HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaste of the Tropics Scrapbook~ N ~ O n ~ O (D tr c~ r ~ D ~ ~ a~ N 0 00 ~ C m c~ m ~~ ~~_ ~~ a m sv ~ v L V C _' A m cn ~ -~ (D ~ ;~ V a'~'' ~~ ~;, Eegle p1~oYO by Peter Roche .Katyla and Thamas Boykin own and operate Taste of the Tropics. ^ ~ e or ru u South American. idea works for local couple By SCOtt Willlal7tS capital needed to getstarted. T hey since have paid hin of ttre ~~g~e staft back and now ow^ the business outright. Taste of the "Tropics features .drinks with cornnxn ake one Venezuelan native, add a Texas .fruits such as strawberries, bananas grid watermelon A&M University agriculture economics but the key to their success has been through irnportec graduate, mix with exotic fruits, then serve t<~ fonts largely unknown in the United States -such a curious college students and what do you passion fruit, nispero and guanabana_ get? The uia;ority of Che &>ykins' business comes. iron For one local couple, it's been a recipe for success. college students looking for something new and un "Thomas Boykin, 26, and his wife, Katyla Boykin, usual to try, Thomas said, and their most avid custom 25, are owners and operators of Taste of the Tropres in ens arc foreign students who are familiar with the fi~uit the Post f)ak Mall food court. they use. Taste of the Tropics features fruit drinks made of 'For them iC's a super treat to be so farfrom hom fresh fruit, low-fat milk, sugar and a little ice. "the and findsomEthing that relates to their culture," Katy . ,mixture is then chilled until it takes on the consistency la said. of ice crean~~. Strawberry and banana drinks sell best, althoug 'The creamy concoction has become so popular repeat custarners tend to become a little bolder and tr among mall shoppers that business has improved each ~~ more unusual fruits, Thomas said. ,:year since the store opened in October 1y84. Now the. Drink sales are up about 30 percent so tar this yc~ Boykins are considering expanding into another compared with 1987, and sales overall are up about 2 'anarket• percent since they opened in 19$4. Alpng with fru "This is very popular in South America," Katyla drinks, they also sell anon-dairy product sunilar to is said. "I would say fruit drinks are more popular than cream, but it accounts for Doty 1 ~ percent of the soft drinks." business Katyla and her (amity moved to College Station. in gecaust, of thcrr success, they now are serious) 198 because Katyla was ready for college and her consrdeung openrng another store, but first they hay father had a heart condition and needed to be near to find the right market at the right price,'1'hornas saii Houston. "They recently .hired a manager to runthe Collcl She and Thomas met whip .they were students at A&M and, on a trip to Venezuela, they hit upon the Station store, and once he's up to speed, they'll beg idea of selling fruit drinks in the United States. looking for another location. In Venezuela, fruit drinks are sold everywhere, The ideal spot would be a mall rn a city where union colle~~e or a ma or universit r~ located. Th 'Thomas said. J ~ .l Y `~` [ w is really amazed what they had done there and would ensure r signrtrcant number tit foreign Studer t thought ~it would be a neat idea to bring: them up here to help gel the business rolling, Thomas card. ~' but to make it more dessert-like," Thomas said. "Austin. would be a good place, but most of tl Katyla and Thomas invested their savings in the.malls are pretty well leased nut as far as drinkty enterprise and Katyla's father supplied the remaining businesses are concerned," he said. Bryan-Collc~*c Station Ea~~lc Sunday, January 111. 1988 PaKe 5C MARY NABERS Texas Business Today A salute to owners of small businesses Dear Texas Employers: As we begin a new year, I would like to single out the small business and its owner for special commendation and encouragement. It has been a hard year. Many of you are struggling day by day just to keep your doors open. Government thinks you are an immortal golden goose with an inexhaustible supply of golden eggs, The general population has no idea of your problems and, fuRhermo~re, doesn't really care. Finding a dependable, conscientious, and capable employee is next to im- possible -the really good ones rpove on to larger companies that can offer them more than you can. Events far removed from your control drasti- cally affect your company's well being. There are many times when you wonder whether all of your hard work and sacrifice is really worth it•..many times when yo~l wonder if you will survive. I hope you will take a little time now to be encouraged about yourself and your endeavor. Small business owners represent, in a big way, the . American ideal. To create something you can call your own, something which bears the unique stamp of your talent, your insight, your skill, and your dedication is a dream worth striving for. It is the entrepreneur who vividly represents the value of individualism with all of its dangers and uncertainties. To embody this value requires a courage and sense of purpose that millions of your fellow citizens wish they had, but don't. So do not forget to toast yourself, your accomplishments, and the dream you have chosen. Cheers! Mary Mary Nabers is a Texas Employ- ment Commission commission- er representing employers. Send questions to Nabers at Texas Business Today, 614 Texas Employment Commis- sion Building, 15th and Con- gress, Austin, Texas 78778. ~Q ~~ o ~~~ 0 ~~ ~ ~s ... ~~1- l ~ Gr~,~a ~po~° P~ o cSout~ ,~inc.'rrca~l~ c~lf ~~'~ ~~~ anr~ da~r~ ~- res~i rni~~Z. ~~ ~ ~ ~re¢ze on G~~vr a FREE Paste o tale tropics ~ l ~n~ o~trnle~itnnc~ fl'Ulfl'lll(4111~1(,1115 POST OAI< MALL ... an icy blend Tasre of South American Fruit d an Dairy Fresh Milk oft/~c `7~4~7FCS log°/° AL UR NFR T Thomas H. Boykin (owner) Res: (409) 693-0224 1500 Harvey Road Post Oak Mall Bus: (409) 764-7249 College Station, Texas 77840 ... an icy blend of South American Fruit Tctsre and Dairy Fresh Milk oft~iC ~O~IICS lp0o/o L N FRUIT Katyla M. Boykin (owner) 1500 Harvey Road Res: (409) 693-0224 Post Oak Mall Bus: (409) 764-7249 College Station, Texas 77840 ~`. -.~ ~~ i .> ~~ -, lc ,r i u~ -~._. Bryan-College Station Golden Eagle. Friday, June 30,1989 Page _ . ~-~w ~ ,~~ lver av POST OAK MALL erS a,~ ^® Silver Savers is sponsored each month for shoppers 55 and over by McDonald's ®and Post Oak Mall Meet the Manager: Thomas Boykin of Taste of the Tropics Thomas Boykin is the owner/manager of Taste of the Tropics, a tropical fruit drink bar located in the Food Court in Post Oak Mall. He runs the store with his wife, Katyla, whom he married in 1983, They spent their honeymoon in Caracas, Vene- zuela, Katyla's home country, where the making of fruit drinks is .common due to the availability of fruit. It was there they came up with the idea to open a fruit drink business in Post Oak Mall. Thomas graduated from Texas A&M University in May,1984 with a degree in Agricultural Econom- ics. He and Katyla began experimenting with dif- ferentfruits and through trial and error, they devel- oped their own recipes. Thomas and his wife opened their store in Octo- ber, 1984 and are dedicated in providing a knowledgable sales staff to the customers as well as selecting the highest quality fruit possible. They use local and imported fruits from Central and South America in unique combinations to offer a re- freshing drink that is all natural and low in choles- terol. Ifyou haven't already tried one, stop by Taste of the Tropics in the Food Court and let them fix you a refreshing fruit drink. Silver Saver Club members receive 1 /3 off any regular priced fruit drink when Depression often masquerades as Al~heime>~'s Disease in the elderly by Steve Kirk Strawn, M. 'D. Depression is a disease that afflicts the elderly. It is important to know that in the elderly,. depression often looks like Alzheimef s Disease. One of the main symptoms of depression, particularly in the olds is mental and physical slow- ing. Concentration and memory can be severely impaired.. Depression can also cause disorientation and confusion. The reason it is so important to diag- nose depression when it masquerades as Alzheime>'s Disease is because de- pressioncan betreated. At times proper treatment with antidepressant medica- tion can totally reverse the impairment. Symptoms -that can. be clues to the presence of depression include de- pressed mood, loss of interest in usual activities, decreased .ability to experi- ence pleasure and joy, crying spells, changes in appetite and sleep, head- ache, and even thoughts about suicide. All or some of these symptoms can also be caused by Alzheimer's Disease and depression can afflict someone who also has Alzheime>~'s, the diagnosis can be very cliffic~-zlt to sort out. It is, however, worth doing, as depression is a treatable cause of mental slowing in the elderly Food Facts from McDonalds® Additives have been used for hundreds of years, though they were not always known as "additives: ' For instance, people have long known that squeezing lemon juice on sliced fruits prevents them from turning brown, but, until recently, it was not known why lemon juice had this effect. We now know that the ascorbic acid in the juice prevents discoloration. Ascorbic acid is a useful additive, and like salt and pepper, it is one of the many additives that have been derived from a natural source. Fed- eral regulations allow additives to be used in food only if they have been clearly established to be safe as used. Moreover, additives are only those sub- stances that are added to food in small quantities, like spice. Phone409/7640060 Mall Directory Store Name Space number ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR AND SPORTING GOODS Athlete's Foot ......................................... ....... 65 Champs Sporting Goods .............................. ....... 123 Foot Locker ......................................... ........ 105 BOOKS, CARDS 8 GIFTS Aggie Unlimited ..................................... ........ 129 Coach House Cards & Gifts .......................... ........ 61 Bookland ...............................:............ ........ 101 Gateway Cards ...................................... ........ 93 Oriental Treasures ................................... ........ 2 Rainbow Store ....................................... ........ 3 Scripture Haven ..................................... ........ 51 Walden Books ....................................... ........ 85 CHILDREN'S APPAREL Kid's Kasuals..........., ............................ ........ 56 DRUG & VARIETY Walgreen's .......................................... ........ 102 Woolworth .......................................... ........ 125 FAMILY APPAREL County Seat ......................................... ........ 35 Courts Western Wear ................................ ........ 58 Pat M agee's ......................................... ........ 116 T-Shirts Plus ........................................ ........ 66 FINANCIAL M PACT ............................................. ... 99 & K-4 FOOD SERVICES General Nutrition Center ............................. ........ 50 Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie ............... ........ 49 Hickory Farms ....................................... ........ 111 Sugar Daddy's ....................................... ........ 16 THE GOURMET COURT Chick-Fil-A .......................................... ........ 7 Corn Dog 7 .......................................... ........ 6 Emilio's ............................................. ........ 8 Giovanni's Pizza ..................................... ........ 22 Great Hot Dog Experience ........................... ........ 10 Ken Martin's Chicken Fried Steak ..................... ........ it Orange Julius ....................................... ........ 13 Peanut Shack ........................................ ........ 30 Pepe's ............................................... ........ 11 Potatoes, Etc ......................................... ........ 21 Salad Bartique ....................................... ........ 5 Sea Hag Fish & Chips ..............~.................. ........ 29 Sesame Hut ......................................... ........ 9 Subway (Opening Soon) ............................. ........ 15 Swensen's ........................................... ........ 27 The Wagon Wheel ................................... ........ 17 HAIR SALONS Command Performance .............................. ........ 80 Regis Hairstylist ..................................... ........ 128 HOME ENTERTAINMENT & ELECTRONICS Camelot Music ...................................... ........ 52 Just Video ........................................... ........ K-5 Keyboard Center ..........................~ ......... ........ 82 Radio Shack ......................................... ........ 57 Record Bar .......................................... ........ 107 Team Electronics .................................... ........ 60 HOME FURNISHINGS D'Guiche Bath & Bed Shop ........................... ........ 4 Deck The Walls ...................................... ........ 127 Town & Country Furniture ........................... ........ 72 Waterbed Gallery .................................... ........ 77 ...owned, developed and managed by CBL & Associates, Inc., Chattanooga, Tenn. FOLEY'S (OPENING FALL 1984) JEWELRY Carlyle 8 Co. Jewelers .................... ................... 26 Corrigan's ................................ ................... 39 Gordon Jewelers ......................... ................... 94 Mission Jewelry .......................... ................... 121 Sweeney's ................................ ................... 20 Zales ..................................... ................... 67 MALL OFFICE Leasing Information ........................ .................. 14 Mall Manager .............................. .................. 14 Marketing Director ......................... .................. 14 MEN'S APPAREL Chess King ................................ .................. 91 Desmonds ................................. .................. 113 Jeans West ................................ .................. 33 Marvin John's Big & Tall ................... .................. 117 J. Riggings ................................ .................. 55 RESTAURANTS Casa Ole .................................. .................. 44 The Stadium ............................... .................. 98 SHOES Baker's Shoes .......................... ..................... 110 Butler Shoes ........................... ..................... 36 Gallenkamp Shoes ...................... ..................... 69 Herolds ................................ ..................... 130 Kinney Shoes ........................... ..................... 90 Lewis Shoe Gallery ..................... ..................... 25 ~ w s ~, ti ~ I ~ I ~\ ~\ ~~ ~ ~ ~ is \~• ~ ~~ ~ PHASE ? ti ~ OA i \~ s , ,.-. Open Country .......................... ..................... 38 Shoe Designs ........................... ..................... 118 Thom McAn Shoes ..................... ..................... 37 Upstage Shoes ......................... ..................... 84 Wild Pair ............................... ..................... 32 SPECIALTY & SERVICES Cutlery World ............................... ................ 23 Gold Post ................................... ................ K-1 Initially Yours ................................ ................ 18 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer ....................... ................ 70 Kay-Bee Toys & Hobby ...................... ................ 108 Motherhood Maternity ....................... ................ 83 Parklane Hosiery ............................ ................ 112 Pet Emporium ............................... ................ 46 Piercing Pagoda ............................. ................ K-2 O uick as a Flash ............................. ................ 95 Royal Optical ................................ ................ 68 Stay N Play Child Care ....................... ................ 103 Sunglass Corner ............................. ................ K-3 Texas State Optical .......................... ................ 136 Tinder Box .................................. ................ 126 Wicks'N Sticks .............................. ................ 24 THEATRES & AMUSEMENTS Cinema 3 ...................................... .............. 97 Rox-Z ......................................... .............. 42 Time Out Family Amusement ................... .............. 28 WOMEN'S APPAREL Brooks Fashions ............................... .............. 34 Casual Corner ................................. .............. 100 Fashion.Conspiracy ............................ .............. 104 Foxmoor ...................................... .............. 92 Hit or Miss .................................... .............. 62 Lerners ........................................ .............. 87 Peck 8 Peck ................................... .............. 48 Regan's ....................................... .............. 89 Worth's ........................................ .............. 54 1500 Harvey Road /College Station, Texas 77840 here is more for you at ost Oak Mall The sound is very familiar. The words ring from your radio or televi- sion nearly every week. "There is so much more for you at Post Oak Mall," went the jingle writ- ten nearly three years ago in prepara- tion for the opening of Post Oak Mall, Now, Post Oak Mall proudly announces, there's even much, much more for you. Including the openings of fifteen new stores which have or will open before December 1. The new stores range in specialties from accessor_es to tropical foods to large women's clothing. . ` `Post Oak Mall is~ now 99 percent leased with three quaters of a million square feet of the finest mix of national and local retail- ers anywhere Sewell, Post Manager. " -Don Oak Mall "Post Oak Mall is now 99 percent leased with three quarters of a million square feet of the finest mix of nation- al and local retailers anywhere," said Don Sewell, Post Oak Mall manager. "This strong tenant mix is the primary reason why Post Oak Mall has averaged a 20 percent increase in sales every month since its opening in February 1982," Sewell said. "With the opening of Fotey's and other smaller retailers this quarter, sales are expected to increase even more dra- matically. " "Post Oak Mall is the answer," said Randy Stuart, owner of The Keyboard Center and Wicks and Sticks in Post Oak Mall. "The mall draws a good crowd. Our sales are up tremendously in both stores. I think it's because my customers are com- fortable here. It's well maintained, clean, and secure, and that creates a tremendous atmosphere for busi- ness. " Roy Phillips, manager of Dillards at Post Oak Mall, said his store has been one of Dillards' success stories. "We've been very happy with the acceptance of Dillards in the Bryan- College Station market," he said. "And we're looking forward to the I future because we think it's going to 114 be really good." ~.~ . Work has begun on the building site of J.C. Penney and 40,000 square feet of smaller retail shops scheduled to open the last quarter of 1985. Phase 11 will complete Post Oak Mall, making it over a million square feet. With these and other success stor- ies being told, CBL and Associates has begun Phase II, an expansion that wll include J.C. Penney and an addi- tional 40,000 square feet of smaller shops. Phase II is scheduled for com- pletion in November 1985. The expansion will stem from the Wilson's wing, covering the existing perimeter road, and extend to the area behind Post Oak Square. Post Oak Mall will then be over a million square feet. "When you build a mall," said CBL & Associates Executive Vice President Buck Schimpf, "You build it as the city grows. Post Oak Mall has surpassed our expectations by 30 percent more than we promised the city. It's just going to keep getting better and better. " The support and patronage of the Brazos Valley area has been phe- ` `Post Oak Mall has sur- passedour expectations by 30 percent more than we promised the city. It's just going to keep getting bet- ter and better. " -Buck Schimpf, GBL & Associ- ates executive vice presi- dent. nomenal, Cindy Brannen, Post Oak Mall Marketing Director, said. "We often feel like the county entertain- ment and meeting center. That means a lot to us because we want not only to be a quality shopping place, but also to provide an atmosphere for en- joyment and community service." 1 ~ ~ Bring In This Coupon And Save ~ ~ 1 j ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ -- ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Order a complete pair of prescription glasses and take 1 /3 off the regular price. Choose from our entire frame selection including Ralston, Pierre Cardin and ~ Christian Dior. Broken glasses replaced or repaired at no charge for ' one year. Coupon must be presented at time of order. ' ' No other discounts apply. ' ~ Offer expires November 3, 1984 ~ i Royal Optical ; ~ Complete Ogtical Service ~ i Post Oak Mall Aso-o~35 ~ Offices throughout Texas Open All Day Saturday ~~°d LENSES DUPLICATED OR DOCTOR S PRESCRIPTION REQUIRED i Y15A I' ~~~~ Time for a Taste of the Tropics Thomas Boykin speaks with pride when he talks about Taste of the Tro- pics, anew food shop to open soon in Post Oak Mall's Food- Court. Catherine Marshall's Final Book 25 °~oo cover price Catherine Marshall's writing care- er spanned thirty-four years and nineteen books, earning her an in- ternational and devoted audience on millions. Her works include two novels: the bestselling Christy, and American classic, and Julie, her final book. "As far as we know, there is no place in Texas offering the selection of food and non-alcholic drinks we will have in our new store," he said. Taste of the Tropics will feature food and drinks native to South America and Central America. The new store is locally owned and oper- ated by partners Thomas and Katyla Boykin and Juan Carmona. South American drinks will in- clude mangos, papayas, coconut, mammey, nispero, passion fruit, sweet sop, guava, guanabana, and tamarind. These will always be avail- able regardless of season. Some sea- sonal drinks will also be featured at times: watermelon, peach, pear, ap- ple, cantaloupe, banana, pineapple, and grape. Food items include variations of empanadas, plantain, tequenos, are- pas, and others to be added. "We feel good about coming into Post Oak Mall," Boykin said. "We feel we'll do good. We are especially excited about Foley's opening soon." Look for Taste of the Tropics in the Food Court between The Peanut Shack and Time Out Game Room. n a .~ 0 a t7 oc v >/ w u U e a r- i ~~~ ~- 1 ~ i ,~ '~ „~ ,.k, ~ ~.. ~- ' - ,, ;,~, ~ ,~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ 4R . ,- ,; '~ ~~ ~ :mss ~, _ _ ~ ~ ~ . .~ n. . , ~~ ~.._ ~ }~>' ;~. ~Ly " ~'Y ~. ~.".. . ~:.. N'~ i, .alit -~ ~~=:, ,~ ~ _ .- ~ ' aY .. ., c _ _ ~. .. p +r, IV t s ~ ~ '~ \ x ~, fir. "~ _. - ~, ~ - i • ~ ~ ~ - _ g ~ t i { ~~r .; ,. ~, r t ~M ~~'~ ~ ~. _~~^~.q: -~~ir ~; a/••~ ~• s ~ ~ Nom. R~-.N~~ •~, ~ ~~~'' .~ I ~ ..-.. ~ %'i•: y / ,.~'~ ~ t -~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ r ...y f ~- Lr i ~ ~ r- a ~i'~g'~ f °. ~~ ~ ~~a~ '~- ~~ .~r f1~'!ti:~~~ ~ _ ~ I" ~ +_~ .+. ~••~~ 'tis t +~ ~. ~ ~ .~ .~' ~ ~ h r r I J `a1 h M 7 _ ,sr $~ ~ v i ~P ~+~ ~' '~~°`~ ~!~' fir` ~' ~- ,. b ~f.: ~~~, ,~ f v a ~' ~ ~; f " I~ ~ vZ 'a~~ ~', ...~ `fie .. i,.' F~ #~ ~~ . tr'r Post Oak Mall 99 % Leased ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR AND SPORTING GOODS Athlete's Foot . ..................... ........ 65 Champs Sporting Goods ........... ........123 Footlocker ........................ ........105 BOOKS, CARDS & GIFTS Aggie Unlimited ................... ........129 Coach House Cards & Giffs ........ ........ 61 Bookland ......................... ........101 Card America ..................... ........ 1 Gateway Cards ................... ........ 93 Oriental Treasures .................. ........ 2 Rainbow Store .................... ........ 3 Scripture Haven ................... ........ 51 Walden Books ..................... ........ 85 CHILDREN'S APPAREL Kid's Kasuals ...................... ........ 56 DRUG & VARIETY Walgreen's ........................ ........102 Woolworth ........................ ........125 FAMILY APPAREL County Seat ...................... . ........ 35 Courts Western Wear .............. ......... 