HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939 Shorthorn ';1( l!!;'J .,. ~~ ~r\~ .'S .. ",.I." ~ -~~ lI!lII twi~"~- )"~1 J ~ / ~ ~ ,f; I#i ;1.-' / ! ,j ),\ S LAYOUT NO. l <11;.' ~ w< " ~.. J i",~ [qli1 '{~~ 'j!!:->W - !i1' :~.. .'~i, !2f ~~;~; ~ii~' -\ 1.1 1.,-~ f.''}, ~, ;;.! ~ F[j'. : ' "f;-le Ii , ,'5 , ~ .1'h: ~ <~1 , ,"" 'li\. @; o1ll ~\i "j: ,Ii, :f.r; ~ ~ !tt! ~ '~~ of i" '" "~ tt'l ~ .;? ii. .' '!ll " '.ffi .,\'.; '!l ,:fj [!l. ~'! .j W1~ ;;,(: lJ;t 1:.' ill 1l,> I,;:? ~1#JP >>~ 'j' "~ f'i ~~. ~ , ~ :"t- *, m ~~' ~ .!I .~ % )~ '" ~; f;j; :~ iE :;/! " ;.'i1i ~'?!! . 111 ~.f,~;_~' .., i?i , it ~ II!, i~ ~~ ~ ':~ './ ~J,;: 'I> ? i:\' ~;~ ~ .. It ~, f;;;: it ~~, i~ .~ '" ;j,)~: -;\' '1: ..~. ,~ ~ ,j.~j ~ ~ ii' ~ ~ ;, t, i f' , ~'. tt1 y; ~ :it "", li ''1~ ~!\ ,'.: ~r' ~ ~i . (: ~:;'j q; "F. :s,~ re; ':%,;" ~j;~ il!! , ~'; ::::::.: r~~ w ;;\'. ~'~ ~~ 'w, "ow i~ " ,) . :~'l ,T ~ ";~ ,1}A !!' :/!.,<> ~f~ "i, "~ Ii!' ~ f r ,. I;." :~ e ~;fi ,~ ~J 'LP (].V~. b n ~ oo,~,@ '~'~\~riji~:'~:~,~;~~,~n rlf.I,~' .~:~. )!J~~ lJ~. "lJ'$~~b.FJ[!bj ~ E~ l:b.~ ~~i"'~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ li(~ ,. :~~,~"~@~~;@:~;a@~~g@ '. ,; !~,~~~OO: <, .~.~ ~ .@ @ ~ · ' "('!Ii .~. ;,j. ~ .. "-,<;;1. ~ ,,,: .'1:' ' i~,~ ~. ~ ,~ r, ~' ~i' I' ~'7, . \(~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ l'1l ~ ~, ;+i '~i' 1, .. !'it i,!;1; ~~- ;;:. t!\ ';'~ '" ":~.' ~ ".!t "" -~:;" ';;1- ~ '" t~; <k~~ :.'. ,:>1;;;, I ;':, :it 1M ~1i 'fi" {to :41 r 1.1-. .t: .;.,.-<:, . '1 ,. 1 1-, . '.:Th 't ~> >,r '.,~ .). -;~ ~0' ,~ Ii! ,.. !J\i I~._--}~:,,"Y 'L... t r ~ ,I II! ~ ;~l~~g~ "f" ,:'fp'r .~ A.n~lH.tl, rJiUj..e-. ;e~ ' "& ....O,oes. this page carryea'special ~bot;d~t;? '!J!o . .." "", ~"~WC .... ~ ...,"... .,;''-:::;:::: . ..,~D1~"i;?,.' Special ~order~ not permitted on Junior Annuals. , "',,r'IftY ":. '4~.' .... ';?~rd represent~.' the edge of the individual plate.r We suggest that you allow one-fpurthihch "Ill margin .all.'~ayarotpld', exc;ept in th~,.,:~a~e' of pihures or art work"that you want to go to theedge()f the plate. TQeplate .. si;1;~i,oLthispage~~_edtic\d",'i11 be apQroximateIy 61-4: x 91-~, ", I If . ..... '" \ '\ ~J-..' .~ ",' r'" Don't'send~his layout to:,f~Cto." ~n ilit .hasbeen cle,aned~:"~ee that:, finger:~printSf1ren;iI marks, excess cd~tnt,dil1:, etc.; have been' " '" / '" removed. The quality of the manuf ctured books will be dependent upon the neat~ess and thoroughness of your work., =--~, "L..~' ( \,", ....,' " ' I~.':'~~"";~ ~>~_l.- 't /'''[1'1<' ~~'1' .....\. eM, ~if.\ Cify 7t i~ ':' ..,; /(Jt w:. ',$ T/i: .\ __.f; ,r'. ,~:,.> "'- l\~ . ~( r:' ~~ ." ,,~. ~, -'"",""~ '~jiI" ;}.\'f;~- .!'!'l~'" '-'''-1; ~,f','tiJ' "'I ~ "-. -~ >(<;~"'~':,~~. ~ :or; ._".".c~_..",-~",..~~-,.O iW'" ~ . ,'i' , ,~,ti~' 'r,.,. f;t)- ~ To N, !fl ~ F.. 1Ji ~'c; " LAYOUT NO. 1 if.! ,i, II ~i;! ';i1'11 ~ 'i'l, .. ~'..' ~, ~ I) I i ~~ ~" ...." ,:" , , . . ~~ ,m' ~ f.i! .. " iIII m.' , l)U~ i;i' ;(. ~ .( I~? ~ '.;," f~ " ,17' .. 'lI ii )!l' ~ .:~ Ilii' iffJ1,.e- ~ ~l ':" ~ ?~ ~ ,r"j ,.:" ...: . '.. ,'i" ~ll ~J~ l ~. ", lJ: >4. ,,' '< .....~....,'. ill!! m z' \,:c, "'r;~ .~-=,'f({I!(~[J"; ~ fl '. " ~,,~~ LntI~,~~\~ ~' 1~1"J ". ~l _!S' '~'; ~';j '~"7. '~.~.{. 'Jii <i4~b,il\:~ ~[i~~ " " f :N "~ r,~1.'~~", ~ ~ .~ ~r~ ~,~y .. l. : '9" ~"". ~ _: --' "~t ,a: I ,~, " v',,' . ,~;M "'."" · '~z ~~ . ;, ' : i,.. ' ~ ' ., i' . , ". ~ '~: ... _ ~ ~~ .;" "1 '1'<" ~ ~ ...;.:1. '" Wi;: ~j'/;~ 'fi ;,< '>~~ "-7x ., ,'f!' , 'JII II' t.f., II iIll> ~, ~ ~J,iiJ '<':11I .$\: }r' Ji IIIl . . ."",,' ifI' c.'i: w,.; ,t;' ~ ~ f~ ij" :1. ' :~1 .;Ii f': ..~ ! ' II '" ~ a .. ~ ;./, ;j; '/;:, 'oi". m . ~.~'./.'. ~:\ ~tI~i~~~,'. ~[JM~.~... ~ ~:i':,: ~i ~, ;.~ ,,";. ',. 1;:- " - "~ ia,. \"" : ",' :;_.11 " :~ \ ~ I i I 'ji I' ;; t '~: I I, , -,1. I ~ I ill, I" I~ , ti I .. .!~\ ~ ~-:::' ,;:" III :":~ ~ --:; . \ .J:P ;'li 3 ~ /1 ~ I' '~\ ~' :. )a .... 1~ " 'III ~ ,,~ ~. ~ ~ ''; 6 "" II of;; , . .. '. ~ ~ ;.; ~, ~ ;,.; ~' , ,,~ ,ili: I ':! , iJ'l],,,. ~ a ~'911 ;~,~ F ~', fi' "' II ,'" ',>:'.~~r "'t.," '-::> '" ~~ .,' ;<i ',", " ," ."r:# ~:~~ II! :f.o.' ~] ~ .. 'II .y:i~age:~ ~,,~ ',) ~cirT1~~ ~ r)() ~LJ+O 62;t1 '. " I)oes this ~a~;~c~rry a'~;ecial border? #0 Ann u at OoL)l.L:::: &: E . , . ,-, .'. . . . , C[M/)~/t/~~ City' ril; h' r I ~~ f&; ~. SpeCial Borders not permitted on Junior Annuals. ~, ~ '1."," ~,' :~ ' .;. . 'l~. 1~>'" "', 'Th~border on thislayqut b()ard'repres~!lts the "edge of the irrdividual plate. We suggest that you allo~ one-fourth,incn .'~ m~rgiri all way aroun<;l; ex2ept in~:the case of pictures or art work that you ~ant to go to the edge ofl-h~ plate. The plate .. ~ size of tQ}s ?a~ewh.~,rr~~duc~d\wiH'be approximately 6 1-4 x 9 1-4. a a ~,,),. !' Don't s~ndthis,~ayout to factory until it has been cleaned. See that finger-prlnss, penctil marks, e~cess cement,.~di,rt, etc., have been,';, ", ~moved.~~,~ity of the ~,r,ldactured books will be dependel1t upon the ne:tn:S~l,and th~rOUghneS; of your.,work.. IlJ '; * ..-,;,.. '~--~-=~"'--~.' ., ~ .. ._, -" -,........"'..-....... ~ ~~ !:i~ I ~ _' d . \ I ~ \ -~, /,. - \ J1 f~ r [j~l q !II ",.ok, ~'';;l'''';''".'~~~ LA YOUT NO.2 ill" '!to: iIlI iii ~ FOREWORD ~ The dream of many students has finally materialized in this, the first annual of A. and M. Consolidated High Schtol. i Because it is the firsLannual, we have nad''illu2h to learn ,and have made many mistakes. But if we have succeeded in picturing ,the life in our school, we hav~ '.' satisfied a long~felt need. We hope that those c()ming after us will continue tvhat we have started and, profiting by? i~<<t our mistakes, make eacli Shorthorn better than the last.". 1Ji il ! , ~ I' :~ ,4 ~ ;;5' 4 (~ i:>'l', .. Page ?'.,. . i~.;C in Does this page carry a special bfrder? Annual Ch~l'di.14(.f!!4:S;;l~;:':'" '1iA~" (j~. ," - Special borders not' permi~ed on Junior Annuals. ~ , ' i" .. .~~ ;~~',~;,,;f~t The border on this,lay~ut b()ard represents the edge of the indiyidual plate. We sugg~st~that you allow % inch margin all way around, except in the case of pictures or art work thaf~ypu want to go,to the edge of the plate. The plate size of this page will,be approximat~ly 6%x 9%. t...., .t-"';... '" 'i;. II I City \ \ .. '" '" '\ ~ ~ / / ..... "\ '" " r' .~, "','''i~ " ./' ~.1,:;'.:. I I ~ . . 11 iY.i t('i ill i ,', I .' I ~ ~, '. c' ~,' t I 1,' I I 110 W~ ~ " "'--'of1"'-P;' :-.-...: ,~01 .. ~"~~ '** .';.1 ~f .. " ,1;. &;~>"; ~ fti -",;" q; :', ~;; ,~ ; /:', ,,,, -," ill m LA YOUT NO.'l ;<1 ~ ~ ~ ~t if; ~ ~i 't! 'P,. ill' * "" .r \. , r . t ,I !II \ .,1 I >- ~ II :it~ """" ~ ~ :!.',~j ,,~ !;l! ~ ~.~ ~ -J:, '!J ~ ,,; '* H ;; ~t! ';'Ii m " ~ ". ~ ~, r~ "" '..... '~, ~,; ~ ~ r If \"';" I ~ t I :.;: I !!II _I ~\" '\ ,J,; ~ ~t: ~t!f 'W . ~ ~ ~:i; 1m '" c; ,>2 ~~' UiAi5:~H.,E~BUAI:[5'5 i ~ D ~ ,II; ~~~; Because of !Rer work IV behalf of the Press Clu~ and because to us:"she is theper~ect friend 'and teacher, we, members of the Press Club. of 1939, dedicate the first Shorthorn .to ':'~ ~ " -;l.-f', $..~ MRS. H. 'E. BURGESS. /.f. ;;;.:, !)~ . ~-i 'II " ~ 'il ,"" .. I '.' :W , . ~ 'P~ge 5'hnp.J:;);o-P/U ' Ann'ual,..et?~i.i~GE~7/~A/' City ~B6~~" t,Jiis,jlagE1"c,..,.,aJ;ry ~""""'sp" e~ial bord~er?,.#o." I!' ~. , ',~ 111 SI>ecii1'i':'Borders'\.{o~i)errriitt~d on J unio?A{j'nual~. ~ , "., ." ~.;" '., ,( J;' ii.' . .., - ". 'i ":,-: '. ' ,.' ilI!., I' .,,'. 'ill'.' ""'. '; '" ,". .'.. i" i;rh~ b6rderQnt:liis" le.yout,'f?oardreJ)resent~ t!te'edge ()f the illdividuaJ plate;Wesug-gest,that you, allow one-fourthin'ch margmall way~rou!1d"except In t~e':.cas~OflP!,ctu!:es or art work that you want to go to the edge of the plate. The plate/ ~ sizeofJhis~agew~~~ r~puce~ ~ill be approx~rnately 6 1-4 x 9'1:"4. ,," ~i"~ ,. Don't'.is~~d this layo~t' to factory tlnti'l'it hasb~n cleaned. See that finger-prints, p~ncil marks, excess ceit1:nt, clirt, etc., ;'have '''- '. .~' ' '!c.. -, _ ';1;.".., . '--!..t ,::' ",1; , __ _, ,.' .,-_ 'i:, - ',:, ,':, _' ' ',,' ~,', "_,{;; , '. - _ , :,_ .<c M ::: _. ._', " .- - " 6een;;removed. The quality of;the.manufact~red books will be dependent upon the neatness and thoroughness of your work. <' ','-,- " ' ',.'\" , ",,:I,,,, ~,' '" ,. :' " ".: ..., ' ....:(: . . ~~~ 0 "i !! if *:,~ ~ . (1\ ilL oW ." 'i I I.,.'. III 'l j P" I' II l~ \ ~ I II I" /1- ',;ll~ ~;~' y ~: '1-'; . ). I I ~- ~'" f,.' t " I i i, I I, ~. l ~ III I. .. .!(, g .'" ,ij,.; '- frl - ~~ ~ "'i' ~ !-~. iifl ~~ !! " , ~ ~';' ./ ~ ~~ ~ LAYOUT NO. 1 i1{., III .Ill " '.''}. ,'..- ~ ~ >1~ ..~: ~~ ~l n ~ QJ;;~ III i,,\?:; i!' ~ . . . w. :~ :i~' J ~'I ~: ~'i:^ ~ &, ~t~ ~ <'i-;' '" ;':' ','~ ';fI ;!:', ~'!.\, '~i '" ~. ~~ ~) wi, "It. '!j",",~ ~i{;-~, :'f- '/P .. ~'io' ,. '" ~ la, {~ I:: ~/ &.(l f/f ~{ ~';',' '/b ;t " ,~ "' " ~\' 'AaRl;lal, Cqi..LEGE ,...;q -.