HomeMy WebLinkAboutFall 1991d' I CONTENTS PAGE VILLIAN V. JAMES, EARLY BRYAN EDUCATOR compiled by Janis Hunt and Ruth Hary 123 NOTES CONSCERNING BRAZOS COUNTY EDUCATORS edited by Bill Page 126 BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS BRAIDS compiled by Nadine Billingsley 139 BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS 1870 CENSUS compiled by Mary Cooper 145 INDEX compiled by Harry Portzer 153 r V ®1 - Lx m X I I N 4 Fa11 I- T'x%� BRAZOS GENEALOG I ST P.•. Box 5493 Bryan TX 7780 OFFICERS 1991 PRESIDENT ........ CHARLES GENTRY VICE PRESIDENT ........ BILL PAGE SECRETARY ....... NAOMI McCORMICK TREASURER ...... HARRY J. PORTZER LIBRARIAN ........ NINA X. NOBLES EDITOR ....... HAD119E BILLINGSLEY PAST PRESIDENT..VICTORIA SIMONS STAFF EDITORS SPECIAL EVENTS..... CARL LANDISS RESEARCH/QUERIES .... FRANK GREEN LOCAL HISTORY .................. RUTH HARY and JANIS HURT CONTINUING SERIES.....BILL PAGE INDEXING/PRINTING CONSULTANT... HARRY J. PORTZER MEETINGS Meetings are an the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. Ve are encour- aged to arrive early as the library closes at 9:00 pm. Membership is on a calendar year basis, January through December. $12.00 Single membership. Quarterly picked up at meet- ings. $14.00 Single membership, Quarterly mailed. $18.00 Family membership, quarterly picked up at meet- ings. $20.00 Family membership, Quarterly mailed. Checks for dues may be mailed to the above address, or to H.J. Portzer, 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station TX, 77845. The GENEALOGIST is published as Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Issues, Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. Non- members $4.00 per issue. W-c" The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer, Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 1493, Bryan TX. 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, charts, copies of records, articles and with Brazos Valley Family charts should be 11 and fit a 3 ring bin family Bible stories ties. 8 1/2 x ier. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Society or the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information, The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis. The members of the society are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. ray s C7CnWtOgtJt ftwo, Volume XII Number 4 Bryan /college Station Fall 1991 Texas WILLIAM W. JAMES EARLY BRYAN EDUCATOR Before the establishment of the public school system of Bryan in the fall of 1880, there were several private schools. Formal education was carried out from private homes and schools. In 1872, Texas Odd Fellows School and Orphans Home was opened and appears to have operated about three years. The Odd Fellows school was a two story frame structure, two rooms on the ground floor and four on the second floor. The members of the faculty received their salaries from tuition collected from the students. Patronage was drawn almost entirely from the local population and included students of all ages from beginners to grownups. This school was located on the property where Saint Joseph Catholic Church is now located. In the fall of 1875, the Odd Fellows' University was sold to W. W. JAMES, who had opened a male academy in Bryan in the fall of 1874. Professor JAMES operated this school under the name of Bryan Academy. He was assisted by Benjamin JAMES and a Mrs. V. D. EATON. We have also seen this school referred to as JAMES Academy, Bryan Institute, and Male and Female Institute. Mrs. Albert BUCHANAN in an article in The Bryan Daily Eagle, January 24, 1927, has the following to say about the school: "The Bryan Academy, located near the present site of St. Joseph's Pharocial (sic) school, was under the leadership of one of Texas' early educators, Prof. W. W. JAMES, deceased father of Dr. W. C. JAMES, noted Baptist minister, for many years connected with the Baptist General Board, Atlanta, Georgia. Prof. W. W. JAMES' wife was Miss Annie P. HOWELL, a sister of the late Dr. J. W. HOWELL of Bryan. Mrs. JAMES who is still living in Austin, often visits in Bryan and has many friends here." The JAMES family was not located on the 1870 census for Brazos County but in 1880, he and his family were shown as follows: JAMES, William W. age 54 School Teacher VA VA VA Annie P. 33 Keeping House SC SC SC John R. 15 Clks in Store TX VA SC Annie E. 13 At School TX VA SC Willie C. 12 At School TX VA SC Frank K. 10 At School TX VA SC Judson S. 8 At School TX VA SC 123 X 124 James T. 2 TX VA SC Benjamin F. 23 (Nephew) - Teacher VA VA VA Apparently there was another son, H. A. JAMES, who was born after 1880. He is listed as a son in the obituary ( Bryan Daily Eagle Aug 3, 1933) for his mother, Mrs. William W. JAMES. An advertisement in the Bryan Appeal and Post of September 29, 1876 tells us that in addition to W. W. JAMES as Principal , the Bryan Institute employed Miss Mary F. HAWKINS as head of the female department. Other teachers were Miss Sue McLELLAND, music and Miss E. J. SPENCER, Art Department. The session started on September 4, 1876 and ended on December 22, 1876. Other teachers were to be added to the faculty as required. As can be seen by the following comments, Prof. JAMES was recognized as an excellent educator. Mr. H. 0. BOATRIGHT, in an article in the Bryan Daily Eagle, May 3, 1929, makes the following comments about the school; "When the cotton chopping and other farm work played out, and the fall season came on, I went to school to JAMES' Academy, owned and conducted by Prof. JAMES (a great- uncle of James W. JAMES of Bryan). The school ... is remembered l o v i n g l y by many of the "boys and girls" of that day. Prof. JAMES had two assistants, a nephew, D. L. JAMES and Mrs. EATON. "Prof. JAMES, I feel sure to say, was the best teacher I ever knew. While his school was a one man school and he taught the primer to beginners and astronomy to the advanced classes, he did both to perfection. Prof. JAMES also taught us to write. I still remember clearly many of the `cop.ies' he wrote in my little copy book. "As I think of those long gone school days, how the pupils of that day come trooping before me: Will R. EDRINGTON, Will DAVIS, Charlie DAVIS, Hamp DAVIDSON, George G. KELLY, R. J. and J. S. FORD, A. M. RHODES, Octavus- KING, Guy HILL, R. S. WEBB, Jas. H. WEBB, Pete MCCOY, R. C. CHATHAM, M. H. JAMES, J. H. COVEY, Paul E. PAGE, John BISHOP, Will BISHOP, Burton S. CASTLES, now of New York, he was my special friend and my deskmate . And there was also, Oliver, John and George TABOR, John and Jim CHANCE, Billie and Bob KING, Sam HALL, C. A. HARRIS, Will HARRIS, Bob ASTIN, Tom WARD, Tom EATON, Walter MCINTOSH, Eugene MOSELEY, Phil SCALLION, Tom DECHMAN, Jim DECHMAN, J. M.. RADFORD, John and Vance FULKERSON, Morris MITCHELL, Walter BARNETT, W. T. JAMES, Devalson BARNETT, Edgar BELL, John and Charlie WILLIAMSON, W. A. WITHERS, Dan SIMS, Sam SIMS, Sam and Walter DOWNARD, Bob DANIELS, Taylor and Mark ROBINSON, Green, Reuben and Joe GRANT. "And among the school girls, I remember Carrie EATON, Lillie HASWELL, Leilia, Lizzie and Annie LAW, Snowbird GATES, Rowena BOYLES, Lou FORD, Mollie and Ella RAWLS, Rachel FLOURNEY, Kate SHELTON, Carrie RHODES, Emma and Laura MITCHELL, Della WILKERSON, Nannie HALL, Hattie WEBB, Ella, Mattie and Lula KING, Lucy SIMS, Lou ERWIN, Mary GATES, Luelle DAVIS, Annie GRANT, Eula and Minnee COVEY, Mamie DOWNARD, Lottie PAGE, Mattie TABOR, Frances CLOWER, Mamie RADFORD, Ona WARD, Cora RANDOLPH. "In this dear old Academy the pupils were given mental training and drilling that served them well in every phase of life, and remained valuable always. I know that this modern day is a day of specialists in all branches, but I fear sometime that in securing so much special education we have perhaps suffered for