweJ, Nowy Swiat 18 2AM,,0(f Warszawa- srodmiescie, Poland. military, R ecords, -Jhe ,military records of the old Kingd of ,Poland prior to the partitions includs mostly account-books and: letters of deportment with few details on individuals, other, than a few officers. "'These records are in the Main Archive of Ancient Documents (archiwum rlowne. At Dawnych, Warsaw. Military records of the. partitioning powers - Russia, Prussia, and Austria- are,of grater geneal gical value. Only t, of Austria are available, for the most part, at the War Archives., ;, (kri rchiv) in Vienna` For the most part, foundation books of Polish soldiers after 1889 have , 3'R been turned over to the Polish. Records in Vienna we being microfilmed by the Genealogical Department The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-dBy Saints. ; For additional information the booklet, R�aaodrrfs of 6bv wldgical ,Yalue for POlat�d i°idrs G, Alt J1. 1983 may be purchased from the Genealogical Department. Following are two references which may be found in the Bryce Public library, (1)A lagfml gvldo Md atlas Of Saw& Gboipflea r; , frm origiml x s by Otto K A Yore A. �Cowellis Zdgw, ; Utah.• Everim Pahl. c1976 ( GNL e � e 943.8). (2) ScHylar, /lath /o/ A- ,, P o1 PrLWiar how to lar ate vital r dLs of fa* 'qer Prow ar of Poldwd , . /�t t/dg► logical L ibrary., piled by D. M. 50"r, y 8affa/o 6r , /Il. 6ma.7 AvAl. c1982. (GNL 943.8) , I Ira .. ,c SPY.' CEN TER: c . V , Pale 1 805,' Vol µ '.. . the Irish,.­ nma.w. - -i1t_ Ancestor pg 220;; Page 24� : V�1., VIII ` 1Vo. d��t► �er,.19.,86 should read: fELG X25 =. .rt We .appreioate errors bro"ght tR o 3 �ttent a ion Thnk Y+�u ' .. bi. M • • FAUST W ould like to correspond with anyone t t on ,, family of PA, S.C., GA and ALA, especially Jesse and Moses FOOSE on 1820 Census for Washin t Mary BELL, P.O. Box 885, College Station, Texas 77841. Free Genealogical Query Col umns ..... ............................... Queries f or s t t , especially t e:s published In Pontotoc Progress t I BO 2 07 N. Main P ontoto c, The Baytown Sun ( Harris County, Texas) columnist is also vice - president of Baytown Genealogical Society. Send information to Mrs. Catherine SIMS, P.O. Box 7241, Baytown, TX 77520. For Rusk County, Texas, column appears in Henderson Dally News. Send query to'Rusk 1. County - G P , ox 15 Henderso Queries for Maine should be sent to the Editor of the column, "Your Side of the Family," published in The C 0484 For Florida, send queries to The Charlotte Sun, P.O. BOX ��90-,_ PortCharlotte, FL 33952.-- People living in • t. -t s lhe t t goo Sen genea boo f or and queries l: i "' t' ' a no ".:Pr Y': :x. spa a to Mary Margaret DAVIS, "All in Your Family," El Paso Times, PA Box 20, El Paso, TX 79999, 17 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 91 Post Office : - Bryan- 4 August 1870 Printed- X46 yL .. 0 M 0l „ { Cd a.. O M-. Cd O N N N O U C N U2 P-4 P4 as rn 720 714 SIIvIS, Cora 16 F W at School ' Ala i 21 15 SCOTT, Branch- 58 M B Farmer Va tr ",F ; . Arnett 48 F M at home ' Narz ie 16 F B Wm 13 M B IT IT IT Geo 12 M B IT IT Ellen 7 F B Tex Henry Catherine F 3 M B 2/12 F B Mar a K' s + 22 16 STEFTOE, Jim - 35 M B Fanner Va Eliza -, - 28 F B house Tex Branch 2 M B _. IT 23 17 WHEAT, Granvill 48 MW Dry Goods Merchant 3000 1000 Ky Maria 3j F W K house Texas Milton 13 M W at school Tex X Granvll 8 M W X Thomas 1/12 M W May " HALDANE, Andy 5 M W " Henry 3 M W HA= Thomas 30 M W Farmer 500 Tenn Virginia 24 F W at home Mo Horace 3 M W Tex . Jo. 1 M W „ WHEAT; Buck 12 M B Domestic- Servent ., 24 18 BECKHAM, Jorome 30 M W Farming S G Elmira 25 F W K house Ala 25 19 CRAWFORD, Chas 35 M W, F armer IT Sarah _ 18 F W K house'' Miss 26 720 . STAGNER Andy ` 45, K, t l KY , . Isabella 33 F W K house;, John 13 M W at School Tex X Kate 8, F W " " " . ,,.. X 27 21 DAVIS, Thomas 50 M W Carpenter .. Elvira 47 F W K house S C 28' 22 itCT,T " John 32 -M W - 1000 Tex , ICAN , Lucy , ... y 32 °�K h6use BI, t; Ala Sam Houston 2 M W Tex PRICE, JosUhua 12 K W at' S*C ddl . _.... „ . X .. s q 4 f l� BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No..-92: Post Office: Bryan 4 Au 1870 -- 56 M B Farmer Printed #46 A Martha 51 F B K house 11 WILLIAM, Carroll 18 M B Laborer Tex ®r 26 BROWN, Cay =° Ann ®� Va Booker 14 M B at home - -Tex Wilson. 12 M B " M U a 733 KADE, Moses 42 M B Blacksmith 728 722. McDERMOTT, Mich (?) 55 M- W Chandler= Mary __ ... .._ Ireland- " 729 723 RI CAN, Mary 40 F W Domestic Serest 10 F B at home ;' Tex Tex Henry 14 M B 11 . v - Mary 5 F1 B NELSON, John 18 M B L 1 F B La 73 724 CU=GHAM, Matt 28 M B Farmer 53 M Farmer 2000 _ All a -_ Percilla 28 F B K house Tenn Miss 23 M W Laborer Martha 8 F B Rufus 14 M W at School -- Tex 29 X Nora 4 M B Irene 7 F W '® 731 25 FISHER, James 56 M B Farmer Va Martha 51 F B K house 11 WILLIAM, Carroll 18 M B Laborer Tex 732 26 BROWN, Cay 51 M B Faxning Ann 40 F B K house Va Booker 14 M B at home - -Tex Wilson. 