HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter 1994 () t I 1 .y ) '.. -- J.. j 1 genealogist CONTENTS PAGE Early Catholic Churches of Brazos Co. Texas By........................... Joanne Dominik Glowski 3 Some Brazos Co. Folks in Robertson Co. Records Compiled by ............................... Bill Page 10 "Old RObin", An Unusual Obituary Contributed by........................... Janis Hunt 25 Edge Community Notes Transcribed by........................... Janis Hunt 26 From the Editor's Desk ........................ Janis Hunt 31 Wine and Liquor Licenses in Brazos Co., 1857-1871 Compiled by ............................... Bill Page 32 Quer ies .................................................. 36 Index Compiled by............................. Janis Hunt 37 BRAZOS GENEALOGIST VOLUME XV NUMBER 1 WINTER 1994 THE BRAZOS GENEALOGIST P.O. BOX 5493 BRYAN TX 77805 t<J'~ OFFICERS 1993 PRESIDENT. . . . . PEGGY BASENFELDER VICE PRESIDENT. . . . VICKIE SIMONS SECRETARY. . . . . . . ANNE MONTGOMERY TREASURER. . . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY LIBRARIAN.....POST TO BE FILLED EDITOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JANIS HUNT PAST PRESIDENT........BILL PAGE STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES............... PEGGY BASENFELDER LOCAL HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY AND JANIS HUNT CONTINUING SERIES.....BILL PAGE INDEXING/PRINTING CONSULTANT. . . HARRY J. PORTZER MEETINGS Meetings held the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9: 00 pm in the Bryan Library. Please arrive early as the library closes at 9:00 pm. Membership is on a year basis, January December. calendar through $12.00 Quarterly meetings. Single Membership. picked up at $14.00 Single Membership. Quarterly mailed. $18.00 Quarterly meetings. Family membership. picked up at $20.00 Family membership. Quarterly mailed. Checks to the Hary, 77802. for dues may be mailed above address or to Ruth 2303 Kent, Bryan, TX QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Spring, Summer, Fall and winter Issues. Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. Non-members $4.00 per issue. EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493 , Bryan, TX 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stores with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Association or the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis. The member of the society are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. () 9 j ) ',~/ () 'Bn~os genealogist Volume xv Number 1 Winter 1994 Bryan/College Station Texas EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS The history of the church in Brazos county began in the early 1860's when missionaries from Galveston attended to the needs of the Catholics. Claudius M. DUBUIS, Bishop of Galveston, served Millican during the yellow fever epidemic of 1867. The bishop administered to the spiritual being of the sick and brought priests and seminarians with him to help. A few of them stayed to continue the work. Before the turn of the century, there were three Catholic churches in Brazos County. The first church was located at Millican, and the others at Bryan. The name of the church at Millican is unknown. The first church at Bryan was St. Joseph Church; the second, St. Anthony Church, was established for the numerous Italian Catholics of the area. Following are the locations, approximate dates established, and the names and years of service of the pastors who served the various parishes. Many discrepancies in the information exists as early church records have been lost. ----4 Trying to recapture the history of the early churches has not been an easy task. As historians and genealogists well know, we can only gather as many clues as possible and try to make the pieces of the puzzle fit. Many pieces of the puzzle are still missing. For researchers of the Catholic faith, the church sacramental records are usually the only source for finding the dates of births, marriages and deaths before the turn of the century. The earliest records of St. Joseph Church in Bryan begin December 10, 1876 after a fire distroyed the church the previous month. The sacramental records, and possibly the records for Millican, burned in this fire. Before the churches were established, missionaries came to Brazos County to administer the sacraments and took the records with them. These records would have been recorded at the churches which assigned the missionaries. The location where the sacrament took place was not always noted in the records, making it difficult to locate Brazos County residents unless you are familiar with the names. Sacramental records for many Brazos County residents have been found at the following locations: Galveston at St. Patrick, St. Mary and St. Joseph Churches; Nacogdoches at Sacred Heart Church; Anderson at St. Stanislaus Church; New Waverly at St. Joseph Church; Bremond at St. Mary Church; Brenham at St. Mary Church; and Houston at St. Vincent de Paul and Annunciation Churches. Possibly more can be located in the records of the early Catholic churches north of Bryan. 3 4 EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF BRAZOS CO. TX BRAZOS GENEALOGIST MILLICAN, TEXAS ) At one time, Millican had five white churches: Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic and Episcopal, according to Mrs. Fletcher L. (BARKER) POOL in her account of Millican in Brazos Countv. Rich Past - Bright Future. The 1870 Census of Social Statistics show only four churches in Brazos County, and no Catholic church was listed. This may not be definite since other known churches are not listed. Little information has been found to prove that a Catholic church was actually built at MUlican, except for a deed covering land in Millican in the name of the bishop of Galveston. The first Catholic church in the county was probably located at 1/2 of Block 39 containing five lots, and one lot in S/2 of said block,' in the town of Millican. A deed dated February 14, 1867 from Jas. B. CONGER to C.M. DUBUIS, Bishop of Galveston, is recorded in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. The church was most likely established afterwards. The Official Catholic Directory for the years 1868 through 1873 was used to determine the pastors who served Millican. The directories are usually one year behind actual assignment dates, and the following dates have been changed to reflect the years served by the various clergy. In 1867 Millican was served from Hidalgo Prairie in Washington County by Rev. John BELLACLAS and Louis BUSSANT. No records exist for this church. Revs. Louis BUSSANT and Francis DERUE were assigned to Millican from 1868 to 1870. Rev. DERUE had been ordained on December 24, 1867 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Galveston by Bishop DUBUIS. Rev. Mathurin Z. PAIRIER was assigned to Millican in 1871. In 1872 Millican was listed as a mission being served by the priest from Bryan. This fact is evidenced by a letter dated July 27,1872 at Millican from Rev. J. MOORE, who was serving Bryan, to Rt. Rev. Bishop DUBUIS requesting that Father HOGAN stay in this mission (CAT)' No sacramental records exist for Millican to verify the name of the church, when it was actually established and who was assigned to serve Millican. The Catholic church at Millican had little chance of success with the decline of Millican after 1867. The Houston and Texas Central Railroad had been extended from Millican to Bryan, and the first train arrived at Bryan on August 19, 1867. Shortly after this, a yellow fever epidemic occurred in Millican with the loss of numerous lives. Fearing the dreaded disease and loss of trade, residents and businesses began moving further north. Many decided to settle in Bryan, which had become the center of trade and the county seat in 1866. The race riots in Millican in July of 1868 cost even more lives and unrest. By 1868, the population of Millican dwindled from 3000 to a mere 1200 residents (Historv of Brazos Countv. Rich Past - Bright Future). "Father BUSSANT and the Catholic Church moved in 1869" according to Millican. Texas by Mary E. HAYES. The 1876 Citv Directorv of Waco indicated that Father BUSSANT was transferred from Millican to Calvert in February 1869. He had been detained there due to the slow progress of the construction of the church at Waco, to which he had been assigned. The 1872 Official Catholic Directorv lists \ - J { ") \. ~.. 5 EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF BRAZOS CO. TX BRAZOS GENEALOGIST BUSSANT as assigned to Hearne, which would place him there in 1871. Calvert is the next town north of Hearne. No sacramental records for these years exist for the churches at Calvert or Hearne to verify that he was no longer ~erving Millican. However, the sacramental records of Assumption Catholic Church at Waco begin with the first entry by BUSSANT dated January 23, 1871. No location was given in the records, but it is possible that these entries were for Hearne or Calvert. After March 15, 1871 it appears that he was traveling between Bremond, Marlin and as far as Corsicana until he is finally located at Waco on March 3, 1873 after the church was dedicated. BUSSANT probably did not leave Millican and locate to Calvert or Hearne until January 1871. Rev. DERUE was located in mid-1871 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Galveston, Texas (Sacramental Records. St. Marv's Cathedral. Galveston. Texas). Revs. BUSSANT and DERUE probably served Millican from 1868 to 1870 and Rev. PAIRIER in 1871. A plot of land covering 9/10 of an acre in Block 117 at Millican was given to the Catholic Church for use as a cemetery by W.D. HERRICK and wife Margery HERRICK by deed dated January 8, 1872. There are no marked graves or known burials on this land to indicate that the church ever made use of the land as a cemetery. The land for the church and cemetery at Millican has laid idle for many, many decades and been virtually forgotten. Only in the past several years was the land sold by the church. Much of the early history of the first Catholic church at Millican and the county has not been preserved. ST. JOSEPH CHURCH, BRYAN The history of the Catholic church in Bryan began when the first mass in Bryan was said in the home of Mr. Marcellius BONNEVILLE, Sr. about 1869. BONNEVILLE was one of the founders of the first Catholic church at Bryan. He provided early missionaries with food and lodging when they came to administer sacraments. He offered the use of the upper floor of his mercantile store in Bryan to be used for services. The first missionaries to attend came from Galveston and included Father Anthony (Augustin Emile ANTOINE), Bishop C.M. DUBUIS, Fathers Joseph MARTINIERE, Joseph BLUM, and Louis GRANGER. (CAT) At this time, there was no Catholic church building in Bryan. The Catholic church bought Lots 9 and 10 in Block 156 in the city of Bryan on December 13, 1870 from W.R. BAKER and A. GROESBECK (Trustees for the Houston & Texas Railroad Company). These lots were bounded by Lamar and Sterling Streets. There were two deeds, and the deed for Lot 10 indicated that $1 .00 was paid by Rev. M.Z. POISIER (PAIRIER) of the Roman Catholic Church of Bryan. Rev. PAIRIER was a circuit-riding priest in the 1860s and traveled as far north as Fort Worth and Dallas. According to the Official Catholic Directory for 1870, 1871 and 1872, Rev. PAIRIER was an assistant at St. Mary's Cathedral in Galveston, Texas from 1869 to 1870 and in 1871 was assigned to Millican. It can not be determined if PAIRIER was actually 6 EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF BRAZOS CO. TX BRAZOS GENEALOGIST serving Bryan or Millican in December, 1870 or only acting on behalf of the Bishop when purchasing this property. The deeds were not recorded until March 31, 1873, a few days after the lots were sold to O.J. HOWARD by C.M. DUBUIS on March 27, 1873. A church was probably not built at this location as another site had been purchased by the time the church sold these lots. A second location was purchased on October 3, 1871 from Chas. W. GARDINER. . The deed covered Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 64 situated at 24th and Preston. There was a clause in the deed stating that if the church does not build within two years that the lots shall revert back to Grantor. GARDINER paid taxes in 1872 on Blocks 63 and 64. He did not pay taxes on Block 64 in succeeding years. During many of the tax years from 1887 to 1897, the Catholic church is shown in the 'Tax Rolls of Brazos County as paying taxes on Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 64, indicating ownership of these lots. The property was probably not in use and not exempt from taxes at this time as another church was built at a different location in 1883. A church must have been built in Block 64 in the allotted time and was the site of the first St. Joseph's Church in Bryan. From the deed dated October 3, 1871 and newspaper accounts, St. Joseph Church was probably built and established in 1872 with Rev. John MOORE as the first pastor. Various newspaper accounts and books confirm the presence of this church. An article in the Brazos Pilot and Brvan Eagle dated September 12, 1895 covering St. Joseph's Church indicated that "The history of the church begins with the erection of the first building in 1871 by Rev. A. ANTONE (ANTOINE)." A church building was erected in 1871 but was soon destroyed by fire and not rebuilt. (CAT) The Cleburne Chronicle of December 9, 1871 stated that" A Catholic church is being built at Bryan. This makes eight churches in that place." A fire was reported at the Catholic church in Bryan, according to the November 28, 1876 issue of the Brenham Dailv Banner. The article stated that "the fire occurred at 12 midnight. It was not until the whole town was illuminated that the fire was discovered." At least four years elapsed between the erection of the church in 1872 and the fire. Did the church burn twice? Pieces of the puzzle are missing. Another account of the church by Rev. Edward DWORACZYK in The First Polish Colonies of American in Texas states: "In March of 1873, came the first Polish settler... At about the same time came the Czechs... With the arrival of this new addition to the congregation, it was decided to rent, for church purposes, a house three blocks northeast of the present site. In 1876 this place of worship was destroyed by fire." DWORACZYK's references in his book are impressive but the majority of his reference books are written in Polish and if translated might reveal other facts about the early Catholic church in Brazos Co. Rev. Claude Charles CLAIR was the first resident priest to serve St. Joseph' Church, although it appears that Rev. John MOORE was serving Bryan before Rev. CLAIR. Rev. PAIRIER's role in the church at Bryan is not certain. Rev. A. ANTOINE ) '\ -- . ( ) ---4 7 EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF BRAZOS CO. TX BRAZOS GENEALOGIST appears to have been present when the first building was erected in 1871 per the newspaper account; however, he was not assigned to Bryan. He was probably on missionary duty in Bryan from Pleasanton, Atascosa County, Texas as the 1872 Official Catholic Directorv places him there. It is possible that Rev. ANTOINE was in charge of over-seeing the building of the church, as was PAIRIER in 1870. Rev. John MOORE had been ordained a priest by Bishop DUBUIS on March 27, 1872 in Galveston, Texas (CA Tl. It appears his first assignment was Bryan, as he is listed in the Official Catholic Directory for the years 1873, 1874 and 1875 (one year behind) as assigned there. The Marriage Records of Brazos Countv. Texas indicate that Rev. MOORE officiated at marriages on September 2, 1872; February 6, 1873; and February 11, 1874 at Millican, and on October 1, 1874 in Bryan. MOORE's presence in the county is certainly evidenced by the above and by the fact that he was in Millican July 27, 1872 when he wrote a letter to Bishop DUBUIS. His exact role in the church at Bryan is not known, but it appears that there is a conflict as to who was the first pastor of St. Joseph Church. Rev. Camillus MONIN was listed in the Official Catholic Directorv for 1876 and 1877 as serving Bryan from 1875 to 1876. Rev. C. CLAIR is shown in 1878 as assigned there in 1877 ; however, he officiated at a marriage June 14, 1876 in Bryan [Marriage Records of Brazos Countv. Texas]. The first entry in the Bryan church records by Rev. CLAIR is December 10, 1876. It appears that CLAIR was assigned to Bryan much earlier than 1877. A fire distroyed the church in Bryan a month earlier, and more than likely the sacramental records burned since the sacramental records begin after the fire. According to the book St. Joseoh Parish. Brvan. Texas. 100th Anniversarv 1873-1973. Rev. CLAIR was in residence at St. Joseph Church as First Pastor. Rev. CLAIR served the parish until December 26, 1877. Efforts were made by Rev. CLAIR to rebuild the church after the 1876 fire. A letter from Rev. CLAIR to Bishop DUBUIS dated at Bryan March 7, 1877 indicated that Rev. C. CLAIR was negotiating for the purchase of five lots from DEFRANCIS (CA Tl. No deed between the Catholic Church and DEFRANCIS was found so apparently his plans did not materialize. The Galveston Dailv News of April 3, 1877 stated" ...The Catholic Church, Father CLAIRE (CLAIR), since its loss by fire, hold services in a private building where its membership enjoys religious ministations... n DWORACZYK's book indicated that Rev. CLAIR wanted to rebuild the church, but the congregation feared debts. Mr. BONNEVILLE again granted permission to use one-half of the upper story of his mercantile store. The people worshipped at this location for five years until the church bought a Masonic school house and converted it into a church. The Galveston Dailv News of September 5, 1877 indicated that "The Catholics.. .have about completed arrangements for the erection of an elegant church, with a schoolhouse or convent attached. ... The brick and a portion of other necessary materials are already upon the ground..." It is not known if work on this church was ever completed as the Galveston Dailv News of September 15, 1878 stated that "Bryan has five white churches: Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Christian. The Catholics intend to erect a brick church soon." (Brazos Genealogistl 8 EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF BRAZOS CO. TX BRAZOS GENEALOGIST The congregation probably continued to worship in Mr. BONNEVILLE's store. until 1883 or at a rented house three blocks from the 1883 site of the church given in DWORACZYK's account of the church. Another piece of the puzzle is also missing here. Rev. Victor L1SICKI, a Polish nobleman, was the next pastor of this church from January 6, 1878 until August 22, 1880, at which time he was assigned to Panna Maria, Texas for one year. During his absence, the church was served by Rev. Joseph MOSIEWICZ, for one year, and by visiting priests Revs. James GRABINGER of Brenham, A. L. DAVID and George ALLEN, both of Galveston. Rev. L1SICKI returned To Bryan on September 4, 1882 and served St. Joseph's until his death on 13 May 1884. The Galveston Dailv News of May 13, 1884 carried Rev. L1SICKI's death notice, which said that "he had built a beautiful church during the year, and his congregation had increased to the largest in the city." Rev. L1SICKI is given credit for the establishment of the St. Joseph Church of 1883. A third site for the church was purchased on February 15, 1883 from R.M. SMITH in Block 62 of the city of Bryan known as the "Odd Fellows School Building." The location was bounded by 26th, Preston, 25th and Polk Streets. It did not take long to remodel the school house. The Brazos Pilotof July 12, 1883 said that "The Catholics have the finest church in Bryan." The article gives a good description of the church, and it had to be completed to give such detailed information. This location became the permanent site of St. Joseph Church. Other pastors to serve St. Joseph's include Rev. Adam LASKI, who served from June 22, 1884 until January 29, 1888; Revs. James GRABINGER of Brenham and Peter L1TWORA of Bremond, from May 10, 1888 until January 13, 1889; Rev. Jacobus or James DUNN (DUM) from March 22, 1889 until November 4, 1889; Rev. Peter L1TWORA from November 24, 1889 until July 13, 1890; and Rev. Joseph PELNAR from 30 July 1890 until February 5, 1900. (Sacramental Records. St. Joseoh Church. Brvan. Texas) Rev. PELNAR is credited with establishing St. Joseph Parochial School between the years 1891 and 1895. Miss A. Elizabeth (Dolly) CARR, a convert and graduate of St. Mary's Academy in Austin, was the lay teacher until the Ursuline Sisters came in 1901 (CAT)' "Under him the church was repaired, a new high altar bought, and improvements made." (Centennial 1847-1947. Diocese of Galveston) Rev. PELNAR established Mt. Calvary Cemetery, the first active Catholic cemetery in the county. The first person was buried there on March 12, 1898. Rev. PELNAR was responsible for much progress at St. Joseph Church during his tenure as pastor. After the turn of the century, the pastors to serve this church included Rev. Charles KOLIN from April 5, 1900 until April 12, 1902; Rev. Francis MACHAN from April 28, 1902 until March 2, 1904, during which time a new church was built; Rev. John Baptist GLEISSNER from April 25, 1904 until his death February 28, 1953; Rev. Timothy VALENTA 1953-1978, during which time a new church was built and dedicated in 1960; and Rev. John DRISCOLL 1978-1985. The present pastor is Rev. John McCAFFREY. ( ) \ - I \ - I EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF BRAZOS CO. TX BRAZOS GENEALOGIST ) Rev. GLEISSNER served the parish almost 50 years, and he is fondly remembered by many for all of his countless deeds for the good of St. Joseph Church and its missions, St. Joseph Parochial School, Villa Maria Academy and his Texas A&M University" Aggies. " Rev. McCAFFREY has been responsible for the erection of two additional buildings for the school in 1986, acquiring the second Catholic cemetery named, Mt. Calvary-Smetana, and St. Joseph's Parish Activity Center in 1988, and purchasing Travis School from Bryan I.S.D. for an elementary campus in 1990. Although not all achievements for the various pastors and assistant pastors have been listed due to space, all contributed in numerous ways for the good of the parish. Rev. Peter L1TWORA was the first assistant pastor while Rev. GLEISSNER was pastor. He served 1904-1927 until his death. Additional assistants were: Revs. Nicholas ROCKE and Rev. Anthony KRIPAJTIS in 1905; George WILHELM 1906- 1908; C.J. MARTIN 1928-1929; J.K. REYBAND 1929; F.D. URBANOVSKY 1930- 1933; Timothy Jerome VALENTA 1933-1953; Ed MATOCHA 1946-1949; Sylvester FUCHS 1949-1959; Charles ELMER 1954-1964; T. Everett TREBTOWSKI 1959- 1963; Deacon Lee POLANSKY 1959-1966; Revs. Richard KETZLER 1962-1968; Raymond BREZNA 1963-1966; John FRIZELLE 1964-1967; Cornelius GREEN 1966- 1968 and Mike LEARY 1969-? {St. JoseDh Parish. Bryan. Texas. 