HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter 2001 't .i CONTENTS PAGE Brazos County residents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Bill Page 3 From the President's Corner, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 From the Editor's Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Calendar of meetings ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sayings about genealogy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Killough's Company ..................................... John Blair 13 Community .notes _ cont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janis Hunt 15 Pictures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Business issue - Apr. 22, 1913 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janis Hunt 23 Register 1 _ St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Bryan, Texas .., Nancy Hawtrey 28 Index compiled by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Allen Dean 36 BRAZOS GENEALOGIST VOLUME XXII NUMBER 1 WINTER 2001 ^ -"'-,'-' ..... ~~..-.,."..~.."..."'{"'''''''''''"._',,.,.'.'>.,b"''_....:_,.{i-"'-'--_""'h'~"'''''"''_'_'';;'''''-'''''''''''''-''.''~__'''~::~~~{~~~~~~:,,_"",",_, BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P. O. BOX 5493 BRYAN TX 77805-5493 I- OFFICERS 2001 PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . .. JOHN BLAIR email: john@turbo-Iab.tamu.edu VICE PRES ............ TREY HOLT email: holt@txcyber.com SECRETARY .. . ... NANCY HAWTREY email: hawtrey@txcyber.com TREASURER . . . . . . . . . . . RUTH HARY email: rhary@txcyber.com COMPUTER GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALLEN DEAN email: allendean@compuserve.com PAST PRES . . . . .. NANCY HAWTREY STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. PEGGY BASENFELDER LOCAL HISTORY .............. . . . . . , ., RUTH HARY and JANIS HUNT CONTINUING SERIES. . . . . BILL PAGE PRINTINGIINDEXING '" ALLEN DEAN MEETINGS Meetings held the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 8:45pm. in the Bryan Public Library. Please arrive early as the library closes at9:00 pm. Membership is ona calendar year basis, January through December. $15.00 a year. Quarterly picked up at meetings. $20.00 a year. Quarterly mailed. ChecksJor dues may be mailed to the address at the top.of the page. . QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Issues. Each volume of the GENEALOGISTwill correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. WEB SITE r' The web site for the Brazos Genealogical Association is: www2.cy-net. netl"'bga/ EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805-5493. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Association northe staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error. of fact or opinion expressed herein. Everyeffortis made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with editingprivi/eges on a space available basis. Members are encouraged to submit pictures/articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Hesearchpertaining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and. other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material.beforethe turn of the century is especially welcome. The Association will do limited local Brazos County research for $10.00 an hour. Write for details and please enclose a SASE. Brazos. County Residents by Bill PAGE Sample of families who have lived in Brazos County. A continuing series. 14 Feb. 1996 FLIPPEN, William H. (4 Mar. 1829-Jan.1891). Buried Dallas; banker; lived in Bryan from 1868 to 1880 "Cotton Seed Oil and Cake Factory a.Success," Galveston Daily News, 31 Jan. 1874, p. 1, co!. 4 . "C.B. BECK sold a young cow a day or so ago to W. H. FLIPPEN ....," Galveston Daily News, 25 Apr. 1878; also, BrenhamDaily Banner, 30 Apr. 1878, pJ 1, co!. 3 "W. H. FLIPPEN, successor to PARKER '& FLIPPEN, does a general banking and exchange business ..., "GalvestonDaily News, 15 Sept. 1878, p. 3,coL 2 *Obituary,Dallas Mornina News, 18 Jan.. 1891 , sect. 1 , p.8, co!. 3; 19 Jan. 1891 , p. 8, co!. 4. Galveston Daily News, 19Jan. 1891, p.2,co!. 4 "Former Citizen Dies atSt. Louis," Bryan Weekly Eaale, 28 May 1925, p. 2, co!. 6. Mrs. Mary EI.izabeth, widow of W. H. FLIPPEN FOLEY family "Death of Mrs. G. A. TAYLOR," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 3 June 1915, p. 2, co!. 1. Daughter of John H. FOLEY FOLKS family "Mr. W. A. FOLKS and family have moved...to Maverick, Runnells County...," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 6 Nov. .1902, p. 7, co!. 3 "Death of Mrs. FOLKS," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 19 Mar. 1903, p. 3, co!. 1 "Obituary," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 28 Jan. 1904, p. 2, co!. 4. Mrs. Mary J. PINCHAM FOLKS GRAHAM "Mrs.,P. A. PARNELL Dead," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 1 Nov. 1906, p. 7, co!. 3 "Mr. W. A. FOLKS Killed," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 13 Dec. 1906, p. 7, co!. 2 3 4 FORD, Spencer (30 Nov. 1830-24 Sept. 1903). Buried Bryan; district judge Article, Galveston Daily News, 21 Sept. 1869, p. 2, co!. 5. Alternate to political convention Bryan..The Democratic Convention of this county met here on yesterday, & nominated Co!. Spencer FORD... delegates to the Houston State Convention...Galveston Daily News, 12 May 1871, p. 2 The Brazos Eagle understands>that Co!. Spencer FORD & Mr. Harvey MITCHELL have been appointed by Gov. DAVIS as2 of the judges of election. If the feportbe true, the Eagle says Gov. DAVIS can recall his police, as there we be no need for them in Brazos Co. Galveston Daily News, 8 Sept. 1871 ,po 4 Bryan...The meeting last night was large and enthusiastic. Speeches by Maj. J. D. THOMAS and Co!. SpencerFORD... Galveston Daily News, 17 May 1872, p. 1 Article, Galveston Daily News, 18 Oct. 1872,p. 3, co!. .3. MemberofDemocratic Executive Committee ...a primary mass. meeting of precinct NO.4 washeld...The following endorsements were made... District Judge Spencer FORD...Galveston Daily News, 14 Dec. 1875, p. 1 Bryan...The Democratic County Convention...proceededto the nomination of the various county officers...For District Judge, Hon. Spencer FORD was recommended to the district convention as the unanimous choice. ofthis county...Galveston Daily News, 21 Dec. 1875, p.1 Bryan....The election of the following. .isconsidered certain ...S. FORD, District Judge.. .Galveston Daily News, 17 Feb. 1876, p. 1. Bryan..;~eturn$from 2 precincts sum.'up as follows... District Judge--FORD, 1250; BROADDUS, 286. ..Galveston Daily News,.18 Feb.t876,p. 1 Bryan...Ih~?fficiaLvote of this county is as follows... Judge 9th District--FORD, 1745; BROADPUS,573... Galveston Daily News, .22 Feb. 1876; p.1 Bryano..The Democratic .....precinct convention to. elect. .delegates... to ..the .County convention...selected the following delegates... Spencer RORD.... Galveston Daily News, 3 Aug. 1884, p.1 *Brazos.Co.Democratic convention; mentions. Spencer FORD. & others. Galveston Daily News, 10 Aug. 1884, p. 1 *Lawyer;endorsed candidate, GalvestonDaily News,] May 1892, p.3, co!. 4 *Backfrom California, Galveston Daily News,. 12 Aug. 1892, p.3, co!. 5 "The Work Delayed," Galveston Daily News, 12 Aug. 1892, p. 3, coL5 "Judge Spencer FORD," (Bryan) Pilot-Eagle, 12 Sept. 1895, p. 8, col. 2. (Filmed after wee~ly Bryan Eagleof12 Sept. 1895). ObitualJi, Bryan Daily Eagle,25$ept. 1903, p. 3,coL4 "LearnofDe;ath()f Ex-Residentin Los Angeles," Bryan Daily Eagle, 4 Nov. 1935, p. 3, co!. 4. Mrs. JOSie.IKENDRlgK,' daughter of SpencerFORD "FuneraISeryi(;~for Mrs. ROWAN Here,"Bryan Daily Eagle, 25 Aug. 1937, p. 1, co!. 3. Mrs. Louise RPWAN, daughter of Spender FORD ... FORD, W.R -- African American educator "Program of Colpred Teachers Institute," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 17 Jan. 1895, p. 8, co!. 1 "Colored Teacherrs," (w~ekly)Bryan Eagle, 30 Nov. 1a99, p.1, co!. 4. "Colored Knights of Honor Grand Lodge," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 8 Jan. 1903, p. 1, co!. 3 5 " "Emancipation Celebration," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 26 May 1904,p.3, co!. 3 "Nineteenth Celebration," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 27 June 1907, p. 4, co!. 4 "The Lincoln Club," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 13 May 1909, p. 3, co!. 3 "New Colored School Building," (weekly) Brvan Eagle, 19 Feb. 1914, p.6, co!. 5 "Colored Relief Committee," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 19 Feb. 1914, p. 7, co!. 4 FOREMAN, W.B. -- Brazos Co. sheriff "Brazos County Republic~nConvention....,"{Austin) Daily State Journal, 1 May 1872, p. 4 "The following is the official vote...," Galveston Daily News, 1.1 Dec. 1873, p. 2 "Bryan...Thiscountypolled2500 votes...," Galveston Daily News, 17 Feb. 1876, p. 1 *Resigned as sheriff, Galveston Daily News, 29 June 1880, p. 1 *Former sheriff, in Dakota Territory under an. assumed name,Galveston Daily News, 22 Jan. 1882, p.3 FOSTER farnily "HAMILTON-FOSTER," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 20 Aug. 1903, p. 4, coL 2. Miss Callie FOSTER,. daughter of Mr. V.W. FOSTER "Walter FOSTER Dead," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 19 Nov. 1903, p. 2, co!. 2. Son of Gib FOSTER "BURKHART-FOSTER." (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 21 July 1904, p. 2, co!. 4. Miss Mattie, daughter of G. A. FOSTER "FOSTER-BELL," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 11 Qct.1906, p. 8, co!. 5. Prof. G. P. FOSTER "A New Kind of Melon," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 18 July 1912, p. 3, co!. 2. "Uncle" Dan FOSTER "Death of Mrs. Jennie FOSTER," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 13 Jan. 1916,.p. 5, co!. 4 "DeathofD.t. FOSTER," BryanWeeklvEagle, 13 Jan. 1916, p.5, coL 4 "Funeral Service for Aged Citizen This Afternoon," Bryan Daily Eagle, 4 Apr. 1938, p. 1, coL6. Tulley P. FOSTER FOUNTAIN, James Alexander (16 May 1828-d.1900). Born 16 May 1828at Darlington, S. C.; moved to Ala.; graduated from Univ. of Ala. in 1847;. married Mary Elizabeth LILLY of Miss. Lin1847; moved to Burleson Co., Tx. in 1875; moved to Bryan in 1876; Confederate veteran; Baptist; father of 12 children, 6 of whom survived him: Dr. J. L. FOUNTAIN, Prof. C. P. FOUNTAIN,Dr. H. L. FOUNTAIN, Mr. E. J. FOUNTAIN, Mrs. W.S.HOYVESLL, &Dr.W. C. FOUNTAIN, all of Bryan. (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 12 July 1900, p.:4, co!. 2 FOUNTAIN, Jarnes Foster: Aged 1 year, 8 months; son of Dr. & Mrs. FOUNTAIN. (weekly) Bryan Eaale., 7 Jan. 1897, p..1, co!. 6; 7 Jan. 1897, p. 3, . co!. 1 FOYNTAIN,iMary C., Mrs.: Wife of Dr.J. LFOUNTAIN; died in Bryan; buried in Bryan city '. Hemeter)i. Galveston Daily News, 12 Nov.. 1892, p. 3, coL5 FOUNTAIN, Mary E., Mrs.: Aged 57; wife of James A. FOUNTAIN; died at Bryan; left "large fa~ilyn. Galveston. Daily News, 28 Feb. 1888, p. 8, cot 4 , FOUNTAIN, Mary Lillie: Aged 5 months; daughter of Dr. &. Mrs. H. L. FOUNTAIN; buried ihBryan 'cernetery. Galveston Daily News, 25 Oct. 1891 ,po 9, co!. 6 6 1880 Brazos Co. census, pp.344c - 344d FOWLKES, John S. (1840-1917). Buried Bryan; businessrnan Confederate Military Hi.story, 189.9, vo1.11, p. 405 "We also Ie am that Capt. .J. S. FOWLKES contemplates the. erection of an elegant residence on the lots recently purchased by him...," Galveston Daily News, 13 July 1873,p.4 "Most ofthe new brick stores are completed now...," Galveston Daily News, 22 Aug. 1874, p. 1 *SettlingBohemianson his land, Waco Daily Examiner, 23 Apr. 1876,.p. 2,col. 3 *Lodge officer, Galveston Daily News, 17Apr. 1877, p. 2, coL.2 "Bryan. Business Houses...," Galveston DailyNews, 15 Sept. 1878, p.3, col. 2 *Financialagent for Texas A&M, Galveston Daily News, 24 July 1883, p. 4,co!.6 "Bryan Budget," Galveston Daily News, 15 Jan. 1893, p.6, col.6. "Mr.James 0.' CHANCE has purchased from Captain J. S.. FOWLKES the residence lot.. ./' Galveston Daily News, 15 Mar.. 1893, p. 3, co!. 3 FREEMAN family "Rev. J. A. FREEMAN called on the Eagle yesterday...," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 11 Sept. 1~02, p. 2, co!. 1 "Mrs. Kate FREEMAN O'NEAL Dead," (weekly) Brvan Eagle,24 Sept. 1908, p. 1 ,co!. 1 "SWINFORD-FREEMAN," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 29 Oct. 1914, p.6, co!. 3. Miss Grace FREEMAN FRIDEL family "KROHN-FRIDEL," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 30 Jan. 1913, p. 4, cot 6. Daughter of V. FRIDEL, Sr. "HAHN-FRIDEL Wed," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 30 Oct. 1924, p.5, co!. 7..Miss V~rnaFRIDEL "Funeral Tuesday for Resident of Rye Gommunity," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 17 Dec. 1931, p.2, col. 1. Frank C. FRIDEL "Funeral Service forAged Woman Wednesday Morn," Bryan Weekly Eagle,29 Apr. 1936, p..1, col. 1. Mrs. Frances FRIDEL "Rosary Held Tonight for V. J. Fridel," Bryan Daily Eagle, 28 Dec. 1956, p. 8, col.1. FUCHS family "Miss Maurine. EUCHS is Bride of Houston Man in Sunday Ceremony," Bryan Daily Eagle, 17 May 1938, · p. 2,co!. 1 FULKERSON, Isaac, Qaptain (d.20July1889). Buried Bryan; Brazos Co. tr~asurer Ran forBrazosCo. treasurer. GalvestonDaily News, 3 Aug. 1875,p.1, col.2 *On Federal Grand Jury in Austin, (Austin) Daily Democratic Statesman, 6 JUne 1876,p. 3 , Bryan...Our Commissi9ners Court,to-day,elected.Capt. Isaac FULKERSON, county treasurer, in place Qf Dr. McLELLAND, who died recently. A better man fOr the place could not have been found,.and the appointment gives general satisfaction~.Galveston 7 " Daily News, 21 Dec. 1880, p. 1 Elected Brazos Co. trec:lsurer. Galveston Daily News, 16 Nov. 1882, p. 1, co!. 5 Involved in lawsuit over Co!. T. D. WILSON's estate. Galveston Daily News, 29 Mar. 1883, p. t, co!. 5 Ran for Brazos Co. treasurer. Dallas Weekly Herald, 31 July 1885., p. 4, co\. 