HomeMy WebLinkAboutTigerland 1965 _.. x 'p ~ "V _~` ^ N r X15 Y t h. s ~.. a I~ ~- ~~"kY.; y~ro ~ .~ S i w ,~ ~ iv ~ ~ ~ b ~'d4 .2 '.{t '~ ,.~ ') ~"-`~~ /w' r5. ' ~ N fir, ~F .. ., .- ... ~ _ ` B. ~ '~ X 1 ..,. R^ ^'71 ~4~, f ~ ~ .+~:~ ar w.. ' ... rv ~ ,v .yyryanr ~ { ~ 11~Wd¢i j., r~a~~~ ~r - • ,. ~ ~ ~ , ~. tae p „~ a ~' " ~ µ . ,mss -+-• ~ h -w`.~ w . ,~.:..., ..' a' ~ ., 'e. `' = ... ~ ~. C~ ~ . s • < _. ~ . , r m tt ~` ~ ~ *r ~\ ~~ ° ~ s~ ,~~ ~ ~'~ «~ ~~ ~y~'Y,~ ~a w~X`~ ~e ~ ~Q k~ e sk.~D t k„~ s~, w C~ ~~~~ ~~j J~~' ~''r '" ~., ~ f o~~ ~ ,~~ s~^ ~ ~~,,~~ `y l~ 196 S ~~? TIGERL , , D c ~. ~~~j~ " 1~ -~ A 8c M CONSOLIDA TED HIGH SCHOOL College Station, Texas ~ " ~ ~ Volume 27 . -~''~ ~ ~ i. ~~ 4~~9 I 3 Contents Page Dedication ........................................ ~ Faculty ............................................5 Classes ..........................................17 rganizatLOns ................................63 T~ho's T~ho ....................................85 Limelight ......................................93 Sports .........................................103 Student Life ................................133 Index ............................................180 Credits ..........................................195 I~ 2 Here It Is Gan ! g This is your scrapbook for the school year 1964-1965, You will find the student body at the football games in the fall, basketball games in thewinter, baseball games and track meets in Spring, Oh, don't forget the Ban- quets and Proms. When there was time, we all tried doing a little academic work, It has been a wonderful year for me and thanks to the fine annual staff, I believe this yearbook will be the very best ever. I would like to express my special appreciation to Ruth McGill, Senior Business Manager and staff artist, and Jane Rudder who served as Junior BusinessManager, I would also like to say thanks to all my section editors: Dianne Ross, Classes; Linda Bloom; Advertising; Sally Robinson and Peggy Owen; Sports, A double thanks goes out to Danny Whitt who was my main photographer, He was always ready and willing to work, and without him this yearbook would not have been possible, Thanks to Mrs. Harriet Martin, our spon- sor, and to Mr, and Mrs, Dick Cook who also helped proofread and check, To the Seniors, I hope this yearbook will always remind you of CHS, and to the underclassmen, I hope it will create excitement and interest for next year. ®ITOR r!i C /~ V ~ -~ r ~ 3 She's met us all--the neurologically nervous, the spatially slapstick, the verbally vacant. And still she cares. Even when our number concepts conk out, when we're oriented opside down, when we're visually vague, perceptually pooped, blurry brained . . She still cares! And so all Tigers consider it an honor to honor Her Honor, the Chief Counselor, Mrs. Dowell! D E D I C A T I 0 N A D M I N I S T R A T I 0 N ~~ a..~ e ~ ~.,~ ~.~~ ., r LL ,; ~~~ . ~~~ ~~_ ~ ~~ 3 z ~ w. ~ a„ ..~. ~~ . ~,~ P w a~ ~~~> P ., r~~ . ~~ ~~ e ~: a ~a~ Superintendent's Message "This Annual will be a visual reminder of your high school days--surely the most care- free time you will enjoy, i "I hope that as you look through your "Tigerland" you will recall with fondness this happy period of your life, "To the Seniors--Best wishes for your con- timed success." W. T. Riedel Superintendent of Schools x , ~ ~ ~, ,l ~~. ,~. s ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Principal's Message To the Students of A&M Consolidated High School "As we come to the close of the 1964-65 school year, it is with a feeling of responsibil- ity, confidence, hope, and joy that I pen these greetings to you. "I transmit to you my heartfelt good wishes and my desire to labor for your good, and in so doing, contribute to the A&M Consolidated Schools and to the highest interest of the youth of our nation." E. P. Ozment Principal 6 ~t K ,~ 'v'~^a{ q yap. Y' ~ , "' Po, P. r>.. v ., ~ r 2 .4e BOARD OF TRUSTEES L, to R. (seated) members are A. F. Isbell, Superintendent W. T. Riedel, President John B. Longley, Secretary to Superintendent, Armildridge Barker; (standing) George B. Hensarling, Les Palmer, Secre- tary J. O. Alexander, Jr. ; A. B. Wootan fir. SECRETARIES ;t ~ ~~r 'i t F ~~, ~: C :~ ~. School Board 7 MRS. VIOLA WESTBROOK Secretary to High School Principal MRS. P. W. BARKER Secretary to the Superintendent Englis h MRS. Sponsc man C f ~- "About your grades ~~'~ on the Hawthorne exams ! . :~ ," ~. ~~ ~ i` ~ "Hm MR. JERRY FRANKLIN Football Coach, Baseball Coach, English II, World History, Junior Sponsor, Basketball -Junior Var- sity Coach MRS. BEVERLEY SELLERS English I, Freshman Sponsor MRS. HARRIET MARTIN English IV, Sponsors Tigerland and Safari Foreign Languages "Hmmmmmm . is this Latin or German . or is it Lithuanian?" Mrs. Worley looks excited about her new Spanish Lab. HERB SCHMIDT Latin 1 and 2 German 1 9 Occupational Arts ~~ ,~ MRS. MARY PHILLIPS Homemaking, Home and Family Life, Bengal Belles and Freshman Class Sponsor ~,~ ~ ~:. t~ ~'~ MRS. ALICE RIGGS Homemaking, Sponsors FHA, and Junior Class MRS. SUE COOK Typing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Sponsors Tigerettes and Sophomore Class "Darrell, typewriter covers go on the typewriters, not on Mrs. Cook's head." 10 f -: ,~ MR. DAVID LORMS Shop, Mechanical Drawing ~, ~' MR. ARTHUR BRIGHT Algebra I & II, Advanced Math, Track Coach, Freshman Sponsor ,. 1 12 °. , ~~ a r, ~~ ..~ ~ .~„~ Mrs. Leland and her perpetually crowded desk. MRS. MARY LELAND Algebra II, Plane Geometry, Sponsors Bowling Club and Junior Class k ,~ ..~ It' 11 teac mer ~. ~ ~ Science 13 MR. KEN MORGAN General Science, Biology, Zoolo- gy, Botany, Photo Club and Senior Sponsor MR. RAYMOND STREGER Biology, Chemistry, Sponsors Freshman Class It'll take more than a book wall to protect the teachers when the students escape for the sum- mer holidays! " . He thinks that he has me stumped. I'd better have some E. S. P, with my twin brother. " Creative Arts ~~: ~~"~ ~~~~~ 14 The scholar of 'em all. MR. BILL ADKINS Band Director MRS. EFFIE DUNCAN Librarian MRS. VERA DOWELL Counselor The cafeteria staff takes a break for a bite. MRS. MABEL BARGER Art Social Studies '~"°~~ ~: ~~.~ 8 w` ~~`~ ~.~ .~ 15 MRS. ONEIDA HENSLEY Government, World History, Spon- sors Junior Class MRS, HARRIETT SPERRY American History, Sponsors the Sophomore Class MRS. PAT MEEKS Girls Physical Education, Girls Basketball Coach 16 Teacher of the Year ~~,,x ~, MR. FRANK COULTER DIRECTOR OF MUSIC DEPARTMENT f C L A S S E S ~~ :~. ~3~E ~~ .~~ ~~ ~W~! 18 '~ ~ 1 ~. ~` Senior Class 0 f ficers '' WALTER VARVEL -President YOLANDA BURKHALTER Treasurer TOMMY MEINECKE Vice President GEORGIA HERITAGE -Secretary ~~ ~~~~~~ Seniors 1965 KIM ALEXANDER } ~ r ^ ~:. JIM A MYX ANN AVERA JIM BEAMER DAN BEAUCHAMP KAREN BERNDT a 3 b" '~> ~" Hum, now was that W'=T'=P or T' P' was it V'=T'=P' T P 19 Seniors BOB BISHOP LINDA BLOOM ~~ ~ e~~ ~~ ~~ n ~~ ~~ ~~ The Senior coloring class, Once a week they study English. SUSAN BOSWELL JANET BOTNER RON BROW N YOLANDA BURKHALTER 20 s~ ~' ~~ ry ~,, ~ ~ 1 e ~ ~ . ,. 21 22 ~, ,k ~; :~ ~~ _ ~. s `` ~;~ ~ CHARLES CASTLE "How would you like this tuba over your HEAD? " TRAVIS CARROLL JAMES CARTER LARRY CARTER CHARLES COURIM BEVERLI DA V IS JULIE DA VIS Y s x' "Don't worry, Donna, it won't work. " DON De LUCIA TOM DENTON JANET DAYTON MARGARET DEASON 23 MARGARET DURST TOM DUNCAN KATHERINE EDWARDS CLAIRE ELK INS 24 ~ Watch out! BILL GILLMORE Seniors S :.. .; ~ , ...s'j DONNA FILES SANDRA FREE 25 Golly gee, I believe it's hot w ~t .tea. . 26 Billy H. , you know you can't get rid of Mrs. Mar- tin that way! BILLIE JEAN GREEK ~.. ~e ~ ~i Is it supposed to do that? VIRGINIA GREGORY GEORGIA HERITAGE ~', 27 BILLY HARRIS RUSS HARVELL HUBERT HEARNE DAVID HOLMGREEN CAROLYN HOOPER PAT HOTCHKISS ~~ ~~ ~~~ u forward to? worth it! Seniors ~a JERRY HOLBERT SCOTT HOLT PAT HORNSEY What do the Seniors have to look Sometimes it just doesn't seem AILESE HOUSTON i_' JACKIE HUNT ~; , ~, ~d ;" "Oh, these classes are long! " BOB JONES CAROLYN KEMMER ~,; , 29 Seniors Oh, goodie, maybe it will blow up! ~, J DIANNE LEIPPER z~' ~. ~'~ i 30 Oh, yeah? 1 ~? ~~ ^ Seniors BRUCE LOLMAUGH HAROLD LUEDECKE 1° ~ S' ::.wi~.s SYLVIA MANSFIELD SHARON LYNCH 31 "What's the Deal, here? " "Smile, I'm on what?" DAVID MA DDOX JANE MARTIN FRED McNEIL LINDA MEILLER TOMMY MEINECKE SHERRY MIMS BOB MORRIS Seniors RUTH McGILL 32 Seniors FRANK MORRISON CARTER OAKS VIRGINIA PATTERSON 33 Why so serious, Ya'll? DAVID MURPHY CHARLENE OGLE DAVID PARSONS JOHN PERRY DICK PEWTHERS Geography's boring for every- one, huh? JERRY PICKRON THOMAS POWELL 34 M SYLVIA PRICE ROBERT REID ^ , ~- 1 "On top of old Smoky . ' i~ I ~ e~z;~~d, ~53 RANDY RICHARDSON DEBORAH ROSE DIANNE ROSS m~ CHRISTINE SCHROEDER 35 LINDA RUDDER JON SHARON Seniors ~, ~: s ~' ~ ~~ ~ ~ R~'` ~~y ~~ BETTY STEELY JA NA SHAFFER ROSEMARY SHARP DAISY SLOAN SALLYE SORENSON ~ ~ ,_. ~~,,~, ,: ~~~ "Yea, that's right! " 36 Seniors "What! Me Worried?" TIMMY WOLTERS KAREN STUVERUD KATHY SPERRY WALTER VARVEL DANNY WHITT 37 ALICE VanWINKLE KENNETH YOUNG Say, bonfire builder, is this the first one or the second? 38 MILTON YOUNG SHARON YEAGER JOHANNA JOHNSON ~ The Seniors' Till April 10th, 1965 -Junior-Senior Banquet Ricky Carlton leaves second base and his sliding shorts to Jimbo Robison. David Holmgreen leaves his place on the basketball team to Duke Butler. David Parsons leaves his discus and ties to Mac Holcomb; and his shot put to Pat Calliham. B. J. Henry leaves his attendance records to Mary Ruth Watkins. Kathy Sperry leaves her mother to the Juniors. Bill Gilmore gives Mr. Burcham to Charles Holland. Sylvia Mansfield leaves Joe White. Charles Castle leaves his sandals to David Brusse. David Maddox leaves his taxi service to the T. F, to David Moore. Linda Bloom leaves the wrong side of the road to Kay Fisher. Peter Fagan leaves Booneville Cemetery to David Brusse. Bob Bishop and Linda Rudder leave their double dates to Steve Prescott and Linda Williams. Susan Lee leaves her play romance to Susie Brown. Ruth McGill leaves the dent in her car to Ann McMurry. Mike Doran leaves his haircut and sweaters to "Shag" Sitler. Tom Duncan leaves his fake I. D, to Tommy Cartwright. Ron Brown leaves Mrs. Martin a fat lip. Phil Butler leaves his stepladder to Mr. Burcham. Bob Morris leaves his skateboard to Lawrence Nemec. Virginia Gregory leaves her white patent shoes to Dorothy Gregory. Darrell Gossett leaves the choir. The Tigerland Turntable staff leaves Shirley Sluder her own request box. Virginia Patterson leaves her accent to Anne Ballinger. Carolyn Hooper leaves her swing to Carol Whiting. Janet Bother leaves her meekness to Evalyn Logan. Daisy Sloan leaves a big smile to Debbie Cooper. Cathryn Cleland leaves her soft hair to Janet Holt. James Carter leaves his 1953 limousine to Mike Cooper. i Chris Gooding leaves her petiteness to Jan Harris. Claire Elkins leaves her "racket" to Mike Hensarling. Donna Files leaves her voice to Lillian Surovik. Garl Gough leaves his tea and sweet rolls to Duke Miller. THE SENIORS LEAVE MRS. MARTIN! 39 E~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~a ~ ~w~..~,., , .!M ~ ~~ ~: JIMBO ROBISON - Vice-President 7~ ~,, '' s e~ ~;.r .~, ~ ~ ~~ t: a `~ ~. ~ s ~ ~r z ~ € ~~ ~~r ,4",~ t~ I ~ c s ~ 4°~ i ~ dap S ~y ~ f~ ~ ~~ } 4e .