58 Pat Magee's ..................... .........116 T-Shirts Plus ....................... ......... 66 FINANCL4l MPACT .......................... .....99 & K-4 FOOD SERVICES General Nutrition Center .......... ......... 50 Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie .... 49 Hickory Farms .................... .........111 Sugar Daddy's . . .... . ............. ......... 16 THE GOURMET COURT Chick-Fil-A ................... . ... ......... 7 Corn Dog 7 ...................... ......... 6 Emilio's .......................... ......... 8 Giovanni's Pizza .................. . ........ 22 Great Hot Dog Experience ... . .... .... . .... 10 Ken Martin's Chicken Fried Steak... ......... 12 Orange Julius .................... ......... 13 Peanut Shack .................... ......... 30 Pepe's ........................... ......... 11 Potatoes Etc ...................... ......... 21 Sesame Hut ...................... ......... 9 Subway Sandwich & Salad . ....... . ........ 15 Swensen's ....................... ......... 27 Taste of the Tropics ................ ..... . ... 29 The Wagon Wheel ................ ......... 17 HAIR SALONS Command Performance ... . . ..... ......... 80 Regis Hairstylist ................... .........128 HOME ENTERTAINMENT & ELECTRONICS Camelot Music ............ ............ . ... 52 JustVdeo ................ ................ K-b Keyboard Center . ......... ................ 82 Radio Shack .............. ................ 57 Record Bar ............... ................107 Team Electronics .......... ................ 60 Udeo Concepts ........... .... . ...........135 HOME FURNISHINGS D'Guiche Bath & Bed Shop . ... . ............ 4 Deck The Walls ............ ................127 Home Front ............... ................ 76 Town & Country Furniture ... ................ 72 Waterbed Gallery ......... .. . ............. 78 JEWELRY Carlyle Jewelers ........... ................ 26 Corrigan's ................ ................ 39 Gordon Jewelers .......... ................ 94 Mission Jewelry ............ ................121 Sweeney's ................ ................ 20 Zales ..................... ................ 67 MALL OFFICE Leasing Information . ....... ................ 14 Mall Manager ... . ......... ............. . .. 14 Marketing Director ......... ................ 14 MEN'S APPAREL Chess King ................ ................ 91 KG Men's Store ............ ..... . ..........113 Jean West ................ ................ 33 Marvin John's Big & Tall ..... ................117 J.Riggings ................ ................ 55 RESTAURANTS Casa Ole ................. ................ 45 Jubilation ................. ................ 98 SHOES Baker's Shoes ............. ................110 Butler Shoes . .............. ................ 36 David Alan's Men's Shoes ... ......... . ...... 19 Gallenkamp Shoes ........ ................ 69 Herolds .................. .................130 Kinney Shoes ............. ................. 90 F(~I FY's Lewis Shoe Gallery ............. ............ 25 Open Country ................. ............ 38 Shoe Designs ................. ............118 Lewis Shoes ................... ............129 Thom McAn Shoes ............. ............ 37 Upstage Shoes ................ ............ 84 Wild Pair ...................... ............ 32 SPECIALTY & SERVICES Armed Forces Recruiting .. . .... ............ 44 Cutlery World ................. ........ . ... 23 Deck The Walls ................ ............127 Gold Post ..................... ............ K-1 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer .......... ............ 70 Kay-Bee Toys & Hobby ......... ............108 Merle Norman ................ ............ 18 Motherhood Maternity ......... ............ 83 Parklane Hosiery ............... ........... .112 Pet Emporium ................. ............ 46 Piercing Pagoda .............. ............ K-2 Playland Toys .................. ............137 Quick as a Flash ............... ............ 95 Royal Optical ................. ............ 68 Stay & Play .................... ............103 Sunglass Corner ............... ............ K-3 Tender Sender ................ ............ K-5 Texas State Optical ............ ............136 TnderBox .................... ............126 Wicks 'N Sticks ................. ............ 24 THEATRES & AMUSEMENTS Cinema 3 .................... ............ 97 Rox-Z ......................... ............ 42 Time Out Family Amusement .... ............ 28 WOMEN'S APPAREL Accessories by Taz ............ ............. 5 Brooks Fashions . .............. ............. 34 Casual Corner ............... .............100 Fashion Conspiracy ........... .............104 Foxmoor ..................... ............. 92 Hit or Miss .................... ............. 62 Lerners ...................... ............. 87 Peck & Peck ................. ............. 48 Petite Shoppe ................ ............. 63 Regan's ..................... ............. 89 Woman's World .............. .... . ........120 Worth's ...................... ............. 54 +A'y`,,~,~s'o~ y20A~ ~ \ ,so~S' . i ~ti a ~ ~ ~ ' ~~ ~ ,~O /> ~/ ~ Bryan-College Station Eagle Wednesday, June 26, 1985 F --~ -- -- f-.. ~~ F.5- -.SSUM3C.D NA~LE CC~HTIF'ICATE--Ciasa E. Fc~. 9.7^.. ~WiA FOR SAL[ [T STAFFORD•LONDON CO. FORT NORTH F i KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : F; , 1 THAT -----------~~------------_-------_----__________________, the undersigned, for the purpose of complying with ~' Chapter 36, Title 4, Business and Commerce Code of the State of Texas, do hereby certify to the following k' facts ~. 1. __-~ ~ C~ j-~ G ~ ~~ ----1 ~ -C: ``' assumed name '_ ------- -- --- --~-~-, -------------------------------------------------is the under which the business or professional s~ecrvices ~s or is to be conducted or rendered. ' 2. Registrant: __ 1 rti~rT~e . H , L~c~..,~~,vZ---t---1= t=t"1 lc_..._tV~ :--C-C~v_!Yl~}1t?_~F---~-`~c~r:---1~~`_-~car.v,__~'~c;i. '' ----------------- - _Z ;~, -, j ----- ---- ~, 3. Names and Addresses :2• llJJ Y "C` \ U M C G:YL^N~hC~ eme ~~~ t nn e sine ~~Q ~ ~ sine ~ O e l ~Z~`S L~tL~~z,. ~..-~~ 1 ~ S ~l-c~~,z~ L.o;~.~ ~ :;~ Said Company was duly associated under the laws Corporation incorporated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and its registered County or counties within the State of ~- J ~ ~ - ~ ~. .~ ~ G._- _.~ .- J ; ~ N tar offihe address there where the business or professional services are being or are to be conducted or. rendered under said assumed name: _______~~ rZ!,-u ~______ --------------------------------------------------- 4 The business or professional service is a:4~ _ The co -a r~~~c ~~._~_ •~_ ~~ ~ ~ rporation is a:'• ------- ------- ~--~----~,q~c ----~~./-`-t'~-`K~--------------------°•• 5. The period, not to exceed ten (10) years, during which the assumed name will be used is from the C ----t------daY ---~-~.,~~.~-------------------- 19_u~.`~_nntil the----~----may of----~~-CY'~~~~C-------------------, 19_`J-`f. IN TESTIMONI' WHEREOF, -W`__.have hereunto set__-~?v~ ___hand--_~!~-__, this the.__ ~_C______dav of 1 p u .4,L~L w .~f~i~-s~r~°~z.c.- 1 ` / -~ SWORIvT '"O AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ItiiE this ~:_---day of_y!%__~~ _~~~-' L ____________________ 19 _".~_. k1 - , - --- *Instrnctions an reverse aide. ~llc, ,.~ ? ~-C`--=~--~"-= -------------County-. Texa S. ~1 .' _ t % ~r--r ----.~,~ - - ?ff1~e ~#~#e of ?~Iex~s ~etre#ttr~ of ~#~#e CERTIFICATE OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION I, MYRA MCDANIEL, Secretary of State of the State of Texas hereby certify: That the attached is the duplicate APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State on the date noted below under Registration Number 45070 in accordance with the provisions of CHAPTER 16, TEXAS BUSINESS AND COMMERCE CODE. Dated 07-08-85 ~ ~ ~) Secretary of State Beans ................. 764-0052 Dillard's ............ ....764-0014 Foiey's ............. ... 764-3322 JCPenney .......... ....764.1600 Sears .............. ... 764-0300 Service Merchandise , .. 764 ~ ~?==~_'. ATHLETIC FOOTN/EAR AND SPORTING GOODS 65 Foot Action .................................. 764-1000 65 Action Lady ................................. 693-]644 105 Foot Locker ................................. 764-0060 66 The Pro .................................... 696-0818 BOOKS, CARDS S GIFTS 129 Aggie Unlimited ...................... 764-0966 61 ...................... Coach House Cards & Gifts 764-0400 101 Bookland ................................... 764-0008 142 Curiosity Shop ............................... 693-0982 764 0012 93 2 Gateway Cards ............................... Oriental Treasures ............................. - 764.0655 3 Rainbow Store ............................... 764-0470 56 Scripture Haven .............................. 764-]069 1 Summit Stationers ............................ 764-8560 84 Under The Rainbow ........................... 696-0497 85 Walden Books ................................ 764-0064 DRUG S VARIETY 102 Walgreen's .................................. 764-0450 125 Woolworth .................................. 764-0072 FAMILY APPAREL 150 Benetton .................................... 764-8726 35 County Seat ................................. 764-0414 58 Courts Western Wear ........................... 764-0737 111 Gadzook's ................................... 696-9899 139 Miller's Outpost ............................... 764-2891 116 PatMagee's ................................. 764-9009 FlNANCIAL 99 MPACT FOOD SERVICES 50 General Nutrition Center ........................ 696-9855 49 Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie ............. 764-0079 16 Mostly Yogurt ................................ 696-0283 THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 7 Chick-Fil-A .................................. 764.0049 6 Com Dog 7 .................................. 764-0411 10 Dos Tacos .................................. 693-0154 8 Emilio's .................................... 764-7335 22 Giovanni s Pizza ............................... 764-0670 11 McDonald's .................................. 696-0511 13 Orange Julius ................................ 764-0464 30 Peanut Shack ................................ 764-0408 21 Potatoes, Etc . ................................ 764-0087 9 Sesame Hut ................................. 764-0885 15 Subway ..................................... 764-8602 27 Swensen's .................................. 764-0606 29 Taste of the Tropics ............................ 764-7249 17 The Wagon Wheel ............................. 764-8282 HAIR SALONS 80 Command Performance ........................ 764-0404 151 MasterCuts .................................. 693-9998 128 Regis Hairstylist ............................... 764-0660 HOME ENTERTAINMENT 6 ELECTRONICS 52 Camelot Music ............................... 764-0021 82 Keyboard Center .............................. 764-0006 135 McDuff Electronics ............................ 764-2734 57 Radio Shack ................................. 764-0050 107 Record Bar .................................. 764-0403 HOME FURNISHING 127 Deck The Walls ............................... 764-0020 76 Home Front ................................. 764-2037 60 World Bazaar ................................ 764-0443 JEWELRY 26 Barry's Jewelers .............................. 764-0011 39 Corrigan's ................................... 764-0045 146 Galleria ..................................... 764.7334 94 Gordon Jewelers .............................. 764.0040 121 Mission Jewelry ................................ 64-0424 reat yourself to shopping with six of the biggest names in retailing .. . Beans • Dillard's • Foley's •JCPenney Sears • Service Merchandise Plus over 120 specialty stores. Post Oak Mall Gift Certificates Available at ,,~ Information Booth To Waco N University Drive ~ m ~ 301 . ~~ Ftoaa Post Oak ~a~e~ Mall To Houston Post Oak Mall .Texas 6 Bypass at Hwy 30 (Harvey Road) College Station .Mall Hours: Mon. -Sat. 10 am - 9 pm, Sun. 12:30pm - 5:30pm . (409) 764-0777 Owned, Developed and Managed by CBL & Associates, Inc. Chattanooga, Tennessee 20 Sweeney's ................................... 764-0440 67 Zales ...................................... 764-0016 MALL OFFICE 1 Information Booth ............................. 764-0777 14 Leasing Information ........................... 764-0060 14 MaIlManager ................................ 764.0060 764 0060 14 Marketing Director ............................ - MEN'S APPAREL 91 Chess King .................................. 696-9933 33 Jeans West .................................. 696.9912 55 J. Riggings .................................. 764.0070 113 K.G. Men s Store .............................. 764-8195 117 Marvin John's Big & Tall ........................ 696-5306 RESTAURANTS/CAFETERIA/BAR 44 Casa Ole .................................... 764-0933 103 Kay's Cabaret ................................ 696-9191 149 Wyatt's Cafeteria .............................. 764.1622 SHOES 110 Baker's Shces ................................ 764-0085 36 Butler Shces ................................. 764-0725 90 Kinney Shoes ................................ 764.0750 25 Lewis Shoe Gallery ............................ 693-3577 154 Naturalizer Shces ............................. 696-8197 38 Open Country ................................ 764-0757 130 Payless Shoes ................................ 764-0665 140 Red Cross Shoes .............................. 696.7671 118 Shoe Box ................................... 764-9173 37 Thom McAn Shces ............................ 764-0013 32 Wild Pair .................................... 764-0086 SPECIALTY S SERVICES 5 Accessories By Taz ............................ 764-8787 43 Armed Forces Recruiting ........................ 696-26] 1 152 Claire's Boutique .............................. 764-]8]0 95 CPI Photo Finish .............................. 693-3008 23 Cutlery World ................................ 764-0084 K~1 D'or International ............................. 696-8070 126 Flowerama .................................. 764-1828 K-1 Gold Post ................................... 764.1004 70 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer ......................... 764.0602 108 Kay-Bee Toys & Hobby ......................... 764.0720 18 Merle Norman ................................ 764.1907 83 Motherhood Maternity .......................... 764.0001 112 Parklane Hosiery .............................. 764-0977 46 Pet Emporium ............................... 764-0051 K-2 Piercing Pagoda .............................. 764-0730 137 Playland Toys ................................ 764.7826 138 Ritr Camera One Hour Photo ..................... 764-0059 68 Royal Optical ................................ 764-0735 K-6 Silver Station ................................. 696.5418 K-3 Sunglass Company ............................ 764-2753 136 Texas State Optical ............................ 764-00]0 K-5 Things Remembered ........................... 693-7430 24 Wicks'N Sticks ............................... 764-0715 THEATRES S AMUSEMENTS 97 Cinema 3 ................................... 764.0616 28 Time Out Family Amusement .................... 764-0664 WOMEN'S APPAREL 34 Brooks Fashions .............................. 764.0066 100 Casual Comer ................................ 764-0452 143 CATO Plus .................................. 696-6881 104 Fashion Conspiracy ........................... 764-0727 92 Foxmoor ................................... 764.7245 62 Hit or Miss .................................. 764.3076 19 Hot Line .................................... 764-0089 87 Lemers ..................................... 764-0755 48 Peck & Peck ................................. 764-0080 141 Paul Harris .................................. 696-3071 89 Regan's .................................... 764-0019 120 The Woman's Shop ........................... 764-1972 51 Ups'N Downs ................................ 764-]821 54 Worth's ..................................... 764.0433 rti°:=a~n Shops and Services • ~~ College Station, Texas i The Gourmet Food Court So Many Treats r i i I ~asre ~ f~r~ ~opfcs ~ ~v~v~v~v~v~v ~ :,' .~ ~ ~ ATTENTION ~~ HOT DOG LOVERS! We start with reat tasting all meat hot C dogs. Then we offer you a wide variety of delicious toppings. Why not try our ' ~ mouth watering PEPPERONI DOG or g ' another favorite is the BACON/ ~ ' ~ ~ CHEESE DOG, along with a LARGE COKE! ~ ' HOPE WE SERVE YOU SOON! ~ ' ~~ THE GREAT ~i ~~ HOT DOG C ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ Post Oak Mall , ~ ~C..~.....,..,.~^1, J~ 100% ... an icy blend NATURAL of South American fruit FRUIT and dairy-fresh milk. Small toasted tequeno sandwich and a large fruit drink of your choice for Si99 Pius tax •Mango •Guanabana •Passion Fruit •Mamey Fruit drink selection: •Banana •Anon •Pineapple •Coconut val;~ !~ "Pizza by the Slice" .,,, LaPrima Special Slice of Pizza, crispy tossed salad ~~-~~; & medium drink ~~~;,_ ~~/ only . ~- ~.d ; i' ~.R 1.59 ~ - y ~# ~_ ~~'L , ~~ Post vak Mall ~~` ~~=~'~'~''`~ offer expires Feb. 28,1985 ; ~'~: GREAT PIZZA ...Any way you slice it!.~, 18 Sunday, February 17, 1985 THE AGON WHE Come try our delicious Real Pit Barbe- que. Every thing we serve is Home Made and from our own original recipe. Local ly Owned & Operated Buy One Chopped Beef Sandwich and get One FREE $209 Va I u e With This ~'0~1~A~- J 1 L V ~~ PU RCHAS vv u E AT Emilio's • Pepe's • Taste of the Tropics • Ken Martin's Chicken Fried Steak • Orange Ju~iiic .~: ~ rn a ^ SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE AGE 50 AND OLDER GOOD MAY 22, 23, 24 Please present this brochure to the store clerk prior to making your purchase. Some stores may require the discount coupon. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! l.~'0~1~.A~. ;: .: ~., ...., .~; ..~~`.•~,. rL~ . .j , ,•,~,.. ~, a~~. ~ , ~~ ;:~ `~~ ~;r, ,' ,~• .. ~ I •Y ~~~,~'•' I ~ .'~;' k:~k;& 50¢ OFF ANY MEAL FOR SENIOR CITIZENS MAY 22, 23, 24 ,) ~~sr: 20$ OFF N;~ BANANA, MANGO, 7~-~ «~ WATERMELON AND F PEACH FRESH FRUIT DRINKS. STOP BY FOR A SAMPLE! MAY 22, 23, 24 f ~ ~ R , 504 OFF ANY FOOD PURCHASE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS MAY 22, 23, 24 (MUST PRESENT COUPON) rx e XAGGX J,IX~CL • PtT 6A,°.~Q~ BUY ONE CHOPPED BEEF SANDVdICH AND GET ONE FREE? $2.09 VALUE WITH THIS-COUPON FOR SENIOR CITIZENS,MAY 22,23.24 ~- -~P~~- ~ , ~'>ET~ BUY ANY POTATOE AND A DRINK, AND GET A FREE SPINACH SALAD FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. MAY 23, 29, 25 ~'~~D-od~,' i KEN h"ARTIN•S Chicken Fried Steak CHICKEN FRIED STEAK DINNER • $2.39 REG. $2.99 INCLUDES GRAVY, FRIES, AND TEXAS TOAST FOR SENIOR CITIZENS MAY 22,23,24 +~+ ~.X 1~.I1~ 1 ~>'I 1~~ 10~ OFF ANY PURCHASE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS MAY 22, 23; 24 Ot"Clf~ ~ ~V~~V SENIOR CITIZENS GET AN OLD FASHIONED HAMBURGER, FRIES - AND A MEDIUM DRINK FOR ONLY $1.99 REG. $2.55 MAY 22, 23, 24 Bryan-College Station Eagle Many workers celebrate Labor Day by working ]500 Harvey Road O College Station, TX 77840 Telephone: (409) 764-0060 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10 a. m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 11:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m. MANAGEMENT STAFF General Manager .....................Don Sewell Assistant Manager ....................Jeff Kunkel Marketing Director ................Cindy Brannen Maintenance & Security Supervisor ....Lamar Carter • & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pos[ Oak Mall is owned, developed and managed by CBL & ASSOCI- ATES, INC., One Park Plaza, 6148 Lee Highway, Cha[tanooga, Ten- nessee 37421. Telephone (6I5) 865-0001. All Post Oak Mall leasing in- quiries should be directed to the Pos[ Oak Mall Management Office. By BRAD OWENS Staff Writer Merchants and other service- oriented workers here celebrated Labor Day Monday in appropriate fashion - by working all day. Although most city, co4nty, state and federal government workers had the day off, other workers put in a hard, hot, business-as-usual Monday on the job. Texas A&M University's 2,700 teachers welcomed students to class to begin the fall semester, as did the teachers and staff of the Bryan and College Station public schools. Stores in Post Oak Mall and Manor East Mall were not only open, but had ocal work From page 1 A I businesses had heavy traffic on Sunday. The first day of classes at Texas A&M also meant heavy business for the fast food shops, grocery stores and book stores that ring the campus. Pedestrian traffic was hot and heavy along University Drive north of the campus. ~n the corner outside Loupot's, Ben Broward was earning his daily bread selling subscriptions to the Houston Chronicle in head-to-head competition with representatives of the Houston Post, who were hawking their newspaper across the street. The Post sellers appeared to have heavier business than usual for a weekday. Martin Hsieh, the owner of the Treasure Island import shop in Manor East Mall, said his Labor Day weekend. was profitable, but hardly restful . "Yesterday, I didn't plan to open," Hsieh said, "but I drove by and saw a lot of cars parked, so I decided to open." The repeal of the Texas Blue Law, which had prevented many stores from selling their merchandise on consecutive weekend days, took effect Sunday. The malls and other Turn to LOCAL, page 12A ;rs labor on Labor Day the advantage, because they were passing out free Coca-Cola, but Bro- ward wasn't discouraged. "I've got a better deal and a better paper," Broward claimed. But if the competition wasn't getting him down, the 100-plus-degree tempera- ture was. "This heat's getting to me," Bro- ward said. "I'm starting to get rough on these people." Broward's "Wan- na take the Chronicle?" salutation was taking on a more insistent, less polite tone. "This guy about 8-foot-5 comes by;" Broward said. `I say `You wanna take the Chronicle'?' "He says, 'Naw, 1 can't read.' "He starts to walk away. I say, `Hey, he must play football.' And the guy comes back. "'You think that's funny?' he says. Turns out the guy does play football. This cop stops by, says `Ev- erything all right here?' "Geez." Maybe Broward and the unnamed athlete should have stopped by Taste of the Tropics, where Katyla Boykin spent-Labor Day helping people cool off by preparing icy fresh-fruit drinks. "Mondays are busy, but never like this," Boykin said. "At noontime, it was crowded as can be." Just another day on the job. College Station, Texas INING AND published JUST SAY "I SAY Miscellaneous from p. 14 salad, coffee and dessert make for a complete lunch. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Sat. ORANGE JULIUS Manor East Mall (B) 775.5847 Post Oak Mall (CS) 764.0464 Fruit flavored drinks in- clude orange, peach, strawberry, pina coloda, tropical cream and rasberry cream supreme drinks with real whipping cream. At the Bryan store you can order BBQ sandwiches, deli and meatball sandwiches, hot dogs and corn dogs. In Post Oak Mall, you can get burgers, fries, pretzels and hot dogs. Both stores open during mall hours. PEANUT SHACK Post Oak Mall (CS) 764.0408 Specializes in nuts, fudge and candies sold by the pound. Fresh popcorn available in eight varieties and sold by the gallon. Open mall hours. POTATOES, ETC. Post Oak Mall (CS) 764.0087 Served with your choice of 19 different toppings. A meal in itself. SHIPLEY'S DONUTS 210 Villa Maria (B) 779.6170 1716 Southwest Parkway 693.6170 They have something for everyone's taste buds: fruit filled, fancy, cake and plain doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, fritters and kolaches. Cof- fee and soft drinks available. Open daily at 6 a.m.-11 p.m. SOUTHERN MAID DOUGHNUTS 23rd and Texas Ave. (B) 775-9421 This dnugnru shnp nf- fers atoll line of snuihern doughnuts, featuring 35 varieties, plus salads and sandwiches. Also spotlighted is their "minute breakfast", a fast food selection of sausage, ham and eggs: Open Mon.-Sat. 6 a.m.-6 p.m. and 6 a.m.-1 p.m.on Sun, SWENSON's Post Oak Mall (CS) 764.0606 1507 Texas Ave. S. (CS) in Culpepper Plaza. 693-6948 Thirty five flavors of ice cream to eat in a cup, a hand made waffle cone or in a sundae. At the Culpep- per store you can order burgers, fries, sandwiches, gourmet salads,pies, cakes and ice cream. Mall stor>g open mall hours. Culpepper store open 11:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. and till 11 p.m. Fri.