5 Bryan...Capt. Isaac FULKERSONdiedathis home in this city last evening, aged 58 years. Captain FULKERSON, a Virginian by birth, was 1 of Bryan's best citizens, honored & respected by al!. He was a Mexican War veteran & a captain in Terry's Rangers in the late war. For a number of years he held the office otcountytreasurer &hewas also a successful merchant The funeral took place this afternoon. Galveston Daily News, 21 July 1889,p. 2. [AlsO,Brenham DailyBanner, 23 July 1889, p. 1, coL 3] "Mrs. M. L. FULKERSON Dead," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 16 Feb. 1905, p.'1, co!. 2 1870Brazos Co, census, p. 36 (book p. 71) 1880 Brazos Co. census,p.338c FULLERTON family "Gone, But Not Forgotten," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 1 Nov. 1906, p. 4, co!. 2. Miss Mary FULLERTON "Weather No Match for Cupid's Wiles Here 50 Years Ago," Bryan Daily Eagle, 12 Jan. 1938,p. 1 ,coL 3.J.W. FULLERTON FUSCHAK family "L1NZ-FUSCHAK," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 290ctt914,p. 8, co!. 1. Miss Gussie FUSCHAK "JONES-FUSHAK," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 30 Dec. 1915, p. 2, co!. 3. Miss Julia FUSHAK "John A. FUSCHAK Gets Letter from J. A., Jr.,"Bryan Weekly Eagle, 9 Aug. 1923, p. 3, co!. 4 "John A. FUSHAK of Kurten Died Sunday," Bryan Weekly Eaale, 10 Jan. 1924, p. 1, co\. 7 "Large Cabbages are Shown Here by FickeyMan," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 12 June 1930, p. 2, c()\.4. A. T. FUSCHAK "Woman of Kurten Cans Much Food for Winter Use," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 13 Aug. 1931, p. 2,col.1. Mrs. A. 1. FUSCHAK "Gas Soaked Gown is Fired; House Prey of Flames," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 10 Dec. 1931, p.5, cot 7. Mrs. Otto FUSCHAK "Home is Burned Loss NotStated," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 18 Feb. 1932, p. 6, co!. 4. Frank FUSCHAK "Funeral$erviceon Thursday for Mrs. R.E.Jones," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 15 July 1936, p. 2, co!. 4. Mrs. Julia Olga FUSCHAKiJONES FUSSELL family "ShelanderStore is Bryan-Owned; FUSSELL Buys It," Bryan Daily Eagle, 8 July 1938, p. 1,co!.8. A. B. FUSSELL "R. C. FUSSELL Writes on Grocer's FutureI'" Bryan Daily Eagle, 25 Mar. 1946, p. 5, co!. 2 "FUSSELL-UZELAC NuptialVowsRead inChurch Sanctuary," Bryan Daily Eagle, 20 Mar. 8 1955, sect. B, p. 1, co!. 6 GAINER, Charles S. (1 Dec. 1870-13 Jan. 1955). Buried Bryan; judge; state representative "Judge Charles S. GAINER," Pilot-Eagle, 12 Sept. 1895, p. 7, co!. 3. (Filmed with Bryan Weekly Eagle). "Judge GAINER AnnouncesJorState Senator," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 14 June 1928, p, 2, co!. 3 GALLATIN family -- many family members buried at Bickham Cemetery *W.W.GALLATIN, road overseer, (weekly) Bryan Eagle,.27 Feb. 1890,p. 5, coLA *Albert. GALLATIN, Texas veteran; died, Bryan Daily EaQle, 17 Feb. t898,p.4,cOL3 "SANDIFER-GALLATIN," Brazos Pilot, 1 Nov. 1906,p. 8, co!. 3. Miss Pearl GALLATIN "SANDIFER-GALLATIN," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 1 Nov. 1906, p.3,col.2. '~AnotherFine Turnip," (weekly) Bryan Eagle,..3.Feb.1910, p..5, col. 3. Derden GALLATIN "Death of Mrs. GALLATIN," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 26 Feb. 1914, p. 6,coL2.Mrs.Anna KIEFER GALLATIN GANDY, Evander (8 July 1845-3.Apr. 1929). Confederate. veteran; buried at Wellborn. "A BIrthday Dinner," (Weekly)'. Bryan Eagle, .11 July 1901, p. 3, co!. 4 "GANDY-CAMPBELL," Brazos Pilot, A Jan.. 1906, p. 7, coL 1. Leroy,sonofE. GANDY "For County Commissioner," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 21 June 1906, p.4, co!. 2. Son of E. GANDY "A Be.lated ChristmasLe~er," Brazos Pilot, 10 January .1907, p. 1, coL5. EGANDY "Mr.iJ.ulius GANDY Deap," Brvan Weekly Eagle, .17 Feb. 1916, p. !,coI.5. Brother of Evander GANDY "In Memory of Grandmother," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 16 Nov. 1916, p. 3,co!. 4. Mrs. E. GANDY Article, Houston Post, June 29, 1921,p. 9, ~oL 1 Articl~, Brvan WeeklyE~gle, 7 Apr. 1927;p.4, co!. 4 Obituary, Bryan Weekly Eagle, 4 ApL 1929; p. 1, co!. 5 ---GANDY family "On Sunday last at Bethel ChurchMr.Henry GANDY and. Miss Laura PATE were married...," Galveston Daily News, 24 Dec. 1892, p. 4, co!. 5 . GARRIGAN, Owen (2~Sept. 1881-4 Apr. 1952). Buried Mt. Calvary; Irish horse trainer "ReidAbouttheCampu$," Bryan Daily Eagle, 21.Jan.1938, p. 2, cols. 5-6 "55 Years in the Horse Business for a Living...," Battalion, 1 Feb.. 1941, p.3, co!. 4 "Injured Horseman Improving," Battalion, 25 July 1946, p. 1, co!. 2 "A&M'slrish Stableman Has Made Horse History in His 32 Years of Service," Battalion,8 Mat0i1947, p.1 ,col. 3 "Irish--rexas Horse Trai~er Retires,"Battalion, 26 Sept 1947, p. 1 ,co!. 3 "RetirE!d Irish Equestri~n~lans to TE!achHorsemanshipHere," Battalion, 22 Mar. 1949, p. 4, co!. 7 "Noted Horseman of A-IVIto Start Riding Academy," Bryan Daily Eagle, 23 Mar. 1949, p. .. 9 12, co\. 1 "Houston Chronicle Features GARRIGAN," Bryan Daily Eagle, 23 May 1949, p. 8, cols. 5-6 "Animal Husbandry Stables Named After Owen GARRIGAN," Battalion, 28 Nov. 1951 "'Grand Old Man'Among HorsemenHonored by A&M," Brvan Daily Eagle, 29 Nov. 1951 "GARRIGAN Stables to Honor 'Mr. Horseman'," Houston Post, 30 Nov. 1951 "Long Illness Fatal to Owen GARRIGAN," Battalion, 4 Apr.1952, p. 1 ,co\. 2 "Owen GARRIGAN Funeral Service Saturday Morn," Bryan Daily Eagle, 4 Apr. 1952 "Barn Victim of Progress,"Bryan Daily Eagle, 19 Dec. 1968, p. 11 GARTH, F. L. (d. 15 Mar. 1888). Buried Bryan; merchant & politician *Lodge officer, Galveston Daily News, 17 Apr. 1877, p. 2, co!. 2 [ad] ...dealer in lumber, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, mouldings..., Brazos Pilot, 26 Apr. 1877,p.1 *Ran for alderman, Galveston Daily News, 7 Jan. 1879,p. 1 *Elected Bryan alderman,.Galveston Daily News, 3 Jan. 1883, p. 1 *Died, Galveston Daily News, 17 Mar. 1888,p. 4,co!. 5 "Tom GARTH Dead," (weekly) Bryan Eaale, 20 Jan. 1910, p. 2, co!. 4 GELBER family -- from Romania "J. GELBER Returns From Extended Trip to Home in Europe," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 23 Aug. .1923, p. 4,co!. \7. "GELBER & Son Enjoys Wide Trade Circle," Bryan Daily Eagle, 19 Sept. 1933, sect.2, p. 4, co!. 6 "Struck by Auto, Miss Cora GELBER Seriously Injured," Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 Sept. 1937, p. t, co!. 3 "Oldtime Store, J. GELBER & Son, to Close Doors," Bryan Daily Eagle, 9 Mar. 1938, p. 1, co!. 5 GENTRY family *T. B,(3ENTRY a prohibitionist, Dallas Morning News, 14 Mar. 1887, p. 1 "Death of Mrs. Margaret GENTRY," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 3 Jan. 1907, p. 5, co!. 6 "Mr. B. E. GENTRY Dead," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 1 Dec. 1915, p. 5, co!. 6 GEORC;Efamily "Prof.H.N. GEORGE, pfBryan, is noW in our city for the purpose of organizing a Dancing SGhooL..," Semi-Weekly Brenham Banner, 26 Sept. 1871, p. 3 *J.W, GEORGE a democrat, Galveston Daily News, 21 Dec. 1875, p. 1 *J. GJ;:()RGEa dernocrat, Galveston Daily News, 4 Apr.1880, p. .1 *J. W.GEORGE on grand jury,Galveston Daily News, 8 Mar. 1881, p.1 *J. W.GEORGEongrandjury, Galveston Daily News, 8 Mar. 1882., p. 1 *J. W. GEORGE Democrat precinct convention chairman, Weekly Brazos Pilot, 1 Sept. 1~82,p.3 "Fun~ral.Service Held Sunday for Mrs. A. L. GEORGE,".Bryan Weekly Eagle, 16 July 1~31 ,p.Z,co!.4 "Fun~r~IServiceforEx-Resident is Held Tuesday," Bryan Weekly Eaale, 2 June 1937, p. 10 1, co!. 3. Lon GEORGE GERKE family -- many family members buried at Kurten "MarriedatKurten," (weekly) Bryan Ea9le, 16 May 1907, p. 1, co!. 5. Miss Annie GERKE "Adolph GERKE Was Cruelly Murdered," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 14 May 1914, p.1, co!. 5 "Kurten Youth is Killed in Fort Worth Thursday,"Bryan Daily Eagle, 15 Oct, 1926, p.1, co!. 8 "Mrs. GERKE, 87, Kurten Pioneer, Buried Today," Bryan Daily Eaale,7 May 1945, p. 1, co!. 6. Mrs. Paul GERKE, maiden name STEVENER # GERMAN family "GREER-GERMAN ," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 14 Dec. 1911, p. 1, coL 2. Miss Zena GERMAN "Pioneer Woman of this County Dies on Sunday," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 13 Nov. .1935, p. 6, co!. 3. Mrs. Martha Katherine GERMAN GERSON family "Sol GERSON's Tour of Europe," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 7 Aug. .1924, p..2, col. 2 "Sol GERSON Home from Trip Over Southern Texas,"Bryan Weekly Eagle, 16 July 1925, p.7, co!. 6 "Sol GERSON is Back from Trip New York City," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 13Aug. 1925, p. 2,co!. 3 "Guests are Many at Circumcision of GERSON Babe," Bryan Weekly Eagle, 18June 1931, p. 5, co!. 6. Charles I. GERS()N ~~ FROM TBEPRESIDENr'S COIWER It is my pleasure to return as President of the Br.azos Genealogical Associationforthis . upcoming year and am honored to have the same .officers from last year return with me. ' We concentrated on a few items last year and this year are planning .ad.ifferent approach for our membership. During our November 2000 open planning meeting it was evident that . some of our members. wanted to gain additional knowledge of .our local genealogical : resources, to review the basics of genealogy, to increase their knowledge of courthouse records and court documents and. to spend actualresearch time during some of .our . meeting times. This planning sess.ion was valuablein setting our agenda forthis year and w~ hopethatthose mernbers who have been somewhat inactive may find the. time to come. _ jOin.... us in wha.tl b......e. lieve to be someve..ry. beneficial training. w.e have posted.. the "firs.,. t I session" of the year on our web page and hope to update.that information as .it becomes. available, but anyone at any time can review what we are doing for that month's meeting or activit For those of ou who are unaware of. this site - lease see 11 http://www2.txcyber.com/...bga/. I've also asked our editor to include these in the quarterly " so>our members who do nothaveaccess to the internet can also be kept informed. We are also exploring several possible projects/programs for the future. We had a very , productive meeting in January with the Past President of the Brazos Heritage Society and will continue to work towards a business and historical relationship with that group. Our Vice-President is exploring a "First Families of Brazos County" program that we could administer. He is joined in a planning committee with myself, Bill PAGE and Janis HUNT. . We would invite anyone who is interested in getting involved to contact Trey HOLT. This, could be a very good tool to get folks interested in their genealogy. Personally, I am . exploring a couple of "smaller" projects. Through my interest and' research of the Confederate veterans in Brazos County, I have found that a former professor, past acting - President and the son-in-law. of Sam HOUSTON is lying in an unmarked grave in Bryan City Cemetery. iWilliamBRINGHURSTis one of, I believe, eight unmarked veteran graves. located there. I find this to be a shame upon our community to allow this situation to continue. We will atleastmark his grave, but the question is how much of a presentation would we like to make in doing so. The otherproject that I would like to pursue is the 100th Anniversary of the Carnegie' Library. This event will occur in 2003, but it's not too early to begin making plans, and I'm sure the Iibrarywill have an eventand I believe that we should position