HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmerican Mile 1976-2025THE AMERICAN MILE Historical Events 1976 - 2025 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 International Dipankar Sen Jan 21 Commercial flights of Concorde spersonic transport, operated by British Airways and Air France, began. November 18 1978 - Jonestown mass suicide: In Jonestown, Guyana, Jim Jones leads his Peoples Temple in a mass murder-suicide; 913 die, including 276 children. -- BH (1) June 18 1979 - Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev sign the SALT II agreement in Vienna -- BH (2) November 4 1979 - Iran hostage crisis begins: 3000 Iranian radicals, mostly students, invade the United States embassy in Tehran and take 90 hostages (63 of whom are American). They demand that the United States send the former shah back to Iran to stand trial. -- BH (1) April 1 1980 - The Mariel boatlift begins -- BH (2) April 24–April 25 1980 - Operation Eagle Claw, a commando mission in Iran to rescue American embassy hostages, is aborted after mechanical problems ground the rescue helicopters. Eight United States troops are killed in a mid-air collision during the failed operation -- BH (1) January 20 1981 - President-elect Ronald Reagan succeeds Jimmy Carter as President of the United States of America. Minutes after Reagan becomes president, Iran releases 52 American hostages that had been held captive for 444 days 1981 - Iran hostage crisis ends (1) March 5 1984 - Iran accuses Iraq of the use of chemical weapons. UN condemns the use on March 30. (2) 04/18 1984 - The U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, was almost completely destroyed by a car-bomb explosion that killed sixty-three people, including the suicide bomber and seventeen Americans (3) May 8 1984 - The Soviet Union announces that it will boycott the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California 09/01 1985 - Seventy-three years after it sunk to the North Atlantic ocean floor, a joint U.S.-French expedition located the wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic four hundred miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada (1) January 25 1990 - The Berlin Wall starts to come down. (BH) (2) August 2 1990 - Gulf War: Iraq invades Kuwait, eventually leading to the Gulf War (BH) August 31 1997 - Diana, Princess of Wales is taken to a hospital after a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris. She is pronounced dead at 4:00 the next morning Nov 26 Commercial flights of Concorde spersonic transport, operated by British Airways and Air France, ended on October 24, with the last "retirement" flight on November 26. National Bill Harper (1) July 3 1976 - Supreme Court of the United States rules on Gregg v. Georgia and decides that death penalty is not inherently cruel or unusual and is a constitutionally acceptable form of punishment (2) July 4 1976 - United States Bicentennial (3) September 3 1976 - Viking program: The Viking 2 spacecraft lands at Utopia Planitia on Mars takes the first close-up, color photos of the planet's surface (1) July 13 1977 - The New York City Blackout of 1977 lasts for 25 hours and results in looting and other disorder. (2) July 28 1977 - First oil through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System reaches Valdez, Alaska (3) September 21 1977 - Nuclear-proliferation pact, curbing spread of nuclear weapons, is signed by 15 countries including the United States and USSR. (4) November 22 1977 - British Airways inaugurates regular London to New York City supersonic Concorde service (1) April 18 1978 - The US Senate votes 68-32 to turn the Panama Canal over to Panamanian control on December 31, 1999. (2) June 26 1978 - The Supreme Court of the United States, in the Bakke case, bars quota systems in college admissions but affirms constitutionality of programs giving advantage to minorities. (3) May 25 1978 - A bomb explodes in the security section of Northwestern University 1978 - security guard is wounded. The first bomb of the Unabomber case. (4) July 25 1978 - First human birth, girl Louise Brown, from in vitro fertilization (the test tube baby). (1) January 1 1979 - Sino-American relations: United States and the People's Republic of China establish diplomatic relations (1) March 21 1980 - President Jimmy Carter announces that the United States will boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. (2) May 18 1980 - Mount St. Helens erupts in Washington killing 57 and causing US$3 billion in damage (1) March 30 1981 - President Ronald