-Sat. TASTE OF THE TROPICS Post oak Mall (CS) 764.7249 Sip something cool and exotic made from fruits like the mango, papaya, nispero, watermelon and passion fruit. They also have empanadas, fried pies filled with either chicken or beef and mozzarella cheese. Open mall hours DINING .- ~. . WINING AND DINING VIDE ess Spring '86 CORN DOG 7 Post Oak Mall (CS) 764.0411 Corn dogs and cheese on a stick, washed down with lemonade. Open mall hours. THE GREAT HOT DOG EXPERIENCE Post Oak Mall (CS) 764.0007 Several varieties of hot dogs, including a chimi-chili dog, Open mall hours. MICHAEL'S 2406C Texas Ave. S. (CS) Parkway Square 764.1195 Their one-pound baked potatoes are the main menu item. Open daily 1 I a.m.-midnight. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S YOGURT 2212 S. Texas Ave., Brazos Square, (CS) 764.3199 Ynu wnn'i believe it's plain nld ynguri when ynu taste nne of itic IS flaunts in- cluding apple pie ORANGE JULIUS Two locations: Manor East Mall (B) 779.5847 Post Oak Mall (CS) 764.0464 Their natural fruit- flavored drinks are of orange, peach, strawberry, or pina colada Julius. Open mall hours. PEANUT SHACK Post Oak Mall (CS) 764.0408 Specialising in nuts, fudge and candies sold by the pound. Open 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Sat.. ]2:30-5:30 p.m. Sun. POTATOES, ETC. Post Oak Mall (CS) 764-0087 . Served with your choice of 19 different toppings. A meal in itself. PRIORITEAS COFFEA EMPORIUM Post Oak Mall (CS) 696.8327 A cappuccino and dessert bar where you can lean back, sip a great cup of coffee and meet anew friend. Shelves are brimming in a colorful display with imported teas, European chocolates and gourmet kitchen items to take home. Open Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., 12:30-5:30 p.m. Sun. SHIPLEY DONUT SHOP 210 Villa Maria (B) 779-6170 1716 Southwest Pkwy. (CS) 693.6170 T ~ -A „. tvcr~ ~ ~'4 _ ftllc~,;e~s,~`~ and~._ .y_ _ _ drip a.m ti SGu t ncnr~ r.rr.~.. DOUGHNUTS 23rd and Texas Ave. (B) 775.9421 This doughnut shop offers a full line of southern doughnuts, featuring 35 varieties, plus salads and sandwiches. Also spotlighted is their "minute breakfast", a fast-food selection of sausage, ham and eggs. Open ~1on.-Sat. 6 a.tn.-6 p.m., 6 a.m.-1 p.m. Sun. SWENSEN'S Post Oak Mall (CS) 764-0606 Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream. 35 flavors. Open mall hour. TASTE OF THE TROPICS Post Oak Mall 764.7249 Sip something cool and ex- otic, a tropical fruit drink from unusual fruits such as nispero, tamarind, passion fruit. 1 1 ~.- LL. ^ ~r, ~~ ~ 'rte Treat Yourself ! Go~r~net food 1 Buy One Chopped Beef i TASTE OF THE TROPICS Sandwich at $1.99, and G et a ~ Try a Unique and Exotic Drink such as: Second One I -~l.~l~' •PASSION FRUIT •GUANABANA I ~ ~ //t~ •MANGO •PAPAYA E I •NISPERO •WATERMELON ~c~[CS ...AND MANY MORE ~`.-~~ I FREE DRINK! 10®~? D~sco~~a# C TH~ ~~~ I ON EACH PURCHASE AGON WHEE ~ i 1 L2 3 4 5 6- 7 8 9 FREE „PIT BARBEQII_F.~ With Coupon Only Offer Expires April in 1986 I Expires April 27, 1986 ' I gcally Owned an<i Operatrri ( MUST PRESENT COUPON ---PAY FOR ONE ------------i-------------------~ ~ -~ --~ GET TWO! i ~ ~~'~~ Now you can treat yourself and someone I ~n~y ~ ~~ you like to the most delicious tatitint; drinks in I the world. flay one at the regular price an<I I S a hetti Plate, get one FREE. ~ I p g Some of Our Flavors Include. Orange, Strawberry, Pinata I Roast Beefr or Colada, Panana. Peach. Tropical Cream Supreme, Raspherrv Cream Supreme. I ,Submarine Sandwich ~~ ~ ~V''V~ i With purchase of Medium Soda I WE SQUEEZE OUR ORANGES I With Coupon Only. Limit 2. Coupon Expires April 30, 1986 Coupon Expires April 15, 1986 I POST OAK MALL _:r~ ::__ _ _...-~___._..._ _._..__^-__m I i~ ~~_ ~~ t~~~nnlsm I "P+::a by thesuce"_ i Buy a Super Sundae - - _. ~.-__.~.__....-..__ ... .._,._____.__..__._~r_~.~J I at Regular Price and SPRING SPECIAL! ~ Get Another Super Sundae I for 112 PRICE! Giovanni's Sandwich .:~ ~ ~ I OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 14, 1986 I Not Val id with any other offer or discount & Lar a Ce~oke il, r ,!: I POST OAK MALL 9 ONLY.,.$2,9H .~GhG' i CULPEPPERPLAZA ~a.y.kss: ~ I' ~--------------------------- a .,~' I Zit I , ,~ ,i<~,,~i.~ :. , I POST ~\ ~~~~~~^ ~~ OAK \ ~ i'¢G"~.. , , MALL \\ ~~ ~ ~ I / ui I ICE COLD OFFER EXPIRES March 31, 1986 ~~ ~ CORN DOG 7 GREAT PIZZA ... An wa i,m i IN POST OAK MALL y y you slice it ©- ~~~ ~z ~~I~ t~~ ~t~1t~1~~t t~t~ ... ~~ ~,~~ ~,. ~, °~ ~~~ ~-~~~ ~ ~~` ,j ~,~ o . Treat Yourself! Gourmet Food C• ~- ._, ` ~ I I' i ~ T ~ THE ~ ' ~~- A OAT WHEN ~ ~ G 1 V I 1~ 04 he /~,(~ T•M. ,- PIT BARBEOUE I ..~~'te ~ ~ro~ I ~ loo-/. fresh ~rui.{ drinKS Chopped Beef Sandwich (~ C '• 97 I ~ry a unique and exotic drink such as : ~' For Catering Call: Locally Owned I and O I • pd55lOri fruit • GUa nabana 764-8282 Aerated . mango • 9ayaya I ---------------------------1 . nis,~ero . waterrnelor~ f- I ... and many more I ~n ~ ~V''Vt~ j ~ °e Discoun{ on purchase oG {~ruit drinks j V ~ w/ cou ~ only. Unt~t moy 30,1986 • ( I ~ Old Fashion ~q I I Hl`-~ try c~~n Erny<ln~acla, ~tlled w~~h: I ~ ~ ;~ Hamburger I '` ;,,, ~~ ~~~~~ I ~l'I~CkNrl and met2arella I '~ _, ,, , ,, ~ 79 ~ `r ~ I ,3erF and mcz~arella I •~ I ~ I -~-R~'"~ With purchase of Drink I ~ I ~r.~= Coupon Expires May 31, 1986 ( ~ eaCti I POST OAK MALL I -F 'tax I -r---------------- I -----------.----------------I ------------I• ~i~ ~ I "P(zza by the Sltce' „. I ' " ~ , ' $1 00 ..f ~- ~ -.~.- SwF I O ~ ~ , ,6t .r,. r ANY WAY YOU SLICE IT... i ~ ~ ~ ~R°'R. • ~,,.~. - ~~ ~-`}~ ~ A GREAT DEAL! I BUY 5 I Banana Split "SLIDE & COKE I F~pireti Mao 3~, i9a~ DEALS" °' I POST OAK MAtL i . ~ and GET THE ~ I CULPEPPER PLAZA ° 6th ~, 1•----------------------- ~, ---J .~, .: l ~I ~ FREE! ~' ° o ~.. I ~ ° . G ' C'~ °C~• • .~ al ° I °°c~ ~ • °~~ ~ .. i a SAVE 15% ~~ ~°~ ~ •:G I ° ® , ~ On Any Purchase ~• :~ ..' ~ I ~ Excluding Retills ° e I m ~~ • ~ ° GET YOUR ,,,,,•,p,° ~ ~. ~ I a Not Valid With Any Other M.y 31, 1916 ° PUNCH CARD a Coupon or Special TODAY! i cJi Expires May 4. 19fih GREAT PIZZA...Any way you slice it!,m I Redeemable at Corn Dog 7 I POST OAK MALL POST OAK MALL I Enjoy Shopping Your Houston Alternative is POST OAK MALL! 116 Stores The Gourmet Food Ct. Bealls, Dillard's, Foley's Sears, Wilson's i= THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 7 Chick-Fil•A 6 Corn Dog 7 8 Emilio's 22 Giovanni's Pizza 10 Great Hot Dog Experience 11 Ken Martin's Chicken Fried Steak 13 Orange Julius 30 Peanut Shack 11 Pepe's 21 Potatoes, Etc. 9 Sesame Hut 15 Subway 27 Swensen's 29 Taste of the Tropics 17 The Wagon Wheel Enjoy the pleasant drive to Post Oak Mall, as well as the relaxed atmosphere once you're here! ~'0~1KA11. ,. t~~ 0 • /500 Harvey Road ~ !College Station, TX 77840 Telephone: (409) 764-0060 Hours: Monday thru .Saturday /0 a. m. to 9 p.m. .Sunday J2:30 p.m. ro 5:30 p. m. MANAGEMENT STAFF General Manager .......................Joe Black Assistant Manager ....................Jeff Kunkel Marketing Director ................Cindy Brannen Assistant Marketing Director ............Lori Mayo Maintenance & Security Supervisor ....Lamar Carter & AssoCwr~: Post Oak Mall is owned, devcloprd and managed by CBL & A~ats('I- AT!?5, INC., One Park Plata, 6138 Lee Highw a}, Chattanooga. Tct~ ncssce 37421. Telephone 16151 855-0001. All Post Oak M1tall Icasine in- yuiries should be directed w the Post Oak Mull Managuucm Olfi:c. ~OOTWEAR AND GOODS ps Sporting Goods _ocker e Athletics RDS & GIFTS . Unlimited I House Cards & Gifts and city Shop tay Cards al Treasures ow Store ore Haven lit Stationers 'n Books SAPPAREL Kids ARIETY een's vorth ~AREL ton y Seat _. _~ Western Wear 139 Miller's Outpost 11S Pat Magee's 66 T-Shirts Plus FINANCIAL 99 MPACT FOOD SERVICES 50 General Nutrition Center 49 Great American Chocolate ' Chip Cookie 111 Hickory Farms 16 Sugar Daddy's HAIR SALONS 80 Command Performance 151 MasterCuts 128 Regis Hairstylist HOME ENTERTAINMENT & ELEC TRQNICS 52 Camelot Music 147 Just Video 82 Keyboard Center 135 McDuff Electronics 57 Radio Shack 107 Record Bar K-6 Video Square HOM E FURNISHING 127 Deck The Walls 76 Home Front 78 Waterbed Gallery 60 World Bazaar JEWELRY 26 Carlyle & Co. Jewelers 39 Corrigan's 146 Galleria Jewelry Cindy Brannen Good News! We thought you might like to know how well YOUR mall is doing. Post Oak Mall watt nwnbcr one in sales for all CBL & Associates shopping center, eM1CCCding the national median for super-regional malls by 19"!u. That's an outstanding accomplishment in Icss than fivr years, and you deserve the credit! 94 Gordon Jewelers 121 Mission Jewelry 20 Sweeney's 87 Zales MALL OFFICE I Information Booth 14 Leasing Information 14 Mall Manager 14 Marketing Director MEN'S APPAREL 91 Chess King 33 Jeans West 55 J. Riggings 113 K.G. Men's Store 117 Marvin John's Big 8r Tall RESTAURANTSICAFETERIA 44 Casa Ole 98 The Fajita Grille 149 Wyatt's Cafeteria SHOES 110 Baker's Shoes 36 Butler Shoes 89 Gallenkamp Shoes 90 Kinney Shoes 25 Lewis Shoe Gallery 154 Naturalizer Shoes 38 Open Country 130 Payless Shoes 140 Red Cross Shoes 118 Shoe Box 37 Thom McAn Shoes 84 Upstage Shoes 32 Wild Pair SPECIALTY & SERVICES 5 Accessories By Taz 43 Armed Forces Recruiting ~, ~i, a~~ w„~ Comments 152 Claire's Boutique K-7 Crystal Classic 23 Cutlery World K-4 D'or International K•5 Exotic Leathers 126 Flowerama K-1 Gold Post 70 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer 108 Kay-Bee Toys & Hobby 18 Merle Norman 83 Motherhood Maternity 112 Parklane Hosiery 148 PrioriTeas 48 Pet Emporium K•2 Piercing Pagoda 137 Playland Toys 95 Quick As A Flash 68 Royal Optical K-3 Sunglass Company 136 Texas State Optical 24 Wicks 'N Sticks 19 The Woodcutters THEATRES & AMUSEMENTS 97 Cinema 3 42 Rox-Z 28 Time Out Family Amusement WOM EN'S APPAREL 34 Brooks Fashions 100 Casual Corner 143 Extra Fashions 104 Fashion Conspiracy 92 Foxmoor 62 Hit or Miss 87 Lerners 48 Peck & Peck 141 Paui Harris 63 Petite Shoppe 89 Regan's 120 The Woman's Shop 51 Ups 'N Downs 54 Worth's 31 Bealls, Dillards, Foleys, JCPenney, Sears, Service Merchandise & More Than 130 Stores to Serve You .. . Houston Chronicle Section 7 Thursday, May 29,1986 -~ 0 A 0 0 a to 0 a Preview Page 8-Weekend Preview Houston Chronicle Thursday, May 29,1986 Shopping malls trying to improve -food courts' By JUDITH CROWN Houston Chronicle THE LAST thing retailers want shoppers to do is to leave the mall to eat a meal. Once they leave, they're not likely to come back, and their spending will be over for the day. So shopping centers are trying to im- prove the quality and variety of their restaurants, so customers will stay and keep shopping and spending money. Same malls are trying to lure more national chains, such as Chick Fil•A and Long John Silver's, which execu- tives say have consistent quality and the staying power to weather the ad- verse Houston economy. But many shopping centers want to balance the outlets geared to the mass market with trendy eateries usually run by independent operators or smaller chains. Pasta places and muf- fin shops, for example, are in vogue. These kinds of spots help the mall broaden its appeal and differentiate it- self from competitors. Some mall executives admit many centers have come to be predictable. Just as they have the same shoe chains, men's stores and jewelry shops, they usually have the same kinds of food. The food court by now has become a shopping center staple, consisting of fast-food kiosks that offer pizza, hot dogs, cookies, baked potatoes, Mexican and Chinese food. Many centers have separate restaurants - a cafeteria and a sit-down Mexican restaurant is typi• cal. "Every mall has the same selection," said John Rossi, director of real estate services at Laventhol & Horwath in Houston, the accounting firm that spe- cializes in the hospitality industry. Lisa Shepherd, assistant manager of Wil- lowbrook Mall, agreed. "A lot of it is too standardized. It needs to be new and exciting." Mall restaurants are unlikely to be• come destinations in their own right. But executives say there should be fa• vorite eateries that become part of the shopping day's itinerary, and that might even provide incentive for dad or the kids to come along. One center that has revitalized its selection of restaurants is the Galleria. New additions on the lower level near the skating rink are Chili's and Sbarro, which offers pizza by the slice, pasta, calzone and salads. Scheduled to open soon is The Marble Slab, which sells oversized ice cream cones with a vari- ety of toppings or mix-ins. The Mexi- can restaurant nearby - El Fenix - has been remodeled. Diners at these restaurants can sit at tables cafe-style and watch the skaters. The new restaurants replace more traditional shopping mall eating places: The Coquery, which offered hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza; and Farrell's, an ice cream parlor with a big appeal to kids. "The food was heavy before," said Galleria spokesman Tonie Nolan. "But tastes have changed." Unlike other shopping centers, the Galleria doesn't have a food court. Largely because it's so big, eating places are dispersed throughout the center, and usually found in clusters. On the second level near the movies, for example, there's a McDonald's, a cookie store and an outlet that sells smoothies and fruit drinks. On the third floor are restaurants operated by the Westin Oaks: Shockers Oyster Bar, the Sidewalk Cafe and Zucchini's. With the opening of Macy's and the Galleria 3 wing in September will come Mrs. Field's Cookies, Au Bon Pain, Roman Delight and a shop selling gelato -Italian-style ice cream. There also will be afull-service Chinese res- taurant,Orient Express, to be operated by the owners of Szechwan Restaurant on Westheimer. Most malls, however, are wedded to the food court, a format that industry executives say is here to stay. In most malls, a common food area is more economical to set up and easier for the management to clean and maintain. The customer can easily see his choices. And different members of a group can be satisfied -one can eat pizza, another a baked potato. Perhaps most important, it's fast. Some executives say the traditional format fills the bill because shoppers don't want anything fancy. Pizza is a big seller. Also popular are cookies, ice cream and pretzels -what Chris Ko- enigsdorf, director of marketing at Greenspoint Mall, calls "walk-away food" because you can munch and win- dow shop. "Quiche is OK, but it will never replace the hot dog;' she said. Still, many malls are trying to keep their food courts interesting. Sharps- town Center is trying to attract more national chains - it already has two - because they bring established follow- ings, said mall manager Sandra Silver- nail. Willowbrook is also wooing national chains because they offer consistent quality, Shepherd said. But she would like to balance that with one or two more novel alternatives. Cinnamon rolls are the rage in malls around the country, she said. Smoothies and fresh fruit drinks are also popular. One New Orleans mall even has an oyster bar. Shepherd said there's also room for improvement among current opera- tors. For example, she would like to see the fast-food Mexican outlet at Willow- brook make fresh taco chips and shells instead of having them shipped in. Of course, there's more to a food court than the mix of restaurant kiosks. At San Jacinto Mall in Baytown, ad- ding entertainment has boosted sales this year, said Phyllis Barnes, assistant marketing director. The mall has used strolling magicians, a fashion show and may do a Bingo night. At Greenspoint, operators have re- sponded to the demand by working women for carry-out food. One restau- rant, for example, puts together a pasta dinner to go. Perhaps more im- portant in these troubled times is that these restaurants offer a lot of food for a low price, Koenigsdorf said. The sandwich shop at Greenspoint has been running a $3.95 lunch special that in- cludes acroissant sandwich, soup, salad and dessert. , r Q Q ~~ 0 ~n 0 _. t1 ~-~ ~ A to 0 ,~ a Q Q 0 ~~ 0 _. a ~-~ ~~ co 0 ,~ a Santa Arrives November 23 anta Claus, also affection- Sately known as "Saint Nick," is making a special pre-Christmas appearance in Texas on Saturday, Novem- ber 23, when he'll temporari- ly reside at his special new house in beautiful Post Oak Mall, College Station. On that important date - Saturday, November 23 at 10:00 a.m. -Santa, color- fully clad in his bright red suit, shiny boots and the traditional cap with a furry white tassle, will join his Col- lege Station/Bryan friends for a happy and festive breakfast of milk and dough- nuts. The big event of the morn- ing will be a festive parade led by Santa and his famous reindeer through the corri- dors of Post Oak Mall to his new house. And, as a special treat, Santa will distribute coloring books and sweet, crunchy candy canes to all his friends who participate in the gala parade. Prefacing Santa's visit to Post Oak Mall, the shopping center will become truly Christmasy and aglow with color and brand new holiday season decorations on Tues- day, November 19. Comments Cindy Brannen Come celebrate with us! Without your loyal support there wouldn't be this beautiful, super-regional mall in the Bryan-College Sta- tion area. You've accepted Post Oak Mall with open arms, and that's why CBL & Associates is now able to give you even more. Post Oak Mall now has a beautiful, state-of-the-art JCPenney Department Store, along-awaited Wyatt's Cafeteria, and a fabulous new blend of local and na- tional stores that will satisfy even more of your needs and desires. ~ Consider also these other Post Oak Mall expansion benefits: It will create an estimated 450 new jobs, an an- nual payroll of approximately six million dollars for employees of the new wing. The new businesses also are forecast to generate approximately 20 million dollars in additional sales, further increasing the tax base for our area. Completion of Phase III truly is a growth and pro- gress event to celebrate, and we want to share the excite- ment with you! You deserve the very best, and that's why we're con- stantly striving to give you a clean, safe, top-ranked shopping center where you can come for dining, enter- tainment and enjoy the best variety of quality retailers anywhere. So come on. Treat yourself! We have wonderful entertainment scheduled for the next ten days -Gordon of Sesame Street, classical music performances, "Wamba" the court jester, and games and contests where you can win big prizes! Most important, treat yourself to some extraordinary Guys as our merchants are lowering prices in celebration , of Post Oak Mall's Re-Grand Opening. We care about you. And please let us know what you think of our newest additions. Jx- , -A, 1- ~-`~~ ,.r; . . r~ 0 1500 Harvey Road ^ College Station, TX 77840 Telephone: (409) 764-0060 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. MANAGEMENT STAFF General Manager ......................Don Sewell Assistant Manager ....................Jeff Kunkel Marketing Director ................Cindy Brannen Maintenance & Security Supervisor ....Lamar Carter ,. ~. , .t-', ~, i mast year thousands of children came to meet Santa Claus at Post Oak Mall. Join Santa this year on November 23rd at 10:00 a. m. when he arrives for a fun filled breakfast and festive parade to his new house at Post Oak Mall. Dillards employee Daniel Ruyssehaert takes a break along with shop- pers in Post Oak Mall's ever popular gourmet food court. See pages 18 and 19 for valuable, money-saving, ready-to-clip coupons. Bryan-College Station ~~ Enjoy a taste of the tropics with these exotic summertime ' In the preppy '60s and '70s, cooling, The following recipes were developed in exotic summertime drinks mixed with al- the test kitchens of Ste. Pierre Smirnoff ~- ~ „s 118 coholic beverages involved the use of expressly for summer entertaining with fruit juices such as pineapple, lemon and an exotic accent. ~~ >» 120 lime. VODKA AND GUAVA '-t,~~ e , 1~i °~ ,~ °~,' 12~ 1~ Bui the term "exotic" has evolved dur- 1'/° oz. Smirnoff Vodka ing these Yuppie years to guava, papaya 6 oz. Hawaiian guava fruit juice ;,.,,; ~ ~ ,~ ,O o'Oj t' C and cactus pear. The changes are best re- I teaspoon fresh lime juice ' w s O 2° 3 ~ ~ fleeted in the types of vodka cocktails y° lime wedge ~ 15 ~ 9 that are showing up in fashionable restau- °~ fi, z: a, ~° rants and the creativity in home enter- In tall glass, over ice, combine vodka, `' °S ~ ~ GOURMET ~ "' tainment. guava juice and lime juice. Squeeze lime rooD To bring a touch of the tropics to home and rub on rim of glass. Drop m for gar- s~9' ~' ~ ~,,'' ~ COURT entertainrng this summer, the Vodka Wish. 9 $9' ~ ti• 73 ,~ 0 s e ~ Information Bureau offers a collection VODKA AND PAPAYA ° ~ '~ ~r~ ~ of drinks made with vodka -that '6 °j ''' 14 clear, mixable and versatile spirit -and I'/° oz. Smirnoff Vodka 'B °S ,~ p ~,,~' tropic fruit juices including guava, Ha- 6 oz. papaya nectar °o ~, O *,,. ~~ waitan papaya, pear cactus, pineapple yz oz. Arrow Triple Sec ezB °g ° and oranges. I teaspoon fresh lime juice ' ~ ' so ae "The versatility of pure, premium Flesh sliced papaya t quality vodka makes it a natural for cre- '° c9 ~ s, sZ~ °° ating refreshing, summer mixed drinks In tall glass, over ice, combine vodka, ss ~ ~ and for entertaining," says Dr. G. Joseph Papaya, triple sec and lime juice. Garnish . _ S Servadio, chairman of the Vodka Infor- wrth papaya. ~:,~<',;, 6, s, ~ °' mation Bureau. "The more nearly neutral For more spirited summertime rec- ~% s, s, la,4/ and pure a vodka, such as Smirnoff, is ipes, send aself-addressed stamped, ~ V [he more perfectly it retains the flavor of business-size envelope to Smirnoff Citrus s° ~ ~ pulps and juices of fresh fruits," Servadio Summer Coolers, 888 Seventh Avenue, ' ' explains. Suite 2800, New York, NY 10106. 3~ ~~; Treat Yourself 7 _ y ~ Bealls, Dillards, Foleys, JC Penney, Sears, Service Merchandise, & More Than 130 Outstanding Stores ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR AND SPOR TING GOODS 123 Champs Sporting Goods 105 Foot Locker 65 3 Price Athletics BOOKS, CARDS & GIFTS 129 Aggie Unlimited 101 Bookland 61 Coach House Cards & Gifts 142 Curiosity Shop 93 Gateway Cards 2 Oriental Treasures 3 Rainbow Store 56 Scripture Haven 1 Summit Stationers 85 Walden Books CHILDREN'S APPAREL 4 Fit for Kids DRUG & VARIETY 102 Walgreen's 125 Woolworth FAMI LY APPAREL 150 Benetton 35 County Seat 58 Courts Western Wear 139 Miller's Outpost 116 Pat Magee's 66 T-Shirts Plus FINA NCIAL 99 IMPACT FOOD SERVICES 50 General Nutrition Center 49 Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie 111 Hickory Farms 148 PrioriTeas 18 Sugar Daddy's THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 7 Chick-Fil-A 6 Corn Dog 7 8 Emilio's 22 Giovanni's Pizza 10 Great Hog Dog Experience 11 Ken Martin's Chicken Fried Steak 13 Orange Julius 30 Peanut Shack 11 Pepe's 21 Potatoes, Etc. 9 Seasame Hut 15 Subway 27 Swensen's 29 Taste Of The Tropics 17 The Wagon Wheel HAIR SALONS 80 Command Performance 151 Master Cuts 128 Regis Hairstylist HOM E ENTERTAINMENT & ELECTRONICS 52 Camelot Music 147 Just Video 82 Keyboard Center 57 Radio Shack 107 Record Bar 135 Video Concepts K•6 Video Square HOME FURNISHINGS 127 Deck The Walls 76 Home Front 78 Waterbed Gallery 80 World Bazaar JEWELRY 26 Carlyle & Co. Jewelers 39 Corrigan's 94 Gordon Jewelers 121 Mission Jewelry 20 Sweeney's 67 Zales MALL OFFICE 14 Leasing Information 14 Mall Manager 14 Marketing Director MEN'S APPAREL 91 Chess King 33 Jeans West 55 J. Riggings 113 K.G. Men's Store 117 Marvin John's Big & Tall REST AURANTSICAFETERIA 44 Casa Ole 98 The Fajita Grill 149 Wyatt's Cafeteria SHOES 110 Baker's Shoes 36 Butler Shoes 69 Gallenkamp Shoes 90 Kinney Shoes 25 Lewis Shoe Gallery 38 Open Country 154 Naturalizer Shoes 130 Payless Shoes 118 Shoe Box 37 Thom McAn Shoes 84 Upstage Shoes 32 Wild Pair SPECIALTY & SERVICES 5 Accessories By Taz 43 .Armed Forces Recruiting 152 Claire's Boutique K•7 Crystal Classics 23 Cutlery World K-5 Exotic Leathers 126 Flowerama K•1 Gold Post 70 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer 108 Kay-Bee Toys & Hobby 18 Merle Norman 83 Motherhood Maternity 112 Parklane Hosiery 48 Pet Emporium K•2 Piercing Pagoda 137 Playland Toys 95 Quick As A Flash 88 Royal Optical 103 Stay & Play Child Care K•3 Sunglass Corner 136 Texas State Optical 24 Wicks `N Sticks 19 Woodcutters THEATRES & AMUSEMENTS 97 Cinema 3 42 Rox-Z 28 Time Out Family Amusement WOMEN'S APPAREL 34 Brooks Fashions 100 Casual Corner 143 Extra Fashions 104 Fashion Conspiracy 92 Foxmoor 62 Hit Or Miss 87 Lerners 48 Peck & Peck 141 Paul Harris 83 Petite Shoppe 89 Regan's 120 The Woman's Shop 51 Ups `N Downs 54 Worth's Microwave Safety Tips Burn Off Fat Fast! ~` ~p t~ c 4ik =,~~~~~,a~° Treat Yourself Cood! Register to Win a Vacation Trip for 2 to Bermuda and Other Valuable Prizesl. JCPenney and hIew Stores Open! Jet Delta to Bermuda! Treat Yourself to Contests, Entertainment, Free Favors for Kids, Celebrities, Free Prizes, Senior Citizens' Day, New Stores, We'ue Got !t! Thanksgiving Kitchen Talk Aggie Veterans Rated the Best Magic Makeup Advice for the `Right Look' The Cood lYews: It's Deer Season! ~a F~~~ ~o o~ ya ~F pA~ Of ~ ~~;. "~~~ ~ C~~91~AR~A~A~ ~~9AL1~ ~~4~V~ ~I~OP~~ • % \ % \ % ~ ti ~ v /.'