HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter 1988C,9z d v c r t i's C I ,- Madisonville Re-union Editorial President's Message Alexander Cemetery Records Queries 'My Heritage' ® poem Brazos County Census Revised By-Laws of the Association Ancestor (Pedigree) Chart ,Index Volume IX Number I Winter 1988 Br/an-College Station, Texas 3 5 5 6 16 17 Is 28 32 37 THE BRAZOS GEIalEALOGI CAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box 54 ?3 Bryan, T:' <:: 77305 OFFICERS 1988 PRESIDENT ...............L. A. MADDOX VICE PRESIDENT ............JANIS HUNT SECRETARY ..................RUTH HARP TREASURER ..............HARRY PORTZER LIBRARIAN .........DORIS FRANCISCHINI EDITOR -IN -CHIEF ..........To be, named PAST PRESIDENT .............MARY BELL EXCHANGE The Advertiser is available for ex- change with other organizations who have publications to offer. Send in- quiries or samples to P. O. Box 5493, Bryan, T` 77505. SOLICITATIONS ADVERTISER STAFF ED. PRO i EMPORE ........ HARRY PORTZER LOCAL HISTORY ........NAOMI MCCORMICK STAFF EDITOR ............CARL LANDISS MEETINGS Meetings are on the third Monday of each month from 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. in the Bryan Public Library. Members are encouraged to arrive 15 or 20 min early to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea or cocoa and socialize a bit before the formal meeting begins promptly at seven, MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is based on the calendar year, January through December. It is expected that regular members will be up to date with their current year's dues by the end of the first quarter in order to receive a full complement of four issues of the Advertiser. In the case of new members joining later in the year, appropriate adjustments will be made in the annual amount. $12.00 .............single membership $18.00 ..............dual membership We solicit queries, family pedigrees, copies of family Bible records, stor- ies and articles with Brazos Malley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11, should fit a std. 3 -ring binder and should contain no text outside of our specified margins of 1" top, 3/4" bottom, 1 1:'4" at side to be bound: this could turn out to be either left or right: and 3/4" at unbound side. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazes Genealogical Asso- ciation nor the staff of the Adverti- ser jwiii be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Ev- ery effort is made to publish inform- ation from only reliable sources. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept suitable material with editing privilege on a space available basis. Members of the Association are encou- raged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Items pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, cemeteries, and other groups or organizations are de- sired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially we 1 c ome . QUARTERLY 'ADVERTISER° Published annually are Winter, Spring 'summer and Fall issues, in sequence. The dues cover the cost, but non -mem- bers are charged $4.00 per issue. THE RE -UNION At Madisonville A Grand Affair, And Well Attended. From Bryan Daily Eagle, August 11, 1895 Last Wednesday morning a party of four, consisting of Mr. Allen MYERS, his son Frank, E. J. FOUNTAIN and the Eagle man, left early for the Confed- erate re -union at Madisonville. The party was loaded to the brim with ad- vertising, Mr. MYERS looking after the interests of the hardware firm of MYERS and CARR, and Mr. FOUNTAIN strictly on the outlook for the best in- terest of Gito -Cura and other proprietary remedies, while the Eagle man had a supply of 2000 Eagles under the seat which were distributed on the re -union grounds and through which medium Geo. W. NORRELL, druggist, C. H. WYSE, dry goods, M. H. JAMES, druggist, M. BONNEVILLE, Jr. dry goods and groceries, Jno. W. COULTER in a full page about cheap dry goods, E. J. FOUNTAIN, druggist, Wm. KOPPE, hardware, Ed HALL Groceries, GARTH, HOWELL and WEBB, lumber, shingles and paint, John Q. TABOR, Tennessee wagons, buggies and-road carts, the Bryan Brick Warehouse, cotton weighing and John DOWELL and Oscar HALL, of the JOHNSON Warehouse; had.something of interest to say to the people in attendance at re- union. The first stop was made at Kurten about sunrise where the party rested and enjoyed a cup of delicious coffee with Mr. and Mrs. August PRINZEL, after which a drive was made for the river at which point we breakfasted and were overtaken by Messrs. James FORD, George WATFORD and James TAYLOR, also bound for Madisonville. The next stop was at Willow Hole where the party rested and wore entertained by Mr. J. ZULCH. A short stop was made at Keith, after which a hard drive was made for the grounds, the party arriving about 3:30 p. m. after having been on the road about twelve hours. The re -union grounds are situated about two miles this side of Madison- ville in a cool shady grove on the banks of a creek. Hundreds of people were on the ground, and everyboay seemed to be having a good time. Music was fur - nished by choirs from adjoining communities and that night a concert consist- ing of recitations and Southern songs was rendered by the young people. Our party was made welcome upon our arrival by numerous friends and as the time arrived for going into Madisonville we felt thoroughly at home and "one of "em." We arrived at Madisonville at about 6 o'clock, and were agreeably sur- prised to fine so good a town. It is built on the old Texas style- -that is a square with court house in the center and the business houses around the square. The stocks displayed by the merchants, while not extensive, are clean and up -to -date, being far in advance of the average country town, showing a spirit of bustle and enterprise. There are many beautiful homes in the town - and the society is the best. The following day, Thursday, was to be the big day so our party retired early and secured the rest so much needed after the long trip. Eight o'clock next morning found us on the ground getting out our advertising matter - -and 3 4 -llow me to add that Bryan was well advertised. The exercises commenced about 10 o'clock and consisted of songs, welcome address and speeches by old vonfeds. _When dinner time arrived the crowds dispersed to join their families and friends around the spread of good things to eat, which can always be found in lavish quanties on occasions like this. Mr. Will TURNER took us in charge and so royally did he entertain us that we forgot all about the remainder of our party, but later developments proved that they had been equally well treated. The party decided to return to Bryan after dinner, but the Eagle man was in no rush and devised a way by which he could remain over. The evening was devoted to a business meeting of Camp J. G. WALKER and a game of ? ? ?? between Leona and Huntsville, The crowds dispersed about 5 o'clock after having had a most delightful time. Madison county is certainly one of the finest timbered counties in the state, its surface undulating and well timbered with oak, cedar and hickory, while the soil is about equally divided between gray and dark sandy, both fertile and will suited to agriculture. The people are prosperous and'contented are only praying for rail- road connection with the business world, and they are sure to get it for there is no richer field anywhere for investment. The corn crops are undoubtedly the best ever raised and many of the spacious barns will have to have an addition before the crops are harvested. A Large Attend- ante-- Rain-- Bryan Visitors. A phone message from Madisonville to the Eagle Thursday reported the big re- union Camp John G. WALKER, U. C. V., in full blast, with fifteen hundred or two thousand people in attendance, and having a good time, in spite of the rain which I ell Wednesday night. The program was carried out as heretofore published, and the re -union closed last night. Among those in attendance from Bryan were: J. A. MYERS, M. H. JAMES, H. A. BY-BEE, W. S. GIBBS, W. T. JAMES, J. B. HINES, Walter J. COULTER, J. B. PRIDDY, Curtis OLIVER, A. W. BUCHANAN, Claude BUCHANAN, - Geo,.._M. - BRANDON, Harry DILLESHAW, John K. DAVIS, Tom GUSTAVUS, Cole SPELL, Walter McIVER, H. STUART, and Dr. N. M. McDOUGALD. Submitted by Naomi McCormick 5 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE --- _----------- The 1988 year is under way with new officers, new goals, new problems and we hope, some new solutions. Our goals are (1) good programs, C?? re- staff the "Advertiser ", and publish the Brazos County Cemetery Records. V.P. Janis HUNT and her committee are working on programs for the remainder of the year. The Executive Committee has suggested two workshops, one in the spring and another in the fall, and a Christmas social without a pro- gram. This means that the program committee