ourselves to gain some exposure during this celebration and to ensure that it . occurs. The other thought that comes to me in regards to this is, "are their any money. making opportunities here?" Is it timeJora new calendar project? Should we purchase' :~:~~:::~~t~I=~~:~~~~~~::m!:i~~~~ojt~:~~~i~:~ ~~~ ~~t~~~~s~~ 1. We are looking forward to.a great year, to have a little fun, enjoy each other's company , and to learn a little more about ourselves and our family's history. : FrOIR The Editor's Desk W. .. elcome to the. year 2001. N. ewofficers arePresident John BLAIR, Vice President Trey HOLT, Secretary Nancy HAWTREYand Treasurer Ruth HARY. . See the next item for a calendar of our genealogy meetings. If you use PAFsoftware, version 5 is available for download from the LDS web site (www.familysearch.org). Do you have a full time connection to the internet? If so, be sure you have virus software and consider a firewall to prevent hackers from looking at your computer. And u date. our software often from the web site. 12 For the February meeting Bill PAGE gave us a tour of Evans Library.on the Texas A&M University campus with an emphasis on genealogy. He made many points and emphasized they have a lot of materials that are scattered throughout the ..library.Often, university/college libraries acquire books that genealogy libraries do not .have. And don't forget the map room. Other items that may be available include census records, tax rolls, newspap~rs on microfilm,. gazetteers, family histories, immigration or ship records,birth records, cemetery and death records, diaries, and other items. This editor has found one book in theA&M library while browsing thattookmy Ac.adian line back several generations. You never know what you might find until you .Iook. Many university libraries have their catalogs online for searching. Theinternet address for the A&Mlibrary is ''http://Iibrary.tamu.edu''. If you live near one, go to its home page and. search for "library" and Search and explore.. If you want to visit the library, keep several things in mind. 'During the.end'of.a sernester>can be very busy with little parking. Between semester breaks, hours are usually reduced.lfthereis a special event at that university, fac.ilities (including motel rooms) may be verylirnited. Jtwould be best to call the library first to check on plans so you can get the most help and rnaximizeyour time.' If you ask for help, consider saying you are looking for information on historical or biographical items. Bill said if you mention genealogy, they might point you ina different direction. So be a little more specific. Happy hunting! Calendar of Meetings The Brazos Genealogical Association meets the third Monday ofeachmonthfrom7:00 pm to 8:45 pm in the second floor auditorium of the Bryan Public Library. The Bryan Public Library is located in downtown Bryan at 201 East 26th Street. There are no regular meetings in July & December. 2001 Meetings (Speaker Topics will be posted as they.become available) February 19, 2001 7:00 -8:45p.m.TAMU LibraryTour March 19, 2001 7:00 .. 8:45. p.m. Regular meeting- LaSalle Hotel.tour April 16, 2001 7:00 -8:45 p.m. Regularrneeting - "Courthouse Class" May 2001 DateTBA . . Carnegie Library Help Day June 18, 20017:00- 8:45p.m. Regular meeting .... . Tentative Speaker "Henry MAYO -.TheValue of Maps in Genealogy" 13 ~ The following isfromthe Archives & Archivists L1STSERV List. Some sayings about genealogy Can a first cousin, once removed, return? Cemetery: (noun)A marble orchard not to be taken for granite. Crazy.... .isa relative term in MYfamily. Genealogy: It's all relative in the end anyway. Genealogy: Tracing yourself back to better people. I trace my family historysd I will know who to blame. It's hard to be humble with ancestors like mine! Life takes it's tol!. Have exact change ready! Searching for lost relatives? Win the Lottery! That's strange; half my ancestors are WOMEN! Dol even WANT ancestors? Some I found I wish I could lose. Every family treehas.sgmes~pin it. FLOOR: (noun) The plaprJor storing your priceless genealogy records. Friends comeancl.go, but relatives tend to accumulate. Genealogists neverdie, they just los~. their roots. Genealogy: Ahay stackfuU Qtneedles. It's the threads I need. Genealogy: Collecting dead relativesand.sometimes a live cousin! GenealogY:VVhere youponfusr the dead and irritate the living. Heredity: Everyone belieyesin it until their children act like fools! I think mYifamily treeis!afeWbranches short of full bloom. Life is lived forwards,butunderstoodbackwards. Myancestorsarehidingi~a\Vi!nessprotection program. My family tree .is a few .Qrcmche~ short! Research: What I'm do,ng,wh~n I don't know what I'm doing. Take nothing butance~t9rs,leave nothing but records. Theory of relativity: If YQUgo back far enough, we're all related. ~ KILLOUGH'S COMPANY - C. S. A. John BLAIR Brazos County History is eternally linked to our neighboring counties. Many of the first families in this area began their Texas roots in surrounding counties. So it would only be 14 natural for genealogists to follow the ancestral family lines from Brazos County back into Robertson, Grimes, Burleson or even Washington County. When the State of Texas entered into what we would know later as the bloodiest conflict in American history, many young men rushed to the call to arms. Men who had fought the Mexicans, or the Indian tribes of the Kickapoo or Anadarko Were highly sought after for their leadership and field experience. One such man was Samuel Blackburn KILLOUGH, who had commanded the local Robertson County RangerBattalion stationed at Franklin in the early 1840'S.1 Captain KILLOUGH rose to prominence in the county during the decade of the 1850's, acting as county chief justice and commissioner} In June 1861 he organized a home guardat Wheelock, then the countyseat.Thisunit was known as KI LLOUGH'sCompany or the Wheelock Home Guards} These men drillE)d and trained for war just as theinegular counterparts did who would soon departforth~ battlefields in Virginia; however, these men remained behind tomaintainlawandorderinthecommunity, protectthe farms and families from Indian depredations, as they hactinthe<daysofthe Republic, and if called upon, to serve as possible reinforcements to defend the coast .of Texa~ again a Yankee invasion. Captain KILLOUGH commanded a company of 80 volLlnteers, His officers consisted ofthr~eLieutenants,S. A JONES, Gilbert Harvey LOVEand HiramHANOVER.LOVE.had com~ to Texas from Tennessee in 1836 and settled in eastern' Robertson County in what is now Fairfield, Freestone County. At the Battle of San Jacintqhe tended the sick.and wounded. men in the camp hospita!. LOVE married Miss MarthctAnnCURRY on January 9, 1845 and the coupl~JivedalongCedarCreek in northeast Bra;zo~County, southofthe Old. San Antonio Road.... His. neighbor across. the creek was his fellow Heutenant, Hiram HANOVER. HANOVERhad arrived in Texas two years after LOME,arrivingat$abinePass in 1838. Hiram had been . edLlcatedat Waterville Collegeandthiseducatiorls~rved him weUas a legislator, county official, .. surveyor Eind<educator. . He surveyed the town of Boonvilleandis credited withfqrmingthe first literary society in Brazos Countyin .184~.. Both of these menwere notable contributors to the hi~toryof Br~;zos County and the State of Texas. The company al.sohad three~~rgeants,John STOKES, I-J~!1sford ARNETT and M. A.COLEMAN. The remaining privates inc.!uded. many men from northeast@razosCounty; . Isaac .. N. f..~NOLD,James BICKHAM,JamesK. r()LLlNS,J. W. GEORGE, RopertHENRY,.A. J. HOUS.E,William LA-WRENCE,Jeremiah and fVIile~ P.~YNE, James<J. SAMPLE,and!-ienry TIEBpUT. This unit V\f~~ still! intact in October 1861 ,but by April 1862 many of its rtl~l11bers had enlisted in Captain. WILSON's company. of the .1 st Regiment..of Texas Lancers ,Volunteers of CARTER's Brigade, later re-designatedi.as Company I, 21st Regim~nt of Texas Cavalry. Those men whodid not enlist with Captain I The Handbook of Texas 2 Baker, J.W., A History of Robertson County, Texas 3 Muster roll, National.Archives. The Texas State Archives does not have this muster roll, nor does it list Samuel B. KILLOUGH as a company commander from Robertson County. 15 WILSON at Boonville or Wheelock joined companies in the 18th Militia Brigade. ~ Community Notes In the early issues of the Weekly Eagle and the Bryan Daily Eagle, letterswere published under the titles of "County New" or "Correspondence." These were letters from residents of small communities in rural Brazos County. They' contain .information about births, marriages, deaths, social gatherings, church activities, residents and visitors in these communities. In this issue the Steep Hollow Community continues to be highlighted. Transcribed by Janis HUNT. Steep Hollow - Abstracts from the Bryan Eagle January 3, 1918 Steep Hollow, Jan. 2--Miss Ida MARTIN has returned home, after several weeks visit to relatives and friends in San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. WUlBQHANON from Lake Charles, La., are here onavisitto Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. RICHEY. One. of the most enjoy~ble entertainments of the holidays was given . Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will BURT. Jess COOK leaves Tuesday to take up his duties in army life again at Allentown, Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs.WILSONJeft Monday forthe.ir home at Thorndale,after a week's visit to Mrs. WILSON's brothers, Messrs. Ben and Willia~ FOSTER of this community. SammieaULLOCK was a pleasant caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John MOREHEAp Sunday afternoon. Miss UllieSHERRALfrom Cook's Point, Burleson county,hasbeen spending the week visiting with herunc.le and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. HALL. January 10, 1918 Steep Hollow, Jan.9--Mr..and Mrs. H. H. RICHARDSON have returned after visiting their relatives in Jasper county. Misses Marion LEE and Grace MOREHEAD from Bryan were visitors in this community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry PARKER attended churchatProvidence Sunday. A game of basketball was played Wednesday afternoon between Steep Hollow and Prospect girls on prospect court. the score being 16 to 18 in favor of Steep Hollow. 16 Miss. Amy BULLOCK spent last week visiting her cousin, Miss Edith BULLOCK of Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. John CLOUD have moved to their home at Kurten. We regret very much to see them leave our neighborhood. Rev. W. J. MEADS from Bryan filled the pulpit at the Baptist church sunday morning. Atthe night service Rev. Isaiah WATSON preached on "The World's Great War." Misses Pansy HALL and Ima COOK left W~dnesday nightto take up their studies in Denton. Almost all the farmers are buying and storing away feed in preparation for the beginning of another crop. Some have started breaking land and others have stated that is their intention to begin in the near future. This has been the longest drought in many years, and yet itis surprising the amount of moisture that isin thesoi!. We know of several thathave planted oats in the last few weeks and now have splendid stands. January 14, 1918 Steep Hollow, Jan. 23--DL.and Mrs. RICHARDSON. and sons, Charles and James from Bryan spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. . H. RICHARDSON.. The friends of Luther HOLLIGAN are glad . to learn that he. is improving after a severe case of measles. Miss Lena TODD returned Sunday after having spent the week-end at Harvey. Rev. W. E. BARD from Bryan fiUedhis appointrnentat the Methodist church Sunday morning. On account of the cold weather, only a few were able to comeiout to hear him. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. BULLOCKsp~ntSunday visIting relatives in Bryan. Mrs. MARTIN has been real.sickfromanattack..ofl~grippe. Rev. and Mrs. R. W.UNDSEYileav~ Thursday for Uberty county, where they will reside. in the future. They have. rnaqe thi.s their home for three years, .and we know that their good Christian influencewillq~rt~inlybe. a.los~toourcommunity. Misses Bertie ano Bessie RISINGER were visitors ill Bryan Saturday. January 31,1918 STEEP HOLLOW VS.. BRYAN., The Steep Hollow and Bryan high schoolgirls' basketball teams played an inter~~t.inggame on Bryan high school grounds yesterday afternoon. The game was .fast ar1d~ullof interest from the firsttoss of th~ ban to the final wni~~I~, but the Steep Hollow girls had the best of it aU the way through, the final score being 35 to 8 in favor of Steep HOUpw. Quite a large crowd witnessed the game, every minute of which was thoroughly enjoyed. January 31,1918 Steep Hollow, Jan.30--SincecoldSundays have been in order all through January, we have not had any Sunday. school, nor community meetings. . On account of measles only a.few people have been attending $choo!. Mr. and Mrs. Esker MARTIN and children were guests ofMr. and Mrs. W.C. CARROLL of. Bryan Saturday night and Sunday. 