the fundamentals. J. E. COVEY of the COLE Hardware Company speaks of Professor James in an article in the Bryan Daily Eagle of November 2, 1926: "He (Mr. COVEY) went to school in Bryan, attending both private and public institutions. In the public school he studied the blueback speller from Miss O'BRIEN and Miss Annie WOODLIFF, while he went to private school to Professor JAMES ... Mr. COVEY says that Professor JAMES would clutch three switches in his hand, and that he possessed a stroke that eclipsed any of the modern golf players." In August 1881, Professor JAMES went to Belton, TX to take charge of the schools at Belton. We were unable to find a death date for him since he was not listed on the Texas Death Index. His wife Annie P. JAMES died at her home in Houston, TX on 2 August 1933. Her obituary indicates she had a Houston funeral service as well as one in Austin, followed by burial in an Austin Cemetery. The natural assumption would be that possibly Professor JAMES was buried in an Austin Cemetery but we don't have any confirmation of this. Ruth HARP and Janis HUNT With help from Bill PAGE EM NOTES CONCERNING BRAZOS COUNTY EDUCATION, 1844 -1879 compiled by Bill Page Although few official records concerning the first Brazos Co. schools exist, some unofficial records remain. The following notes shed light on those early schools. I have included a few articles about Wheelock schools (in Robertson Co.), since some Brazos Co. students probably attended them. Education. The Subscriber, having established a permanent Institution for the education of youth, in Robertson County, near KELLOGG's Post office, takes this method to inform the public generally, that he will receive such pupils as may be entrusted to his care. Having had six years experience as a teacher, he flatters himself, that by unremitted attention attention, he may merit the patronage of those who confied their children to his supervision. References could be given, and an egotistical display of Recommendations could be made, but he considers.that all of these weigh but little with men of sense. If, however, any should doubt his qualifications, or his capacity to impart instruction, he invites such to satisfy themselves in either particular by a personal examination of himself and scholars. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions of five months each, commencing on the first Monday of February, and the third Monday in July. Terms per Session. For those branches usually taught in a common English school $10.00. Greek and Latin, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Surveying, and the higher branches of Mathematics, as well as Philosophy and Chemistry, $15.00. Students will be admitted at any time, and charged tuition from the time of admission, to the end of the session. No deduction made for absence, unless in case of protracted sickness. No student will be admitted unless able to spell, at least, in two syllables. Good boarding can be had in the neighborhood at from five to six dollars per month. Hiram HANOVER, Nov. 9, 1844. National Vindicator (Washington on the Brazos), 30 Nov. 1844, p. 4. Ordered that Joshua SEALE be authorized to locate four leagues of land to be the property of Brazos Co. and to be located by certificates to be issued by the Board of Land Commissioners of Brazos Co. The four leagues to be appropriated as a school fund (under the state laws). Joshua SEALE will receive $ 100 for each league of land located and surveyed provided the said land is not more LZI 127 that 100 miles from Brazos Co. ( Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes 15 Apr. 1850, p. 538.) Alexander was the oldest school in the Tabor area. It was established prior to the date 1865. Mr. LEFEVER donated the land to the school. William GLASS taught the first school in a log house. Robert and Hugh HENRY and James WALKER were the first trustees. Mr. BERTON taught during the Civil War... "Early School Days at Tabor Area Revealed in 1916 History ...," Bryan Dail Eagle 16 May 1945, p. 5; Brazos Co. Deed Book E, p. 196, 2 Oct. 1856. July 24, 1856: Know all men whom it may concern that we James W. PARKER and Frances J. PARKER, his wife, have this day executed a deed of trust to a certain tract or parcel of land, said deed to be made to Mark A. COLEMAN, C.A. KOONCE and G.H. LOVE, trustees appointed to record said deed, in trust by the subscribers to a certain public school house and church, which said house aforesaid is to be built on the said tract of land aforesaid. Said house to be a public school house and Methodist Church but to be free for all other religious denominations ... Make this the said deed aforesaid for the purposes aforesaid and in the consideration of the sum of fifteen dollars good and lawful money ... Attest: Jos. D. LEWIS, William PRICE. Brazos Co. Deed Book F, p. 51. This day was presented to the court the school account of Wm. S. STEWART teacher for the sum of $ 77.50. It is therefore ordered ... that he have his draft on the county treasurer for the sum of nineteen 32/100 ($19.32) dollars, being 1/4 of his account out of the school fund. ( Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes 15 Feb. 1858, p. 13). [Sites of polling places were] In election precinct no. 3 at the new school house and that William S. STUART be appointed presiding officer. In election precinct no. 4 at the school house near Joseph A. SEALE and that Hardin NEVILL be appointed presiding officer in said election precinct ( Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes 15 Feb. 1858, p. 13). This day the court proceeded to the appointment of a Board of School Examiners as required by ... the amended School Law, approved Feb. 5, 1858, and it is ordered by the court that William McINTOSH, David McINTOSH & G.B. REED be and they are hereby appointed said Board for Brazos Co. ( Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes 17 May 1858, p. 21). 128 Distributed the school funds. Paid all tuition at 10 cents per day for each child taught. Paid to the patrons of the school taught by F.W. MASSEY $ 164.20. Money delivered by Jesse R. WALLACE and G.H. LOVE. Paid to the patrons of the school taught by Thomas SEALE: $ 119.10. Money delivered by James M. ZIMMERMAN and Joseph A. SEALE. Paid to the patrons of the school taught by William S. STUART: $ 71.80. Money delivered by Robert M. HENRY and George McMILLAN. Paid to the patrons of the school taught by James COLLIER: $ 93.60. Money delivered by Robert JOHNSON and S.E.W. HUDSON. Paid to the patrons of the school taught by James S. RILEY: $ 77.90. Money delivered by S.C. BOWMAN and Robert S. BENSON. Paid to the patrons of the school taught by A.C. BRIETZ: $ 91.00. Money delivered by R.P. McMICHAEL and William DUNLAP. ( Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes 16 Nov. 1858, pp. 27 -28). A.C. BRIETZ's school; money delivered by R.P. MCMICHAEL and N.W. RECTOR persons paid: E.M. MILLICAN, Wm. DUNLAP, Willis MILLICAN, Lewis RECTOR, Wm. HASWELL, R.P. MCMICHAEL, J.A. BARKER, G.W. BRANTER, W.C. WALKER, N.W. RECTOR. Miss Sarah C. BRASHER's school; money delivered by S.C. BRASHER and N.W. RECTOR ... persons paid: William FARQUHAR, B.G. RIVENS, Rich. NORWOOD, N.W. RECTOR, B.A. CHRISTIE, S.C. BRASHER. John ROBERTS' school; money delivered by J.A. WALKER and Harvey MITCHELL ... persons paid: James WALKER, Wm. LAWRENCE, S.B. JETUN, Wilson REED, H. MITCHELL, T.J. FULLERTON, C.C. SEALE, Geo. HIGGS, Jno. WALKER, H.R. HENRY. Jas. S. RILEY's school; money delivered by Jos. A. SEALE and J.M. ZIMMERMAN ... persons paid: H. NEVILLE, J.M. ZIMMERMAN, W.A. HOLLOWAY, J.W. SEALE, N. ELLISON, Thos. SEALE, H.P. WILLIAMS, Elijah HOLLOWAY, Levi SWEAT, F. NEWMAN. Bettie DOUGLASS' school; money delivered by P.F. MITCHELL and Jos. WALKER ... persons paid: C.G. SEALE, H. MITCHELL, Jas. WALKER, John WALKER, T.B. LAWRENCE, T.J. FULLERTON, H.R. HENRY, R. JOHNSON, J.B. HOWELL, Jas. KIRKHAM, Josh NASH, John YOUNG, S. JETTON. G.B. RIVENS' school; money delivered by Jas. McMILLAN and Rob. M. HENRY ... persons paid: Jas. McMILLAN, R.M. HENRY. S.S. JONES' school; money delivered by B.G. McGREGOR and N.W. RECTOR ... persons paid: B.G. McGREGOR, T.J. RECTOR, N.W. RECTOR, B.A. CHRISTIE, J.M. HOOD. J.A. SANDERS' school; money delivered by J.P. MITCHELL and Robt. JOHNSON ... persons paid: J.P. MITCHELL, Rob. JOHNSON, G.R. REED, S.E.W. HUDSON, H.G. HUDSON, J.W. PEARSON, W.H. HARDY, Mrs. M.J. ROBERTS, T.M. COOPER. Mr. HORTONS' school in Robertson Co.; money delivered by Jno. B. NASH and Marshall PAYNE . . persons paid: Jno. B. NASH, Marshal PAYNE, Jeremiah PAYNE, Jos. D. YOUNG. ( Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes Nov. 1859, pp. 45 -47). 