needs seven more programs. If you have suggestions or can assist in presenting a program, please con- tact Janis. Our former editor is out of the coun- try and several members of the staff do not wish to continue work on the "Advertiser ". Harry PORTZER will com- plete this winter issue. We are now recruiting for several new staff mem- bers including an editor. Thousands of hours of volunteer work have already gone into cemetery searches, transcribing information, re- checking data, proof reading, in- dexing, and transcribing again. Cam- era ready copy is still many working hours away, but should be completed some time this summer or fall. The Executive Committee must staff a new publication committee; it will be charged with the responsibility of publishing these cemetery records. It will be the duty of this committee to determine guidelines for this publi- cation, to select a publisher, and to develop a system of financing this endeavor. It will require many hours of work by many of our members to accomplish these goals. The most difficult will be publishing the cemetery records, but it would be a magnificent accomp- lishment for our association. Let us all try to make it happen in 1988. L. A. Maddox, President EDITORIAL��w+ You will find a good many differences between this and previous issues, not all, I fear, for the better. Your at- tenuated staff apologizes for these deficiencies, not the least of which is its tardiness, for it should have been available to you at the February meeting. Some items have been omitted simply because no one was available to col- lect and edit them. Others did not get written at all, for the same rea- son. And our ignorance of how things should be done obviously contributed. On the plus few changes in at least quality of appreciate the same. side, we are proposing a that we think will result minor improvements in the the publication, and would greatly your comments on Finally, we want to express our debt of thanks to Nadine BILLINGSLEY for a long- continued and masterful leader- ship of this tedious, time- consuming, and, I fear, sometimes thankless task for which we now hope to make up! Our specialist on Queries, Foreign Nation research and other unusual matters, Rosemary BOYKIN, has been forced by the press of personal affairs to drop out for the present, at least. Naomi McCORMICK most fortunately continues with her historic contributions and other duties, and we are happy to add Carl LANDISS to the staff, where he is by no means a stranger, having al- ready made his name as a guest con- tributor. Harry J. Portzer, Ed. j Dro re.m.Dope 6 ALEXANDER CEMETERY (About 9 miles north of Bryan in the Tabor community. From Brazos County Courthouse go north on Texas Ave. 1 mile to Hwy 21 east; turn right. Go .3 miles to FM 974. Turn left. Go 8 miles to Tabor. In Tabor, turn left on Alexander Road. Go 1.4 miles. Cemetery is on right beside the Alexander Methodist Church.) Birth Date Death Date Remarks ABBOTT, Evelina 07 Jun 1884 08 Sep 1900 Dau of E.M. & M.B. ALLPHIN, Byron 1896 1961 w./Mayte ALLPHIN, Mayte 1903 1985 w /Byron ATKINS,. S. F. 1889 1964 ATKINS, Calv. Wash'ton 22 Feb 1880 12 Apr 1958 ATKINS, Ivy Maud 1890 1968 ATKINS, Zack T. 04 Mar 1848 04 Aug 1932 AYERS, Fred Douglas 1888 1966 AYERS, Louis Albert 15 Dec 1891 27 Dec 1966 TX Pvt Co M 33 Inf WW I AYERS, Rachel 1904 1980 AYERS, Shirley Brown 11 Mar 1936 13 Dec 1977 AYERS, Miss Susie 1894 1973 AYERS, Tom 01 Jan 1857 14 Sep 1911 "Husband, Father" BAKER, Lloyd Joseph 1913 1969 BALL, Mary Alice 04 Mar 1856 03 Nov 1928 BALL, William Riley 05 Aug 1856 09 Jan 1913 BANDY, Clara Edna NL 28 Dec 1886 1 m 28 d Dau /J.W. & M.C. BANKS, Demmer R., Sr. 28 Aug 1943 23 Oct 1981 "Father" BARNES, Albert W. 21 Aug 1915 31 Aug 1938 BARNES, Ann 1845 1931 w /William BARNES, Elsie 02 Jul 1920 NL w/Walter BARNES, Frank 1872 1957 BARNES, Georgia N. 12 Jan 1893 14 Nov 1978 "Mother" w /John BARNES, Henry J. 1908 1979 BARNES, John 08 Jan 1887 11 Nov 1968 w /Georgia W. BARNES, Joseph R. 15 Feb 1879 01 Aug 1965 w /Stella A. BARNES, Laura JERNIGAN 30 Jun 1872 09 Sep 1970 BARNES, Lizzie NL 31 May 1919 Court Record BARNES, Peggy Ann 11 May 1930 08 Sep 1932 BARNES, Stella A. 11 Feb 1892 27 May 1967 w /Joseph R. BARNES, Walter 25 Feb 1916 20 Nov 1976 w /Elsie BARNES, William 1840 1915 w /Ann BATSON, Joe E. 04 Oct 1901 07 Nov 1980 w /Maurene G. BATSON, Maurene G. 06 Sep 1908 NL w /Joe E. BELL, Claude 15 Jun 1905 30 Jan 1906 Son /W.R. & M.A. BENBOW, Adam A. 11 Nov 1833 26 Jan 1897 w/Mary Ann JOHNSON BENBOW BENBOW, Marie 04 Jun 1912 09 Nov 1922 BENBOW, Martha Caroline 28 Jan 1865 04 sep 1945 w /William Henry BENBOW, Mary Ann JOHNSON 19 Dec 1843 21 Jan 1921 w /Adam A. BENBOW, William Henry 04 Apr 1665 02 Dec 1940 w./Martha Caroline BERRY, William J. 11 Sep 1860 03 Nov 1876 Son /F.C. & M.J. BISHOP, John L. 1893 1948 BISHOP, Willie G. 1904 1983 BLUME, Darling P. 24 Aug 1839 20 Oct 1918 Co A 28 La Inf CSA 7 ALEXANDER CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date Remarks BLUME, Delaney 09 Nov 1841 25 Jan 1925 BOGGS, W. M. 1849 1916 BOYETT, D. C. 28 May 1892 27 Dec 1933 "A Soldier Boy" BOYETT, Horace 28 Feb 1887 24 Dec 1945 Tx 2 Lt Corps of Engrs. BOYETT, infant NL 05 May 1891 Son/W.H. & S.C. BOYETT, Mary Ella NL 14 Aug 1905 4 yr Dau/W.H. & S.C. BOYETT, Sallie C. 25 Jul 1871 30 Apr 1956 w/W.H. BOYETT, W. H. 28 Feb 1855 19 Nov 1938 w /Sallie C. BREEDEN, Sabrina Kay 07 Mar 1977 1977 BROACH, Duncan M. 26 Feb 1864 26 Jun 1911 BROACH, Effie L. 03 Dec 1874 06 Oct 1956 w/Masdon S. BROACH, Grace G. 06 Mar 1901 23 Jul 1964 w /Howard H. BROACH, Howard H. 02 Apr 1900 26 Sep 1981 w /Grace G. BROACH, James Lee 1855 1934 BROACH, Lois G. 15 Dec 1903 07 Jun 1977 w /Richard R., Sr. BROACH, Mary Vernon 1874 1955 BROACH, Masdon S. 03 mAR 1866 08 ,jAN 1953 w /Effie L. BROACH, Nancy 19 Sep 1829 01 Mar 1909 Wife of William BROACH,,Richard R., Sr. 22 Jan 1902 04 Sep 1979 "Dick" w /Lois G. BROACH, William 10 Apr 1819 10 May 1901 BROGDON, Bolling 10 Feb 1884 04 Aug 1885 Son /G.W. & H.G. BROGDON, Eliza H. 08 Oct 1833 03 Jul 1906 "Mother" BROGDON, George W. 03 Jul 1847 28 Mar 1907 BROGDON, Grace 14 Mar 1853 06 Nov 1950 BROGDON, James C. 22 Mar 1821 02 Jun 1901 80 yr, 2 mo, 10 da BROGDON, James C., Jr. 1877 1940 BROGDON, Laura H. 26 Jul 1856 08 Jan 1946 "Wife" w/William J. BROGDON, Lucy Hix 1879 1961 w /Stansell T. BROGDON, Maurice C. 03 Oct 1905 18 Aug 1927 BROGDON, Stansell T. 1877 1960 w /Lucy Hix BROGDON, T. M. 15 May 1874 09 Aug 1914 Son /G.W. & H.G. BROGDON, Udell E. 1885 1966 "Mother" w/William H. BROGDON, William H. 1884 1969 "Father" w /Udell E. BROGDON, William J. 22 Apr 1845 10 Dec 1921 w /Laura H. BUCHANAN, J. D. 19 Apr 1859 12 Dec 1882 23 yr 8 mo BUCHANAN, Jeff NL NL BURNS, Harriet G. 13 May 1959 07 Dec 1980 BUTLER, H. David 1922 1984 CANNON, Little Fred 15 Apr 1896 13 Sep 1897 ly 4m 29d Son /F. & B.B. CAPPS, Athen 23 Mar 1893 25 Jun 1963 TX Pic Co B 17 Bn USG WWI CAPPS, Lillie Apr 1903 09 Nov 1973 70 yr, 7 mo CHAPPELL, R. M. NL NL Co G 53 Ga Inf CSA CHATHAM, infant 24 Jul 1876 24 Jul 1876 Dau /L.J. & J.W. w /inf son CHATHAM, infant 26 Dec 1877 26 Dec 1877 Son /L.J. & J.W. w /inf dau CHATHAM, T. W. 15 Jun 1851 13 Jul 1878 CIKALO, Lillian MARTIN 25 Mar 1925 24 Nov 1980 CLOUD, John T. 1891 1963 COLDIRON, Mattie L. 1910 NL m 24 Jan 1929 w /Milton B. COLDIRON, Milton B. 1909 1961 m 24 Jan 1929 w. /Mattie L. CONRAD, Charles R. 01 Oct 1919 23 May 1962 "Son" 8 ALEXANDER CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date Remarks CONRAD, Frances Dora 27 Jul 1917 21 Jan 1922 CONRAD, infant NL 18 Jul 1929 Dau/Will & Ruby CONRAD, Kenneth W. 23 Feb 1928 17 Jun 1930 "Son' CONRAD, Reuben F. 19 Aug 1924 09 Jan 1971 "Son" CONRAD, Ruby HUDSPETH 13 Aug 1890 21 Feb 1964 CONRAD, William A. 24 Feb 1888 24 May 1951 COOPER, Charlton J. 21 Nov 1907 27 Jan 1983 m 03 Jul 1927"w /Ella Mae Father /Betty & Carroll COOPER, Ella Mae 09 Dec 1908 03 Jan 1961 wife /Chart. Mather /B. & C. COOPER, Minnie B. 10 Jun 1872 10 Sep 1963 w /Riley A. COOPER, Riley A. 28 Jan 1861 11 Feb 1937 w /Minnie B. COPPOCK, Chalmer C. 09 Jan 1899 15 Dec 1971 TIC Cpl Trp A 7 Cvlry WW I COPPOCK, Ethyl 1906 1981 COYLE, Annie 28 Jul 1874 31 Aug 1949 COYLE, B. F. 01 May 1866 07 Oct 1941 COYLE, Tommy Lee 1927 1975 CRENSHAW, Lillian E. 28 Jul 1892 18 Apr 1975 w /Roland F. CRENSHAW, Roland F. 02 Aug 1887 20 Mar 1966 w /Lillian E. DEAN, Aulsly A. 18 Jul 1850 03 Feb 1938 DEAN, Bettie F. 13 Dec 1859 25 Nov 1906 DEAN, Cecil 06 Nov 1899 15 Aug 1981 w /Ross DEAN, H. J. 06 Jan 1821 27 Jul 1892 DEAN, Mary J. 17 Jun 1826 16 Sep 1903 DEAN, Mollie F. 16 Nov 1855 11 Dec 1895 DEAN, Ross 03 Nov 1897 03 Dec 1972 w /Cecil DEAN, Ruth 09 Apr 1901 01 Aug 1901 Dau /A.A. & S.E. DEES, Bessie E. POWERS 03 Mar 1887 15 Jan 1971 EDWARDS, A. Kirkland 12 Jan 1909 it Jun 1972 w /Alta Faye EDWARDS, Alta Faye 16 Feb 1921 NL w /A. Kirkland ELLIOT, Bettie Unice 30 Dec 1897 03 Jun 1898 Dau/W.E. & M.L. ELLIOT, Mary L. 1868 1954 w/William Edgar ELLIOT, Vernon 22 Mar 1895 30 Aug 1899 ELLIOT, William B. PAL NL ELLIOT, William Edgar 1864 1832 w/Mary L. ELLIOT, Norman NL 18 Oct 1917 Court Record ELLIS, Ann 13 Mar 1916 NL w./Tommie ELLIS, Tommie 26 Nov 1905 27 May 1970 w /Ann FINDLEY, Carrie B, 22 Oct 1902 .09 Nov 1965 w /George 0. FINDLEY, George 0. 