~ t ~ p` ~ -,; l <,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ a, 3 ~," ~~ 11~ ~ $, p Y" ~ } . ~ . ~~ 6 i } ~ te ~~ . ., ~ ~ a ` .. ~. ., ~` Secretary L"YNllA WELCH = ,~~ 140 SANDY MILLER -Treasurer DUKE BUTLER -President R ~x. ;: David Brusse Duke Butler s. r Pat Callihan Karen Boykin Linda Brannan Susie Brown Nancy Ashworth John Baldauf Anne Ballinger Toby Barker Ruth Becker 41 "Now, class, the art of cattle rustling is . ' t ~~ Janet Holt 42 Bubbl dered Tommy Cynthia John Cartwright Castle Chadwick Mike Loretta George David Rick Cooper Covington Creagor Creech Crow Susan Jerry Cazole Culpepper Davis Edwards "Mr. Streger, that just ain't right. " `~~ Bubbling, Boisterous, but bewil- dered . . ~_ Scott Hervey Bob Holcomb Charles Holland Ronnie Holloway Ed Goh Rodney Dorothy Barb ar a Jan Harris Mike Hensarling Janet Jane Thomas Linda Nancy Ardis Charles Holt Houze Irwin Isbell Jones Kemler Kimbrough 43 Rick Landmann ': Don Linger Larry Linton Evelyn Logan Diana Lorenz ': .-.~~ David Moore David Morley Sandra Muth Howard Nelson ,l $' 44 e Lewis Peggy Shirley Nemec Owen Oates Mason Paul Charles Newton Nolan Powell a _, Stephen Robin Mark Sally Jimbo Jane Prescott Rice Riedel Robinson Robinson Rudder 45 Rich Dorothy Charlotte Murray John Runkles Schafer Schiffman Sebesta Sechelski Sally Robinson seems to always be lecturing . . e "Ye: lepri n ,;,~. „~. sa ~f =F Tommy Smith 46 "But I can't have the car home by 2:00!" Becky Becky Shari Shirley Janice Sefik Sicilio Simmons Sluder Smith Bonnie John Paul Bruce Karen Sharp Skrabanek Sittler Smith Smith ^~3 .. °.; gem Mary Ruth Watkins Lynda Welch Carol Whiting "Yes, I really want to be a leprechaun!" "He doesn't use 'Head and Shoulders'!" Sophomore Class Officers __ ~~ t~ ~ ti ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~m~~~~ ,~~ ~r ~z 48 BILL RAMGE - Vice-president ____ _ _. DAVID ALEXANDER - President CAROLYN CASTLE -Treasurer David Barrow Jane Bashaw Kevin Bean Paul Becker Jimmy Bradley ~~,. ~ z ~~ ~~ ~-- ~ ~; ,~ David Cantey David Alexander Linda Anderson Neil Anderson Mary Beth Bailey Archie Bane 49 The annual signing party. That's what we call keeping up the Litterst tradi- tion Brenda Katie Charmille Janet ` Brannon Boswell Bridges Calliham Carolyn Sandy Elizabeth Castle Cathcart Clark "Wall Flowers? " James David Gilbert Glover #~'' rte' 1 e ~: bbY &v as.f P , ~. s Don Greer 50 Cindy Ted Cathy Deriso Nix Duke ,,~ ~, f~; j, ~,f Stephen Henry Thomas Hensarling Donna Heritage Sandra Hill Larry Holt Meg Huebner Virginia Huff Faye Inglis Gail Jackson Terry Jones Julius Junek Carolyn Layman Janet Leipper Douglas-Lewis Kathy Litterst 51 Come on, Pep Squad, let's get those lines straight! Melissa Owens Rebecca Plantt Billie Powell Katie Prator Bill Price Terry Logan Fred Maddo: ~`~,~~°` Bobby Mara Ken Martin Mike Matte ~' ~, The Sophomore girls practicing for the Powder Puff game. a~ ,, ~,,. Picfitarc h~oi ,~, ,4vr~ilgb ~~ ~~ ~ _"` . ~~ ', Deborah Schatte Tommy Schwartz Zaida Richardson David Riedel Alan Riggs Doyle Robertson 53 "But I knew it perfectly well this morning at breakfast. " 54 Celia Stark Bill Starkey Kay Storey Bob Stump Marjorie TheBerge Mike TheBerge Karen Thompson Anne Trail Jack Upham Virginia Urso ~~, '~; u~u ~'^'~ ~;~ .. .~~~ ~: ~y "There! That'll teach that fly to hang around me. " t ~~~, ~ ~~ ~~ ,, ~,. .T °~` `r ,,~ ~; ~ ~~' ~- Boyd Vincent Edward Walker Steve Watkins Carolyn Williams Wally Williams Lanell Wilson Phyllis Wolf Evalyn Worley Donna Young 55 _~~~s .a ~ ~-° "That'll be five demerits, Penny. " "If I catch that boy . . " Freshman Class Officers ~ ~~ <, ~ ~~ ~~ ~ "~' ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ dry -> ~ ~ .~, ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~., va~~~,°~~" ~~~ ~ ~_> ~ ,~ r s ~ m ~„y~, a t'~,~'"~~"~w ~' m: L .,~ '..~...~ ° . o- v t`' ~' ,a~~ i $ ~~ ~ m "-~. ~ ~` "' ~ ~ ~ M~R~ 4 g a xa~ its ~@e~ dl.4 P, a 18"?rc~Sw a k. MARY HOOPER -Secretary CELIA GOODE Treasurer JIMMY ALEXANDER President SUSAN CARTWRIGHT Vice-President Ron Baker Madalin Beasley Lois Becker Beth Black Judy Boutain Jeff Brown "Celia at work again. " Marlin Brown Steve Brown Priscilla Burke Freshmen Linda Burkhalter Jodie Calaway Ruth Ellen Calhoun Kay Callahan Mary Cantey Ed Carll Robert Carlton Susan Cartwright Wilson Corley j', ~ fi" Ie Yws lr3 a h ,~, s _1968 w$ ~ ~. ~~ ~f. .~~~ ~ ~~ 57 Freshmen working hard in the new library. Susan Creech Van Culpepper Linda Daves Harvey Dayton Andy Dean Bob Denton Georgia Diserens Bob Donaldson Ricky Dowling Jan Dozier Frank Eckles Michele Edmonds Wayne Edwards Susan Eisner Judy Elmquist » Pieture Mike England ~ Not Gary Gandy ~, ' ' r A~r~~lable Patricia Garry mob.. ~~~ sr ~'d' '.:. ~~ Dan German ~ Mike Gilbert . ~~r ~ Gerry Godfrey ~~ ~" ~'; ~~ ~ ~ , SLEEP, at last! °w ~~~. ;~ ~, ~ ~~~. 58 i~ 1 `~ Susan Goldsmith Celia Goode Jane Grumbles Fran Haugen Jim Hanna Danny Hayes Cathy Hefti Mike Heritage Frank Hertzog Dicky Hervey Helen Holcomb Charlotte Holland John Holmgreen Mary Hooper Bob Hooten Glenn Hornsey Barbara Jones Bruce Jones Roy Kelly Rebecca Kirby Stewart Kling Judy Kluth Linda Koehler 59 "Toughen up, girls. " Mike Mackin ,4,, Pactuse ~"` Nat David Mankins "''~ _~s Wanda Marquart ~ ~ ~~°'!cbCe Lee Martin Richard Maztinez Robert Martinez Betty Jo Matous Marilyn Melcher Lynda Miller 60 "Hey! There he goes now. " A Rocky Ponthieux I,ee Powell ~'~ Powell ~~~~~_~~ ~~ vlyers "CONCENTRATION" 61 Mike Shaver Tommy Shelton Vickie Simmons Wendy Smith John Sperry Sallie Stark Steve Stuverud Sandra Tenorio David Terral Jo Anna Thames Mike Thiltgen Kirk Troxler Locke Wade Tommy Walton Bill Watkins Adolph Watthuber Madalyn Weirus Nancy Weise Lamar Whiteley Douglas Williams Joe Williams Howard Willingham Gary Wortham Bonnie Young a¢~>;, r~a+ n.,~~~bt 62 "But we are studying! " 0 R G A N I Z A T I 0 N S ~~r ,.y ':. m ffi ~~ ~ _x'We ~a~ Student Council 1st row: Jerry Holbert, President; Claire Elkins, Treasurer; Daisy Sloan, Secretary; Walter Varvel, Vice-presi- dent. 2nd row: Murray Sebesta, Meg Huebner, Mary Amyx, Deborah Schatte, Susan Cartwright, Sallye Soren- son, Dickie Hervey. 3rd row: Candy Upham, David Moore, Don DeLucia, Linda Miller, Marilyn Melcher, Phyllis Wolf, Joanna Thames, Bob Denton, Steve Murray. 4th row: Rich Runkles, John Skrabanek, John Perry, Peter Fagan, Timmy Wolters, Jim Beamer, Danny Whitt, Gordon McGill, Kenneth Murphy, David Terrall, David Alexander. Not shown: Rosemary Sharp, Shari Simmons, Ardis Kemler, Mary Ruth Watkins, Larry Holt, Steve Watkins, Kathy Duke ~~^~. The Student Council represents the student body to the administration. The Council expressed student opinion on school policies. The members sponsor and direct the annual Work Day, assembly programs, student elections and fire drills. 64 W t On tl taint Cyn The games an claps, stt JERRY HOLBERT President Tigerettes On the first row are officers Beverli Davis, historian; Loretta Covington, Lieutenant; Susan Culpepper, Sr. Cap- tain; Cyndi Sousares, Jr. Captain; and Sally Robinson, Lt. Not shown; Rosemary Sharp, President. The Tigerettes, sponsored by Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Alston, perform drills and marching routines before football games and at halftimes. The Tigers' most enthusiastic fans, the pep squad, encourages the players with yells, cheers, claps, stomps, snaps, and abundant applause. 65 R ~~., . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' SHARON YEAGER Senior DEBBIE COOPER Junior ..~ z ~,~ ~~w Yell Leaders ~:. ~~ f; ~~ ~~ ~~~ ! ~' e~ ~ ~; ~~ ° ~~ DAISY SLOAN Senior CYNTHIA CASTLE Junior /~ ~` ;; 66 SALLYE SORENSON Head Yell Leader r i a{r ~ Bengal Belles These smart-stepping high-kickers never lose a halftime. The Belles took third place in the inter- mediate division of the dance routine con- test at SMU Drill Team School. The girls have danced in talent shows and on tele- vision; they draw applause whenever they perform. Lt. Cathryn Cleland Lt. Ann Avers r >. } t i t b Senior Members Rk r, ,. ~'~' . ~` ~ ,~~ ° g r, („ `~ - 2 e, Ruth McGill ,~ '` Diane Bell Linda Isbell Sylvia Price Linda Liles ~:`. 1 one Linda Rudder Junior Members Pat Calliham Kay Fisher Linda Williams 69 Susan Sorenson Secretary- Treasurer Tier Band I. I~~m ~~- t ~', BAND SWEETHEART Jane Rudder J~NF; RUI~:i)E:~t .. . , `, ~ ~,~~ ~ ~ u~a ~ m ~ , ~, ;° CAROL WHITING The band council makes major policy decisions. Back row: Steve Murray, Ronnie Holloway, Phil Butler, David Maddox. Front row: Meg Huebner, Jane Rudder, Anne Ballinger, Mr. Bill Adkins, sponsor. MARJORIE THEBERGE 72 Mr. Coulter and choir are shooting off their mouths. Concert The Concert Choir, pictured on the end sheets, per- forms at local club meetings, dramatizes a musical each year, and travels to the Dallas State Fair for TMEA Day. This year at the UIL Regional judging contest, the choir re- ceived arating of "superior" in sight reading and "excellent" in concert. ,. ~_ ~ ~ ~. The boys' barbershop quartet, Fred McNeil, David Brusse, Jerry Holbert, and David Mad- dox, belt out "Climbin' Up the Mountain" at the Night of Music. CHOIR OFFICERS: President--Dick Pewthers Vice-Pres. --Russ Harvell Secretary--Janet Gould Treasurer--Walter Varvel Librarian--Carolyn Hooper Wardrobe--Linda Rudder Reporter--Linda Bloom °„ „' _:' The fate Chc Bea Mixed Chorus ~. 73 The Mixed Chorus is a training group for the Concert Choir; they perform at the Christmas Concert and Night of Music. This spring they received "excellent" in sight reading and "good" in concert at the UIL judging contest. The Madrigal Group often performs at small programs for the local clubs. The group is patterned after the family groups that used to gather for after-supper sings. They are: Donna Files, Dick Pewthers, All-State Choir, Linda Rudder, David Parsons, All-State Choir, Sallye Sorenson, David Brusse, Daisy Sloan, Jim Beamer, Carolyn Hooper, Russ Harvell, Janet Gould, All-Region Choir, and Robin Rice. 1 74 ~. i F.H.A. ,junior Chapter ~. F; 75 Future Farmers of America ~~, ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ a ~ R, . - ~ a~. ¢ ~ € ~ s ~ ~ `~* r;~ ~~ ~ h , ~~ x~, r °, "~, ~. t , Y ~_ _ ,~ ~. ~~ 1st row, Senior members: Bill Gilmore, Vice-pres. ;Charles Courim, Reporter; Russ Harvell, Pres. of Sr. Conduction Team; Toby Barker, Treasurer; Mr. Jamison, Sponsor; Top row: George Creagor, Jr. Treasurer; Timmy Wolters, Sr. Secretary; Allan Riggs, Jr. Pres. ; Boyd Vincent, Jr. Reporter; Billy Putz, Jr. Secretary; Stanley Krenek, Jr. Vice-pres. ;Not shown; Jimmy Gilbert, Pres. of FFA; Paul fiolan, Sr. Sentinel; Mike Thiltgen, Jr. Sentinel and Outstanding Greenhand. ~ ,' ~E,° ~ „ 76 JUNIOR AND SENIOR CONDUCTING TEAMS AND OFFICERS i. ~~ `s: ~: ~ o Debbie Cooper The Jamisons enjoy the dinner. An after-dinner picture. Stanley Krenek recites the FFA creed. FFA SWEETHEART Speech Club a~ a' ~~. fpp 3 P. ~ 7" L, to R. , Tommy Clark, Mark Riedel, Duke Miller, Daisy Sloan, Rick Land- mann, John Chadwick UIL Speech T EDITOR ASST E BUSINE: REPORT TYPIST ASST - SPONSO (The shy The club includes all students who compete in speech meets. This year the club traveled to Sam Houston State College and Trinity University. Mrs. Jan Alston sponsors the Speech Club. 1st row; Ruth McGill, Meg Huebner, Chris Schroeder. 