HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpring 1994 ("') . . t \ ~ . ! yentawg{st PAGE 43 45 46 52 53 55 57 63 64 65 66 76 77 CONTENTS Horatio Reardon Hearne From ..... Genealogical Records of Katherine Galloway From the Editor's Desk ........................ Janis Hunt Brazos County Divorce Records, 1856-1880 . Compiled by ............................... Bill Page Using Deeds and Mortgages to Determine Maiden Names contributed by.................... Peggy Basenfelder Churches in Brazos County Texas--1890 .................... Some Brazos county Folks in Washington Co. Records Compiled by ................"............... Bill Page Green's prairie Community Notes Transcribed by........................... Janis Hunt Some Brazos County Inquests, 1857-1874 Compiled by ............................... Bill Page State and Local Fairs, 1870-1873 Compiled by ............................... Bill Page Ob't "T'" . B'll P 1 uary, 1ge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 age Bryan city Cemetery--Continued ........................... Queries .................................................. Index Compiled by............................. Janis Hunt ) I BRAZOS GENEALOGIST VOLUME XV NUMBER 2 SPRING 1994 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 5493 BRYAN TX 77805 OFFICERS 1993 PRESIDENT. . . . . PEGGY BASENFELDER VICE PRESIDENT....VICKIE SIMONS SECRETARY. . . . . . . ANNE MONTGOMERY TREASURER. . . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY LIBRARIAN.....POST TO BE FILLED EDITOR. .... . ........ . JANIS HUNT PAST PRESIDENT........BILL PAGE STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES............... PEGGY BASENFELDER LOCAL HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY AND JANIS HUNT CONTINUING SERIES.....BILL PAGE INDEXING/PRINTING CONSULTANT. . . HARRY J. PORTZER MEETINGS Meetings held the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9: 00 pm in the Bryan Library. Please arrive early as the library closes at 9:00 pm. Membership is on a year basis, January December. calendar through $12.00 Quarterly meetings. Single Membership. picked up at $14.00 single Membership. Quarterly mailed. $18.00 Quarterly meetings. . Family membership. picked up at $20.00 Family membership. Quarterly mailed. Checks to the Hary, 77802. for dues may be mailed above address or to Ruth 2303 Kent, Bryan, TX QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Spring, Summer, Fall and winter Issues. Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Association or the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis. Members are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible records I schools, churches I and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. ('.') il H . ~ ) I - . '.Brazos genealogist Volume xv Number 2 Spring 1994 Bryan/College Station Texas HORATIO REARDON HEARNE "On June 22, 1896, an article in the Dallas Morning News announced the death of Horatio HEARNE of Robertson County, Robert COWART, an eminent jurist, when reading the news remarked, 'In the death of H,R, HEARNE, one of the most extraordinary men of Texas has passed over to the great majority,' "Horatio HEARNE was, indeed, extraordinary, He had resided in Texas, near his beloved Brazos River, since mid-century and had attained such success, he was known throughout the nation, HEARNE was one of a famous clan of HEARNES that dated its ancesfry back through the American Revolution and into medieval England, It is impossible to tell the story of this great man without reference to other 'Texas HEARNES' , "The HEARNE family in Texas went from Alabama to western Louisiana, on the Texas border, in 1838, They were cotton planters, owning many slaves, and were typical Southern people, In mass, they moved westward in the 1840's looking for good land. They moved in covered wagons, carriages, and on horseback and their slaves drove animals before them, They took their farm and building tools with them, "In the migration there were brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews but they were all HEARNES by blood or marriage, The leader of the clan was Christopher Columbus HEARNE, called Lum, the son of Selby and Elizabeth RANSOME HEARNE, Lum's sisters, Tabitha and Priscilla, were there as well as his cousins Horatio, Ebenezer, Roda Lee, Adaline, George Washington HEARNE and [wife-cousin] Frances HEARNE, Alfred, Sam and Selby HEARNE rode with them, "By 1851 the clan reached the prairie land of south Robertson County, Lum HEARNE purchased land at Wheelock with his kinsmen, and slaves, burned brick and erected a large 'community' home as headquarters for the HEARNES, Lum HEARNE loved the great prairie and remained to rear his family with his wife, Mary and their children Charles, Selby, John and Martha, The brothers, Horatio and Ebenezer scouted the country side for more good land, "Acting for Lum HEARNE, Horatio and Ebenezer began buying land in the Brazos bottoms in 1850. They acquired quit claims deeds from heirs of Rododa KENNEDY fully aware the RUIZ grant was clouded in controversy, They build separate homes and plunged into plantation building, continuing until they had thousands of acres in cultivation, The farming enterprise of the HEARNES grew until Horatio alone had over 800 persons working on his land, Mules, horses and even ox teams were put to work and great wagon trains of cotton were carried to the coast, 43 44 The Brazos Genealogist Horatio Reardon Hearne "When the HEARNES heard a railway was to be built into central Texas, Lum went to Houston and 'all the land needed' was offered 'if the officials of the Houston and Central Railway Company would run the lines between Wheelock and Port Sullivan', Lum's offer was accepted but he did not live to see the bottom land served with rail transportation, Lum HEARNE died in 1867 but railway officials kept their promise and a station was built at old Brown Spring and the town established was named Hearne, "In 1869 and 1870 the vast acreage acquired by the Hearne people became a number of great plantations, Provided with transportation both to the south and east by the H,& T,C, Railway ~nd by International, the once rugged cotton land became a 'cotton kingdom' presided over by the HEARNE brothers and their kinsmen, "The planters built their own 'supu line' from the main line to the bottoms, Their 'own railroad' was called the 'HEARNE and Brazos Valley Company', Horatio was working over 5000 acres by 1891, "Horatio HEARNE built homes, churches and schools on his land, He dug artesian wells for his cotton, and employed a negro doctor to look after his workmen, Nothing could stop him in his desire to make the great valley bloom, When floods came he rebuilt his land with the help of convict labor and when no workmen were available he went into South Carolina and brought hundreds of negroes to the land, "Horatio HEARNE's wife was his cousin Priscilla and their children, two girls, Betty and Alabama, were as demanding and determined as other HEARNES. Their fine home entirely of cedar was a 'colonial mansion' of the great plantation and, through them, the family fortune grew, . "When Horatio HEARNE was past seventy years of age he felt his work had just begun, He became a banker, invested in industry, traveled and learned but he held fast to the land, It was said of him, 'A man of more robust integrity never lived.' Through his efforts and interest the town of Hearne, Texas prospered. He was a man of great faith--in his fellowman and in his God, He referred to God in all his dealings and, as he said, he was fighting life's battles 'under the Great Captain's eye', "He died suddenly in Houston, on June 22 1896, according to the remaining HEARNES, 'in the prime of life', With his passing the great plantations in the Brazos valley began to break up, The droughts and floods seemed harder to his heirs than they had to him, or maybe those who possessed his land were not of the same fiber, When he was buried his children, relatives and friends gathered and R,E, COWART spoke the final words, 'With torn and bleeding hearts they marched to his final resting place and there poured their tears over the remains of their best and truest friend and noblest of men,'" By J,W, BAKER, Bremond, Texas The preceeding article on the HEARNE family was found on one of many rolls of microfilm recently moved from the Texas Archives Division at Texas A&M University to the Micro-text department of the Sterling Evans Library at Texas A&M University, A former Robertson County Clerk, Mrs. Katherine THOMPSON \ - , . , - . 45 The Brazos Genealogist Horatio Reardon Hearne ) GALLOWAY, collected and transcribed wills, obituaries, articles, probate, and much 'more about some early families of Robertson County Texas, Mrs, GALLOWAY was herself a descendant of a pioneer Robertson County family, There are many families represented on these two microfilm rolls and the microfilm rolls are available through inter-library loan, J,W, BAKER is the author of A Historv of Robertson County, published by the Robertson County Historical Survey Committee, 1970, This book contains some of the information found in Mrs, GALLOWAY's notes, It is also available through inter- library loan. * * * * * FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK GOOD NEWSIl The first step has been taken toward the Carnegie Library project, A $497,392 grant was announced for the renovation of the building, This grant will be received from the Dept, of Transportation under the Federal Act called ISTEA, The City of Bryan has committed $124,348, bringing the total amount to $621,740, This will cover the entire cost of building renovation but does not include staffing and furnishings, Work will start when the money is received in the near future, Our grant is part of $90,000,000 allocated for eighty two various projects, During the census years 1850-1880, several supplemental censuses were taken, one of which was an agricultural census, The agricultural census contains a wealth of information about our farming families, including but not limited to the following: how much land and what type of land; was it owned or rented; what types and kinds of livestock and crops were raised, At our March meeting there were several handouts, including blank forms to record the agricultural censuses, If you would like to have a copy of the blank forms for 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880, please send a SASE (#10 envelope with $.52 postage) for your copies, We are not selling these forms but would accept a donation to our society to cover the cost of copying. The Brazos Genealogical Association is announcing a new service. The Association will do limited local Brazos County research for $10,00 an hour plus the cost of any copies, We will check marriage records, probate indexes, grantee and grantor land indexes (within a two to five year time frame), our new Brazos County cemetery listing book, the index to Brazos Countv Historv, Rich Past--Bright Future, the Texas Census indexes for 1850-1880 and fourteen years plus of our quarterlies, The money raised from this project will be used to support exchanges with other genealogical societies and other special projects, If you are interested in this service, please write to us at P,O, Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805 and enclose a SASE, The Texas Research Ramblers have published Brazos Countv Texas Marriage Books, E and F, 22 Jan 1878 to 18 Aug 1887. Copies may be purchased ($15,00) from Texas Research Ramblers, c/o Mrs, Mary COOPER, 740 Garden Acres Blvd., Bryan, TX 77802, The next marriage books, G 1 and G2, are almost ready for publication, 46 BRAZOS COUNTY DIVORCE RECORDS, 1856-1880 compiled by Bill Page The first divorce in Brazos Co. took place in 1856, fifteen years after the creation of the county. During this period, divorce was a highly emotional issue. Readers