HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummer 1990CONTENTS Volume XI Number 3 Summer 1990 Bryan - College Station, Texas PAGE The Mosley Families of Burleson and Brazos Counties Compiled by Ruth Fury and Janis Hunt 83 Presidents and Editors Messages 8tJ Brazos County Estray Notices Abstracted by Bill Page 87 1860 Agricultural Census- Brazos County Texas Transcribed by Janis Hunt 92 Adam Royder ----- Submitted by Patsy Todd Silva 95 Old Eaton Cemetery--Submitted by Patsy Todd Silva 95 Barnabas Wickson and Family Contributed by Mary Jurgens 96 Brazos County Texas Brands By Nadine Billingsley and Joy Brown 97 Brush Cemetery 102 Cahill and Canaan Cemeteries 104 Carter and Clayton Cemeteries 108 Brazos County Texas 1970 Census Transcribed by Mary Cooper 111 Silva Ancestor Chart 116 index 117 Volume XI Number 3 Summer 1990 Bryan - College Station, Texas THE BRAZOS GENEALOGIST -J P.O. Box 5493 Bryan Tx 77805 OFFICERS 1990 PRESIDENT .............VICTORIA SIMONS VICE PRESIDENT ........... DONALD SIMONS SECRETARY .................L.A. MADDOX TREASURER ............ HARRY J. POP,TZER LIBRARIAN .......... DORIS FRANCESCHINI EDITOR .............NADINE BILLINGSLEY PAST PRESIDENT .......... DONALD SIMONS STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES ............ JOY BROWN LOCAL HISTORY ........................ ...............RUTH HARP I JANIS HUNT CONTINUING SERIES ........... BILL PAGE INDEXING /PRINTING CONSULTANT......... ........................HARRY PORTZER {QUARTERLY The Quarterly is published as the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Issues. Each volume of the Quarterly will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members, Non- members $4.00 per issue. EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for ex- change with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan Tx. 77805. SOLICITATIONS MEETINGS Meetings are on the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. We are en- couraged to arrive early to socialize and transact business as the library closes at 9:00 pm. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is on a calendar year basis, January through December. $12.00 ..............single membership Picked up at meetings. $14.00 ..............single membership Mailed. $19.00 ..............family membership Picked up at meetings. $20.00 ..............family membership Mailed. Checks for dues may be mailed to the above address, or to H.J. Portzer, 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station TX, 7784:" We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 11 x. 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Society or the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept ap- propriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis. The members of the society are en- couraged to submit articles of inter- est concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. n %'Drazos gwicatoy6t Volume XI Number 3 Bryan /College Station Spring 1990 Texas THE MOSELEY FAMILIES OF BURLESON AND BRAZOS COUNTIES Since ferries played such an important part in the early agricultural and industrial development of Brazos and. Burleson counties, we thought it would be interesting to develop a family history of the MOSELEY family that operated the MOSELEY Ferry across the Brazos River during the period 1849 -1868. Rivers were vital, but they also hindered the early settlers in their overland travel. Bridges were almost non - existent, and if a river couldn't be forded, it was natural to turn to ferries. The ferry facilitated trade and transportation with other parts of the state, and no doubt did much to facilitate the expansion of our early history. Daniel MOSELEY operated the MOSELEY Ferry from 1849 until his death in 1856. Daniel left his estate to his heirs, and his son, Wade Copeland MOSELEY assumed operation of the ferry after his father's death. Wade continued to operate the ferry until 1868. Other operators continued the operation of the ferry until 1912 when a railroad bridge was built at the location of the ferry. In 1849, Daniel MOSELEY bought land in the William MATHIS League of Brazos County from Michael BOREN who operated a public ferry crossing the Brazos County. The ferry was located at the west end of Brazos County where the Old San Antonio Road crossed the Brazos River. It was called MOSELEY's Landing or MOSELEY's Ferry. In 1850 and 1852, the Sternwheelers managed to come up the Brazos River as far as MOSELEY's Landing. The book "Brazos Valley History, Rich Past -- Bright Future" quotes an official of the Brazos Steam Association after a trip up the Brazos to MOSELEY's Landing as saying that "Had I known what k i n d of place MUNSON' s Shoals were before we got into them, Mr. MOSELEY's cotton would be lying comfortably at home." MUNSON's Shoals are located about five miles south of the mouth of THOMPSON's Creek. The family owned land on the Brazos County side of the Brazos River as well as the Burleson County side. Rates of ferriage were established by the Burleson County Commissioners Court in 1855 as follows: $ 1.25 Loaded "road" wagon drawn by oxen or horses $ 1.00 Empty "road" wagon $ 1.00 Two horse wagon $ 0.80 Four wheeled carriage $ 0.50 Man and horse $ 0.10 Man on foot $ 0.05 per head of cattle $ 0.02 per head of sheep, hogs, or goats 84 About 1841, Daniel MOSELEY with his sons Wade Copeland, Thomas R., Dandridge, and Augustus came to Texas from Montgomery County Alabama. The Poll Lists for 1846 show the following: Wade C. MOSELEY Dandridge MOSELEY Daniel MOSELEY A. (Augustus) MOSELEY M. (Mason) MOSELEY E. MOSELEY J. H. MOSELEY Marvel M. MOSELEY Harrison County Harrison County Harrison County Upshear County Upshear County Cherokee County Shelby County Shelby County The MOSELEY families were large land holders in Texas. In the 1850 Agricultural Census of Harrison County, T. (Thomas R.) MOSELEY owned 1280 acres; D. (Dandridge) MOSELEY owned 640 acres; and W. (Wade) MOSELEY owned 640 acres. In Upshear County, A. (Augustus) MOSELEY owned 1280 acres. In Burleson County, Daniel MOSELEY owned 260 acres of improved land and 6,060 acres of unimproved land valued at $13,600. By the time the 1870 U. S. Census was taken, Daniel MOSELEY as well as his sons, Augustus, Wade C, and Thomas R. were all dead. Their widows and children were living in Brazos County. Dandridge was still farming in Burleson County. There are many descendants of the Daniel MOSELEY family still living in the Brazos Valley area including one of our own members - Georgia Bell SHAW LOCKE. Following is information on Robert MOSELEY from whom Daniel and Wade Copeland MOSELEY descended, along with family information on Daniel and Wade Copeland MOSELEY: Robert MOSELEY (1725/1735- 1796), Revolutionary Soldier (SC Militia under Col. Leroy HAMMONDS), married 1. Sarah TURPIN, 2. Mary Bransford ANDERSON, and 3. Penelope TALLEY. His children were: 1. Rachel 9. Anna 2. John 10. Lydia 3. Elizabeth 11. Robert S. 4. Sarah 12. Jesse 5. Martha 13. Daniel 6. Susannah 14. Penelope 7. Edward 15. Gracey 8. Mary 16. Thomas About 1816, Edward, Anna, Lydia, Robert S., Daniel, and Penelope along with other MOSELEYS from the Edgefield District of South Carolina moved to Montgomery County Alabama. In Montgomery County some of the MOSELEY family ( Robert S. and his brother Edward) are said to have owned the 1 - and where the capitol now stands in Montgomery. 85 Daniel MOSELEY (1787 -1856) married Sarah COPELAND (1791 -1847) in 1809 in Edgefield District South Carolina. Their children were: 1. Hampton 1811 -1817 2. Harriett 1813- M. Martin Armstrong 3. Augustus 1815 -1867 m1. Elizabeth Quarles m2. Mary A. E. Jones 4. Richard 1817 5. Mildred 1819 m1. Henry D. Bullard m2. Thomas C. Bentley m3. William S. Hynson 6. Amelia 1821 -1849 m1. Edward S. Batts m2. L. L. Washburn m3. Eleazar Jeter 7. Wade Copeland 1824 -1870 M. Laurena Phillips 8. Dandridge 1826 M. Laura 9. Thomas R. 1830 -1870 M. Iverna Pollard 10. John 1832 Wade Copeland MOSELEY (1824 -1870) married Laurena Phillips 6 Apr 1848® They resided both in Burleson and Brazos Counties. Wade C. gave the land on which the third building of the first Baptist church in Bryan was located. The deed is dated in 1868. Wade MOSELEY and his wife, his daughter Charlotte MOSELEY, and his niece Pandora MOSELEY are all listed as charter members of the church. Wade and Laurena are both buried in the Boonville Cemetery. Their children were: 1. Thomas P. J. M. 1847 -1862 7. Adda Harriet 1858 2. Julia Carlise 1848 -1849 8. Luriah 1860 3. Charlotte L. 1849 -1899 9. Carrie T. 1862 4. Sarah Elizabeth 1852 10. Jessie Eva 1863 5. Jurlean Olivia 1855 11. Lurene 1865 6. Daniel Eugene 1857 Sources: 1850 Census of Burleson, Harrison & Upshear Counties 1850 Agricultural Census of Burleson, Harrison & Upshear Counties 1860 Census of Burleson County 1870 Census of Burleson and Brazos Counties DAR Records "Excavations at 41BU16: State Highway 21 at the Brazos River, Burleson County, TX" by Erwin ROEMER, Jr. and Shawn Bonath CARLSON "The Early History of Bryan, Texas" by Lois WILCOX "Brazos County History, Rich Past - Bright Times" Ruth HARY and Janis HUNT EDITORS MESSAGE Reunions are a marvelous place to gather family informa tion. I should know, my hus- band, Ray, and I attended seven in June and July. This is how I did it and it works for me. 1. Have at least one contact. This is the person who you go with and knows a few people at the gathering. 2. Take a card table, four chairs, and a smile. 