2nd row: Kirk Troxler, Duke Miller, John Chadwick, Mike TheBerge a~~ S ' f ~ ~ Tigerland Turntable These devoted DJ's monitor a program of discs and dedications every Wednesday night at 8:00. T S S h a t e f a a f r f' L EDITOR - - - - - - - - - - -Katherine Edwards ASST EDITORS - - - - - - Christine Schroeder and Ruth McGill BUSINESS MGR. - - - - - - - - - -Ruth Becker REPORTERS - - - - - - - - - -Cathryn Cleland Jerry Holbert Kathy Sperry Mark Riedel Scott Hervey Barbara Staten Sherry Mims TYPIST - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. B. J. Kling ASS'T----------- ---Stewart Kling SPONSOR - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Harriet Martin (The shady character is Mrs. Martin) ' b ~~ The members of the Tigerland staff wrote and worked, composed and copied, imagined and inscribed, phoned and fiddled around, doodled and dawdled, and FINALLY, inagreatbigrush drew up the pages and packed them off to the publisher. Jane Rudder, ,Tr. Business Manager Ann Avera, Editor Ruth McGill, Sr. Business Manager R . z ~ n~ ~. ~ <.. a . ~ tia~,. r a The members of the club of the four C's learn about the customs of the Spanish-speaking world through reciprocal meetings with the Pan American Club of A&M University and the SFA Spanish Club, The officers flank Mrs. Worley, sponsor, in earphones; they are VP Kathy Sperry, Secretary Sherry Mims, Reporter Fred Maddox, President Cathryn Cleland, and Treasurer Loretta Covington. ~~ ~. 81 Library Club Seated: Celia Goode, Linda Anderson. Standing: Susan Sorenson, Karen Boykin, Melissa Owen, Kerry Fisher, Anne Boykin These girls are Mrs. Duncan's assistants. During their study halls they help with the clerical tasks in the library. ~- s ~ ~' . #~i~i '; ~ ~ ~` ' _ r. ,;: P ~. ~ ~ ~~ €~ ~ ~~~ ~ E Photo rah Club Y g P . .~ ~~~ n ~~ Seated: Scott Hervey, Mark Riedel, Jon ~,~ ~ G~ ~ Sharon, Jim Beamer. Standing: Mr. Mor- ,., ' ~, gan, sponsor, Danny Whitt, president. ~, ~~ ~- ~ `~~'` ~ , ~~~ The student photographers gave invalu- •~,:~~ ~ able help to the annual staff this year. f h ~ ~ ~ Most o t e photos in the yearbook were k b h b ~;~ ta en y t e oys rather than by professional photographers. .: ~~ . _~ .~ H O S w H O ~~~ 86 HONOR S WEATER WINNERS This merit award goes to the seniors who have made the Honor Roll for at least five consecutive semesters. They also must gain points for leadership and participation in school-sponsored activities. Shown are Barbara Staten, Carolyn Hooper, .Kathy Sperry, Ruth McGill. Karen Stuverud, another winner, transferred to California. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Honor Graduates On the basis of leadership and citizenship, the teachers chose the members of the National Honor Society from the upper l0~jo of the graduating class. Back row: Peter Fagan, Jerry Holbert; Second row: Karen Berndt, Jana Shaffer, Sallye Sorenson, Kathy Sperry, Carolyn Hooper, Sherry Mims, Ruth McGill; Sitting: Barbara Staten, Katherine Edwards, Chris Schroeder, Susan Layman, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u u ~~ t xi b ~ ~~~~ ~ _ _. b r y ~ 9 l ' ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ yy `~ 7 ^ ~ E ~~+~ t~ yup Y s '!i ?~j .~ t ."m R : ~ ~ a#~. W ~ fin: ~~ ' ~~ e do " 4 v Y a b+g~ t9 ~ ~: 3 ~ yp ~~' ' .~ ~ . .. ~ ~'S:.1 .. a ~ PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT. ESSAY DANA SHAFFER BRAZOS CO, ROAD-E-O WINNER DAVID MA DDOX Senior Superlatives The faculty selected these graduates on the basis of their written and unwritten school records. '` t` ~ ~~= E~ ~ ° ~ .-. } ~, ~ s : ~ ~ ~,.~~~ ~~. .~„ °dd U ~ { MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Peter Fagan Ruth McGill MOST STUDIOUS ~ f ~ =, „. ~1 MOST REPRESENTATIVE Daisy Sloan Walter Varvel r a ~~A~ x e_ MOST SCHOOL SPIRIT Cynthia Castle Jerry Holbert FRIENDLIEST Georgia Heritage Rick Carlton "~ Personality Plus The student body found these Seniors and Juniors socially tops. ,~ ~~ SCHOOL WIT Rick Landmann ..- v; ~ $ ~~ . BEST DRESSED Virginia Patterson David Parsons CUTEST COUPLE Georgia Heritage Timmy Wolters Honor Roll HONOR ROLL FOR THE YEAR Students who made the Honor Roll every six weeks this year are: 1st row; Kathy Sperry, Fran Hougen, Rebecca Kirby, Marion Peters, Linda Miller, Deborah Schatte. 2nd row; Kerry Fisher, Jane Bashaw, Linda Anderson, Rick Landmann, Chris Schroeder, Daisy Sloan. Not shown; Katie Prater, Susan Lee, Karen Berndt, Jana Shaffer, Tommy Shelton, Kirk Troxler, Anne Ballinger, Shari Simmons, Mary Beth Bailey, Jane Grumbles, Mary Hooper, Carolyn Castle, Barbee Hedges, Ruth McGill. Occupational Skills Awards ~: ~~~~ `ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Back row: Larry Carter--1st year ~'~ ~ ~~ Typing; Judy Nolan--UIL Typing; David Holmgreen--Bookkeeping; `~~ °,~ Linda Bloom--Shorthand; Charles Castle--UIL Typing; Karen Berndt-- Bookkeeping; Don DeLUcia--Book- keeping. Front row: Susan Lee-- ~ ~ ~~ lst year Typing; Mary Ruth Watkins ~° ` ~ ~ --UIL Typing; Daisy Sloan--1st ~ year Typing; Billie Jean Greer-- " Shorthand. .~ 'e . ~„ _£ BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY HISTORY MATH Fran Barbara Jana Haugen Staten Shaffer Barbara also p laced lst in CHS in the Nat. Mathe- matics Assoc, test. `~ i~ i,, ~ ~~ i ~~ Lions Club Awards ~~'~ ~~~, ~; n~ ;:. 91 LANGUAGES Back row: Mary Ruth Watkins, German; Linda Botner, Latin II; Helen Holcomb, Spanish I. Front: Sarah Giesenschlag, Spanish; Sherry Mims, Spanish II; Debbie Schatte, Latin I. AUTOMOBILE DESIGN AWARD-- Kirk Troxler ` ARTISTIC SKILLS Back: Jim Amyx, Mechanical Drawing; Danny Whitt, Mech. Dr. and Photography. Front: David Glover, Virginia Greg- ory, Pat Hotcl~iss, Art. FFA OUTSTANDING MEMBER Harold Luedecke TYlho's T~ho in 1Vlusic ~~~~ e~.~ ~,~ 1 ~~ ~„ ~ ~ >~ ~ ~ ~: j gi ro° '~~ ewa.a~'m' 3 E. w~ v~,. ,, .<..- a L ~ ~~ ... '$ ~ i ii A ~ ,, ~ „~ ~ _~ I~ ~ ~ ~~ "' s „, fi p These students received citations for four years of participation in choir. Standing are _ Dick Pewthers, Jim Beamer, Kim Alexamder, Charles Castle, Fred McNeil, David Parsons, a Russ Harvell. Sitting are Daisy Sloan, Janet Gould, Beverli Davis, and Carolyn Hooper. ARION AWARDS Band Choir '~ David Maddox Charles Castle KIWANIS AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING BOY AND GIRL IN Choir Band Dick Pewthers David Maddox Donna Files Carol Whiting LION'S CLUB MUSIC AWARDS Band Choir Kay Callahan David Parsons '` ~,a.. .~ a F 92 L I M E L I G H T ~W~ ~' ~~ " } ~ 4 ti ~t,~'e ~; ..(~.~ ~...r '-- ~, ~~~ N e '., i .. „. h e ,,,d3 1~ ,e ' b ° q ~' s ~ i ~"+4 Avg «a -wa+^-, YP' a ~ ~. ~ ~ ~.. ~ r~ P' MY`~ 1 ~. ' ~~~; . . •=~q .~3 .. ~j >, i p ~~ s! Y °~ ~ ~ ~a . Y>f . ~ a~.~_ . { ~y I~I k:. € . ~. ~ ~ ; `~ E W~. ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ _ ~~ ~~, k~ ~ ~ , ~~~ s~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ` ~~ ~ I J II ~ ~ 6~i!~t ~t~,SS, ~ I~II~ as ..~ d >r a a ,~ S ~. 7 ~ ~ ~ . "~ V! b~'2' ~ ~ ~{!t. K~ 'aT Yy ?~`6 , '~ P ~' vw " ., ~ r ° ' ~, ~ y , r a ~ r ~ 3 +-, b , . ~ ' ; ; L ~~ ~ ~ r.,, ., ~ m v - ~' Sa > z., , ar , n" ,. ~ ~ ~~ ~ „ 7 .. ,-~ ~ '" <.- ~. ~ i ~~ ' .~e i"K ~: ~s : ~. .~ v " .z 6 , ,~ ,S~`enor Fn7,<>rites t ~~ ~ ti ~~ ~~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~, ~~~; ~~~ A ~ , ~ ~. n~ ~ ~ ~~ n a fi ~',.., ' ' g s,; ~*t $. " ~. ,. r .i ., ., €~ O v^ ', ~. `~` t n a # i . ',~ C ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ 5' ~~ „ & , L" ~ Y ~ 4 ' ~ i d~ ': + , k=~ S4 ~ M C. i,„ } ~ ~ ~~ A k` ~, t ryix~u M ~5 ¢~, i- ~d ~ ~ c d 4~ <} ~ ~. ~. ~ ~R ~ x 1, 1 Y wE ~ ~ 1.~' I N i .:. ~n :. ~ ~ ~i k' ~ -~ ~"3 '= N e ~~~ t ~2 E 6 ~~~~~ ~~~ b c * ~ ~t der, rI ;.r ~ 1 ~ .~ ~~!3 ` ` ~~~~ ¢,~;4 ,. ~~ 4 ~~ ~, ~ 9 ~ a ~ ~~ ~ A ~'~ ~.~.~ "~ ~, dew °~ 7 ,~ ~ ~ ~. .~ ffi c~ r . <~ ~~ . ~E Aa~~ ~ ~ i L ~ ~ E Y Bh b, ~~ ~r ~ s ;~ ` ~ ? .a 3. ~, . ~~ ~ y .y, `. d ~ >,S ~~ ~4 ~ ~ ,x ~; ~ s. '~ ~e ~~ ` s ~ ~ ~ - ~ +y 4 V k ~~ k~ • 1 6 i d^" ~: 2~ . ~ p ~ ~ '~ ~b ~~$E \ ii7 ~ 'am~' ~ ~~ ~~ x ~~ i~ ~, u ~ ~ ~'ui'e 7 yt 4a' ~ y: ' ~ 'b i C I ^bk i ~ ~ a a`: ~ ~ ~4 t ". i ~~~ ~~'~ S».' ~p as '. ~,. ~` tar` ,~~~~~-, ~ 5 #k ,.~i "sue s ': .., g' ~ ..~~_x. per u~ r rt £ T e r~ r+" ~ ~~ " ~~; fS4 N air ~ ~. 4 ~i 1~ r i ~ »~ J ~~'` ;~~ ~ .y~.,,, ~ ~. ,~ r~~ ~ ~` ~ ~' ~ ~~ ~ ~, e; ~ . f, ~ ~ s ~, ~, ~~~ , ~, ~~ , ~ -~ ~~.m,, ~ ~ M L ~' 'r ~ ~~ ~, -„ a. ~Vd ~ ~r ~• ~e x~ ~ ~i 7~ a ~~ :III v 1~~ Y 1,64 x '~~~~~; ~ ~~ ` ~~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~S~ r ~~ ~ f i` ~ El ~ b £. ~ ~ ~P ~ ' ` ~ . k fi~ ~ 3Y y c{ ~ ~ S '~y~ m ~;s a ~ ~~, a , ~ ~~, ~: ~ t fir d I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~a s ~ ~ ~~,. ~_ _ ~~ }~ r x~ ~-~. ~ ~ i~ ,r s .~, r ,,; ~ - ~ ~w s z ~~ ~, '' %' t ,~ y,.K .~ e ~ c. -.,- .; ?. ~r H 0 m e c 0 m SYLVIA L MANSFIELD 11~ g "~ P r L n c e S S e s DAISY SLOAN ~~ ~r v ~;> ,, s~ ~_~ .. ~, ~~ ~~~ ~ ;. ~; _~~ `'mE , ~-'S sa -' ~c ~ ~f ?k (~~ "u~ A ~,ytt i~F~ y„ . ~ i T, V; trv ~n k~ , ~ , •~" } ~~ ~ ~ ~ mac, 'y ., aay ~ ` ~ ~ . ,~~ ,~. ~"~s ~ ,i ,i'i ~4 Yn ~ ~. ' ~: YJ Y ~~~ ~ y i v `2 ~i ~, ia f~~, r IG a f%i `FA'Y ~, ~ Te~¢ `, ~: ~~k A Sa"!~. ~."% ks P ~ u u j ~ ~~~ a+ a ~" ~6 ~ , r .~`k °~° ~. ~ 'ac ~ ~~'~ ~ ~~ ~~a ~~ ~~ n~ ~. `n,'~'' F +~ ~~ ;: .. ~~ Most Handsome Boy TOMMY MEINECKE Most Beautiful Girl ISABEL GRAMATGES I I ~ ~~ 102 n a'~3 S P 0 R T S "~ ~ .~..~,wr ~,a~: ~~ ~~_ ~~~ ~ ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~. ~~ a ~ "' ~a~ -,, a i ~~ti~ ~r-.., ~~ ~ r~irtTrca~„~.~ara ~~" ~ ~„°'~ `.mss' ~,".~`.. „,"' ~"~.~, '~.,,w,. ,;:3....s ::~;, ,. ~~ J _ I ``\~ ~~`; ;, ~. ~u ~b ~.. ~ ~ !~~=~ 105 "TIGER" VARSITY FOOTBALL ROSTER NO. NAME CLASS POSITIQN EXPERIENCE 55 Carl Gough Senior Center Three letters 45 Russ Harvell Senior F. B. Two letters 76 Darrell Gossett Senior Tackle Three letters 63 David Parsons Senior Guard Four letters 75 James Carter Senior Guard Two letters 17 Walter Varvel Senior Q. B. Three letters 85 Timmy Wolters Senior End Two letters 25 Peter Fagan Senior R. B. Two letters 15 Ricky Carlton Senior W. B, Two letters 77 Larry Godfrey Senior Tackle Two letters 60 John Perry Senior Guard One letter 61 Bob Jones Senior Guard One letter 87 Duke Miller Junior End Two letters 24 Paul Fagan Junior W. B. Two letters 62 Stephen Prescott Junior Guard One letter 50 Joe White Junior Center One letter 74 Bob Holcomb Junior Tackle Varsity squad 39 Paul Becker Soph. F. B. One letter 88 Terry Logan Soph. End One letter 36 David Alexander Soph. Guard One letter 22 Fred Davis Soph. Q. B. One letter 18 Jimbo Robison Junior Q, B. One letter Date A&M Cons. Opponent Sept. 11 7 Forest Park 21 Sept. 18 21 Caldwell 2 Sept. 25 14 Lanier 23 Oct. 2 20 Navasota 6 Oct. 9 13 Hearne 14 "Oct, 16 7 Furr 15 '0'Oct, 23 0 Brenham 0 'Oct, 30 0 Cypress Fair. 28 °Nov, 6 12 Huntsville 8 °Nov. 13 16 Conroe 24 °District games :~. 106 t ~tr '~ ~~ ~,, I ~,.~~ ; ~~~ ~h ~. ~ '~,~~#. '~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ';,. ~~ . r ~ ~ ~s ~ ~ ~ ~ N- P4 ~.. JAMES CARTER - Sr. Guard 2letters All-Dist. ~~ 107 RICKY CARLTON -Senior W ingback 2letters CARL GOUGH - Sr. Center 3letters All-Dist. Tri-Captain PETER FAGAN - Sr, Halfback 2letters a ~~ ~~,. ~~~ ..~, , " , ~ ~ •Qr ~ ~~ ~F ~ ` ~ ~ '~; ,ly o- . r d , ~~ ~t ~T ''' ,, ``~ E 9 y ~ ~~ ~ B ~ i ~ ~ ~"aa..,A.