HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter 1989ISer -jenealogical Y1 :ert 0 Our Brazos County Roots 3 Naomi McCormick Editorial 5 President's Message 5 Bryan City Cemetery Records (continued 6 from Fall issue: - courtesy of Mary Cooper) Old Franklin 14 Mrs® Lewis Perkins Cornersville Reunion 17 Naomi McCormick Wheat Cemetery, Millican 18 Don Simons & the Committee Queries 27 Book Review: Pension Lists 28 Social Security Numbers 32 'The Thorny Tra i I* Brazos County Census - 1870 (cont'd, 33 courtesy of Mary Cooper) Ancestor Chart 3.6 Sharron J. Currie Index of Surnames 37 Volume X Number 1 inter 1989 Bryan-College Station, Texas THE BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 OFFICERS 1989 PRESIDENT ..........DONALD F. SIMONS 'DICE PRESIDENT ......VICTORIA SIMONS SECRETARY ..............L. A. MADDOX TREASURER .............HARRY PORTZER LIBRARIAN ........DORIS FRANCESCHINI EDITOR -IN -CHIEF .........To be named PAST PRESIDENT .........L. A. MADDO.< ADVERTISER STAFF ED. PRO 1"EMPGRE ....... HARRY PORTZ ER LOCAL HISTORY .......NAOMI McCORMICK STAFF EDITOR ...........CARL LANDISS CEMETERIES ...............DON SIMONS COMPUTER SPECIALIST ..DWIGHT CHAFFIN MEETINGS Meetings are on the third Monday of each month: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. in the Bryan Public Library. Members are encouraged to arrive a bit early to socialize and to transact any of their individual business. We must be out of the Library by 9:00; thus there is often very little time for anything after the meeting. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is based on the calendar year, and we hope to get this one of 1989 off to a good start. We're not just sure on what date 1989 dues be- come delinquent, but you can prevent this happening to you by paying them real soon, like, right now! '12.00 ............single membership $18.00 ..............dual membership You may mail your dues check either to us at the above address, or else to our treasurer, H. J. Portzer, at 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station TX, 77840. Vol. X, No. 1, Winter, 1989 The Advertiser is available for ex- change with other organizations who have publications to offer. Send in- quiries or samples to P. 0. Box 5493, Bryan, TIC 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family pedigrees, copies of family Bible records, stor- ies and articles with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11, should fit a std. 3 -ring binder and should contain no text outside of our specified margins of 1" top, 3/4" bottom, 1 1/4" at side to be bound: this could turn out to be either left or right: and 3/4" at unbound side. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Asso- ciation nor the staff of the ADVERTI- SER will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Ev- ery effort is made to publish inform- ation from only reliable sources. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept suitable material with editing privilege on a space- available basis. Members of the Association are encou- raged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Items pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, cemeteries, and other groups or organizations are de- sired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Published quarterly: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall issues, in sequence. The dues cover the cost. Non - members are charged $4.00 per issue. �3 razos Ge 3�ertiser VOLUIS X NUMBER 1 BRYAN- COLLEGE STATION WINTER 1 989 TEXAS OUR BRAZOS COUNTY ROOTS (SUBMITTED BY RUTH HARY AND JANIS HUNT) The following narrative was written by Mary Ann HICKS MATHIS about 1940, and is a recollection of what she recalled about her family's early life. She was born in Arkansas October 3, 1867, and came to Brazos county, Texas when she was two years old. Her father died when she was nine years of age and her mother died when she was eleven years of age. She eventually went to live with her pater- nal grandmother Mary Ann BLADE HICKS BOWDEN. "Mary Ann BLAKE was married at the age of 15 to Jessie HICKS. The marriage was solemnized about nine miles north of Raleigh, North Carolina (Wake county.) They put their belongings in a wagon and went to another part of the country and never heard from her people until she was nearly seventy -five years old. She wrote to the sheriff of that county and learned that two sisters whose husbands were blind were still living in the old home place. "To this union were born four girls and five sons. One died in infancy. At one time Jessie had an eighth interest in a fishing business. One day a week they fished and each got 1/8 of the fish. "One winter Jessie built a water gin, waiting to finish his gin before he ginned his cotton. He ginned his load of cotton and went to Memphis, Tennessee, fifty miles away, to sell the cotton and buy supplies. With him was his son, Tom, then about nine years old. The father caught cholera there and died at a man's house on his way home. The man buried him on the road side. They burned his clothes. The child, Tom, thought of his father's purse just in time to save it from being burned too. A young man took the wagon, team and boy home. Before breaking the news to the widow, the young man had her sit down. At the time she was six months with child. That summer she went to her husband's grave, built a fence around it and never saw it again. She kept the gin several years, letting the neighbors gin their cotton in exchange for ginning hers. "Two of Mary Ann HICKS' sons, Jess and William Rederick (Buck) were in the Civil War and were captured. For two years they were not heard from and were supposed to be dead. Their mother, with some others on horseback, was on her way to church when she saw the two sons in the distance and recognized their walk. People along the way heard the shouting. "When Mary Ann HICKS' children were all grown, with their consent, she mar- ried a widower named Henry BOWDEN. He had two sons, Gus and Tom. "One of Grandma. HICKS BOWDEN's sons was William Redrick (Buck) HICKS. He was married to Annie Catherine McCORMICK at her brother John McCORMICK's house near De Witt, Arkansas. Annie Catherine's father was sheriff for eight years in one place. His first wife died when Annie Catherine, their seventh child, was born. The children were put in an orphan's home at Shakertown, Kentucky. "William Hederick (Buck) and Annie Catherine HICKS were parents of four children: Mary Ann, Robert, Maggie Emma and John W. When Mary Ann HICKS was about two,years old, they moved to Texas in a wagon pulled by mules. They were on the road six weeks in sleet, snow and rain, and were waterbound for some time. A man hired to help with the packing, etc., seemed to have a cough due to a cold. When the mother developed whooping cough on the road, they realized that it was what the hired man had. Exposure caused the cough to settle on her lungs and made her an invilid for six years before her death. Robert; Maggie and John were born in Texas. Coming to Texas with Buck and Annie Catherine was a nephew, Jim 3 4 HICKS, whose father and mother died when he was three years old. His father was Tbm HICKS. "Grandpa and Grandma Bowden, also Uncle Jess HICKS, a bachelor, and Uncle Jim HICKS already had established homes in Texas before Buck and family came to Texasf. Buck ITS bought land and had built a rent house and his home before he died of pneumonia three years later. "A week after Buck's death, Robert, his six year old son died. Annie Cath- erine, the mother died two years later. The children went to live with Uncle Jim and Aunt Emma HICKS who promised the mother to take them and not let them be sep- arated. Five years after Annie Catherine's death, Uncle Jim HICKS died. Grandpa BOWDEN had died in the meantime and Grandma Bowden had moved in the house with her bachelor son, Jess HICKS. The orphaned children went to live with them. "Buck HICKS was converted after he came to Texas. His wife was already a Christian. He was baptized in Texas and came home and told his wife. Mary Ann Hicks remembers going part of the way to church in an ox wagon and walking the rest of the way. Dater the father bought a buggy." The above concludes the narrative. The above information has proved to be remarkably accurate as we have taken her information and added to it with our research. Our research reveals that the family of Jessie HICKS was living in Holly Springs, Mississippi at the time of this death. Holly Springs is about 50 miles from Memphis. The 1850 mortality schedule shows that Jessie HICKS died from cholera in July, 1849. Civil War records show that a Jess HICKS from Texas and a William R. HICKS from Arkansas were prisoners. William Rederick and Annie Catherine were married in DeWitt, Arkansas. We have obtained a copy of the marriage license. John McCORMICK, her brother, was living in this location. Annie Catherine McCORMICK's father turns out to be James McCORMICK. He did place five children in the Shaker Orphanage in Shakertown, Kentucky in Feb., 1852. By Dec. 1852, James McCORMICK was in Auburn (Placer county) Calif. which was gold rush country. He was sheriff there for eight years, married again and had nine more children. One of the interesting aspects of this research was finding out more about Mary Ann BLAKE HICKS BOWDEN. She had to be a tough old lady in those days to have outlived two husbands and nine children. She could not read or write, but her pro- bate file in Brazos county, Tex., shows that at her death in 1888, she had $2,700 out on loan in notes earning 10 percent interest. Among the notes were three to Henry KURTEN, founder of Kurten. Mary Ann BOWDEN and her second husband, Henry BOWDEN, are buried in Wixon cemetery in unmarked graves. She lived to be 75'years old. On Oct. 3, 1886, Mary Ann HICKS BOWDEN was present at the wedding of her grand- daughter, Mary Ann HICKS. Mary Ann HICKS and James Wilson MATHIS were married in Brazos county, Tex. They resided in the Reliance and Steep Hollow communities. To this un ion were born eleven children, seven of whom lived to adulthood. They were: Annie Lee, Maggie Irene, Pearl Estelle, Winnie Dell, Jewell WISE, Raymond H. and Lela Fay MATHIS. Lela Fay is the only surviving child at this date. Mary Ann and James Wilson MATHIS are the grandparents of Ruth HARP and the great - grandparents of Janis HUNT. a Thank you, Ruth and Janis for sharing an interesting part of your family his- tory with us. Naomi McCORn,(M 0 PRESIDENT'S MESSAG EDITORIA The publication of the Brazos County Cemetery Listings is our challenge for 1989. This challenge will be met with the presentation of the efforts of this organization on October 16, 1989. Mark the occasion on your calendar, because you need to be present! Our 1. 