'Miss Katie HENRY from WheelOck is visiting Mr. andMrs..J. J. PARKER and family. Rev. J. LEUTWYLDERfilled his appointment atKurten Saturday and Sunday. 17 A number of our patriotic Red Cross members have been knitting for the soldiers boys. Others are just learning how to knit. Miss Anna HOLLAND who underwent an operation last week at the Bryan Hospital is improving rapidly and she. will soon be at home again. After the Steep Hollow girls won such a victory over the Bryan high schoolgirls in a game of basketball, Mr. and Mrs. Will HOLLlGAN honored them with an entertainment at their home Friday night. Prof. Phelon CRENSHAW spent the week-end with home folks from near Wellborn. Clarence BULLOCK from Camp Travis,while on a visit to his mother Mrs. W.P. BULLOCK, was taken sick. His case has not been reported serious but by careful treatment he will soon be able to return to camp. February 7, 1918 Steep Hollo,^" Feb. 5--A good number of young people took advantage ofthe pretty weather Sunday. and came to Sunday school. George HOLLAND and Boecher. LEUTWYLDER were callers afthe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. CONWAY Sunday afternoon. Robert ENGLISH .visitedat Reliance Sunday. Miss Lena TODD spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. PETERS at Harvey. Mr. and Mrs.. Esker MARTIN and son, Samuel, spent Sunday with Mr. Ben BOND and family at.. Prospect. Wednesday afternoon Charlie HARTSFIELD and Miss Ellen BEAL Were united in marria~e, in Bryan. Rev.. J. M.BULLOCK performing the ceremony at his home. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.. HARTSFIELD join in wishing them a longancthappy life. JessFOSTER spentSaturday night and Sunday visiting Lee HOPKI NSat Cottonwood. Jess, w,emiss you at Steep. Hollow. Mesdames~ISINGER,BULLOCKand RICHARDSON were visitors at sphoolMonday. Mr. ,and MrsrHenry PARKER visited in the Providence community Sunday. February 14, 1918 Ste~pHollow,Feb. 12--Mr and Mrs. C. R. L. JONES and children fron"\Har\fey spent SundClywith Mr.cmd Mrs. J.. D. BARNETTE, Sr. Mr$..<WiII HOWELL from Bryan was at school last Thursdaytost~rt,the work of organizing the Junior Red Cross workers. Several little girls are ready an~,t>usywith their knitting.. This is the only way we ever will win this war by everyone doing~Hatthey can. Mi~sN~nnieSLAUGHTER, from Reliance, visited Misses Bessie and B~rtieRISINGER Saturday and Sunday. . . .. ....... i. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. MIMS are glad that he is ableto b~uJ!> again after severalweeksof sickness. ' Clarence HULLOCK returned to Camp Travis at San Antonio last W7Qn~sd~Y. The community club meets Friday night,February 15. Everybody VJhAqar is urged to come and brin~ someone with them. MO$tespecially do we want more olqf91ksto come. An interesting program has been .arranged. . ....... . · Friday night the girls' basketball team gave a pie supper at the<sch9AI..house for the purpose of buying a new bal!. Had everyone there contributed to the caus~as did Everet J 18 SAXONfrom Reliance, a larger sum would have been raised. He bought a cake that was baked by Miss Sallie BULLOCK for something over $4. Next Saturday and Sunday the Methodist conference will meet atSteep Hollow.. There will be a basket dinner for all at the church Saturday. . During this time Presiding Elder MORGAN will deliver several sermons. We know he is fine, for he<has preached before. Miss Bernice BOWMAN from Benchleyis visiting her uncle. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. J. W.BEALand family. RoyMOREHEAD left Saturday to continue his workfor Tyler commercialcollege, after having visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. MOREHEAD. February 21, 1918 STEEP HOLLOW WILL HAVE FLAG RAISING. The people of the Steep Hollow community will assemble at the high school building on Friday night ateighto'clockfor the purpose of raising. a service flag and carrying out apatrioticprogram. The flag Will be carry one star for each boywho has joined the colors from that community and be it said that Steep Hollow,. no neighborhood in the county has done. nobler,or shown,. . greater patriotism. A very large crowd is expected to be present on Friday night and the people of other communities and from Bryan are cordiallyinvited. The affair iSiundertheauspiges of the Steep Hollow auxilia.ry of the Red Cross.. February 28, 1918 STEEP HOLLOWHADPATRIOTICPROGRAM. The service flag raising and patriotic meeting held at Steep Hollow last nightwas largely attended and very greatly enjoyed by everyone present. The .occasion was to raise aservice.f1ag for .the Steep Hollow community with a star for each young <rnan, who has joined the colors from thatlocality. There were twenty-one stars on the flag. The program prepared by the people of the community was splendid, and. pronounced by many to have been. the best they ever listened to. In addition to the regularpr()gram, patriotic addresses weredel.iveredbyHon. W. C. DAVIS, Stewart BARRON and. George HADLEY of .this city. Besidesthese gentlemen there were present from Bryan, E. J. FOUNTAIN, J. D.CONLEE,C. L. BEASON, C. A. BUCHANANandanumber of young people. The people of Steep Hollow community have not only shown their patriotism in the number OfYOUIlg. men to join ,the army, but in the enthusiasm these.. good people have shown; isthek.indthatisnec~ssary to win this war. February 28,1918 Steep Hollow, Feb. 25--Mr. and Mrs. Joe BONDS and Mr. and Mrs. C.A. HARTSFIELD went to BenchleySaturday to visit Mrs. Mary BOWMAN and family. Mrs. Reuben EDMONDS from Bryan and Miss Willie PARKERfrorm B. B.A. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. VANDIVERSaturday nightand Sunday. Steep Hollow was well, representedatthe entertaiQmentQivenat.Rel.iance. Saturday night. Miss Grace MOREHEAD from Bryan spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. MOREHEAD. Singing Sunday afternoon wasunpsually good, there being a number of Reliance 19 singers present. Friends of Mr. J.M. OLSEN are sorry to learn that he is mat his home in this community. Lieutenant Charlie B. MARTIN stopped over Monday for a visit home, while on his was to Waco from Atlanta, Ga. The organization of the Junior Red Cross chapter was a grand success Friday night, there being visitors present from all over the county. Miss Maggie JONES from Abilene, Texas, is here fora visit to relatives and friends. Three splendid sermons were delivered Sunday by the visiting preachers form the Bryan Baptist academy: Rev. THOMPSON.and Rev. McCOWIN. The fourth Sunday in March Bro. THOMPSON has promised to preach for us again. Mrs. W. B. ENGLISH and daughterHelen, visited Mrs. Elizabeth MATHIS at Reliance, Sunday. March?,1918 Steep Hollow, March 5--Rev. and Mrs.J.G. LEUTWYLDER wentto.LittleMississippi in Robertson county Saturday where Brother LEUTWYLDERfilled his appointment. The funeral of J. M. OLSEN was held at Steep Hollow Monday afternoon in the presence ofa large number oHriendsandrelatives. The services were conducted by Rev. Hugh McC.JAMISON from Bryan. Miss Adelle HALL is visiting her cousin, Miss Ullie SHERRIAL at Cook's Point. LesterRICHEY from Beaumont is here spending a few days visiting home folks. Steep Hollow girls are some ball players. Last week they won two games by a large score. They were betWeen Harvey and Wellborn. The girls played on high school courts at Bryan. MissEula FOSTER suffering from an attach of pneumonia. This is her third time in life to have had the dreaded disease. We hope that she will soon recover. The Community club meets Saturday night, March 5, at the Baptistchurch. March 7,1918 STEEP HOLLOW VS. HARVEY. The girls' basketball team of Steep Hollow and Harvey played on the Bryan high school court yesterday afternoon. '.. Steep Hollow had by far the faster team which detracted much from the interest of the.game. The final score was 32 t03 in favor of Steep Hollow. March 14, 1918 Steep Hollow, March 14--Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. JONES left Sunday afternoon for Wheelock whereMr. JONES will be engaged in.gin work for several days. Miss.AnnieTHOMPSON fromherhome near lolais visiting relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Jack TOBIAS and daughter, Miss Vera MAUDE, were at church Sunday from Benchley. Miss Lena TODD returned Sunday afternoon after having spent the week-end with her home folks at Harvey. Misses Grace MOREHEAD and Marion LEE from Bryan were visitors at Steep Hollow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. BULLOCK spent Friday and Saturday in Bryan. 20 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MOREHEAD and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. ENGLISH Saturday night and Sunday; MissionaryRev.C. E.BULLOCKfilled the pulpit Saturday morning atthe.eleven o'clock hour. Sunday Brother J. G. LEUTWYLDERpreached. Miss Blanche HANNA from Bryan spent Sunday Visiting Misses Birdie and Bessie RISINGER. Mr. Lloyd SMITH from Reliance was. a pleasant caller at the home of Mrs.W. P. BULLOCK Sunday afternoon. Miss Eula FOSTER and her mother are reported to be much improved in their.sickness. Mr..and Mrs. Horace McGHEE and Miss ROYDER from Bryan >and Miss Ina HENSARLING from Coleviewwerevisitors here Sunday. March 21,1918 Steep Hollow, March 19--Mr. and Mrs. John CLOUD.from Kurten visited Mr. and Mrs. J. J..PARKERandfarnllySunday. Leslie and Everette MARTIN returned to San Antonio Sunday after making a short visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. MARTIN. Henry BEAL from Benchley attended services Sunday at the Methodist yhurch. Miss Adelia HALL has returned from. a three weeks' visit to relatives at Gook's .' Point, Burleson county. Mrs.W. B. ENGLISH. and children, Helen.and Jack, spent Saturday and.SundctyWith Mr.and Mrs.. L. EMOREHEAD in Bryan. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. BARD were the guests of Mrs.R A.WHITLYand daughter Saturday nightand Sunday. Mr.and Mrs.M.L CRENSHAW from Union Hill were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.W. T. CRENSHAW. Steep Hollow was.well represented. \/'lith pupils wh9\(1fon prizes at the "School Field Day" which was held at B. .B. A.. last Friday and Saturday. Florence SMITH was a Bryan visitor in our community Sunday. MLandMrs. J. D..BA~NETFE Sr.anctfamily motored to Harvey Sunday to see their grandson,. ForestJONES whojssuff~ringfrom an attaph 9f pneumonia. Guy and Roy BLA~,.qNfroI'TlCoI7vie\IVwere visitorsi. hE!re Sunday afternoon. Sunday school was betterthanusuallastSunday.Lf3tustryto make it better and bring more older people out. March"28,i.1918 Steep Hollow, Marph 27--Weare proud that it was Steep Hollow that started to signing the pledge "Buy no more wheat pr()dl.lctsuntil th~y are plentiful." Without hesitating,nearly everyfamilywas glad to have a chance to do this mucp in order to help win the war. Mrs. J. J. VANDIVER returned home Saturday afternoon from a week1.s visit to her niece, MrS. J. W. PRYOR, in Corsi.9aoa. Rev. THOMPSON,from B. B. A delivered two splendid sermons Sunday attheBaptist church. Grandma BURT,from her home at Thompson Creek, is visiting herson, Mr.W. J. BURT and family. 21 Corporal Fred BUCHANAN left Thursday for Camp Travis after having spent a five-day furlough with his home folks. The. Bryan visitors that .attended singing. Sunday afternoon were Mr.andMrs.Jess HENSARLING, Mis$ Sunshine COLE,and' her mother, Mr..and Mrs. L. E. MOREHEAD with Miss Grace. The fifth Sunday meeting is to be held Saturday night and SundayatSteepHollow. Mr. and.Mrs. Henry PARKER attended .the graveyard working at Alexander last Saturday. (to be continued) -- Thanks to <.)Iive Ruth NABORS for the following two pictures. 22 Picture taken about 1929 -1931. Meat market owned byT ony BARCE:LONA, Sr. and located in therea~ of Self Service Grocery that was owned by Jess HENSARLING. The men are facing toward the front of the store. Nora Lee WASSON, daughter of Tony BARCELONA, Sr., found the original of this picture when a localstudio closed. The store was located inthesame building as Cloud Meat Market. From left to right: 1. Sam BARCELONA,. 