+ %' •%i /. +.. ° v " `. %.' k ' i % ' : /. ti !. \ /. ti - i :' ; ! V 1 /. ~,' /.' f ~ /. `', /.4. -! \ %` u : ` t ! t % ` 3 /. i:\.F`..%\/.`u°+11;f.'~11f~'I~i'\:!`of.\%w/.\f.~.~'~/.\\:'.L%:\r'.ti/. • . • . • . . ~ . ' . . ~ :1'f.+w~!VM/.` ~r.'4f'ti:f 4 . (h" i .._-. ~...J..~......:... yV.vf.~f .:..._.F .......... n4" ~.V?{. V .~: -..:...:.__A...w: ~._~.:~ I~. v'.1/.V. ...~........ ~...... . .r...•. .h~fh+~v ~ n ` " n + ~ ~ _•%~V .V."~V~hl './~`v . J. ~.'~ n\/. y .h+.h/.~}.\+: . h•`~vfnY'. J.V.:+. "v :f h+ '/.4+~W'~f V.~+ ' ' ` ~% '' ` ' • ' ` ` ' ' ' ' ` ' ' ' .!\fi:i`.% 5+ .% :i. +:f ',•':`-f +1.1~! hi:tiF. •%y :% :~.i . •f. ~:. v . .~:\!. 4 kr . ..:::.:...:..... ..................:. ........:. . ....:.:.:. ... ..... ................:..... ...... ...... ...... .....::: -n ~t7~~ C~ ~r`t~'S~1~Y'4 ~~1,~1.~ ~~1.r1fLS ,. Buy one BEEF PLATE ~i TASTE OF THE TROPICS At $3.99 and Get a I ` ~~'~, Try a Unique and Exotic Drink such as: I I 2nd Plate for $1.99. i ~~1' `' •PASSION FRUIT •GUANABANA I A 50% Savin $ `,{icy •MANGO •PAPAYA I g I / •NISPERO •WATERMELON I ~~ ~ ,. ...AND MANY MORE ~ THE ,~ I ~ FREE DRINK! 10% Discount I ON EACH PURCHASE I AGGN WHEE~~a . ___~. _...._ ~:.~._~~ I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FREE I With Coupon Only. Coupon Expires November 24, 1985. I Good Sunday thru Friday, Expires Dec. 31,1985 I POST OAK MALL I I -_---- f MUST PRESENT COUPON ---------------------r---------------------------~ Reg. $1.09 Old Fashion i Regular $2.19 Hambur er I Spaghetti Plate, I j Roast Beef, or ~ on-y ~ Submarine Sa!~ndwich ~ With Purchase of One Drink. II Only ~ `~ Cheeseburger 20' additional. ,' I "` s With purchase of ~- f Medium Soda `` Y. Free Timec-ut Card with Purchase I With Coupon Only. Limit 2. Coupon Expires Saturday, Nov. 30,1985 I POST OAK MALL POST OAK MALL Limit One. With Coupons Only. Coupons Expire Saturday, Nov. 30,1985 I I r1~-------------------------~•---------------------------~ Buy any 2 Food Items ~ What a Combination at Corn Dog 7 at Regular Price ... ~ ~ Get a 3rd Food ; ~ ! ~~ Item of Equal or ~ Lesser Value I I While in the Mall shopping, come enjoy our specialty: ( ~ acorn dog, fries and fresh squeezed lemonade. ~ / I POST OAK MALL i • t----------------------------•r I (Drinks Not Included as Food Item) I FREE ~ 1 ~ ~ M U G I ~,~--- ~ With $4.00 Purchase ~ Dva _ i Limited Quantity! ~ ~, - I ~° KEN MARTIN ~ I • Cand • ell Bells 4J~ I CHICKEN FRIED MEXII:AN I y ~ y y I STEAK rvu~ ~ • Popcorn • Soft Drinks ~ I • Gifts • Coffee • Fudge F„~~~, I POST OAK MALL FOOD COURT I ~~? ~ ; ot:~ Good with Coupon Only. Not Good with any Other Coupon or Specials. I I Coupon Expires Sat., Nov. 30,1985. Coupon Good at All Locations. I With Coupon Only. Coupon Expires Saturday, November 30,1985 I ~ POST OAK MALL ~ ~~k i~ i .c ~i%i ~~,~ii'J F "ftTra f 2~"x x ~, ,,~ v ails s<x *' x i ~ r ii i ~,~I~ So 1Vlany Treats For ~sEN~S -FREE- SUPER SUNDAE With the purchase of 2 Super Sundaes at regular price Not good with any other offer EXPIRES 8-5-86 POST OAK MALL/CULPEPPER PLAZA .s~sa~ssiaawror~aa~~~~a~~~~~~~~~ ~%'°~ THE ~'~ WAGON WHEEL PIT BARBEQUE Chopped Beef Sandwich For Catering Call ggc Locally Owned 764-8282 and Operated Expires Dec. 1986 Foot-Long Club $299 "We Bake Our Own Bread!" Not Good With Sub Club Card! With Coupon Only • Coupon Expires July 31, 1986 POST OAK MALUPARKWAY SQUARE/W009STONE ~~~~~~~~o~~~~ 5~ 25~G 25~ 25~C 25~ MEDIUM DRINK INCLUDING LEMONDAE j with purchase of Regular I Corn Dog I No Valid With Any Other I Coupon or Special I Expires-July 30, 1986 ledeemable at Corn Dog 7 I POST OAK MALL ~ ------------- 14 ~ ~$ BUY 1 I I ~ ~ ~ ~,. I I-.-'' ~~' and GET 11 FREE*~ ®Potatoes Etc. Systems, Inc. 1981 I Items: I I • BACON • ONION • CHEDDAR & BACON I ~ • SOUR CREAM • SIRLOIN TIPS & WINE SAUCE I 'of equal or lesser value Coupon expires: 7/31/86 I r-------- ----------i I I I ~.~'- '• I ~ I I ,~~ste °`~~` ~ropilcsTy. I ado-. resh fruit drinKS I Try a uniquc and exotic drink such as: I I • passion fruit • guanabana I • mango • papaya I • nispero • watermelon I ~ Discount on purchase of fruit drinks I x___15 /o ~~~/c~uDono~ly.Un~il)u1y30,1986 ~~~~~ 13uti~ zinc ~farlt~~~~-SU~awl~crry clrittk and ~cl uilc ~,f r~~lial ~~aluc~ t~~r 1/l ~~ricc. I'~,.til (>ak mall. (;~ill~',~<' Slali~~n ili~l-72ISI .. an rcy blend of South American Fruit 1 oo°i° and Dairy Fresh Milk N FRUR? L VOID IF DETATCHED ~~sr~• ~~/ r~r~~ T~~,;,~~ 1500 Harvey Road College Station, TexOak7840 ~ ~ QFF a f 7ro~~- I* Passion Fruit Drink (slushy citrus) * Strawberry Drink ~crearny -thick) dust 1 ook for the waterme 1 on fountain i n the Food court ~UPER VALUE Monograms & More and Taste of the Tropics have teamed up to bring you a SUPER VALUE!! Bring this coupon to Monograms & More and with any purchase of $5.00 or more we'll give you a coupon for a FREE small drink at Taste of the Tropics. Come by and see us at 404 University Center 693-7773 next to Texas Coin Exchange GIST C~RTIFICATJ v Phis acknovrleciges e rr~~~vrv~ c)•vu..k~. -:~~ , jfalued at 1.35 ,, zrom d.1s~~~~e~C~ts ~;o be presented ~by the winner from College Dills Element~.ry School Y~alloween Carnival as a token of our support. ~~ , I~ianager/Ovmer TASTE OF THE TROPICS My friend, Thomas Boykin, owns the Taste ~' The Tropics at the Post Oak Mall. Turn this card in for a free medium drink, they are great. Tell him , SaIIy says "Hi". WW WW WWWWWWWW WW WW WW WW W WW WW WW WW WW W WW WW W W WW WW WW WW WW W W WW . WW W WW WW WW WW WW WW W WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW 1150 KZ ` AM STEREO COLLEGE STATION - BRYAN TEXAS THE OFFICIAL TEXAS COUNTRY RADIO MDA AUCTION CERTIFICATE DATE: August 28, 1B6 THIS CERTIFICATE ENTITLES THE aEARER TO RECEIVE 200 off one fruit drink FROM Taste of the Tropics AUTHORIZED BY: Thomas Boykin CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!! ,, ERATIONS MANAGER WTAW-AM ~ .: ``~- Sesame Street' coming s~ k . , t, ~- ~'. s P d .~; p p k x ~a~ X ~': ' . , ~ ~ ? ,, ~ ~ x~, „' * T ~' ~ y~a~' a t 1~ .~~~`~y+lt ~~ i~ s -1 ~ '' r " FREE HOMEMADE FRENCH FRIES WIT~1 T~1E PURCHASE OF A C~IIC~(EN FRIEd STEA~( SANdWIC~1 AT REfjUTAR PRICE Good TMROUgI~ AuyusT 31, 1986 LIMIT TWO PER COUPON IN T6E GOURMET Food COURT POST OAK MALL ~1`~~ `~„ .rTI~S'le ~~e ,1r0/1lCS'~~ ~ ioo-. resh fruit drinKS ~ Chicken w/Mozzarella Empanada ~ and Small Passion fruit drink ~ only $~. 69 plus tax ~ 9/15/86 ~~~~~~~-- Onc Coupon Pcr Person 20 9s ~ GOURMET rS ~y ,~o (/~ 9~ 9y ~s' 2g COUORT S , ~h C/ 9F B 'S~J992 n~ ~ 3y ?B 'u' 11 0 9 8 7 s v ,~ ^~ ,~1 ,~ " e~// d 9 E ~s ~ ~O ~ ~ 7 ~' B9s ~v 9e ~s9 Q2 SERVICE `5°'^~,~ '90 ,ate ez m~~~ ~ o° MERCHANDISE ~y ,5ti ~~~, ~°~,~, h O 57 a'edrrs ~ ,,,~0 , ~? ~~ Eg $ g1 52 aq r~'%d o '~~ ss ~ s9 .4 ~"y ~G B3 SS o r9d ~ `~` 61 B? SI .- -.,US ~~ , 3ealls, Dillards, Foleys, JC Penney, Sears, Service ivierchandise ~ More Than 130 Stores to Serve You. ,ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR AND SPORTING GOODS 123 Champs Sporting Goods 105 Foot Locker 85 3 Price Athletics BOOKS, CARDS & GIFTS 129 Aggie Unlimited 61 Coach House Cards 8 Gifts 101 Bookland 142 Curiosity Shop 93 Gateway Cards 2 Oriental Treasures 3 Rainbow Store 58 Scripture Haven 1 Summit Stationers 85 Walden Books CHILDREN'S APPAREL 4 Fit for Kids DRUGS & VARIETY 102 Walgreen's 125 Woolworth FAMILY APPAREL 150 Benetton 35 County Seat 58 Courts Western Wear 139 Miller's Outpost 118 Pat Magee's 86 T-Shirts Plus FINANCIAL 99 MPACT FOOD SERVICES SO General Nutrition Center 49 Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie 111 Hickory Farms 18 Sugar Daddy's THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 7 Chick-Fil-A 6 Corn Dog 7 8 Emilio's 22 Giovanni's Pizza 10 Great Hot Dog Experience 11 Ken Martin's Chicken Fried Steak 13 Orange Julius 30 Peanut Shack 11 Pepe's 21 Potatoes, Etc. 9 Sesame Hut 15 Subway 27 Swensen's 29 Taste of the Tropics 17 The Wagon Wheel HAIR SALONS 80 Command Performance 151 MasterCuts 128 Regis Hairstylist HOME ENTERTAINMENT & ELECTRONICS 52 Camelot Music 147 Just Video 82 Keyboard Center 135 McDuff Electronics 57 Radio Shack 107 Record Bar K-6 Video Square HOME FURNISHING 127 Deck The Walls 76 Nome Front 78 Waterbed Gallery 80 World Bazaar JEWELRY 26 Carlyle 8 Co. Jewelers 39 Corrigan's 146 Galleria Jewelry 94 Gordon Jewelers 121 Misson Jewelry 20 Sweeney's 87 Zales MALL OFFICE Information Booth 14 Leasing Information 14 Mall Manager 14 Marketing Director MEN'S APPAREL 91 Chess King 33 Jeans West 55 J. Riggings 113 K.G. Men's Store 117 Marvin John's Big & Tall RESTAURANTS/CAFETERIA & BAR 44 Casa Ole 98 The Fajita Grille 103 Kay's Cabaret 149 Wyatt's Cafeteria SHOES 110 Baker's Shoes 36 Butler Shoes 89 Gallenkamp Shoes 90 Kinney Shoes 25 Lewis Shoe Gallery 154 Naturalizer Shoes 38 Open Country 130 Payless Shoes 140 Red Cross Shoes 118 Shoe Box 37 Thom McAn Shoes 84 Upstage Shoes 32 Wild Pair SPECIALTY & SERVICES 5 Accessories By Taz 43 Armed Forces Recruiting 152 Claire's Boutique K-7 Crystal Classic 23 Cutlery World K-4 D'orlnternational K-5 Exotic Leathers 128 Flowerama K-1 Gold Post 70 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer 108 Kay-Bee Toys & Hobby 18 Merle Norman 83 Motherhood Maternity 112 Parklane Hosiery 148 PrioriTeas 48 Pet Emporium K-2 Piercing Pagoda 137 Playland Toys 95 Quick As A Flash 88 Royal Optical K-3 Sunglass Company 138 Texas State Optical 24 Wicks 'N Sticks THEATRES & AMUSEMENTS 97 Cinema3 42 Axis 28 Time Out WOMEN'S APPA 34 Brooks Fash 100 Casual Corr 143 Extra Fashic 1pq Fashion Col g2 Foxmoor g2 Hit or Miss 19 Hot Line g7 Lerners 48 Peck & Pecl 141 Paul Harris 63 Petite Shop gg Regan's 120 The Woman 51 Ups'N Dow 54 Worth's r~~ 0 1500 Harvey Road O College Station, TX 77840 Telephone: (409) 764-0060 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. MANGEMENT STAFF General Manager .................................. Joe Black Assistant Manager ............................. Cullin Smith Marketing Director ........................ Martha Mewis Assistant Marketing Director ................. Lori Mayo Maintenance & Security Supervisor .... Lamar Carter deueloped owned & operated by • 1 & ASSOCIATES, INC. Post Oak Mall is owned, developed and managed by CBL & ASSOCIATES, INC., One Park Plaza, 6148 Lee Highway, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421. Telephone (615) 855-0001. All Post Oak Mall leasing inquiries should be directed to the Post Oak Mall Management Office. 9 Bryan-College Station Eagle Thursday, November 20, 1986 Page 3C I ~ 1~ 1 't N ~'0~1KAt~ Gourmet Food Court "So Many Treats for So Many Tastes" 15 Ways to Satisfy Your Appetite Including: • Swensen's • Taste of the Tropics • The Wagon Wheel M-Sat 10.9 San 12:30.5:30 Introducing new menu for fine dining Sandpipers Seafood, long noted for its outstanding atmosphere, is infra ducing a new menu. Mark Arnold, General Manager of the Hilton, says that they are very serous about providing high quality food and service. "We want people to think of us when they think of fine dining, so we are always working to make their visit, whether it be pleasure or business, as enjoyable as possible," he explained. He noted that early in this century if one wanted a fine dining experience one went to hotels. It is their goal at Sandpipers Seafood to revive that tradition. For this reason, they are constantly finding ways~to make dining at Sandpipers even more enjoyable. The new menu is such a way. Chef Scott Clark and John Conroy, Food and Beverage Director, devised the new menu that will be introduced in December. Chef Clark has been here since July providing quality entrees and appetizers for dining guests. "We decided to expand our menu so a broader range of tastes can be satisfied," explained Chef Clatk. "We feel that in order to be distinguished as a fine dining restaurant we must continuously find ways to improve the selection and quality for our customers," added Mr. Arnold. What can customers expect to fmd on this new menu? Sandpipers Seafood dinner menu will now have Shrimp Biscayne, Seafood Stuffed Manicotti, Prime Ribs of Beef, Steak and Quail, and Medallions of Veal. Chef Clark also mentioned that favorites, such as the Redfish Ponchatrain, will remain on it The new lunch menu will include items such as Open Face Roast Beef Sandwich, Chicken Oscar, Fajita Salad, and Seafood Salad. The popular Luncheon Buffet, which features a different food specialty daily, will still be 11 a.m.-2 p.m. "Many people have complimented us on the stunning design and decor of our restaurant, and we are proud it," said Mr. Arnold, "But although atmosphere is an intergral part of the dining experinece,the food is the most important aspect. "We cordially invite you to come enjoy a pleasurable fine dining experi- ence at Sandpipers." Sandpipers Seafood is open 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Brazos Valley Entertainment Club: variety Do you fire of eating at home all the time? Do you feel you simply don't have the money? Or do you feel confused by the incredible array of restaurants in the area? Brazos Valley Entertainment Club has come up with an ingenious solution for all of these problems. Their club offers a way to try restaurants inexpen- sively, without confusion. ` What is the solution? The Brazos Valley Entertainment Club mem- bership. Individual members cant' a plastic Dinner Club Card that allows them to get one meal free with the purchase of another at the same or greater value. So there is no inconvenience of canying a coupon book. The booklet issued to members with their card has a listing of the participating restaurants and what they're about, Choosing a place to go is a lot simpler this way. The $14.95 membership is goad for six months, and according to Chuck Moreau, co-owner and general rnanager, it usually pays for itseff on the first visit. Many people enjoy ~ membership because they can have more elaborate meals and use what they saved on desserts and additional drinks. So how do restaurants benefit by essentially giving meals away? Most people usually dine out just for special occasions or weekends. By offering an affordable way to try their cuisine, they get customers to come at other times of the week as well. They are usually quite pleased with their experiences, and patronize the restaurants again later, for dinners and lun- ches. Some restaurants have reported double the nomlal traffic, and most see an obvious increase overall. It is a mutually beneficial relationship. The restaurants get more custom- ers,and are able to measure the response, while individuals can explore some the hundreds of restaurants in the Brazos Valley without flattening their pocketbook. Mr. Moreau is convinced that this program can only help the local economy. The Brazos Valley enjoys a particularly high restaurant per capita ratio, and in order to keep it that way, citizens need to be encouraged to discover the variety around them. Mr. Moreau mentioned that restaurants are not the only establishments to participate in the plan. There are also health clubs and recreational facilities. Memberships for the next six months are available through mid-December. FORT ~~ ~ !~ ~- ,~ SkILO~ STEAKHOUSE t Ken Martin Family Restuarants 2528 Texas Ave. South College Station L~G;~~~ turAUUwr BRYAN ' and I COI,LEG~ STATION'S CULINARY South College Ave. at Villa Maria Daily Lunch Specials & Daily Happy Hours w/free Nacho Bar Major Credit Cards & Checks Accepted ~" 4300 Texas Ave. Ca a 8465752 llao Q A Sun.•Thurs. O & 11.11 ,,.-, -_ This CoupoN Good FoR FREE HOMEMADE FRENCH FRIES WITH THE PURCHASE OF A CHICkEN FRIEd STEM( SANdWICH AT REfIULAR PRICE • v l l~ i D d l, ~ KtN MARTIN CHICKEN FRIED STEAK Coed TIIROUgM OcTObER 31, 1986 LIMIT TWO PER COUPON IN THE GOURMET Food COYRT POST OAK MALL Foot-Long Club $299 FREE MEDIUM DRINK (Including Lemonade) with purchase of regular corn dog. POST OAK MALL Expires 10/31/86 Not Good w/any other coupon or special Q /% 1 0 ~ 1 ~ .. "We Bake Our 1 ~ Own Bread!" 1 MOM~~E ~ = 1J~1 A ~' i Get Acquainted Special 696-6253 Post Oak Mall Food Court 1 * BUY 4 GET 2 FREE 1 ~ s5 For A 1/2 DOZEN SALE 1 'Reg. x6.50 1 Offer expires 10/31/86 Not Good With Sub Club Card! With Coupon Only• Coupon Expires November 15,1986 POST OAK MALUPARKWAY SOUARE/WOODSTONE --.~- .., 1.00 Off ~~., j 1'IDi REGULAR PRIG ~'Y, •:: OFA _ ~ -- HOT FUDGE BONANZA SPLIT ~ ` ~ ~"' NT17T1 THIS COUPON OFFER EXPIRES 11-25-86 OFFER VALID ATTHE FOLLOWING SWENSEN'S POST OAK MALL • CULPEPPER PLAZA PLENSE PflESENT Ya1ENlTWEflaC D000 DILY a7TN COIPON WM/G SPEI]FED MTES NDT Y/LLEI WITN PnY OTHENpSC011N1 SPE(]/a UN PflDNpTgN ONF COIIPDN PEP DIISTpAEfl Y4SIT UNLESS OTNERMSE SPECIFIED. Yq0 YMEIIE PflONBITED aY LfW ~ PAY FOR ONE ~ OET TWO! Now you can Treat yourself and someone you like to the most delicious lasting drinks in tlx world. Buy one at the ' regular Aria and get one FREE. Suawberry, Some of Our Flavors Include: Orange, I Pinata Colada, Banana, Peach, Tropical Cream Sup- ' rcme. Raspberry Cream Supreme. I g ~ I WE SQUEEZE OUR ORpIVGES 2nd Anniversary Celebration Passion Fruit Strawberry Banana Watermelon Mango Papaya Pineapple Nispero Guanabana or you make your own combination ~~ 20 0 - n 011 Any size fruit drink ~~ limit one per coupon ~ Expires Nov. 15 ~~ - 21 Coupon Expires 11/16/86 rv~cT~ - - "~;,, ~_ 116 1 17 _ _ 113 t20 r• 0 . o,, , - ,,~, COLLEGE STATION. TX ' J JJJJ? ~ry~ ~`c ,y~ Jed Jes° Jo~~ s~°°r° BEALLS J 09 '~ ?~9 ~ 2~ J j ~F, ~ ( F 9) J~ l 6 ,~ J ,` / c ~ ~ GOURMET 'p f9 ~,~ vJ, ~ FOOD ~ '' (,9 9~ 9is `' `'.9 COURT s ~'' ^r, F s 3e ,,~a tiC ~l , Bj ~, l9 ~ . / Q m Bs (/~ ^ ~ a9 ~~9 9B ~'s9 9? SERVICE ~ha,y^~ '90 ,a'` B2 ,~ 9 ~ MERCHANDISE ~ .hti ~~~, ,"~,~ O,F~ 55p a Cdf l~'JS ~h'`~ , ,aa ~~ !' ~? ~ sy ~$ 'I 5 a4 P'a ~[~ 0 6 ? ,~a° r' 6$ ~ Sq J9j ,a5 Jr'Q .Sf ~ J9B Ss P 6 67 ? 57 Q P S8 D/C~AAdS 60 Bealls, Dillards, Foleys, JC Penney, Sears, Service Merchandise & More Than 130 Stores to Serve You. THLETIC FOOTWEAR AND THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 121 Mission Jewelers ' 152 Claire's Boutique PORTING GOODS 7 Chick-Fil-A s 20 Sweeney K-7 Crystal Classic 05 Foot Locker 10 Cindy's Cinnanon Rolls 26 Whitehall Jewellers 23 Cutlery World ' 23 Le ends 6 Corn Dog 7 67 Zales or International K-4 D 65 3 Price Athletics 8 Emilio's ' MALL OFFICE K-5 Exotic Leathers 126 Flowerama OOKS, RD & GIFTS s Pizza 22 Giovanni 11 Ken Martin's Chicken I Information Booth 14 Leasing Information K-1 Gold Post S 29 Aggie Unlimited Bt Coach House Cards & Gifts Fried Steak 13 Orange Julius 14 Mall Manager inger 70 Jo-Ann Fabrics/ 108 Kay-Bee Toys 8~ Hobby 01 Bookland 30 Peanut Shack 14 Marketing Director 18 Merle Norman 42 Curiosity Shop 11 Pepe's MEN'S APPAREL 83 Motherhood Maternity 93 Gateway Cards 21 Potatoes, Etc. 91 Chess King 112 Parkfane Hosiery 2 Oriental Treasures 9 Sesame Hut 33 Jeans West 148 PrioriTeas 3 Rainbow Store 15 Subway 55 J. Riggings 46 Pet Emporium 56 Scripture Haven 27 Swensen's 113 K.G. Men's Store K-2 Piercing Pagoda 1 Summit Stationers 29 Taste of the Tropics 117 Marvin John's Big & Tall 137 Playland Toys 85 Walden Books ' 17 The Wagon Wheel RESTAURANTS/CAFETERIA & BAR 95 Quick As A Flash 68 Royal Optical S APPAREL ~HILDREN HAIR SALONS 44 Casa Ole K-3 Sunglass Company 4 Fitfor Kids 80 Command Performance 98 The Fajita Grille 136 Texas State Optical DRUGS & VARIETY 151 MasterCuts 103 Kay's Cabaret 24 Wicks'N Sticks 02 Walgreen's 128 Re is Hairst Ilst 9 Y 149 W att's Cafeteria Y THEATRES & AMUSEMENT 25 Woolworth HOME ENTERTAINMENT & SHOES 97 Cinema 3 ELECTRONICS 110 Baker's Shoes 42 Axis AMILYAPPAREL 52 Camelot Music 36 Butler Shoes 28 Time Out 50 Benetton 82 Keyboard Center 69 Galfenkamp Shoes WOMEN'S APPAREL 35 County Seat 135 McDuff Electronics 90 Kinney Shoes 34 Brooks Fashions 58 Courts Western Wear 57 Radio Shack 25 Lewis Shoe Gallery t00 Casual Corner 39 Miller's Outpost 107 Record Bar 154 Naturalizer Shoes 1q3 Extra Fashions 18 Pat Magee's K-6 Video Square 38 Open Country 104 Fashion Conspiracy HOME FURNISHING 130 Payless Shoes 92 Foxmoor 127 Deck The Walls 140 Red Cross Shoes 62 Hit or Miss INANCIAL 76 Home Front 118 Shoe Box 19 Hot Line 99 MPACT 71 Unique Ideas 37 Thom McAn Shoes 87 Lerners 78 LNaterl?~++1 ~aller~ R4 t_lr.A+~.~~> ~+ • ~ , qg Peck & Peck OOD SERVICES 14 Paul Harris 50 General Nutl n's ' 49 Great Amerl<<~ - ~ ~; . ~'ai*~man s Shop Chip Cookie ~ , ~:~owns _. 16 Sugar Daddy's ~. _ _ _ - -' -~ 1 ?..s«~ y ~~ ~ ~ >r f • a I drink ` The Wagon Wheel wishes everyone a :afe ~ happy holiday season. ° o Holiday Special: ° FREE 12 oz. Soft Drink with the purchase of a SlieeJ Beef Sandwich. ~ 1 ° • ,,~~'r ~AGON WHEE n.J rlfy eeepe eel3 Expires Dee. 31, 1986 ~ 1`7 ~~~ y~ .~sil~~ Introduces ~ FROZEN YOGURT ' Buy one Yogurt Cone at regular price ~ Get second Yogurt Cone --FREE. Offer expires December 15,1986 ~ ";r Offer valid at the following Swensen's ~ POST OAK MALL • CULPEPPER PLAZA ~e>,e~-e~e>,~e>,e>,e~e~e~e>,~e>,e~~e~~~~e~ee i~~~nnil` .ssm "Pizza by the Siice' ~. ~ DELICI OUS DEOISI ~ ON . SPECIAL r----------~ "' ,ALL 3 FOR II ~I II :~ / ONLY I ~II'li~l II ~ ~iV~: ~ $ 99' 'll~ ~~ ~ (l .li~ i I I i~ ~~. _ ~~~ I 1 , () IIIIfII Ili i'ii~. ~\ ` / L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J ,1111 I111'II , I~ 'ti~~llr Y~ ~1 _~_al I a 1~ I ~. -• ~ "- We ve matle It easy wrtn tnls Dencrous Declsron Speclal!Ortler ew Iasty Junior Burger with lettuce. tomato, pickle. ihnusantl Island dressing antl mustartl. French fries antl a retresn lnq 12 oz cola you ll love the tact of this great combrnatlon at an mcretll Ele price e(only $1 99" Post Oak Mall E ~ al~,,.~ n„r. ,, ,, „~ Oron~e ~uliu~ No other slerb tlisU~unls rn ci~upons accepleG for Ihis Special Oner Page 16 Post Oak Mall Wednesday, November 26, 1986 .~~~~. ~~ ~. ~I~l ~~h[~111: FREE APPLE STICKS with purchase of a ~ I , regular Corn dog, large I ' fries and large drink. ~ POST OAK MALL ~ ~ ~ Expires 12/31/86 I Not Good w/any other ~ coupon or special I ------- ~ Foot-Lon g ~ Meatball Sub Sandwich ; "We Bake Our O 0 Own Bread!" ~ ; i = l~J A ~ i o ~ OFF ~ Not Good With Sub Club Card 1986 20 b er , With Coupon Only • Goupon Expires Decem ; ~ POST OAK MALUPARKWAY SQUARE/WOODSTONE I`eete~e~e~e~ee~e~e~~are~e~e~---~e>•-e~~e~~ ANY 51ZE FRUIT DRINK Offer Expires December 6, 1986 PIZZA...Any way you slice it!am ~ POST OAK MALL ~ STRA1~fBERRY, PASSION FRUIT, BAt1ANA , NAN00, I NISPERO, WATERMELIXV , OUANABANA ,PAPAYA, PINE APPLE . aR AFih' COMElIN AT qN YOU W ANT . xonres ec Lunn one per coupon Post Oak Mall Wednesday, November 26, 1986 Page 17 MARKET INFORMATION LOCATION 95 miles northwest of Houston 165 miles south of Dallas 100 miles northeast of Austin 165 miles northeast of San Antonio 85 miles southeast of Waco TRADE AREA Brazos County Burleson County Grimes County Leon County Madison County Milam County Robertson County Washington County Walker County Houston County Texas A&M Enrollment Total Market Average Age: 32.7 Average Household Income: $31,421 1987 DSTM Sales Potential: $256,000,000 Graham Central Station Perfect Tan Shooters Time-Out Bride 'n Formal Postoak Florist Pop-Abilities Balloon Bonanza AI's Formal Wear Thomas Sweet Comfort Inn Brazos Valley Golf Driving Range VISA/MASTERCARD/CHECKS/AND CASH ACCEPTED ~z T~~r' ~~t rh~• 7op«s Buy a medium fruit drink and get a medium fruit drink free. (AN EXCLUSIVE CLUB) BRAZOS COUNTY GROWTH PROJECTIONS: 1990 - 155,779 - 30.4% increase from 1985 2000 - 225,015 - 88.3% increase from 1985 a~ The entertainment directory of B/CS. Membership Fee-$10.00 + tax (Exp. 12/31 /87) MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS At The Edge 115,000 The Paramount Theatre 15,000 Chimney Hill Bowling Center, Inc. 18,000 "TCBY" The Country's Best Yogurt 12,000 FabricCare 11,600 M&M Scuba & Snow Ski 23,100 Brazos Valley Limo 15,700 Taste of the Tropics 22,000 Lifestyles 48,600 Cafe d' Amerique 23,700 39,000 Putt-Putt Golf Course Epicures Catering by Design 343,700 *Statistics from U.S. Census Bureau and Texas Water Development Board PASSENGER & FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION Southern Pacific Railroad/rail freight Missouri Pacific Railroad/rail freight Nine trucklines/daily freight service Easterwood Airport/several daily flights to/from Dallas and Houston ~~YF~~Y~~~~Jr i~~ ~~` THE ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTORYOF B/CS 1500 Harvey Rd. (in Post Oak Mall) College Station, Texas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 30 12 29 ~ ~M 13 28 ~ ~ ~ 14 27 00022 Exp:12/31/87 15 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 The following businesses support Aerofit and encourage the healthful lifestyle. Please support them with your patronage. ~ +~~ t ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ k~ ~~~ THI,a CAN:D El`~I'rLES BF~AP~.R 'iYJ One FREE Large Stiawbelty-Banana FYuit Drink from Tate o* t:~-~n Tropics Post Oak :1,x11 Coupon ix;L;: ~. be redeP•r~-d b;- a.