~. ~` ¢ p~ r BOB JONES -Senior Guard l letter 108 LARRY GODFREY -Senior Tackle 2letters BUSS HARVELL -Senior Fullback 2letters Tri-Captain .. ~ n s; 2 ~~= ` ~, ~° WALTER VARVEL -Senior Quarterback 3letters 109 DAVID PARSONS -Senior Guard 2letters All-Dist. JOHN PERRY -Senior Guard Metter TIMMY WOLTERS -Senior End 2letters ~Y JIMBO ROBISON -Junior Quarterback l letter JOE WHITE -Junior Center lletter I10 irr~ DAVID ALEXANDER -Soph, Guard l letter PAUL BECKER -Soph. Fullback l letter FRED DA V IS -Soph, Quarterback 1letter TERRY LOGAN -Soph, End l letter ~~~, t , a ~- ~,~.~~~a Ti~-er Junior- Varsity Top row: Bottom row; 15 74 Nolan Young T 60 .Alan Riggs G 17 22 Glen Wallace HB-QB 55 Larry Holt C lg 85 Larkin McNiel E 17 Steve Boring HB 24 77 Kenneth Murphy E 37 Bill Ramge HB 36 76 Jack Upham E 63 Terry Jones G 37 86 Ed Goldsmith E 39 Rich Runkles HB 44 87 Ray Rowe E 36 Bill Price FB 45 88 Wally Williams E 75 Mark Riedel T 50 50 Jimmy Bradley HB not pictured -Willie Edmonds QB-G 112 A&M CONSOLIDATED B-TEAM COACH - Mr. Jerry Franklin Freshman Football A&M CONSOLIDATED FRESHMAN TEAM COACH - Mr. Arthur Bright 15 Wayne Edwards T 55 Steve Murray C 17 Stan Lynch HB 61 Mike Heritage G 18 Jan Dozier QB&G 62 Phil Nash G 24 David Terral HB 63 Jimmy Alexander G 36 Judson Loupot G 74 Tommy Walton T 37 Lee Powell HB 76 Gerry Godfrey T 44 Robert Martinez HB 85 Peter Alexander E 45 Dan German HB 86ff Jeff Brown E 50 Richard Martinez HB 87 Joe Williams E 113 NO. NAME POSITION LETTER 10 Duke Butler Guard Two letters 14 Ricky Carlton Guard Two letters 20 David Holmgreen Forward One letter 22 Walter Varvel Forward Two letters 24 Tommy Meinecke Forward Two letters 30 Carl Gough Center O One letter 32 Duke Miller Forward One letter 34 Fred Worley Center One letter 40 Jim Amyx Center One letter COACH: Jack Churchill MANAGER: Bob Jones SEASON RECORD: 22-12 DISTRICT RECORD: 6-4 114 TIGER VARSITY BASKETBALL e 4 115 JIM AMYX, #40, Sr. Center, 2letters DUKE MILLER, #32, Jr. Forward, l letter FRED W ORLEY, #34, Sr. Center, l letter IIb g 117 1 ~, ~~ ,i TIGER JR, VARSITY BASKETBALL NO. 13 Jimbo Robison Guard Jr. 15 Ted Dix Guard Soph. 21 Bill Ramge Guard Soph. 31 David Riedel Guard Soph. 33 Willie Edmonds Forward Jr. 35 Terry Logan Center Soph. 41 Kenneth Murphy Center Soph. 45 Paul Becker Forward Soph. 43 James Creswell Guard Soph. Season record: 12-13 COACH: Jerry Franklin 118 Basketball .~ TIGER "B" TEAM BASKETBALL ~ s. 1 Dick Hervey Guard 2 John Sperry Center 4 Jim Hanna Forward 5 David Terrell Guard 7 Billy Randall Guard 8 Stan Lynch Guard 9 Peter Alexander Center 10 Harvey Dayton Guard and Forward 25 Roy Kelly Forward 26 Eddie Kranz Forward and Guard 28 Bill Landis Center 30 Van Culpepper Forward 31 Jan Dozier Center Coach: Jerry Franklin 119 Girls' Basl~etball Members of the "A" team are L. to R.: Claire Elkins, Nancy Jones, Jan Harris, Sandy Miller, Lynda Welch and (not shown): Lillian Surovik, Karen Smith and Charmille Bridges. 120 GIRLS' "A" TEAM BASKETBALL The "A" Team captains are L. to R.: Sandy Miller, Lillian Surovik, and Claire Elkins. Girls' rrB" Team Basketball Y ~' Members of the Girls' "B" Team Basketball are Left to Right, (front row): Janet Leipper, Linda Koehler, ~ Lanelle Wilson, Kay Royder. (Second row): Faye Inglis, Kathy Litterst, Rebecca Plantt, Georgia Diserens, and Penny Hancock. (Top row); Mary Amyx, Janet Calliham, Charmille Bridges, Evelyn Worley, Johnna Ramey, and Mrs. Meeks is the coach. w Y 121 GIRLS' "B" TEAM BASKETBALL Captains of the "B" Team are Rebecca Plantt and Kathy Litterst. Tiger Baseball Team GREAT SEASON FOR THIS YEAR IN THE NEW DISTRICT lOAAA ! ~" ~ ~ §;~~ h® ~~; ' ~~ `~~' -.. ~~ 'sr«%. 122 Mr. Jerry Franklin i.. ;~ ~~ TOMMY MEINECKE Pitcher 123 WALTER VARVEL Pitcher Most Valuable Player RON BROWN Left Field DAVID HOLMGREEN JIMBO ROBISON Short Stop C y I CARL GOUGH First Base BOB JONES Center Field v~ 1 ~~ 124 r ~ `~ E `; s° _`~' ^~,, ~~° s~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 3 ~~ t, ~q a <Q -,, "` t ewm STEVE PRESCOTT BOB HOLCOMB Right Field ~. ~ ~~~:• ~a ~~ ~~~ ~~~ .. m ~~ F~ ~ ~ ,s ,^ .p ~ x axis. ~ ~ t °~ ~ le^ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~` ~~~~ f~~ ~~ ~,~-~~ ~ TERRY LOGAN Third Base RANDY LAIN Second Base Tracy Team „~ ; Lef Ing: F ~. ~~ Lef Ge. Re€ VARSITY TRACK TEAM Members of the track team are L, to R. (back row): David Parsons, Ed Goldsmith, Kenneth Murphy, Ray Rowe, Larkin McNiel, and Coach Art Bright. (second row): Neil Anderson, David Murphy, Peter Fagan, Gordon McGill, and Paul Fagan. (front row): Scott Holt, Steve Boring, Nolan Young, John Sharon, and Rich Rankles "B" TEAM Members of the "B" Team are L. to R. (back row); Jimmy Alexander, David Terral, Wilson Corley, Peter Alexander, and Coach Bright. (front row); Robert Martinez, Stan Lynch, Steve Murray, and Marlin Brown ~~ 1 `fi Tennis ~ ~ ~` ~ ,.~ -~ ~ ~ ~ -~~~ ~ , "` ~ ~s ~ ~~ ~ _~ Left to Right: Meliss a McGuire, Joe Williams, Linda Anderson, Linda Miller, Claire Elkins. Back row; Faye Inglis, Mark Riedel, Wally Williams. In UIL, Claire Elkins too k 1st place in District girl's singles. Golf Left to Right; Tommy Shelton, John Bauldauf, Mike Hensarling, Duke Butler. Back row; John Skrabanck, Gerry Godfrey, Mike Cooper. Not pictured: Larry Carter and Larry Godfrey. The golf team took 2nd in the Regional Golf Tournament. Bowling Club 9, ~ ~ :~ z ,~, ~ ~ :~ e ~ ~~~' "s4 ~~ a « :~i~+ & t'~. a~: { ~ a Associated with TABY, the Bowling Club is sponsored by Mrs. Leland. On the first row are President Danny Whitt and Secretary Barbara Staten. At the B-CS Doubles Tournament, five teams placed; Stephen Henry and David Seay, 1st in Sr. B. Division; Mike Powell and Steve Brown, 1st in Jr. A; Jacky Perryman and Paul German, 1st Jr. B; Willie Edmonds and Danny Whitt, 2nd in Sr. A; Billy Randall and Fred Maddox, 2nd in Sr. B. MOST IMPROVED MEMBERS Barbara Myers, Billy Randall ,, HIGHEST AVERAGES Stephen Henry, Mike Powell SECOND PLACE TEAM Mike Young, Edwin Carl, Andy Layman FIRST PLACE TEAM Gail Darroch, Jacky Perryman Not Shown; Chris Longley 128 First row: Claire Elkins, Charmille Bridges, Nancy Jones, John Perry, Rick Carlton, Timmy Wolters, Russ Har- vell. Second row: Rich Runkles, David Alexander, Jan Harris, Lynda Welch, Sandy Miller, James Carter, Paul Fagan, Mark Riedel. Third row: Jim Amyx, Nolan Young, Fred Davis, David Parsons, Peter Fagan, Paul Becker, Tom Meinecke, Bob Jones. Fourth row: Ed Goldsmith, Larry Carter, Ronny Brown, Steve Prescott, Larry Godfrey, Joe White, Carl Gough, Jimbo Robison, Darrell Gossett, Walter Varvel. Any student that has lettered in any sport is a member of the "C" Club. ^' ~°°^ r, ~; ' ~~; j~,~ ~~~ ~ ,~ e Back row: Ed Goldsmith, Nolan Young, 5th, District mile relay; David Parsons, 2nd, State discus; Bottom row: Rich Runkles, 3rd, District mile run; Paul Fagan, mile relay. Not shown: Peter Fagan, mile relay; Terry Logan, 5th, District broad jump; David Terral, 4th, District high hurdles, 5th District low hurdles. 129 TRI-CAPTAINS Russ Harvell Carl Gough Darrell Gossett { 130 MOST VALUABLE PLAYER OUTSTANDING LINEMAN OUTSTANDING BACK Carl Gough James Carter Paul Fagan ~$ 9 >~~ ,~ ~ ~~ ~`~ • ~ ~ B~ ~ y „ ~ ~; ~~~'~ OUTSTANDING GOLF Duke Butler `' ~~~, , OUTSTANDING BASEBALL PLAYERS Carl Gough Tom Meinecke LION'S CLUB AWARDS Sportsmanship -Walter Varvel Basketball -Tom Meinecke GIRL'S BASKETBALL Outstanding Player Sportsmanship Claire Elkins Lynda Welch OUTSTANDING IN BASEBALL Walter Varvel OUTSTANDING TRACK David Parsons 131 :~ ~` 4 CHS Mascot LINDA BLOOM 132 ~a ~~ :; ~r~~~. o ~,,, ~~~ It was a dark day in the life of Ricky Carlton when he pulled into the gas station. But things brightened up when he had a tiger put in his tank. .~ 7 r ~~ .~ ~`~j'k k ~ a ~}i~yy e~~ , , ti~ A C T I V I T I E S ~- ~< ~ ~ ~~~~ e~t~_ ~~ ~q '~ g ~ aa' ~°^'f g ~ !t ~ n h ,r ~a~ UIL Medal Thinners x silver, or bronze medal for their performance of songs graded by difficulty as Class I, II, or III, respectively. Medalists in the upper picture are in .the Mixed Chorus; in the lower picture are medalists in the Concert Choir. 134 Music students in the UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest must rate "superior" to get a gold, a 135 YOUTH GOVERNMENT DAY Back: Jerry Holbert, Carl Gough, Rick Carlton. Front; Sallye Sorenson, Carolyn Hooper, Cathryn Cleland, Daisy Sloan. Not shown: Dick Pewthers, Walter Varvel, Jim Beamer, Georgia Heritage, Russ Harvell, Jim Amyx, Tim- Wolters, Darrell Gossett. The Student Council selected these seniors to take over the city gov- ernmentfor aday. They were feted at a luncheon and toured city offices. Homecoming October 23, 1964 "Results of charm school? " F~ "All right, Jerry, show 'em how. " ~` .. ~. "Jerry, you always were a ladies' man. " 136 "No caption needed here!" "Daddy's little girl is all grown up. " Concert Choir ~r The choir is singing something classical, but Jimmy Beamer prefers a hot jungle rhythm. Ughah! Ughah ! 137 THE THREE FACES OF FRANK "Beauty Is As Beauty Does" On November 7, 1964, at 7:30 p, m. , beauty came in last for the Sophomore and Freshman girls. They put away rollers, lipstick, and all the other things they use to make them beautiful. Instead, they put on a more masculine cos- tume. With their helmets and shoulder pads on, they began to play the "1964 Powder Puff" foot- ball game for which they had prac- ticed many hours. The boys, on the other hand, spent the afternoon primping. They wore anything and everything from dresses to wigs to make-up. (And that means everything!) While the girls were playing ball the boys were the ones elected to lead the yells. During the half- time the dainty "young ladies" danced and twirled for the specta- tors. The highlight of the half- time activities was the crowning of a "Sweetheart. " The queen this year was Bridgette Boring. As all football games go, one team wins and one team loses. This year the Dainty Devils beat the Cherry Cheeked Chargers 22 to 6. After the game, the girls sadly returned their equipment and the boys removed their skirts, for they knew it would be another long year until they could change places with their opposites. Powder Puff ~` ' ~, a, And More Practice. 138 Practice, Practice, Practice . . i In a football game you need equipment . . ~F a, ~„ And you need to know how to use it, ~~ ~~ ~ ~ , e ~ ~ ~` ~~ ~ - t ~~ ~. ~ s v a t ... `~~ But some know just where everything goes!!! r ~.. ~ r-~ . ~ 139 "I don't know why I was nominated . .the other two gals are much pret- tier than me. " . and the queen of the "Powder Puff" is crowned. <~;' ~~ pd~ l Has any The "beauties" are off for their victory ride. t i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r e .. 1 ~ _,. And the band plays on, and on and on Has anyone ever seen two more perfect sets of legs? ~, ~~ Bewildered by the night's activities the refs take a short rest 141 Junior Class Presents A~,SE~[IC AIYD JAN ALSTON r .~ 142 "ARSENIC AND OLD LACE" Cast Abby Brewster Sally Robinson Anne Ballinger The Rev. Dr. Harper Howard Nelson Teddy Brewster Rick Landmann Officer Brophy Duke Butler Officer Klein Ricky TheBerge Martha Brewster Shari Simmons Virginia Patterson Elaine Harper Lynda Welch Linda Williams Mortimer Brewster Scott Hervey Mr. Gibbs John Chadwick Jonathan Brewster Tommy Clark Mark Riedel Dr. Einstein Tommy Cartwright Officer O'Hara Paul Stuverud Lieutenant Rooney Jerry Davis Mr. Witherspoon Robin Rice Mr. Hoskins & Mr. Spenalzo Dick Hervey ~3 ~ ; s~ &€. a 143 Thanks to a wonderful director, a great cast, and all of the other people who helped put this production on, "Arsenic and Old Lace" was a great success! What a F ,a ~ ~ ~ ' ? ~ ~m ~ ` ~ ~" :^ ~ , ,. ~i~~ ;.i z~` -c ~ Pw ~~ f ~ kS ~f ~ L+ ~ 1 ~k,y ~ ~ • y t g ?