12 M B " !, 733 KADE, Moses 42 M B Blacksmith 300 -_ Ala Mary 35 F ? K house Va Martha 10 F B at home ;' Tex Maeda 9 F B - 11 . v - Mary 5 F1 B L 1 F B 9, 734 28 HANDY, Wash 53 M Farmer 2000 1000 Miss Palina 43 F W K House Tenn David 23 M W Laborer - Miss Rufus 14 M W at School 29 X Irene 7 F W 735 29 McMICHAEL, Wm 35 M W Dry Goods Merchant 1000 10,000 Ala - Eliza 50 F W K house Miss Ella. 7 F W Tex Harry 7/12 M W Oct 73 73 HUNTER, John 501 B Laborer 150 -- Va Anna 26 F B K house- _, = Martha 19 F B at -_kno 99 Lucy 16 F B 91 Sterling 12 M B Anthony 14 M B Fannie 3 F B - Tex HENDERSON, Oliver 27 M B Fanxr - 7 Va 737 731 IVERSON, Wash 23 M 8 Farn%g Julia 19 F B K rouse _ : Tex , 19 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census : Page" No: 93:. Post Office: Bryan 5 1870 Printed 7 C H Y �`w CH 4­3 o W o . �.. N O CJ CU CZ Cd N N {�� r-1 �4 4 �4 Cd tll UI -r-1 U 737 731= MILL ICAN,- Ann; 17 F B'Gerieral Housework Tex Amey 14: F ` B . at _ home _ It - BA=, Iavina 5 F B , Geo 3 M B " 73 732 DAVIS, Thomas 51 M W Dentist 500 Mary 56 F W K house " BRAZIE, Maud 15 F W at home Jerry 13 M W " Thomas 11 M W �� �� Tex John 9 M W . Leymom 7 M W ' 739 733 DA VIDSON, Elliott 2 W 6 M Drugg ist Pa ALLEN, Eliza 22 F W at home N.1ork DAVIDSON, Earl-line 51 F W -K house Ohio ALIEN John 2 M W Tex BLACK, Closa ( ?) 10 F W `300 ;; - 3000 it 740 734 DAVIS; Donal ` 48 M W P ,ysic an Miss - Eliza 45 F W K house " John 15 M W at 'home - ` Tex Tom 10 M W at School X Lula 7 F W �� �, �� X 741 735 YJ1 ER Jerry 30 M B Farming Va. Phllis 28 F B Washing Sylvia 2 F B Tex r . Staple 1 M B FISHER, Georgia 11 F M Va 742 736 CUNNINGHAM, Wm 45 M W Farmer 75 S Sarah :.30 F W K House `T AlaL Hester 15 F W at- Sch6o3 X Leonidas 6 M W - Tex James 4' 'M W Willie 4/12 M W „... 7 737 SHELTON, Chas 45 M B Fai Va Ann 40 F B Kee use Tenn HALL, Rosey 40 F B at home " 744 738 ROBERTSON, Nat 63 M B Carpenter - N C ' Maria 48 F B K house - Ga j EDWARDS, M n:erva 16 F B at .homer Tex 745 739 ATKINS, Emeline 26 F B works in _ N C �' MOSELY, Julia 36 F: B Wash ng Perhaps this is entered a line too high. 20. BRAZOS'County Texas 1870 Census Page No.-,. Post Office: Bryan 5 Aug 1870 Printed ,IA a) S, o r �o rl ` o Q � w p-. _ +e rn v® 7 739 AVERY, Muri 18 F.M_Washer VI 740 -COOK, Zeb 21 M M Laborer .: Prussia, GROG, Allice 12 F M at School Mary 11 F M ee vo Ark -. CULLAV, Elton 9 F B Ky Amex 7 M B TAYLOR, Chas 5 MB 746 741 HIECHE.,, August 47 M W Stone Tex Mena .8 F W K house - - 747 742 ALFORD, Henry 4o M B Farming Mary 40 F B Working field S C Betty 18 F B °° - Oscar 9 M_B 1+ ++ 48 43 ALLEN Nancy 50 F B 11 K�: WILLIAMS, Eller- - 20 T , B FFa 16 F B ... ... Frank 16 M B va ae 1000 S C Alex 7 M B Charley 21 M B Laborer Allice 2 F B 49 44 THOMPSON, Sarah 26 F B work in-field Lucinda 9 F B Joseph 13 M B at home _ Alex 10 M B _.- Frank 6 M B. 75 745- FRAZIER, Julia _..42 F B General Housework Ephraim 15 M B at home Jane- 10 F B ~ = _ Martha 8 F B _. 751 746 ALEXANDER, Henry 30 M B Waggwn :M.aker Charllott 40 F B K house _ 752 747, SALISBERY, Mary 50 F B K house, 53 48 - SHEPPERD Chas 45 M B Laborer Isabella 35 F B K House FARLEY, Jack 20 M B Laborer 54 49 - MILLICAN, Willis 54 M W Faring Louisen 53 F W K-1 house -: Betty 20 F W at h ®me" Y - try W 17 F Josephine - 14 F W Seh6ol . `- .... a) S, o r 0 rl M Cd o Cd z � w p-. _ +e ++ X '^ VI 800 100 Saxony Prussia, = Ark Fla Ark Ky e� . Tex La Tex Ala Tex S C Ala -Ma " _ "Term K�: _V ... Tex- 1000 ., 1000 S C _ Ala Tex 2 1: ,BRAZOS County . Texas 1870 Census Page No.' 95 Posh Office Bryan 6 Aug 1870 .. Printed #48 o M o 0� W r °, (1) ® =10 w .. - M U z w w aa rn 754 745- w=icAN, Ed 1 M B Domestic "` Servant . . , __ - _Textl 55 750 SMITH, wM 29 M W Saddler ,', - _. Tenn = Martha 27 F W K Yio�ise.Y: 56 51 CONNOLLY, Mary 40 F W Hotel Keeper - QOQ - `NQ - ,Ireland Chas 19 M W Farmer Ark Adda 16 F W at home _ Funk 12 M W .._School = .: �� ,.._ , X . _Peter 10 M W'' �, _ _.. ` X Maggie 8 F W " ",,, ,� X Rose 6 F W Eliza 4 F W_ Tex BRIDGEMOM, L. 26 F W'School teacher._ r 57 52'MARTIN, Patrick 34 'M W Grocery Store l00` 600 Ireland Bridget 29 F W K house'' TEGEOM, James ry" . 53 M W Clk in Groce Store KNOX, Everard 46 M W Farmer = .` S C -- 58 53- LANGLEY, J. P. 32 M W Physician Ky Kate 25 F W K house RAINS, John 35 M W Carpenter Ala Martha 24 f W K house " 59 54 JOHNSON, Henry 21 M B Taborer "'" T a Amanda 17 F B K house - S C WILLIAMS, Nancy 70 F B at`home Va 760 55 LAINBRIGHT Wm 25 M W Saddle Mak La Thomas 20 F W K House Aderlon 11/12 '1 61 ;. 