29 Oct 1898 07 Nov 1965 w /Carrie B. FLANAGAN, Father NL NL w /Mother FLANAGAN, Mother NL NL w /Father FRANCES, Emily 10 Oct 1848 22 Sep 1904 (Biggerstaff) FRANCIS, Leslie 18 Jan 1923 16 Apr 1938 FULLERTON, A. J. 09 Apr 1836 18 Mar 1890 Mother° FULLERTON, Barbara L. 07 Jan 1877 20 Apr 1976 FULLERTON, George H. 1833 1922 w /Lucy C. FULLERTON, Henry R. 07 Jan 1873 07 Auq 1898 Son /G.H. & L.C. FULLERTON, Jimmie 09 Mar 1889 16 Jul 1890 ly 4m 9d San /J.W. & M.E. 9 ALEXANDER CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date Remarks FULLERTON, John Norman 01 Sep 1897 01 Dec 1905 Son /J.W. & M.E. FULLERTON, John W. 1866 1957 w /Hattie E. FULLERTON, Lucy C. 1834 1899 w /George H. - FULLERTON, Mary I. 20 Dec 1671 18 Oct 1906 FULLERTON, Mattie E. 1865 1956 w /John W. FULLERTON, William H. 25 Oct 1656 23 Aug 1878 GALLAHAR, Mary Ella 16 Aug 1911 09 Nov 1974 "Mother" GANDY, Fannie Belle 1898 1929 "Mother' GANDY, William E. 1896 1979 GILLIAM, Samantha Lee 14 Oct 1980 15 Oct 1980 GLAZE, Hattie 09 Jun 1882 30 Apr 1881 GLAZE, Louis M. 1873 1959 GLOVER, Edna H. 1893 1917 GRAHAM, Della Florence 1908 1981 w /Sam B. GRAHAM, Sam S. 1909 1963 w /Della Florence GREGORY, Lee Otha 1863 1941 GROCE, Baby Boy 29 May 1954 29 May 1954 HAIR, George Ivy 15 Aug 1902 09 Apr 1967 w /Louise B. HAIR, Louise B. 24 Nov 1912 NL w /George Ivy HALL, E. 0. 18 Jun 1856 15 Mar 1878 b /Crenshaw County, AL HALL, R. L. NL NL HALTON, Aunt Frank NL NL HALTON, Frank NL NL HALTON, Jesse 21 Jun 1882 07 Jun 1904 HALTON, Pinkie NL NL HALTON, Ross NL NL HALTON, Ruby NL NL HALTON, Sallie NL NL HALTON, Willie NL NL HAMPTON, Aaron H. 23 Aug 1900 09 Jul 1971 Pvt Gen Hosp WW II w /I.M. HAMPTON, Ida M. 1920 1977 w /Aaron H. HARRISON, E. C. "Bud" 26 Jul 1891 29 May 1971 TX Pic Btry 128 FA Bn 35 Div WW I HARRISON, Edgar O'Neal 09 Mar 1908 29 May 1911 s /I.R. & N.O. HARRISON, Isaac R. 28 Feb 1861 06 Jan 1946 HARRISON, James N. 22 Oct 1899 20 Nov 1959 w. /Verna Irene HARRISON, Nona 0. 10 Jun 1673 06 Sep 1951 HARRISON, Verna Irene 21 Jan 1898 28 Nov 1977 w /James N. HARVARD, Mary Ann 04 Apr 1926 06 Apr 1967 HEARN, Bessie 1891 1892 w /Lulu May HEARN, Edward A. 10 Dec 1878 08 Sep 1948 HEARN, Lillie Dale 22 Sep 1887 08 Apr 1942 HEARN, Lou Ella DEAN 1855 1947 "Mother" w/William Thomas HEARN, Lulu May 1889 1890 w /Bessie - HEARN, Stephen Dean 25 Oct 1880 13 Jan 1952 WOW HEARN, William Thomas 1855 1895 "Father" w /Lou Ella DEAN HEFLIN, Ruby W. 1899 1956 w/Thomas A. [HEARN HEFLIN, Thomas A. 9 .1.02 1. 4 76 w/ Ruby W. HENRY, Bessie Marie 18 Jan 1905 29 Nov 1967 10 ISBELL, Herman 27 Jul 1915 31 Jan 1977 Pvt USA WW II JERNIGAN, Beulah Mae 29 ALEXANDER CEMETERY 28 Jul 1921 JERNIGAN, Elsie E. 23 Apr 1910 NL Birth Date Death Date Remarks 31 Aug 1893 22 Jan 1959 TX Pfc Btry A 33 Artlry, JERNIGAN, W. Travis HENRY, George L. 19 Jul 1882 12 Jan 1920 ,F HENRY, infant Mar NL 05 29 May 1929 JOHNSON, Cleone HENRY, Leslie Bryan 31 Jul 1918 11 Nov 1965 JOHNSON, Emily Roberta HENRY, Mae T. 15 Oct 1885 15 Jan 1978 JOHNSON, Margaret Augusta HENRY, W. H. "Bud" 27 Apr 1907 13 Apr 1975 JOHNSON, William Augustus HENSLEY, Elmer 21 Dec 1915 10 Mar 1917 JONES, Mary Ellen HENSLEY, John M. 31 Dec 1868 11 Jan 1958 w./Mary Addie HENSLEY, Mary Addie 14 Oct 1877 09 Jun 1951 w /John M. HODGES, David W., Jr. Sep 1911 1982 Jul 1951 1982 JOSEY, Della HOLDEN, Charlie 05 Jul 1854 10 Jan 1941 "Uncle" HOLDEN, Horace 05 May 1873 16 Jul 1947 HOLDEN, infant 19 Oct 1676 19 Oct 1876 Dau. /Charles & Lillie HOLDEN, Julia A. 1851 1916 w /Thomas M. HOLDEN, Lillie Tracy 27 Jul 1855 28 May 1892 w /Charles HOLDEN, Margret J. 06 Jun 1675 13 Oct 1972 HOLDEN, Mary C. 01 Jun 1864 17 Jan 1911 HOLDEN, Mary Williamette 31 Mar 1881 18 Apr 1881 Inf Dau /J.W. & M.E. HOLDEN, Nannie E. 07 Sep 1678 22 Jan 1891 Dau /J.F. & S.T. HOLDEN, Paul J. 27 Nov 1678 21 Aug 1879 Son /Charles & Lillie HOLDEN, Thomas M. 1846 1925 w /Julia A. HOLIDAY, Bobby, Jr. 27 Oct 1930 21 Feb 1931 HOLIDAY, Gussie H. 18 Feb 1899 NL w /Robert L., Jr. HOLIDAY, Harve Grady 15 Mar 1920 01 Jan 1966 HOLIDAY, Robert L. Jr. 05 Jan 1894 20 Jun 1981 w /Gussie H. HOLLIDAY, Rickey Lee 1960 1980 HOLMES, J. C. 30 May 1837 02 Jun 1903 Hus /Olivia J. (B. Smith) HOLMES, Mattie 06 Nov 1888 28 Jan 1891 HOLMES, Neppie 25 Dec 1874 28 Oct 1892 HOLMES, Olivia J. 12 Aug 1846 19 Oct 1893 Wife /J. C. (B. Smith) HOLMES, Thomas 07 Mar 1879 11 Nov 1879 HUDSPETH, Frances Roy 1864 1948 w /William M. HUDSPETH, Mary M. 13 May 1838 27 Jan 1894 55y Bm 14d w /R. HUDSPETH, R. 18 Dec 1828 20 Jan 1912 83y im 3d w/Mary M. HUDSPETH, William M. 1857 1936 w /Frances Roy ISBELL, Herman 27 Jul 1915 31 Jan 1977 Pvt USA WW II JERNIGAN, Beulah Mae 29 Sep 1895 28 Jul 1921 JERNIGAN, Elsie E. 23 Apr 1910 NL w /W. Travis JERNIGAN, Homer Lee 31 Aug 1893 22 Jan 1959 TX Pfc Btry A 33 Artlry, JERNIGAN, W. Travis 06 Sep 1903 NL w /Elsie E. [CAC WW I JERNIGAN, Willie E. 11 Mar 1892 05 May 1892 Son /C.E. & Laura JOHNSON, Cleone 08 Aug 1872 22 Nov 1877 JOHNSON, Emily Roberta 18 Oct 1874 07 Dec 1889 Dau/W.A. & M.A. JOHNSON, Margaret Augusta 01 Jun 1850 27 Dec 1891 w/W.A. JOHNSON, William Augustus 05 Dec 1849 17 Mar 1899 WOW JONES, Mary Ellen 1905 1984 JOSEY, Alice NL 26 Jan 1877 8mo 4da JOSEY, Clifford 09 Sep 1911 09 Jul 1951 JOSEY, Della NL 06 Nov 1878 limo 22da Dau.'T.J. & E.F. JOSEY, Eller Reece 31 Jul 1889 30 Apr 1890 Dau /J.E. & S.M. 11 ALEXANDER CEMETERY Girth Date Death Date Remarks JOSEY, Emily FRANCIS 10 Oct 1848 22 Sep 1901 52y 11m 12d w/T.J. JOSEY, Henry Edgar 21 Sep 1890 08 Nov 1900 Son/T.J. & E. FRANCIS JOSEY, Lear 24 Oct 1886 17 Apr 1917 30 yr 5 mo 24 da JOSEY, Mills 07 Jul 1868 13 Apr 1965 JOSEY, Ninner Bell 08 dec 1886 21 Oct 1890 3y 10m 13d Dau /J.E. & S.M. JOSEY, R. H. 27 Apr 1895 30 Oct 1896 ly 6m 3d Son/T.R. & S.E. JOSEY, Robert Lee 25 Jan 1908 14 Jan 1929 JOSEY, T. J. 19 Dec 1845 01 Jun 1904 w /Emily FRANCIS JOSEY JOSEY, Walter 18 Oct 1673 12 Mar 1896 22y 4m 23d Son/T.J. & E.F. KENNEDY, Oliver H. 16 Sep 1895 10 Sep 1899 KETCHUM, Pearl 1891 1956 Wife /C.W. Mother of A. L. MONDRICK LASSATER, Iris Janette 13 Mar 1913 13 Mar 1931 Dau /Mr/Mrs L.C. LAWRENCE, Bobie NL 10 Feb 1877 ly 5m 4d Son /J.C. & A.M.V. LAWRENCE, Helen Irene 29 Sep 1877 27 Oct 1878 LAWRENCE, Mary Verzilla 15 Mar 1879 28 Sep 1879 Dau /J.C. & A.M.V. LAWRENCE, William 10 Jul 1815 28 Mar 1878 62y Sm 18d Mason LEATHERS, Donia 03 Oct 1844 21 Apr 1916 Wife /J.T. LEATHERS, Frank 18 Oct 1871 18 Sep 1888 San /J.T. & M.C. LEATHERS, J. T. 28 Nov 1848 18 Jan 1925 LEFEVRE, Cornelius A. 16 Sep 1834 05 May 1905 w/Martha J. LEFEVRE, Martha Della 28 Apr 1882 28 Jun 1883 LEFEVRE, Martha J. 02 May 1843 19 May 1917 w /Cornelius A. LINDSEY, E. L., Mrs. 28 Jan 1866 27 Oct 1933 LINDSEY, John B. 1857 1947 MANIORD, Edgar R. 1887 1943 w/Minnie Lee MANIORD, Mary E. 24 Dec 1847 13 Dec 1934 MANIORD, Minnie Lee 1895 1937 w /Edgar R. MARTIN, Claude 12 Jan 1901 19 Aug 1957 MARTIN, Lula G. 15 May 1865 13 Sep 1907 w/W.S. MARTIN, Oscar T. 08 Aug 1889 25 Jul 1913 MARTIN, W. S. 22 Oct 1858 06 Jan 1932 w /Lula G. MATHIS, Ed 20 Sep 1875 07 Jul 1930 w /Lestina E. MATHIS, Haney Nair 07 May 1878 28 Oct 1919 MATHIS, Lestina E. 26 Dec 1885 15 Aug 1948 w /Ed MATHIS, Lizzie P. 14 Mar 1920 23 Jan 1977 "Sister" MATHIS, Mattie 15 Sep 1856 03 Jan 1929 "Mother" MATHIS, Ruby May 13 Feb 1922 06 Sep 1922 MATHIS, Tony 1923 1984 MATHIS, William 04 Jun 1866 15 Mar 1890 San /H.N. & N.S. McCALLUM, Albert James 16 Feb 1888 15 Aug 1959 McCALLUM, Alex 12 Mar 1874 20 Nov 1931 McCALLUM, Annie Lee 18 May 1899 15 Dec 1900 Dau /Archie & Mattie McCALLUM, Archie 12 Jul 1865 07 Nov 1900 McCALLUM, Baby NL 02 Jun 1923 McCALLUM, Carro Mae 28 Jul 1895 16 Nov 1974 m 11 Oct 1925 w/Thomas J. McCALLUM, John 1841 1927 w /Mae McCALLUM, John H. 1870 1961 McCALLUM, Mae 1846 1932 w /John 12 ALEXANDER CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date Remarks McCALLUM, Maggie P. 19 Jul 1884 02 Oct 1965 McCALLUM, Mary BENBOW 09 Jul 1891 31 Jan 1930 McCALLUM, Thomas J. 17 Jan 1878 22 Jan 1960 m 11 Oct 1925 w /Carro Mae McDOWELL, Rube Dodd 25 Sep 1898 28 Jan 1969 "Daddy" McMILLAN, George 25 Jun 1821 21 May 1884 62 yr 10 mo 26 da McWHORTER, Alma R. 1908 NL w /Charlie T. McWHORTER, Charlie T. 1905 1950 w /Alma R. McWHORTER, Elizabeth 1883 1981 w/Ned H. McWHORTER, Ned H. 1882 1960 w /Elizabeth McWHORTER, Noah C. it May 1903 21 Feb 1969 McWORTHER, John G. 11 Jul 1917 28 Sep 1979 Pfc USA WW II McWORTHER, Margie 10 May 1920 16 Jun 1969 "Mama" MENSIK, John J. 19 Nov 1888 24 Nov 1961 w /Josephine Z. MENSIK, Josephine Z. 18 Mar 1897 NL w /John J. MITCHELL, Thomas B., Sr. 09 Oct 1927 19 Jun 1982 S2 USN WW II MITCHELL, Thomas III 21 Sep 1965 11 May 1975 MONDRICK, Albert L. 19 Nov 1926 02 