129 Apportionment of school funds ... E.W. MOVEY's school; money delivered by R.P. McMICHAEL and B.H. PEVERLY ... persons paid: Wm. DUNLAP, M.E. MILLICAN, R.P. McMICHAEL, Willis MILLICAN, B.H. PEVERLY, J.L. BECKHAM, H. HARDY, N.W. RECTOR, Wm. CUNNINGHAM, A. GARDNER, J.H. MILLICAN, Lewis RECTOR, Mrs. NICHOLS. Mrs. Sarah C. FARQUHAR's school; money delivered by Thomas J. RECTOR and J.M. HERN persons paid: Wm. FARQUHAR, N.W. RECTOR, B.G. RIDENS, B.A. CHRISTIE, Richard NORWOOD, F.G. PAINE, T.J. RECTOR, Wm. PHELPS, J.M. HOOD. C.J. MILLER's school; money delivered by Len HUDSON and J.P. MITCHELL; persons paid: John ADAMS, Wm. C. BOYLES, Wm. H. HARDY, Len HUDSON, Rob. JOHNSON, J.L. KENDALL, James McMILLAN, J.P. MITCHELL, Jacob PEARCE, J.W. PEARSON, G.B. REED, Wilson REED -- for scholars sent to his first school, and on his second school as follows, to -wit: John ADAMS, Wm. C. BOYLES, J.C. BOYETT, J.M. COOPER, Matthew DUNN, Wm. C. GREER, Wm. H. HARDY, Len HUDSON, S.E. HUDSON, H.G. HUDSON, Rob. JOHNSON, J.P. MITCHELL, Jas McMILLAN, J.W. PEARSON, Martha J. ROBERTS, G.B. REED, Wilson REED. A.B. ANTHONY's school; money delivered by Geo. W. JAMES and B. COMSTOCK; persons paid: B. COMSTOCK, Miche SYMMS, G.W. DAVIS, H.G. HUDSON, G.W. JONES, Perry MIDDLETON. Wm. S. STUART`s school; money delivered by C.C. CLAYTON and Matthew DUNN; persons paid: C.C. CLAYTON, Matthew DUNN, Martha J. ROBERTS. R.M. WHITE's school; money deliverd by Mark COLEMAN and Richd. McDONALD; persons paid: J.W. PARKER, J.W. ARNOLD, M.A. COLEMAN, W. HOLLOWAY, R.M. McDONALD, J. SIMMONS, Hugh REED, R. WHITE, F. NEWMAN. M.J. STEEL's school; money delivered by A.M. BALL and Joshua SEALE; persons paid: J.M. ZIMMERMAN, S.T. DARWIN, Reubin DARWIN, Narcissa ROBERTSON, A.M. BALL, Joshua SEALE, G.N. JACQUES, Norton RIGHT (WRIGHT ?]. S.M. HUNTER's school; money delivered by Thomas C. BOWMAN and J.M. ESTES; persons paid: T.C. BOWMAN, R.S. BENSON, J.M. ESTES, J.T. STINERT, Joshua SEALE, J.L. BOWMAN, G.W. DANIELS, J.A. HUNTER, Mrs. S.A. HENRY. J.M. WARE's school; money delivered by Matthew McDONALD and Mark COLEMAN; persons paid: Mark COLEMAN, J. GEORGE, E. HOLLOWAY, G.H. LOVE, M. McDONALD, R. McDONALD, T. NEWMAN, J. PARKER, H. PAINE, H. REED, E. WILLIAMS. ( Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes 19 Nov. 1860, pp. 68- 69). This day the court proceded to examine the school reports made for the year 1861, and it appears that there are six schools reports ... to J.W. DICKSON, 82 days at 8 cents per day $ 6.56; to C.J. MILLER, 3 schools, 1006 days at 8 cents per day $ 80.48; S.W. HORTON, 956 days at 8 cents per day $ 76.48; James S. PERRY, 1152 days at 8 cents per day $ 92.16 ... ( Brazos M Co. Commissioners Minutes 23 Oct. 1861, p. 90). [Ad]. Wanted -- by a farmer in Brazos Co., a lady of experience and competent to teach all the branches of an English education, with music on the piano forte for whose services a liberal salary will be paid. Address at Hollandall. M.F. DEMARET. Houston Tri Weekly Telegraph 1 Nov. 1861. Matthew DUNN's School House. Precinct 4 elections were held in 1861 at this schoolhouse on the west side of the county ... (See Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes Book A, p. 78). J.A. SEALE's School House -- elections in precinct 3 were held at this school house on J.A. SEALE's land along Sandy Creek in 1861 and 1863. (See Brazos Co. Commissioners Minutes Book A, p. 78, 114). [Ad]. A teacher wanted. We wish to employ a female teacher for twelve months. We have about 25 scholars. J.P. MITCHELL and others. Boonville, Brazos County ... (Houston) Tri - Weekly Telegraph 20 Aug. 1862, p. 2. About 1864 a school house was built on Kinch WOMBLE's land near the [Brazos] river and Miss Sallie NEWSOME, a graduate of Baylor University at Old Independence was the first teacher. She taught there seven years and resigned to marry T.T. GOODWIN. Bryan News Apr. 3, 1940, quoted in Winfred Broadus SMITH Papers, Texas A &M Univ. Archives, location MS2 -B60; box 8, file 9 -7. Also see Brazos Co. Marriages, Book C, 1869 -1872, p. 281. Feb. 13, I commenced teaching school at Millican and had 13 scholars. During the next 3 days I attended my school; the enrollment increased to 18 ... [April 24 or 25] Collected $ 12.50 of Mr. BECKHAM, who had withdrawn his children from the school. I had sent to Houston for books and slates; got 1/2 doz. slates and 1/2 doz. spelling books for $ 9 ... Tuesday, May 2, I went to the school house and dismissed my school ... (May 6] Went to town to see Mr. McFADDEN and others about my school account but failed to find them ... [June 13] Went to town to make collection on my school accounts, but got nothing. Recd of Mrs. LOFTEN $ 1.50 for a book and a slate ... [Sept. 6] Recd of Sister WILSON for schooling, $ 3.50 [Sept. 20] Sent by Mr. WILSON to Sister BRASHEAR, 50 cts., which she had accidently overpaid me for schooling ... (From W.S. SOUTH Journal, in HULL Papers, Texas A &M Univ. Archives, location MS- 04-A29, box 1, file 1 -11). [ad] Prof. ALLEN's School, Wheelock, Texas, will resume F-11 131 exercises on the first Monday in Sept., 1865. The full collegiate course is thoroughly taught in this school. T Ton at usual rates in advance payable in money or A i stock sheep. Board in private families on good terms. The school rooms and chapel are large and comfortable. J.B. ALLEN., Houston Tri Weekly Telegraph 24 July 1865, p. 3. Bryan Male and Female Seminary ... The Board of Trustees of the above institution take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Bryan, and the public generally, they have acquired for the use of the school, a large, comfortable and convenient building in which the next session will open on the first Monday in September. College classes will be regularly organized, a juvenile will also be specially provided for under the most favorable arrangements. The institution shall be equal to any in the country, and the curriculum shall embrace a full classical, scientific, commercial, musical, and ornamental course. Tuition shall be reasonable. Faculty: John J. BERRYMAN -- president and professor of intellectual and moral science and ancient languages; R.A. BEAUEFORD [BLANFORD] -- professor of mathematics, civil engineering, bookkeeping; Mrs.,V.D. EATSON -- professor of English, literature, history, etc.; W. KEMPT -- professor of modern languages, etc.; Mrs. C.H. RANDOLPH -- juvenile department; - -- BROWN -- professor of music; William DAVIS, president of trustees; D. Port SMYTHE, secretary. (From the Bryan News Letter Aug. 28, 1869, quoted in Lois A. WILCOX's, Early History of Bryan Texas masters thesis, Univ. of Texas, 1952, pp. 134 -135). Mrs. R.A. BLANFORD, of Bryan, wife of Professor BLANFORD, of the Bryan College, died on Monday last. Galveston Dail News 11 Mar. 1870, p. 3. [ad] The Odd Fellows' University and Orphans' Home ... We desire to call your attention to an enterprise which our Lodge has had in view for some time -- the erection of an Odd Fellows' University