should be cautious about accepting the stated reasons for the divorce as the complete truth. The following records are taken from the microfilmed civil Minutes (Brazos County District Court) (reels # 1020039-1020040). The person listed first initiated the divorce. In a few cases, the records have been supplemented with information from other sources. Researchers should check the original records to insure complete accuracy. SHEPARD, L. Nancy; Alfred SHEPARD. Book B, pp. 279, 301, 302, Sept. 1856. C.C. SEALS and William C. BOILS were witnesses. Alfred SHEPARD abandoned his wife and children in Sept. 1852. The coupled were divorced, and Nancy SHEPARD was given custody of their two minor children: John A. SHEPARD and Stephen SHEPARD. McLEASTER, Sarah; Hiram B. McLEASTER. Book B, pp. 281, 287, 310-311, 329, Sept. 1856. This couple had been married about 2 years when the divorce was filed. They lived together for about 18 months, during which time "he sold and squand~red nearly all of her personal property." The case mentions "her child" (but not the child's name). (According to Washington Co. marriage records, Sarah J. MILLICAN and Hiram B. McLEASTER were married in January 1851). CURD, Ezekial; Martha J. CURD. Book B, pp. 281, 309- 310. Sept. 1856. They were divorced. (According to Brazos Co. marriage records, Martha Jane VESS married Ezekiel CURD on 21 Apr. 1853). Ezekiel CURD accused his wife of adultery with Mark WEAVER. Martha CURD denied that charge, and said that not only did her husband cruelly beat her, but that he had once watched as another man (Eason C. THOMAS) beat her. Brazos Co. Record Book District Court, reel 1020043, pp. 75-78. RANDLE, Ann C.; William RANDLE. Book C, p.20, Mar. 1857. They were divorced. MILHANKS, John; Sarah A. MILHANKS. Book C, pp. 40, 60, Nov. 1858. They were divorced. To the Sheriff of Brazos County, You are hereby 47 commanded to summon ... Sarah Ann MILLHANKS, to be and appear before the honorable District Court of Brazos County... to answer the petition of John MILLHANKS ... wherein said John alleges: that he was married to said Sarah Ann, and lived with her in the discharge of his duties on till about the 23rd of April 1855; that said Sarah Ann, in disregard of the kind and genial conduct on the part of the petitioner, eloped from his bed and board along with a mix-blooded or colored man, together with two of petitioners little daughters, and escaped to parts unknown; that previous to said elopement said Sarah Ann had on divers occasions been guilty of adultery with said colored man; that said Sarah Ann has abandoned petitioner forever Texas Baptist, 22 July 1857, p.3, col.6. ELLINGTON, Sophrona; Wm. ELLINGTON. Book C, pp. 56, 89. May 1869. They were divorced. (According to Brazos Co. marriage records, William A. ELLINGTON married Sophronia Ann COOPER on 15 Jan. 1857). GRAVES, Mary E.; Samuel GRAVES. Book C, pp.57, 87, May 1859. They were divorced. LEHMAN, Sarah Ann; William LEMMAN. Book C, pp. 59, 88, 108, 1859? Final divorce decree not found. \ ........ To the Sheriff of Brazos County, Greetings: You are hereby commanded to summon by publication William LEMON to be and appear before the Hon. District Court of Brazos County... to answer the petition of Sarah Ann LEMON ... wherein said Sarah Ann alleges that hse was lawfully married to said William LEMON, on the 17th day of July 1855, and lived with him for two or three months in the discharge of her duties as wife, when she separated from him on account of his bad and unaffectionate conduct; that she again joined her fortunes to him, hoping some change had taken place, and that she would be treated with the love and. respect due a wife, but to no purpose. She still received the same ill-treatment in a worse degree from her husband, and was again forced to quit his bed and board; that her said ill treatment continued to grow worse until their final separation in September 1857 ... Petitioner was in habitual fear for the safety of herself and child ... M.F. GUEST, attorney for the petitioner, has made oath that the residence of said Wm. LEMON is unknown .... Texas Baptist, 15 Sept. 1859, p.3, col.5 MERCHANT, Jennie (or Jannia); Alfred MERCHANT. pp. 147, 171, Oct. 1860? They were divorced. Book C, Jennie 48 was given custody of their child "Glin" (sp. ?). BOWMAN, Sarah E.; W.W. BOWMAN. Book C, p.350, 1 Nov. 1866. They were divorced. Sarah was given custody of "the two children, the fruits of the marriage" (the children were not named). RICHARDS, Carrie S.; George RICHARDS. Book C, p.398; Book D, p.130, 13 Oct. 1869. They were divorced. CHILDERS, Martha A.; Samuel CHILDERS. Book C, p. 507, 10 Apr. 1868. They were divorced. HALL, Nancy E.; H.R. HALL. Book D, p.17, 1 Apr. 1869. They were divorced. REDDING, Sarah L.; Thompson P. REDDING. Book D, p.63, Apr. 1869. They were divorced. Sarah claimed "cruel and outrageous" treatment by her husband. She got custody of their son LaFayette REDDING. The court awarded Sarah many possessions, including: 9 chairs, 4 besteads with their mattresses and furniture, 5 tables, 1 sofa, 1 clock, 5 trunks, 1 looking glass, 1 set of andirons, 1 kitchen safe, 1 stove and vessels, 3 lamps, 20 volumes of books, etc. ALLEN, Elizabeth; David N. ALLEN. Book D, p.160-161, 8 Apr. 1870. They were divorced. Elizabeth got custody of "her infant child" (not named). \ - FITCHETT, Harriet E.; Daniel F. FITCHETT. Book D, p.161, 8 Apr. 1870. They were divorced. GORDY, Addie E.; Michael GORDY. Book D, p.165, 8 Apr. 1870. They were divorced. MILHANKS, Lucinda; John MILHANKS. Book D, p. 233-234, 15 Nov. 1870. They were divorced. TUCKER, Neely; John TUCKER. 1870. They were divorced. infant child (not named). PIPKIN, Mollie; L.D. PIPKIN. They were divorced. Book D, p.250, 18 Nov. Neely got custody of their Book D, p.286, Dec. 1870. MENARD, Edith R.; Sam W. MENARD. Book D, pp. 348, 394, 1 Apr. 1871. They were divorced. Edith got custody of "her child, the issue of said marriage" (not named). GUEST, Martha A.; James N. GUEST. Book D, p.381; Book E, p.19, Nov. 1871. They were divorced. Martha got custody of "the two children, the issue of the marriage" 49 (not named). SMITH, Uraulla; Gip SMITH. Book D, p.394, 1 Apr. 1871. They were divorced. Uraualla was "restored" to her maiden name, Uraulla PITTILLO. HAILE, L.B.; Amanda HAILE. Book E, pp. 11, 64, 167, 18 July 1874. They were divorced. NEELEY, Sally; John B. NEELEY. Book E, p.38, 25 Nov. 1871. They were divorced. PEARCE, Noah; Mary Ann PEARCE. Book E, pp.51, 67, Mar. 1872. They were divorced. TALLEY, Mary Ann; Robert TALLEY. Book E, p.61, 15 Mar. 1872. They were divorced. HARRINGTON, Dinah; Louis HARRINGTON. Book E, pp. 65, 67, 27 Mar. 1872. They were divorced. MITCHELL, C.W., Mrs.; Mr. M.A. MITCHELL. Book E, p. 82, 105, 17 Mar. 1873. These people "were recognized by the community as husband and wife and lived together as such in Brazos County, Texas, from about the year 1857 till 1861." The husband abandoned his wife in 1861 and returned to Alabama to live with "relations." They were divorced. \ ........ HARRIS, Rebecca; E.S. HARRIS. Book E, p.122, 12 July 1873. They were divorced. Rebecca was given custody of their 6 children (not named). BLATHERWICK, S.N.; Mary F. BLATHERWICK.~ Book E, p.125- 126, 19 Nov. 1873. They were divorced. The record includes a very long list of property which was divided. RHODE, Henry; pine Lee RHODE. Book E, pp.162, 196, 30 July 1874. They were divorced. DeHART, J.J.; Caroline DeHART. Book E, p.165, 17 July 1874. They were divorced. LOTT, Malissa; Wm. Madison LOTT. Book E, p.206, 3 Aug. 1874. They were divorced. Malissa was given custody of Blanch LOTT, their infant child. BEALL, Laura; Albert BEALL. Book E, p.250, 27 Mar. 1875. They were divorced. BERRY, Susan M.; David C. BERRY. Book E, pp.16, 105, 106, 18 March 1873. They had lived together as husband and wife for "several years" in Arkansas. In about Oct. 50 1868 he became addicted to "opiates." He abandoned her and her child (not named). They were divorced, and she was given custody of the child. ) DAWSON, Mary M.; John M. DAWSON. Book F, pp. 307, 320. 7 Sept. 1876. They were divorced. BOWEN, L.J., Mrs.; Mr. J.R. BOWEN. Book F, p.327, 7 Sept. 1876. They had been married "several years ago." Her husband abandoned her "mor than three years ago." She stated, "he has since in the state of Missouri lived in open & notorious adultery with another woman." They were divorced. SHORT, George; Sarah F. SHORT. Book F, pp.328-329, 9 Sept. 1876. They were divorced. BROOKS, Andy; Malvina BROOKS. Book F, p.373, 11 Sept. 1877. They were divorced. JOHNSON, Randle; Sarah JOHNSON. Book F, p.373, 11 Sept. 1877. They were divorced. LEE, Edward; Harriett Lee. Book F, p.374, 11 Sept. 1877. They were divorced. BALDRIDGE, Frank; Julia BALDRIDGE. Book F, p.377, 13 Sept. 1877. They were divorced. \ - I SEALE, Jordan; Texana SEALE. Book F, p.379, 19 Sept. 1877. They were divorced. BARNETT, Thornton; Eastie (or Esther) BARNETT. Book F, p.391, 23 Feb. 1878. They were divorced. BEARD, Martha; Wm. BEARD. Book F, p.399, 10 Sept. 1878. They were divorced. TERRELL, Nancy; Wade TERRELL. Book F, p. 401, 20 Sept. 1878. They were divorced. SHARPE, Eliza; Ebenezar SHARPE. Book F, p.405, 24 Sept. 1878. They were divorced. DAVIS, Charles; Fanny DAVIS. Book F, p.406, 27 Sept. 1878. They were divorced. MARSHALL, Texanna; Edward MARSHALL. Book F, p.419- 420, 1 Mar. 1879. Final divorce decree not found. While the case was awaiting completion, Texanna was given custody of their two children, the older of whom was about 2 years old; Edward MARSHALL was ordered to pay $3 a month to support the children. 51 EVANS, Jonas; Fannie EVANS. Book F, p.425, 6 Sept. 1879. They were divorced. HARRISON, George; Martha HARRISON. Book F, p.425, 6 Sept. 1879. They were divorced. TYNDAL, Paralee; Lewis TYNDAL. Book F, p. 443, 4 Mar. 1880. They were divorced. HARDY, Wm. H.; Lula S. HARDY. Book F, p. 445, 5 Mar. 1880. They were divorced. Wm. was given custody of their 2 children: Wm. Horace HARDY and Alpheus HARDY. CHASE, Minne A.; Henry B. CHASE. Book F, pp. 465-466, 11 Sept. 1880. They were divorced. GRIFFIN, Fred; Laura GRIFFIN. Book F, p.466-467, 15 Sept. 1880. They were divorced. NEAL, Levy; Margaret NEAL. Book F, p.467, 15 Sept. 1880. Margaret "voluntarily left the bed & board" of her husband for 3 years. They were divorced. \ - DAVIS, Bennett Hillsman; Ruth Davidson DAVIS. Book F, p.469, 22 Sept. 1880. Ruth was guilty of "excesses, cruel treatment and outrages toward" her husband. B.H. DAVIS was given custody of their 2 children: William H. DAVIS, 13 years old, and Lucille DAVIS, 9 years old. Ruth DAVIS waived her right to any portion of the community property, so that it could be used to help care for the children. On 22 Oct. 1879, Ruth DAVIS faked her own drowning at Galveston. She had gone there with her sister Mary DAVIS (wife of Napoleon DAVIS, brother of B.H. DAVIS) and M.W. McCRAW, a Bryan lawyer. Ruth and Mary were daughters of Col. T.D. WILSON. In May 1880, McCRAW revealed the deception at Ruth DAVIS' request. They said that he alone had helped her with the plot, and that her sister had not been involved. McCRAW helped Ruth DAVIS move to New York city. McCRAW visited N.Y. often, as he had a business office there. Ruth DAVIS lived in a boarding house in which he also had a room. They stated that their conduct had been "proper" and offered to produce witnesses who could testify to that. Ruth "never uttered a word against Maj. DAVIS. She wanted to get rid of Bryan, its talk, not him." She said that her motive was "not for any ~icked purpose." (For more details, see: Galveston Daily News, 28 May 1880, p.l, col.4; 29 May 1880, p.1, col.3; 30 May 1880, p.1, col.5; 13 June 1880, p.1, col.5; 23 Sept. 1880, p.1, col.5). 