Reagan is shot in the chest outside a Washington, D.C., hotel by John Hinckley, Jr., whose family had connections with the vice president. Two police officers and James Brady are also wounded (2) April 12 1981 - The first launch of a Space Shuttle: Columbia launches on the STS-1 mission (3) June 5 1981 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report the first recognized cases of AIDS (4) August 19 1981 - US President Ronald Reagan appoints the first female US Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor (1) November 13 1982 - The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in Washington D.C. after a march to its site by thousands of Vietnam War veterans (2) December 2 1982 - At the University of Utah, 61-year-old retired dentist Barney Clark becomes the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart (he lived for 112 days with the device) (3) December 2 1982 - At the University of Utah, 61-year-old retired dentist Barney Clark becomes the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart (he lived for 112 days with the device) (1) March 8 1983 - President Ronald Reagan calls the Soviet Union an "evil empire." (2) June 18 1983 - Sally Ride becomes first American woman in space on the Space Shuttle Challenger (3) October 23 1983 - A suicide truck-bombing destroys the United States Marine Corps barracks at Beirut International Airport, killing 241 US servicemen (4) October 25 1983 - United States invades Grenada. (1) 07/12 1984 - Walter Mondale, the leading Democratic presidential candidate, announced that he had chosen Representative Geraldine Ferraro of New York as his running mate. […and she became] the first woman nominated by a major party for the vice presidency (2) 04/05 1984 - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, of the Los Angeles Lakers, used his patented12-foot skyhook in the fourth quarter to become the all-time NBA regular season scoring leader this night. He broke the previous mark held by Wilt Chamberlain who had 31,419 points (3) 02/07 1984 - While in orbit around the earth, Navy Captain Bruce McCandless becomes the first human being to fly untethered in space when he exits the U.S. space shuttle Challenger and maneuvers freely using a rocket pack of his own design (1) March 15 1985 - The first .com domain name, symbolics.com, is registered by the Symbolics corporation. However, in this early stage of the rollout of domain names, .edu domains, for educational institutions, still predominate over the commercial .com ones (2) July 19 1985 - U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush announces that New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe will become the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the Space Shuttle. (3) 09/11] 1985 - Pete Rose broke the major-league record for hits this night as he connected for hit number 4,192, eclipsing Ty Cobb's record (1) January 28 1986 - Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrates 73 seconds after launch, killing its crew of six astronauts and the schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe. (1) January 8 1987 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 2,000 for the first time gaining 8.30 to close at 2,002.25. (2) 11/18 1987 - The congressional committee on the Iran-Contra affair issues their final report, stating that President Ronald Reagan failed in his constitutional duty as president and bore "the ultimate responsibility" for the wrongdoing of his aides. (3) 05/17 1987 - 37 United States sailors aboard the U.S.S. Stark are killed when an Iraqi warplane mistakenly fires missiles at the ship, in the Persian Gulf. (4) 03/25 1987 - The Supreme Court rules employers may sometimes favor women and members of minority groups over men and whites in hiring and promoting in order to achieve better balance in the work force. (1) 12/21 1988 - A New-York-bound Pan-Am Boeing 747 explodes in flight from a terrorist bomb and crashes into a Scottish village (Lockerbie, Scotland), killing all 259 aboard and 11 persons on the ground. Passengers included 38 Syracuse University students and many U.S. military personnel (2) 09/29 1988 - Stacy Allison became the first American woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world (1) March 24 1989 - Exxon Valdez oil spill: In Alaska's Prince William Sound the Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels (11 million gallons) of oil after running aground (2) November 7 1989 - Douglas Wilder wins the governor's seat in Virginia and becomes the first elected