and Orphans' Home in our city ... We do not propose to erect a palatial edifice, where the funds contributed would be squandered in vain show ... T.T. SMOTHERS, President of the Board of Directors; R.A. BLANFORD, Sec'y. Galveston Dail News 19 Apr. 1870, p. 4. An Act to Incorporate the Texas Odd Fellows' University and Orphans' Home. Section 1. Be it enacted ... that T.T. SMOTHERS, George JOHNSON, R.N. BLANFORD, William McINTOSH, A.M. WILSON, L.A. STERNE, H.W. HALL, I.M. ZIMMERMAN, Wm. LAMBDEN, T. McCARTY, G.I. GOODWIN, H. HARDIN, J.P. MITCHELL, T.J. BEALL, G.W. CASTLES, E. 132 LITTLEFIELD, H.S. NEWLAND, I.I. KUMBROUGH, T.D. WILSON, and Alexander McKEE, and their successors, are hereby declared an aggregate corporation ... Approved July 28, 1870. (Texas, 12th Legis., Called Session. Special Laws 1870, p. 50). An Act to Incorporate the Bryan Male and Female Seminary ® Be it enacted the Legislature of the State of Texas, that William DAVIS, H.A. MOORE, F.M. LAW, H.T. DOWNARD, Spencer FORD, W.B. EAVES, T.D. WILSON, Harvey MITCHELL, J.W. TABOR, F.R. SMITH, J.S. STEWART, T.J. BEALL and B.H. DAVIS, and their associates and sucessors in office, be and they are hereby incorporated and created a body politic and corporate ... Approved May 26, 1871. Texas, 12th Legis., 1st Session, Special Laws 1871, p. 517. Testimony of C.W. GARDNER. In July or August, 1871, I was a member of the Board of School Directors of Brazos County, when Col. DeGRESS came to my house in Bryan and told me, in a conversation between us relative to building school houses, that there would have to be a great many school houses built, and that he wanted me to contract for building them in Brazos Co. He also told me that whatever contracts I wanted him to approve to inform him by writing on a separate slip of paper, to be enclosed with the contract, the word "good," or something to that effect. The impression made upon my mind by Colonel DeGRESS was that there was money to be made in the taking of the contracts. I repeated his conversation soon after to Frank MOORE, District Clerk of Brazos Co., and we both came to the conclusion that Colonel DeGRESS was acting very foolish in making such a proposition to a mere acquaintance. I was a member of the Twelfth Legislature at that time ... I do not know that Col. DeGRESS has shown any partiality to any teacher or school officer in Brazos Co. Col MITCHELL and I went security for the lease of certain school houses in Brazos Co., because the parties who owned them would not lease them to the state without such security [dated 8 Feb. 1873] Report of the Special Joint Committee of the Thirteenth Legislature for Investigation Into the Official Conduct and Accounts of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and of his Subordinates (1873), pp. 43 -44. Kentucky University. In the catalogue of this institution appear the names of the following students Julian C. KENDRICKS, Joseph J. KENDRICK, Bryan ... Galveston Tri Weekly News 11 Aug. 1871, p. 4. Mr. BERRYMAN, of Bryan, has been engaged by the Trustees to take charge of the Gonzales College ... Galveston 133 Dail News 12 Aug. 1871, p. 3. (Miss Lennie S. GILLEN married A.M. LAMM before moving to Texas.] ... When the young couple came to Bryan, Mr. LAMM followed his vocation as farmer and painter, while Mrs. LAMM heard the call to join the educational forces. On Sept. 14, 1871, she took the teachers' examination under A.W. LEEDOM, supervisor of the 28th judicial district, and received a second class certificate valid for one year. This certificate was issued by the first State Superintendent of Texas after Texas was released from military rule. Dr. DePort SMYTHE acted as county superintendent when Mrs. LAMM started her pedagogical labors. Funds were meager and salaries were very low. The superintendent recommended to the patrons of the Prospect school where Mrs. LAMM taught that they levy an assessment of 5 cents a day per pupil to supplement the state funds. Mrs. LAMM taught eight years. She also had music scholars, but at this early period few people had ever seen a piano ... (From "Young Texans Taught Three R's Sixty Years Ago by Hondo Woman ...," Br an Weekly Eagle 18 Feb. 1932, p. 5). Prof. H.N. GEORGE, of Bryan, is now in our city for the purpose of organizing a Dancing School. The Prof. comes to us very highly recommended as a skilled teacher, and a polished gentleman and we wish him great success in his undertaking. Semi - Weekly Brenham Banner 26 Sept. 1871, p. 3. Brazos County. Names of Teachers No. of payments Aggregate amount paid HALL, Maggie S. 2 $142.50 PHILLIPS, M.A. 3 $261.00 BLEDSOE, Nannie R. 1 $ 67.50 FOSTER, C.B. 3 $157.50 BARTEE, John H. 2 $142.50 WATFORD, G.A. 3 $229.99 McLAUGHLIN, E.T. 2 $157.50 CELLEY, W.T. 3 $202.50 LAMM, Lannie 3 $232.50 MARSH, Irving 2 $129.00 WILLIAMS, T.J. 3 $319.00 CUNNINGHAM, M.M. 3 $261100 CURTIS, Elizabeth R. 1 $ 75.00 HARRIS, E.S. 3 $175.00 LYNCH, E.J. 2 $142.50 McCULLOUGH, Wm. 2 $165.00 SANDERS, D.H. 1 $ 45.00 ALFORD, John W. 2 $ 82.50 BOLTON, Jas. W. 2 $117.50 non EDWARDS, Arthur 3 $192.50 HANCOCK, C.J. 1 $ 52.50 SQUIRE, Robt. 2 $125.00 CHURCH, James 1 $107.50 BRANCH, M.L. 2 $165.00 SAVAGE, L.W. 1 $ 41.66 VAUNOY, Sudie J. 2 $150.00 PRESTIDGE, W.D. 2 $ 52.50 ANTHONY, D.E. 1 $ 90.00 HIGGASON, G. 1 $ 90.00 BERRYMAN, J.J. 1 $110.00 MILBURN, Mary 3 $155.00 Total $4,436.65 Amount of appropriation $4,436.75 Balance due the county .10 (Austin) Daily tate Journal 10 May 1872, p. 1. Know all men by these presents that whereas the Texas Odd Fellows University and Orphans Home is justly indebted unto Wm. McINTOSH in the sum of fifteen hundred and seventy nine & 48/100 dollars gold coins as evidenced by promissary note ... Signed J.W. BOYLE vp and acting president, H.S. NEWLAND sec pro tem ... ($ =zos Co. Dee Records Book N, p. 85, 6 June 1872) We notice by the Houston Union that Deputy SMITH, whom we understand to be a brother of Geo. W. SMITH, Supervisor of Schools at Bryan and postmaster at Corsicana, has suddenly left the post office there ... (Austin) Dai State Journal 18 June 1872, p. 2. State of Texas, Co. of Travis. This public instrument of writing made and entered into by and between Jno. A. LOWERY of the city and state of New York acting by his attorney in fact duly authorized P. DeCORDOVA of the first part and A.R. CANFIELD, A.G. NEELEY and James M. FARQUHAR of the second part herein duly appointed trustees witnessed that whereas when my said attorney laid out the Village of Minter in the Co. of Brazos he with my full authority dedicated the lower half of the ten acre lot number five for school purposes for said village and the inhabitants of said village of Minter have built a school house on said lot but no deed has ~ been made heretofore for the same ... ( Brazos Co. Deed Records Book U, p. 135, 12 Oct. 1872). Know all men by these presents that I, Henry CRENSHAW ... for and in consideration of the sum of five dollars cash by me in hand paid by J.H. MITCHELL, R.J. SHORT, J.D. WHITTEN, Z.P. PEARSON, and H. CRENSHAW, trustees of Wickson School House, and all of said county and state, and for the purpose, consideration of my desire to J 135 encourage a permanent school and promote the facilities of education in the said vicinity especially, and the receipt of the said sum ... (Brazos Co. Deed Records, Book 0, p. 136). William P. ZUBER described teaching school during or after 1873 thus: At Owensville I extended one of my trips south into the northern part of Brazos County, where I found a vacancy at a school for five months. I accepted the job and dropped my book agency. In my article of agreement I promised to make it a free school, if possible. otherwise, my patrons were to pay me at the rate of two dollars per month for each pupil subscribed. But I had been an ardent secessionist and was now an ardent