52 BLUNT, Peter; Lydia BLUNT. Book F, pp.471-472, 22 Sept. 1880. They were divorced. ) ANDREWS, Green; Cora ANDREWS. Book F, pp. 473-474, 2 Oct. 1880. They were divorced. DAVIS, Martha; John DAVIS. Book F, p.474, 6 Oct. 1880. They were divorced. BURTON, Viola; Frank BURTON. Book F, p.474, 9 Oct. 1880. They were divorced. FORBES, A.C.; M.C. FORBES. Book F, p.474, 16 Sept. 1880. They were divorced. ROBERTSON, Hanna; James. ROBERTSON. Book F, p.475, 1 Sept. 1880. James "was guilty of cruel treatment" to Hanna. They were divorced. * * * * * Using Deeds and Mortgages to Determine a Maiden Name Peggy BASENFELDER copied the following from Prodigy: Two of the most frequently used records for tracing our male ancestors, deeds and mortgages, can also prove useful in uncovering maiden names, If you will check the lower left-hand corner of most deeds, you will see the signatures of from two to four witnesses. The first one is usually from the husband's side and the next one is usually from the wife's side, This was done to protect her 1/3 dower. This is one of the best clues you'll ever find for tracking down a maiden name, Likewise, you may be in luck in checking mortgages, It was traditional in the 1800's and perhaps even before, that when a woman married, her father (to protect her dowry), either covered the loan or carried the note for his son-in-law, (KYOWVA Gen, Soc,) - WANTED INFORMATION ON SEABORN ROSS Need parents, second marriage and other children. b.ca 1837 GA - Madison Co TX 1870 w/wife Matilda WILLIAMS ROSS Wife died at birth of son Thomas Walton ROSS 13 Feb 1874. Child raised by maternal grandmother Matilda BUNDICK WILLIAMS. . Family story says "Seaborn ROSS went 'below Bryan'." Alice M. (ROSS) ROBARDS . 10619 Fern Drive Dallas, TX 75228 \ - o Cl\ CO .-l 1 1 Ul ro ~ 0) 8 ~ 4.1 ~ ::I o U Ul o N ro J..I 10 ~ ..-l Ul 0) .c= u J..I ::I .c= u 0) Ul +J Ul 0) Ul r-l ... .c= '.-l ro 0 .c= J..I ro Ul +J..c:dN 4.lO)UJ..I 8 ... ro j '.-l 0) ~ ~ ~ .~ 0) ~ ~ . 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Q)0'C +J~c II) C ::s '.-1,.-1 0 r-l ~ r-l Q) nS Q) J.lr:::,Q nS'.-I tTl't'l II) ,.-I r-l Q) J.l ::s 'floo I-l Q) 0 ::s .d II) .d+JQ) o tTl.d NCO \0..-1 I-l >t~ .a r-l00 C Q) o.dN 0\0 J.l UQ)>t Q)~r-l +J~C 0<0 Z .. II) . J:l .. II) r-l I-l Q)..-I O.d~ +Joo ..-1 J.l J.l 't'l::so ~ .s::: ..-1 of( 0 J:l \ - II) nS >< Q) 8 >t ~ C ::s o U II) o N It! J.l l:Q I I II) C o ..-1 ~ It! r::: ..-1 J:l o r::: Q) o 55 SOME BRAZOS CO. FOLKS IN WASHINGTON CO. RECORDS compiled by Bill PAGE I · I These entries (taken from Washington County Delayed Birth Records on microfilm) list children born in Washington Co., Tx., whose birth certificates indicate that at least one of their parents had been born in Brazos Co. The actual birth certificates provide much additional information, including data on parents' jobs, military service of fathers, etc. Microfilm Reel #1769246 Leon J. NOWAK (b. ca. 1883, Washington Co.) m. Mary WYMOLA (b. ca. 1894, Bryan). Their son Albine J. NOWAK was b. 14 Nov. 1913 in Brenham (v.1, p.84). John LUDWIG (b. ca. 1882, Germany) m. Mathilda JESTER (b. ca. 1884, Brazos Co.) Their son Ervin John LUDWIG was b. 20 Mar. 1920 in Burton (v.1, p.257). Microfilm Reel 1769247 John Richard ALEXANDER (b. ca. 1850, Washington) m. Minnie Meartia BERKELEY (b. ca. 1870, Bryan). Their daughter Sarrah Katherine ALEXANDER was b. 18 Nov. 1888 in Washington (v.4, p.174). \ - James ZEPHAR, an African American (b. ca. 1874, Millican) m. Mollie SCURRY, an African American (b. ca. 1872, Washington). Their son Lucious ZEPHAR was b. 4 Oct. 1899 in Precinct One, Washington Co. (v.4, p.271). Thomas Armstrong ADAMS (b. ca. 1884, Bryan) m. Lillien SCHUERENBERG (b. ca. 1887, Brenham). Their daughter Lillian Louise ADAMS was b. 7 Sept. 1916 in Brenham (v.5, p.170). Walter BOONE, an African American (b. Grimes Co.; "deceased prior to this birth") m. Mattie CORNER, an African American (b. ca. 1880, Brazos Co.) Their son Andrew BOONE was b. 17 Mar. 1904 in Chapel Hill (v.6, p.88). Callie AMERSON, an African American (b. ca. 1890, Brazos Co.) had a daughter Mamie Esther AMERSON, b. 11 Apr. 1904 in Washington (V.6, p.92). Samuel Williams MEREDITH (b. ca. 1872, Madden, Mississippi) m. Jessie JOHNSON (b. ca. 1876, Bryan). Their daughter Jessie Sylvia MEREDITH was b. 25 Nov. 1905 in Chapel Hill (V.6, p.192). 56 Microfilm Reel 1769248 James THOMPSON, an African American (b. ca. 1904, Brazos Co.) m. Edna ALLEN, an African American (b. ca. 1905, washington co.) Their son Donell THOMPSON was b. 13 Dec. 1925 in Washington (v.6, p.461). Ferdinand o. JASTER (b. ca. 1891, Brazos Co.) m. olga DRAEGER (b. ca. 1889, Washington Co.) Their daughter Lona ottilie JASTER was b. 19 May 1915 in Burton (v.7, p.31). Joe Lee MEEKINS (b. ca. 1898, Bryan) m. Augusta POEPPELMEYER (b. ca. 1890, Brenham). Their daughter Doris Lee MEEKINS was b. 1 July 1921 in Brenham (v.7, p.46). Thomas HALL (b. ca. 1839, Tenn.) m. Laura WEST (b. ca. 1851, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Laura Belle HALL was b. 13 Aug. 1879 in Precinct 3, washington Co. (v.8, p.408). Frank WINDOM, an African American (b. ca. 1865, Brazos Co.) m. Cora WHITAKER, an African American (b. ca. 1875, Brazos Co.) Their son Milam WINDOM was b. 25 Sept. 1903; their daughter Versa.Lee WINDOM was b. 22 May 1906; their daughter Ella WINDOM was b. 16 Feb. 1910; their son James Ollie WINDOM was b. 8 Mar. 1913. All the children were b. in Precinct 2, Washington Co. (v.8, pp.468-471). , ......... Jim RICHARDSON, an African American (b. ca. 1888, Brazos Co.) m. Ollie HOUSE, an African American (b. ca. 1889, Washington Co.) Their daughter Ida Belle RICHARDSON was b. 7 June 1924 in washington Co. (v.9, p.99). Frank L. OSBY, an African American (b. ca. 1879, Washington Co.) m. Alice JACKSON, an African American (b. ca. 1884, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Ollie OSBY was b. 12 Nov. 1900 in Washington (v.9, p.375). 57 I ~ I GREEN'S PRAIRIE ) During the early years of the Weeklv Eagle and the Brvan Dailv Eagle, letters were published under the titles "County News" or "Correspondence", These were letters from residents of small communities in rural Brazos County, They contain information about births, marriages, deaths, social gatherings, church activities, residents and visitors in these communities, In this issue the Green's Prairie community is highlighted. March 23, 1899, p,3, col.5 County News, Cotton Acreage Reduced. At Green's Prairie--Description of the Prairie and News Notes. Mr, Editor--As I haven't seen anything from our little community, I shall endeavor to give you a few dots. Corn is up and looking well. I don't think there will be as much cotton planted in our neighborhood this year as there was last, I think our people are beginning to realize that there is more to be made by raising as much of what they eat as possible, Messrs, J,M, WILLIAMS, Geo, WILLIAMS and W,S, DIXON each have fenced in a hog pasture, More hog means more corn, bacon and lard and less cotton. I guess it would be well to give your readers a description of our community, It is situated 12 miles south of Bryan; 2 miles east of Wellborn. There are only eight families on the prairie, so you will see there aren't enough people here yet to have churches and schools, We all send our children to the Wellborn school. There is also a preaching at Wellborn on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month and if our people ~ don't go, it is our own fault, We have a splendid stock range through spring and summer, The health of our neighborhood is generally good, but at this writing there is some sickness, such as lag rippe, roseola and colds, We are glad to note that Miss Bernice GOODYEAR is able to be among her friends and neighbors again after having a severe attack of roseola, Miss Bessie COMBEST has returned home after spending a week with Mrs. Margaret CHENAULT of Peach Creek neighborhood, On Sunday night March 12th, Mrs, W,S, DIXON shot and killed a dog that was trying to get in the house, her husband being absent at the time, The supposition is that the dog was mad, If this escapes the waste basket I may write again, Hanks, April 13, 1899, p,3, col.3 County News, From Green's Prairie. Farmers seem to be very busy preparing the ground for cotton, There seems to be a great deal of sickness in this community but not very serious, Dr, G,F, LEE of Rock Prairie made a business trip to this settlement Sunday. Otha and Ison WILLIAMS went to the river part of the week fishing. We wish them success, Miss Jennie FREEMAN's school closed last week on Peach Creek with a nice 58 The Brazos Genealogist Green's Prairie picnic, Mr. W,S, DIXON and family, and Miss Bernice GOODYEAR of this settlement and Bro, W,T, WOODS and Mr, M,B, LASKI of Wellborn were in attendance, Plenty, dinner and good singing, At 11 :30 a,m" Rev, W,T, WOODS made an interesting talk to the little folks which they enjoyed as well as the older ones, The exercises of the school were listened too with great pleasure. Miss Jennie has taken great pains with the little ones on Peach Creek, Mrs, E, GANDY and Miss Emma ARNOLD of Rock Prairie spent Thursday in this community, Mrs, M, WILLIAMS is at Harvey visiting her children, Miss Bernice GOODYEAR spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Evie GREW of Cartwheel Prairie, Mr, G,T, WILLIAMS and family, Mr, George ARRINGTON and Miss Zaddie WILLIAMS were visitors on Cartwheel Prairie last week, Mrs, NORWOOD visited her son, Mr, W. NORWOOD the past week. April 5, 1899 Yum Yum April 20, 1899, p,3, col.3 County News, From Green's Prairie, Another nice rain visited this part of the county last Saturday, It being the first warm rain this spring, The crops, gardens and grass are putting on a different and more promising appearance, On account of the recent cold northers corn has been looking very bad and there is a deal of complaint about cotton not coming up, Quite a number of Greens Prairie people attended preaching at Peach Creek on 2nd Sunday in this month, Rev, S,C, MARTIN, the pastor of that church, preached a very interesting sermon to a large audience, Among the visitors to that church from other communities, we noticed Messrs, A,B, McSWAIN and W,E, GRAHAM of Rock Prairie, Tom ELLINGTON, Charlie COBB and Jim GILBERT of Cartwheel Prairie, and W,W, COTHRAN and wife of Allenfarm, Miss Ida SYMMS of Peach Creek spent the past week with Mrs, W,S, DIXON of this community, Mr, J,H, GANDY and family of Rock Prairie were visiting in this neighborhood last Sunday. Mr, Crocket ELLINGTON of Bethel has been spending a few days in this neighborhood with friends and relatives, G,R. DIXON went to Bryan last week to lay in a supply of groceries, It is now noticeable from the looks of the farms and patches, our farmers are beginning to believe in diversification of crops, One can see most any kind of plant growing that is adapted to their climate and soil. We heard a man say a few days ago that he had a variety of peas that were very palatable cooked without meat, It is claimed that there is enough oil in them to season them when cooked, and if they proved to be as presented we consider that gentleman has a fortune in his hands as there are many farmers paying from 8 to 10 cents a pound for bacon on time, when, if they had a start of those peas, they could do without bacon until they could raise a few hogs, 59 The Brazos Genealogist Green's Prairie ) Messrs, C,J, KINCANNON and Pen COMBEST visited Millican last Sunday, Will conclude with best wishes for the Eagle and its many readers, Hanks April 27, 1899, p,3, col.2 County News, From Green's Prairie, We still have some cold weather once in a while, We are glad to see the golden sunshine once more, Several from Green's Prairie have been attending a meeting at Millican, Mr, ABLE and family attended church Sunday at Wellborn, Mrs, CHENAULT of Peach Creek spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, DIXON. Some of our people are visiting friends and relatives on Cartwheel Prairie, Yum Yum May 4, 1899, p,3, colA County News, From Green's Prairie, Weather is good and