African American governor in the United States (3) November 9 1989 - Cold War: East Germany opens checkpoints in the Berlin Wall, allowing its citizens to freely travel to West Germany for the first time in decades (4) December 20 1989 - United States invades Panama (Operation Just Cause) to overthrow Manuel Noriega 1989 - he takes refuge in the Vatican mission until January 3, 1990. (1) April 24 1990 - The Space Shuttle Discovery places the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit. It becomes operational May 20 (2) November 13 1990 - The first known web page is written (1) January 17 1991 - Operation Desert Storm begins. (2) February 27 1991 - Gulf War: Kuwait is liberated, and a ceasefire is declared, after 100 hours of ground fighting. Iraq accepts the terms of the ceasefire, which call for the country to disarm (3) April 17 1991 - After approaching 3,000 in July 1990, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 3,000 for the first time ever, closing at 3,004.46. (1) 08/12 1992 - After 14 months of negotiations, the U.S., Mexico and Canada announced in Washington that they had concluded the North American Free Trade Agreement, which would create the world's largest trading bloc. (2) 05/22 1992 - After a reign of nearly 30 years, Johnny Carson stepped down as host of NBC's "Tonight Show," telling his audience, "I bid you a very heartfelt good night." (3) 02/01 1992 - Meeting in Washington D.C., President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin declare an official end to the Cold War. (1) 02/26 1993 - A bomb explodes in the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center in New York City. Six people died and 1,000 were injured by the powerful blast. (1) January 1 1994 - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) goes into effect (2) 06/12 1994 - Nicole Brown Simpson, famous football player O.J. Simpson's ex-wife, and her friend Ron Goldman are brutally stabbed to death outside Nicole's home in Brentwood, California, in what quickly becomes one of the most highly publicized trials of the century. (3) January 17 1994 - 1994 Northridge Earthquake, magnitude 6.7, hits the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles at 4:31 am. (4) December 19 1994 - The Whitewater scandal investigation begins (1) February 23 1995 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average gains 30.28 to close at 4,003.33 -- The Dow's first ever close above 4,000 (2) April 19 1995 - Bombing of Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. 168 people, including 8 Federal Marshals and 19 children, were killed. Timothy McVeigh and one of his accomplices, Terry Nichols set off the bomb. (3) November 21 1995 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 40.46 to close at 5,023.55, its first close above 5,000. This makes the 1995 the first year where the Dow surpasses two millennium marks in a single year. It would do it again in 1997 and 1999. (1) April 3 1996 - Suspected "Unabomber" Theodore Kaczynski is arrested at his Montana cabin. (2) October 14 1996 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average gains 40.62 to close at 6,010.00 -- The Dow's first close above 6,000. (1) January 22 1997 - Madeleine Albright becomes the first female secretary of state after confirmation by the United States Senate. (2) February 13 1997 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 7,000 for the first time gaining 60.81 to 7,022.44. (3) July 16 1997 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average gains 63.17 to close at 8,038.88. It is the Dow's first close above 8,000. The Dow has doubled its value in 30 months. (4) July 21 1997 - The fully restored USS Constitution (aka "Old Ironsides") celebrates her 200th birthday by setting sail for the first time in 116 years (1) January 26 1998 - Lewinsky scandal: On American television, President Bill Clinton denies his involvement with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky (2) March 5 1998 - NASA announces the choice of United States Air Force Lt. Col. Eileen Collins as commander of a future Space Shuttle Columbia mission to launch an X-ray telescope making Collins the first woman commander of a space shuttle mission. (3) September 7 1998 - Google is founded. (4) October 29 1998 - Space Shuttle Discovery blasts-off with 77-year old John Glenn on board, making him the oldest person to go into space. He became the first American to orbit Earth on Tuesday, February 20, 1962. (5) January 17, 1998 - President Clinton became the first sitting U.S. president to testify as a defendant in a criminal or civil suit. (1) January 7, 1999 - The impeachment trial of President William Clinton began in the Senate.