2. 3. 4. goals for the year are simple: Publish the listings. Publish the Advertiser. Record the cemeteries "metes and bounds ". Do our "on- going" genealogical work on our families. With your help, these goals are all obtainable. We have an established work schedule which will enable all of us to participate. Very little remains to be done on completing the research on goal 1. Goal 2 is being met by the outstanding job of Harry PORTZER, Naomi McCORMICK, Carl LANDISS and the members of our organization, a special thanks to each contributor. Goal 3 needs a lot of work and individual contacts to be obtainable. Goal 4 is our individual pleasure. Committee Chairs for 1989: Publicity: Peggy HOPE Book: Joy BROWN Editorial: Harry PORTZER Library: Doris FRANCESCHINI Membership: Maxine MILLER Programs: Victoria SIMONS Now that we are starting a new year it is time to make our annual plea for more help from the membership. During 1988 we got several articles of real value that way, and hope for more during 1989. Of most importance in this line are QUERIES: We can never get en- ough of them! Every member, ought to submit at least one Query during 1989. F44IL`( HISTORIES: This is the ®bread and butter" of our mag- azine. The history itself, or a synopsis if it is long, or a book review format if you have already written it and it is available or will be avail- able elsewhere. Anything re- lating to the Brazos Valley in any way is acceptable. ANCESTOR (pedigree) charts are another item that we hope to get from each member. If you need help getting these into a neat format suitable for prin- ting, this staff is always on hand to help. With the New `(ear, it is time to think of annual dues, which are unchanged from last year. See pg. 2 (inside front cover) for details. Quite a few have paid up already, but there is always room for more! Please submit your lineage charts for Harry Portzer, Ed. pro tpwore publication and any other interesting topics which you feel would help in overcoming obstacles in our search for ancestors. Thanks to L.A. MADDOX, JR. and his officers for an outstanding year of service to the Brazos Genealogical Association. Donald F. Simons G Bryan City Cemetery Rook No® 5 Pa 20 DATE OF DEATH NAME AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS I`bn-t Day Year 20 (Contd) Dec 12 1894 Chas. HAWARKA Texas 10 yrs 114 1 Typhoid fever BB 12 Famie Ri vers FORD 15 yrs 16 2 Typhoid fever 31 2 Dropsy 48SE 3 Accidently shot 98 3 Continued fever 34 2 Measles 8 3 Born Dead 89 4 3 Phneumonia BB 21 " Toney TARAROIA Italy Texas 91�µ to 13 " Frank FALCONER 43 BB 51 `B 62SE 'Alabama Phneumonia It �5 ®B Rosaline GRACO Italy 5 1 °B Jan 3 1895 Malcom Ralnold STUART 14 mo i Tex 31 " 2 3 B" Whiteker DILLASHAW 2 yrs 3 Phneumonia Tex Mr. A. C. WARE Feb 27 " Inft son of G. E. Born Georgia EBERSPACHM Tex Dead Mai° 6 ` Catherine Parker CHANCE 3 yrs Porn Hebrew Tex 31 2 Dropsy 48SE 3 Accidently shot 98 3 Continued fever 34 2 Measles 8 3 Born Dead 89 4 3 Phneumonia BB 21 " Toney TARAROIA Italy 65 yrs 91�µ 3 Malaria fever BB 24 " Lilli i e NUNN Texas 51 `B 62SE 3 Phneumonia °B 26 " B. L. J94ESON 30 yrs 92 3 CormmPtion Kent 31 " Chas. ROTA Italy 19 " 44 3 Phneumonia April 5 " Mr. A. C. WARE 40 `® 70 3 La Grippe Georgia 6B 8 BB MX & Mrs. J no B. Porn Hebrew Porn dead MM Tex dead Inclosion ®� 14 to Mrs. Mattie N. WHITS 29 yrs 25 1 Heart failure 2 2 Senile Debility 86NE1 3 Congestion Brain 91 1 3 Cholra Infantum 4 4 Consumption 21 June 14 1895 Walter LOCKE Texas 5 wks 65 2 Poisoned by milk to 27 '° Mrs. Mary SLOAN 1 76 yrs 67 4 Typhoid fever N. Carol Page 21 (Contd) accidently shot 8 mo. June 30 1895 Johmie G. CHANCE Tex July 9 °' Mrs. Victoria ENGLEDOW Tex. to 9 °° Alma. PIMTON Tex Aug 1 Dr. J. R. JOHNSON Terms. 't 7 '° Katie BRINGHURST Tex 10 't Mr. J. H. RHODES N. CaroJ.J - na N it 11 '° t. Dr. & Mrs. W. A. In ft. lin FLBUSTER 0B 13 '° Mrs. Istalian COGELASI Italy t0 17 °° Mrs. Elizabeth GEE Kentucky Sept 4 °° Inft son Mr & Mrs.H.L. BULLOCK Tex of 7 '® Otto BRATZ Germany B° 8 °° Miss Lucile VICK Tex of 13 °° Toney PLOMO ( Italian) Tex ®° 21 °° Joe MQS (Italian) Tex te 21 '° Robert C. DDS Alabama 4 days 89 3 Permature Birth 40 yrs 68 5E 2 2 Cancer Womb 2 °° 22 1 Entro Cothes [ ?] 57 °° 76 m3 Pulmonary Abcess 5 °° 90 4 Congestion 79 yrs 69 2 Semtily Tex 88 3 Hemorige of bowls 38 yrs 68 2 Child birth 61 yrs 122 3 Hemorige of bowels Still 68 4 Still born born 49 3rs 38 1 Sucide by Morphine 13 "' 75N2 4 Typhoid fever 2 °' 44 3 Typhoid fever 8 mo. 48 3 Slow fever 35 Yrs Plat 1 Lot 1 Malarial fever 36 t° 28 3 accidently shot 8 mo. 48 3 Congestion 7 yrs 91 3 Convulsions 0 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Pages 21,22 DATE OF DELI NAME AGE TOOT BLOCK RERAIM rmth Day Yeas 21 (Contd) Oct 24 1895 Inft son Mx & Mrs. permiture 38 1 Peraniture J.C. ALLET1 Tex 99 27 "' Earl GUSTaus 5 mo 92 v' 4 Dysentery . Texas BB 28 BB Miss Corrle E. SMITH 21 yrs 10C 3 Consumption , Texas Nov 2 '° Elijah SPELL 71 -" 82 4 Tetanus Mississippi - BB 7 p{ °y " Capt. Robert C. 54 B° 5 E1 . 4 e tlon of McI ML (Miss) Dowels of 21 '° Terence CONROY 57 °` 455W- 3 Emphysema Ireland BB 22 " Vh .7. Vz MI. MMMSON 75 yrs 19 ` 4 Semility N. Caro _ 29 °° Mrs. Elizabeth ROZZOTTO 35 '° 45NE 3 Child birth Italy Dec 15 '° Frank CHANGLOSE Tex 4 "" 445,1E 3 Burns ,B 21 "" Goss EONGGONEA 17 45 3 Inf'amation of Italy I)M els " 29 "" W. W. HAINWAY Kentucky 76 " 30 1 Old age Jan 1 1896 yxs . merry wiTTmAN 68 " 106 3 La Grippe Germany 18 "° Louis W1HITE Sr. Europe 49 '° 52 3 Hepatric Abcess ' °• 28 '° Ifty Bird 14MRS Tex: 2 '° 91 4 Congestion Nov 19 1895 Lacey MrIA 35 " 4P 3 Heart Failure 22 Feb 6 1896 Mrs. Emra i= 37 yrs 36 4 Consumption Ydss Mar 2 " Horatio PHMPOTT 23 '° 72 4 Consumption Texas B° 5 ", Inft . Mr & 12 dys 43 4 Failure of heart W. T. JAMES Tex action ,B 17 " Thom D Ireland 58 Mrs 120 3 Rheumatism it 22 " Chas PATTERSONi 42 " 53 3 Cerrhosis Liver N. Carol 4 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Page 22 DATE OF DEATH NAME AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Mmth Day Year Page 22 (Contd) Apr 4 1896 Joseph BARR0W 32 yrs 37"2 1 Gun shot wound England to 12 " Mrs P+ary WASA - a 37 " 10 E 4 3 Consumption Bohemia " 15 " Anglo LAV20 Texas 1 " 48 3 Dysentery 19 " Biage CHARRODE Italy 46 " 4 5 ' E 4 3 gypsy " 24 " D. B. 1 cTsDRRIES 47 " 63 2 2 Phneurionia Mississippi May 3 " Arthur PHILIPS 24 " 38 1 killed by train Vermont °' 4 °' J. J. COALTER 62 " 7 3 Congestive Chill Alabama of 5 ®' Whs. Pocahontas 1,MIM 29 " 9Z2 3 Consumption K if 7 Phillip 1= ZZA 50 " 113 3 fall from a wagon Italy " 22 Sidney T. BEARD 22 " 41 V ' 2 Suicide by Cloroform Texas June 1 " Mrs. A. E. 11100L= 74 9 O 4 2 3 Gastritis +iss " 7 " Bessie WACALUSA 14 " 44 3 Burned by' fire Italy ®' 7 " Ya ® Rebecca BLACK 82 " Plat 1 Lot 1 designated on -rmp Ala® to bury strangers Senility ®® 13 " Li.zzie BOHE1,1E Texas 5 mo 78 3 Acute Enteritis `® 16 isa j . H. K. VTn7ITE 68 yrs 93 3 Sof tning of Brain Alabana " 29 " b +:rs. Eleanor G. =R 71 " 102 4 Consumption ® Georgia 30 " Inft da, YX - & Ya-s . Per mi.ture 3J C 2 Pe nu ' tune J. L. FAIRG1 Tex July 3 " Vita 1: AR=O PNA Italy 21 yrs 113 3 child birth B1 27 " 1oh7s. Ern est ine LZJ�lIiC.,� � 67 " 113 3 Child birth Ge=,ary W Bryan City Cemetery • Book No. 5 3 AA Mrs P. S. EDDLEN=AN Pates 22,23 DATE OF DEATH - NAND AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS rtnth Dap Year Texas Dec 8 Albert L. BUUiARD .2�- 22 (Contd ) Germany AA 11 AB Mrs Sallie SHAW July 27 1896 inf't da°. Yx. & aojrs . Per5iture 3^� 1 Perr7itz are 1 " J. C. AUZ4 Texas Virg AA A'-z 10 " �:rs Catherine EV91S 78 ;� 1 3 Inj ured by fa11 Conneticutt 31 °' Jades Foster FOUNTAIN AA i6 A® 'IVir. Archie dvp GLlSH 32 " 27 2 Abcess of br Texas AB 21 AA and . T. BARROW! 67 " 31' 1 Dease of heart &gla( d Oct 13 " Ruth LffiffiNCE Texas 9 " 75 4 Tonsilitis AA i6 A® Jno Cory LAtREVCE 3 " 75 1 4 Tonsil.itis Texas 20 °' Anglo CARRONA Texas 2 °' 44 ' - 3 lvblar fever 24 C. H. MARETT Caro 36 °' loo S1 3 Castro Enteritis The Remains of Vxs H. K. WHITE and her daughter Vi dss Arm A. WHITE" was taken up at Anderson Grimes Co Tex. and reburied in Bryan City Cemetary on Oct 29 '° 93 3 Sept 14 1896 mrs. maria P 30 45 4 3 Cancer of Liver Oct 9 " Little Lucy SCARDINO 11 mos 113 3 Bowel Trouble L 2 Nov 1 1596 Tvattie Estel, AX'SONb Tex AB 3 AA Mrs P. S. EDDLEN=AN . Georgia. AB 7 AA tik Plattie C. J OHNSON Texas Dec 8 Albert L. BUUiARD Germany AA 11 AB Mrs Sallie SHAW Tennessee AA 1 " . S. A. K'Vi 0 Virg AA �7 AA PJss Alra HICKMAN Tex 28 " Mrs. A. D. BE=E TO Italy 31 °' Jades Foster FOUNTAIN Tex 13 mo 92 4 Chol.ra Infantian 8 yrs 22 1 Old age 40 " 76 3 Cancer of Womb 52 AA 114 3 Appendititis 5 0 A' 16 2 Conounption 5 0 " 2ej 4 Gastritis 30 °' 1NE 3 Diabetes 72 " 6 84 - : 2 Old age 20 mo Whooping Caugh 11 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Pages 23,24 DATE OF DEATH NAIVE AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Mmth Day Year Pale 23 (Contd) Little Mary Lillie FOUNTAIN died in Bryan Oct 24, 1891 age 4 mo. 11 dys. and was buried on Lot 30 block 2. and was taken up and Reburied on south half of Lot No 3 in Plot No 2. designated on map as a place to bury strangers Jan. 4 1879. Little Ida. Shephard FOUNTAIN died in Bryan Sept. 30 1892 age 11 dys and was buried on Lot. 59 Block 3 and was taken up and Reburied on South half of Lot No 3. in Plot No. 1 designated on map as a place to bury strangers Jan. 5 1097. Jan 9 1897 Little Willie PARKS 3 dys 64 4 Heart Dease Tex of 11 " Hollander RHODE 1 yr. 97'C 3 Ia Grippe " 22 " Inft Prof & Mrs. H H. Permiture 6 4 Permiture HARRINGTON Tex 22 " James W. JOHNSON 19 yrs 26 2 4 Abcess of throat Tennessee 27 of Col. A.C.L. HILL Maine 78 of 38 2 Old age Feb 7 " Inf. Mr & Mr. R. H. Permuture 25 N E C 1 Permiture LINCH Texas B 9 of Prof scan ADRANCE 30 yrs 7 1 Consumption Tex " 12 of Arnold D. HARBUS 42 of 90i 3 kicked by horse Germany " 13 of Little Lucile BROOKS 5 mo 30 1 Congestion Texas of 14 0/ Inft Mr & Mrs Jack Permiture F".M.Grounds Permiture Birth NICKLOS Tex 11 22 of Jno B. LINARD Ohio 75 yrs 50Nw-1 3 Senility 24 °' ' Thos E. ARMSTRONG 56 " 70 4 Laa Grippe Tex. Not one during the month of Y rch D. 1897 e 24 April 5 1897 Little Sarah M. TAIL 7 yrs 3 3 Diphtheria Tex. " 6 of Inft. DIx & iIvss. J. A. Still. 