~ ,;.' * 1; l.i $'-'; ,~ 1Ill", ~ ~ i;f~ ',,, ;J~ " <<;~ ,. :1 ~; ,. ;::~; f.ii Il! ~j ,J-) ')' ". to" ;';~ .,;;; ,~, '. I ~~~ ~ ~,.-< ~ \,( \\'it;" ~ I!\ ;!j, * .~ '4'l ~ ~.~: ,!; 7;' ID t", .J'j ;;1;'~r ,1; Oi5< t!): 'I!l ~;; ;!t 1.~ '~.~. ~~, :1~! '.~ ~.' ~l ,';" ~:>ill ~ W. w# ~, ~ " ~'i' '{Q. ~- ~ !ill o. /~ ~'J ~" .~ ,'"' ~2' ,'1l7;, !~ ". ~ ~~ ~iI'j lJ':i ~1' ~ '" '" V..t ~ . l!i 1'; -\f:i,'" )}.~l " ctJ' ~ ~ '0 ;;<;;: ~h.. ~ f(, ijil. :~i ~ '!.% 'fir ~ !II, ."R ~'-f }L:. ;;;- fi!j '5 ~)J) .. w -:&'7. ~ fP! :i!..;-r;,;, -\'. ~ ~ ~ ~~ >., i::> -. ~~~i ~~,,&= ::-.:: ,~, ,s: "r- ~"JF ~ 11~( .,~ ~~~ " :;.;;. ;'.'1, ""~ ~ '" :\.. it. ,Ii ;: t~ -I ~ ~.' Ji Ii' jij~ .;~ II! ti' ":f ~ .. III ( .r S.7&2k># Cit~ ~o Page,,0 ,fg0!:JIYRT:!-JiO ?J/.^ III " . ~ /yo Sp~cial' J;lC;~ders not permitted on Junior Annuals. >~ ref * ;.l il' Does '~his' page !gcarry ~~ special border? ," ,> ,j" "ii'" . ;-'.:,j~, '-- , .' --" ~!1\' - {;!j -~. The border on tthis layout board represents the edgeo(the individual"plate. We suggest that you allow one::.fourtJlinch m~rgin all"<way a~o*nd, except in the cas~ of pictures or artwork that you want to go to theegge of the plate. The plate size of this'irpage 'Ylien reduced willbe ap'proximately 6 1-4 x 9 1-4. . '" Ie; II ,,'I',i, ." , J' . .'0 . Don't send this,la'y'o,ut,tofactohr until it has been cleaned. See that finger-prints, pencil marks, excess cement, dirt, etc~', have been removed. The quality ofthe~anufactured books will be dependent upon the neatness and thoroughness of your work. { t M ;" ':~ ",ffI. , I 3 """'-.""'~" Il', Ii: ii,- _'7> ~f."v', "';;.c.'J~'__''''''':';:~''''_, D,&::--~'-'l Does this~page carry a ;'special border? ~ii [W '" 0 ",,:-:.. ,~ ~i,~c.. Special Borders not permitted, on Junior"AnnuaIs. ~ ;, 'ill'1 , III The bordyr on this layout board represents ,the edge of the iridividuaJ plate. We suggest that you allow' one-fourth ihch ~ margin all' way around, except in the case of pi~tures or art work that you want to go to the edge of the plate. Theplate ;"size oftl}ispage when reduced will'be"approximately, 6 1-4 x,P 1,.4. ' a a " "~ ' Don't send,~his layout~o factory ,pntil it has been cleaned. See that finger-prints, pencil marks, excess cement, dirt, etc.., have ~en' iremoved" The quality'of,themanufactured'books will be dependent upon the neatness and, thoroughness of your work. 9t Q..'. / 7~~,::J/lr!1Z-T) ''Ii) /)?l\ ' )(f. '. ,J'~ <"7.'. !II ,./ ~:-_ ~t_<~., - ,~, J' ,C,l ()/Cc ...::q ":~~- l~' (y, '<"~~~'\i' ,.di"Si.d;':'l .~ r;" ,~ ~ ~!~ ... t" '4' .. .,#,:'" .I~' " ~ iii 'i'; iJl ~'" ~ t~ i\RI ':'MlIIII \'1< .q, ~ ~iIl !i1'\"; ij' ~;{ i;:.)1 ~. ;~i ~r ~~r '"@.....'n.. A. ~~~.." ,@~, · _'" r.~,' , . "i"ill.i.d' ., '" ~ ,,~, ,0 ~_~ ". ~~ ~"'''' 'r' '~ . 'Ir/l ~ ,~ .' '->~ [ c~_ ~:;:"MF ~ ~,_.,_, :-~', tt' . ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, '-.: ,~ >;f'; \'l! :~ ~\i'i ;"1>' ~:i ~ ~ ;&~ .) . M ~ vC ~\j' .. .\: ';~i ;:", i~ ,:e; '!'> -'-'il:< 11;::; ~ "".I: I". -t, \iff~ ~,'.:..- f' ri6li ~:< ~ t ,~' ~p ~ ""1 III .. :+1' :$ ~ ~ '~ ;.' ~ .. ";:-i '. ~ !l! ~t' iii ,~~ ~ ~~ ;,1'~ ;t ;r.l 11II IilIi " ~ -\~ 10'7 if! ,~ ,1 ~--"- ,~, . I-t, jl~ '.f.fl; :_:. ;t~:";' :~'.:~~r;5 ,~~!Xt. \li I'll "' %"~ " t. '. !!' i~' t W Ii i;"~ ~~ f;: '-,j, ~1 W; 'U: :i>:< ;1j' ..~ ;:!.' ~~ ;t11' ':j,~ 11' ,iil ~ ~ ""&1 iii' . ~ 't~~' ~i I ,~ :;? !'lz \; " II ~: iIIII "\ ,", t "" '. ;C'., il.i: ' f{ ~ ~ i!!/ ~ ~r ):1" t{~ ~ 7.l:: p.1 m; if i{.l ..,. III <:Rage~, .~., ;t;~' ~~"l, f~f5h 0 It~ Th /) R AI ;1;:,'1< :!i'~ :~~ " J:. . ~' 74-27o~ i!'.... I, I ' ~r'j,;,.- ,VN-t;. crt ii' ;,;; ~1f. ~.. Annual, i)\ Ii!; ,~, ~ 'I i::~ ~ ~,,~ ,~-""';j-s .,. 'j t. f~~ LAYOUT NO. 1 ..; rliil;l;~ :!Ii /,'. ~ , '~~~~:~ ,1" ~i;;"/j ',1.r.;;~\. ~:, t,.," ~AI.~~ ~ """r-= 0.... ~ 1';'; '" i~ " "!,,,' 1);~ ?); k4 , ~ ';f;: ~ ~ .. \' or! '" :~~ ~ ., "I' >1 I " ',f ill :~, ,,V ~li( to ~ ft,'. ~ "f~":"; ~ l~J ~ f~ 'i " .. ~ ~ ", '\ ~ :"j ~l ~it,y "rr~ ~ i'i I 1. j j I' I '1 I,. .. I~ I I I I I ~ [, t ~ "' ~.' ' ~ 'ti 'IJ '10 I r, ,iii ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~~ '" .. ;.r~ . ~.:j.' ~ t;.!;,~--~! c_'~ ',9 iP'" --., "'~ 'lO '\ III .;~~ \:-, If :i'i ~11' :;;.~ ~: ~, q ~ LAYOUT NO. 1 /i Jr,;,; 1M }; ~J. l!! III p:, ~. .'i.' l ~ ~ il!' ,ll: ~ ,~: iii !~ ~ fiit' li;~ ;.; H'T-- Ii ;%. ~ i'!;' ;;;;. it \, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ?i -;: ~ ~~; ~\": ~ ~ III '" :tf it;.:>: .\'~ " ~ ;9 1i!! ~: ~if. ;$; ~ i,,' ~ Mi ~ ~<~ ~1)1 'rl:! ;Ii ,;'Ili ($ ~ I,',; :,"'~ >1;' '" ~{i oy; -ffi-t1;;;" :ij:~ <?c LA ;!~: ;;to.- '"" \'<< "~ J):' ~ '.~b; '~~~: '1' ''l! :<:. t~ ~t. ,~ ~1 ~'-' ';~ :Ii rolf_ ~ ;'l. ," ,it' ~ . i'" ~.~ i~: ~ ~'jj ;.' ~, ~~ ,~;,} ?;,\l 'W,;"' "i~; ~.,-. ~ , ;; .~ Z! ~\t 'I}', ~ ?fi.~ i< II "". ~!t;, ~ ti_~ ,~ ,mt;i ~ 1Il . ,if;! P~ge~, for J h D k'?-Ifo fp A:l '" Anflual,r;~ b'~E@E ^',;1h I.~, ~M~~A!. ~City ,\;~ ~ '" \:~ ~ ~ .' Dees thjs;.{>f!ge carry a spe~ial ,border? Special Borders not permitted on"J unior Annuals, ~, The bort.Ier on this layout boardi-epresel}ts\he edge of the individual plate. Wft suggest that you allow~one-fourthinch " margin aU w'ay around, except in the case of pictures or art work that yo'u want to go to the edge of the plate; The plate size~,of tliis page when reduced will be approximately 6i,1-4 x 91-4. Don't send this layout to factory until it has been cleaned. See that finger-prints, pencil marks, excess cement, dirt, etc., have been removed. Ti1tt quality of the mpnufacturedbooks will be dependent upon th~ n.atness and thoroughness of you.rwork. ' ~ ~~ ~: ~! !j', I ~;r I .~ '''' '" i 'j,:: ~ ~ ~ , , il I 1 ~ :f-' ~~ " ,), ~;' It ~ "t~,\ ~ ~{ (, ,'f'''' JAI .. ill ,;;, i~ '~ it ~;tl I!i lti s t: :'i~i: (~ {JP""-{ii!:? 111;' ~ ~ 'if ~ ;:~' ~; :5iJ I~ :~ ,~~, l',i i!';:. ::<i ::~},{ '" ,~ I! d L ~1J! ~ ~).' ;~ ~,p. 'w ~\~ y~ ~ j:^ 1<1 ":\ ,,,00 i!li iKi. ;.i< l~ :>~ ,~ 1Il ?-'h, :if ,;:;'.,' .~: '~ ~ $ " ':i~ 8~ 't~ " &; ~ de ~ " lI~ !I: ~ fh ~ " ~ ~. ~)l;:i 'P ,1 ~ ~'H ~ :~'~, I "")it: !, ~ lh, \. " '~ ~ .",. T-:~: " ~ ;-;11.. .:1: "~', '" "" ~~ ,~~, ~'g, ) ~, ~I ~'ti L~ 1I.0UT NO. 1 "'~, !f. [-l '~ ~ ~ ~~: '" ~~ ',,, ,. 1; fA ~;~ ~1 ~$ .';;fi ,:~" .';" d~ "'!! ,~ ~;' ~ ';I' ~ lit ~ ii'i '~ u<( *'- f.!I t. {'{-i '" ~ '" !ij iJlil \\ ~ ~ ,I.. " ~1!\ :gj :-j.iF 'i;.'t ~ \!~- ~. Oi." I.J' , } "-; ~~ ~~; ~ ~lj' ;?'..I ,\;\' /;;3/: ~ .- ';~ ~ ~ klj ~ ~"'" J,ij :.~~ f.~ iI~ ):i .( W:! \1') r1; '0': ;t, ,',";' ~ ,'" 'If! t ~" >&~ i~: ,.. ~ ~ '">':>' 'ia'! '!',;, tj, -,,' ~ 'l~: " ;1'(' ,fil~ 11' ~~"" ~ ;,li: fJt'J ~~ 'li\ it} ,t;~ ;:1. ~ ~\' >'ii ,,_I ~ ,1: ~'~ !Ii 0~ ~ , .'{I, 'iJ!i ~ .,~l ~ '''' t;' ;:'l ,.~ <No I~ '.... !P~O~~~: '~18' i~;;::i ior 0 H ORT H~O R IV 'I> ,,6 ,...., ~, . ' '~~ s: 0 r; 'c; IV:Ci ty .DQ~~ this page carry ~ sp~ciaI':;Jjorder? " l> - '~". ,;.' rt ~ ~ The"Qofd~r,onth,is layout board represents t4'~ edge of the indiyi4ual"pf~~. W~,suggesttliat you. allow one-fomth inch margin allway"around, except in the case of pictures or art'.work that you want tq go to tlie edge of the plate., The ~plate t" "" _','Ii ''- _!;l' J, ,'- _ ,j ';' ~~i~e o~ this p,age ~:hen,re<;lucedwill be ap~r?ximately 6 1-4 x 91,;h~w:'~ " , , , ..', if ~'; Don't send this layout to factory L!!;Itilit, has been cleaned., See that finger-prints, pen~n marks, exces~ cement; dirt, etc., l.1ave been removed~ The ql!~lity of the manufactured'books ",!;II'be dependent upon the neatness an~ thoroughness 'of your work. " tj. I'" ~. ?f fJ N: ~ ~': r~ -:!t#J! ~'. ~ -~,~~".",.;.....-"""'.."" J\rlll,llal, Co LL E G IE" Yo, r , ,"'; ~}: 'JP ~ . ';Sp:~cial'Borders~n~t p~~mitted on Ju~idr Annuals. .. <"- '_""---'--"'''''""""'~~.;l, "",,~~......i.~"-.,__, M;,' ,,'\ \~~# \!i f.'.- ~.f 'if . I " :~;-ii 'I ~ J ~~' ~ r" ~~~:~ . .J" ., t'J \l'j ',.' i~1 .}-' ;;,~~~ ,~~~" .A,l t$1 1\1'" I ~i:t ~ ~]r ~ ~ '" .J ~ P,i' ,~1;;;; iiol ~ '-0'1 ~ , ~ ~,' ,....",.-~. ''r~,~~'~l> ~ ;~ ~ ,~ " .~ .J"",,; "l n\lII'- ~, '~;':i> ;'r}. / " i:!.5 ;$ ~.!' .ft -- Page~~lq,JbF77J~,"$6!7 () if7-!-ftiR II. ~ ,:", A~nu~iCtDL L& G e: 5M~o(lY' , D~es ~his pageca:r; a spe.,cial bOl~der?,Ah' ' ~,' ~ SpecIal Borders not permitted on Junior Ann~als, j'';:':!' .". '" Th~bo:der on ~his layout board rep~ts ~edge of tlle individual plate. We'suggest that you allow Qne-fourth ii~cb- margin all ,way around, except. in the case of .pictqrespr art work that yqu want to go..to the edge of the prate. The Rlate ~ ' '~,,- ",'- ",'); - '__ _ __ ",:' ~t' ",!', :'- ~! :'_ _ - "'-I' ~ size.,of this page wheri'reduced,willbeapproximately 6 '1-4 x9 1-4. ., ;~" , 1iIi'" ".' , i) . ,," " "" IV ' ," '~' ,,',' , ,. Don't s,nd this 'layout,Itofactoryun~iI it I!