states-rights Democrat, and the existing powers were opposed to permitting any but radical Republicans to teach. Furthermore, the supervisor of this school district was an ignorant Negro, living in Houston, who did his work by having special deputies examine each applicant. I engaged board and lodging with my friend John WALKER, who was a former messmate from the army at San Jacinto. Then I went home and arranged to keep my family at Owensville, while I rode every Sunday evening down to John WALKER's and every Friday evening back to Owensville. on Saturdays, however, I often rode to Bryan, eight miles south of my school, to try to procure an examination But no person in the district was authorized to examine teachers except the Negro supervisor in Houston, and he, being incompetent, could only act through his special deputies. When my term had nearly expired, a Republican named McCARTY said that he would examine me and send his report to the board of education in Austin. So, without a moment of drilling, I sat down and promptly answered every question he put to me for the next hour and a half, except for the last one. McCARTY then closed his book and said he would refer my case to the board of education. Then he unceremoniously departed. McCARTY did not assign me to any class of teachers, nor recommend any salary for me, and so I failed to be recognized as a public teacher. (See ZUBER, William P., My Eighty Years in Texas, 1971, pp. 240-241). [ad] The Bryan Female Institute has re-opened with a full corps of teachers. Small boys will be admitted. D. Port SMYTHE, President, Board of Trustees. Weekly Bryan Appeal, Jan. 9, 1874, quoted in Winfred Broadus SMITH Papers, Texas A&M Univ. Archives, location MS2- B60, box 9, file 11-3. Prof. JAMES has opened a select male school in Bryan ... Galveston Daily News, 15 Sept. 1874, p. 2. 136 Bryan High School, under the management of Prof. J.J. BERRYMAN, will open on the first Monday in September. Galveston Daily News, 28 Aug. 1875, p. 2. [Bryan] Jan. 3, 1876 ... Mon. I started my children, Lidie, Bettie and Horace [SOUTH] to school at Miss Ida SMYTHE's ... paid for schooling $ 36 ... (W.S. SOUTH journal, in HULL papers, Texas A&M Univ. Archives, location MS-04-A29, box 1, file 1-19). Bryan ... On Tuesday, Dr. VERNORfs school met at the first grove south of the city, in the direction of the college, and had their own celebration .... Galveston Daily News, 7 May 1876, p. 2. The catalogue of Roanoke College, Salem, Va. ... shows a matriculation during the year of 171 students, including 24 from Texas ... Josephus W. CAVITT and Clarence V. CAVITT, of Bryan ...M.A.S. BOLTON, of Robertson Co. S. CAVITT, of Bryan ... Galveston a News, 15 June 1876, p. 2. The Millican academy will be reopened on the 19th instant, under the superintendence of Prof. PLEDGE, a gentleman of undoubted capacity as a teacher, and has had considerable experience in "teaching the young idea how to shoot." Galveston Dail News, I July 1876, p. 4. [ad] Bryan Institute. Male and Female. W.W. JAMES ' Principal. Miss Mary F. HAWKINS, Female Department. Miss Sue McLELLAND, Music. Miss E.J. SPENCER, Art Dep't. The next session will commence on the 4th of September and end on 22d of December. Tuition payable at the end of each month of 4 weeks. Pupils charged from date of entrance to close of session. Rates of tuition as heretofore. Other teachers will be added to the faculty as the wants of the school may require. The purpose of the principal is to furnish all the facilities of a first-class school, to the citizens of Bryan and surrounding country. Bryan Appeal and Post, 29 Sept. 1876, p. 2. The Third Annual Term of Mrs. SMOOT's Select School for Girls and Young Ladies will open on the 4th of September, in the BOWIE's brick building, in the rooms upstairs, recently occupied by Mr. GOODE's family. They have been arranged into school, music, recitation and play rooms, including a long corridor that cuts off the rest of the building and hall that has a side entrance, thus securing entire privacy ... The school is fortunate for the coming year in the services Of Miss SPENCER as Art Teacher. For further particulars, apply to the Principal, at school rooms, during school hours, at 0 137 other times at residence of Mrs. GRANT, on Church Street. Bryan Appeal and Post 29 Sept. 1876, p. 2. Notice. The board of school examiners for Brazos County is composed of the following named gentlemen, viz: Ju d g e , J.D. THOMAS Col. M.W. SIMS and Dr. D Port SMYTH. D.C. BARMORE, Judge C.C.B.C. Sept. 21St, 1876. Bryan Appeal and Post 29 Sept. 1876, p. 3. The session of 1876 -77 of the University of Virginia having closed, everything presents a funereal appearance to those left behind ... The Texas graduates for the session just closed, are ... Thos. R. BATTE, of Bryan Galveston Daily News 5 July 1877, p. 1. [Ad] Male and Female Institute, W.W. JAMES, principal of male department; W.H. COLMAN, A.B., principal of female department; Miss Sue McCLELLAND, music department; Miss Fannie ROGERS, painting and drawing (See EFNOR, Kate, "Historical Sketch of Brazos County, Texas," American Sketchbook vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 237 -251, 1878). Harris School House was built about 1878. The people of that community took up a collection to build the school house. Jim LAWRENCE gave the land for the house to built on. The school was named for William HARRIS. Robert HUDSPETH, James LAWRENCE and William HARRIS were the first trustees. Miss Robbie MICKLE taught the first school there ... "Early School Days at Tabor Area Revealed in 1916 History Which Was Written by High School Pupils," Bryan Dail Eagle 16 May 1945, p. 5. Prof. JAMES will open school on the ist Monday in July, for two months, offering special advantages for those wishing to attend ... The ice -cream supper given by Mrs. SOULE to the pupils of her school, was well attended, and highly enjoyed and appreciated by the little ones, as well as the older persons who had the pleasure of being present ... Brazos Pilot 28 June 1878. The State of Texas, Co. of Harris. Know all men by these presents that W.J. HUTCHINS, W.R. BAKER, and A. GROESBECK in consideration of two hundred dollars paid by the common council of the City of Bryan ... have sold all right and title in that certain land ... for the purpose of a graded free school ... ( Brazos County Deed Records Book M, pp. 253 -257. 29 Aug. 1878. Bryan The city council made a mistake in letting the contract for building the three -story brick school -house to BAILEY & Co., and, after reconsidering the contract for brick work, plastering and penciling was let to W.B. MORSE and J.D. WILSON for $ 3400, and the wood work, 138 painting, etc., to M.D. GEE for $ 3998. The house is to be finished in six months. Galveston Daily News 5 Sept. 1878, p. 4. John BRANDESKY taught school in Millican in 1879 and a Mr. FISHER taught my great - grandmother Della MOORE CROUCH her first year of school in 1882 ... (See Mary HAYES' Millican Texas p. 57). Know all men by these presents that whereas the ... city of Bryan by ordinance of the common council thereof has negotiated a loan from Frank CLARK of twenty six hundred dollars and J.M. ROBINSON mayor of said city is by virtue of said ordinance is authorized to execute this deed of trust on the property herein named ... with interest from the 1st of April next (1879) at the rate of twelve per cent per annum ... ( Brazos Co. Deeds of Trust Book D, pp. 289 -290, 31 Mar. 1879). The examination exercises just concluded by Baylor University and Baylor Female College have been unusually interesting ... Miss Lula LAW, of Bryan, opened the exercises on the part of the graduating class with an excellent essay on "The Heroic Woman" ... (Brenham) Daily Banner 18 June 1879, p. 2. June 20, 1879. Fri. I returned home and