~ e x y R ' r ~ x ,x a a 7d~ L r I ~ . . ~- s- '-e° ,~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~k 1 ~ r ~~ ~ '"' °° ~~ ~ ,~ ~ i k ~ , ~~~r~ ~~. ~~Y„ tx .,a _ ~. 3 Oh, this Junior play is so tiresome. Sigh. Everything takes skill. BOOT Charge ! 145 What a person won't go through to be in the Junior Play. Why, Teddy, you do too have your arm around that other lady. "You, Sir, have dishpan hands! " C h r i s t m a s 1 9 6 4 ~~~ P a r a d e ,, ~~ ~~~ ~. ti~ ~~: . Didn't 146 Y r Rally around the parking lot, boys! ~~' v Didn't think anyone would notice, did you, Louis? ~. °~; ~~ ~: A ,. ~• ~° ~~ Once a charmer, always a charmer! The "LIGHT" of the stage, Ronnie Holloway New Tiger Gym i "as ~ 148 The new gym finally gets under way. Almost completed! l i i ^ ~. Ti~-erland 1964 "Crowds gather . ' ;~ ~~ ~~ ~> ~~~ -. e ~ `~ A ~. "tension mounts . . ' s '' R ~~,. ..~. ~K. Football Banquet '65 "But I'm hungry!" "Oops, caught me. " ~~ 150 " . .and uh one, and uh two, and uh "Down boy!" three . ' Junior Varsity Football 151 GENE STALLINGS, head football coach at Texas A&M, gives the address at the foot- ball banquet. COACH JONES Varsity Football COACH FRANKLIN COACH BRIGHT Freshman Football Spirit Raisers Familiar scenes on the CHS campus are the Bengal Belles' and Tigerettes' after-school rehearsals for their Friday night halftime performances. ~.~ ~ ~. ~,,~ '. ~~ ~ ~. ~; M ~ _~ , ~~_.~ ,. The pep squad practices a marching formation. k ~~:. 152 Attention! e And two . .well, we can't be perfect every time. Some orders from the chief. And one . . b i" ~`' i ,t ~. All eyes are turned to these nine pretty pep pushers (and friend). t• 153 All ears are tuned in . . . to their favorite speaker. That Tomas the Day That Tomas Grace personified ! The Seniors show the under- classmen how to handle the ice left on the school- ground after a freak storm. 154 ~a ~. ~~, S `~ i ~, t Oh, Bob, you handsome rascal you! Snaps 155 Oh, good grief ! And they say they're not henpecked ! Ann, our charming editor! I'~' l Basl~etball Banquet '65 E "' ~!~;, 156 "What's that you have on your fork, Kathy?" The Churchills and the Franklins enjoy the banquet. ' .and little Freddy dives in at the banquet. " Basketball players and their dates listen attentively. quet. team. 157 HANK FOLDBERG, Athletic Director at Texas A&M, gives talk at basketball ban- COACH CHURCHILL gives praise to our fine WALTER VARVEL receives the Best Sports- manship award in Basketball. TOMMY MEINECKE receives the Most Valuable Player award in Basketball. Basl~etball Games •, "Why a ~ Spring 158 The Tiger's on top. "Watch it, sonnnnnnn!" says the sideline superintendent. "Okay, okay--we're watching!" "I would help you Carl but . . "Why are they so pooped? They're just a bunch of Spring Chickens!" CHS's favorite five lead a yell for our fearless fighters! 159 Elections and Sports Dad g~~, ~~ °~ ~ V ~ ~ P ,. ~° N:~~ .. ~ ~~ a ~~~ c~ ~°`~ W ~ ~: r~ "" . P ,,` v~ Gl ~. ~ ~N1 f ~ y ym ., %, for Sports Queen. This year the nominees were: Claire Elkins, Senior; Cynthia Castle, Junior; Kathy Litterest, Sophomore; and Mary Hooper, Freshman. The girl whose class wins on Sports Day is Queen. The results this year were: 1st place, Seniors; 2nd place, Sophomores; 3rd place, Juniors; and 4th place, Freshmen. S p 0 r Q u s e e n t CLAIRE ELKINS ELECTION RESULTS; Student Body Pres. -Rich Runkles Editor -Jane Rudder Sr. Bus. Manager -Ardis Kemler Jr. Bus. Manager -Anne Boykin Sr. Yell Leaders: Debbie Cooper, head; Susan Culpepper; Ann McMurry Jr. Yell Leaders: Charmille Bridges, Shelley Cooper 161 English I V The best way to learn is to do, so Mrs. Martin's Seniors try out their own approaches to drama, music and art. Grammar? Who wants it! ! ! These cl April Foy Day. r . a While t pull sor strike ti Grannie Brown meets Jungle Bob. Jerry Holbert learns the secrets of successful directing from Linda (Cecil B.) Bloom. A real tragedy, with Greek-type masks even. The troubadours sing of the gay, carefree days of Robin Hood. 162 David Maddox is one of Dash 3's best scenery painters. +~ While the Seniors engage in serious pursuits, the underclassmen pull some shenanigans. Mrs. Ewing's class holds alit-down strike to protest an exam. 163 Installation The officers line up. Janet Gould, alternate to national chorus, entertains. 1 i~ Rebecca Plantt and Charlotte Schiffman model their self-made outfits. ~ I i E ^ s PRUITT'S MOST AWARD IMPROVED Linda Shelley Isbell Cooper CRISCO AWARD Yolonda Burkhalter IV Sharon Yeager LION'S CLUB AWARDS II III Linda Janet Isbell Gould WOOL CONTEST I Barbara Myers Linda Isbell Deanie Wool Yolonda Burkhalter 1st in State for Not Shown in picture, Suitability Debbie Cooper Barbara Staten BETTY CROCKER CONTEST WINNER 165 Accomplishment in Home Ec STATE DEGREE WINNERS Sherry Karlene Linda Janet Mims Knebel Isbell Gould F.F.A. in Action "All right, nobody's leaving until someone confesses. " "Look at all the pennants on the wall. " "Relaxation. " 166 "I told you there was a camera. " Zl~i7/l2 tT! 167 ~~~ ;. _,~ ~ wi ."~ .~ ~~ A typ: SENIOR PLAY CAST Father ------ -------------Jerry Holbert Vinnie ------ ------------- Donna Files Clarence ----- ------------ David Maddox John ------- -------------Fred McNeil Whitney - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Scott Holt Harlan --- -- -------------- Phil Butler Cora ------ ------------ Carolyn Hooper Mary Skinner --- -------------Linda Bloom Reverend Dr. Lloyd - - - - - - - - - - - - - Russ Harvell Dr. Humphreys - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peter Fagan ~ Dr, Sommers --- -------------- John Perry Margaret ----- ------------- Ruth McGill Annie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sallye Sorenson Daisy Sloan Delia ------ ------------ Kim Alexander Nora - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ann Avera Maggie -------------------Janet Gould Jackie Hunt a ..:. .~ Curtain call Greeting the relatives . , 1 1 ~~ ~~i F ?? ~ 4 h ~ti The maids do _°,~-"~ their duty. Dr. Lloyd ponders. ~' a[ ~ A typical mood ! ;~ "The Doctors. " Courtesies before dinner . . Speech Department Talent Show Bengal Belles' ~ ~~ ~ MOOD MUSIC IN MADRAS ~~ '~ ~~ ~ `' ~-- Linda and Wally Williams are serious folksingers, but School ~.~~ ~ .e .., s ~ Wit, Rick Landmann, his brother, David, and another David ~~ aa` i ~ ham it up with "the Acne Blues". ~ @.~ q ~~ >K~~ ~ ~" ~E~~~~. ~; ~~ ~" I ~ ~ ~~ ~ i' ~1 fi ~~~ ~~, & ,~ r a K&.7 "°~:...? =. '°~ The Bengal Belles in "Bourbon Street. " ~~; ; 170 The CHAPARRALS ~ Prize-winning musical--Rick Landmann's Naughty Trinkolina Jerry Holbert was the only one to come clean! r 0.~` CAST ~. ,. ', .~s' ,'... ,. ~_ DR, BROOKS David Brusse MISS BOWERS Linda Blooin ~ "" - LIZA EI.LIOTT Donna Files i~~ MISS FOSTER Carolyn Hooper MISS STEVENS Linda Williams ~~ 1 MAGGIE GkZANT Ruth McGill ,Vj-'~_,'/~'~J`. A LISON DuBOIS Kim Alexander RUSSELL PAXTON Allan Riggs gy CHARLEY JOHNSON Dick Pewthers M oS S N art RANDY CURTIS David Parsons JOE, an Office Boy David Maddox ~ it eat ed by TOM, an Office Boy Robin Rice F ~, an ~ C Ou.ltl~ir KENDALL NESBITT Jerry Holbert HELEN, A Model Pat Calliham RUTHIE, A Model Sharon Skrivanek CAROL, A Model Jackie Hunt MARCIA, A Model Diana Sutphen BEN BUTLER Howard Nelson BARBARA Linda Bloom TUMBLER Barbie Jones With Rick Landmann, Susan Sorenson, Stephen Prescott, Loretta Covington, Barbara Staten .. t P ',ail a, Shall A sympathetic jury seems to favor acquittal for defendant Liza, ac- cused of oscillation. The lady ful secre 172 As the last encore echoes away, cast and crew drive off into the sunset in their blue Deusenberg. "Allure" --ing models pose with Elmer. Woman-of-the-world advises the girls. About a lady who cannot make up her mind -- Shall it be number 1 . . r or number 3? The dreamland gang gives a cheer for good old Mapleton High. 173 or number 2 . . The lady consults a psychiatrist with a help- Her chauffeur Her assistant hits upon a new idea. F. F. ~1. Judging Teams Thoma The bo DAIRY PRODUCTS David Guiberteau, Glenn Murphy, George Creagor. The team placed 18th in State. ~~ ~r. a~~ , MEATS JUDGING Toby Barker, Russ Harvell, Harold Luedecke. The team took 6th place in Area. Glenn Gilbe~ cotte, The b on FF~ parlia cedun 6th in LIVESTOCK JUDGING Mike Thiltgen, Bill Gilmore, Timmy Wolters, Boyd Vincent The livestock team took a 9th place in area. DAIRY JUDGING Charles Courim, Allan Riggs, Mike Gilbert, Gerry Royder The team took 16th in Area in the Houston Fat Stock Show. i~ LAND JUDGING SENIOR and JUNIOR FARM SKILLS The teams conducted a demonstration on calf dehorning by electricity. The Senior team took 4th in Area, and the Junior team placed 6th in Area. Junior: Ricky Dowling, David Guiberteau, David Cantey. Senior: Ricky Moon, Larry Linton, No Junek. Not shown: David Peters and Harold Luedecke ~~ j,. ~ ~~%t POULTRY JUDGING Ricky Moon, Jimmy Gilbert, Paul Nolan. The team displays their banner for 9th place in State. FARM RADIO TEAM Ricky Carlton, Timmy Wolters. The team took 6th place in Area. Thomas Boriski, Archie Bane, David Glover, Kenneth Myer. The boys placed 4th in Area. F, ,,~ °~ . . ~~ Bre ~. j ~~ Discoverir 176 New Braunfels ~~. ~~je Swimming - 10:00 A. M. ' °` N ~ ~ ~ , kS a:' ~' ~ ~ ~ .~? 3§ £~ ~ aft ~ ~ `~~ `" n ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~' ° ,~ a ~ E ;~ 1 ~ ; Pr , Relaxing 2;00 P. M. ~~ ~ ~, ~ Discovering the sunburn - 5;00 P. M. 177 ~~~. ,. , ~~~ ~1NC~!