HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter 1999 .. (jenea(ofli5t CONTENTS PAGE Annotated Adoption Records (Brazos Co.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Page 3 From the President's Corner . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 From the Editor's Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 From the Computer Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Community notes -.cont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janis Hunt 10 Combined trade edition -Sept. 12, 1895 ..................... Janis Hunt 21 Business issue -Apr. 22, 1.913 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janis Hunt 23 1863 taxable year (abstract books), Brazos Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ruth Hary 32 Index compiled by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Allen Dean 36 ~< BRAZOS GENEALOGIST VOLUME XX NUMBER 1 WINTER 1999 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P. O. BOX 5493 BRYAN TX 77805-5493 OFFICERS 1999 PRESIDENT . . . . .. NANCY HAWTREY VICE PRES ............. BILL PAGE SECRETARY ...... MORRIS GELBER TREASURER . . . . . . . .. . . . RUTH HARY COMPUTERGROUP . . . . . TREY HOLT EDITOR .............. ALLEN DEAN PAST PRES . . . . . . . . . .. JANIS HUNT 8T AFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEGGY BASENFELDER LOCAL HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ....... RUTH HARY AND JANIS HUNT CONTINUING SERIES. . . . . BILL PAGE PRINTINGIINDEXING. . . ALLEN DEAN MEETINGS Meetings held the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to 8:45 pm in the Bryan Library. Please arrive early as the library closes at 9:00 pm. The computer group meets at 6:00 pm at least three time per year. Membership is on a calendar year basis, January through December. $15.00 a year. Quarterly picked up at meetings. $20.00 a year. Quarterly mailed. Checks for dues may be mailed to the address at the top of the page. QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Issues. Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. Dues cover the cost to members. WEB SITE The web site for the Brazos Genealogical Society is: .. www2.cy-net.netl-bga/ EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available for exchange with other organizations or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805-5493. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x 11 and fit a3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Association nor the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of .fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable information. The editorial staff reserves the rightto accept appropriate material with editing privileges on a space available basis. Members are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research pertaining to deeds, Bible . records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. The Association will do limited local Brazos County research for $10.00 an hour. Write for details and please enclose a SASE. " ~ rBt;~o$(je.neafo!Jist Volume XX Number 1 Bryan/College Station Winter 1999 Texas Brazos. Co., Texas Annotated Adoptions Records, 1862-1933 by Bill PAGE Introduction Genealogists know the importance of examining deeds. Even so, few people realize that the older Texas deed books record adoptions. Prior to 1850, people wanting to adopt a child in Texas had to get a special law passed by the state legislature.1 On 16Jan. 1850 the Texas legislature passed "An Act to Prescribe the Mode of Adoption."2 That law required adoptions to be recorded at the courthouSe in the same manner as deeds. Adoption by deed was not unique to Texas. Similar laws .existed in Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and perhaps other states. 