Oct 1965 MOORE, Jewell Wyse 21 May 1904 09 Jan 1978 w. /J. A.) Parents /Mary Ann MOORE, John Aubrey 11 Apr 1902 29 Nov 1985 w /J. W.) & John A., Jr. MOORE, John M. 06 Dec 1874 24 Jun 1965 )Ch: Tillman Aubrey, Inez MOORE, Tillie 11 Mar 1879 11 Oct 1959 ) Irene, Henry, Morris MOORE, Lois V. 16 Jun 1912 03 Aug 1984 )m 9 Aug 1950 Ch: Joe, MOORE, R. Henry 16 May 1915 NL )Billy, Bobby, Jimmy, Donny, Janice _ MOSS, Mary 20 May 1838 01 Nov 1920 MOSS, Stephen Alfred 30 Jul 1859 18 Jul 1914 MOSS, William F. 14 Aug 1833 28 Nov 1897 HASH, G. Mavis 28 Sep 1932 NL w /Leslie J. HASH, Leslie J. 05 May 1908 10 Dec 1975 w /G. Mavis MSgt USAF WW II Korea NICOL, Anna MOSS 19 Mar 1857 29 May 1905 w /R.J. NICOL, George Hartwell 03 Oct 1877 17 Jul 1946 NICOL, Jane 1808 Jun 1885 w /John NICOL, John 1803 Apr 1877 w /Jane NICOL, John William 27 Dec 1875 05 Jun 1934 NICOL, Maude Alline 04 Nov 1883 05 Jun 1984 WOW NICOL, R.J. 25 Jan 1852 24 Apr 1896 w /Anna MOSS NICOL PARKER, Amanda -- 1871 1964 w /James J. PARKER, Henry H., Sr. 1895 1980 PARKER, J. W. 13 Jan 1892 11 Dec 1917 PARKER, James J. 1867 1949 w /Amanda PARKER, John Daly NL 05 Aug 1905 3y 19d Son /J.J. & A ".0. POWERS, Mattie E. 07 Oct 1853 09 Oct 1891 Wife./W.L. POWERS, Norman 05 Oct 1879 22 Sep 1880 Son /W.L. & M. E. POWERS, W. L. NL 07 Aug 1918 Son. /John & Martha Crt Red PRESNAL, Bobby NL 27 Jan 1881 10d Son /Ike & M.F. PRESNAL, Charles R. 14 May 1863 05 Apr 1963 PRESNAL, Della, Mrs. 01 Feb 1893 24 Nov 1918 PRESNAL, Earl 15 Oct 1894 16 Feb 1963 w /Sue BENBOW PRESNAL PRESNAL, infant 1890 1890 Inf /J.K. & M.F. PRESNAL, James K. 13 Jul 1855 01 Sep 1952 "Father" w/Mollie P. PRESNAL, Marguerite T. 09 May 1920 NL w /Robert W. PRESNAL, Marjorie 05 May 1902 NL w/Will PRESNAL, Mary 01 Jul 1888 27 Sep 1962 PRESNAL, Mollie P. 04 Aug 1855 it Nov 1933 "Mother" w. /James K. PRESNAL, Rhoda 27 Feb 1628 09 Jan 1902 PRESNAL, Robert W. 03 Dec 1917 26 Mar 1975 w /Marguerite T. PRESNAL, Sue BENBOW 1895 1955 w /Earl PRESNAL, Will 15 May 1892 04 Sep 1975 w /Marjorie PURCELL, D. S. 09 Aug 1832 24 Aug 1899 Husband. /Addle RAINEY, Daisy L. 29 Jan 1880 06 Jan 1895 Dau /I.L. & S.E. RAINEY, John L. 23 Oct 1849 25 Apr 1881 RAWLS, Davis H., Sr. 31 Jan 1901 14 Sep 1972 w /Lola B. RAWLS, Lola B. 03 Mar 1905 NL w /Davis H., Sr. ROBERTS, Mary E. 1902 1966 RUDASILL, Eva L. 19 Sep 1879 25 Apr 1915 w /Mark W. RUDASILL, Mark W. 1881 1946 w /Eva L. SCOGIN, W. J. 01 Aug 1826 30 Apr 1896 b AL SHELTON, Burton 30 Jun 1901 15 Jul 1901 San /George & Mollie SHELTON, Lula May 19 Jun 1890 13 Oct 1898 Dau /George & Mollie SHRIMPTON, Hazel Mae 13 Apr 1925 13 Aug 1948 23yr 4mo SHRIMPTON, James G. 1898 1960 SINGLETARY, Bettie 1872 1916 w /William A. SINGLETARY, Carl C. 28 Jan 1893 02 Sep 1958 TIC Pfc 18 Co 165 Depot Brigade WW I SINGLETARY, William A. 1865 1916 w /Bettie SKAINS, F. C. 14 Oct 1822 04 Nov 1878 SKAINS, H. P. 11 Nov 1847 18 Jan 1886 SKAINS, Irene May 24 Mar 1883 01 Aug 1883 Dau /C.T. & Bettie SKAINS, Oscar 10 Jan 1882 13 Sep 1884 Son /R.B. & L.F. STALLINGS, Archie, Dr. 30 Jan 1894 23 Apr 1974 TIC USN WW I w /Letha STALLINGS, Emma E. 1868 1956 "Mother" w./William D. STALLINGS, Letha 01 Jun 1908 NL w /Archie STALLINGS, Virginia Eliz. 04 Jun 1914 12 Mar 1916 lyr 9mo 8da STALLINGS, William D. 1859 1928 "Father" w /Emma E. STEVENER, Arnold G. 10 Dec 1900 31 Dec 1976 w /Jewel H. STEVENER, Frances 29 Oct 1943 29 Oct 1943 Infant daughter STEVENER, Jewel H. 05 Apr 1904 NL w /Arnold G. SWEETEN, Dalton F. 13 Jun 1914 01 Aug 1978 Lt USN WW II w /Dell R. SWEETEN, Dell R. 29 Mar 1917 NL w /Dalton F. SYPTAK, A. George "Sip" 28 Oct 1901 28 Jul 1983 w /Jewell B. SYPTAK, Jewell B. 20 Oct 1903 NL w /A. George THOMAS, Lynn E. 1897 1961 w /Pauline W. THOMAS, Pauline W. 1900 1977 THOMPSON, Annie M. 19 Dec 1885 14 Nov 1956 w /Marvin E. THOMPSON, Bessie 30 Mar 1896 10 Nov 1900 14 ALEXANDER CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date Remarks THOMPSON, E. W. 05 Sep 1631 07 Feb 1901 THOMPSON, Eva L. 30 Aug 1884 01 May 1957 w /John W. THOMPSON, J. H. 18 Jan 1829 17 Mar 1881 THOMPSON, John Adams 08 Sep 1874 28 Dec 1955 THOMPSON, John Brooks 25 Jan 1910 15 Sep 1976 Cox USN WW II w /Pauline W. THOMPSON, John W. 08 Feb 1874 21 Aug 1953 w /Eva L. THOMPSON, Katherine Ann 06 Aug 1868 17 Jun 1943 w /William E. THOMPSON, L. H. 22 Aug 1881 02 May 1884 THOMPSON, Lorene 26 May 1914 IS Oct 1915 Dau /John W. & Eva L. THOMPSON, Margariete 12 Oct 1844 14 Jun 1923 THOMPSON, Marvin E. 11 Jul 1882 05 Oct 1945 w. /Annie M. THOMPSON, Miller A. "Bud" 12 Feb 1923 28 Jun 1964 TX GM2 USNR WW II; w./W.S. & Wiloram. THOMPSON, Myrtle 06 Nov 1898 20 Nov 1900 THOMPSON, Pauline W. 06 Aug 1920 NL w /Jahn Brooks THOMPSON, Phanata Belle 03 Mar 1886 18 Feb 1973 THOMPSON, Ruth 02 Oct 1900 18 Mar 1918 THOMPSON, Saddie Blanche 03 Jan 1912 20 Dec 1984 THOMPSON, Sarah E. 13 May 1878 30 Mar 1879 Dau /J.M. & M.E. THOMPSON, W. S. "Bill" 16 Mar 1894 05 Sep 1867 w. /Wiloram & M.A. THOMPSON, William E. 04 Feb 1872 05 Apr 1927 w /Katherine Ann THOMPSON, Willis S. 16 Mar 1894 05 Sep 1967 TX Wagr 141 Inf 36DivWW I THOMPSON, Wiloram 11 Oct 1900 NL w /W.S. "Bill" & M.A. , TOOMER, Bertha J. 19 Aug 1920 12 Aug 1980 w /J.C. TOOMER, J. C. 24 Nov 1919 NL w /Bertha J. TOOMER, John 11 Feb 1893 28 Oct 1961 w /Millie TOOMER, Millie 24 May 1897 03 Apr 1969 w /John TURNER, Finis D. 09 Jul 1909 24 Mar 1975 Tec 5 USA WW II w /Mildred TURNER, Mildred B. 26 Nov 1911 NL w /Finis D. WAGNER, Lee Roy 17 Sep 1937 16 Feb 1969 TX Pvt Co BI AIB 58 Armored Inf. WALACE, Joseph B. 10 Feb 1892 16 Feb 1892 Son /J.T. & M.E. WALKER, Clarence E. 09 May 1898 24 Jul 1969 WALKER, Dora 09 Oct 1871 15 Feb 1933 WALKER, Eddie 08 Dec 1903 11 Jan 1925 WALKER, Ella Mae S. 1902 NL w/William J. "Bill" WALKER, George E. 14 Feb 1902 17 May 1904 Son /George G. & Lou WALKER, George G. 1862 1942 "Father" w /Lou WALKER, Herbert 19 Mar 1904 31 May 1904 Son /George G. & Lou WALKER, J. E. 09 Apr 1883 01 May 1883 WALKER, James 02 Sep 1817 18 May 1874 b County Antrim Par. KiIIiade, Ireland WALKER, James M. 18 Oct 1855 28 Sep 1904 48yr limo 10da WALKER, Joe B. 16 Jun 1907 23 Aug 1977 WALKER, Joe B. 16 May 1866 08 Nov 1922 WALKER, John 26 Apr 1820 02 Jun 1893 Mason w /Mary WALKER, John L. 1893 1948 WALKER, John Thomas 24 Aug 1860 08 May 1947 w /Mary L. - WALKER, Lou 1873 1 1933 "Mother" w /George G. WALKER, Mary 11 Jan 1834 22 Mar 1920 w. /Jahn 15 ALEXANDER CEMETERY Birth Date Death Gate ttemarKS WALKER, Mary L. WALKER, Minnie Ann WALKER, Mirtie WALKER, Morris W. WALKER, Pearl WALKER, Robert L. WALKER, Roy M. WALKER, Ruby Jean WALKER, S. A. WALKER, Una Mae WALKER, William J. WELCH, David Roy 08 Dec 1869 27 Sep 1923 11 Nov 1891 05 Oct 1918 20 Mar 1892 15 Nov 1920 06 Nov 1901 16 May 1911 1904 1906 26 Aug 1893 "Bill" 15 Jul 1896 13 Nov 1952 WELCH, Helen Marie WILCOX 24 Dec 1930 WELCH, Nolan R. "Buck" 03 May 1927 WESTBROOK, Deborah K. 12 Apr 1955 WESTBROOK, Lewis C. 05 Aug 1921 WESTBROOK, Mary Ann 06 Apr 1944 WESTBROOK, Viola W. 17 Nov 1923 WILCOX, Helen Mary HAMMOND 5 Oct 1904 WILCOX, Oliver Roy 27 Aug 1900 WILCOX, Oliver Roy, Jr. 06 Dec 1932 WILCOX, Sally Lee WILCOX, Walter WILLIAMS, Ted WILSON, Claudie WILSON, Clyde F. WILSON, Ella May WILSON, Elmer L. WILSON, Elnora J. WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, Eula B. Ezra E. Ezra Eugene Frannie E. George L. Geraldine Gladys 0. H. L. Henry L. Henry 0. Ida G. infant Jim L. Labe T. "Bud" Lillie B. 14 Dec 1671 09 Oct 1859 17 Aug 1924 22 Feb 1906 19 Jan 1908 26 Jul 1891 19 Sep 1916 09 Aug 1915 26 Feb 1896 1866 29 Jul 1912 27 Nov 1849 06 Dec 1884 19 Jun 1905 17 Sep 1916 25 Feb 1842 19 Dec 1903 1919 24 Jun 1881 08 Feb 1893 1893 09 May 1887 28 May 1890 1960 w /John Thomas NL w /Morris W. 30 Oct 1894 10 Sep 1975 Cpl USA WW II w/Minnie A. 26 Nov 1963 15 Nov 1920 27 Dec 1956 w /Ruby Jean 03 May 1982 w /Roy M. 1964 08 Oct 1980 "Sister" 22 Jun 1971 TX USN WW I w /Ella Mae S. 10 Mar 1978 Hus /Bev LOTT. Son/N.R. & Helen Marie WILCOX WELCH NL m 12 Jun 1948 w /Nolan R. Dau /Oliver R. & Helen M. HAMMOND WILCOX 27 Jan 1975 S2 USN Son /Dolph D. & Minnie C. w. /Helen Marie WILCOX WELCH 13 Apr 1955 25 Jul 1969 w/Viola W. 09 Mar 1948 NL w /Lewis C. NL w /Oliver Roy Dau /William & Mattie TENNELL HAMMOND 27 Oct 1956 Son./Walter & Sally Lee w/Helen Mary HAMMOND WILCOX 28 Jan 1951 TX Pic 81 Recon Bn 11 Armored Division 14 Apr 1947 26 Mar 1913 it dec 1978 15 May 1906 04 Jun 1978 08 Jul 1900 06 Jul 1975 NL 15 Jul 1896 1947 18 Mar 1986 26 May 1902 08 May 1977 10 Jun 1980 NL 16 Mar 1911 23 Feb 1939 1956 04 Sep 1902 10 Feb 1893 1962 30 Jul 1966 20 Dec 1972 Pic USA WW II Son /E.E. & M.I. w /Geraldine S1 USN WW II w /Gladys 0. m 30 Nov 1932 w /Oscar E. Mother /Larry Dean w /Lillie B. & Labe T. w /Mary I. w /Ruth Nolen w /Ola May w /Clyde F. w /Elmer L. Mason Dau /H.L. & F.E. Son/`Mr & Mrs H.L. "Brother" w /011ie w /Lillie B. & Eula B. w Labe T. & Eula B. 16 ALEXANDER CEMETERY Birth Date Death Date Remarks WILSON, Louisa H. 12 Sep 1801 WILSON, Mabel B. 31 Oct 1882 