(2) February 12 1999 - President Bill Clinton is acquitted by the United States Senate in his impeachment trial (3) March 29 1999 - For the first time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above the 10000 mark at 10006.78. (4) April 20 1999 - Two Littleton, Colorado teenagers named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold open fire on their teachers and fellow students. The teenagers killed twelve students and one teacher, and then killed themselves. See Columbine High School massacre. (5) May 3 1999 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 11,000 for the first time. It closes at 11,014.70. (6) December 31 1999 - The Panama Canal is transferred to Panamanian control. (1) April 22 2000 - In a predawn raid, federal agents seize six-year old Elián González from his relatives' home in Miami, Florida and fly him to his Cuban father in Washington, DC ending one of the most publicized custody battles in US history (2) October 12 2000 - In Aden, Yemen, the USS Cole is badly damaged by two suicide bombers who placed a small boat laden with explosives along-side the United States Navy destroyer, killing 17 crew members and wounding at least 39. (1) January 19, 2001 - President Clinton admitted he made false statements under oath about Monica Lewinsky. (2) September 11 2001 - Almost 3,000 killed in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania. (3) December 2 2001 - Enron files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection five days after Dynegy canceled a US$8.4 billion buyout bid. At the time this was the largest bankruptcy in the history of the United States. (1) March 1 2002 - U.S. invasion of Afghanistan: In eastern Afghanistan, Operation Anaconda begins. (2) November 25 2002 - US President George W. Bush signs the Homeland Security Act into law, establishing the Department of Homeland Security in the largest US government reorganization since the creation of the Department of Defense in 1947 (the Senate passed the bill 90-9 on November 19). (1) February 1 2003 - The Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates over Texas upon reentry, killing all seven astronauts onboard. (2) March 19 2003 - First American bombs dropped on Baghdad, Iraq. President Saddam Hussein and his sons do not comply with President Bush's 48 hour mandate demanding their exit from Iraq. (3) March 20 2003 - 2003 Iraq war: Land troops from United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Poland invade Iraq. (4) January 21, 2003 - The U.S. Census Bureau reported that Hispanics had surpassed Blacks as the largest minority group. (5) December 13 2003 - Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq, is captured in Tikrit by the U.S. 4th Infantry Division. (1) March 2 2004 - NASA announces that the Mars rover MER-B (Opportunity), has confirmed that the area of Mars they landed in was once drenched in water. (2) July 4 2004 - Groundbreaking of Freedom Tower at Ground Zero in New York City. (1) August 29 2005 - At least 1,417 are killed, and severe damage is caused along the U.S. Gulf Coast, as Hurricane Katrina strikes the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama coastal areas. Within hours, levees give way and New Orleans is flooded. (2) September 24 2005 - Hurricane Rita hits the U.S. Gulf Coast. The 9th Ward section of New Orleans floods for the 2nd time in a month and a half. Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama are also affected. (3) October 22 2005 - Tropical Storm Alpha forms making the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season the most active on record. National Dipankar Sen May 18 - Mount St. Helens erupts 12 April First flight with John Young and Robert Crippin of space shuttle columbia the first airplane-like craft to land from orbit for reuse. Jan 28 Space shuttle Challenger was destroyed with seven astronauts just after take off. Kary B. Mullis received the Nobel prize in Chemistry (shared with Michael Smith) for his invention of the method of polymerase chain reaction that enhanced DNA techniqes treamendously. Feb 1 Space shuttle columbia broke up over Texas fifteen minutes before scheduled landing killing seven astronauts. National Julie Schultz Nov 2 - Jimmy Carter elected 39th President of the United States. Brazos County votes for (R)Gerald Ford. Nov 4 - Ronald Reagan elected 40th President of the United States. Brazos County votes for (R) Reagan. Nov 6 - Ronald Reagan re-elected President of the United States. Brazos County votes for (R) Reagan. Nov 8 - George Bush elected 41st President of the United States. Brazos County votes: Bush(R)-29,369, Dukakis(D)-14,885. Nov 3 - Bill Clinton is elected 42nd President of the United States. Brazos County votes: Bush(R)-23,943, Clinton(D)-14,819. Nov 5 - Bill Clinton is re-elected President of the United States. Brazos County votes: Dole(R)-22,082, Clinton(D)-13,968. Nov 7 - George W. Bush is elected 43rd President of the United States. Brazos Co votes: Bush(R)-32,864, Gore(D)-12,359. National Joanna Yeager Democratic Party candidate Jimmy Carter elected president. US embassy in Tehran, Iran, seized by radical students, which began a 444-day hostage crisis - including a failed rescue attempt in 1980. Republican Party's Ronald Reagan elected president. Jan - Iran frees the 52 US embassy hostages, on the same day as President Reagan's inauguration. US invades Caribbean nation of Grenada, partly prompted by its concerns over the island's ties with Cuba. Ronald Reagan re-elected president, beating Democratic Party candidate Walter Mondale. Jan - Space shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after take off from Cape Canaveral. All seven crew members are killed. Reagan's vice-president, George Bush, elected president. U.S. troops invade Panama, oust its government and arrest its leader, one-time Central Intelligence Agency informant General Manuel Noriega, on drug-trafficking charges U.S. forces play dominant role in war against Iraq, which was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and ended with the expulsion of Iraqi troops from that country. Democratic Party candidate Bill Clinton elected president. Congress passes North American Free Trade Agreement, or Nafta, intended to create free-trade bloc among US, Canada and Mexico Oklahoma bomb kills more than 160 people in worst ever incident of its kind in U.S. Clinton re-elected, beating Republican rival Bob Dole. Mar-June - US plays leading role in Nato bombardment of Yugoslavia in response to Serb violence against ethnic Albanians in the province of Kosovo. Nov - Vice-president and Democrat candidate Al Gore and the Republican Party's George W Bush contest one of the closest presidential election races ever. Bush takes the presidency, albeit with a smaller share of the national vote than Gore. 11 September - Four passenger aircraft are hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, the US Defence Department - the Pentagon - in Washington DC and into a field in Pennsylvania; 3,025 people are killed in the attacks. 8 October - US leads massive campaign of air strikes against Afghanistan and later sends in special forces to help opposition forces defeat the Taleban regime and find Saudi-born dissident Osama Bin Laden, who is suspected of masterminding the 11 September attacks. October - USA Patriot Act approved by the Senate. December - Energy giant Enron declared bankrupt after massive false-accounting comes to light. June/July - Telecoms giant WorldCom's multi-billion dollar accounting fraud is revealed, eclipsing the Enron scandal to become the biggest business failure in US history. February - Space shuttle Columbia's 28th mission ends in tragedy when the craft breaks-up while re-entering the atmosphere. The seven astronauts on board are killed. 20 March - Missile attacks on targets in Baghdad mark the start of a US-led campaign to topple the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. 2 November - Presidential elections: George W Bush wins a second term. August - Hundreds of people are killed when Hurricane Katrina, the most destructive storm to hit the US in decades, sweeps through gulf coast states. Much of the city of New Orleans is submerged by flood waters. State Julie Schultz Nov - Ann Richards is elected Governor. 