4 Still Born I= Tex. Born m Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 DATE OF D NADE AGE LOT B1,OCK REKARKS 1th Day Year Pale 24 (Contd) April 12 1897 WM. S. COE O hio 54 yrs 92 3 Heart Disease 27 Mrs Ella DAYS Tex 23 " 50 2 Dysentery 23 Little Bulah SPELL 6 °® 82 4 Tonsilitis Texas 24 `® Inft rr & rte Tom Per iture 71 3 Permiture SEARCY Texas 30 " Little Harry COE 3 mo 92 3 Congestion Texas May 23 Inft . NI° & DbM - J. C . Pemiture 3P'� 1 Permi.ture • ALLFII Tex "° 28 °" J. C. CIS 39 Yrs 87 3 Consuription New York State Aug 5 " Ws. Duey Belle MORING 56 `° 90 3 Carcinoma Va. if 17 "° Guido STUBANRAUCH 46 " 25 1 Perracio Anemia it 21 " Victor TODARO Italy 45 " 4 5 SE - 3 Flux °° 28 " Little Gertie REM 3 "/ 109 3 Dys entery -. Texas Sept 7 " Lit vle Jap COLE 5 "° 30 4 Tonsilitious Texas July 2 " Thos. J. DEARING 70 °' 63 4 Cancer Kentucky 21 " Rev. Walter S. SOUTH 73 62 2 Chronic Gastritis Kentucky Sept 27 " Namie LEG°rfi0.AN Tex 7 1O2 3 ApoPlexcy Oct 8 " Julia Vera CURRIE 2 °" 58 4 Mecnigitis removed 19 ®9 to 68 Blk 5 of 16 " Rosiline V. PRICE Tex 8 mo 83 4 Congestion F It 31 " Tomm BFZ-TLi1GT0N Tex 1$ " 73 4 Ileo Colitis Nov 1 " Alfred Thos. WILSON Tex 1 yr 2 2 Ileo Colitis Nov 2 "° Frank Newton ROBISON 3 "° 69 4 Diphteria, 11 3 " Annie RUCHTI Tex 14 mo 87 SE4 4 Ileo Colitis 1/ 12 "" M. B01Vri` E Sr. 64 yrs No va ult Dropsy Europe 13 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 4 '° Thos. BARROW a glared Pages 24 ° 25 DATE OF DEATH NANE AGE LOT BLOCK REMARKS Mmth Day Year 1898 Wm. Travis 1 TC= 21 °° 50 2 Page 24 Contd) Tex. Nov 28 1897 Mrs. E. N. GILLASPIE 78 yrs 2PC 3 Inflamation of Mis of Mazie CROUCH Tex 17 mo bowels Oct 18 Janes H. ASTIN 64 01 44 2 Dengese fever Alabama 45 yrs 94 3 Consumption is 20 of Jacob. Leon NI M 18 10 3 Spinal. Manigitis Texas 20 18 " Mb's Lula FLEISHMAN ` Arkansas 38 " 36 3 Blood Poision Nov 21 of r +mss Flora DEHART 40 of 28 1 Typhoid fever Texas Dec 4 '° Thos. BARROW a glared 69 '° 37 1 Cancer of stornac Jan ® 4 1898 Wm. Travis 1 TC= 21 °° 50 2 s� . Con tion Tex. 8 of Mazie CROUCH Tex 17 mo 81' 3 Diphteria, It 19 of August H. HARBERS 45 yrs 94 3 Consumption Germany 20 " Gustave !gEUVM.AN Germany 60 87 - E4 3 i a Phneumo '® 29 " rates. Sarah HOWELL 81e of 59 3 old age Carolina Feb 5 " Henry KERNOLE Texas 58 °° 71 4 Gun shot wound Feb 6 1898 Inf°too Mr & Mrs, J. C. Permiture 38 1 Permiture Birth ALLEN Tex of 11 of Jno ® CO T ETT Italy 53 yrs Pli, 4 Phneumonia 0B 15 of Jno ROCIM Germany 76 " 78 4 Ulcerated Leg " 17 " Ruth 74ay tjANAN Tex 2 of 83 4 3 Jaundice i,ar 1 of J. D. G. SANDERS Tex 4 mo 8 1 Phneumonia. of 10 of Casparo TERbmTE Italy 66 yrs 1134 3 Abcess Liver 15 of Rufena TESONIA Italy 30 °° 45 NE 3 Phneumonia of 21 of 11 TREVINS Mexico 28 °° 42 3 Consumption AB 31 of Mary PARATTr. ' IVEI.LA Tex 2 '° 45 4 3 croup 30 of Chas. WALTON Tex 2 °° F.M. Grounds Phneumonia April 9 of Inft. Mir & Mxs Geo.HOPE Tex 93 3 Perniture 14 OLD FRANKLIN Mrs. Lewis Perkins Old Franklin, a frontier town on Mud Creek, was developed on the southern edge of the wilderness that had been Robertson's Colony in the period from 1830 through 1835. It was the surveyor's outpost after the Battle of -San Jacinto, then the county seat of Robertson County frob%1837 until 1850, then it disapeared, totally, abandoned to the woodlands. My Great, Great, Grandfather, David Cobb, was one of those brave surveyors who blazed the way for the settlers to follow, in the hazards of the wild county of hostile Indians. His brother, Clay Cobb, was a Chain Carrier for the surveyors. They marked the boundaries of over twenty Texas counties, where many lost their lives, buried where they fell, or in the little cemetery at Mud Creek, where most of the graves are lost now. { Leander Harl was given a contract to build a courthouse and jail. The Courthouse was to be twenty feet wide, twenty-five feet long, eight feet high walls each, upper and lower floors, eighteen inches off the ground, and boarded all around to prevent the admission of hogs and other small animals with shingled pitch - roof. The Courthouse was to be ready for the Oct. 1838 session of court, but Harl died, and the job was completed by G.W. Cox, in Aug. 1839. Meantime, the home of William Love was rented to serve as the Robertson County Courthouse. "Three Legged Willie" Williamson presided o ver the first session. He had tamed Shelby County in prior months, so his reputation preceded his arrival. He presided over court with his pistol at one elbow and his rifle at the other. Judge Williamson appointed George W. Hill to serve as deputy clerk to replace George W. Cox, who was being held for trial for assault and battery on D.W. Collins. Beaden Stroud was named to serve Chairman of the Grand Jury. Other men on the jury were: Thomas Welch, Seth Bates, J.A. Graves, William Henry, William McGrew, Andrew McMillan, John Welch, George Robinson, 15 Bradley PHIFER, William FULLERTON, D. W. CAMPBELL, Henry REED and Andrew Mc- _i MAHON. The first grand jury brought indictments against nine county resi- dents: Jesse MUMFORD for living in adultery with a woman known as Franky MUM - FORD, George COX and DAWSON for assault and battery, Johathan R. HARDIN for perjury, and Leroy BOGGUS, Thomas EATON, Alfred EATON, Samuel W. WHITE and Absolum HENSON, all saloon keepers, were charged with "tippling ", defined as drinking liquor habitually. The first veniremen to serve on jury duty were: Isiah HARLAN, Henry FULLERTON, George ROBINSON, T. R. WELCH, John CHAMBLEE, Joseph WEBB, Robert BARTON, A. F. MOSS, Elijah POWERS, Robert CARTER, George GRAFTON, Jesse WEBB, E. M. JONES, Henry MORGAN, James CASTLEMAN, William COLEY, H. PLUMMER, J. W. HILL, John GROVIS, A. A. MILLICAN, Samuel WALKER, D. W. CAMPBELL, John Mc- DANIEL and Ripley WHEELOCK. G. W. COX was set free and Leroy BOGGUS was fined $110.00 for tippling. Jonathan HARDIN was found guilty of perjury and fined $500.00 and sentenced to fifty lashes on the bare back in the public square. William WATSON became the District Judge, Francis SLAUGHTER the Chief Justice, Harrison OWEN the County Clerk, who filed deeds of record and is- sued marriage licenses. Sheriff SMITH enforced the law with his deputies. The first voters at Old Franklin in November, 1838 were: J. 14. HILL, W. G. HILL, S. M. MCKAY, Robert McCUISTION, Phillip WEPPLER, Ben SAUL, A. W. COOKE, A. D. STEPHENS, John TOUCHSTONE, H. B. MORGAN, Harrison YORK, J. L. ROBERTSON, W. L. MOSS, Harrison OWEN, William McKNIGHT, James SWEENEY, J. R. = CANDAY, Henry REED and Francis SLAUGHTER. Others voted in their communities on the prairie, set up for voting. By 1839 Franklin was a popular place for settlers seeking land. The freight station was adjacent to the one hotel. The Academy was built near the Court House; it was built of logs, with split log chairs and tables. It had about twenty pupils. Some boarded in town, who lived too far away to travel back and forth each day. The names of pupils and teachers were lost, but the CAVITT children of Wheelock attended: Josephus, Sheridan, Andrew and James Alexander CAVITT. J. M. WINKLER and D. M. PENDERGAST studied law, and A. C. LOVE was a medical student in 1839. George Washington HILL was the first doctor at Old Franklin, and he later became Secretary of War under Sam Houston, while he was a congressman and also an Indian agent in the northern part of the county. Hill County was named for him in 1853. In the fall of 1838 twenty-four surveyors .vent out from Old Franklin to Spring Hill. They were led by Captain William F. HENDERSON of the Rangers. They were attacked by 300 Kickapoo Indians, where they lost 12 men, and fin- ' ally all but 3 lost their lives. This battle occurred near the present town of Dawson. The survivors were Captain HENDERSON (later a famous lawyer), Walter LANE (a hero of San Jacinto in 1836) and James BARTON. The dead were Euclid COX, John VIOLET, William SMITH, William LOVE, Joseph JONES, Thomas BARTON, Samuel ALLEN, Jim HEARD, Asa MITCHELL, William TREMIER, Jim BULLOCK, Nathan BAKER, Andy HOUSTON, Dana CLARK, James NEAL, John HAND, John INGRAHAM, John DAVID and Joseph SPIKES. In another statement, survivors were listed as LOVE, JACKSON, HENDERSON, P. M. JONES, LANE, John BURTON and VIOLET. Ev- idently no accurate records were kept. 16 Soon after this tragedy of Battle Creeh George Washington HILL built a trading post at the spring near where the Franklin men were buried. Another terrifying hand-to-hand fight with Indians occurred in 1840 when the Indians stole horses from a corral in Old Franklin. A. C. LOVE, a young medical student, joined the posse consisting of Harvey MATTHEWS, D. H. ?OVE, S. B. K3LLAUGH and David HILL. All of the horses but one were recovered, this one a fine animal ridden by an Indian brave with his squaw behind him. A. C. LOVE shot the squaw and David HILL shot the horse when his bullet missed the brave. The Indian ran on foot with A. C. LOVE in hot pursuit. Their guns were empty, so when LOVE overtook the Indian, they tried to club each other to death with their rifles, then with fists, ending in an Indian bear hug which LOVE broke by grabbing the savage's long hair and jerking his head back. He then stabbed him to death with his knife. Another battle of eight Rangers was fought at Heard's Prairie, named for Major G. W. HEARD who led them, where he was killed, scalped and muti- lated. He was carried back to Old Franklin and buried in the little ceme- tery there (now on Walter DA8GETT land). There was a cholera epidemic in August of 1838 that killed many persons who were buried at Old Franklin: Elizabeth McCUISTJQN and her husband, Fran- cis SLAUGHTER, Leander HARL, J. M. TIDWELL and others. Their grave markers are lost except for a few remaining stones. In 1846 the limits of Robertson County were cut from 25,000 square miles to loss than 1,000 and the work of the pioneers of the Republic ended. The Court House was weathered and old, standing alone among empty stores and homes. Merchants and families had moved to the protected prairies, like Wheelock Prairie. By 1850 a petition signed by merchants and County Commis- sioners ordered an election to remove the County Seat to Wheelock. In 1851 the Court House and jail were torn down, and a short time the first coun- ty seat passed out of existence. During the Civil War, soldiers camped for a time on the grounds, not knowing that a town once stood there. An old log building remaining on the property of Walter 0AGGE37' was torn down and a letter in Spanish was found, written in the late 1700's by a woman living there. She stated that she was waiting for the return of her husband, away with a hunting party, and that all but her had been killed by Indians. This letter showed that others had lived on Mud Creek even before the Anglo-American settlers came. (I don't know if this letter is in the Robertson County Court House, in the Archives, or still in the possession of the DAGGETT family, today.) This Old Franklin information came from Robertson County Probate Minutes, Volume 1, page 2, and from Mrs. K. GALLOWAY's writings, and from " A History of Robertson County" by J. W. BAKER. The sketch of the first Robertson Co. Court House is taken from BAKER; it was made by Ruth Wilson from a descrip- tion found in old records. 