3 _ The 1850 law did not end the legislature's involvement with adoptions. Until at least 1861 that body occasionally passed laws authorizing adoptions.4 These acts differed from those prior to 1850 in thatthey did not complete the adoption, but instead authorized persons to adoptchHdren. following. the existing procedures. Apparently these . laws were required because. either the adoptive parents or the chi.ldrenfailed to meet the criteria expected under the 1850 law, although none ofthe acts examined states that directly. The Texas constitution adopted in 1869. spe.cifically prohibited the passage of special laws "regulating the adoption of children, em~ncipatiC)n of minors, and the granting of divorces."5 Sometimep~ssedbefore the constitution~lban removed adoptions from the consideration of the legislature. At least as Jc:ite. as May 1.870 statesmen were still introducing bills to permit.persons to adopt.6 Texans eventually learned that. legislative adoptions were no longerpermitted,. though. The constitution of 1.876 contains a prohibition similar to that in the 1869 .constitution which i~.still. in effect today.7 In Texas, adoptions continued to be recorQed like deeds until 1931.8 In that year the legislature changed the way adoptions were handled and made the records involved confidenti.aLEv(3n thou~h the law changed in 1931, three. children in Brazos Co. were adopted in 193? under the old method; one. of thqse adoptions was not recorded until 3 4 1933. In .1933, another adoption took place, two years after the law had been changed. Time did not allow the compilerto read all (3ntries in the Brazos Co. deed books; instead , the author identified listings by skimrning the column stating deed types in the indexes, noting those that said adoptiqn. ThispamphlE9t therefore may omit some adoptions. During the seventy years covered. by these records, adoptions were rare. FrolT11862to 1889, only five children were adopted in Br~;z:os Co. Adoptions did become slightly more common in later years, as the following table demonstrates: Decade No. children adopted 1860-1869 1 1870-1879 1 1880-1889 3 1890-1899 9 1900-1909 10 1910-1919 12 1920-1929 18 1930-1933 8 In total, thEFcompilerJdentified54deeds!Which listed.t~eadoptionsof62Brazos Co. children.. One additional deed wc:is found ~hic::h record(3dtheadoption of five children in Grimes Co. Of course, adoptions list onlya~mallper9E9ntage ofcjrphaned or abandoned children, Many were assignedguardians~~ partofthE9 probatepmcess for their deceased parents but were. never adopted. Inotherpase~,frieocfs, neigh~prs.,orrelatives just took .over the care of children whose paren~s h~d cjied '}lVi~houtany f9r'l1allegal action. And, of co~rse some orphans lived in orphanages or otherinstitutionsl.lotilthey reached adulthood. Mostentries have been supplernel'lted Wit~c.i~tc:i fromm~~ri.~ge records, obituaries, probate records,. censuses, district court minutes,' or other so~rces. The district court minutes mention only five adoptions, butoqeoftho.5E9,the first knSl\IVn Brazos Co.. adoption, was. not listed in the deeds. .. . Cen.susrecordswerenota gpO? indicat?r ~s. to whet~~~or not specificchildrehwere adopted. The census sometirnesJisted.adopted childr~nas if they were the biological childrenofthE9 adoptive parents. qthercen~lJ.~ entries Ii~t~cj biological relationships, such as grandson or niece. The censu~ did sOl11etimes indici;lte that children were adopted __ 5 but, in some cases, the census stated this years before the actual adoption took place. In otherwords,asexperienced genealogists know, census records are a convenient starting point. in research, but the information they contain should be checked against other sources. Some records use the term "femesole",whichdescribesa singlewoman, whether never married, widowed, or divorced; Notes 1 See, for.example, "An Act to Authorize Jacob F. WINFREE to Adopt Zachary Taylor LONG as His Lawful Child," approved 13 Mar. 1848; GAMMEL, H. P. N., The Laws of Texas 1822-1897, vol.3. 2 GAMMEL, H. P. N., The Laws of Texas 1822-1897,vol.3, p.4.74. 3 PECK, Emelyn Foster, Adoption Laws in the United States, Washington: U. S. Dept. of Labor Children's Bureau, publication #148, 1925, p.2. 4 See, for example, "An Act!o Change the Names of Certain Children Therein Named, and to Authorize CertairlPersons Therein Namedto Adopt Such Children,"approved 31 D~c. 1861..Special Law~of the. Ninth Legislature of the State of Texas, Austin, 1863, pp.20-?1. 