02/28 1993 - Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raid the Branch Davidian cult compound in Waco, Texas, prompting a gun battle in which four agents and six cult members are killed.. (BH) Nov - George W. Bush is elected Governor. May 27 1997 - A strong tornado hits in Jarrell, Texas killing 27 people. It was the second deadliest tornado of the 1990s. (BH) Nov - George W. Bush is elected Governor. Brazos County votes: Bush(R)-19,522, Mauro(D)-6,544. Lt. Gov. James R. “Rick” Perry ’72 becomes the first Aggie to serve as Governor of Texas. In November 2002, he becomes the first Aggie to be elected Governor. Nov 5 - Rick Perry, a Texas A&M graduate, is elected governor. State Katie Elrod August 18 1983 - Hurricane Alicia hits the Texas coast, killing 22 and causing over US$3.8 billion (2005 dollars) -- BH Texas Legislature passes the "no-pass-no-play rule as part of education reform Houstonian George Bush is elected President of the United States Ann Richards becomes first women governor of Texas in her own right. Kay Bailey Hutchinson becomes first women t o servie as U.S. Senator from Texas February 3 1998 - Karla Faye Tucker is executed in Texas becoming the first woman executed in the United States since 1984. (BH) Former Texas Gov. George Bush is elected Presidnet of the United States Local Brazos County Julie Schultz 1980 Census reports Brazos Co population is 93,588. 1990 Census reports Brazos Co population is 121,862. 2000 Census reports Brazos Co population is 152,415. Bryan Julie Schultz 1980 Census reports Bryan's population is 44,337. June - The Eagle of Bryan College Station changes its name to The Bryan College Station Eagle. Aug 26 - Frank E. Vandiver appointed President of Texas A&M. 1990 Census reports Bryan's population is 55,002. 2000 Census reports Bryan's population is 65,660. College Station Julie Schultz 1980 Census reports College Station's population is 37,272 1990 Census reports College Station's population is 52,443. 2000 Census reports College Station's population is 67,890. College Station Jerry Cooper (1) Spring – Charter change approved to return to the ward election system; proved ambiguous and costly (2) June 29 – $12.8 million bond issue approved; spurred development of city utilities; City contracts with Gulf States Utilities for electricity (3) August – First bicycle lanes marked on city streets (4) September – Council accepts comprehensive city plan (1) January – Tourist information center opens across from city cemetery. (2) April – Citizens vote to reinstate at-large election system (3) Police and Municipal Court Building opens (4) Hotel/Motel Tax funds subsidize municipal art collection City buys land for proposed industrial park. October – College Station Industrial Development Foundation established to seek high tech, electronic, and research firms. (1) March 4 – Westinghouse buys 54 acres on Highway 6 Bypass. (2) July 9 – City buys 1,266 acres off of Rock Prairie Road at Greens Prairie Road for $1.58 million. (Landfill) (3) December – Two more water wells completed giving the city its first independent water supply (1) February – Post Oak Mall opens. Texas Instruments plant? (2) June – Community Center opens in old A&M Consolidated High School. (3) August – Central Park opens . Texas A&M University Jerry Cooper Oct. 4. A&M Centennial Convocation Day. Unveiling of six A&M Centennial Wood Carvings by Sue and Rodney Hill in the Memorial Student Center. Seventh Wood Carving by the Hills installed as a Class of '93 project, 1998. March 31- Radio Station KAMU-FM goes on the air. Sept - First class of 32 students enroll at TAMU Medical School. March 21. Baseball Stadium dedicated. $1,568,000. Named for C.E. "Pat" Olsen '23. Field lighting added in 1980. Texas A&M Student Government creates "The Big Event," an annual one-day student service project benefitting the A&M community that has continued for two decades. A&M Research Park Phase I infrastructure. $5,710,827. State of Texas historical marker for Early Texas A&M Campus Housing erected. CRAY Y-MP2/116 Supercomputer installed. Opening of Corps of Cadets Visitor Center. $3,300,000. Dedicated in honor of Sam Houston Sanders '22 on Sept. 12. April 21. Two and a half ton segment of the Berlin Wall accepted for display at Bush Presidential Library. February 23-25. Baylor, Texas A&M, Texas and Texas Tech vote to leave the Southwest Conference and join the Big 8, effective with the 1996-97 school year. The new conference is named the Big 12. April 21 - State of Tx historical marker for C.S. Train Depot erected. Nov 30 - Groundbreaking ceremony for the George Bush Pres. Library Center. (1) February 24. State of Texas historical marker for Texas A&M's Corps of Cadets erected. (JC) (2) August 31 1996 - The Big 12 Conference is inaugurated with a football game between Kansas State University and Texas Tech University in Manhattan, Kansas. (BH) September 1. The George Bush School of Government and Public Service opens. Nov 6 - Dedication of the G.B. Pres Libr Center (Pres Libr & Museum, Bush School of Govt & Public Service,Dept of Political Sci, Dept of Econ & Internat'l Ctr). November 18. Bonfire stack collapses. Eleven students and one former student died and 27 students were