WILSON, Martha Mae 22 Feb 1926 WILSON, Mary I. 01 Aug 1669 WILSON, Olga Mae 15 Oct 1891 WILSON, 011ie .18 Mar 1902 WILSON, Oscar E. 18 Jul 1910 WILSON, Robert L. 1879 WILSON, Ruby H. 31 Oct 1898 WILSON, Ruth Nolen NL WINTERS, Candale Kay 01 Aug 1947 WITTE, Shirley Sue 1942 WOODALL, Lute W. .18 Mar 1862 WOODALL, Nell H. 01 Aug 1885 WORSHAM, Fannie Christine 09 Nov 1875 WORSHAM, infant 05 Jul 1900 WORSHAM, Maggie M. 25 Apr 1905 WORSHAM, Maudelle H. 28 Dec 1901 WORSHAM, William Henry 27 Jan 1855 °YEARGAN, Don Ross 08 May 1864 1963 11 Dec 1926 1948 06 Dec 1973 1959 15 Oct 1969 1954 12 Oct 1899 05 Aug 1914 17 Jan 1957 1985 14 Feb 1963 1982 29 Nov 1974 09 Jul 1900 22 Feb 1907 11 Jan 1978 10 Aug 1924 it Dec 1936 22 Sep 1975 YEARGAN, Evelyn Davis 12 Mar 1938 NL QUERIES n Mother n w /Robert L. w /Ezra E. w /George L. w /Jim L. m 30 Nov 1902 w /Elnora J. FatherAarry Dean °Dad® w/Mabel B. Dau /R.L. & E.E. w.'Ezra Eugene w/Nell H. w /Lute W. w/William Henry Son /W.H. & F.C. w /Fannie Christine I Son /Johnnie & Anna Ray w /Evelyn Davis w /Dan Ross Dau /Oliver Roy & Helen WILCOX #1 BARNES Looking for information on James Edward BARNES, who was probably born in Jefferson County, AL about 1895 -96, son of James Pierce BARNES and Annie JETT BARNES. May have been reared in Texas in Nacogdoches Co. or in one of the counties of the Brazos Valley - Robertson, Leon, Madison, Grimes, or other in this area. #2 BEATY Looking for information on Roy BEATY. May be a cousin of above James Edward BARNES and possibly reared in the same location. His mother may have been a BARNES. #3 WEST Looking for information on James WEST, born in Blount County, AL in` 1629. His mother was Judith WEST - may have been Judith JETT, daughter of John and Naomi WEBB JETT. James had a twin sister Mary. The 1250 Census shows Judith born in No. Carolina in 1792. Above three items from Alice C. Stubbs, 1204 Garden Lane, Bryan, 1' 77802. ("QUERIES" is continued on pace 37.) 17 MY HERITAGE In climbing my ancestral tree, i find my were much 1 iEe me, They also lived and loved and died, And laughed, I know, and ves they cried. Their gravestones tell me of such woe, That hopeful 1 y I'll never know. Of babes stillborn, and husbands new, Who blazed the trails, then died there too. Of brides who never lived to see Their babes grow to maturity. Of summers hot, and winters cold; 0f battles fought and warriors bold. Old letters tell of good times too, 0f harvests full and hopes renewed; 0f joys shared and games they played, 0f fireside chats and new born babes. We think each scheme we have is new, Well, my ancestors had them too; They planned and dreamed of bigger things, And better days for their offspring. 'i For life more ful 1 , with hope imbued; For freedoms earned, by them renewed; And now it's mine, earned, but not free, This heritage they left to me. by: .Jo Landers Landers` Landing Vancouver, Washington Dec. 1986 The aoove poem was in the Dec. 1986 - Jan. 1987 issue of a publication I receive called Landers' Landings published by Jo Lancers. The Dub 1 ication deal s with LANDERS, LANDIS, LAfdDES Tamil ies. i : Z thought the poem was pretty good and wrote for permission to submit it for publication in the Advertiser. She was pleased to grant permission. I now submit it to You for your consideration. Carl W. Land i ss 18 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 123 Post Office: Bryan 23 Aug 1870 o N 0 U �z ev m U O 1016 1016 CALLION, Serene 28 F B Work in field Josephine 14 F B " Alf 11 M B 17 17 CONNOR, Alex 45 M B Farmer Martha. 30 F B K house Eliza 21 F B works on farm Jack 17 M B " " Peter 13 M B ee ee Louisa 8 F B Albert 10 M B Dick 5 M B John 3 M B Alex 2/12 M B Mar 18 18 DAVIS, Edward 43 M W Farmer SPEARS, Mary 33 F W K house Caroline 4 F W ALFORD, Harry 30 M W 19 19 WILLIAMS, Bill 35 M B Farmer . Judy 33 F B K house 1020 1020 AMBROSE, John 40 M B Farmer Jane 35 F B K house Rebeccah 14 F B at home H vv 12 F B vv �ess Dave 10 M B vv ry Peter 8 M B Jane e 6 F B Dinah 4 F B Mary 2FB 21 - 21 BLAKEY, John 17 M W Farming Mary 64 F W K house Jim 18 M B Laborer 22 22 LEONAID, Ann 34 F W K house Edwin 11 M W at home Ellen 10 F W " Matt 3 M W 24 24 DAWSON, Andrews 35 M W Farmer Louisa 36 F B K house Martha 9 F B 25 25 WILLIAMS, Andy 47 M B Farmer Minerva 36 F B K House Printed 762 U C� e--I Ga LL NC it ee ee ee Tex ve vv ee ee SC Miss Tex Ill Miss of I if Tex to ve ve ve re va Miss N C It Ireland Tex if of Ind ee La Miss SC r Should Be F? 19 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 124 Post Office: Bryan 23 Aug 1870 Printed #62A O U Cd i X. O 4-) 3O Q C6 w Q V1 U O � 1026 1026 WILLIAMS, Lacy 7 F B Tex Sarah 6 F B PRESTON, Matt 16 M B work on farm „ John 11 M B " W ILL I AMS, J AMS, Green 10 M B 27 27 MOSELY, Abe 40 M B Farmer Ala Lucy 30 R*B K House 28 28 MARSHALL, Robt 36 M B Farmer Tex Miss Jane 37 F B K house Tex Harvey 18 F B works on farm " Maria 16 F B Laborer Wm 40 M B Laborer Va 29 29 WILLIAMS, Sawney 46 M B Farmer Miss Gibson 19 M B Laborer Tex Kitty 40 F B K house Ala Caroline 16 F B works on farm Tex Arnolds 13 M B " it 1030 1030 LIIGGINS, Farmie 30 F B " ►' " " Ky La • Louisa 13 F B " Perry`. 6 F B Emily 17 F B 31 31 W I L LIAM , Sarah 70 F B No occupation Va BALLARD, Hanjah 100 F B if " ANTHONY, Archy— M B Farmer " Maria 24 F B K house Tex HOUSTON, Sam " 6 M M " BERRY, Tyler 4 F B " 32 32 WATSON, Geo. 25 M B Farmer " " Laura. 21 F B K house Geo 9/12 M B Aug " WILLIAMS, Hester 22 F B work on farm " 33 33 GOODON Gus 32 M B Farmer Ga Georgia 20 F B K house Tex Rachel 7 F B Della 6 F B " Peter 4 M B " 34 34 BALLARD, Hannah 90 F B No occupation Va TEERS, Henry 48 M B Farmer Tenn Phillis 45 F B K house Ga Geo 7 M B Tex Should Be F? 20 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 125 Post Office: Bryan 24 Aug 1870 Printed rr63 v a� U .r 4-1 4 4 e—I Co �t N W N 4 O N O CZ CCJ � L�11 r�i U wL/�v 1035 1035 SE=, Bill 30 M B Fanning Ia it Phillis 25 F B K house Tom 10 M B Tex Peter 8 M B William 6 M B 36 36 BOSTON, Abe 25 M B Fanning Ala - Lucy 20 F B K house Tex Martin 8 M B to 37 37 MOORE, John 4 0 M W Farming 10,000 l000 Ireland 10 Margt 35 F W K House Thomas 13 M W Mo Ellen 9 F W Tex 38 38 HALL, John 45 M W Farmer Pa Zilphia 18 F W K House Tex 39 39 MICKLEBORROUGH, E. 49 F W K House 10,000 500 Va Alex 19 M W Ferry Man Tex Ed 17 M W at School X John 15 M W ,° ,° X Mary 13 F W X Peter 21 M W Fanning LYDIA, John 11 M W at School X HEARNE, Henry 12 M W ee se 11 X Errs. 3 F w ee Bethe a 18 F B servant 1o4o 1040 JOHNSON, Stephen 35'M B Farmer La Eda 23 F B 'e Mary 10 F B Tex Anderson 8 M B " 41' 41 EDDING, Calvin 60 M B Farmer S C Sarah 35 F B K House Ga Amanda 9 F B Tex Rebeccah 5 F B of Sam 14 M B Laborer Ala 42 42 GEORGE, Jones 38 M B Farmer Geo JONES, Eliza 20 F B K House Tex George 2 M B - 43 43 LITTLE, Sam 71 M B Farming N.Carolina Matilda 40 F B K house La 44 44 HENDERSON, Green 25 M B Fanning Tex Eliza 25 F B K House 21 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 126 Post Office: Bryan 24 Aug 1870 Printed #63A o U r i U �4 w U] 0 O P:� Mary 1044 1044 HENDERSON, Ma 2 F B T if MURRAY, Sam 21 M B Farmer 45 45 HO U4ES, David 5 0 M B Va if Dollie 36 F B K house Giles 16 M B Laborer Tex Sam 14 F B at home Eliza 10 F B David 6 M B Moses 2 M B Jeff 13 M B " " 46 46 HARRY, Jones 24 M B Farming Ga TAYLOR, Jack 10 M B at home Tex 47 47 WESLEY, Johnson 49 M B Farmer I-a Patience 35 F B K House Mary 1 F B at home Tex Roda 13 F B ,► , Jane 8 F B Matilda 3 F B Azalene 2 F B EDDINGS, George 1 M B GRIFFIN, Jo 20 M B Fuming La 48 48 SHELTON, Stephen 28 MB Ga Sallie 36 F B K house of 49 49 BELL, Funk 45 M B Farmer La 1050 1050 NILE, Andy .45 M B S C Marro i.a 38 F B K house Ala Sam 15 M B Laborer Tex Mary 13 F B at home Sarah 10 M B Anna 9 F B Rebeccah 5 F B 51 51 MOORE, Ben 30 M W Laborer Ireland WELLS, Thomas 49 M W Farmer La Martha 43 F W K house Miss Sam 21 M W Laborer Thomas 15 M W Morrion ( ?) 12 M W at home Tex Bashaba 9 F W of Eliza 74F W No Occupation Miss ' ARNOLD, Jo 31 M W Laborer Nova Scotia -� May have intended: JONES, Harry 22 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 127 Post Office: Bryan 25 Aug 1870 Printed x-`644 ° •° � .� ° w 4-1 r-i C ° a >, a) a) aD o 4 � N O U CC3 90R (� (D L�Il •r (s, Q En r-) O .