warm, Crops are looking fine, From what we can learn ~he farmers are pretty well up with their work until it rains, Some of our people on last Sunday went to Providence church, while a great many of them went to Millican to attend preaching, All report having had a delightful time, Mr. James KINCANNON of Bethel, came over last Sunday and attended preaching at Millican Sunday night, Dr. G,F, LEE was in our little community again last Sunday, We are always glad to see the doctor as he is an old friend of most all the people on Greens Prairie, We are glad to see so many letters from different parts of the country in the Eagle, By reading them one gets the news from all over the county, We always read the correspondents news first, As news is scarce with me this week I will close and try ,to do better next time, Hanks May 18, 1899, p,3, col.1 County News, From Greens Prairie, This part of the country received a great blessing in the way of a good rain on the night of the 10th which was very much needed, Crops, gardens and grass look fine. Since the rain some of our farmers are done chopping cotton, but the majority of them have just fairly commenced, Quite a number of our people attended preaching at Peach Creek last Sunday, Rev, S,C. MARTIN preached a very interesting sermon on Communion, to a large and attentive congregation. Among the visitors to that from other communities, we noticed Chas, MANLY and Claud LAWRENCE from Martin's Prairie, Grimes county, After preaching the good ladies spread an excellent dinner which was enjoyed by all, At 2 p,m, Sunday school was taken up, They also organized a prayer meeting which will meet every Sunday evening, The remainder of the evening was spent in singing, Rev, E.M, MYERS is holding a meeting at Wellborn which commenced Saturday 60 The Brazos Genealogist Green's Prairie night, May 13th, we trust that God will abundantly bless those that seek salvation during this meeting, Mr, Emmett BRUNSON of Bethel spent Sunday in our community, Mrs. Dollie McCULLOCH and Mrs, Will SELLERS of Bethel are visiting Mrs, Sam WILLIAMS, May 15,1899 Hanks May 25, 1899, p,3, col.3 County News, From Green's Prairie, Another good rain visited this community this evening, which didn't come amiss as the farmers are all ready to lay by their corn, Prospects are good at present for a good corn crop in this part of the country. In going about over the neighborhood I notice that the women folks have a great many young chickens, and if the rains hold out, chicken pie all through the summer, and hog and hominy in the winter is almost a sure thing, Miss GOODYEAR has been sick the past two weeks with hiccoughs, Mrs. GOODYEAR of Anderson came to see her stepdaughter last week, and returned home today, There have been quite a number of friends to see Miss GOODYEAR, too numerous to give their names--from Wellborn, Rock Prairie, College, Cartwheel Prairie and Bethel who all hope that she will soon recover, The meeting at Wellborn held by Rev, MYERS is progressing nicely with several additions to the church, Quite a number of Bryan people were there Sunday, Hanks . - June 22, 1899, p,3. col.1 Correspondence, From Green's Prairie. We had a very good rain on the 12th, which was badly needed, Crops are very good, Some of the corn in our community is badly injured by chinch bugs, The most of the farmers here are laying by their cotton, I think we will all be through by July 1st, The cotton is rather small to lay by, but if there are any Fourth of July picnics or barbecues we want to be ready for them, Miss Daisie KINCANNON of Cartwheel is visiting Miss Zaddie WILLIAMS, Miss Susie GOODYEAR of Anderson, is visiting her sisters, Mrs, G,T, WILLIAMS and Miss Bernice GOODYEAR of this community, Mr, G,E, ORR and his mother, Mrs, CHENAULT spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W,S, DIXON, Born to Mr, and Mrs, J,M, WILLIAMS a fine boy, June 14th. Hanks July 13, 1899, p,3, col.3 Correspondence, From Green's Prairie, Health in this community is good at present and has been for some time, have no doubt but what there will be a great deal of sickness later on, after such an enormous amount of rain falling, It rained here three days and nights nearly all the time, The rain being accompanied by strong 61 The Brazos Genealogist Green's Prairie I ' winds, sufficient to blow down corn and cane, If it rains much more this summer corn will be badly injured as great deal will rot, The high water done considerable damage to farms, nearly all of the people were done plowing and had their land very loose, which caused it to wash badly, All the creek farms in this part of the county is washed to pieces, and a great deal of the fences are washed away, roads and bridges are torn to pieces by the high water and some of the roads are impassable, but the hands are beginning to repair them, The greatest damage done any one--on the hills--that we have heard of was a gentleman near Wellborn, Your correspondent has been informed that it washed his hogs all out of the pen and his well up by the roots, Quite a number of our people have visited the Brazos river during the high water, Mr, G,R, DIXON was waterbound in the Cartwheel neighborhood from Wednesday until Saturday, We learn that Mr, Sam WILLIAMS of this community has lost between 30 and 50 head of cattle to the back waters from the Navasota river, Hanks August 10, 1899, p,3, col.2 Correspondence, Greens Prairie, As I have not seem anything from this community for some time, I will try to give you the news, It is very hot and dry at present. We haven't had any rain since the big rain in July, The cotton crop will be very short in this section of the country. There is some sickness in our neighborhood at present, Mr, Offa WILLIAMS has been very sick for several days, but am glad to note that he is up again, Miss Bessie COMBEST is sick at this writing, Mrs, Bessie WILLIAMS has been sick, but is able to be out among her friends again, Mr, Wash NORWOOD and family have gone to Bell county to spend a few weeks with relatives, Mrs, Mack COONER of Panola county is in our community visiting relatives and friends, Mr, Will SILLERS and family of Cartwheel, were visiting in our neighborhood Saturday and Sunday, Mr. Emmet BRUNSON and family of Bethel, were visiting in our community last week, Your correspondent had the pleasure of attending a glorious revival at Peach Creek church conducted by the pastor of that church, Rev, S,C, MARTIN, and able assisted by Revs, S.R, McCLUNG and G.A, FOSTER. The good and faithful ministers did a grand and glorious work in that neighborhood for the Master, there being 42 addition to the church, 19 by baptism the balance by letter and by reclamation, and in the number baptized was Mrs, Rachel SIMS, better known in this part of the country as Aunt Rachel. She was converted in the meeting that has just closed and 62 The Brazos Genealogist Green's Prairie is 75 years of age, May the good Lord bless her and make the remainder of her days the happiest of her life, Hanks November 16, 1899, p,3, col.4 Correspondence, From Green's Prairie, Plenty of sunshine and pleasant weather at present, It is very warm for this time of year, although we two killing frosts a week or so ago, We have been informed that several from this community and Rock Prairie communities attended preaching at Peach Creek last Sunday to witness the marriage of Mr, G,R. DIXON and Miss Jennie COTHRAN, Messrs, Sam WILLIAMS, J,M, WILLIAMS and W,S, DIXON have the repair work on their houses about finished, Mr, L.D, GREENWOOD is building on the new place he has bought in our community, Cotton is all out and sold in our neighborhood, and the money all spent, I guess, Several of the W,O,W.'s of our camp at Wellborn attended the unveiling of the monument of Sovereign J,C, WILLIAMS at Bryan last Sunday, which was a beautiful and impressive ceremony; and I am confident that every member of the Woodmen is a better and truer sovereign now than previous to that occasion. We must say right here that Bryan is up-to-date on entertainments, Every member of our camp expressed himself as having had a delightful time, Hanks December 21, 1899, p,2, co!. 1 Correspondence, From Green's Prairie, The health of our community is good at present, I only know of two cases of sickness, Mr. J,M, WILLIAMS' baby has been sick for several days, Mr, Sam WILLIAMS who has been suffering with his side for a long time, is no better, He is not able to do anything or stir about but very little, He gave a working last Thursday, Dec, 20, which was largely attended by good, willing hands, Messrs, Will GOENS and W,D. SELLERS were there from Cartwheel Prairie, We had a fine spell of hog killing weather last week, and some of our neighbors killed and their meat, which saved nicely, I think every man in this community will kill nearly if not quite enough meat to do him and his family until next summer, Christmas is drawing near, but one would not know it if it wasn't for the children talking about Santa Claus, Don't hear any talk of Christmas trees, Haven't been able to hear whether Wellborn was 'going to have a Christmas tree or not, but suppose they will, as they nearly always do, Some of our farmers in this community have gone to plowing. There is a good deal of improving going on at present on houses and farms, Messrs, Ollie, Lon and Otho WILLIAMS went to Houston last week, Hanks 63 SOME BRAZOS COUNTY INQUESTS, 1857-1874 compiled by Bill PAGE } These inquest records are taken from the Brazos County commissioners' Minutes. (Microfilm reel #1020037). 18 May 1857: Justice of the peace William S. STUART was paid $5 for holding inquest on --- KNOX. p.A2. 20 May 1861: A. MOWBRY, R.D. McCARY, David WILLIAMS, C.H. FITCH, C.W. MITCHELL & J.T. STINER were paid $1.50 each for serving as jurors at inquest for Mrs. REYNOLDS. p.A81. 20 May 1861: Drs. MITCHELL and STEVENSON were each paid $20 for a post mortem exam on Mrs. REYNOLDS. p.A81. 21 May 1861: A. ORR, Geo. SIMMS, J.M.C. TRIPPLET, B.H. PEVERLY, -- BECKHAM, and M. WALDROFF were paid $1.25 each for being jurors at inquest for Willis ADAMS p.A83. (ADAMS was shot and killed at Millican. Austin Daily state Journal, 4 May 1861, p.2, col.4.) - 28 May 1869: Justice of the peace A.E. EDGAR was paid $16 "for summoning jurors in person & fee for 6 jurors" for inquest of Ed. FRAZER. p.A246. 2 June 1869: Dr. S.M. HALSEA was paid $7.50 for a post- mortem exam on "freedman Gus PAYNE (pauper)". p.A248. 1 Nov. 1870: Hammett HARDY was paid $12 for inquests on John WASHINGTON, Dick BROOKS and an unknown person. p.A286. 28 Nov. 1870: Hugh REED was paid $6 for inquest on Frank KELLY. p.A288. 28 Nov. 1870: Hammett HARDY was paid $12 for inquests on Andy JOHNSON and J.W. SPIVEY. p.A288. 29 July 1872: Justice of the peace J.F. LEE was paid $6 for inquest on D. LINDSAY. p.A360. 30 Sept. 1872: Justice of the peace Hugh REED was paid $6 for inquest on Anderson JOHNSON. p.A361. 24 Nov. 1873: Justice of the peace A.C. PREWITT was paid $6 for inquest on C. CHERRY. p.A394. 24 Dec. 1873: J.F. LEE was paid $6 for inquest on J. DOSER. p.A400. 