2. · unknown, 3. Louis MAURO (brother-in-law to Tony BARCELONA), 4. Tony BARCELONA (seated), 5. Frank BARCELONA, 6. Will FORD, 7. Tom SWEENEY. (salesman for meat packing company), 8. Jess HENSARLING (owner of Self Service Grocery), 9. Grandpa MAURO (father-in-law of Tony BARCELONA) [Note: Sam, Tony, and Frank were brothers] 23 Picture .taken about 1912 - 1913. Self Service Grocery on Main St. owned by Jess HENSARLING. It is described as being in the Old First State BankBuildingwhich means it was at the northwest corner of Main and 25th St. The occasion was.a promotion and display by a coffee salesman. R. B. GRANT, Sr. is behind the counter on the left. The child is Jessie Myrtle HENSARLlNG,daughterof Jess HENSARLING and his first wife Myrtle COLE. Standing in white shirts leaves is Jesse HENSARLING. Nextto him is McDuff SIMPSON, Sr.The otherrnenare unknown.The ladybehindthetable (2nd from right) is Myrtle COLE HENSARLING, wife of Jesse HENSARLING. ~~ This issue continues another series on individuals in The BryanDailv Eaale Business Issue on April 22, 1913. Transcribed by Janis HUNT. F. J. ELBRICH - Meat Market The meat market conducted by F. J. ELBRICH was established in Bryan two years ago. He carries at all.tirnesthefinest line of fresh and cured meats for supplying the demands of his excellent trade. He also ~ngages in the business of buying and selling hides on an 24 extensive scale. Mr. ELBRICHsuccessfullyentered in active business four years . prior to his removal to Bryan. He is a popular man, justly esteemed for his business methods and personal integrity of character. Those desiring thebestinhisl.ine of business will do well' to give hima trial, with the assurance of attentive, courteou~ treatment by the gentlemanly proprietor and his employees. * * * * * E.iR..EMMEL - Druggist One of the most attractive and extensive business concerns inthecityofBryan. is the prosperous pioneerdrug >storeconducted by E. R. EMMEL, propri7tor,which has been in successful operation inthiscityforfourteen years. . This store keeps in stock the finest, purest,andfreshestcjrugsfasal.~o' proprietary. medi.cines, toilet articles.... imported and domesticcigars,tobacco,. andalUinesof articlesusuaHy found in first-class establishments of itskind...i Its'.extensive.tradehad.sho\Nnremarkable..increasein. each . year of its existence. Among the specialties manufactured by th~ enterprising proprietor of this establishment,whichareuniversaHypopularand in active demand, may be mentioned the celebrated Tarsol, Kastol and X-Ray Remedies. Mr. EMMEL haslived in Bryan for twenty five years, and has always been a highly esteemed. citizen. . He is. a graduate ot the Northwe!3tern. 8niversityoflUinois pharmaceutical. department, and is also an active.. member of . the Texas State Pharmaceutical Association. ' Mr. A. C. HENRICtf,thecapable .prescriptionistofthis establhshment,isagraduate pharmacist whocam~ from Houston aJew months ago,cmd has made many friend~during his brief residence here. He is thoroughly acquainted with the dutiesofthe.impprtant position which he holds and has the capacityto discharge them with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of customers. * * * * * Exchange Barber Shop The Exchange Barber Shop Is one of the comfortable and elegant modern shops in the city of Bryan. It is equipped with the finest modern facilities and accessories, and is strictly sanitary throughout including the finest French plate glass mirrors, tile flooring, electric, vapor, shower and common baths,electric massage,. five modern Congress hydraulic chairs, and porcelain bath tubs of the latest and best designs. Mr. T.A.ADAMS, the enterprising efficient and experienced proprietor of this elegant establishment,is an expert barber, familiar with the requirements of the most exacting 25 demands of discriminating patrons in his line of business, and is splendidly equipped to satisfactorily meet its every demand. The list of capable, accommodating and experienced barbers employed by this establishment includes the following: Mr. R. P. ,in charge of the first chair, who has served creditably inthis shopfortwo and a half years; Mr. 1. P.PETTY, second chair, who has rendered good service in the shop for a year and a half; Mr. E. B. BRUNSON, third chair, who has served in the business with marked distinction for one year; and Mr. P. D. CROSS, fourth chair, formerly employed by the College barbershop before entering the service of the Exchange Barber Shop six months.ago, and.who.is an invaluable workman in his trade and justly popular with allcustomersofthe shop. All those desiring the best service procurable in the barber line will be pleased with the high class work of this splendid establishment. * * * * * Dixie Theatre The Dixie Theatre, owned and conductedbyW. R. FAIRMAN, established in Bryan, January 9, 1911, is one of the best and most attractive places of public amusement in Texas. At the time of its entry into the amusement field in this city, the moving ,picture shows operating here were ofa primitive and unsatisfactory class, and in consequence it was a pioneer in adopting the very latest equipment for the production of the highest class picture entertainments known to the business. This theatre contains the Qest furnishings and instrumentalities necessary for the comfort and successful entertainment of its host of patrons that capital,experienceand discriminating judgment can command. It has a seating capacity of 500 elegant modern opera chairs,' uses none QutJicensedfilrns exclusively, thus insuringthe production of the best picture themes known to the business. This theatre has two Powers6-Amovingpicturemachines, operated by Mr. Walter SHELTONandMr. E. BROCKMAN, two of the most capable operators in Texas, the former of whom. was. employed by Mr. FAIRMAN in that capacity at the Happy Hour Theatre in Dallas, afirst..class place of amusement founded in thatcity by Mr. FAIRMAN. The Dixie Theatre is supplied with. a $350QvvurletzerGrand Concert Orchestra, which furnishes attractive and. high-class music ateach performance; also a concave screen, indirectlightingsystem,fo~rteen buzz cmd~ightceiling fans,..andexhaustfans.in the rear capable of exhausting and resupplying. pureairin the theatre every two minutes. The bill of entertainmentcontains two feature days each week(Tyesdaysi:md Fridays). The regular program is changed twice daily,at1' p.m. and 6:30 p.m. the yew, round , and each performance contains four reels, al.lconsisting offirst-runpicturesraogi?9 from three days from. date of release to the breaking of the manufacturer'sseal...-a featl.;lre that few theatres in Texas camboast. The management has in contemplation the immediate installment of additional improvements costing $7000, which will add to the seating capacity of the theatre to the 26 extent of 200 over its present accommodations. Ticket sales at the window ofthis theatre are in charge of Mrs. FAIRMAN and Miss Addie WALTHAL, two of the most efficient, courteous, attentive, attractive and .obliging young l.adies inthecity of Bryan, whose valuable. services have contributed largely to the popularity and marked success of the business. This excellent theatre is equipped with every convenience and accessory. necessary t() complete cleanliness and. thorough sanitation, and is in all.respects. arranged in strict compliance with fire regulations promulgated for the safety of its patrons. * * ** * Rev. Jas. R. FINLEY, A.B.B.D. Among the number of capable ministers of the gospel attached to the numerous churches in the city .of Bryan. Rev. Jas. R. FINLEY, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, is one of the ablest and most highlyesteemed,by all classes of people. Mr. FINLEY. was bomand re.ared near. Kansas City, Mo.., where he received his education in the common schools ofthat state, the PresbyterianCollege.ofUpper Missouri, and the Missouri State University. His theologicaleducati.on was acquired in the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, graduating with the class of 18~.7. After entering the ministry Mr. FINLEY served as pa~torat KeyteysvHle and Pleasant Hill, Mo., and at Claremore,Okla,.He became acitizen9flndian Territoryduring territory days, .and was an active Spirit in the successful movement of bringing about its admission as a StateoUhe. Union.Durin~ hi~ residence ther~hes~rved as secretary of the Senate of Oklahoma during tw.oimportantsessionsofthatJegislative body. December28,1910, he married Miss Teresa$~YTHE,.ofSt.Louis, Mo., alfldy of attractiveness and strong intellectuality. Of this unionlwere, bornJohnG.and Edn(3 May FINLEY,who are the .chief ornaments and the pride of one ofithe happiestfarnilyqircles to befound anywhere. Mr. FINLEY came to Bryan; in 1912, and has sincei~ble conducted the affairs of the First Presbyterian Church of this qity. . During theperiodqfhisresidence here.Mr. FINLEY has endeared himself to all by hisl ~~~adfastdevotion an?!lJntiring energy in.all that has for its purpose the moral,. materialarrld ~piritual uplift of the people .of this section. il I The admirable spirit of Ghristi'anrefinement and healthy morality ofthecityis largely due to the influence, teachirrlg anpV\(orthy example of lT1~n like Mr. FINLEY. * * * * * 27 Rev. Glenn FLINN Rev. Glenn FLINN, the scholarly pastor of the First Methodist Church of the city of Bryan, is one of the most distinguished divines engaged in ministerial work in the Southwest. He was born near Calvert, Robertson County, Texas, July 1, 1877, and received his collegiate education in the Southwestern University, where he received the degree of A.B. and subsequently the degree of _ D. in Vanderbilt University, where he completed his divinity course. In every field of work to which he has been assigned he has served with pre-eminent success and distinction, endearing himselfto all classes of people by his kindly consideration of their every material and spiritual welfare. At the State oratorical contest held at Fort Worth, Texas in 1900, in which six of the leading colleges and universities of the State were represented, he won the contest as representative of the SouthwesternU niversity, and became through this the representative of Texas in the Southern oratorical contest held at Monteagle, Tenn., where he won third place among six State's representatives. The early development of Mr. FLINN's oratorical abilities is noted in the fact that he won a number of medals while attending Southwestern University, while their maturity is shoWn by the fact that he won the Founder's Medal at Vanderbilt University while attending that institution. In 191 Ohe was honored by being chosen representative of theAmarican Bible Society totheWorld's Missionary Conference at Edinburgh, Scotland,. an important post resulting in the acquisition . of valuable experience and the enjoyment of an ideal journey to a region famed in history, legend and folklore song. Very early in · life Mr. FLINN gave evidence of the talents which were.destined to equip him for the brilliant care.er in store for him. While a student of seventeen he was licensed as a minister of the gospel. He began his ministerial activities as pastor of the church at Alexandria, La., in 1903, where he served with marked distinction for two years; subsequently hewaspastorof the First M.E. Church, South, at Galveston, Texas, where he.seNedfor.twoyears, and latterly .was honored with the responsible .position .of Southwestyrpsecretary ofthe American Bible Society, the duties of which he discharged with abilityforthree years. Since that time he has been. engaged in' ministerial work in Bryan. In 1902, Mr.FLlNN was happily married to Miss Elizabeth BREWER, a lady of intelligence, culture and refinement, anda leader in social and religious circles wherever she has. resided. While young in years Mr. FLINN iswature in classicallearrring,judgrl'lent and experience, and is destined in future years to add additional honors to his achievements in the interest of the spiritual, moral improvement and welfare of the people. .~ .. :... .....- 28 [The following item was transcribed from the register at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church by Nancy HAWTREY (continued)] Register 1 - St..Andrew's Episcopal Church, Bryan,Texas A New Parish Register 8th Edition, Revised MDCCCLXXL Page 54 - 1874 70 Sunday, Feb15, 1874, St.Andrew's Church. Lulu. Roland WEBB, born Bryan, Tex. July 3rd 1869 to Mr ROLANDMrsPaulin~WEBB. Sponsors: Maj.Frank CLARKE, Mother and Mrs. R.GEE.By RtRev. Alex GREGG 71 Sunday,July5th,.1874, St. Andrew's Church. Alicelrma MUSE,Bryan, Tex. April4th 1874 to Mr W. E. & Mrs. Fannie E MUSE. Sponsors: The Parents & Mrs. M.D. MCLENDON. By Rev. V. O. GEE. 72 Sunday, July 19th, 1874, St.Anqrew'sChurch. Katie Mary WASSELL, bOrn Jan'y 2nd 1874 to MrWm A & Mrs Mary R HASSELL 73 Thursday, July 30th, 1874-ln Private, Ella Pink WILLIAMS; born Bryan, Tex, July 20th, 1874 to. Mr. Johnson C& Mrs. E.. M.VVILLlAMS. Sponsors: Her Father and Miss Ella L. GILLESPIE. Rev.. V. o. GEE. 74 Sunday,Aug 16th, 1874, St.AndreW'sChurch. Carrie. Adelia GE9,bomBryan,Tex, June 30th 1874 to Rev. V. o. & Mrs. Rebecca GEE. Sponsors: Mrs. Lucie TRASK.