100th Anniversarv 1873-19731. An article covering St. Anthony Church will appear in future editions of our quarterly. Joanne Dominik GLOWSKI September 25, 1993 All Rights Reserved SOURCES: 1. Historv of Brazos County. Rich Past - Bright Future. Family History Foundation, Bryan, Texas, 1896.' 2. PGST News, Winter 1992, Vol. IX No.4, Special Edition covering the Polish Settlers of Brazos County, Texas, The Polish Genealogical Society of Texas, Houston, Texas. 3. The First Polish Colonies of America in Texas, Rev. Edward J. Dworaczyk, The Naylor Company, San Antonio, Texas, 1936. 4. Map of the City of Brvan, Book H, Brazos County Deed Records. 5. MaD of 1896. City of Bryan, personal files. 6. Catholic Archives of Texas (CAT), Austin, Texas, various files. 7. Brazos Genealogist, Notes on Brazos County Churches 1857-1882, Bill Page, Vol. XII Number 3, Summer 1992, Brazos Genealogical Society, Bryan, Texas. 8. Diocese of Galveston. Centennial 1847-1947. Houston, Texas, 1947. 9. Various newspaper articles. 10 SOME BRAZOS CO. FOLKS IN ROBERTSON CO. RECORDS compiled by Bill PAGE These entries were taken from Robertson County Probate Birth Records on microfilm. "Probate birth records" are certificates issued well after the actual births. These entries list children born in Robertson Co., Tx., whose birth certificates indicate that at least one of their parents had been born in Brazos Co. ) The actual certificates provide more information than is included here, including data on the parents' jobs, the father's military service, plus the names of persons swearing to the accuracy of the information. Race is "white" unless otherwise noted. Some people with Brazos Co. ties doubtless were missed. Many certificates indicated parents' birthplaces only as "Texas"; the search failed to identify persons who grew up in Brazos Co. but were born elsewhere; and, since these records were filed years (sometimes decades) after the births, some records probably contain errors. Early Brazos Co. birth records (transcribed from those in the Brazos Co. courthouse and other sources) have been published as: Nadine YOUNG BILLINGSLEY, Brazos Co. Texas Births: 1850-1910, Nacogdoches: Ericson Books. Microfilm reel 1477483: \ ~ will E. THOMPSON (b. ca. 1871, Ky.) m. Katherine Ann FULLERTON (b. ca. 1868, Alexander, Brazos Co.) Their children included: Lucille Margaret THOMPSON, b. 24 Dec. 1902, Wheelock (cert. #8123; Mary Katherine THOMPSON, b. 12 Dec. 1904, Wheelock (cert #8124); Mattie Adell THOMPSON, b. 11 Sept. 1907, Wheelock (cert. #8125). James Addison WOODS (b. ca. 1846, Brazos Co.) m. Frances PARKER (b. ca. 1846, Ga.) Their children included: Sarah Alice WOODS, 16 Apr. 1876 (cert. # 8125); Fannie Addison WOODS, 3 Nov. 1878 (cert. #8129); Joseph Edgar WOODS, b. 24 Dec. 1885 (cert. #8127); Charles Turner WOODS, b. 13 Mar. 1888 (cert. #8128). All the children were born in Headsville, Robertson Co. Thomas SKAINS (b. ca. 1855, Mount Ida, Ala.) m. Bettie McMILLAN (b. ca. 1862, Brazos Co.) Their son Wilmer Thomas SKAINS was b. 12 May 1900 in Beck Prairie, Robertson Co. (cert. #8140). Jacob Francis BOND (b. ca. 1872, Tenn.) m. Willie Emma SHAW (b. ca. 1872, Cottonwood, Brazos Co.) Their son 11 Willie Francis BOND was b. 15 Mar. 1898 in Summers, Ark. (certificate filmed between #8188 and #8189). ') Lawrence BAIAMONTE (b. ca. 1893, (b. ca. 1901, Bryan, Brazos Co.) Lawrence BAIAMONTE was b. 5 Dec. #8371). Italy) m. Rosa LAMPSON Their son Anthony 1921 in Hearne (cert. George Redford WICKER (b. ca. 1858, Ky.) m. Mary Ann McMILLAN (b. ca. 1859, Brazos Co.) Their children included Jessie Dean WICKER b. 31 Jan. 1887 in Calvert (cert. #8447) and Elinore WICKER b. 2? Sept. 1889 in Calvert (cert.#8446). Adolph B. SYPTAK (b. ca. 1886 near NEDBALEK (b. ca. 1892 near Bryan). Albert Benjamin SYPTAK, b. 10 Nov. (cert. #8486) and Adolph B. SYPTAK Wheelock (cert. #8487). Bryan) m. Amalie D. Their sons included 1916 in Wheelock b. 25 Aug. 1919 in Albert Joseph SPILLER (b. ca. 1885, Brazos Co.) m. Minnie P. TULLOUS (b. ca. 1887, Robertson Co.) Their son Henry L. SPILLER was b. 11 Oct. 1916 in Franklin (cert. #8503). \ ....... I John JONES, an African American (b. ca. 1879, Brazos Co.) m. Rebecca HOLLIS, an African American (b. ca. 1901, Milam Co.) Their daughter Idell JONES was b. 22 Apr. 1927, in Robertson Co. (cert. #8660). Robert Warren CULBRETH (b. ca. 1890, Bryan) m. Birdie Mable BRUCE (b. ca. 1891, Vernon, Tx.) Their son Ray Nelson CULBRETH was b. 18 Nov. 1917 in Franklin (cert. #8793). Charles Celan NICHOLSON (b. ca. 1864, Ark.) m. Elizabeth LEE (b. ca. 1869, Brazos Co.) Their child Elzy Elbert NICHOLSON was b. 23 Aug. 1905 in Franklin (cert. #8802). Henry Garland TALIAFERRO (b. ca. 1883, Bryan) m. Anne FIELD (b. ca. 1883, Calvert). Their son Henry Garland TALIAFERRO, Jr., was b. 1 Aug. 1916 in Calvert (cert. filmed between #8846 and #8847). Lige BROADUS (b. ca. 1882, Brazos Co.) m. Emma McWILLIAMS (b. ca. 1883, Robertson Co.) Their son Randall Lloyd BROADUS was b. 22 Feb. 1919 in Hearne (cert. #8870). Peter Richard KING (b. ca. 1864, Robertson Co.) m. Elizabeth Jane CRAIG (b. ca. 1869, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Elizabeth Pauline KING was b. 27 Mar. 1913 in Hearne (cert. #9869). 12 Hugh Daniel McPHAIL (b. ca. 1864, Brazos Co.) m. Ida Lee FORBES (b. ca. 1874, Lee Co.) Their son Jesse James McPHAIL was b. 13 Dec. 1903, in Easterly (cert. #9050).. David Simeon JOHNSON (b. ca. 1863, Galveston) m. Mary Frances ROBERTSON (b. ca. 1873, Brazos Co.) Their son Edgar Raymond JOHNSON was b. 14 June 1908 in Hearne (cert. #9115). ) Thomas SKAINS (b. ca. 1854, Mount Ida, Ala.) m. Bettie McMILLAN (b. ca. 1861, Brazos Co.) Their son Jackson Charner SKAINS was b. 9 Mar. 1903 at Beck prairie (cert. #9118-a) . John N. SHERMAN (b. ca. 1866, Robertson Co.) m. Laura Annie NEELEY (b. ca. 1873, Brazos Co.) Their son Coleman Carter SHERMAN was b. 1 Aug. 1888 in Franklin (cert. #9144). George Redford WICKER (b. ca. 1858, Ky.) m. Maude COOK (b. ca. 1874, Brazos Co.) Their son George Thomas WICKER was b. 26 Sept. 1896 in Calvert (cert. #9204). Jesse Gardner MINKERT (b. ca. 1874, Brazos Co.) Frances McCLUNG (b. ca. 1880, Easom Hill, Ga.) son William Frances MINKERT was b. 27 Nov. 1907 Hearne (cert. #9311). m. Sarah Their at \ - I John Manton DORRELL (b. ca. 1891, "Barado", Tx.) m. Katie Bell HENRY (b. ca. 1896, Brazos Co.) Their son Henry Manton DORRELL was b. 5 Dec. 1924, in Hearne (cert. #9350). Bob EDWARDS, an African American (b. ca. 1859, in Brazos Co.) m. Bettie EWING, an African American (b. ca. 1861, in Franklin). Their son Peter EDWARDS, Jr. was b. 14 Oct. 1894, in Franklin (cert. #9354) Reuben Harrison HALTOM (b. ca. 1852, Raleigh, N.C.) m. Elnora MOORE (b. ca. 1859, Bryan). Their daughter Roxie Elizabeth HALTOM was b. 18 Aug. 1897 at Benchley (cert. #9427) . Lee JOSEY (b. ca. 1879, Robertson Co.) m. Minnie Elois ALLAN (b. ca. 1883, Brazos Co.) Their son John Thomas JOSEY was b. 22 Feb. 1906 (cert. #9445), and their daughter Minnie Marie JOSEY was b. 9 Jan. 1917 (cert. #9446). Both children were born at Benchley. John E. MOONEY (b. ca. 1875, Robertson Co.) m. Miss Clara WALLACE (b. ca. 1882, Brazos Co.) Their son John E. MOONEY was b. 10 May 1910 at Wheelock (cert. #9492). 13 ") william Andrew MERRYMAN (b. Owensville; age not given) m. Ida LIPSCOMB (b. Brazos Co.; age not give). Their son Charlie Carl MERRYMAN was b. 18 Sept. 1905 in Owensville (cert. #9502) william Franklin MEADS (b. ca. 1882, Brazos Co.) m. Lilly May FREE (b. ca. 1882, "Barbar" Co., Ala.) Their daughter Laura Ruth MEADS was b. 9 July 1908 (cert. #9516); their son William Franklin MEADS was b. 1 Sept. 1912 (cert. #9515); their son Arthur Mondrick MEADS was b. 14 Aug. 1915 (cert. #9514). All the children were b. in Benchley. Charles L. NOVOSAD (b. ca. 1889, Brazos Co.) m. victoria Ann SCASTA (b. ca. 1892, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Elsie Ann NOVOSAD was born "near Wheelock" on 28 Mar. 1920 (cert. # 9530). Lawrence NUTTALL, an African American (b. ca. 1857, Tar River, Arkansas) m. Winnie MOSELEY, an African American (b. ca. 1862, Brazos Co.) Their son Emmett D. NUTTALL was b. 13 July 1900 in Hearne (cert. #9533). ~ I Antonio ROMANO (b. ca. 1863, Palermo, Sicily) m. Placida PUCCIO (b. ca. 1883, Bryan). Their son Giovonni ROMANO was b. 23 Nov. 1911 at Stone White Plantation, Mumford (cert. #9603). Jesse J. ANDREWS (b. ca. 1885, Robertson Co.) m. Verna BROWN (b. ca. 1892, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Annabelle ANDREWS was b. 4 Jan. 1915 at Franklin (cert. #9729) . Robert Cyrus ALLEN (b. ca. 1870, Bryan) m. Florence Mary BLAIR (b. ca. 1880, Waco). Their daughter Florence Mary ALLEN was b. 9 Dec. 1902, at Hearne (cert. #9731). Charles Mack ALTIMORE (b. ca. 1904, MURPHY (b. ca. 1905, Robertson Co.) Martin ALTIMORE was b. 12 Aug. 1929 #9735). Bryan) m. Edith Their son Charles at Hearne (cert. Julian Robert ALLEN (b. ca. 1898, Bryan) m. Elnora Louise CAMPBELL (b. ca. 1902, Ala.) Their son Julian Goerge ALLEN was b. 13 Aug. 1924 at Hearne (cert. #9740). Marion Hermon BOLTON (b. ca. 1884, BARNETT (b. ca. 1890, Brazos Co.) Rudolph BOLTON was b. 17 Mar. 1921 #9748). Franklin) m. Lela Their son Irvin at Franklin (cert. 14 Microfilm reel 1477485: william Albert MERRYMAN (b. ca. 1873, owensville) m. Ida LIPSCOMB (b. ca. 1871, Macy, Brazos Co.) Their son William Ralph MERRYMAN was b. 8 Nov. 1896 in Owensville (cert. #11396). ) will WALLACE, an African American (b. ca. 1882, Bryan) m. Norvella JONES, an African American (b. ca. 1887, Calvert). Their daughter Alberta WALLACE was b. 28 Apr. 1902 in Calvert (cert. #11486). Joe I. GALLOWAY (b. ca. 1884, Robertson Co.) m. Georgia RADFORD (b. ca. 1888, Brazos Co.) Their son Joseph Earl GALLOWAY was b. 7 Sept. 1912 in Franklin (cert. #11541). Joe LORIA (b. ca. 1885, Sicily, Italy) CARDONA (b. ca. 1889, Steeles Store). LORIA was b. 30 Apr. 19i3 in Robertson #11577). m. Josephine Their son Sam Co. (cert. Charlie MOSLEY, an African American (b. ca. 1880, Robertson Co.) m. Alice BELL, an African American (b. ca. 1878, Brazos Co.) Their son Joe MOSLEY was b. 22 Dec. 1910 in Mumford (cert. #11581). Reagan WINN (b. ca. 1896, Leon Co.) m. Ethel Marguerite PAYNE (b. ca. 1899, Edge, Brazos Co.) Their son Jack Delois WINN was b. 10 Oct. 1927 in Wheelock (v.12, p.601). \ ........ . William Clinton James MANNING (b. ca. 1893, Brazos Co.) m. Annie Pearl CHILDRESS (b. ca. 1900, Madison Co.) Their daughter Reba Jewell MANNING was b. 16 June 1924 in Wheelock (v.12, p.609). Henry Edward BERRY (b. ca. 1889, Ark.) m. Nannie Bell MANNING (b. ca. 1892, Brazos Co.) Their son James Howard BERRY was b. 17 Mar. 1923 in Franklin (v. 13, p.33). Henry BROOKS, an African American (b. ca. 1906, Brazos Co.) m. Mae Jane GOODEN, an African American (b. ca. 1912, Grimes Co.) Their son Manuel E. BROOKS was b. 16 Nov. 1932 in Benchley (v.13, p.71). Horace HOLDEN (b. ca. 1873, Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tenn.) m. Margaret Jane McMILLAN (b. ca. 1875, Brazos Co.) Their child Alyne HOLDEN was b. 13 June 1911 at Franklin (v.13, p.100). James Duram DAY (b. ca. 1866, Brazos Co.) m. Emma HENRY (b. ca. 1865, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Margaret Ann 15 DAY was b. 8 Mar. 1892 in Benchley (v. 13, p. 126). ( ') HORACE HOLDEN, Sr. (b. ca. 1873, Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tenn.) m. Margaret Jane McMILLAN (age not given; b. Alexandria, Brazos Co.) Their son HORACE HOLDEN, Jr. was b. 17 Apr. 1909 in Franklin (v. 13, p.147) . Lon HANNAH, an African American (b. ca. 1885, Bryan) m. Nancy DAVIS, an African American (b. ca. 1887, Hearne). Their daughter Willia Bernice HANNAH was b. 9 Sept. 1903 at Hearne (v.13, p.203). Andrew Jackson MURRAY (b. ca. 1870, Caldwell) m. Zerah RANSOM (b. ca. 1880, Bryan). Their daughter Verna Florence MURRAY was b. 17 Nov. 1919 at Mumford (v.13, p. 328) . william WALLACE, an African American (b. ca. 1912, "near Calvert") m. Lula May ROGERS, an African American (b. ca. 1913, Wellborn). Their childen included: Mahalia Henrettia WALLACE, b. 17 Nov. 1931 (v.13, p.348); William WALLACE, Jr., b. 21 July 1934 (v.13, p.349); and Herman Lee WALLACE, b.15 Oct. 1937 (v.13, p.350). All the children were born "near Calvert." ----J I D.L. McLEROY (b. ca. 1884, Brazos Co.) m. Nora BLACK (b. ca. 1884, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Grace McLEROY was b. 19 Nov. 1911 in Eaton (v.13, p.360). william Green PIERCE (b. ca. 1872, Bryan) m. Mary Ella MILLS (b. ca. 1873, Madison Co.) Their son Berniece Edward PIERCE was b. 8 Sept. 1913 in Franklin (v.13, p.389) . Paley Andrew REED, Sr. (b. ca. 1871, Brazos Co.) m. Gussie Delphine LARKIN (b. ca. 1890, Robertson Co.) Their son Paley Andrew REED, Jr. was b. 3 Feb. 1917 in Hearne (v.13, p.446). William H. WALKER (b. ca. 1846, Brazos Co.) m. Alice McMILLAN (b. ca. 1856, Brazos Co.) Their son Claude Glenn WALKER was b. 30 Jul. 1879 at Henry prairie (v.13, p.450) . Joe SAUSAGE (b. ca. 1877, Brazos Co.) m. Lena CORONIA (b. ca. 1884, Brazos Co.) Their son John SAUSAGE was b. 25 Nov. 1925, Mumford (v.13, p.454). John SELLERS, an African American (b. ca. 1906, Calvert) m. Minnie GOODWIN, an African American (b. ca. 1906, Brazos Co.) Their son Carl SELLERS was b. 29 June 1932 in Wheelock (v.13, p.483). 16 Horace Marion TULLOUS (b. ca. 1879, Brazos Co.) m. Beuna Alma ROSS (b. ca. 1883, Robertson Co.) Their son Sam Allen TULLOUS was b. 28 Aug. 1907, Franklin (v.13, p.513). ) Charles Henry VANCE (b. ca. 1874, La.) m. Margaret Corine MOORE (b. ca. 1883, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Cornelia Jane VANCE was b. 22 June 1907 in Hearne (v.13, p.523). Fletcher WALKER, an African American (b. ca. 1893, Ark.) m. Willie LIPSCOMB, an African American (b. ca. 1893, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Carrie Jewel WALKER was b. 31 Oct. 1915 in Mumford (v.13, p.535). Samuel WILLIAMS, an African American (b. ca. 1893, Brazos Co.) m. Ettar PROCTOR, an African American (b. ca. 1897, Madison Co.) Their daughter Clara WILLIAMS was b. 22 Apr. 1910 in Robertson Co. (v.13, p.538). William Don WARD (b. ca. 1848, New York City, NY) m. Amelia Jane POOLE (b. ca. 1870, Millican, Brazos Co.) Their son Charlie Dealy WARD was b. 26 Oct. 1895 in Calvert (v.13, p.547). Jackson Wyckliffe GREGG (b. ca. 1857, Liberty Co.) m. Ellen Shaw STUART (b. ca. 1856, Bryan). Their daughter Clara Ann GREGG was b. 3 Dec. 1881 in Wheelock (v.13, p.580). \ ........ , Frank J. TARVER (b. ca. 1890, Wheelock) m. Bessie SKAINS (b. ca. 1888, Edge). Their daughter Lillian Pauline TARVER was b. 1 Oct. 1910 in Wheelock (v.13, p.601). James Adison WOODS (b. ca. 1846, Brazos Co.) m. Frances Belle PARKER (b. ca. 1846, Ga.) Their son Frank Arthur WOODS was b. 26 Oct. 1881 in Headsville (v.14, p.1). John Henry SYSDEK (b. ca. 1886, Bremond) m. Magdalen KAPCHINSKI (b. ca. 1891, Bryan). Their children included: Vernia SYSDEK, b. 1 Feb. 1923 (v.14, p.18); William SYSDEK, b. 11 Sept. 1929 (v.14, p.19); Bruno SYSDEK, b.23 Aug. 1927 (v.14, p.20); and Cecilia SYSDEK, b. 3 Aug. 1924 (v.14, p.23). All the children were born in Bremond. William Charles BISHOP (b. ca. 1872, Boonville, Brazos Co.) m. Annie Laurie KIRKSEY (b. ca. 1876, Talledega Co., Ala.) Their son Thomas Wensel BISHOP was b. 4 Oct. 1904, Hearne (v.14, p.35). Henry Edward BERRY (b. ca. 1889, Ark.) m. Nannie Bell () 17 MANNING (b. ca. 1892, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Thelma Aminitea BERRY was b. 24 May 1919 at Wheelock (v.14, p.63). Deemer McLEROY (b. ca. 1883, Brazos Co.) m. Nora BLACK (b. ca. 1884, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Ada Faye McLEROY was b. 5 July 1922 at Franklin (v.14, p.74). Henry LITTLETON, an African American (b. ca. 1875, Burleson Co.) m. Carrie WINDLOCK, an African American (b. ca. 1885, Brazos Co.) Their children included Susie LITTLETON, b. 17 Oct. 1918 (v.14, p.77) and Eugene LITTLETON, b. 2 Apr. 1916 (v.14, p.78). Both children were born in Mumford. Ollie Clifton MEARS (b. ca. 1899, Bryan) m. Ola Mell GRIFFIN (b. ca. 1904, Franklin). Their children included Pauline MEARS, b. 23 Aug. 1924 in Bremond (v.14, p.117); Mattie Jean MEARS, v. 21 Mar. 1926 in Bremond (v. 14, p.117). Steve King MAYO (b. ca. 1894, Brazos Co.) m. Etta Viola ROBERTSON (b. ca. 1898, Robertson Co.) Their daughter Frances Marie MAYO was b. 5 Apr. 1923 in Hearne (v.14, p.119). \ ........ I Elijah Hollaway BROADUS (b. ca. 1878, Brazos Co.) m. Emma McWILLIAMS (b. ca. 1879, Robertson Co.) Their daughter Julia Olive BROADUS was b. 11 Aug. 1903 in Hearne (v.14, p.163). Thomas L. CENTER, an African American (b. ca. 1872, Brazos Co.) m. Eliza NUTALL, an African American (b. ca. 1874, Brazos Co.) Their son Milton CENTER was b. 5 Aug. 1897 in Hearne (v.14, p.193). John DAVIS, an African American (b. ca. 1889, Franklin) m. Ruth RICE, an African American (b. ca. 1889, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Lillie Mae DAVIS was b. 12 Mar. 1910 in Benchley (v.14, p.220). Jim JONES, an African American (b. ca. 1880, N.C.) m. Mary WILSON, an African American (b. ca. 1880, Bryan). Their children included: Erie Olivia JONES, b. 26 June 1912, Hearne (v.14, p.322); Ethel Estelle JONES, b. 2 Sept. 1922, Hearne (v.14, p.323). Earnis JACKSON, an African American (b. ca. 1904, Brazos Co.) m. Menervia CAVITT, an African American (b. ca. 1914, Robertson Co.) Their daughter Valrie JACKSON was b. 3 Mar. 1936 in Wheelock (v.14, p.337). Bob WALKER, an African American (b. ca. 1879, Calvert) 18 m. Beulah DAIRY, an African American (b. ca. 1892, Brazos Co.) Their son Alton WALKER was b. 19 Jan. 1932 in Calvert (v.14, p.463). ) Albert THOMPSON, an African American (b. ca. 1893, Bryan) m. Willie BOLTS, an African American (b. ca. 1898, Calvert). Their son Joddie THOMPSON was b. 3 Oct. 1918 in Hearne (v.14, p.529). John WILKERSON (b. ca. 1869, Brazos Co.) m. Lizzie ROBERTS (b. ca. 1881, La.) Their daughter Catherine Virginia WILKERSON was b. 5 June 1914 in Franklin (v.14, p.535). Eddie TIGGS, Sr., an African American (b. ca. 1894, Bryan) m. Fannie B. HENDERSON, an African American (b. ca. 1898, Brazos Co.) Their son Eddie TIGGS, Jr. was b. 1 Jan. 1915 in Benchley (v.14, p.556). Richard WATSON, Sr., an African American (b. ca. 1868, Brazos Co.) m. Lena POPE, an African American (b. ca. 1878, Ala.) Their son Richard WATSON, Jr. was b. 24 Nov. 1912 in Franklin (v.14, p.576). Microfilm reel 1477486: William Dallas BOLTON (b. ca. 1852, Brazos Co.) m. Margarette Adaline KIRK (b. ca. 1857, Mississippi). Their son Marvel BOLTON was b. 22 Aug. 1882 in the Shiloh Community, Robertson Co. (v.15, p.2). John Oliver McMAHAN (b. ca. 1851, Grimes Co.) m. Lucy Jane OWENS (b. ca. 1861, Brazos Co.) Their son Arthur Cleveland McMAHON was b. 27 Aug. 1884 in Bremond (v.15, p. 16) . \ - Ernest William KIRBY (b. ca. 1876, Franklin) m. Alma Leola MORGAN (b. ca. 1889, "Melborn" [probe Wellborn], Brazos Co.) Their daughter Gladys May KIRBY was b. 17 Oct. 1905 in Franklin (v.15, p.22). Walter Hugh LOUGHRIDGE, Sr., an African American (b. ca. 1900, Bryan) m. Hallie BANKS, an African American (b. ca. 1900, Bryan). Their son Walter Hugh LOUGHRIDGE, Jr. was b. 8 Aug. 1924 in Benchley (v.15, p.25). Emmett Garland BARNETT (b. ca. 1902 "near Franklin") m. Winona Lucille WEBSTER (b. ca. 1899, Brazos Co.) Their daughters included: Winona Maxine BARNETT b. 28 Jan. 1926, Franklin (v.15, p.27) and Edith Yvonne BARNETT b. 23 May 1931 "near Franklin" (v.15, p.48). Elbert ELLIS, Sr., an African American (b. ca. 1917, 19 ") Tabor, Brazos Co.) m. Gertrude DAVIS, an African American (b. ca. 1920, Mumford). Their son Elbert ELLIS, Jr. was b. 5 Nov. 1938 in Mumford (v.15, p.71). Horace HOLDEN (b. ca. 1873, Murfreeesboro, Rutherford Co., Tenn.) m. Margaret Jane McMILLAN (b. ca. 1875, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Helen Ray HOLDEN was b. 16 Dec. 1906 near Franklin (v.15, p.110). Earl GARNER, an African American (b. ca. 1886, Brazos Co.) m. Katie GOODEN, an African American (b. ca. 1902, Brazos Co.) Their son Dennis Arthur GARNER was b. 1 Nov. 1936 in Hearne (v.15, p.169). James RICHARDSON, an African American (b. ca. 1880, weimer, Tx.) m. Ruth WILSON, an African American (b. ca. 1880, Bryan). Their son Walter RICHARDSON was b. 8 Jan. 1912 in Hearne (v.15, p.195). Burt COOK, an African American (b. ca. 1869, Birmingham, Ala.) m. Hannah BUTLER, an African American (b. ca. 1869, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Sedalia COOK was b. 30 Mar. 1910 in Mumford (v.15, p.242). - f Jim MORRISON, an African American (b. ca. 1859, Brazos Co.) m. Menerva TATES, an African American (b. ca. 1878, Robertson Co.) Their children included a son Willie Sam MORRISON, b. 3 Sept. 1904 in Benchley (v.15, p.288) and a daughter Nora MORRISON, b. 18 Feb. 1892 in Benchley (v.15, p.289). Ernest William KIRBY (b. ca. 1877, Franklin) m. Alma Leola MORGAN (b. ca. 1888, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Jewel Lorraine KIRBY was b. 4 Feb. 1904 in Franklin (v.15, p.303). Joe