attended an exhibition at the Odd Fellows Institute. The boys of Prof. JAMES' school declaimed several excellent pieces. Miss Sue McLELLAND's music class performed well. Prof. COLEMAN's pupils exhibited some excellent work written in elegant style. Altogether it was an interesting occasion. Quite a number of our most intelligent citizens were present. I considered the whole affair highly creditable to all concerned. (W.S. SOUTH Journal, in HULL Papers, Texas A &M Univ. Archives, location MS- 04 -A29, box 1, file 1 -22). Bryan ... Professor HOGG, of the A. and M. College, HOUCK, of Leon Co., and BURR, of Robertson Co., met at Hearne to -day for the purpose of examining applicants to the state normal school from this senatorial district. The grade was, Miss Anna HARDWICKE, of Bryan, 100; Miss WALKER, of Calvert, 83, and a young gentleman, the third, graded 80. Galveston Daily News 14 Sept. 1879, p. 1. ,3 q BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS BRAND NAME BRAND NAME AND DATE F I NDLEY, JAMES W. DREW, Win. 20 APR 1876 W 14 SEP 1876 COOPER, JAMES STEELE, W.L. 21 APR 1876 16 SEP 1876 Mc K I NNEY, J.W. STEEL, F.M. 29 APR 1876 16 SEP 1876 ROGERS, JACK FRANKLIN, BENN NA 1876 18 SEP 1876 SMITH, W. W. 19 MAY 1876 ARMSTRONG, ROBT. 18 SEP 1876 LARENCE, Wxn. ARMSTRONG, ROBT. L 30 MAY 1876 k HALL, HORACE 07 JUN 1876 40 BERRYMAN, JAMES 24 JAN 1878 C� T WHEELER, ELIZABETH OSBORNE, ADD 16 JUN 1876 06 OCT 1876 ROWAN & COULTER FOSTER, JOHN S. 0 24 JUN 1876 09 OCT 1876 J KNIGHT, J.R. BATTLE, L.F. 28 JUN 1876 21 OCT 1876 SIMPSON, CHARLES GALLATIN, ANNA 17 JUL 1876 07 NOV 1876 KING, PHILIP GOODRIGHT, W.E. 08 AUG 187E 13 NOV 1876 SHORT, R.T. 11 AUG 1876 MYER, FELAND NA 1876 21 ,3 q /q® BRAND NAME D 2 DELANEY, D.A. 12 FEB 1876 JCF FRUMAN, J.C. 1876 BRAZOS BOUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS TURNER, HENRY 12 FEB 1876 IXABENY, S. 11 FEB 1876 PARKER, MILTON 17 FEB 1876 B R ROAN, BEST 18 FEB 1876 GARLAND, AMANDA 21 FEB 1876 SHIRLEY, DAVIS 29 FEB 1876 AF SCOTT, B.F. NA 1876 c 0 SHELBURNE, CURTIS 04 MAR 1876 SHELBURNE, CURTIS 24 MAY 1878 3D STODDARD, H.B. 06 MAR 1876 vi JONES, FRANC I S V. 18 MAR 1876 BRAND NAME AND DATE BROWN, DAVID 03 ARP 1876 GA ARMSTEAD, GEORG. 04 APR 1876 Mc QUEEN, T.J. 06 APR 1876 HUDSON, MELANA 21 FEB 1876 H- HUTCHINS, E.A. 26 FEB 1876 NASH, T.J. Z li 02 MAR 1876 Im MILLER, HANNAH 05 APR 1876 c a I BUSH, J.J. 06 APR 1876 Do NORWOOD, G.W.C. 06 APR 1876 MITCHELL, L.E. 06 APR 1876 THOMAS, W.G. 13 APR 1876 HC CALHOU HAYWOOD 17 APR 1876 w w WARNER, WASH. 19 APR 1876 IL BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS LL MOSLEY, MARION MA 23 NOV 1876 ' WILLIAMS, J OE Ju 23 NOV 1876 MARTIN, SIP sm 01 DEC 1876 SHAW, T.E. TW 21 DEC 1876 HENRY, T.J. 44 16 MAR 1877 KENT, MINGO MK 10 MAR 1877 JOHNSON, ABR. AJ 31 MAR 1877 HARDY, HAM 31 MAR 1877 WILLIAMS, TODD T� 14- APR 1877 ROBERTSON, MAJOR 14 APR 1877 YOUNG, ALBERT 06 DEC 1876 HILL, SARAL E. HX 14 DEC 1876 BRAND NAME LANDRUM, E. 22 NOV 1876 /I1 BRAND NAME AND DATE K�r RASH, E. R. & COOPER, SIM 09 JAN 1877 YV AIILI 1 1 t • MOON, W. J. 19 JAN 1877 JOHNSON, W.W. 22 JAN 1877 TODD, JO 30 JAN 1877 Me CULLOCK, DAVE 02 FEB 1877 GARNETT, ALEX 19 FEB 1877 MURPHY, MOUNT 22 FEB 1877 JONES J.L. 04 APR 1877 BAKER, ISAAC JR. 05 APR 1877 CALFORD, ED 06 APR 1877 TASEHEVSKY, LOUIS 13 APR 1877 ALLEN, C. B. 13 APR 1877 GOENS, ELIZABETH 13 APR 1877 BRAND NAME loc CA SF J 'z Rs mi CK FK P3 88 DAWLING, R.Z. 19 APR 1877 HAZELEY, LEVI 23 APR 1877 BANKS, Wm. 24 APR 1877 PYLE, S. M. 24 APR 1877 SMITH, RANSON 28 APR 1877 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS Mc MAHON, JAMES 28 APR 1877 REED, WILSON JR. 30 APR 1877 JOHNSON, DOCK 30 APR 1877 KINDRICK, C. 30 APR 1877 KRESESKI, FERDINARD 10 MAY 1877 SHMIBRISK, PETER 10 MAY 1877 MIDDLETON, J.R. 14 MAY 1877 HARLAN, J.R. 18 MAY 1877 BRAND NAME AND DATE Mc MILLER, SUSAN E. M. 19 MAY 1877 TURNER, ROBT. 19 MAY 1877 LOVE, J.M. 25 MAY 1877 HUDSON, ANSON 01 JUN 1877 GRAHAM, J.B. 2�` 01 JUN 1877 HUMPHEYS, T.J. HS 11 JUN 1877 BRANTLEY, R.A. qB 11 JUN 1877 BRANTLEY, A. qB 11 JUN 1877 Mc LEAN, W. A. —° 16 JUN 1877 PERRY, GEORGE GP 18 MUM 1877 Mc LEAN, A. H. A 26 JUN 1877 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS N3 BRAND NAME BRAND NAME AND DATE Mc ALILLAY, ANN L. M 16 JUN 1877 r um" MELHNTREE, JORDAN CN 30 JUN 1877 MANNING, W.T. PUGH, J.S. JONES, HUMPHRY �u 05 JUL 1877 JOHNSON, JENNIE WILSON, CHARLEY 07 JUL 1877 10 DEC 1877 CREATH, J.H. A 11 JUL 1877 CAVITT, JOSEPHINE Mc KINNEY, BEN fmc 13 DEC 1877 03 SEP 1877 AL LAWLEY S. M. MALLETT, H. FL 04 SEP 1877 COLE, JACK HOOD, LOUIS 15 DEC 1877 05 SEP 1877 OT ABBOTT, W.L. ABOT 17 SEP 1877 GENTRY, THOS. P. 21 SPE 1877 E.M. ES SHELBURNE, 21 SPE 1877 BEALL, THOS. J. 24 SEP 1877 NOWLIN, HARRIETT GN 24 SEP 1877 BRAND NAME AND DATE PEARCE, T. W. 28 SEP 1877 COLE, JACK N. JA NE 01 DEC 1877 NEWMAN, CHARLES CN 24 NOV 1877 MANNING, W.T. 30 OCT 1877 JONES, HUMPHRY �u 10 DEC 1877 JOHNSON, JENNIE 10 DEC 1877 COLE, ELIZABETH EC 10 DEC 1877 HUNT, G.A. 13 DEC 1877 CAVITT, JOSEPHINE ju 13 DEC 1877 CAVITT, JOSEPHINE 13 DEC 1877 MALLETT, H. FL 14 DEC 1877 COLE, JACK 15 DEC 1877 COX, J.F. OT 17 DEC 1877 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BRANDS l BRAND NAME SCHNAM, Wm. 8 19 DEC 1877 PATRICK HAYES, LOUISA 24 JAN 21 DEC 1877 WIGGENS, FRANCIS PETER T. 21 DEC 1877 1B ALEX M. cu BUSH, EATON, 24 DEC 1877 ME LEBEDA, AUGUST if 1878 09 JAN 1878 POTTS, Mc CRAY, ANDERSON J� 12 JAN 1878 1878 Mc GOWEN, RICHARD WILLIAMS, HARRY 12 JAN 1878 09 FEB KAOPCHZNSKI, FELIX 7F NOBLES, 18 JAN 1878 PUTZ, JAKRUB 1878 18 JAN 1878 KINDT, AUGUST j)K 23 JAN 1878 PLAGANS, Wm. W. C. 23 JAN 1878 18 FEB MOORE, THOMAS KNOX, WASH. 23 JAN 1878 MOORE, Thomas xv 23 Jan 1878 BRAND NAME AND DATE Mc CONN, PATRICK cl 24 JAN 1878 MOORE, PETER T. 1B 25 JAN 1878 EATON, M. W. ME 02 FEB 1878 POTTS, FANN I E E. pnT 05 FEB 1878 WILLIAMS, HARRY 09 FEB 1878 NOBLES, I . F. 14 FEB 1878 GRAY, TERRELL 16 FEB 1878 PIT TS, W. C. 18 FEB 1878 KNOX, WASH. 19 FEB 1878 WILSON, Win. 19 FEB 1878 WILSON, MARY NA NA MARSHALL, CLEM Rfl 19 FEB 1878 BONNER, MATILDA jo 22 FEB 1875 1 45 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 219 Post Office: Bryan 12 Oct 1870 Printed #110 O + U +� O d U2 U O W P:l 1750 1750 SDVMONS 10 M B miss Ma r M ary 7 F . B of Amos 8 M B Tex Nathan 3 M B it Sarah 1 F B to Henry 3/12 M B May of ^` 51 51 MICHENS, Bill 75 M B Farmer Va Laura 30 F B K house S.C. JONES, Ann 25 F B works on farm to MICKENS, `Clay 18 M B Laborer A1ven 7 M B ?Risther 6 F B Tex Ann 2 F B of 52 52 DORSEY, Phil 45 M B Farmer Md Louisa 50 F B K house Va Sam 18 M B La Neely 15 M B of 53 53 ST ANLEY, Sam 43 M W Farmer Ala Eliza 15 F W K house it Barney 12 M W Tex Melinda 10 F W it Georgia 8 F W of 54 54 DUCAN, Jim 30 M W Farmer Va Dianna 20 F W K house Tex_ WILLIAMS,. Henry 26. B Farmer Miss NE=, Hiram 35 M B Laborer Ga 55 55 HIGGINS, Thos 27 M W Farmer Tex Caroline 24 F W K house to James 2 M W of Wm 20 M W Laborer " 56 56 LANE, Sidney, 16 M W James 52 M W Farmer Ga Kate 44 F W K house " Hannah 14 F W K house Tex Dollie 12F W " Jim 9 M`W Selda 4 F W " India 3 F W SDVMONS , Julius 5 F B " 57 57 DUPREE, Henry 45 M Farmer Ala 146 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 220 Post Office: Bryan 12 Oct 1870 Printed ##110A Z 0 o 4 co ® m o ®� w 1757 1757 DUPREE, Ann 40 F W K house Ala Eliza 16 F W at home Tex Jane 14 F W of John 12 M W to James 10 M W of Willie 8 M W o, Tom 5 M W , o Green 8/12 M W Dec 58 58 FARQUHAR, Ed 25 M W Farmer , Adams 16 F W K house (married in Feb) S.C. Haywood 13 M B N.C. 59 59 BURKHALTER, M. 22 F W K house Ala D. P. 33 M W Farmer 2000 1000 S.C. Ala PORTER, Gus 50 M B Farmer L Maria 40 F B K house to Pinkney 18 F B if Bob 18 M B Laborer Be Maria 10 F B Tex Rose 5 F B it 1760 176o WHITE, Wash 52 M B Farming Va Laura 35 F B K house Miss Booker 16 M B Laborer L Amey 10 F B It David 6 F B Tex Richd 4 