`l p-, P:� 1052 1052 SPEERS, Mary 35 F W K House Miss Kate 4 F W Tex 53 53 WII,LIAMS, Jim 18 M W Laborer it BLAKEY, Mary 60 F W K House S C John 21 M W Farmer Tex 54 54 SPENCE, Erie 25 M B " Md Emelane 30 F B K house Ark Jim 4 M B Tex Mary 2 F B of 55 55 BARKER., Wm 22 M W Farmer 10,000 1000 It Mousiri 22 F W K house Ga Addison VM W Tex James 61 M W Farmer Ky Adeline 41 F W K House Tex James 17 M W laborer " THOMAS, Diadem 16 M W - "" of BARKER, Ed 12 M M Servant 99 57 57 CROWDER, Elijah 35 M B Farmer Va Arnett 35 F B K house " May 16 F B at home Tex Chass 8 M B it 58 58 SAMULS, Rube 65 M B Farmer Va Esther 55 F B K house It JACKSON, Jo 40 M B Farmer Miss SAMUELS, Allen 21 M B laborer La Essex 14 M B " Tex 59 59 zIFFEN, Harriett 26 F B work on farm Tex John 6 M B " Dan 2 M B „ 1060 1060 M= CAN, Pleasant 39 M B Farming " Sallie 25 F W K house 61 61 GARDNER, Alf 45 M W Farmer 1000 500 S C Sarah 30 F W K house it John 15 M W at home Ala Eliza 12 F W '® '" Tex Ellen 6 F W " Wm 4 M W „ Ada 1 F W LEONAID, Lee 14 M M Miss HOIMAN, Gilbert 50 M B Farmer " 23 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 128 Post Office: Bryan 25 Aug 1870 Printed , Y O 0 � a X o . �C M U O 1062 1062 HOLMAN, Vicey 40 F B K house Miss Tex Esther 20 F B works on farm Taylor 17 M B Laborer Bill 15 M B " ° John 14 M B Jeff 12 M B " e, Lucy 9 F B Gilbert 7 M B „ Mary 5 F B Lens. 1 F B 63 63 WILSLSON Willie 36 M B Farmer La Sydney 24 F B K house Ala Fannie 6 F B Tex if Eligh 2 M B 64 64 TYLER, Martha, 45 F W K house Miss Abner 21 M W Farmer Darrell 19 M W Laborer Geo. Tex C 1 6 M W 5 . Lafayette 12 M W Jim 10 M W at home ° Chas 7 M W 65 65 BOON, Thomas 45 M W Physician Miss Susan 30 F W K house Sarah 16 F W at home Thomas 10 M W it " John 7 MW Norma 80 F B No occupation 66 66 McLANE, Emily 50 F M Farming Ky And ?s 14 M M Laborer Florence 12 F M PERCE,Sarah 5 F M Tex ° Virginia 2 F M HICKSOON, Jane 23 F M washerwoman Miss Lola Rook 7/12 F M Jan Tex HOLLIDAY, Launa 3 F M „ 67 67 MARSHALL, Robt 35 M B Farmer La Laura 25 F B K house Ala CARTER, America 22 F B work on farm N C 68 68 KING, Thomas 45 M W Boarding house on R R °' 24 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 129 Post Office: Bryan 26 Aug 1870 Printed r65 o � • o 75 0 � w ¢� 1068 1068 KING, Ann 45 F W K house Tex Willie 3 M W Allice 1 F W GAYMON, Chas 35 M W DONAVIN, Dermis 45 M W Laborer Ireland HLLLAND if 45 M W I LYONS, John 50 M W CASEY, Tom 50 M W CAN, Matt 30 M W CANNON, 6o M w 69 69 THOMAS, Peter 45 M B Fanner Ala Sarah 52 F B K house N C McGOWEN, Owen 21 M B Fanner Miss Dick 19 M B Laborer it Chas 7 M B Tex 1070 1070;KNOX, Louisa 27 F M Fanning Miss CARROLL, Lucy 17 F M Servant Ark KNOX, Bell 8 F M Tex Maurice 1 M M 71 71 ELLI OTT, I OTT, Harvey 23 M M Fanning Ky WA=, Ann 58 F B K house Va BURGESS, Alf 13 M B Farmer Ala Carrie 21 F B K house N C Mary 3 F B Tex Venal. 2 M B of 72 72 WHITE, Kate - 45 F B works on farm Va Mose 30 M B Laborer S C 73 73 HUNTER' Louis 56 M B Fanning Va Nancy 49 F B K House Tenn Ezra 11 F B La 74 74 Dave 6 M B '° BROWN, Pleasant 45 M B Farmer Va Marr ia. 39 F B K house „ Wm 3 M B Tex 75 75 HAWTHORN, Wm 28 M B Farmer La Kate 25 F B K house ff Wm 7 M B it Louisa 3 F B Tex S ilas 5/12 M B Jan of 76 76 NARwom, Clara 18 F B La 25 BRAZOS CoLmty Texas 1870 Census Page No. 130 Post Office: Bryan 26 Aug 1870 Printed #65A � O U r� °bn O + 4 w U) U O —1 P:� 1076 1076 SCROGGINS, John 58 M B Farmer Va Cressey 27 F B K House Tex John 8 M B Moses 6 M B Lere 4 M B King Emanuel 2 F B Teli.thia 4/12 F B Feb 77 77 BROWN, Eliza 39 F M Farming Prince 17 M M Laborer Wiley 12 M M 78 78 COX, James 50 M W Farmer Ireland Ellen 50 F W K house if McFARREN, Wm 18 M W Laborer Ala 1080 1080 KNOX, Peter 50 M B Farmer S C Emeline 34 F B K house Ala Julia 16 F 13 -at home Miss THORNTON, Maria 16 F B work on farm Tex it Sylvia 9 F B 81 81 HARHORN, Bill 30 M B Farmer La Caroline 25 F B K house Willie 5 M B Tex Lue 2 F B Clara 16 F B Silas 5/12 M B Dec " 82 82 THOMPSON, Henry ­ M. B Fanner S C Phillis - 40 F B L3 K.House Tex Sam 14 M B Laborer Robt 12 M B Elvin 10 M B at home Elvira 8 F B Anthony 18 M B Ala 83 83 WILSON, Mary 85 F B No occupation Va 84 84 EAS=, Jo 30 M B Farmer Caroline 25 F B K House Tern 85 85 =SE, Fayette 28 M B Farmer it Harriett 25 F B K house is 86 86 DANDRIDGE, Sam 25 M B Farmer Ala Emily 35 F B K house Va Lucy 8 F M Tex Emily 1 F B 11 Kri BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 131 Post Office: Bryan 27 Aug 1870 Printed #66 a� 4 0 o o 4 v ct F-� � +� w Q n= o va 1087 1087 THOMPSON, Aron 51 M B Farmer S.C. Frances 27 F B K House Ala, Matt 10 M B Tex Ellen 6 F B of 88 88 WRIGHT, WF-- 49 M W Farmer 600 100 Ky Martha 34 F W K House John 14 M W X Mary 12 F W X Jeff Davis 9 M W Tex X Wm 2MW Ga? 89 89 TERRF'r Wade 23 M B Farmer " Nancy 20 F B K House of 1090 1090 SURTER, Wm 39 M W Farmer 300 100 N.C. 26 F W K House Ala � dr i li d1.e r7 F W ( 7 - it Willie M W Maggie 5 F W " Kate 2 F W Brazil F= , Davis 23 M W Farmer N.C. 91 91 NAIRN, Maranda 52 F W K House 200 -- Mo Lucy 13 F W Ill Colum 8 M W Tex PIIHAM, Martha 24 F W No Occupation Ill 92 92 SWING, Anthony 50 M B Farmer Ala Matha (sic) 50 F B K House it COLE, Harriett 15 F B at home Tex Jim 12 M B it Cornelius 8 M B 11 93 93 ROLL Wm 40 M W Farmer Ala Frances 36 F W K house' it Wm 12 M W Miss Monroe 10 M W Lafayette 8 M W Mary 1 F W 94 94 PAGE, Chas 50 M W Farmer Sarah 44 F W K House John 28 M W School Teacher Wm 21 M W Laborer Phebe 23 F W at home Geo 18 M W " 27 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 132 Post Office: Bryan 27 Aug 1870 Printed #66A .Z a) co o o 0 o 0 m w c a) o 4-D � -P o � � � . w � rnv o >� maw w 1094 1094 PAGE, Ned 13 M W Miss , Dan 13 M W Sarah 11 F W " Mollie 8 F W " Laura 5 F W " 95 95 REILL Wm 30 M W Fanner Ind Martha 27 F W K house Miss Eddie 2 M W " 96 96 C URRIE, James 38 M W Farmer Ala Mary 26 F W K House " Wm 25 M W Farmer 97 97 FOSTER, Embery 41 M W 500 100 Ala Mir 34 F W K House Tex Lucy 16 F W at home " Jim 7 M W Jo 2 M W 98 98 ROBERTSON, Geo 35 M W Farmer 100 50 Ill Letitia 29 F W K house Ga Mary S F W Tex Lizzie 14 F W Joe 2 M W 99 99 HIIVlPFLIN, Geo 35 iii W Wagon Maker 2000 1000 Baden Ellen 28 F W K house Tex Lucilla 1 F W WALKER, Allice 13 F W at home James 11 M W it " Lizzie 9 F W ACKLAND, Eletha 26 F W Servant 1100 1100 PRICE, Manda 50 F W K House 2000 500 La James 18 M W Farmer Tex Mary 16 F W at home if Lewis 18 M M Laborer Ala Bill 15 M B Domestic Servant " 1 1 RYAN, Adam 41 M W Farmer 2000 500 Bavaria John 16 M W Laborer Ala Jim 13 M W It " x Adam 11 M W at home X Thomas 7 M W " Jeff 3 M W " Barbarea 1 F W Bavaria M Brazos Genealogical Association. Y U -LAWS (Revised and Approved November 16, 1987 ARTICLE I NAME The name of this organization shall be the Brazos'Genealogical Association. The business address of the Association shall be a local Post Office box number. ARTICLE II PURPOSE Section 1. The purpose of the organization shall be to promote interest in family history and in genealogical research. The Association shall collect, record, publish, and preserve materials for the membership and for cooperating libraries. Section Z. The Association is organized exclusively for educational, scientific, and literary purposes, including compiling and distributing research publications to organizations qualifying as exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be open to individuals who are interested in genealogical and historical research. ARTICLE IV FINANCES Section 1. The Association shall be a non - profit educational organization. All assets shall be used to promote the purposes of the Association. Section 2. The Association's income shall be from membership dues, donations, and sale of publications related to genealogical history or research compiled by the membership. Section 3. The officers and standing committees shall each prepare a budget estimate to be presented to the President by November 1 of each year. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. The elected officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Section 2. The office of Librarian and the office of Editor of the quarterly shall be filled annually by appointment by the President of the Association, with the approval of the Executive Committee. Section 3. Officers shall assume their duties on January 1 of each year. ARTICLE VI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be the four elected officers, the two appointed officers, and the immediate past president. Section 2. Executive Committee meetings shall be open to all members of the Association. ARTICLE VII STANDING COMMITTEES The Standing Committees shall be Program, Publicity, Membership, Library, Editorial, and Workshop. ARTICLE VIII MEETINGS The meetings shall be held monthly, with time and place to be set annually by vote of the membership in a regular meeting. B. G. A. BY -LAWS ARTICLE IX DUTIES OF.OFFICERS Section 1. The President shall: a. preside at all meetings of the Association, b. call and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee, c. appoint members of standing committees and special committees, d. be an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, e. present budget estimates to the Executive Committee for consideration and approval. Section 2. The Vice President shall: a. in the absence of the President, perform the duties pertaining to that office b. serve as chairman of the Program Committee. Section 3. The Secretary shall: a. record the proceedings of each regular meeting and each Executive Comm =ttee meeting, b. conduct any correspondence required by the Association, c. transfer files of minutes of all meetings to the succeeding secretary. Section 4. The Treasurer shall: a. receive and deposit the funds of the Association in a recognized bank, b. disburse the funds according to a budget approved by the Executive Committee, c. present a brief financial report to members at'each meeting, d. keep a record of members in good standing, e. close of each fiscal , sub g at the cl submit accounts for auditing f. at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be required to be bonded at the expense of the Association, g. transfer financial records to the succeeding treasurer. Section 5. The Librarian shall: a. serve as chairman of the Library Committee, b. inform the membership of new genealogical. acquisitions, c. maintain the Association's genealogical files and a written record of all library property, d. transfer all library properties to the succeeding librarian. Section 6. The Editor shall: a. call and preside at meetings of the editorial staff, b.. obtain bids for publication of the quarterly, c. be responsible for distribution of publications, d. transfer all publications and editorial files to the succeeding editor. 