17 i B � e r 7 �� - � ��'� �,�►: RC�� � ��`� a <Ra�,..����� i CORNERSYILLE REUNION In 1871 a Cornersville Club was formed by pioneers of Brazos county who had come here from Cornersville, Tennessee. (Cornersville, in Marsh- all county, is near the Giles county line.) The club, when organized, had a membership of twelve families. May 8, 18 there was an anniversary dinner in the home of Harvey MITCHELL for the six members who were still living. Those attending were Judge E. P. MASSEY and daughter of Waco, Col. T. C. RITCHIE and wife of Georgetown, Col. Harvey MITCHELL and C. N. MITCHELL and a number of relatives and friends. Major TABOR,,an honorary member of the club also attended. (Bryan Eagle, May 18, 1895) 01/23/89 Wheat Cemetery, Millican, Texas Name Birth Date Death Date Inscription ASKE, JANE GREER 1907, DEC 6 1964, APR 7 ADDERHOLD, SARAH M. NL 1890, JUL 11 23y WIFE OF W. J. ADDERHOLD ANDREWS, DORIS S. 1910, OCT 11 1947, NOV 25 ARNOLD, GEORGE M %LAM 1898, NOV 25 1967, APR 12 TX PVT CO B 33 INF WW I w/ HAZEL ARNOLD ARNOLD, HAZEL E. 1907, AUG 3 NL w/ GEORGE M. ARNOLD ARRINGTON, PINKNEY H. 1848, JUL 4 1918, JAN 15 WOW ARRINGTON, SARAH ANN 1849, JAN 25 1937, AUG 12 AVERY, ROBERT R. 1881 1957 BAILEY, TALLULAH F., MISS 1846, MAR 29 1870, APR 30 24y lm ld BAKER, JACK VERNON 1922, NOV 16 1961, OCT 21 TX LT JG USNR WW I% BARANOWSKI, HOWARD T. 1917, AUG 27 1976, JAN 4 TEC 5 US ARMY WW II BARNES, GEORGE D. 1876, JUL 24 1888, JUL 25 BEENE, C. DEWEY 1898, JUL 12 1940, SEP 14 HUSBAND w/ NORA BEENE BEENE, CALVIN D. 1927, NOV 3 1981, SEP 10 HUSBAND & FATHER PFC US ARMY WW II BEENE, JOHN D. 1901, MAR 28 1961, SEP 28 w/ OSMA BEENE BEENE, JOHN R. 1932, MAR 22 1974, APR 15 PFC US ARMY BEENE, LARRY EDWARD 1946 1978 PVT US ARMY VIETNAM BEENE, NORA 1903, OCT 1 1975, JAN 13 MOTHER w/ C. DEWEY BEENE BEENE, OSMA 1904, JUL 2 1985, MAY 11 w/ JOHN D. BEENE BEENE, RICHARD TAYLOR 1913, DEC 13 1982, JUN 27 PVT US ARMY WW II BELL, C. J. NL 1921 63y BELL, Ga S. NL 1911 63y BELL, G. U. NL 1915 37y BINFORD, BILLY WAYNE 1934, FES 27 1982, NOV 3 US ARMY KOREA BLACK, ELEANOR G. 1837, SEP 8 1883, APR 25 BOWEN, PERCY F. 1899, APR 2 1973, APR 27 TX M SGT US ARMY RET WW I & %I BRADLEY, DEWEY 1898, AUG 31 1970, AUG 19 TX PVT CO 8 181 INF WW II BRADLEY, EMMA 1869, MAR 4 1953, MAR 3 BRADLEY, GUS S. 1900, AUG 30 1972, OCT 12 TX PVT US ARMY Ww I w/ MABLE SYMNS BRADLEY BRADLEY, MABLE SYMNS 1902, SEP 26 1985, MAR 20 w/ GUS S. BRADLEY BRADLEY, WILLIAM 1858, MAY 5 1910, OCT 9 BRADLEY,GEORGE HARRINGTON 1893, JUL 15 1920, OCT 4 BRADY, P. P. 1859, MAY 27 1881, JUL 6 SON OF J. M. & P. A. BRADY b MONTGOMERY CO., AL BRAZELTON, MOLLIE E. 1865, JUN 1 1905, OCT 18 WIFE OF E. W. BRAZELTON MOTHER BURROWS, HENRY 1832, JUN 16 1912, JUN 16 -80y FATHER MASON w/ MARY E. BURROWS BURROWS, JAMES W. 1864 1953 MASON BURROWS, JOHN H. 1886, MAR 27 24y 7m 13d SON OF H. & M. BURROWS BURROWS, LYONA M. 1868, NOV 20 1932, MAY 24 BURROWS, MARY E. 1840, SEP 18 1907, FES 21 66y 5m 3d MOTHER w/ HENRY BURROWS BURROWS, MARY ETTA NL 1873, SEP 29 10m 22d DAU OF H. & M. BURROWS BURROWS, VIOLA JACKSON 1886, MAR 1 1973, JAN 29 MOTHER BURT, HENRYETA 1866, DEC 24 1872, JUN 21 DAU OF W. J. & W. BURT CAMPBELL, ALFORD G. 1881, SEP 25 1882, AUG 3 SON OF CHA & JODIE CAMBELL CAREY, THOMAS DAVID 1897, JUN 20 1969, DEC,10 TX PVT HO CO 162 INF WW I CATHARN, J. D. 1842, AUG 22 1922, FES 25 (BIGGERSTAFF) CHAPMAN, WINNIE BURROWS 1900 1985 CHENAULT, CHRISTINA 1906, DEC 5 NL m MAY 22, 1928 w/ JOHN ALVIN CHENAULT CHENAULT, JOHN ALVIN 1908, JUL 22 1977, NOV 15 PVT US ARMY WW II m MAY 22, 1928 w/ CHRISTINA CHENAULT CLAMPITT, R. L. 1877, JUL 7 1905, APR 8 f' 01/23/89 Wheat Cemetery, MiLLican, Texas Name Birth Date CLARK, T. A. 1833, FEB, 20. COLLINS, MARGARET J. NL 21 45y WIFE OF DR. J. COLLINS COONER, SALLIE M. 1865, AUG 27 COONER, W. A. 1858, OCT 20 COOPER, MILLER 1852, MAR 16 CORY, GEORGE B. 1873, OCT 19 CORY, JOHN E. NL 25 SUPPLY SGT 131 FIELD ARTILLERY 36 DIV COTHARN, ALBERT W. 1905, DEC 8 COTHARN, DENNIS 1884 COTHARN, J. D. 1842, AUG 22 COTHARN, JOHN W. 1897, AUG 23 COTHARN, JOSEPH M. 1876 COTHARN, LULA A. 1894, OCT 28 COTHARN, ROSIE 1855, MAY 14 COTHARN, T. EARLEE 1904, JUL 20 COTHARN, THOMAS D. 1882 CRAWFORD, CHARLES R. 1884 CRAWFORD, CHAS L. ML 64y CRAWFORD, D. W. 1877 CRAWFORD, H. B. 1879 CRAWFORD, LEILA MAUDE 1904 CRAWFORD, NETTIE 1890, OCT 18 CRAWFORD, SARAH JO NL 9 MOTHER CRAWFORD, WILLIAM T. 1871, JAN 15 CREEKMORE, LORENZO NL . 7 26y CRENSHAW,BLANCHE CRAWFORD 1873 CROCKETT, GEORGE E. 1888, JUL 29 CROCKETT, SALLIE E. 1861, JAN 25 CROSBY, HUEY PARKER 1904 CROSBY, INFANT 1948, AUG 28 CROSBY, LIZZIE VIRGINIA 1910, APR 25 CROUCH, DELLA M. 1875, FEB 14 CROUCH, JAMES F. 1872, APR 10 CUNNINGHAM, H. B. 1850, SEP 22 CUNNINGHAM, LITTLE ENOS 1885, AUG 8 CURD, IRE 1889, OCT 21 DARDEN,-W. T. 1836, MAY 26 DAWSON, RICHARD B. 1830, MAY 26 DICKSON, LENA BERLE 1889, NOV 19 DICKSON, LEWIS LEMUEL 1883, JUN 11 DICKSON, MARY CAROLINE 1849, SEP 21 DOWNS, MARIE A. 1896, MAR 8 DUNLAP, ADDIE NL 20 36y 4m 7d WIFE OF E. M. DUNLAP DUNLAP, E. M. 1855, MAR 14 DUNLAP, ELLA L. 1860, JUN 15 DUNLAP, GEORGE WALLACE 1888, OCT 8 DUNLAP, LITTLE JOHNNIE 1893, DEC 24 DUNLAP, MARY EMME 1893 DUNLAP, MARY HARRINGTON 1893, DEC 12 DUNLAP, MINNIE VERNA 1885 DUNLAP, SAM E. 1884 WOW Death Date Inscription 1893, JUL 17 HUSBAND 1867, OCT 21 45y WIFE OF DR. J. COLLINS 1947, MAR 26 MOTHER 1921, AUG 2 MASON 1898, JUL 17 WOW 1945, JAN 29 TX CPL 131 FIELD ARTILLERY 36 DIV 1937, FEB 25 SUPPLY SGT 131 FIELD ARTILLERY 36 DIV 1958, SEP 19 MASON w/ T. EARLEE COTHARN 1912 1922, FEB 25 FATHER 1960, JUN 24 w/ LULA A. COTHARN 1942 NL w/ JOHN W. COTHARN 1935, JAN 25 NL w/ ALBERT W. COTHARN 1953 1958 NL 64y 1930 1926 1945 1978, NOV 2 1934, DEC 9 MOTHER 1880, SEP 22 1892, JUL 7 26y 1939 1888, SEP 1 SON OF G. W. & SALLIE E. CROCKETT 1888, AUG 20 WIFE OF G. W. CROCKETT 1968 1948, AUG 28 DAU OF MRS. H. P. CROSBY 1956, AUG 19 1947, JUN 10 MOTHER 1915, MAY 21 WOW 1891, OCT 19 41y 27d 1885, DEC 17 4m 9d SON OF H. B. & E. L. CUNNINGHAM 1954, MAY 23 1876, AUG 18 1899, JAN 4 MASON 1980, SEP 7 w/ LEWIS LEMUEL DICKSON . 1962, FEB 1 w/ LENA BERLE DICKSON 1896, MAY 12 WIFE OF J. R. DICKSON 1977, MAR 24 1892, JAN 20 36y 4m 7d WIFE OF E. M. DUNLAP 1910, JUL 7 1952, DEC 5 MOTHER 1968, MAR 20 w/ MARY H. DUNLAP 1896, NOV 29 SON OF E. M. & E. L. DUNLAP 1981 1981, MAR 7 w/ GEORGE WALLACE DUNLAP 1982 1945 WOW 01/23/89 Name Birth Date Wheat Cemetery, Millican, Texas DUNLAP, W. H. 1835, OCT 19 DUNN, DAVID EUGENE 1921, SEP 16 DUNN, MILDRED ELAINE 1930, SEP 27 EAVES, SALLIE E. 1873, JUN 13 EDWARDS, EVA M. 1879, NOV 19 EDWARDS, J. D. 1861, JUL 28 EDWARDS, J. R. 1866, JAN 14 EDWARDS, LILLIE 1877, JAN 14 EDWARDS, LITTLE ABNER NL EDWARDS, RICHARD P. 1866, JAN 6 EDWARDS, SALLIE A. 1878, JUL 29 FANNETT, BENJAMIN A. 1899, JUL 24 FANNETT, BENJAMIN L. 1868, MAR 12 FANNETT, EMILY S. 1868, JUN 27 FANNETT, JOHN MATTHEW 1907, JAN 3 FERGUSON, MATT RUFUS 1880, AUG 20 FRANKLIN, ALEX H. 1825, SEP 24 FRANKLIN, MARY A. 1836, APR 7 GARDNER, A. L. 1826, DEC 15 GARDNER, LOUIS EDWARD 1925, JUN 25 GERMAN, FLETCHER N. 1892, MAR 19 GERMAN, MARTHA C. 1863 GERMAN, MINNIE M. 1903, JAN 16 GERMAN, NATHANIEL N. 1853 GERMAN, REBECCA J. 1820, OCT 18 GCOBY, ETTA ISSELLA NL GODBY, JOHN H. 1910 GRAY, CLAUD D. 1882, MAY 12 GRAY, MARY I. 1882, AUG 5 GREER, CYNTHIA ANN SIMS 1947, JAN 3 GREER, GEORGE DARREN 1966, MAY 9 GREER, GEORGE W. 1877, AUG 16 GREER, GLADYS LUCILLE 1919, NOV 1 GREER, MABLE 1919 GREER, MAUDIE L. 1888, APR 14 GREER, TOM J. 1906, SEP 13 GREGG, ALVIN 1904, NOV 3 GREGG, INFANT 1930 GRISCOM, BETTIE H. NL GRODA, CLAYTON C. 1931, MAR 10 GRODA, W. G. NL GRODA, WILLIE G., MRS. NL GUILLORY, HAZEL B. 1928 HACIN, J. T. 1866, OCT 4 HACIN, LILLIE CURD 1892, MAR 17 HAM, EUGENE V. 1888, FES 14 HAM, GEORGE L. NL HAM, MOLLIE L. 1869, JUL 30 HARDY, G. W. NL HARRINGTON, BEN FRANK, JR 1885 Death Date Inscripti ®n 1900, AUG 20 1976, MAY 22 TX T SGT US ARMY WW II W/ MILDRED ELAINE DUNN NL w/ DAVID EUGENE DUNN 1902, JUN 5 1888, JUL 29 DAU OF H. P. & M. F. EDWARDS 1892, AUG 8 SON OF H. P. & M. F. EDWARDS 1891, OCT 21 1955, OCT 22 1877, OCT 20 3y 3m 4d SON OF H. P. & M. F. EDWARDS 1946, OCT 6 1888, JUL 28 DAU OF H. P. 3 M. T. EDWARDS 1961, JUN 21 1946, JAN 31 MASON w/ EMILY S. FANNETT 1940, AUG 2 w/ BENJAMIN L. FANNETT 1958, SEP 18 HUSBAND 1885, SEP 11 SON OF B. G. & M. G. FERGUSON 1912, OCT 21 1910, JUL 19 1884, AUG 30 1984, AUG 28 1974, APR 19 MASON w/ MINNIE M. GERMAN 1935 w/ NATHANIEL N. GERMAN NL w/ FLETCHER N. GERMAN 1921 w/ MARTHA C. GERMAN 1880, APR 24 WIFE OF N. GERMAN 1938, JAN 30 1928 1943, SEP 29 1914, APR 3 MOTHER 1968, DEC 30 DAUGHTER 1967, SEP 27 LITTLE BUSBA 1935, MAR 28 1983, JUN 20 1981 1963, JAN 15 1973, APR 14 TX PVT ARMY AIR FORCES WW II 1984, FES 22 79y 1930 SON OF ALVIN & JEANIE GREGG NL WIFE OF GEO L. GRISCOM 1942, APR 18 1939 67y 11m 3d 1961, AUG 9 74y 1983 1926, JAN 25 DADDY 1976, APR 22 MOTHER 1889, JUL 24 SON OF T. G. & L. M. HAM NL 1905, MAR 20 1877, JAN 2 60y 1936 M 01/23/89 Wheat Cemetery, Millican, Texas Name Birth Date Death Date Inscription HARRINGTON, BENJAMIN F. 1845 1927 HARRINGTON, C. H. 1823, AUG 19 1892, JUN 5 HARRINGTON, CLARA ALICE 1861, SEP 21 1957, DEC 10 HARRINGTON, G. W. 1835, DEC 26 1904, APR 7 HARRINGTON, JAMES W. 1820, OCT 9 1881, MAR 9 MASON HARRINGTON, JIM C. 1878, SEP 26 1947, DEC 4 HARRINGTON, M. J., MRS. 1848 1909 HARRINGTON, NELSE 1888, JUL 2 1918, OCT 26 CO G 360 INF 90 DIV d FRANCE WOW HARRINGTON, PERMELIA 1796, SEP 8 1868, AUG 27 HARRINGTON, W. C. 1825, NOV 24 1890, JUN 6 HASSELL, EULA NORA NL 1969, DEC 2 HASSELL, RANDOL 1896, FEB 28 