5 COl'lstitutionof the State of Texas 1869; article 12, section 13 6Texa~ House Journal, 12 Legislature, 1st Session, 1870, p.93. Concerning.a petition fromEvilineD.DEFU of Shelby Co. to make Mary Jane THOMPSON her heir and to change her name from THOMPSON to DEFU. 7 Texas Constitution of1876, ~rticle 3, section 56 8 "Adoptionof Minor Children,"General Laws of the State of Texas Passed by the Forty..SecQndL~gislature, pp.300-303; approved 21 May 1931 ; effective 90 days after adjournment. Annotated Records 1862: Brazos Co. District Court Minutes, Book C, p.244: Apr. 1862. William M. JONES, changed name to William Henry GREEN; adopted by Thomas H. & Harriett C. A. GREEN 1/ Harriett Charity Ann MILLICAN married Thomas H.GREEN, probably in about 1851-1853, although the marriage record has .not been .found 1/ The 1870 Brazos Co. census, p.54a, shows: GREEN, Thomas 59 , Harriett 39 6 EADES,. Gano 6 Had.William Henry GREEN died? 1875: Brazos Co. Deed Book P,p.528. William W. SMITH & Martha A. SMITH, his wife, residents of Brazos Co., adopted Henry BROCKE,whose name was changed to William SMITH by the District Court on 5July18751l Brazos Co. [)istrict C()urt N1inut~s, Book E, p.264: ..19 July. 1875. . Henry BROCKE, ~~e 3, request to change name to William SMITH; adopted by William W. and MarthCl SMITH liThe 1870 Brazos Co. census,p.48, lists: SMITH, Wm. 29 , Martha 27 1887: Brazos Co. Deed Book4,pp,47-49. The Christian Church Widows and Orphans Home of Kentucky placed a child named Alic(3 Morris BROWN for.~doption withMr.W. W. HANWAY & his wife Mrs. Rusie ELLIS HANWAY; Alice BROWN was born 22 Aug. .1882 in St. Louis, the daughter of Benj. H. & Pattie B. BROWN (nee ROBERTS); dated 19 Sept. t~871IW. W. HANWAY married.Rushamah.ELLlS . on. 22 June 1882,. in. Brazos Co. (marriage records) II Sue King HANWAY, daughter ofW.W. &R. E. HANWAY,b.21 Dec. 1883,d.5 Mar. 1887,buriedBryan (tombston~ inscription) -- note that Alice Morris BROWN wasc:idoptedonly.about 6monthsafterthe~eath of$ue HANWAY~ndthatthe two girls wereJairly closetothesameageIlW.W.> HANWAY, b.22 Mayt880, d.28 [>ec. 1895, buried Bryan (tombstone .inscriptions) IIMr. w..W. HANWAY, aged 76 years, 7 months, 6 days, most ofobitua.ry was cut out of thei:agle before itwas microfilmed, Bryan DaUy Eagle, 28 Dec. 1895,p.4; 7 Jan. 1896, p.1;"alveston Daily News, 29 Dec. 1895, p.311 W.VV, HANWAY left all his property to his wif~Ruhannah HANWAY, in awill dated 3 Sept. 1890;h~ died 28 Dec. 1895, Brazos Co. ProllateFile # 53911 Mrs. Rhu HANWAYm..J. D.IRN>~S,100ct.1897, Br~zos Co. Marri~g.eRecords, Book I, p.30 liThe t900Smith CO'>9Ef~~uS (ED 98, s~eet 3b, line 73). lists: IRON$,Joshu.a D. , Rhumah ,Alice HANWAY, James Nov. 1860 Aug. 1883 Feb. 1887 wife (married 3.years) s.daughterb. MisSouri s.son 1889.:'BrazosCo. De.ed Book 6, pp.245-246. Bob FOSTER and his Wife Ann.FOSTER of Brazos Go. adopted Jonast.AWE(perhaps LOWE ?), a minor; signed Bob FOSTER and Ann FOSTER (her mark);dated29 Aug. 188911 The 1900 Brazos Co. census (ED 13, sheet41b-12a, line 100) lists thefol.lowing African American family: FOSTER, Robert head June 183S · "d> , Anna wife . . Jean. 1840-- mother of 0 children BO'tfP, Edward hired man .. IVIClY 1838 1889:>IBrazo~ Co. DeedB9()~i6,p.449. J. J.CONWAYgave up custody Of his. only daughtF3r Helen CONWAy,uipher.sixth year," .who was also the daughter .of Mrs. Clern~ntine CONWAY, dece~srd;H.~len was adopted by Chas. N.. SIMPSON & Mary A. SIMP$ON, hiswife; dated4Nov.1f3~911 J.J. CONWAY married Clementine CONWAY 7 on 19 Feb. 1880 in Brazos Co.; CharlesN. SIMPSON married MoHieA. CONWAY on 25 Jan. 1883 in Brazos Co. (marriage records) liThe 1900 Brazos Co. census (ED 13, sheet 13b-14a,line98.shows: SIMPSON, Charles N. head June 1857 , MaryA. wife Mar. 1858 ,Charles J. son Feb. 1885 , Neal son Dec; 1888, , GeorgeT. son Apr. 1893 , Nannie L. daughter Feb. 1896 , Martha mother Feb. 1835 CONWAY, Helen niece Jan. 1884 SIMPSON, Jennie sister Aug. 1864 II The. 1900 Brazos Co. censl..JS (ED sheet 8a, line 6) lists: SIMPSON, McDuff head Aug. 1867 , Leona C. wife Sept. 1872 (mother of 4 children, 3 living) ,Joe son Oct. 1890 , McDuff, Jr. son Nov. ..1892 , Sidney son Dec. 1895 II The 1870 BrazoS Co. census (p.23a) lists: SIMPSON, Geo. 40 IrelClfld , Margret 35 Ireland , Chas. 12 III. , Mary 6 Miss. , McDuff 3 Tex. , Wm. Nov. 1869 Tex. II McDuff SIMPSON m.. Leona CONWAY,24 De.c. 1890, Brazos Co. Marriage Records, Book G-1, p.363I1Margar~tSIMPSON,b. 12 Feb. 1835, d.9 June 1905, buried Red Hill Cemetery (tombstone inscription) IIMr~. Margaret SIMPSON, about 75 years old, left 4 children:. Charles,. Robert, VViH & Mi~sJ13nnieSIMPSON; buried Red Hill Cemetery, "Mrs. Margaret~IMPSON,"BryanMorning&:agle, 11 June 1905, p.211 Miss Helen CONWAY m.Watts McNEELEY, 27Feb.190~~,~r~zos Co. Marriage Records, Book L, p.293 II W. W. McNEEL~Y,sonof Mr. & Mrs., q.,.W. McNEELEY of Cedar Point,.. m.Miss Helen CONWAY,n~eceqfMrs. McDuffSIM'P~()N; Hel.en had lived with Mrs. SIMPSON sincethe defithofherpcarer'\ts; alsomention~ Mr;Lock McNEELEY, brother ofthe.groom, and Miss W~nieMae,B.ROCKMAN, cousino~ ~~13bride, "McNEELEY-CONWAY,"Bryan. Morning Eagl~andPllot, 28 Feb.1909,p.2~IEeona CONWAY SIMPSON, b.27 Sept. .1873, d.28 July 1952, buried Bryan (tombstone 'r1scription) 11 Mrs. Leona CONWAYSIMPSON, b. 27 Sept. 1873, Hearne; lived in Bryan 63 years; survived by 3 sons: J. E. SIMPSON, S. R. SIMPSON, & McDuff SIMPSON; pClIIt:)earers were W. S.. HIGGS, Jack BOONE, Lock McNEELEY, T. H. BLACK,Sam H()~L!;, Melvin McNEELEY, & Miles LEBO, "Mrs. L. C. SIMPSON Succumbs Today Funeral"r~esday," Bryan Daily Eagle, 28 July 1952, p.311 Out-of-townvisitors included a grandd~ughter Mrs. Goldie Ruth BRIANS; Mr. & Mrs. Otis GRAHAM; Mr. & Mrs. Walter DAN1F:p;Mr. & Mrs. AI ORTEGA; Mrs. Watt McNEELEY; Frank CONVVA Y; Mr. & Mrs. Lon BRO~KMAN;L. J. BAKER; Miss Flo BURT; Mr. & Mrs. Elmer BROCKMAN; Marion BROCKMAN, "SIMPSON Funeral is Attended by Friends, 8 Kinsmen," Bryan Daily Eagle, 29 July 1952, p.6 1890: Brazos Co. Deed Book 7, p.522..J.. J. CONWAYgaveupcust()dYOfhiss()nF..L CONWAY, who would be 3 years old lithe la.st of September 1890, " who was also the son of Mrs. Clementine CONWAY, deceased, t9J. M. & Betty CONWAY; dated 7 July 1890. /I The 1900 Fort Bend Co. census (ED 9, sh(3et 11 a, lineA5) lists: CONWAY, Jeff head Feb.1.861--married 11 years , Birtha wife Dec. 1872 -- mother of5 children; 2 living , Tom son Oct. 1890 , Florence. dau. Dec. 1898 , Frank boarder Sept 1887 /I Bertha SCHUBERT CONWAY, 1872-1964,. buried Bryan; .JeffersonM. CONWAY, 1861-1931, buried Bryan (tomb$ton'e.inscriptions) II Jeff Mitchell CONVVAY,b. 26 Jan. 1866,Brazos Co., survived byhiswidowMrs. Bertha CONWAY; 1 son,TomJ. CONWAY; 4 daughters: Mrs. LouisMELAS~, Mrs. George HOLLAND, Mrs.. Charles KUBAN, Miss Louise GONWAY, "Funeral Service This Afternoon for J. M. CONWAY," Bryan Daily Eagle, 13 Oct. 1931,p.1.11 Mrs.. Bertha C.CONWA Y,aged91, lived inBryan 58 years & in Waco for last 14.years, "Mrs. GONWAY,"Bryan Daily Eagle, 20 Jan. 1964, p.10 1892: Brazos Co. Deed Book10, p.349. Robert HlJDSPETH adopted his. grandson, Henry Archie SMITH, son of his daughter L. H. SMITH & her husbandJ. D. SMITH; his name was changed to Henry Archie HUDSPETH in1~92 atthe.MarchterO'rof~he Brazos Co. District Court /I Earazos Go. District Court Mill utes, Book H, p.118:9}Y1ar. 1892. Henry. Archie SMITH changed his name to Henry Archi(3 HUDSPETHll Miss L. A. HUDSPETH marriedJ\llr. J.D..~I\(IITH on ,16 (\Jov. 1882,in.BrazosGo. (marriage records) /I The 1900 Brazosqo. cenl$us(ED5, she19t10a, line 43) shows: . HUDSPETH, Robert., ib.lDec. 1828 head , Henry ... ..... . '~'9'~Pt. .1883 .g. sor I/Robert HUDSPETH, b.18 IDee, 1828, Somerville, 1".fnn"rn.1st, Minerva COLLINS, in 1854, she d.1864; ~h7Y had~children, 3 of whom survived Robert--RobertHUDSPETH, WilHam HUDSPETH,,'Mrs. J.iK. :fl>RE~NALL; Robertrn.2nd, Mrs. MaryKELLOGG, 1866, shed.1894;he m.3r~,Mrs.I'I11Y~I(3MAR1fIN, she d.1986.;therewere no children from the last 2 marria~19s, "9a~t; Robtj~.HUDSPETH Dead'''(~fekl}') Bryan Eagle, 25 Jan. 1912, p.8HArchie SMI1"H'.f'l1inor,!p~~i~jonof ~isgrandfathertpb~hisguardian; filed 15 June 1886,aged .2.112Y7~~l$old;pis:lj'1other diepin Brazo~qo. .inabout Feb...1884; his father wasa."stc:iteFonviFt":~ was!~ai~ not to be a fit guardianevl9nif he were.released.from prison; Brazos Co. ProbateiFil~ #326. .