~s' bee,n"c!eCJ,ned. '" 'See that Bnger-prints, pencitcmarks,excesscement,~irt~ etc."have been ,removed"" The quality;~of'the manufactured books will be depent;lent upon the nea~ness andthor~ughneSs of your work. ' .' _',' ,',,: 'l!< / .-!, _ , ,~' -~'_ <, ", '.. , i: '~ ,'j.' 'fir.: , , (l :~~. ,~ ;;: ''i! ,~ ~tl~ {;t;:-w- ;"i' fi~ ~-, J !j,' ;'( ~', j I'i, l' ; ~;l-~ ~ j ~~V~7~ , II' !fI ~ ,~ Ii-:~ ,;;1 I!il i I, 1 i.'f ~ 1i:: I!Il ,"" -:'0' :,1. ,-;).:, i!I 'fj) ;. ;;, ~ ~1, ~~ ~ ~:j "'" o;'i'fl .\,:\iw.o:l ~ ~ ..."1. '-'if_ ~ n~ '" ~ <<I ~t~ io.' f' U",li:' ,1 ~.~ m '~l'. ~~ ,t:l: ~ +: II "" ,,~ 113 ,~: \!: i;!.i "t~ :ji:, d,\':. ;f'~\', ~i-~ 4J~ '" Il rrl ~;'" ~~~ ;1 t';;.? :.~ ~ ~~ '-(:'~ ~: ~': '}-.' P' j1! J,; ~ij '>0/', " ~'/ Vf::< i':'" ;j& ~" J: ~1 " ~ 'ill iJ~t .~ ~\ :3\ '&(, 'et_ ,\'1, ;'," i'.~ " ~ i" ~ I" ",n ,,;~ ',',1 ~. '+;'r1;{< ~ ~~ ~ 'iI ~w 'ili ~ \I,} '8-.:' '(f;,." ~~ 0i1 it, ~;; ~f ~.;<j:~ :'j,! " ~ "I$( " :,11' ~ ~'j; tr~ }f ,~, ,1~ :l1c' il:1 :.r. ~~ 47i'~ ~" ,~ I,',' ",,, i~ i.l<' !}~ ~ fil ~ \. "",:,/,; " ~;. "':-"- ~ V"f, liJP' ~~ <@~/I:J~ , " , f ' " r!c f:i ~~ ~ {\~ :~ ~ ~~ K~ 'fI,/{; 5? 'j>; .j~ i.P ~~ ~ 'ii [,Vi: ~' ,'''l:' "{. s, r.~ 'f.\l' ,ji ~jJ >ii iLl ~ "' ~ ~ .~i ,~. ;:.' '1- ~, ,'i)' ~ ~~ ~;w >i.~ '!If ~,' -~; it,: ~r,;: --1J. ,.. 'of, i., _'1, .. ~-~ ~ ~ IlJ ')\; ~ ~ ", ~; ~fi;' if ~ .%1: i~ ~ ~ ;# n .-2:, .~'~ ,;.;. " f.'i.., ~ ~ "' '" .J"" '^ --'~'. ,.- , ~.,~ _~_ '"J.......,~""'."''''',''"-, ~, "'''''''~=.'''''','r.'..:."~'_!k;'''~,=---&;,,.,'''''_-''''<''''',-,.;.....,-;~ "., -".:-ie.,,,,,,,-,,,,-, -,f"",:,".<.'"~ ,,~.._-,,~ ~. I 1" /~ 1, ~, ',11 'jj., -~i.. Of "II III ~ ~ ;;~ ,1,/ all !II .. ~~ ~ ~~.' ~, ~. c\. ~'l,i~; ,~:t~*. ", Iii !I\!i"') ;:'1 !"'~ '-,;" I~:~ 1 2 ;',- ~,? :j~ lli ~ :"'2 19' ":"\' \':\ :l'il '.:. 'l~ ,!.~, ~:t "', ;i;. :il ,~ City ," ~: ~>>: -' = _,~,v_~ ..._',~ ~..- ? {; \j -,P; ~'l""~' ',{" ~~"'" ',.. Jidl's;ui: i~, 151;.' ~ ~. III y. M -{$; f e " _t~ ~ q':WUT N~.l l!!!I " Jfr '~ ,,~' 1~ i~~ 'Oil ~ ,',I ill v: ~'\;' :~ r.r,. '{ ~-- ~ ~ f..' ::s; ~ :0;/' ":t-'-'_", ~ffi '" " '~i~ r~ ;_:; ~.;; ~ ti'\. &,.J :I~ t ,1" \,$ ,:" '"'~. JI Xi;:" l. ~ .~\ ~ti :~ ,j ~"i "~>" ~" .. ~~, -j( ~!l( s I :1 I :w: >>i I~! ",\ 'j{- ). '!If ~'" .;; ~ :~ ~ i(" !Ii! ~~ ~-: ~'), ., .f, ;"!i j f! .~ ~' .. N ;J.;. ~1J $, -J' ;-1; ~~. .: ~ J' !tffi Ii' ~: ~: ~~ '!l'! ~ '(:.! ~ -";~ .'" i);>, ~ !'It ~j: f* ".: ~1' '8 ~ ,,01: ~~ IilI ~l~ ,11 'h ~;t:. :~ . '" -;tf, ~_i '", ~ 't',[: I ~'{, 'f,~ 1i:;' ,f' ~ Iii _t;, ~ ~f_"',;';: "'~~ :1, ~~~ ~ ,~(, W~ T,f, ~ ~ " ~.tr: ~ ~) l?~ge. / '? , fo'r T f-7 E S h(~ r<TffoR N · Does' tp.isPI1~e cjrry a s;ecia~' b~;der? ,.H 0 ~nnual;CD LLE!;-E STItT/ell Cit~ ..~ ~ . '" II SpeciahBorders not permitted on Junior Annuals. '-;~r '''II ,~ ~ 'Theborsfer on this layout. board~represepts the edg~ of the individual plate. We suggest that you all~wori~~fourth inch irlargin all way around, except il1'.i\the case of -pictures or art work th,at ybuwant to go to the edge,o("the plate. The.plate size of t~is ,page wfj.~n reduce~ will be.approximately 6 1-4 x 9 1-4. '" ~ ..."','.' Don't sen~. this layout,to factory I.!ntil",iihasbeen cleaned. See that finger-prints,pencil marks, excess cement, dirt, etc., have been removed~, . The quality of.~hel!'anufactured books will be dependent upon t~~ neatness and thoroughness of ~our work. . ... I. ~ ~)i .~...; . "''-.;:r it ...... ~".,~'>' " ,":"" ~l.~'_~ - ~"'" - >to - .0....-:.............. "'~.,.--"-"-----'''-~....._ .\-' - "" f.; t ",' 'y; -*:,-"i ~.'". ,b' ~-;. '. ~ or", '';': 'I!l ~') "~ LAYOUT NO. 1 ~ lii. ~. ~ ~f .~ [, Ili ~ ;\1~ '\@; '..,;. ~ tt ;J,;~ il~ I~ . i!~ /~~ . !.~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ * ~ ",.;,- ~ ',1,' '1& " f."" .. fr, 1"i'i ",':>> ~ t~,:i!W . . .# " ~, ,<., ii, ,..C:;: I ~l %' \':o.'t.. ~,i, if>! ';,' ?fO. ~ ~ ". ,'1; . ~', i'il:t, ;:t, .. ,'in;, ~ ~1 'le ,;. ~,), ,~} ~ ill "~; ,. 0r ;:-,;Y ;.-. :t~ """, * ;7~'~ "" ,:~ ~ '~.: tiP,,; ~,';!; If..~ 1:-1 ,-\ ~ '21 1;~ Xl. 1':\ " ~;~ '~;i '.,,": ,.'q ~, ~ Il' ',~ 111 )' ~ ~ ;1\," 1t!'. 'it ;;j& rilII ~ '1!I'l " 11; \-' (rk" ",:, '-~ .. '), ',/<: ~ ?i~ '(~ :,;~ f I' L f!1,' rJ!' ~ ~~ ,~..'; il_' ill m il;!,' :-;-ii . ,'0.' If_~t" ~;: - 'J,"$ '. .!ifil !@' Fp :.1't1 ~ ;~: iI'~ ~ ;j) :!Ji.i;. /Page1C,forThf :JhoRTlfoP~, ,Annuall7-ot-~};:-G~ ,5'M/o/)/ =~ify ~ Db~s t4is pa.'ge caFr~ 'a ~special border? fib. ,,' ,~ Special Borders not permitted on Junior Annuals, 7> ~, '. " R ~~ ~ J~ " ~ Theporder'hn thisJayout board repr;~sen(s'the edge of theindividuai plate. We suggest thatoyou allow one-fourth inch ,marginall way, around, except'in: the case,'of pictures or art workthaf you want to go to the edge of the plate. The plate size of this"page when reduced willbe~ approximately 6 1-4 x ,9 1-4. dr,,' ,~" ill', ", '. ,"" , ,.' ~;', ,i' Don't send this "Iyout to factor, until it has been cleaned. See that finger-prints, pencil marks, excess 'cemf!nt, dirt, etc.., have been ~".'removedm The quality of the manufactu..ed"b,ooks.,will be dependent upon the neatness and ,thoroughness of"your work. ,~ \{~ 011 fi \'6i, w; ~1 4" ,,}., iY v.:' \1, ',/'l;OiQ' , '?-.a ~ !Ii ~ .;{; W'I ,11~ or! ,jI' ~ '- ~, 'i LAYOUT NO. 1 ~ ~ ,'t~ ~~ JR !$. 'I; ,~ ~t;, ~ ~ ;,';'11\ ~i~< ~, i!; [',~ .. Ii ,~. ~"l '!l iIiI! ~ '" 11II \1! ffi ~ '~;. 'j., '" ~, ";E ~ ~: i~"" ,,(" ,~ ffii! M' :~~ '.~~", {~" ~i.r '$, i!i >;; ~~j '" ,'W I:' ~~ ~:.; ,".1;; E ,!I ~!' 'i ;1 ~" ~r 12,. III !!!' ,~ ,1''' ,s~"(;,Vt" .;', 1!. ~ ~i:. "*! ~\i ~. j; ~\t' "p il! :m ',~ ~ ~~ J~, .!;il )~i !?; ,;~ "~i:i\ , ] filii '11' l. :,4:' 1,.;'-1 11'1 ~<'; ~ ;;;,p ~A; ,'l \ ~' I l j, 1 ,; '."', 1 {,r: ~;:,: i:\~ -.~ II .~..~ '.;"~. ~ 7' ~ !~, :jf~ ,$ \-'';;' :;,!!.l, , . ~ \f ,'J.;' ij;~ '~t f:_ l" /!!J :.r, ,fr..i;, ,\'i< ~'i ;fu ,,"i i~; ~.; I" ~i1 ~' 'g ,~f.: ,), It!: ~ 7-;: ~, ;e;:i~ . ~~ it' '~~{ ~ ~ "",';A' ~~, ,>Pa.geJ;L"fprlA,~' :0'ho<R: T-1Il>R IV '~oes tlii!!, page c~rry a sPli(cial bOj;,der? tJ f) d, ;, ~ ,~f Annual,C1t?'j-,~Lf=a~,i ST g;~rVCity i\t; ';~ {-!io:' '11, ! Speci",l Borders not permitted on J ~nior Annuals, 'g '" '11 Theborder on this layou"tboard"Tepr,eserl.ts the edge of the individual plate. We suggest that you allow,one-foUFth inch ma"rgin,'1all way around, exceptin the ca~~~of pictures or art work that you want.to go to "the edge of the plate. Theplat~ siit qf this page when reduced will be:approximately 6 1-4 x 9 1-4. ' ' . foil '~', "., !_ I '~', "_: ~""_ _~', ' Don't send ,this layout to ,factory until it l1as'beeri cleaned. See that finger-prin~, pencil marks, excess cement, dirt, etc., hav~"~~e,, remoYed~ The quality of the manufactured b~oks will be dependent upon the neatness and thoroughness of your work. ,1)j\:tt~;;;~~~~1i'lo/}~!J ~ ~ ~~ ;;;1",' : ~~ ~ ',,% ~'~ ~= ~~ Il)! ~ ill fO,,' \" r ;;"')Ir~ ",:,w.: >'T ~::r1'",-'.-:;:' " "I, . " -f{ m 'r,F ~i:' ~ ~;;:.~'" ~ ~~; ~"t.: ii' LAYOUT NO. 1 'tt ,,,. iii, ,~!l ~ ",~ ',i~ 'l~ ...' ,\ 1 \ - ~";'l~ t- ;\:.\ .,. r I~"L I ~- ... ,~"'$" ~....-:'",'~' r--'\ "" .,1 " 1- ~ ,~1 "! "::;-<" ~ <;;; ~ ;:1_ a :"~' !, ~ j.;: "~~~ -,:~ ,~,-~ ~1.~ &!f ~~~i ~~t:~, ~''''',. !i, .. ('" "",:f,;i.! *' '''-'c '{v '1i"_;1i.' !,. "~1 .' >c_ ~. "~;" "\ii'l'p :l\("l \t:1' ,,~ ~'-,-k0 j \1f R~ ?i.i & I!:I! ~( -~ Iii ;j;' ':/'.' ')]1 ;F; 'j.' 't-=Y- }Ri ~ 'lfi (l' M ,t "f- ':j'il-' , "ir;~ """ 1I~\ ~. '''l; '~e~ ., ,., >1 ~,.. ~ it -'6 ~'i ,,;: '{, '~ ~ 1!I ~i ~.' :'>< ..{ ~'. fFi lli ~.~ ,;<; .1 m 'i~\~ ,.. >,1' I ". ~. \~ ,-;,.).~; ;" .;.., ~t. 1:, '0', ;ri _oj :t'i ~,\ ~ it! ''fJi " ,i!o: ~;;.: ;It 'A !,~ ~t ~ ~ ~~ Ii? " ie. ;.' 11'-:: if, 'i., ':l~ w'~ i.., , ...1 ", ~"""" ..... l "'., "'..0 ~ f~ ,;!! ~: -,,'ill t.:;:- ,,~. " *r! ;t<t, 'W:~r. I "ii ~_,:'~' ~'J ' ~ 1 1 l' ~,~ hi )', 1 ~ PI(\.j ~, @ !ii i;;1i' t <,::t; ,. ~ .~ 0:' !i! ~ ~ .if ,'.\'; ." '}, ~ ~"ii' ~ ~ ~i'.0 ,'II 'j:, =':, ~. iiJil l' ;" '~!, <!3'" ~i: ~~~ ,<!, >;;: "" iilI\\, '~ ~ 'IIi ,~/P;ge ~1",3'i, f~r T'h ~" S /zi(<:} fJf)~ tV' ~ Does this~ pa~e carry a special~bo~d'er? N (;) " ..',' ' ~, Special<Borders not permitted on Junior Annuals. ' " ~ ~ ~ ' , ~ ~ 'the borde,r on this layout board repr~sents the edge of'theindividuahplate. We suggest that you allow'bne-fourthinch margin all way around~ ,except intr'the case of pictures or art work that y()u"want to go to the edge, of the plate. The pl'hte III ~ize ot this page when reduced"will"be approximately 6 1-4 Xi 9 1-4.' , "Don't,~end this Ii!yout to fa,Clory until it has been cleaned. See that finger-prints, pencil marks, excess] cement, dirt, etc., ' have been removed" The quality of the manufactured books will be dependent upon the l1eatness and thoroughness of your work. ~ .r~l . A4nual,~.tLg&c,S~hbA/ City ~ fi! ~1 III '5 .7i ii<';,' h ~ ~ L~1 "-""""..-",,...,,-...;--;'~--' ~ -~\:.. ~,:i -~-""""" -,p,..-. ,~~ '---"' """,,,",~~.,,- ;;,. ;,...., '1"J.1F':~-.