3. Collect old family pictures and arrange them in an album. Have names below the photo so you are not always having to explain Aunt Mary or Uncle Joe. 3. Have a supply of family group sheets. While one family is filling out a sheet you can be correcting or adding to your prepared final copy with another family. 4. Have something to give each family when they are finished. I gave "Don't Mess With Texas" trash bags and inside added a letter naming the families I needed, a family work sheet and a couple of Texas brochures. Arrive at the park, house etc. early, pick a shady spot, set up your work center. GO meet the older people setting in " - heir circle. Give each person %01-1 K nQW a diS3 or a hug. Tell you have so photos v,ou would like for them to see or identify. Guide one of them to your table. At first you feel like a sore thumb, but soon anothers will come to see what you are doing. It wont be long until your chair: are Mlles, and there is a waiting line. Someone is PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Why did you join a genealogical society? In reading various genealogy society periodicals, I have noticed a disturbing trend. Many of the very respected societies are hurting. This is sad to see. Some of the older members are no longer able to carry the work load, but no one is willing to step forward to help. This can easily happen when many members live outside the immediate area. One group has fewer than ten members attending meetings and diffi- culty filling a slate of offi- cers A small effort on your part will prevent that happening to our association. You can help improve our programs and publications. Think of an interesting topic or resource person, and then help us present it to others. Whether you are a member of our society or a casual reader somewhere else, pitch in and help a. genealogical or histori- cal group in your area. VICTORIA SIMMONS President looking at the photos, one correcting, and you are helpiag someone fill out their family sheet. Work as long as possible before dinner starts. Clear off the table and be the last in line. Usually it is difficult to get people settled down after eating. This is when you take photos for the next year, NA.DIAE BILLINGSLEY, Editor BRAZOS COUNTY ESTRAY NOTICES 1857 -1860 abstracted by Bill Page According to James W. DALLAM's Digest of the Laws of Texas (1845), the Texas Legislature passed laws before 1840 regulating the handling of any stray "horse, mare, colt, mule, jack, or jenny," as well as "cattle, hogs, sheep, or goats." Briefly stated, persons finding stray animals had to appear before a justice of the peace, had to have two disinterested persons appraise the animal, and had to publish a notice describing the animal. If no one claimed the animal within 12 months, then the person who found the animal could claim it. Although records of estrays are permanent county records, they are incomplete in many counties. When Paul SCOTT surveyed the Brazos County records, he found no estray records from before 1900. The following notices were extracted from copies of the Texas Baptist (published in Grimes County) located at the Texas A &M Library. Taken up by Harvain NEVILL, and estrayed before G. B. REED, J. P., an iron grey mare, about 15 hands high, 3 years old, branded E, and appraised at $65; also a sorrel horse, about 14 hands high, 5 years old, with both hind feet white, a blaze in his face, branded on both shoulders with E, and appraised at $50, on March 28, 1857. (Apr. 1, 1857, p. 3, col. 5) Taken up by William C. BAYLES, and estrayed before G. B. REED, Esq., a bay horse, with black mane and tail, a star in his forehead, heavy built, about 14 hands high, 7 or 8 years old, saddle- marked, branded W on the left shoulder, and appraised at $50. (Apr. 29, 1857, p. 3, col. 6) Taken up and estrayed by Nelson W. RECTOR, County Commissioner for Brazos Co., a dark brown horse, about 15 hands high, 9 or 10 years old, no brands to be seen. (June 3, 1857, p. 3, col. 5) Taken up by L. J. BUNDICK and estrayed before Jas. D. LEWIS, a J. P. for Brazos Co., a bright bay horse, about 14 1/2 hands high, a small white streak in his face, some small white saddle marks, no brand seen, about 8 years old, and appraised at $80. (June 24, 1857, p. 3, col. 6) Taken up by John GRANT, and estrayed before G. B. REED, a J. P. for Brazos Co., a brown mare mule, about 14 hands high, quite old, saddle and gear marked, branded on the left thigh with a Spanish brand, and appraised at $31.50. (July 8, 1857, p. 3, col. 6) L- Taken up by Hugh R. HENRY, and estrayed before G. B. REED, a J. P. for Brazos Co., a dark iron grey filly, about 14 hands high, 2 years old past, no brands or marks perceivable, left hind foot white, and appraised at $60. (July 15, 1857, p. 3, col. 6) Taken up by John MILLICAN, and estrayed before R. P. MCMICHAEL, a J. P. Of Brazos Co., a bay horse, 10 or 12 years old, about 13 1/2 hands high, white face, three white feet up to the knees, of a wild disposition, branded with the figure 8, and appraised at $12.50. (July 22, 1857, p. 3, col. 6) Taken up by S. E. W. HUDSON, and estrayed before G. B. REED, a J. P. of Brazos Co., a sorrel mare, with blaze face, about 15 1/2 hands high, 4 years old, branded F on the left shoulder, and appraised at $80. (Aug. 12, 1857, p. 3, col. 5) Taken up by Joshua SEALE and estrayed before G. B. REED, a J. P. for Brazos Co., the following described oxen, to wit: One is a black and white pied ox, marked a swallow -fork in the right ear, and an under half crop in the left; branded S; with the left horn knocked down; 6 or 7 years old; and appraised at $25. One is a brown stag with some white in his face, marked a crop, split and underbit in the right ear, and a crop off the left ear; with a small bell on; no brand perceivable; 9 or 10 years old, and appraised at $25. The third is a pale yellow ox, marked a crop off the right ear; had on a necking stick; branded thus d; 6 or 7 years old, and appraised at $25 this August 3d, 1857. (Aug. 12, 1857, p. 3, Col. 5) Taken up by Levi SWEAT, and estrayed before Hardin NEVILL, a J. P. for Brazos Co., a bay horse colt, 2 years old, both hind legs white, no brands perceivable, about 12 hands high, and appraised at $35. (Aug. 19, 1857, p. 3, col. 6) Taken up by Robert M. HENRY, County Commissioner for Brazos Co., a bay horse, black mane and tail, white, face, left hind foot white, has had a sore back, 13 1/2 hands high, Spanish brand on the left hip, and HP on the left shoulder, (the bar of the H very dim), about 11 years old, valued at $25. (Oct. 3, 1857, p. 3, col. 6) Taken up by J. M. ZIMMERMAN and posted before H. NEVILL, a J. P. for Brazos Co., a bay mare, 15 years old, about 14 hands high, no brands or marks perceivable, left hind foot white, appraised at $30. Also a gray mare, 6 years old, about 16 hands high, no brands or marks perceivable, and appraiied at $100. (Oct. 7, 1857, p. 3, col. 6) Taken up by Joshua SEALE, and estrayed before H. NEVILL, a J. P. for Brazos Co., a mule, between a brown and mouse color, about 12 hands high, 16 years old; no brand, a scar on the right hip. Appraised at $15. (Oct. 21, 1857, p. 3, col. 5) Taken up by Robt. JOHNSON, County Commissioner for Brazos Co., a dark brindle ox, 7 or 8 years old; marked, crow and split in the reaght ear, and smooth crop off the left. No brand perceivable. (Oct. 21, 1857, p. 3, col. 5) Taken up by L. J. BUNDICK and estrayed before Jos. D. LEWIS, a J. P. for Brazos Co., a roan horse, about 12 years old, branded 5, blind in one eye, left ear gorged, one white hind foot. Also, a black mare, about 14 hands high, about 17 years old, no brand to be seen, one white hind foot. Appraised at $15 each. (Jan. 6, 1858, p. 3, col. 5). Taken up by Robt. JOHNSON, County Commissioner for Brazos Co., a bay mare, 13 hands high, blaze face, heavy mane and tail, some saddle marks, a small white spot behind the white shoulder; 9 years old, branded on the left shoulder 60.- .Also, a small black Spanish mare mule, eight or nine years old. Also, a sorrel filly, 2 years old next spring, black mane and tail, no brand. Also, a black ox, 5 or 6 years old, marked swallow -fork in each ear, branded J. H. (Jan. 6, 1858, p. 3, col. 5) Taken up by Robert L. JOHNSON County Commissioner for Brazos Co. a yoke of muley oxen -- one is white with red specks on each side; mark crop or swallow fork in the left ear; brand J M The other is a red and white pied; mark; crop and split in the right ear, and crop and underbit in the left; branded on each hip J M. (Feb. 4, 1858, p. 3, col. 5) Taken up by George McMILLAN and estrayed before Wm. S. STUART, a J.P. for Brazos Co., a [word unclear] horse gelding, about 10 years old, 14 hands high, branded JM on the left shoulder and hip, star in the forehead, paces and appraised at $40. (Feb. 4, 1858, p. 3, col. 5) Taken up by E. M. MILLICAN, and estrayed before R. P. MCMICHAEL, a J.P. for Brazos Co., an iron grey mule, about 14 1/2 hands high, about 7 years old, no marks or brands perceivable, except some saddle, gear and hobble marks, and appraised at $60. (Apr. 1, 1858, p. 3, col. 6) E• Taken up by Wilson REED and estrayed before G. B. REED, a J. P., for Brazos Co., a yoke of oxen, one white and dun pided, marked a crop and split in the right ear, and crop and underbit off the left ear, and branded with the letters H B connected with 2 stars above the H B. The other is black and pided, marked on over half and underbit in the right ear, and swallowfork and underbit in the left ear. No brand about 6 years old, each. Appraised at $40. (May 20, 1858, p. 3, col. 