HomeMy WebLinkAboutFall 1994 ('') .,. \ I i ., --..J , -' -+ .. yenealogist CONTENTS PAGE The Irish Immigrants of Robertson's Colony: Are We Really Irish? Contributed by............. Harold H. Walker 123 Births in the Eagle 1189-1890, 1894-1898 Compiled by ............................... Bill Page 125 From the Editor's Desk ........................ Janis Hunt 130 st. Anthony's Catholic Church, Bryan, Texas contributed by.................... Ethelena S. Zubik 131 San Salyador, A Mission of San Anthony's Catholic Church contributed by.................... Ethelena S. Zubik 132 Brazos County Naturalization Records, 1851-1890 Continued from Vol. XV, No.3.............. Bill Page 134 WWI, 434 Brazos Co. Men Called for Examination for Service Transcribed by........................... Janis Hunt 146 Brazos County Paupers, 1862-1873 Compiled by ............................... Bill Page 150 Indigent Families in Brazos Co. During the civil War Compiled by ............................... Bill Page 153 Index Compiled by ............................. Janis Hunt 156 BRAZOS GENEALOGIST VOLUME XV NUMBER 4 FALL 1994 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 5493 BRYAN TX 77805 OFFICERS 1994 PRESIDENT. . . . . PEGGY BASENFELDER VICE PRESIDENT....VICKIE SIMONS SECRETARY. . . . . . . ANNE MONTGOMERY TREASURER. . . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY LIBRARIAN.....POST TO B~ FILLED EDITOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JANIS HUNT PAST PRESIDENT........BILL PAGE STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES............... PEGGY BASENFELDER LOCAL HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY AND JANIS HUNT CONTINUING SERIES.....BILL PAGE INDEXING/PRINTING CONSULTANT. . . HARRY J. PORTZER MEETINGS Meetings held the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 8 : 45 pm in the Bryan Library. Please arrive early as the library closes at 9:00 pm. Membership is on a year basis, January December. calendar through $15.00 a year. Quarterly picked up at meetings. $20.00 mailed. a year. Quarterly Checks to the Hary, 77802. for dues may be mailed above address or to Ruth 2303 Kent, Bryan, TX QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Issues. Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Association or the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis. Members are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. The Association will do limited local Brazos County research for $10.00 an hour. Write for details and please enclose a SASE. () ;. W J .. :,) ( ) ~. " '\ I - / 'Brazos yenealogist Volume XV Number 4 Fall 1994 Bryan/College Station Texas THE IRISH IMMIGRANTS OF ROBERTSON'S COLONY: ARE WE REALLY IRISH? By Harold H. WALKER In February 1836, my immigrant ancestors, William and Elizabeth WALKER, arrived in ROBERTSON's Colony with their six children and settled on a 1/4 league tract of land in the Wheelock Prairie that William had purchased the year before from Richard EATON. Here they joined the earliest large community in ROBERTSON's Colony that was settled in 1833 by the immigrant families of HENRY, FULLERTON, McMILLAN, CAUFIELD, WATSON and DUNN. These pioneer families of Staggers Point and the WALKERs originally came from Ireland living in Antrim County, Ulster Province, and together with others they sought to start a new life despite the uncertainties and dangers they must have known lay before them. Mary BRIGGS, Mary GALLOWAY, and Marjorie HICKS, authors of The Irish of Staggers Point, and Barbara FULLERTON's, The FULLERTON Family, wrote passionately of these original settlers as Irish immigrants who under the yoke of religious oppression and economic hardship left their homeland for a new land of freedom and opportunity. They chronicled the lives of these families as they sailed from Ireland to America and began the arduous task of beginning anew. While I wish not to diminish the tragedy and suffering endured by these inspiring individuals or of their remarkable achievements, I believe a new examination of their history. will provide us with fresh insights into the question--Are we really Irish? Obviously, this is not a historiographical or sociological study of Irish ethnicity. However, I would propose that narrowly defined it is less than correct to say that these pioneer settlers of ROBERTSON's Colony were Irish given a full understanding of English and Irish history from the mid sixteenth century to the nineteenth century. A review of this history can provide clues as to the pioneers beginnings and under what conditions they chose to start a journey of such magnitude. The conquest of Ireland began with the Norse and Danish Vikings raids of the eighth and ninth centuries. In the twelfth century Ireland was invaded and largely conquered by the Normans. But the Irish were not to be bested by either force and what followed was a gradual assimilation of the settlers into the Gaelic culture. In full circle, captive Ireland took captive her rude conquerors. England nominally controlled all of Ireland from the time of the Norman invasion. However, their involvement in Irish affairs really began with the accession of the Tudor kings to the throne of England in the closing years of the fifteenth century when Henry VIII began the reconquest of Ireland. Gaelic Ireland did not give up easily and English rule was only tentatively maintained over many areas within fortified garrisons. In 1594 the major tribes of Ulster, led by Hugh O'NEILL, rebelled against English rule. Following their defeat and the departure of O'NEILL and the heads of the major clans, the Province of Ulster was planted with settlers from Britain, and at a later date, Scotland. The 123 126 CAMPBELL, Herbert: girl, Bryan Daily Eaale, 7 July 1896, p.4, col.2 boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 2 June 1898, p.G, col.3 CARR, A.B., Jr., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 31 Mar. 1898, p.10, col.6 CARR, Charles, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 30 June 1898, p.6, col.2 CARROLL, R.H., of Bethel, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 22 Sept. 1898, p.3, col.4 CAUSEY, Luke, below Wellborn, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 5 Aug. 1897, p.6, col.4 CHANCE, John, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 27 Feb. 1890, p.l, col.2 COE, Harry L., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 1 Apr. 1897, p.2, col.2 COLE, N.R., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 2 May 1895, p.3, col.1 CONE, V.A., boy, Bryan Morning Eagle, 17 Nov. 1898, p.3, col.1 CONNELLY, W.P, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 22 Sept. 1898, p.7, col.l COULTER, T.J., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 7 Feb. 1895, p.7, col.3 CURRIE, John, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 5 Sept. 1895, p.3, col.1 DALY, John, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 21 Nov. 1889, p. 5, col.2 DARWIN, J.C., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 14 Jan. 1897, p.6, col.1 DODSON, W.A: girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 17 Oct. 1895, p.3, col.1 girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 2 Sept. 1897, p.3, col.1 DRUMMOND, J.E., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 8 Aug. 1895, p.7, col.1 DUNN, Jim, of Wheelock, boy, grandson of Mrs. M.D. COLE of Bryan, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 13 Jan. 1898, p.9, col.4 EAVES, J.E., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 14 Nov. 1889, p.5, col.2 EDEN, Chas., of Harvey, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 18 Aug. 1898, p.3, col.1 EMDEN, A., boy, Bryan Dailv Eagle, 17 Feb. 1898, p.4, col.1 ESTILL, C.R., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 20 Dec. 1894, p.3, col.1 FENLEY, Wm., of College [station], boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 16 June 1896, p.4, col.1 FINLEY, "Sargent," of College [Station], 4 Nov. 1897, p.6, col.4 FORD, James, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 28 Feb. 1895, p.3, col.1 FORD, R.J, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 18 Mar. 1898, p.6, col.4 \ ...... 127 FOUNTAIN, E.J., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 11 July 1895, p.3, col.1 FRANKLIN, Jeff, boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 22 Feb. 1898, p.4, col.l FRANKLIN, T.H., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 4 Aug. 1898, p.6, col.1 FRANKLIN, Tom, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 25 Feb. 1897, p.6, col.4 GAINER, Charles S., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 4 Nov. 1897, p.6, col.3 GARDERE, Paul, of Galveston, the mother was visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. Chas. N. WILLIAMSON in Bryan, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 2 June 1898, p.6, col.3 GENTRY, S.W., of Wellborn, boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 22 Dec. 1897, p.4, col.3 GOOCH, Ira, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 10 Apr. 1890, p. 1, col.1 GRACE, T.L., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 7 Feb. 1895, p.3, col.1 GRACE, Tom, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 27 Mar. 1890, p. 5, col.2 GROGINSKI, Joe, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 28 Oct. 1897, p.6, col.5 HALL, Ed, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 13 Mar. 1890, p.5, col.2 HANWAY, J.T., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 17 Oct. 1895, p.3, col.1 HARRISON, R.H., Dr. (the following were twins): boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 30 Sept. 1897, p.3, col.1 girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 30 Sept. 1897, p.3, col.1 HASWELL, Tyler, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 19 May 1898, p.G, col.1 HENSARLING, George, boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 30 June 1897, p.4, col.1 HENSARLING, Luke, of Bethel, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 22 Sept. 1898, p.6, col.4 HIGGS, Geo. W., boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 12 Feb. 1898, p.4, col.1 HOLDEN, Lum, of Tabor, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 22 Sept. 1898, p.7, col.1 HOPKINS, J.I., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 3 Oct. 1895, p.7, col.2 HORTMAN, Claude, girl, Bryan Daily Eaale, 6 Oct. 1896, p.4, col.1 HUTCHINSON, E.W., girl, Bryan Daily Eagle, 29 June 1897, p~4, col.2 INSKEEP, Mr., of Macy, sex not given, Bryan Daily Eaale, 22 Aug. 1896, p.4, col.1 JAMES, M.H., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 11 Apr. 1895, p.3, col.1 JENKINS, Chas., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 18 Sept. 1890, p. 5, col. 2 128 JONES, J.D., of Bethel, boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 19 Aug. 1896, p.1, col.6 JONES, W.W., of Reliance, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 