& Maj F. CLARKE. Rev. V.O. GEE. 75 Sunday, Aug16th, 1974, St. Andrew's Church. Carrie Cowser GRIFFITH, born Bryan, Tex, Aug. 18,1e73Jo Mr.ThosW&MrsEliza A GRIFFITH. SpQnsors:Mr. John>O: ROBERTS>& MissL LUCAS, Rev.V. O. GEE. 76Sunday,Aug161\1874, St.Andrew'sChurch.. Pinckney Louise BO\JVLES, born Bryan, Tex. On M~rch13th1874toO. P.BQWLES,Deceased& ME BOWLES. Sponsors: Rev. NAYRES, Mrs, M. D. AYRES & Mrs M A COTTQN. Rev. V;..O. GEE. 77 Sunday, Aug16th, 1874,$t. Andr~w~lS Church. Lula Pinkey GOODF, born Guadalupe CO,.Tex, onMay6th,..1867to Robt.&LouG. GOODE. Sponsors: Rev..N. AYRES, Mrs. M E BOWLES andMrs COTTON. RevV. O. GEE. 78 Sunday, Aug 16th, 1874, St. Andrew's Church. John Chesterfield GOODE, born Chappell HiII,Tex.OnDeq. 26Ih,.t87Qto.Robt& Lou GGOODE....Sponsors: Rev. N. AYRES, Rev. V, O. GEE and M~~.~.. 0, AYRES. . Rev. V. O. GEE. 79 Thursday, Oct 8th 18.74 In Private. ..,lda'Virginia DEMOCK, born. Dallas, Tex.. Aug. 3rd 1874 to Henry [)EMOCK& Ros<=!lindDEMOCK, D~c'd. Sponsors: Sarah COOKE & Charles P. HAINES.. .ReVJV.O.GEE. 80 Sunday, Oct18th,1874Jni.J-1all.<plJ~t~v~ ABERCROMBIE, born Dec. 22nd 1870 to M. B. & MagdaHneABERCROMBIE,'$ponsors:Joshua PICO & Mrs. Buena WATKINS. Rev. V. O.GEE. 81 Sunday, Oct 18th, 1874 In Hall. Mi:lyq MOORE, born Bryan, Tex., Jan'y29th 18.74, to W. M. & Mrs. O. M. MOORE. SponlSqrs: The Parents. Rev. V. O. GEE. 29 1875 82 Sexma Sunday, Jan. 3V\ 1875. In Hall. Edith Moorehouse CLARKE, born Bryan, Tex., Nov. 9th, 1874 to Frank & Pauline CLARKE. Sponsors: The mother, Miss L. LUCAS & W. H. FLIPPIN. Rev. V. O. GEE. 83 Monday, Feb. 1S\ 1975, In Private. Susan Elizabeth ROWAN (adult) born to Mr & Mrs W. W. DAWSON. Sponsors: The Father &Mrs E. WHITE. Rev.. V. O. GEE. 84 Sunday, JulyWh, 1875, InSt. Andrew's Church. Alma Dorman EVANS, born Karner Co, Tex. on Aug. 18th, 1866 to Mr & Mrs A. D. EVANS. Sponsors: Mr. & Mrs. J. K. EVANS & Mrs. V. O.GEE.' Rev. V. O. GEE. 85 Sunday, July 4th, 1875, In St. Andrew's Church. Pearl Eulalie VAN HORN, born Bainsbridge, Ga., June 17th, 1873 to Mr J. F. VAN HORN & Mrs. M. E. VAN HORN. Sponsors: Mr. S. W.& Mrs. P. A BOYLE. Rev. V. O. GEE. 86 16th S after Trin, Sept.t2th, 1875, St. Andrew's Church. Mary Lida WHITE, born Bryan, Texas, July 6th, 1875 to Zachariah J. WHITE & Elizabeth WHITE. Sponsors: The Parents. Rev. V, a.GEE. 87 Bryan, A. D.1888, Sunday AM., St. Andrew's Church. Richard SMITH, 70 years of age. Sponsor: John T HINES. Chas. H. CANFIELD. 88-89 Sunday 12,1888, AtMrs. TUCKERs. Mary Belinda ROMAN, 2 mos. And William B. ROMAN, 26 years. Parents of Mary, W. B.ROMAN and Alice Emma ROMAN. Sponsors:tv1~ryAnn JENKINS and Lizzie M TUCKER. Chas. H. CANFIELD. 90 Thursday, Feby23d, 1888, at residence of Parents. Edward VincentHRDLlCKA,4mos. , A C. HRDLICKA & Amelia HRDLICKA. Sponsors: V. C. MASEK and M. M. MASEK. Chas. H. CANFIELD. Page 56 91 Oct 21, 1875, St.Andrew's Church, Mrs Mary PADGITT, Adult. J. J. CLEMENS, Rector at Houston. 92 Oct 21, 1875, St. Andrew's Church, Miss Dora HARRISON, Adult. J. J.CLEMENS, Rector at Houston. 93 Oct 21, 1875,St. Andrew's Church, Miss Amanda P. IVY, Adult.J. J. CLEMENS, Rector at Houston. 94 Oct 21, 1875, St. Andrew's Church, Miss Millie HENLEY, AdultJ. J.CLEMENS; Rector at Houston. 95 Oct 21, 1875, St. Andrew's Church, MissOzella PUGH, Adult J. J. CLEMEN$, Rector at Houston. 96 Oct 21,1875, St. Andrew's Church, MisS Pauline BOYLE.J. J. CLEMENS, Rector at Houston. 97. Oct 21, 1875, St. Andrew's Church,. [)ABONE, Adult. J. J. CLEMENS, Rector at Houston. 98 Oct 22, St. Andrew's Church, Miss EllaI?ARIS. J. J. CLEMENS, Rector at Houston. 99 Oct 22, St. Andrew's Church, Miss Erq H HARRISON. J.J. CLEMENS,Rector at Houston. 100 Oct 22, St. Andrew's Church, Miss Mar)'iAPARIS. J. J. CLEMENS,Rec~oratHouston. 101 Oct 22, St. Andrew's Church, Thoma.s:.Jefferson PARIS.J.J. CL..EMpNS, Rector at Houston. 30 102 Oct 22, St. Andrew's Church, John Joseph HARRISON. J.J. CLEMENS, Rector at Houston. 103 Oct 22, St. Andrew's Church, Nathan RWILSON.J. J. CLEMENS, Rectorat Houston. 104-1 070ct 22, St Andrew's Church, Katie Bane PARKER, Mary WilliePARKER, George SamueIPARKER, John Kinsie PARKER. Sponsors:J. F. GAZBYand Mrs. FRANK. Rector CLEMENS. 108 Oct 22, St. Andrew's Church, EdF WILSON. Sponsor: Frank CLARKE. ... Rector CLEMENS. 109 Oct 22, St. Andrew's Church, Annie CASPER. Sponsor: Mrs. Goode M. WASHINGTON. Rector.CLEMENS. 11 o Jany6, 1876, St. Andrew's Church, Mrs. Carrie P.JONES (adult). Sponsor: Mrs. Annie FOOTE. Rector CLEMENS. 111 Dec 16, 1875, St. Andrew's Church, Cora Lee BARNETT(adult).Sponsor: Mrs. O. P.<BOWLES. Rev. Alex GREGG. 112 Feb. 13, 1876, St. Andrew's Church, Elizabeth Bertha AnnPARIS(adult). Sponsor: Mr. JW ENGLISH, Bishop GREGG. 113 Feb 13,1876, St. Andrew's Church, Julia MORRISON (adult). Sponsor: Mr.O. P. BOWLES. Bishop GREGG. 114Jany1,187q, JosephinePearlMCMILLlN, born Brenham,Aug 17, 1875toC.D. & E. T. MCMILLIN. Sponsors: MrWm Robt. GOODE. R(:lctor J.'J. CLEMENS. Page 58 115 June 23,1876, St. Andrew's Church, Jessie Jackson YATES (adult). Parents: Dr. L. YATES and Sus.an G. YATES..' Sponsors: W. H. FLIPPEN and Elizabeth FLIPPEN. Rev. J. J. CLEMENS of ChristCh. Houston. 116 June 23, .1876,St. Andrew's Church, Josephine CLARKE. Parents: Frank CLARKE and Pauline CLARKE. . Sponsors: T. P. HAMILTON and Lucie TRASK. Rev. CLEMENS. 117 June 23, 1876, St Andrew's Church, Edgar FLIPPEN.. Parents: W.H. FLIPPEN and Elizabeth FLIPPEN. . Sponsors:Jno F. GAZLEY and Annie FOOTE. Rev. J. J. CLEMENS. 118 Jan 25, 1877, at Mr. ZANETTl'sHouse. Amelia Matilda POLSFOOT, born Bryan, 29 Feby.1876 to Frederic POLSFOqTand Ernestina POLSFOOT. Sponsors: Mrand Mrs ZANETTI and Mrs. POLSFOOT.Rev. Henry J. BROWN. 119 Jan 25, 1877, at Mr. ZANETTI's House. Louis Octavus ZANETTI, born Bryan, 24 July 1876. Parents: F. C.. ZANETTI and Mrs. ZANETTI. . Sponsors: MrandMrs. POLSFOOT and Mr. ZANETTI. 120 Jan25, 1877,af Mr. ZANETTI's House. Annie Marie ZANETTI, born Bryan 2 Dec. 1876. Parents: F. C. ZANETTI ~ndMrs. ZANETTI.$ponsors:Mr. POLSFOOT, Mr& Mrs ZANETTI. 121 Feby4,.St. Andrew's ChUrC?h...Anna St. Aubert SP5NCER, Bryan 2.0 Nov. 1876. Parents: Mr. SPENCERandMr~Kate SPENCER. Sponsors: Mrs. Nannie COLLINS, Mrs. Kate SPENCER, Mr.R~pt.i(300DE. Rev. AlbertLYON- Galveston. 122 Feby 18,St.. Andrew's ChurcQ, Bryan. Nannie. Nc>~RIS (Mrs... HORNER) (Adult). Sponsors: Wm HASSELL and ~~ryHASSELL. Rt. Rev. A. GREGG. 31 123. Feby 18, St. Andrew's Church, Bryan. Hortense Beauharmas ENGLISH (adult). Sponsors: Mrs. MaryC MCDONALD, samefot Miss A. E. WOODLIEF. Rt. Rev. A. GREGG. 124 Feby 18, St. Andrew's Church, Bryan, Helen Earle MOORE, born Bryan Aug 25th 1876. . Parents Horati.o Mand Ophelia M MOORE. Sponsor: Mrs Helen E BREWIN. Rt. Rev. A GREGG. 125 Feby 18, St.Andrew'sChurch, Bryan. Valley Adie. PUGH (adult). Sponsors: Mrs. M. E. BOWLES and Robt. GOODE & Miss L. S. GOODE. Rt. Rev. AGREGG. Page 60 126 Feby18th, 1877, St. AndrewsChurch. Larkin Foster PRICE, born July 7th, 1876 to K. MCDOWELL .PRICE and Fannie PRICE. Sponsor: Miss R ELLIS. Ret. Rev. A GREGG. 127 July 1St, 1877, St.Andrew'sChurch. Frank CLARKE, born Bryan, Tex. to Frank CLARKE andPaulineCLARKE.Sponsors:J. F. GAZLEY. Rev. Nelson AYRES. 128Aug. 25th, 1878, William Henry FLIPPEN, born Bryan, Texas, March 19,1878 to Wm H. FLIPPEN and Elizabeth FLIPPEN. Sponsors: Rev. J. J. CLEMENS, Frank. CLARKE, Pauline CLARKE. Rev. Nelson AYRES. 129 Aug. 25th ,1878, Lucy Perry.BRYAN, born Bryan, Texas, Guy M. BRYAN , .Jr.and Lucie C. BRYAN. Sponsors:Wm H. FLlWPEN and Laura W'. CLARK. Rev. NelsonAYRES. 130 Aug. 25th,1878, Winnie LoU' PARKER, bom Bryan, Texas, Milton PARKER and Mary J..PARKERSponSors: Robt. GOODEandM.E. BOWLES. .Rev.Nelson AYRES. 131. Aug. 25th .1S78,George$MITH, bQrnBryan, T~xas, Geo.W.SMITHand Annie . SMITH. .Sponsors:WnlH FLlPPgN al1dMattie SMITH. R~v; Nf3lson AYRES. 132 Aug. 25th,.1878, William AlbertHASSELL, born Bryan, Texas, Nov. 24th 1876 to Wm A. HASSELL and Mary R.HASSELL. Sponsors: Thos. P.HAMIL TON and Cora HAMIL TON. Rev. Nelson AYRES. 133 Aug. .25th,1878, W~lterScott HAS$ELL, .born Bryan, Texas, July 18th, ..1877 to Wm A. HASSELL ancj MaryRHASSELL....Sponsors:WmH. FLIPPEN, Elizabeth FLIPPEN and Walter D.WELLBORN. Rev. Nelson AYRES. Page 62 134 OcC20th, 1878, Church. James Ernest VANHORN, born ApI. 11th 1876 to James F & Mary C VANHORN. Sponsors: Wm MCCONNICO, Frank CLARKE, Pauline CLARK. Virginius Q. GEE. . 135 Oct. 20th, 1878, Church. Carrie Louise HENDERSON, born Dec. 27th 1876 to John N & Kate HENDERSON. Sponsors: James P. EVANS and Carrie L. EVANS. Virginius O. GEE. 136$unday, Nov. 16th, Church. Annie Terry HORNER, born Bryan, Aug. 4th 1877 to John G& Nannie HORNER. Sponsors: FranR CLARKE and Wauline CLARKE.Virginius O. GEE. 137. Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, Church. Laura MYERS, adult. Sponsors: Allen MYERS and Rebecca GEE. Virginius O. GEE. 138Tuesday,Dec.3rd, Church. Fannie Belle CURRIE, Adult. Sponsors: Frank CLARKE and Pauline CLARK. Virginius O. GEE. 32 139 Wednesday, Jany 22nd, 1879, In Private. Martha. Louisa POLSFOOT, born Near Bryan. Sept, 13th 1878 to Frederick & Ernestina W POLSFOOT. VirginiusO. GEE. 140 Easter, April 13th, 1879. Church. Frances Eleanor PARKER, born BryanTexas,Feby 24th, 1879 to Milton and Mary JPARKER. Sponsors: Joseph W&Beatrice GQRDON. Virginius O. GEE. 141 Easter, April 13th, 1879. Church. Joe Slade PARIS, born August 91h1877 to Thomas J. PARIS, Dec'dand Elizabeth K PARIS. . Sponsor and Clergyman: VirginiusO.GEE. 142 Thursday, June 5th 1879,ln Private. George Eaton HASSELL, born Bryan, Texas. Sept. 29th 1878 to W. A. HASSELL and Mary R HASSELL. Page 64 143 Sunday, July 27th, 1879, Church. Frank WinklerMcCONNICO, born May 11th 1873 to Alex. D. & Larinin M McCONNICO. Sponsors: WalterMcCONNICO & Pauline BOYLE. Virginius O. GEE. 144 Sunday, July 27th, 1879,Church. GelestiaMcCONNICO, born May 31st1875 to do. Sponsors: CelestiaA McCONNICO, Lucie TRASK, .Wm RMcCONNICO. VirginiusO. GEE. 145 Sunday, July27th, 1879, Church. Kate Morris McGONNICO, born April5.,f8T7 to do. Sponsors: SKate MORRIS, Mary L. McCONNICO(grandmother). Virginius O. GEE. 146 Sunday, July 27th,.. 1879, Ghu~ch. Alexander Douglass McCONNIGO,.born.B.ryan, Texas, Feby 24th 1879 to do.. Sponsors: VirginiasO. GEE and RebeccaGE:E 147 Sunday,.Oct. 5th 1879. .In Private. Valeria Helen AgnusDOREMUS, born Bryan,Tex. Nov. 30th 1878 to J.W.DOREMUS and OzelleR. DOREMUS.VirginiusO. GEE:. 148 Sunday Oct 19th 187~.Church.. Jesse AlexcmderCLAYDON,QomBryan, Texa~ May 30th 1879 to Charles C LAYQ EN and Mary CLAYDEN. Sponsors: The Parents. VirginiusO. GEE. 149 Friday Dec. 19th 1879 Private. .. JohnHENDERSON, both Bryan, Texas, Oct. 7th 1878 to Thomas & Elizabeth M HENDERSON. VirginiusOGEE. 150 Easter March 28th1880,Church. Rebecca GEEI-IORNER, bomBryan,,.exas Jan'y 1st 1880, to JohnG& Nannie N.HORNER. Sponsors: Rebecca GEE~ndMason WASHINGTON.. Virginius O.GEE. 151 Sunday, ApI. 18th 1880, Church. Lucie Kate SPENCER, born Bryan, Texas,. r\1ay sth 1879 to WilliamS & SarahCSPENCER. Sponsors: Rebecca GEE and James A BUTLER. VirginiusO..GEE Page 66 152 Monday ApI. 19th 1880. Church. Elizabeth JaneHENDERSON, born July 21stJ867 to Thomas .& Elizabeth M.HENDERSON. Sponsors: The Parents & Mrs. Annie ENGLISH. Virgin ius O.GEE.> ...... . . . . . ... .i 153 Monday Apl..19th 1880.ChUrq~."..Gustavus HENDERSON, born Oct. 7th.1869toditto. Sponsors: The Father & Miss A~nie ENGLISH. Virginius O. GEE. 154 Monday ApI. 19th 1880. Church. Thomas HENDERSON, born Feb'y 19th 1876jtcrditto. Sponsors: ditto. Virginius 0.. G~E. 155 Sunday, May 9th 1880. StateA~MCollege.JaneBrighamOLMSTE~,bemAt College, Feb. 3rd 1880 to George T& Nora> M OLMSTED.Sponsofs:Julia.R 33 OLMSTED, Clara W.B. TROWBRIDGE, Geo T. OLMSTED. Virginius O. GEE. 156 Sunday, June 6th 1880. Church. Gertrude FLIPPEN, born Bryan, Texas, Api 22"d 1880 to Wm H & Elizabeth FLIPPEN. Sponsors: J. W. ENGLISH and Annie ENGLISH. Virginius O. GEE. 157 Sunday, June 6th 1880. Church. Daisy HASSELL, born Bryan, Texas, March 17th 1880 to Wm A & Mary R HASSELL. Sponsors: J. W. ENGLISH, Lucie BRYAN, Annie ENGLISH. Virginius O. GEE 158 Sunday, June 6th 1880. Church. Nellie SMITH, born Bryan, Texas, April 25th 1880 to Geo. W. &Al1nie SMITH. Sponsors: Elizabeth FLlPPEN,Wm SMITH. Virginius O. GEE. 159 Sunday June 13th, 1880. Church. Joseph Slade DOREMUS, born Bryan, Texas, March 21st 1880 to John W & Ozelle RDOREMUS. Sponsors:. Travis R. . CLARK & Laura CLARK. Virginius O. GEE. 160 Easter, ApI. 17th 1881 Church. Oliver Travis BUTLER, bornApL 6th 1878toJames A & Emma BUTLER. Sponsors: Frank CLARKE,. Rebecca GEE. Virginius O. GEE. 161 Easter, Api. 1th 1881. Church. Mabel Aline BUTLER, born Jan'y 3rd 1881 to do. Sponsors" Pauline CLARKE, Will A. HASSELL. Virginius O. GEE. Page 68 162 1st Sunday afterEaster, ApI. 24th 1881. Church. Edwin Colby LEWIS, adult. Born Northfield, Vt. On Jan'y 5th 1842. Sponsor: Will A. HASSELL. Virginius O. GEE. 163 Tuesday in Whitesun week, June 7th 1881. Private. Robert GRIFFITHS, born Bryan, Tex. Sept. 6th 1880toThos W& Eliza AGRIFFITHS. Sponsors: J. L. GARTH,Carnie S DANBY. Virginius O. GEE. 164 Sunday, June26th 1881. .Ch. Thomas Rodgers GARTH, born Bryan,Texas,~aY29th 1880 to Joseph L & Fannie J GARTH. Sponsors: Mr. Thos. W. GRIFFITHS, Mrs. A. LBONDRO. VirginiusO. GEE. 165 Sunday June 26th 1881. Private. Fannie Fern MUSE, born Bryan, TexasSept. 