injured. More than 194 designs are submitted for a Bonfire Memorial. Final selection constructed on the Polo Field, November 2004. October 28. Silver Taps monument donated by the Class of 1995 is unveiled in the Academic Plaza. Sculpture by Rodney C. Hill. September 22. Red, White and Blue Out – Just 11 days after the terrorist attacks on New York City and the Pentagon, the three decks of Kyle Field were turned the colors of the American Flag. Five Texas A&M students launched an impromptu T-shirt sales project that raised more than $200,000 for the families of New York police and firefighters. Fall - Texas A&M and its Corps of Cadetrs celebrate 125th anniversary. Wellborn Road Pedestrian Passage Way, $14,897,300. Texas A&M University Julie Schultz Linda (Cornelius) Waltman becomes the first woman on full athletic scholarship. Oct 4 - Texas A&M University celebrates its 100th anniversary. July 29 - Jarvis E. Miller (Classof 1950) appointed President of Texas A&M. March 21 - C.E. Pat Olsen Baseball Stadium dedicated. Field lighting added in 1980. Melanie Zentgraf, a female member of the Corps of Cadets, leads a class action lawsuit to integrate women into several elite Corps organizations and honor companies. The case will last five years and will result in the integration of all Corps organizations. Sept 26 - Frank W.R. Hubert named Chancellor of the Texas A&M University System. Kyle Field's west side third deck erected, east side third deck erected, new press box erected, west side suites erected, new scoreboard installed. Capacity now 70,000. The Big Event began when six Aggies cleaned a local cemetery. Led by Joe Nussbaum, The Big Event was and still is a way for Aggies to thank the Bryan and College Station community each year. July 1 - Arthur G. Hansen named chancellor of the Texas A&M University System upon the retirement of Frank W.R. Hubert. First Faculty Senate elected. Dr. John McDermott named Senate Speaker. All Corps organizations are opened to women. The first women join the Aggie Band. A&M Research Park Phase I completed. July 22 - Perry L. Adkisson appointed Chancellor of the Texas A&M University System. Sjept 5 - Clayton W. Williams Jr Alumni Center dedicated. Jan 7 - The Research Annex at the old Bryan Air Base designated the Texas A&M Riverside Campus. Aug 1 - William H. Mobley appointed president of the University. May 3 - Texas A&M selected as the site for the George Bush Presidential Library. Aug 30 - Herbert H. Richardson appointed Chancellor of the Texas A&M University System. Fall - Bonfire moved from Duncan Field to the polo fields near the intersection of Texas Avenue and University Drive. April 21 - Two and a half ton segment of Berlin Wall accepted for display at Bush Presidential Library. Sept - A&M President William H Mobley appointed Chancellor of the Texas A&M System. Provost E. Dean Gage (Class of 1965) appointed interim president. Feb 23 - Baylor, Texas A&M, Texas, and Texas Tech vote to leave the Southwest Conference and join the Big 8 Conference, effective with the 1996 97 school year. The new conference is named the Big XII Conference. April - Brooke Leslie is the first woman elected student body president. June 1 - Ray M. Bowen (Class of 1958), appointed president of the University. Aug - Barry B. Thompson (Class of 1972) named Chancellor of the Texas A&M University System. Nov 30 - Ground breaking ceremony for the George Bush Presidential Library Center. Forty three percent of the student body are female. For the first time, female members of the incoming freshman class outnumber male members. There are 3,243 females and 3,144 males. Nov 6 - Dedication of the George Bush Presidential Library Center. Dedication attended by four U.S. presidents, six first ladies and many foreign dignitaries Reed Arena Special Events Center completed. Erica R. Smith becomes the first female Combined Band commander. Oct - Kyle Field north end zone project completed. Capacity approx. 82,000. Nov 18 - At 2:28 a.m. the 59 foot stack of logs being assembled for Texas A&M University’s annual Bonfire collapses, killing 11 students, one former student and injuring 27 other students. Susan Rudd Wynn, '78, becomes the first female graduate to serve on the Board of Regents. Oct 4 - Texas A&M University celebrates its 125th anniversary. Feb 4 - Texas A&M University President Ray Bowen announces that there will be no Bonfire in 2002, saying the projected costs and safety concerns are too great. May 23 2003 - The birth of Dewey, the first cloned deer by scientists at Texas A&M University (BH)