~?t' 'it""- ~>?'Il " ~, 1,'" ., _ ~,:~ ;u ,ffl ~,il' :rw ~~':<'~ ,....-" '~;"'li II "flJ .1;1 . ~~ (~ -,) " ~Si '4 'iIf ., ~ ~\ O\;~ ';I:J,;_,_aJ LAYOUT NO. 1 " ,;', ?,;:, .,t' ~ " :.-.' '5.\ ".-\,<~.i! f, Ji,i.,:;_,\J.: 'iOliI :,\ 1 ,Ii ''''{''. ';!Ii ~~ '" .,;' ;i,.{ -J: ill ';'.' ..\t. N i;:4f; Wi ", i'!, .~ :;,~"y( w ~ t\ ,1, #' .. it ~! il ~ I , l!ii i J ~ I I i I I t~\;\ ~j;; i~" "' 'lfi . <I d f, :i\'f.iJ (;'i \y" iili ,", ';1 ~~ .~ ':'.~,-\ "-!:/ ":f '/~ ~ ,.;~' \il 't- ;'\1 ~ ;:{\:; ;j~'ii ~llr ~,~ '. ''?! "" i't ~{ti ~g ~~:..,. Jf \<1 t :6 ~, :4\; " ;~;" '!-~ ~ il~ ~~~~i- :.:!-1, , ''{, ! '.'~ ~ ;~ ~ ~;,'l M ':"2" ~~ M .".t'-li/ r,{ ~ '. ,~Y ., Rage~ J;:r, ~~5, i"lJ 4i Lloestpjs p"ge lcat:,ry 'a special b0rder? ~; s ~ ~fll!r/ c:P/J/ ,II / ,.rlVo Antiual, c1C7LL'1f~~~~~;;~/k 41:. (JJty" ~'i ....t c- ~"" ~{'J. ~~ ~ '""- .Ii ~ it 1.1 '!'t_:. '.-: ,,'<.~ .", :,;r, SI y:. " .p _1;;~O;': '" ,', _"_" '.', _, ;)~: The~border'on "this layout/b,oard repr~'sents t,~e edge of the indi~idualplate. We suggest that; you allow one-fojlrth inch, margin all way aroynd, except in the~case'of pictures or art work that ybu want.to go to the edge of the plate. The plate size of th,is~page wH'en, reduced will brapproximately\6 1'-4,x 9 1_4.~r:!r . ".' ill'. /{fJ "-;0 '-,~ _, __ "~"-" .,j.', _ ' '. ,;- ,~a, '.. , !.!., _ - 'I: :,-', _v,;';'-' ...:- ,i"/:. {( .;, At', -' " ..;~ <ml Doi1'~ send this'layout to factory until it has beerfc~.eaned. /500 that finger-prints, pencil marks, e~cess cement, dirt, etc.".havebeen " removed" The'quality of th8cmanufactured books will be dependent upon the neatness and thoroughness Of'YOuf,.work. '" ...'.,. ~ ~ 1~i "/,-,~; (~~ ." -1~, }.\1;~' ~\\ Special Bord'hs not permitted on Junior Annuals, ~ .it\ .,", -c: .'Sf' ~ '" 1'. ., , ~ t; I ii'".=...."'^ "'~ 1~ ,~,;, 'if: I'''' .'"-~, ----" ~", t; "~''''(k .""~;'~-" '!-\ ~', ;r.,," -"- - ...-l....."....--..l>'..._ -~......-"...,.,.-".......~ ......,......~~, :'~~\-'i"" ';(1"'-"1' ': : "'!.::f:l."h,;; \'t!J!'</ '~:'~-1<' ~.". (Jr-' .;~;. }f'~' ~ ~ -;1 /)/} t) ".~ "{; d; ~ ',y;' ,t~ ~~"~ r/,,' r::!;,,; .'~-;,;t 'RI' " -,;;.' >}; :Jt :~, 8:~ l~< ",;" LAYOUT NO. 1 ~; {ii: ,\I.; .','C) " ";> ,. ,,}, "'! f.:;] li\x 1!I'Jl;,(~;' ~ '~; '" :t, .~, ill ::,'1 ",ii' :-~', ", "''':{ =..~ ~ '.-1',,1 . I !' 1 I ! ~i '-''''1l~,. g ....:. #" :-;~ ~,,} 'e;J ,~, :T~ ~ ~ '" ,{-~{, ',;"$, ,,& ~~ f>;i 1:1:' .., '~.' ~'1: ~ ,.W; 1-1 ,If ,~. :i.\J ~ !i'~_, ~~' 6 ',it,' , ?"~ 't:~_ jk'~'" III 'li c'l ~I GI ~ 'j;i 4 'J" '>: ~ ,f ,-l' '~~: ~ 0, "_",-".:;co..";' ~ ~ :t!i . "' ell, o m ~ ~ M"::'i- . ( :!'I ~, ~ tii I I. I >> K~ '!S,\ '; '" Ii I ',0 >>; . )~ "~: t:% . '\~? ~ :1J .",'^" ~,:t~ A ~ ~!,l' ~ l ~: I I I d , z1l~ ;1) " t~, "'" :r. -':tr~ "1, ,i. ,j, M ~,";!.' Jr~ ,,~. ): I\< ~'{ 1".< .i~ M ;1' .!b, .( " ,-~ ~~ ~t ,\i! Ii,;: ,1; ff ~~ ~ ~~ Wi !,!. ~ 'IIi lli. If) "ll !.\l ~ < ~' ,. 'll' ,'" "'t.' '~!' i>1I ;(;1 :;:" ~ ~;' fJt .i;:~,-,}~ ,M '". tJ " ~~~ ',;/ ',;;. >.1: -'I ,-~ .~.t" ~ ~ f' ~ C! o\.rd" ~~'U ',~".',:; """ ,:!?, ;j.~, ~ t{ {: :\~ ;'.i 1j.~ ~~, J~ ;j}' ill< ~--~':"-_~'''.-'~~---< , j:," \b 1Y ..~, {" { ;:g'i '" ~ ~ " r}~ ..,c:", ,;i\:~ . ilb .J~ 1{ i, ii, 1;\ III ,'~ \t; i'4: ':,!t- If,! ,i. t " iiX~: i~ ;ro; ,~ 't-(; ,fj '1: ". ,g" p ):,: ~ '{i 1J ,,,:~' 4:; 1'fY ,~ ;~; , 'J.t~ ;: ,~" gl) ~\~ \,li' ,~ ,;';C' ti' ..,!f!'i'l ~t.i !~! .. '0 ,. :~ ,~ .",.1 ~ !i"- . ~ .' /-"L: ';;.l ~ ~tt. ~'S 'ii, '{{ ~- ,,:;;; l:i! i(, ~ij :;C~~t'i. ';7~ ~10 ?,;, :i; ~ ,~ ?P~~'~e';'l~lf . f6f ~t, EJ~ e;(;;111?J;;/tI'~ h~4 '.', , -J-I1, , I ~ /J1k',O' ~ ,\~; " Does' this page;<;arrr~l'~special "border? ~ ~ 1 ,AJ1n~a\,G,-LL~ &- e- ..37#)7 oJ1/CiJY~~'! ,\ L~ . Special Borders not permitted on JuniotAnnuals. )\11 :x; ~' ~ :w, ll'iI>l! ~; ;"i ,I~ iii' ~ The borde~.,on thisday'butboardrepresents the edge of the individual plate. We suggest that you allow~one-four:th in~~'ii margi,,1) all.way"around, except in the case of pictures;,or art worls..that you want to go to the edge of the plate. The plate . . size of this page when/educed will ~e approximately 6' 1-4 x 9 1-4. . ~ " 'Don't send' this layout" to factorY IJntil it has been cleaned. See that finger-prints" pencil marks, excess cement; dirt, etc., have been re~oved. The quality', of the manufactured books will be, dependent upon the neatness and thoroughness of your wotk. ': . " 'Ii, II,' w., i!li ~, :_~ ..- ~'~ " t; li1 :.i,\ 1) _,':r!"._;,-"''''.......,.,~)K\~...,..'''," ~'~:K5l~ E~ J i;' .,,;-: k -"~"'"~'~''',liii''' ..~ oil tt~ :!li ')(/, , ;Y.l ~ .ti ti, i<I @ <P '~ LA YOUT NO. 1 'l> '1\ . >.~, ." ~,~ Iff t:) { r:;.~- ~~':- ~~: ~ ~ ,\;, ~j;; '" ~li 1lO ~lf s.. o ~ ~\' tl_ 1%, ~~. ~ p .~ !~ ~ "-~-- :5 :i:'~ i[.1 J~ ,;~ w ~C" Mi 'it ,'./-' ?>' ..~, il~" Ii Ii' " ~ !{I! . ill" :di ill ~,';. 111 1\'1 ~\;l: .; ~ ~ !~ ' 'l", ~ ~. . '~i I' It.'~ J;';' ~ ~ ,'Ii} ~ 'l! "" .~' ,~1 . ";'j'J~ ,,~J,~'''', (';I' ~ ~(\;, " :;.; ~ ..,; ll! ," l l? 1 I ~ n I' I , ' ii: , I ;;:,-; ;1j ~; :..) if- /.'i t,r~ ,;<. - ~: 1i' 'Ii i'l /;,', ({,{j ":"Iii if' ',\-1' ~ g~ ,,. " S11 S'I'J[ '41 'J'i! II' :ji :m; ii!I '~1 '4'i ~h! \t' ~;. ';'. ~j '! :wi' r;i' ~ (t; '':;' ~, ~ ;,'- ;;<: ~f(", ! ~. G~ "N; .iII ~ ~fi ,ill ~&' #;: ~ ~ ,C; ~:~i~g~, J.;i,'b~ ~,~;.:t~rYh e SilO ~'l #0 f? d' " .,~oe.s th'is pa~e carry ,a specjal'bor~.er~ -: )~" A'nn'ualC~A teo ~ " ;,. 'l;t~ SpeC1,l1 Borders not permi~ted on'Jun~;~rAnnua]s, 2~;"t,h~~~n:ler ,?n:hislayout ~pa;d repreSen!~"theerlge,of the'i,ihdividu'ill pla~e. "Vve~s~ggestih~t yq~'allow one.cf~Jl~tl},inch' margmall'w.ay around; exc~pt m ,tlie, case Of1.plcture~ or artwork ,that you want,to gC)' to the, eqge, of.the plate. The' plate' size of this pag~ ~hen reduced will be app:o~irri~teh/ 6 1-4'~ 9 1-4." '. ,< . , ,D~n~,tsend this Jayout;tofadory ,un!,,. it h":' ~~.fn'C~,!a~ed. ,Sefth~tfil1ger-,prints,,,pencil:m;lrks,,, e~~ess cement"dirt,Ettc"'i~have tieen",' re~c.ved..,.,The q~~iity of !he.,manufactured books will be depe,ndent upon then~CI.!ness an~ thor~ughness of your' work~, ',' ''''\,;;::, :', :.... -u ,', " -' i~' -,', ": :fj ,'i-; ~ --- j,' I" ,%1 ~ ,'?~ "'"" <li; 06';'; lJ' ;0 "f'Wlt~'.\''',W'.i il'!.. ):j1{, LA YOUT NO. 1 ill' ~1- " ;,. '/A & 'jiI ;ij ~.t .rjg ," hi 'n :tll. l]j;: "~ i:r. :;:~ ~M ~i 5,; ~~ Ei! ~ ~i "J1i ~ ~*' ~~ :if: III .::;; \~ ~i ~!; ~ ,~>;. " ''i\ if~ ~:" " ~ ~ '~~g€11' , f~~ 71zF,~ ~57;(J.WTbt)R1V ~nnM~i,c2;'~iE~$' Doe~ tliis page carry a special border?~ ~ \ ,Special Border~~ot' per"rii.itted on iu~ibr'Annuals. tJit-y- ;'Thebor?e\~ .on this layout board represents the edge of the indiyidualcplate. ),ve.suggestthat you allow one-fourth inch margin.gllw:~y. around,ex~'7Pt in "t4eca~e.of piqyres"orflrt' work that you ,want to go to th,e edge of the plate. The ,plate si~eof this, page when reduc~dwilI,beapproximately 6 1-4 x 9 1\4. ' ,',:' .. . '-' 1l;'j .':: _,0. Don't se'.,c! this layout to factory until it has been" cleaned. See that finger-prints, p~ncil .narks, excess cement; dirt,eJ(:.,have ~1 been,lemoved., The quality of the~anufac;tu~~d books')\'i11 be, dependent upon th~ n~":Itn!~~ ,!ndthorou~hl1ess.of your''''Work.,'''' 'J:'lJ, 6 try III "O"-'''C -',{fq'/!;,} ~ ;\I, .~ :" ,~.4l ~.~ ,ik iJ l~lf . ii:: : " I ~ t~ j L I ~ ..: :::zt, 'i. ';;.4, ,~z~!:'i. "'q.l't; m ~ ~ '" 8!' , . 'Page~~, ~@J7 h,'~ '~~, ~; Does t',his p~g~ ~arry a special , '-', I ,.' Special Borders O'lil1~t-perrrlitted.'OIrJ~niof' Annuals. ,< '., ~_~ fj;y ''''_.;,,:'0' " '::":~,."~:~,,- ,~:~\-'i . ....._' . , ,,', ': ,;-""_ (,C- "" ::' .,,~ ,,~'Fhel>,order'9rt this lay~u't'bgard,represents the ~dgeof the inq,ividual pl~te. \Vesuggestthat. you allow~ on~-fourth ma.rgin "all way arollIld,~xcept in the <;ase qf pictures or art work that you wan.t to go to the edge of theplate~ size of thispag~iwhen"reduc'e~ will' be CiPproximately,,6 1-f.!: x 9 1-4. '" p~r.,:t send this la,ytiYut to filc,~ory "until it h.s been,c!!aned. See that finger - prints, ilipenciFmarks,'rJtXcess .ceme.,t,'~irt, been removed. :rtie quality of the . manufactured books will be dependent upon" the neatness ,and .thoroughness of your ill ,~;" .~.., ,'. . ;";' . '. ,j ~b1; tJ ell? rl ~ bo~d:~;? NO 1"ai ill ~~. ~ III :.." ~~ ,'ltb i _.~~. Fb~.. ,/', 'ff.c_>. .1> ~Hf'l lr,i ""r:r; I I j 1. J ,I:-'--ll ji' jl : !:~ ,: t", " ., ~ I t: ~, ; I I ~,~" .. IP :'t\ I t'lll III ~,: ~ ~ ; ~:;rl ~~ ;~r LA YOUT NO. 1 I 'Il!j r, 10 '. III,,," i!ii 'i' x ~""i ,~ ,1 11; <!l iOil 01" ~j~ ~2 Do'es, this i?'age carry a special bQrder? "'jj ~ ;"The bor?er on tpis. layout board represen,tsthe edge of th~,individ ual plate. \i\T e spggept thatyguallbw Clne-fourthipch rn~rgin all wJy ar'buno, except in tQe case oLpi$ture~ or artworK t~,atyou;w<:lI1,t to go to th~i',edge qftheplate,"i~e"plate siz'e ,of this pagewhen reduced, wiHbe approximately 6 1-4 x 9)-4';0 "" ' :: ~ _ ..' . :'~"__ ~:,; :i'_'. c' ,; .".. " _':_" ',.... ' " "ij("... ,,/: .' .. ..' . ."