11 Aug. 1898, p.6, col.1 KELLNER, Will, girl, Bryan Daily Eagle, 30 Dec. 1897, p.4, col.1 KENNEDY, S.S., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 7 Aug. 1890, p.5, col.2 KIRK, R.H., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 23 Jan. 1890, p. 5, col.2 KOPPE, Walter, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 30 Jan. 1890, p.5, col.2 LEFEBURE, J.J., of Millican, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 13 Dec. 1894, p.5, col.5 LEIGH, J.W., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 2 Sept. 1897, p.6, col.1 LEVY, Samuel, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 26 May 1898, p.6, col.3 MAREK, V.C., Mr., boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 1 May 1896, p.4, col.1 MARIOTT, E.E., of Harvey, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 9 May 1895, p.3, col.1 MATTHEWS, Charley, of Reliance, girl, Bryan Daily Eagle, 8 Sept. 1896, p.4, col.2 McGEE, L.D., sex not given, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 21 Nov. 1889, p.5, col.3 McGREGOR, Jack, of Minter Springs, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 18 Aug. 1898, p.3, col.1 McMICHAEL, G.W., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 6 Oct. 1898, p.6, col.3 McNEELY, John, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 11 Apr. 1895, p.6, col.5 MILLER, Frank, girl, Bryan Daily Eagle, 21 Mar. 1896, p.2, col.1 MILLER, O.L., girl, (weekly) Brvan Eagle, 13 Mar. 1890, p.5, col.3 MITCHELL, Claude boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 14 Nov. 1889, p.5, col.2 MOORE, J.M., of Kurten, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 14 July 1898, p.3, col.3 MOORE, Pat, Mr., of Payne prairie, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 30 June 1898, p.6, col.2 MOSELEY, Arthur, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 21 Nov. 1889, p.5, col.2 MOUSER, G.T., of Wickson Community, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 21 Apr. 1898, p.7, col.1 NUNN, Tom, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 17 July 1890, p. 1, col.2 PARKER, G.S., Mr., girl, Bryan Daily Eagle, 4 Aug. 1896, p.4, col.1 PALMER, J.A., Mr., boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 10 Oct. 1896, p.4, col.1 I ......... PARKS, E.F.: boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 4 Apr. 1895, p.3, col.1 girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 7 Jan. 1897, p.3, col.4 PEACOCK, W.B., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 28 Oct. 1897, p.6, col.2 PEVERLY, Harry, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 23 Jan. 1890, p.5, col.2 PLETZER, Joe, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 6 Dec. 1894, p.4, col.2 PRINZEL, August, of Kurten, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 12 Sept. 1895, p.3, col.1 RHODES, A.M., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 27 June 1895, p.3, col.1 RHODES, H.G., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 29 Aug. 1895, p.3, col.1 ROBERTS, J.D., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 26 May 1898, p.6, col.3 ROYDER, A.W., of Wellborn: boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 4 Apr. 1895, p.3, col.1 girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 19 Aug. 1897, p.3, col.4 ROYDER, T.H., of Wellborn, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 19 Aug. 1897, p.3, col.4 RYPINSKI, Mr., boy, born at Ennis, Ellis Co.; grandson of Gabe SCHWARZ of Bryan. (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 12 Aug. 1897, p.6, col.6 RYPINSKI, H., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 11 July 1895, p.3, col.1 SCOTT, J.E.W., Mr., of Thompson Creek, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 16 June 1898, p.7, col.1 SIMMONS, Mr., boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 31 Jan. 1896, p.1, col.5 SIMPSON, McDuff, boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 17 Nov. 1896, p.4, col.1 SKAINS, R.B., of Alexandria, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 11 Feb. 1897, p.3, col.3 SLAUGHTER, G.R., of Reliance, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 26 Sept. 1895, p.3, col.1 SMITH, R.M., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 18 Apr. 1895, p.3, col.1 SPELL, Will, girl, Bryan Daily Eagle, 31 Jan. 1896, p.1, col.5 STEELE, A.J., of Allen Farm, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 14 Apr. 1898, p.2, col.1 TABOR, O.L., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 25 Mar. 1897, p.6, col.2 TABOR, R.G., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 21 Oct. 1897, p.6, col.5 TABOR, U.B., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 27 Feb. 1890, p.1, col.2 TAYLOR, R.S., son, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 7 Jan. 1897, p.3, col.4 TEASDALE, J.J., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 1 Aug. 1895, p.7, col.1 129 130 TODD, H.L., of Bethel community, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 8 July 1897, p.6, col.4 TURNER, W.L., girl, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 27 Feb. 1890, p.1, col.2 WALKER, John, boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 12 Dec. 1889, p.5, col.2 WALLACE, M.L., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 23 Sept. 1897, p.6, col.4 WILSON, Ben, son, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 7 Oct. 1897, p. 6, co!". 2 . WILSON, Dr., of Little Georgia, boy, Bryan Dally Eagle, 31 Jan. 1896, p.1, col.5 WILSON, H.D., boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 21 Oct. 1896, p.4, col.1 WILSON, R.M, girl, (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 3 July 1897, p.6, col.5 WIPPRECHT, Walter, boy, Bryan Daily Eagle, 18 Dec. 1895, p.4, col.3 WITTMAN, John, sex not stated, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 18 July 1895, p.7, col.3 WOODYARD, A.C., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 24 Jan. 1895, p.7, col.1 WYSE, John T., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 21 Aug. 1890, p.5, col.2 ZUBER, D.C., boy, (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 15 Nov. 1894, p.3, col.2 \ - i * * * * * FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK The present dues of the Brazos Genealogical Association do not cover the cost of publishing and mailing the "Genealogist." It was imperative that dues be increased. At the September meeting it was voted to raise the dues. The new dues, effective January 1, 1995, are $15.00 per year if your publication is picked up at our meetings or $20.00 if your publication is mailed. THIS WILL BE THE LAST ISSUE MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE UNTIL 1995 DUES ARE RECEIVED. Enclosed is a membership form. Please fill it out and return with your check. This issue welcomes two new contributors. Members, Ethelena S. ZUBIK and Harold H. WALKER have furnished articles. Ethelena has written about St. Anthony's Catholic Church of Bryan and its mission, San Salvador, located in the Brazos "bottom" in Burleson County. Harold has written about the origin of the Irish immigrants of Robertson's Colony. The "Genealogist" welcomes articles on the Brazos valley area and it's families. -, I . I ---..; 131 ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH, BRYAN, TEXAS Submitted by Ethelena SALVATO ZUBIK St. Anthony Catholic Church was built and established as a parish in 1896 to take care .of .a very large,group of Italian families who had moved here from Louisiana to work on cotton plantations. According to St. Anthony church history, the church was built on Polk Avenue. (St. Anthony Diamond Jubilee Booklet) Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 of Block 5 in the Hills addition of the City of Bryan, Texas were purchased by Deed of Trust from GARTH, HOWELL, and WEBB on August 8, 1896. An early map of Bryan indicates that the approximate location was bounded by Lamar, Regent, Fannin and Washington Streets (Joanne DOMINIK GLOWSKI). The above description property was for the exclusive use and benefit of the Italian Catholic congregation of Bryan, Texas, being for church, school and charitable purposes. The map of Bryan which was reviewed indicates that the property bought for the church in 1896 was not on Polk Avenue. More investigation will be needed to clarify the location of the first church (Joanne DOMINIK GLOWSKI). The first pastor was Rev. A. PETILLO, appointed by Bishop N.A. GALLAGHER, Bishop of Galveston. He served the parish until 1898 and was succeeded through the years by Rev. J. PELNAR, Rev. B. DEL GUIDICE, Rev. B.C. PFIFFNER, Rev. G. LaROSA, Rev. G. MILITELLO, Rev. A. DeSIMONE, Rev. M.J. LEAHY, Msgr. J.B. GLEISSNER, Rev. P. L1TWORA, Rev. Basil BRAVI, Rev. Peter VILLANI, Rev. Bernard MAHONEY, Rev. Leonard BUXKEMPER, Rev. Harry BILSKI, and present Pastor, Rev. Msgr. John C. MALINOWSKI. The following are the parochial vicars who have served St. Anthony's: Revs. Peter VILLANI, Harry BILSKI, Emilian FOL TYN, Earl HEDBERG, Bernard STOCK, Aleck LAZEK, Raymond BREZNA, Don SAWYER, Bob HENDERSON, John McCAFFREY and Sam HOSE. The parish was vacant between 1921-1922, and the people were served by Fathers J.B. GLEISSNER and P. L1TWORA from St. Joseph Parish. Father BRAVI was appointed Pastor of St. Anthony Church in August 1922. While Father BRA VI was visiting in Rome in 1926, the church, a frame building, was completely destroyed by fire. Upon his return, Father BRA VI immediately started the construction of a new church located at 308 South Parker Avenue, which was solemnly dedicated in December 1927. Father Peter VILLANI was appointed the first assistant to St. Anthony Parish in September 1929. In August of 1958 Father Harry BILSKI was appointed assistant of St. Anthony's. When Father BRAVI died on 27 September 1960, Father VILLANI was appointed pastor with Father BILSKI as first assistant. Between 1961-1963, under the direction of Revs. VILLANI and BILSKI, the church was renovated, an additional block of property was purchased, other improvements were made, and a beautiful modern Rectory was constructed. In June 1972 Father John MALINOWSKI was appointed pastor, and the parish continued its expansion. In 1973 the Parish Center was built. In 1979, 19.18 acres of land was purchased from the Fellowship Club and Lucy NUCHE. In 1982 the Free Will Baptist Church and property, which is now the St. Anthony Religious Education Center, was obtained. 