6) Taken up by Robert M. HENRY, County Commissioner for Brazos Co., a blue ox, marked two crops, and two under half crops, and two upperbits off both ears, no brand perceivable, 6 or 7 years old, one horn split. Also a paint mare, 6 or 7 years old, Spanish brand, about 13 1/2 hands high, valued at $20 each. (May 20, 1858, p. 3, Col. 6) Taken up by C. C. SEALE and estrayed before G. B. REED, J. P. for Brazos Co., one bay 2 year old filly, black mane and tail, right hind foot and fore feet white, branded F T, (or something like it) on the left shoulder, appraised at $30. Also, one dark brown ox, 8 or 10 years old, white face and jaws, has been bored in the horn, branded on the left shoulder E P inverted, appraised at $25. (July 15, 1858, p. 3, Col. 6) Taken up by Bartlett McGREGOR and estrayed before R. P. McMICHAEL, a J. P. for Brazos Co., a brown horse, 7 years old, 13 hands high, - saddle marks, white stripe in his face, white "nip" on his nose, branded on the right shoulder J K. Appraised to $50. (July 15, 1858, p. 3, Col. 6 ) Taken up by R. S. BENSON, and estrayed before H. NEVILL, a J. P. for Brazos Co., one bay mare, 10 or 12 years old, no brand, left hip knocked down, has a mule colt, appraised at $70. Also, one 2 year old horse colt, no brand, 4 white feet, brown bay, star or streak in his forehead, appraised at $45. Also 1 dun horse, 15 hands high, brand circle on the left shoulder, 3 white feet, 7 or 8 years old; appraised at $50. Also 1 milk and cider paint, Spanish brand on the left thigh, 7 or 8 years old, 15 hands high, appraised at $50. (Aug. 19, 1858, p. 3, col. 4) Taken up by Elijah HOLLAWAY, and estrayed before H. NEVILL, J. P. for Brazos Co., one cream colored, glass eyed horse pony, 3 years old, no brand, about 11 hands high, appraised at $50. (Aug. 19, 1858, p. 3, col. 4) 91 Taken up by H. NEVILL, and estrayed before G. B. REED, J. P. Brazos Co., one brown bay filly, 2 years old past, white streak in her face, no marks or brands perceivable, appraised at $40. Also one filly, 1 year old past, black, with a white spot in her forehead, no marks or brands perceivable, appraised at $30. (Aug. 19, 1858, p. 3, col. 4) Taken up by Wm. KING, Jr., and estrayed before F. G. REED, J. P. for Brazos Co., 2 oxen -- 1 is black and white spotted, crop off the right ear, and 2 splits in the left, no brand perceivable, about 8 years old. The other is a black and white motley, black on the side, crop and hole in the left ear, and split and underbit in the right, brand appraised at $40. (Aug. 19, 1858, p. 3, col. 4) Taken up by B. A. CHRISTIE and estrayed before J. M. HOOD, Esq. of Brazos Co., a yoke of oxen. One black, with frosty head, white belly and tail, marked crop and underbit in the left ear and smooth crop of the right, branded S D, about 8 years old. The other is brown, star in his face, some white under his belly, marked crop off the left ear, branded C L about 5 years old. Appraise at $40. (Sept. 16, 1858, p. 3, col. 3) Taken up by Joseph H. WEBB, and estrayed before G. B. REED, a J. P. for Brazos Co., 2 oxen. 1 a dark red or brown, about 6 years old. Marked a split and underbit in each ear, branded W M (connected) The other is brown with some white specks, about 6 years old, marked with 2 splits in the left ear. No brands perceivable. Appraised at $40. (Nov. 18, 1858, p. 3, col. 4) Taken up by C. C. SEALE, and estrayed before H. NEVILL, Esq. of Brazos Co., 2 work oxen. 1 is a red ox, points of his horns sawed off marked crop and underbit on the right ear, and upper slope off the left. Branded on the left hip Z D, about 8 years old. The other is a red and white ox, marked swallowfork in the left ear and underslope in the right. Branded on the right hip H, about 5 years old. Appraised at $40. (Nov. 18, 1858, p. 3, col. 4) Taken up by William FARQUAHAR and estrayed before J. M. HOOD, a J. P. for Brazos Co., an ox, sides red, white heart in his face, marked swallow fork in the left ear, brand 6 and 6 connected, or something like it, appraised at $22.50. Also, a red curly stag ox, marked a crop and underbit in the left ear, and crop off the right, no brand, about 9 years old. Worth $20.00. (Nov. 25, 1858, p. 3, col. 4) 1860 AGRICULTURAL CENSUS - BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS TRANSCRIBED BY JANIS HUNT THE 1860 AGRICULTURAL CENSUS OF BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS HAS BEEN TRANSCRIBED IN THE ORDER IN WHICH IT WAS FILMED. THE PAGE NUMBERS LISTED ARE THE HANDWRITTEN NUMBERS LOCATED IN THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNER OF EACH PAGE. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE IS JUST A PORTION OF THE INFORMATION LISTED BY THE CENSUS TAKER. OTHER CATEGORIES ENUMERATED INCLUDED WHAT TYPES OF LIVESTOCK, (HORSES, ASSES AND MULES, MILCH COWS, WORKING OXEN, OTHER CATTLE, SHEEP, AND SWINE) , THE NUMBER OF EACH, AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE LIVESTOCK, THE TYPE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS RAISED (WHEAT, RYE, INDIAN CORN, OATS, RICE, TOBACCO, GINNED COTTON, PEAS AND BEANS, IRISH POTATOES, SWEET POTATOES, BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, VALUE OF ORCHARD PRODUCTS, GALLONS OF WINE, VALUE OF MARKET GARDEN PRODUCE, BUTTER, CHEESE, HAY, CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS, HOPS, HEMP, FLAX AND FLAXSEED, SILK COCOONS, MAPLE AND CANE SUGAR, MOLASSES, BEESWAX AND HONEY, VALUE OF HOME MADE MANUFACTURES, AND THE VALUE OF ANIMALS SLAUGHTERED). IT HAS BEEN POINTED OUT THAT IN SOME INSTANCES THE REGULAR CENSUS AND THE AGRICULTURAL CENSUS WERE TAKEN AT DIFFERENT TIMES AND IF A FAMILY WAS MISSED IN THE REGULAR CENSUS THEY MIGHT BE LOCATED IN THE AGRICULTURAL CENSUS. OF COURSE THIS WILL NOT GIVE YOU A LISTING OF ALL THE FAMILY MEMBERS BUT WILL CONFIRM THAT THEY WERE IN THE COUNTY AT THE TIME THE CENSUS WAS TAKEN. THESE CENSUS ARE NOT INDEXED BUT ARE NOT TOO LONG OR HARD TO READ. LINE NAME OF OWNER, NO. AGENT OR MANAGER OF THE FARM PAGE 21 PRECINCT 1 1 JAMES F. EDRINGTON 2 J. & E. BEALL 3 MARY M. WILSON 4 THOMAS D. WILSON 5 MATTHEW DUNN 6 HARVY MITCHELL 7 AUGUSTUS B. SMITH 8 CHARLES CLAYTON 9 THOMAS J. HOLDEN 10 JAMES H. HUDSPETH 11 JAMES W. GEORGE 12 JOHN B. NASH 13 THOMAS B. NASH 14 HUGH REED 15 JAMES W. PARKER 16 ISAAC N. ARNOLD 17 JOHNATHAN SEMANS 18 WILLIAM J. LEWIS 19 VINCENT KIRKLAND 20 MARK A. COLEMAN 21 STEPHEN McLAUGHLIN 22 Ms H. PARKER ACRES ACRES CASH VALUE IMPROVED UNIMPROVED VALUE FARM FARM EQUIP BRAZOS CO. P.O. BOONVILL 20 JULY 1860 700 1,597 $ 53,000 $ 730 200 1,968 54,200 760 525 775 39,000 700 1000 6,008 140,600 1,200 80 3,231 9,933 100 130 5,134 21,900 150 10 70 240 15 40 800 3,000 20 -- -- -- 15 -- -- -- 75 -- 62 155 25 45 336 1,905 75 -- -- -- 15 24 446 2,350 10 22 669 1,382 25 15 297 696 10 -- -- -- 100 25 150 1,400 40 20 680 1,400 125 60 193 859 10 75 3,257 39,226 75 a -INE NAME OF OWNER, ACRES ACRES CASH VALUE NO. AGENT OR MANAGER IMPROVED UNIMPROVED VALUE FARM 6,430 OF THE FARM 8,750 100 FARM EQUIP 23 JOHN MILHANKS 18 56 370 20 24 RICHARD McDONALD 85 565 3,500 100 25 MATTHEW McDONALD 50 250 1,600 100 26 ALONZO P. HOUSE 40 340 600 15 27 FELIX NEWMAN -- 340 1,038 70 28 ELIJAH HOLLOWAY 36 524 1,680 10 29 JAMES M. ZIMMERMAN 25 1,775 4,500 140 30 HANNAH PAYNE 25 375 1,600 20 31 KATHARINE KOONTZ 50 3,320 3,370 55 32 CHARLES W. ZERBST 18 182 400 200 33 WILLIAM SHULTZH 20 185 410 60 34 JOSEPH W. DICKSON 15 322 1,500 10 35 MARTIN ELLISON 300 928 8,342 20 36 HILL P. WILLIAMS -- -- -- 10 37 NICHOLAS THOMAS 22 586 1,216 175 38 ADALINE GRAVES 100 796 2,148 175 39 JACKSON WALLACE -- -- -- -- 40 MILES PAYNE 40 998 9,114 60 TOTALS BRAZOS CO. 50 10 AUG 1860 4,700 $ 300 6,600 300 850 -- 500 125 2,250 250 6,430 300 8,750 100 576 1,600 7,000 10C 3, 6'35 5C 300 1C 3,815 37,215 $ 412,634 $ 5515 )AGE 33 PRECINCT 1 1 ROBT. JOHNSTON 2 WILLIAM J. GRIFFIN 3 WILLIAM H. HARDY 4 LUCY A. BAKER 5 JOHN ADAMS 6 JOHN Q. ADAMS 7 E. H. KNIGHT 8 E. C. KNIGHT 9 W. F. CARSON 10 JOHN CARSON 11 JAMES B. CARSON 12 S. E. W. HUDSON 13 GEORGE CARTER 14 JOHN R. PEYTON 15 G. A. LOVE 16 HIRAM HANOVER 17 WILLIAM WARREN TOTALS 75 20 25 15 25 6 80 40 15 357 P.O. BOONVILLE 420 $ 585 65 100 425 1,271 1,725 192 314 1,920 1,414 85 8,516 $ 43,191 $ 1535 WHOLE NUMBER OF PAGES OF SCHEDULES OF AGRICULTURE IN THE COUNTIES OF ROBERTSON & BRAZOS, THIRTY FOUR (34) I, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE & FOREGOING SCHEDULES OF THE PRODUCTION OF AGRICULTURE, IN THE COUNTIES OF ROBERTSON AND BRAZOS, VERE FILED ACCORDING TO MY INSTRUCTIONS AND OATH OF OFFICE. G. A. LOVE APT MARSHALL W. D. TEXAS SWORN & SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1860 ISAAC LLOYD J.P.R.C. 94 LINE NAME OF OWNER, ACRES ACRES CASH VALUE NO. AGENT OR MANAGER IMPROVED UNIMPROVED VALUE FARM OF THE FARM FARM EQUIP PAGE 27 PRECINCT 2 BRAZOS CO. P.O. BOONVILL 6 AUGUST 1860 1 GEORGE SIMS 10 180 $ 380 $ 60 2 WRIGHT DICKSON -- 160 320 -- 3 GEORGE HEMPFLING 35 1,165 2,400 125 4 RICHARD McMICHAEL 50 150 2,000 55 5 JAMES TRIPLET -- 1,060 ,2,700 50 6 WILLIAM DUNLAP 130 2,803 9,330 425 7 BENJAMIN KNOX 140 437 ,5,770 250 8 WILLIAM K. HINDMAN -- 52,000 104,000 -- 9 THOMAS J. KNOX 75 125 3,000 50 10 EDWARD KNOX 150 350 7,500 500 11 WILLIAM BROOKSHIRE 30 477 5,070 500 12 ANDREW J. HALL 60 140 8,000 150 13 SAMUEL DUNLAP -- 320 1,600 20 14 HUGH CUNNINGHAM 60 294 3,540 160 15 SAMUEL J. LUCY 300 20 3,840 -- 16 WILLIAM EDWARDS -- 320 640 -- 17 BERIEN WILLIAMS 20 180 900 200 18 JOHN H. MILLICAN -- 30 150 70 19 HENDERSON HARDY -- 165 1,500 225 20 EZEKIEL CURD 13 307 900 60 21 JAMES M HOOD 20 300 1,280 100 22 