~` ' ~~ .. _+ Commencement exercises climaxed the 1965 term and, for the Seniors, their high school years. The Concert Choir began the program with the appropriate "You'll Never Walk Alone. " Mr. Earl Rudder spoke on the graduates' future responsibilities as the Seniors sat with tassels on the right. Mr. Ozment announced scholarships and Mr. Riedel presented the long-awaited diplomas. Then the graduates, tassels switched to the left, marched out of Tiger Field for the last time. (Did the spectators hear a faint cheer?) RUTH M V a ~ `~ l f w ~~ ~~ e ~~~ d ~, • 4: RUTH McGILL L C ~ ~ r F= i #4 a n ~~ E v S a u t a r i a n JA NA SHAFFER 179 INDEX Class of 1965 SARA KIMMEL ALEXANDER 1. Tigerettes, FHA; Powder Puff; Homeroom Officer; Basketball; Softball; Volley- ball; Mixed Chorus; UIL in Choir 2. Tigerettes; Concert Choir; FHA; Homeroom Officer; Basketball; Softball; Volley- ball; Powder Puff; Spanish Club; Choir-Musical Crew; UIL Medal for Solo in Choir 3. Tigerettes-Lieutenant; Concert Choir; FHA; Homeroom Officer; Basketball; Spanish Club; Tigerland Turntable 4. Concert Choir; FHA; Homeroom Officer; Spanish Club; TIGERLAND Staff; Choir Musical Cast; Senior Play Cast; Basketball; UIL Quartet in Choir TEXAS TECH JAMES WILLIAM AMYX III 1. Track; Basketball 2. Track; Cross Country; Basketball 3. Basketball; Junior Play Crew; Student Council 4. Basketball; Senior Play Crew; Citizen of the Month; Mechanical Drawing I Award; Spanish Club; Latin Club TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY ALEXA ANN AVERA 1. TIGERLAND Staff; Tigerettes; Basketball; Powder Puff; Future Homemakers of America -Junior Degree; 2. TIGERLAND Staff; Tigerettes -Sergeant; Powder Puff; FHA; Spanish Club 3. JR. BUSINESS MANAGER OF TIGERLAND; Bengal Belles; FHA; Mixed Chorus; Merit Awards in Typing and Homemaking; Junior Play Crew 4. EDITOR OF TIGERLAND; Bengal Belles -Lieutenant; Secretary of Senior Chap- ter of FHA; Concert Choir; Semester Honor Roll; Senior Play Cast; Bengal Belle and Speech Talent Show; Most Cooperative Girl ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE JAMES MICHAEL BEAMER 1. Homeroom President; Mixed Chorus 2. Concert Choir; Choir Musical; Photo Club; Powder Puff Yell-Leader 3. Concert Choir; Jr. Play Crew; Photo Club 4. Concert Choir; Choir Musical Crew; Sr. Play Crew; Student Council; Photo Club; FHA Sweetheart; TIGERLAND Staff TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY KAREN ANN BERNDT 2. Transferred from Bryan to CHS; Tigerettes; Spanish Club; UIL Debate; Speech Club; Honor Roll; Outstanding Debater Award; Asst. Chairman for TAP 3. Bengal Belles; Debate 2nd in Regional; Shorthand Team 1st in District; Trinity Speech Meet; Speech Club; Honor Roll; Merit Award in Shorthand and Speech 4. Bengal Belles -Reporter; Speech Club; FHA; Honor Roll; National Honor So- ciety; 3rd Place Oratory at Sam Houston; Merit Award in Bookkeeping; Trinity Speech Meet, One-Act Play TEXAS UNIVERSITY 180 ROBERT GAYLE BISHOP 1. Football, Basketball, Track, Choir, Sports Club, Homeroom Vice-President, Art Club 2. Choir, Homeroom Treasurer, Choir Operetta, Jr. Play Crew, Sr. Play Crew, Transferred from Bryan 3. Football, Baseball, Jr. Play Crew, Sr. Play Crew, Major Sports Club 4. Jr. Play Crew, Sr. Play Crew ALLEN ACADEMY -BRYAN LINDA LEE BLOOM 1. Pep Squad, F. H.A. , Volleyball, Powder Puff, F. H.A. Junior Degree, Kiwanis Club Award for Outstanding F. H. A. Member 2. Pep Squad, F.H.A. , Mixed Chorus Officer, F.H.A. District Choir, Powder Puff, Volleyball, Basketball, Spanish Club, F.H.A. Chapter Degree 3. F. H.A. , Concert Choir, Homeroom Secretary, Tigerland Staff, Spanish Club, Jr. Play Crew 4. F.H.A. , Concert Choir Officer, School Mascot (Tiger), Advertising Editor of Tigerland, Wool Contest, Sr. Play Cast, Musical Cast, U.I. L. -Shorthand, Bengal Belle -Speech Department Talent Show, Perfect Attendance Award, Narrator for F.H.A. Style Show, Merit Award for Outstanding Commercial Shorthand SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE COLLEGE -SAN MARCOS SUSAN ELAINE BOSWELL 1. Pep Squad, F. H.A. 2. Pep Squad, F.H.A. , Spanish Club, Mixed Chorus 3. F. H.A. , Spanish Club, Concert Choir 4. F. H.A. , Spanish Club SAM HOUSTON STATE COLLEGE JANET ELAINE BOTNER 1. G.A.A. Newspaper Staff 2. TRISHIP 3. Concert Choir; Transferred from Columbia, Missouri 4. Concert Choir; Spanish Club TEXAS WOMENS UNIVERSITY YOLONDA JEAN BURKHALTER ' 1. FHA, Band, Class Nominee for Sports Queen, Powder Puff 2. Band Council, Class Reporter, FHA-Jr. Chapter President; Kiwanis Club Award for Outstanding Jr. Chapter Member; Class Nominee for Sports Queen 3. Future Nurses Club, FHA-District 2nd Vice-President, Kiwanis Club Award for Outstanding FHA Senior Chapter Member 4. Delegate to National FHA Convention in Chicago, Wool Contest-State Com- petition, DAR Good Citizenship Award, German Club; Future Nurses Club - ~ V.P. , Senior Class Treasurer JAMES CRAIG BUTLER 1. Football; Basketball; Soccer N. A. A. V. R. ;Transferred from Wuerzburg, Ger- many H. S. MARY BETH CALHOUN 1. Future Homemakers of America; Tigerettes 2. FHA -Parliamentarian; Tigerettes 181 3. Transferred to Maryland k 4. Transferred Back to CHS; FHA; Concert Choir; Spanish Club; Bengal Belles TEXAS TECH i RICHARD LEE CARLTON ~ 1. Transferred to CHS; Football-Lettered; Basketball; Officer in FFA 2, Basketball; Major Athletics Club; Spanish Club; FFA Officer, Chapter Conduct- ing Team; 2nd in UIL Competition 3. Lettered in Football, Basketball and Baseball; "C" Club; Major Athletics Club; Spanish Club; FFA Officer, Farm Radio Team - 1st in District; 1st in Chapter Conducting f 4. Lettered in Football and Basketball; Major Athletics Club; Spanish Club; Tiger- land Turntable; Senior Play Crew; Trinity Speech Meet; Friendliest Boy; FFA Farm Radio Team (First in District) TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY JAMES LEE CARTER i ;, 1. Softball; Major Athletics Club; Spanish Club; Volleyball 2. Softball; Volleyball: Major Athletics Club; Spanish Club 3. Softball; Baseball; Football; Track; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club; Outstand- s: ing Lineman; Honorable Mention -All-District Football Team; Senior Play ~ Crew TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY LARRY HAROLD CARTER 1. Transferred from Houston, Texas 2, Basketball; Golf; Major Athletics Club; Spanish Club 3. Golf; Major Athletics Club 4. Golf; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club CHARLES JACOB CASTLE 1. Mixed Chorus 2. Concert Choir -Accompanist 3. Concert Choir -Accompanist 4. Concert Choir -Accompanist: ARION AWARD BAYLOR UNIVERSITY CATHRYN CLELAND 1. Future Homemakers of America; Tigerettes 2. FHA; Tigerettes; Spanish Club 3. FHA; Bengal Belles; Spanish Club 4. FHA; Bengal Belles -Lieutenant; Spanish Club President; Safari Staff; TIGER- LAND Staff UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS CHARLES RAY COURIM 1, Band 2. Band' 3. Band; FFA: DAIRY Cattle Award; Chapter Conducting Team 4. Band; FFA; FFA Rodeo; Chapter Conducting Team TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY JEAN ANNE DAVIS 1. Future Homemakers of America; Mixed Chorus 182 2. FHA.; Mixed Chorus; Tigerettes 3. FHA; Mixed Chorus; Tigerettes; Spanish Club 4. FHA; Concert Choir; Tigerettes -Historian STEPHEN F. AUSTIN COLLEGE JANET GAYLE DAYTON 1. Future Homemakers of America; TAP Talent Show 2. FHA; TAP Talent Show 3. Transferred 4. FHA; TIGERLAND Staff; Usher, Senior Play Crew MARGARET ROSE DEASON 1. Mooresville H.S., Mooresville, Indiana, and Wellington H.S., Wellington, Texas; Band; Choir; 4-H Club, Placed First in Cooking, Second in Sewing in District Competition; Style Show; Church Activities 2. Mooresville Cons, H. S. , Wellington H. S. Band, 4-H Club, Second Place in Cooking; Style Show; Church 3, Speech Debate Team; Speech Play; 'Church Activities 4. Transferred to CHS; Church Activities TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY DONALD CHARLES DELUCIA 1. Student Council; Junior Classical League 2. JCL, Vice-president 3. Junior Play Cast; Speech Citation 4. Student Council UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS TOM CHARLES DENTON 1. Softball, Basketball Manager 2. Softball 3. Baseball; Major Athletics Club 4. Softball; Mixed Chorus SAM HOUSTON STATE COLLEGE MICHAEL FRANK DORAN 1, Honor Award; Band 2, Tennis; Band 3. Chess Club Officer; Band 4. Chess Club Officer; Band Sweater KAY VASSER DOUGLAS 2. Cross-Country Track 3. Shop Honor Award TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JOHN THOMAS DUNCAN 1. Football, B Team 2. Transferred to CHS; Junior Classical League, State JCL Convention and Contest; Junior Scholastic League 3. JCL; Junior Scholastic League 4. Senior Play Stage Crew SAM HOUSTON STATE COLLEGE 183 MARGARET NELL DURST 1. Tigerettes, Mixed Chorus; Spanish Club 2. Tigerettes, Concert Choir; Spanish Club 3. Bengal Belles; Concert Choir; Spanish Club 4. Captain of Bengal Belles; German Club SOUTHWESTERN KATHERINE ANNE EDWARDS 1. Junior Classical League; Powder Puff Football 2. JCL Placed 3rd in JCL Oratory Contest; Powder Puff; Student Council 3. JCL; Spanish Club; Safari Staff; Finalist in State JCL Oratory; Junior Play Stage Manager 4. JCL; Spanish Club; German Club; Safari, Editor; Letter of Commendation, National Merit Foundation; Senior Play Stage Manager TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY DONNA JEAN FILES 1. Nuremburg, Germany; 1st in Talent Show; Cheerleader Semi-Finalist; Choir 2. Choir; Drama Club Musical 3. Transferred to CHS; Concert Choir, UIL Solo Contest; Spanish Club; Junior Play Cast Talent Show; Honor Roll 4. Concert Choir, Madrigal Group UIL Solo Contest, Musical Gast; Senior Play Cast; FHA; Tigerland Turntable; Most Outstanding Girl in Choir NORTH TEXAS SANDRA CAROL FREE 1. Future Homemakers of America f. 2. FHA; Mixed Chorus; 1st Place in UIL Piano Contest; Tigerettes; Spanish Club 3. FHA Sr. Chapter Pianist; Concert Choir; Spanish Club 4. FHA Sr. Chapter Pianist; Concert Choir; Musical Crew TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY WILLIAM CHARLES GILMORE ti~ 1. Band 2. Band; Future Farmers of America; Softball 3. Band; FFA Vice President ~~ 4. Band; FFA Vice President TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JOHN WILLIAM GLADDEN 3. Football ; LARRY LYNN GODFREY 1. Football; Basketball; Golf, District UIL Medalist; Golf, Most Valuable Player; Mixed Chorus 2. Football; Basketball; Golf; Choir; Spanish Club; 3. "C" Club; Major Athletics Club; Basketball; Golf District Runner-up Spanish Club; Art Club ; 4. "C" Club; Major Athletics Club; Golf; Spanish Club TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CHRISTELLE MARIE GOODING 1. Future Homemakers of America; Tigerettes 2. FHA Secretary; Tigerettes Historian ~+. 184 3. FHA 1st Vice-president; TIGERLAND Staff; Homeroom Treasurer; Spanish Club; UIL Typing 4. FHA; TIGERLAND Staff; Homeroom Treasurer; Spanish Club TEXAS TECH CLAUDE DARRELL GOSSETT 1. Football; Basketball; Baseball; Track; Major Athletics Club; Spanish Club 2. Football, Lettered; Baseball, Lettered; Basketball; Track; Volleyball; "C" Club; Powder Puff Yell Leader; Mixed Chorus; Spanish Club; Homeroom Officer 3. Football, Lettered; Most Valuable Lineman; All-District Football, Baseball, Lettered; Basketball; Track; Homeroom Officer; Choir 4. Football, Lettered; Baseball, Lettered; Choir; All-District 2nd Team Baseball; Homeroom Officer; "C" Club TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CARL MERL GOUGH 1. Football; Baseball; Basketball; Major Athletics Club 2. Football, Lettered; Baseball; Basketball; "C" Club; Major Athletic Club 3. Football, Lettered, Tri-Captain, Honorable Mention for All-District Team; Basketball, Lettered; Baseball, Lettered; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club 4. Football, Lettered, Tri-Captain, Most Valuable Player, All-District Team; Baseball, Lettered; All-School Favorite CARLYNE MAY GOUGH 1. TIGERLAND Staff; Powder Puff Manager; Volleyball 2. Volleyball; Powder Puff; Mixed Chorus; Tigerettes; FHA; Spanish Club; Ele- mentary Education Assistant 3. Transferred 4. Transferred Back to CHS; FHA; Senior Play Crew; Elementary Education Assist- ant SAM HOUSTON STATE COLLEGE JANET FLORENCE GOULD 1. Tigerettes; Future Homemakers of America; Junior Homemaking Degree; Mixed Chorus; Powder Puff 2. Tigerettes; FHA; Concert Choir; All-Region Choir; Spanish Club; Student Coun- -~ cil 3. Bengal Belles; FHA, Wool Contest; Chapter Degree, Concert Choir, All-Region, Choir; TAP Talent Show; Usher, Junior Play, 1st Place UIL 4. Concert Choir, SEC: All-Region Choir, Madrigal; Musical Crew; FHA, Wool Contest, State Degree; Senior Play Cast, Costume Chairman; TIGERLAND Staff UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS ISABEL CRISTINA GRAMATGES y 1, Future Homemakers of America 2. Tigerettes i 4. TIGERLAND Staff; Senior Play Crew; Spanish Club; Most Beautiful Girl BILLIE JEAN GREER 1, Mixed Chorus; Powder Puff Football; Future Homemakers of America, Junior Degree; Tigerettes; Tigerland Turntable 2, Concert Choir; Powder Puff; FHA; Tigerland Turntable; Tigerettes 3. Concert Choir; FHA; Tigerland Turntable; Junior Play Crew ~. 