-'.il ~'• ((~~r-- ~V t~ - ~ ~ ---_._. ~ ~ ~~~~~ THIS CFp,D ENTITLES BEARER Tn One FREE Large Strawberry-Eanana Fruit Drink from Taste of the Tropics Post Oak Mall Coupon .nutii be redeemed by 8/31/87 Page SD Bryan-College Station Eagle Friday, July 3, 1987 Great American Food Festival At Post Oak Mall GIOVAI Christopher I It is a prover without pig Discover a w 1 SI WAGON WHEEL Roy Rogers Buckaroo Specal Ride on over and bite down on the best taste in the west Sliced Bye~ef Sandwich " 1.99 Good July 3, 4 8~ 5th POTATOES ETC. Jere James Salad Specal 13e in The Food Court at high noon and steal a dinner salad ~4ith any purchase of $S or more. Good July 3 onl CHICK-FIL-A Ike Cream Treat yourself to any Chick-Fil A Sandwich or Nuggets and get a cold delicious small ice cream FREE. Good July 3 8 4th SUBWAY SANDWICHES Unde Samwich We want you to take $1.On off the regular price of our Foot Long Sandwich with delicious meat and garden fresh vegetables on fresh baked bread. Good July 3, 4 ~ 5th As part of our Great American Savings Celebration. The Food Court Merchants are honoring some Great Americans and some "not so great." Do your patriotic duty & visit us before or after the fireworks in the Gourmet Food Court Friday, July 3rd ORANGE JULIUS Yankee Doodle Jr. Burger Specal Ever wonder why Yankee Doodle went to town? It was for the great taste and service at Orange Julius. Jr. Burger, Fries & Small Drink x'1.99 Try our Red, White & Blue Hot Dog Special. Chicago Relish Hot Dog and Medium Julius Drink (Cream Supreme not included) X1.49 Good July 3, 4, 8 5th you to buy ~e. That's an food July 3 only al Try^our delicious Sweet & Sour Pork or Chicken for just Good July 3, 4 8 5th SWENSEN'S Black Bart Specal Here's a great taste on everyone's most wanted list Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream smothered with marshmallows, chocolate toppings, almonds, whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and Swensen wafers. Save 50~ Good July 3, 4, & 5th 'TASTE OF THE TROPICS Mango Tango Strawberry Mango Drink Specal Let's not forget those great American toe tapping heron of stage and screen. We're honoring Fred and Ginger by trying a new step. 25% OFF A large size Strawberry Main~o Go July 3 only CORN DOG 7 The Honest Abe Com Dog dal Looking for honest sarongs that satisfy your hunger? Try our quarter-pound com dog & small flies for X1.89 p~ua Good July 3, 4, 8 5th Gourmet Food Court SO MANY TREATS FOR SO MANY TASTES FREE CHICK-FIL-A SANDWICH! PURCHASE ONE CHICK-FIL•A MEAL AND A 20-OZ. I DRINK AND GET A FREE CHICK-FIL-A SANDWICH I WITH THIS COUPON. Meals include Chick-fil•A Sandwiches or Chick-fil-A Nuggets;" Waffle Potato ' Fries`" and coleslaw. Coupon not good I ~\ ~ ~`~ perlson perhisit.ffer. One coupon per I Expires 5-30-87 ... CF- I Closed Sundays ~~~ I ~ ALL OAK ~ ~ .. •-~~ J 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FREE FRENCH FRIES i -- or -, ONION RINGS , with a purchase ~ • of a ~ Polish Sausage ~ Expires 4/30/87 POST OAK MALL j Not Good w/any other coupon or special ~~~~~~~ _ _ --- PaKe 12 Nest Uah iv1a11 Thursday, March 26, 1987 ~ ~ THE ~ ~GON WHEE whereeveryth. ....., „ . n n ~ n z r ~ is homefnade Sliced Beef Sandwich aterin Availabl~ ~ • ~ ~ reg. '2.35 Expires 4-30-87 C 8 and Take-Outs 764-8282 Good with coupon only PRICE ~~ natural fruit for specials on NAPRIL26.1987 FRUIT DRINKS ~~~~~~~~ra~~~~~~ri~~~J BUY ONE AT REG. PRICE AND GET ONE Sears, Service ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR AND SPORTING GOODS 105 Foot Locker 123 Legends 65 3 Price Athletics LOOKS, CARDS & GIFTS 129 Aggie Unlimited 101 Bookland 61 Coach House Cards & Gifts 142 Curiosity Shop 93 Gateway Cards 2 Oriental Treasures 3 Rainbow Store 56 Scripture Haven 1 Summit Stationers 85 Walden Books ILDREN'S APPAREL 4 Fit for Kids DRUGS & VARIETY 102 Walgreen's 125 Woolworth FAMILY APPAREL 150 Benetton 35 County Seat 58 Courts Western Wear 111 Gadzooks 139 Miller's Outpost 116 Pat Magee's 66 T-Shirts + 99 M PACT )OD SERVICES 50 General Nutrition Center 49 Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie 16 Sugar Daddy's Beal dise & MorE THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 7 Chick-Fie-A 6 Corn Dog 7 8 Emilio's 22 Giovanni's Pizza 11 Ken Martin's Chicken Fried Steak 13 Orange Julius 30 Peanut Shack 11 Pepe's 21 Potatoes, Etc. 9 Sesame Hut 15 Subway 27 Swensen's 29 Taste of the Tropics 17 The Wagon Wheel HAIR SALONS 80 Command Performance 151 MasterCuts 128 Regis Hairstylist HOME ENTERTAINMENT & ELECTRONICS 52 Camelot Music 82 Keyboard Center 135 McDuff Electronics 57 Radio Shack 107 Record Bar HOME FURNISHING 127 Deck The Walls T6 Home Front 78 Waterbed Supreme 60 World Bazaar JEWELRY 39 Corrigan's 146 Galleria Jewelry 94 Gordon's Jewelers 121 Mission Jewelers 20 Sweeney's 26 Whitehall Jewellers 67 Zales MALL OFFICE 1 Information Booth 14 Leasing Information 14 Mall Manager 14 Marketing Director MEN'S APPAREL 91 Chess King 33 Jeans West 55 J. Riggings 113 K.G. Men's Store 117 Marvin John's Big ~ Tall RESTAURANT/CAFETERIA & BARS 44 Casa Ole 103 Kay's Cabaret 149 Wyatt's Cafeteria SHOES 110 Baker's Shoes 36 Butler Shoes 90 Kinney Shoes 25 Lewis Shoe Gallery 154 Naturalizer Shoes 38 Open Country 130 Payless Shoes 140 Red Cross Shoes 118 Shoe Box 37 Thom McAn Shoes 84 Upstage Shoes 32 Wild Pair SPECIALTY & SERVICES 5 Accessories By Taz 43 Armed Forces Recruiting 152 Claire's Boutique i` 23 Cutlery World K-4 D'or International K-6 Exotic Leathers 126 Flowerama K-1 Gold Post K-8 Golden Chain Gang 70 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer 108 Kay-Bee Toys 8~ Hobbies 18 Merle Norman 83 Motherhood Maternity 112 Parklane Hosiery 148 PrioriTeas 46 Pet Emporium K-2 Piercing Pagoda 137 Playland Toys 95 Quick As A Flash K-7 Record-A-Song 68 Royal Optical K-3 Sunglass Company 136 Texas State Optical K-5 Things Remembered 24 Wicks 'N Sticks THEATRES & AMUSEMENTS 97 Cinema 3 28 Time Out WOMEN'S APPAREL 34 Brooks Fashions t00 Casual Corner 143 Extra Fashions 104 Fashion Conspiracy 92 Foxmoor 62 Hit or Miss 19 Hot Line 87 Lerners 48 Peck & Peck 141 Paul Harris 89 Regan's 120 The Woman's Shop 51 Ups 'N Downs 54 Worth's Page 10 Post Oak Mall Thursday, March 26, 1987 -~'.`-~- _, . . ~~ ~"~ ,r~~ :~+i+i~ i is ~~ ~~~.~ 0 1500 Harvey Road College Station, TX 77840 Telephone: (409) 764-0060 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. MANAGEMENT STAFF General Manager ............ Maria Polites Assistant Manager ............ Cullin Smith Marketing Director ......... Martha Mewis Assistant Marketing Director .Lori Mayo Maintenance & Security Supervisor Lamar Carter & ASSOCIATES; INC. ONE PARK PLACE 6148 lEE HIGHWAY ,;.HATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE 3741 (515) 855-0001 Post Oak Mall is owned, developed and managed by CBL & ASSOCIATES, iNC., One Park Plaza, 6148 Lee Highway, Chat- tanooga, Tennessee 39421. Tekphone (615) 855-0001. All Post Oak Mall kaslog Inquiries should be directed to the Post Oek Mao Management OIBce. Penney, rve You. 11~.'il lil VC)i.iiMF. 10. APRIL 1988 BRYAN/COLLEGE STA"PION, '1"EXAS TEXAS A&M RESPONSIBLE FOR $1 BILLION IMPACT ANNUALLY A study conducted at the request of Texas A&M University President Frank E. Vandiver indicates that the overall impact of the university on the area's economy is approaching $1 billion annually. Vandiver said the direct economic impact of the university on the area amounted to $400 million during 1987. Using the generally accepted economic multiplier of 2.5, which is the number of times a dollar is spent and respent before leaving a community, amounts. to a total impact of $1 billion. The outlook is even brighter, since A&M received increased funding during the last legislative session. Texas A&M has the largest research invest- ment for any university in the South or Southwest. Vandiver pointed out that research program growth is significant economically because it provides the opportunity to develop new business. AGGRESSIVE MARKETING PLAN FOR POST OAK MALL An exciting calendar of events for 1988 and expanded advertising planned to reach secondary markets and previously untapped demographic markets with increased fre- quency promises to increase traffic in Post Oak Mall in 1988. Current traffic counts indicate an average of 135,000 customers visited Post Oak Mall every week during the first quarter of 1988. This represents an increase of 13 % over previous years. Efforts to increase traffic will be aimed at the secondary trade area, senior citizens and - the expanding tourist and convention trade in the area. CONSTRUCTION INCREASES 131 According to statistics compiled by the F.W. Dodge Division of McGraw-Hill Information Systems, Inc., construction in Brazos County increased from $37.7 million for the first nine months of 1986 to $87.1 million for the same period of 1987. TOTAL STORES POSSIBLE 150 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 5,228 For additional information, contact: Maria Saccomen, CSM/CMD Post Oak Mall 1500 Harvey Rd. College Station, TX 77840 (409) 764-0060 ECONOMIC FUTURE POSITIVE FOR BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION Thanks to an aggressive team of industrial and economic development councils in the area, many businesses are committed to or strongly considering making the Brazos Valley their home. Those who are presently committed or are under construction include The Mead Baking Co., a USDA food inspection training center, Granada Genetics Research, a minimum security Federal prison, Sandstone Hospital, Greenleaf Hospital and a Wal-Mart store. In addition, Easterwood airport is currently undergoing an ex- pansion and $ 52 million has been committed to highway expansion and improvement over the next five years. A recently established procurement office assists existing small businesses in bidding for state and federal government contracts, enabling them to increase their productivity. The state of Texas as a whole is placing increased emphasis on attracting tourist and convention trade. $9,000,000 will be spent on attracting this trade in 1988, compared with only $970,000 that was spent in 1987. BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION UNEMPLOYMENT LOWEST IN STATE FOR SECOND YEAR Bryan-College Station unemployment for 1987 averaged 5.6%, the lowest in the state, and a healthy decrease from 1986's state low of 6.4%. B-C.S. also showed the lowest unemployment rate in the state for 10 of the 12 months in 1987. Walt Baker, area director of the Texas Employment Commission reported that December 1987 unemployment was only 4.0%, the lowest rate since April, 1985. During 1987, the labor force increased from 57,500 to 60,500, the number of persons employed increased from 53>900 to 58,000, and the number of persons unemployed, but looking for jobs decreased from 3600 to 2400. ANCHOR STORES Sears ...................... ..........125,148 sq. ft. Dillards .................. ..........100,253 sq. ft. Service Merchandise ......... ...........40,804 sq. ft. Bealls ..................... ...........31,783 sq. ft. y' .......... .......... Fole s 104,987 sq. ft. .......... J. y ................. C. Penne 85,172 sq. ft. ........... .................... Future 120,000 sq. ft. .......... o, -~ LOCATION Intersection of Texas Highway 3( (Huntsville Highway) and Texas Highway 6 (By-Pass) TYPE Enclosed, Regional Mall GROSS LEASABLE AREA 774,235 sq. ft. TOTAL BUILDING AREA 949,134 sq. ft. ~ s ._ i'. ~~ . S! 1 .. i«o~ _ ~, _ i Munchtime Punchtime Pick up your Munchtime Punchtime card from any Post Oak Mall Food Court Mer- chant. When you make a purch- ase of $2.50 or more in the Food Court, present your cazd for a punch. Collect all seven pun- ches and get a free Koozie Cup! A Koozie Cup is great for the pool, the beach...anywhere! Supplies aze limited, so pick up your Munchtime Punchtime cazd today. Bring your Koozie Cup back to the Post Oak Mall Food Court for refills of Dr Pepper for just 10 cents all summer •~• Savor the summer and savor savings all summer long th Dr Pepper and the mer- ants of the Post Oak Mall god Court. Save on two liter ttles of Dr Pepper. ,~ avo r e ~~~9 .. I zla~Z .u1T uii no ummer ~~~~ a~ o~ ux avi, 7 8 !i lH 2S-IUS'I l li~ : r tr~ i n the n ~>>a ni ou rme °r' -Nwr ~r~ 00 ou r SAVE AT Walgreens-Post Oak Mall Offer Good June-July 87 ._ .. , ., r,,...., - .. _ - _ FREE CHICK FIL-A SANDWICH PURCHASI~; ONE CHICK-FIL-A MEAL AND A YO-OZ. DRINK AND GET AFREE CHICK•FIL-A SANDWICH WITIi THIS COUPON. Meals include (:hick-fil-A Sandwich ~n (mirk fil-A Nuggets° Waffle Potato Fries`" and coleslaw. Coupon not good ,~AI~~'~,,~~'i'w;~~l 1dP~~~ll' hc~~nn~~erl~~sil~ffer.Onecouponpel Expires 7-31-67 CF- Closed Sundays • POST OAK MALL 1 "0._~ e~0.1 R~R~t•Rf7t•t•fl Rw t,~~~~~rf•~t•~ v v ,,~ Super Sundae Buy one Super Sundae at regular price, get the second one 1 ~2 PRICE Otter Expires Aug. 5, 1987 Page 14 Post Oak Mall Monday, Junc 29, 1987 I Rt• ~ t• t• Rt• Rt! ~ R~ Rt! t•^ Try a Unique and ;;, Exotic Drink such as: PASSION FRUR ~GUANAdANA MANGO PAPAYA ~NISPERO ~WATEiME1pN ...AND MANY MOB ~ Creste Your Own Combo CHILLED THICK ~ REAL fRUR ~ LOW CALORIE ~ FREE DRINKI t 0% DISCOIIN? ~ 1 2 3 4 5 FREE 1 ' MUST PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES 7/91/87 L.R~t•t•~R~~B~~~t•~tl~RBR~tl~~~R!•Rl ~ THE ~~~ GO N W H EE .where everyth is homemade. BBQ & Chicken Fried Steak Locally Owned/Operated 764-8282 Take-Out Orders Catering Post Oak MaII ~.-: ~: 130 stores • Bealls • Dillards • Foleys • JCPenney • Sears • Service Merchandise DELTA Pick Your Destinations & DELTA GETS YOU THERE xe Details Pg. 3 ~,~ .S 4 y .' ~' is ff p. Owned, developed & managed by CBL & Assoc. ~/ ~ /9i / !~' I~~~nnlsm "Pizza by the Sllce' :_ ~'~V~ 16"PIZZA BUY 1 _~ ~~- ~=_ --- ~ - .~ AND GET 1 FREE ®.` ®-;.~- „~ Of EQUAL VALUE Planning an office party? CALL US! 764-0670 GREAT PIZZA...Any way you slice it!~m Page 12 Post Oak Mall Thursday, August 6, 1987 1 1 /4 Pound ~ Corn Dog ~ & Jr. Fries ~ X1.89 Exp.8-31-87 ~ POST OAK MALL Not Good w/any other ~ coupon or special ~ ~~ Try a Unique and 1 Exotic Drink such as: Of ~ ; •PASSION FRUR {.UANABANA 1 •MANGO •PAPAYA •NISPERO 1 •WATERMELON 3TRAW6ERRY ...AND MANY MORE 1 Create Your Own Combo ; CHILLED THICK ~ REAL FRUIT ~ LOW CALORIE 1 FREE DRINK! 10'/o DISCOUNT ; REE 1 2 3 4 5 6 f ~ , MUST PRESENT COUP N 1 O EXPIRES 7/31/87 RRRa fa Ri ti Ri Ri ti R~ Ri R~ R~ ~ RRRi ti ti ~ ~ R~ ~~Ri ~ R~ 1 1 Sesame Hut 1 1 ~ Sweet & Sour Chicken o P k /F i d Ri r~ ~ ~ 2 ~ 1 1 1 r or w r e ce . j ~ Shrimp Fried Rice /E R ll r~ 2 5 ~ 1 1 1 w gg o s t~ . 1 1 1 Post Oak Mall 1 I`Rl•Ri~R~Ri~ti ~R~~R~~R~R;. RRi~~Ri ~1RRi~~ ~ tsuy any aize Soft Ice and ~ Buy Any Size get a Yogurt 1 1 yogurt and get a mini cone ; single topping FREE 1 FREE expires 8-16-87 1 expires 8-16-87 ~~~~~R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 1 1 1 mostly yogurt Post Oak Mall 696-5318 THE / A `,T O lv W H E E ,where everything is homemade. Buy a Chicken Fried Steak Plate and get one 1/2 OFF Locally Owned/OPerated Take-Out Orders 764-8282 Ca[ering Expires 8-31-87 Post Oak Mall ---------- $ --------"I ~ ~ ~°~~ .d ~ ~ I Potatoes Etc. Systems, Inc. 1981 I ~ Buy One Order of Potato Skins I ~ and get another for ~ 1/2 Off ~ 'of equal or lesserva/ue Coupon expires8/31/87) SAVE X1.00! SAVE $1.00 WHEN YOU BUY 2 ` CHICK-FIL-A MEALS WITH THIS I COUPON. Meals include Chick-fil-A Sand- I wiches or Chick-fil-A Nuggets;" Waffle Potato' Pries"" and coleslaw. Coupon not good with ' ;: ~ r ;~ any other offer. One coupon per person ' per visit. <' . , I ~ j Expires 831-87 I --%s ' ~--~ 'M• Closed Sundays ' ' ;':f Post Oak Mall I Post Oak Mall Thursday, August 6, 1987 Page 13 iRa~R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~tat Bealls, Dillards, Foleys, JC Penney, Sears, Service Merchandise & More Than 130 Stores to Serve You. LETIC FOOTWEAR AND RTING GOODS Foot Locker Legends 3 Price Athletics WOKS, CARDS & GIFTS 29 Aggie Unlimited 01 Bookland 61 Coach House Cards & Gifts 42 Curiosity Shop 93 Gateway Cards 2 Oriental Treasures 3 Rainbow Store 56 Scripture Haven 1 Summit Stationers, 85 Walden Books ILDREN'S APPAREL 4 Fit for Kids GS & VARIETY Walgreen's Woolworth 1MILY APPAREL 50 Benetton 35 County Seat 58 Courts Western Wear 11 Gadzooks 39 Miller's Outpost 16 Pat Magee's 66 T-Shirts + NANCIAL 99 MPACT )OD SERVICES 50 General Nutrition Center 49 Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie 16 Mostly Yogurt THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 7 Chick-Fil-A 6 Corn Dog 7 8 Emilio's 22 Giovanni's Pizza 13 Orange Julius 30 Peanut Shack 21 Potatoes, Etc. 9 Sesame Hut 15 Subway 27 Swensen's 29 Taste of the Tropics 17 The Wagon Wheel HAIR SALONS 80 Command Performance 151 MasterCuts 128 Regis Hairstylist HOME ENTERTAINMENT & ELECTRONICS 52 Camelot Music 82 Keyboard Center 135 McDuff Electronics 57 Radio Shack 107 Record Bar HOME FURNISHING 127 Deck The Walls 76 Home Front ~78 Waterbed Supreme 60 World Bazaar JEWELRY 26 Barry's Jewelers 39 Corrigan's 146 Galleria Jewelry 94 Gordon's Jewelers 121 Mission Jewelers 20 Sweeney's 67 Zales MALL OFFICE I Information Booth 14 Leasing Information 14 Mall Manager 14 Marketing Director MEN'S APPAREL 91 Chess King 33 Jeans West 55 J. Riggings 113 K.G. Men's Store 117 Marvin John's Big 8 Tall RESTAURANT/CAFETERIA & BARS 44 Casa Ole 103 Kay's Cabaret 149 Wyatt's Cafeteria SHOES 110 Baker's Shoes 36 Butler Shoes 90 Kinney Shoes 25 Lewis Shoe Gallery 154 Naturalizer Shoes 38 Open Country 130 Payless Shoes 140 Red Cross Shoes 118 Shoe Box 37 Thom McAn Shoes 84 Upstage Shoes 32 Wild Pair SPECIALTY & SERVICES 5 Accessories By Taz 43 Armed Forces Recruiting 152 Claire's Boutique 23 Cutlery World K-4 D'or International 126 Flowerama K-1 Gold Post K-8 Golden Chain Gang 70 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer 108 Kay-Bee Toys & Hobbies 18 Merle Norman 83 Motherhood Maternity 112 Parklane Hosiery 46 Pet Emporium K-2 Piercing Pagoda 137 Playland Toys 95 CPI Photo Finish 138 Ritz One Hour Photo 68 Royal Optical K-3 Sunglass Company 136 Texas State Optical K-5 Things Remembered 24 Wicks 'N Sticks THEATRES & AMUSEMENTS 97 Cinema 3 28 Time Out WOMEN'S APPAREL 34 Brooks Fashions 100 Casual. Corner 143 Extra Fashions 104 Fashion Conspiracy 92 Foxmoor 62 Hit or Miss 19 Hot Line 87 Lerners 48 Peck & Peck 141 Paul Harris 89 Regan's 120 The' Woman's Shop 51 Ups 'N Downs 54 Worth's • ~ ~ ~(i~ ~, • m o. ..., ..,.. V ~ ~~, v! y ~ ~ d cn ~ o ~ ~ to '~ c ~ t 3;c om ~"' ~ ~ O ~ cn~~t~ D. V w a ~. d~ _ ~ ~, r N .a c Q ~ ~ y ~ ~ W ~ ~. ~ `L ~ ~ c W ~ a~ ~ _ ~. ~ r O O ~ o v, fl" i a r~ 0 N ~ ~ N C ~ W '~ ~ ~ = V W ~- = V • ~ (n c ~ Z V Q ~ ~ 0 V ~ ~ ? ~ ~ Q .; _ _ 04 ~ ~ e _~_~~._~ __~ ._._..-_-s- cn W ~. W W ~ V ~ ~ Spring 1987 Thursday, January 29, 1987, Section D, Page i5 nuropean cnocota[es and purgers, rues, pretzels and ublished b The Press gourmet kitchen items to take ho[ dogs. Both stores open p y home. Prioriteas was picked during mall hours. as second favorite coffee $ house in THE PRESS 1986 TASTE OF THE Restaurant Survey. Open TROPICS Mon.-Sat.. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Post Oak Mall (CS) and 12:30-5:30 p.m. Sun. 7647249 Sip something cool and ex- PRIORITEAS otic made from fruits like the KAFFEE KLATSCH mango, papaya and nispero. They also have empanadas - 108 North Ave. (B) fried meat pies. Open Mall Located in the Garden hours. ~~ District g 846.4360 You can't miss on the din- FLETCHER'S CORNY ing and aura of this quaint DOG coffee house. [t's a great 701 University Dr. (CS) place to stop in for a relaxed r z~o~ SCUP O~ TF+~ DRAY , •"'ixuGOUh"; I.7" ~oE.4t-IOIDb GUt1f30 . . "~IC-f" . Z•95 PUBLIC w~.COME ~ ]NG~ S~ANIaW fCH~.S ~~rOM ArN t~ laIZINKS Fi20M ~ ~~ ~ ~ COME IN.... RELAX.... ENJOY.... '~,~,. ~t,~,r~wc i~ ~ ~~ xl I FbTATt~ S4tAD '"rtF.~rr"' . .95 COLS ~.At~I ""z~--><r.. .93 . . ~It106JN I ~~3 '>uM " .45 G~~~~ ~~ ~ ,•tNGRE~l131-f ~ . • C!-1F„~S~ ~IK.E "~w>~or-~E!"• 1.95 f~ --- ~J , P~wr Ya.~r~u~ w llf} oue ~ntc~ TAEjI.~ T~NGL1PlU ~i4R-JE1`~Gt' ~CS4L f~~/C{ZS G~~~[70C,~J G~(. ° ~ `~ SMALL (to~.~ .95 I~Cl~1C~pC~C~ M~ur1(t+~. 1.30 C~ - G~ LAtt,G~e (zfl~J t.BD ~.. moo ~o~~~~~ F'EP51~ DIET-' P~SJ, 1712. • t~#~'F~. MEDIUM . X00 ~1c ~, t~csf ~ Lr4it~[+E . 76 Aerofit's r Q r Tan 6 Na~~e7Ev,~~uD f:191a6 POST OaK 7 MAu. r' y. i ~t ,1 I~I ~~ LARGE ~'~__:.~ ~ .~ ~ I x'15 l NN RT 8 I ~ ~-' ; ' IToPf~ING •Ib"•IOSI~C~S ! ~~O~I ~fF ANV fAMIIY oR lw~thl~ 1 (w•~t,r l0 h DistoqNTor~ f~c~l ~' ~ t' ISFM£. Y ~ U U ~F I/tPric purtNaSf•6th Dank f~er;! `~.E ScooPSuNOa~ ! ~ PARt PAck-• Q cCO i~s• ti tin coupon • 1 tr) ~ 17 ffEE a~~ it1H PASSION ~iw~1'•MAN60• ~ Cufromtr P ~ ~ ~ ;,c •WDfo srrowBfny•watFrMF~o~1 , , 1~ ~ aM0 MdNY NMORE I ~ ~~, ~'.; .., ~ I v0 ~j ~ ~IIuFp'fNlc-c•REAtF/chr• f ,• •tOW CALORIE' £' ~}`~' I ~~ `. ~ ~ D ~~~ ,~c~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ REq~ 11ALIP ~~ ~ I10 CO~EG£ M 1N 6_, rlh~stu~rrcupnN'FapJuc+i~,88 ~4 - 8y6 -0379 CutPEPAER PtpYA Bq 6-BIKE ~~ ~ ~?~x~8 S EXR .1UNE 13t ~ ~ , ~., N~ti ~1'~ + r~ ~~ 7 ~IFy _~ <~ ~- -- ~- s`: -, ~1 p~•'' ~'' .~.~ _ ~~ ;~ ,~ Br an -College Station y ~c :f.• J ~' '..P.tl J uni Yo H o H o A n d lots of F__ I 1VELCOME TO LU'~CH WITH LUIS OF SESAn'fE STREET Enjoy these lunch specials for kids 12 & under Sunday, August 16 12:30 - 1:30 Orange Julius Chicago Relish Hot Dog with any drini: p~~rc;;ase Only 79C Corn Dog 7 Junior Corn Dog & Small Drinl: Only $1.50 , Sesame Hut C?;c E`~V. i:oll ~ One Scoop of Fried Rice & Small Drink Only 51.50 :'otatoes, Etc. Bacon F. Chcd~ar Potato Skins & h1ed. Drink Only $1.50 G'Jagor. idheel Bar-B-Que Chopped Beef Sandwich & Medium Drink Only $1.50 S•wensen's Ice Crearn Dessert Sundae $1.45 plus tar. ~ ~ Offer good all day Sunday, Aug. 16 ~ Post Oak Mall location only ` Giovanni's Pizza by the Slice One Slice of Pizza & a Medium Soft Drink Only $1.50 Emilio's f:.n;/ Su'~~~-rri::e Sandwich & Small Drink Only $1.50 - Taste o£ ti:e "~~o~i~ s - Large Strawberry/Banana Combination Drinlc Only 99¢ plus tax Subway Sandwiches & Salads Regular Snack Meatball Sandwich & Small Drink Only $1.50 7 L ~~ ++JJ~ \ 1 ~, ~ #~" -- N .~ . ~ ~ ~ '/~ 1~ '-~ ~ _ ~_ ~•. ~ __ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ _, ,~ . ~, i .i`i _r A i, -_..- _ _ ~ x .~` ~"~ ~- ,~ -'~ • ~ ~_ ~~ 1 ~ ~r i ~ ~ f. ~- ! .~- ~ ~ -~i; .. .: ~ '~ i .,~. ^ ~r POST OAK MALL COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Traffic Counts YTD Comparison Month 1989 1988 $ Change January 262,401 218,008 20 February 260,988 223,585 17 March 285,199 249,520 14 April 283,992 240,789 18 May 284,108 234,607 21 June 251,954 228,042 10 July 259,999 211,955 23 August 301,416 245,476 23 September 260,225 234,937 11 October 295,289 250,028 18 November 309,200 263,658 17 December 421,353 382,583 10 TOTAL YTD 3,476,124 2,983,188 17 June 1988 ...` ~1 .. _.. r., Pre-Fourth of July Savings Issue CoI)ege Station ~~ ] t i__`S'.1. ~,''l.~~j,{F' ISM t~?a i~;i' ~.~s E ~. .-.,. ~,..,,~~ ..n..,~,.,s. ~,,,,.„.. Owned, developed and managed by CBL and Associates/130 stores•Bealls•Dillard's•Foley's•Sears•JC PenneyService THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 7 Chick-Fil-A 6 Corn Dog 7 - 8 Emilio's 22 Giovanni's Pizza 11 McDonald's 13 Orange Julius ' 30 Peanut Shack 21 Potatoes, Etc. 9 Sesame Hut 15 Subway 27 Swensen's 29 Taste of the Tropics 17 The Wagon Wheel f---------------------- Buy any Snack and Large Drink I and j Get Any Snack of Equal or Lesser Value ~ FREE ~ Expires 7/31/88 Post Oak Mall location only ~ ~ - ~ A~ ~ I C°Ilrke tifalion I 1';u~l,H~a}tiyuare6'16-t-lIS Rr~an Wuuihlun~• Ccntcr 761-3'riAl 36111 I[. _"11h SI. 5~6--J97_' Nortltt;ate8~6-2161 ~illll"fr~a~:1~r \?~-SU13ti I Post Oak Ma1176J-86112 M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ti~~~~~ FRUIT DRINK of your choice! i 1 1 1 ~,/ (reg. $1.28) or ~~ ^ ~~ (reg. $1.66) 1 1 1 1 Expires 7/31/88 1 1 Fresh Fruit ~`~ 1 1 ~~L~ 1 1 Low Calorie ~f f~i ~ 1 Chilled Thick ~~~~~' 1 1 Approx. 