S. D. BURTON -- 136 2,500 -- 23 JAMES C. BOYETT 20 880 3,600 70 24 ADAM BIDER 13 87 500 65 25 SARAH RAGSDALE 25 480 1,300 20 26 THOMAS COOPER 55 365 2,100 80 27 RICHARD CARTER 100 1,900 4,000 200 28 SARAH A. SMITH 50 150 2,000 45 29 JEFFERSON P. MITCHELL 35 2,965 6,500 100 30 ALFRED KELLY 12 4,436 5,428 150 31 WILLIAM C. BOYLES 140 517 3,285 125 32 WILLIAM MCINTOSH 75 1,825 5,700 50 33 RICHARD HARDIMAN -- 3,947 9,332 -- 34 WHITLEY MONTGOMERY 25 215 2,240 200 35 GILLESPIE B. REED 5 606 2,211 30 36 JOSEPH T. LLOYD 7 43 150 60 37 JAMES I. BOWMAN 30 2,480 6,020 160 38 MARTIN A. GUEST 2 -- 500 -- 39 ARTILLERY McCULLOCH 3 22 150 35 40 BESTER SOUTH -- 268 1,340 200 TOTALS 1,690 82,305 $ 243,676 $ 4,590 m ADAM ROYDER submitted by Patsy Todd Silva `- Adam ROYDER ( ROYDER) was born April 15 1829 in Bavaria, Germany - In 1346 at the age of 17 he immigrated with his widowed mother and several friends to Texas, settling first in New Braunfels. In June of 1856 Adam and his mother settled in Brazos County. His mother died in 1873 at age 72 and is supposedly buried in New Braunfels or Fredricksbury. Adam married Miss Mary Ann (Ambrella) PRICE, his first wife, on December 12 1852. Soon he purchased land in Rock Prairie where he settled and resided until his death. Mary died in January, 1859 leaving Adam with five sons: Jeff, Thomas H., John H., Adam Walter and James M. ROYDER. He married his second wife, Miss Barbara Ellen HARR ELL; December 25 1870. This union was blessed with five boys and six girls: Jessie Crawford, Mary Ellen, Sarah Jane, Annie Elizabeth, George C., Frances Margaret, Emma, Mickle L., Martha Lee, Chas. Stewart, and Grover C. ROYDER. During the Civil War Adam was a member of Captain BURTEN'S Compa- ny, Elmore's Brigade. Records show he was hospitalized for_ a time in Galveston during part of 1863 and 1864. He became a Master Mason in the Ada Zilla Lodge, No. 247 in Millican, Texas until its demise. He then joined the Brazos Union Lodge No 129 of which he remained a member until his death. After a brief illness, Adam died at age 64 and was buried at Wellborn, Brazos County, Texas. March 4 1894. OLD EATON CEMETERY submitted by Patsy Todd Silva Between Kosse and Thornton Texas is a small cemetery containing the remains of several early Texas pioneers. The oldest marked graves are those of Richard EATON and his first wife, Mary ROB- ERTSON, as well as his second wife Charity ARNOLD EATON. Silas EATON, son of Richard, and his wife, Mary, are buried nearby. Scattered around the shaded cemetery is evidence of other graves marked only by stones or rocks. The EATONS came to Texas and joined with ROBERTSON'S Colony and received land in and around Robertson County and Limestone County. They were members of one of the earliest Baptist Church- es in Teas, the Predestinarian Baptist Church. The men and the women of this family fought for Texas Independence and served as protectors of the frontier. Thomas EATON was the son of Stephen EATON, Brother to Richard EATON, mentioned earlier, and his wife Charity. Upon Stephen's death and upon Mary's death (Richard's first wife) , Richard married his sister -in -law, Charity Patsy SILVA may be contacted at 1074 Del Norte, Houston, TX 77018 BARNABAS 51ICIiSON AIa'D FAMILY contributed by Mary jURGENS WICKSON, (WIXON, WICKSOME, WIXOM) appear to originate in Connect- icut, New Jersey, and New York, families then traveled across Pennsylvania through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois into Iowa as early as 1852. Wickson's are found in 1833 in Tazewell Co. Illinois in the land records. Martin WICKSON, his mother was Phoebe, is listed in the Troy Twp., La Salle Co 1850 census with the family of Nathan C. TURNER. Joshua age 13 and a Squire MEEKER are listed with the Jesse WIXOM family. Barnabas WICKSON and wife, Hutrah (Hannah ?) arrived in the Ft. Bend area of Texas circa 1827 from Ohio with seven children. Barnabas and sons, Byrum, Asa, Dyrum, Eli Cyrus received land in De WITTS'S Colony. The following is known. Asa married Margaret Mulda TEDOR, of Brazoria Cc TX. he died 1864, leaving six children. Byron Married Polly MULDA, he died circa 1851 in Brazoria Co � Xahala married 1st Stone, 2nd Philo FAIRCHILD, 3rd Levi. She had seven children. Neomi married S. L. HAVENS then Leonard WHITE. She died in Montgomery Co. Tx. She had three children. Cyrus married Mrs. Adelle PECK (Adelia JONES ?) Had children in Montgomery Co School 1855. He died circa 1886 in Mason Cc TZ. there were nine children. DDXran married Charity Frances PRUEITT (PRUETT ?) He died circa 1857 in Milam Cc TX she died circa 1895 „in Higgins, Liscomb Cc TX. There were 8 children, some attended district * 8 school in Milam Co. in 1855 Eli never married Iiinerva married Thomas J. NICKOLS. She died 1848 -1849 in Houston Cc TX. He died circa 1857 in Jackson Co. TX. There were two children. Franklin died very young in Ohio. Elmira married Henry PRUETT in 1844 in Brazos Co. TIC. She died circa 1885. Melvin twin to Elmira, died young in Ohio. Truman is said to have married on his deathbed. There are different spelling however it is typed this way in printed books and notes. G Sources of information: Wixom Family History compiled by J.H.WIYOM and Ruth S. WIDDISON. Austin "Register of Families.” 1830 Citizens of Texas by WHITE Marriage Records of Earl Texas 1824 -1846 Montgomery Co. Tx. Scholastic Records 1854 -1855 by WHITE Milam Cc Tx. Scholastic Records 1855 by WHITE Texas census 1850 -1870 Mary lives at 103 Poinsetta Circle, Terrell, Texas 75160 97 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS BRAND NAME AND DATE BRAND NAME AND DATE JOHNSON, Martha JONES, Madison J. MP 18 May'1854 cc 8 Aug 1854 . BRADBERRY, Thomas C. ROYDER, Adam 10 Jul 1854 23 Oct 1854 BRADBERRY Hannah D. ZERBST, C. W. 10 Jul 1854 25 Oct 1854 / JONES, Wesley W. COLEMON, Mark A. G 8 Au g 1854 25 Oct 1854 G McINTOSH, David bought on 12 Sep 1867 REED, Mrs. Mary C. 17 Nov 1854 JONES, John H, WEEKS, Robert f � 8 Aug 1854 15 Jan 1855 JONES, Albert- T. 18 Aug 1854 BURNS, David 20 Jan 1855 i Eliza A. KING, William, Jr, EJ JONES, 8 Aug 1854 27 Jan 1855 I JONES, Columbus P. BERRY, William W. ci 8 Aug 1854 26 Mar 1855 Samuel H. HENRY, William si JONES, 8 Aug 1854 29 Mar 1855 I JONES, Martha Ann 8 Aug 1854 WALKER, Amanda 2 Apr 1855 J HUDSON, Leonard 16 Apr 1855 BRAND BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS NAME AND DATE BRAND NAME AND DATE LOVE, G. H. WEBB, Joseph H. 24 Apr 1855 29 Sep 1855 GL J � WILSON William G | �7 HIGGS, Benjamin , ~ 25 Apr 1855 22 Oct 1855 AA SHULTZ William WALKER, JOHN , |UU 26 Apr 1855 22 Oct 1855 �_�K H WS ^ ` WALKER, James BURROWS, Hiram M. & E. J. JA 26 Apr 1855 25 Nov 1855 AS SEALE, Joseph A. MITCHELL, Jefferson P. 1 May 1B55 8 Nov 1855 SEALE, Bradford T. KING, WiIliam� Sr. 1 May 1855 8 Nov 1855 McLAUGHLIN, Margaret Lavina ELLINGTON, WiIliam 25 May 1B55 9 Nov 1855 BOYETT J C DANIELS, George Washington , ames . �� 31 May 1855 jo 22 Nov 1855 F SEALE, Augustus F. 11 Jul 1855 J 5 MAWHINEY,Johnson 25 Jul 1B55 PATTERSON, John mi 5 1B5 T6 MOORE, Thomas C. 1 Sep 1855 MIDDLETON, Polly Ann / \ 17 Sep 1855 S � \ HIGGS, James JH 5 Dec 1855 COOPER, T. M. 14 Jan 1856 KOONTZ, Henry 18 Feb HT 1856 KIZER, B. B. 21 Feb 1856 c u ESTES, James M. & Minerva 22 Feb 1856 /- ' ) \- / Mi nP47n� r�UNTY. TEXAS BRANDS -_ --_ ' NAME AND DATE BRAND NAME AND DATE SYMPH, Michael 5 Mar 1856 \ / DARWIN, John T. SS 10 May 1856 ADAMS, Mrs. Henrietta DARWIN, Banks B. bought 11 Nov 1868 STOANE, Mary, The Heirs of 29 Mar 1856 10 May 1856 is DARWIN, Reubin -- X 10 May 1856 7 Apr 1856 ASKEY, Abner N. 31 May 1856 ZIMMERMAN, James M. ASHWORTH, William _ , / ( ) 7 Jun 1856 JONES, Madora HIGGS, William j- 28 Jun 1856 8 May 1856 CHRISTIE, Bryant A. B\^-/ 12 Jul 1856 GK KELLY, 14 Jul Mrs. Geraldine 1856 jp PRATHER, Jessie W. 25 Aug 1856 ' --- ALLEN, 4 Sep Edmond 1856 ' ROBERTSON, Jacob 0 =~r� 6 Apr 1857 / ROBERTSON, Joseph Ferdinand 30 Mar 1857 NAME AND DATE SYMPH, Michael 5 Mar 1856 \ / ~_^ ' SWEAT, Seburn SS 18 Apr 1857 ADAMS, Mrs. Henrietta 14 Apr 1856 RECTOR, William G. / \ 29 Mar 1856 STEWART, John R. is 3 Apr 1856 ` -- X PE ARSON, James W. 7 Apr 1856 BUNDICK, L. J. 19 Apr 1856 -- - ZIMMERMAN, James M. /V\ / 16 Apr 1857 ' JONES, Madora 8 May 1856 JONES, MASURA 8 May 1856 GRAVES, Mary E. t � 8 May 1856 ROBERTS, Jabez M. 8 May 1856 McINTOSH, William « � � bought 2 Oct 1868 ` / BRAND ipp BRAZO S COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS BRAruD NAME AND DATE DRA1 "4 ? NAME AND DATE 0': '73 ' MAN, Cl.�.iborn D ii i4Jrl ,fia„ =ft � n L C ._ i� I (, ` e p I , c ,: M i-P r-- t ELL INt "FF -IN, Mrs. 'saphronia. =UF :D 71 ic B OND , J r�%e -- 11onros 1!t! R , r mo_. .10 MIDDLE T ON, Pollv M. r'1 i:L Pb- 3- tS i l _-on P. ELLISON, Martin 2.:i_iN )IC1 -:., Lucenda 2 1 N 1 0 1.`I M.