185 4. ,Concert Choir; FHA; Tigerland Turntable; 1st Place UIL Meet DURHAM'S BUSINESS COLLEGE VIRGINIA GREGORY 1. Art Club; Spanish Club; Honor Roll 2. Art Club; Spanish Club; Honor Roll; Junior Classical League; Powder Puff; Bas- ketball; Softball; Volleyball; UIL 3. Art Club; Junior Classical League; Spanish Club; Junior Play Crew; Honor Roll 4. Art Club; Spanish Club; Senior Play Crew; Honor Roll WILLIAM BIRCH HARRIS III 1. Basketball; Perfect Attendance; Young Republican Club 2. Basketball; Latin Club; Perfect Attendance; MC at Latin Club Banquet; Young Republican Club; Amateur Radio Club 3. Basketball; Latin Club; Young Republican Club; Amateur Radio Club at A&M; Y.A.F. 4. Art Club; Perfect Attendance; Young Republican Club; YAF BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY -UTAH RUSS PARKER HARVELL 1. Football, Track, Baseball; Student Council, FFA, Powder Puff Yell-Leader 2. Football, Track, FFA, Homeroom President, Student Council; Powder Puff Yell- Leader 3. Football Captain, "C" Club, FFA President, Star Chapter Farmer, Junior Class President, Junior Favorite, All-Region Choir, Homeroom President 4. FFA, Football Captain, "C" Club, Senior Favorite, All-Region Choir, Madrigal Group; Senior Play Cast, Baseball , TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY GEORGIA ANN HERITAGE 1, Basketball, German Club, Biology Club 2, Basketball; German Club, Latin Club 3. Transferred to CHS from Wichita Falls; Latin Club; Homecoming Nominee FHA; Junior Favorite; FFA Sweetheart; TIGERLAND Staff 4. FHA; Homecoming Queen; Senior Favorite; Senior Favorite; Friendliest Girl; Senior Play Crew; Secretary of Senior Class; Secretary of Mixed Chorus; 1/2 Cutest Couple JERRY EDWARD HOLBERT 1. Football; Student Council; Homeroom Officer 2. Student Council; Homeroom Officer 3. Transferred from Wylie H. S. to CHS; Junior Play Cast; Spanish Club; Speech Club 4. 1st Place UIL Choir; Concert Choir; Tigerland Turntable; Safari Staff; Stttdent Body President; Spanish Club; Speech Club; District l0aaa Good Sportsmanship League; Senior Play Cast; Choir Musical; Most School Spirit; Citizen of Month TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY DAVID NILSEN HOLMGREEN 2. Latin Club; Basketball 3. Spanish Club; Basketball; Junior Play Crew 4. Basketball; Baseball; Senior Play Crew ,~ 186 r SCOTT ALLEN HOLT 1. FFA, Basketball 2, FFA, Basketball, Track, Band, Vice President of Class, Class Favorite 3. FFA Basketball, Track; Band; National Honor Society, Secretary of Class, Nominated Most Representative 4. Transferred from Bartlett to CHS; FFA; Band, Track, Senior Play Cast TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CAROLYN KAY HOOPER 1. Tigerettes; Mixed Chorus; Powder Puff; UIL Solo & Ensemble 2. Concert Choir; Musical; Powder Puff; Spanish Club; Madrigal; UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest 3. Concert Choir; Merit Sweater; Madrigal; Junior Play Crew; Madrigal; Typing Award; UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest 4. Concert Choir; Senior Play Cast; Musical Cast; Madrigal; UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest; Honor Society SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PATRICIA LYNN HORNSEY 1. Future Homemaker of America; Bowling Club 2. FHA; Bowling Club; Volleyball 3. FHA. 4. FHA; Art Club PATRICIA LEE HOTCHKISS 1. Future Homemakers of America, Bowling Club, Powder Puff 2. FHA; Typing Certificate 3. FHA 4. FHA; Art Club; Art Award BUSINESS SCHOOL IN CALIFORNIA SYLVIA AILESE HOUSTON 1. Future Homemakers of America; Latin Club 2. FHA; Latin Club; Tigerettes 3. FHA; Spanish Club; Mixed Chorus; Merit Award in Typing 4. FHA; Spanish Club, Concert Choir; TIGERLAND Staff TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JACQUELYN KAY HUNT 3. Transferred from Lamar in Houston; Mixed Chorus; Spanish Club; FHA; Sports Queen; TIGERLAND Staff; Junior Play Crew 4. Concert Choir; FHA; Homeroom Officer; Senior Play Cast; TIGERLAND Staff; Musical SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE JAMES ROBERT JONES 1. Football; Baseball; Tennis; Photography 2, Football; Baseball; Photography Club; Spanish Club 3. Baseball; Wrestling 4. Transferred from Alabama to CHS; Football; Baseball; Sports Publicity; Semester Honor Roll; TIGERLAND Staff; Manager of Basketball Team TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CAROLYN DIANNE KEMMER 1. Tigerettes; Basketball; Volleyball; Softball; Powder Puff; FHA 187 2. Tigerettes; Chorus; Powder Puff; Basketball; FHA 3. Transferred to Bryan 4. Transferred Back to CHS; FHA; Mixed Chorus SAM HOUSTON STATE COLLEGE KARLENE KNEBEL 1. Future Homemaker of America -Junior Degree; Band; Student Council; 1st in Math Division at Science Fair; Spanish Glub; Powder Puff 2. FHA -Sect. Jr. Chapter; Chapter Degree; Spanish Club; Homemaking Award; Wool Contest; Delegate to State FHA Conv. 4. Band; FHA -President Senior Chapter; State Degree TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SUSAN ELIZABETH LAYMAN 1. Basketball; Pep Squad 2, Basketball, Pep Squad, National Honor Society 3. S. F. A, in Bryan 4. Transferred to CHS; German Club, Latin Club, Honor Society SUSAN CAROL LEE 1. Captain of Cheerleaders; Treasurer of Student Council; President of the Music Department; Paper Staff; Latin Club; Mardi Gras Queen; Valentine Queen; Class Who's Who -Cutest; Alpha Eta Pi; Tri Hi Y 2. Photographer of Paper; Sophomore Attendant of Mardi Gras; Class Who's Who - Most Beautiful; Latin Club; Alpha Eta Pi; Tri Hi Y 3. Photographer of Paper; French Club; Attendant at Columbia Press Convention in New York -Junior Editor of the Yearbook 4. Transferred from Montgomery, Alabama to CHS; FHA; Senior Play Crew; Semes- ter Honor Roll; TIGERLAND Staff SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY DIANE LOUISE LEIPPER 2. Mixed Chorus 3. Concert Choir, Spanish Club 4. Concert Choir, Spanish Club; Future Nurses of America LINDA LOUISE LILES 1. Future Homemakers of America; Band 2. FHA; Band 3. FHA Sand; Bengal Belles; Went to State in Wool Contest 4. FHA; Band Bengal Belles; Senior Play Crew; TIGERLAND Staff, Tigerland Turntable SAM HOUSTON STATE COLLEGE MICHAEL IRVING LINGER 1. Band; Mixed Chorus; Chess Club; Dance Band; Powder Puff Band 2. Band; All-District Band; Powder Puff Band 3. Band; All-District Band; Powder Puff Band 4. Band; All-District Band; Powder Puff Band TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY BRUCE LOLMAUGH 1. Transferred to Alamo Heights H. S, in San Antonio from Randolph AFB Ele- mentary i 1 188 2. Transferred to Mesa H. S. in Arizona 3. Transferred from Mesa H.S, to Enid H.S. in Oklahoma and Back to Mesa High. Transferred then from Mesa H.S, to A & M Consolidated High School C 4. Stayed at Consolidated the Whole Year; Published Article CLAUDIA RADLE LUEDKE 1. FHA; Algebra Award; Homemaking Award; 3. Samariteens (Service Club) 4. Transferred from Waco High to CHS at Semester SHARON ANN LYNCH 1. Future Homemakers of America -Junior Degree 2, Tigerettes; FHA; Spanish Club; Volleyball 3. Tigerettes; FHA; Spanish Club 4. FHA LA MAR TECH DAVID THOMAS MADDOX 1, Band; Latin Club; Bowling Club 2. Band; Student Council; "Learn and Live"; Latin Club 3. Band, Mixed Chorus; Jr. Play Cast, UIL for Band & Choir, Band Council, Homeroom Treasurer, TIGERLAND Staff; Tigerland Turntable 4. Band, Concert Choir, UIL for Choir, Homeroom Treasurer, Band President; Sr. Play Cast, TIGERLAND Staff, Tigerland Turntable; Outstanding Boy in Band; Arion Award TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYLVIA ANN MANSFIELD 3. Transferred from Spring Branch in Houston; FHA; Junior Play Crew 4. FHA; Tigerland Turntable; TIGERLAND Staff; Basketball Manager; Volleyball; Homecoming Princess; Cotton Pageant Duchess; Senior Play Crew TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY RUTH GORDON MCGILL 1. Student Council, Tigerettes; Honor Roll, Lion's Club Science Award; JCL 2, Tigerettes -Sergeant; JCL -Secretary; Honor Roll; Latin Award; Powder Puff; TIGERLAND Staff 3. Bengal Belles -Secretary-Treasurer; JCL Reporter; Honor Roll; Speech & Choir Citations; Mixed Chorus President; Speech Club, Safari Staff, Young Republi- cans 4. Honor Sweater Award; Bengal Belles; JCL; President of German Club; Senior Play; Speech Club; SENIOR BUSINESS MANAGER OF TIGERLAND; Safari Staff Artist, National Merit Finalist, Honor Roll; Most Studious Girl; Most Likely to Succeed; Bausch-Lomb Science Award; National Honor Society; 1st Place Dis- trict UIL Prose; Valedictorian RICE UNIVERSITY FRED RICHTER McNEIL 1. Mixed Chorus 2, Concert Choir; Bowling Club; Spanish Club; Choir Musical 3. Concert Choir; Spanish Club; Junior Play Crew; Young Republican Club 4. Concert Choir; Senior Play Cast; Track; Major Athletics Club; Young Republi- can Club; UIL Award in Choir TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY 189 LINDA LUOISE MEILLER 1. Powder Puff; Bowling Club; Future Homemakers of America 2. Bowling Club; FHA 3. FHA 4. Art Club; FHA TOMMY OW EN MEINECKE 1. Baseball; Track Basketball; Mixed Chorus; Vice-President of Class; Major Athletics Club 2. Baseball; Track; Basketball; Concert Choir; Major Athletics 3. Baseball; Football; Track Basketball -MVP; Concert Choir; Student Council 4. Baseball; Basketball-All-District; Vice-President of Class; Spanish Club; Most Handsome: Most Valuable Player in Basketball TEXAS A & I SHERRY LYNN MIMS 2. Transferred from Alabama to CHS; Latin Club; FHA; Future Nurses 3. Spanish Club; FHA; Future Nurses -Vice-President; Spanish I Award 4. Spanish Club -Secretary; FHA; Future Nurses -President; Safari Staff; FHA State Degree; Spanish II Award NURSING SCHOOL IN SAN ANTONIO FRANK BOWL MORRISON III 1. Mixed Chorus; Photography Club 2, Concert Choir 3. Concert Choir 4, Concert Chou; Senior Play Crew DAVID WAYNE MURPHY 2. Mixed Chorus; Basketball 3. Track TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY DORA CHARLENE OGLE 1. Kayettes 2. Kayettes; Bowling Team; 2nd Place in Spelling Contest; Glee Club; Typing Award 3. Junior Play; Speech Tournament; Music Festival 4. Transferred to CHS; UIL Meet in Choir; Usher at Senior Play DAVID LEROY PARSONS 1. Mixed Chorus, Football, Baseball, Track; Vice-President of Class; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club 2. Football; Track; Baseball, Sophomore Favorite; Vice-President of Class; All- Region Choir, Major Athletics Club, "C" Club 3. Football, Track; State Champion in Discus; Baseball; Vice-President of Class; Best Dressed Boy; Concert Choir-All-Region Choir; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club 4. Football; All-District Third Team; State in Track; Baseball; All-State Choir; All-Region Choir; Best Dressed Boy; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club; Most Cooperative Boy ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE VIRGINIA ANN PATTERSON 1. Spanish Club; Speech Meets; Speech Awards; Honor Roll 1 190 2. Speech Meets and Speech Awards; Best Dressed Girl; Honor Roll 3, Best Dressed Girl; Speech Meets; Junior Play; Honor Roll JOHN VIVIAN PERRY III 1. Baseball; Latin Club; Major Athletics Club 