8th 1879to Herbert E&FannieE MUSE. Virginius O. GEE. Page 70 1 Feb. 1882. StAndrew's Church. Guy Montros.e CLARK, born Bryan, Texas ~o Frank CLARK & Pauline CLARK. Sponsors: Guy BRYAN, Mrs.. Lucy BRYAN. Frank N. ATKIN. 2 Feb. 1882. St Andrew's Church.. George Wallace HONWAY, born Bryan, Texas on Janry5th 1882toW.H.HONWAY & Lillie HONWAY. Sponsors:W..V. HONWAY, Miss R ELLIS. "". 3 April 9 1882, St Andrew's Church. Minnie Lee CURRIE, born Bryan, Texas to Mrs. - CURRIE. Sponsors: Frank CLARK, Bessie A. LOCKE. ". 4 April 9 1882, StAndrew's Church. CbrbefLOCKE, born" to Jos~phLocke & Bessie A. LOCKE. Frank N. ATKIN. 5 April 91882, St Andrew's Church. Jessie HASSELL, born Bryan, Texas to Will A. HASSELL & MaryHASSELL. FrankNATKIN. 6 April 9 1882, St .Andrew's Church. DAREMUS to J. W. DAREMUS and Ozelle DAREMUS. Frank N. ATKIN. 34 7 April 91882, .St Andrew's Church.. Lula CLAYDON.,born Bryan, Texas to Charles CLAYDON, Mrs. -CLAYDON. Sponsor: W. H. HONWAY. Frank N.ATKIN. 8 June 14, 1882, St Andrew's Church. August LANCE, born Bryan, Texas, to Germans. Frank N ATKIN. 9 June 14,1882, StAndrew's Church. SSYPTAK, bomBryan, Texas to Germans. Frank N.. ATKI N. 10 July, 1882. .. Frank GARTH, born Bryan, Texas to Thos GARTH .&Janine GARTH. Sponsors: Mr & Mrs JENKINS. FrankN ATKIN. 11. May 1882, St. Andrew's Ch. Louis BRYAN, born Galveston to MrRMrsBRYAN. Sponsor: W HONWAY~.FrankN. ATKIN. 12Aug 1882, St Andrew'~.Church. Cryslabel MONTGOMERY, bomBryan to. Mr MONTGOMERY and Mrs JMONTGOMERY. Sponsors: Mrs. McDONALD, Miss H. ENGLISH. ". 13i~ug 1882., St Andrew's Church. Alvin MONTGOMERY,born Bryan"" " 14Aug 1882, St Andrew's Church. William Kenneth MONGOMERY, born, Bryan" ilJ " ,. 15 Sept 10, 1882, St Andrew's Church. Thos. WilliamGRIFFITH.born Bryan to ThOsW GRIFFITH, T. P. GRIFFITH.. Sponsors: JW ENGLISH, Anna ENGLISH. to. 16, NOV. 19, .1882, St AndreV\f'sGhurch.Alice BENNETT,bornl3ryan. to Mrs. A. Y. SMITH, Mr. A. Y. SMITH.Sponsgrs: Miss WOODLEAF, Mrs. McgOvvELL. u. 17Nov. 19, 1882, StAndrew'sGhurch. Hattie BENNETT, oornBryan " " " 18 Nov. 19, 1882, StAndtew'sChurch. Susie HUGHES, born Bryan to Mrs. BOXLEY. Sponsors: Miss W009~EAF, Mrs. POLK. ". 19 Nov. 19, 1882, St Andrew's Church, Mrs. JenineMONTGOMERY, born Bryan, Sponsors: " " . " 20 Nov. 19, 1882, StAndrew'sChurch. Mollie DAVIS, born Bryan. To Mrs. John DAVIS. Sponsors:" ". " Page 74 21 Nov. .19, 1882,St. Andrews Ch. Royal SMITH, born Bryan to Mr A. Y. SMITH, Mrs. A. Y. SMITH. Sponsors: Miss WOODLEAF, Mr. POLK. Frank N ATKIN. 22 Dec1, 1882, St. Andrews Ch. Marry Ennis ERWIHT. Born BryantoMr&Mrs ERWIHT.Sponsors:.Ada POLK, Marion POLK. ". 23 Dec 1, 1882,St.Andrews Ch.Edith BEADUE, born Bryan. ------.:.--"''--Sppnsors: Ada POLK, Marion POLK. ". 24 Dee. 8, 1882, St. Andrews Ch. .WiUiam Frederick HENRY, born" to- HENRY, Mrs. HENRY. . Sponsors: "n. ". 25 (no one listed) 26 1884 Quinguagessima 24lh Feb. S. Andrew's Church. JanieCOOPER,.~dt.Jlt. Geo HowardL SOMVERVILLE. ....,.. i. ..... . ..... . .i .>' 27 Quinquagessima 24 Feb. S Anejrew'sChurch. Davi~.Geo. Howard tSO~qRVILLE. 28 Easterday, St. Andrew'sChurq~..Rachel FLOURNOY SIMS. BryaniTe~.~2?d Feb. 1872 to Milton Walker SIMS & Pattie FLOURNOYSIMS.Sponsors: Dr. ~; iH. WEBB, Miss Mary O'BRIEN, MotheLGeo. Howard L. SOMERVILLE. 35 29 Easter Day. St. Andrew's Church. Laura Wilson SIMS. Bryan, Tex. 19 Sept. 1873 to Milton Walker SIMS, Pattie FLOURNOY SIMS. Sponsors: Major Frank CLARKE, Mrs. Leander CANNON, Mother. Geo. Howard L SOMERVILLE. 30 Easter Day. St. AndreW's Church. Milton Walker SIMS. Bryan, Tex. 29th May 1876 to Milton Walker SIMS, Pattie FLOURNOY SIMS. Sponsors: Mrs. Kate FLOURNOY, Rev. Geo. H. S. SOMERVILLE. Geo. Howard L. SOMERVILLE. Page 76 31 1884, EasterDay. St.. Andrew's Church. Bartlett & Ultimus SIMS. Bryan Tex. 9th May 1878 to Milton Walker SIMS, Pattie FLOURNOY SIMS. Sponsors: Mrs. Kate FLOURNOY, Rev. G. H. S.SOMERVILLE. Geo. Howard L. SOMERVILLE. 32 Easter Day.St.. Andrew's Church. Jennie King HANWAY,Bryan, Tex. 9th May 1878 to Milton Walker SIMS, Pattie FLOURNOY SIMS. Sponsors: Mrs. Kate FLOURNOY, Rev. G. H. S. SOMERVILLE. Geo. Howard L. SOMERVILLE. 33 Easter Day. SL Andrew'sChurch.Ozella DOREMUS. Bryan, Tex. 31st Jan 1884 to J.ohnW. DOREMUS, O. R. DOREMUS. Sponsors. Mr & Mrs MATHERS. Geo. Howard L. SOMERVILLE. 34 Easter Day. St.. Andrew's Church. Mary Agnes LOCK. Bryan Tex. 14th Feb. t884 to Joseph Clarke. LOCKE & Bessie LOCKE. Sponsors: Mary Richardson SIMPSON, Agnes LOUNT, Sam P LOUNT. Geo. Howard L. SOMERVILLE. 35 Easter Day, St.. AndreW's Church. Syndham Lucas SMITH. Bryan, Tex. 15th Mch 1883. Geo W.SMITH & Anne SMITH. Sponsors: Col & Mrs STODDARD,GeoW SMITH, Mrs. A. PAGE. Geo Howard L.SOMERVILLE. 362ndSundayaft~r Easter. St...Andrew's Church. Bryan, Tex. 20thMch 1884. Geo Howard L. SOMERVILLE (Rector)Agnes SOMERVILLE. Sponsors: Or. MILLER,Dr. W. D. MIDDLETON, Mrs. Johnjames SOMERVILLE. Geo. Howard L. SOMERVILLE. ~- 36 ABERCROMBIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . ... 28 ADAMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 24 ARNElT . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '" 14 ARNOLD. . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . ... ...... 14 ATKIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 33, 34 AYRES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 31 BAKER ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 BARCELONA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 21 BARD . . . " . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16, 20 BARNElT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... 30 BARNElTE . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .H. 20 BARRON ......................... .. ...18 BEADUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .34 BEAL...................... ..... 17,J8,20 BEASON . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . ;... 18 BECK ................................. 3 BELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 BENNElT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 BICKHAM. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .......... ... 14 BLAIR. ... . .... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 BLANTON. . . . . . .. ....................... 20 BOHANON ............................... 15 BOND. . . . . .... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;. 17 BONDRO ............................. .... 33 BONDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . J. 18 BONE .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ..................; 29 BOWLES.. . . .. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 28,30,31 BOWMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 18 BOXLEy.............................. .... 34 BOYLE ........... '" .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29,32 BREWER ............................... ... 27 BREWIN . . . .. ... ........................ 31 BRINGHURST .......................... . '11 BROADDUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 4 BROCKMAN........................... ... 25 BROWN ................................. 30 BRUNSON ............................... 25 BRYAN. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. 31,33.34 BUCHANAN .......................... 18. 21 BULLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20 BURKHART ............................... . 5 BURT ............................... 15,20 BUTLER .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32, 33 CAMPBELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 8 CANFIELD .............................. 29 CANNON ............................... 35 CARROLL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . ... 16 CARTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 14 CASPER. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.' . . .. 30 CHANCE ..................................6 CLARK ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31, 33 CLARKE.. ... .. . ... . ... . . . . . . . .. . .28-31.33.35 CLAYDEN .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ,. 32 CLAYDON ........................... 32, 34 CLEMENS ............................ 29-31 CLOUD. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 16.20 COLE. .... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ...... 21. ~3 COLEMAN ............................... 14 COLLINS ............... ............ 14. 30 INDEX CONLEE... .................... .... '" .18 CONWAY ....................... '" .. ..H COOK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. 15.16 COOKE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... ... .... .28 COOPER .. . . .. . . . . . . " . . . . . ... ..........34 COlTON.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 CRENSHAW.......................... 17,20 CROSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .25 CURRIE .......................... 31,33 CURRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... 14 DANBY ;.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 DAREMUS .......... ................... ...33 DAVIS ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 4, 18.34 DAWSON............. .................. .29 DEMOCK.............................. .28 DOREMUS .. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 32, 33,35 EDMONP8 ..................... ........ 18 ELBRICH.. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .23.24 ELLIS " ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31,33 EMMEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . .24 ENGLISH ................... 17, 19.20.30-34 ERWIHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..34 EVANS.... . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29.31 FAIRMAN .......................... 25, 26 FINLEY... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... '" 26 FLINN '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . " . . .. 27 FLIPPEN. .. .................... 3. 3D, 31. 33 FLIPPIN .............................;.. 29 FLOURNOY .......................... 34..35 FOLEY ..................................: 3 FOLKS ....................................... 3 FOOTE................................. 30 FORD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . '" . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .4.21 FOREMAN ............................... 5 FOSTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5. 15. 17, 19.20 FOUNTAIN............................ 5,18 FOWLKES ............................... 6 FRANK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 30 FREEMAN ............................... 6 FRIDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 FUCHS . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 FULKERSON ........................... 6. 7 FULLERTON .............................. 7 FUSCHAK ............................... 7 FUSSELL ................... . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 7 GAINER .................................. 8 GALLATIN ...;........................... 8 GANDY,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 GARRIGAN. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8. 9 GARTH .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9, 33. 34 GAlBY................................. 30 GAlLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3D, 31 GEE ............................ 28. 29. 31-33 GELBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 GENTRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 GEORGE .......................... 9. 10. 14 GERKE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 GERMAN ............................... 10 GERSON ............................... 10 GILLESPIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 GOODE .......................... 28, 30, 31 GORDON ............................... 