56 ,- VIVAN, Francis 49 M W B- icklayer 100 - : -- Pa REYNOLDS, James 53 M W Dry Goods Merchant :. S C 62 5T McSHANE, Flora 16 F-_ K house ,;, ;: N_,C 58 " DUNLAP, John 21 M B Laborer Ellen 16 F B at home. _ e _ -.,.-,,.Tex,-, 59 REED, Eliza r„ y , 21 F B _ ... V a NETTLES, EtrBna 60 F M Isabella 13 F B ; " .. _.. .. Miss 6 3 766 - DYER, Dick 54 M B Barber ":: _ _ Va Nora. 35 F B K Iou:e Ga� Susan 10 F B at Sc oot Tex X Sarah 7 F B ".r " . .. �� X i 64 61 HARRINGTON, Jas 50 M W Farmer Ala Laouisana 35 F K,_House 22 BRAZOS County Texas: 1870 C„nsus e_. 1'ostm Office ._._.. _Bryan 6 Aug v �.. C w va 7 761 -HARRINGTON, Sallie 12 F W at School. 64 62 y MOOM;_(?);I -John 4o M w Saddles ?�QO 3 Mary 34 F W K house: Tex Tho mas 15 M W at - School= _ r : Ark X Hiram 13 M w �r rr . _ _ : %r X . -. -. John 9 M W X 7 F W rr er er X WM 4 M w Tex Lidinia 1 F W _ LgQN, Harkley 61 M B Domestic servant _ Va . 4 53 F % re _ 65 6_ SWAN, Fohatan 45 M W Dry goods. & Apocery 40O.f Boo ''Ala, M, Martha 21 F W K House - L Juanita 9/12 F W Aug W Tex - Edwin : '. 43 .P w Dry Goods � G °ocer s 5 70 . 500'-Ala .Jane 20 F W at home. FLYNN f W ; =' M w_ " 57 a q Jam. 66 64. PRICE, Morgan 36 M W Dry.Goods'& Groceries Miss Nancy 35--: - F , - , W'_ - K_ house Mary " F W-,at- Scho ®1, :. a rr X Joseph 10 M W Tex X Rich 4 M W yr Fred 2 M w rr 67 65 Benjn 46 M W Dry;Goods Groceries 600- 2000. H Maxy 44 M *W K house _... N H Isabella 12 F W at School` - N H X Harry 17 M W Clk in Dry G . House Ida 9 F W _ .._ Tex. 68 66._SEALE, Stephen - 60 M w wagon MAker _ 200..w, ®-. Md Susan 60 F W K House Ohio 69 67 Basaby 65 F,,,W_ rr s C Ellenor 26 F W at home . :' 7 , Miss Alma. 24 F W vt ve %r Joseph 22 M W Car ` vv -Susan �' ,�jl� C 0 - w - at `home 770 68 SCARBROUGHg _Ias 61 M W F n r m 2QO - 5 Eliza 53 F W K grouse ' " _ _ . __._, La CANNON, Laura. 21 F W• _ _., SEALE, Ann 16 F W Tex Y-axy 13 F W.: School :' r, X "Enumerator obviously should have wr tyten >' F," l- Enumerator seemed to have problem with numbering 2 3 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page" NO:V 97' Post Office: Bryan` 8 Aug 1870 Printed #49 O Cd O U i�l1 O r-4 4X n O N r-I vU r-1 �:s Ul cd r I Cd r $4 4 -� ' � O S" �1 .. . ;� ... ... 770 ° 768 CANNON, John 1 M W ° ` y Tex ' . David 33 M W F'arme r X00 500 <:a �; .. Mary 32 F W K-house- _ John 16 M W - Iabore k - " Clayburn 14 M W at'School " X David 6 M W Tex Rebecca 10 F W Ala Kate 4 F W z,' Ala Walter 2 M W _ Tex 71 69 NEAL, Edward 44 vM "W R R'Agt f200 - - 500 Maine Rebeccah 27 F W K House Ala ASHE, Willie 7 F: W _ ::.. -. Grange 4 M W _. Tex NEAL, Ed 1 M W _ Charlotte- . °19 F B. Housework Va 72 770,WOODLEAF, Thos 50 M W Physician 600 - 200 If Amarylis 46 F W K House S C i- - 24_ F`: W` .at home, . ,. Tex Ellen 24 F W Bohaol,Teacher John 18 M W Calk irf Dry -Store " Willie 12 M W at" School,. - " - - X 776' MYERS, Haal.lie 21 F W at home David 23 M W Farming S C 73 71 STAPP - , Sue :- : _ 23 F WiiK h6useI ;: ; . . Tex Runie 6 F W _... R,,bt 4 M W Mary ... , . . 7f 12. F W . _ :. Sep 74 72`BRIETZ, Alex 30 M W Lawyer - 10,000 1000 N C Sallie 24- F W. I house. -Tex . Pearl 1/12 F W Apl 75 73 MILLS, John 29 M W Wagon Maker Mellisa 17 F W K = House. - - " 76 _ 74.,WALKER, Martha 55 F W If If Ky LEWIS, John _ 40 M W DryyGoods Merc ant 600 1000 Va 77 75 HUTTON, Alex 46 M W Eng e - In -yaw Mill ; 600 - - l000 ; Samantha 40 F W K . .h=ouse -" _ .. _.,..... , .. Ala 79 76 HILL, Alfred 41 M W Ca rater ' -500 - , 500 _.N C Annie 32 F W K house - ° •Tenn CAMBELL, Chas -17 M W-'at.School Tex X 780 777 CALLEN, Jane 33 F W 'K:HbVse- N y:: : Enumerator seemed to have problem with numbering 13A BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 98 Post Office- Bryan 8 Aug 1870 Printed #49A 4-D C 4 qf 4-1 r-j Cz 0 M . .. . ....... 0 _X_ 0 0 > 775 CALUN hnr 11. M-, W, at SchooL 7, Ms. 81 79; BLEDSOE, Mary Keep 45 F W Kee House La W I F 'W at 6 _'X Eva 12 F X 82 WEBB URN , Martha 27 F W K house 400 3000 Ala Batt ":7 M W Jennie 1, F, W, Texx M9DONALT4 John 33 4,"Wr Dry Goods Merchant 400 -5QO Scotland PE=ON, Allice-, 8 F , Domestic Servant Tex,. 83 81 BARTON, Acey :48 M_B,Carpenter Tenn Betsey - _50 -- Y - B'K House Amanda ' F B General Housewor.k Tex Louisa '19 F at School X 82,JOHNSON, Gaston 11 M B Farming Tenn Eliza 4 F B Tex Alice ,': 1 F B BARTONj':-Acey- 12 M B at School ee 84-, Tarleton 35 M B Laborer Va ''Tempey 28 F B works'in' field Iry Tarle�ton 9 M B.at School �10 X Maria TF - B ­ ! Ark X John 4 M B Tex Attalia 1 F. B__ a5.-. DAm\Tn i ':Vjna 55 F B K house S C Ruth h 16 F B cook Tex Sylvia`. '15 F B works field Y-axyl 12 F B at School oe X WILLIAMS Bill 7 M B X 8 ' 85 ROBER Bqtt3-e 44 F _W - k House ; 3 1 M,W Bucher Ireland 8-77 86 POOL Wm 34 M W Carpenter 700 N C Susah F W K house Ala John 9 M W at School Miss X Efla F W . 