M B if Louisa 1 F B it 61 61 CADE, Emily 30 F B works on farm Ann 6 F M Laura 4 F B John 10/12 M B Oct SMITH, Rachel 90 F B V 62 62 FISHER, John 55 M W Farmer 6000 300 Ky Melinda 37 F W K house Tex Wm 24 M W Farmer to Mazy 16 F W at home it John_ 15 M W Laborer I. Job 13 M W it Martin 9 M W to Leonard 3 M W of 4 147 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 221 Post Office: Bryan 12 Oct 1870 Printed #111 a) +3 a� � � o CH o co m W o o w ¢� r v 1762 1762 NORTH, Isaac 20 M W Laborer HARDEMAN, Gen/Gerr 53 M B Farmer Etna, 41 F B K house aq >cz Nancy 16 F B works on farm Isabella 17 F B Ida 11 F B Va Eliza 14 F B S.C. Orange 11 M B Ala AA Henrietta 2 F B AB Tex 63 63 RHODES, Felix 25 M W Farmer Ai Ala Ann 20 F W K house Tex of Mollie 2 F W 64 64 ABBOTT, Wm 38 M W Farmer Sarah 31 F W K house EDWARDS, Henrietta 20 F W at home SAXON, NarTde 13 F W Robt 10 M W 65 65 NICKLESON, Arth. 55 M B Farmer Charlotta 50 F B K house Ailberry 5 M B Cato 3 M B Ed 1 M B 66 66 LEWIS, Albert 35 M B Farmer Allice 30 F B K house Jim 5 MB BAKER, Charlott 70 F B WIGGINS, Agrness 4/12 F B Mar 67 67 FORD Williams 28 M B Farmer Lydia 28 F B K house 68 68 Ed 26 M B K house (sic) Grace 26 F B If " Amey 1 F B Giles 18 M B Farming 69 69 KENO, Nelly 45 F B Farmer Taylor 22 M B " Fannie 16 F B works on farm Mingo 14 M B Laborer Jeff Davis 9 M B 1770 1770 Halifax 30 M B Farmer Delphia 26 F B K house Printed #111 a) +3 a� CH co m W o 0� aq >cz >ww Va S.C. Ala AA AB Tex Ai Ala Tex of 10,000 300 Ala Miss AA Tex AA Miss AA Tex A A La Miss Tex Va Tex Miss AA A Tex Miss A. AA Tex A AA Miss to BFAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 222 Post Office: Bryan 13 Oct 1870 Printed #111A zt�z z S-" 4� U � �4 1771 1771 JACKSON, Bob 30 M B Farmer Miss Frances 30 F B K house #I 72 72 WESLEY, Eli. 40 M B of ROSS, Zack 25 M B Laborer Ala 73 73 PAYTON, Jessie 26 M B Farmer or Sabrina 18 F B K house Tex Jerry 4/12 M B Apl w 74 74 MILL Lee 30 M W Fanner Ga Jane 28 F W K house Tex Clinton 7 M W to Mollie 6 F W 99 Wm 5 M W „ Edgar 2 M W if 75 75 BOYD, Wm 30 M W Fanner L Ann 25 F W K house of Earline 3 F W Tex 76 76 BRUNDRETT, Isaac 34 M W Farmer Mo Nancy 23 F W K house Tex Minnie 6/12 F W Feb ti COLLARD, Emrna 19 F W at home is 77 77 JENNINGS, John 33 M W School Teacher Ala. Martha 30 F W K house it Mollie 11 F W La Ludelia 7 F W $I Carey 3 F W Tex John 3/12 M W May 11 Wm E. 9 M W It THORNTON, Larke 24 M B Farming La BLANFORD, Rich 26 M W School Teacher Ky 78 78 FOOTE, Stephen 44 M W Merchant Grocer Va Eliza 41 F W K house It Martha 20 F W at home Henry 17 M W Clk in Grocery Lillie 15 F W • Roberdan 12 M W Bettie 10 F W Tex Cora 8 F W It Albert 6 M W To Alex 4/12 M W Apl It 79 79 HUNT Dick 31 M W Farmer Miss a Z41z z +� (1) hn o m o o 75 r (Ij � > ww a s 1779 1779 HUNT Martha 28 F K house Tex Wm 11 M W if Albert 6 M W " 1780 1780 PARKER, Milton 30 M W Commission Merchant 3000 250 Tenn Mary 26 F W K house Va Sams 6 M W Tex Beatrice 11 F W Miss CHANCE, John 11 M W Tex James 8 M W it 81 81 COLLINS, Thomas 40 M W Farmer Ga Clara 11 F W Fla Wm 8 M W Tex Thomas 5 M W to HURST, Thos 16 M W Ga Frances 12 F W Fla Mary 69 F W Ga 82 82 C DWELL LL , Matt 65 M M Farmer No C. Charlott 36 F B K house S.C. BOON, Wash 7 M B Miss 83 83 HALL, Horace 49 M B Farmer is Patsey 53 F B K house Ala Bedford 20 M B Laborer La Chas 1&M B Tex Peter 14 M B " 84 84 KING, Phillip 39 M B Farmer Ark Epsa 60 F B K house " Margt 35 F B Cooking " Sarah 30 F B works on farm " a Hannah 20 F B of " Cain 12 M B Ned- 10 M, B " 85 85 OLIVER, Sol 30 M'B' " Mary 25 F K house Lucy 9 F B Tex Isaac 7 M B it 86 86 ANDERSON, Ellen 28 -F B Cook Ala Dave 36 M B ' Laborer Geo 4 M - Tex � J Willie 2 M B if 87 87 JENKINS, Silas 54 M W Farmer Va BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 224 Post Office: Bryan 14 Oct 1870 Printed #112A � � a� 09 0 ® °�' a) X r-1 U as � w as r�1 �-a 4—' P f� MU O �� �A PW 1787 1787 JENKINS, Elvira 44 F W K House Ala GRIFFIN, Wm 20 M W Laborer to Mary 18 F W at home of JEVKINS , - Gibson 10 M W Tex Sophia 8 F W ° 88 88 GAGE, James 35 M W Farmer Mary 28 F W K House Leona 8 F W P ry 6 F W ry Millie 2 M W °o 89 89 EASLEY, John 50 M W Farmer Tenn Mare 27 F W K House Tex MOORE, Wm 11 M W °° Alford 8 M W if Jessie 5 M W °° John 1 M W 1790 1790 JOHNSON, William 51 M W Farmer 500 500 N.C. Love 41 F W K house Miss Willie 17 M W Laborer Tex Eolien 16 F W at home it 91 91 BAKER, Isaac 50 M W Farmer 3000 1000 Ala Ashah 38 F W K House William 22 M W Laborer Ham 19 M W ° Isaac 18 M W Lula 16 F W at home Tex Vashti 13 F w " '° to James 10 M W ° John 8 M W 92 92 BURNETT, James 56 M W Farmer 1500 1000 S.C. Mary 37 F W K house Tenn 93 93 SMITH, Dan 37 M W Farmer N.C. v Anna 46 F W School Teacher S.C. 94 94 DOUGHTEN 53 M W Farmer 2000 200 Va Eliza 30 F W K House La, NAIR, Collin 35 M W Laborer Ireland 95 95 BROWN, Matilda 54 F W.K house 1000 200 S.C. Bazil 23 M W Farmer Miss Angus 17 M W Laborer °° Rodulphus 15 M W If 151 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census - Page No. 225 Post Office: Bryan 14 Oct 1870 Printed #113 z4tz O cd a� 4-3 U 0 7 c W a3 aio v �� 9 az �a � Pq ¢A o > ww ti 1795 1795 DAFFIN, Buff 25 M W Farmer Tex Salome 22 F W Miss Chrita 2 F W Tex 96 96 BICKHAM,'John 43 M W Farmer 2000 1000 La Georgia 36 F W K House Ala Marion 15 F W at School Tex COLE, Ransom 68 M W No occupation S.C. PERKINS, Fannie 25 F B Cook La CAVITT, Hannah 10 F B Domestic servant Tex 97 97 TILL Bob 60 M B Farmer Tenn Nancy 35 F M K house Ga 98 98 COLE, Joe 20 M B Laborer La Mary 20 F B K house Tex Dinah 1 F B it 99 99 KEZEE, Ishmal 35 M B Farmer Ark Martha 24 F B K house Tex 1800 1800 BURKHALTER, John 25 M M Farmer La Josephine 20 F B K house Tex 111G.,.,.,;.h G �11 F 5 B of Jo 2M B Va Maria 60 F M Ala ARMSTRONG, Tom 25 M B Laborer of PEW, James 35 F B No Occupation if Frank 8 M B Tex Babe 5 F B if Nancy 2 F B " 1 1 PERRY, John 25 M W Farmer Ala Nancy 21 F W K house Tex Cal 3 F W is 2 2 COLLINS, James 44 M W Farmer 4000 500 Ga Weltha 30 -F W K.house Ala Georgia 2 F Tex DUNN, Mira. , 10 F B 3 3 ELLI OTT Sam 39M B Farmer N. C. Eggy 45 F_B K house of Willis 19 M B Laborer Tex Bill 10 M M " Cis 12 F B to Jack _ 6M B It 152 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 226 Post Offices Bryan 15 Oct 1870 Printed #113A .� ® +1 o 4-3 ® 7::1, F14 o � � � � arnv PC) >� ww 1803 1803 REYNOLDS,_ Synthia 59 F W House Miss Melissa 32 F W School Teacher of Rachel 28 M W Farmer of Henry 26 M W Laborer -it Martha 19 F W at home of Anderson 16 M W Laborer If Eliza 19 F W No Occupation Miss Henry 1 M W Tex 4 4 KEZEE, John 50 M B Farmer Ark Julia 45 F B K house ®e Willie 18 M B Laborer of Madison 14 M B Caroline 10 F B o° John 8 M B a, Eli 6 M B Nancy 3 F B 5 5 WILKS, George 30 M W Farmer Ga Eliza 24 F W K house Ala Myrtle 11/12 F W Sep Tex CORY, Minnie 9 F W Tex Mary 28 F W No occupation Ga Eula 7 F W Tex Edgar 4 M W it WILKES, John 23 M W Laborer Ga Monroe 21 M " to BENFORD, Wm 40 M M K POOL, Nathan 19 M M e TeX 6 6 REYNOLDS, Lewis 39 M W Farmer 1500 600 N.C. Amanda 35 F W K House Ala Georgia 15 F W at home Tex Willis 12 M W If Allice 7 F W °° Florence 4 F W it Kate 1 F W it ` SELMAN, John 13 M W works on farm to 7 7 BICKHAM, Jim 27 M B Laborer Va Eliza 22 F M Domestic Servant Tex Susan_ 20 F B works on farm K Delsia 4 F M Tex 8 8 CUPP, Wesly 27 M W Farmer Miss 15- INDEX OF SURNAMES BRUNDRETT 148 DELANEY 143 ABBOTT 140,147 BUCHANAN 123 DEMARET 130 ADAMS 129 BURKHALTER 146,151 DICKSON 129 ALFORD 133 BUR 150 DORSEY .145 ALLEN 130,131,142, BURR 1142, 1 13 38 DOUGHTEN 150 ANDERSON 149 BUSH 139,143 DOUGLASS 128 ANTHONY 129,134 DOWNARD 125,132 ARMSTEAD 143 CADE 146 DREW 144 ARMSTRONG 1440151, CALDWELL 149 DUCAN 145 ARNOLD 129 CALFORD 142 DUNLAP 128 ASTIN 125 CALHOUN 143 DUNN 129,151 CANFIELD 134 DUPREE 145 BAILEY 137 BAKER 1379142,147, CASTLES 124,131 CAVITT 136 EASLEY 150 150 CELLEY 133 EATON 