~~ ~~~!e- 9 :FROJlTIlEPRESID~'SCORNER I Greetings from your new presid!!nl. I ~ I'm excited . and a. bit overwhelmed with the prospect.. of presiding over the Brazos ~ GenealogicalAssociation this year, butwe. should have a great time. You are welcome and ~ 6(~Ji6~~~ntf~~~:~Q~:'{:;:ro::~6g~h::~1~'t6.6:~~o;~si:''rn6~k%:~~ I to working with him. ~~ :.:+l Atourlastllle")iingwe were brought U(llcl d~te.onthe.soon,to"be moye of lhegenealogy I library to. the newly renovated Carnegie Library, where Nan ROSS will bethe Librarian. , She is busily indexin~ the resources that wi.U be .availableto us forour genealogy research.. .~ We have been asked to recruit an individual who ca~ work as a liaison with the library to i head-up the volunteers to help work the desk. Ifthere is anyonewho would have the time J and the interest, please contact .Nan ROSS, Allen DEA.N, or myselLWe also have put ~> together the various periodicals we. have accumulated over the years and will. have them I bound to be used by the patrons of tne Carnegie. The publishing org.anization$ have been i v~ry graciousaboutfillinginthe gapsforus so that we'll h~veeompletejournals. I ~ I Forthose of you who live around thecountry,\ifyou need any help with local research, ~ please feel freeto contact us for help. VVechc:irge$10 plus copy fees (usually$1/page if I the. record. is located. in the County Clerk's Office) to do look-ups. .If you would like to see if any of the information has been previously published, a listing of the articles can be : fqynd on oLJr ""eb page at <http://WWVV4.Py-net.net/-bga>.An .e,.mail message. or letter to ; our? O. Box is all that is needed. Weare all looking forward to a great year. Hope to see you at our meetings. .Nancy HAWTREY From. The Editor's Desk Welcome to 1999. The new officers are President - Nancy HAWTREY, Vice President- .. . Bill PAGE, Secretary- Morris GELBER, Treasurer- Ruth HARY, Editor-Allen DEAN. A book by Linda Faust HOUCK entitled "galdweUNewspapers - Burleson County, Texas. 1897-1929 - .Birth and Death<Notices" (no.6027)isfor sale from Ericson Books for. $35 . plus 8.25% sales tax (in Texas).and $3.50 shipping and handling. Prices good until March 15,1999. It contains 259 pages with a soft cover and a full name index. Order from Ericson Books, 1614 Redbud, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961-2936. 10 '* :~ ~~ :::: i ::; :;? I-I .... owdy, I :r J. There is now anemai.lmailingHst for researchers with roqts in Brazos.countyto shCire '~j their information with other researphers. The list is called the TX:BRAZOS mailing list! I ~ :.~ i ~ ~~~ "Ma.H mode" means that youwiH receive every posting made to TXBRAZOS as .a.f: ~eparatee-maiL . .. . "Digest mode" means. that seyeral pqstings made to TXBRAZOS.wiU becons.olidated ~ ~ogetherand senttoyouas .asinglelarge message. ... · .....1 ~:: To subscribe send. ..the..corT1m~nd.. "subscribe"in... the bodY.'.Of .a. message .to ~ "f:XBRAZOS-L-request@rootsweb.comfor "mail. mode" or ~ .TXBRAZOS-D-request@rootsweb.comfor "digest. mode'.'. . You. do not. have to include a i s~bjectand be sure to turn off your signature line. Once you have subscribed you will be I ~el'lta confirmation by emaiLletting you know you are subscribed. ~ * ~ a:: ::: .Researchers can post the surnal11es they are looking. for and share information with ..~ 'othe.. r...res.earc.hers loo.k...ing....for Br. az. o.sqo.u.. ntyanc..estor~....... i. Announcements concerning the Bra~osGeneal()gical Society and genealogy in BrazoS ~l Countylngeneral are also made on this list. FromiheComputerDesk There are two modes forthis mailing list, "mail mode" and "digest mode" Trey HOLT List Owner TXBRAZOS ~- Community Notes In the early issuesofthe Weekly Eagle and the Bryan Daily Eagle, '.etters were published under the titles. of "County. NeW". or'.'porrespondence." These were.lettersfrom .resident~ of small communities in rural Bra:z;os County. They contain information . about births, marriages, deaths, social gatherings, church.. activities, res.idents. and visitors in these communities. In this issue Millican is highlighted. Transcrib.ed by Janis HUNT. . 