64 STATE AND LOCAL FAIRS, 1870-1873 compiled by Bill PAGE The state Fair ... [items displayed include] ... Fancy, rosin, palm and soft soap, made and exhibited by J.C. GREGORY, of Bryan (Houston) Times, 20 May 1870, p. 2, col. 4 ) ... Ingenious knitting machines are weaving their yarns -- Lambs on the one hand and on the other that of D.M. CLOWER, of Bryan ... (Houston) Times, 21 May 1870, p. 2, col. 2 Award of premiums ... W.T. WRIGHT, Millican, cotton and shuck mattress, diploma ... Mrs. T.J. BEALL, Bryan, open and transfer work, silver goblet (Houston) Times, 25 May 1870, p. 3, cols. 2-3 STACEY & TYLER, Bryan, Ariel cars, diploma ... J.C. GREGORY, Bryan, family soap, silver medal... (Houston) Times, 26 May 1870, p. 3, cols. 1-2 Grimes Co. Fair ... Best pair gents' summer boots, Texas made: S.N. BLATHERWICK, Bryan, silver medal... Best tatting collar, girl under 14 years: Miss Minnie CLARK, Bryan, silver cup ... Best counterpane, domestic woven: Mrs. M.A. PIERCE, Bryan, silver sugar spoon ... Best knitting in silk: Mrs. P.M. WILSON, Bryan, $5 ... Best worsted quilt: Mrs. P.M. WILSON, silver cup ... Best plain needlework by machine: Mrs. P.M. WILSON, napkin ring ... Best ornamental needlework by machine: Mrs. P.M. WILSON, silver cup ... Best sun bonnet: Mrs. W.D. HERRICK, Millican, butter knife ... Best vest made by a lady: Mrs. M.A. PIERCE, salt cellar ... Best filley 2 years old and under 3j thoroughbred: T.L. LOUGHRIDGE, Bryan, silver cup ... Best saddle gelding, over 3 years old: John HENDERSON, Bryan, $5 ... Fastest trotter in single harness: J.J. ADAMS, Bryan, goblet .... Galveston Daily News, 3 Aug. 1871, p. 1, col. 1 . ----, 3rd Tex. State Fair ... Best Tex. peaches preserved in sugar in glass or tinware, Mrs. M.A. PIERCE, Bryan ... Best citron preserves (3 jars), Mrs. E.H. EATON, Bryan ... Best citron preserves, made in Tex., Mrs. E.H. EATON ... Best strawberries preserved in sugar, in glass or tin, Mrs. M.A. PIERCE ... Best strawberry jelly made in Tex., Mrs. M.A. PIERCE ... Best fancy knitting in socks, gloves and caps, Mrs. M. PIERCE ... Galveston Daily News, 19 May 1872, p. 2 ... Best embroidered infant's dress, Mrs. W.O. HERRICK, Brazos Co. ... Best pin cushion, Miss L. HODGE, Bryan ., ... Best bureau set, Mrs. W.O. HERRICK .... Galveston Daily News, 21 May 1872, p. 4 65 1st Fair of the North Tex. Agricultural, Mechanical & Blood stock Association ... List of premiums awarded ... Best strawberry preserves, Mrs. M.A. PIERCE, Brazos Co., $2 ... Best Black berry preserves, Mrs. M.A. PIERCE, $2 ... Best Mustang wine, Miss Mollie BATTLE, Brazos Co., $2.50 ... Best knitting in silk, Mrs. PIERCE, $1 ... Best crochet works by miss under 14, Miss Jessie KIMBRO, Brazos $2.50 ... Best worsted embroidery, Miss Mollie BATTLE, $2 ... Best lamp mat, Miss Jessie KIMBRO, $1; Best tidy, Miss Jessie KIMBRO, $1 ... Best half hose, Mrs. M.A. PIERCE, $1 ... Best wax work, Miss Mollie BATTLE, $2.50 ... (weekly) Dallas Herald, 12 Oct. 1872, p. 2, col. 5 4th Annual state Fair ... Tex. raised draft horses: best stallion, 4 years old and over ... W.D. FARISH, Brazos Co., enters Steel Dust ... 1st premium ... Galveston Daily News, 14 May 1873, p. 3, col. 6 Mrs. R.A. PERRY, Mrs. M.A. PRICE, of Bryan...and other Texas mothers more than half a century old, show how they used to make socks for lovers in the days when they wore "bonnie blue ribbons"...Miss Jessie KIMBALL, of Bryan [and other girls], all little industrious ladies under 14...show with commendable pride what their fingers have wrought in crochet work...Miss M.J. ROWAN, of Welburn Station...[and other] young ladies...compete for the silver medal for fine tatting....Galveston Daily News, 17 May 1873, p. 2, col. 4 Premiums...Best specimen of ornamental needle-work by machine, Mrs. WILLIAMS, Bryan...Best practical penmanship by a lady from 16 to 20 years of age, Miss Annie BOATWRIGHT, Bryan...Galveston Daily News, 20 May 1873, p. 1, cols. 1-2 * * * * * Brvan Weeklv Eacle 17 June 1926, p,4 DEATH CAUSES DEEP SORROW TO CANINES. There is deep mourning today among the canine population of the city due to the death of one of its most prominent members. "Tige," the bull dog of C,S. MARTIN, who passed away at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday night, June 15, at the MARTIN Meat Market on North Main Street, The cause of death is said to be that he imbibed too freely of the refreshing liquid supplied by nature, which we term "water," after having become overheated prior to the consumption of too much water, He was laid to rest with due ceremony by Cecil MARTIN and Willie KEMP in the butcher pen pasture and goes to join his canine brethren who have passed to their respective rewards in dog-heaven, 66 NAME IBARRO, GUILLERMO ILLUM, INFANT BOY INGRAM, DAVID KENT INGRAM, SAM 1.1. INGRAM, 1.1, ROBERT ISH, PET HALSELL ISHERWOOD, SARAH LIZZIE * IVY, ELLA MAE IVY, MILTON JACKSON, ANDREIJ DOUGLAS JACKSON, BETTY JO JACKSON, BLANCHE E, JACKSON, ESTELLE JACKSON, FRANK JACKSON, JAMES B, JACKSON, LEE JACKSON, MAMIE A, JACKSON, MAUOE CREED JACKSON, RALPH 0, JACKSON, RALPH RAY JACKSON, RICHARD M. JAHN, ANNA JAHN, HUGO E. JAHN, HUGO E. JAHN, NAOMI R. JAHN, PEARL IJALLACE JAMES, CORINNE JAMES, ELIZABETH H, JAMES, FRANCES CHANCE JAMES, HATTIE IJEBB JAMES, INFANT JAMES, INFANT JAMES, JAMES IJEBB JAMES, KAY HAMM JAMES, LAURA JAMES, LEE E. JAMES, LEONA EGAN JAMES, MARY BEATRICE * JAMES, MARY GILES JAMES, MEREDITH HADDEN JAMES, MEREDITH HADDEN,JR JAMES, SESSIONS S. JAMES, UNA EDGE JAMES, IJILLIAM T. JAMES, IJINNIE MAY JAMETTA, AGNES JAMETTA, NICOLA JEFFERSON, CLEO JEFFERSON, LEROY JEFFERSON, LULA B. JENKINS, ARTHUR NEIJBY JENKINS, BETTIE J, JENKINS, CHARLES E. JENKINS, EDIJIN GILLESPIE JENKINS, EDIJIN J" MR. JENKINS, ELLA PINK JENKINS, GEORGE JENKINS, GEORGE 1.1, JENKINS, HARRY S. JENKINS, HARRY S, JENKINS, INFANT JENKINS, JULIA L. JENKINS, LESLIE HAYES JENKINS, MARY A. JENKINS, MARY LEONA JENKINS, PAULINE L. JENKINS, SAM J. BORN 1876, FEB 10 1979 1966 1869, JUL 24 1867, APR 8 1875, JAN 28 1898, OCT 24 NL 1901, NOV 23 1875, OCT 11 1925, DEC 20 1924, OCT 16 1900, JUL 14 1905, DEC 21 1894, MAR 12 1912, MAY 8 1878 1889, DEC 6 1956 1930, MAR 21 1924, MAR 26 1857. 1881, APR 3 1880 1899, NOV 27 1882, JAN 19 1889 1857 1890 1860 NL NL 1887 1922, JAN 1 1892 1914, JAN 2 1916, DEC 10 1900, AUG 20 1928, FEB 16 1859 1890, JUL 5 1904, JAN 1 1904, DEC 17 1854 1891, FEB 19 1842 1847 1914, OCT 14 1893, JAN 10 1896, OCT 1 NL 1870, AUG 27 1861, NOV 4 1895, FEB 21 1867 1874, JUL 20 1863, NOV 5 1835, NOV 14 1905, DEC 17 1869, JUN 28 NL 1870, FEB 4 1908, DEC 5 1831, MAR 14 1904, FEB 1 1920, OCT 18 1911, AUG 3 BRYAN CITY CEMETERY Continued from Vol, XIV, No,3 DIED 1929, APR 10 1979 1966 1879, JUL 20 1883, SEP 4 1954, MAR 24 1918, OCT 23 NL 1974, OCT 15 1947, JUN 1 1978, MAY 20 1976, APR 9 1968, NOV 6 1918, OCT 11 1962, OCT 24 1969, JAN 4 1929 1950, APR 25 1956 1957, MAY 31 NL 1918 1942, DEC 10 1942 1985, JUN 3 1917, MAY 8 1971 1936 1971 1926 1884, MAR 13 1882, DEC 9 1958 1984, OCT 23 1978 NL 1967, OCT 2 1981, MAY 12 1928, MAR 6 1921 1979, JUL 28 1985, MAR 23 NL 1923 1892, MAY 3 1922 1920 1975, NOV 17 1965, DEC 22 1915, DEC 31 1940, DEC 19 1876, JUL 5 1943, OCT 26 1923, JUN 18 1959 1935, NOV 20 1902, APR 20 1904, SEP 2 1956, AUG 10 1956, APR 29 1902, MAY 4 1932, NOV 20 1980, AUG 25 1917, MAY 17 1904, MAR 7 1980, NOV 10 1971, SEP 11 INSCRIPTION/REMARKS wI 1.1, ROBERT INGRAM wI SAM 1.1. INGRAM *POIJERS w/ MILTON IVY PVT ARMY AIR FORCES wI ELLA MAE IVY wI RICHARD M, JACKSON wI JAMES B, JACKSON ARK PVT CO L 38 INF IJIJ wI ESTELLE JACKSON - IJIFE OF A, D. JACKSON TX SSGT US AIR FORCE KOREA wI BLANCHE E. JACKSON MOTHER wI HUGO E, JAHN wI NAOMI R, JAHN wI ANNA JAHN wI HUGO E. JAHN OAR DAU OF 1.1. T, & E. 1.1. JAMES wI INFANT SON JAMES SON OF 1.1, T. & E, 1.1, JAMES wI INFANT DAUGHTER JAMES wI LEE E, JAMES wI KAY HAMM JAMES *GILES w/ UNA EDGE JAMES wI SESSIONS S. JAMES DAU OF 1.1, T. & E. 1.1. JAMES wi INF SON & DAU JAMES w/ NICOLA JAMETTA wI AGNES JAMETTA MOTHER TX PFC US ARMY IJIJ I 6y DAU OF S, J, & A, F. JENKINS b LONDON, ENGLAND d ATLANTA, GA, b LONDON, ENGLAND wI MARY A, JENKINS SON OF EDIJIN J, & ELLA p, JENKINS b LONDON, ENGLAND w/ GEORGE 1.1, JENKINS wI SAM J, JENKINS w/ PAULINE L, JENKINS ( , ---.., JENKINS, THOMAS G, JENNINGS, CYRUS ) JENNINGS, FERNE DANSBY JENNINGS, TAYLOR KEY JIMENEZ, ADALIA T, JIMENEZ, ROY STEVEN JINSKE, HENRY W. JINSKE, LAURA JANE JOHNSON, ANNIE H. JOHNSON, ARRIE C. JOHNSON, ARTIE B, JOHNSON, B. F. JOHNSON, BABY JOHNSON, BABY BOY JOHNSON, BABY GIRL JOHNSON, BERRY L, JOHNSON, BESSIE K, JOHNSON, BILLY VAN JOHNSON, CARL E. JOHNSON, CHARLES ANDREW JOHNSON, CHARLES PERRY JOHNSON, CLARA J, SCHWALM JOHNSON, DANA BENBOW JOHNSON, DAVID S. JOHNSON, DONALD S, JOHNSON, EDGAR JOHNSON, ELIZA TOWNES * JOHNSON, EMMA JOHNSON, ESTELLE RAINEY JOHNSON, EULA J, JOHNSON, EVELYN B, JOHNSON, FAYE B. JOHNSON, FLORENCE JOHNSON, FLORENCE G, JOHNSON, FRANCIS L., JR. JOHNSON, GEORGE WHITFIELD JOHNSON, HAROLD p, JOHNSON, HELEN S, JOHNSON, HENRY JOHNSON, HENRY H. JOHNSON, INFANT GIRL JOHNSON, INFANT TWINS JOHNSON, IRA HERNE JOHNSON, J. W. JOHNSON, JACK JOHNSON, JACK TABOR JOHNSON, JACQUELINE JOHNSON, JAMES N, JOHNSON, JAMES ROBERT JOHNSON, JAS. R., DR, JOHNSON, JENNIE LEE * JOHNSON, JESS HEAD JOHNSON, LAWRENCE LEROY JOHNSON, LUCIE C, JOHNSON, MAE DELL JOHNSON, MAMIE JOHNSON, MARIE R, JOHNSON, MATTIE E, JOHNSON, MOLLIE JOHNSON, MOLLIE PINKIE JOHNSON, NORMAN L, JOHNSON, OSBORN SKAINS JOHNSON, PAUL H. JOHNSON, SALLIE JOHNSON, TENNIE STUART JOHNSON, T nus JOHNSON, W. S. JOHNSON, W, S., MRS, JOHNSON, WALTER A, JOHNSON, WALTER L" Ph,D. JOHNSON, WIllIAM CHilTON JOHNSON, WIllIAM E. 1897, JUN 12 NL 1900, JAN 8 1893, SEP 23 1922, SEP 13 1971 1898, NOV 2 1905, JAN 23 1858, AUG 17 NL 1918, AUG 9 1856, JUN 7 NL 1982 1959 1892, OCT 29 1905, FEB 9 1933, AUG 12 NL 1958 1959, AUG 22 NL 1876 1967 1914, APR 15 1882, SEP 5 1845, MAY 24 1867, SEP 1 1902, JAN 4 1896 1911, NOV 5 NL 1886, JUL 26 1912, MAR 29 1923, JAN 17 1886 1908, JAN 27 1902, FEB 19 1892, JAN 2 1892, DEC 20 1964 1964 1897, AUG 26 1848, AUG 28 1898 1889, OCT 1 1928, JUN 27 1884, NOV 25 1908, OCT 25 1838, OCT 14 1889 1878, MAR 21 1893 1889, OCT 30 1906, MAR 6 1895, OCT 2 1892, SEP 24 1859, JAN 14 1871, OCT 1 1894, JUL 4 1915, JAN 9 1884, NOV 25 1909, JUN 10 1882, AUG 15 1888, AUG 26 1870, JAN 18 1857, APR 11 1867, NOV 15 1903, JUl 12 1901, FEB 17 1879 1897, JAN 30 1959, SEP 22 1926, MAY 16 1966, OCT 4 1949, SEP 2 1971, MAY 19 1971 1984, MAR 17 NL 1943, FEB 20 1964 NL 1876, AUG 4 1902, DEC 25 1982 1959 1925, JAN 4 NL 1967, APR 16 NL 1958 1985, MAR 26 1986, DEC 26 1942 1967 1985, OCT 9 1911, FEB 18 1912, APR 19 1885, JAN 1 1975, JUL 26 1982 1981, DEC 30 1967, MAY 1969, OCT 5 NL 1966, DEC 21 1963 1964, MAY 3 NL 1892, MAR 6 1983, AUG 18 1964 1964 1980, JAN 29 1900, DEC 10 1954 1971, AUG 11 1940, JAN 2 1961, JUL 30 NL 1895, AUG 1 1981 1946, JAN 6 1945 1971, APR 24 1982, APR 28 1943, DEC 30 1979, DEC 15 1896, NOV 6 1900, SEP 16 1894, NOV 7 1925, JAN.4 1951, APR 18 1979, AUG 7 1905, SEP 11 1976, MAR 14 1915, JUN 14 1923, MAR 14 1955, NOV 24 1965, MAY 7 1980, DEC 12 1946 1983, FEB 16 67 TX PVT ICL 109 INF 28 DIV MAMO wi LAURA JANE JINSKE wi HENRY W, JINSKE MOTHER wi WILLIAM J, JOHNSON TX PVT ICL 325 INF 82 DIV FATHER wi NORMAN L, JOHNSON wi WALTER L, JOHNSON NJ AIC 36 FOOD SVC SQ AF SON OF WILLIAM JOHNSON 83y wi FLORENCE G, JOHNSON *MCLAUGHLIN MAMA WIFE OF DR. JAMES R, JOHNSON wi LAWRENCE LEROY JOHNSON wi PAUL H. JOHNSON wi WILLIAM H, JOHNSON wi DONALD S, JOHNSON TX S1 US COAST GUARD RES WW II TX A1C US AIR FORCE WW II KOREA wi HENRY H, JOHNSON 2m 4d SON OF HENRY & MARY JOHNSON wi HELEN S. JOHNSON PFC US ARMY WW I wi TENNIE STUART JOHNSON wi MAE DELL JOHNSON CSA PAPA *NORRIS wi EULA J, JOHNSON wi JAMES ROBERT JOHNSON b HOLLY SPRINGS, MS WIFE OF LOUIS JOHNSON DAU OF AMEY JONES 4m 3d DAU OF HENRY & MARY JOHNSON SON wi BERRY L, JOHNSON wi EVELYN B, JOHNSON wi JACK TABOR JOHNSON wi blank wi BESSIE K, JOHNSON 68 JOHNSON, WILLIAM H. JOHNSON, WILLIAM I, JOHNSON, WILLIAM J, JOHNSTON, BABY GIRL JOHNSTON, INFANT GIRL JOHNSTON, JOSIE N, JOHNSTON, JULIA E, JOHNSTON, LILLIE E. JOHNSTON, RICHARD * JOHNSTON, TIMOTHY V, JOLLY, DAVE D, JOLLY, MARY ETTA JOMEZ, ELOI SA JOMEZ, LI VRADA JONES, ALICE J" MISS JONES, AMY JONES, BARBARA MARIE JONES, BONNIE LOU JONES, C. EDGAR JONES, C, EGBERT JONES, CHARLES R. JONES, COLUMBUS p, JONES, CORA GRIFFIN JONES, DARWIN L, JONES, DAVID CLUIE JONES, DIANNE ELAINE JONES, DONNA NEAL JONES, DORA MAE KEITH JONES, EDNA GERTRUDE JONES, ELIZABETH RUTH JONES, ELMA TAYLOR JONES, EMANUEL JONES, EMMETT C. JONES, ERIE JONES, ERNA JAY JONES, ESTELLE TERRY JONES, ESTHER O. JONES, EXER L. JONES, FORREST C, JONES, FORREST C" JR, JONES, FRANCIS EMMETT JONES, GAINER BROWN JONES, H, H, JONES, HANNER JONES, HENRY NATHAN JONES, HORACE F. JONES, IMOGENE