�, i IMLiLLINS, Peter of B rlesc i':iGiF.::lliyii Ames Co. -' Lc, y P4 (_ 1 t.J.v -I M ILLICAN, Roper P. 5: J 1858 iiar 1857 WEBR James F OSTER , JLtn 1.85 GF 12 Dec 19157 M1cr-'1IC'HA'EL, R. P. CA E`T , Edward _f _!n 1358 ic r28 Dec 135 d , )n THOMAS, Mrs. nary Jane HOLLOWAY, El i Jah - - 058 Tc) ,�un 1 , �•J� EH 2 Mar 185? ASHWORTH, Miss Hester Ann DICk::INSON, William 7 J+-Rl 1 858 11 Jan 1858 • ASHWORTH, Dames ELLINGTON, Adolphus Jul 18 ---1 LS 1 Jan 1858 DARWI Thomas H. RECTOR;, William G. 1 J "1 1858 VP 19 Mar 1858 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS � / BRAND NAME AND DATE BRAND NAME AND DATE IOI Louisa Ann UL SWEAT, 1B Apr 1857 17 Jun MILES, Wilson P. K1/U\ 21 Apr 1857 N. W.,Jr. KING, Pastora T 21 Apr 1B57 ' LUSK, Elizabeth EL Apr 1857 20 Jun Ralph Yc ROBERTSON, 23Apr 1857 ROBERTSON, Eliza A. ' Apr 1857 DARWIN, James O. WK 1 May 1857 24 Jun MILLICAN, John E. 6 Mar 1857 Mary Ellen MOORE, Eliza T6 | . ' _~ 18 May 1857 MOnRE, Emma . T8 18 May 1857 Jul LANGSTON, Margaret A. 0 6 18 May 1857 Stephen LANGSTON, Elizabeth H 06 Henrietta ) / 18 May 1857 Mary �ane MULDREW, James B. 25 Jul 9 Jun 1857 IOI SEALE, William Henry 17 Jun 1857 RECTOR, N. W.,Jr. Jun 1857 HINES, B. J. SW' 20 Jun 1857 EEThomas TS un 185 WHITE, H. E. 24 Jun 1857 ' ALLEN, Mary Ellen I |1857 x CHRISTIE, Robert J. Jul 1857 S FARQUHAR, Stephen 9 Jul 1857 JH ` MILLICAN, Mary �ane 25 Jul 1857 McGREGOR,Joel H. Aug 1857 JT TRIPLETT, James M. 3 Aug 1857 NORRIS, William 6 Aug 1857 ` DAVIS & NORRIS 6 Aug 1857 102 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS BRAND NAME AND DATE -BRAND NAME AND DATE ML n j u 1 1 3_ 5 8 TN DARWIN, Riteon W. THOMH:� Nicholas i n 1e JF DARL B nl•::s B. ji- )QUE51, Geor - +tee N. �. 1._I1 1 sac 11 J .-an 1 ,_S r_ 1 rte' B3 m RL.UE, Mr C. M. G R ++ EEI, M ri+_ el i ne 4 tl u Q 185 CJ 11 j n 1 R 9 72 r 1_ i_ I ill G �. O N, N n I :. q i � °T 1 Auc 1858 14 Feb 1 6: 7 f'.. I. t"t rv.. q c! t +.� a M O IRE , J. J. u1 Sept 1e 8 TH Of` ' LE, r=. n F'Ei• q Wi 11 i af �.it_It°��. +....L, U sam 'P Elliott = BF ELI �,ep 1 LlC�{ .t j �Is �. JL:i _ _ vT 56 JA r , I { a Gam—,'. (". 1 L + � „C:i . B . �. n t T _ 47"1 ._ H n = 1 �__j J H r 9 r• ' PE W. D. C 7 _- 12 May 18,_3” i_ +!-_t 1851e - KEDLSCH, Mathias THOMAS Cr g ht_. _� 10 M� ., lorr' 1 + { +� •� 1 8 58 ROBERT'=,ON, Mar-gar-et JONES, ''. W. 22 Nov 1853 '- May 186'. 8TUART Walter A. JONES, Richard H. 8 Feb' 185? 5 AS -,Jul 186 HB BURMISTER, Henry McGREGOR, John H. Jan 1859 28 au1 186 --r 103 BRUSHY CEMETERY FROM FN 60 AND THE INTERSECTION OF LIGHTSEY 'LANE, GO NEST I MILE, TURN LEFT ON A GRAVEL ROAD, GO 1 MILE, TURN LEFT INTO A DRIVEWAY AND ENTER THE PASTURE, TURN LEFT, GO .4 OF A MILE, THE CEMETERY IS ON THE RIGHT. THIS WAS THE FIRST CEMETERY TO SERVE THE BRUSHY COMMUNITY, IT HAS BEEN ABANDONED SINCE THE 1950'S AND IS OVERGROWN. THIS HAS OC=CURRED SINCE THE GATE 16 KEPT LOCKED AND THERE IS NO PUBLIC ACCESS. CLAYTON CEMETERY WAS ESTABLISHED AND NOW MOST OF THE COMMUNITY ARE INTERRED THERE. NAME BORN DIED !NSCRIPTION /REMARKS ANDERSON, J., MR. NL 1952, DEC 25 ARNOLD, RUTHIE 1925, FED 6 1937 AUG 23 12yim 17d COURT RECORD BOONE, LILLIE MAE 1908 NOV 4 1950, JUL 29 CALHOUM, E., MRS. 1893, APR 1956 MAY CALHOUN, ELBA PERRY 1894, MAY 8 1957, APR 5 62y 11e 27d COURT RECORD CALHOUN, FORTUNE NL 1917, MAR 27 DAVIS, ANNA 1873, SEP 25 1948, NOV 30 DAMS, RACHEL, MRS. NL 1930 JAN 25 COURT RECORD FOSTER, KATE LILLIE FRANKLIN, BOBBY EARL 1914 1957 MAR 10 1960 1957, MAR 13 3d SON OF WILLIE C.& WILLIE ALBERTA FRANKLIN, COURT RECORD GILMORE, ABE NL 1937, JAN 22 HALEY, PIG, MR. 1880 1958 HARRISON, KIRRIE NL 1919, APR 30 COURT RECORD HUNTER, LOUISE 1890 1952 w/ MARGARET JONES d MINUS PETERSON JONES, MARGARET 1865 1943 w/ LOUISE HUNTER & MINUS PETERSON KING, BADGES NL 1919 MAR 30 COURT RECORD LOGANS, GRANT NL 1929, JAN 21 COURT RECORD LOUIS, WASH 1872 1921, SEP LUNG, MARTHA NL 1918, JAN 28 COURT RECORD MACK, CHRISTOPHER ? ?60 761 MACK, EDWARD NL 1925, NOV 17 MACK, JOE ANNIE . 1896 1957 OCT 7 MARSHELL, INFANT 1958, MAY 11 1958, MAY 11 MOTHER: WILLIE MARSHELL COURT RECORD MARTAIN, LILLIE MAY 1875, DEC 16 1955, MAY 21 MARTIN, LILLIE NL 1959, MAY 21 Eby COURT RECORD MUILL MME, RUBY 1902, MAY 4 1955 DEC 13 MCWILLIAMS, SIDNEY 1895, DEC 25 1952, FEB 25 TEXAS PVT 331 SERVICE BN OMC WW I MITCHELL, JEWELL LEE 1941, NOV 19 1958 JAN 27 16y 2m 8d COURT RECORD MORROW, ROBERT NL 1921, AUG 4 COURT RECORD NICKSON, CATHERINE, MRS. NL 1926 MAY 12 COURT RECORD NICKSON, RUBIN NL 1929 JAN 11 COURT RECORD PATTERSON, ARMOUR AL 1937 1959 PEARSON, CICERO NL 1922, MAY 4 COURT RECORD PETERSON, MINUS 1888 1953 w/ LOUISE HUNTER & MARGARET JONES POOL, A. NL 1919 MAR 22 COURT RECORD RANDOLPH, MOLLIE C. NL 1915 OR RANDOLPH, REBBECCA B. 1889, MAY 2 1956, APR 22 THOMAS, PAT NL 1954, MAY 27 THOMPSON, ALE NL 1924, JAN 27 COURT RECORD THOMPSON, LOVE, MRS. NL 1930 MAR 27 COURT RECORD THORNTON, V., MRS. NL 1951, OCT 5 73y TYLOR, CYNTHIA DIANNA 1958, NOV 1 1958, NOV 2' 22 HRS. COURT RECORD VINCENT, C. NL 1921, APR 17 VINCENT, E. T. 1856 JUL 18 1938, FEB 7 WADE, BOOKER NL 1925, JAN 23 COURT RECORD p WASHINGTON, WILLIE _ 1958, Man 22 1758 MAR 22 LOUR[ RECORD "WILSON, MARY NL 1930, JAN 20 COURT RECORD ? ?, NL 1920, DEC 2 IC4 �flHILL CEMETERY LOCA�� S�� AND ONE HALF MlL�S #EST OF RRYAN. FROH THE BRA0S COUNTY COURTHOUSE TAKE THE WM. J. BRYAN /FORMERLY 25TH ST.> #EST �.2 MlLES TD THE [NTE CTION OF �� 21 ��TIMUE 'RAVE WEST UH HWY 21 ANOTHER 4.4 M{LB �O SMET�NA ROAD TURN RIGHT ON SMETANA R0AD` 6O .9 4T! - 'HE TnE CBMETERY IS ON THE LEFT, IN 7 71E SMETANA ��MUNlTY IN �� EAQLY DAYS lT NAS THE CUSTOM rO SFT ASIDE A PLOTOF LAND FOR A FAMlLY CEMETERY. THE CAHlLL FAMlLY CSMETERY NAS �0HU[U IN �B73 WH[N JAMES CAHlLL SB3ION FORE MAN FOR THE H8USTON �0 TEXAS CENTRAL 73 [LROAD D MARY OOWLES HEHNEFIN CAHILL, HIS WIFE, BURIED HIM ON THE HOME PLACE. OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CAHlU' � . FAMILY ���� L4TER 3UR{ED THERE. �HIUL. DENNlS �HlLL, J�MES ��lLL, JAMES A. CAHlLL, MARY BOLES x CAHILL PAULINE � HANNIF�A MICHAEL MAHKOWSKI^, MIKE YITAPlL ANT. DON M. MAGG 18 SEP N 1913 AUG 24 Wow L IN L ��3, �G20 '9 FEB 18 NL xHAHNlFIN ABRAM. ROBERT AM. 'SHINE' 19oo HL 1 904 1 NOV 24 48y 3m 4d NL 1936, SEP 12 19 JAM 8 NL i912. JUN 21 NL 1889, CANAAN CEMETERY THIS CEMETERY lS JUST WEST UF A&M ANNEX. FROM THE BRAZOS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, TAKE THE WM. J.BRYAN PARKWAY (FORMERLY 2� ' TH ST ) WEST IT WILL INTERSECT HWY 2 CO�INUE ON HNY 21 UNTIL YOU SEE THE ENTRANCE OF THE TEX AS �M ANNE!, IT WILL BE 6.3 MILES, TAKE THE FIRST ROAD TO THE LEFT PAST THE ANNEX, 68 .4 OF AMlLE T0 THE CEMETERY WHICH IS ON THE CORNER OF PITTS A D KUDER ROADS. THE EARLIEST STONE FOUND 13 THIS CEMETERY WAS UATEED 1081. THIS WAS THE MAJOR BLACK CEMETERY FOR THIS PART OF THE NAME BORN DIED INSCRIPTION/REMARKS ABRAM. ROBERT AM. 'SHINE' 19 JAN 9 1980 FEB 2 ADAMS BEN 1889, OCT 22 1929 APR 16 MASON A DA MS 1ORMAN 'AL 19�, JAN 26 COURT RECORD HILEXADER PERRY NL \912 SEP 2 _ ALBH DAVID, SR. AUG 1956, FEB AiLEN. ELNORA 16961 MAY 1944, SEP ALLEN, EUGENE 1934. AUG 1935, MAY 'LIEN, M8lONEE 1923 �� 195V, �N ALLEN SR. 19 MAY 27 1981, JAN 15 Al EN WlLLlAM 1916 03 L978. JUN ARMSTRONG, ROBERT 1900, FEB 2 'wy ATCHlSON, JOSEPH 1895, MAR 26 1972, JUN 11 PVT 412 S LABOR BN QMC WW I 8ALLARD. D. 8. NL 1926 AUG N 75 S A LLARD EMlLIN[ NL 1911 JUL 15 �� BANKHlT� WILLIAM ^� NL 1927, AUG 1 CO RECORD SANKS CnR0L A, 1926 i957 BAWKS. MARIELLA 1876 1959 BELL ADALlNE NL 1920 NOV 21 COURT RECORD BELL, CANE NL 1918, OCT 19 COURT RECORD BELL. CLAI8RON HL 1918 OCT 17 COURT RECORD BELL, HENRY. JR. NL 1921, SEP 8 COURT RECORD BELL MARY A. K. 1945 1964 BOW8, CHARLES NL i929, JUL 28 COURT RECORD ;OWEHS, PHOEBE NL 1929, JUL 28 COURT RECORD BRADLEY, ALBEHlA 1879 192 APR 5 3RAO�� AMY 1891. �AR 9 1975. XOV 11 w/ HADISON S. BRADLEY 8RADLEY. ELIJAH NL 1918, SEP 17 - COURT RECORD :R 'DA MAZY 1889 1944 GRADLEY. lSAAC HL 1937. H0y 3V PVT 521 EHGRS 8R�DUB, LEAH MRS. NL 193; MAY 12 COURT RECORD ,/—�` 1 ®5 BRADLEY, MADISON S. 1867, FED 28 1969, SEP 2 w/ AMY BRADLEY BRADLEY, PATSY 1860 1950 MOTHER BRADLEY, SAM NL 1929, FEB 8 COURT RECORD BRADLEY, SAMUEL 1885, MAR 4 1902 MAR B SON OF L. y S. BRADLEY BRADLEY, SHERMAN NL 1919, APR 4 COURT RECORD BRADLEY, WILLIE D. 1902 FEB 1983, APR 23 BROADNIGHT, IDA MAE 1884 1911 BROOKS, MANUEL NL 1929, DEC 5 COURT RECORD BROWN, IDA DAVIS 1907 1979. BROWN, LUCY NL 1931, SEP 8 COURT RECORD BROWN, MAGGIE NL 1919, JUL 28 COURT RECORD BROWN, MARY NL 1919 FEB 23 COURT RECORD BROWN, THEODORE 1884, FEB 20 1910 MAR 10 CALHOUN, ROSIE NL 193" JUL 20 CARTER, ETHEL H. 1902, SEP 2 1982, MAR 21 79y 6m 19d CARTER, WILLIAM 1682 DEC 25 1973 FEB 8 PVT US ARMY WW I CONLEY, GENE 1918 1968 COOPER, JOHN NL 1931, MAY 14 COURT RECORD CURTI" MATTIE 187% MAY 16 1930, FEB 25 DAVIS, IDA 1899 1985 DAVIS, JIM NL 1931, NOV 20 COURT RECORD DAVIS, M +OSE NL 1925, JUN 4 COURT RECORD DAVIS, WASH NL 1905, OCT 1 56y DAVIS, WINNIE NL 1930, APR 20 COURT RECORD DENSON, JOE 1862, JUL 25 1949, OCT 25 DENSON, WILLIE, MRS. 1874, MAY 1960 MAY DIIB, PAT 1925 1927 DIX, BLANCH NL 1986, SEP 22 85y d AL d HOUSTON, TX THE EAGLE DIX, CATHERINE 1879, MAY 10 1961, JAN 5 w/ EUGENE J. DIX DIX, EUGENE J. 1865, MAY 7 1954 FEB 8 wt CATHARINE DIX DIXIE, WILLIE NL 1918, OCT 17 COURT RECORD DORAN, THOMAS 1895, FEB 1958, OCT DORSEY, FRANK NL 1931, APR 8 COURT RECORD DRATON, WALTER NL 1933, AUG 27 COURT RECORD DURAN, CURTIS W. 1934, MAY 6 1952, APR 1 TX CPL 188 ABN INF 11 ABN DIV DURAN, J. H. 1865, JUN 19 1896, MAY 24 DUREN, SAM 1938, APR 24 1975, APR 17 US NAVY DURRON, IOLA NL 1923 AUG 15 COURT RECORD EATON, ROSA 1870, JUN 1955, FED EATON, WILLIE J. 1894 1978 US ARMY WW I ELMORE, TOMMIE 1894, AUG 31 192% MAR 23 ELMORE, TRAVISE NL 1920, AUG 10 COURT RECORD FLEWELLEN, CORA Z. NL 1891, JAN 13 3y 11m 26d DAU OF E. J. FLEWELLEN FORD, JOHN 1872, MAY 1885, OCT 20 FORD, PINKNEY 1904, MAR 5 1932, JUL 9 FOSTER, MIRA NL 1918 MAR 25 COURT RECORD FRANKLIN, ALBIRDA 1+380 1919, DEC 23 GAY, MITCHELL NL 1920, FEB 10 COURT RECORD GILLESPIE, MATTIE 1863 1944 GITTRY, MARIA H. NL 1899, DEC 1 72y GLENN, MARTHA 1915, JAN 1 1966 OCT 5 GODINE, MOLLY NL 1924, JAN 17 28y GRAVES, ROBERT NL 1911, JAN 2 78y GRAYS, GEORGIA, MRS. NL 1975, DEC 93y GRAYS, LUTHER 1581, DEC 30 1930, NOV 6 GREEN, BIRDIE 1890 1958 GREEN, CHESTER 1816 1891, JAN 20 GREEN, ISSABELLA 1857, JAN 1 1947, JAN 7 GREEN, JOE D. 