11 Millican September 1, 1898, p.3, colA County News. Millican News. No news from here in sometime on account of sickness and various other reasons. We have suffered with heat, thoughawind from the north makes it cooler noW. Cotton is coming inrapidly,and all the. gins are kept busy. We have had some very pleasant visitprsthe past week. Arn.bng them were Rev. J. M. ADAMS and wife, Alyin; Mrs. C. S. GAINER and son, Bryan; Miss Mary Lou MONROE, Kosse; Miss Ada BOARD, Bryan and Mis$ MaryLAMDENS, WaCo. Gus JAMESON came up from NavasotaSunday, Miss Alice DUNLAP spent Sunday with friends in Independence. Prof. . HOKEand wife are visiting in Kosse this week. .. Misses Lettie CUNNINGHAM, Lona HARRINGTON, Belle and Lizzie WHITE and Austin WHITE visited Wellborn Sunday. Mr..Jim HOKE of Allen farm passed through here Sunday..en route to Waco, Marlin and other places for his health. Mr. Bob CLAMPITT was call. to Marlin Sunday, by the death of his brother, T. H. CLAMPITT ofthatcity. County Clerk McMICHAEL and C. S GAINER spentSunday in MiHican. Misses AdaandEve SANDEL, Lettie ClJNNINGHAM .andLenaHOLLlDAY leave this week for Chapel Hill, wheretheywillenterschool Monday, Sept. 5th. Mr.M. L SPANNvisited relatives and friends in Courtney and Navasotalast week. Rev. J.A. WADSWORTH of Bryan preached at the Baptistchurchherelast Thursday anpFriday nights. Rev.J. M. ADAMS preached interesting sermons in the Methodisfchurch Sunday and Sunday night. Mis's Pearl LEWI$ returned from Wellborn Saturday, Thdlseon thesic~ listthisweekare.slowly improving. Correspondent September 22, 1898, p.3, col.2 County NeWs. Millican. A very ref~eshing rain fell here Saturday and Sunday. Th~weather is cooler and sicknes~,isdecreasing. Rev. BLATHERWICK of Navasot~,preached at the Baptist church Sunday. Brother WHARTON of Bremond,gc:ivethe young people a very interesting sermon Monday night..We are very sorry that.Brother WHARTON has accepted another call and will bewith us no longer. The Iittle.daughterofMr. and Mrs.J.ack STEELE of nearAllenfarm was buried here at the. Wheat graveyard. Their many friends sympathize with them in their great loss. Mrs. Kate.WHALEY came down frornKosse Saturday to visit her mother who is very low. Mrs. A. G. STEELE of Navasota visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. H. PEVERLEY Monday and Tuesday. .......... ... Miss Rosa CONNELLof Houston, "isited Miss Nannie KIRKLAND last week. 12 Little Misses Ruby WALKER..and Kate. STEELE from Navasota spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Annie and Buena. SMITH spent Friday and$aturdayin Bryan. Mr. W. H. DUNLAP opened his. schooL at Fuqua prairie in Grimes county Monday. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Florence MILLS to Mr. T. P. TAYLOR, of near Allenfarm in the 28th: Operator Sam BEENE visitediMarlinlast week. Mr. Knox T. WILLIAMS spent Saturday and Sunday in Houston. Miss Lizzie HAYES is attending school. in Houston. Edgar MOORE of the FirstU.S. immunes is at home on a thirty-d~ys furlough. County Clerk Geo.. W. McMIHAEL visited here last week. October 6, 1898, p.3, col.2 County News. Millican. Public school opened Mondaywithavery good attendance, J. W. HOKE, principle; Mrs. J. W.. HOKE,a~sistant. . ..... ... Death has taken from out midstthe past week, Mrs.BelleSTAG~ER,after an illness of several months. She was a true christian lady, and a patientsufferer. An-ice cream entertainmentaUheschool house Fridaynightwaslargely attended. The proceeds are to repair the school building. The members of the Baptist church willhave a supper Friday nighfOctober 7. For the benefit of the.irchurch.Everybodyinvited. Mr. Davis DUNLAPiofDalla,svisitedherethe pastw~.ek. Miss Bettie MIDDLETONandbrothersAlsie and Arthur of Wellborn spent Sunday here. Miss Lillie WESBofNavasotaisvisiting relatives here. Joe McGREGOR cameupJrom Galvestqn Saturday night and returned Sunday night. Miss Eula LEWISwentjoAnderson Friday. Mr.W.B. McGREGOR and Mrs. A. L.McLEOD attended the funeral of Mr. J. H. McGREGOR's infant daughterc:itMinter Springs Friday, Miss Florence MILLS.andMr.TomTAYLOR werer:t1arried atth(3 residence of the bridesfathernearAllenfarmlastWednesdayevening, Rey.G. 9. SANDEL officiating. The bride is well known here, .andisa. sweet