\ '."'. "<:,~ . '''_ i:i>\-,:"_ .... i'~< ~on'tsend this ,layout ,to f,dory until,!t h~s b~n cl~a!1ed. See that ,finger. prints"cpencil ;marks,excess~ement" dirt,e~c., h~v~ been removed. Thequali~y of the 'manufactur~~ books will;be",dependel!t upon t"e ~e~Jnessi!.t:lII}l;:1oro...ghness ~f YO~.I work~:"Ii\i~ 101 loW" ~ ~ .. 1'':1 .~ \, If. Ii ~ g, LA YOUT NO: 1 I" · ',,~; ~ !l~ If; /'1:, ~ II III' ~{l ~ ... . !;i~ '1# 'ii 'lii:! w ~~ ,)\ ,If. "i' ~ ","" 5/; '-'.t:l - -..;.~-,~",:; ;,__' ~~:i-:~;;;;,_", t . t~ ~id > r a ,! I 1l ~~, III !!J' .~ 'if- <~. 'ii, 1; 'Iil"" ~ 'jI, it! " *-t:1 li Page~~~ ,fQt-Tb~'~:Shev/-r~o;w' D6e~~this page carry" a special b()t;d~,r? 11i<.'I f1.'J;~' ~ A1)n~~1;',C6,) Li-~Cr6 i$:ztJJ-)Z?J YClt.y iii:.'-'- /1'/ / Ve:z ,. ~ Speciai"Bord'ers nbt permitted()~)unior Ahnu~Js,; \l'; f!! w, ~,;; ~;;' ~:f 'I I I I I 'iI' ., i.":: :, ~ J R ~ II ;.:.' ~ "<:ill! .... '"M"""lii I o -Ji.... ~ ~j i'!I1 ~;; LA YOUT NO. 1 .. '"" '1i! ~ ~ Wi 1!1 III \~ 1;,' ~!~ 'IV ~ \\ii \\}i i'::1 ~ " ~~i' ,r,1 f} ~,- J'f] I" U ';!i \ . :~iI ~~ ~~: ~~~ $j },If, ." "". '" ~~'h () (<;f~hoRW ., f\/;.,.',.. l v+~ ill .. .A~, ~ '11. :1; y;,:~: ifr ',<f ~:;;. ~ ~ cJ; j':;'~ :>,;]1 ~ ~ ~...('., Annual, Co kb-E"(yc ~-T1rl;~ ~.,City "lI'1II , ", . '. _!!~~ ":'., ".,> .',' ",'..'.. ,; ,'. ,', '..' ..', ".. ."... ,'!" Special Bmders not?~nn)ittedonJuni,or Al)nu::t1s;'li!' ..j iThe,bord~r ontQi; lfly~ut boa;~ represent~,.th~ed~e of the individual plate.Wesuggesi:.that y~u allow one-fourth inch'" n:~rginqV waY;i~~~Ul1,~I'AexceI?tin. the c~se"of.I?i.Ctures ot artwork that you want to gQ t,o !heeqge of the plate'i'Fhe platE; SIze of thIS page when reduced wlllbe.apprmpmately 6 1-4 x 9' 1!:4. .; V'!t'i'__ , , .','- ".'" "'-,"'e ...... ,,' ',.-C ,:>,:,'" _,_,';;':_:,,;' .__,' . ',',' . ,~'f\<. _ '. :i:,t,:,'i,f:', . ' ':~~, bon'tsend'thislayouttofact~ry untifi.it has been cleaned. See that finge..-~rints, periciI ",arkstexce~s cement, "Clirt~et~., 11~~e been removed. The quality of"'th~, ~anufa~tLired books will be.; dependent iuponthe neatrie~s and ,~hOrOughnf)~S Ofyou,rwork:.. ~ ~ ~. \~i-I, ;. "".' If,, i>':, :,i:' :1' I I' ,. , I I I l I 1 j 'l , I j:' 1 10 !I\! "11I I' ~ ':i;'h iiii."'" ,"",,"'''''J'-'o.IIi''.'('''', @u b"k ~.. \{@4iS \ \ \ ;J-k .;$\ &N ~~~ Yfl.- LA YOUT NO.J ;.(: Ni ~,tt ~ ~!j ~~ ill i!i': ~,'fEJ'~'~~~'~.~~' ."" ~ '.1 ~~ :;,~ :to \'J1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ttf1 ,<~I "'; .J. i -'\;' \ ~: ", ~ '),F 'e' ~, ~ ~~ 1, t'!;.,~ ~ rf,IJ ~l \., tl! :~ iii It i~ :~! ~~ '}, ?~ 'I}. -i:< 'I1i~ ~' ~ 11II !!.};\., R ~:, fti ' .",., ~"!." , ,,' ... if< " ',...'. ,.,>:~+~<.. Rage ~, ~> .~,., for 17f~' ,Sh"lf'tpT!;q 1:;# ~ DQesthi~ paige carry a sP~cial.hora~f?""'1f!o ,.i5l '\"'{:,',: ''A;.'f1,y:J;~.,:,: '~:':'-'l;J,?<, ~,J /;.k~,j~ !{., "" <1' ~ Si)ecial Bordersnol. penftitte<I on~?nior Annu~Ts, ':_, ":_"." ,'_: .',' 2r,,,. ":,,, :@: .. ", llli ":1:,,_:." , .'-:' .. '-;'fr. "/~',\., ":,":'\. ..,' '/$i,." '_:':'" ':c".. )',._:",~~": Th~boqie[ .c~,t1this layout bO(lrd r~pr~?,ents the:egge.of'i:h~ ingividualpla!e. ~lVe sUt?;gest,tl1(it youi.allow oneifout\th,jnfh margin '(ill way aro~nd, except in the c,u,epf Ipicturesor.,art work that youi.wan t to go to.the edge.of the pIette. The plate size of this ,page when reduced will be apgfoxiihately 6, 1.;4 ~..?, J-4.', . , ." ,,;' r~,~:,:;,: 't;i'_ i/!f. .....' . .... ' v .., ":",~;j",, . ,_;'_". ,:;~\" ','::;', .' .: -' .,_ .... ._,":'~,.,;.,;:':-;;_: .__ . 'N{;, "",_;,:,;'. ',', .., .'~):'~:'-:':': <::0_ Don't send this layoLit t~.. factory ul!til it <h~s ~~n~leal1e~~ '~~~ t~atfing~r..pr.!.nts. pencif"m~rl<s~ e,,:~~~~ce.ment, .dirt,etc.;haye' been remo~ed.,:rhe ,quality of the manufactured 6poks will be de'pen~ent'tupon th~ i1~atness aQd "thorough'ness of your wQrk~.. I;W, ; '..0' ,,', - '*, ,", .':i" ,,; :."':','-;1)) t;~/'"' ~~ ',;.,<': ~\ i.",*, ~ ;\I Oll:, wY. ~ .',~ ~f ':~ 'Il"iIII m, 'J~ '." ...'il'11H1 -m '''Im ~1';;", ".'l';:>~V_' ~Pa g e ,g;, ."~.,., ,.".... ,io r 7J;c (~fA b # ~t)~(1/ ~~~. ~ D@es this p~ge c:~ry a sp~cial border? /fo ,r: " ".' ",+t", ;I' '. ,""' ~.\~, ~ l'!.,,;:q J i 'XI Ai r;: I ~ 'B!i " 1 I I M ;~; .:'~ \&" !l! ill tS~.,~ ,t ",. LAYOUT NO. 1 _,,'!fi -jJ~ 1 ~ t~ [;'\ j.~. III ,'ij' ;'..1 ~ 'j:~ .. iii .;t, ~ ~ ~1 :<f, d' !l1r '.lk ,~); ~ ~j Annual, C ok-LEe ~E 5P;;;!/qM'City, "'-, c',. , .' - .' .,::. ,'. . -. ~~ Special Borders not permitted on J~nior Annuals, [The bord~r on tl}islayoubqo~rd represents the edge of the individual plate.~V.e suggestthat youallowone-Jourthfnch" .'.. ma.rginallway'a;ou~d, exce,pt l'n~he case of pictures or art-yvork that you want to go to .the egge,,()fthe plate,~. Tlieplat~; si?e of this page ,when reduced will be...approximately 6 1-4 x 9 14. ' ' .. . " !I1~on't ~nd. this layout!~ factory until it' h~s been cleaned. See that !finger - prints, pencil marks,,, excess cement, dirt,etc~~have': ~':"_:. --' . .....'.':0.'.:' " :'} ,-\ .'- ',-:'- "::; bee"~ removed.Th~quality of the manufactured books will be dependent upon the neatnes~and thorough,ness .of you~ wor~.~ I ~, I, i '." \~ ~,','" \{ ill ~~; \, I I j l 1 j 1 I J I j i !, I ~ I I. !~(~ III Ii! ;;9,'- ~ ../- ;;:ri ~' h,~ ~'i.~ ~~ -&j a'f f(~ ~ .;%!j v ~ ~~ ~ ';.;] ~, ~~ ij) i'~ 'Page:~:~,.for~h:t ,5hol[l&Ho.~1V . ' }: ~ ,Does this p~ge carry ~ speci~l border?~~ 'I' :iii f1 ~ '" ;i, ij'j l{i; :p, rp: r ~ Ann qal,aLZT~ 0& ''11 i;',. . ._; , .- .- _' 'c,'_: '" " ,,_ .,,' .- ,''- ....,:_,. _:-'~/:~m .- , i',":"" \,f,4.- _, The border 911 tHis laYQut~b9~rdrepre~ents..the edge of~the\ individual plate: vVesuggest:th~tyouallow one,Joytthinch margin. all way around, ex<:;ept in'thec(lseot picNres or art work that you. want tp go t'9,~,thee'dge of\theplate.1he pl(lt~ siz.~ ofthispag~ when reduced will be'approximat~ly 6 1-4 x 9 1"4. ' " ...,,\,:14.," ro<:i, ;~,_ .- .- %:,<,::, ~,;_ _ .-'-.- :.,.,: ',' ;....... _..- '~i~. >_"_. <.-:. .....y: ;.,_:{:";c t",:.,;<;, --,:, ,.,,'~~-:;, Don'tsend this layout to faf;to~y untillt has been cl~aned. See that finger-In~nts, penc,iI'marks"exc~~s cement"ldirt,~tc.,hav~", " "" 'N ' ..:' .- .- ',; ,': '_: ... .- ..... '.', .,' ,. .- __:, .-.- ..' _ ,:'_. Yr" :- ..' .:_~ -'.- .- .- ,-;;~, ::.", be~" removed.' ,The quality of the manufactured books will be dependent upon the neiltness, and thoroughness of yourwork~ . "'- -, ;f ~ II ~.~ .,it LA YOUT NO. 1 ;\ if". <'I, ~;% ~ 1ft , ~~: 'iJ,1j ~1f :;,~:';:; %' ~. , .., '\~~'" ~~ ,.-'-",-;., 130: <>, '1;;, :,1 ------~i.:. ~~ ~;. ~' i, , , [;r~:~.~ ,I;. ,I;; ~: ;v,~ -'I ,',\'. .,:..' '>'" <., .; ,~ II< IIlI >> ..;> . ~ L , ,:>,;: '2r p j f I I' I I I ,.~" ( ~ '" It .1li ~ itt fl I~,i ~ \, 'c '0.\~,.. ' ~: ~i~ ~ ~'!' ;i1 ~~ ,..~~ i!-i ';1:; ';:, Ii' &: ~ "' l!',~ '~ r"'-'~ ~~ ;I~,_; ~ 7 .'''! r": \ \. 'Ii" LA YOUT NO.1 I , ~j! \I, ~ , ,~ , '(fj; ~ . ",,'!) ~, in ~'\ -v ~ -J~-;I,' "'. '~ '. \ ,- - 'f. ,;I~ ~ + ~, ~, ;;r;1 ....~~ \ . ,P:~gej~,,~o[ /)&0.. f;;t; '~, ':{.rq !:l' AllnJlhl,c&~~ L J=-;'~I= mJ;b~<j)t~ ~ 0~o~& htJ RIV" ~ ',lj II II Does ,this page ca.rry a.~pecial border? ,', Special Borders-no'\: pennittedon Junior Annnal,,: ~ . . The bord~r on this layout b9~rd represel}tsth~ ~dge of the ind,ividual plat~~}\Vesuggest!thatxouallbw ol'ie-fourtpJigch margiii,qll' way around; except in the case.of pictures or art work than'ybu "vant to go to the edge of" the plate. The~::plate size of thi9 p~ge whe,n reduced will be apprQxi~ately~6 1-4 x 91-4. ~. Don't send, this "Iayouftofadory' until' it h~s ,lieen c1eal'1(td. See that f,nger-~rints, pencil marks, excess ce~erit, dirt,etc~t:ha~~ been' removed." The quality of the manufactured; books will be ,dependent upon' the~tneatness and' thoroughness of" your ~6rk. '4, r.;, ,-- i ''',' .,.. :'-,' '0; "-',:~, ,,- .-', .. ;-' : "f.: ,-, I i " i ~ ~"l;'~, - '~1 'v; a j;. ~ ~ 'l\ ',1, . u -~!,~~-,I: {s:i:;.>;,',: \u 'f~ ~ ,\,', '. .'. .... /~'. .,'.'., . ..'...,., ".. ...,..... " i"~, '.,' '.. ~ P~,rle,. .~,..,""',',Yi,' .,',','.,~,,;t'~ r, .ifA,",-" " i~'~1!f{J,b,':',',", /J"p$JA/. D6;i i:~i"~,page carry a speCial -6o~der? '~ 'lit ,:,0, '"- ' '': '.'7~, "j .''' S'I}~cial Borders nOLPermitted,on Junior Annuals. :Y" ~! \fii "_"~~' .. " ';'~ :', ~:M ._'; ,<qhe bbrder on this layoUt9oard r~presents" the"edge of .the;individ ualplate. \\Te suggest that you allqw one-fo~rtb i~ch margin all. way around,except ih. the case of picturesLor art work that you \vant to go to the edgetof the plate. The plate ,; S!fe ot~his'page.:wh~n:i'reduced'will'be approximately 6 1-4 x 9 1-4~ ".. '" . ,"'" " "'Don't send this layout t~factory!:u'~til,!'it h~s"een clean~d.;' See that finge~"'prints, pencil marks, excess cement, dirt, etc., have ,_. ", ':,. _ _'-' . : " ".' _ ',:~, '_ _ ': ~ ' _ "',' ;0: ", ';been re",^pved. Thtf quality of !he"manufactured boo,ks will be dependent upon the neatness and thoro,ughness of your work. :\._-;~~ ~. ." ';,-m ""lliit ., t., ,,!t,;! !