132 In 1983 the parish purchased additional cemetery property from Brazosbanc. In 1984 the Fellowship Pavillion was built and donated by the John B. CARRABBA Family. In 1985 the parish purchased the WARE and BUCHANAN properties next to the Rectory. In 1989 the property for the playground and parking lot was purchased. The church was again renovated during the latter part of 1993 and early 1994. During this renovation the church was joined to the Rectory. Throughout the history of St. Anthony Parish, the following organizations have existed: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), Altar Society, Holy Rosary Society, Mother of Grace Society, Children of Mary, St. Anthony Society, Fellowship Club, Holy Name Society, St. Leo Luke Society, the Ushers and Lay Readers club, Knights of the Altar, Choir, Knights of Columbus, Men and Women's Bible Study, Cursillo, Praise and Worship, Advisory Board, Cemetery Board, and Fellowship Board. The Lord has blessed St. Anthony Parish with two priests from its membership, Rev. Charles CAMPISE and Rev. Michael SIS, and with one brother, Joseph PALAZZO of the Oblate Order. A CHURCH IS BORN SAN SALVADOR, A MISSION OF ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH During the early 1890' s a large number of Italian immigrants began moving into the fertile Brazos "bottom lands" in Burleson County. They were all devout Roman Catholics, but it was very difficult for them to attend church, either in Bryan or Caldwell because of the distance and the condition of the roads at that time. Accordingly, whenever a priest was able to come to Bryan, religious services were held in the homes of the people. On August 31, 1908, when Mass was being held on a open porch, the cross fell down. This ominous sign so impressed the young daughter of one of the communicants that for three consecutive nights she dreamed, not only of the need for a church, but also of the men who should start collecting money with which to build it. The following day, when the members of the family were picking cotton, the little girl had a vision in which a Lady in black appeared to her and asked her why they had not built the church. Her father immediately stopped picking cotton and took her to see Father Antonio DeSIMONE, their priest, and other men in the parish. As a result of the girl's vision, the men in the community began collecting money to build a church. Toward the latter part of September, the farmers began erecting their church and worked so industriously that the building, designed by one of them, was finished within six weeks. The people named the church for San Salvador, the patron saint of Cefalu, Sicily, the native village of some of the Italian pioneers. The main altar and benches were built by these volunteer carpenters; the bell which tolls today, the statues of the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and San Salvador were donated by a friend and member of the church. The first Mass was held late in October 1908. On February 26, 1909, "for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar in hand paid," Mrs. Mary PARKER and her family deeded the property on which the church was located to N.A. GALLAGHER, Bishop of Galveston, with the provision that , - 133 if the church ever ceased to function for a period of two years, the property would revert to the donors. In the meantime, the devout parishioners had each set aside ten field rows of cotton to finish paying for their church. By 1910 the people were able to retire the debt on the building, so they invited the Bishop to consecrate it. Following this religious ceremony, they held a joyous and fun filled celebration, complete with fireworks and a "pinata." Since October .1908 the faithful of this community have worshiped in San Salvador Mission whenever a priest from St. Anthony Church could come to them. Through the years various members of the congregation have donated additional statues, the Stations of the Cross, baptismal font, chairs, and other items of worship. In 1948 the church became part of the Diocese of Austin. In that year, also, the San Salvador Altar Society was organized. In 1952 extensive remodeling of the building was begun. New siding was put over the original lumber; inside, the old posts were replaced with new round columns, and the present pews took the place of the original handmade benches. From that time services have been held on a regular basis in the church. In 1957 a new organ was installed,and in 1965 another altar was placed in front of the main altar. Major repairs, such as a new roof, painting inside and out, and new front doors were made in 1973 and in April of 1974, the church was carpeted. San Salvador Church, a mission of St. Antony Catholic Church in Bryan, was built less than twenty years after the first Italian immigrants came to this area in Burleson County. The present membership of the church consists of families who are descendants of the original settlers. The building which they erected, subsequently improved, but never basically changed, has served the religious needs of this community since 1908 and is still functioning in a very vital way. The Mission Church of San Salvador in Burleson County has been recognized by the State for its significant contribution to Texas culture, history, and heritage. This structure was entered in the State Archives in 1974 as a recorded Texas Historical Landmark. The Texas Historical Commission official historical medallion at the church reads as follows: "San Salvador, a Mission of St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Bryan, was named for the patron saint of Cefalu, Sicily, the native village of Italian immigrants who came here in 1894. Religious services were held in homes until 1908, when devout families each gave cotton from ten field rows to buy materials, and the men worked six weeks to build this church. First Mass was said at its altar in October 1908. In 1952 the building was remodeled, and a new altar was added in 1965. Recorded Texas Historical Landmark 1974." Reference: The Church Family Celebrating God's Love, St. Anthony's Catholic Church, 306 South Parker, Bryan, Texas 77803. 134 BRAZOS COUNTY NATURALIZATION RECORDS 1851-1890 compiled by Bill PAGE continued from Vol. XV, No.3 LEONARD, James. 19 Nov. 1873 declared intent to be naturalized; subject of Queen of England. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124, reel #1020040 II 1880 Brazos Co. census p.267C, aged 30, b.Ireland II 1900 Brazos Co. census p.246a, b.Mar. 1848, Ireland, came to u.S. 1868 II 1910 Brazos Co. census p.169a, aged 61, b. Ireland, came to U.S. 1868, naturalized II Buried Bryan cemetery, b.6 Jan. 1848, d'.15 Jan.1915 II obituary: aged 67, native of Ireland, came to u.S. when a young man; had lived in Brazos Co. for more than 40 years. Bryan Daily Eagle, 16 Jan. 1915, p.3, col. 5 LILULZI, Antonino. Subject of England; 19 Nov. 1873 declared intent to be naturalized. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124, reel #1020040 LINE, Julius. Declared intent to be naturalized 30 Sept. 1878. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.133 II May be Julius LYNCE, 1879 Brazos Co. tax roll II May be Julius LENS, 1880 Brazos Co. census, p.241d, aged 49, b.prussia LOVECKI, Bartholeme. Declared intent to be naturalized 16 Sept. 1878. County Court Civil Minutes Reel # 1020036, p.127 LUZA, Baltaza. 26 Apr. 1890 naturalized, subject of Austria; in Burleson Co. 1876. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp.453-455 II "The LUZAs were one of the first [Czech] families to come to Texas and Brazos County. They came from Bohemia in 1873 to New Orleans, from there on a small sailboat to Galveston, then on to Brenham by rail, and from there overland to Burleson [Co.] by wagon...The LUZAs spent four years in Burleson and came to Bryan in 1876...Six [eight] other families came at that time...the STASNEYs, SHRAMEKs, KOPESKYs, KALINECs, SKOPIERs, WYMOLAs, LANCEKs, and the BRANDESKYs ...... (Lois WILCOX, Early History of Bryan, Texas, masters thesis, Univ. of Tx., 1952, pp.83-84) II 1875 Burleson Co. tax roll, precinct 3 II 1880 Brazos Co. census p.270a, aged 50, b.Moravia; & his sons Jacob aged 19, b.Moravia; Wincent aged 16, b.Moravia II 1900 135 Brazos Co. census, p.223b, b.Jan. 1828, BOhemia, arrived u.s. 1873, father of Vincent LUZA II Buried Mt. Cavalry cemetery, b.1 Led [Jan.] 1828, d.24 Uno [Feb.] 1910 LUZA, Jacob (Jakob). 21 July 1890 naturalized, b.1 May 1863, subject of Austria, arrived New Orleans Nov. 1874. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp.465-467 II 1910 Brazos Co. census p.224b, aged 47, b.Bohemia, came to U.S. 1873, naturalized II Buried Mt. Cavalry cemetery, b.1863, d.1951 II Obituary: b.26 Apr. 1863, Czechoslovakia; came to u.s. when 8. Bryan Daily Eagle, 6 Aug. 1951, p.4, col.1 LUZA, Vincent. 26 Apr. 1890 naturalized, b.5 Apr. 1865, Austria; arrived Galveston 6 Sept. 1873. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp.457-459 II Buried Mt. Cavarly cemetery, b.1865, d.1951 II 1900 Brazos Co. census p.223a, b.Apr. 1865, BOhemia, arrived u.s. 1873 II Vincenz LUZA, 1910 Brazos Co. census p.175b, aged 45, b.Moravia, came to U.S. 1887, naturalized II Obituary: b.15 Apr. 1865, Czechoslovakia; came to u.s. when 8; moved to Brazos Co. 4 years later. Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 Nov. 1951, p.3, col.6 MARAN, Earnest. 30 Sept. 1878 declared intent to be naturalized. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.133 II Ernst MARAUN aged 43, tailor from Germany, arrived New York city 6 Nov. 1874 on ship Suevia, sail- ing from Hamburg; & his wife Amalie (45) and daughters Auge. (17), Minna (11) and Marie (6). (Germans to America, vol.31, p.390) II "Arrived Steam-Ship Suevia (Ger., new) Franzen, Hamburg Oct. 21 and Havre 25th, with mdse., and 100 cabin and 448 steerage passengers ..." New York Times, 7 Nov. 1874, p.12, col.4 II Earnest MAROUN, 1880 Census p.242a, aged 49, b. Prussia, father- in-law of John WITTMANN II E. MARAUN, 1900 Brazos Co. census p.256b, b.Nov. 1830, Prussia, arrived u.S. 1874 II Earnest MARAN, 1920 Brazos Co. census, ED 8 sheet 4a line 27, aged 89, b. Prussia , arrived U.s. 1874, natural- ized 1885 II Ernest L. MARAUN, buried Bryan cemetery, b.1830, d.1926 MAREK, V.C. Subject of Austria, b.Chovma, ca. 1861; arrived Galveston about June 1867; naturalized 26 Mar. 1890. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp. 578-580, reel #1020041 II VinzenzMAREK (11) arrived Galveston on the ship Galveston 2 June 1870 from Bremen; also on ship Vincenz, a farmer (37), Theresia (36), Josef (9), and Theresia (5) MAREK (Ships Passenger Lists Port of Gal- veston, Texas 1846-1871, p.118); August KINT was also on ship II "Some three hundred Germans arrived yesterday, destined, most of them, for the interior. They report many more coming next fall and winter." Galveston Daily 136 News, 3 June 1870, p.3, col.1 II 1900 Brazos Co. census p.256b, b.May 1861, Austria, arrived u.s. 1868 MATECKI (MATICKI), John. Subject of Germany; declared intent to be naturalized 27 Oct. 1884, Brazos Co.; 4 Apr. 1890 naturalized. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.596-598, reel #1020041 II Infant of John MATECKI, still born, buried Bryan cemetery 15 May 1885 Bryan City Cemetery Brazos County Texas, pp.54-55 McBRIDE, Michael. Declared intent to be naturalized 19 Nov. 1873; subject of Queen of England. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124, reel #1020040 II Mike McBRIDE, aged 30, b.Ireland, 1870 Brazos Co. census p.39a MCNAMARA, John. Declared intent to be naturalized 19 Nov. 1873; subject of England. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124, reel #1020040 MUNA [MURA], Lewis [or Jones?] [name hard to read]. Subject of GermanYIPrussia, b.1822; landed Galveston 23 Oct. (1846?); declared intent to be naturalized, Spring term 1851. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.B, pp.41- 42. Reel #1020039 MUSSIL, Leopold. Subject of Austria; b.ca. 1829; landed Galveston Nov. 1878; naturalized 27 Sept. 1889. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.504-507, reel # 1020041 II 1880 Brazos Co. census p.340b, b.Austria; both parents b.France II Leopold MUSIL, arrived New Oreans from Bremen on S.S. Frankfurt, 28 Oct. 1878 (for data on ship, see entry under WOOLF); also on ship Franzisca, a woman (46), Theodor (17), Bohnnitta, a girl (9), Anton (8), and Franzisca (4) MUSIL (Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1853-1899) NEDBARLICK, Joseph. Naturalized 21 July 1890, subject of Austria. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp.474-476 II Joseph NEDBORLICK, 1880 Brazos Co. census, p.272a, aged 26, b.Moravia II Josef NEDBALEK, buried Moravian Cemetery, b.2 Uno [Feb.] 1853, d.24 Led. [Jan.] 1892 NERO, Domine. Subject of England; declared intent to be naturalized 19 Nov. 1873. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124, reel #1020040 OPERSTIN, Joseph. Declared intent to be naturalized 18 Sept. 1878. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.127 II Josef OPERSTANEY, 1876 Burleson Co. tax roll precinct 3 II Joe OPRISTINE, 1878 Brazos Co. tax roll II 137 Joe OPENSTENY grantor to T.J. McQUEEN mortgage on crops & livestock, 29 Mar. 1879, Deed of Trust, Book D, p.283; cited in Index to Deeds of Trust, reel #1020023 II Joseph OPRECZONY, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.242a, aged 54, b.Bohemia II Joseph OPERSTENY, d.22 Sept. 1894, aged 76, buried Kurten cemetery PALAZOLTO, Somenia. Declared intent to be naturalized 19 Nov. 1873; subject of Queen of England. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124, reel #1020040 PANTLICK (PONTLICK), Frank. Subject of Austria; 21 Apr. 1890 naturalized; b.6 Dec. 1859; arrived New York city about 15 Mar. 1883. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp.449-451 II 1900 Brazos Co. census p. 299a, Frank PUNTLICK, b.Dec. 1859, BOhemia, arrived u.s. 1883 II May be one of: "16 Austrian emigrants settled in Brazos Co." Galveston Daily News, May 19, 1883, p.4 , I~ I I I PAUTTICK (PANTLICK), John. B.ca. 1851; subject of Moravia/Austria; arrived New Orleans about 29 Nov. 1875; naturalized 3 Apr. 1889. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.447-449, reel #1020041 II John PAUTLICK, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.270a, aged 28, b.Moravia II 19'00 Brazos Co. census p.299a, John PUNTLICK, b.Feb. 1853, Bohemia, arrived U.s. 1876 PLAGANS, Wm. Declared intent to be naturalized 30 Sept. 1878. County Court Civil Minutes Reel # 1020036, p.133 II William PLAGANS, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.244b, aged 27, b.Prussia II Wm. PLAGENS, 1900 Brazos Co. census p. 198a, b.Sept. 1849, Germany, arrived u.s. 1874 II William PLAGONS, 1910 Brazos Co. census p.151a, aged 60, b.Germany, came to U.S. 1881, naturalized II Wm. PLAGENS, buried Kurten Cemetery, b.27 Sept. 1849, d.21 Sept. 1918 II Obituary: b.27 Sept. 1849, Germany; "came to this county direct from Germany when about 28 or 29 years of age." Bryan Daily Eagle, 23 Sept. 1918, p.4, col.3. POEHILA, Edward. Subject of Austria; declared intent to be naturalized 27 July 1887, Brazos Co.; naturalized 5 Apr. 1890. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp. 599-601, reel #1020041 II Edward & Julia POCHILA gran- tees from H. RHODE grantor, 7 Jan. 1891, Brazos Co. Deed Book 9, p.98 II Edward POACHYLA, 1900 Brazos Co. census p.258a, b.Oct. 1845, Bohemia, came to U.S. 1883, natur- alized II Ed POCHILA, buried Bryan cemetery, b.13 Oct. 1815, d.3 Mar. 1904 II Ed POCHYLA, aged 58, b. "Bohema", buried 3 Mar. 1904. Bryan City Cemetery, Brazos County, Texas (1987), pp.152-153 PRAHCAK, John [name hard to read]. Declared intent to 138 be naturalized 16 Sept. 1878. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.127 II May be John PRAHAC, 1880 Brazos Co. census, p.272, b.Moravia, aged 38 PRINZEL, August. 30 Sept. 1878 declared intent to be naturalized. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.133 II August PRINZIL aged 18, native of Germany, embarked Bremen, arrived New Orleans 12 Nov. 1872, S.S. Strassburg (Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1853-1899). Peter HINELASKE also on ship. II [ad] "North German Lloyd. Steam Between Bremen and New Orleans, via Havre, Southampton and Havanna...Strassburg from Bremen Oct. 16 ...The steamers touch outward at Havre and Havana... Price of passage from Bremen...cabin $130 gold. Steerage $40 gold...." New Orleans Daily Picayune, 13 Nov. 1872, p.7, col.6 II 1900 Brazos Co. census p.214a, b.June 1854, Germany, arrived u.S. 1872 II 1880 Brazos Co. census p.241d, aged 26, b.prussia, brother of Philip PRINZEL II 1920 Brazos Co. census, ED 5 sheet Ib line 58, aged 65, b.Hessen, came to U.S. 1882, naturalized 1888 II Buried Kurten cemetery, b.1854, d.1940 II Obi- tuary: b.28 June 1854, Germany; came to U.S. aged 18; moved to Kurten ca. 1873. Bryan Daily Eagle, 18 Mar. 1940, p.1, col.6 PRINZEL, Philip. Subject of GermanYIPrussia, b.ca. 1841; declared intent to be naturalized 9 Sept. 1871, Brazos Co.; naturalized 5 Oct. 1888. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.393-397, reel #1020041 II Philip PRINZILL 1877 Brazos Co. tax roll II 1880 Brazos Co. census p.241d, aged 44, b.prussia II Buried Bryan cemetery, b.28 Aug. 1838, d.13 Aug. 1894 II obituary: "German." Galveston Daily News, 15 Aug. 1894, p.7, col.3 PUTTS, Jacob. Naturalized 16 Sept. 1878. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.127 II May be Jacob PUTZ, 1870 Washington Co. census p.79a, aged 22, b.Prussia II Jacob PUTZ, 1900 Brazos Co. census, p.339a, b.July 1847, POlandlPrussia, came to U.S. 1868 II Jacob PUTZ, 1910 Brazos Co. census p.298a, aged 62, b.Poland, natural- ized, came to u.S. 1869 II Jacob PUTZ, b.1848, d.1933, buried Mt. Cavalry cemetery II Obituary: b.2 June 1848, Poland, came to U.S. & Brazos Co. at age 19. Bryan Daily Eagle, 10 Mar. 1933, p.1, col.2 QUARDA, Charles. Declared intent to be naturalized 30 Sept. 1878. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.133 REGMUND, Frank. Declared intent to be naturalized 5 Oct. 1882, Brazos Co.; naturalized 3 Apr. 1890; subject 139 of Austria. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp. 589-591, reel #1020041 II 1900 Brazos Co. census p.299b, b.Dec. 1839, Bohemia, arrived u.s. 1873 II Frank REGMAN, 1910 Brazos Co. census, ED 11 sheet 2b line 74, aged 73, b.Austria/Bohemia, came to U.S. 1872, naturalized II Frantisek REGMUND, buried Smetana cemetery, b.8 Nov. 1840, d.19 Mar. 1917 ROHL, John. Declared intent to be naturalized 30 Sept. 1878. County Court civil Minutes, reel #1020036, p.133 II John ROHL grantor from Peter WINTER grantee, deed of trust on crops, 15 June 1877, Deed of Trust, Book C, p. 142; cited Index to Deeds of Trust, reel #1020023 II Jno. ROHL, 1878 Brazos Co. tax roll II John ROEHF, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.268b, aged 50, b.Prussia II John ROEHL, buried Bryan cemetery, b.19 Feb. 1826, Branden- burg, Germany, d.12 Feb. 1898 II Obituary: John ROHL, nearly 77 years old, b.Germany. Bryan Daily Eagle, 15 Feb. 1898, p.4, col.2 ROONEY, John. SUbject of England; 19 Nov. 1873 declared intent to be naturalized. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124. Reel #1020040 ROSEMAN, Frank. 16 Sept. 1878 naturalized. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.127 II May be Frank ROSMANER, registered brand 22 Nov. 1875 [Brazos Genealogist vol.12, no.3, p.103 (Summer 1991)] II May be Frank ROSENMAN, registered brand 27 Sept. 1879 [Brazos Genealogist, vol.13, nO.1, p.24 (Winter 1992)] ROSPRIM, Ferdinand. Subject of MorabialAustria, b. ca. 1851; arrived New York city about 12 May 1878; 19 Mar. 1889 naturalized. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.444-446, reel #1020041 II Ferdinan ROSPLEIN, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.269d, aged 35, b.Moravia II 1900 Brazos Co. census p.346a, b.May 1850, Austria, arrived u.S. 1878 II Ferd ROSPRIM, 1910 Brazos Co. census p. 173b, aged 60, b. Bohemia , came to U.S. 1878 II Fred ROSPRIN, 1920 Brazos Co. census, ED 7 sheet l1a line 27 aged 69, b.Moravia, came to U.S. 1888, naturalized 1892 II Buried Mt. Cavalry Cemetery, b.1850, d.1930 II Obituary: b.ca. 1850, Austria; "resident of Brazos County for the past 50 years or more." Bryan Daily Eagle, 29 Sept. 1930, p.1, col.3 ROSPRIM, Ignac. Subject of Austria, b.Jan. 1856; 4 Apr. 1890 naturalized. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.593-595, reel #1020041 II Ignaz ROSPRIM, 1889 Brazos Co. tax roll II Ignatius ROSPRIM, b.Moravia, aged 47, d.20 Mar. 1895 (st. Joseph Catholic Church Bryan, Brazos County, Texas Marriages & Death Records 1877-1909) 140 SALANINORZ, Geo. Subject of England: declared intent to be naturalized 19 Nov. 1873. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124. Reel #1020040 SCHULTZ (SHULTZE), Wilhelm. Subject of Prussia: 25 July 1859 declared intent to be naturalized. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.B, pp.259-260 II Subject of Prussia: naturalized 25 July 1859. Probate Minutes, Vol.C, pp. 59-60, reel #1020027 II "Wilhelm Albert SCHULTZE, Sr., his wife Dorathea KURTEN SCHULTZE, and his son Wilhelm, Jr., better known as Billy arrived in Galveston in the summer of 1854. It is apparent that SCHULTZE knew Henry KOONTZ in Germany, for he went to see him in Cottonwood and obtained an ox cart from him to carry his family and belongings from Galveston to the KOONTZ farm." (SCHULTZ, Janice J., A Time for Planting~ a Social History of Selected Rural Communities in Brazos County, Texas, masters thesis, Sam Houston State Univ., 1973, p.46) II 1860 Brazos Co. census p.97, William SCHULTZ, aged 55, b. Prussia II William SHEETZ, 1870 Brazos Co. census, p.90b, aged 66, b.prussia II 1880 Brazos Co. census p.238a, William SCHULTZE, aged 75, b. Prussia SCHUSTER, C.A. Declared intent to be naturalized 20 Mar. 1872: subject of Germany. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.64, reel #1020040 II Charles A. SHUSTER, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.236a, aged 44, b. Germany .-.... SEAGROVE, James. Declared intent to be naturalized 19 Nov. 1873: subject of England. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.124, reel #1020040 SEBESTA, John. Naturalized 26 Apr. 1890, subject of Austria. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp. 455-457 II May be John SIBESTER, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.265d, aged 28, b.Moravia II 1900 Brazos Co. census p. 334b, b.Mar. 1851, Moravia, came to U.S. 1879: natural- ized II Buried College station cemetery, b.17 Mar. 1851, d.21 Nov. 1906 II Obituaries: aged 55 years, 8 months, 4 days: native of Moravia: had lived in Brazos Co. "for many years." Brazos Pilot, 22 Nov. 1906, p.8?, col.3: (LaGrange) Svoboda 29 Listopadu (Nov.) 1906, p.1, col.1 SEMBERA (SEMBERO), Jan. Listed as Joseph MAETISKA in 1880 declaration of intention: subject of Austria: naturalized 20 Sept. 1888. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.379-382, reel #1020041 II John SEMBORA, 1900 Brazos Co. census, p.346b, b.Jan. 1842, BOhemia, came to U.S. 1873, naturalized II Obituary: John SEMBERA, about 77 years old: Bohemian, "had lived in the county 40 years." Bryan Daily Eagle, 20 Feb. 1920, p.1, col.4 141 I . I SHREM, Wilhelm. Declared intent to be naturalized 30 Sept. 1878. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.133 II William SCHRAM, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.242a, aged 43, b.prussia II William SCHRAMM, 1900 Brazos Co. census p.215a, b.Germany, arrived u.S. 1873 II William SCHRAMM, obituary: aged 89, b.Germany, came to U.S. 1873; came to Brazos Co. "only a few months after reaching this country." Bryan Daily Eagle, 23 Feb. 1928, p.1, col.4 SIEGEL, Henry. Subject of Russia; 11 July 1873 declared intent to be naturalized. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.120, reel #1020040 II May be H. SEIGEL, 1870 Brazos Co. census, p.12b, aged 25, b.Poland SLANINA, Theodor. Subject of Austria; b.29 Aug. 1841; arrived Baltimore May 1883; declared intent to be naturalized 30 Oct. 1884, Brazos Co.; naturalized 4 Oct. 1889. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.514-516, reel #1020041 II Theodore SLANINA, 1889 Brazos Co. tax roll II Native of Moravia, aged 54,. d.2 Dec. 1895 (st. Joseph Catholic Church Bryan, Brazos County, Texas Marriages & Death Records 1877-1909, p.37) II May be Deodor SLANINA, b.1840, d.1896, buried Smetana Cemetery II May be one of: "16 Austrian emigrants settled in Brazos Co." Galveston Daily News, May 19, 1883, p.4 , -- SMITH, Peter. Declared intent to be naturalized 19 Nov. 1873; subject of Belgium. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.125, reel #1020040 SRAMEK, Jacob. Naturalized 21 July 1890; subject of Austria. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp. 476-477 II May be: Simeon (57), Petronilia (57), Josefa (16) and Jacob (9) SCHRAMEK, from Moravia, arrived New York on 24 Apr. 1875, on ship Donau (Leo BACA, Czech Immigration Passenger Lists, v.5, p.141) II "Arrived Steam-ship Donau (Ger.) Bussius, Bremen April 10 and Southampton 13. with mdse. and 53 cabin and 531 steerage passengers to Oelricha & Co. Had variable winds and weather the fore part of passage, and strong western gales the latter part...." New York Times, 25 Apr. 1875, p.12, col. 4 II Jacob SRAMK, 1880 Brazos Co. census p. 265d, aged 16, b.Moravia II 1900 Brazos Co. census p. 289a, b.May 1864, Moravia, arrived u.S. 1875 II Jacob SHRAMEK, 1910 Brazos Co. census p.224b, aged 46, b. Hungary, came to U.S. 1875, naturalized II 1920 Brazos Co. census, ED 9 sheet 30b line 69, aged 55, b.Moravia, came to U.S. 1875, naturalized 1880 II Buried College Station cemetery, b.1864, d.14 Apr. 1953 II Obituary: b.1 May 1864, Moravia; came to "this area" in 1874. Bryan Daily Eagle, 15 Apr. 1953, p.9, col.1 142 STASNY, Frank. Naturalized 16 Sept. 1878. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.127 II 1880 Brazos Co. census p.265d, aged 24, b.Moravia II 1900 Brazos Co. census p.337a, b.Mar. 1857, Bohemia, came to u.s. 1873, naturalized II 1910 Brazos Co. census, ED 14 sheet 4a line 47, aged 53, b.Bohemia/Austria, came to U.S. 1873, naturalized II 1920 Brazos Co. census, ED 13 sheet 12b line 68, aged 63, b.Bohemia, came to U.S. 1873; 1879 naturalized II Buried College Station cemetery, b.1857, d.27 July 1937 II "He was born Frank STIASNY, Jr. in Nove Risi, Austria, on March 31, 1857, the son of a burgomaster. His wife, Josephine SRAMEK, whom he met in Brazos County, was born March 2, 1859, in Velko Lovcici, Austria. From the name STIASNY came the names STASNEY and STASNY. After Galveston Harbor was opened again in April 1865, the family set out from Europe. The exact date of their coming is not known but is thought to be 1867." Bryan Daily Eagle, 20 June 1971, section C, p.l STASTA, Joseph J. Subject of Austria; 30 Apr. 1890 naturalized. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp.462-464 II Subject of Austria; naturalized 3 Nov. 1890. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp. 591-593, reel #1020041 II Joe STASTA, 1878 Brazos Co. tax roll II Obituary: Joe STASTA, Sr., d.near Steep Hollow; "the pioneer & most prominent Bohemian in the county." Galveston Daily News, 6 Oct. 1894, p.2, col.7 II May be Josef SCASTA, d.1894, buried Moravian cemetery TAYS, J. Wilkins. Subject of Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; declared intent to be naturalized 25 Apr. 1870. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.D, p.189, reel #1020039 II Rev. J.W. TAYS, for 2 years pastor of Indianola Episcopal Church, moved to Bryan. Galveston Daily News, 24 Apr. 1869, p.3 II J.W. TAYS' wife Josephine d.in Bryan. Austin Tri-Weekly state Gazette, 25 Mar. 1870, p.2, col.4; Galveston Daily News, 23 Mar. 1870, p.3, col.4 II Rev. TAYS chosen chaplain of Texas state Senate. Galveston Daily News, 15 May 1870, p.3 THONIG, A. Subject of Germany; 9 Nov. 1871 declared intent to be naturalized. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.7, reel #1020040 II A. THONIG from Rackel arrived Galveston on Anton Gunther, June 1860 (New Homes in a New Land, p.139) II August THONIG took amnesty oath at Boonville after civil War ("Oath Was a 'Must' After War," Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 June 1962, Centennial Section, p.9) II May be August THONIG, 1870 Harris Co. census p.684, aged 38, b.Saxonia II May be 1900 Harris Co. census p.298b, b.June 1834, Germany; came to U.S. 1860; naturalized II May be obituaries: b.ca. 1832/33, Houston; lived there all his life. Houston Chronicle, 143 29 June 1921, p.21, col.8; Houston Post, 29 June 1921, p.8, col.2 VATHURA, Martin. 18 Sept. 1878 declared intent to be naturalized. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.127 II Martin VATOVER, 1879 Brazos Co. tax roll II Martin VATURA, 1880 Brazos Co. census p. 270a, aged 38, b.Moravia II Martin WATUBER, 1900 Brazos Co. census p. 294b, b.Nov. 1842, BOhemia, arrived u.s. 1870 II Martin WATTHUBER, buried Smetana Cemetery, b.12 Nov. 1842, d.15 June 1915 VAVRA (VARVRA), Frank. 18 Sept. 1878 declared intent to be naturalized. County Court Civil Minutes Reel # 1020036, p.127 II Subject of Austria, b.4 Oct. 1846; arrived Galveston about 30 Nov. 1873; naturalized. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp. 463-466, reel # 1020041 II Frank WAVRA, 1878 Brazos Co. tax roll II Frank VAVRA, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.269d, aged 35, b. Moravia II 1900 Brazos Co. census p.338a, b.Oct. 1846, BOhemia, arrived u.S. 1873 II 1910 Brazos Co. census p. 294b, aged 63, b.Bohemia, came to U.S. 1873, naturalized II Frantisek VAVRA, b.1846, d.1926, buried Mt. Cavalry Cemetery VEYMOLA, Frank. Declared intent to be naturalized 18 Sept. 1878. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.127 II 21 July 1890, subject of Austria; naturalized. County Court Civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp.468-470 II Franc WYMOLA, 1876 Burleson Co. tax roll, prec. 2 II Frank WYMOLA, 1878 Brazos Co. tax roll II Frank VYMOLA, 1900 Brazos Co. census p.220a, b.Jan. 1869?, Bohemia, arrived u.S. 1874 II Frantisek VYMOLA, b.Moravia, aged 62, d.19 Feb. 1900, buried Mt. Cavalry cemetery (st. Joseph Catholic Church Bryan, Brazos County, Texas Marriages & Death Records 1877-1909) II Obituary: aged 62, Moravian, had lived in u.S. 26 years. (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 22 Feb. 1900, p.3, col.3 VITOPIL, Antone. Subject of Austria; b.16 Nov. 1845; arrived New Orleans about 16 Nov. 1875; declared intent to be naturalized 1 Nov. 1884, Brazos Co.; 10 Oct. 1889 naturalized. District Court civil Minutes, VOl.G, pp. 534-536, reel #1020041 II Buried Mt. Cavalry cemetery, b.1845, d.1925 II Antonie VYTOPAL, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.269d, aged 35, b.Moravia II Antone VYTOPIL, 1900 Brazos Co. census p.246b, b.June 1855, Austria, arrived u.S. 1877 II Anton VITOPIL, 1910 Brazos Co. census, ED 10 sheet 7 line 27, aged 60, b.Austria, came to U.S. 1877, naturalized II Obituary: Mary VITOPIL, aged 70 years, 10 months, 23 days, b.Moravia, came to u.s. with her husband Antone VITOPIL. Bryan Weekly Eagle, 21 Feb. 1918, p.2, col.2 II Obituary: Anthony 144 VITOPIL, b.4 June 1845, Moravia, "then a province of Austria, now a part of Czecho-Slovakia"; arrived u.s. 1876; settled 1st near Caldwell; carne to Brazos Co. after about 1 year. Bryan Daily Eagle, 2 Feb. 1925, p.1, col.5 WElT, Emil. Subject of Wertenberg; declared intent to be naturalized 22 Nov. 1873. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.E, p.128. Reel #1020040 WITTMAN, John. Declared intent to be naturalized 30 Sept. 1878. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.133 II John WHITTMAN, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.242a, aged 28, b.Austria II B.1852, Austria; came to Bryan, 1874. Pilot-Eagle (filmed with weekly Bryan Eagle) 12 Sept. 1895, p.5, cols.4-5 II 1900 Brazos Co. census p. 256a, b.June 1852, Austria, arrived in u.s. 1874 II 1910 Brazos Co. census, p.230a, John WITMAN, aged 57, b. Germany, came to U.S. 1874, naturalized II 1920 Brazos Co. census, ED 8 sheet 4a line 27, aged 67, b.Austria, came to U.S. 1874, naturalized 1885 II Buried Bryan cemetery, b.1852, d.1946 II Interviewed as John WHITMAN in "When I Was 21," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 27 Jan. 1927, p. 1, col.l; b.ca. 1853; "landed in Galveston in 1874 and immediately carne to Bryan" WITTMAN, Joseph. 30' Sept. 1878 declared intent to be naturalized. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, p.133 II Joseph WHITMAN, 1880 Brazos Co. census p.242a, aged 57, b.Austria II May be Joseph WITHNAN, Austrian farmer, d.near Bryan. Galveston Daily News, 30 Nov. 1893, p.1 WOOLF, John. Naturalized 19 Mar. 1889: b.ca. 1842, subject of Marabia/Austria: arrived New Orleans about . Oct. 1878. District Court civil Minutes, Vol.G, pp.442- 443, 478-479, reel #1020041 II Johan WOLF, aged 35, Austrian laborer, left Bremen, S.S. Frankfurt: arrived New Orleans 28 Oct. 1878: final destination Tx.: also on ship Josefa (37), Gabriella (18), Johann (8), Marie (7), Alvisea (6), Josefa (5) and Karoline (3) WOLF (Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1853-1899): Leopold MUSSIL also on ship II [ad] "North German Lloyd. Steam between Bremen and New Orleans, via Havre, Southampton and Havana...Prices of Passage: from Bremen...to...New Orleans--Cabin, $150 (gold): Steerage, $36 (gold)...children under ten years, half price: children under one year, free..." New Orleans Daily Picayune, 29 Oct. 1878, p.7, col.6 II John WOLF, 1900 Brazos Co. census p.298a, b.Bohemia Jan. 1843, came to U.S. 1877 II John WOLF, 1910 Brazos Co. census p.248a, aged 69, b.Bohemia, came to U.S. 1886, naturalized II Obituary: John WOLF, aged 86 years, 2 145 I . months, 4 days; b.Europe; carne to U.S., 1879. Bryan Daily Eagle, 3 May 1929, p.8, col.2 ZEMANEK, Joseph. Naturalized 21 July 1890; b.ca.1850, subject of Moravia, Austria, arrived New York city about 25 Oct. 1880. County Court civil Minutes Reel #1020036, pp.470-472 II Joe ZEMANEK, 1889 Brazos Co. tax roll II Joe ZEMONEK, 1900 Brazos Co. census p.294a, b.Feb. 1850, BOhemia, came to u.s. 1880, naturalized II Joe ZEMONEK, 1910 Brazos Co. census p.246b, aged 60, b.Bohemia, came to U.S. 1880, naturalized II Buried Smetana Cemetery, b.27 Jan. 1850, d.30 Sept. 1919 ZERBST, Carl W. Subject of Prussia, b.ca. 1834; 22 Oct. 1855 naturalized. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.B, p.260 II Subject of Prussia, 25 July 1859, Probate Minutes, Vol.C, pp.60-61, reel #1020027 II Declared intent to be naturalized. District Court Civil Minutes, Vol.B, p.259, reel #1020039 II Carl Wilhelm ZERBST (16) arrived Galveston on bark Bessilian from Hamburg 13 Oct. 1850; also on ship Carl Wilhelm (49), Henriette (42) and Auguste (9) ZERBST (Ships Passenger Lists Port of Galveston, Texas 1846-1871, p.40) II From Buetzour (data from Hamburg Archives) New Homes in a New Land, p.150 II "Carl ZERBST and his family left Berlin, Germany, in 1849, distressed with high property taxes and the required military obligation that their son would have to face, and came in search of the cheap land in Texas ...All the ZERBSTs then went to Washington-on-the-Brazos via the Brazos river barge where they obtained an ox cart and continued overland to Cottonwood." (SCHULTZ, Janice J., A Time for Planting: a Social History of Selected Rural Communities in Brazos County, Texas, masters thesis, Sam Houston State Univ., 1973, p.46) II 1860 Brazos Co. census p.97, Charles W. ZERBST, aged 25, b.prussia II Enlisted Co.I, 21st Tex. Cavalry, 1862, aged 27 (Tx. State Libr., Texas Confederate Military Service Records) II Took amnesty oath at Boonville after civil War ("Oath Was a 'Must' After War," Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 June 1962, Centennial Section, p.9) 146 From The Brvan Dailv Eagle, July 31, 1917, p.1 The 434 Brazos County Men Called for Examination for Military Service The following 434 names are those who will be first called before the Brazos county exemption board for exemption as to their fittness for military service. These names are in the order drawn in the lottery at Washington, July 20, as applied to Brazos county, in which 2080 have been registered, the extra number being that of Otto L1SKI of Kurten whose card was misplaced. This list has been checked with that of the exemption board and hence may be relied upon as correct. 0258 0458 1136 0854 1894 1878 1025 2022 1455 0783 1813 1858 1702 1117 1572 1748 0837 2036 0337 7776 0275 0509 1185 1081 0945 0913 7796 1267 0536 1495 7718 0126 1679 1237 0784 1732 0755 0107 1546 1563 1369 0616 0373 1676 1266 John CALLET A Stone City William Harold DEATON Bryan J.E. PETZER, Jr. Stone City H.H. JOHNSON Bryan Richard WASHINGTON Bryan Ernst WALKER Bryan Vince LUZA Bryan Howard H. WILLIAMSON Bryan Henry PLAGENS Bryan Henry HERZOG Kurten Ed TURNER Bryan Edgar VINCENT Rosprim A.C. STONE Bryan James H. MIKE Bryan John RICHMOND Bryan Chas. G. SMITH Bryan John T. HANWAY, Jr. Bryan Robbie W. WALTHALL Bryan Henry F. COONER Bryan Everett C. GIBBS Bryan Frank A. CRENSHAW Zack August ENDLER Bryan Ad MARTIN Dinkins Sam FREEMAN Bryan, Rt.5 Frank JACKSON Bryan James C. WILLIAMS College Cesto GONZALES Bryan Harry H. McDONALD Bryan Alelardo FUENTES Bryan Philip REYES Bryan Aubrey FINLEY College Station Henry BROCKSMITH Kurten Henry T. SCHOVAJSA Bryan William L. MARTIN Bryan Joe HEBERT Kurten Henderson SMITH Route 5 Wm. HOPKINS Route 3 James Alfred BLUME Route 5 Adolph REGMUND Route 5 W.L. RUCHTIE Bryan Rafael A. ORTIZ College Station Frank GEE Allen Farm Milton E. CALHOUN Bryan Will STUARD Bryan Henry McVILL Bryan 1891 0775 0486 0692 0600 1986 0810 1539 1682 0507 0309 0437 1324 0604 0043 1763 1548 1264 1066 0924 0420 1014 1178 0514 0423 1229 0010 1045 1031 1705 1331 1685 0487 1282 1323 1847 0797 0140 1536 1922 1723 1779 1236 2011 0432 Joe WHITE Henry HILL, Jr. Jesse ELLBY Thos. H. HALTON Henry GROVER Rodney WHITEHEAD Esten C. HARRISON John M. RAINS Charles SALVA TOR Ruben S. EDMONDS James J. CARTER William H. DORSEY William NASH Hilario GUADIANO Juando ANORDOS Lee SILER Frank REGMUND Thad D. McALPHINE Candy L YTEO Henry JURDAN Robert B. DY ASS Frank KUCHARSAKI Ira MEGGS Ruben FUQUA Sam DAVIS Claude NELSON Isaac S. ASHBURN Fred LAWSON James LEVINGSTON Wenzel L. STANGEL George NOWLING William SKAL TSAS Leonard EDMERSON A.A. McGARGH Thos. J. NOLAN Albert C. UPRIGHT Mat HATCHETT Jurden BELL, Jr. Jim RICHERSON Charlie WILLIAMS Frank STERLING, Jr. Lloyd Pierce THOMAS Robert Dee MASSEY Dan WILSON Jesse DENZY Bryan Cawthon Bryan Bryan Bryan Stone City Zack Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Cawthon Bryan College Station Bryan Bryan Route Five Bryan Millican Steele's Store Bryan Bryan Navasota Navasota Wellborn Bryan College Station Millican Bryan College Station College Bryan Bryan Cawthon Houston Bryan Bryan Steele's Store Cawthon Cawthon Route 3 College Station Bryan Edge Wellborn 147 0018 L.D. AUSBURN Millican 1354 Ben OLIVER Cawthon 0652 Earl GARNER Kurten 1906 Emanuel WATSON College Station 0927 Sam JOHNSON Tabor 2017 Ed W. WALKER Wheelock 1484 Lamar ROGERS Steele's Store 0343 Robert S. CRAWFORD Bryan 0739 Fred HOLIDAY Rosprim 2008 Joe UL YMOLA Edge 1751 Frank SOUTH Bryan 1613 Columbus C. REED Bryan 0601 Samuel H. GREEN Bryan 0982 John KALlNEC Route 5 1322 Jeroma R. NASH Wheelock 0726 Steve A. HUDETT Rosprim 1146 Jasper MITCHELL Route 4 0015 George ADKINS Allen Farm 1103 Joseph P. LUZA Bryan 0905 Algie JORDAN Millican 1395 Gus PALMER Bryan 0933 Raymond JONES Edge 0606 Roy M. GREEN College Station 1631 John RITTENHOUSE Navasota 0182 Stuart L. BOATWRIGHT Bryan 1288 Luther McWHORTER Stone City 1771 R.L. TUCK Bryan 0452 Frank DICK Steeles's Store 0513 Luke FRANKLIN Denkins 0355 Joe CASH Bryan 0046 Henry ANDREWS Bryan 1843 Carlos TORRES Bryan 1020 Tony LOBELLO Bryan 0520 Birges FRAME Edge 1651 Joe M. SPELL Bryan 0809 James N. HARRISON Zack 1099 Henry S. LOCKE Bryan 1114 Everett C. MARTIN Bryan 1955 Eddin WILLIAMS, Jr. Wellborn 1470 Arthur B. RAY Bryan 1636 Jim STERLING Zack 0645 Willie W. GRODA Millican 0223 Marino CAMPISE Bryan, Rt. 5 0218 Carlo CARSO Bryan 2066 Ross VINANTI Steele Store 0620 Major GREEN Allen Farm 1441 Jasper PRUETT Wheelock 1334 Jefferson D. NELSON Bryan 0117 George BULLOCK Cawthon 0550 Charles FOSTER College 0602 Joshua GREEN Bryan 1611 Clarence R. SAXON Bryan 0350 H.L. CONE Navasota 0571 William J. FESPERMAN Bryan 0075 James W. BOXLEY Rosprim 0031 Ben ADAMS Steele Store 1818 Dock THOMPSON Austin 1422 August Robert PRINZEL Kurten 0772 Thomas E. HAYNES Wellborn 1727 Jerry W. SMITH Route 5 1456 James M. PHILLIPS Bryan 2047 William WORTHINGTON Bryan 0721 Henry A. HARDEN College 0981 John KUBIN Route 5 1419 Anson L. PARSONS Wellborn 1848 Lud UTON Wheelock 0786 Walter W. HICKS Kurten 1570 Prince A. REED Bryan 1549 Joe REGMUND Route 5 1847 Frank TRANTCOA T Steele's Store 1476 Sherman O. RISINGER Rt.6 0170 Charley HAYES Wellborn 0280 Arthur CORGEY Edge 0882 Chester A. JONES Route 3 1292 Grant McDONALD Edge 2078 Andrew DAVIS Bryan 0972 Robert KUBRICK Rosprim 0677 Tode GREEN Route 6 0983 Frank KUBEN Bryan 0749 Ben H. HOLDER Route 3 0757 Douglas HOLLY Bryan 1868 Gensepp VIOLA Steele's Store 0966 Cleveland KINNARD Bryan 1509 Tony ROFINO Route 2 0868 Felix JACKSON Bryan 1211 Eddie MONROE Bryan 0332 Mose W. COLEMAN Navasota 0525 Jim FRANKS Steele's Store 0379 Joe DeCAIRO Bryan 1417 Robert PERSON Bryan 1560 Henry N. ROHDE Bryan 1574 Jase REDDICK Bryan 0542 Andrew J. FRANCIS College Station 2034 John Henry WHITE, Jr. Kurten, Route 1 0194 William B. BRYANT Bryan 0760 Edward HUDLlN Bryan, Route 2 0874 Arthur JEFFERSON Rosprim 0183 John Joseph BEHR Boerne, Tex. 0552 John FLUELLEN Allen Farm 0056 Geroge H. BRANDON Bryan 1300 Noah I. McCULLOUGH Bryan 1276 Stepho McCAIN Millican 1673 Benard H. STEWART Bryan 1791 Willie TUNSON Navasota 1887 John L. WALKER Bryan 1950 James WILSON Wellborn 0298 Tony CHOPETTA Bryan 0792 Primace HARRIS Bryan 0675 Harry V. CORZYCKI Bryan 0005 Thomas ANDERSON Bryan 1769 Senor SANCHEZ Bryan 0250 Noah Davis COLE Bryan 1394 Darden B. McCOWEN Bryan 0054 William BERGER Bryan 1148 Henry MOORE College Station 0870 Hubert JONES Bryan 1647 Charles A. SCHRAM Kurten 1714 Allen SAULES Allen Farm 148 0549 Willie A. FOSTER Rosprim 1617 Joe SCARPINATO Stone City 1132 Noah MAYES Bryan 0363 John S. CALDWELL Bryan 0440 Joe DAVENPORT Bryan 1287 Houston McMILLlM Bryan 1485 Richard RODGERS Tabor 1142 Grant McELROY College 1674 Alex SHARP Bryan 1765 Willie SLOAN Bryan 0743 Sam HILL Millican 0006 Ricardo ARRIOLA Mexico 1054 Henry LEWIS Route 5 0327 Isaac COLLINS Navasota 1275 Anson McCALLUM College 0664 Ivony GARNER Tabor 0711 Clint HARRISON Bryan 0093 Sylvester BANKS College 1022 William LUTHER Bryan 1448 James L. POWERS Bryan 0841 Robert HILL College 1722 Randle SCOTT Route 3 0638 Robert GRAVES Dinkins 0957 George JACKSON Bryan 1032 James LOHOL TON Bryan 1557 Grover C. ROYDER Route 3 0623 Wayman GOOSBY Bryan 1744 Henry H. SCHULTE Bryan 0269 Henry CONRAD Bryan 1112 James J. LEE Bryan 0685 Louis GRACO Bryan 0345 Thomas J. CONWAY Bryan 1141 Thos. F. MAYO College Station 1596 James W. SMITH Millican 1314 McKenzey NEWTON Steele's Store 1355 David B. OSBORNE Cawthon 1016 Joe LERO Bryan 0103 Columbus F. BULLOCK Route 3 1688 Will STERLING Bryan 1585 Eddie SHANNON Dinkins 0335 William B. COOK Bryan 1912 Stump M. WILLIAMS College 1430 Dimmitt R. PRICE Millican 1221 James J. MURPHY Edge 2005 Joe H. WATSON Edge 1102 William A. LYONS Bryan 0493 Richard ELLIS Bryan 1625 Hal STEFFARD Stone City 1358 Jack OLDHAM Steele's Store 0556 Ernest FRANKLIN Dinkins 0923 Ernest JOHNSON Stone City 1565 Charels H. RODIECK Bryan 1305 Riley NEPHEW Millican 0154 Robert R. BALL Tabor 0341 Alva N. CARSON Bryan 1281 A.B. McCARTY Allen Farm 1007 Hugo J. L1NZ Bryan 0051 George