1886, MAR 10 1961, MAR 21 PVT CO C 341 SVC BN 9MC WW I GREEN, JOHNNIE B. 1918, SEP 1957 NOV GREEN, LEROY 1899 1981 GREEN, PATSY NL 1920, AUG 13 COURT RECORD GREEN, ROBERT NL NL GREEN, ROBERT 1876 1953 GREEN, SANK NL 1930, JUN 2 COURT RECORD GREEN, SARAH 1896 FEB 1965, JAN 1 •. GREEN, TOM GREENWELL, JOHN GREGG, LEAH N. HADLEY, CHARLEY MAE HALL, A. J. HALL, BERTHA MAE HALL, MARTHA E. HALL, MARY HARDRICH, WILL HARDY, NORA HARESS, PEARL HARRIS, LULA, MRS. HARVEY, A.H. HARVEY, P. H. HARVEY, SETH HAYES, ANNIE HAYES, MALE HAYES, OSIAH HAYS, SAMMIE HENDERSON, HETTIE HENDERSON, PHILIP HOLSTON, ANNA HOWELL, GLADYS E. JACKSON, GEORGE JOHNSON, A. J. JOHNSON, B., MRS. JOHNSON, CHANIE JOHNSON, J., MRS. JOHNSON, JAMIE JOHNSON, LAWRENCE JOHNSON, LILLIE MAY JOHNSON, LONNIE B. JOHNSON, MARY H. JOHNSON, MATTIE LEE JOHNSON, P. H. JOHNSON, REDDIN JOHNSON, THOMAS JONES, DAVID JONES, EFFIE JONES, LIZZIE LANGSTON, PINKIE LAWS, LEUGENIA LAWS, OTIS G. LOCKHART, GEORGIA LONDON, CAROLLINE MARTIN, JESSIE MAZY, BILLIE MAZY, IDA MCCOY, CLAUD MCLENDON, MAT MCRAE, WILL MCWILLIAMS, L., MRS. MILES, SAM MOORE, NORA MURPHY, JORDAN MURPHY, L., MR. MURPHY, NANCY MURRAY, MARY MURRY, MAGGIE HASH, ANNA J. NASH, BROTHER NEAL, JIM ODOM, JUNIOR OLDHAM, CLAUDE OLIVER, TOM PALMER, HENRY NL 1930 FEB 12 COURT RECORD NL 1962 MAR 1878 JUL 29 1929, MAY 1 MOTHER NL 1933, ,IAN 15 COURT RECORD NL 1929, SEP 5 COURT RECORD 1916, OCT 11 1979 APR 12 NL 1931, FEB 18 COURT RECORD NL 1902, ,JAN 20 37y 1887 1965 1883, DEC 1963, OCT NL 1941, SEP 23 NL 1947 NOV 14 NL 1909, MAY 4 65y NL 1930 MAY 13 COURT RECORD NL 1923, FEB 17 COURT RECORD NL 19.73, OCT 14 83y 7m 19d NL 1925, NOV 11 COURT RECORD 1877, FEB 11 1920, DEC 8 NL 1918 OCT 20 COURT RECORD 1869, SEP 20 1890 FEB 4 DAU OF PHILL & MITTIE HENDERSON 1853, MAY 3 1905, JUN 4 MASON 1821 1884 1924 1983 1894 1968 NL 1928, DEC 17 COURT RECORD 1899 1980 1869 1927, MAR 2 MOTHER 1886 1970 1884 1970 1921 1981 NL 1930, MAR 31 COURT RECORD 1918 DEC 10 1948 SEP 29 SGT 755 AM TRUCK CO WW II NL 1930 JAN 19 COURT RECORD 1896, MAR 10 1940 OCT 6 1872 1942 1863 192% MAY 8 NL 1961, APR 1930, JUN 21 1948 FEB 21 NL 1908, MAY 27 34y NL 1931, DEC 23 COURT RECORD 1892 1861 1888, APR 17 NL a/ OTIS G. LAWS 1885, SEP 10 1972, DEC 21 w1 LEUGENIA LAWS 1867 JAN 28 1945 FEB 23 NL 1903, SEP 16 65y 1901 1957 NL 1950, MAR 11 w1 IDA MAZY NL 1958 JAN 1 w1 BILLIE MAZY NL 1919, JUL 6 COURT RECORD NL 1925 JUL 25 COURT RECORD 1877, MAR 15 1945, DEC 30 1877, SEP 1955, OCT 1888, SEP 30 1973, DEC 9 PFC US ARMY WW I NL 1918, JUL 29 COURT RECORD 1884 1937 TX CPL WW I NL 1952, NOV 25 NL NL 1875 JAN 5 NL NL 1920, DEC 29 COURT RECORD NL 1418 APR 4 COURT RECORD NL 1921, MAR 22 COURT RECORD NL 1929 DEC 23 COURT RECORD 1878, FEB 25 1901, JUN 22 23y 3m 27d 1900, NOV 23 1976 NOV 27 NL 1922 MAY 28 COURT RECORD NL 1918 NOV 1 COURT RECORD 107 PALMER, OUINCY PATTERSON, BESSIE PERRY, GEORGE PERRY, NORA PERSON, PERSON, COLLIER PERSON, GEORGE PERSON, JOE PERSON, ROBERT PERSON, ROBERT PERSON, SALLIE, MRS. PERSONS, HENRY PERSONS, ROBERT PERSONS, SARAH PERSONS, WILLIE PETERSON, PETERSON, BELL PHILLIP, CARRIE PHILLIPS, HENRY PHILLIPS, JASPEN PHILLIPS, JIMMIE PHILLIPS, JOHN O. PHILLIPS, OSCAR E. PIERCE, FANNIE RANDLE, ANNIE RANDLE, BUTT RICE, LEAR RICHARD, LILLIE RIDEN. EMMA ROBERSON, ALLIA ROBERSON, JULIA ROBINSON, BILL ROBINSON, WILLIAM A. SANDERS, CLIFFORD SANDERS, LAURA SANDERS, LLOYD SANDERS, SUSSIC SAUNDERS, EMMA SHARP, ANDREW SHARP, JOHN S. SHARP, SILAS SHORT, ANDREW SMITH, ANNIE MAE SMITH, BENNIE SMITH, HENRY SMITH, MARY SMITH, MELLOWNEE SMITH, REUBEN, SR. SMITH, SAMUEL SMITH, SURRY, JR. SMITH, VIOLET SMITH, WESLEY STEPP, WILL STEPP, ZULA STEWARD, ADL INE TAYLOR, JAMES TEMPLE, EMA TEMPLE, EPERSON THOMAS, LIZZIE THOMAS, WILLIAM TRIGGS, LULA R. TURNER, ALEX TURNER, BENNIE TURNER, BENNIE, MRS. TURNER, JEFF TURNER, LIZZIE NL 1919, ,IAN 17 1899 1956 NL 1900, FEB 23 1683, DEC 31 1963, OCT 4 NL NL 1883, NOV 6 1964 NL 1929, AUG 7 NL 1955, MAY 1889, JUL 1958, JAN 29 1915 1978 1895 1978 1881, APR 29 1882, NOV 30 1859, NOV 1911, DEC 22 1879, MAR 29 1882, NOV 30 1876, SEP 21 1894, NOV 9 1918, AUG 1920, FEB 1895, JUN 11 1933, JUL 10 . 188 , 1 1 1 1952 1837, JUN 1891, DEC 16 NL 1968, FEB 8 1923, AUG 12 1971, JUL 1 1915, AUG 16 1970, JAN 17 1906 1975 HL 1930, JAN 17 NL 1928, SEP 21 NL 1931, AUG 12 NL 1924, JUN 2 NL 1974, JAN 16 NL 1901, JUL 11 1879, MAY 21 1894, MAR 12 1869 1894, MAR 2 NL 1926, MAR 11 NL 1951, APR 24 NL 1921, MAR 28 NL 1926, MAY 30 NL 1928/ APR 8 NL 1936, SEP 3 1814, JUL 16 1936, AUG 11 1892 1959 NL 1918, MAY 15 NL 1919, AUG it NL f91. .JUN 29 1905, SEP 5 NL 1881, FEB 6 1891, SEP 1 1898, JAN 12 NL 1899, JAN 4 1979, MAR 7 1908, APR 19 1911, SEP 4 1893, OCT 10 1976, MAR 3 1882, APR 24 1982, MAR 29 NL 1918, MAR 23 NL 1928, FEB 14 NL 1918, JUL 14 NL 1958, DEC 3 NL 1963, DEC 12 NL 1919 NL 1890, JUN 5 NL 1925, MAY 14 NL 1925 NL NL 1899, FEB 5 1954, FEB 5 1870, JUN 19 1958, JUL 24 1891 1983 1898, NOV 2 1956, MAR 15 1909, NOV 1956, MAR 1878 1956 NL 1930, OCT 31 COURT RECORD 68y MOTHER TX CPL WW I TX 39 PVT CO G 325 SER'1 BN t1MC HN I COURT RECORD CPL 513 SVC BN ENGR CORP SON OF W. & DOLLIE PERSONS 52y DAU OF W. & DOLLIE PERSONS SON OF R. P. & EMMA PERSONS wl SARAH PERSONS w/ HENRY PERSONS T% PVT QMC 412 RES LABOR BN 104y T% PFC US ARMY WW II TX PVT US ARMY WW lI COURT RECORD COURT RECORD PVT 331 SERV BN 45y 82y 46y COURT RECORD 67y 4m 2d COURT RECORD w/ SUSSIC SANDERS COURT RECORD w/ LAURA SANDERS COURT RECORD COURT RECORD COURT RECORD w/ REUBEN SMITH, SR. wl MARY SMITH wl HENRY SMITH DAU OF R. D. 6 J. A. SMITH wl ANNIE MAE SMITH 99y COURT RECORD COURT RECORD COURT RECORD 72y 3A 6d 311 ^2'd bur 21, 1919 COURT RECORD COURT RECORD 42y COURT RECORD 1C8 '�LLACE, CHARLIE 1 89q 196` 41LEY, WILLIE, MRS . i988, FEB 5 1962, SEP 14 WILI1t!S, AN6ELTNE L NL 1920, APR 1 COURT RECORD NILLIAMS, NOAH tdL 1921, MUG iq COURT RECORD dILL1nNS, PRi'!US NL 1915, JUL 21 COURT RECORD WILLIAMS, SYLV1A 1856 1955 4IL30N, ALDINE NL 19 JUN ? COURT RECORD ni autd, EDD TOM 1599, AUG 13 1964, FEB 7 PVT 17MC 'WW II ILSCN, LULA 1397, OCT 1 1970, JUL 8 WILSON, TOMASINE NL 1928, SEP 5 COURT RECORD ` OLac, J iy NL 1928, SEP 11 50y CARTER CEMETERY THE SITE OF THIS CEMETERY HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY FOUR CORNER POSTS. THE STONES WERE REMOVED AND HAVE NOT BEEN RECOERED. FROM THE 3RALOS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, TAKE THE WM. J. BRYAN PARKWAY (FORMERLY 25TH ST.! EAST 2 MILES TO THE EAST BY -PASS (HWY 6 TRAVEL SOt ON HWY 6 NILES, EXIT AT UNIVERSITY AVE., CONTINUE ON THE FEEDER ROAD, CROSSI`G UNIVERSITY 24E., MILES TO BRAIOSWOOD STREET, TURN RIGHT ON BRAZOSWOOD AND THE PARK WILL BE SEEN ON THE EFT. THE SITE OF THE CEMETERY . HAS BEEN LOCATED ON THE �?IG'r'.T. .1MME BORN DIED INSCRIPTION /REMARKS i" RTER, ELIZABETH LONES 1 13:6, DEC 10 WIFE OF RICHARD CARTER GALVESTON DAILY NEWS 12- 19 -18 CAr:TER, DAUG NL NL EARTH HAS ONE SPIRIT LESS, HEAVEN ZONE ANGEL MORE , CARTER, RICHARD 1799 1863 b TN m ELISABETH LONES 1811 KNOXVILLE, TN NL NL ' OR 4 UNMARKED GRAVES CLAYTON CEMETERY FROM THE INTERSECTION OF W ELLBORN ROAD AND HWY 60, GO WEST ON HWY 60 5. RILES, TURN RIGHT AT SIGN WHICH READS CLA'iTO, BAPTIST CHURCH, GO .3 RILES AND TURN LEFT AT THE CORNER OF VINCENT AND FOSTER STREETS, GO ONE TENTH MILE, THE CEMETERY 'IS ON THE LEFT. NAMES GREEN, SR. OWNS THE LAND WHERE THE CEMETERY IS LOCATED. IT WAS ESTABLISHED IN THE EARLY 1950'S WHEN THE BRUSHY CEMETERY WAS NO LONGER OPEN FOR BURIALS IN THE BRUSHY COMMUNITY. tdAltE AL-'LBORN, CUL1REATH AiiNOLD, ISEAH BANES, BETTY LEE BA cLIJAH T. S, BASS, SUSIE ;ELL, L ENM MAE, "RS. SELL, tdMNCY BENFORD, JESSE BLAC:SHER, CAL /Itd r' I E. '400EE aILBERT BURRELL, LI.ZIE BUTLER, NANCY CALHOUN, ANDREW CALHOUN, THOMAS CARTER, HERBERT °T� *: T T CARTPr., t A .n 1E ICAP Yr� Fair:., p T c , iC ,. CARTER, ROBE '4. CARTcn, RG� L Mrri v=RY, yAMIt �Ai Gi 1 :S . cR R C: H � LEE su: , BORN 1874 1� /Y 190.', AUG 3 1904, OCT 6 1896, APR 3 19n2 19'?, SEP i0 1886, MAY 25 1449 1906 19?; "1L 1878 1944, JUL 19 i 1905, JAN 5 1929, FEE 1' 1q q, NOV , 1 5 T, '!U❑ nn 1917 F-B 19ne N O V :i) 1'8'9 1954 4 DIED 1964. 1957, FEB 1 '9'9, MUG 19 ,,, , MAY 7 1078 1q'', JUN 9 1 982, MAY 18 19711+ 137 NOV 4 ' 96:: 1g54, MAR 14 nC" n SEP :? 