4 Parmelliat'-6/12 W -St E Nov 'ex HARRINGTON, Wm home 88 87 IV=, Ben 5 qr-e r 'D� -M lab Mexico Maria 35 BK house Ark Chas .17 Dq: 3 Laborer -Bettie 15, F B at homy, Al 25 PEACH CREEK CEMETERY :-�,(From Hwy 6 southeast of Texas Intl Speedway turn left on Peach Creek Cutoff Ryad 1.6 mile east to end, then' right on FM 159. Immediately on riqlt.) Birth Diie Death Date RemarktL F 'i �ALB E C HT�` r�* n k 9 983 Aug 18-9ae� ALBRECHT, Henry ALL5�4 Ebbie E. 1922 4 Feb; 1985 T 0 'p'1976 Db4.21da"t , 9 son of Geo. w i fe -,Cl ara ------- ARNOLD. - 1946 AL LEN , o - Co , 4 TX. N— A,LLE George Leonard 25 F eb lb 79 �-� 4, - O t�., 19 5 8 - D b 1-44 ipa B. "Papa" - ALLEN Ida Lena I Ju 8 92 05 De c- 976 Dbl/Ebbie E. Dau. of Ben "Son vf - Franc'i s ; Mar i on & ' Hardt & _Mary A CURD Feb ' 11 -,07 ".Jul - r�,I 935 RT , ALLtN4 Leonard "Buck" 1911 ALLEW Nettie Beatrice 6 Jan 1920 04 Oct 1967 H of Sarah Ann PARKER. ALLEN =, N i na". B. 0 9' 14`A ug-1881 'Nbv' 1965 �`DbIVGeor�qe "Mama" AMASON, W. W. W. 6_ --J 1858 :: �2 0 De D , 1919-- AMEPSON, Ada (Mrs.) --:1,878- ­ 5 - APPL-iNG, Ida Lillian 9 Mar 18 7 63 2 3 F Feb e b4957 APPLING, Moody . _Jul 11- ., D c 1927 I --- ARNOLD, Carry i e d, yq ung. Dau o Francis Marion & ARNOLD, ARNOLD, ARNOLD, ARNOLD, ARNbLD, ARNOLD, Clarence D. 17 Dora M. (Infant) - Fannie P. I Francis M. Isaac) N(ewton) 20 ARNOLD, Kate Elizabeth ARNOLD, Luther -ARNOLD, Sarah A. PARKER BARKER., BARKER BARKER, BARKER, BARKER, BARKER, BARKER, BARKER, Annie B. Bertie 8 Billie Leon E. Pearl Etta A. Henry Clay (Infant) James A. 915 W-f-e-iaf Charles C. Dau. of George W. & Emily Martha -PR I ` .-SYMMSE 10E:' 28 Sep 1880 08.. Oct 1917 Son ,..ofFrA.rLci-s,,M. and 1st 1 e C Ya w 0 4. 5 Jan 4 df N. Dau. of J o s h u 4 - N,Anc- PARKER. FormerTy married to Wm. Cal I away BOLTON. - 4 , 968 D. Oct 1888 29 i LNov , �. 4 Aug 190,2 -t-I-01,1903 1930 -1 1947 9 May TIV -ot-t 17 Oct 04b'L 71.9 It 24 Jun 11-4 1?- -42 - OcA 1957 N L,ti: AL Chi `o James S. & Mary K 24 Jan 1896 08 May 1897 Do ra PR ICE MR11L. U . Aug 18-9ae� of c' & 1st w i fe -,Cl ara ------- ARNOLD. 1878 1946 Dbl-/?Ft-a-ncis M. Dau. of Geo V = & Emil y.� artha SYMMS ..,PRICE.., NL ',NL ad "Son vf - Franc'i s ; Mar i on & Dora, ,-PRICE ARNOLD. Feb ' 11 -,07 ".Jul - r�,I 935 1858 1940 Dbl/,Doi a M. Son of Isaac N & Sar'ah' Ann PARKER ARNOLD. Jan 1827 07'Jin"1891 H of Sarah Ann PARKER. S -n ffi-6- :George S. So n .:of Re-v & Sar:ah FREEMAN ARNOLD. 915 W-f-e-iaf Charles C. Dau. of George W. & Emily Martha -PR I ` .-SYMMSE 10E:' 28 Sep 1880 08.. Oct 1917 Son ,..ofFrA.rLci-s,,M. and 1st 1 e C Ya w 0 4. 5 Jan 4 df N. Dau. of J o s h u 4 - N,Anc- PARKER. FormerTy married to Wm. Cal I away BOLTON. - 4 , 968 D. Oct 1888 29 i LNov , �. 4 Aug 190,2 -t-I-01,1903 1930 -1 1947 9 May TIV -ot-t 17 Oct 04b'L 71.9 It 24 Jun 11-4 1?- -42 - OcA 1957 N L,ti: AL Chi `o James S. & Mary K 24 Jan 1896 08 May 1897 BARKER, James S. 5 Oct - ;t873: 24`'3u 1 1962-: Dbl/Mary' Kate. BA J e f4 D 22. &Z" Feb Fob 4*9 Db I /Anh i e BARKER, Johnnie R. 21, . Fob 1898 11.'Sop 1898 BARKER- k1bl.,a Er ie . . 2 3 0 c t 1'907 19'' - ilu I �, 191 30 Dec 1914 30 Oct 1971 Pvt CN Co 357 In+ WW II. BARKER, Mary Kate 87Mar 1877 30qgUl 1953 Dbl/James.S. BARKER, Sidney H.., %j,.; 'J,, 5,May 1888 24­`�Mar 1910 WOW. BARKER, Verna C. 131?Sop 1904 07 JOn ' 1905 BARKER, Vernon B. 21'Sep"_A_919 15 BARKER;': W a I ter 1.4 18781 1969�- BEENE ',Archie - _Lee, . NL NL BEENE Car I , 11888 06 M;ar 1973 Dbl/Dewlay. BEENE i:Carl Aqui4dr 10 Nov 1923 07 Mar. 1947 BEENE, Danny Roy 9 Oct 1946 28 Feb 1983 BEENE ay; (JORDAN?): 25 Sep 1896 NL Dbl/Carl foster -dau. '-'.of E. B. JORDAN BEENE, Roy 11 , 23 Jun 1974" Pvt U.S. Army WW I. BELL, G. A. 'Gid" 31-Jan 1907 01 Jun 1967 Son of Wm..M_and Leada L. BELL 18.Oct 1904 27 1979 BELLi1eada L 25 Dec 1882 11 Jan 1965 Dbl/William M. BELL Trudie Rhea+_ 22 Oct 1915 13 Dec 1983 Dbl/Willie Calvin. BELL, W i I I i am M. 7 Oct - _A881 24: Jan 1 Dbl/Leada Lxi BELL, 1 11 ie: Calk) i n.t 20"".Dec 12 "" Jul 1983" Dbl/Trudie Rhea; son .of- William M. Leada BOUTAIN SherylwNi.col,e 1985 1985 BRADLEY, (BAby)" 19 Nov 1923 20 Nov 1923 CARLTON, Audrey L 1930 1930 CATES, Billy C._, Sr. 1933 1985 Husb of Kathleen BELL- CHAMNESS, C. A. 1837 1922 CHENAULT, Clara A. 2Z. Feb 1866 14 1890 Wife of J. O. CHENAULT, Cordia 24 Dec 1880 06 Jul 1966 CHENAULT FAy 29.: Apr 1899 15 .Dec 1936 CHENAULT, George F. "Jack" 8."Oct 1.910 24 Oct 1980 CHENAULT, M. 3 Jun 1841 11 Oct 1916 "Mother", CHENAULT, Willie D. 5 1880'A 30 Sep 1898 CHENAULT, Willie I. "Bill"12 1902 1_ 'apr 1963 "Daddy" CHENAULT, W—M. 15 Jan 1870 � , 15:: F 1934 CLARK, Artie L. 15, Jan:; 1902: 1 Mar Pvt U.S. Army WW. III CLARK, W. A. 4 - D ec: 1864" 01 Ju 1 1-9-03. Home Camp, 370.M__i31 icAh.. X COLLINS`, 01 eada- D iane: 7 Zet 1947 07 Sep 1982 "Wife and Mother' CREED, Margaretta ORR 21 Sep: 18513: 25 C t ,1 '885: wife/J. M. CRENSHAW, Bobby 1955 1955 CRENSHAW Da i sy ( 13,-_,A0ri 1879? 