NELOMS, an African American (b. ca. 1903, Brazos Co.) m. Ora WALKER, an African American (b. ca. 1906, Falls Co.) They had twin girls, Dessie NELOMS and Essie NELOMS, b. 20 Oct. 1928 in Wheelock (v.15, pp.310-311). Louis A. DANCAK (b. ca. 1869, Fayetteville) m. Annie Stephanie NAVRATIL (b. ca. 1885, Bryan). Their daughter Helen Grace DANCAK was b. 3 Sept. 1920 in Calvert (v.15, p.378) . Russell POLK, an African American (b. ca. 1876, Grimes Co.) m. Georgia JONES, an African American (b. ca. 1881, Brazos Co.) Their daughters included corine POLK, b. 13 Mar. 1904 in Benchley (v.15, p.417) and Callie POLK, b. 6 Dec. 1906 in Benchley (v.15, p.419). ' Columbus JONES, an African American (b. ca. 1886, Leon 20 Co.) m. Georgia JOHNSON, an African American (b. ca. 1888, Brazos Co.) Their son Ben JONES was b. 27 Oct. 1915 in Wheelock (v.15, p.439). Frank Joseph MESSINA (b. ca. 1898, Italy) m. Callie CUNZALO (b. ca. 1908, Bryan). Their son Leon MESSINA was b. 4 Oct. 1932 in Hearne (v.15, p.448). ) Jim PETTY, an African American (b. Mississippi: age not given) m. Frances JONES, an African American (b. Brazos Co.; age not given). Their son Felix PETTY was b. 27 May 1900 in Wheelock (v.15, p.477). Frank McMURRAY, an African American (b. ca. 1874, Brazos Co.) m. virginia JONES, an African American (b. ca. 1870, Brazos Co.) Their son Emory McMURRAY was b. 5 Oct. 1896 in Benchley (v.15, p.537). Steve King MAYO (b. ca. 1894, Brazos Co.) m. Etta Viola ROBERTSON (b. ca. 1898, Robertson Co.) Their son Charles Norman MAYO was b. 15 July 1925 in Hearne (v.15, p.569). D.C. MATTHEWS, an African American (b. ca. 1909, Brazos Co.) m. Bessie MITCHELL, an African American (b. ca. 1911, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Clara Estelle MATTHEWS was b. 23 Jan. 1926 in Wheelock (v.15, p.576). Jack HALL (b. ca. 1861, Bryan) m. Nettie Jewell CHRISTIAN (b. ca. 1865, Eldorado, Ark.) Their daughter Edith Mae HALL was b. 11 Jan. 1895 in Calvert (v.16, p.69); their son T.J. ("the initials do not stand for any name) HALL was b. 29 Apr. 1897 in Calvert (v.16, p.70); their daughter Pauline Margurite HALL was b. 6 Feb. 1899 in Calvert (v.16, p.71). , ........ Joseph Henry DAVIS (b. ca. 1878, Tex.) m. Elizabeth Matilda WILLIAMS (b. ca. 1895, Bryan). Their daughter Ruby Lois DAVIS was b. 8 Sept. 1932 in Bald prairie (v.16, p.95); their son Joseph Henry DAVIS was b. 31 July 1925 in Bald prairie (v.16, p.96); their son Guy Jake Finance DAVIS was b. 12 Dec. 1927 in Bald Prairie (v.16, p.97). Bob WILLIAMS, an African American (b. ca. 1877, Millican) m. Marsie NUTAL, an African American (b. ca. 1881, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Cora WILLIAMS was b. 19 June 1902 in Mumford (v.16, p.133). Nelson WILSON, an African American (b. ca. 1891, Brazos Co.) m. Norma HOOD, an African American (b. ca. 1893, Robertson co.) Their sonM.L. WILSON was b. 18 Nov. 1912 in Mumford (v. 16, p.152). 21 ) John William WILKERSON (b. ca. 1872, Brazos Co.) m. Elizabeth Emma ROBERTS (b. ca. 1882, Jackson Parish, La.) Their daughter Elizabeth Lue WILKERSON was b. 17 Aug. 1912 in Franklin (v.16, p.260). Willaim CAVITT, an African American (b. ca. 1911, Robertson Co.) m. Savilla SHEPPARD, an African American (b. ca. 1910, Brazos Co.) Their son William CAVITT was b. 21 Jan. 1928 in Seale (v.16, p.279). Elmo D. CRUMMIE, an African American (b. ca. 1912, Milam Co.) m. Marie PRUITT, an African American (b. ca. 1915, Brazos Co.) Their son Roscoe CRUMMIE was b. 26 Mar. 1937 in Hearne (v.16, p.315). Hamp DAVIS, an African American (b. ca. 1868, Brazos Co.) m. Mary ADAM, an African American (b. ca. 1873, Brazos Co.) Their son Nathaniel DAVIS was b. 19 Dec. 1914 in Wheelock (v.16, p.331). Maryland FULLER, an African American (b. ca. 1877, Benchley) m. Bessie JOHNSON, an African American (b. ca. 1885, Brazos Co.) Their son Ruben FULLER was b. 15 Dec. 1913 in Benchley (v.16, p.359). \ ....... Reuben Harrison HALTON (b. ca. 1849, Raleigh, N.C.) m. Elnora Harriet MOORE (b. ca. 1859, Bryan) Their son Thomas Harrison HALTON was b. 12 May 1895 in Benchley (v.16, p.406). Ben JENKINS, an African American (b. ca. 1888, Sour Lake, Tx.) m. Willie WASHINGTON, an African American (b. ca. 1890, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Laura Lee JENKINS was b. 12 Feb. 1908 in Hearne (v.16, p.449). Joseph Dalton MEARS (b. ca. 1890, Brazos Co.) m. Geneva Mae GRIFFIN (b. ca. 1895, Bremond). Their daughter Genevea Mae MEARS was b. 2 Dec. 1929 in Franklin (v.16, p.496). Their son John Carter MEARS was b. 24 Mar. 1926 in Franklin (v.16, p.496). Deemer Lawrence McLEROY (b. ca. 1884, Brazos Co.) m. Nora BLACK (b. ca. 1885, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Estelle McLEROY was b. 9 Aug. 1915 in Franklin (v.16, p.501); daughter Ocie McLEROY was b. 25 Apr. 1925 in Franklin (v.16, p.502). Joe MISTRETTA (b. ca. 1904, Bryan) m. Pauline LORIA (b. ca. 1905, Mumford). Their son Tony MISTRETTA was b. 16 Feb. 1927 in Hearne (v.16, p.523). Tom OWENS, an African American (b. ca. 1879, Bastrop) m. 22 willie LIPSCOMB, an African American (b. ca. 1895, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Mable Lee OWENS was b. 30 sept. 1925 in Mumford (v.16, p.569). ) James PICKENS, an African American (b. ca. 1866, Grimes Co.) m. Buda Wolf WRIGHT (b. ca. 1901, Brazos Co.) Their son Henry PICKENS was b~ 23 Nov. 1921 in Hearne (v.16, p.589). Alex RAY, an African American (b. ca. 1863, Brazos Co.) m. Catharine WHITFIELD (b. ca. 1865, Robertson Co.) Their son Charles RAY was b. 8 Apr. 1904 in Franklin (v.16, p.597). Microfilm reel 1477487: Henry LITTLETON, an African American (b. ca. 1871, Burleson Co.) . Carrie WINDLOCK, an African American (b. ca. 1883, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Katherine LITTLETON was b. 15 Mar. 1910 in Hearne (v.17, p.39). John H. SCASTA (b. ca. 1893, Bryan) m. Albina SCASTA (b. ca. 1897, Bryan). Their daughter Gladys Emily SCASTA was b. 4 Mar. 1922 in Wheelock (v.17, p.63). Josh HEARNE, an African American (b. ca. 1884, Robertson Co.) m. Nancy WILSON, an African American (b. ca. 1882, Brazos Co.) Their son Joe Kelsey HEARNE was b. 5 Oct. 1918 in Hearne (v.17, p.127). --- , Samuel WHITE, an African American (b. ca. 1875, Tx.) m. Sarah Elizabeth JOHNSON, an African American (b. ca. 1901, Brazos Co.) Their son Samuel WHITE was b. 27 Oct. 1927 in Wheelock (v.17, p.144). Lee JOSEY (b. ca. 1878, Robertson Co.) m. Minnie Eloise ALLAN (b. ca. 1882, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Ruby Lee JOSEY was b. 3 Nov. 1902 in Benchley (v.17, p.162). Thomas Harvey EDWARDS, an African American (b. ca. 1883, Brazos Co.) m. Mattie Marie TITUS, an African American (b. ca. 1894, Fairfield, Freestone Co.) Their son Julius Caesar EDWARDS was b. 21 Aug. 1935 in Calvert (v.17, p.171). William Harvey HILL (b. ca. 1896, Wise Co.) m. NASH (b. ca. 1890, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Edward HILL was b. 24 Jan. 1926 "near Eaton." p.175). Addie Lee Lois (V.17, Ed MILLIGAIN, an African American (b. ca. 1869, Ohio) m. Vina SMITH, an African American (b. ca. 1872, Brazos Co.) Their son Eugene MILLIGAIN was b. 9 Dec. 1899 in 23 ) Franklin (v.17, p.244). Arthur MITCHELL, an African American (b. ca. 1887, Ga.) m. pearlie TERRY, an African American (b. ca. 1892, Brazos Co.) Their son William MITCHELL was b. 22 Feb. 1913 in Wheelock (v.17, p.249). Sanford JOHNSON, an African American (b. ca. 1893, Benchley) m. Annie KIMBROUGH, an African American (b. ca. 1895, Brazos Co.) Their son Raymond Melvin JOHNSON was b. 27 Oct. 1917 in Benchley (v.17, p.306). Oubry Henry TULLOUS (b. ca. 1903, Brazos Co.) m. Jessie Emma STONE (b. ca. 1908, Hearne). Their daughter Lovie May TULLOUS was b. 1 Oct. 1924 in Hearne (v.17, p.340). Henry WYATT, an African American (b. Texas; age not given) m. Eliza JOHNSON, an African American (b. ca. 1892, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Mary WYATT was b. 31 Aug. 1907 in Calvert (v.17, p.415). James CANGELOSA (b. ca. 1884, Sicily) m. Mary ANGONA (b. ca. 1892, Brazos Co.) Their son Jake CANGELOSA was b. 10 Sept. 1925 in Hearne (v.17, p.420). \ ........ / James PETTY, an African American (b. ca. 1851, Trinity Co., Mississippi) m. Johnie JONES, an African American (b. ca. 1863, Brazos Co.) Their son Arthur Henry PETTY was b. 18 Nov. 1908 in Wheelock (v.17, p.433). Bob WALKER, an African American (v. ca. 1879 or 1882, Calvert) m. Beulah DAIRY, an African American (b. ca. 1894/95, Brazos Co.) Their son Alton WALKER was b. 19 Jan. 1932 in Calvert (v.17, p.463). Robert Franklin MOORE (b. ca. 1871, Eaton) m. Laura Eugenia PRESTRIDGE (b. ca. 1872, Brazos Co.). Their daughter Rose Estelle MOORE was b. 20 Nov. 1895 in Eaton (v.17, p.515); their daughter Addie Eugenia MOORE was b. 12 Oct. 1904 (v.17, p.519). Peter WALKER, an African American (b. ca. 1878, Brazos Co.) m. Nancy CARTER, an African American (b. ca. 1880, Robertson Co.) Their son Peter C. WALKER was b. 9 Nov. 1915 in Wheelock (v.17, p.541). Ed FOLEY, an African American (b. ca. 1898, Brazos Co.) m. Susie CASHAW, an African American (b. ca. 1896, Robertson Co.) Their daughter Helentine FOLEY was b. 19 Dec. 1934 in Benchley (v.17, p.583). Julius Frank CORTE (b. ca. 1904, Hearne) m. JUlia DeCHIARO (b. ca. 1909, Bryan). Their son Frank Julius 24 CORTE was b. 6 May 1930 in Hearne (V.18, p.2): their son vincent Charles CORTE was b. 16 Oct. 1932 in Hearne (v.18, p.3). ) John SADBERRY, an African American (b. ca. 1886, Brazos Co.) m. Eliza SHEETS, an African American (b. ca. 1890, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Ruby Jewell SADBERRY was b. 27 July 1926 in Benchley (v.18, p.105): their daughter Imogene SADBERRY was b. 3 Mar. 1928 in Benchley (v.18, p.106): their son Irvin SADBERRY was b. 22 Jan. 1931 in Benchley (v.18, p.107). Johnnie Lee HUGHES, an African American (b. ca. 1908, Brazos Co.) m. Mamie SIMS, an African American (b. ca. 1906, Robertson Co.) Their daughter Lillie HUGHES ws b. 10 Oct. 1929 in Mumford (v.18, p.155): their daughter Mayme Lee HUGHES was b. 7 Apr. 1926 in Mumford (v.18, p.156). Martin JAKUBICEK (b. ca. 1875, Czechoslovakia) m. Mary SYPTAK (b. ca. 1890, Bryan). Their daughter Julia JAKUBICEK was b. 9 Mar. 1924 in Wheelock (v.18, p.206). Ollie BANKS, an African American (b. ca. 1883, Brazos Co.) m. Hattie MARSHALL, an African American (b. ca. 1884, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Albirta BANKS was b. 30 Dec. 1902 in Benchley (v.18, p.225). James ROBERTSON, an African American (b. ca. 1887, Robertson Co.) m. Elizabeth KINGSBERRY, an African American (b. ca. 1888, Brazos Co.) Their son George ROBERTSON was b. 8 May 1927 in Franklin (v.18, p.244). \ ........ I Elliott Henry MITCHELL, an African American (b. ca. 1914, Brazos Co.) m. Minnie SIMS, an African American (b. ca. 1918, Tx.) Their daughter Thelma Jean MITCHELL was b. 5 Mar. 1937 in Hearne (v.18, p.247). Paul BLUE, an African American (b. ca. 1914, Brazos Co.) m. Lela Bell MITCHELL, an African American (b. ca. 1919, Leon Co.) Their daughter Carrie Lee BLUE was b. 5 Dec. 1935 in Wheelock (v.18, p.282). Frank J. TARVER (v. ca. 1889, Robertson Co.) m. Bessie SKAINS (b. ca. 1888, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Catherine Louise TARVER was b. 5 Jan. 1916 in Wheelock (v.18, p.339). Edward TAYLOR, an African American (b. ca. 1919, Brazos Co.) m. Inez SANDERS, an African American (b. ca. 1923, Brazos Co.) THeir daughter Dorothy Jean TAYLOR was b. 6 Dec. 1939 in Wheelock (v.18, p.379): their son Freddie Mae TAYLOR was b. 11 Mar. 1941 (V.18, p.380). 25 ) Marvin Lewis DOVE, an African American (b. ca. 1923, Robertson Co.) m. Zonee Beth HAYES, an African American (b. ca. 1924, Brazos Co.) Their daughter Bobby Fay DOVE was b. 9 June 1941 in Robertson Co. (V.18, p.401). Martin JAKUBICEK (b. ca. 1873, Moravia, Europe) m. Mary SYPTAK (b. ca. 1888, Brazo Co.) Their son Louis Adolph JAKUBICEK was b. 20 June 1925 near Wheelock (V.18, p.448). I . James PICKENS, an African American (b. ca. 1899, Grimes Co.) m. Roberta WOLFE, an African American (b. ca. 1907, Brazos Co.) Their son John PICKENS was b. 30 May 1919 in Hearne (v.18, p.470). Samuel A. HINTON, an African American (b. ca. 1894, Brazos Co.) m. Hattie WESTBROOKS, an African American (b. ca. 1900, Brazos Co.) Their son Benjamin Frank HINTON was b. 7 Apr. 1917 in Benchley (V.18, p.487). Willie Benjamin WILLIAMS (b. ca. 1900, Brazos Co.) m. Ora HARDIN (b. ca. 1905, Robertson Co.) Their daughter Barbara Charline WILLIAMS was b. 21 Feb. 1940 in Wheelock (V.18, p.488). \ - I Dick WILLIAMS, an African American (b. ca. 1872, Brazos Co.) m. Mary EDEN, an African American (b. ca. 1872, Brazos Co.) Their son Monester WILLIAMS was b. 29 Sept. 1913 in Benchley (v.18, p.560). West BURRELL, an African American (b. ca. 1887, Brazos Co.) m. Lillie SCOTT, an African American (b. ca. 1892, Ala.) Their son Willie B. BURRELL was b. 4 Jan. 1909 in Hearne (V.18, p.567). Billie Payton NASH (b. ca. 1897, Brazos Co.) m. Blanche Amelia LaBERGE (b. ca. 1903, Oklahoma Co., Okla.) Their daughter Blanche Alene NASH was b. 25 May 1925 in Hearne (v.18, p.603). * * * * * Brvan Weeklv Eagle; March 2, 1899; p.6, col.3 Town and Country. Monday-Tuesday. Old "Robin", a famous livery stable horse was breathing his last here yesterday. Robin was about sixteen years old and was brought to Bryan about eight or ten years ago from Waxahachie. He was a high-spirited and could make a mile up to three minutes, being regarded as one of the best drivers ever brought to this place. One is his escapades several years ago was to dash through the basement story of the main building at the A. and M. College with an empty buggy, having gotten loose during commencement exercises. 26 Edge Community Notes The following is a continuation 20f the community correspondence articles from the Brvan Weeklv Eagle. The Edge community is located in the north-western part of Brazos County. In the 1890's and early 1900's Edge gave the impression of being a bustling country town. Three brothers, Dr. John EDGE, William Harrison EDGE and George EDGE came together to Texas during the 1890's. Dr. John EDGE is given credit for establishing the Edge community. Dr. EDGE built a general merchandise store and called the town Edge. On September 14, 1894 the Edge post office was established in Dr. EDGE's store and continued in operation until March 31, 1957. Edge was a thriving little town during the early 1900's. There were three general stores, a drugstore, barber shop, an ice house, two garages and a cotton gin. There were two seven grade schools called Liberty and Concord. Liberty school was located on the Will HENRY farm while the Concord school was one mile northeast near the New Church cemetery. Both schools were consolidated with Kurten in 1946. The Edge High School was a two room school built in 1912. The high school was located on the Fort MARTIN place. This building burned in 1940. The first church in the Edge community was a PreSbyterian church called Brazos Church. It was organized on April 18, 1873 by the Rev. James WILSON of Illinois. Brazos Church remained in operation until 1913. The Missionary Baptist Church, the Methodist Church and the Church of Christ also served the Edge community. The Missionary Baptist and the Methodist churches were served from approximately 1895 to 1915 by circuit preachers about once every month. The Free Will Baptist church used the Liberty school house in 1900 for its worship services. At the present time there are only two churches in Edge, the Edge Baptist Church and the Edge Church of Christ. The Brvan Weeklv Eagle September 1, 1898, p.3, co!.1 County News. Notes from Edge. Mrs. James WILSON, Jr. died Sunday morning at her home near Edge in this county. She leaves a husband and several children. The funeral took place yesterday at the Presbyterian church on Payne Prairie. Mrs. W.A. FOWLKES' 5-year-old child died last Wednesday and was buried Thursday at the Wesson church in the Crenshaw neighborhood. Children of Mr. Will SKAINS, James WILSON, Jr., Mrs. V.A. CONE, T.W. FRAME and Mrs. Toby ORR have been sick the past week. October 6, 1898, p.3, co!. 1 County News. From Edge. Not seeing anything from this community for some time, I will attempt to write a short letter. It is still hot and dry, rain is needed as there is no stock water. Cotton picking is the order of the day those who have cotton to pick are taking advantage of the dry weather and trying to get it out. There is not as much sickness now as there has been. ) , - I \ - 27 ') Miss Addie GANDY was on the sick list last week, but she is up at this writing. There was preaching at Concord Saturday and Sunday night by Rev. EDGAR. Thos. ELLIOTT and Cliff CARTER were at Bethel Saturday and Sunday, they reported a nice time, plenty to eat, and as nice people as they ever met live at Bethel. There was a musical entertainment at Mr. McMICHAEL's Saturday night all seemed to enjoy themselves very much. Mr. Jim PARKER of the Shiloh neighborhood, was on Payne Prairie Sunday. Bush and Frank NEWMAN of Macy were at Concord Sunday. Mr. Clarence ELLIOTT and Joe TAYLOR were in Edge Wednesday. Peck's Bad Boy October 20, 1898, p.3, co!.1 County News. Edge Notes. I failed to write last week, but I will attempt to send in a few lines this week. Rev. STEW ART preached Saturday and Sunday on Payne Prairie. All were glad to have him with us. We had a very nice rain Sunday. The wind and rain injured the cotton some. There was singing at new Liberty Sunday evening. The visitors were Mrs. Belle NEWMAN and Miss FRAISIER of Macy; Mr. Will MILTON and family from Shiloh, and Mr. Ed ELLIOTT and family of Cottonwood were visiting relatives in this community Sunday. 'Prof. R.L. POUNDS will start his school here the 1st of November. Miss Effie FOLKS was in Edge this morning. One of Mr. FOLKS children was very sick last week but is up at this writing. Peck's Bad Boy October 27, 1898, p.3, col. 1 County News. Edge Notes. People are getting their cotton pretty well gathered in this community. Health is good, there isn't anyone sick that I know of--first time in weeks. - Mr. Lee EDGE was in Edge Monday, and also Mr. Peter THOMAS. There was singing at Mr. FOLK's Saturday night, but only a few out. Mr. BATSON of Leon county, took dinner at Mr. McMICHAEL's Sunday. Miss Florence McMICHAEL will leave Sunday for Leon county to attend school. We had a very quite marriage in Edge last Friday night. Those who married were Mr. Jim NASH and Miss Effie BELCHER of Macy. May their future lives be filled with joys. Mr. Clarence ELLIOTT and Mr. R.O. NASH passed Edge Monday on their way to Bryan. Peck's Bad Boy December 8, 1898, p.3. col.1 County News. Edge Notes. We are having plenty of cold weather. Sickness is a thing of the past in this community. Crops are about all gathered. Mr. Tom ELLIOTT and Mr. Timmons ECHOLS were in Bryan a few days ago. 28 Mrs. FOSTER of the Kurten neighborhood, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. ') Eula CARTER, on Payne Prairie. Miss Maud LEATHERS is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary SEALE, near Benchley. The young people had a nice time Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. ELLIOTT. Peck's Bad Boy December 8, 1898, p.3, col.2 County News. A Festival Party From Edge. Dr. E.F. GREGORY, J.M. SLAUGHTER and daughter Miss Mattie SLAUGHTER and Carrie NEWMAN of Edge, went Monday to Houston to take in the Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Festival and the other attractions of the city. The party returned home Tuesday night, and seen by the Eagle reported Wednesday, Mr. SLAUGHTER reported all well pleased with their visit. They stopped at the Hutchings house while in the city and visited the Festival Tuesday and Houston Heights Tuesday afternoon. Mr'. SLAUGHTER says the tobacco exhibit by Mr. Joe SALADINA of Bryan is really creditable one, and attracts considerable attention. The party were all well pleased with the Festival and had a delightful trip. December 22, 1898, p.3, col.2 County News. Edge Notes. As Peck's bad boy is not writing any more, I will attempt to give you a few dots from our community. Mrs. J.W. SKAINS has been quite ill the past week, but glad to say she is better. Mrs. J.M. CARTER was on the sick list Sunday. Tom and Miss Rosa ELLIOTT were the guests of Mrs. Ida HAYES Sunday. Mr. Rond NASH happened to an accident one day last week. He chopped one toe off, but we are glad to say he is getting along very well. Winter Pink \ - i February 16, 1899, p.3, col.1 County News. Edge Notes. Edge, Texas, February, 10--As I have not seen anything from our community in a good while I will endeavor to give you a few dots. We are having some fearful bad weather at this writing. The farmers are getting along slow preparing their land for a new year on account of so much bad weather. Mr. Tobe TOBIAS of Kurten, visited Payne Prairie Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J.M. LAWLESS, Jr., has two sick children at this writing. Measles are prevalent in our community. Mr. BRADLEY of Navasota, was in this community a few days last week looking out a location. We are sorry to record the said death of Mrs. McCARTER, who died Feb. 4th of congestion. She leaves three orphans to mourn her loss. the entire community joins in their bereavement. 