- <~; <if '11 \i'J -~J i'll, 'U I, 'f!k ~ III '" ,"C,_ ,;;+.; I) )-~ I 1 I j I i I ,'lI' ~: ~ii ,,.< ''"'~/; "" 'j: m -'t' j: ~ '~ " ~.'< -:;.Mi,. ~i! I r c'i~ "" "'-'; :>I' ;.Y~~ '4i; r~ ill' ~ " r~~ ~ w ::~~~: \, III '-:,: ,Annual:C&h'/ EC;::E'~);;/VCit~ '!'MoW M ,(}. ~5 :'~ !iI. lIil " :lVi'" ;;~ ~,~ . iIII "'C /~ ?".,,' ,.t~ ~' ~ III ,,1~ ~I} ,<!" LA YOUT NO. 1 !t. \'5-'!;;{ '.1. j,! , ~k; '~~' .. ~ ? ~ ~, !'it ?I;; ,;.;. ~l Jr~ 't ',~, q~ ;},'? ~ ~~ ' ~ ~ Yo w.r. ;i." ~ ~ ~* :'~ ~~ l'''' !!l, ~I: III 'i: j ~ ~ I, I 1 III '''..::.:' ~-{1;_; l'1"," " ._ ,:;' '..' '. _' . .' . . _ , :' "'1'he borsier,,c:>n"this l~yol}t~?6ard:,p;p~~sent~ ~gee~ge.oftl1e indivigua!plate. \Vesuggest that you allow one~fourth inch' n;argm ~l~.way}:~qund,except,,.m}~~ case~f I?ICrUr,~~ o:.f1rt work that you vvant to go to the.eqge of the plate. The,pl~te ,<, sl,ze of thIS "p~ge,:;vhel} r~puced wIll" beappn?Xlrnat~b':)ie'i;,k-:4' x 9 1-4. I w: ~ii,:. i~ . __" ' >:: :~\ ;":,r:':';: . "":j;H' d',. " : : .,_'_ :""'. :\~ .>,,:_-,_',._,:,,_;: :,,' : " ,"."'. .'. -:: _,:,} ;Don't send. thi~laY~LI~to..factory ~.~tnjt' h;ss been cl.e..~~,d. see'H~hatfin~er:" prin~s,pencil marks, ,excess cement, dirt,~tc.,~~ave "been ,remc(,ved.::'Th; q~~Iit:Y ,of th!;'ma~':Ifact'rlr!db~~k~' will be de~~rident,,+on :the' ne~tness and ",thoroughness of Y9rr ,:ork. ,I ',~ --..' 11 \t~ ~ III' m -.':e,';;'.:;r.r'"~'i',;;;;;;<i""_~'_,;_O~"i'.;'..'" .,'5 ~" ... ~f~ ~ "" LAYOUT NO. 1 ,.iK.i ',;i \'" <~j ~ ,ji.... 't~ ~ ~ ~' <Jf ~ ~:, j." ,'. if: . . ,~I ill! . ,,~. .tQl~ ~' ~rii ;-:fJ H" .~, ":~".,.,~.' . "'~tJi0 .,,'; fu1 . ~ ~"k ,11 ~, ~~ ~ :;;~ ,0 ill ';7, ~ ~ .;fi:i m ~ '~ :.t' 'J *:1 :ij, 11} "' 'rt /', w ,~ ~ :etI 0': :\t ;~ lIiI' "Jl" ,~ ;i;j .U ~<l:.", " ,,_ " //i:i::":,:_::_:''-':;''::_,, ' ..~:, -:-::,::.'" _,::">,-",' "_ ',::;t~:;-,. ':",,:':: ,:\'.j 1Rf"_ Page :f:,Z~',~-,) f6l~ T!;E:gJfp~it77(!)cJ()t( S ' ,.',...""... l/r17CJA/,Cit,~.N ,'.,'0 Does t~is~age '~arry;t, speciafbqrder? ...".Anriual, CoLi.cG~ ',lib'; . ,~. S? 'Ii <j, . S~ecial_Borders not permi~:t:ed o~ Junior 'Annuals. iIl'i ".' ,,' 11' I ~ Ii f Ii 11 r II ~ :.J J~: , ~ .. I i ~ J ~ ~ t t I ~ 4 \ .~ '" ~ " !t;-~(, LA YOUT NO. 2 !!\:" t-l'i (1;.. LlJ\r=:1( t1llLE,~ ,t1.IJST FI]PljL'#\~' , ~ AnnuaICbXL~G-E0i~/VCity' paged' Lin Th d S/;OIPtFfjf')(fJ/V- DO,es this page carry a special border ? No Special borders not permitted on Junior Annuals. -,c.,"'liIi"~;.;-_,,,.. ~.~~:~'\~~;,~ The..border on this layout board represents the edge of the individual plate<~\,Ve suggest that cyou allow ~ inch margin all way around, except in the case ot pictures or are~.work that you wa,~tto'goto the edge of the plate. ~The plate size of this page will be approximately 6~ x9~. :p5!;.....t.:i:;; .~"..~_"'''''._''':O.":.c,...='''~" "'"".~,> ,;~..,. ':;;:.,;.-,-':.o:::->q'~~','iil_Ji':;\""'--:;':;i] ~ II I I,..>F-j;.'...., '". ~ "" '\ ~ / j "'-... '--...~ I J 1 1 l " ::r: I I 1 :1 I f >J I .~, t ; k ) I it ;t \ \ ~,~ l .4 :\ '\ " " I ~ I ,h it , I l ,\':!j,. I r " LA YOUT NO. 2 ~ o ,," BE lrT~SI-tELT~[J~, ~ G ~ # ~\ ~a1 (J 5 T:P,IJ'fJ lJ~L 1-\1'1{ .., ., pageK~ 9 ~in 5h~tfJt;h~ ~/I/ Does this page, c,arry'a special border? No ,( ,AnnuaQO f..-iEG-F 0W9/10ArCity )if l:' ,. .. '"~ Special borders :~t permItted on j uni~ Annual:~-~' ~,,~, y J The border ou,thisJayout board repres~nts the edge of the individual plate. We sugg~st that yOU allow 3i inch margin all way around, except in the case of pictures or art work that you w~~.t t~ go to the edge of the pHite. The plate size O~j this page will be 'approximat~ly)63i x 93i. \ ''ii6 ;:-:: ~. '/1\ ~ ~ ~ " I / " I .",*-" -.. '.'''I~ LA YOUT NO. 2 !Ill '_'eL d..j ~ ~.;r. '~~,AE'I\ E(~ l,L (~' .' i ~ t11J~,T .I--l~~ ()~IJt1E :oy, -J' lif-';',' p:ge,'/'O in ritE S/;;)lfJtll~PIl/) Does this p~ge carry a special ~o~~er? HZ?, d, r / ,-t"r7 --" AnnuaIC>t? r-A-Ii;'5',ti" '-'" tYIT1't::',4/bty '(i7; Special bilrders not permitted on Junior Annuals. ~ y:, ''''~~' "The border on this lay<?ut board represents the edge of the individual plate. 'We suggest that YOl.l.illlow ~ inch margin all way around, except in the case of picture~ 'or art .~ork that you waiii to go to the edge of the plate. The,plate size of this page will be apwoximately 6~ x 9~. \ '- ~ "---... ~:'. -~~~ 1\ ~ '-........ -...-.... /' ..., j ! , 1 , , I, ''Vi )1; '1 i ~ \ !2~ i* LA YOUT NO.2 "', ~;( } iO iff 1-1~~ __';~,~ 'IV I-ll;~l "Li ~ "EE~IJT'I F lJ L :-,~, ill ~115. i. pageJ l~infhi= ~5h!){rCbo~91V Does this page carty a"special ~ordei? lJIo .'~~'" An~uaICO.~''LJG-f,;<);~#city Special b.orders not permitted 'on Junior A';,nuals;' M The border-on this layout board rt;presents the edge of the individual plate,. We suggest that you allow"U irich"lll.argin all way around, except in the case of pictures or art work that you want to go to the edge of the plate. The plate size of this page will be;; approximately 6U x 9U. ~ \ , ;'.:>n:'lYF~_',~~~"'I,';":.., ~ I II 1\ ~ "'-. ~ \ "' " I' " '1 ~ " ~~~~~J~:;~~t'T:nfS.'n;q~{!1~~f(N ..' Annual,d"i (E i2. S;:tfti!!;;;; .Doesthis:;p~ge .,' carry a special 'border? "N---" ~.' .~. 'i;", ,?~m 't~~<'::"':~ d" "....'. ..t\," .~(-<,,', .SpeClalllord~rs not permitted on Junior An:"ta];'~"ii".WY>if ",' T!1& borqeron, thjs'layoutbgCird r~pres.e~ts fhe e?ge'of the individual plate. .'.lVe s~ggest that you allow one-tourot~, inch m~rgin.al1,~CiY'around~exceptinthe c~seotpictures'ior art work that you ,vant to go to the edge of~tl1e plate. "'The ,plate, 5iie~of this p<+ge~when reCiucedw:iU.,pe approximately 6 1-4 x 9 1-4. " . . ,Don't send.:t~ls iayoui~ 'O~f:c1oryu!-til it h..s been "c:l;an!d. See that finger- prints, pencil marlC:~: exce~it.ement" dirt, etc., ,"": ._" ...... ' - -.. ';~.'. : . ,'~'.' ... .. ".' .... ... _,,,,, . _'_:::., .':[1:" . ,":J; been rel11ov~d~::rhe . quality, of the manufactured boolC:s will be dependent upon the neatness and thoroughness of your ,worlC:;, ~" .'-" ,< :,';t~ ;". :'. ,,\, ,(;(: .": .,'..: ~.,*i - . ",<.' -, '~'-:-.'-' {;). 'it" ,.".~,,, Iiiii"""'" j;:; ~ ~~l ~ ~ 111 I I' I I ~ "' il! '" ~ i~ ! &0\ "t1~Rl1.!A!R[ T" A.~N' ',j ;:~ILLIAM5"'" "' "'" 'w iJii -",~ "~:" ""'~""" '" -'. \ ~"; I " J I !o:> !1t' 4~ r Ir:- r ir j ) :w ~, ~ :5 \. E: N I :0' \1i ~ , A 5 ..I. u N I [] R 5 if!; 'r",' 'W II" " . '/' ':' /,:<1/ LA YOUT NO. 1 , ,. ~ . o 'i,'@ R A L,PIH'j b-R E EN ;;~ .LELA CflCN:EPl' ,'iii ..\ ~'{:; \ '" I ' I i I ! 111 '%, ~ ~ rFhebord~~ bn,thi~'layd4t 15bf1rd~'~epresents the edge of the individual plate. VVesu~gestthatyou all~w one.cfourthinch.., matgin alJ: waYf.irQund, exce'ptin"the case of picWres t?r art work that ysm ,yant to go to the edge of the, plate.. The plate ,'u sizegf this,page when red,ucec:i will be"apprmdmately q 1-4 x 9 1-4. . ' '_,. .... t:{ ".". ..',.' - ", '0'- Don,",'1 send thisJayo~t 1'0 f,actory.,until it has been cleaned. See that fing~r-prints, pencil marks, ~x~ess cement, dirt,etc."..ha~e,,' _;':', ;/;':;-i< <'_ '",,". ,;-,:";"",.,,,,,,,:,,-;-,,,,?:,,,j,'-',;; '--^'-'::""':'. .. ,'_' ':-,..'<.'!' - .. .."'.' ,- '.." "" '" - '_', .-' ' ,c'" '::' .. ," 'b.e~~ re'movedoii',;'The qu'ality of the manufactured books, will be dependent upon the neatness and" thoroughness of your wOl'k~' ,', 'r;:',',.. .. .. ',,' ,.,. ','... .... ;',.. .," .. .. .,'" ...... ~j.- .. ..... .. .. ", - .. ;', _-.. - .. .. .. _" '", ' [J..<:t ~',ll ,~ 11I1 i\: a ~, ""I l' III , Ii !II ~ t:l,N-rH 14", ~,.I-" N-=A51::~R.. -, ',' ~ :",iJ.,..- ~ ~~ 'IEDRI:E" TDDD , ~ !:J. ~~\:': "'. 'Does this,J)age carry 'a. speoiaJ,i,bierder? III " 5",' ", " i' C P H 1:1 M a R E 5i r :R E !i ~. w~.. MI :1 EI :N ;;,..,. ~, III r .~-3 LA YOUT NO. 1 'J~ \(, fl" ~ !Y ~~ RJ\Lf;lHCiDEIIRBE ~.ffw:i;:" ' '1 B'ETFY ;rACK RdLlrlN5 ~ ",. Xl' ~\ Special Borders not permitted on Junior Annuals, il"~ 9 '~ {i ~ ~;!, ~'~ );; ~ "-. ri 11 Ii'!;! .t.~ l I , ! I I. . ,,,~",','*?m--'" '.' ';f';;' .,,.,,.<);>>'''____~s.''-,''-'c ':':!J"'-.. !irb\i;ljf- ,_~-j1~Y,f. -t<t! i1'1 .~ (,.,LA YOUT NO.2 (r:~ ~':\1 ." .. ~;;:t': :tI:<, l' '.1 "1IlI .. !II III , '~~ II :<!' t'1 !!II'" '!i.ii. 'J~ ml ~ ',X. " '~.'l:'Ll ~ ~ . (A~,~y:.Vi\.)L~IJE:EI>J ';~ ~ ~~ If, ~. J1,LL ~ :t> );: page3~ "~~'1~:"TI!~ 3Ij-JtJ.jf1:/ftJ/(1J/ 0"". thi. ~......Y . ':OC;.' botde,; ,jrJ ... .' .' . 1f~ iY . C Special borders not permitted on J u.