1931, MAR 13 1956, DEC 1 1969, AUG '11 nY� T - ' ?e5 rrR 1� i MAR 24 a, 1 ?74, DEC 13 193^ OCT 25 :., 1967 1994 1q" INSCRIPTION /REMARKS PVT US ARMY MOTHER 65y WIFE OF HENRY BURRELL US ARMY TX PVT 19174 ORD MMMO CO A'VN WW iI ' N. HU PHRAY rY PVT 17? PORT CO TC WW II YNSR US NAVY VIETNAM 1 e CULBREATH, JOE 1874, MAY 2 DAMOiN, ANGRIAN OKEITH 1972 OCT 1 DANIEL, JAMES 'JIM' 1877 DAVIS, ALBERTA, MRS. 1914 DAVIS, JEANETTE, MRS. 1893 DAVIS, JIMMIE LEE 1943 AUG 16 DAVIS, MARGIE, MRS. 1893 DOZIER, CALLIE 1900, FEB 17 DOZIER, JAMES 1919 JAN 28 ELLIS, BRYSON DESHAWN 1985 FERRELL, ROBERTA L. 1998 FLOWERS, JEREKKA S. 1 1973, APR 6 FRANKLIN, DAVID O. 1974, APR 18 FRANKLIN, HATTIE 1903 FRANKLIN, ROY BENJAMIN 1947, APR 24 FREEMAN, ELSIE, MRS. 1911, OCT 5 GILBERT, VELMA, MRS. 1913 GRAYER, CHERYL D. 1958 GRAYER, GREGORY W. 1960 GRAYER, ROLAND 1946 GREEN, CEOLA 1926 GREEN, HATTIE, MRS. 1908 GREEN, LEON 1924 GREEN, RALPH 1890, SEP i GREEN, SUSIE, 'MRS. 1892 GREENE, VERA SUE 1945, MAY 29 HALEY, IDELLA G. 1893, MAY 4 HANKS, DENNIS W. 1958 DEC it HARRIS, VIRGIL EARL 1945 HAWKIESS PEGGY L. NL HEMPHILL, E., MRS. 1916 HEMPHILL, EDWARD 1909, AUG 31 HEMPHILL, MARILYN NL HIGHTOWER, OPHELIA 4907 HOWARD, WALTER LEE 1945, MAR 31 JACKSON, BENNIE 1897, DEC 25 JACKSON, JOHN 2871 JOHNSON, EMMA L. 1595, NOV 25 JOHNSON, ERIC DESHUNN 1971, SEP 9 JOHNSON, ISIAH BENJAMIN 1932 MAR 3 JOHNSON, J. B. 1930 JOHNSON, LETTIE M. 1592 JONES, ONEAL 'RED' 1902, JAN 1 KEARNEY, LUCILLE 1897 KEARNEY, SAM 1906, OCT 1 KEMP, ALBERTA 1907, NOV 10 KING, HENRY 1908 LAWRENCE, FRANKIE M. 1941 LISTER, BERRY 1905, NOV 11 LISTER, IETTER 1913 LISTER, MAMIE R. 1903 LISTER, MARY 1905 DEC 9 LOGAN, DORA, MRS. 1973, JUN LUCAS, MACK 1957 MACK, RED 1895 MADISON, VERNELLA 1900 MANUEL, FLOYD 1941 MAXEY, ADRIAN LEE 1972, JUN 16 MAXEY, ASA NL MCANTHONY, JOE 1894 FEB MCGEE, MARY LEE 1908, SEP 11 MCGILL, IDA MAE 1910 MCGILL, SYLVESTER 1940, APR 15 MERCHANT, RANDALL S. 1985 MONDINE, ARIA, MRS. 1892 MONDINE, SETH S, 1893, SEP 3 1964, JAN 7 1972, OCT 1 1965 1983 1982 1965, DEC 25 1980 1962 FEB 19 1958, SEP 9 1985 1964 1973 APR 30 1974, APR 18 1982 1972, JUL 13 19635 JAN 20 1978 1963 1963 1963 1966 1986 1975 1955, NOV 1 1982 1971 JUN 26 1974 MAR 27 1961, APR 9 1963 1974 1972 1982 AUG 6 NL 1978 1967, FEB 21 1956, MAY 24 1976 1980 MAR 7 1972, APR 30 1956 JAN 27 1983 1983 1968, AUG 9 1985 1%9, NOV 25 1969, MAR 2 1986 1984 NL 1952 1985 1975, SEP 24 1956, APR 1957 1973 1985 1967 1972, DEC 31 1967, FEB 16 1961, JAN 1976, MAR 19 1984 1970, FEB 3 1985 1980 1965, FEB 9 CALIFORNIA SN US NAVY tSHANTORY BABY TX SST US ARMY VIETNAM WE LOVE YOU SUE, JULIUS, SAIL, SCOTTIE, JEAN w/ GREGORY W. GRAYER w/ CHERYL D. GRAYER 73Y 6m TX S SGT CO A 12 INF 4 INF DIV VIETNAM BSMPH MOTHER T% TN US NAVY wi MARY LISTER wl BERRY LISTER 6m TX PFC US ARMY VIETNAM Jm MOORE, ERNEST 1904, MAR 9 197 3 ), JUN 22 MOORE, JOHN E. 1906 1 MOORE, MAGGIE T. 1908, APR 13 NL MOORE, QUINCY 1910 NL MORROW, DAVE 1894 1965 NICHOLS, JAMES HAROLD 1949, DEC 2 1972, DEC 28 NIX, ALBERT E. 1946, JAN 4 1971; JUN 18 NIXON, LUGENIA 1888 19',2 OVERALL, JAMES W. 1948 1981 PAYTON, BERTHA 1902, NOV 7 1960, JAN 28 PAYTON, DELOUIS 1935 1954, MAY 7 DAYTON, ED, JR. 1916 1980 PAYTON, JOE NATHAN 1914, NOV 25 1975, DEC 31 PAYTON, JOE, SR. 1904 1981 PAYTON, PEARL 1907, JUN 27 1960, AUG 16 PIERCE, WILLIE 1894 1972 PITTMAN, IKE 1891, FEB 4 1957, JUN 22 POOL, BEATRICE 1888, MAR 26 1964, MAR 7 RAY, DEARIES MACK 1939, APR 22 1973, JUN i3 RHONE, REALIE, MRS. 1889, APR 15 1969, JUL 20 RICE, RAYMOND E. 1947 1965 RICHARDSON, BEATRICE 1889, APR 15 1970, OCT 22 FUCKER, ISAC 1884 1969 RUCKER, JAMES 1919 1982 RUCKER, MARY 1892 1967 RUCKER, MELVIN NL 1986, JUN 3 SANDLES, GILLIE 1924, DEC 16 1984, JOIN 2 SEARCY, BEAULAH 1889 1968 SEARCY, FRANCIS LEE 1930, FEB 25 1968, SEP 28 SEARCY, JOHN H. 1922 1984 SMITH, LULA 1885, APR 20 1956, JUN 23 SMITH, LULA 'RED' 1898, SEP 5 1983, JUL 8 SMITH, SHARON KAY 1956, OCT 17 1978, JUL i TAYLOR, DAVID, SR. 1908, MAY 2 1976, JUL 30 TAYLOR, EARLENE C. 1930, SEP 8 1977, JUL 31 TAYLOR, ROSIE DIX KEMP 1904, SEP 29 1983, FEB 14 THOMAS, ANNIE L. 19!11 1984 THOMAS, EDDIE; JR., REV. 1913, JUN 13 1966, AUG 31 TURNER, ADDIE, MRS. 1890 1960 TURNER, MARGARET 1912 1964 WADE, CARRIE 1892, DEC 25 1980, DEC 22 WADE, CURTIS 1912, JUL 13 1971, FEB 11 WADE, NANIE B. 1891 1966, MAR 7 WADE, TOM, JR. NL 1963, JAN 20 WARREN, ALEX 1900 1986 WASHINGTON, DULA MAE 1930, SEP 1 1975, MAY 3 WASHINGTON, CHARLES D. 1947, DEC 20 1981, NOV 20 WASHINGTON, WILLIE, SR. 1926, JUN 25 1986, OCT 22 WIGGINS, ARNESTA W. 1900 1982 WIGGINS, BALLIE 1891, OCT 28 1972, SEP 7 WILBORN, MARY 1909, JUL 29 1956, MAR 14 WILEY, CURTIS NL 1945, AUG 24 WILEY, GENE V., MRS. 1916, SEP 4 1981, SEP 14 WILLIAMS, ANNA LORINE 1910, JUL 2 1968, MAY 23 WILLIAMS, C., MR. NL NL WILLIAMS, DOLLY 1922 1985 WILLIAMS, JOSEPH GEO. JR. 1936 1980 WILLIAMS, SARAH NL NL WILSON, CURTIS 1922, MAY 10 1985, OCT I WILSON, JOSEPHINE 1945, MAR 26 1985, MAR 25 WILSON, MARGET 1927, JUL 27 1958, MAR 22 WOOD, LORENE, MRS. 1918, JUL 19 1979, DEC 20 W Y ATT, LULA 1880, JUN 6 1978, MAY 22 YETT, ELIZABETH 1913 1966 T) 1898 1965 ? ?, BERTA L. 1914 1984 w/ MAG51E T. MOORE a/ 9UINCY MOORE w/ ERNEST MOORE w/ JOHN E. MOORE TX AB US AIR FORCE VIETNAM TX SN US NAVY VIETNAM w/ PEARL PAYTON PVT US ARMY w/ BERTHA PAYTON TX COOK CO C 341 SVC BN OMC WW I CPL US ARMY WW II 64y HUE OF NORVA FLEE RUCKER THE EAGLE STMI US NAVY WW II TX TEC 5 US ARMY WW II 55y 60Y SON OF C. D. & ETHEL WASHINGTON THE EAGLE TX PVT US ARMY WW I AUNT US ARMY US ARMY WW II 61y v 182 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census ill Page No. 182 Post Office: Bryan 26 Sep 1870 N z4z 4-) 0 r--i 4 �-4 0 a) 0 0 M 0 0 Pq 1 1 REED, Mike 12 Y, W at home Lewis 10 M W it of Jennie 7 F W Robt 4 M W Justice 1 M W McLEOD, Thomas 36 M W Farmer F=, Frank 40 M M 1460 1460 MITCHELL, Jonatha 56 M W Minister Mare 50 F W K house Demoris 25 F W at home McGadey 20 M W Martha 13 F W HILL, John - M, W ROBINSON, Ann 50 F W K house John 14 M W at home Dee 12 M"W " 11 MITCHELL, Mary 40 F W No occupation 61 61 K=,.jereldine 34 F W Mary 14 F W Stephen 12 M W Wiley 10 M W Eliza 8 F W Emma 3 F W 62 62 GILCHRIST; John 26 M W Farmer Mary 22 F W K house 63 63 HOLLAND, Elisha 57 M W Farmer Mary 47 F W K house Mary Jr. 28 F W at home Levia 20 F W 11 11 Margt 16 F W Berigm 13 M W Henry 11 M W Nancy 6 F W 64 64 REED, Wiley 27 M W Farmer Jennie 22 F W K house Mary 4/12 F W Apl John 10 M B DUNLAP, Rose 80 F B 65 65 WILLIAMS, Andy 25 M B Farmer Allice 40 F B Printed #91A J2 4--D �4 .r-i Pq Tex it S.C. Ala 1. Tex la Ala S.C. Iv Tex Miss Tex of Va TA It 112 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 183 Post Office: Bryan 27 Sep 1870 Printed #92 o Cd fsA U2 0 O Pq 1465 1465 WILLIAMS, Allice 9 F W Tex 66 66 COONER, Malachi 50 M W Farmer Ala Nancy 40 F W K House " Laura 16 F W at home Tex Errm�a 18 F W Wm 11 M W o Sarah 12 F W Cora 9 F W Clara 6 F W Melcha 4 M W " 67 67 DRAKEFORD, John 34 M W Farmer " HORDE, James 20 M W " Virginia 24 F W K house " Laura 3 F W a Nannie 5112 F W Jan 68 68 HADNELL, Hamp 50 M W Farmer Ala Eliza 30 F W K house La Frances 13 F W at home Tex Willie 11 M W of it of Martha 9 F W if Hampton 6 M W it David 1 M W to 69 69 NOLAN, Alex 50 M W Farmer Ala Martha 40 F W K house It Jane 21 F W 19 Wm 29 M W Farmer if Mary 13 F W Tex Ella 7 F W it Cada 3/12 F W Mar it Alex 23 M W Ala Lee Lettie 20 F W K house it NOLAN, Catherine 19 F W La James 14 M W Tex Mary 11-F W of John 21 M W Farmer 1470 1470 DURHAM, Wm 50 M W Mo Jane 35 F W it GREEN, James 14 M W at home Tex Kate 11 F W " DURHAM, Jeff 3 M W if ,- 113 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 184 Post Office: Bryan 27 Sep 1870 Printed #92A r �F y a� CH Cd 91� a) CH � co °C ap �4 4-3 > P-� W Pq Tex Ala Miss �o er 2000 200 Va of Tex Y1 La 11 Tex La of it La Tex It 0o N. C. of La oe Tex Va to Tex o� Ga It Tex to 11 o a� �C 0 0 <E 2 U O W 19 M W Laborer w 1471 1471 LANGHAM, Rush 12 MW CONWAY, Joseph 9FW Caroline 35 M B Farmer James 35 F B K House Jo 3MB Martha 25 M W Laborer W m T. 72 72 JORDAN, Isaac 10 F B Domestic Servant Betsey 50 M W Farmer 'y 35 M W Farmer Dick. 73 73 CUNNINGHAM, A. 10 MW it it Martha It 6 F W Kate 22 F W K house BULLARD, Aime 74 74 WORLEY, Ben 2MW Sarah 36 M B Farmer CASPER, John 16 F B at home Jane 13 MB " John 1MB Tom 2MB Jane 75 75 COGHILL, Bob 19 M B Laborer Mary 2 F B BULLOCK, Jim Kate Dick 76 76 HENRY, Wm Bash Edey Tom Vol Dick Bob 77 77 GARET , Jim Judy Wade Caroline Jane a� CH Cd 91� a) CH � co °C ap �4 4-3 > P-� W Pq Tex Ala Miss �o er 2000 200 Va of Tex Y1 La 11 Tex La of it La Tex It 0o N. C. of La oe Tex Va to Tex o� Ga It Tex to 11 o a� �C 0 0 <E 2 U O W 19 M W Laborer 37 M W Farmer 33 F W K house 14 M W at home 12 MW 9FW 3MW 35 M B Farmer 35 F B K House 7FB 3MB 25 M W Laborer 19 F W K House 10/12 F W Oct 10 F B Domestic Servant 21 F W School Teacher 50 M W Farmer 40 F W K house 35 M W Farmer 30 F W K house 12 M W at home 10 MW it it 6 F W 40 M W Farmer 22 F W K house 25 M W Farmer 18 F W K house 2MW 36 M B Farmer 25 F B K house 16 F B at home 13 MB " 4MB 1MB 2MB 65 M B Farmer 60 F B K house 19 M B Laborer 16 F B at home 2 F B a� CH Cd 91� a) CH � co °C ap �4 4-3 > P-� W Pq Tex Ala Miss �o er 2000 200 Va of Tex Y1 La 11 Tex La of it La Tex It 0o N. C. of La oe Tex Va to Tex o� Ga It Tex to 11 114 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 185 Post Office: Bryan 28 Sep 1870 Printed #93 z 0 .ri +Z a) 0 vo o 0 38 M B Farmer 35 F B K house 13 F B at home 6 F B 24 M B Laborer 49 M B Farmer 49 F B K house 13 F M at home 35 M B Farmer 27 M B Laborer 23 F B " 46 M B Farmer 25 F B K House 19 M B Laborer 16 F B at home 13 F B 9MB 5FB 2MB 30 F B work on farm 18 F B " 7MB 6 F B 14 MB 20 MB 50 M B Farmer 17 M B Laborer 14 M B " 22 M B , 13 F .B at home 6FB 2MB 24 M B Farmer 16 F B K house 69 M B Farmer 60 F B K House 20 F B works in field 24 MB " it 20 F B " if 25 M B Farmer a) 0 � P-1 S.C. Tex vo it it Ala N. C. Tex Ga o� a® Va 11 Tex to it if it 00 Va Tex it it if Ga Va Tex it Miss Tex It if Ala Tex Ga Va Ala " �o Tex i V V m 0 w 1477 1477 POUG, Andy Florida Caroline Flora 78 78 Harvey WATERS, Nat Rachel Ellen TOLBERT, Bob WILSON, Henry 79 79 DOUGLAS, Marg. JONES, Henry Susan Gilford Celia 7 N i ina WM Caroline Henry 1480 1480 GILES, Porter M,argt Alford Willie Phil Dave 81 81 JONES, Austin Wooley TINES, Tom LAMAS, John Lucy JONES, Hiberna. Walter 82 82 TALLEY, Sam Ayter 83 83 AMES, Talley x TALLEY, Selia Georgia Sip Litey COLE, John z 0 .ri +Z a) 0 vo o 0 38 M B Farmer 35 F B K house 13 F B at home 6 F B 24 M B Laborer 49 M B Farmer 49 F B K house 13 F M at home 35 M B Farmer 27 M B Laborer 23 F B " 46 M B Farmer 25 F B K House 19 M B Laborer 16 F B at home 13 F B 9MB 5FB 2MB 30 F B work on farm 18 F B " 7MB 6 F B 14 MB 20 MB 50 M B Farmer 17 M B Laborer 14 M B " 22 M B , 13 F .B at home 6FB 2MB 24 M B Farmer 16 F B K house 69 M B Farmer 60 F B K House 20 F B works in field 24 MB " it 20 F B " if 25 M B Farmer a) 0 � P-1 S.C. Tex vo it it Ala N. C. Tex Ga o� a® Va 11 Tex to it if it 00 Va Tex it it if Ga Va Tex it Miss Tex It if Ala Tex Ga Va Ala " �o Tex i V V m 115 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 186 Post Office: Bryan 28 Sep 1870 Printed ,#93A I f, ztlz: o +� r� ¢ M 0 o 1483 1483 COLE, Charity 24 F B Work on farm Austin 8 M B Andy 4MB Harry 2 M B Josephine 1 F B 84 84 TOC HET , Doc 21 M B Farmer Freda 17 F B K House Lucy 60 F B 85 85 WASHINGTON, Geo. 30 M B Farmer Sophia 50 F B K house Etta 13 F B TAYLOR, Grace 80 F B WILSON, Ellis 19 M B Farmer TOLBERT, Adelia 8 F B Robt 5 M B 86 86 WETHEIRSBY, Arthur 73 M W Farmer Elizabeth 54 F W K house Wm 16 M W at home Simon 13 M W Emily 21 F W " Susan 19 F W Josephine 11 F W 87 87 DAHIG, John 35 M W Farmer Frances 25 F W K House Caledonia 3 F W John 1 M W Ellen 1 F W JENNINGS, Chas 24 M W Laborer 88 88 GABBART, Ed 25 M W Farmer Mohala 21 F W K house Edward 1 M W 89 89 JONES, Mary 35 F W Farming WILLIAMS, Martha 25 F W " Lee 2 M W Eda. 4 F W JONES, Lewis 12 M W Jim 11 M W HAVES, Telitha 54 F W " DOSIER, Wm 22 M W Farmer Parolee 22 F W K House a� Miss Tex °o �o Miss Tex Va Tex S.C. Tex Va Tex If of S.C. mass Ireland Miss Tex Ireland Ark Miss Tex Miss It Tex Ga 1► Ala 116 r4` Lit r N.me of Compiler Gy Tnrici Si lvu Addrees 1074 Del Norte 18 City, state Houston, Texas 77018 g Atha Todd ` F.