29 ) We should not wish her back again, But work for God and try to gain That beautiful mansion where all is love, so when we die we'll dwell above. Uncle Joe. March 30, 1899, p.3, col.2 County News. From Edge. There was a preaching Sunday night by Mr. W.W. EDGARS. The attendance was very small on account of the uncertain weather. Miss Willie FOLKS has been visiting relatives and friends in Grimes county, and has returned home. Messrs. Lige BROADUS and Jim LANDERS have been on the sick list. Farmers are about through planting corn and are preparing to plant cotton. There was singing at Mr. and Mrs. FOLKS' Sunday night. All present reported a nice time. There was preaching Sunday morning by Bro. STEWART. The attendance was very large. Prof. POUNDS and Mr. John PAYNE spent Saturday night and Sunday at Kurten. Water Lily. [Received to late for last week. Ed.] . April 13, 1899, p.3, col. 2 J County News. From Edge. There is a great deal of sickness in our neighborhood. Mr. J.M. LAWLESS Jr. has a sick child but we are glad to state it is better at this writing. Mr. TAYLOR has had a real sick baby but it is improving a little. Mr. T.H. LAWLESS of Edge, was a pleasant visitor at Myrtle Hill Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles TOBIAS of Kurten, visited their daughter at Payne Prairie Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Henry and Mat SHEPPARD of Kurten were on Payne Prairie Friday. April 5, 1899 Summer Corn June 22, 1899, p.3. co!.1 Correspondence. Edge, Texas. Mr. Timmon ECHOLS has been quite sick the past week but we are glad to say he is improving. J.M. LAWLESS, Jr., went to Anderson last week on business. The singing and dinner at Macy June 11 th was a grand success. Those present from Payne Prairie were Mr. Cliff CARTER and wife, Tom CARTER, Jim PERRY and Tom LAWLESS. The leaders were Mr. S. KELLY, Thorp, GIBSON and Cliff CARTER. Mr. LEATHERS has been very ill but is better. Miss Florence McMICHAEL and mother are visiting in Franklin. Mrs. Jeff CARTER has been visiting relatives at Kurten the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J.M. LAWLESS were visitors in Kurten neighborhood Tuesday. 30 Mrs. Ida CARTER was on the sick list the past week but is better at this writing. Waterlilly November 2, 1899, p.3, col.1 Correspondence. From Edge. Health in this community is not very good at present. Those who are seriously sick are Mesdames MURPHY and PAYNE. There well be preaching Saturday and Sunday at Concord by Rev. GOODMAN. Mr. Clarence ELLIOTT, of Edge, visited Cottonwood Sunday. Mrs. Minnie ELLIOTT, of Cottonwood, is visiting her daughter, on Payne Prairie, this week. Prof. SCOTT will start his school at Concord Monday, we hope with a large attendance. Miss Maud LEATHERS has returned from a visit to her sister, near Benchley. Cotton picking will soon be a thing of the past. The farmers are almost through picking Red Rose November 16, 1899, p.3, col.4 Correspondence. From Edge. [Received too late for last week's issue.] As I have not seen anything from this past of the county in some time, I will try to give you a few dots. Health is not good. Mesdames PAYNE and MURPHY who have been quite sick, we are glad to say are both improving. Mrs. FOLKS, of Edge, has been quite sick but is some better now. Tobe and Jack TOBIAS, of Kurten, were in Edge Saturday. Mrs. Sarah HENRY went to see her son in Navasota last week. Mr. James HENRY, of Houston, visited his parents last week. There were singing at Mr. ELLIOTT's Saturday night, with good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. McMICHAEL visited Mr. and Mrs. FOLKS Sunday. Mr. Frank NELSON went to Williamson county to see his father last week. A few days ago while Elbert FOLKS was coming home form his father's gin in a wagon, his team became frightened and ran away with him, throwing him out on the tongue; they then ran against a tree but did not hurt him at all. Cotton picking will soon be a thing of the past. Rainbow December 7, 1899, p.9, col.3 Correspondence. From Edge. Health is very good. We have had a right cold norther for the past few days. We had a party at Mr. NASH's Monday night. All had a nice time. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. NASH. Mr. Flinn McDUFFIE of Grimes county visited his uncle Mr. FOLKS of Edge Sunday. Mrs. McMICHAEL visited her daughter at Franklin. ) ---- I , 31 (') Miss Effie FOLKS of Edge, visited Bryan last week. Mr. Elbert FOLKS visited his grandfather at Wickson last Sunday, had a bicycle wreck; and only had to walk five miles. Dr. Ed GREGORY, John HENRY, Tom FRAME, Wylie THURMAN, and Herbert BYNON went fishing yesterday and had plenty of fun. W.A. FOLKS when to Wheelock yesterday. Prof. SCHOTT had to suspend his school this week on account of repairing the school house. Mr. Jim NEWMAN has his new house about completed at Edge, and will move next week. Rainbow * * * * * FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK At the February meeting several visitors were present. Clara MOUNCE and Nan ROSS from the Bryan Public Library and Larry RINGER, Mayor of the City of College Station accepted copies of the Brazos Cemetery listings for the Bryan Public Library and the College Station Branch Library. These books should be available for your use at the reference desks in the Bryan and College Station libraries. Bill PAGE accepted a copy of the cemetery listing for the Texas A&M University Library. Former BGA presidents and officers present for the presentation ceremony were Dottie CLARK, ---4 Mary BELL, Don SIMONS, Vickie SIMONS, Bill PAGE and Naomi McCORMICK. Bill PAGE is checking into the publication of the book. For you researchers at the Texas A&M Library the county films, formerly located at the Archives Branch of the library and available only during the week, have been moved to the main library and located in the micro-text department. The counties included are Brazos, Robertson, Milam, Lee, Washington, Burleson, Austin, Colorado and Fayette. The films include deeds, probate, county commissioner minutes, district court records, and many others. The Robertson county films include two rolls of genealogical information complied by one of the former county clerks. Bill PAGE is hard at work finding information in these new resources. In this issue are "Some Brazos Co. Folks in Robertson Co. Records" and "Wine and Liquor Licenses in Brazos Co, 1857-1871". Future issues will include articles on "Some Brazos Co. Folks in Washington Co.", an article on divorces found in the Brazos District Court records and an article on early Brazos Co. naturalizations. Clara MOUNCE's office reports the fund raising for the remodeling of the Carnegie Library is under way. The Friends of the Library and others need to raise $ 500,000. Joanne GLOWSKI has contributed the article "Early Catholic Churches of Brazos Co. TX. Thank you Joanne for all the research that went into this article. The Genealogist welcome articles from our members for publication. The National Genealogical Conference will be in Houston, June 1-4, 1994. The program information has been released. There seems to be something for everyone. I hope everyone is planning to go. 32 WINE AND LIQUOR LICENSES IN BRAZOS COUNTY, 1857-1871 compiled by Bill PAGE ) Formerly, merchants wanting to sell whiskey or wine had to get (and renew) licenses from the county. Businesses seeking licenses included saloons, restaurants, hotels, boarding houses and even some grocery stores. These notes are taken from the microfilmed,commissioners' records for Brazos Co. (reel 1020037). Entries give the name of the person who paid for the license, the business's name (if given), and the business's location. 18 May 1857 (p.2): Commissioners repaid Alfred KELLY $83.83 which he had paid for a liquor license, since that law had been repealed. 17 Feb. 1858 (p.19): KELLY and WOOTTON, in Boonville. 16 Aug. 1858 (p.24): James BOWMAN & Thomas WOOTTON, at "the Exchange" in Boonville. 23 Feb. 1859 (p.37): WOOTTON and BOWMAN, in Boonville. 15 Aug. 1859 (p.43): WOOTTON and BOWMAN, in Boonville. 21 Feb. 1860 (p.56): WOOTTON and BOWMAN, in Boonville. 21 May 1860 (p.59): ATKINS and EDWARDS, in Millican. ~ 18 Feb. 1861 (p.73): James J. BOWMAN & J.B. HEARN, in Bryan. 1 Mar. 1861 (p.79): C.G. KING, in Bryan. 20 May 1861 (p.80): S.H. ATKINS, in Millican; James RILEY, also in Millican. 19 Aug. 1861 (p.88): T.J. WOOTTON, at the "Exchange" in Boonville. 18 Feb. 1862 (p.98): COUNCIL & McGAHN, at the "Confederate Bar" in Millican; T.J. WOOTTON, in Boonville. 19 Feb. 1862 (p.99): Calvin WHITED, at the "Jeff Davis Bar" in Millican. 18 May 1863 (p.117): William PEACOCK, at "the House formerly occupied by SISTENS & EDWARDS in the town of Millican"; J.B. LESAURE, in Millican. 33 ) 12 Dec. 1865 (pp.136-137): Wm. LANDRETH, in Boonville; Calvin WHITEHEAD, at the "Bar & Restaurant" in Millican; James REILLEY, in Millican; Firm of MURPHY & BRANTLEY, in Millican; J.L. BARNES, at the "Rialto" in Millican; C.C. BASS, at the "Star Saloon" in Millican. 2 Jan. 1866 (p.140): Wm. LANDRETH, at the house belonging to T.J. WOOTTON and known as "the grocery", in Boonville; T. HAMMETT & William H. HARDY, Jr., at "Hardy's Saloon" in Bryan. 19 Feb. 1866 (p.143): J.L. HEARNE, at "Hearne's Grocery" in Bryan; Morgan PRICE, at "Waggoners Bar" in Millican. 21 May 1866 (pp.154-155): W.H. HUGHES, at "First Chance" in Millican; BARNES & WILLIAMS, at the "Rialto" in Millican; John MARSHALL, at "the Gem" in Millican; C.C. BASS, at the "Pleasant Hour" in Millican; C.C. BASS, at "the Arcade" in Millican. \ - 20 Aug. 1866 (p.161): Firm of SIMS & HUEY, "in a house on the north side of the Public Square known as the 'Pleasant Hour'" in Millican; Morgan PRICE, at the "Cheap Bar" in Millican; W.H. HUGHS, at the "First Chance" in Millican. 19 Nov. 1866 (pp.166-167): Patrick McNAMARA, "at a grocery & Boarding house" in Millican; W.W. HUGHES & Co., "at their house in Millican between D.M. CLOWER's Store & DRENDEN's Hotel; BARNES & WILLIAMS, at the "Rialto Saloon" in Millican; W.P. HASSELL, in Millican; W.R. BROOKS, at "the Gem" in Millican; James F. MARTIN, at the "Drinking Saloon" in Boonville; John MURRAY, at the "Grocery & provesion Store" in Millican; C. WHITED, in Millican. 20 Nov. 1866 (pp.167-168): T.J. WOOTTON, "at a House near his residence in the County" ; Thomas J. WOOTTON & Co., at the "Bryan Exchange" in 34 Bryan. 21 Nov. 1866 (p.168): Robt. FERRIS, in Millican. ) 7 Jan. 1867 (p.170): BARNES & WILLIAMS, at the "Rialto" in Millican. 18 Feb. 1867 (p.173): Patrick McNAMARA, WALKER & NIGHT [perhaps KNIGHT ?], D.R. TUCKER, Morgan PRICE, D.C. APPLEWHITE, Robt. FURNISS and D.C. APPLEWHITE; all in Millican -- "Bar and Boarding House"; "Gem Saloon": "Grocery and Cake Shop": "Cheap Grocery": "Stonewall Bar": and "Pleasant Hour". 19 Feb. 1867 (p.173): P.S. BISHOP, at the "Orleans Exchange & Billiard Saloon" in Bryan. 20 May 1867 (p.186): Patrick MARTIN, at the "Kelly House" in Millican: D.F. FRITCHETT & E.T. EDWARDS, in Millican: 'Cal WHITED, at the "Red House" in Millican: J.H. JONES, at the "Pleasant Hour" in Millican. 20 Aug. 1867 (pp.189-190): BARNES & WILLIAMS, at the "Rialto" in Millican; Cal WHITED, at the "Red House" in Millican: J.H. JONES, at the "Pleasant Hour" in Millican: Patrick MARTIN, at the "Kelly House" in Millican: D.F. FRITCHETT & E.T. EDWARDS, Millican: T.A. JOHNSON & Co., at the "Orleans Exchange". , - , 18 Nov. 1867 (p.194): T.M. WILLIAMS, at the "Rialto" in Bryan: H.W. EDWARDS, in Bryan: P. BURKE, Bryan. 10 Jan. 1868 (p.200): J. ELLIS & Co., at the "Arcade" in Bryan: JAMES & WILLIAMS, in Bryan. 17 Feb. 1868 (p.202): John REYNOLDS, at the "Bryan Exchange" in Bryan: Thomas M. WILLIAMS, at the "Rialto" in Bryan. 