1969, JUL 6 TX PVT 32 CO 165 DEPOT BRIG WW I HAYES, ALICE M. 1904, MAY 24 1952, APR 8 MOTHER HAYES, CHARLES HENRY 1893, MAR 11 1963, JUL 30 TX SGT TRP E 5 CAVALRY WW I HAYES, MARY G. 1844, FEB 29 1887, MAY 1 MOTHER HEMPFLING, CHARLES G. 1875 1939 WOW HEMPFLING, CLARA A. 1880 1970 HEMPFLING, GEORGE 1835 1913 w/ SUE E. HEMPFLING HEMPFLING, INFANT NL 1903 SON OF CHAS. G. & CLARA A. HEMPFLING HEMPFLING, SUE E. 1845 1914 w/ GEORGE HEMPFLING METH, LOYD A. 1883, MAY 26 1883, JUL 28 HILL, AGNES R. 1900 1981 HILL, PEARL, MRS. 1908 1980 HODGES, ELIAS P. 1859, JAN 13 1918, JAN 20 FATHER WOW w/ LULA HODGES HODGES, GARNET NL NL HODGES, INFANTS, (3) NL NL INFANTS OF JEANETTE MILLS HODGES HODGES, LULA 1870, AUG 11 1911, OCT 19 MOTHER w/ ELIAS P. HODGES HOLLIDAY, ATTILIA A. NL 1885, FEB 74y MOTHER HOLLIDAY, EMMA NL 1867, JUL 13y YOUNGEST DAUGHTER HOLLIDAY, LEONIDAS 1840 1905 HOLLIDAY, MISSOURI 1854 1911 HOLLIDAY, SAMUEL NL 1867, AUG 23y 3RD SON HOLLIDAY, SAMUEL NL 1863, DEC 62y FATHER HOLLIDAY, TITUS G. NL 1867, SEPT 37y ELDEST SON HOOPER, CLIFFORD E. 1889, AUG 20 1967, JAN 3 w/ SADIE G. HOOPER HOOPER, SADIE G. 1892, DEC 21 NL w/ CLIFFORD E. HOOPER HOWARD, C. E. NL 1877, JUN 29 61y MOTHER HUGHES, MINNIE WEBB a 1871, AUG 23 1950, JAN 11 HUTTON, ALEC NL NL WIFE w/ SAMANTHA HUTTON HUTTON, SAMANTHA NL NL w/ ALEC HUTTON JACKSON, CHARLES M. 1864, FEB 17 1930, JAN 9 HUSBAND & FATHER JAMESON, AUGUSTUS EARLE 1907, JUN 17 1908, JUL 24 JAMESON, AUGUSTUS STEELE 1878, OCT 29 1908, MAR 31 JERICHO, CHARLA 1899 1900 w/ SISTER JERICHO JERICHO, DOLLIE B. 1897, JUN 14 NL w/ WALTER LONNIE JERICHO JERICHO, E. T. 1883 1933 JERICHO, EDWARD NL NL SON OF WM. & LULA JERICHO w/ LELA JERICHO JERICHO, LELA NL NL DAU OF WM. & LULA JERICHO w/ EDWARD JERICHO JERICHO, LULA 1880 1953 MOTHER w/ WILLIAM JERICHO JERICHO, OSCAR F. 1904, DEC 25 1972, OCT 6 TX PVT US ARMY WW II JERICHO, PINKNEY I. 1922, JUN 5 1957, MAR 15 TX TEC 5 972 SIG SERVICE BN WW II 22 01/23/89 Wheat Cemetery, Mi t Hcars, Texas Name Birth Date Death Date Inscription JERICHO, SISTER 1901 1901 w/ CHARLA JERICHO JERICHO, W. FRITZ 1876, APR 2 1959 MAR 8 JERICHO, WALTER LONNIE 1904, SEP 13 1925, FEB 18 w/ DOLLIE B. JERICHO JERICHO, WILLIAM 1874 1958 FATHER w/ LULA JERICHO JOHNSON, JOSEPH EDWIN 1867, FEB 4 1917, SEP 1 WOW JOHNSON, SALLIE LOU 1894, OCT 30 1898, JUL 24 DAU OF J. E. & GRACE JOHNSON KNOX, B. H. 1821, MAR 16 1873, FEB 15 MASON KNOX, DENNIS RAY 1964, MAR 31 1980, APR 23 KNOX, EUGENE KENNEDY NL 1888, NOV 28 4y 5m 16d SON OF D. B. & LEORA A. KNOX KNOX, G. H. 1847, OCT 20 1868, DEC 25 KNOX, INFANT NL 1885, NOV 21 1m 21d SON OF D. B. & LEORA A. KNOX KNOX, ISAAC J. 1870, JUL 25 1903, JUN 3 32y 10m 8d KNOX, LUCULLUS 1857, APR 2 1891, AUG 29 34y 4m 27d BROTHER KNOX, MARTHA 1836, FEB 12 1882, MAY 1 46y 2m 19d WIFE OF B. H. KNOX KNOX, T. J. 1863, JUL 16 1868, SEP 11 LANGFORD, AARON T. 1870, AUG 7 1957, JUN 14 w/ ELLA L. LANGFORD LANGFORD, ELLA L. 1887, MAY 23 1967, APR 24 w/ AARON T. LANGFORD LANGFORD, INFANT NL 1951, MAY 30 DAU OF JAMES T. & DORA M. LANGFORD LANGFORD, JAMES THOMAS 1911, SEP 13 1951, JUN 17 LANGFORD, JOHNNIE R. 1915, APR 29 1928, JUL 31 LANGFORD, MELVINA J. 1843, DEC 12 1926, DEC 20 LANGFORD,. SUSAN MAY 1950, OCT 23 1950, NOV 10 LANGLEY, GEORGE ROBERT 1874, FEB 22 1953, OCT 2 MASON SPANISH AMERICAN WAR VETERAN LANGLEY, °MARY E. VANCE 1878, NOV 11 1951, SEP 17 WIFE OF GERRGE R. LANGLEY EASTERN STAR LEFEBURE, LUCILE 1892 1970 LEFEBURE, MOLLIE 1872 1915 LEONARD, PETER NL 1884, NOV LEWIS, MINNIE LEE 1873, NOV 6 1894, MAR 16 DAU OF E. L. & M. B. LEWIS LOFTIN, EVA ADELE 1914, SEP 30 1917, AUG 29 LOFTIN, FRANK E. 1880, OCT 31 1915, OCT 14 WOW R. F. WILSON CHAPTER 128 LOFTIN, FRANK E. 1909, JAN 7 1973, FEB 5 LOFTIN, MATTIE P. 1894 1939 LOFTIN, MINNIE MAY 1913, MAR 13 1913, MAR 22 LOFTIN, WALTER B. 1878, DEC 22 1914, MAR 25 WOW MADDOX, GARY ALLEN 1949, OCT 23 1968, FEB 27 MADDOX, GEORGE P. 1948, JAN 8 1971, SEP 7 TX PVT CO A 3 BN 70 ARMOR VIETNAM MATHENEY, CHARLEY H. 1855, MAR 16 1889, MAR 23 SON OF B. F. & S. A. MATHENEY MATHENY, JOSEPH 1845 1931 MATHENY, S. A. 1831, FEB 15 1902, FEB 6 MAXWELL, CHARLIE M. 1900, AUG 1 1978, MAR 28 MAYO, RUTH ALMA NL 1880, JAN 2 3y 6d DAU OF J. L. & M. J. MAYO MAYO, WILLIE WALTER NL 1881, APR 8 2y 1m 28d SON OF J. L. M. J. MAYO MCALLISTER, CORA 1869, SEP 26 1950, DEC 12 MCFERREN, WILL L. 1883, SEP 3 1952, MAR 12 TX SGT PROVOST GUARD CO WW I MCFEIRN, BABY 1885, JUN 21 1890, NOV 24 SON OF R. Y. & J. E. MCFEIRN MCFEIRN, INFANT 1878, JUL 26 1878, JUL 26 SON OF R. Y. & J. E. MCFEIRN MCFEIRN, LITTLE ADY 1879, SEP 18 1883, NOV 8 SON.OF R. Y. & J. MCFEIIN MCFERREN, J. E., MRS. 1864, SEP 18 1909, NOV 9 WIFE OF R. Y. MCFERREN WOW MCFERREN, JESSE 1862, JAN 30• 1936, MAR 25 MCFERREN, MARTHA 1864, MAR 5 1938, MAR 12 MCGREGOR, CARRO E. 1873 1960 w/ CHARLES 3. MCGREGOR w 01/23/89 Wheat Cemetery, Millican, Texas Name Birth Date Death Date Inscription MCGREGOR, CECILE BIRO 1894 1897 DAU OF C. E. & 0. E. MCGREGOR MCGREGOR, CHARLES B. 1869 1947 w/ CARRO E. MCGREGOR MCGREGOR, DOSIA 1864 1904 MOTHER MCGREGOR, EMILY M. 1838 1910 MCGREGOR, J. H. 1830, FEB 7 1890, MAY 26 MCGREGOR, JOEL H. 1830 1890 MCGREGOR, WILLIAM B. 1854 1919 FATHER MCLEOD, ALEX 1848 1917 MCLEOD, EARNEST LEROY 1886, JUL 9 1915, MAR 20 MCLEOD, JOHN D. 1852, FEB 29 1884, AUG 17 HUSBAND MASON MCLEOD, MATTIE M. HL 1905, OCT 17 48y 8m 12d MCLEOD, WALTER WILLIAM 1882, SEP 30 1917, JAN 11 WOW MCMICHAEL, LUCINDA 1819, DEC 19 1907, JUL 15 MCMICHAEL, W. A. 1834, DEC 25 1888, OCT 11 MASON MCSWAIN, LAVENIA E. 1894 1979 MCSWAIN, PAUL W. 1887 1978 MEEKINS, CECIL LEWIS 1900 1911 MEEKINS, F. J. 1872, NOV 1 1904, DEC 18 WOW MEEKINS FRANK M. 1868, NOV 22 1900, NOV 19 WOW MEEKINS, GEORGIE STEELE 1852, JUN 3 1937, AUG 12 MEEKINS, H. C. 1846, APR 12 1903, MAY 10 TX CO F 4 CAV CSA MEEKINS, HENRY CLAY 1888, NOV 2 1890, APR 29 SON OF FRANK & ADDIE MEEKINS MEEKINS, LEROY 1893, OCT 19 1918, OCT 8 MEEKINS, SALLIE 1855, NOV 11 1883, JUL 29 MEEKINS, STEELE 1890, DEC 12 1902, SEP 29 MEREDITH, JESSIE 1876, DEC 13 1919, OCT 14 b BRYAN, TX WOW MEREDITH, MARY C. 1843 1933 MEREDITH, RICHARD W. 1838 1917 MEREDITH, S. W. 1873, SEP 1 1914, JUL 9 b MADDEN, MS d MILLICAN, TX MILLER, LESLIE 1887, OCT 3 1903, JUN 8 SON OF E. P. & LIZZIE MILLER MILLS, JANE CARMACK 1841 1885 MILLS, LEE J. 1835 1904 MASON MIMS, BRIDGET LYNN 1976 1976 MOORE, DORSIE 1879, NOV 28 1884, JUL 1 MOORE, ENOCH D. NL 1917, MAR 15 AL CO E 40 INF CSA MOORE, J. B. 1849, MAR 26 1919, DEC 3 70y 8m 8d FATHER MOORE, NANCY J. 1856, JUN 22 1892, APR 5 WIFE OF J. B. MOORE MOORE, VICTORIA 1867 1934 MOTHER MOORE, W. M. 1858, JAN 25 1884, JUL 19 NEELLEY, INFANT NL NL SON OF WILLIAM G. & LONA NEELLEY NEELLEY, JAPHYR LONA 1883, JUL 1 1949, DEC 12 MOTHER NEELLEY, WILLIAM G. 1885, APR 23 1949, AUG 4 FATHER NEELLEY, WILLIAM G., JR. 1911, JUN 23 1951, JUL 11 NICHOLSON, JOHNNIE 1876, JUN 1 1876, NOV 3 SON OF J. A. & M. A. NICHOLSON NOLAND, LILLIAN 1894, AUG 16 1966, NOV 20 NOLAND, T. P. 1879, MAR 15 1954, MAR 8 NORMAN, ADELE 1878, AUG 30 1881, JUN 15 DAU OF J. T. & M. M. NORMAN NORMAN, JAMES T. 1853, MAR 18 1898, JUL 13 MASON NORMAN, LEWIS PINKNEY 1880, AUG 31 1880, OCT 29 SON OF J. T. & M. M. NORMAN NORMAN, LULA ANNA 1876, JAN 16 1877, AUG 15 DAU OF J. T. & M. M. NORMAN NORMAN, MARY M. 1854, DEC 2 1887, MAR 1 24 01/23/89 Wheat Cemetery, Millican, Texas Name Birth Date Death Date Inscription NORMAN, WILLIAM G. 1850, JAN 16 1880, FES 13 SON OF J. P. & REBECCA NORMAN NORWOOD, IRENE C. NL NL w/ LEE E. NORWOOD NORWOOD, LEE E. 1898, SEP 14 1973, FEB 26 w/ IRENE C. NORWOOD OUTLAW, LAWRENCE STEELE 1928, APR 23 1982, AUG 21 PVT US ARMY KOREA PAGE, ZUDIE BURROWS, MRS. 1885, JUN 16 1939, APR 8 PATTERSON NL NL PENNINGTON, MURRY S. 1923, DEC 19 1982, MAY 7 US ARMY WW II PEVERLEY, BENJAMIN H. 1823, DEC 25 1908, JUL 22 PEVERLEY, MARY E. 1825, SEP 2 1907, OCT 18 PEYTON, REBECCA B. 1826 1890, AUG 2 WIFE OF W. W. PEYTON PHILLIPS, VALVA MARTIN 1890, OCT 26 1917, AUG 25 PLAYER, J. E. 1854, NOV 20 1910, JUN 25 PLAYER, M. E. 1873, AUG 8 1886, FEB 25 DAU OF J. E. & F. E. PLAYER POOL, CLYDE M. 1900 1901 OUR CHILDREN w/ JAMES H. A. POOL POOL, DELLA MEEKINS 1875, JAN 20 1959, JAN 11 WIFE POOL, E. S. 1833, MAY 24 1890, JAN 1 POOL, FLETCHER H. 1869, JAN 20 1942, APR 16 POOL, JAMES H. A. 1899 1899 OUR CHILDREN w/ CLYDE M. POOL POOL, JOHN D. 1861 1935 POOL, WILLIAM C. NL NL MS CO K 43 INF CSA POOLE, JENNIE 1844 1919 POPE, GEORGE 1859, JUL 28 1934, AOG 14 PRESCOT, ADDIE E. 1866, SEP 28 1928, JUL 16 WOW MOTHER PRICE, JAMES M. 1884, JUL 25 1958, DEC 19 w/ ZENNIE C. PRICE PRICE, ZENNIE C. 1888, MAY 8 1983, DEC 1 w/ JAMES M. PRICE PUCH, C. F., DR. NL 1905, OCT 16 RAMSEY, HAZEL S. 1936, OCT 2 1984, JUL 27 w / -W. H. (BILL) RAMSEY RAMSEY, W. H. (BILL) 1913, SEP 12 1985, APR 22 w/ HAZEL 8. RAMSEY ROBERTS, E. B., MRS. 1826, FEB 25 1883, JUL 2 ROLLE, JULIUS 1854, MAY 9 1915, NOV 6 ROLLE, WILLIAM 1851, JUN 2 1940, JAN 12 ROUSE, WANDA BEENE 1944, MAR 14 1984, FES 28 39y ROYDER, ARTHUR L. 1930 1983 w/ blank ROYDER, JEFF P. 1900, JAN 13 1952, FES 6 MASON ROYDER, RUTH MCGREGOR NL 1985, DEC d OREGON SCHULTZ, MARY A. 1935, SEP 25 1981, DEC 23 SCRIMSHIRE, 1859, APR 13 1881, JUL 18 DAU OF S. B. & ELEANOR SCRIMSHIRE SCRIMSHIRE, ELLANOR 1827, NOV 4 1902, MAR 29 WIFE OF S. S. SCRIMSHIRE SCRIMSHIRE, J. J. 1848, JAN 28 1918, FEB 25 SCRIMSHIRE, JAMES OLIVER 1890, JUN 9 1890, JUN 29 SON OF 0. J. & STELLA SCRIMSHIRE SCRIMSHIRE, LOVIE ELEANOR 1893, SEP 13 1895, JAN 8 DAU OF W. S. & MATTIE SCRIMSHIRE SCRIMSHIRE, MARY OPHELIA 1852, JUL 1 1882, SEP 13 WIFE OF L. J. SCRIMSHIRE SCRIMSHIRE, S. B. 1815, FES 6 1887, AUG 2 MASON SCRIMSHIRE, SARAH M. 1847, SEP 13 1917, JUL 6 WIFE OF J. J. SCRIMSHIRE SCRIMSHIRE, T. F. 1866, DEC 31 1901, NOV 4 WOW HOME CAMP 370 MILLICAN, TX SEELY, CARL EDGE 1878, DEC 1 1963, MAY 26 w/ MAUDE AGNES SEELY SEELY, MAUDE AGNES 1887, FES 16 1939, NOV 10 w/ CARL EDGE SEELY SHANLEY, EVA BYRD LOFTIN 1884, JUN 9 1961, OCT 9 WOW SILCOX, JOHN EDGAR 1932, OCT 8 1983, DEC 2s CDE US ARMY KOREA SIMMONS, ALLEN DONALD 1930, AUG 22 1930, DEC 22 SIMPSON, ERIN C. NL NL 25 s 01/23/89 Name Birth Date Wheat Cemetery, MiLlican, Texas SIMPSON, L. BYRON 1886, AUG 10 SIMPSON, VADA ESTELLE 1888, NOV 15 SIMS, CYNTHIA ARLENE 1970, DEC 21 SMITH, NL w/ blank 1958 SMITH, ALLEN 1911, FEB 4 SMITH, ARCH L. 1883 5 68y 4m 11d MASON SMITH, CHARLOTTE A. 1851, SEP 29 SMITH, F. R. 1814, OCT 25 SMITH, GEORGE H. 1875, NOV 21 SMITH, GLENNA GAYE 1961, JUL 10 SMITH, H. E. 1846, MAR 22 SMITH, JOSHUA GRANTS 1967, JUL 15 SMITH, LILLIE ETHEL 1895 1981, JUN SMITH, ROY M. 1885, MAR 19 