50% 1 1 fewer calories 1 than yogurt Not valid with any other special ~ `tom ~ ~ f~ tti fi f~ f~ ~ f~ ~ f~ fti tti f~ fti tti tti ttittts ttitti~ FOOD Great 98 Thursday at Post Oak Mall How would you like to see a movie for just 98 cents and then enjoy a delicious Subway sand- wich for just 98 cents, along with a cool Orange Julius drink for just 98 cents followed by a frosty Swensen's root beer float for just 98 cents? Now you can every Thursday through July 28 at Post Oak Mall. The Post Oak Mall Food Court, KORA radio and Plitt Cinema present Great 98 Thurs- day. Start each Thursday at Plitt Cinema in Post Oak Mall for a 98 cent movie special. When you purchase your 98 cent movie ticket you will receive a Great 98 coupon which you can use to gbt a free Koozie cup and the chance to win $98 in cash. Following Thursday's 98 cent movie, treat yourself to 98 cent food specials in the Food Court. Present your movie coupon to any Post Oak Mall Food Court merchant and make a Food Court purchase of $2.50 or more and we'll give you a Koozie cup free! Then use the back of your coupon to enter our random drawing for $98 in cash. C~RE~ T Great 98 Thursday Food Court Specials ~' offered each Thursday through July 28 ~ ~~ ~ ~R SAP •One-quarter pound of gummi bears or gummie worms - • Big Mac - ,, .,~ ` MXC:?` • Chopped beef sandwich - ,;.ae;b~s ~~Y~h~,_,p • Chicken salad sandwich - ~'hiclc-fil_A • Junior corn dog - ~'crrn i)og 7 • Egg roll, pack of fortune cookies - Ses _ , ,; , s • Six-inch combo sandwich - subway Sandwrcr.: • Order of potato skins, medium drink - Potato ~ i, • Hot dog, small Julius drink or soft drink - Or:prar:. ,lasya-= . • Root beer float - Swr•r~e err s 1F ~ ('ream • Medium fruit drink ~a,t~ ;,, t ~ '~rotai~:. • Small yogurt with topping - ^ '• Post Magazine Page Following today's 98C movie, treat yourself to • ~ ~ 98C Food Specials from these Post Oak Mall Food Court Restaurants: Chick-Fil-A Chicken Salad Sandwich on Wheat Bread 98C Corn Dog 7 Regular Corn Doq 98C Emilios Pizza Roll & Medium Drink 98C McDonalds Texas Homestyle Burger 98C Potatoes, Etc. Build Your Own Salad 98C Seafood Stop Small Cheese Fries & Medium Drink 98C Sesame Hut Eggroll & Small Drink 98C Subway 6" Cold Cut Combo 98C Swensens Root Beer Float 98C Taste of the Tropics Medium Banana-Pina Colada Drink 98~ Villa Italian Slice of Pepperoni Pizza 98C 98C Food Specials offered each Wednesday thru July 25 ~t3~t~t3t~~t}t~t~t~ 00 DD DD 00 W 00 00 00 00 DD DD ~ a1 a> ~ a1~ a1 ~ ~ a1 a1 ~ ~ I O U '~ O ~ LL . ~ x c ~ ~ c .~ • . ..c .x -v Q ~ 3 ~. ~ -v ~. w ~ 1~1 0 -° b `-° r<s o O c ~E~iu ~-° o a o "~ n/1 ~ a ~c`~~3otv~ioo~Q. ~i ~ ca 't7 ~ O +.~ ~ "' ~ w wU :coa'i.~oxi'~Eu~i-"°o~c ."" ,_ ~ Urzat-~c4cnw~ocz~0 °" W ~ ~ o w a ~ ~ ~' ~ o~ U cz V~ -~ ~ ~ o ~ C ; V 0. Fa., x ~~~ ~ ~. n a~ ~Q~ ~w o w~V~~ y.z o~i xQOz~g Qv ~~" _VZ~~Q ¢~3z~ a x0~v~~~~~¢~ UV~~~c~c~tncAi~rJ Get your own Koozie cup during Great 98 Thursdays. Miscellaneous CORN DOG 7 Post Oak Mall 764-0411 Survey. Open 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon: Fri., and 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sat. Closed Sun. POTATOES, ETC. Post Oak Mall 764-0087 KAFFEE KLATSCH 108 North Ave. (B) Located in the Garden Dis- trict 846-4360 You can't miss on the dining and aura of this quaint coffee house. It's a great place to stop in for a relaxed lunch in a garden atmosphere. Lunch served 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Eat outside on the veranda on nice days. The entrees change daily. Vegetables, salad, coffee and dessert make for a complete lunch. Also have many coffees, teas, truf(7cs, candies and gourmet foods. Voted third favorite coffee house in The PRESS' 1988 Restaurant ORANGE JULIUS Post Oak Mall 764-0464 Delicious fruit drinks in- cludeorange, peach, straw- berry, pina colada, tropical cream and raspeny cream supreme. Located in Post Oak Mall, you can get bur- gers, fries, pretzels and hotdogs. Open during mall hours. TASTE OF THE TROPICS Post Oak Mall 764-7249 Sip something cool and exotic made from fruits like the mango, papaya, nis- pero, strawberry, banana, passion fruit, watermelon, etc., or make your own fruit combination. Thcy are chilled, thick and low-calo- rie. '~ ~~R. October 1988 INGS EDITION ~-( ~; SAV ~~, . If its in fashion its at Post Oak Mall College Station Fashion: New looks of suede and leather. FUri: March of Dimes Baby Olympics. Celebrate your birthday at Post Oak Mall. d, developed and managed by CBL and Associates/130 stores•Bealls•Dillard's•Foley's•Sears•JC PenneyService Merchandise FOOD COURT SPECIALS I ePotatoes Etc. Systems, Inc. 1981 I 1.00 O F F j CHICKEN FAJITA SPUD j Limit one coupon per customer. ' I Expires 11-15-88 ____________ I NS I E EN _ I I I Mix-ins Are Here. I r (Receive ~ OFF ~ ~ ' 9Ni~+ I I any mix-in with this coupon. ~ ~` I I Offer Expires Nov. 20,1988. I I Not valid with any other specials or promotions. I I Post Oak Mall Location Only. . ~ I ~ w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRUIT DRINK of your choice! ~ i ~ ~ ~j (reg. $1.28) or $1 . 39 (reg. $1.66) ; ~ Not your Ordinary fruit drink. i Expires 10-31-88. ~~~ , ' Fresh Fruit ' Low Calorie O f Li lc Chilled Thick • , 1 Approx. 50% ~1~~ fewer calories than yogurt Not valid with any other special Post Magazine Page 23 r i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I Treat yourself to a Super Sized I I Snack at Subway. I I ~ Any Super Sized Snack I I Off Sandwich I I Post Oak Mall Location Only I I Expires November 15, 1988 Not good Mitii eny other coupon or promotion. I College Station Post Oak Mall 764-8602 I Parkway Square 696-4418 Bryan I Woodstone Center 764-3990 3601 E. 29th St. 846-4972 I Northgate 846-2165 2500 Texas Ave. 823-SUBS I BUY A HOT DOG GET A 12 OZ. COKE ~~ FREE! Free Time Out Game Ticket with Hot Dog Purchase Expires 11-30-88 I.,.I i '~tlIC ~!~iiillll-~,,~ ~: ~~ -{ w. ~I ~V n ~ about our Daily ~n Ir,tem~.tic^a. F~arcnisir,~ Ccrp. store Specials ~ s l~~~nnlsm "Pizza by the Slice' :_ CHECK.OUY OUR DAILY SPECIAL ! l~J MONDAY: Chef Salad or Mafia Salad...f2.19 TUESDAY: Any Slice of Pizza (all day long).. `1.25 WEDNESDAY: 10" Pepperoni or Hamburger Pizza...'3.99 d ' f THURSDAY: Giovanni s Sandwich... 2.19 GREAT PIZZA...Any way you slice it!,m Post Oak Mall October 1988 Khan - ('ullcl;c titalion T ~~ 1 _ yA ;.H ~. ~x $~y~ THE COMPLETE SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING SERVICE 2909 TEXAS AVE. N BRYAN ~~"~f,f ~, ~- . +r +~ _; e ~ ~ ~ ~ fi /1'*~.. f~ °~ ~'... ~ i ~ ~ ~ . x . ~ y ~, # W? € '' F y t ~ a,~ ~ e. ~. ry , y`+- ~ .'~~~ a ..,~.aer ~ `.ti CONGRATULATIOi1S!!!!!~~ FROM 98 COUNTRY KORA Ai1D TASTE OF THE TROPICS. THE BEARER OF THIS CERTIFICATE IS ENTITLED TO ONE (1) LARGE CHILLED THICK TROPICAL FRUIT DRINK FROM TASTE OF THE TROPICS IN POST OAK P4ALL. KORA REPRESENTATIVE Post Oak Mall Food Court BRA Radia • Plitt Cinema -~ Present EVERY, THURSQAY THROUGH JULY 28 P. B) 4( • • •ThursdaY's 98` Food Court Specials• • • Chick-Fil-A: A Chick-Fil-A Sandwich Giovanni's: Any SI ice of Pizza McDonalds: Double Cheeseburger Peanut Shack: 1/4 Ib. Gummy Worms or Bears Wagon Wheel: Chopped Beef Sandwich Corn Dog 7: Junior Corn Dog Sesame Hut: 1 Egg Roll & Pkg. Fortune Cookies Subway: 6" Combo Sandwich Potatoes Etc.: Trip to Salad gar or Cup of Soup Orange Julius: Medium Julius Drink Swensen's: Root Beer Float Taste of the Tropics: Medium Fruit Drink Mostly Yogurt: Small Yogurt with topping MON-SAT SHOP 10-9 130 STORES r~~ ® SUN Tx. 6 Bypass @ Hwy 30 12:30-5:30 Bealls • Dillard's • FoleY's • JC Penney • Sears • Service Merchandise Dear friend, your ISA membership entitles you to the one time deals listed below (1-27), plus discounts through out the year in those restaurants preceded by the star. Your ISA I.D. is very valuable, take full advantage of it! July 20,1988 Taste of the Tropics Post Oak Mall College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Sir.: On behalf of the International Students Association (ISA) of Texas A&M University, I would like to thank you for your support as a participant business in the ISA 1.D. Card. Enclosed you will find a copy of the revised card as well as the information concerning your assigned number, its position on the card, and/or the discount, through out the year 1988-89, when presenting the ISA I.D. ISA publishes a bi-weekly newsletter which offers advertising space at a reduced price. [t becomes very useful for special deals where International Students are potential costumers. If you are interested, please contact me. If you have any questions, or if 1SA 'can be of any assistance, please call me (845-4202). 1 hope that this promotion results in increased sales for your business. Sincere-Yy, ~~ ~ Gab fe~ A. Carranza ~" P Iasident _ --- - -, ,~~ ~ INTERNATIONAL ~ ; ; :,'~=~?=?'~= STUDENTS ....~ ~ ;~ ~.~+ ~=~~' ASSOCIATION ~ ; . ~~J~ ^ "may LD. Card \~ ~^~ Q(.~i l valid from ~^ 6/88-6/89 ': l` _ , _: 27 Taco Bell. Buy one menu item and get one of equal or lesser value free. 3901 S. Texas Ave., 920 North Texas Ave. and 600 Harvey Rd. Emilio's Pizza. 50% off when buying pizza, with ISA I.D. For Delivery, 846-8268. Emilio's Sandwich Shop. 20% off with ISA I.D. Post Oak Mall. Taste of the Tropics. 10% off any regular price fruit drink, with ISA I.D. Post Oak Mall. Gumby's Pizza. Buy any size pizza and get a 12 inches Italian Sub Sandwich, soda and chips free. With ISA I.D.1702 S. Kile, College Station. For delivery call 764-8629. ' Ajanta Restaurant, Exotic Food for Less. 20% Off any item on menu, with ISA I.D. Across from Kinkos. Hunan Chinese Restaurant. 20% Off with ISA I.D. Lo sated in Woodstone Ctr. 913 G Harvey Rd. Dos Amigos Restaurant. 25% discount with ISA I.D. Northgate. (Begins August 15). ` 31 Treats Dessert Shoppe. 10% discount with ISA I.D. Northgate. ti~ o~`° `~~~ ,~o Pv P~ 5~~• Bryan-College Station Jaycees A Leadership Training Organization August 7, 1988 Taste of the Tropics Post Oak Mall College Station, Texas 7784Gi Re: MDA Carnival Dear Merchant: The Bryan/College Station Jaycees would like to thank you for your contribution of the coupons for drinks which we gave away as prizes at the Muscular Dystrophy Association Carnival. Your participation in this worthwhile project, which was held on July 3Q1, 1988 at Post Oak Mall, helped make our_ auction and fund-raising efforts a great success. The Jaycees would not 'oe a'ole to contribuL-e to so many community and charitable projects without the support of sponsors such as yourself . Again, thank you for your support. Sincerely yours, Bryan/Colle~e Station Jaycees ~cc/ ~~ Gail Jadlowski MDA Carnival Chairman P.O. Box 3535 Bryan, Texas 77805 / ~~~r s~ ~r Sl r.~ ~ ~~ 'd 4.1 ~ ~ a w~ ~~ W v Q O ~ a ~, ~t+ N n n ~~ 8861 'S l 'mod sa~~dx3 Tt1BLE Of CONTENTS nl;giulinnl trial SliaP Ili nn, r•~~~~~„d w~„~ ,i n~hy'n e (:urgu Huy IU Cana 'I'um~n I Chich~Fil-n 17, IB Uuuhlu fluvu'n I'i r.r.uwm hn 'l.'l,'1. 9,'L1,'lfi UuJdloy'n Ihuw p Ihyclunu lJ ti n ;14 Thu r~:d6a ~ ra~ilu nuvo'e u.c 1'unlu olio Sum'n :, rnw,~~6or n Thu Iced porn ID I~lulchur'n Coru 1)og 'Lf Thu I~nnl Lnclcor 7 Cniucn Colure YO Ilurricuuu C)16cu I I Mnrio & Snnu I'l M r. C u lli'n :I.1 MnLilu Mechanic YI Nalinnul Video S~grei eln~e 2 Un the I)uuble I;1 Quick o~ 9lichor Huvuillu'a Convenuuuc Swrc Sonic Ih lveJn ~'I Slurnhili I Lillnuu h ~ ~~ 'I'f113V I 'I'unla ul ll~u 'I'~ulncn Iti~ur 'I'uxun Cain I;xr.6ungo 1~~ 'I'hmnue Swuul Ice crcuin j Q H~ E- E- ZZ uw n~ a, ~ ~, ~' ~ Z ~ r o ~~ O ~ U ~ ~ G O Cn CJ '_.y '. . '~,'~.~ i ~~4r Dear Thomas and Katyla, I just wanted to take the time to thank you both for giving me more than a job. What you gave me as well was friendship and I am grateful for that. When I started working there while I was still in the Corps, it was a relief to get away from campus and just be friendly and work. Working at Taste of the Tropics was never a chore. I definitely enjoyed working there during these past two years. I should know about work atmospheres since I have had three jobs before working here. This is by far the most pleasant and friendly due to both of you. I am very glad that you finally have a son to include in your family and I can only hope that he will join Squadron One and try to be a pilot for the Air Force (Just Kidding). Seriously, I know he will be a very happy child and I look forward to meeting him again whenever I am able to wander into town. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for everything and including the brownies (they were great). Sincerely Yours, i ~~~~~ L'~ Michael E. Mabry `91 C.O. Squadron One ~ '~* I ~";r ~~_ ', _ __- - '~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~- ^. ~ ,~` - ~~ - r - - ~, ._ . i tiARNER STATE PARK, was named for the late John Nar~'8rtter former Vice-President of the United States from 1933 to 1941, wtio liv- ed in nearby Uvalde. The t,420.acre park is located 7 miles (11 ~ - kilometers) north of Concan and 31 miles (50 kiometers) nort~t'ot,Uvalde on U.S. 83 in the Texas Hill Country. The park's scenic ~~~~~~iiiiiieeeeeeduty an~k the cool sparkling, spring fed waters of the Frio River ma~ it one of ,~j ~. 1 the most attractive camping spots in Texas. N ~ ~ -~ ,. "-- _ wr`~ ~~ 0 ~ ` a a ~~ ~ ~ ~ ale ~~ W a ~~ ~ V ,r ~ ~ S~r C~ n ~' ~ l ;QQ~I~ P, , w . ~~~ ~ ~r ////tt q L-5484-E Photos by Paul Hausman Printed in Canada Onuuba~ 18SU~ ,.. ~'[~'( ~..1 ' `.. ,~ ~~ zo ~ ;~ ~ ~,~~~ ~ r .. ~..- ~y. j ' ~F! gal-~.._ ~r 'OST CARD ~ ~ ~ ' ~'C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4~~ ~ I r' ~~ ~~'~'~ Y_ fie- ~~`~~ar -,~b~e`~ <.~ . ~ ~~ ~- ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~- ~ ~U ~ ~c ~d~d ~ ~c~N~ ~ cG~~ ~~ .J ` ..... 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Q ~ i ~ ~~ Pictured: Detroit's fienaissance Center, Tahquamenon Falls in~ _ _ the Upper Peninsula, Capitol Building at Lansing, Mackinae U ~ ~ Bridge and Point Betsie Lighthouse an Lake Michigan. ton ~ ~ ~ ~ UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS (~1 Denton, Texas ~~ e W r/liv r •~ : , ~, Ft O ~ I r-~ Z _ -- _ _ __ ---- ~11 _- ..ems. t ~$ iT J/ I ~ ' ~yrr /~n~ • ~ ~ D ~ Nrd ~~~ 7 U 11 / 1'![ N ' / ~ <~~1 6 x /o Wold~, ~ ~9~/~L' VLL .u P.S. l~0u re a.. YYY __~~~ ®Photo by Herb Alden o~S 901392 ~ 'f,/fe-~ ~ VL `~U'~~~tt i~'Jf Y ~.7 ~~ ° 1 DEN-102 M ~It18 o0 ~ ~ ~ m a n o `?g~ x a ° POST CARD ~--+ O ~, -.~ ~ O ~" Q ~ ~ O ~- ~_ C, t56lLOl I Q e66~96-919 auoyd ZOl6b uefiiyaiW 7arua~ uawae `~a atlnltlMtllH/00eNdd OO ~'-" A-- Ct ~~ N J S _,~ ~_ Q ,^,ao ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.a~, y~r~ 3 ~ ~ yn ~ a ~ ~ ~- ~ S Q N~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ` ~ fX J 3 ~ ~ Q ~Q o 0 '^ v, 1i ~ ~ o sg' a ti 3 aY~E . s 3 ~ ~ 3 a~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ y- z~~,o~ o _ N 6 ~ C O` ~~ 2 Q o t Q _ FFFF ~ ~ ~ 1 O Q C~ o o S' Q q J `~ C o ~ ~. = s ~ ? ~ ~ s rs s ~ ~ ~ O ! ~i Q I? ~ y0 Ci( ~Verc., Ct Gf of fcr~driess do`re. l~Yt Gl /~Ces ~ ~ fe h r Ce r for Sow-eo`-e,~~ II w~~ ~ ~ arm ~ reu i Cc~o (.doss, ~. ~u.~f w~,~edt ~-fa ~~~ ~,~,,;~ ~r 5il~i me ~~me ~~-F ~~~ ~ ~ U~cc~-iohS ~i~ ~ y,~r luh~ w jrv~ ~ched~- ~r ~~f, a/l~"lS~. ~. 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'~u~nk~- o~q~ ~lrAPV+~ Nmz~ctiays~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~+ I C~t,,-C vim-- ~~ c~~-- s-~ .~ You ~a,~ (fro ~~ ~,~ d-c~-~ Q.~ Q ~t y Tim ~X ~~°t ~-pn Su vi C~ ~ ~~~ s~~ ,~ j~, ~,~ ~ ~ -~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~,~~~J- ~~ s~~ ~~. f ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~.~-~ ~(~a-~- ,~ ~' yam- -~ 1 e~~ ___ __ -~a ~ ~.~~~~~ ~, _~~ ~. - ~~~- ~ , ~ ~~~ ~~ ate- ti~~ ~ -- _.. ~.,Q-- ~~ ~,- ~~ a~u-~~ a~C ~ ~ ~ .~ I' 4 !~~,~~~ B~R~ai ~ I,~~. 3 i ~C ~~/ - w~ ~2 '(fit 3 ~( ~ ~i 5 ~~ ~, ~,~ 9~• 5-GQ~oe~ ~~~5 ~n ¢~culable -hwta5~ ~° ~ ~~ UJ9d~A~~~,, -r~.u~~- '~ ~ e~c~ ~ ~I~ ~1~wr~5 ~- ~h J.~+ -~ I~+ ~ou k~w~, ~~ ti~"~ sum~xer ~siovY clc~sFs ~ ~ ~rQ c~ v~ -ro ~`akR u~ a ~o+ of -t+~. And a~ kn.~, l a( y~ue onav~iu#(o~ ~r~d l~re~ ova vnare e~ccu~ C I kawW ~.u love ~{~.m~, ~rsh '~xp w. ~I 1~, v~ ~ --I~k~ ~i ~x.~ , -l~co. r Ily ec~ ur u~~rs~r~l~~ ~u~ III v ~c-Fiv~hes r w~ ~~ `Yu~+~w W ~~ V~uddle ol+ 5f. ~l Ik~ux~ ~~5~ ~ Qsk. w~fl F a oal~~~ ~i~u,+ s ~ s~bl ~F u would like -Io _ ~ulk ~u1- 4~ of -FCuS, ~le4~o. 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Cc.~~ me .t' ~n'r~ havc AhylhorG ~1'1iEs {'~1ii suMnNx r'll bt bacKfv Visi ~ - = wNrf ~v sec your new 6oust ton ! )-~ ~ II ~'~ r- ?'t ~~~ ~ 2`~ ~~ ~j o ~i 2 "Y+,o~cv. ~ - I~e~.3 to-z 62 S-~.a~.2, ~~~v~e~., ~r~cec{.rd, ,. ~, ha,,,.c~r,~ ., ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ {~ 1 rr ~~-S~ ..,,~ ~~ /~ l-.~~ ~~' o~,C ~' ~„ ~s ~ ~,'~` ,~- -rte ~'~ ;~~ Cr~~,~' ~~~,'ll ~~,~+1 ~ ~ r~/~~ ~v ;,: l - ~ . -_ . ---- -I ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ivc ~~G~ ~~~ ~'~'l~ /l y Frei ~:~/ ~ ~- ~ . ~- ~;~ ~ ~~. ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ I~/~ w/~CG~ fz.~,,J Gt:~.Gl.~ r l ~.-%~~G. ~S~-. N . ,~ ~~~~ -` I l t~Cs ~ ± -- _ ~ cent- - -- ~ t~ \ - _~~ G-~ ~ c~ ~..~ ~~v-e~,~ ~I-c~ ~it~ l n v~~c~E ~ ,[ Y __ . - ~. ~ v i `- a,~ `` r i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ - - ~ - ---- .~ z; .: ~~ -U ~~~ ;ruah s 2~~ af4xr' S (~ ~ 0~~ t r ~ 5 Say _oc 5~~~~y a te' ~ti,mt.,~ ~'hcu~k ~~u'"~ u) ~ ~~ --- ~~Sc~ 5 J~ioc~~ o - C~~ -~ Inc ---- - e = av~v ~w~~, __..._.a,~., _ :_ ~.~, . .- --- ~~. ~~ ~ oQ~~~ _ ~. 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U1O~~ .~?1~e~Q_.~~~ YYI~.a/WU~® 56I9Amaya Drive #243 2' had-- ~~" -~' ` `+~i/~ oa- T~ F T La Mesa, CA 91942 S1n~.o~~y- ~:~n a, v ~Cvfs o F ,Lo ire, i"~4, 1,U111 ~~, ~~~ a9Q• ~1 F~c,o an ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ . ~~~ ~~~4~ ~~~. ~ ~, ~~,~_~~ ~~~~ ~' ~~~ ~ ~^~ ~~~~~ i ~~,~ IT was a BIaST THaNks ! Oyi~,a5 ~ ~ca.~ylo-. , ~2aw- a,--~- -~- ,re~s~ ~-~ ToTrS c~ IlnaMkS ~o~ ev~u~}~.~~.P ~h~~ off- T6rr5 . I -~ 1 r~o~l~ 2~` aye w~~~~ C ~~ ~~9O5~Y~ '~ `no~~ ~Y~OwYI Oan~ ~,,,~, ~ 1~°,~- 5,~ ~!~, c~~~_ ~ ~, /~c~~ ~ ~ ~S~ ~S ~ ;1 //~~/~j~ ~ _ ~ ~~ ~ - - ~s~~ cif +kr' S R~ , Fr' CAF ~ c r ~ 5 Sat ~c 5~~j ~(,G~m NHS ~' +Y~~~ ~~e at -~ SC~udC~ ~c~~f c~e~L. ~9 ~t~atci< fk ~m~- ' ~ 4 ~` V ~ ~~~ ~,~~ ~~ ~u ~ `~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ w ~~ ~~ ~~~~~sFy ~ ~ 4 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~ ~\ _ ``~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ ~_ - ~ ~ ~ `~~ ~ ~G1 ~r~rcc ~~ ,~ ~~~c~~ 5 J"<ludc~_ „A C~r~. w~ahXJ o~ _,. ~~ N, - - =~ i - v , :~ ._ . !~ ~ ~ r M (~ (J ~ _ ~ VVV .s~ ~ (' ~ ~ n to ~'^ ~ rl M ~ ~~ oJ~ u 1 r~ ~ ~' ~ ,~ ~ ~~,. 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LOCATION Intersection of Texas Highway 30 (Huntsville Highway) and Texas Highway 6 (By-Pass) TYPE Enclosed, Regional Mall GROSS LEASABLE AREA 774,235 sq. ft. TOTAL BUILDING AREA 949,134 sq. ft. ANCHOR STORES Sears ..................................... 125,148 sq. ft. Dillards .................................. 100,253 sq. ft. Service Merchandise ...................... 40,804 sq. ft. Bealls ..................................... 31,783 sq. ft. Foley's ................................... 104,987 sq. ft. J.C. Penney ................................ 85,172 sq. ft. Future .................................... 120,000 sq. ft. TOTAL STORES POSSIBLE 1so TOTAL PARHING SPACES 5,228 For additional information, contact: Maria Polites, CSM/CMD Post Oak Mall 1500 Harvey Road College Station, TX 77840 (409) 764-0060 MARKET INFORMATION LOCATION 95 miles northwest of Houston 165 miles south of Dallas 100 miles northeast of Austin 165 miles northeast of San Antonio 85 miles southeast of Waco TRADE AREA Brazos County ................................. 115,000 Burleson County ............................... 15,000 Grimes County ............................. . ... 18,000 Leon County .............. . .................... 12,000 Madison County ................................ 11,600 Milam County .................................. 23,100 Robertson County .............................. 15,700 Washington County ....... . .................... 22,000 Walker County ....... . ......................... 48,600 Houston County .......... . .................... 23,700 Texas A&M Enrollment ......................... 40,000 Total Market ............ . ................... 344,700 Average Age: 33.4 Average Family Income: $32,752 1989 DSTM/Apparel/Footwear Sales Potential: $407,342,000 BRAZOS COUNTY GROWTH PROJECTIONS 2000 -186,886-54.7% increase from 1986 2010 - 207,945-72.1% increase from 1986 *Statistics from U.S Census Bureau and Texas Water Development Board. PASSENGER & FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION Southern Pacific Railroad/rail freight Missouri Pacific Railroad/rail freight Nine trucklines/daily freight service Easterwood Airport/several daily flights to/from Dallas, Houston and Austin APRIL 1989 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION & TEXAS GROWTH CONTINUE TO OUTPACE NATIONAL AVERAGES According to The Kiplinger Texas Letter, population and jobs in Texas will rise faster than U.S. totals from now until the year 2000. The projec- tions are based on a report by NPA Data Services, Inc. The U.S. popula- tion rate will be up by 10% by the year 2000, while Texas population will be up by 17.5% during that same period. On jobs, the U.S. will rise 163% by the year 2000, while Texas will be up 24.4%. In a recent edition of USA Today, an article based on the same NPA report cited Bryan/College Station as a BOOM TOWN, with a growth rate of 35.26% by the year 2000. Five year forecasts indicate a strong 13.4% growth rate in Bryan/ College Station, compued to the national rate of less than 6%. Bryan/College Station is now a community of 120,000, with an addi- tional student population of 40,000. Texas A&M University has responded to the decline in the oil and gas industry by sponsoring a new research park and placing increased emphasis on biotechnology, energy explora- tion and public-private joint ventures. POST OAK MALL DEMOGRAPHICS A RETAILER'S DREAM According to a marketing survey conducted recently by the nationally recognized Stillerman-Jones Co, Post Oak Mall market area consumers cite Post Oak Mall's strengths as the variety of stores available and the fact that it is easy and convenient to shop here. Sutvey results indicate that our average shopper is female (61%), 20-44 years of age (62%), Caucasian (87%) and lives in a single family dwelling (56%). Five year projections indicate strong population growth, especially in the 30 44 year age group, which is typically recognized as being the best mall spenders nationally. ]n addition, the market also has a sizeable representation (20%) of children under the age of 15. This age segment is expected to increase by 5,500 over the next five years. BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION TEXAS "NEW TEXAS EMEIt(ira-var,~ STRENGTHS TO ENPROVE ECONOMY Texas is moving forwardit won't, and can't rest on past growth. One of our greatest strengths is our people, their upbeat, "can do" attitudes, their refusal to accept "CAN'T" as an answer. Texans are traditionally friendly and open, with this attitude also being reflected by the business community; their willingness to share and listen to new ideas, business leaders willingness and sense of responsibility in contributing to the improvement of the community. The state and the people are strongly in support of business, as evidenced by the right-to-work law, absence of business and personal income tax and a willing labor force. Texas' thrust in current and future development is and will be focused on diversity. The economy is no longer based on instate endeavors, but is international in scope, with increased emphasis on high technology and research. Last, but certainly not least in importance, is Texas' size_267,000 square miles, compared to Newyork which is 49,500 square miles. This equates to less costly land in Texas and room for growth-a very attrac- tive factor in attracting new and more diversified businesses to the state. POST OAK MALI. ESTABLISHED AS RETAIL HUB IN NE!iE-COUNTY TRADE AREA Post Oak Mall, which is presently 96% leased, opened on February 17, 1982, and is the only super regional mall between Dallas and Houston, presently with 130 stores. Major department stores are Foley's, Dillard's, Penney's, Sears, Bealls and Service Merchandise. The mall serves a nine county trade area with a population of 300,000. It is also at the site of Texas A&M University with an additional student enrollment of 40,000. Post Oak Mall has captured 41 % of DST'M retail sales in the primary market and 18% of DSTM retail sales in the secondary market. The total share of DSTM retail sales captured in the trade area is 31.4%. BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION MAINTAINS LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT W TEXAS For the third straight year Bryan/College Station had the lowest unem ployment rate in Texas. Year End figures released by the Texas Employ- ment Commission reflected a 39 percent unemployment rate. That's the lowest point since April 1985. Among the encouraging signs are the number of people applying for unemployment insurance continues to decrease while the number of people finding jobs through TEC has increased. "That's exactly what you want tosee-more people getting jobs and fewer people losing jobs," says Walt Baker, area director to TEC. 2300 new jobs were created during the year-and prospects for the future are even better. OSHMAN'S SPORTING GOODS OPENS IN POST OAK MALL Oshman's Sporting Goods, Inc., a nationally known retailer of sporting goods based in Houston, Texas, has opened a new location at Post Oak Mall. The full-line sporting goods store occupies 9,150 square feet of space next to Sears. A company spokesperson indicated that he feels this will bean excel- lent market for Oshman's Sporting Goods. w~A POST OAK MALL POST OAK MALL FOOD COURT ~~~3 ~' New, high-tech industries boost jobs, populations, These are the fastest growing metropolitan areas in each state, based on NPA Data Services and Census Bureau pro- jections. Also below, economic trends in each metro area. Alabama: Huntsville. 