WOLIVER JONES, J. CARL JONES, JAMES CARLETON JONES, JESSIE L. JONES, JIM H. JONES, JOHN DEWEY JONES, JOHN MCKINNEY, SR. JONES, JOHN R. (JOSH) JONES, JULIA OLGA JONES, JULIA YATES JONES, LAWRENCE E, JONES, LEE EDWARD JONES, LOIS JUNE JONES, M. LAMAR, DDS JONES, M. LINTON JONES, MARIE SPECK JONES, MARY CONWAY JONES, MARY E. JONES, MARY GAINER JONES, MATHILDA REUWER JONES, MAUDE B. JONES, MICHELLE A, JONES, MINNIE L, JONES, MYRTE BROWN JONES, R. W. (DICK) JONES, RAY WILEY 1896, MAR 31 1905 1918, DEC 28 1952 1980 1886, OCT 24 1886, AUG 7 1898, MAY 7 1861, DEC 25 1956, JUL 23 1875 1883 NL 1897, NOV 10 1858, JAN 2 1857, JAN 12 1929 1890, SEP 14 1887, APR 20 18n 1918, MAR 16 1843, FEB 4 1883 1928, JUN 21 1886 1954, NOV 18 1917 1918, APR 15 1882 1909, MAR 18 1895, JUL 26 NL 1913 1900, FEB 4 1917, NOV 3 1900, OCT 3 1902, JUL 15 1887, DEC 6 1891, JUN 19 1917 1875 1901, FEB 14 NL NL 1927, JUN 28 1891, NOV 1 1903, SEP 11 1882, SEP 6 1913 1886, SEP 19 1884 1898, JUL 24 1886, MAY 26 1929, MAY 19 1892, MAY 6 1853 1925, MAY 19 1900, OCT 6 NL 1902 1919, FEB 13 1902 1893, JAN 7 1841 1851, DEC 26 1894, MAR 20 1882 1983 1885, JUN 19 1880 1871 1893, FEB 6 1976, NOV 3 1944 1966, JAN 9 1952 1980 1985, SEP 4 1972, DEC 27 1978, MAR 6 1926, MAY 8 1985, JAN 19 1965 1980 NL 1945, MAY 27 1873, OCT 20 1915, FEB 27 1935 1953, JUL 18 1976, APR 1 1946 NL 1931, JAN 18 1973 1982, DEC 4 1961 1956, OCT 26 1955 1970, MAR 14 1971 1978, JAN 11 1960, AUG 11 1910, NOV 30 1982 1981, MAR 10 NL 1976, JAN 16 NL 1982, SEP 14 1969, SEP 13 19n 1946 1981, DEC 18 .1906, SEP 2 1915, MAY 12 1985, OCT 29 1964, SEP 15 1950, MAY 3 1949, OCT 17 1965 1979, MAY 28 1962 1967, JUN 25 1979, APR 30 1973, JAN 8 1936, JUL 8 1952 1982, AUG 24 19n, JAN 10 1933, JUL 7 1966 1985, NOV 23 1984 1986, JAN 1882 1939, SEP 18 NL 1974 1985 1962, OCT 6 1970 1901 NL wi FLORENCE JOHNSON wi ARTIE B, JOHNSON MOTHER MOTHER wi WILMA F. HARDIN *CHRISTMAS MOTHER 15y 9m ONLY CHILD OF H, H. & W. J, JONES wi H. H. JONES wi C, EDGAR JONES wi BONNIE LOU JONES wi DORA MAE KEITH JONES FATHER wi DAVID CLUIE JONES wi CORA GRIFFIN JONES BABY wi CHARLES R, JONES MOTHER MOTHER wi RUSSELL LOWELL JONES Sly wi WILLIAM H, JONES wi M. LINTON JONES wi JOHN DEWEY JONES wi ZEFFIE L. JONES wi RAY WILEY JONES CAPT US MARINE CORPS WW II KOREA FATHER COL US ARMY WW II 74y 1m 22d FLT wi MISS ALICE J, JONES GRANDMOTHER wi ELLA SANDLES US ARMY WW II - , wi RUBY A. WILCOX JONES wi ZULA JONES TX PVT US MARINE CORPS WW wi ESTHER O. JONES wi ERNA JAY JONES MOTHER wi RAYMOND BISHOP JONES wi R, W. JONES MOTHER WIFE OF C, EGBERT JONES wi MAUDE B, JONES wi FORREST C, JONES JONES, RAYMOND BISHOP . JONES, ROBERT C., JR. ) JONES, ROBERT M, JONES, RUBY JONES, RUBY A. ~ILCOX JONES, RUSSELL LOWELL JONES, SAMMIE A. JONES, SARAH REBECCA JONES, TIMOTHY H, JONES, ~EBB CARLETON JONES, ~ILLIAM H. JONES, ZEFFIE L. JONES, ZULA "MIMI" JORDAN, JACK BASSETT JOSEPH, CARL JOSEPH, JOHN ~., JR, JOWERS, CASSANDRA E, FORD JOWERS, FRANKLIN MARION JOWERS, ROBERT LEE JUAREZ, JUAREZ, GERALDO JUAREZ, JAEREO JUAREZ, LYDIA G. JUAREZ, RUBY M, JUSTUS, HEATHER ANN KACZER, BENJAMIN KACZER, ETHEL FREDA KAISER, RACHELLE KAMMERL, HERBERT A. KAN, DONALD KAPCHINSKIE, MARTIN KAPLAN, BESSIE KAPLAN, JOSEPH KAPLAN, PANSY LORRAINE KAPLAN, PEARL KAPLAN, SAM --;KAUFER, C, L. 'KAUFER, CHARLIE KAUFER, EVA MARIE KAUFER, EVA MARK KAUFFMAN, JAMES KEEFER, BERTIE RYAN KEEFER, RICKY LEE KEELE, DEBORA KAY KEEN, INFANT BOY KEEN, TIMOTHY MARK KElLEY, MARGARET KEITH, GLENN T, KEITH, HATTIE E, KEITH, JAMES LARRY KEITH, SEAB KEITH, ~EL THA L. KELLER, DORA M. KELLER, KATHLEEN M. KELLER, VIVIAN J. KELLETT, FRANK B, KELLETT, SALLIE P. KELLEY, BABY KELLEY, IDA MOODY KELLEY, J. BASCOMB KELLEY, ~ILLIE LEE KELLY, BLANCHE ELIZABETH KELLY, MARY CATHERINE KEMMER, FRANCES KEMMER, FRANK KEMP, BABY BOY KEMP, BABY GIRL KEMP, EMMA J. KEMP, JOYCE F, rKEMP, ~ILLlAM A, KENDALL, INFANT KENNARD, GEORGE 1892, MAY 25 1963 1916, SEP 19 1918, MAR 20 1880, FEB 4 1906,AUG 27 1912 1867, JAN 4 1969 1886 1875, FEB 28 1885, MAR 6 1886 1959 1938, SEP 16 1936, SEP 12 1846, MAR 28 1843, JAN 21 1866, JUN 19 1931, SEP 10 1955 NL 1891 1937, OCT 2 1975 1860 1860 1821, JUN 7 1942, APR 8 19n 1823 1911, FER 28 1883 1895, AUG 6 1883 1894, MAY 1 1847, JAN 13 NL 1878, DEC 4 1805, JUN 24 1963 1905, JAN 7 1955, JAN 19 1952 1958 1966 1938 1911, OCT 9 1887 1942, JUL 2 1886 1918, DEC 25 1890, MAY 28 1916, SEP 17 1886, MAY 14 1871, APR 9 1874, APR 30 1952 1884, MAR 20 1884, JUN 2 1907, FEB 9 1887, AUG 11 1913, MAY 17 1924, JAN 5 1921, NOV 16 1961 1967 NL 1940, JUL 23 1938, OCT 19 1985 1839, OCT 12 1972, JUN 4 1964 1949, MAR 5 1953, JUL 6 1984 1969, OCT 14 1969 1952, AUG 3 1969 1962 1952, AUG 23 1969, MAR 2 1974 1959 1938, SEP 19 1982, JAN 28 1932, JUL 25 1893, JUL 14 1947, JAN 20 NL 1985 NL 1961 1957, JUL 6 1975 1938 1912 1871, AUG 12 1984, JUL 5 1972 1888 1927, MAY 28 1954 1976, JAN 18 1922 1976, NOV 5 1884, NOV 16 1883, JUL 29 1880, AUG 2 1879, NOV 28 1963 1970, AUG 17 1974, JUN 28 1952 1958 1968 1983 1944, MAY 13 1968 1942, JUL 5 1959 1971, AUG 27 1952, FEB 3 1927, MAR 7 1954, JUN 12 1958, MAY 15 1964, FEB 14 1952 1949, JUL 30 1949, FER 28 1909, OCT 31 1974, JUL 14 1921, MAY 28 1981, DEC 1 NL 1961 1967 1921, JUL 15 NL 1984, JAN 26 1985 1895, SEP 21 69 TX PVT 227 CO MPC WW I wi MATHILDA REU~ER JONES TX 1ST LT 133 ARMD MAINT BN WW II wi J, CARL JONES TX SGT 231 BASE UNIT AAF WW II wi ELIZ, RUTH JONES wi ERIE JONES wi EXER L. JONES wi JIM H, JONES SON OF JOE & PAULINE JOSEPH MOTHER FATHER BROTHER MOTHER DIED APRIL AGE LESS THAN 1 YEAR DAU OF S, & M, KAISER SGT US ARMY VIETNAM wi PEARL KAPLAN ~IFE, MOTHER wi .SAM KAPLAN wi JOSEPH KAPLAN HUSBAND, FATHER wi PANSY LORRAINE KAPLAN 37y b GERMANY d POMONA, CA MASON 1y 10m 24d SON OF C. L. & CLARA KAUFER b GERMANY MOTHER wi DORIS MATHIS ~ATSON SON wi SEAB KEITH wi HATTIE E. KEITH wi VIVIAN J, KELLER wi DORA M. KELLER m MAR 6, 1942 wi FRANK KEMMER wi FRANCES KEMMER wi ~ILLIAM A, KEMP wi JOYCE F. KEMP 56y 70 KENNEDY, SAM p, KERN, A. RUTH KERN, AUGUST L. KERN, LEON B. KERN, MARY A. KERN, MARY STALLINGS KERNOLE, ALMA H, KERNOLE, ANGIE V. ICERNOLE, CHAS, F. ICERNOLE, HENRY KERNOLE, HENRY KERNOLE, J, o. KERNOLE, JOHN CHANCIE KERNOLE, R, V. KERR, ADA P. KERR, BERNARD LAWSON KERR, EUGENE JAMES, SR. KERR, GERALDINE JEFFERIES KERR, J. J, KETTERSON, INFANT SON KETTERSON, MOZELLE V, KEY, AGNES S. KEY, EUGENE MORLAND KEY, IRA F. KEYS, ELLEN KEYS, MINUARD KIEFER, HALBERT R, KIEFER, WI LLIAM KIKER, FLOYD A. KILLINGSWORTH, MYRTLE * KILLOUGH, ALEXANDER * KILLOUGH, DAVID SAMPLE KILLOUGH, MAX KIMBROUGH, MARY FRANCES KIMBROUGH, WALLACE M. KINCAID, HETTIE D, KING, BILLIE A. KING, CARRIE LOU KING, ERNEST R. KING, FRANCES ALINE KING, ISABELLE KING, JOHNNIE E, KING, LESLIE EARL KING, LUCY J. KING, MAGGIE ELLISON KING, MARTHA R, HARLAN KING, MARY ELIZABETH KING, MAURICE KING, MYRTLE E, KING, OCTAVOUS KING, RANDOLPH S. KING, W. C, KING, WALTER C, KING, WARREN R. KING, WILLIAM RUFUS KING, 11M, R, KINNARD, ALBERT W, KINNARD, NELLIE S. KINNE, LILLIE BELLE KINNE, NORMAN 1. KINNEY, IDELLE KINNEY, WILLIAM H. KIRBY, LONNIE H, KIRBY, LOU E. KIRBY, THOMAS J. KIRBY, THOMAS N, KIRK, KIRA KIRK, WANDA G. KIRKPATRICK, BYRON MARK KIRKPATRICK, JENNIFER * KIRL, BEVERLY FAYE KIRWIN, JOHN NEVE 1911 1917, NOV 2 1876, DEC 18 1856, FEB 29 1887, MAY 16 1853, AUG 10 1876 1876, NOV 30 1869, OCT 12 1840, JAN 1 NL 1875 1878, FEB 1 1847, DEC 18 1884, NOV 10 1901, SEP 17 1903, JAN 17 1910, DEC 24 NL NL 1912 1887, JUN 29 1916, O~T 5 1886, JUN 10 1850, 1835 NL 1857, JUL 25 1910, JAN 25 1896 1861, FEB 7 1852 1887 1945 1913 1875 1881, MAR 4 1881, APR 25 1892, NOV 29 1913, OCT 13 1896, NOV 28 1876, JUL 9 1885, OCT 6 1854, NOV 4 1894, APR 24 1903, MAR 2 1919, SEP 16 1887, SEP 6 1884, OCT 11 1854, JUN 23 1903, AUG 20 1849, AUG 29 1879, DEC 4 1920 1883, OCT 8 1828, SEP 26 1864 1873 1903, SEP 11 1894, NOV 22 1879, OCT 2 1901, NOV 19 1895 1869 1902 1862 1963, APR 6 1933, NOV 5 1918, APR 27 1973, JUN 2 1968 1902, SEP 3 1958 NL 1946, OCT 27 1933, AUG 13 1958, NOV 29 1929, SEP 21 1965 1950, SEP 3 1893, JAN 22 1898, FEB 4 NL 1926 1940, MAY 19 1939, APR 7 1912, MAR 1 1901, SEP 23 1965, AUG 30 1981, MAY 29 NL 1938 1938 1965, FEB 16 1942, AUG 7 1943, MAY 4 1926, DEC 17 1912, FEB 9 1891, JAN 21 1888, OCT 4 1974, NOV 24 1921 1948, MAR 19 1930 1978 1946 1958 1943 1955, MAY 25 1881, OCT 4 1958, OCT 13 1934, FEB 13 19n, MAR 14 1894, AUG 28 1965, JUL 26 1927, AUG 31 1964, MAR 5 1978, JAN 5 1981, MAR 12 1911, SEP 10 1937, MAR 11 1882, FEB 28 NL 1888, MAR 27 1922, JUL 5 1982 1941, DEC 3 1879, JAN 24 1953 1960 NL 1975, JUN 4 1907, DEC 18 1960, AUG 10 1927 1942 1933 1937 19n, JUN 3 19n, JUN 3 1978, FEB 15 1973, JUN 8 1968 19n, JUN 25 wi MARY A, KERN wi MARY STALLINGS KERN wi AUGUST L. KERN wi LEON B, KERN 23y 3m 10d 58y 1m 3d wi R, V. KERNOLE POOR MANS FRIEND WIFE OF H, KERNOLE wi HENRY KERNOLE MOTHER SON OF E. W. & R. K, KERR MOTHER'S BOY ALWAYS wi MOZELLE V. KETTERSON wi INFANT SON KETTERSON LT USMC 1ST RAIDER BATT WW II 76y 76y 20y 8m SON OF FRANK & AMANDA KIEFER b BRAZOS CO., TX *JAMES WIFE OF H, T, KILLINGSWORTH, JR. *NEWTON wi MYRTLE E, KING TX CPL 359 INF WW I wi RANDOLPH S. KING CPL US MARINES WW II wi BILLIE A, KING wi MARTHA R, HARLAN KING US NAVY FATHER SOy 7m 2d b AUTAUGA CO" AL d BRYAN, TX HUSBAND, FATHER wi NORMAN T. KINNE wi LILLIE BELLE KINNE WIFE OF WILLIAM H, KINNEY TX Yl US COAST GUARD RES WW II wi IDELLE KINNEY MOTHER FATHER COLONEL *ANNE PFC US ARMY - I KIRWIN, ROBERT G, , KLAPROTH, EMMA ,) KLING, VICTORIA LOUISE KLOCK, OLIVE RUTH CLOUD KLUG, MABEL BRANDES KLUG, THEODORE F. KNAPP, CLEON TALBOYS KNAPP, JULIA PEARCE KNOBLAUCH, CHARLES F, KNOBLAUCH, H. KNOBLAUCH, LEILA KNOBLAUCH, MINNIE KNOBLAUCH, RICHARD WH. KNOEDL, THOMAS JOSEPH KNOWLES, B, H. KNOWLES, CHARLIE L, KNOWLES, INFANT KNOWLES, JULIE BISHOP KNOWLES, LAURA BELLE KNOWLES, LEWIS JOE KNOWLES, PAULINE GILLMORE KNOWLES, R, G. (BUDDY) KNOWLES, R. R. KNOWLES, SARAH A. KNOWLES, WILLIE 14. KNOX, BEN H. KNOX, DANIEL B, KNOX, PEARL BOYETT KNOX, WALTER S, KOELSCH, AGATHA KOELSCH, 14. KOENIG, BERTHA H, KOENIG, EDGAR A. KOENIG, LOUIS A, KOENIG, WINNIE MAE \ KOKEMOOR, ELIZABETH A, ----- KOKEMOOR, TONYA LYNN KONECNY, JOHNNY FRANK KONECNY, MARY F. NEWTON KONECNY, WILLIAM CARL KOPETSKY, ADOLPH D. KOPETSKY, MARY KOPPE, AMANDA, MRS, KOPPE, JOHNNIE KOPPE, MARY KOPPE, MARY, MRS. KOPPE, WILLIAM KOPPE, WILLIE KOSOFSKY, PEARL KOSTELKA, BABY BOY KOSTELKA, KEITH W, KOVAR, DIRK L. KRAFT, CLARA BELLE KRAFT, JOHN HORACE KRAFT, ORA L, KRANZ, DUANE LYNN KRAUSER, LOURINE 14. KROMER, LONNIE KRUEGER, AMANDA KUBAN, CHARLES PAUL KUBAN, EDITH CONWAY KUBICHEK, JAMES W. KYLE, ALICE MYERS KYLE, EDWIN JACKSON LACY, W, B. LADD, JAMES E. LADD, JESSE LEE, JR. LADD, JESSE LEE, SR, LADD, LINDA NEYLAND * LADD, SUE MAE LAHATTE, CHAS, SIDNEY LAHATTE, EDNA BOYETTE 1915, APR 28 1845, JUN 13 1981, OCT 11 1899 1895, MAR 6 1891, JAN 12 1909 1921, DEC 15 1875, MAY 4 1873, AUG 9 1880, SEP 18 1845, JUN 11 1879, DEC 25 1958, FEB 9 1841 1883 1878, NOV 17 1861 1873 1952, NOV 17 1904, JUN 7 1894, JUL 23 1871 1848 18n, APR 3 1867, JUL 25 1855, SEP 17 18n, DEC 17 1861, SEP 18 1829, DEC 29 1825, OCT 29 18n, OCT 11 1902, JUN 25 1873, JUN 21 1904, JUN 8 1967 1973 1907, FEB 8 1916, SEP 22 1957 1878, AUG 6 1879, JAN 19 1861, MAY 4 1900, JUN 30 NL 1855, JUL 13 1848, JAN 9 18n, JUL 26 1922, MAR 7 1963 1968 1843, FEB 22 18n 1876 1910, NOV 24 1951 1910, SEP 19 18n 1984 1893, AUG 8 1909, OCT 3 1913, JUL 25 1884, AUG 16 1876, JUL 22 1859, OCT 29 1900, NOV 30 1927, MAY 9 1907, AUG 14 1925, AUG 15 1912, MAR 27 1871 1871 1962, APR 27 18n, SEP 22 1981, OCT 25 1926 NL 1969, SEP 10 1954 1974, DEC 22 1936, FEB 6 1906, APR 22 1905, MAY 4 1922, MAR 17 1949, APR 23 1981, MAR 6 1911 1968 1878, NOV 17 1926 1953 1953, JAN 17 1935, MAR 9 1945, JUN 7 1926 1897 1880, SEP 27 1922, FEB 18 1911, JUN 12 1945, AUG 1 1910, NOV 11 1884, AUG 26 NL 1962, MAY 29 1979, NOV 5 1956, MAY 20 1986, OCT 25 1967 1973 1983, SEP 9 NL 1957 1965, AUG 23 1979, DEC 20 1887, DEC 16 1974, DEC 17 NL 1883, DEC 7 1902, NOV 21 1918, OCT 12 1927, JAN 