SMITH, SILAS H. 1893, APR 25 SMITH, W. E. (ED) 1877, JUN 29 SMITH, WILSON "RED" HENRY 1940 1880, AUG 26 SORELLE, DAVID L. 1917, MAY 2 SORELLE, DONNA LYNN 1942, DEC 19 SORELLE, FRANCES C. 1920, OCT 20 STAGNER, G. A. 1871, AUG 15 STAGNER, J. H. 1857, JUL 19 STAGNER, LOUIS M. 1867, MAY 15 STEELE, AUGUSTUS 1891, JAN 2 STEELE, EDGAR A. 1871, AUG 21 STEELE, EMELINE E. 1819, MAR 24 STEELE, F. M. NL 29 ART WW I MASON w/ MARGARET B. STOUSLAND STEELE, J. A. 1847, SEP 21 STEELE, JAMES F. 1852, OCT 27 STEELE, JAMES TERRELL 1879, APR 24 STEELE, JEFF 1861, JUL 16 STEELE, JOHN M. 1864, MAR 11 STEELE, NANCY PACE 1857, DEC 31 STEELE, ROSA 1869, OCT 21 STOUSLAND, MARGARET B. 1896, SEP 13 STOUSLAND, THOMAS WILLIAM 1889, MAR 8 SUBLETT, ELIZA NL MOTHER 1982, FEB SWOPE, BESSIE MAE 1905, FEB 21 SWOPE, LESLIE ROY 1900, JUL 27 TAYLOR, C. D. 1839, NOV 29 TAYLOR, EUNICE 1878, AUG 4 THOMPSON, ANNIE LEE 1905, JUN 11 THOMPSON, ANNIE MAY 1880, JAN 26 THOMPSON, JOHN 1834, OCT 28 THOMPSON, LEE M. 1878 THOMPSON, SUSAN E. 1848, MAR 20 TODD, ELSIE RAE 1912, AUG 30 TODD, GEORGE ERVIN 1900, AUG 13 TURNER, SYLVIA 1904, SEP VANCE, BENNIE S. 1893, APR 1 Death Date Inscription 1952, JUN 4 w/ VADA ESTELLE SIMPSON 1981 w/ L. BYRON SIMPSON 1971, JAN 27 BABY NL 1977, FEB 27 w/ blank 1958 1914, OCT 11 WIFE OF H. E. SMITH 1883, MAR 5 68y 4m 11d MASON 1906, SEP 29 1961, JUL 11 1922, APR 26 1985, JUL 5 1931 1918, DEC 11 1970, JUL 24 TX PVT 328 AUX RMF DEPOT ®MC WW I 1952, APR 21 1981 1981, JUN 8 VET WW II 1984, NOV 8 1979, DEC 17 1882, SEP 11 1880, OCT 19 w/ LOUIS STAGNER 1880, AUG 26 w/ J. H. STAGNER 1891, MAR 8 SON OF A. G. & E. I. STEELE 1912, OCT 3 1881, DEC 1 WIFE OF F. M. STEELE b SC d BRAZOS CO., TX NL MASON 1900, FEB 18 1906, NOV 6 w/ NANCY PACE STEELE 1899, NOV 2 SON OF J. F. & N. P. STEELE 1949, FEB 28 1900, AUG 14 1940, MAY 1 w/ JAMES F. STEELE 1943, MAY 13 NL w/ THOMAS W. STOUSLAND 1986, AUG 29 ART WW I MASON w/ MARGARET B. STOUSLAND 1875, APR 30 54y MOTHER 1955, DEC 28 MOTHER w/ LESLIE ROY SWOPE NL DADDY w/ BESSIE MAE SWOPE 1897, FEB 6 1884, JUL 7 DAU OF P. H. & J. TAYLOR 1936, FEB 26 1971, OCT 31 1913, OCT 1 w/ SUSAN E. THOMPSON 1969 1913, NOV 15 w/ JOHN THOMPSON 1976, FEB 3 1978, OCT 23 MASON 1961, AUG MOTHER 1982, FEB 19 CPL US ARMY WW I w/ PEARLE KATHERINE JONES VANCE elm 01/23/89 Name Birth Date VANCE, C. H. R. 1844, SEP 29 VANCE, CAROLINE ELIZABETH 1850, SEP 9 VANCE, CHARLES H. 1876 NOV 25 VANCE, CHARLES ROBERTS 1921, MAR 26 VANCE, CHARLES T. 1878, SEP 24 VANCE, COLLIE 1885 NOV 1 VANCE, JANE 1814, FEB 28 VANCE, JOSEPH 1848, JUL 7 VANCE, JOSEPH T. 1883, AUG 10 VANCE, MARGARET E. 1913, FEB 8 VANCE, PEARLS KATHERINE 4 1904, SEP 13 VANCE, ROBERT LEE 1890, NOV 22 VANCE, SALLIE 1857, AUG 6 VANCE, SAMUEL COLEMAN 1888 NOV 13 VANCE, W. L. 1881, FEB 12 WALKER, MARTHA B. 1815, AUG 13 WALKER, VIVIAN A. 1913, JUN 28 WARREN, FRANCIS INE2 * 1904, NOV 6 WARREN, JOHN DAVIS 1902, OCT 27 WELLBORN, SUSAN 1852, JUN 19 WHALEY, INFAAT NL WHALEY, JOHN EMORY 1882, JUN 1 WHITE, J. C. 1818, FEB 6 WHITE, MAMIE NL WHITE, MARY MARTHA 1890, MAR 18 WHITE, THOMAS AUSTIN 1881, NOV 10 WHITE, VIRGINIA 1824, OCT 12 WHITE, WILLIE VANCE 1891 WILLIAMS, ANN CATHRINE 1909, MAY 3 WILLIAMS, CARRIE ANN 1883, AUG 12 WILLIAMS, FRANCES EMMA 1857, OCT 4 WILLIAMS, HUGH EUGENE 1899, FEB 3 WILLIAMS, J. D., MD 1851, JUN 14 WILLIAMS, JANE 1818, OCT 1 WILLIAMS, JEFF D. 1888, OCT 3 WILLIAMS, JOHN G. 1860, JAN 3 WILLIAMS, KNOX T. 1880, SEP 11 WILLIAMS, KNOX T., JR. 1907, DEC 20 WILLIAMS, LENA HOLLIDAY 1883, FEB 11 WILLIAMS, MARTHA R. 1856, MAY 21 WILLIAMS, MARY A. 1835, JAN 21 WILLIAMS, NANNIE C. B. 1872, MAR 4 WILLIAMS, NANNIE MAY 1883, MAY 10 WILLIAMS, ROGER 9. 1886 WILLIAMS, ROY 1884, JAN 21 WILLIAMS, S. C. 1877, NOV 15 WILLIAMS, SAMUEL 1810, AUG 6 WILLIAMS, SAMUEL C. 1902, MAR 7 WILLIAMS, SAMUEL G. 1891, NOV 3 WILLIAMS, T. L. 1875, NOV 10 Wheat Cemetery, MilLican, Texas Death Date 1923, NOV 24 1925, JAN 2 1915, OCT 9 1980, APR 1 1909, JAN 9 1887, SEP 1869, JAN 18 1919, AUG 16 1955, NOV 20 1936, NOV 24 1984, JAN 26 1895, SEP 8 1950, JUL 20 1895, SEP 30 1966, JUN 26 1894 1982, JAN 14 1984, SEP 6 1939, JUN 24 1876, JUL 27 NL 1883, JUL 27 1890, MAR 16 1867, FEB 20 1976, APR 28 1951, MAY 29 1886, JUL 1 1974 1933, NOV 2 1966, JUL 24 1951, OCT 11 1899, FEB 3 1890, JUL 25 1904, MAR 4 1895, SEP 13 1925, MAR 19 1950, APR 1 1957, JUL 20 1961, AUG 5 1944, JAN 28 1894, NOV 24 1899, JUL 25 1981, APR 26 1919 1893, MAY 5 1948, OCT 2 1896, NOV 17 1986, JAN 9 NL 1923, APR 15 Inscription PVT 17 LA INF CSA WIFE OF JOSEPH VANCE EASTERN STAR MASON PFC US ARMY MASON MASON 'JONES w/ BENNIE S. VANCE 92y 11m 14d MOTHER 79y 3m *GERMAN w/ JOHN DAVIS WARREN TX SA US NAVY WW I w/ FRANCIS INEZ GERMAN WARREN 7d SON OF M. J. & KATE A. WHALEY 1y 1m 26d SON OF M. J. & KATE A. WHALEY DAU OF J. C. & VIRGINIA WHITE w/ THOMAS AUSTIN WHITE w/ MARY MARTHA WHITE GRANDMOTHER MOTHER SON OF F. S. & ANNIE WILLIAMS MOTHER SON OF J. D. & F. E. WILLIAMS MOTHER WIFE OF M. F. WILLIAMS DAU OF W. G. & M. J. WILLIAMS SON OF W. G. & M. J. WILLIAMS f"/1 fen 21 i 01/23/89 Wheat Cemetery, Millican, Texas Name Birth Date Death Date Inscription WILLINGHAM, ROST. TAYLOR 1915, OCT 19 1982, OCT 30 US ARMY w/ SYLVIA WILLINGHAM WILLINGHAM, SYLVIA M. 1925, OCT 27 NL w/ ROBERT TAYLOR WILLINGHAM WILSON, LILLIAN M. 1924, OCT 22 1979, MAR 14 WIFE WOOD, ALICE 1873, MAR 24 1898, MAY 17 WOOD, INFANT 1885, FEB 19 1885, MAR 2 DAU OF T. B. & F. S. WOOD WOOD, JAMES L. 1880, APR 30 1900, OCT 17 WOODALL, GEORGE F. 1860, MAR 20 1914, JAN 21 Wow WOODALL, IDA PEVERLEY 1861, JUN 30 1938, APR 1 WOODALL, LATHIEL 1881, SEP 6 1883, AUG 7 DAU OF S. & E. F. WOODALL WOODLIEF, THOMAS G. NL 1873, FEB 22 MASON WRIGHT, JAMES D. 1933, MAR 29 1952, NOV 1 BABY WRIGHT, MADISON NL 1927, AUG 16 SON WRIGHT, MAMIE 1896, NOV 17 1966, APR 23 w/ MATT WRIGHT WRIGHT, MATT 1894, NOV 19 1975, JUL 27 PVT US ARMY w/ MAMIE WRIGHT YAWN, SAINT ELMO 1910, FEB 4 1980, MAR 3 SGT US ARMY WW II YEAGER, F. W. 1863, JUN 6 1916, APR 9 wow YEAGER, LURLINE 1896 1901 YEAGER, MARY, MRS. 1829, APR 26 1911, MAR 17 82y ? ?, ISAAC J. .18 ? ?, MAR 14 1867, JUL 16 w/ SUE ELLA ? ?, SUE ELLA 1871 1872, FEB 11 w/ ISAAC J. QUERIES #1 Catholic Church, Millican, T)X Seeking information on the Catholic Church that existed in Millican in the mid 1869'x. Need name, year of establishment, year of termination. The 1870 Catholic Directory lists the Reverends Louis Bussant x Francis Derue as clergy. Nothing on this Church in Austin Diocese Archives. Above item from Joanne Glowski, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. #2 SHILELY Seeking information on Phillip SHILELY and his wife and descendants. He is known to have been in the Louisville, KY area in 1780. Abode item from "Bill" and Alice Freed, Beaver Creek #36, Caldwell, TX, 77836 THE WIZARD OF fID 99 Index To° Volunteer Soldiers 1784 1811 transcribed by Virgil D. Wtjite This index is-, for°` evefyone.. searching._, for.. that elusive ancestor that could have; serv6d.!betwreen 1784 and 1811 index lists the name' `of` the. 5bldier, his rank, his unit and the general dates served. There are cross-references ross - references for records under` more than one spelling or for service in more than one unit. While service records do not contain as much in- formation as pension records, they can be extremely helpful in providing places and dates of enlistment or volunteering for service, sometimes date and place of discharge, sometimes reason for discharge, leave papers and various other correspondence relating to a particular soldier. Some of the earlier entries may contain a personal description of the soldier. Service records can supply the information that will open up new areas for research and that is especially im- portant within the 1784 -1811 time period because of the tremendous migration and movement of the population during this period of time. There are approximately 22,000 entries listed in the index. 748 pages, acid free paper with library quality Buckram covers, p rice $32.00. ORDER FORM The National Historical Publishing Co. 209 Greemon Rollo. Road • Peal O(raae Box 539 • Wmynegbanx Tknnessee 38485 ® Index to Old Wars Pension Files 1815 - 1926 i.2 vols.) ..... ............................... $62.00 the set ® Index To Volunteer Soldiers 1784- 1811 ......... ............................... $32.00 TelTennessee residents please add 71% sales tax. ® Enclosed is a check /money order for $ ® Please charge our account and extend a 10% discount. (For libraries do institutions only.) Name Customer No. Address City /State /Zip PENSION FILES } These book reviews seemed of suf® ficient interest to be worthy of being called to your attention in this manner. You will have to make your own order forms at the nearest copy center (assuming you are interested, that is.) A sample entry for one name is displayed on page 31 for WAR OF 1512 PENSIONERS. M In Old W Pensiol � � r transcribed by Virgil D. White The "Old Wars" pension application files are for claims based on death or disability incurred in ser- vice in the US Army, US Navy and US Marine Corps between the end of the Revolutionary War in 1783 and the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. The claims are for service in "The Mexican War ", "The Indian Wars" and some are for "The Civil War" before July 1861, a few "War of 1812" claims are included. The "Old Wars" series contains approximately 26,000 entries. These files are most often overlooked by the researcher because of the mistaken belief that if a claim was filed for service in a particular conflict or war, the claim would be in that series, however if the claim was filed because of death or disability it would most likely be in the "Old Wars" series. If a soldier was killed or disabled because of reasons other than hostile action, the "Old Wars" files should definitely be researched. The "Old Wars" files should be researched by everyone doing research between the middle 1700s and the early 1900s. This index provides the infor- mation to obtain the records located in these files. The index provides much more than a name, a num- ber and the state name, considerable additional information has been provided. The information varies considerably in the entries. Each entry con- tains all or part of the following: name of soldier and any aliases used, name and class of dependent if any, service unit, application and file numbers or the certificate number for an approved claim, state from which the claim was made, date claim was made, many of the