2 7° May 19 CRENSHAW, Edna C. 1 -918: 1'920 CRENSHAW, Edna M,. - f 2.3' N o c 18 8& 0 �..l 3,-.. ,J - 9 1 ,,: 7 6 "Mother' CRENSHAW,'.Etsie Mar'j a :. :1:933;. '1982 CRENSHAW, George Walter 1918.. 1982 CRENSHAW, Johnne Dee 1955 1955 CRENSHAW, Lula A. 1884 1937 Dbl/Willey Pi CRENSHAW, Marshall T. 1911 1983 27 PEACH - BiPth:'_-'Date0 --, Death - Date , " Remarks CRENSHAW, Martha M. Oc t 1894'_ 11Apr-19.66 fp CRENSHAW, Mich4el 7.` Mar : -4955F:; 0 Ap r 19 5 5 Son of John CRENSHAW, Scott �49171 S, 7 , CRENSHAW, S. W. 19.:Sop" 03; JO V 1961,.'. Son of S P'i andJWah`E,g WOW; S.P.C.; W.W,:W.A­ , , - i CRENSHAW, W i I 1 1 am M.. 'c� I886"' 7 1 ­1957 CRENSHAW, Willey P. 1588"; vJ961 Dbl/Lula.A. CURD, Ada Bell ,1904 CURD, Alice A. 7,,-.J&n 23 Dec,1876L CURD, B. M. 29--Jun 1845 19 Nov 1922 Son of James­Fred Creed'& Rachel MIDDLETON GURDt,..,.'l CURD, Ezekiel eNL 19-" Mar , 1875 Age 52. Husb of M t J. WEEKS..Son of Isaiah Mary Ann. CURD, EzekieI . _Jr a NL - NL Son I of -Ez:e'k i el &-r1ar tt% f,4 Jane WEEKS CURD. CURD, J. Pi 16'- Jul : 1883' 24 Jan 1923 CURD, :Geneva Bell 21. Ot t: 1°871 ` 11 . 1 947 , CURD, George 1872- 1909 Husb of Mollie M. Son_of� Eze 1 k M ar t h a Ja n e WEEKS CURD`:` CURD, Guy Bryan 27 Nov 1910: 16, "IS6p 1961 BM2 USNR WW 14 CURD, , ov �4873 I 0� Nov' 07. 'Dec 1881�: Dau. of Ezekiel ;&I Mart l Jane WEEKS CURD. CURD, Isaac 1866 1937 Son,bf - Ezekie,l & M, ar t h a Jane WEEKS .CURD. CURD, King David 1899 1981 Son of George & Mollie M. CURD, Melissa Walker NL NL CURD,.-Moll M. 1869 1946 Wife o+ CURD, On i e Osbon 1919 1921 CURD, Richard. 1.902' : 196? - M' of George ,& M6.11 4e'. DABNER, Frank B. NL 1952- Age 60. Unmarked, gr , DAVIS, Frank W. 1906'. 1957 DAWSON, Billy L. 1 94b' :1947 DIXON, C. W. B. Sep., 1870.."" 29,11 1 945 Dbl/E. M. DIXON, Ella 1,84 -4 899 DIXON, Elsie Louise 19 Jan 1925 - 12' Dau. of L. W.. i f e, DIXON, 'E. 7 Ma :.1°875:: 751� 10' Au g; - ,1 935` Dbl/C. W. - DIXON, George R.­:', 18- Dec' 1'858!� 22, Jan,, 1,928? DIXON, Jeff NL J NL Rectang. 's.t.one I yJng dolwn DIXON, Jennie + 17' Sop 1 :879' 23 S§p�, 1941" DIXON, Lou Ella NL NL Stone ly,ing-'down DIXON, Louie Milton 1611'Aug ,1,' 23' Horseshoe—er BAT, C­50FA]`wI DIXON, Mary Ann 5:1. Jun 1906 211 —Ott 1978 DIXON, Mary Jane 34 1 4 8 3 1,6--'Sep: 1682_: Db I /Wr i gh:t DIXON, Pinkney 7 Jul 1891 151 Aug 1891 Son of - V S 8L E L DIXON, Wright 5 May 1828 10: Jun 1870 Dbl/M.Ary Jane EIMANN, Charl i e H 1899 1950 mr-1 01 -PEACH - Date_ � De# Birth h7 Remarks FANET (Baby ]v ; A�!:�2 FANET, {Babyx FORD, Jean? Henr.y­, FORD, Suw FULLER' Gert.i.e. FUL4ERi,- 'Jan'i e -Ward., - G RAY , L ou j GREER, Avery M.sl,,,,, GREER, Dave M. GREER, Dave Monroe GREER, Ida E. GREER, John GREER, Lorena E. GREER, Ronda Glynn Gwen �­GREER-4 GREER S. A. GREER, Sarah E GREER,-' Winn i e,", V HADDOCK, J. Sq HARDEN, Mary ' A1 i ce'. � Ch'arles-E., Jr.. JONES, Betty JONES, Cl aude JONES, W. R. , M. _JORDAN,, Alf red. JORDAN, Algie JORDAN, Alton JORDAN, Charley JORDAN, E. B. JORDAN, Ellen JORDAN, Flim JORDAN, Marth JORDAN, May . JORDAN ,Sarah a Jane WEEKS CURD ­ LOFTIN, Laura 0. LOFTIN, Louis A. LOFTIN, Smithie M. LOFTIN, Will W. LOVELL, Alene, McCLENEY, Dock M. NL NL 16 Apr 1904 1 .1 ;9 0 9 1900 1905 10 Aug 1915 23'. Doc 1876. 1901 25;; Jan 1955 2 Sep 1876 5., Mar , 1872, 1905, NL _NL I Dec 1845 18,,.Dec-, 18-11... 4 Nov 1914 14 Jun 1900 20 Jan 1858 10 Jan 1894 4N , J u 1 : 14 Dec 1902 5 Jan 1905 21._May 1823 192- 2 ,J u n i`8 ,6; 1916 2-2 Jan 1857 3 D ec 1853 17 Dec 1896 03 May 1954 3'1 May; 1 980 1892 8,, -btu 1 1192', 34'. May 1834 0 tin j 24",'F 4.$515, 16 Apr 1909 Zl,, 10t t 1904 122 N ov 1882 1 5 Ma 12 941, 25 Nov 1924 27' Mar 1910 17 Dec 1896 03 May 1954 3'1 May; 1 980 NL 04 Nov NL W Feb 1,280' 0 tin 8 0& Z 1 1:9 43 1961 1.1 1895 04 Aug 1981 02 -1973 14 mOc t 1947 13: �AuQ 1955 26 Oct 1956 oe De 1 90 3.; NL 02 1, 1956 02 Ju 1 2,1956. 30 Dec 1917 16 A ug 1927. 07 Feb 19,67 04 Oct 1917 17 Dec 1896 03 May 1954 3'1 May; 1 980 Handmade coqcrete r_' Handmade concrete marker Db I /Su san r7 j 14t h a wFn Dbl/Jean Henry's TEC5 US ARMY WW II Dbl/Lorena E. Husb of Maud.,,PRICE,. Spp,: Steve &-,-.S. A`­_, Dbl/Dave M.,: Dau. "Silt PRICE S1 USN WW. 11,, Dbl/Claude; Dau. of John & Maude PRICE GREERi Dbl/Betty. 2nd husb WEEKS CU Wife of 2. E. B. Dbl/Louis A. Dbl/Laura O- .,,­ Pvt Co E 12,&th Jane7_,,' n Dbl/EtLta R. of John & Maude er" of M4rthA RD-.'