123 BALL 129 CHANCE 125,149 139 BANKS 141 CHATHAM 124 EATSON 131 BARKER 128 BAR CHRISTIE 128 EAVES 132 BARKERE 137 CHURCH 134 EDRINGTON 124 BARNE TT 125 CLARK 138 EDWARDS 134,147 BARNE 133 CLAYTON 129 EFNOR 124,137 BATTE 137 GLOWER 125 ELLISON 128 BATTLE 144 BEA LL 131,132,140, COLE 125,140,151 ELLIOTT 151 BEA LL131 131 COLEMAN 124 ERWIN 125 ESTES 9EGKHAM 129,130 129,137,138 .129 .TELL 125 JE 12 COLLARD 148 COLLIER 128 FARQUHAR 128,129 152 BENSON 1289129 COLLINS 149,151 134,146 BERRYMAN 131,132, COMSTOCK 129 COOPER 1289129,142 FINDLEY 144 FISHER 138,146 13491369144 144 FLOURNEY 125 BERTON 127 BICKHAM 151 CORY 152 FOOTE 148 FORD 124,125,132, BISHOP 124 COULTER 144 147 BLANFORD 131,148, COVEY 124,125 FOSTER 133,144 BLEDSOE 133 COX 140 CRAY 139 FRANKLIN 144 BOATRIGHT 124 BOLTON 133,136 CREATH 140 FRUMAN 143 BONNER 139 CRENSHAW 134 FULKERSON 125 FULLERTON 128 BOON 149 CROUCH 138 BOWIE 136 CUNNINGHAM 129,133 BV 128,129 CUPP 152 CURTIS 133 GAGE 150 GALLATIN 144 BOYD 148 GARDNER 129,132 BOYETT 129 DAFFIN 151 GARLAND 143 BOYLE 134 BOYLES 125,129 DANIELS 125,129 GARNET 142 BRANCH 134 DARWIN 129 GATES 125 BRANDESKY 138 DAVIDSON 124 GEE 138 BRANTER 128 DAVIS 124,125 GENTRY 140 BRANTLEY 141 131,132 GEORGE 129,133 BRASHEAR 130 DAWLING 141 GILLEN 133 BRASHER 128 DECHMAN 125 GLASS 127 _- BRIETZ 128 DeCORDOVA 134 GOENS 142 BROWN 131,143,1509 DeGRESS 132 GOODS 136 154 INDEX OF SURNAMES GOODRIGHT 144 JAMES 123 GOODWIN 130,131 129,1351136,1379 GRAHAM 141 138 GRANT 125,137 JENKINS 149 GRAY 139 JENNINGS 148 GREER 129 JETTON 128 GRIFFIN 150 JETUN 128 GROESBECK 137 JOHNSON 128,129 131,140,141,142, HALL 125,131,133, 150 1 JONES 128,129,140, HAN COCK OCK 1 134 42,143,145 8 HANOVER 126 HARDEMAN 147 KAOPCHZNSKI 139 HARDIN 131 KELLOGG 126 HARDWICKE 138 KELLY 124 HARDY 128,129,142, KEMP 147 HARLAN 141 KEMPT 131 HARRIS 125,133,137 KENDALL 129 HARP 125 KENDRICK 132 HASWELL 125,128 KENDRICKS 132 HAWKINS 124,136 KENT 142 HAYES 138,139 KEZEE 151 HAZELEY 141 KENDRICK 141 HENRY 127,128,129, KINDT 139 142 KING 124 HERN 129 149 HIGGASON 134 KIRKHAM 128 HIGGINS 145 KNIGHT 144 HIGGS 128 KNOX 139 HILL 124,142,151 KOONCE 127 HOGG 138 KRESESKI 141 HOLLOWAY 128,129 KUMBROUGH 132 HOOD 129,140 HORTH 147 LAMBDEV 131 NORTON 128,129 LAMM 133 HOUCK 138 LAyDRUM 142 HOWELL 123,128 LANE 145 HUDSON 128,129,141 LARENCE 144 143 LAW 125,132,138 HUDSPETH 137 LAWLEY 140 HULL 130,136,138 LAWRENCE 128,137 HUMPHEYS 141 LEBEDA 139 HUNT 125t140,148, LEEDOM 133 149 LEFEVER 127 HUNTER 129 LEWIS 127,147 HURST 149 LITTLEFIELD 132 HUTCHINS 137,143 LOFTEN 130 LOVE 127,128,141 JACKSON 148 LOWERY 134 JACQUES 129 LYNCH 133 MABENY 143 McALILLAY 140 McCARTY 131,135 McCLELLAND 124,136 137 MCC 139 McCOY 124 McCULLOCK 142 McCULLOUGH 133 McDONALD 129 McFADDEN 130 McGOWEN 139 McGREGOR 128 McINTOSH 125,127, 131,134 McKEE 132 McKINNEY 140,144 McLAUGHLIN 133 MCLEAN 141 McLELLAND 138 McMAHON 141 McMICHAEL 128 McMILLAN 128,129 McMILLER 141 MCQUEEN 143 MALLETT 140 MANNING 140 MARSH 133 MARSHALL 139 MARTIN 142 MASSEY 128 MELHNTREE 140 MICHENS 145 MICKENS 145 MICKLE 137 MIDDLETON 129,141, MILBURN 134 MILLER 129,143 MILLICAN 128,129, MILLS 148 MITCHELL 125,128, 129,130,131,132, 134,143 MOON 142 MOOSE 132,138,139, MORRE 150 MORSE 137 MOSELY 125 MOSLEY 142 MOVEY 129 MURPHY 142 MYER 144 155 INDEX OF SURNAMES (, NAIR 150 REYNOLDS 152 - -- NASH 1280142,143 RHODES 124,125,147 NEELEY 134 RIDENS 129 NEILL 145 RIGHT 129 NEVILL 127 RILEY 128 NEVILLE 128 RIVENS 128 NEWLAND 132,134 ROAN 143 NEWMAN 128,129 ROBERTS 128,129 NEWSOME 130 ROBERTSON 129 NICHOLS 129 ROBINSON 125,138 NICKLESON 147 ROGERS 124,137,144 NOBLES 139 ROSS 148 NORWOOD 128,129 ROWAN 144 143 NOWLIN 140 SANDERS 128,133 SAVAGE 134 O'BRIEN 125 SAXON 147 OLIVER 149 SCALLION OSBORNE 144 SCHNAM 139 SCOTT 143 PAGE 124 SEALE 126,127 PAINE 129 129,130 PARKER 12791299143 SELMAN 152 149 SHAW 142 PAYNE 128 SHELBURNE 140,143 PAYTON 148 SHELTON 125 PEARCE 1299140 SHIRLEY 143 PEARSON 128,1291 SHNIBRISK 141 134 SHORT 134 PERKINS 151 SIMMONS 129,145 PERRY 129,141,1519 SIMMS 125,137 PEVERLY 129 SIMPSON 144 PEW 151 SMITH 130,132,1.34 PHELPS 129 135,1410144,1469 PHILLIPS 133 150 PITTS 139 SMOOT 136 PLAGANS 139 SMOTHERS 131 PLEDGE 136 SMYTH 137 POOL 152 SMYTHE 131,133,135 PORTER 146 136 u POTTS 139 SOULS 137 PRESTIDGE 134 SOUTH 130,136,138 PRICE 127 SPENCER 124,136 PUGH -140" SQUIRE 134 PUTZ 139 STANLEY 145 PYLE 141 STEEL 129,144 STERNE 131 RADFORD 125 STEWART 127,132 RANDOLPH 125,131 STINERT 129 RAWLS 125 STODDARD 143 RECTOR 1289129 STUART 127,128 �_�� REED 127,128,129, SWEAT 128 141 SYMMS 129 TABOR 124,125 TASEHEVSKY 142 THOMAS 137,143 THORNTON 148 TODD 142 TURNER 141,143 VAUNOY 134 VERNOR 136 WALKER 127,128,135 138 WALLACE 128 WARD 125 WARE 129 WARNER 143 WATFORD 133 WEBB 124,125 WESLEY 148 WHEELER 144 WHITE 129 WHITTEN 134 WIGGENS 139 WIGGENS 147 WILCOX 131 WILKERSON 125 WILKES 152 WILKS 152 WILLIAMS 128 133,139,142 WILLIAMSON 125 WILSON 130,131,132 137,139,140 WITHERS 125 WOMBLE 130 WOODLIFF 125 WRIGHT 129 YOUNG 128,142 ZIMMERMAN 128,129 131 ZUBER 135 /A ` \ \� 4 �� ............... 157 It is time to be thinking about dues for 1992. Membership is for the calender year, January I to December 31. 1992 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION DUES: $12.00 Single membership, quarterly must be picked up at meetings (quarterly held until next issue is published). $14.00 Single membership, quarterly mailed after issued. $18.00 Family membership, quarterly must be picked up at meetings (quarterly held until next issue is published). $20.00 Family membership, quarterly mailed after issued. (Your Name) (Address) (Tel. No.) Please list four Surnames you are currently researching. SURNAME STATE 1. 2. 3. ---- 4. -------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- — ----- 5• -------- --- — ------------------ -------- — ------ New members may also send your PEDIGREE CHART to be published in the GENEALOGIST. Please make check to BGA and return to: Brazos Genealogical Association P.O. Box 5493 Bryan Tx 77805 Persons interested in any of the following publications should contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication will between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. q Title: Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 1850 - 1910. Description: Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by groom plus maiden name index. pp 300 Author: Nadine Billingsley, 706 Pershing, College Station, Texas 77840. Title- "A Brief History of George W. WING and His Wife, Mary (MARTIN) WING and Their Descendents Down to the Present Day" Content: The story of George W. Wing (1766-1823) of Duchess County, NY and all of his descendents whom we could identify, including the author's wife and collaborator, Jane C. Portzer. 105 pages, loose-leaf, zerox-duplicated, both sides of 50+ sheets of paper, 3-hole-punched. Author: Harry J. Portzer Address: 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station, Texas 77845. Title: "A Genealogical History of Abraham EBERSOLE of Dauphin County, PA and His Wife, Eva STAUFFER." Description: Partial release: Introduction plus 2 major chapters of proposed 12 chapter work. 235 pages in the partial release, loose leaf. Author: Harry J. Portzer Address: 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station, Texas 77845. Title: "The PORTSER/PORTZER Families of America and Their Genealogies" Includes an attempt to trace all relationships. Description: All identifiable descendents of the two (all that are known) ancestral lines leading to Americans bearing the name "PORTSER or PORTZER". Biographies of these people and all their known descendents, of whatever surname. Author: Harry J. Portzer Address: 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station, Texas 77845. 3"" 3.0 Half page: Ora /year .$26.00 4x /year $78.00 Whole page: Once /year $52.00 4x /year $157.00 (All prices include tax).