8 1963 1968 1907, MAR 1 1962 1953 1983, AUG 19 1951 1984, OCT 13 1954 1986 1959, APR 25 NL 1973, AUG 19 19n, FEB 5 1963, DEC 26 1909, NOV 4 1981, FEB 5 1985, SEP 5 NL NL NL 1933 1962 71 wI THEODORE F. KLUG wI MABEL BRANDES KLUG WIFE OF CHARLES F. KNOBLAUCH MURDERED FATHER wI SARAH A, KNOWLES SON OF B, H. & s, A. KNOWLES wI WILLIE 14, KNOWLES MOTHER wI B, H, KNOWLES DAU OF B. H, & S. A, KNOWLES wI INFANT SON KNOWLES wI 14. KOELSCH wI AGATHA KOELSCH wI LOUIS A. KOENIG wI WINNIE MAE KOENIG wI BERTHA H, KOENIG wI EDGAR A, KOENIG m MAY 26, 1933 wI MARY F. NEWTON KONECNY m MAY 26, 1933 wI JOHNNY FRANK KONECNY DADDY wI MARY KOPETSKY wI ADOLPH D, KOPETSKY wI WILLIAM & MARY KOPPE wI WILLIAM & AMANDA KOPPE wI MARY & AMANDA KOPPE 1ST INF SP AM WAR DADDY wI EDITH CONWAY KUBAN wI CHARLES PAUL KUBAN TX PFC ARMY AIR FORCES WW II wI KATIE & ROBERT W. RAWLINS PVT US ARMY WW II wI LINDA NEYLAND TREADAWAY LADD wI SUE MAE LADD *TREADAWAY wI JESSE LEE LADD, JR, wI JESSE LEE LADD, SR. wI EDNA BOYETTE LAHATTE wI CHAS, SIDNEY LAHATTE 72 LAIRD, CARLOS L. LAIRD, LENA W, LAKE, WILLIAM D, LAMKIN, TOM MCKINNEY LAMPO, ANGELO LANDRUM, INFANT LANDRY, GLADYS EDGE LANDRY, WARREN J, LANE, JOE STEVENSON LANE, LOUIS E. LANE, ROGER LARKIN LANEY, PETER LANG, JAMES LANG, JUNE C, LANG, OOUS EARL LANG, PEARL L. LANG, RAYMOND W. LANGFORD, DENISE M, LAROCCA, LUCIA LAROCCA, VINCENZO LARUE, CHARLES A. LARUE, CHARLES G, LARUE, DUANE EDDIE LARUE, R, A" MRS. LARUE, TIMOTHY WAYNE LATTERMAN, JULIUS LATTERMAN, MARGARET LAUDERDALE, WILLIAM ROY LAUDERDALE, WILLIE MARY LAUGHLIN, JOHN EARL LAUTERSTEIN, BOBETTE M. LAUTERSTEIN, JULIAN B. LAW, F. M, LAW, FRANK MARION LAW, M. J., MRS. LAW, SALLIE WEBB LAWLESS, B. L. LAWLESS, BUELA F, LAWLESS, SIDNEY W. LAWRENCE, AMANDA M. V. LAWRENCE, BESS Y. LAWRENCE, DORCAS ANN, MRS LAWRENCE, ELIZ. BENBOW LAWRENCE, HALLIE LAWRENCE, INFANT BOY LAWRENCE, JAMES C, LAWRENCE, JAMES HENRY LAWRENCE, JAS. CARMICHAEL LAWRENCE, JIM TOM LAWRENCE, JOHN CONWAY LAWRENCE, JOHN MICHAEL LAWRENCE, JOHN MICHAEL,JR LAWRENCE, JOSEPH NEWTON LAWRENCE, JOSEPHINE * LAWRENCE, JOSIE A. LAWRENCE, MATTIE MAY LAWRENCE, MAY WEBB LAWRENCE, RUTH LAWRENCE, THOMAS KIRWIN LAWRENCE, W, D. LAWRENCE, WILLIAM H., DR. LAWSON, JOE L. LAWSON, MARY E. LAWSON, MOLLIE ENGLISH * LAWSON, ONDIS L. LAWSON, SOPHIA J, LE BLEU, STEPHANIE LEAZER, BABY BOY LEBO, BETTY RUTH LEBO, GUSSIE B, LEBO, MILES B. LEE, BERNICE A, 1886, APR 30 1885, JAN 17 1883, SEP 3 NL 1895 1952 1909, DEC 3 1904, AUG 6 1915, APR 27 1919, MAY 8 1911, SEP 19 1855 1889, JUL 3 1920, SEP 9 1919, AUG 15 1893, AUG 25 1917, OCT 12 1980 1851 1859 1841, JUN 12 1832, JUN 28 1974 1828, NOV 29 19n, JUL 20 1883 1932, APR 15 1891, SEP 4 1902, APR 16 1961 1902, JAN 16 1895, APR 5 1828, MAY 15 1873, FEB 12 NL 1838 NL 1903 1894 1844, AUG 12 1886, FEB 20 1819, APR 10 1862 1897, OCT 28 NL 1842, DEC 2 1918, NOV 16 1912, OCT 22 1884, MAY 24 1896, MAY 28 1873 1899, OCT 20 1856, APR 6 1875 1857, NOV 10 1899, JAN 21 1874 1887, AUG 12 18n 1871 1876, APR 18 1896, SEP 14 1898, JAN 20 1851 1890, JAN 15 1900, FEB 9 1979, MAR 4 1981 1925, SEP 23 1900, JAN 2 1896, OCT 22 1879, JUN 10 1956, JAN 7 1969, JAN 17 1942, SEP 27 1875, MAR 27 1896 1952 NL NL 1969, DEC 1 1976, SEP 16 1966, APR 6 1919 1985, DEC 4 NL 1981, JUL 15 19n, JUL 8 1948, MAR 19 1980 1934 1932 1876, JUL 13 1883, DEC 28 1979 1880, SEP 25 1979, JAN 25 1958 1982, JAN 10 1958, AUG 28 1986, MAY 16 1986, JUN 12 1975, FEB 14 19n, SEP 26 1902, JUN 9 1873, MAR 25 1879, FEB 15 1929 1901 NL 1959 1888, MAY 21 1958, JUL 14 1911, FEB 11 1934 1898, NOV 7 1923, SEP 5 1890, JUN 18 1960, DEC 19 1912, NOV 8 1964, NOV 14 1896, OCT 15 1938 1980, JUN 17 1902, AUG 24 1948 1933, NOV 5 1984, OCT 20 1969 1896, OCT 12 1942 1929 1951, MAY 4 1955, JAN 15 1974, JUN 3 1950 1978, FEB 4 1984, APR 11 1979, JUN 1 1981 1925, SEP 23 NL 1966, APR 5 1971, JUN 30 wI LENA W, LAIRD wI CARLOS L, LAIRD TX MASTER SGT 23 INF 16y 2m 16d TX PVT CO C 30 ENGR TNG BN WW II PFC US ARMY WW II TX PVT BRTY A 737 CA BN AA WW II wI HATTIE T. WILSON wI VINCENZO LAROCCA wI LUCIA LAROCCA t wI CHAS. G" R, A, LARUE, GUSSIE THOMAS & JOHNNIE MCMICHAEL wI CHAS. A" R, A, LARUE, GUSSIE THOMAS & JOHNNIE MCMICHAEL wI CHAS. G, & CHAS. A, LARUE, GUSSIE THOMAS & J,MCMICHAEL wI WILLIE MARY LAUDERDALE wI WILLIAM ROY LAUDERDALE WIFE wI JULIAN B. LAUTERSTEIN HUSBAND wI BOBETTE M, LAUTERSTEIN 74y b SC FATHER wI MRS, M. J, LAW SON OF F. M. & M, J, LAW 36y MOTHER WIFE OF REV. F. M, LAW wI F. M. LAW 71y wI SIDNEY W. LAWLESS PFC 90 MIL POLICE CO WW I wI BUELA F. LAWLESS d NEW ORLEANS, LA WIFE OF JAMES C. LAWRENCE wI JIM TOM LAWRENCE b TN d BRYAN, TX wI JOHN CONWAY, JOSEPH NEWTON, & RUTH LAWRENCE SON OF JNO. M, & MATTIE MAY LAWRENCE, JR, b RUTHERFORD CO., TN d BRYAN, TX CALIF AVN CADET ARMY AIR FORCES WW II AM-PH \ - , wI BESS Y. LAWRENCE wI HALLIE, JOSEPH NEWTON, & RUTH LAWRENCE wow wI HALLIE, RUTH & JOHN CONWAY LAWRENCE *CLARKE wI THOMAS KIRWIN LAWRENCE wI DR, WH. H. LAWRENCE & 4 OTHERS ON OTHER SIDE OF STONE WIFE OF JOHN MICHAEL LAWRENCE, JR. WIFE OF JOHN MICHAEL LAWRENCE wI HALLIE, JOHN CONWAY & JOSEPH NEWTON LAWRENCE wI JOSEPHINE CLARKE LAWRENCE wI JOSIE A, LAWRENCE & 4 OTHERS ON OTHER SIDE OF STONE TX SSGT US ARMY WW I & II *MCDONALD wI SOPHIA J, LAWSON wI ONDIS L, LAWSON wI MILES B. LEBO wI GUSSIE B, LEBO WIFE OF DR, GEORGE FRANCIS LEE LEE, DON ') LEE, GEORGE FRANCIS, DR. LEE, JOHN MILTON LEE, JULIA BALL LEE, MARY H. LEE, RAY CONWAY LEFEVRE, CARRIE LEFEVRE, F. D, LEGRAND, LENA MAE LEHMAN, HENRY J, LEHMANN, CHARLIE LEHMANN, FREDERICK W, LEHMANN, FRIZT LEHMANN, JOSEPHINE LEHMANN, NANNIE LEIGH, J, W. LEIGH, J. W., JR, LEIGH, JENNIE MAUDE LEMAN, BENJAMIN F, LEMAN, EUGENE DICKINSON LEMAN, MARION LOUISE LEMAN, MATTIE SCOTT LENORMAN, ALICE S. LENZ, DON EDGAR LENZ, EMMETT J. LENZ, EVElYN M. LENZ, GUSSIE B. LENZ, HUGO J, LEONARO, All CE LEONARD, HERBERT, REV, LEONARD, J. B, LEONARO, JAMES LEONARD, JOE W. LEONARD, JOHN H, LEONARO, JOHN W" REV, ---.J LEONARD, MARY C. ,LEONARD, MARY E. . LEONARD, RUTH LERNER, GERALD p" JR, LEVY, JACOB LEWIS, EARL EDGAR LEWIS, EMORY C. LEWIS, ETHEL WALLACE LEWIS, INFANT GIRL LEWIS, JERRY C. LEWIS, JOE NAPOLEON LEWIS, SUSIE B, LICHTE, ALLIE JAMES LICHTE, FRITZ E, LIERMAN, LOU LIGHT, ALICE F. LIGHTS, JAKE LIGHTSEY, LUCILLE LIGHTSEY, OLIVER LIMBACHER, PHILIP CARL,JR lINACK, EMMIE L, lINACK, OTTO G, LINDHOLM, JAMES ROLAND LINDHOLM, MARGUERITE ANN LINDLEY, CECIL VICK, JR, LINDSLY, EVELYN SANDERS LINK, CATHERINE LINK, ESTELLA B, LIPPS, ARLTON W, LIPPS, LURLINE ALLEN LIPSCOMB, BEULAH B. LIPSCOMB, CAROLYN WEBB LIPSCOMB, MOSE O. LIPSCOMB, S, WEBB ~IPSCOMB, SAMUEL ALVIN LIPSCOMB, WILLIAM TRAVIS LISCANO, CECILIA VASQUES 1889, AUG 9 1871, JAN 29 1906, MAR 12 1908 NL 1890, AUG 15 1889, JUL 28 1887, JUN 4 1918 1894, JAN 18 1900, JUL 30 1892, NOV 15 1846, NOV 30 1861, AUG 18 NL 1866 1895 1874 1833 1880, JUN 1 1883, NOV 14 18n, MAR 3 1927, APR 11 1957, AUG 19 1916 1920 1896 1892 1873, MAR 27 1913, AUG 13 NL 1848, JAN 6 1928, AUG 5 1880 1884, JAN 4 1891, JUL 19 1882 1932, SEP 27 1944, JAN 12 NL 1930 1885, JAN 22 1894 1964 1942, NOV 3 1893 1895, AUG 30 1887 1885 1909 1900, MAR 28 NL 1924, OCT 25 1922, JAN 27 1945, AUG 21 1905 1898 1926, NOV 4 1929, MAR 28 1908, JUL 28 1895, DEC 7 NL NL 1909, FEB 10 1915, OCT 25 1910, JUN 6 1893, NOV 12 1874 1918, MAR 28 1887, APR 21 1903, DEC 8 1880, FEB 22 19n, APR 19 1934, APR 26 1979, MAY 31 1937 1906, DEC 4 1967, AUG 24 1970, MAR 31 1963, OCT 28 1965 1964, FEB 29 1904, MAY 5 1893, JAN 28 1905, AUG 29 1938, MAR 22 1897, SEP 27 1906 1919 1958 1907 1880, JUL 25 1884, JUN 8 18n, JUL 26 1969, OCT 23 1983, OCT 7 1935 1937 1965 1958 1917, JUL 17 1961, APR 30 NL 1915, JAN 15 1979, JAN 20 1964 1968, MAY 10 1985, APR 12 1962 NL 1946, MAR 13 1870, AUG 9 1976 1952, FEB 18 1968 1964 1962, JUN 22 1962 1968, JAN 3 1959 1953 1984 1973, AUG 21 1921, JUL 12 NL 1966, OCT 21 19n, MAR 24 1966 1969 1982, JAN 14 NL 1961, AUG 1 1986, JUL 6 1889, MAY 12 1890, JUL 2 1981, MAR 4 NL 1959, JUN 29 1985, MAY 3 1911 1945, FEB 23 1955, DEC 21 1983, DEC 3 1967, FEB 24 73 WIFE OF ROBERT M. LEE 58y WIFE OF F, A. LEE wi F, D. LEFEVRE wi CARRIE LEFEVRE MOTHER TX PVT CO D 141 INF 36 DIV WW SON OF F. E, & J, M, LEHMANN 58y 9m b GERMANY wi JOSEPHINE LEHMANN wi FRIZT LEHMANN 7y 7m 20d WALTERS CO SC LARTY CSA wi MATTIE SCOTT LEMAN DAU OF B, F. & S. G. LEMAN wi EUGENE OICKINSON LEMAN SON DAUGHTER MOTHER FATHER wi JAMES LEONARD wi ALICE LEONARD wi RUTH LEONARD wi MARY C. LEONARD wi JOHN W. LEONARD wi JOE W, LEONARD 6m SON OF MEYER & JANE LEVY PFC US MARINE CORPS wi SUSIE B. LEWIS wi EMORY C, LEWIS wi FRITZ E, LICHTE wi ALLIE JAMES LICHTE 63y HUSBAND wi OLIVER LIGHTSEY wi LUCILLE LIGHTSEY wi OTTO G, LINACK wi EMMIE L, LINACK LT COL US ARMY WW II KOREA VIETNAM wi MARGUERITE ANN wi JAMES ROLAND LINDHOLM TX ARTL USNR WW II 90y 8m wi ESTELLA B, LINK 31y b ILL WIFE OF WM, p, LINK wi CATHERINE LINK wi LURLINE ALLEN LIPPS wi ARLTON W, LIPPS wi WILLIAM TRAVIS LIPSCOMB 1 ST L T. wi BEULAH B, LIPSCOMB 74 LISICKI, COUNT VICTOR,REV LITT, H, L ITT, ROSALI E LITTLE, HERBERT LITTLE, RUTH SHAW LITTLEFIELD, E, LITTLEFIELD, REBECCA LLOYD, CARRIE LEE PATE LOBELLO, ANNA PALMERI LOBELLO, ANTHONY LOBELLO, ELLA LOBELLO, LEE LOBELLO, LEO LOBELLO, MARTHA LOBELLO, SALVATORE LOBELLO, SAM LOBELLO, STEVE LOCK, DONOVAN LEE LOCK, PAULINE E. LOCK, RAYMOND H. LOCK, STEPHEN LEE LOCKE, DEANE ORMS LOCKE, JOHN CRAWFORD LOCKE, LON BERNARD LOCKE, MARY OLLIE LOCKE, WALLACE DRUMMOND LOCKERD, BESSIE B, LOCKERD, NEWTON F. LOEW, GILBERT EDWARD LOGAN, FRANKLIN D. LONG, GEORGE A, LONG, LOUISE C. LONG, PHYLLI S K, LONGMIRE, PELHAM L, LONGMIRE, SARAH E. LONMARDA, MARIA LOONEY, CARRIEBELL * LOONEY, FRANCES EULA LOONEY, WINFIELD HUGH LOONEY, WINFIELD HUGH, JR LOPEZ, AGUSTIN LOPEZ, BERTHA S. LOPEZ, CLI FF M. LOPEZ, DE GREGORIO LOPEZ, FELIX S, LOPEZ, GLORIA I. LOPEZ, GUADALUPE LOPEZ, INFANT BOY LOPEZ, JESUS H, LOPEZ, JUANITA LOPEZ, LEONARDO LOPEZ, LUCIO LOPEZ, PASCUAL D, LOPEZ, PASCUAL, JR, LOPEZ, RICHARD B, LOPEZ, ROBERT W. LOPEZ, RUBY M. LOPEZ, SANTOS G. LOPEZ, TRAVIS LOREDO, HERMINa LOUGHRIDGE, ELIZABETH P. LOUGHRIDGE, JOSIE p, LOUGHRIDGE, MARTHA ORLEAN LOUGHRIDGE, MATTIE LOUGHRIDGE, SALLIE E. LOUGHRIDGE, T. L" II LOUGHRIDGE, TERRY L.,CAPT LOUIS, DAN LOUIS, EMMA LOVE, INFANT SON LOVE, MICHAEL TOT LOVE, TOT M. NL 1890 1938, SEP 3 1907, APR 13 1914, AUG 15 1803, AUG 29 NL 1882, APR 30 1861, MAR 25 1887, FEB 7 1890, DEC 31 1893, FEB 20 1850 1902, MAR 24 1864, MAR 4 1885, MAR 19 NL 1969 1910, OCT 26 1912, AUG 25 1969 1908 1926, NOV 13 1898, JUL 4 1868, NOV 20 1908 1892 1891 1904 1969, MAY 22 1891, OCT 28 1893, JAN 17 1953 1865, JUN 29 1882, APR 1 1841, SEL 3 1905, JAN 10 1890, MAY 24 1885, MAY 24 1912, MAY 28 1909, NOV 23 1931 1908, OCT 7 1925, MAR 6 1914 1937, SEP 13 1905, MAY 21 1954 1881 1882 1934, NOV 6 1928, OCT 21 1915, APR 18 1943, SEP 13 1948 1963, JAN 9 1938, SEP 5 1907, NOV 1 1936, JUL 30 1936 1812 1848 1854, NOV 27 1864 1842 1844, JAN 23 1804 1914, MAY 23 1918, MAY 27 1944 1945 1914 1884, MAY 14 1928 1939, SEP 2 1953, AUG 3 1983, MAY 7 1882, OCT 28 1871, DEC 13 1954, SEP 5 1924, DEC 31 1921, FEB 20 19n, MAR 14 1961, AUG 4 1935, JUN 2 NL 1883, FEB 13 1966, JAN 13 1908, SEP 10 1969 1971, FEB 11 NL 1969 1968 1983, JUN 16 1979, MAY 25 1952, APR 22 1968 1962 1982 1936 1969, MAY 23 1955, JUN 2 1981, JUL 12 1953 1950, JUL 26 1971, FEB 18 1912, MAR 8 1982, JUN 13 1974, JAN 1 1971, AUG 6 1952, APR 24 1931, SEP 3 1984 1979, SEP 28 1947, NOV 23 1970 1938, JAN 12 NL 1954 1969 1975 1936, JAN 6 1947, FEB 8 1971, FEB 18 1943, OCT 21 1978 1963, DEC 30 1966, APR 21 NL 1960, MAY 24 1946 1882 1882 1891, MAR 17 1934 1927 1923, JAN 16 1893 1983, FEB 4 NL 1944 1945 1958 wI REV, JOSEPH MOSIEWICZ BABY FATHER 64y WIFE OF E. LITTLEFIELD GRANDMOTHER MOTHER wI LEO LOBELLO m JAN 17, 1909 wI SAM LOBELLO FATHER wI MARTHA LOBELLO FATHER wI ANNA PALMERI LOBELLO MOTHER wI LEE LOBELLO ITALIANO m JAN 17, 1909 CH: STEVEN,LEON,DOROTHY,SAMUEL,BERNICE,BILL 18y TWIN wI STEPHEN LEE LOCK WIFE wI RAYMOND H, LOCK wI PAULINE E. LOCK TWIN wI DONOVAN LEE LOCK NANNIE wI NEWTON F, LOCKERD wI BESSIE B. LOCKERD *KATHLEEN wI WINFIELD HUGH LOONEY wI FRANCES EULA LOONEY HUSBAND & FATHER \ - WIFE, MOTHER SON PFC CO 305 INF WW II wI SANTOS G, LOPEZ TX PFC US ARMY WW II wI GUADALUPE LOPEZ (L1G) wI EMMA LOUIS wI DAN LOUIS SON OF MAE & TOT LOVE "TOT" lOVELL, EUlA M. ) lOVEll, HATTIE TABOR lOVELL, JOHN W, , lOVEll, lENORE lOVEll, LU ELLA lOVEll, W, G, lOVEll, W, H, lOVEll, WilliE W, lOVETT, MARY lOUISA AilES lOWE, DORIS M. lOWRY, CHANCY D. lOWRY, ELLEN 0, lOWRY, FRANCIS A. lOWRY, M, E. lOWRY, MARY B, lOWRY, T. p, LUCE, FRED O. LUll, KATE l. LUNA, EUTlMIO lUNDIN, A. J. THOMAS lUSK, DEBRA SUE lUSK, JAMES TRUETT LUTHER, AMILIA lUTHER, CHARLOTTE ANN lUTHER, DOROTHY MARVllEEN lUTHER, ERNSTINE lUTHER, FRANK GUS lUTHER, llllY H, LUTHER, lUCY B. lUTHER, MARIA (MARY) lUTHER, RAYMOND S, LUTHER, SAM lUTHER, SAM, JR, lUTHER, WillIAM l. lUTHER, WillIE l. \ LUTZ, FANNIE ~lUZA, JEANETTA J, lUZA, VINCENT J. lYAll, WIlliAM CECil lYLE, BOB lYLE, MARGUERITE lYNCH, DANIEL P. lYNCH, ELIZABETH JANE lYNCH, FLOYD DELANE lYNCH, lOIS BROWN lYNCH, MEREDITH, MO lYNDS, KASSIDY O'NEIL lYNE, THOS. TOWLES BARRET . 