_ Ezek i el JORDAN:, NL 04 Nov 1970 21`­Dct 1900 1986 0& Z 1 1:9 43 1952 1.1 1895 18_ Oc t 1921 1961 14 mOc t Ue2 1915 019 NL 23.. 1973 2-- Ap r 1.953 01 May Tr 67. :9 0-'.8_' 1966 Handmade coqcrete r_' Handmade concrete marker Db I /Su san r7 j 14t h a wFn Dbl/Jean Henry's TEC5 US ARMY WW II Dbl/Lorena E. Husb of Maud.,,PRICE,. Spp,: Steve &-,-.S. A`­_, Dbl/Dave M.,: Dau. "Silt PRICE S1 USN WW. 11,, Dbl/Claude; Dau. of John & Maude PRICE GREERi Dbl/Betty. 2nd husb WEEKS CU Wife of 2. E. B. Dbl/Louis A. Dbl/Laura O- .,,­ Pvt Co E 12,&th Jane7_,,' n Dbl/EtLta R. of John & Maude er" of M4rthA RD-.'_ Ezek i el JORDAN:, PEACH"CREEK"CEMETERY 29 ii ALD kt# McCLENEY� Donald Lee" 1930 1951 F.M. AP USN USS�1Vd//Lii Y Forge CV 45 D i v E 29 Dec; 1911 NL Dbl/Dock M.1-:i" MARQUART, B 24 ­:6�� Dic 486 28 �114r � Dbl/Mary Ann "Pa MARQUART, Mary Ann NVMir 1869 14'461 1962 Dbl/B. H. Dau of Ezik,141 & Martha n WEEKS;_tURD a MASSEY. Addie STARKS' 7 apr 1914 16 May 1978 Dau of Phillip Hardy & 7 Emily ARNOLD STARKS. MAYO, Berhard Gordon 23'_Jan'191�' 0 Aug ­198 LI: Pfc USA WW-II ORR, George E. 860 1 92b'' "Uncle" PACE W. Bryan , 15:06c'1898 1 'Kir 1918 PRAKER, Clint+Preal 19 Sep 1927 01 J an J an 1929 Son of J. M. & R. D. POWERS, Curtis-M.' 28 Apr 1928 0 1 Nov 1930 POWERS, Patsy M. 15 MAy'l'�32 15 Nov 1932 PRICE, Albert 20 Sep 1880 25 Feb 1923 Dbl/Callie J. Sonrof" W & Emily Martha SYMMS' PRICE PRICE, Ben M(iddleton) 29 Jul 1886" 26-.Feb-. Hus of Cynthia B.IWILLTAMS Son of: George'W' PRICE. t Emily Martha.SYMMS PR PRICE, Callie J. 20 Dec 1893 06 Feb 1964 Dbl/Albert. PRICE, Cynthia B(una) 24 Mar 1894 12 Nov 1971 Wife of Benjamin Middleton Dau. of George & Mar. thA� ! ARNOLD= WILLIAMS. PRICE, Mrs. E. M. 4 Jul 1849,'. V Jan 1929 Wife of GeorgeW.. , Dau;:: of (Emily Martha SYMMS) Michael & Rachel MIDDLETON SYMMS. PRICE, George R. 19 Jan 1916? 12 Jun 1967 Son of Benjamin Middleton & Cynthia 8 WILLIAMS..-PRICE PRICE, George W. 1844 19'. Husb of E. M..SYMMS.' Son Many James M. ___ PRICE, James A. 22 J 18 92, 06 :Jun m 4 894, RESER, Henrietta 1875 -1 RESER, L T 1874 - 1957' RILEY, Bobby Joe: 19 Jun 1936 19 Dec 1954 RILEY, Charlie 1911 1979 RILEY, Henry 5 'Jan' '188811 0:7 Mar' 19 4D R I LEY-, Jennie Lee 1 '978 .. RILEY, Mar #ha`M. 20 Feb 1886 14 Jul 1943 Dbl/Patt'i ck W. RILEY, Patrick W. 2-1 'Jan 1886 Z tc t 1942 Dbl./Martha M. ROBERSON, Ray is" Sep-! flegs Of Dec 4979- Dbl/Roxie USA, WW I ROBERSON, Roxie 16 )ct 1904 NL Dbl/Ray. SIMS (Baby son.) 947 .11 SIMS, Bus W. V885 1'9 3:9. SIMS Roger. K. 30 Ju 1' -1 90.1 20.Zj1r-1'97'2 Dbl/Virginia M. SIMS, Virginia M. 1'5., Mar .1 NL Dbl/Roger K.. SMITH, Katherine E. 16 Jan 1916 01 Nov 1941 "Sister". SPENCER, Janet L i I es: 195 1 9 8 3 PEACH CREEK-.,CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date Remarks STARK, Daniel G(ugene) 1881 1960 STARK, Eula E. 1899 NL Dbl/Phillip H^ e Peggy 1939 1944 -�- ' � /71�1: S|HM� �h| l|jp M" 1887 1966 ' Dhl/Gula E. ,B7� STARKS, Emily A '-- / 1894 2914 1st wife of Phillip Har��''� STARKS; dau. of Charles C. �& Nate Eliz. PRICE ARNOLD. SYMMS, Andrea H. NL 17 fftr� 1V51 / SYMMS Evie L. 1878 1 inl "Mother" SYMMS, G. F. ' 8 Feb 1858 134�r 1�bg WOW Home Camp #378, Milli- - ---^---- cam, TX; .6um SYMMS, Hatt|�'e ��^ ^ 21 Sep 1856 28 MAy-'Ia9p . Wife of J. S. SYMMS. (Baby) 2�� ��3�� NL -f�­twee�n,,Ha ' J. H. S. C SYMMS, Henry 10?May 1900 25 Apr 1917 Son/J. S. �-M ,F ` r � SYMMS-i-Hen-ry L-.?--- 1973 1942 SYMMS, Ida R. Oct 1908 Nov 1988 SYMMS, James S. 5 May 1855 05 Jun 1932 WOW. SYMMS Lillian B. 0�~ 29 Jul � 1 � � 1 "Mom" "� � '`'~ ^` SYMMS, M( ical ) ��' '������'i�2�� ��"'q � 'Mason; 2nd husb of Rachel ^' .3�� / ^ MlDDLETON CURD SYMMS. SYMMS, Marshall G. 3 Nov 1892 16 Dec ` �MS- '�r-y-E. &8 Jun 1879 28 Jan 1�� SYMMS, Mary Frances 8 Sep 1927 15 Nov 1929 Bau -.of -T- �B> SYMMS, M. E. 14 Mar 1871 28 Aug 1888 SYMMS, Rachel S. 28 Jul 1824 26 Jul 1904 W|fe of 1 , 'Jam*sp.FrecECGRD 2. Midal SYMMS�� SYMMS T. C. "Bill" 30 Oct 1903 21 Jul 1967 ---~-------------- - SYMMS, W. K. Jun 1916 Jul 1916 ' . SYMNS, Rena M. ,����� 10 May 1891 09 Aug 1984 SYMNS, Sidney A. 30 Dec 1876 30 Oct 1928 Dbl/Rena M. SYMNS, Susan ,Dbl/W. K. ' SYMNS, W. K. 4 Jan 1848 7 09 Aibr 101',6 . Dbl/Susan. TRIPLET, Margaret A. ' NL 12`Apr 1��2 ----- ------ ---` --- c� '���' - WADE, Mrs. Susie C(URu�'" / 1894 1179 Dau. of Geo & MolYy CURD. ' WALKER Walter E ' - 19O8 ! 1986 ' E. WARD, George W. `��p , 1850 1942 WARD, Mary B. 1869 1945 WARB�'Wmf�er `.:n�'� �� 1893 1953 WATSON, P. A. "Boots"­"� 29 Nov 190_ 14 Mar 1964 WATSON, Viola PRICE NL NL Dau. of George W. and - Emily SYMMS PRICE. WELLMYER, (Infant) �- '--------��1`­­K­-`- »p:�' ' r Chi ld of C`/Wkm'�*����~` ' d Aug ct 195O Son of George & Man�ha WILLIAMS, ' 5 A 1886 ' �� ,c ' ' ARNOLD WILLIAMS. � 31 N4.1 is the MOTHER OF PEDIGREE CBART Lawrence Ray VERNON BORN: 5 JUN 1943 : PLACE: North Zulth Madison Co. TX.,` MARK: Jimmie Louise IIMS DATE: 23 AUG 1963 : k PLACE: B.Thomas M. WILL %A1iSON °44 _ -_ DIED: _. �zha cY . 