R. ABNEY Bryan 1764 Fred SMITH Bryan 0717 E.O. HOLLAND College 0391 Simon DEVER Bryan 1057 Joseph LEWIS Route 3 1366 Abraham OWENS Bryan 1256 Rosendo MALA TT Bryan 0353 George G. CHANCE Bryan 1073 Walter J. LANG Kurten 0970 Frank F. KAN College Station 0030 Will ALLEN Stone City 0637 John GERMAN Bryan 0199 Alfred B. BUCHANAN Bryan 1675 James O. SEA Y Bryan 0388 Charles M. DODSON Bryan 2024 Henry A. WIDDECKE College 1423 Ned PETERSON Wellborn 1657 Walter SALVATO Bryan 1746 Jim STEPTOE Millican 0360 Nathan R. COLE Bryan 0773 James A. HIGGINS Route 3 2055 Ben E. YOUNGBLOOD College Station 0608 Joe P. GAY College 1217 Julius J. MANTHIE Kurten 0406 Willie DOWLING Bryan 0571 Earl FRANK Cawthon 0519 John A. FUSCHECK Kurten 1873 B.A. BLAUCH Bryan 1730 Ernest SANDS Bryan 0438 James H. EASTES Bryan 0025 Thomas G. ANDERSON Cawthon 1543 77 RICHMOND7 Route 0392 Alfred DAVIDSON Bryan 0701 James HENDERSON Bryan 0889 Wiley JACKSON Route 5 0072 Arthur C. BAILEY College Station 0383 Hiram T. DOWNARD Bryan 1896 George A. WHITE Bryan 1166 Charley MA TOUS Bryan 1709 Daniel STEPTOE College Station 1712 Bennie SWEED Allen Farm 0356 R.V. COLE Bryan 0588 Max GELBER Bryan 0112 Walter BANKS Bryan 0856 Horace F. JONES Bryan 1067 Felix LEACH Allen Farm 0795 Monroe HARRIS Bryan 0128 W.H. BYERS Bryan 1746 Fred L. NASH Bryan 2012 Arthur WALKER Wheelock 2053 James ZADARO Spain 0679 Arthur GRIGGS Bryan 2051 Samuel WALKER Bryan 0805 Lem HARRIS Zack 1957 Orla H. WALKER Wellborn 0011 Carl ADELL College Station 0576 D.F. FELLlS Bryan 0900 Charley JOHNSON Cawthon 2033 Charles H. WILSON Bryan 1981 James WILLIAMS Steele's Store 0944 E7 J. JONES Bryan 149 1886 77 V ALENT A Kurten 1510 John REID Bryan ) 1808 77 7WNSEND Wellborn 1091 Charles E. LOCKE Zack 1943 Route 3 0470 Sam DELUK Bryan 1677 Bryan 0312 Madison CRUTCHER Bryan I. 0123 Robert A. BARKER Millican 1507 John ROFINO Bryan 1783 Ruben TAYLOR Bryan 1729 Walter SIKARSKI Route 5 0642 Manual GONZALES Allen Farm 1626 Eck SHARP Benchley 0939 John H. JONES Bryan 1284 James McCLENTY Bryan 1639 R.H. SMITH Tabor 0090 Tom BROWN College 0222 T.C. CAMPISE Route 3 0191 Horace BOYETT Bryan 1715 George SMITH Allen Farm 0477 Jim DAVIS Bryan 0906 Earl JEAN Cawthon 1187 Louis MARQUART Millican 1337 George NOWLING College 1179 Eddie MINOR Bryan 0700 A. Wood HENDERSON Bryan 0753 Kennard HEADS Route 6 1250 Charles MONROE Route 1 0130 Henry J. BRADLOW Kurten 1195 Charlie MORELLO Steele's Store 0858 Jack T. JOHNSON Bryan 0297 Charlie COLORANDO Route 3 1996 Eddie WILSON Zack 0321 Thomas CURTIS Bryan 0168 Anton BORISKIE Bryan 0736 Lemmel HALL Route 3 1023 Henry J. LEHMAN Bryan 1638 Sylvester SMITH Steele's Store 1932 Jeff WILLIAMS Millican 0707 Forrest HALL Bryan 1774 Atha E. TODD Route 3 1425 George W. PRICE Wellborn 0724 Harmon DIXON Route 3 1002 Fritz KAHLENBRINK, Jr. Bryan 0840 Johnnie HOUSTON Route 5 1151 Ira MINOR Navasota 1347 John NEGRET A Bryan 1101 Luther E. LAWSON Tabor 1611 Enocio RAMADEZ Bryan 0368 James CASTLE Bryan 1188 Ivan C. MEANS Route 5 0974 Staneslow KAPCHINSKI Bryan 0657 Greem GONDEN Stone City 1698 Felix SMITH Bryan 1905 Algie WILLIAMS Waco 0320 James A. CLUTTER, Jr. College 0175 W.J. BULLOCK Bryan --4 0950 Ben JACKSON Route 3 0300 Harry COUFALLES Bryan 0926 Nathiar JONES Bryan 0278 N.R. CLAYDEN Edge 1010 Zellie KING Bryan 1622 Charles T. SCANLAN Steele's Store 1857 Frank J. VISOSKI Route 4 1240 Rufus H. MEEKINS Bryan 0919 Cooter JOHNSON Bryan 0524 Willie FORD Stone City 0656 James GOODINE, Jr. Steele's Store 0911 George G. JONES Route 6 1919 Lapha WILSON Navasota 1172 Alex S. MICKENS Wellborn 1339 Bolthus NEWTON Route 5 0532 L.J. FALGIOW Bryan 0814 Lee R. HOPKINS Bryan 1517 Manuel RIVE Mexico 1175 August MALCER Route 4 1851 P.M. VASBINDER Bryan 1070 E.M. LINDSEY Kurten 1924 J.H. WASHINGTON Cawthon 0738 Bob HARRIS College 1130 David METZER Bryan 1167 J.J. MESSINA Route 5 0336 Marion CRENSHAW Route 6 1097 Hugo J. L1NZ Bryan 1952 Grover C. WILLIAMS Wellborn 1191 Richard MORING Route 6 0212 John BLAHA Bryan 1234 Den C. MAYFIELD Bryan 1357 Joe P. OPERSTENY Kurten 1781 George THEODOR Bryan 0049 Sim ADAMS Bryan 1360 Frank OWENS Steele's 0008 H.E. ALLEN College 0848 Tom HAYS Bryan 1118 August MERCA Benchley 0121 Carl DEENE Millican 1537 Ed ROBERSON Cawthon 1474 Lon RICHIE Route 6 1414 Junior PHILL YSS Route 3 1616 Charles W. SAXON Steele's Store 0292 Joe CUSSIMIO Route 1 0822 Fred A. HOOD Edge 0504 Marvin P. ELLIOTT Bryan 1064 Harvey LEWIS Dinkins 1205 Isiah MARTIN Steele's 152 Mar. 1871 for taking care of LYONS. p.305 McCULLOCH, Frank. Declared a "destitute person" on 19 Nov. 1862, p.l10 McGRATH, Michael. Pauper; burial was paid for on 19 Nov. 1867, p.195 MINTGIMSY, Polly. Name was very difficult to read; last name might have been "POLLY" or "MONTGOMERY"? Pauper; burial paid for on 18 May 1868, p.215 POLLARD, Peter. Jerry EULLER was paid on 3 Jan. 1870 for taking care of POLLARD, p.262 RODGERS, ---, Mrs. Declared a pauper on 30 Jan. 1871, p.294 RODGERS, ---, Mrs. A.P. STACEY was paid on 25 Sept. 1871 for making a coffin for Mrs. RODGERS, p.319 ROGERS, ---, Mrs. S.R. DESKINS paid on 26 Sept. 1871 for taking care of ROGERS, p.322 RYAN, 196 Pauper; burial paid for on 19 Nov. 1867, p. I I I ,. I I ._.~ SCOTT, African American; william SMITH paid $5 for SCOTT's burial on 19 Nov. 1868, p.228 SCOTT, ---, Mrs. DILLASHAW & BARMORE were paid on 19 Nov. 1868 "for burying Mrs. SCOTT who died leaying no means," p. 229 SMITH, ---. Mrs. Mary C. BLEDSOE was paid on 24 Nov. 1873 for taking care of SMITH, p.394; .BLEDSOE was again paid on 24 Dec. 1873 for taking care of SMITH, p.400 WAGONER, ---. Hannah LEWIS, an African American, was paid on 27 May 1869 for taking care of WAGONER, p.245 WAGONER, "Alex". Pauper; Geo. WASHINGTON, an African American, was paid on Feb. 1869 for taking care of him, p.283 WAGONER, Alexander. George WASHINGTON was paid on 27 May 1869 for taking care of WAGONER & for taking care of & for burying "Oliver" (first or last name?), p.245 WASHINGTON, George. Union PILLOW was paid on 6 Dec. 1870 for digging grave & burying pauper WASHINGTON, p. 290 153 INDIGENT FAMILIES IN BRAZOS CO. DURING THE CIVIL WAR compiled by Bill PAGE List of families of soldiers and their dependants in Brazos County, made and reported by the Chief Justice of said county, to the Comptroller of Public Accounts, at Austin under the Act of the Legislature of Dec. 13th 1863. [on file at Texas state Archives in Austin] No. Names of Families Whites Blacks 1. ADCOCK, Elizabeth 6 [Perhaps the Hannah E. ADCOCK, wife of William H. ADCOCK, shown with 4 children on the 1860 census] 2. ARNOLD, Sarah A. 9 [Sarah Ann BOLTON m. Isaac N. ARNOLD on 28 June 1855; ARNOLD served in Co. I, 21st Tx. Cavalry] 3. ADIR's children 2 [Perhaps the children of James ADIR (or ADAIR) who served in Co. I, 21st Tx. Cavalry] 4. ARNOLD, parcissa L. 1 [Narcissa L. COOPER m. George P. ARNOLD on 6 May 1861; ARNOLD served in Co. I, 21st Tx. Cavalry] 5. ARNOLD, Sophrona 4 [Sophronia A. ELLINGTON m. Joel ARNOLD on 15 May 1859; shown as the wife of Joel G. ARNOLD on the 1860 census, with only 1 child] 6. ADKINS, Judith A. 9 7. BOND, Sarah A. 2 [Sarah Ann BOWMAN m. James M. BOND on 11 Nov. 1860; BOND served in Co. I, 21st Tx. Cavalry] 8. BENSON, Eliza A. 3 9. BOWMAN, Samantha 4 [Henry P. BOWMAN m. Camantha HENRY on 1 Nov. 1860] 10. BOWLES, Margaret 6 11. BRASHER, Mary F. 6 [Wife of S.C. BRASHER on 1860 census; S.C. BRASHER had died by the time this list was compiled; see the Houston Tri-Weekly Telegraph, 30 Sept. 1863, p. 1, col. 4] 12. BEAUMEISTER, Catharine 3 13. BROWN, M.A. 4 14. CONWAY, Mary 4 [Wife of J.D. CONWAY on the 1860 Census] 15. CARTER, Nancy 2 16. CONWAY, Nancy R. 4 [Wife of Thomas CONWAY on the 1860 census] 17. CAREY, Madaline 3 [Perhaps the Adeline CAREY who was married to John L. CAREY on the 1860 census] 18. DANIELS, Frances C. 7 [Wife of Geo. W. DANIELL on the 1860 census] 154 19. DICKERSON, Lucinda 5 20. DIXON, Jane 4 21. EVETTS, Martha 3 [Martha H. SPENCER m. Samuel G. EVETTS on 18 Aug. 1859] 22. ELAM, Elizabeth 3 [Elizabeth WILLIAMS m. Robert ELAM on 30 Aug. 1860] 23. FOLEY, Margaret 5 [Listed in the household of John PEYTEN in the 1860 census; she also had a son Harry FOLEY who would have been 17 in 1863 and could have been serving in the military] 24. FOLEY, Mary E. 3 [Wife of John C. FOLEY in the 1860 census; FOLEY served in Co. I, 21st Tx. Cavalry] 25. FULLERTON, Lucy 1 [Lucy Catherine McNAIR m. George Hayes FULLERTON in 1857; FULLERTON served in Co. I, 21st Tx. Cavalry] 26. FREESTONE, Isabella 3 27. FULLER, Nancy A. 2 [Perhaps the Nancy A. married to G.D. FULLIN in the 1860 census] 28. GREER, Jane L. 4 29. GREEN, Elizabeth J. 4 30. GRIFFIN, Eliza 3 31. GOODWIN, Elizabeth 1 32. HOLDEN, Hannah 5 1 [Hannah V. NASH m. Thomas J. HOLDEN on 13 Sept. 1853; shown as wife of Thomas J. HOLDEN on the 1860 census; Thomas HOLDEN is probably the same man as Jeff HOLDEN who served in Co. I, 21st Tx. Cavalry] 33. HAMILTON, Heilda 3 34. HARMAN, Susanna 1 35. HAILE, Amanda 5 36. JONES, Mary C. 1 [Mary C. PHELPS m. James M. JONES, 13 July 1860] 37. KELLY, Geraldine 6 2 [Geraldine REED m. Alfred KELLY on 21 Dec. 1854] 38. LLODY, Mary F. 2 39. LEFEVRE, Martha 5 40. MARTIN, Rhoda A. 6 [Roda A. MARTIN shown as wife of W.R. MARTIN in 1860 census] 41. McMAHAN, Mary 3 42. MILLHANKS, Lucinda 5 43. McCLOUD, Christina 1 44. MOTT, Charlott M. 4 2 45. MITCHELL; Mary 6 46. MIDDLETON, Mary A. 6 47. NEILL, Emma 1 48. PARKER, Frances 6 49. PARKER 4 50. PATTERSON, Elizabeth 2 155 , [Shown as wife of Charles PATTERSON in the 1860 census] 51. ROBERTSON, Narcissa 5 [Shown as wife of Jacob ROBERTSON in the 1860 census] 52. RECTOR, Josephine 2 [Josephine E. FOLEY m. William E. RECTOR on 24 Jan. 1861] 53. ROBINSON, Latina A. 4 54. SEALE, Susan M. 4 55. SMITH, Jane 4 [Mother of A.B. SMITH, aged 21, on the 1860 census] 56. SWEAT, Louisa 1 57. SOUTH, Martha H. 5 [Martha H. HARDY m. Bestor SOUTH on 16 Nov. 1855; SOUTH served in Co. I, 21st Tx. Cavalry] 58. SANDERS, Patience 4 59. THOMAS, Mary G. 4 60. WALKER, Martha G. 1 61. WADDELL's children 3 62. WILSON, Sarah W. 5 63. WALKER, Amanda 2 64. WILLIAMS, Martha 5 whites 241 blacks 5 State of Texas, Brazos Co. The above list is correct and shows 241 indigent persons in Brazos Co., who are entitled to relief under an act approved Dec. 15, 1863 for the support of soldiers families. G.B. REED Chief Justice Brazos County Boonville February 16th, 1864 156 INDEX OF SURNAMES ?WNSEND 149 BRASHER 153 CROMWELL 124 FOLEY 154,155 . BRAVI131 CRUTCHER 149 FOLTYN 131 ABERNATHY 125 BREZNA 131 CURRIE 126 FORD 126,149 ABNEY 148 BRIGGS 1 23 CURTIS 149 FOSTER 147,148 ADAIR 153 BROCKSMITH 146 CUSSIMIO 149 FOUNTAIN 127 ADAM 1 50 BROOKS 125 FRAME 147 ADAMS 147,149 BROWN 149,153 DALY 1 26 FRANCIS 147 ADCOCK 1 53 BRYANT 147 DANIELL 153 FRANK 148 ADELL 148 BUCHANAN 125,132 DANIELS 153 FRANKLlN127,147,148 ADIR 153 148 DARWIN 126 FRANKS 147 ADKINS 147,153 BUFORD 125 DAVENPORT 148 FREEMAN 146 ADRIANCE 125 BULLOCH 125 DAVIDSON 148 FREESTONE 154 ALDRIDGE 125 BULLOCK 147,148,149 DAVIS 146,147,149 FUENTER 146 ALLEN 148,149,150 BURKHALTER 125 DEATON 146 FULLER 154 AMARITT A 1 50 BUXKEMPER 131 DeCAIRO 147 FULLERTON 123,154 ANDERSON 147,148 BYARS 125 DEENE 149 FUQUA 146 150 BYERS 148 Del GUIDICE 131 FUSCHECK 148 ANDREWS 125,147 DELUK 149 ANORDOS146 CALDWELL 148 DENZY 146 GAINER 127 ARNOLD 150,153 CALHOUN 146 DeSIMONE 131,132 GALLAGHER 131,132 ARRIOLA 148 CALLET A 146 DESKINS 152 150 ASHBURN 146 CAMPBELL 126 DEVER 148 GALLOWAY 123 AUSBURN 147 CAMPISE 132,147,149 DICK 147 GARDERE 127 AXSON 125 CANNO 1 50 DICKERSON 154 GARNER 147,148 CANNON 1 50 DILLASHAW 152 GARTH 131 BAILEY 148 CAREY 153 DIXON 149,154 GAY 148 BAIN 125 CARR 126 DODSON 126,148 GEE 146 BALL 148 CARRABBA 1 32 DOMINIK 131 GELBER 148 . _..