30 B G . Al _ BY -LAWS ARTICLE X DUTIES OF STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1. The Executive Committee shall: a. serve as consultants to the President in matters of policy, b. appoint officer replacement if vacancy occurs during the year, c. serve as an advisory board for the quarterly staff, d. consider and approve the annual budget for the coming year. Section 2. The Program Committee shall: a. plan and present the monthly programs, b. notify the chairman of the Publici.ty.Committee two weeks prior to each meeting. Section 3. The Publicity Committee shall: ' a. publicize the meetings and activities of the Association, b. notify the chairman of the telephone committee of activities and programs. Section 4. The Membership Committee shall: a. maintain a current membership list, b. recruit new members, c. provide each new member with a copy of the BY -LAWS, a current membership list, and a blank pedigree chart for publication in the quarterly. Section 5. The Nominating Committee shall: a. meat in October to prepare a slate of officers, b. present the slate of officers at the November meeting. Section 6. The Library Committee shall: a. maintain the Association's library and secure volunteer help if needed, b. encourage improvement and enlargement of the Association's library. Section 7. The Editorial Committee shall: a.. serve on the publication staff, b. research, compile, and write articles for publication, c. encourage submission of articles from the general membership. Section 8. The Workshop Committee shall: a. survey members for interest in a workshop, b. plan the date, the speaker(s), and the topic(s), c. estimate expenses and set fees of participants to cover the expenses, d. assign subcommittees for developing and implementing the workshop, e. prepare a final written report to the Executive Committee. 31 ( - B. G. A. BY -LAWS ARTICLE XI ELECTIONS \% Section 1. The slate of officers shall be presented by the Nominating Committee at the November meeting; additional nominations may be made from the floor with the prior consent of the person nominated. Section 2. Elections shall be by a majority of members present. Section 3. Ballots may be used at the discretion of the President or by request o' the membership with a simple majority vote. ARTICLE XII DUES Section 1. :Membership dues shall be set by a majority vote of members present at a regular meeting. Section 2. Dues are payable for the budget year, January 1 through December 31; new members after June 30 will pay dues for one -half the amount of the annual dues. Section 3. Membership shall include one subscription to the quarterly. ARTICLE XIII AMENDMENTS These BY -LAWS may be amended at any regular meeting by a two - thirds vote of members present, provided the amendment has been presented in writing at the previous meeting. ARTICLE XIV DISSOLUTION The dissolution of this organization may be recommended by the Executive Committee in the event the Association ceases to carry out the purposes for which it was established. In the event of dissolution all assets remaining after payment of all debts will be paid to a non - profit organization which is, itself, exempt under Section 5O1 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ARTICLE XV PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained the current edition of Robert's Rules.of .Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these BY -LAWS and any special rules of order the Association may adopt. W Harry J. Portzer ANCESTOR CHART X501 Sumter Dr a Jacob Johannes_. Portzer — College Station, TX 77840 b. 23 Jun 1824 January 20, 1988 p.b.Hempfield Twp, Westm'd Co. M. 16 Nov 1845 4 Ze hania Franklin Portzer d. 8 Jan 1898 b. 16 Feb 1854 p.d.Salem Twp, Westm'd Co., PA p.b.Near Manor, Westm'd Co. m. 28 Dec 1879 d. 8 Jan 1929 p.d.Near New Alex., PA. q '`define "Addie" Sterner b. 10 Mar 1826 Harry Jones Portzer Sr. p.b.Probably Franklin Twp. ° b. 8 Feb 1862 m. 16 Nov 1845 p.b.Salem Twp, Westm'd Co, PA d. 12 Mar 1896 m. 10 Sep 1914 p.d.Salem Twp, Westm'd Co, PA d. 24 Sep 1948 p.d.Greensburg, Westm'd Co, PA 10 Not known s Ella Davis {Orphan) b, 10 Sep 1854 p.b.Probably Salem Twp. 31 Not known m. 28 Dec 1879 d. 4 Mar 1924 p.d.Salem Twp, Westm'd Co. 1 Harry J. Portzer b. 16 Dec 1915 p.b.Greensburg, Westm'd Co., PA 12 Christian Ebersole m. 21 Feb 1946 b. 9 Jun 1793 d. -------- - - - - -- p.b.Elizabeth Twp, Lanc. Co. p.d.-------- - - - - -- m. 6 Aug, 1840, 3rd marriage d. 12 Nov 1869 S Samuel George Ebersole p.d.Mt. Pleasant Twp, Westm'd b. 16 Apr 1848 p.b.Mt Pleasant Twp, Westm'd 13 k ary "Polly" Gallows m. 11 Mar 1874 b. 17 May 1818 d. 3 Apr 1936 p.b.Unity Twp, Westm'd Co, PA p.d.Greensburg, Westm'd Co. m. 6 Aug, 1840 d. 12 Dec 1873 a lary Galloway Ebersole p.d.Mt. Pleasant Twp, Westm'd b. 1 Dec 1883 p.b.Greensburg, Westm'd Co., PA 14 Jacob Wea m. 10 Sep 1914 b. 19 Mar 1811 d. 26 Jun 1954 p.b.Lower Paxton ?, Dauphin Co, p.d.Greensburg, Westm'd Co., PA m. About 1837 d® 28 Oct 1854 Eliza Jane Weaver .d.Hempfield Twp, Westm'd Co. b. 20 Aug 1850 p.b.Ludwick <Gbg.), Westm'd 15 Salome Sarah Kiehl m. 11 Mar 1874 b. 19 Mar 1818 d. 14 Mar 1937 p.b.Greensburg, PA p.d.Greensburg, Westm'd Co. m. About 1837 d. 26 Apr 1890 p.d.Greensburg, Westm'd Co. I I A nna Maroaretha Braucher b. p.b.Probably Berks Co. m. Around 1778 d. p.d. 14 Salome Sarah Kiehl b. 19 Mar 1818 p.b.Greensburg, Westm`d Co., PA m. About 1837 d. 26 Apr 1890 V .d.Greensburg, PA 1 62 JArnh 1 a i h« 11 Zia I Anna Marga.retha. 124 Jacob Leiby I b. 1720 p.b.Germany m. Around 1742 d. 1807 p.d.Berks County, PA b. 22 Jul 1746 p.b. m. Around 1770 d. 24 Mar 1797 p.d.Berks County, PA 31 baria Magdalena Leiba b. 16 May 1780 p.b.Berks County, PA M. 1800 or earlier d. 8 Feb 18744 p.d.Northumberland County, PA 63 knna Maria Petereu b. p.b. m. Around 1770 d. p.d.Berks County, PA 12s IBorothea b. p.b. M. d . p.d.Berks County, PA 126 Not known b. p.b. M. d. a.d. 127 `dot b. p.b. M. d. p.d. 33 H...rr J. Portzer ANCESTOR CHART 2501 Sumter Dr. 120 Johann Geor.a Kiehl v College Station, TX 77540 b. 15 Apr le January 20, 1?86 p.b.Meddersheim, Palatinate m. Around 1745 60 Adam Kiehl d. b. Around 1750 p.d.Berks County, PA p.b.Serks County, PA m. Around 1778 d. p.d.Prob. Hempfield Twp, Westm`d 121 b. ao Jac Kiehl p.b.Prob. Mecidersheim b. 26 Feb 1779 M. p.b.Berks County, PA d. ;. 1800 or earlier p.d.Berks County, PA d. 8 Jan 1859 n d Greensburn Westm`d Co PA 122 Christian Braucher A nna Maroaretha Braucher b. p.b.Probably Berks Co. m. Around 1778 d. p.d. 14 Salome Sarah Kiehl b. 19 Mar 1818 p.b.Greensburg, Westm`d Co., PA m. About 1837 d. 26 Apr 1890 V .d.Greensburg, PA 1 62 JArnh 1 a i h« 11 Zia I Anna Marga.retha. 124 Jacob Leiby I b. 1720 p.b.Germany m. Around 1742 d. 1807 p.d.Berks County, PA b. 22 Jul 1746 p.b. m. Around 1770 d. 24 Mar 1797 p.d.Berks County, PA 31 baria Magdalena Leiba b. 16 May 1780 p.b.Berks County, PA M. 1800 or earlier d. 8 Feb 18744 p.d.Northumberland County, PA 63 knna Maria Petereu b. p.b. m. Around 1770 d. p.d.Berks County, PA 12s IBorothea b. p.b. M. d . p.d.Berks County, PA 126 Not known b. p.b. M. d. a.d. 127 `dot b. p.b. M. d. p.d. 34 Harry J. Porter ANCESTOR CHART 2501 Sumter Dr as Georoiue. P "otter college Station, T.:: ,78 _ b. 6 Apr 17:7 ;baptiser date? January 20, 1988 p.b.Kehl, Baden, 1.4est Germany M. 12 Apr 1751 sz Johann Georg Pfotzer d. 7 Dec 1777 b. 12 Feb 1758 p.d.Warwick Twp, Lancaster Co. p.b.Warwick Twp, Lancaster Co. m. About 1780 (served in PA militia d. About 1800 in Revolution) p.d.Gettysburg, PA. 65 Maroaretha Flick(en) b. 29 May 1732 (baptism date? 16 Samuel Porter p.b.Kehl, Baden, West Germany b. 5 Mar 1794 m. 12 Apr 1751 p.b.Gettysburg, then York Co., PA d. 3 Feb 1792 s. About 1814, 1st marriage p.d.Wara.aick Twp, Lancaster Co. . 