1 BORN: AST . 1829 PLACE. u f '° I x ' 1 PLACE. 1 MARK: - -23 :`4 5ilford Garrison WILLIANSON °46 ----------- 1 PLACE: BART :: 81 AR is 1 DIED: ABT „ 1$04 1 PLACE: TX. PLACE: TX. 1 MARK: 7E4_ 1 PLACE: 9 Mary Ann ASHER-45 ------------------- 1 DIED: 29 MAY 1942 BORN: ABT 1840 1 PLACE: TX. PLACE: 2 Thomas Hayes WILLIAMSON- 48 - - = - -- --- - -1 DIED: ABT I881 1 BORN: 16 JAN 1888 1 PLACE: TX. 1 PLACE6 Madi °son Co'.,TX. _ MARK: 27 JUN 1917 - °25 1 1 PLACE; 1 1 BORN: 1 DIED: 19 OCT 1967 ; PLACE: 1 PLACE: Bryan,Brazos Co.,TX., 1 1 MARR: 5 Mary Roseline CHENHW47 -------- .. -- - - - - -1 PLACE: 1 BORN: JAN 1658 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: 1 PLACE: DIED: 9 PLACE: 41 --- --- - - - - - -- - - - -j_ 1 Vera Mae WILLIAIM1SON�29 - - - -- - - - - - ----- - -- .> BORN: i BORN: 22 JUN 1919 PLACE: 1 'PLACE Madison Co JX. DIED: 1 MARR: 15 AUG 1935 - -15 PLACE: 1 PLACE: w , x 1 DIED: `12 -------------------------- 1 PLACE: 1 BORN: 1James Edgar VERNON- - -- - -m - -- - - - ® - -- 1 PLACE: Spouse .:, MARR: 6 Lafayefte'BICE-50-- _-- -°- -° - _- 1 PLACE: 1 BORN: FEB 1 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: 8a. 1 PLACE: 1 1 MARR- 1 PLACE 13 -- °--- - - - - -- - -- - - -= - -- - 1 1 DIED.: BORN:. 1 1 PLACE: PLACE; 3 Minnie Angie Mae RICE- 49 ----------------- 1 - DIED: r ;: KRN: 4 FEE 1901 1 PLACE: PLACE: Panks,8ri4es Co.,TX. 1 DIED: 1 . r 14 Unknown ERCANBRACF -70 r - - - PLACE: 1 % 1 BORN: c PLACE 1 MARK: - -36 7 Lillie stn aline ERCANBRxC 5 °- °-- °- - - -, 9 PLACE: t Name and Address- oflu4mitter: BORN: JUN 1 DIED: Jimmy L. VERNON ,. PLACE. PLA V 1870 TX. IX. 1 PLACE: 600 Highlnad DIED: ABT 1950 1 ge Sta. College -„ - PLACE: TX. 15 Sally CHERRY-71 --------------------- '` ` BORN: ABT 1850 PLACE: _ DIED: PLACE: �lREUSKE-HART NO.1 is the MOTHER of Jitzie Louise TINS BORN: 4 MAR 1945 PHONE-. PLACE: Huntsville, -41ter.- Co­ T --------- --- - BORN: MARR: Lawrence Ray VERNON ; DATE: 23 AUG 1963 PLACE: PLACE: DIED. A-4 --------- PLACE. PLACE. 1 BORN: �12FEB 1842 1 1 DIED- 1 PLACE: MS. ;PLACE: 1 MARR: __32 PLACE: --- ---------- - - - - -- ------------------ 1 DIED: IFINAR 1923 BORN: 1 PLACE: TX. PLACE. 2 John Lafayette DRYMAN-64-t-i:--; ----------- 1 1 BORN: 21 JAN 1866 PLACE: 1 PLACE: Choctaw Co.,AL. MARR- ~ AB ' fl90- -°-33 10 R rt ONALD-66- 1 PLACE; I BORN; ABT 1818­n 1 DIED: 22 JAN 1916 i PLACE: 1 PLACE: ARR• 34 -5-Lou-ist Camlj•nk;'NNAL*,4a� t — -------- 1 PLACE: BORN: "'161AN 1847-1. !DIED: ABT 1891 PLACE: MS. .1? 1 PLACE: DIED: ft4:JAN 1930':,; ---- -------- t � PLACE: TX. - -� t 11 Mary JONES-67------------------------ I Ida Pearl DRYMAN-59 --------- 4 - ------ - - -- — BORN i - - - 830 1 BORN: 13 AUG 1900 PLACE- 1 PLACE: Frosa C&:M. . DIED' -A M 2 FEB 1944 PLACE PLACE: a 12 ---- - - - - - -- -- PLACE: Bryan,Brazos v � ;James Wesley TINS-56— 4 -?-L4kCE_ Spouse 1 MARR: -&-geabom --------- 1 PLACE: I BORN. ­t�! 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: Ga. 1 PLACE: 1 MARR: __35 PLACE: 13 ------------------------------------- DIED. 1889 BORN. 1 PLACE: LeonTX. PLACE: 3 Eugenia JOHNSON-65 ------ y _:.» ----- "_ -- - - -- DIED­ BORN: JAN 1872 i PLACE: PLACE: LA. i J - Aff ------- i 14 ------------ --- - - - ° ,. _ -- - - - - -- PLACE: Robertson I BORN: PLACE: MARR: --- - - - - -- - PLACE: BORN. 1 DIED: PLACE: AL. 1: J6 1 PLACE: Nate and Address of Subsitter: DIED- 1869 3ijmV PLACEi LeonTX. 15 -------------- - - - - -- - . - - - -- 600 H-ighinad BORN: College Eta. PLACE: TX 779140 DIED: PLACE: � eR55_'tHART NO.1 is the FATHER of Jimmie Louise TINS Wil I ias ------------ PLACE: Huntsville, n, BORN: Walker Co. TX. F 5 , • 1 PLACE: MARR; Lawrence Ray 1'ERNON`'> 1 HARR: DATE: 23 AUG 19�3 -- - Jo -- TVS-54-4��- - ---- - - - - -1 PLACE: - A hn A PLACE. BORN: ABT = ='3815 1 DIED: DIED: PLACE: 'SC. 1 PLACE: PLACE: MARR: 1 PLACE: 9 Editha TINS-53 ----------------------- DIED ABT 1895 BORN- 1 PLACE: AL. 1• PLACE: 2 James K. Polk TINS -55 - -- ------- - - - - -1 - DIES BORN: ABT 1645 1 PLACE: 1 PLACE: Pusheatiha,Choctaw Co. !"KARR. AST z: 10 -- - - -- 1 PLACE: BORN: DIED: 17 MAY 1899 PLACE: 1 PLACE: Liberty 4kII,Houstn'Co.JX. MARR: - 5 - Jane' --- - - -- PLACE: BORN. ABT 1810 1 DIED: PLACE: SC. PLACE: DIED; A87 1880 "' " PLACE: AL. ------ — ----------------------------- I James Wes I ii" TI -------- BORN;— 1 BORN: 12 FEB 1890 PLACE- PLACE,"A'4usta,Houiion 1 MARR: 2 FEB 1944 PLACE: °° 1 PLACE. - 1 'DIEDC ­5 'MAY -- 12 ----------- ------ PLACE: HuntsviIIejWaIker:Co 1 BORN:, !Ida Pearl DRYMAN-59-----' -- ---------- -PLACE-- - - Spouse 1 MARR: --------- ! PLACE: ; BORN: ABT 1816 1 DIED: 1 PLACE: RC. 1 PLACE: MARR: PLACE: 13 ------------------------------------- ;DIED: BORN- I PLACE: TX. PLACE: 3 Frances Emaline MOGNEY-57­_� -------------- 1 --DIED: BORN: JAN 1850 PLACE: PLACE: Lauderdale Co.,MS. 14 -- --------- � PLACE: 1 BORN."