estimableyoLlqglaqy. The groom is a worthy gentleman and has ahome. .at CI~y Station. Their manyf~i~ndswish them must happiness. They received quite.a. number qfnice presents. WiUie CHENAU L,.diedat his mothers hPme near ~II;Ii~~nFridayan~ ,^,c:i~buriedat the Simms graveyard.Saturdayatternoon. To.his.bereayedirnotherwe eXten'd our sympathy. Cor. October 20, 1898, p.3, col.1 County News. Millican News. Acold wave struck us Sundayand wasagentlereminder that winterwas approaching. The.healthofourtown is a great deal better. The Baptist church supper was a success--realizationfifty-two dollars after expenses were paid. Mr. C. B. McGREGOR went to HoustonSaturday. Miss Lena HOLLIDAY left forChappell Hill Sunday. 13 Sam W. MEREDITH is at home on a furlough. Mrs. M.. L.. SPANN visited relatives inDallasl.ast week. Miss Janie LEWIS left Saturday to take charge of her school at Minter Springs. Sam S. BEENE returned from Bryan Tuesday. Littl.e Buck DAWSON died Sunday afternoon andwas laid to rest Monday in the Wheat burying ground. We . extend sympathy to his bereaved mother. Mrs.W. H. DUNLAP wenttoBryanSunday. Cor. November 3, 1898, p.3, coL1 County News. MiIlic.an. Miss Alice DUNLAP is visiting in Bryan. Mrs. .J. R.STRAUGAN from Hempstead is visiting her mother here, Mrs. Oscar L. STEELE and MissMinnie FERGUSON of Navasota, spent Sunday here. Mrs. O.T. LEWIS returned from Navasota last week. Mrs. C. B. McGREGOR and Miss Mary SPANN spent Friday in Navasota. Miss Annie SMITH opened school at Oak Grove Monday, Sam BEENE returned from Bryan Friday and has his old position as night operator here. ThadWILLlAMSwentbackto Mumford Monday, after an illness of several days. Dr. O. T. LEWIS was calledtoMumfordSaturdayto attendF. S. WILLIAMS who is very sick at that place. No so much sickness here at this writing. Cor. December 15, 1898, p.3,<coI.1 County News. MilUcan News. As there has been no news from MilUcan for some time, the correspondent will try to .give the passing events. Quiteacl"owd of Millican people went to Houston to take in the F. F.& V. festival. All report a good time. Mrs.E. McGREGOR and Mrs. W. T. BEENE went to Hempstead Monday evening to visit relatives. Mrs. W. H. DUNLAP and son, W. H. DUNLAP returned from Houston Saturday. Miss Alice DUNLAP returned from.Houston Sunday. Shereportslotsof fun and a general. good time. Mr. Vernor HENRYofSryan was a pleasant visitor to Millican Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. S. N. SANDEL went to Wellborn Sqnqay to visit her son, Mr.C. .M.SANDEL. Rev. G. S. SANDEL who hasbeeninc,?argeof the Millican circuit for the past three years will leave in a few days totakechargeiofthe Anderson circuit. 'file are. sorry to lose Bro. SANDEL and hisfamily,butweh()pe that qurloss willbe.hisgain. There. was no service at the. Methodist church Sunday as. the newpreacherhas not as yet arrived. We are thinking of having a ChristmasJree, and. it will be decided next Sunday when the two Sunday schools meet. Correspondent 14 December 22, 1898, p.3, col.3 County News. MillicanNews.Rev.E.M. MYERS and family arrived JastWednesday afternoon just ahead ofthe bad spell of weather. The clouds opened seemingly Saturday night and the rain came. down in torrents, but we were elated on rising Sunday morning to see old Sol come forth in all his golden glory. No doubt his appearance filled more hearts than one with gladness. We had Sunday school Sunday morning and had very good attendance, after which Rev. E. M. MYERS filled the pulpit and delivered a very impressive sermon. Miss Lettie CUNNINGHAM returned Sunday from Chappell Hill, to spend the holidays with the home folks much to the delight of her many friends. Mr.. Dick. DAWSON. is very ill atithis writing, but we. hope tdsee him up soon. Mr.W. H. DUNLAP has> been sick for some time, but we learned to day that he was. some better. Mr. JamesYOUNG anticipates goingto Mississippi on the 21st to spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. Ed FARQUHAR of Wellborn was down yesterday on business. Mr. W.r;.. FARMERofNavasota visited Millican Monday. There will be a Christmas tree at the Methodist church next Sunday