~iorAnnuals. Annuatc:::0:;CLEG ~ 07/l//t>; City i . , . <Il ~'i-' The border on this layoUt board fepresents the edge of the individbaI.plate. We suggest that you,,~llow ~ inch margin all.way around, except in the case of pictures or art work tha't you 1twant to go to the edge oLthe plate. Tne'plate size of this page will be approximately 6~ x9~. tt~, ~~ /1 ~ \ 'Z;';"";,,~',C~:&7Y-;;,'" i}~ II II ~ ~ ~'- / " .~ -- --=.'--=-=-'~..-.'.'- _...:,.c.'~.'-,;,<""_""".",..."_".'",",.,,,,,,,,, D ., LAYOUT NQ. 1 Pagej~ ',for n~" .J(;Z;RTl7oRAI Do;~ this page carry' a spe~cial border? /U 'The border on this, layout board represents th~'~dge oftne individual ~plate. \Ve~uggest tharyo~o;llow one-fourth,inch margin all way around, excePt in the case of pis:turesor art work that you want to go to the edge 01 th~ plate. The plate ", size of this page w~enreduced will'be approxjmately 6 1-4 x 9 1-4. " ~ "'i~e:9it;:::v:;.iS 1;~:u~U~i::c:r:h~n:~~::a':~:r~d~;:~:::e~.ill,::e d:~:~~~.;er:::~n~~~p:::!~:~a:k:~'~~C::!~~~~:~st, o:i;~u;t~~~~7ve' !JI ~ I ! I, I' I ~ ~ ~iI I t;: ;';' ~ I!' !It j%. \ Of Il; !:J; '11! :y, ~ ill \\~. ~ t;;; ;3 :;; III !Ill iff. .11: :(, ,-,;.- i o _ ..'. HJ IPf , ~ !II .. R ~ \.. g 'i'i 'I!i if, n '6 &~ l,l "~ ~:: i'd i'rn: \\:~ ~ ~ l<i ti. 1;;' .~ ~ 1ti Annual, CCi4Lt:;C!G' '~!90~~yv,Cit,~,. "8 ~. <::'\ Special Borde-rs not permitted _o~.' J unio; An'~u~ls.rc<<';' .'._~, ~:.t i:,1i; :1/ I' !~ i \ \ ~ ] ',; 1 I 'I I 1 i' [, 1, , 1. ~ , I ! t I I ~! Jio)....'iir,;" ll')' "~" 3"'" ',' , ',.' .. , .. ' , 'C/', ~-=~ . '''W,'''''cl''''_,-"'R''.'' ~Fl1l ,.,Nl'i' lil '" ~ ft.', !l:l!l;P;:,"!-'k ~ -1-< '''':t M.. !i\, ~ ~4ii ~ ,5TA'FF iI!i :;',~ 1,':< b~~ '1t :Iii (,f/ ~ ',,; \\: ~'!;; 'Ii "t: 't'i ;~g '? '.. .; \6 Iii ; I, -I), ~ ,~ iI,; --~ ~ ~ }' ~, /: ~" t ; ~v Ii!: , ,~ .. "iW ~ ,. f" .. .1 '~ ~(;i ,',,, ;;~ ~* fji ~1,: t.:: -.,: : ~~. :1. ~'J '., ii .' 7"5, 1, If, J:t !< ~ ..<., Ie .:: ~ f, ~: 7' '.~J, ~" r' ~ '-l! (' ;:1:", " _~ '_~ '.~ ]~ ",' ~ l' ,<<: ,'i. If' w ., )'( ~ " , ill' OJ i:'.l ;;1' !t~ ~ Iii i~"' \ia Anq u aI, C0lLi:: d:: dO' 71i1;;an/ .'" ,.+ m.. , ." li>, '. The border on this layoueboard'represents the edge of the individual plate. ",\l\fe suggest that you, allow oi1e~fourthinch marg!l) allF~ayarou!!d, excep,tin tge case ofp!ctures or artwork: th"flt y'ou want tb'gq to'''the ~dge of the plate. The:n} ate "" '" size of~this page ~henreduced will be approximat~ly 6 1~4 x 9 1-4. ,,' ". ~~~, i_' ,-,.\,",'1 , ,_':,' - ~ ," ;" Don't send this layoLit tofact~ry:until~ it has been cleaned. See that finger-::prints,pencil marks, 'excess cement, dirt, etc., have ~ , _ _ '__ .,- __~ _'- _ ,_ ': :.,' '._' " _ ..' '".: ''''',: ,'__ _~':', ' ","" .r" '.-"'. beenHimov~d. ,,% The9uality of the man~factured "'books ,\Viii be dependent ~pon the neat",es~ and thoroughness 'of you'rwork. ~ 'l'!" !'~ II Dges t4i~page carry a.s~ecial bottler?:, /lie; ,i/.:C 'Specml Borders notP~rmittedon Junior Annuals, v' "f ~1, ~ ,-~~';;~:"-"""":""-,~"''';;-.'- ,- a" LAYOUT NO. i liJj rt. O'i' ~' ~ . ~ ~ -1) !~~ . .;-' O! ',,) ., " ;'^~:- ;~\ , -,. '~:-, ;--:. Theborder,~n, this Iayout;J?~ard represents theedge of the individual plate. \;\r,esuggest thflt you allOw one-f~u;,th"irich margin,all\,,;ay around, except"'ip.,tpe ca,se ofpicture,s or a,[t work thatyou'\vant to go, 'to,~the ~~ge'of th,e pla,te.';fhe plate ",q. si?je of this p~ge wperl reduceCiwill"be approximately 6,1-4 x 9, L4. ,i; , . '" p ,> "".'i ~;:i, '~"'". .' :,,' ~', ." " ,,' '" .', Don't send this laY~lJt to,~factory untillth..s been cleaned. See that 'Inger;;'prints, penciP marks, 'excess cement, dirt, etc., have -i"" been removed'. The quality of the manufactured 'books will, be dependent upon ,the neatness and thoroughness of "your~ork. ;.,-' - , -" ,~' - , '\ ,,_" " ,:~:, '~: ,', --:,;;, ,~; __ ::___,'-: 0(,-" .' ,if' "or iI!l ~''''''~,~~~~~'-''''''_~~~:'''<''~.,;r~J"".,.""".,,-,'ifi'lAr''tt.'''~~....'lffl.~~. - ^-- '" "<"~''''JI''''''~'-''I''~I'r'>;''_'',~",:I''''''';~'"'''"'-''-~.''.'''''',,,1.-'.l- 'II' ~ T\ 11'-' ~ ~} M r.l .ifl " 'i t PRESS ~ 'j; ~ @ I' , , , " , '~ 'i ! III ~ :>t ~ ,_t'iJ t, 'iti1 ::1" -,~^ ",- ~\ ~f :if ~\:",,~ ';Ii ;,j! H,I-Y ~ ii I, ~ ~; 'iiJ) ';>'c'<~ "Q"'.', ,. " i l~: !l i,. ',!( 'ii '" I~ :J;, :'~ f ~ 'iii, ~~ 't' (1t'"" ~ ~~ ,~ :r~ ,::~l ~ l, 1 ~, f. , raie~Z"i~'r,~n;~:~ ~:;' 't, ,'-' . ~ " ~ III, \'<-~"1 if' , LAYOUT NO.'l ~ ,':{ ,j', f:!! ""}t .~ , , '--j,- ;,,' m ,;" !\f: r;:~ itl ~ 'I] ""'Ii ,};j! ~J :;-(;,.~,"",_: . :',''<. :,/'~..,: '1 I I II P '~'~" ~'--' ';';"'_~C '_C-:' :CC-O..CC:-'-_.":':;;.::;. "':',._ _'~._..~,...;o..",~,;._".,~~,;_::".=...,:;,~",_""-..,.,,_:,,., "C '-'"~""""'; ,',". ~~<:;_~-,",,,".:.o;-,':',:,,_;'::';";'~"'JW.:':'>Vo;,~~"',;-""~-"'l"0'i;Ci-;:,:_'''' /$ . ~ l~ LA YOUT.NO. 1 ,~ . ~ 'J!, 1:1 iI!i HCME E.J:: ;;.~ ~ IIIl ~ If I 1 1. y;; o '.f" '7' J 'fi ~'C; !iJ!l ~ .~ ;O'RAMiAT,11: i"j; 'b' ; k~ :J:' ~ifi" if!(; >'\.1!{'; " '1fJ "'f, ilII ~ ;J! ;'fi I ~J Page 3:;,Z-Jor':l::h'~?'~j~h~,~wik'CJ ~"~'~ ~ Does f~is pa~e c~r:y. a" 'snecHif bprder? .:ftIo ,'., ',',,, ...'., ....'; ,.:<;,. .. .- .. ',,< ~ K" . Annual~C'o~Le\6,€' ~7/;-77cJJ(CitF. '\1l = ,,,. :.q .. ,'_: ..' _~";>'" .... ',': _ : ' :,:.-" ' .. ~t... '" c;t :. .. , : _ -"'.. , ".. .'\'_: ':, ,:~:;',; '" The border on this'layout 9oa~dr~pr~sents the,eqge of the individual plate. \i\T~ suggest thatyoy q.llow one-foulkth in~~' mq.rgin.sa}J'Yay'a,roup,d,"except i~ the case of pictures pr art work that you "vant toga to the edgeof:the plate..;:, The plate' size of this page. whel\redu~ediwill .be approx~rriately 9'.1:4 x 9 1-4." '" ,__::1Jl .'i ._,~,.:~i: : _' ,;;;:, .':',' ;7;~_:, _,:, ", .' :',' .. "..; '., r Do.n~t se,nd this layqutto factc)!y ,,,u.!;Itil:it t-;ls bee~cleaned. "See that finge~.- prints, p~ncil marRs, e,,"ce~s.ce,~e~t, dirt, etc., have been removec,l. :rh,.qui:1lity of th~ manufactured ~?oks~i~1 be dependent upon t",e, neatness and tl1oroughn,:ss of your work. JW. '+ ~ ~;~,;'tt;1.". ~*, 1!' ~ QC\ I\!; ~ ~~ j'l j ~ j I : I I ~ i' I: :~ J I' . ~ I" r f ~ . ~ " J" :H: f:?-; " ~~ CH[lRAL., ~~ '" ~~ ~ ~ II ~ n i:i 1}\ ~ f,'l ~~ ill ~ m II! S'PAN15H '~ ~., ~1 ;\'i, 'fi: '5: ~ {I: ~ D -"'1 " .,.,:}l: '/.,.. jj'l!m<~" lSi. ~Pa,o~0,";,,'; q, 'j' ',',' fOf TIlE ;J:;;();'ifh,.. c;.,pW, s ----t--:-, . - ,. Does this pag; carry a"" special' b~rd~r~. ":1JIo , - 8pe~\al' Borders not. permitted ~n.Ju~ior Annu~ls. '.i:i> il>i ~ ~ >'i! "Annual COJ:.lE6-i:l ',' '" .' '.., , ",'I'OW'Jl',1S._.;')J;O;!;;:(~;!,J':'-"';,:..:.:::: lit "!;;: ,t>" LA YOUT NO. 1 :~,' i!l./:; ','~~ ..,. ~~i' ~ J~}!l~~/Ctty, The border on tqis layout board repre,sen"ts the edge oLthe .individual plate.;VJy suggest:hat you allow one-foul";!h in"ch margin 3,11 way aropn"d~ except in the case ,of pic,tures or art ~or~ that youx,'\varitto go to the t:;dge 'of the plate.,Tl1e,pl;ite; size of this page when reduceCl will be appro"Siriiately:6,<1-4 ,,~'9 1~4. '., ' ' Don't send this layout to fact6ty until it has been cl~aned. See that finger-prit.ts,pentil 'l'I1arks,'excess cement, dirt, etc." have been removed. The qualit; of the manuf~~t~red bo~ks will be dependent upon the "'neatness and thorough~ess ,of your work. ~ . , .' - ~ ~ III 1?':", III \>' ill i:;: ifj ~:... }i~i':';: , ';~ , .~, '?~ ~ ' Jh' L I I ,1 I I ~ I ,I I II, I 1 1~~':$ ',-? ~' "'~ i"""< \) 19! ,,' 'If /i'li: LA YOUT NO. 1 :-.\.: [J,,:-:' . 'R ,C' H.E 5 T 'R' A,.,',' . ~ - - , .. ", f ~ I,~ t:. ro'- ~+,~""".,'~".,,', C'.., ;fR~,.,',=BF',.".",.'.,' ~ ~<. '. .'<(~ , f_ ,- '" J . ..j"' ;,r T. ~ J:' "'n -J.....,.L .. r'.~ T A +-- '" ;L l 'r -'(-.( r:r ,L flfi-r'"."..,., r r r- --""~'n'''+''" cr.l, ,'~"': 'i T"- ~,", '.'.' !, ,,;J;.- . . , ~ r ~ l~; ;' ~j i'H ~ ;ff ;f('; 112 D' , 'N"'" E"" ~" I: "T' ' "~po L" ~.., ,.~~ , . ,..':'~;Y .. :"., . : '. , ., ... '....., .. .. . j', .. , "," ".' ':,;i'" ~u . F.... 1li'I' ~ ~'f w 'l: l . $fl ~ @ ,~~ .~ o\i ~1)1 = "'-" --I. ~ (~ Wi,lJ; Antiua~, L(o I- LIF~/{' ~!I'tJ(J1'G.i~Y. .fi PaWg~,Jf:~~8,; fOf,t)'",;:c0lj;1tt h1>flIV ~, Does this page carrY>;1 sl?,~\;ia1 'b~r<fer?~o . . .' , ~ 'i:; ~3: III Special Borders not permitted on Junior Annuals. ~i' ~) ",', ... . . . . '. ,. , . ..~ ..,....' . . :'.. <.~,j. , :;. . , .:: - ' ,...:,. :', ,. '. ." '.' .,'.. The bonfer.on this)ayout Board represents the edge of th~ i'ildividual plate.\Ve suggest that'you alloworiy-fourthlnch rr:arginCiE way ~round, exs~pt ~? the case 9f ~Nctures or art wqrk that you want to ~o to the edge of the plate.. 1'hepl<!,t<= SIze of thIS ptlgewhen reduced wIll ,be approxImately 61-4 x9 1-4. ' ,'", I //- i:" '},' .:;.~ . ,,': ..~ -~_> .' ';;< .~"':, :-(.. ';~:';:',}-'. . _", .r,-" :,' ".: . ,.; Don't send this layout to factory until it.has been cleane'!".;;\o, See that finger-prints, penciL marks, excess cement, dirt, etc~, have ~}J.. ..' :-,Ie"',.,' . .,.," ,:'.,- ,I~"$ft;''" ",' {;'~ ~'" :~'.' . ' . ",' .,., .'" . ,'_' - "J ':"?/~ been removed. T.he quality of" ~h~ manufactured book~;;, ~m_'1!