1987: 237,110; 2000: 262,716 (+10.80%). High tech -NASA's Marshall center, Redstone arsenal -provides growth. Aleska: Anchorage. 1987: 232,017; 2000: 289,462 (+24.7690. Big gov- ernment work force. Oil exploration, mining firm headquarters. Be- coming international transportation network link. Arizona: Phcenix.1987: 1,966,693; 2000: 2,499,073 (+26.8290. Declin- ing construction, but gains in all other sectors. Diversified industries; gaining as distribution center for West Coast. Arkan38S: Fayetteville. 1987: 108,927; 2000: 122,512 (+12.4790. Tourism adding to small industrial base. State university's flagship campus attracts many cultural offerings. CelHornlB: Santa Cruz 1987; 227,998; 2000: 306,113 (+34.26). Universi- ty of California campus source of booming growth, but city has little undeveloped land left Tourism biggest source of retail sales. USA's GROWTH: Colorado: Fort Collins. 1987: 178,501; 2000: 235,387 (+31.8790. - Cover story, 1 A Colorado State University largest employer, provides skilled gradu- - We like where ates for engineering, electronic we live, 2A companies coming to area. COINIeCtICUt: New London-Nor- wich. 1987: 248,608; 2000: 270,027 (+8.62%). Naval submarine base, defense-related industries provide growth, spinoffs for industrial, professional parks. Delaware: Wilmington. 1987: 558,210; 2000: 588,172 (+5.3790. Du Pont major employer in chemicals; also big banking, insurance center. DISMct of Columbia: Washington. 1987: 3,629,003; 2000: 4,112,748 (+13.49). More growth expected in dominant hotel, office space sector. Tourism, large part of retail sales, will keep growing. fbrlda: Naples 1987: 128,834; 2000: 197,383 (+53.21 %). High-income retirees have attracted many professional services to area. Georgia: Atlanta 1987: 2,630,439; 2000: 3,177,698 (+20.8090. Attract- ing many foreign companies. Continues as regional transportation, fi- nancial hub for South. Large government work force. Howell: Honolulu. 1987: 829,897; 2000: 912,940 (+10.019b). Leading in- dustries: tourism, health care, defense firms. Watch for growth in sports-related industries as Hawaii promotes Pacific Rim games. Idaho: Boise. 1987: 194,766; 2000: 237,953 (+22.1790. Isolated from effects of farm slump, city has attracted electronics firms, regional cor- porate headquarters for mountain states. INklo1S: Joliet 1987: 375,948; 2000: 425,750 (+13.25%). Steel manufac- turers replaced by service industry relocating from nearby Chicago. Midwest distribution center for national firms, including Oscar Mayer. Indiana: Bloomington. 1987: 102,978; 2000:113,150 (+9.8890. Industri- al engineering center for nearby naval supply base. City's partnership with Indiana U. fosters software, electronics firms' growth. IOWA: Iowa City. 1987: 85,553; 2000: 93,848 (+9.70%). U. of Iowa has spurred high-tech, biotechnology companies' growth. Kansas: Lawrence. 1987:73,499; 2000: 82,433 (+12.16). Bedroom com- munity for nearby Topeka, Kansas City; but U. of Kansas, largest em- ployer, promoting research park. Growing retail, service sectors. Kentuacy: Lexington-Fayette. 1987: 333,440; 2000: 360,757 (+8.1996). IBM, U. of Kentucky top employers. Boost from Toyota plant, tourism. Louishtna: Lafayette. 1987: 219,217; 2000: 267,860 (+22.1990. Seafood packaging, distribution firms replacing oil, gas equipment industry. Growth of electronics, plastics, pharmaceutical firms. Maple: Portland. 1987: 230,472; 2000: 253,284 (+9.9090. Growing fi- nancial center for northern New England. Timber, paper products in- dustry still adds to region's industrial base. Maryland: Baltlmore.198'l: 2,313,600; 2000: 2,478,178 (+7.1196). P(ck- ing up federal agencies, service industry, non-profit firms from Wash- ington, D.C. Defense, biotech firms benefit from local universities. MBSSaChuSettS: New Bedford-Fall River-Attleboro. 1987: 988,206; 2000: 539,291 (+10.9696). Traditional manufacturing industries ex- panding. Textiles still big part of local economy. Michigan: Grand Rapids 1987: 658,217; 2000: 715,808 (+8.7596). Big in office furniture industry, auto parts, printing, tool and die. Minnesota: SL Cloud. 1987: 177,800; 2000: 208,097 (+17.0990. Large retail sector is convenient alternative to nearby Minneapolis-St. Paul. Regional distribution center for northern Midwest states. MIS818SIppl: Pascagoula. 1987: 129,976; 2000: 147,351 (+13.81%). Shipbuilding, seafood processing are biggest industries. MISSOUri: Springfield. 1987: 229,119; 2000: 254,918 (+11.2690. Small firms (fewer than 20 employees) predominate, especially staiNess steel, and limousine industry. Health care, tourism add to economy. Montana: Billings 1987: 119,555; 2000: 136,453 (+14.139b). Recover- ing from oil, gas industry slump; making strides in plastics, electronics. Nebraska: Lincoln. 1987: 206,595; 2000: 224,610 (+8.7590. U. of Ne- braska campus good locale for research firm growth. NeYada: Las Vegas 1987: 595,152; 2000: 751,524 (+26.2790. Gaming industry continues growth along with financial services and tourism. NeW Hampshire: Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester. 1987: 326,755; 2000: 919,353 (+26.8190. Shce industry replaced bydiverse retail communi- ty. Effort under way to benefit from closing of Pease AFB. New Jersey: Monmouth-Ocean. 1987: 947,333; 2000: 1,090,975 (+15.1690. Fort Monmouth biggest employer; next: office parks. NeW Mexico: Santa Fe. 1987: 108,126; 2000: 131,338 (+21.97%). State government and tourism largest employers. Some high-tech firms emerging from nearby Sandia National Laboratories. NeW York: Orange County. 1987: 286,298; 2000: 324,273 (+13.2890. Chemical, textile industries given way to high-tech manufacturing. North Carolina: Raleigh-Durham. 1987: 665,737; 2000: 791,760 (+18.9390. American Airlines major employer. Expansion of Re search Triangle Park guarantees steady growth of high-tech firms. North Dakota: Bismarck. 1987:86,227; 2000:101,550 (+17.7796). Agri- culture equipment firms in slump. New growth from energy, especial- ly synthetic fuels production. Ohio: Hamilton-Middletown. 1987: 274,800; 2000: 298,151 (+8.50%). Ironcasting industry making comeback, along with tool and die, paper products. Fast-growing services: financial, insurance. Oklahoma: Tulsa. 1987: 729,907; 2000: 849,859 (+16.4396). Oil, gas in- dustry giving way to booming aviation sector. Oregon: Medford 1987: 192,269; 2000: 166,478 (+17.02%). Timber in- dustry supported by tourism, retirement community services. Area's diversifying wood processing and agriculture. Pennsylvania: Lancaster. 1987: 398,983; 2000: 430,610 (+8.06%). Farm machinery dominant. Tourism firrrrs need employees. Rhode Island: Providence-Pawtucket-Woonsocket 1987: 900,935; 2000: 969,766 (+7.69%). Jewelry-making is leading industry. SOUth Carogtl8: Charleston. 1987: 493,600; 2000: 572,879 (+16.0690. Biggest employers: nearby Air Force base, naval weapons sta±ion. Sec- ond biggest East Coast container port. Tourism very strong. South Dakota: Sioux Falls 1987: 123,905; 2000:135,653 (+9.98%). Sta- ble growth in meat-packing, finance, insurance. Electronics, computer support services making inroads. TenneSSEe: Nashville. 1987: 994,625; 2000: 1,047,429 (+10.8890. Transportation equipment industry, government biggest employers. Watch for growth in office, operations centers. Texas: Bryan-College Station. 1987: 123,822; 2000: 167,484 (+35.2696). Texas A&M U. responded to oil, gas industry decline by sponsoring new research park. Watch for biotechnology, energy explo- ration, public-private joint ventures. Utah: Salt Lake City-Ogden. 1987: 1,048,760; 2000: 1,233,612 (+17.63%). Defense firms benefit from Hiil AFB, Dugway Proving Ground. U. of Utah sponsors biotech, computer services spinoffs. Vermont: Burlington. 1987: 132,098; 2000: 150,399 (+13.9090. High- tech predominates with employers like IBM and DEC. Financial, tour- ism industries add to economic base. Virginia: Charlottesville.1987: 124,532; 2000:141,976 (+19.0190. U. of Virginia biggest employer. Popular retirement area. Growth in health- care, tourism industries. Washington: Olympia 1987: 152,216; 2000: 206,858 (+35.9090. High growth in printing, plastics, food, wood products processing. Watch for new high-tech business park. West Virginia: Parkersburg. 1987: 155,668; 2000: 160,849 (+3.3398). Chemical, plastics industries stable. Some high-tech growth. Wisconsin: Madison. 1987: 348,961; 2000: 394,370 (+13.019b). U. of Wisconsin provides high-tech spinoff 5rms. Wyoming: Casper. 1987: 68,061; 2000: 78,207 (+14.91 %). Moderate re- covery for oil, gas industry. Regional center for medical services. - Compiled by Peter Pavilionis ~_ MERCHANT Post Oak Mall Bi-Monthly lYewletter College Station, Texas January-February '89 Sales, Savings ~ All That Jazz In January every shopper is looking for a bargain and every merchant is looking for the opportunity to increase sales -the best place for the two to meet is at Post Oak Mall's Semi-Annual Mallwalk Sale. This year's sale, "Sales, Savings & All That Jazz", is sche- duled for Friday, January 20 through Sunday, Janu- ary 22 and will be promoted with a New Orleans Jazz/ Mardi Gras theme. Any new managers who have never experienced a Mall- walk Sale should be prepared for one of the biggest sale events of the year. The purpose of the sale is to provide you an opportunity to clear out winter mer- chandise. During the Mallwalk Sale you are allowed to move tables and racks of merchandise across your lease line into the mall in front of your store. Custo- mers look forward to this semi-annual sale so be sure to have plenty of merchandise and staff on hand! ~ ~ ~~ ~~ girder N~allvv~lk Talales I~OVUr We are now accepting orders for tables for the sale. Rental is $12.50 per skirted table for the entire three days. Tables wilt be delivered Thurs- day, January 19 after 9 pm and picked up from the front of your store Sunday, January 22 after 5.30 pm. Mallwalk tables must be paid for prior to delivery. The deadline for ordering tables is Monday, January 16 at 5 pm. Call Rhonda Fen- ley in the mall office at 764-0060 to place your order. >c_ ~t_ Lvci><~~ January 10 Silver Savers Day 12-15 Antique Show 16 Texas A&M Classes Begin 20-22 Sales, Savings & All That Jazz Mallwalk Sale 24 Texas Rangers Caravan 27 Girl Scout Lock-In 30 March of Dimes Mothers' March Col- lection February 1 Mallwalkers' Meeting 4 Budget Fashion Show 14 Silver Savers Day IS-l9 Arts & Crafts Show 24-26 7th Anniversary Celebration 25-26 Sports Memorabilia Show l~iew Advisory Committee 1~Iamed We are pleased to announce'the members of the 1989 advisory committee: Bealls -James Kirkpatrick • Dillard's -Greg Millsap Foley's -Terri Hayes JC Penney -Bob Key Sears -Jim Loveless Service Merchandise Rod Huddleston Red Cross Shoes -Sherry Elder Scripture Haven -Gary Moore Wyatt Cafeteria -James Harvill Taste of the Tropics -Thomas Boykin KG Men's Store Ray Hanson Womans World Pat Boeker The Advisory Committee is comprised of the managers of all six major department stores and an equal number of representatives from the smaller stores. The Advisory Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month to discuss advertising and promotional activities sponsored by Post Oak Mall. If you have marketing items which you would like to see addressed in 1989, and you don't have time to stop by the mall office to discuss them, be sure to pass them along to a member of the advisory committee. It's A Record! It's been a record year for Post Oak Mall Gift Certificate sales and that means more sales for your stores as shoppers begin redeeming their gift certificates for merchandise. To date we have sold $103,660.00 in gift certificates, which represents a 44% increase over 1987 sales. November sales of $5335.00 and December sales of $50430.00 represent 55 and 37 percent increases respectively. The biggest percent of November and December sales will be redeemed in January and February. What is your store doing to capture these dollars? Are your employees aware of what a mall gift certificate looks like and that they should accept them like cash? Soon, all Post Oak Mall merchants will be receiving gift certificate sig- nage for in-store use -small, dura- ble, credit card-sized signs that will stick to cash registers, counters or wherever they can be seen by your customers -that read, "Post Oak Mall Gift Certificates Accepted Here". Sales, Savings ~ All That Jazz Mallwalk Section A standard size, eight page adver- tisingsection will break in the Bryan/ College Station Eagle Friday, Janu- ary 20 to promote the January Mall walk Sale. Advertising in the section may be purchased at your regular earned rate. Merchants who purchase ad- vertising through the Eagle's "small business package" will be able to purchase a single ad in the section at the package rate. To reserve space contact Terrie McCreary by Friday, January 13 at 409 / 776-4444. New Stores Open Join us in welcoming our newest merchants to the Post Oak Mall Family .. . Secrets: Offering a wide selection of intimate apparel for women and men. Located across from Wool- worth. Welcome to manager Terri Scott. Everything's A $1.00: Offering a variety of merchandise for just $1.00 per item. Located across from Mil- ler's Outpost. Welcome to manager Steve Eckhoff. Sportsward Exchange: Offering sportscards and sports memorabi- lia. located in front of Keyboard Center. Welcome to manager Steve Johnson. First National Bank of Bryan Post Oak Mall Branch: Providing con- venient financial services to mall merchants and customers. Located across from Plitt Theater. Welcome to branch manager Lisa George, who invites mall employees to open their personal accounts at the mall branch. "We offer security and con- venience to all personal accounts as well as commercial accounts," says George. Watch for convenience of the automatic teller machine coming in January. Villa Italian Specialties: Offering delicious pastas, pizza and fresh sal- ads. Located in the Food Court next to Swenson's. Welcome to owners Jimmy and Lucio Cento- fanti and Managei Ciro Cucco. Waterbeds, ETC: Offering a full line of waterbeds and accessories. Located next to Home Front. Wel- come to owner James Parrish. Around the Mall We are pleased to announce that sales for Express Yourself (located at the mall fountain) and FineLine Sportswear have been so good dur- ing the holiday season, that these two temporary tenants are extend- ing their stay at Post Oak Mall through 1989. Marsha Fesmire is the manager for FineLine, and D'Ann Leigh is the manager for Express Yourself. * ~ Pet Emporium will soon have a new name -Post Oak Pets. Manager Laurie Rogers has now assumed local ownership of the store and tells us that the remodeled store offers a wider variety of products and pets. Watch for the opening of Lady Footlocker in the first quarter of 1989 at its Post Oak Mall location next to Accessories by Taz. Management Changes We would like to welcome several new managers to Post Oak Mall: Terri Hayes at Foley's, James Kirk- patrick at Beall's, April Smith at Butler Shoes, Kim Caeto at Cato Plus, Mary Lyons at Aggie Unlim- ited, and Mary Medina at Master Cuts. Tempt Your Tastebuds Here's something special for mall employees to start the new year off right -savings from the Food Court for mall employees only .. . Corn Dog 7 - 15% off regular priced items Emilios - Receive a free large tea with any $2.00 purchase McDonald's -Pick up a discount card, get it punched five times (once for each purchase) and re- ceive afree sandwich or breakfast sandwich. Orange Julius - 10% off regular priced items Potatoes Etc. -Free medium drink with any purchase Subway -Get your employee card and receive 15% off any food purchase Taste of the Tropics - 10% off all regular priced fruit drinks Watch for Villa Italian Specialties employee discount in mid-January. April 3, 1989 ~C~~Q ~~C~f~~O~ ~~~'~~S 1207 Lawyer, Co11eBe Station, T% 77840 Thomas Boykin Taste of the Tropics Post Oak Mall 1500 Harvey Road, Ste. 4019 College Station, TX 77840 Dear Thomas: Thank you for supporting the College Station Girls Softball Association. Enclosed is your receipt as well as a Bane schedule for your team. Taste of the Tropics will be sponsoring the Bluebonnets, a Division 1 team. All their gapes will be played at Fairview Park. Please refer to the Bane schedule for tines and dates. Our season begins Monday, April 10th with Opening Ceremonies at Bee Creek Park at 6:00 p.n. The teams will be recognized at that tine and team pictures will be taken. fle would like to have you join us to be recognized and to have your picture made with the teen. Again, thank you for supporting girls' softball in College Station. Me"re looking forward to an exciting season! Sincerely, C/,G C:,~-2i Vickie Young Sponsorship Chairman Enclosures 1989 Z 1~1 ~... a -r U O N N O~ Q 00 01 J ~ J Q C.~ mz ~~ ~m oa VY N to 1 J m~ c~ z 0 z ~-+ o~ ~ ~ Q ~"~ i-- o N1 W m W J J O v O N Z O d N f Q W F-- 0 N Z 0 a z W L v a~ L ~ O tC g O ~ U rp N L O L ~ O O O S +~ 2 C%J C ~--~ O •r }~ r ~ ~ Q ~ ~ 1 1 O U N IA 1 d R! ~ •~ N V ~ GJ L O •~ Cl C Vf }~ Q1•~ ~ ~ b ~ S ~ m ~ ~ m N N v a~ •r LL O N o2S L ~ F- L ~ d L a, a~ t C U +~ O O •r L v- +~ co O rt7 +~ ~ tli N L +~ o <n Q! ~ ~ ~~ F- N r-- 1 ~ N r 3 N O I +~ U CJ 1 N c ~- C N ~-- O +~+ 'p ~a~o a~ w ~ o~ b m o ~; ". RHA CASINO PRIZEWINNEK This certificate entitles the bearer: To: ~' ~ .~ , v ~, ~ ~ ~ -max ~ ~ ~ ~, x .-1,-~-, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~,~ ~~ c,~~~ c Q From: ~~~~Q c~ ~-~ ~ >~ ~ ~~ ~~ Sponsor EXPIRES ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ 13ESIDENCE HA~..L ASSOCIATION 215 Pavilion • Texas A&r 1 University • 409/845-0689 College Static:-n, Texas 77843 AGGIE ALLIANCE Health & Physical Education ~ v~ Society for Professional Educat March 10, 1989 Katyla M. Boykin Taste of the Tropics .r.a,Mnt Mr. Ylctor Nernande: Post Oak Mall 1711A Anderson Coll.,. 5t.t,an, Te=., 77°.0 1500 Harvey Road (109) °9°-959 College Station, Texas 77840 Y1ce-/resident Ms. Connie Yacak 701 Saa Ndro Dear Ms. Boykin, College Station, T1I 17°10 (109) 693-1°19 Thank you for helping us with our booth in the 1989 MSC S~Ce"ry Ms. Cheryl Yacek All-Nita-Fair. The coupons used as prizes for our games wer e a 205 Jerxey street /°13 Co~ege ,ta~n, Teus 77°10 bi success. We are donating our profits from the booth to 9 an 9 Aggie physical education major who was stricken with cancer this Treasurer past November, so hopefully our efforts will be worthwhile for Mr. Raaay Dyt~an Mike 1600 Central Part lane /130° College Station, Tesas 77°10 . (109) 764-6716 Again, thanks for being a part of this project. Nea1tA CM1~an Mrs. Susan Toole 2606 u.eerland Court Colle e SUt1 n T 77M0 Si ncerel Y g , o exas (109) 693-9911 s Fhyslui Eduutlon Chal~an M L S d l n = ~, `, ~/J ,~ j~ / ~~ ' ~/(.~ !N r. arry an ow box 1317 l / ~~;ge~ta~9n, Teus I7°11 7 Uan Baldwin, Faculty Advisor Ad•'a°' M t Aggie Alliance s. Jan 6aldr n Tesas AiM Unirerslty y 158D Read °utlding C ll S i T 77 14 o on, ege tat exas & ( ~~' ~ (109) 615-7130 ~, i i , ~ , ~ J J • ~i 1 ~1 k ~ ,~ i The Choice ~ - -mostly yogurt - ; - - = uJ A ~ j Buy any medium yogurt I 1 get second one free i HAM $iL CHEESE SPECIAL I Purchase any medium size Get a snack ham & cheese I I yogurt and get second yogurt I for onl $2.19. I I ~ ;;~' ,-y of same value free. I y I I - (Not valid with any other coupon or promotion.) I MOSTLY YOGURT OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 1, 1989. I OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30,1989. I---------------~-------------5-1 ~ ~ ~ ~~,~ 1 haste of~ ~"ropic. 1 ~~ ~' I Make our own fruit combos.) I I y Large Fruit drink of your choice 1 I Purchase an order of Potato Skins 1 .99 medium reg. 1.28 or $1.39 large reg. $1.66.1 1 with your choice of two toppings I Not your ordinary fruit drink Low Calorie •Chilled • Thick • Approx.) I for only ~ 1.99 1 50% fewer calories than yogurt. 1 1 1 COUPON PER PERSON OFFER EXPIRES I LIMIT ONE COUPON PER NOT VALID WITH OFFER EXPIRES 1_ _ PER VISIT. _ _ _ _ _ _ APRIL 15_1989.1 PERSON PER VISIT._ ANY OTHER OFFER _ APRIL 31,1989_1 1 ~~, I ~~~sEN~ I ®`~,~"~~~ 1 Root beer Float 1 I AGON K HE I ~' 1 Buy One Root beer Float at regular price, Chopped Beef Sandwich 1 get the secFREE I Fries and Med. Drink $1.99 I ~ ~ Locally owned & operated, take-out orders & I offer Expires April so, isa9. I I Not valid with any other specials or I I catering: 764-8282 I promotions OFFER EXPIRES 3-31-1989. Post Oak Mall/Cul a er Ptaza I---------------a-----~'~'--------I 1 ~ I CHICK-FIL-A VALUE MEALTM 1 Order in the IAND20-OZ.DRINKFORONLY$3.891 I I WITHTHISCOUPON.VALUEMEALT"'IN- I 1 CLUDES 1 CHICK-FIL-A SANDWICH OR 8- I 1 Court 1 PACK CHICK-FIL-A NUGGETSTTM, WAFFLE I SOFTDR NK. C uponLnotgo dwNDa00other 1 Post Oak Mall I offer.Dnecouponperpersonpervisit. I _~. Expires3/25/89 Closed Sundays 1 I ~ Post OakMaIlCollegeStation.l Food Court I ______________~ =~ n ,~. ~',. ~. Yom, ,~ <.,. Spring v c a> a V O Q m U A N a c a N 0 N X 0 %"""" MARCH 18-19 Brazos Valley Aquarium Society's Aquarium Show. Learn the latest in aquarium decor and set-ups. MARCH 26 Happy Easter! Post Oak Mall closed. APRIL 1 1 Silver Savers Day. Show your Silver Savers Club card to any of more than 40 merchants and receive 10-50% off selected products and services. APRIL 14-16 Brazos Valley Art League Arts & Crafts Show. APRIL 24-29 Week for Women-A week of freE seminars and activities for women APRIL 26 Secretaries' Day-Don't forget! APRIL 28-29 Glamour Magazine Fashion and Beauty Workshops-Glamour Magazine live on stage at Post ~ Oak Mall. April 28 at 6:30 pm; April 29 at 3:00 pm. ~.~ ., ~, -~~ ~-. W ~~ i! ~Q i ~~ ~\ T_"4""Y TS "k X .z,~ c} ~~. 4. ~* a ~k 1 4 ~~ 7 {~ '~N i S`'qy\\} a ~ _ ~,. ` ~` .f~.s _ tom' ~' ~ t y. /.t ~ _/~ ~ Black pateni W still strong of ~ scene. AddE touches, suc and flowers z new point o Because trod ~-- will be seen O more, shoes tsuy Une Koot beer I loat at regular price, get the second one ~ ~~ ~d & Managed by ~ Free! ~ Asp®ciateS, lrle• ~ Offer Expires May June 15, 1989 Nol valid with any other specials or promotions F---------------------~ ~ Waste of~ cj'rapics ~ 15% OFF ~ Reg. Price Fruit Drinks ~ I LIMIT ONE COUPON NOT VALID WITH OFFER EXPIRES PER PERSON ANY OTHER OFFER MAY 31, 1989 ~--------------------J yr 4 ~ F3 "* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~%~` 0 ~ OIIBT O bright color black will gc LL popularity. ~ have come W earth for da~ heights two C higher reser 5 evenings. F6 `~ added style ~ back silhouF snipped toe: mid-heels are chunkie pinched, underslung c inward. In the South / vein, brightly colored be a hot commodity, the broad-band gladi~ Sandals decorated w touches like jewels an also be news. Merchondise featured courtesy w~ ;~ ~ . ~~ ` ~,: • U ~- ._ ~. F ~ ., 1 cou on offer I FREE Medium drink t ^ per visit ~~_ 1 p ~ expires ^ ^ • ^ ~~ ' ~'- ~ ~ ~~ Fiat/as ' ^ 15% OFF , ^ with the purchase of 1/4 pound ^ ~'~~`~ "~' ~` u~ase one "All ou ~,, ~ Corn DOg I^ p y ^ ^ Reg. Price Fruit Drinks ^ ^ ~- ^ can eat salad bar" and large drink and get OFFER EXPIRES JULY 31, 1989. ^ an "all you can eat" salad bar ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FREE ~ LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PERSON. NOT Not good with any other coupon or special. VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER ~ ^ Offer Expires 7/22/89 ^ ^ ~ - - - - ^ ~ VILLA ITALIAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~II ^ An 8-pack Chick-Fil-A NuggetsT"^ SPECIALTIES Free Root Beer Float ^ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ^ Regular order of waffle potato fries ^ ^ FREE ^ ^ with the purchase of the same ^ ~~ ^ and a 14 oz. drink for only $3.29. ^ ^ 20 oz. soda ^ ^ ^I Offer not good with any other offer. One coupon per Offer expires 7/31 /89. Not valid with any other specials or . ~erson per visit. Post Oak Mall. Offer expires 7/30/ ~ with a dinner purchase ~ ~ promotions. Post Oak Mall & Culpeper Plaza ^ ~.. ~r,, FREE CHOPPED ^ ~ ~ ^ ^ `'g. ~:..: ~~` BEEF SANDWICH ^ ^ ^ Buy either Sweet & Sour Chicken ^ ~ ^ When you buy one chopped beef ^ or Pork and get a FREE medium ^ ^ sandwich, fries & medium coke ^ ^ COUNTRY STYLE ^I ^ soft drink. ^ Localy owOned & operated,~ake- 89orders & ^ McCHICKEN SANDWICH ^ Oflerexplres7/30/89 catering:76a-8282 ALL-WHITE BREAST MEAT! One coupon per vlslt BRYAN • POST OAK MALL • COLLEGE STATION I Offer not good 'c n n n n~/~ Ons Coupon orSsd b ~a/UBWW if ~Ndt ^ Sandwiches & Salads ^ The fresh alternative ~ I I ' 50¢ OFF any Regular Sub ' ^ or Salad ^ Good only at the Post Oak Mall I Expires 7/31/89 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ Beafls .. .... . .... . . . ... 