entries (several thousand) contain the date of death of the soldier. There are cross- references to files in other series. Two volumes, 1194 pages, acid free paper with library quality Buckram covers, price $62.00. Transcribed By Virgil D. WYute The Indian Wars pension application files .re for service in Indian Wars a Campaigns oetween 1817 and 1898. The Indian Wars series s one of the most informative series of records ocated at the National Archives. In addition o the usual types of records found in pension applications, these files contain a personal tistory questionnaire of the soldier as well as 1 family history questionnaire. These files , ontain a gold mine of information for the ;enealogist or historian. Some claims will : ontain information on 3 or more generations. Many of the claims for service in the earlier vars were filed by widows who were the 2nd, rd or even 4th wife of the veteran. The late fling date of 1892 -1926 can be misleading. Many of the claims contain considerable data from he late 1700's and the early 1800 The Indian Wars Index contains over 50,000 :ntries. The information in the entries varies : onsiderably. The entries contain all or part ►f the following, name of soldier and any aliases ised, name of widow and surname if remarried nd in some the name of 2nd, 3rd or former lusbands is provided, a few claims give the tames of minors, parents or siblings, Ipplication. number or certificate numbers for to approved claim, state or country from which Plaim was filed, date claim was filed, name of war or conflict and date served, a large number sseveral thousand) contain the date and place if death of the soldier and some contain the late of death of the widow. There are cross - eferences to files in other series. rwo volumes, 1733 pages, acid free paper with ibrary quality Buckram covers. Price $87.00 km Index Of U.S. Marshals Transcribed By Virgil D. White This index was prepared from records located at the National Archives. The records and service files for US Marshals are located in Record Groups 60 & 287. The index gives the name of the Marshal, dates of service and the district served in, surname of preceeding (vice) Marshal and the reason for his termination. The index also gives the source of the information. These entries contain the information required for the use of most of the other pertinent series in Record Group 60. The files of the US Marshals contain valuable information for the genealogist or historian. 93 pages, acid free paper with library quality Buckram cover. Price $15.00. The National historical Publishing Company 209 Greeson Hollow Road - P.O. Box 539 Waynesboro, Tennessee 38485 ® Index To Indian Wars Pension Fates, 1892 -1926 $87.00 ® Index of Q.S. Marshals 1789 -1960 ... $15.00 Tennessee residents please add 71% sales tax. ® Enclosed is a check /money order for $ ® Please charge our account and extend a 10% discount. (For libraries & institutions only.) Name Customer No. Address City/ State/ Zip P Pension Files Vol. 1,A -F Transcribed By Virgil D. White This is the first of a three volume set. This index is for service in the US Army, US Navy and the US Marine Corps. This is one of the most informative indexes ever published on National Military records. Many thousands of the entries will contain all or most of the following, name of veteran and any aliases used, maiden name of widow or wife, names of widow's or wives' previous or subsequent husbands, maiden name of previous wife or wives, date and place of marriage, date and place of death of both the veteran and widow or wife, application number or certificate number for an approved claim, BLit/ numbers for service for which no pension claim was fled, name of unit or units served in, counties and states of residence of both the veteran and widow, sometimes city of residence. Some of the entries give the rank of the veteran, some give the name of a person hiring anther for substitute service. There are cross - references to files in other series as well as cross - references for entries under more than one spelling. The surname of the veteran is printed in BOLD CAPITALIZED print. There are approximately 32,000 entries in Vol. 1. Every library, public or private, should have a copy of this index because of the tremendous amount of information provided for the historian and genealogist. Vol. 1, A -F, 780 pages, 8 }x11, printed on acid free paper with library quality Buckram covers. Pre - publication price of $60.00 good until 15 Feb 1989, afterwards the regular price will be $75.00. Volumes 2 and 3 will be approximately same size and the price for each will be $75.00. Volume 2 available approximately 1 Aug. 1989. Volume 3 available approximately 1 Nov. 1989. rM T m w r to cn m M s0. a m „U ca P4 cn,o�' R — .4 ul Lo 0 a v w coo0 p, LN yG�c7U� Ln o r a is O fy 0 W DO co O O Ow to d r 4 m 79 QS is r e.. M 3e.ar d�.a O z ma O m SUM ® y O�" 4 co CO aT ®> 0 C Ow�'y po W ®�0�� O O o U64 3U E. 'C 0 CD N w ®.y cn : .a a CD O O 4ti N N O O �" co O O m 0 0 C sw W � - �� O U SeU C° Oy�� 3 a0.� cn L n w O •-o to f3 O cn C co CM gp ��= -.ug� G l o E y�r O°O�L� wU U1 Cam 1 Sa Ln d C 0 -4 N�� R O C�. 0 0 Ow' yeO ^ti m � ® C 3 E m 7 C cC o 0 V p 4 . in N C cs O r d O IM. d .o ., ...o •..... - i "Z > .-i p� U �a eCa axx�i� R; CD o® CD to fa b- � N Qr � Vol e� 3 � CP9 o v v N v1 sz "9°:d Z U (D b H -4 Ok Q p: • •-e w jo 04 ar q ca r•i dd a ® Ga ' rte+ N • � m 1n a) a) •� � � fs7 v O GJ r�i b O QI v � ® ® O � 00 ® is ® Fr blo N � �• r a.r 04 a � N Qr � 3 � CP9 ® N v1 sz Z U 32 GENERAL Did you know that social security numbers can help to determine locality of a person's residence? The first three digits of the number indicate the state in which an applicant resided at the time of the application. 001 -003 New Hampshire 433 -439 004 -007 Maine 440 -448 008 -009 Vermont 449 °467 010 -034 Massachusetts 468 -477 035 - 039. Rhode Island 4 .78 -485 040-049 Connecticut 486 -500 050 -134 New York ' 501 -502 `135 -� 5 -8 , . ° Neer .hers ey°.. 503 - 504 159-211 Pennsylvania 505 -508 212 -220 Maryland 509 -515 221 -222 Delaware 516 -517 223 -231 Virginia 518 -519 Pa - 236 W. Virginia 520 Part/232,237 -246 North Carolina521 -524 247 -251 South, Carolina 525 & 585 252260 Georgia. 526 -527 261 -267 Florida 528 -529 2ES -302. Ohio 530 303 - 317 Indiana 531 318- 361 Illinois 540 - 544 387 - 399 Mich. & Wisc. 545 ®573 400 -407 Kentucky 574 408 -415 Tennessee 575 -576 416 -424 Alabama 577 -579 425 -428 & 587 Mississippi 700 -728 429 -432 Arkansas Source: Oregon Genealogical Society Quarterly, Summer, 1985 The Railroad Retirement Board administers a separate system of social security for railroad workers. The Railroad Retirment Board, an independent agency of the government9 administers thislprogram of old -age, survivors and disability bene- fits. Railroad employers and workers share equally in financing th�°�,p orit�ti 'th.�.e�.s;� has his wage credits transferred to the general society security syAtem,. receives benefits from it. But, even though -he has_.._._ more than 10 years' railroad service, survivor-benefits are based on his combined earnings in railroad and other work, and are gener- ally paid by the Railroad Retirement Board. A worker can receive two payments. A supplementary retirement system financed entirely by employers pays additional pensions to workers. The Worla Book Encyclopedia 33 Page No. 155 Post Office: Bryan 10 Sep 1870 ■.. =Z 0 4 0 q-1 4 M0 O PQ 1267 1267 CONNOR, Jack Columbus ® Laura. Dick e 68 68 RANDALL, Leonard Sarah HUGHS, Horace Wm Lizzie 69 69 HoFFMAN, Peter Fannie Arne Jonas Chas SANCHOS, Peter 1270 1270 PEIRSON, Patrick Eliza. wm Dbxy E. James Fannie Salli Calvin Eliza PEIRSON, Elias 71 71 PIERCE, Ben Mary Carroll Savannah Martha Jack George Sarah 72 72 FOSTER, Jack Willie Eldrick Andy 73 73 ER, SSanter M ary Dick ■.. =Z 11 M W at home 8MW 4FW 4/12 M W Feb 70 M W Physician 1000 62 F W K house 17 M W Laborer 14 M W tt 16 F W at home 55 M B Farming 25 F M K house 6FM 2MM 3/12 M M Feb 25 M M laborer 42 M W Fanning 2000 33 F W K house 17 M W Laborer 15 F W 12 M W at home 10 F W tt it 4/12 F W mar 28MWFanning 23 F W no occupation 38 M W Capenter (sic) 10,000 46 M W Farmer 40 F W K house 21 M W Laborer 19 F W at home 16 F W /t It 13 M W Laborer 10 MW 9FW 30 M B Fanning 25 F B K house 6MB 4MB 27 M B Laborer 20 F B No occupation 6/12 M B Dec 200 LCl a Pq I N.C. It Tex It IV Tex N.C. Tex of it Mexico S.C: Ala et /t 90 tt �, tt tt tt �� et Mass It It it it It 91 it Miss it Tex of Miss it Tex 0 4 0 q-1 4 M0 O PQ 11 M W at home 8MW 4FW 4/12 M W Feb 70 M W Physician 1000 62 F W K house 17 M W Laborer 14 M W tt 16 F W at home 55 M B Farming 25 F M K house 6FM 2MM 3/12 M M Feb 25 M M laborer 42 M W Fanning 2000 33 F W K house 17 M W Laborer 15 F W 12 M W at home 10 F W tt it 4/12 F W mar 28MWFanning 23 F W no occupation 38 M W Capenter (sic) 10,000 46 M W Farmer 40 F W K house 21 M W Laborer 19 F W at home 16 F W /t It 13 M W Laborer 10 MW 9FW 30 M B Fanning 25 F B K house 6MB 4MB 27 M B Laborer 20 F B No occupation 6/12 M B Dec 200 LCl a Pq I N.C. It Tex It IV Tex N.C. Tex of it Mexico S.C: Ala et /t 90 tt �, tt tt tt �� et Mass It It it it It 91 it Miss it Tex of Miss it Tex 34 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 156 Post Office: Bryan 10 Sep 1870 Tex Printed #78A :qh hn Z44t 22 F B K house o 0) 4-4 43 a) § 4 rq 2 M B 11 74 ® o ri Va � 0 r Nand Z� 0 M Msrg 14 F B at home °I 1273 1273 FOSTER, Henry 25 M B Fanning Tex Aques 22 F B K house t1 Saar 2 M B 11 74 74 GREET, Joe 50 M B Farming Va Nand 35 F B K house La, Msrg 14 F B at home °I Jane 11 F B 11 11 Tex Jessie 9 M B UNDER, Dan 55 M W Laborer Ireland 75 75 KIZIER, Ben x60 M W Fanning 5000 200 Tenn Peney 40 F W Keeping hous Ala Nary 15 F W at home Tex X Josephine 12 F W 1® X Susan 9 F W '® Carrie 6 F W 1® WEMAN WM 23 M W Farmer.- Ark 76 76 HALEY, Wm 50 M W 10 Miss El mina 50 F W K house La STRI , Wm 21 M W Fanning 1e Alice 14 F W at home 1/ Manda 10 F W 11 77 77 HENDERSON, Tom 25 M W Carpenter Eng Eliza. 