1904, JUN 9 1850, JUN 28 1895, JAN 22 1874, SEP 3 1880, NOV 11 1871, MAY 22 1832, FEB 14 1910, OCT 9 1827, OCT 17 1920, APR 28 1878, FEB 22 1878, JAN 28 1870, NOV 13 1839, MAR 8 1872, SEP 25 1832, MAY 4 1912, MAY 24 1860 1908 1872 1960 1922, AUG 26 1867 Nl 1943, NOV 7 Nl 1908, JAN 31 1900 1899, MAY 30 1893, SEP 2 1922, FEB 20 1864 1895, DEC 11 1891, MAR 20 1921, MAR 2 1889, AUG 19 1916, JAN 8 1924, MAR 29 Nl 1901 1900 1879, JUl 25 1837, MAY 24 1909, FEB 26 1913, MAY 29 1826, JUl 1 1969 1913 1972, OCT 17 1885, OCT 23 1980, APR 18 1877, JUN 7 1950, OCT 25 1941, AUG 26 1881, JUl 17 1932, DEC 7 1874, JUl 15 1972, APR 11 1948, MAY 13 1950, AUG 16 1957, MAR 2 1918, OCT 14 1951, DEC 24 1904, OCT 21 1977, DEC 29 1954 1977 1938 1960 1982, MAR 30 1955 Nl 1959, MAR 15 1896, JUl 14 1981, MAY 2 1960 Nl 1985, FEB 9 1977, NOV 29 1948 1978, MAR 21 1980, NOV 21 1944, SEP 28 1927, APR 17 1984, SEP 24 Nl Nl 1976 Nl 1955, JUN 14 1919, AUG 8 Nl 1980, JUl 13 1879, MAR 6 1969 1957 wi JOHN W, LOVELL WIFE OF W, H. LOVELL wi EUlA M, LOVELL DAU OF H, A, & W, H, LOVELL WIFE OF R, W, LOVETT b OUACHITA PARISH, lA MOTHER wI EllEN O. LOWRY wI CHANCY 0, LOWRY wi MARY B. LOWRY WIFE OF T, p, LOWRY wI T. P. LOWRY wi FRANCIS A, LOWRY wi M. E. LOWRY MOTHER CPl US MARINE CORPS WW II wI SAM lUTHER 64y WIFE OF A. lUTHER wI WIllIAM l. lUTHER US ARMY WW II wI AMILIA lUTHER PVT US ARMY WW I wI lUCY B, lUTHER TX PFC 318 INF 80 INF DIV WW II PH MOTHER wI VINCENT J, lUZA FATHER wI JEANETTA J. lUZA wi MARGUERITE LYLE wI BOB l YLE wI MEREDITH lYNCH wI lOIS BROWN lYNCH wI FLOYD DELANE lYNCH b PICKENS CO" Al wI ELIZABETH JANE lYNCH 75 76 QUERIES AL VERSON--Seeking information on William C, ALVERSON who died in Brazos County Tx in 1907, He and wife Susan Jane ATKINS are listed on 1870 Census of Brazos Co, His daughter Georgia Ann ALVERSON married William POWERS in Brazos Co, in 1882, Would like to correspond and exchange information about these families, J POWERS--Seeking information on James POWERS who was a resident of Brazos Co. TX in 1870, His 1 st wife was Eliza Cravey GIBSON, Children were: Step-son, James GIBSON; William POWERS; Eliza Ann POWERS who m, Isaac HARRIS; Mary J, POWERS; Agnes POWERS who m, A,B, BARNES; Frances POWERS, A TKINS--Seeking information on James ATKINS and wife Elizabeth HARWELL. Were living in Brazos Co, in 1870, Children were: Richard ATKINS who m, Eliza Jane ANDERSON; Zachary Taylor ATKINS who m, Savannah PEARCE; Sarah Elizabeth ATKINS who m, Horace R. WARD; Ellen ATKINS who m, John SINCLAIR; Coleman ATKINS who m, Amanda TURNER; Ann ATKINS who m, William BARNES; Susan Jane ATKINS who m. William C. ALVERSON, Katherine SISSON, 2303 Elk Creek Drive, Kingwood, TX 77345 * * * * * CLOUD-COLLlNS-MARTIN--Elisha CLOUD, b, SC, emigrated from Georgia to Kurten area of Brazos Co, TX about 1868, His spouse was Ruth COLLINS, Three of their children were Sarah Elizabeth CLOUD who m. Thomas MARTIN, James W. CLOUD who m. Lucy P. MARTIN, and Jane Harriet CLOUD who m. Warren Lee EDGE. \ - CLOUD-MARTIN-SEALE-BERRY--Sarah Elizabeth CLOUD, daughter of Elisha and Ruth CLOUD, and widow of Thomas MARTIN was likewise in Brazos Co, TX, With her were two children Thomas Robert MARTIN and Exer Ann MARTIN, Exer Ann MARTIN m, Thomas Jefferson SEALE in 1877, Widow Sarah Elizabeth MARTIN m, William W, BERRY in 1867, MARTIN--Archibald MARTIN was the father of Thomas, Lucy p, and John Flournoy MARTIN. John Flournoy MARTIN was the only son to survive the Civil War, In later years, John Flournoy MARTIN moved from Brazos Co, TX to Lometa TX, but his son John F, MARTIN, Jr, who died in 1922 is buried in the Reliance Cemetery, Brazos Co, Would like to share information. Margaret Martin MAGGS, 1710 Gastel Circle, Mission, TX 78572, * * * * * WIXON CEMETERY --On behalf of the Wixon Cemetery Association, Brazos Co, TX, I am planning a Wixon Cemetery and Community booklet. If you have roots in this community or know of someone who has, I would like to hear from you, Ruth HARY, 2303 Kent Street, Bryan, TX 77802 77 INDEX OF SURNAMES I \ ABLE 59 EVANS 51 JONES 68,69 KOENIG 71 ADAMS 55,63,64 JORDAN 69 KOKEMOOR 71 . ALEXANDER 55 FARISH 65 JOWERS 69 KONECNY 71 ALLEN 48,56 FITCH 63 JUAREZ 69 KOPETSKY 71 ALVERSON 76 FITCHETT 48 JUSTUS 69 KOPPE 71 AMERSON 55 FORBES 52 KOSOFSKY 71 ANDREWS 52 FOSTER 61 KACZER 69 KOSTELKA 71 ARNOLD 58 FRAZER 63 KAISER 69 KOVAR 71 ARRINGTON 58 FREEMAN 57 KAMMERL 69 KRAFT 71 ATKINS 76 KAN 69 KRANZ 71 GALLOWAY 45 KAPCHINSKIE 69 KRAUSER 71 BAKER 44,45 GANDY 58 KAPLAN 69 KROMER 71 BALDRIDGE 50 GIBSON 76 KAUFER 69 KRUEGER 71 BARNES 76 GILBERT 58 KAUFFMAN 69 KUBAN 71 BARNETT 50 GOENS 62 KEEFER 69 KUBICHEK 71 BASENFELDER 52 GOODYEAR 57,58,60 KEELE 69 KYLE 71 BATTLE 65 GORDY 48 KEEN 69 BEALL 49,64 GRAHAM 58 KElLEY 69 LACY 71 BEARD 50 GRA VES 47 KEITH 69 LA DO 71 BECKHAM 63 GREENWOOD 62 KELLER 69 LAHA TTE 71 BERKELEY 55 GREGORY 64 KELLETT 69 LAIRD 72 BERRY 49,76 GREW 58 KELLEY 69 LAKE 72 BLATHERWICK 49,64 GRIFFIN 51 KELLY 63,69 LAMKIN 72 BLUNT 52 GUEST 47,48 KEMMER 69 LAMPO 72 BOATWRIGHT 65 KEMP 65,69 LANDRUM 72 BOILS 46 HAILE 49 KENDALL 69 LANDRY 72 BOONE 55 HALL 48,56 KENNARD 69 LANE 72 BOWEN 50 HALSEA 63 KENNEDY 43,70 LANEY 72 BOWMAN 48 HARDY 51,61 KERN 70 LANG 72 I BROOKS 50,63 HARRINGTON 49 KERN OLE 70 LANGFORD 72 - BRUNSON 60,61 HARRIS 49,76 KERR 70 LAROCCA 72 BURTON 52 HARRISON 51 KETTERSON 70 LARUE 72 HARWELL 76 KEY 70 LASKI 58 CHASE 51 HARY 76 KEYS 70 LATTERMAN 72 CHENAULT 57,59,60 HEARNE 43,44 KIEFER 70 LAUDERDALE 72 CHERRY 63 HENDERSON 64 KILLINGWORTH 70 LAUGHLIN 72 CHILDERS 48 HERRICK 64 KILLOUGH 70 LAUTERSTEIN 72 CLARK 64 HODGE 64 KIMBALL 65 LAW 72 CLOUD 76 HOUSE 56 KIMBRO 65 LA WLESS 72 CLOWER 64 KIMBROUGH 70 LAWRENCE 59,72 COBB 58 IBARRO 66 KINCAID 70 LAWSON 72 COLLINS 76 ILLUM 66 KINCANNON 59,60 LEAZER 72 COMBEST 57,59,61 INGRAM 66 KING 70 LEBLUE 72 COONER 61 ISH 66 KINNARD 70 LEBO 72 COOPER 45,47 ISHERWOOD 66 KINNE 70 LEE 50,57,63,72, CORNER 55 IVY 66 KINNEY 70 73 COTHRAN 58,62 KIRBY 70 LEFEVRE 73 COWART 43,44 JACKSON 55,66 KIRK 70 LEGRAND 73 CURD 46 JAHN 66 KIRKPATRICK 70 LEHMAN 73 JAMES 66 KIRL 70 LEHMANN 73 DA VIS 50,51,52 JAMETTA 66 KIRWIN 70,71 LEIGH 73 DAWSON 50 JASTER 56 KLAPROTH 71 LEMAN 73 DeHART 49 JEFFERSON 66 KLING 71 LEMMAN 47 DIXON 57,58,59, JENKINS 66,67 KLOCK 71 LEMON 47 . 60,61 JENNINGS 67 KLUG 71 LEN ORMAN 73 DOSER 63 JESTER 55 KNAPP 71 LENZ 73 DRAEGER 56 JIMENEZ 67 KNOBLAUGH 71 LEONARD 73 JOHNSON 50,55, KNOEDL 71 LERNER 73 EATON 64 63,67 KNOWLES 71 LEVY 73 EDGAR 63 JOHNSTON 68 KNOX 71 LEWIS 73 EDGE 76 JOLLY 68 KNOX 63 LICHTE 73 ELLINGTON 47,58 JOMEZ 68 KOELSCH 71 LIERMAN 73 78 LIGHT 73 MENARD 48 TALLEY 49 LIGHTS 73 MERCHANT 47 TERRELL 50 LIGHTSEY 73 MEREDITH 55 THOMAS 46 L1MBACHER 73 MILHANKS 46,48 THOMPSON 44,56 LINACK 73 MILLHANKS 47 TRIPPLET 63 LINDHOLM 73 MILLICAN 46 TUCKER 48 . LINDLEY 73 MITCHELL 49,63 TURNER 76 L1NDSA Y 63 MOWBRY 63 TYLER 64 L1NDSL Y 73 MYERS 59,60 TYNDAL 51 LINK 73 LIPPS 73 NEAL 51 VESS 46 LIPSCOMB 73 NEELEY 49 L1SCANO 73 NORWOOD 58,61 WALDROFF 63 L1SICKI 74 NOWAK 55 WARD 76 L1TT 74 WASHINGTON 63 LITTLE 74 ORR 60,63 WEA VER 46 LITTLEFIELD 74 OSBY 56 WEST 56 LLOYD 74 WHITAKER 56 LOBELLO 74 PAGE 46,55,63 WILLIAMS 52,57, LOCK 74 PAYNE 63 58,60,61,62, LOCKE 74 PEARCE 49,76 63,65 LOCKERD 74 PERRY 65 WILSON 51,64 LOEW 74 PEVERL Y 63 WINDOM 56 LOGAN 74 PIERCE 64,65 WOODS 58 LONG 74 PIPKIN 48 WRIGHT 64 LONGMIRE 74 PITTILLO 49 WYMOLA 55 LONMARDA 74 POEPPELMEYER 56 LOONEY 74 POWERS 76 ZEPHAR 55 LOPEZ 74 PREWITT 63 LOREDO 74 PRICE 65 LOTT 49 LOUGHRIDGE 64,74 RANDLE 46 LOUIS 74 RANSOME 43 - LOVE 74 REDDING 48 LOVELL 75 REED 63 LOVETT 75 REYNOLDS 63 LOWE 75 RHODE 49 LOWRY 75 RICHARDS 48 LUCE 75 RICHARDSON 56 LUDWIG 55 ROBARDS 52 LULL 75 ROBERTSON 52 LUNA 75 ROSS 52 LUNDIN 75 ROWAN 65 LUSK 75 RUIZ 43 LUTHER 75 LUTZ 75 SCHUERENBERG 55 LUZA 75 SCURRY 55 LYALL 75 SEALE 50,76 LYLE 75 SEALS 46 LYNCH 75 SELLERS 60,62 LYNDS 75 SHARPE 50 L YNE 75 SHEPARD 46 SHORT 50 MAGGS 76 SILLERS 61 MANLY 59 SIMMS 63 MARSHALL 50 SIMS 61 MARTIN 58,59,61, SINCLAIR 76 65,76 SISSON 76 McCARY 63 SMITH 49 McCLUNG 61 SPIVEY 63 McCRAW 51 STACEY 64 McCULLOCH 60 STEVENSON 63 McLEASTER 46 STINER 63 McSWAIN 58 STUART 63 MEEKINS 56 SYMMS 58 () l / " ...., ... BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS BY MEMBERS Persons interested in any of the following publications should contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication will be between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. ******** Title: Content: "Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 1850-1910." Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by surname plus maiden name index. 328 pages. Author: Nadine Billingsley, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840. Title: "A Brief History of George W. WING and his Wife, Mary (MARTIN) WING and Their Descendants Down to the Present Day" Story of George W. Wing (1766-1823) of Duchess County, NY and all of his descendants whom we could identify, including the author's wife and collaborator, Jane C. Portzer. 105 pages. Author: Harry J. Portzer, 2501 Sumter Dr., College Station, TX 77840. Title: "A Genealogical History of Abraham EBERSOLE of Dauphin County, PA and His Wife, Eva STAUFFER." Content: Partial release - Introduction plus 2 major chapters of proposed 12 chapters. Author: Harry J. Portzer. Content: Title: "The PORTSER/PORTZER families of America and Their Genealogies" Includes an attempt to trace all relationships. Content: All identifiable descendants of the two (all that are known) ancestral lines leading to Americans bearing the name "PORTSER or PORTZER". Biographies of these people and all their known descendants, of whatever name. Author: Harry J. Portzer. Title: Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1876-1909, st. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Content: Indexed, intended to assist the researcher in locating records at this church. 96 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. Title: Marriage and Death Records, 1877-1909, st. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Content: A complete transcript of these records. Deaths start in 1894, with a few recorded before that date. Includes a list of places of birth. 83 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski. ) TITLE: Content: at Steele's Rosemary Station, TX "Italians of Steele's Store, Texas." Historical account of the Italian settlement Store, Brazos County, Texas. Author: DePasquale Boykin, 1506 Laura Lane, College 77840. - 3" 2-1/4" 1/8 page Once/year $6.00 4x/year $18.00 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 Vol. XV No.2 fl.R~l ~C ,'~.",,;\l , 'I I~.~ H~~~ ~";.-';'l..;.\..~ BOYKIN, Rosemary 8407 Shadow OaK College Station, TX 77845 Half page: Whole page: 3" 1/4 page once/year $12.00 4x/year $37.00 Once/year $26.00 4x/year $78.00 Once/year $52.00 4x/year $157.00 4-1/2" 6" ( ) . ....., i . i