18 Nov. 1868 (pp.226-227): John REYNOLDS, at the "Bryan Exchange" in Bryan: Thomas WARFIELD, in Bryan: SANDERS and CARR, in Bryan; - J.H. NEILE, at "Uncle Jack's Saloon" in Bryan; Wm. HAVAMAN, at "Sterne House" in Bryan: W.J. WOOTEN, at "Rialto House" in Bryan: BARNES and BALDRDIDGE, in Bryan; R.W. LYONS, at "Lyons Saloon" in Bryan. ) 15 Feb. 1869 (pp.232-233): W.J. WOOTTEN, at "Rialto" in Bryan; J.H. NEILL, at "Uncle Jack's Saloon" in Bryan; John REYNOLDS, at "Bryan Exchange" in Bryan; L. ERWIN and M.R. ROLAND, Bryan; W.J. WOOTTEN, at "Rialto" in Bryan. 18 Feb. 1869 (p.238) Thos. P. BOYETT, at "Dew Drop Saloon" in Bryan. 28 May 1869 (p.246): A.C. READ, at "Imperial Saloon" in Bryan; J.H. NEILL, at "Uncle Jack" in Bryan. 2 June 1869 (pp.247-248): L. ERWIN, at "Tom MOSELEY's House" in Bryan; John REYNOLDS, at "Bryan Exchange" in Bryan. 13 July 1869 (p.252): William GLAZE, at "Billie Glaze's Saloon" in Bryan; William HAVEMANN, at "Havemann's Grocery" in Bryan. 14 July 1869 (p.253): W.C. MOSELEY, at "Commercial Hotel Saloon" in Bryan. 22 Sept. 1869 (p.259): A.C. NEILL, Bryan. '\ - 3 Jan. 1870 (p.260): J. HEARN and L. ERWIN, at "Hearn and Erwin" in Bryan. 1 Nov. 1870 (p.287): H. COOK, "situated on Main Street" in Bryan. 8 Dec. 1870 (pp.293-294): S. DOMERCO, situated "on the Main Street joining WYCH Livery Stable on the west side of the R.R." in Bryan; Thomas BOYETT & Co., at the "Phoenix Saloon" in Bryan; , H. LIMPKIN, in Bryan; G.W. BREWER, at the "Gem Saloon" located in the "RADFORD Block" in Bryan; 2 Feb. 1871 (p.300): R.C. MYERS, on Main Street, in Millican; John E. MILLICAN, "on Main Street ... opposite the Rail Road Depot" in Millican. 2 June 1871 (p.314): H. REESSE, "Bowns House" in Bryan. 35 36 Queries BERRY /McMILLAN/KENNEMIER: Have numerous unidentified hardback photos ca 1890 to 1910 acquired from my grandfather, C.G. WALKER. Believe most are of the BERRY's of Corsicana, TX and the McMILLAN's of Brazos Co. TX. Only two photos are marked: a portrait of Dallas BERRY with his 2nd wife, Martha KENNEMIER, and a single of Wm. A. McMILLAN. Harold WALKER, 512 Montclaire Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53217 ) HINES/WALKER: Would like to contact descendants of Bennet J. HINES, b. 1831 TN, who married Susan WALKER 31 Jan 1856, Brazos Co. TX. Know of one child, Lizzie HINES, b. ca. 1859. Would like to correspond with anyone having information. Harold WALKER, 512 Montclaire Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53217 CHANEY/BRANTLEY/SMITH: Seeking information on Hirum Cowden CHANEY, b. 1833, VA, mother's name Rebecca. 1st marriage Francis (1), Brazos Co. TX, 2nd marriage Tennessee BRANTLEY, 9 Aug 1882, Brazos Co. TX. Family lived near lola, and later Keith, Grimes Co. TX. Hirum and Tennessee had one child, Marian CHANEY, who later married Francis D. SMITH 6 Ju11902, Brazos Co. Known children are Roy, Emmitt, Daisy, and Rubie SMITH. Howard M. BROWN, 1720 Pacific Place, Fort Worth, TX 76112 McCRARY/McCRORY/McCLORIE/GRIFFIN: Would like to correspond with someone researching the McCRARY names in TN. Seeking parents of Nancy Jane McCRARY, b. ca. 1819, Tn, married Solomon GRIFFIN, and living in Kemper Co. MS in 1860. Believe she was widowed during the Civil War and went to Union Co. MS to live with her four children. Ruth J. HARY, 2303 Kent St., Bryan, TX 77802 \ - * * * * * Have you read in Texas or other states, deeds that refer to measurement in varas? Here are the equivalent measurements: 1 vara = 33 1/3 inches 36 varas = 100 feet 1900.8 varas = 1 mile = 5280 feet A square 208.708 x 208.708 feet = 1 acre A square 75.136 varas x 75.136 varas = 1 acre A square 1000 x 1000 varas = 1 labor =' 177.136 acres A square 5000 x 5000 varas = 1 league = 4428.4 acres A square 5099 x 5099 varas = 1 league = 1 labor = 4605.5 acres To convert feet to varas multiply number of feet by 0.36. To convert varas to feet multiply number of varas by 2.77778. 37 INDEX OF SURNAMES ') ADAM 21 CONGER 4 GRABINGER 8 ALLAN 12,22 COOK 12,19,35 GRANGER 5 ALLEN 8,13 CORONIA 15 GREEN 9 AL TIMORE 13 CORTE 23,24 GREGG 16 ANDREWS 13 COUNCIL 32 GREGORY 28,31 ANGONA 23 CRAIG 11 GRIFFIN 17,21,36 ANTOINE 5,6,7 CRUMMIE 21 GROESBECK 5 APPLEWHITE 34 CULBRETH 11 HALL 20 ATKINS 32 CUNZALO 20 HALTOM 12 BAIAMONTE 11 DAIRY 18,23 HALTON 21 BAKER 5 DANCAK19 HAMMETT 33 BALDRIDGE 34 DAVID 8,15,17,19 HANNAH 15 BANKS 18,24 20,21 HARDIN 25 BARKER 4 DAY 14,15 HARDY 33 BARNES 33,34 DECHIARO 23 HARY 36 BARNETT 13,18 DEFRANCIS 7 HASSELL 33 BASS 33 DERUE 4,5 HA V AMAN 34 BATSON 27 DOMERCO 35 HA VEMANN 35 BELCHER 27 DORRELL 12 HAYES 4,25,28 BELL 14,31 DOVE 25 HEARN 32,35 BELLACLAS 4 DRENDEN 33 HEARNE 22,33 BERRY 14,16,17,36 DRISCOLL 8 HENDERSON 18 BILLINGSLEY 10 DUBUIS 3.4,5,6,7 HENRY 12,14,26,30 BISHOP 16,34 DUNN 8 31 BLACK 15,17,21 DWORACZYK 6,7,8 HERRICK 5 BLAIR 13 ECHOLS 27,29 HILL 22 BLUE 24 EDEN 25 HINES 36 BLUM 5 EDGAR 27 HINTON 25 BOLTON 13,18 EDGARS 29 HOGAN 4 BOLTS 18 EDGE 26,27 HOLDEN 14,15,19 , BOND 10,11 EDWARDS 12,22,32 HOLLIS 11 I BONNEVILLE 5,7,8 34 HOOD 20 - BOWMAN 32 ELLIOTT 27,28,30 HOWARD 6 BOYETT 35 ELLIS 18,1 9 HUEY 33 BRADLEY 28 ELMER 9 HUGHES 24,33 BRANTLEY 33,36 ERWIN 35 JACKSON 17 BREWER 35 EWING 12 JAKUBICEK 24,25 BREZNA 9 FERRIS 34 JENKINS 21 BROADUS 11,17,29 FIELD 11 JOHNSON 12,20,21 BROOKS 14,33 FOLEY 23 22,23,34 BROWN 13,36 FOLKS 27,29,30,31 JONES 11,14,17,19 BRUCE 11 FORBES 12 20,23,34 BURKE 34 FOSTER 28 JOSEY 12,22 BURRELL 25 FOWLKES 26 KAPCHINSKI 16 BUSSANT 4,5 FRAISIER 27 KELLY 29,32 BUTLER 1 9 FRAME 26,31 KENNEMIER 36 BYNON 31 FREE 13 KETZLER 9 CAMPBELL 13 FRITCHETT 34 KIMBROUGH23 CANGELOSA 23 FRIZELLE 9 KING 11 ,32 CARDONA 14 FUCHS 9 KINGS BERRY 24 CARR 8,34 FULLER 21 KIRBY 18,19 CARTER 23,27,28,29 FULLERTON 10 KIRK 18 30 FURNISS 34 KIRKSEY 16 CASHA W 23 GALLOWAY 14 KNIGHT 34 CAVITT 17,21 GANDY 27 KOLIN 8 CENTER 1 7 GARDINER 6 KRIPAJTIS 9 CHANEY 36 GARNER 19 LABERGE 25 CHILDRESS 14 GIBSON 29 LAMPSON 11 CHRISTIAN 20 GLAZE 35 LANDERS 29 CLAIR 6,7 GLEISSNER 8,9 LANDRETH 33 CLARK 31 GLOWSKI9.31 LARKIN 15 CLOWER 33 GOODEN 14,19 LASKI 8 CONE 26 GOODWIN 15 LAWLESS 28,29 38 LEARY 9 LEATHERS 28,29,30 LEE 11 LESAURE 32 LIMPKIN 35 LIPSCOMB 13,14,16 22 LISICKI 8 LITTLETON 17,22 L1TWORA 8,9 LORIA 14,21 LOUGHRIDGE 18 LYONS 34 MACHAN 8 MANNING 14,17 MARSHALL 24,33 MARTIN 9,26,33,34 MARTINIERE 5 MATOCHA 9 MATTHEWS 20 MAYO 17,20 McCAFFREY 8,9 McCARTER 28 McCLORIE 36 McCLUNG 1 2 McCORMICK 31 McCRARY 36 McCRORY 36 McDUFFIE 30 McGAHN 32 McLEROY 15,17,21 McMAHAN 18 McMICHAEL 27,29,30 McMILLAN 10,11,12 15,19,36 McMURRA Y 20 McNAMARA 33,34 McPHAIL 12 McWILLIAMS 11,17 MEADS 13 MEARS 17,21 MERRYMAN 13,14 MESSINA 20 MILLICAN 35 MILLlGAIN 22 MILLS 15 MILTON 27 MINKERT 1 2 MISTRETTA 21 MITCHELL 20,23,24 MONIN 7 MOONEY 1 2 MOORE 4,6,7,12,16 21 23 MORGAN 18,19 MORRISON 19 MOSELEY 13,35 MOSELY 14 MOSIEWICZ 8 MOUNCE 31 MURPHY 13,30,33 MURRAY 15,33 MYERS 35 NASH 22,25,27,28 30 NAVRATIL 19 NEDBALEK 11 NEELEY 12 NElLE 34 NEILL 35 NELOMS 19 NELSON 30 NEWMAN 27,28,31 NICHOLSON 11 NIGHT 34 NOVOSAD 13 NUT AL 20 NUTALL 17 NUTTALL 13 ORR 26 OWENS 18,21,22 PAGE 10,31,32 PAIRIER 4,5,6,7 PARKER 10,16,27 PAYNE 14,29,30 PEACOCK 32 PELNAR 8 PERRY 29 PETTY 20,23 PICKENS 22,25 PIERCE 15 POLANSKY 9 POLK 19 POOL 4 POOLE 16 POPE 18 POUNDS 27,29 PRESTRIDGE 23 PRICE 33,34 PROCTOR 16 PRUITT 21 PUCCIO 13 RADFORD 14,35 RANSOM 15 RAY 22 READ 35 REED 15 REESSE 35 REILLEY 33 REYBAND 9 REYNOLDS 34,35 RICE 17 RICHARDSON 19 RINGER 31 ROBERTS 18,21 ROBERTSON 12,17,20 24 ROCKE 9 ROGERS 15 ROMANO 13 ROSS 16,31 SAD BERRY 24 SALADINA 28 SANDERS 24,34 SAUSAGE 15 SCASTA 13.22 SCHOTT 31 SCOTT 25,30 SEALE 28 SELLERS 15 SHAW 10 SHEETS 24 SHEPPARD 21,29 SHERMAN 1 2 SIMONS 31 SIMS 24,33 SISTENS 32 SKAINS 10,12,16,24 26,28 SLAUGHTER 28 SMITH 6.22,36 SPILLER 1 1 STEWART 27,29 STONE 23 STUART 16 SYPTAK 11,24.25 SYSDEK 1 6 TALIAFERRO 11 TARVER 16,24 TATES 19 TAYLOR 24,27.29 TERRY 23 THOMAS 27 THOMPSON 10.18 THURMAN 31 TIGGS 18 TITUS 22 TOBIAS 28.29,30 TREBTOWSKI 9 TUCKER 34 TULLOUS 11,16,23 URBANOVSKY 9 VALENTA 8,9 VANCE 16 WALKER 15,16,17,18 19,23,34,36 WALLACE 12,14,15 WARD 16 WARFIELD 34 WASHINGTON 21 WATSON 18 WEBSTER 18 WESTBROOKS 25 WHITE 22 WHITED 32,33,34 WHITEHEAD 33 WHITFIELD 22 WICKER 11,1 2 WILHELM 9 WILKERSON 18.21 WILLIAMS 16,20,25 33,34 WILSON 17,19,20,22 26 WINDLOCK 17,22 WINN 14 WOLFE 25 WOODS 10,16 WOOTEN 34 WOOTTEN 32,33,35 WRIGHT 22 WYATT 23 WYCH 35 ) '\ - , , o ~ I) " BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS BY MEMBERS Persons interested in any of the following publications should contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication will be between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. ******** Title: Content: "Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 18S0-1910." Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by surname plus maiden name index. 328 pages. Author: Nadine Billingsley, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840. Title: "A Brief History of George W. WING and his Wife, Mary (MARTIN) WING and Their Descendants Down to the Present Day" Story of George W. Wing (1766-1823) of Duchess County, NY and . all of his descendants whom we could identify, including the author's wife and collaborator, Jane C. Portzer. 10S pages. Author: Harry J. Portzer, 2S01 Sumter Dr., College Station, TX 77840. Title: "A Genealogical History of Abraham EBERSOLE of Dauphin County, PA and His Wife, Eva STAUFFER." Content: Partial release - Introduction plus 2 major chapters of proposed 12 chapters. Author: Harry J. Portzer. Content: Title: "The PORTSER/PORTZER families of America and Their Genealogies" Includes an attempt to trace all relationships. Content: All identifiable descendants of the two (all that are known) ancestral lines leading to Americans bearing the name "PORTSER or PORTZER". Biographies of these people and all their known descendants, of whatever name. Author: Harry J. Portzer. Title: Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1876-1909, st. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Content: Indexed, intended to assist the researcher in locating records at this church. 96 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. Title: Marriage and Death Records, 1877-1909, st. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Content: A complete transcript of these records. Deaths start in 1894, with a few recorded before that date. Includes a list of places of birth. 83 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski. TITLE: Content: "Italians of Steele's store, Texas." Historical account of the Italian settlement Store, Brazos County, Texas. Author: DePasquale Boykin, lS06 Laura Lane, College 77840. at Steele's Rosemary Station, TX 3" 2-1/4" 1/8 page Once/year $6.00 4x/year $18.00 BRAZOS GENEALOGIST P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 Vol. XV No.1 BOYKIN, Rosemary 8407 Shadow OaK College Station, TX 77845 3" 1/4 page Once/year $12.00 4x/year $37.00 ... \.0 1...0 +:- :1 ~ \~ ~" ~: rl. p , ! ". 4-1/2 " I J/ k I :: ~ ~ 1...0 ~ ~ "'-. 'I ~ if I 1 .... ~ " {. 'l Ii ~ " Ii " ~ :~ (. I II , , ~ ~ I;' .;. il ii 'I Half page: Whole page: Once/year $26.00 4x/year $78.00 Once/year $52.00 4x/year $157.00 11 !~ ~: ~ ~ ~ " s () t' .' , "' t"J, ! ~ ~, ~)