~ BANKS 125,148 CARROLL 126 DORSEY 146 GENTRY 127 BARKER 149 CARSO 147 DOWLING 148 GERMAN 148 BARMORE 152 CARSON 148 DOWNARD 148 GIBBS 146 BATTE 125 CARTER 146,153 DRUMMOND 126 GLEISSNER 131 BEAL 125 CASH 147 DUGGAN 1 51 GLOW5KI 131 BEARD 125 CASTLE 149 DUNN 123,126 GONDEN 149 BEAUMEISTER 153 CAUFIELD 123 DYASS 146 GONZALES 146,149 BEHR 147 CAUSEY 126 GOOCH 127 BELL 146 CHANCE 126,148 EASTES 148 GOODINE 149 BENSON 153 CHOPETT A 147 EAVES 126 GOODWIN 154 BERGER 147 CLARKE 150 EDEN 126 GOOSBY 148 BILL 150 CLA YDEN 149 EDMERSON 146 GRACE 127 BILSKI 131 CLUTTER 149 EDMONDS 146 GRACO 148 BLAHA 149 COE 126 ELAM 1 54 GRAVES 148 BLA THERWICK 125 COLE 126,147,148,151 ELLBY 146 GREEN 147,154 BLAUCH 148 COLEMAN 147 ELLINGTON 153 GREER 154 BLEDSOE 152 COLLINS 148 ELLIOTT 149 GRIFFIN 154 BLUME 146 COLORANDO 149 ELLIS 148 GRIGGS 148 BOATWRIGHT 147 CONE 126,147 EMDEN 126 GRODA 147 BOEHME 1 25 CONNELLY 1 26 ENDLER 146 GROGINSKI127 BOLTON 153 CONRAD 148 ERWIN 150 GROVER 146 BOND 153 CONWAY 148,153 ESTILL 126 GUADIANO 146 BONNEVILLE 125 COOK 148 EULLER 152 BORISKIE 149 COONER 146 EVETTS 1 54 HAILE 154 BOWEN 1 50 COOPER 153 HALL 127,149,151 BOWLES 153 CORGEY 147 FALGIOW 149 HAL TON 146 BOWMAN 150,153 CORRY 150 FELLlS 148 HAMILTON 154 BOXLEY 147 CORZYCKI147 FENLEY 126 HANWAY 127,146 BOYETT 125,149 COUFALLES 149 FESPERMAN 147 HARDEN 147 BRADLOW 149 COULTER 126 FINLEY 126,146 HARDY 155 BRANDESKY 1 34 CRAWFORD 147 FINNY 151 HARMAN 154 BRANDON 147 CRENSHA W 146,149 FLUELLEN 147 HARRIS 147,148,149 INDEX OF SURNAMES , HARRISON 127,146 147,148,151 HASWELL 127 HATCHETT 146 HAYES 147 HAYNES 147 HAYS 149 HEADS 149 HEBERT 146 HEDBERG 1 31 HENDERSON 131 148,149 HENRY 123,150,153 HENSARLING 127 HERZOG 146 HICKS 123,147 HIGGINS 148 HIGGS 127 HILL 146,148 HINELASKE 138 HOLDEN 127,154 HOLDER 147 HOLIDAY 147 HOLLAND 148 HOLLY 147 HOOD 149 HOPKINS 127,146,149 HORTMAN 127 HOSE 131 HOUSTON 149 HOWELL 131 HUDETT 147 HUDLlN 147 HUTCHINSON 127 INSKEEP 127 JACKSON 146,147 148,149 JAMES 127 JEAN 149 JEFFERSON 147 JENKIN 151 JENKINS 127 JOHNSON 146,147 148,1 49, 1 51 JOHNSTON 151 JONES 128,147,148 149,154 JORDAN 147 JURDAN 146 KAHLENBRINK 149 KALlNEC 134,147 KAN 148 KAPCHINSKI 149 KELLNER 128 KELLY 1 51. 154 KENNEDY 128 KING 149 KINNARD 147 KIRK 128 KNOX 150 KOONTZ 140 KOPESKY 134 KOPPE 1 28 KUBEN 147 KUBIN 147 KUBRICK 147 KUCHARSAKI146 KURTEN 140 LAD HAM 1 51 LANCEK 1 34 LANEM 151 LANG 148 LANHAM 1 51 LANNUM 1 51 LaROSA 131 LAWSON 146,149 LAWTON 150 LAZEK 131 LEACH 148 LEAHY 131 LEE 148 LEFEBURE 128 LEFEVRE 1 54 LEHMAN 149 LEIGH 128 LENS 1 34 LEONARD 1 34 LERO 148 LEVINGSTON 146 LEVY 1 28 LEWIS 148,149,150 152 L1LULZI134 LINDSEY 149 LINE 1 34 L1NZ 148,149 L1SKI 146 L1TWORA 131 LLODY 1 54 LOBELLO 147 LOCKE 147,149 LOHOL TON 148 LOVECKI 134 LUTHER 148 LUZA 134,146,147 L YNCE 1 34 LYONS 148,151,152 LYTEO 146 MAETISKA 140 MAHONEY 131 MALA TT 148 MALCER 149 MALINOWSKI 131 MANTHIE 148 MARAN 135 MARAUN 135 MAREK 128,135 MARIOTT 128 MAROUN 135 MARQUART 149 MARTIN 146,147,149 154 MASSEY 146,151 MATECKI 136 MA TICKI 136 MA TOUS 148 MATTHEWS 128 MAYES 148 MAYFIELD 149 MAYO 148 McALPHINE 146 McBRIDE 136 McCAFFREY 1 31 McCAIN 147 McCALLUM 148 McCARTY 148 McCLENTY 149 McCLOUD 1 54 McCOWEN 147 McCULLOCH 152 McCULLOUGH 147 McDONALD 146,147 McELROY 148 McGARGH 146 McGEE 128 McGRATH 152 McGREGOR 128 McMAHAN 154 McMICHAEL 128 McMILLAN 123 McMILLlM 148 McNAIR 154 McNAMARA 136 McNEELY 128 McQUEEN 137 McVILL 146 McWHORTER 147 MEANS 149 MEEKINS 149 MEGGS 146 MEILL 154 MERCA 149 MESSINA 149 METZER 149 MICKENS 149 MIDDLETON 154 MIKE 146 MILITELLO 131 MILLER 128,151 MILLHANKS 154 MINOR 149 MINTGIMSY 152 MITCHELL 128, 147,154 MONROE 147.149 MONTGOMERY 152 MOORE 128,147 MORELLO 149 MORING 149 MOSELEY 128 MOTT 1 54 MOUSER 128 157 MUNA 136 MURA 136 MURPHY 148 MUSIL 1 36 MUSSIL 1 36,144 MYERS 151 NASH 146,147,148,154 NEDBALEK 136 NEDBARLlCK136 NEDBORLlCK 136 NEGRETA 149 NELSON 146,147 NEPHEW 148 NERO 1 36 NEWTON 148,149 NOLAN 146 NOWLING 146,149 NUCHE 131 NUNN 128 O'NEILL 123 OLDHAM 148 OLIVER 147,152 OPENSTENY 137 OPERST ANEY 136 OPERSTENY 137,149 OPERSTIN 136 OPRECZONY 137 OPRISTINE 136 ORTIZ 146 OSBORNE 148 OWENS 148,149 PAGE125, 134, 150, 153 PALAZOL TO 137 PALAZZO 132 PALLEM 150 PALMER 128,147 PANTICK 137 PARKER 128,132,154 PARKS 129 PARSONS 147 PATTERSON 154,155 PAUTLlCK 137 PAUTTICK 137 PEACOCK 1 29 PELNAR 1 31 PERSON 147 PETERSON 148 PETILLO 131 PETZER 146 PEVERL Y 129 PEYTEN 154 PFIFFNER 131 PHELPS 1 54 PHILLIPS 147 PHILL YSS 149 PILLOW 152 PLAGANS 137 PLAGENS 137,146 PLAGONS 137 158 INDEX OF SURNAMES PLETZER 129 POACHYLA 137 POCHILA 137 POCHYLA 137 POEHILA 137 POLLARD 1 52 PONTLlCK 137 POWERS 148 PRAHCAK 1 37 PRICE 148,149 PRINZEL 129,138,147 PRINZIL 138 PRINZILL 138 PRUETT 147 PUNTLlCK 1 37 PUTTS 138 PUTZ 1 38 QUARDA 138 RAINS 146 RAMADEZ 149 RAY 1 47 RECTOR 155 REDDICK 147 REED 147,154,155 REG MAN 139 REGMUND 138,139,146 147 REID 149 REYES 146 RHODE 137 RHODES 129 RICHERSON 146 RICHIE 149 RICHMOND 146,148 RISINGER 147 RITTENHOUSE 147 RIVE 149 ROBERSON 149 ROBERTS 1 29 ROBERTSON 123,124 155 ROBINSON 155 RODGERS 148,152 RODIECK 148 ROEHF 139 ROEHL 139 ROFINO 147 ROFINO 149 ROGERS 147 ROHDE 147 ROHL 139 ROONEY 139 ROSEMAN 1 39 ROSENMAN 139 ROSMANER 139 ROSPLEIN 139 ROSPRIM 1 39 ROSPRIN 139 ROYDER 129,148 RUCHTlE 146 RYAN 152 RYPINSKI 129 SALANINORZ 140 SALVATO 131,148 SALVATOR 146 SANCHEZ 147 SANDERS 155 SANDS 148 SAULES 147 SAWYER 131 SAXON 147,149 SCANLAN 149 SCARPINA TO 148 SCAST A 142 SCHOVAJSA 146 SCHRAM 141,147 SCHRAMEK 141 SCHRAMM 141 SCHULTE 148 SCHULTZ 140,145 SCHULTZE 140 SCHUSTER 140 SCOTT 129,148,151 152 SEAGROVE 140 SEALE 155 SEAY 148 SEBESTA 140 SEMBERA 140 SEMBERO 140 SEMBORA 140 SHANNON 148 SHARP 148,149 SHEETZ 140 SHELTON 151 SHRAMEK 134,141 SHREM 141 SHULTZE 140 SHUSTER 140 SIBESTER 140 SIEGEL 141 SIKARSKI149 SILER 146 SIMMONS 129 SIMPSON 129 SIS 132 SKAINS 129 SKAL TSAS 146 SKOPIER 134 SLANINA 141 SLAUGHTER 129 SLOAN 148 SMITH 129,141,146 147,148,149,152,155 SOUTH 147,155 SPELL 129,147 SPENCER 154 SRAMEK 141,142 SRAMK141 STACEY 152 STANGEL 146 STASNEY 134 STASNY 142 STASTA 142 STEELE 1 29 STEFFARD 148 STEPTOE 148 STERLING 146,147,148 STEWART 147 STIASNY 142 STOCK 131 STONE 146 STUARD 146 SWEAT 155 SWEED 148 TABOR 129 TAYLOR 129,149 TAYS 142 TEASDALE 129 THEODOR 149 THOMAS 146,155 THOMPSON 147 THONIG 142 TODD 1 30 TODD 149 TORRES 147 TRANTCOAT 147 TUCK 147 TUNSON 147 TURNER 130,146 ULYMOLA 147 UPRIGHT 146 UTON 147 VALENTA 149 V ARVRA 143 VASBINDER 149 VATHURA 143 VATOVER 143 VATURA 143 VAVRA 143 VEYMOLA 143 VILLANI 1 31 VINANTI 147 VINCENT 146 VIOLA 147 VISOSKI 149 VITOPIL 143,144 VYMOLA 143 VYTOPAL143 VYTOPIL 143 WADDELL 155 WAGONER 152 WALKER 123,124,130 146,147,148,155 WALLACE 1 30 WALTHALL 146 WARE 132 WASHINGTON 146,149 150,152 WATSON 123,124,147 148 WATTHUBER 143 WATUBER 143 WAVRA 143 WEBB 131 WElT 144 WHITE 146,147,148 WHITEHEAD 146 WHITMAN 144 WHITT MAN 144 WIDDECKE 148 WILCOX 134 WILLlAMS146,147,148 149,154,155 WILLIAMSON 146 WILSON 124,130,146 147,148,149,155 WINTER 139 WIPPRECHT 130 WITH NAN 144 WITMAN 144 WITTMAN 130,144 WITTMANN 135 WOLF 144 WOODY ARD 1 30 WOOLF 1 36,144 WORTHINGTON 147 WYMOLA 134,143 WYSE 130 , YOUNG 1 24 YOUNGBLOOD 148 ZADARO 148 ZEMANEK 145 ZEMONEK 145 ZERBST 145 ZUBER 130 ZUBIK 130,131 n . ..~_ 1 ) ~, BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS BY MEMBERS Persons interested in any of the following publications should contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication will be between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: ........ "Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 1850-1910." Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by surname plus maiden name index. 328 pages. Author: Nadine Billingsley, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840. "Descendants of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina, 1771-1 994" Story of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina and their descendants, 1771-1994. Over 8000 names, indexed. Author: Nadine Billingsley. "A Brief History of George W. WING and his Wife, Mary (MARTIN) WING and Their Descendants Down to the Present Day" Story of George W. Wing (1766-1823) of Duchess County, NY and all of his descendants whom we could identify, including the author's wife and collaborator, Jane C. Portzer. 105 pages. Author: Harry J. Portzer, 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station, TX 77840. "A Genealogical History of Abraham EBERSOLE of Dauphin County, PA and His Wife, Eva STAUFFER." Partial release - Introduction plus 8 major chapters of proposed 1 2 chapters. Author: Harry J. Portzer. "The PORTSER/PORTZER families of America and Their Genealogies" Includes an attempt to trace all relationships. All identifiable descendants of the two (all that are known) ancestral lines leading to Americans bearing the name "PORTSER or PORTZER". Biographies of these people and all their known descendants, of whatever name. Author: Harry J. Portzer. Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1876-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Indexed, intended to assist the researcher in locating records at this church. 96 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. Marriage and Death Records, 1877-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. A complete transcript of these records. Deaths start in 1894, with a few recorded before that date. Includes a list of places of birth. 83 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski. "Italians of Steele's Store, Texas." Historical account of the Italian settlement at Steele's Store, Brazos County, Texas. Author: Rosemary DePasquale Boykin, 1506 Laura Lane, College Station, TX 77840. 3" 3" 2-1/4" " ( ) 1/8 page Once/year $6.00 4x/year $18.00 1/4 page Once/year $12.00 4x/year $37.00 . I 4-1/2" 6" r:~,: [gr~ p f- ...." " t ~ ( };.J .,:~ ~~ I; . ,:" ,', t, \~, ......._ ... v r '.J ~~ J BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 Vol. XV No.4 4-11-2 " BOYKIN, Rosemary 8407 Shadow OaK College Station, TX 77845 ,I ) Half page: Whole page: once/year $26.00 4x/year $78.00 Once/year $52.00 4x/year $157.00