25 Sep 1866 .d.Hempfield Twp, Westm'd Co., PA s (Christina. a ? r as b. 4 Sep 1761 (computed) p.b.Probably Warwick Twp. m. About 1801 d. 25 Apr 1829 p.d.Westm'd Co., PA S . 23 Jun 1824 .b.Hempfield Twp, Westm'd Co., PA . 16 Nov 1845 . 8 Jan 1898 .d.Salem Twp, Westm - d Co., PA 34 Andreas Keppel b. Not known p.b. Ii a. Around 1775 d. 26 Jul 1819 p.d.Franklin Twp, Westm'd Co. 17 Luria Christina Kep2e1 b. 13 Jun 1784 p.b.Probably Penn Twp, Westm'd. Co. m. About 1814 d. 18 Aug 1834 p.d.Hempfield Twp, Westm'd Co., PA es knna Maria 7 ?' b. p.b. m. Around 1775 d. p.d. E7 6e .b. .d. 69 nna b. p.b. m. d. p.d. 35 0 Harr`; J. Portzer 2501 Sumter Dr College Station, T" ,7040 January 20, 1988 48 Not Known b. Q.b. d. p.b. 12 ANCESTOR CHART 24 Abraham Eber b. About 1755 or earlier p.b.Not known m. About 1775 d. 1819 p.d.Dauphin Co., PA 411 Jot known b. p.b. M. d. p.d. Chr istian Ebersole b. 9 Jun 1793 p.b.Elizabeth Twp, Lancaster Co. r. 6 Aug 1840, 3rd marriage d. 12 Nov 1869 p.d.Mt. Pleasant TkAip, Westm'd Co., PA 50 Johannes Stauffer b. 6 Aug 1715 p.b.Wurttemburg, Pfaltz, Germany m. Fall, 1738, 1st marriage d. About 10 Jan 1767 p.d.Warwick Twp, Lancaster Co. 2e (Eve Stouffer b. 12 Apr 1751 p.b.Probably Warwick Twp, Lanc. Co. m. About 1775 d. Not known p.d.Not known 51 I Catherine Shenk ':Shank, etc.? b. Apr, 1720 p.b.Not known m. Fall, 1738 d. 29 Nov 1760 p.d.Probably Warwick Twp., Lancaster County, PA 100 fer b. Not known p.b.Probably Wur•ttemburg gin. Not known d. Q.d. 101 LJeron i ca b. Not known p.b.Probably Wurttemburg m. Not known d. " p.d.Prob.Eliz.Twp.Lancaster Co 102 Michael Shenk b. Before 1700 p.b.Probably Palatinate m. Around 1715 ( Ist wife) d. About 1760 _jp.d.Eliz.Twp.Lancaster Co. 103 p.b. m. Around 1715 d. p.d.Eliz.T:ap.Lancaster Co. 36 Harry J. Por t er ANCESTOR CHART 2501 Sumter Dr .Col 1 ege ;?,tat i on , T: 77840 January 20, 1988 da Peter Weaver (Weber'?) b. p.b. m. Around 1797 d. p.d.Dauphin County, PA 57 b. p.b. M. d. p.d. 14 Jacob Wearer b. 19 Mar 1811 p.b.Lower Paxton ?, Dauphin Co., PA m. About 1337 d. 28 Oct 1854 p.d.Hempfield Twp.Westmoreland Co. 58 Abraham Ebersole (see #24) b. About 1755 or earlier p.b.Not Known m. About 1775 d. 1819 p.d.Dauphin County, PA 29 (Barbara Ebersole ' b p.b.Lancaster County, PA m. Around 1797 d. Around 1815 p.d.Lower Paxton Twp.Dauphin Co. 59 1Eue Stouffer (see #25) b. 12 Apr 1751 p.b.Probably Warwick Twp, Lancaster Co. m. About 1775 d. Not known p.d.Not Known INDE)< ABBOTT 6 ACKLAND 27 ALFORD 16 ALLPHIN 6 AMBROSE 18 ANTHONY 19 ARNOLD 21 ATKINS 6 AYERS 6 BAKER 6 BALL 6 BALLARD 19 BANDY 6 BANKS 6 BARKER 22 BARNES 6, 16 BATSON 6 BEATY 16 BELL 6, 21 BENBOW 6, 12, 13 BENZIN 34 BERRY 6 19 BILLINGSLEY 5 BISHOP 6 BLAKEY 18, 22 BLUHE 6, 7 BOGGS 7 BONNEVILLE 3 BOON 23 BOSTON 20 BOYETT 7 BOYKIN 5 BRANDON 4 BRAUCHER 33 .BREEDEN 7 BROACH 7 BROGDON 7 BROWN 24 25 BUCHANAN 4 7 BURGESS 24 BURNS 7 BUTLER 7 BYBEE 4 CALLION 18 CAN 24 CANNON 7 24 CAPPS 7 CARR 3 CARROLL 24 CARTER 23 CASEY 24 CHAPPELL 7 CHATHAM 7 37 #5 TOWNS, COLQUITT Bartlet TOWNS appears in 1793 Welks County, GA tax list. Unable to find residence prior to that time. His wife, Polly (Mary) (COLQUITT)? Where did they live in Virginia or North Carolina? Anna T. Hallaran, 733 B Rosemary Dr, Bryan, TX 77802. 46 HOGUE (HOGG), FROST, LYON( S) Seeking information on HOGUE in Georgia. Jacob HOGUE was father of Rebecca, born 26 April, 1790. She married Johnson FROST i Oct 1812 and died 11 June 1851. Johnson FROST died 6 May 1862. Their son Hillard J. married Jane E. LYON(S). I need their birth dates and marriage date. Hil- lard FROST died in Louisiana in 1862 or 1863. Jane died in Arkansas in 1886. Who were her parents? #7 TEAGUE Isaac TEAGUE was born 4 April 1797 in North Carolina, died 17 July 1858 in Jefferson County, Arkansas. He was married to Mary _? When were they married and who were parents of Mary? Isaac and Mary TEAGUE were my great - great - grandparents. Last two items from Naomi 0. McCormick, 417 W. Brookside Dr, Bryan, TX 77801. INDEX CIKALO 7 QUERIES (continued from page 16) ELLIOT 8 FULLERTON 8, 9 CLOUD 7 DAVIS 4, 18, 32 ELLIOTT 24 #4 PIERSON DAWSON 18 ELLIS 8 GALLAHAR 9 Stephen PIERSON settled in Derby, CT. Born about 1645 at Suffolk, GALLOWAY 32 England, a servant of Thomas MULLINER of Branford, CT. Need information GANDY 9 on MULLINER also. DILLESHAW 4 GARDNER 22 Abraham PIERSON, born 1681 a son of Stephen and Mary TOMLINSON PIER° GARTH 3 SON, married Sarah Need information on ancestor of Sarah. GAYMON 24 David PIERSON, born 17 Jan 1746 a son of and Susannah WOOSTER GEORGE 20 PIERSON. Need Revolutionary War record of David. GIBBS 4 Above items from Walter H. Parsons, Jr., 624 Vine, Bryan, TX 77802. #5 TOWNS, COLQUITT Bartlet TOWNS appears in 1793 Welks County, GA tax list. Unable to find residence prior to that time. His wife, Polly (Mary) (COLQUITT)? Where did they live in Virginia or North Carolina? Anna T. Hallaran, 733 B Rosemary Dr, Bryan, TX 77802. 46 HOGUE (HOGG), FROST, LYON( S) Seeking information on HOGUE in Georgia. Jacob HOGUE was father of Rebecca, born 26 April, 1790. She married Johnson FROST i Oct 1812 and died 11 June 1851. Johnson FROST died 6 May 1862. Their son Hillard J. married Jane E. LYON(S). I need their birth dates and marriage date. Hil- lard FROST died in Louisiana in 1862 or 1863. Jane died in Arkansas in 1886. Who were her parents? #7 TEAGUE Isaac TEAGUE was born 4 April 1797 in North Carolina, died 17 July 1858 in Jefferson County, Arkansas. He was married to Mary _? When were they married and who were parents of Mary? Isaac and Mary TEAGUE were my great - great - grandparents. Last two items from Naomi 0. McCormick, 417 W. Brookside Dr, Bryan, TX 77801. INDEX CIKALO 7 DANDRIDGE 25 ELLIOT 8 FULLERTON 8, 9 CLOUD 7 DAVIS 4, 18, 32 ELLIOTT 24 COLDIRON 7 DAWSON 18 ELLIS 8 GALLAHAR 9 COLE 26 DEAN 8 9 ETLEY 26 GALLOWAY 32 COLQUITT 37 DEES 8 EWING 26 GANDY 9 t CONNOR 18 DILLESHAW 4 GARDNER 22 CONRAD 7 8 DONAVIN 24 FINDLEY 8 GARTH 3 COOPER 8 DOWELL 3 FLANAGAN 8 GAYMON 24 COPPOCK 8 FLICK (EN) 34 GEORGE 20 COULTER 3, 4 EASLEY 25 FORD 3 GIBBS 4 COX 25 EBERSOLE 32, 35, FOSTER 27 GILLIAM 9 COYLE 8 36 FOUNTAIN 3 GLAZE 9 CRENSHAW 8 EDDING 20 FRANCES 8 GLOVER 9 CROIIAIDER 22 EDDINGS 21 FRANCIS 8, 11 GOODON 19 CURRIE 27 EDWARDS 8 FROST 37 GRAHAM 9 38 INDE: GREGORY 9 KETCHUM it NICOL 12 GRIFFIN 21 KIEHL 32, 33 NILE 21 GROCE 9 KING 23 24 NORRELL 3 GUSTAVUS 4 KNOX 24, 25 KOPPE 3 OLIVER 4 HAIR 9 LANDERS 17 PAGE 26, 27 HALL 3, 9, 20 LANDES 17 PARKER 12 HALLA 37 LANDIS 17 PARSONS 37 HA LTON 9 HA 15 LANDISS 5 17 PERCE 23 HAMPTON 9 LASSATER 11 PETEREY 33 HAR POON 25 HORN LAWRENCE 11 PFOTZER 34 HARRISON 9 LEATHERS 11 PIERSON 37 HARRY 21 LEFEVRE 11 PILHAM 26 HARVARD 9 LEIBY 33 PORTZER 5, 32, 34 HAWTHORN 24 LEONAID 18, 22 POWERS 8, 12 HEARN 9 LIGGINS 19 PRESNAL 12, 13 HEARNE 20 LINDSEY 11 PRESTON 19 HEFLIN 9 LITTLE 20 PRICE 27 HEMPFLIN 27 LOTT 15 PRIDDY 4 HENDERSON 20, 21 LYDIA 20 PRINZEL 3 HENRY 9, 10 LYON 37 PURCELL 13 HENSLEY 10 LYONS 24, 37 HICKSOON 23 RAINEY 13 HILLAND 24 McCALLUM 11, 12 RAWLS 13 HINES 4 McCORMICK 4 5 37 REESE 25 HODGES 10 McDOUGALD 4 REILLY 27 HOGG 37 McDOWELL 12 ROBERTS 13 HOGUE 37 McFARREN 25 ROBERTSON 27 HOLDEN 10 McGOWEN 24 ROLLINS 26 HOLIDAY 10 McIVER 4 RUDASILL 13 HOLLIDAY 23 McLANE 23 RYAN 27 HOLMAN 22, 23 McMILLAN 12 HOLMES 10, 21 McWHORTER 12 SAMUEZaS 22 HOUSTON 19 MANIORD 11 SAMULS 22 HOWELL 3 MARSHALL 19 23 SCOGIN 13 HUDSPETH 8, 10 MARTIN 7 11 SCROGGINS 25 HUNT 5 MATHIS 11 SELLERS 20 HUNTER 24 MENSIK 12 SHELTON 13, 21 MICKLEBORROUGH 20 SHENK 35 ISBELL 10 MILLICAN 22 SHRIMPTON 13 MITCHELL 12 SINGLETARY 13 JACKSON 22 MONDRICK 11 12 SKAINS 13 JAMES 3, 4 MOORE 12 20 21 SPEARS 18 JERNIGAN 6, 10 MOSELY 19 SPEERS 22 JETT 16 MOSS 12 SPELL 4 JOHNSON 3 6, 10, MULLINER 37 SPENCE 22 20 MURRAY 21 STALLINGS 13 JONES 10 20, 21 MYERS 3 4 STERNER 32 JOSEY 10 11 STEVENER 13 NAIRN 26 STOUFFER 35 KENNEDY 11 NARWOOD 24 STOUFFER 35, 36 KEPPEL 34 NASH 12 STUART 4 I INDEX STUBBS 16 SURTER 26 SWEETEN 13 SYPTAK 13 THORNTON 25 TOMLINSON 37 TOOMER 14 TOWNS 37 TURNER 4, 14 WEBB 3, 16 WELCH 15 WELLS 21 WESLEY 21 WEST 16 WESTBROOK 15 WHITE 24 WILCOX 15 16 WILLIAM 19 WILLIAMS 15 18, 19, 22 WILSON 15 16, 23, 25 WINTERS 16 WHTTE 16 WOODALL 15 WOOSTER 37 WORSHAM 16 WRIGHT 26 WYSE 3 TABOR 3 TYLER 23 TAYLOR 3, 21 TEAGUE 37 WAGNER 14 TEERS 19 WALACE 14 TENNELL 15 WALKER 4, 14, 15, TERRELL 26 24, 27 THOMAS 13, 22, 24 WATFORD 3 THOMPSON 13, 14, WATSON 19 25 26 WEAVER 32, 36 YEARGAN 16 ZIFFEN 22 ZULCH 3 MARCH 31 WILL MARK THE END OF THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE NEW YEAR, AND YOUR 1988 DUES ARE BADLY NEEDED TO MEET OUR COMMITMENTS, CHIEFLY THE COST OF THE 'ADVERTISER' ITSELF® MUCH AS WE DISLIKE ADOPTING SUCH A "HARD - NOSED' POLICY WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DEFER DISTRIBUTION OF FUTURE "ADVERTISERS' TO MEM- BERS WHO HAVE NOT PAID UP THEIR 1988 DUES BY APRIL 30. 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