32 GRAHAM ................................. 3 GRANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 GREER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 GREGG .......................... 28, 30, 31 GRIFFITH . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28, 34 GRIFFITHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 HADLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 18 HAHN ................................... 6 HAINES ................................ 28 HALL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 15, 16, 19,20 HAMILTON . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5, 30, 31 HANNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 HANOVER .............................. 14 HANWAY ............................... 35 HARRISON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29, 30 HARTSFIELD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17, 18 HARY ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 HASSELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 30-33 HAWTREY ........................... 11, 28 HENDERSON. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31,32 HENLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 HENRICH ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 HENRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14, 16,34 HENSARLING ..................... 20, 21, 23 HINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 HOLLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 HOLLlGAN ........................... 16, 17 HOLT .................................. 11 HONWA Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 33, 34 HOPKINS ............................... 17 HORNER ............................. 30-32 HOUSE. . ...... . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. 14 HOUSTON ............................. .11 HOWELL ............................. 5, 17 HRDLICKA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 HUGHES ...............;............... 34 HUNT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11, 15, 23 IVY .;.................................. 29 JAMISON ............................... 19 JENKINS ............................ 29, 34 JONES ................... 7, 14, 17, 19,20,30 KENDRICK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 KIEFER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 KILLOUGH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14,15 KROHN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 LANCE ................................. 34 LAWRENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 LEE.;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 15, 19 LEUTWYLDER . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 16,17,19,20 LEWIS ................................. 33 LILLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 LINDSEY ................................. 16 L1NZ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 LOCK .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 LOCKE ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33, 35 LOUNT .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 LOVE .................................. 14 LUCAS ............................... 28, 29 LYON ................................. .30 37 MARTIN ........................ 15-17,19,20 MASEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 29 MATHERS .............................. 35 MATHIS ................................ 19 MAUDE................................. 19 MAURO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 MAYO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 MCCONNICO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31, 32 McCOWIN .............................. 19 MCDONALD . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ... 31, 34 MCDOWELL. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 31, 34 McGHEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 McLELLAND. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ... ...... 6 MCLENDON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 MCMILLIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 MEADS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 MIDDLETON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 MILLER................................. 35 MIMS .................................. 17 MITCHELL ............................... 4 MONTGOMERY ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 MOORE ............................. 28, 31 MOREHEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18-21 MORGAN ............................... 18 MORRIS ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 MORRISON ............................. 30 MUSE .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28, 33 MYERS. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 31 NABORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 NORRIS ................................ 30 OLMSTED ........................... 32, 33 OLSEN.... . . . . . . . .. .. . ... . . . . . . .. ... ... 19 O'BRIEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 PADGITT ............................... 29 PAGE ............................. 3, 11, 12 PARIS. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .... 29, 30, 32 PARKER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,15-18,20,21,30-32 PARNELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 PATE ................................... 8 PAYNE .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 PETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 PETTY .................................. 25 PICO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 PINCHAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 POLK .................................. 34 POLSFOOT .......................... 30, 32 PRICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 PRYOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 PUGH... .. . . . . . .. '.' . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. 29,31 RICHARDSON. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 15-17 RICHEY ............................. 15, 19 RISINGER ........................ 16,17,20 ROBERTS .............................. 28 ROLAND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 ROMAN ................................ 29 ROWAN .............................. 4, 29 ROYDER ............................... 20 SAMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. 14 SANDIFER ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 SAXON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 SHELTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 SHERRAL. . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 38 SHERRIAL ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 19 SIMPSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23, 35 SIMS . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 34, 35 SLAUGHTER ............................. 17 SMITH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 29, 31, 33"35 SMYTHE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .26 SOMERVILLE.. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 34,35 SOMVERVILLE ...................... " 34 SPENCER ......................... ...30,32 STEVENER ........................ ... .. 10 STODDARD ......................... ... 35 STOKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 14 SWEENEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 SWINFORD ............................... 6 SYPTAK " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 34 TAyLOR................................. 3 THOMAS ............................. J .. 4 THOMPSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19, 20 TIEBOUT ............................... 14 TOBIAS ................................ 19 TODD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16,17,19 TRASK ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28, 30, 32 TROWBRIDGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 TUCKER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 UZELAC ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 VAN HORN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 VANDIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18,20 VANHORN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 WALTHAL ............................... 26 WASHINGTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 WASSELL .............................. 28 WASSON ......... . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 WATKINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 WATSON............................... 16 WEBB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .' .. 28.,34 WELLBORN ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 WHITE ................................ .29 WHITL Y ................................ 20 WILLIAMS .............................. 28 WILSON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7, 14, 15,30 WOOD LEAF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 WOODLIEF ............................. 31 YATES ................................ .30 ZANETTI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 .:a. PUBLICATIONS BY BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION AND MEMBERS Persons interested in the publications of the BGA may order them at the address listed below. For information on publications by members, contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication of members will be between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: ******** "Butchers, Bakers and Candlestick Makers: Notes on Bryan Businesses, 1867-1889" Abstracts on early Bryan Businesses. 45 pages with full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association, P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "The Other Pioneers: Notes on Slaves and Slavery in Brazos County" Abstracts from newspapers, Brazos County Commissioners Minutes, Tax rolls, Slave Census, deeds, court cases, etc. 40 pages with full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "Brazos County, Texas; Annotated Adoption Records, 1862-1933." 26 pages identifying 54 deeds listing the adoption of 62 Brazos County children with a full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 1850-1910." Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by surname plus maiden name index. 328 pages. Author: Nadine Billingsley, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840. "Descendants of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina, 1771-1994" Story of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina and their descendants, 1771-1994. Over 8000 names, indexed. Author: Nadine Billingsley. "Brand and Mark Registrations for Brazos County Texas 1849-1900" The registration ofa mark or brand may be useful to Genealogists as a finding aid when developing a.time line, and may confirm the existence of a person or family in Brazos County. Registrations were compiled from Brand Book "A" and "B", and may contain such information as surname, first name or initials, date of registration, book, page, and any comments made at thetime.lt has 121 pages, soft bound, over 2900 registrations and is indexed. The cost is $17.97. Author: Nadine Billingsley. Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1876-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Indexed, intended to assist the researcher in locating records at this church. 96 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. Title: Marriage and Death Records, 1877-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Content: A complete transcript of these records. Deaths start in 1894, with a few recorded before that date. Includes a list of places of birth. 83 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski. ~ Title: "Italians of Steele's Store, Texas." Content: Historical account of the Italian settlement at Steele's Store, Brazos County, Texas. Author: Rosemary DePasquale Boykin, 8407 Shadow Oaks, College Station, Texas 77845-4603. The Brazos County cemetery book has recently been published and is now available. Included are 278 pages of names listed alphabetically from 85 cemeteries. Information listed includes (where available) name, date of birth, date of death, inscription and cemetery. <II Send your order to: Ericson Books 1614 Redbud St. Nacogdoches, TX.7596t-2936 The price is $40. Add 8.25% Texas sales tax and $3.50 shipping/handling. 9999 U.S. POSTAGE PAID BRYAN.TX 77801 MAR 20. . 0 1 AMOUN1 $0.97 000"13789-13 ~ UNITEDSTI!TES POSTAL SERVICE BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805-5493 Vol. XXII No.1, Winter 2001 BOYKIN, Rosemary 8407 Shadow Oaks College Station, TX 77845-4603 ..