`b.` of No. `) 1987 April 9, b. May 1, 1826 p.b. Lowrndnes Co. , Alabama 4 Irving Br az ile Todd m. February 20, 1851 (FesbedNema) d. January 20, 1892 b. October 26, 1868 '. p•b. Lowmdues County, Alabama p.d Brazos County, Texas m. December 26, 1901 91 H ellen d. Brazos County, Texas ( d No. n v 1nQ1LdLe5 u.LwaiL ut :Eitagc d.January 17, 1871 .d Bryan, Brazos, Texas b. May 4, 1829 191 2 Vernon Elvin Todd p.b. Lowndnes Co., Alabama b. 1803 (Father dNe. d. May 22, 1892 d. i b. September 26, 1911 p.d Brazos County, Texas 20 I p.b. Harvey, Brazos, Texas b. = September 3, 1932 t.Nn Ai .Tn Rn- .rAcwv (VAa`iar) Im. .d b. April 15, 1829 211 p.b. Bavaria, Germany b. 5 Sara J m. December 25, 1870 d. ( a me. 2) b. May 20, 1875 d. March 4, 1894 22 p.b.Rock Prairie, Brazos, Tx. p.d Rock Prairie, Brazos, , Texas d. June 16, 1960 li B M. p.d.Huntsville, Walker, Tx. (Mother d"' d. b. November 19, 1847 23 p.b. Macon, Bibb, Ga. ( ?) b. 1 Patsy Ruth Todd d. February 20, 1913 d. b. August 12, 1934 p.d. Rock Prairie, Brazos, p.b. Bryan, Brazos, Texas Texas 24 b. m. February 11, 1955 12 James Mentor M M. d. (Ferber of h 6) d. p.d. b. February 6, 1836 25 p.b. Yalobusha County, Miss. b. ® Deemer Lawrence McLer m. June 1, 1873 I b p.b. (Father d Ne. 3) d. January 26, 1923 d. February 11, 1884 28 Thomas H. Eaton Wheelock, Robertson, Tx. p.d Robertson County, Tx. D tuber 6, M. July 18,1904 13 Eliza Jane Eaton J27 ElIza n - d. March 18, 1954 (ldotberdNe 6) January 6, 1888 p.d Huntsville, Walker; Texas b. January 23, 1857 Jane Graham p .'b. Robertson County, Texas b. g�Euary 8, 3 Grace Edna d. July 10, 1945 (Mother a/ No. ') p.d. Houston Harris, Texas d •February 12, 1858 b. November 19, 1911 28 p.b. Eaton, Robertson, Texas . d. 14 p.d. (Father d Na b. August 8, 1854 29 p.b. Alabama b. 7 Nora Ann Black m. October 10, 1877 d. ( Mother of No. 3) d. March 31, 1926 b. March 22, 1885 0 30 George Buckhaults p.b. p.d Buried in Marquez, Tx. b. d. October 3, 1964 `*Ji5 'Be M. p.d. Huntsville , Walker, Texas (Mother of No. 7) d. A. B. Silva b. July 25, 1854 31 Martha McKenzy - (apreMe+Ne•a) P•b• Butler County, Alabama b. b. December 1,. 1928 d• d. February 25, 1919 d. p.b. Carrizo Springs. p.d. Buried in Marquez, Texas d 117 INDE): OF SURNAMES ABRr`+P'! 104 BURR04JS 93 DOZIER 109 ADAMS 93,99,104 BUR7EI'4 95 DRAKEFORD 112 ALALBORN 108 BURTON 94 DRATON 105 ALEXANDER 104 BUTLER 108 DUNLAP 94,111 ALLEN 99,101,104 DUNN 92 AMES 114 CAHILL 104 DURAN 105 ANDERSON 84,103 CALHOUN 103,105 DUREN 105 ARMSTRONG ,85,104 108 DURHAM 112 ARNOLD 92,103,108 CARLSON 85 DURRON 105 ASHWORTH 99,100 CARSON 93 ASKEY 99 CARTER 93,94,105 EATON 95,105,116 ATCHISON 104 108 EDRINGTON 92 CARY 108 EDWARDS 94 BAKER 93 CASEY 100 ELLINGTON 98,100 BALLARD 104 CASPER 113 102 BANKN17E 104 CHRISTIE 91,99,101 ELLIS 109 BANKS 104,108 CLAYTON 92 ELLISON 93,100 BASS 108 COGHILL 113 ELMORE 95,105 BATTE 102 COLE 114,115 ESTES 98 BATTS 85 COLEMAN 92 BEALL 92 COLEMAN 97 FAIRCHILD 96 BELL 104,108 CONLEY 105 FAROUAHAR 91,101 BAYLES 87 CONWAY 113 FERRELL 109 BENFORD 108 COONER 112 FLEWELLEN 105 BENSON 90 COOPER 94,98,105 FLOWERS 109 BENTLEY 85 108 FORD 105 BERRY 97 COPELAND 85 FOSTER 100,103,105 BIDER 94 CULBREATH 109 FRANKLIN 103,105 BLACK 116 CUNNINGHAM 94,113 109 BLACKSHER 108 CURD 94,100 FREEMAN 109 BLUE 102 CURTIS 105 BOND 100 GABBART 115 BOONE 103,108 DAHIG 115 GARETT 113 BOREN 83 DALLAM 87 GAY 105 BROEN 104 DAMON 109 GEORGE 92 BOWENS 104 DANIEL 109 GILBERT 109 BOWMAN 94,100 DANIELS 98 GILCHRIST 111 BOYETT 94,98 DARWIN 99,100,101 GILES 114 BOYLES 94 102 GILLESPIE 105 BRADBURY 97 DAVIS 101,103,105 GILMORE 103 BRADLEY 104,105 109 GITTR`( 105 BROADNIGHT 105 DENSON 105 GLENN 105 BROOKS 105 DeSHAWN 109 GODINE 105 BROOKSHIRE 94 DeWITTS 96 GRAHAM 116 BROWN 105 DICKINSON 100 GRANT 87 BUCKHAULTS 116 DICKSON 93,94 GRAVES 93,99,102 BULLARD 85,113 DIIB 105 105 BULLOCK 113 DIX 105 GRAYER 109 BUNDICK 87,89,99 DIXIE 105 GRAYS 105 100 DORAN 105 GREEN 105,106,109 BURMISTER 102 DORSEY 105 112 BURNS 97 ROSIER 115 GREENE 109 BURRELL 108 DOUGLAS 114 GREENWELL 106 d 113 INDEX cont.) GREG 106 JOHNSON 89,97 ` 100 McINTOSH 94,97,99 GRIFFIN 93 106,109 McKENZY 116 GUEST 94 JOHNSTON 93 McLAUGHLIN 92,98 JONES 85,96,97,99 McLENDON 106 HADLE( 106 102,103,106,109, McLEOD 111 HADNELL 112 114,115 McLEROY 116 HALEY 103,109 JORDAN 113 McMICHAEL 88,39,90 HALL 94,106 JURGENS 96 94,100 HAM ES 115 McMILLAN 89 HAMMONDS 84 KEARNEY 109 McRAE 106 HANKS 109 KELLEY III McWILLIAMS 103,106 HANNIFIN 104 KELLY 94,99 MACK 103,109 HANOVER 93 KEMP 109 MADISON 109 HA R D I MAN 94 KEOLSCH 102 MANUEL 109 HARDRICH 106 KING 91,97,98,101 MARKOWSKI 104 HARDY 93,94006 103,109 MARSHALL 103 HARESS 106 KIRKHAM 100,102 MARTAIN 103 HARRELL 95,116 KIRKLAND 92 MARTIN 103,106 HARRIS 106,109 KIZER 98 MATHIS 83 HARRISON 103 KNIGHT 93 MAWHINNEY 98 HARVEY 106 KN OX 94 i SAX EY 109 HARY 85 KOONTZ 93,98 MAZY 106 HAVENS 96 MEEKER 96 HA:dKIES 109 LAMAS 114 MERCHANT 109 HAYES 106 LANGHAM 113 MIDDLETON 98,100 HA`rS 106 LANGSTON 101006 MILES 100,101,106 HEMPFLING 94 LAWRENCE 109 MILHANKS 93 HEMPHILL 109 LAWS 106 MILLICAN 88,89,94 HENDERSON 106 LEWIS 87,89,92 100,101 HENRY 3r,"?0,97,113 LISTER 109 MITCHELL 92,94,98 HIGGS 98,99,102 LLOYD 93 103,111 HIGHTOWER 109 LOCKE 84 MONDINE 109 HILL 111 LOCKHART 106 MONTGOMERY 94 HINDMAN 94 L0GAN 109 MOORE 98,101,102 HINES 101 LOGANS 103 106,110 HOLDEN 92 LONDON 106 MORROW 103,110 HOLLAND 111 LONES 108 MOSELEY 83,84,85 HOLLOWAY 90,93,100 LONG 116 MULDA 96 HOLS70N 106 LOUIS 103 MULDREW 101 HOOD 91,94 LOVE 93,98 MULLINS 100 HORDE 112 LUCAS 109 MUNSON 33 HOUSE 93 LUCY 94 MURPHY 106 HOWARD 10'9 LUNG 103 MURRAY 106 HOWELL 106 LUSK 101 MURRY 106 HUDSON 88,93,97 - HUDSPETH 92 McANTHONY 109 NASH 92,106 HUNT 85,92 McCOY 106 NEAL 106 HUNTER 103 McCULLOCH 94 NEVILL 87,88,89,90 HYNSON 85 McDONALD 93 91 McGEE 109 NEWMAN 93 JACKSON 10 6 . , 109 McGILL 109 NICHOLS 110 JAQUES 102 McGREGOR 901101 NICKOLS 96 JENNINGS 115 102 NICKSON 103 INDEX (concluded) NIX 1\U MICHARDS0N 110 TODD 116 NIXON 110 RIUEN 107 TOLBERT 114,115 NQiAN 112 MID8NS 102 TRIGGS 107 NORRlS 101 ROBERSON 107 TRIPLET 94 ROBERTS 99 TRIPLETT 101 OD0M 106 ROBERTSON 95,99 TURNER 96,107,108 O'KE%TH 109 181p102 118 OLDHAM 106 ROBINSON 107,111 TURPIN 84 OLIVER 106 RODGERS 102 TYLOR 103 USMAN 100 RO£DER 95,116 OVERALL 110 ROYDER 95,97,116 VINCENT 103 RDBMER 85 VlTAPlL 104 PAGE 87 RUCKEH 110 PALMER 106,107 WADE 103,110 PARKER 92 SANDERS 107 WALKER 97,98,100 PATTERS0N 98,103 SANQLES 110 WALLACE 93,108 107 SAUNDERS 107 WARREN 93 PAYME 93 SCOTT 87 WASHBURN 85 PAYTUW 110 SEALE 88,89,90,91 WASHINGTON 103,110 PEARSON 99,103 _ 98,101 115 PECK - 96 SGARCY 110 WATERS 114 PELHAM 103 SEMANS 92 WEBB 91,98,100 PERRY 103,107 SHANTORY 109 WEEKS 97 PERSON 107 SHARP 107 WETH2RSBY 115 PERSONS 107 SHAW 84 WHITE 96,101 PETERSON 103,107 SHORT 107 WICKSOME 96 PE(TON 93 SHULTZ 98 WlCKSON 96 PHILLlp 107 SHULTZH 93 WI0DISON 96 PHILLIPS 85,107 SILVA 95,116 WIGGINS 110 PHRAY 108 SlMs 94 WIL8ORW 110 PIERCE 107,110 SMITH 92,94,107 WILCOX 85 PlTTMAN 110 110 WlLEY 108 POLLARD 85 SOLES 116 WILLIAMS 93,94,108 POOL 103,118 SOUTH 94 110,111,112,115 POUG 114 STEPP 107 WILSON 92,98,103 PRATHER 99 STEWARD 107 108 PRICE 95 STBWART 99 WI%OM 96 PRUGlTT 96 STOANE 99 WIXON 96 PRUGTT 96 STUART 89,102 WOLF 108 SWEAT 88,99,101 WOOD 110 QUARLES 85 SYMPH 99 WORLEY 113 WYATT 118 RAGSDALE 94 RANDLE 107 RANDOLPH 103 RAY 110 RECTOR 87,99,100 101 REED 87,88,90,91 92,94,97 RHONE 110 RICE 107010 RICHARD 107 TALLEY 84,114 TAYLOR 107,110,115 TEDOR 96 TEMPLE 107 THOMAS 93 102,107,110 THOMBLE 102 THOMPSON 83,103 THORNTOM 103 TIMES 114 7OCHGT 113 YE7T 110 %ERBST 93,97 JlMMERMAN 88,93,99 HERITAGE QUEST ROAD SHOW Mr. Dewayne Lener, a professional genealogist, will be our-guest on November 12, 1990. Since the presentation would extend past our time limit at the library, we will move this event to the KAMU facility on the Texas A&M campus. We will begin at 6:30 and end at 10:00. For further details, watch for announcements in the newspaper, or call 409-589-2075. P ' 0. Box 5493 Bryan, Texas 77805 Volume X1 Number 3 Summer 1990 BOYKIN, Rosemary 1505 Laura Lane College Station, TX 77840 ' F 4 1 /4� Half page: Once/year $26.29 4x/year $78.85 Whole page: Once/year $52.56 4x/year $157,69 (All prices include tax).