_ PLACE: 1 MARR: 1rances 51 =- 4 <-= -= ---- - - - - -1 PLACE: BORN: ABT 1816 i DIED: PLACE: 1 PLACE: Rase and Address of Submitteri DIED. laeoiqs9o - VERNON , PLACE: T1. 3 !" 15 --------------------- 6 HighInad BORN; C;Ileoe Sta. PLACE: TX 7 7 7, 840 DIED: PLACE. 38 INDEX ." HOOD 7 t . ♦ . �s 8,10 4 a�." t21l s °�� - SEARC f 7 HORTMAN 3 ,TTLEq; , ; jOd GEE 4 3t€ A.�I ti t SHAW 8 11 12 ` : HORTON 8 GIGAi,7.,� c 0 � � QEN 12 ~. a � w �` HEALEY 4 HOUSE 8 .� ft MCGINNT�! 1 ��ODOM 8 w,a- - r �`�HELBY 8 �9 HOUSTON 5 r. O' a� r REAR 4 € r f, ..,, M,cGLAUG I 8 4 �� 4.:: "°I SHELLT1 , f 9 &1C�r� re6� m - HUDSON 7,8,9 d 6 -; McGREGO Y �� S SNEPARDSON 12`�c,2 HUNTER 7,, 8,;1$ , 7 ? 3 ,p,!' 12aHEPPARD 8 HUTCHINS' 10 I giM 7 1 +� X - SHEPPERD 20 HUTTON 23 McMURRY 8 Q " 1, ` ` S ? CE 29 r 2 s a�f ' SHERFiELD 8 "y "" ", �. McSHANE 21 : tKER 4 s 8 , 0 t2 ,5.. fi x €4 ;J SHINE 8 IVERSON 18 MADLEY 12 PEARSON 8 � �_ SHORT , 8 �, F � MAGEE 12 PEEPLES 8 ,� ,s . BHULT2 8 , 9 JACOBS 8,10 MANNING 12 PERRY 6 SIKES 4 JOHNSON 6,7,10,21, MARKEY 6 PETERSON 24 SIMMS 17 24,32 MARQUART 25,29 PEVERLY 7,10,11,22 SIMS 16 JONES 4,5,8,12,289 MARTIN 819,10921 POOLE 10111,24 SIPTACK 8 32 MASSEY 8,29 PORTER 10 SLOAN 3 JORDAN 26,28 MATHIS 8 SMITH 4,12,21,29' MAYO 7,29 POWERS 29 SOLE 8 KAC, , R 8 x , RMEADS , Cu Pf3AKLR° 29 i "" S01.ES 0 s ,. 1 ..s a KAD,Em,I : v `. } fi MEWS = RRI' E 6,.x, 7 2 ,25 SORREiZA42'j KELLOK .IB.. r .. w; <MEKEErt, $ , M 29v, 30 SPARS 8, p ... KNIGHT 33 R<ED1TH Iioc " MtLL) :dux ga, o :, E1� E KNOX 21 MERIDTH 8 RANDOLPH 819 STACEY 11 KOSSEE 7 MERKA 8 RATTAN 12 ` ' ;ST66W 17 -� ,. ' M d ,. >s- KURTEN 8,9 MEYER 12 RAYSOR 7 STAPP 23 "I Z KLE ktb 6,7,Y_F LAINBRIGHT 21 MIDDLETON 10,27,29 R EEDY 10 .; RM,29 -j3D LAMAN 22 30 *A RECT0R 7 STEEN 12 ' _ LAMAR 5 MIKE 3 REGISTER 8,9 STEPTOE 17 LANDISS 5,12 MILLER 11,12,19 RESER 29 STEWART 8;9 LANE 8 MILLICAN 6,17,18, RESTRIDGE 10 STODDARD 7 LANGLE`f 21 19,20,21 REYNOLDS 10,21 STREET 12 LASKI 10 MILLS 10,11,23 RHODES 10 STUBBS 2 LAWRENCE 3 MINTS 8,9 . r L ; RItE`�2 SUMMER 3,12 LELAND 12 MITCHELly, 1 7. �; 29{..' SUMMERLATTE 3 LEWIS 8,10,23 MOOM 22 ROBERTS 24` SWAN 22 LINDSEY 8 w i.BERISON..1<9 S`(MMS 25 29 30 o : LIPSCOMB 8,10 MOORE 12 ROGERS 3,12 LLO` D. 5:8,9 MOORING 3, � � t: � -ROSS 12 , B Y ,� TABOR 4,? A7'UM" LOGK.RIDGE $ err,. h10AN48 (y (( k f 1 a RQW ,AND •` = 4' -c 6 {. LOFTIN 28 5, 7,12 .., .T'si..MOS�.Ya', ;.. RO.YDE�4 9 10 - TA`fL 7,20 xa fiEGM "1 ; " LONG MOTT 8 RUNNELS 8 LOVE 8,10 MULLINS 7 TERRELL 11 LOVELL 23 ' VS r `. -. MURD - 0 K ­e-,-7---- -..�.- ,_ � S RY....0 TERR`f 4; 9 2 MURPHY 8 SA _ 32 THOMAS 4,9',_l McCALLUM 4 MURRAY 12 .t a- a Al DERS ' 8 THDMPSOPJ 4,20 McCLENEY 28 ,29 MYERS 23,24­7­­­ SAYERS 10 THURMAN 8 McCLUNG 4 y.. SEAL# .. .. _...._.- TIME 31,32,33,34 McCORt I Ck: 2 .hlAl.t: , 7; _ � � _ _ SCARBRDUGH McCORQUODALE 8,10, NASH 4,8,10- SCHLA 12 TODD 4 ._ .__ 1 SCHuESSELfWt4 M 34 MEET 16 SCOT 4, 8,9',17 TRIPLET 30 4a' INDEX .... w. .. «. ............ - a.» •r....«.. rs�,.... , wr,...0 .. ...... .�. + ww.+... a.�.s.a.., +muwwe.s..,.. w+ »,...r.«+•mw w+ .« r.r +r.wr«.wuv TWONSAK 8 WATSON 10, 11 , 30 WILE( 4. WOODLEAF 23 8 it WEATHERFOR[Y S` `� OOLKET 12 ON 10; 5 ... 11 44LKERS"' x " vLE WbOLTON 7 i4EBB 11 WILLIAM 18 DANCE 11 } WR'I GHT 12 VARNER 6 .WEBSURN 24 V!- UTLLIAMS 10 , j 1 , � � , VERNON 31 32 $i 3 JEEKS 27,28,29` H `,3f1 : 1,8p 0 . WELLMYER 3t k '' `W 'LLIAMSON' :..�:'YbUNG 3, °� �. s �1+ a ELLNi CK I 2 -� � m 4PLSON 4 7 8` VIVAN 21 ! � ��� ZIMMERMAW; WHEAT 17 R -WW 12} ' " z n si.t;e �} ' r '8�1 � �AH3 a A � WADE 30 _ WHITE 4,8 WINDSOR f " I A 8 �a ;. WADSWORTH 4 'WHITTINGTON 4 R � = =�d�I SOR 8 �,�: $:� WALKER 7 CKSIN - i r „6 dt 00 8 �30 , ;" JA I � a t = WARD 12,30- JILCOX 8 a . ` 'y r � A a,a s ' i C µ y � EE fea "al W'.'m g g .. :..f. .' .. . P m FEz 9 71 N',. -• �:: y F ,r `•" r^i ,,r, « " 1 A �Mk11 ik BO(3K W,,Z POLICY .. Publications Doti -bM tt for.�' ,rey,*ew become the -e Oe6perty of - tg :e3�''. Brazo 1"Serz t�g Whjr —. will placd tK " i it 1ibr a'rV .'W for use of 41.1 patrons. (,,,,When forwarding' �° siiw . "copies, p�le4je! indicate'm siiTll'ntg price and the address foV �rjdii4. w ✓ Submit revi,' # �dop les to: s } �1 '� t , � ...:, �1 BRAZOS GENEALOS ICAL SOCIETY 1! ..fl. a Box 54 y .� -, SR-YAN TX. 77805 . 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