2. Basketball; Latin Club; Major Athletics Club 3. Football; Track; Major Athletics Club 4, Football; Baseball; "C" Club; Senior Play Cast TEXAS UNIVERSITY DICK HARRIS PEWTHERS 1. Mixed Chorus; Drum-Major Powder-Puff; Homeroom Officer; Basketball; Inter- scholastics League Softball and Volleyball 2. Drum-Major Powder-Puff; Concert Choir; Homeroom Officer; UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest; All-Region Choir; Choir Musical; Madrigal; Basketball 3. Junior Play Cast; All-State Choir; Blue-Ribbon At Texas Arts Fair; Homeroom Officer; UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest; All-Region Choir; Madrigal 4. All-State Choir; Musical; Homeroom Officer; UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest; Madrigal; Most Outstanding Boy in Choir SAM HOUSTON STATE COLLEGE JERRY LOU PICKRON 1. Future Homemakers of America 2. FHA 3. FHA; Spanish Club, Junior Play Costume Committee 4, FHA; Future Nurses of America; Spanish Club; TIGERLAND Staff SYLVIA KAY PRICE 1. Tigerettes; Powder-Puff; Future Homemakers of America 2. Tigerettes Officer; Powder Puff; FHA; Latin Club; Mixed Chorus; Junior Degree in Homemaking; Honor Roll 3, FHA; Bengal Belles; Concert Choir; Latin Club; TAP Talent Show; Junior Play Crew; Honor Roll 4. Bengal Belles; Concert Choir; Senior Play Crew; Bengal Belle -Speech Talent Show; Band Talent Show ~ FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY ROBERT JOHN REID 1. Chess Club 2. Latin Club 3. Bowling Club; Latin Club 4. Latin Club; German Club RANDOLPH GAMALIEL RICHARDSON 1. Powder Puff Band 4, Transferred Baclc to CHS; Spanish Club SALLY DIANNE ROSS 1. Tigerettes; Choir; Future Homemakers of America 2. Tigerettes; Concert Choir; FHA; Softball; Musical 3. Concert Choir; FHA; 4. FHA; TIGERLAND Staff BUSINESS COLLEGE IN SAN ANTONIO 191 LINDA LYNN RUDDER 1. Tigerettes; TIGERLAND Staff; Powder Puff; Latin Club; FHA 2, Tigerettes; FHA -Junior Degree; TIGERLAND Staff; Powder Puff; Mixed Chorus; ~ Spanish Club 3. Bengal Belles; FHA; Spanish Club; Latin Club; TIGERLAND Staff; Concert Choir; Junior Play Crew; Chapter Degree 4. Madrigal; Bengal Belles; FHA; Concert Choir; Musical Crew; Senior Play Crew; TIGERLAND Staff TEXAS UNIVERSITY CHRISTINE LOUISE SCHROEDER 1. Honor Roll ~ 2. Spanish Club; Speech Meet; Honor Roll; Speech Club 3. Junior Play Cast; Speech Club; Speech Meet; Honor Roll; Spanish Club 4. Senior Play Cast; Speech Club; Speech Meet; German Club; Honor Roll; Safari Staff (Assistant Editor) TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ', JA NA SHAFFER 2. Transferred from Bryan; Latin Club; Art Award; Honor Roll; Slide Rule Club 3. Latin Club; Spanish Club; Honorable Mention Latin Award; Honor Roll 4. Spanish Club; Honor Roll; Salutatorian REED COLLEGE IN OREGON JONATHAN SHARON 1. FFA 2. Bowling Club; FFA; FFA District Talent Shows; Conducting Team; TAP Talent Show; Live Stock Show Cow Judging 3. Chess Club; FFA; FFA District and Area Talent Shows; FFA Judging Team; Perfect Attendance Record; 4. Photography Club; FFA; District Talent Show; TIGERLAND Staff; John A. Lo- max Folklore Society of A&M TEXAS UNIVERSITY ROSEMARY SHARP 1. Tigerettes; Softball; Volleyball 2. Tigerettes; Softball; Volleyball; FHA; Student Council; 3. Tigerettes; Softball; Volleyball; FHA; Student Council; Mixed Chorus; Wool Contest (County Winner) 4. President of Tigerettes; FHA; Co-Secretary of Student Council; Concert Choir DAISY MARY SLOAN 1. Tigerettes; Homecoming Queen Nominee; Mixed Chorus; Powder Puff 2, Tigerettes Homecoming Queen Nominee; Concert Choir; Class Favorite; Powder Puff; Musical Crew; Spanish Club 3. Jr. Cheerleader; Homecoming Queen Nominee; Spanish Club; Concert Choir; Jr, Play Crew 4, Spanish Club; German Club; Sr, Cheerleader; Homecoming Princess; TIGER- LAND Staff; Concert Choir; Madrigal; Student Council Secretary; One-Act Play TEXAS UNIVERSITY SALLYE JANE SORENSON 1. Freshman Favorite; Homecoming Queen Nominee; Class Reporter; Student Coun- cil; FHA; Homeroom Officer; Tigerettes 192 2. Class Treasurer; FHA 1st VP; Mixed Chorus; Homecoming Queen Nominee; Spanish Club; Homeroom Officer; Sergeant -Tigerettes 3. Jr. Cheerleader; FHA; Spanish Club; Class Treasurer; Concert Choir; Jr. Play Crew 4. Head Cheerleader; Student Council; Spanish Club; Concert Choir-Madrigal; FHA Tigerland Turntable; All-School Favorite; Sr. Play Crew; National Honor Society TEXAS UNIVERSITY ELIZABETH ANN STEELY 1. FHA; Latin Club 2. FHA; Latin Club 3. Transferred to Rome, Italy; French Club; Drama Production; 4. Transferred Back to CHS; Senior Play Crew; Latin Club; Honor Roll KATHLEEN JEAN SPERRY 1. Latin Club; Powder Puff; FHA Jr. Degree; RAP 1 Honor Roll; State Latin Con- vention-Grammar 1. 2. FHA - 2nd VP; Latin Club; State Latin Convention -Grammar 2; Powder Puff Water Girl; TAP; Honor Roll; Latin Award - 2nd Year; FHA Chapter Degree 3. Latin Club; Spanish Club; FHA; State Degree-FHA; Honor Roll; Junior Play Stage Crew 4. Honor Sweater; FHA; Spanish Club VP; Safari Staff; National Spanish Tests; Future Nurses Club -Sec. -Treas. ;Senior Play Crew; Latin Club; Honor Roll TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY BARBARA SUE STATEN 1. Future Homemakers of America 2. FHA; Pruitt Award; Homeroom Secretary 3. FHA; State Degree; Mixed Chorus; Bowling Club; UIL Contest-Choir; Honor Sweater; Wool Contest - 9th in District 4. FHA; Sr. Play Crew; Concert Choir; Bowling Club; Betty Crocker Award; UIL Contest-Choir and Number Sense; Wool contest; Safari Staff; Musical TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ALICE PUTZ VAN WINKLE 1. FHA; Tigerettes; Art Club; Volleyball 2. FHA; Future Nurses 3. FHA 4. Art Club WALTER ANDREW VARVEL 1. Basketball; Baseball; Freshman Favorite; Student Council "C" Club 2. Football; Basketball; Baseball; Sophomore Class President; Student Council; Major Athletics Club; "C" Club 3. Football; Basketball; Baseball; Most Valuable Award-Baseball; Student Council; Mixed Chorus; Major Athletics Club "C" Club; Good Sportsmanship Award in Basketball; Most Representative TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY GAIL DIANNE VENUTI 1. Eastchester High School-New York -Pep Squad; Vice-President of Social Club; Field Hockey; Volleyball; Chorus 2. Transferred to CHS from Eastchester 193 DANIEL TRUETT WHITT JR. 3. Transferred from Garland H.S. ;Photography Club; VP of Bowling Club; Latin Club; 4. President of Photography Club; Pres, of Bowling Club; President of Latin Club; Student Council; Concert Choir; TIGERLAND Staff; Jr, and Sr. Play Crew TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TIMOTHY MARK WOLTERS 1. Football; Track; FFA 2, Football; Mixed Chorus; FFA; Track; 3. Football; FFA; Track 4. Football; FFA; 1/2 Cutest Couple TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY FRED WILLARD WORLEY 1. Football 3. Basketball; Junior Play Cast; Safari Staff; Volleyball; Spanish Club 4. Basketball; Spanish Club SHARON ANN YEAGER 1. Tigerettes; FHA Jr. Degree; Homeroom Officer; Volleyball; Powder Puff 2. Tigerettes Sergeant; FHA Reporter; FHA Chapter Degree; Latin Club; Volleyball; Softball; Basketball; Homeroom Officer; Powder Puff; TIGERLAND Staff; Honor Roll 3. Tigerettes - Jr. Captain; Latin Club; FHA Secretary; Volleyball; UIL - Soft- ball; FHA State Degree; Student Council; Junior Play Crew 4. Cheerleader; FHA - 2nd VP; Sr. Play -Asst. Director; TIGERLAND Staff SAM HOUSTON STATE COLLEGE 194 i€ t COMMUNITY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . Checking Accounts Saving Accounts Commercial Loans . Personal Loans . Automobile Loans 717 Sulphur Springs Road College Station 846-7775 Compliments of 3800 Texas Ave. 846-6613 ~ P~~ ~~~ EXTERMINATING CO. 2116 Fountain Member ra!=~ PES~ONTROL 822-3933 Member -a! PES~ONTROL ~~ 195 WINN'S SUPERMARKET TASTEE FREEZE 209 Hwy. 6 E 846-4827 , Hamburgers , 50 Flavor Shakes , Malts French Fries Luigi Burgers . Sundaes Compliments of WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE Home Owned and Operated by: J, M, "BEN" DANIEL 300-302 E. 25th Street Bryan, Texas 822-3701 est~r~ 1 llt0 196 ED GARNER'S STUDENT CO-OP 505 Sulphur Springs 846-6715 t t C, "Where Teen-Agers Are Always Welcome" 1 _. ~ . ~~ 1309 Texas Ave. 822-1333 Mustang Falcon Fairlane Ford Thunderbird Compliments of { r ~ a 114 South Bryan Street Bryan, Texas 822-0181 L_ 197 CADE MOTOR COMPANY BRYAN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSN. ~. r i ^ i HILLIER AMBULANCE SERVICE Our Service A Sacred Trust Total Service 24 Hours Per Day of Each Year Dial 822-1571 502 W. 26th Street -Bryan MIKE'S AMERICAN SERVICE CENTER 1400 Hwy. 6 S 846-8017 AMERICAN ORR'S Super Markets "Best in Bryan" 200 E. 24th Ridgecrest Plus S & H Green Stamps 199 Your One-Stop Center for new Chevrolets, used cars, parts, and authorized service! 500 S. College 822-1375 "'i ~ ~ i~' e " '? . ;' U ~ , m 4 1 ~~~ ~ ' ~= B ' ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ O ~ n V ~~~ ~, E S ~ R . ~~ T S O ~~ ~ ~ ~a R ~ , E T Y ~ ~~ ~~ . Y~~ . ~~f~w 409 Sulphur Springs Rd. College Station 846-4 818 Come in and See Us ! ! t CORBUSIER CHEVROLET ALLEN'S BLIND & DRAPERY SHOP 3812 Texas Avenue Phone 846-4510 Bryan, Texas 1~ GEO. SHELTON, INC. Tires and Brakes ~irestoae 901 S. College Ave. 822-0139 LADY FAIR BEAUTY SALON 1921 Tex~.s Ave. 822-1711 Specializing in Hair Coloring Hair Shaping Permanents Wigs High Fashion Hair Styling Most modern equipment available ^ :~ f ,~°~°~ __. -~~.~.1. , ,.. :~ a~. ~~ .~~ ~~ YOUR TROUBLES ~~~ ,~ VANISH >~ ~, ~ 1 JOE FAULK AUTO & APPLIANCE STORE 220 E. 25 Bryan, Texas Just Call: 822-1669 ~, s.~ A ~ s. ~- COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR SERVICE PORTO-PEP and PORTAGE SHOES MEN AND "BIG BOYS" (Sizes to 14 available) JUSTIN BOOTS LEATHER GOODS ~f'~'~~G''~?/.L, ./PLC. A&M Since 1891 North Gate College. Station 202 Townshire Shopping Center Suits Men's Cologne Shirts Slacks Sweaters ~ o,' s ~rsitq shop s ~~ , t ~~ ~, . ~°~ ~. JONES PHARMACY 817 Hwy. 6 E. 846-4742 City-Wide Delivery Prescriptions Drugs ~~,~- ~~ ;~riJll7~ri LETTERPRESS -OFFSET LITHO -BUSINESS FORMS SOUTHSIDE SHOPPING CENTER ~, .~_~ r, , 4 ,%fi, _ ,~ Mf ~ ;`11/11 M~~ - ~` ~ ~ ~~ ,fii i~ VARNER'S JEWELRY STORE ~~ ~ ~'. i WE FILL ALL DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS 334 S, Jersey 846-7215 College Station, Texas Jewelry Silverware , Watches China , Crystal 415 Sulphur Springs Road College Station, Texas 846-5816 North Gate 846-5419 Botany '500' and Varsity-Town Suits Stetson Hats -Manhattan Shirts Nunn-Bush and Edgerton Shoes McGregor Sportswear MENS CLOTHING SINCE 1896 FURNITURE T OW N5HIRE x APPLIANCES LET Gifts for All Occasions 823-8081 c UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK Member: FDIC i, LET US HELP 711 Sulphe r Springs Road College Station 205 Member: Federal Reserve System 2~~ ~"~ '`~~. ~~ -~ ~ ~~ ~, ~~~ ~ s ~~ ~. _~ ~ ~_~~. . ~ ~~ S~ 3;~~ a ~~ ~~~~~ t ~, ?~ ~i `" icy \ `~ ~'~!~ •' ~ ~QS p~~, ~ ~ ~ "'t ~ ~ ~ n ' ~n ~~~ a~ ~ ~/ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~' ~ ~+~ ~~ YJ .~. ~ cf ~ off., ~ ~~ -= ~m~e ~" ~.~' ~~ a ~ ~ ~ Qf ~1'~''~ •' ~~~ ~°® . wu. ,4~~ r° ~ ~ u ~Ibi ~ ~ ~~..: ` ~ ,~, ~„ F r` '. ;M .• ~i $~ ` _ ~ i. ~a ~~1 "~x.~. r'i'+ .a " Y~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I{~: ~ ~ I J~ 111. 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