22 F W K house of Bessie 3 F W Tex Gus 1 M W 11 78 78 N1ORRIS, N. H. 40 M W School Teacher Miss Ella. 35 F W Ala 79 79 CL,ARY, Jasper 27 M W Fanninga Ark Mary 27 F W K house Ga Martin 5 M W Tex Sallie 2 F W ° Ama nda 33 F W at home Ark Martha 16 F W t 19 Tex Jim 12 MW 11 11 /1 Marion 10 M W B1 Manda 0 Nancy 4 F W B9 1280 1280 CRANE, Stephens 43 M W Farming Ga Blzora 44 F W K house Ala Martha 19 F W Miss 35 r, r BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 157 Post Office: Bryan 12 Sep 1870 Printed #79 a� o 4-4 Cd 0 4 ® �N 4 a Z "1 0 m t �a Ark of 1280 1280 CRANE, James 16 M W Laborer is Thoms 13 M W it Lawson 8 M w Nancy 8 M W Joseph 5 M Cohn 2 M W 81 81 CLUNEY, Enock 42 M W Fanning Mahala 51 F W K house Jane 21 F W at home John 19 M W Laborer B. D. 15 M w Enock 12 M W Margery 9-F W 82 82 DANMZ, Frances 4 0 F W K house Elizabeth 15 F W Josephine 12 F W Lula 10 F W Geo. 8 M w 83 83 JOHNSON, Green 53 M W Fanning Manda 23 F W K house Ellen 2 F W at home Sarah ® 1 18 F W ee ee Lucy 12 F W W 9Mw James 7 M W Sarah 4/12 F W Feb 84 84 HARRISON, Dick 30 M W Wagoner Sarah 24 F W K house Carvin 10 M w Mama. 5 F W Dick 2 M W 85 8 5 MORE, Thomas 38 M W Fanning Eliza 40 F W K House Ella. 11 F W Eliza 8 F W All ice 6 F W Cora 2 F W VANCE, Frank 24 M W Farming LUSK, Eliza 68 F W No occupation 86 86 HALL, wade 56 M W Farmer Printed #79 a� 4-, + 4-4 Cd 0 4 ® �N L Z "1 0 m t �a Ark of La is Tex it 500 200 3000 300 Ill Tenn Tex It of to of Ala Tex of to it Ga Tex ee to it to it Tex Ala Tex to of If N. C. Ala Tex if of of Fla Tenn S. C. m Name of Com iaar �a/�lC2c�et�aJ.( Lt��f .4aa4e 6 eA"e p Person No. 1 on this chart is t he 'S ame Q 9 A Address °yg i• 3,2A/® �T; person as No, ®oar chart No. 16 AOIFS I�10 D ABU ealr seaee & �.�id i T. . %�°P® a mw� h) J. ht 6,6 GA 4 Dade fD ��9sU. /��� � tFaNee al na ep /°� �HL eP(oa. 1 b /0 / /,l /n Al _ I mm b. /® Juaid /ir92 - - p.b.,�A</A a $�eJ (rrrsC eq.dRurNS, One m. /7 Jwaae. /909 I d. 7 Jume 11&.2 - PA /7pa.4mAa8 s (WAoeb) TES 3 � /2A6ETei I L 36L ( M.t.e d N. r, b. /9 J..e- /4e8 d. 1 p.d. . I g4Ca.4ero i5�r z/a d£Td. 9 L 0 r9Rr ® 9 - /l7 - e,4e (M.te.. d N. 3) b. .2o In^ 9; JP/ 1 p.b. J're sags r£,e, (A41u40f) AJ, f' d. 10 Ju ng 4. /`l/s l p.d. 1 -00e A16?-" (LfA) AJ, 47. 15 fyfe'd£�r .C6'A�'/L L Gl��l� (S' b.� acr 35 Cl. p.b.�'t cJ esr7Jo �• r , p.1d. (fJ1eTGNf�L) Tf,t ip.b. (82ia@ecrragraca c1atCRBRUegS)OJ1r® . M. ou b • ® �1/�4a JP81® d. 4, A° E® / 9G/ d° p.d G4wetrcnsurcr.E(7e- feA.4er�S)2s o n to /I/ AQT,m /�H77 b. S JuaE /Q`9 27 p.b. - -'CqA - lU)0J4lD (F.t.ar d Ma a, cat.. as cMR N4.® rZrNf OL d62. (Md..e d Ma a. cant. ®:n.R Ma AAlkbUA,l /j (F.tb— care. ®e..R Ma (a7. d 310. 10, c.d. (F.tA.e d Na d t. CaR (MO:.ee d tie !d. . f..ni. Cfl 6648 Ma (P.t.ee d Ma dZ. C.nf. a!d' iR °a ,' JA,JIL- rikkf >s (ma d Na (FWA -.t M 3. , ca..a a Na° d. - /13v b. PA. d. 28 4;gE;4r,£. 4d,44a /.vy 7'29 -rJ b 5° JANE ld }7 (Fae.e d - da. O A,e - /1/ 7' C- ,4 — - M. d. JS SO Cave. .n (Feesd Na 7) ci 8 mAQta♦ Irgs b. /Se AEG /PS/ 29 : OOP 6Z _ p.b. y ® (NAl2,el9d A)) 0/0`10 b. XO t7 ®e4ee® /f atn.rd v de, att� ®cNtt Ma m p.d a® JAe�Sfs Yr /e�r,7 ST ®�t1� e b. /.3 F£rj e a r (Fame R .Na 15. ST O /V M. (, Oar ds q e.n a.;n,.:: (M .auedN..) d. -1 JA-ut- eft fiAi( 9P D b. J 11-1. N IS, d. 30 A7 P /9V b. ca...a. I..Na - -_. p.d.ykW,vv0;;4"6(r•>A ,0 D) TEX d. / ®cr i9e0 a. 459/r/ua ,6AYTCet d11D4Lf,6Xc0 k p.b. e�eN rC /Le95Ad) //715 b b. (F.te.. d N..2, m m. /(* /j1AA?c/� /d7/ d d. Is . ON. d &I" pdm PL.." .9 OCRs M M. �+LE..i /el a elEA:3/p / ✓Cs ®ems 1 1� m m. a. Pte: t � d d ° S AYAV lf&,y t tM.to� d Ra q d d. b. /7 /Y 1 4 / fS 1 19 Z Zi 2 JFHNE !�o'l byZt a p p.b. - CIL AVAeR) b b. b. /® 191e91 /9 / F.0..1 N. a, d d. o2 A-c4 /4 d d. p.b.J7199 AeetT (� /a.Q D) % €rC p p.d /y�e9/c"C Cat' ®TeX) 2 2® .4 R" If37 / /fdAlA9 2) U 11/ N m m. P.d b (F."­ -A N. d 21 _ d. g / //e4p 3U/I) P P.b. �o ®sUt1rtLEflr�vO> b b (M— d N. r m m• > SJ FtB /8L `! d d . b. l jig "o 110- d d. .2 Jw N E /9ua- 2 P =b• ® (/JAk.Ai w q u) TtX p p.d — (fr3si,20) T4X b 22 d. gl /AA J; /f'79 g � �eYPyt �� /L SOXI M M. P.d. Sr9Ai AAJy�r ®(?v�J, ( (M.t0etdN.3) d d. b. (® e77R9c.4 /P5`.2- 2 23 P .11 0 �/rao yArJ) /Jlo b. d. /f7S b b. j ) ZS�gF r •4 // p p.d. / -6X d d. P.b ;5 1s9�)T�eC 2 24 3 d�..0 /zA/�� (Cd/iArgj °seX / stP'r 6 J b b. C I (F.. . .tb d N. 6) I mm b. /® Juaid /ir92 - - p.b.,�A</A a $�eJ (rrrsC eq.dRurNS, One m. /7 Jwaae. /909 I d. 7 Jume 11&.2 - PA /7pa.4mAa8 s (WAoeb) TES 3 � /2A6ETei I L 36L ( M.t.e d N. r, b. /9 J..e- /4e8 d. 1 p.d. . I g4Ca.4ero i5�r z/a d£Td. 9 L 0 r9Rr ® 9 - /l7 - e,4e (M.te.. d N. 3) b. .2o In^ 9; JP/ 1 p.b. J're sags r£,e, (A41u40f) AJ, f' d. 10 Ju ng 4. /`l/s l p.d. 1 -00e A16?-" (LfA) AJ, 47. 15 fyfe'd£�r .C6'A�'/L L Gl��l� (S' b.� acr 35 Cl. p.b.�'t cJ esr7Jo �• r , p.1d. (fJ1eTGNf�L) Tf,t ip.b. (82ia@ecrragraca c1atCRBRUegS)OJ1r® . M. ou b • ® �1/�4a JP81® d. 4, A° E® / 9G/ d° p.d G4wetrcnsurcr.E(7e- feA.4er�S)2s o n to /I/ AQT,m /�H77 b. S JuaE /Q`9 27 p.b. - -'CqA - lU)0J4lD (F.t.ar d Ma a, cat.. as cMR N4.® rZrNf OL d62. (Md..e d Ma a. cant. ®:n.R Ma AAlkbUA,l /j (F.tb— care. ®e..R Ma (a7. d 310. 10, c.d. (F.tA.e d Na d t. CaR (MO:.ee d tie !d. . f..ni. Cfl 6648 Ma (P.t.ee d Ma dZ. C.nf. a!d' iR °a ,' JA,JIL- rikkf >s (ma d Na (FWA -.t M 3. , ca..a a Na° d. - /13v b. PA. d. 28 4;gE;4r,£. 4d,44a /.vy 7'29 -rJ b 5° JANE ld }7 (Fae.e d - da. O A,e - /1/ 7' C- ,4 — - M. d. JS SO Cave. .n (Feesd Na 7) ci 8 mAQta♦ Irgs b. /Se AEG /PS/ 29 : OOP 6Z _ p.b. y ® (NAl2,el9d A)) 0/0`10 b. XO t7 ®e4ee® /f atn.rd v de, att� ®cNtt Ma m p.d a® JAe�Sfs Yr /e�r,7 ST ®�t1� e b. /.3 F£rj e a r (Fame R .Na 15. ST O /V M. (, Oar ds q e.n a.;n,.:: (M .auedN..) d. -1 JA-ut- eft fiAi( 9P D b. J 11-1. N IS, d. 30 A7 P /9V b. ca...a. I..Na - -_. p.d.ykW,vv0;;4"6(r•>A ,0 D) TEX d. / ®cr i9e0 m INDEX OF SURNAMES ABKE 18 ADDERHOLD 18 ADRANCE 11 ALLEN 8,10 15 ANDREWS 18 ARMSTRONG 11 ARNOLD 18 ARRINGTON 18 ASTIN 13 AVERY 18 AXSOM 10 BAILEY 18 BAKER 15,16,18 BARANOWSKI 18 BARNES 18 BARROW 9,10,13 BARTON 15 BATES 14 BEARD 9 BEENE 18 BELL 18,36 BENNEDETTO 10 BERNARD 10 SINFORD 18 BLACK 9,18 BLAKE 3,4 BOGGUS 15 BOHEME 9 BONGGONEA 8 BONNEVILLE 12 BOWDEN 3,4 BROEN 18 BOYETT 7 BRADLEY 18 BRADY 18 BRATZ 7 BRAY 36 BRAZELTON 18 BREWINGTON 12 BRINGHURST 7 BROOKS 11 BROWN 5 BULLOCK 7,15 BURROWS 18 BURT 18 BURTON 15 CAMPBELL 15,18 CANDAY 15 CARRY 18 CARPENTER 36 CARRONA 10 CARTER 15 CASTLEMAN 15 CATHARN 18 CAVITT 15 CHALMERS 14 CHAMBLEE 15 CHANCE 6 7 CHANGLOSE 8 CHAPMAN 18 CHARRODE 9 CHENAULT 18 CLARK 12 CLAMPITT 18 CLARK 19 CLARY 34 CLUNEY 35 COALTER 9 COBB 14 COE 12 COGELOSI 7 COLE 12 COLEY 15 COLLETT 13 COLLINS 14 CONNOR 33 CONROY 8 COOK 14 COOKE 15 COONER 19 COOPER 19,36 CORY 19 COTHARN 19 COTROPIA 7 COULTER 6 COX 14,15 CRANE 34,35 CRAWFORD 19 CREEKMORE 19 CRENSHAW 19 CROCKETT 19 CROSBY 19 CROUCH 13,19 CUNNINGHAM 19 CURD 19 CURRIE 12,36 DAGGETT 16 DANIELS 35 DARDEN 19 DAVID 15 DAWSON 15,19 DEARING 12 DEHART 13 DEMRIS 7 DICKSON 19 DILLASHAW DOWELL 36 DOWNS 19 DUEUR 8 DUNLAP 19,20 DUNN 20,36 EATON 14,15 EAVES 20 EBERSPACHER 6 EDDLEMAN 10 EDWARDS 20 ENGLEDOW 7 ENGLISH 10 EVANS 10 FAIRCHILDS 9 FALCONER 6 FANNETT 20 FERGUSON 20 FERREL 36 FLEISHMAN 13 FLEMISTER 7 FORD 6 FOSTER 33,34 FOUNTAIN 10 FRANCESCHINI 5 FRANKLIN 20 FREMAN 33 FULLERTON 15 GALLOWAY 16 GARDNER 20 GEE 7 GERMAN 20 GILLASPIE 13 GODBY 20 GRACO 6 GRAFTON 15 GRAVES 14. GRAY 20 GREEN 34 GREER 20 GREGG 20 GREGOR 9 GRISCOM 20 GRODA 20 GROOM 14 GROVIS 15 GUI LLORY 20 GUSTAVUS 8 HACIN 20 HALEY 34 HALL 11,35 HAM 20 HANAN 13 HAND 15 HANWAY 8 HARBERS 13 HARBUS 11 HARDIN 15 HARDY 20 HARL 14,16 HARLAN 15 HARRINGTON 11,20, 21 HARRISON 35 NARY 3,4 HASSELL 21 HAWARKA 6 HAYES 21 HAYS 12 HEARD 15 HEMPFLING 21 HENDERSON 6,15,34 HENRY 14 HENSON 15 HERRERA 6 HETH 21 HICKMAN 10 HICKS 3,4 HILL 11,14,15 21 HODGES 21 HOFFMAN 33 HOLLIDAY 21 HOOFER 21 HOPE 5,13 HOUSTON 15 HOWARD 21 HOWELL 13 HUGHES 21 HUGHS 33 HUNT 3,4 HUNTER 33 HUTTON 21 INGRAHAM 15 ISAAC J. 27 JACKSON 15,21 JAMES 8 38 INDEX OF SURNAMES JAMESON 6,21 JERICHO 21,22 JOHNSON 7,10,11,22 35 JONES 15 KERNOLE 13 KILLAUGH 16 KIZIER 34 KNOWLES 10 KNOX 22 KURTEN 4 MACAL•USA 9 McALLISTER 22 McCORD 36 McCORMICK 3,4,5 McCUISTION 15,16 McDANIEL 15 McFARREN 22 McFEIRN 22 McFERREN 22 McGREGOR 22,23 McGREW 14 McKAY 15 McKNIGHT 15 McLELLAND 8 McLEOD 23 McMAHON 15 McMICHAEL 23 McMILLAN 14 McMORRIES 9 MCSWAIN 23 NEAL 15 NEELLEY 23 NEWMAN 13 NICHOLSON 23 NICKLOS 11 NOLAND 23 NORMAN 23,24 NORWOOD 24 NUNN 6 OLIVER 36 OUTLAW 24 OWEN 15 PAGE 24 PARATTERNELLA 13 PARKS 11 PATTERSON 8,24 PEIRSON 33 PENDERGAST 15 PENNINGTON 24 PEVERLEY 24 PEYTON 24 PHIFER 15 PHILIPS 9 PHILLIPS 24 PHILPOTT 8 PIERCE 33 PINKSTON 7 PLAYER 24 PLOMO 7 PLUMMER 15 POMARO 10 POOL 24 POOLE 24 POPE 24 PORTZER 5 POWERS 15 PRESCOTT 24 PRICE 12,24 PROCHTER 6 PUCH 24 RAMSE`( 24 RANDALL 33 REED 12,15 RHODE 11 RHODES 7 RIFE 36 RITCHIE 17 ROBERTS 24 ROBERTSON 14,15 ROBINSON 14,15 ROBISON 12 ROCHL 13 ROLLE 24 ROTA 6 ROUSE 24 ROYDER 24 ROZZOTTO 8 RUCHTI 12 RUFENA 7 SANCHOS 33 SANDERS 13 SANNASARDO 7 SAUL 15 SCARDINO 10 SCHULTZ 24 SCRIMSHIRE 24 SEARCY 12 SEELY 24 SHAW 10 SHANLEY 24 SHILELY 27 SILCOX 24 TABOR 17 TARAROLA 6 TAYLOR 25 TEBONIA 13 TERMINE 13 THOMPSON 25 TIDWELL 16 TODARO 12 TODD 25 TOUCHSTONE 15 TREMIER 15 TREVINS 13 TURNER 25 VANCE 25,26,35 VICK 7 VIOLET 15 WALKER 15,26 WALTON 13 WARE 6 WARREN 26 WASATKI 9 WATSON 15 WEBB 15 WELCH 14,15 INDEX OF SURNAMES WELDAN 34 WELLBORN 25 WEPPLER 15 WHEELOCK 14,15 WHALEY 26 WHITE 6,8,9,10,14, 15,26 WILKINSON 8 WILLIAMS 26,27 WILLIAMSON 14 WILLINGHAM 27 WILSON! 12,16,27,36 WINKLER 15 WISE 4 MEMBERS: Too often we wind up WITTMAN 8 like this with unused space, and WOOD 27 your Ed. has to fill it with any WOODALL 27 thing he can. Help him out with WOODLIEF 27 your "fillers ". If you are not WOOLIEF 9 up to a full page or longer art - WRIGHT 27 icle, how about some QUERIES, or other short item. After all, as YAWN 27 they would, say: "pennies add up YEAGER 27 to pounds ". A Joke or cartoon, YORK 15 for example, if it has a geneal- ogical flavor. ZUMA 8 (even with improvising, this space is left over) REMEMBER! Your 1989 dues ($12 single, $18 couple) became payable January 1 Mail checks to our address! see top of inside front cover. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION NEW MEMBERS only: Complete the following form and mail with your PEDIGREE CHART (if you have yours up to date; otherwise you can prepare the chart at a later time) and your dues check. You may also wish to send in individual 4x6 cards on your ancestors, to be placed in our FAMILY RESEARCH CARD FILE. ------------------------------------------ ( _ ) _ _ - - - e Name: Telephone No: o_®_______v_®®e__--___®_____®®®___®_®_®_---- ®____e_- ®_ ®___ ® ® ®__o ® ®_____. -_® Address, including ZIP code: ANCESTOR INFORMATION (Surname) (State and/or Country found) _ ( Period of time) 3 . , 3 „ � L T L Half page: Once /year $26.00 4x /year $78,00 Whole pace: Once /year $52.00 4x /year $157.00 (All prices include tax),