/' dependent upon the neatness and thoroughness qf your work. ,-., '. - . . , f ;:{$ v'~j : !'.'~ . },..i;, ;, _;-;/.; 'l:'- .~~~. ' "iJit f.'~""" ~ ~::~-,\': ;;-ilt;;'~~ .,;-"':.'\<Si:L"!-IT~i"'""'''':;:'''.''.':;:'iii'.' ::~ r~ d, ':3t LA YOUT NO.1., ;'fi~ i.~: . i!J ;J:, >;;: ~I :>: li'<~ : I 11III ~,. III ~ ~W~: ~ IIIiii IilI 'Ii :f/t: l I' ! ~ p;ge1tL,.fo~ r~E ~;;:~Z)({rOho4JA<, Does this page carry a ispeci~l border? !lo ;'& : ARnq"al,qa~LiE <S-....~ 7; ~tt~ w Cit~ ll-:' iii !Ill " ,\? 'ill "'.!jiI,; .i~ ~ ~IM '" n I"~ M ~ x ;r,. r'1f ;/). '" 'ti m The bor:d,<:;,r' 011 this~layout board repre'~ents the edge of'th~"individual plate.""V~ suggestthatyou allo\v one-foUrth inch margin~ll way'around, except in the case"of pictures qr artwork that you vvant to go to the edge of the pl~te. The plate ',1 size of th,is page when reducec!r ~ilL be. approximately 6 1-4 )( 9 i'-4." '.",,' Don'~send \tlis,layout to factory !-Intil it,,;~~s been cleane~. 'S,e:,that finger-:,prints, P!nCi!~marks,,'exc~sscement,dirt, etc., hav~'~ beeniremoved. The'; quality of the manufact~red books will be dependent upon the ne~tnes~ and thoroughness of your ~ork. ~ ,r_;, ~F;' ..",- 4!f~~ " III ~ 'l! '" 0:,_ LAYOUT NO. 1 e..... ,.g.; ,I" f vi" ~,) . , L ~ ~i1i ~ :fi trif&' >}' ,~ ;:;\ ~~ ':~~J.\~ ~, \, ~ ~}-' E- '~ , ;'-!<' .~, ~, ;,' ~ ',t ," !: :' 'j " ;f~ ~'" ~<.- " r'r ;i' ;Il ;,;,;' ,~:.')" ~/ >>~ " 'y.; '~'; :.'-, -I' ',~, ;!.::Y :~!{.I J;, ~,~ "I~' " ~Hi -,." ff~: ,;' ..' .!1 -w' . 'ill 'l'<i: 7 ';1'-; ,;t ,'I" " '; ~,- 1"( 'i': ,f' ,~, "'. II; _~;r-- ~ .' ~, ;;!t' 'l~ ~, ~: ~ ::: t~t h" " '^' ~:.; t- /~ :r,; ;r~7i; ,t, Page.> 'f~r~. ~:,s Jj D r[C k DR IV Does lhispag~"~,carty a :~pecial ~~rder?-& .}; "Annual, Q;t !__b-6c&3' ~?/; 1/11/1/ clfy :1 .Special_~Borders not permiti:~d on Jilni(;r'R'Apnuals. 'fit ~; .~ \~ Th.e, border ~n this layout board represents th~t'edge of the;iridividual plate. We suggest that you allow one-fourth inch margin all way around;'e{Ccept in the c'8.se of pictures,9r art work that you want toga to' tpe edge of the plate. The plate', size of.tpis Rage wh~n reduc~,d~willbe approximately 6 1-4 x 9 1-4. - -,:,)8i ,_ , . '" -;;If >.' N' Don't send this layout to'factory untiHit has been cleaned. See that finger-prints, pencil marks, excess cement, dirt, etc., !'tave been removed. T~e quality'~.f the mal1u!act'uredbooks will be dependent upon the neatness aodthoroughness of,your~ work. ,'- ,.. ,7.; '1l1 :/,:. U;j -~"ii ',:' ",1' ~'" dN""l' ~'~ fil", '~~ m \" . ,LA YOUT NO.1 ~l ;l.~ I I I I I !II! I I '" d1.~ {j; \'OJ :2, .. lo#, ,I .!\" I ,I I 1 ~~ iii. ~ it:~ l'!' t;; ).Ij III II '\, iii II ~ 'i\ /Ill I ~~! z;: -, ~~:.;,.",- ~l - '.';ft' ........." '~ ,~ ri'J..:i .~ ~ ~$,i I?agelA.Z' , for y-y; ~ ~~"' h t~ w,zrh'o"R fV" D()~,sthis page carry a sPe~ial border?~ Spe~ial Borders not permitted,Q'nJunior Annua~s. ~il ~ ~ (?l *' "A ,~ ,~Annual, \p l ~~ G ~"S,TI1Jt,Cf j;/GitX' {'; ,:{i :;, The border on this layout board represents the, eClge of the individual plate. Vve sugges~ that youa(lowon~-fotifthjnc6 .margin all w<;LY around, except i!bth~ case of picfmes or artwork 1:hat you want to go to the edgeof the plate. The mJat~Pjii size of this page when reduced will be approximately 61-4 x 9 1;4: ~~,. . ~.... ')" , < " ,,', ,"i. ,..' ,',< 'l. Don't .send this. layout to, factory until it "h.-s been cleaned. !;,ee tha.tfinger - print~, pe~cil~marks,,\ ex~iss cement, dirt, etc., hav~ b~~n,; removed~ The quality of tHe manufactured books. Will be dependent upon ~he neatness and thoroughness of your work. " ~.:<< , ~-,--~, -f-'_' '_'E~"'_1C,_--,,_.'I.:~ {$i "III .,l III ,;; *C' r~. Ii: ", ~ '~' ~ ~, ~".! ';( ~ ~; &.~ ICI,ll": .o.. -iii, ~f! ~ ~":'< ' LA YOUT NO; 1 ~Ij " ~{~_ ;i; :% .'<' .:ii ~, [ iii ,),1; 't: :~ ,i' . a ~ ~,-;::. .,"'- IIlI :~l~ ,., -'~ ~ i<> }'i: II 'l; \II i, ~ ;:," 1(1 ',~ -,~ ,~ )-, !lo tJ~' \"If, \i(~ .~:.; ~, II! !ii, M .,..; '1, :<i' ~. :} ;f- i',,~ ~ ' "'....,..~' .,~:::~~:;1~;.;:;;;.8:~;7k;2?!r'/fk,:, .,,~. ~,;. I\',/, ~1. I .. ,,.,,:&11 fiIlP'< 'p~g~~i1ihi,'J<:>~"T,,~,~ d;S:h~:\flt~trj\1RN ", ~" '-,.-; , , ': .('" w.," ,',' :..1r4-}:i!] 1 I!f;; '1iIIl ' ,,,!! ' ',< Do~~' tilIs page c:rr.;.~. .~p!:Ci:U $>oF~et;? '16. . ,,'. :::i'~ '*-, ,'_ _',> _ ~ _ _ " ~~, 'bhe:bqrder on, this layout poard represertts the edge of the ,i~dividual plate. We suggest t~at you allow Olle-fourth.iinch" ~~rgin~~q~ay arou~d, ,~;x~ept ,in. th~ ,?<;11>:eoti?ictures ora,rt work that ypu want to 'go to the.. edg~,'ofthe plate. 'fheplate SIze of thls1pagewhen reduced wIW15e a,pproxlmately.,6 1-4 x 9 1-4. ~" iil "^, '".' { .' u ' "l' 00 . ," .', ,. .', ,~~ .' :"',:t~ D';n't send this.layout,to:factory ,until'U ~h~s"b~n cleaned. ..See 'that' 'finger- prints~ pencil marks, ex~ess' cement, dirt, etc., h'ave /ff.b';~n:,'r~moved...i6equantYOf~the':;mari~.lfacturea'books will b~ d~pend~nt upon the neatness alid.t"'~roughi1essc of youFwork. ,\ rt ," #/t'''''''''i~: ,- _,_ l~ '-', -'I.i'- ,- f..; '# l;;:'- -,,'" >' !rl r,itr'.:;':'l:'/- f:' ,...,_~ <.'". ili ~ '", .0 itfiJ"J , ,',., " ~ Ann uafC?"l ELi E,&-F ~ ,::i'l.!iHt 6PjA' '_(!I. 'J,il 11IO ,'-" w:~ ,,/ i I '", '-';\1 ~~ m '''-' ~ 1~ '. ,- " Sp~~ia1:tlio~der~'ri~t' ~~rmitt~d,on''}unior Annuals. "\ '" ~ ~/':- -~ ."4'''' ',.MiI ,. , ~ '''.'L",,",-~'''''','li?>;;',_~''''C:'_-,-~,,-- '1"""=~---r"""'~a'-_ .. ~w' "r ". '.-, .it' " ".~ 1\',,' ,!-fl't .~ , '.-,t:i- 'ill 'f cr.;, /}, ,~ '~k, LA YOUT NO. 1 ~ ~ ,,<, 'j " I. n "'~ ~ ;,~- ~-k I J '_~;- ,0;; ',B" ,. Po1-, ~ ~ .. lJ '41 ~ I" ~1_ ltI J }!: _~l~ ~ ,,~' ~,~ :Ol.\ ",,~, : :J ';"ii J it<- ,':,' ill: 't',:'~ ~ M \ , , I' i, i I~ 'l:. :;'~ ,,\~. I~~ ,'s I ~ (_ w. i<! ,~" -~, , . ,.1 I I " ',1 ;, ~-. I' ~' ~~ It,;, i'h! '.:i! ,ij . ~,..w.,..,/t: "~ ~~'~~~:~1~~,:~ 'Ii; "'~~"l'1! ,,~~, lJ'lj~I,~~~~.,I"'" ~~ ' ~~ -,.~!"", " ~~-; ,'r'~'''''''' ;1<:' J~':':. :'I ~ l' ,. i~ I <lli" ~\? ,}.! L ?.' :.} .,~ ~t' "J', !i'iI :'!i. ~p. ~J! ;ill '), " ", .~,~ 1 '1'!~~ }: ~ ~;;,>: 1, "i ',j. " ~, ~". ~* .~> 'or> t., ,,: ~- 'l' ~{ g, ik' !l<. 15 ;V i\ ~ \~ ~'!~ :ti: ',i;f- ~~ .\i. 'riJ; ;:t' " " ( " ..~. ~0!' ;l~, " ~& :;.-, ,,~ (;' <l> '1< ~ :'ti, til :1~j;',:: ;:;: H~ i'~ 'l ,~ ,t.'Y ~it- ~:"i~, ':?' CO XLE U-d.b .~/7J. 7ft!) /)/ City 'Annual . , ' ..' Special Borders not' perm~tted on JU:r,nior Annuals. ,', ,."he borderon this lityout board representstl1e edge of the individUal plate. \Ve suggest th~t you allow one-fourth inch !'lliargin,all' way around, except in the 'case of pictures or .ar;twork that you want" to go tdthe edge of the plate. The plate .,i'sizeo,[ this page whenreduceq w.ill be approximately () 1-4 ~ 9 1-'1; . . :" m . "/ $!,';'~Do"'t serid this ~Iayout tc. factory until ith~sbeen~ cleaned.' See that finger- prints, pencil,,'marks, excess cement, dirt, etc., have 11. :i\i~e.m ,!emoved. The qU~Ii!Y ot the,''!'anufadureI!!.I)OOkS wUti,~c~ependent upo~, the,neat!1ess and t~oroughness of your wor~:' ~ . . .. ~ . ~\t, i. x \ . l ~ 't~~ ~rl gJ! ,~ f LAYOUT NO.2 r ~ I~ ~~ ~ ,~, .. fli'< 'r ~ L. I j - I Ii, I., ill .'j ~ jl i' i .~ ;~ ;~ I~ tii;l ~~ S\ iMi 'lii ~'i1 l!l Page ~~/O i~ I hE ~~ ,0h 1)' R L 'h (JR tV IC: Ann.uat../O t... Lt;GtE57A ;1 tJJ1Cit; Does this page ca~y. a"special'border? "No ~ ",'" ffi ':" ", ",'", ' '. 'illi Special borders not permitted oi,l 'J unior Annuals. 'The border on,tllisJayout ~boaid repre~entg,the edge of the i~dividual plate. We suggest that ym.{ allow: % in,ch. mm-ginalI 'Yay around,'except in the case of pictures or art work that you want to go to tne edge of the plate. The plate size of this page will be approximately 6;!4' x.9;!4'. ~, 'J" ,~. ~ :f>; ~: ~.' )~! / \.~'! -,_.....".., . J.....'.;c:.,'-~._;.;__:.:~:,.;,;,: '..--"'''';''' =c;. . ': -_ '. ".-,"'f"""""'''''~''';':;. .;,_CC.:.__ :":'''';;.',"",'-',- T':"~:"',,,:;':'C:_-"""'=-"'. .i.."!! .....-- o ----,....--- 'ii ~~ ~ Iil ~ ',t l "').!, 'Ii' \ \ I :1 ,~ I _J 'I \ \ t,. -i:::":;.~ '\ \ ~ ~ I / ~, .'-....., ~ ..... ~ '\ " "\ \ \\ if ! I ~~;;:::"(~~~1~~ . "''k';c) ~.~ ~, " LAYOUT NO.2 &'~~~~ .,~ ,'" ~".'''' ' , ~.~~ ",. -1~~ \ ':'-I~t'~- , ' \1 , , g.; '-~; ~ :t; (): i" 'r ~~ ~ -t:t1: ,::rh€, . <lJ; 6R t I:(P'R~/lnnual ~r:' Does this p~~e carry a special border? ~ ,,' I' ~~~~ ~ . ~l ", ,',. '~"i/fo':" -".,-' -. ''t- ~~ ," ' Special borders not permitted on J uni~rAnnu~ls, " ,.Ii> The border on this"'layoitt b~a~d represents'the edge,()f the indi~iduaI plate. We suggest that yotr allow %: inch margin1'ai:(' ,w(lY around, except in the case of pictures or art work that you "'wa,pt to go to the edge 6(thelplilt~:l The,plate size oJ this page will be approximately 6%: x 9?i. . 'i~~' 2"'''' , '. .')" _ I,'. i:b,E GE S7'~&tr;'" Ie" ~ \ \ .".... II ~ ~ ~ ~1 :1',' '!t~ ':,;'('!.'! 1.;:' '" 'I"