764-0052 Dillard's ............ ....764-0014 Fo(ey's ............. ... 764-3322 JCPenney .......... ....764.1600 Sears .............. ... 764.0300 Service Merchandise ... 764-0022 D O O A 7 20 Sweeney's ................................... 764 67 Zales ...................................... 764 MALL OFFlCE 1 Information Booth ............................. 764 14 Leasing Information ........................... 764 14 MaIlManager ................................ 764 14 Marketing Director ............................ 764 MEN'S APPAREL 91 Chess King .................................. 696 33 Jeans West .................................. 696 55 J. Riggings .................................. 764 113 K.G. Men s Store .............................. 764 117 Marvin John's Big & Tall ........................ 696 RESTAURANTS/CAFETERIA/BAR 44 Casa Ole .................................... 764 103 Kay's Cabaret ................................ 696 149 Wyatt's Cafeteria .............................. 764 SHOES 110 Baker's Shces ................................ 764 36 Butler Shces ................................. 764 90 Kinney Shces ................................ 764 25 Lewis Shoe Gallery ............................ 693 154 Naturalizer Shoes ............................. 696 38 Open Country ................................ 764 130 Payless Shces ................................ 764 140 Red Cross Shces .............................. 696 118 Shce Box ................................... 764 37 Thom McAn Shces ............................ 764 32 Wild Pair .................................... 764 ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR AND SPORTING GOODS 65 Foot Action .................................. 764-]000 65 Action Lady ................................. 693-1644 105 Foot Locker ................................. 764-0060 66 The Pro .................................... 696-0818 BOOKS, CARDS S GIFTS 129 Aggie Unlimited .............................. 764-0966 61 Coach House Cards & Gifts ...................... 764-0400 101 Bookland ................................... 764-0008 142 Curiosity Shop ............................... 693-0982 93 Gateway Cards ............................... 764-0012 2 Oriental Treasures ....:........................ 764-0655 3 Rainbow Store ............................... 764-0470 56 Scripture Haven .............................. 764.1069 1 Summit Stationers ............................ 764-8560 84 Under The Rainbow ........................... 696-0497 85 Walden Books ................................ 764-0064 DRUG S VARIETY 102 Walgreen's .................................. 764-0450 125 Woolworth .................................. 764-0072 FAMILY APPAREL 150 Benetton .................................... 764-8726 35 County Seat ................................. 764-0414 58 Courts Western Wear ........................... 764-0737 111 Gadzook's ................................... 696-9899 139 Miller's Outpost ............................... 764-2891 116 PatMagee's ................................. 764-9009 99 MPACT FOOD SERVICES 50 General Nutrition Center ........................ 696-9855 49 Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie ............. 764-0079 16 Mostly Yogurt ................................ 696-0283 THE GOURMET FOOD COURT 7 Chick-Fil-A .................................. 764-0049 6 Com Dog 7 .................................. 764-04]1 10 Dos Tacos .................................. 693-0154 8 Emilio's .................................... 764.7335 22 Giovanni's Pizza ............................... 764-0670 11 McDonald's .................................. 696-0511 13 Orange Julius ................................ 764-0464 30 Peanut Shack ................................ 764-0408 21 Potatoes, Etc . ................................ 764-0087 9 Sesame Hut ................................. 764-0885 15 Subway ..................................... 764-8602 27 Swensen's .................................. 764.0606 29 Taste of the Tropics ............................ 764-7249 17 The Wagon Wheel ............................. 764-8282 HAIR SALONS 80 Command Performance ........................ 764-0404 151 MasterCuts .................................. 693-9998 128 Regis Hairstylist ............................... 764-0660 HOME ENTERTAINMENT S ELECTRONICS 52 Camelot Music ............................... 764-002] 82 Keyboard Center .............................. 764-0006 135 McDuff Electronics ............................ 764-2734 57 Radio Shack ................................. 764-0050 107 Record Bar .................................. 764-0403 HOME FURNISHING 127 Deck The Walls ............................... 764-0020 76 Home Front ................................. 764-2037 60 World Bazaar ................................ 764-0443 JEWELRY 26 Barry's Jewelers .............................. 764-0011 39 Corrigan's ................................... 764-0045 146 Galleria ..................................... 764-7334 94 Gordon Jewelers .............................. 764-0040 121 Mission Jewelry ................................ 64-0424 SPECIALTY 5 SERVICES 5 Accessories By Taz ............................ 764 43 Armed Forces Recruiting ........................ 696 152 Claire's Boutique .............................. 764 95 CPI Photo Finish .............................. 693 23 Cutlery World ................................ 764 K-4 D'or International ............................. 696 126 Flowerama .................................. 764 K-1 Gold Post ................................... 764 70 Jo-Ann Fabrics/Singer ......................... 764 108 Kay-Bee Toys & Hobby ......................... 764 18 Merle Norman ................................ 764 83 Motherhood Maternity .......................... 764 112 Parklane Hosiery .............................. 764 46 Pet Emporium ............................... 764 K-2 Piercing Pagoda .............................. 764 137 Playland Toys ................................ 764 138 Ritz Camera One Hour Photo ..................... 764 68 Royal Optical ................................ 764 K-6 Silver Station ................................. 696 K-3 Sunglass Company ............................ 764 136 Texas State Optical ............................ 76~ K-5 Things Remembered ........................... 693 24 Wicks'N Sticks ............................... 764 THEATRES S AMUSEMENTS 97 Cinema 3 ................ ................... 764 28 Time Out Family Amusement . ................... 764 WOMEN'S APPAREL 34 Brooks Fashions ........... ................... 764 100 Casual Corner ............. ................... 764 143 CATO Plus ............... ................... 69f 104 Fashion Conspiracy ........ ................... 764 92 Foxmoor ................ ................... 7C~ 62 Hit or Miss ............... ................... 7& 19 Hot Line ................. ................... 76~ 87 Lemers .................. ................... 7CK 48 Peck & Peck .............. ................... 76~ 141 Paul Harris ............... ................... 69f 89 Regan's ................. ................... 76 120 The Woman's Shop ........ ................... 76 51 Ups'N Downs ............. ................... 7& 54 Worth's .................. ................... 76~ guy oNE c t ENo o-a~- ~. 9`~... InT~ G~~~i 1 1 1 1 I 1 .lisle ~~~ ~rO,~CS'y. 1 ioo . rest, ~rusl dt•~ntcs . 1 1 TRY A UNIQUE AND EXOTIC DRINK: 1 • Pina-Coloda -Strawberry • Passion Fruit ; 1 • Banana -Strawberry ~ ~ ~Q OFD • Guanabana 1 •Mango-Pina-Coloda ~+e coupon per a,stomer, not valid .papaya 1 with any other spedal. Expires 9-30-89 1------------------------~ There's one place with enough variety to keep everyone happy! Chick-Fi 15% OFF Any Fruit Drink Try + unique m d colic drink Such ac •Slrmcberry-Pin Cdoda • Pim Cd•da - Bomr • Sh•uberry - Bm~a•• • Pauion F'rud - Cumrbmn • Orcrtdeyauraun carba! CHILLED THICK • REAL RRLTT • LOW CALORIE One drink per coupon. Ofter expires Nov. 21, 1990 •y. TASTE OF THE TROPICS Corn Dog 7 Emilio's Sandwiches McDonald's Orange Julius Potatoes, Etc. Sesame Hut Subway Sandwiches & Salads Swensen's Ice Cream Taste of the Tropics Villa Italian Specialties The Wagon Wheel Mostly Yogurt Peanut Shack FOOD ~~--~ COII~T POST ~AK ollege Stotion Texas 6 ~;ti~ a r ~~hi~f'~ ~Y iri ii"~rGr°i ~ ~ i~"~f`~YYY rr r''r•"`ir" rr~i `i~~~'~r i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ with purchase of ~ regular corn dog. • ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ '~ Try a Unique and Exotic Drink • Pina-Coloda-Stawberry • Banana-Stawberry • Mango-Pina-Coloda • Passion Fruit • Guanabana • Papaya ...And many more Offer expires Dec. 10, 1989~~/lV `~` ~~~V t SLICED BEEF SANDWICH with purchase of sliced beef ~, sandwich, small fries and med. drink. l .. - ® THE Offer expires Nov. 30, 1989. ~AGON WHEE • \ • • • • ~ • POST D Texas 6 at Hwy n ~ ~ 1 ~ . ~ ' Re lar a turke sandwich ~ ~~~~ `' g ~ g Y ~~~ or Reg. large turkey salad, ~ ~~~~ medium drink, and bag of chips ONLY $3.99 ~ Not good with any other offer. ~ ~ Q 1 /'~ ~ Offer expires Dec. 31, 1989. rl T - ~ Good only at Post Oak Mall locafion. ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,,, 6" SUB SANDWICH ~~ & 24 oz. ICED TEA ~~ $1.54 Offer expires Jan. 31, 1990. 1~Z ~ ~• with purchase of a main dish. #6 and #8 excluded) Offer expires Nov. 30, 1989. iila~Jl~l-i~1~J1~1~J:~-~ with purchase of a 1 /2 pound of jelly beans. ~.. ~1~ 11IIt ~ - Offer expires Dec. 31, 1989. ~ ~ ^ C9 to a N T ti O .~ i -. _".- ~~1 •-~ ~ ~ T ~~ V 1 V ~1 ~iii~ ~ ~ Cn Crfj, •., M '' O O "~ V 1 ~ ~' Q~ f-+ r~l ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ V . p.~ S1. ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ © ,V ~ a v w ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ O ~ .~ :~, O ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ u ~ ~ O .,-~ ~ `~ '~ o ~' .~ O 'T~ ~ ~~ v ~ ~ -~ O ~ bA ~ ~ .~ u ~ ~ ~ O ~ N O ~~~ •O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ a~ H - -- -- .-- ~ w .~~ '' L ~ t ~ ~ 7 `~ ; c O ; v ~ ~ a g ~ , O~1 ~ d ~ G ~ ~ y B O ~ O a) 7 H O C it w~ q ` ~ {0 O t C 3 ~ ~ a E . ~'^ ~ °ac ~ O ~ .C ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ v a ~ P C °' ~ °•~ ~c ao ~~ ~ • V o •~y U (~ o e O U w ~ L Vw~ ~n ~ ~ C 10 d C ~ ~ O tL 8 ~ ~ O C O A r ~~ n o Q v ~ ~ ~• QJ y- ~ w O ~.. ~ N l0 ~ p ° M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~ W o ~.~ a ~~? ~ ~~ Y O Q aG ~ J ~~ W 1O . o° ,~ L e A rn ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ `Z` ai ~ ~ ~`' ° E ~ ~ ao ~ o o ~ ~ m o ' ° fA cc a IC/1 ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ 0 ~ ~ w~ ~ ~ c° rn A ~ ~ " m 0 ~ dw ~ ° u =z ~ ~r ,, ° ~ E c t Y v a~ - ~ v€_ ~ M C ~n .., ~ N ~ t c ~ N ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ al O n y Y Sr ~ y eu 0 Vl ~ ~ ~ G E ~, li N -. Q. 2 E U ~ c_ ii d' u m Z _. •~ .. v ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ .u ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~;~ V ~ ~ o ~'r..' w v ~ .N~3 c"o ~ O E..y ~ ~ ~~ ~.OCn 'ti ~ 0 ~ ~ ow~~ 3 ocri,~' a ~ ~ ~ ~~ V ~~~p~~°~o~~~~o ~~ ~ 0 U~ a~pUEu.,W o~°owzw °JA~~u?~v x~ (n ~ a~~-, ~ ~v~E-pax w ~ wp~za~pw~~O~z x ~ UZ~,~ppOQ~~~W~aO xp~ wOwp3d--. uuw~~~,acn~ncnE-•~~ ,.., J ~ o ~~ Q c!'1 a ~ ~a Y ~, V W ~ ~Q~~ c,~ a~Q ~ ~ ~ J ,~~~~~0 0 ~ ~~ Ox Post Oak Mall and McDonald's present Silver Savers DAY TODAY -JANUARY 10! Save 10%-50% at participating stores when you present your Silver Savers Card. 10% Off Regular Priced ItemslServices 209b Off Regular Priced ItemslServices 50% OFT Regular Priced Items/Services Angle UNlmlkd Open Caalry Hansom Ortnge JWYu CPI PAdoP~~ Cty OM Mark-ll.davtet CPI Phdo Flnleh Ptykae Shoe Souse ~r¢aoog ~Fml+~y.l hr °rlr°) H°°Of~ (mt d Lrb ewin oNy) Polriay FJC. k sm x.d ode sad. g"'de° J^°kn Other Discounts CLrta (1Ner/ °~ S P.ek t Pedc'sw Hewo ~ ° r ° (Lemr ora gl~ Gdd Pal (including ale irmr) Swger~uglea Co. ora S I ~ Waolworlh (rJaoad mds) Chkk-171-A MtDmNde® BuY my rdue moY. ~t Pee npilaho4ldd dffik m d o d Golden Ch.4~ Gtng Wtldmhoekt e seom r ue ma wiW pu~8re d ny mnne vy °~s' KGM°^'es<oR tw~daeraaer:'~ KNnel Shoe Wklu •N Stkkt 25% Off Regular Priced Items/ServiceS _ ~J..rdrt o-HuurPhdo MotUy Yogurl Woatn'e World Wad htoaon iselld Prmer 1 roll or ~` moor ' 15% Off Regular Priced Items/Services ~ ~.~• Ha e R.nr ~ d~.,,n,da eau. wort pnrehae ..e sJS In err-yregW.r proved I~.kBkdGdla e°.a~c Geamtodl4rfererom corn uog ~ 30%nOffRegularPricedItems y s1o m sAa am 1C Penney (nutagm exY.ied) MakrClb CPI Pkdo PInY6 Seat ~rorsMg t pone ody,1 lp. tanks) (eacldiog atabp~e t Lba) Mkoen Jewekn (dltmmd mds) WeWenbodu (puemae over fly Aeg4 (hthcd t qk) Memfaership in silver S~vsrs is FR.EF for ~hapr pars ~g~ 5~ & fiver, Pick up your r~l~;ml~ership card. a~ the Mail Infrormaticn l~octh.' Eagle Delivery Service clue us a call today ~ at 776-2345. Bryan-College Station Golden Eagle Monday, July 31,1989 Page 5 How to Join Silver Savers Are you 55 or older? Are you interested in savings of 10-50 percent? Then Post Oak Mall's Silver Savers Club is for you. Over 40 merchants at Post Oak Mall offer savings of up to 50 percent on selected services and merchandise to Silver Savers Club Members. To become a member, just fill out your name and address at the Information Booth located at the Plitt TheaterMall entrance. You'll receive your free Silver Savers Club card immediately. Then, the second Tuesday of each month, present your cazd to any of the merchants listed on the cazd and receive the savings they offer. 1096 Off Regular Aggie Unlimited Priced Items/Services Open Country Benetton Orange Julius CPI Photo Finish Payless Shoe Source (out of lab services only) Potatoes, EtC. Curiosity Shop Red Cross Shoes Cutlery World Silver Station Gold Post (items over $10) (including sale items) Sungear-Sunglass Co. Golden Chain Gang Waldenbooks KG Men's Store (purchase under $15) Kinney Shces Wicks 'n Sticks Mostly Yogurt Woman's World 15% Off Ret>_ulaz Priced Items/Services Bealls Command Performance Corn Dog 7 JC Penney (catalogue excluded) MasterCuts Sears (excluding catalogue d: labor) Waldenbooks (purchase over 6 Off Regular Priced Items/S CPI Photo Finish (processing and prints only, 1 hr. set Flowerama Mission jewelers Peck & Peck Scripture Haven (purchase over $15) Woolworth (selected mdse) 30°6 Off Regulart Priced Items/Services CPI Photo Finish (processing & prints only, 4 hr. service) Mission Jewelers (diamond mdse) Regis haircut do style) 5096 Off Regular Priced Items/Services Casa Ole Mexican Restaurant Other Discou nts Chick-Fil-A McDonald's' Buy any value meal, het Free regular hot/cold drink the second value meal with purchase of any entree for $].99 Ritz Camera Gold Finger Jewelers One Hour Photo Watch batteries installed Process 1 roll of film, Beet one for $2.49 roll Ritz ]35/110 Free(24/ex) Home Front Taste of the Tropics $5 Off purd-ase over $25 1 / /3 Off any regular priced Lewis Shoe Gallery fruit drink $l0 Off S.A.S. Shoes The ~,~~ ~' ~• ctsas, Eagle Printing Co. tJ y Vof. 1, No. 7 25% Off Regular Priced Items/S Subway Sandwich & Salads OFFERED AT POST GOOD TIME OAK MALL . LOCATION GREAT TASTE ONLY. POST OAK MALL 1 -- - ~ 1 How often do you shop Post Oak Mall? 1 1 Circle one: Once a month? Twice a month? 1 1 Once a week? Twice a week? 1 1 More than twice a week? 1 How do you spend your leisure time? 1 1 1 What activities and/or services would you like to see offered at 1 1 Post Oak Mall? 1 1 1 1 1 The next Mallwalkers Meeting is Wednesday, August 2, at 9 am in the Food Court. FREE Blood Pressure screening at 9:30 am. Silver Savers is sponsered each month for shoppers 55 and over by McDaonald's® and Post Oak Mall The next Silver Savers Da is Tuesda , Au ust 8. y y g i~ 3 ~ ~, ~ >~ ~-~~~s~ ~ ~q89 ~ ., .* ~:~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ „~r,. r -' 5~ ~ I I ~ 7HE ~ AGON wHEE ,,~~, MOSTLY YOGURT ; °:; ; FREE CHOPPED BEEF SANDWICH Smoothie Reg. $1.89 When you buy one chopped beef sandwich, fries and medium coke ~~~ '~ 2 ~ OFF Offer expires 9-15-89 ~, MOSTLY YOGURT YI/jt~thl5 COU 011 ~ Locall owned and o erated, take out orders and catering: 764-8282 p Y P CORN DOG 7 , VILLA ITALIANA SPECIALTIES -~ BETTER THAN GOOD ~ F RE E , , ~~„ ~ ~ FREE Medium Drink .~ 20 QZ SODA with purchase of 1 /4 ~ with a dinner purchase Not good with any other Ex cation 8-26-89 i pound Corn Dog p~ , coupon or special ~ I , ~------------------------------------------------------------r--------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY STYLE ~ Offer Expires ~~~~~~ Offer Expires 9/30/89 9/30/89 ~~~.* .~, MCCHICKEN SANDWICH ,t,_ $1.00 OFF ALL-WHITE BREAST. MEAT! a regular footlongg ham andwich ' or regular fiam sa~ad Offer not valid with any other coupon or Subway Club Card ~~~ BRYAN- POST OAK- COLLEGE STATION ~~ '. I ______________L....._.....__....._......_______________________________. r--------------------------------------------- , I µ , Post Oak Mall ~ $3 99 College Station 90 'S ~P~ -~%,~ • -=tea COMBO MEAL , RECEIVE 50 ~ OFF Try it with Chick-fil-A® brand ANY POTATO PURCHASE ~ Chargrilled Chicke M SandwichT"' TM I ~ Includes: 8-pack Chick-fil A® Nuggets, Waffle Potato Fries, Not Valid with any other offer or specials offer expires Sept 30 1989 ~ cloeslaw,20oz. Coca Cola® classic I 1 Waste of~ q'ro~~cs , , i~" ~ 15% OFF Reg. Price Fruit Drinks OFFER EXPIRES 9/31 /89 LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PERSON. NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER ; Texas A&M University Aggie Alliance Alpha Phi Omega American Medical Student Association Center for Drug Prevention and Education College Student Personnel Association Office of the Commandant Corps of Cadets Department of Food Services Department of Recreational Sports Department of Student Activities Department of Student Affairs Greenleaf Hospital MSC Committees: All Night Fair Hospitality NOVA Recreation Variety Show Off Campus Aggies Offcce of Students'Attorney Residence Hall Association Sigma Chi Fraternity Sigma Nu Fraternity Student Counseling Service Student Judicial Affairs Student Y'Association University Police Department 26 October 1989 Taste of the Tropics Congratulations!! Because of you National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW) at Texas A&M University was successful. On behalf of the NCAAW Planning Committee I would like to thank you for your generous support of such an important cause. Without the support of businesses like yours, the educational programs presented during the week would not have been possible. Please accept as a small token of our gratitude the enclosed certificate. Also included is a copy of the advertisement listing your business as a supporter. As noted, the ad was run in the Battalion newspaper on Thursday, October 19th. Once again, thank you for helping make NCAAW at Texas A&M University possible. Sincerely, ~~ Tim Keen Assistant Committee Chair enclosures The National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week Planning Committee would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous contributions to NCAAW: Aggieland Awards Lippman Music Association of Former Students Los Nortenos BCS Trophies Mercury Bar Bryan DistictAttorney's Office MHMR BVCASA Mr. Gatti's Pizza C C Creations MSC: Cepheid Variable Center for Drug Prevention Notes-N-Quotes and Education Party Time Comal County Mothers Club Petal Patch Corn Dog 7 POP-Abilities cord's cym Pro-Cuts Greenleaf Hospital Sandstone Half Price Books Student Government Association Hullabaloo Taste of the Tropics KBTX Victor's II Just Boots KORA/KTAM X-i-t Kopy Korner Battalion 10/19/89 `Ln ~,ecogni,ti,on ~'or Outstanding Service end 'bedi,cati,on To Nati,onaC CoCGegi,ate ~1CcohoG ~1war~ness 1.Jee~, ~1t 'Texas ~18eT'L U.niversi,t~y 'This C~rti,f i,cate ~1.warded 70 Taste of the Tropics c~ Conducted October 16-20, 1989 ~ ~ /~ i Ann Coombes, Committee Chair Tim Keen, Assistant Committee Chair M*E*M*O*R*A*N*D*U*M TO: ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Greg Millsap - Dillard's Thomas Boykin -Taste of "i'ropics Jim Loveless - Sears Pat Boeker - Woman's World Terri Hayes - Foley's Gary Moore - Scripture Haven Neil Morris - Beall's Sherry Elder - Red Cross Shoes Bob Key - JC Penney Ray Hanson - KG Men's Store Rod Huddleston - Service Merchandise James Harvill - Wyatt Cafeteria FM: Martha Mewis, Marketing Director DT: August 5, 1989 RE: August Advisory Meeting ******************************************************************************* This is to remind you that the August Advisory Committee meeting is set for this Wednesday, August 9 at 9:OOa.m, in the Mall Office. Please make plans to attend in order that this meeting be of benefit to everybody. Items to be discussed include: Review of Back to School Marketing Activities Fall Activities/Community Events Discussion of information revealed during Focus Group Studies of Shoppers Discussion of Dates for the 1990 Mallwalk Sale Second Quarter Sales Please be prepared to discuss any ideas you have which will make our marketing program the best that it can be. :~:^:;~, ~ r4 `~ks~L~ ' .Y ,'iY'yl l.fr. f1,' ~~~. k t ~.y ., 1 HEALTHY APPETITE? 1 I Any ~~egular F~oat-Long ~ut~ ar i_arge naiad 1 I $? .00 Off. I I I Llmlt pne roupon per c:~stomer [w% ~.~, 1 Not gootl witty SUB CLUB CA C a wnr - ~ (~ 1 any pthe~ tliacourn Goof ai Pont Oak Mr, u. - ~ 1 1 ioca.un only. ptter expires August t5, '9~' L-----------------J ~ SPECIAL DEAL ~ I ~cl '.. .r ~~xUG ~: C.1~ Iui ~Ca ~., ~.:~ I 99~ medium or $1 39 large 1 1 'Not your ordinary fruit drink ' 1 1 npprcx~m~e~y so%tewer ~ Ste 1 calories than yogurt. I 1 Frean Frwt cnaied a -n~~„ O f t.}1C Not valid with any other spec~a_ 1 Limit one coupon per cuslorner ~~n1Gs,MI Gxp~rea July 31, 1990. 1•~ 1 FREE PIZZA ROLL 1 I ~ r~=~ ~='izza Roll with purchase 1 1 of a Fajita Pita Gyros ~~ 1 1 i~ 1 1 '~ 1 ~rilic~ Sandwich 1 I`764-8886 „~,~~.,~, ci~y 1 a~ L-----------------J ~ FREE MEDIUM DRINK ~ 1 with the purchase 1 1 -l~ -, ~7c~t?~IJlar'`or!1 Ccg. ~tt~t~o 1 1 1 ~~~ FR TK"`1 1 L-----------------J ~ SPECIAL DEAL ~ 1 ...;sagi~~d, J~idgiletli, Jc;idl,u, Uir~::~~ 1 I and Small Drink. 1 1 E?uti~ for $4.00 arc:' gei Vh~ .'nc'or $3 <~ 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 No ) r w',:! a J pier 0'!0' ~ ~ 1 Ole 9x '..ss ,~ '.990. L--------------....`J I M~DONALD'3~ ~ 1 Free fluarter F'ounder~.~` v~ith C'r,er~se when 1 I you purchase a medium size order of our 1 I World Famous Fries"' and a 1 I medi~~.;- . ~~ ,pan drni<. _.~, 1 i Imll Jne ~OOtl item ,'JBr COUppI' uaiomer, per ~ s Pteaae pre r~~a~ I coupo w^e o cenng. No a ary o e o .te- exc a u y~ ~ 014ar y. tx! et Acet cwk Mul ..xaef=~ xuv. ~~ ~~ L-----------------J ood ourt 5~~~er F~r~ 1 Z FOR $2.99 1 TUESDAY'S Kid's P rti ith P k M il O I :+~v~ 1 LKSE~ 1 C) a es w ost y a o i n $2.00 Kids Meals for Kids 12 & under ~ -'~'~ ~'~ ~- Ut ~ :.c,ge. ~ 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. I _ _ ' ~' Pot Fudge 2 Scoop Sundaes 1 ~~~ 1 ~ for $2.99 { 1 WEDNESDAY'S ~ ~,~ Post Oak Mall Food Can Loca'~o^ ~nw ! 1 :,~wlihcouponthroughA~g Np a~x7wiha ~®1 98¢ Food Court Specials all day nyo ~ One Coupon per customs' L______.._..___ J .i. ,,_ .s ___,.. _~.,..~e.~c ,...-_ _ _.... _____ - __ I `I 1