night. AU are invited. SendYQur gifts to the church Saturday evening and have the committee put them on the tree. Correspondent December 29, 1898, p.3, col.1 County News. Millican. The Christmas tree Saturday night Was much enjoyed by all. The little people seemed overjoyed atreceiving so may presents. We have a had a number of visitors the past week. Sam BEENE, from Hearne, spent Christmas here. Miss. Lena HOLLIDAY came home Friday from Chc:ippel Hill FemaleCoUege. Mr.andMrs. J.R. STRAUGAN are here from Hempstead. Rev. and Mrs. J. M.ADAMS from Houston, areal. Mrs. Jno. WAGNER's for a visit. Miss Nettye SCOTT came dOWn from Bryan Sunday. Joe MCGREGORof Galveston spent Christmas here. Mrs. C.M. PROCTOR of Bryan visited Mrs.J. A ~TEELE, Monday. Misses Eula and Jani.e LEWIS are spending the holi~ays at home. T.L.WILLlAMSis herefromMumford. MissVirgieEVANSofN~vasotaisvisiting Dr. and.Mrs. O. T. LEWIS. Miss Mary SPANN. came. home Saturday to spend,a.few days. Mrs..C.S.GAINERisspendingthisweek with thehqme folks .here. Mi.ssLizzie. HAYES came up Sunday from Houston where she. is attending school. A. L.McLEOD is vi~itingin Dublin. Miss Alice DUNLAP, Messrs. T. L., S. C. and K. T. WILLIAMS and Sam W. MEREDITH attendeq agerman in t-.Javc:is~ta Monday. MissZudie HOLLIDAY,' from Belton, is visiting here. Mrs. Geo. W. SCHOEPSof Luling.was called Sunday to the bedside Of her brother, Clarence FISHER, who is very ill at this time. . 15 Rev. MEYERS preached a very interesting sermon at the Methodist church Christmas morning. January 26, 1899, p.3.col.1 County News. Millican News. Miss Zudie HOLLIDAY of Belton, who has been visiting relatives and friends here, went to Allen farm Tuesday. Mrs. H. C.SPRA TT of ne.ar Dobbin, who hc:iS been visiting. relatives here, returned home Tuesday. Mr. Will QAWTHORN,and Miss Sallie DAWSON ofthis placewere married last week. Your correspondent. extends. congratulations. Mrs. M. L. SPANN went to Navasota Monday. Mrs. J. F. EAVES returned home from. Bryan Monday accompanied by Mrs. Ira GOOCH. Mr. Clarence FISHER, who has been very iII.for sometime, passed peacefully away Thursday morning. His suffering here was. intense, but he has passed from the trials of earth to his reward in heaven to jointhe loved ones who have preceded him. We tender sympathy to his bereaved relatives. Mrs. Harriet WATSON, an aged lady, diE;!d at Peach Creek Monday,andwas buried at the Wheat cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs..8. T.. POOL Were made happy Saturday night overth,earri"alofatwelve and a half.pound boy. Mr. Jim MIDDLETON and wife came down from Wellborn Saturday afternoon. Miss Pauline a.SPANN visited Bryan Saturday. The singing at the Baptistchurch Sunday night was enjoyed by the young people. Mr.ClaudMILLERof Giddings arrived Saturday night. .. . . MisS Rearl LEWIS is vi~iting relatives and friends in \l\Jellborn. Mr. C.S.GAINER,cou~tyattorney""as here Saturday. Mrs. O. T. LEWIS returned home from Navasota Friday. Correspondent ..; April 20, 1899, p.3,coL4 County News.. Millipan Notes. Millican. Brazos Co., Texas, April 11--There are improvements in progress here which show thatthis place is on the advance. HEMPILLlNG & CONNELL have enlarged their business and moved into their new storehouse, justcompleted. Mr. J. E. PLAYERis building in town a large residence. These new buildings will greatly improve the general appearance ofthe town. While corn, cotton and vegetables willbe late in this section, asa consequence of the recent cold spell, the prospects foran abundant crop are gratifying. Fruit, except figs, has not.been hurt by the cold weather.--Galveston News. August 24, 1899, p.2, coL3 From Millican. The weather. continues dry.and warm. Cotton picking is being pushed rapidly forward. Miss Nannie May WILLIAMS who has been very sick is improving. 16 The youngpeopleenjoyed~n aproh pc:irtyat Dr. and Mrs. O. T. LEWIS' Monday evening. Terrell STEELE won the first prize for the neatest work, .and Hill SPRATT the booby prize. Miss. Eleanor STEELE of Navasotaisvisiting her grandparents here. MissAHce DUNLAP and Sam DUNLAP returned from Houston Saturday. Gus .JAMESONof Navasota is visiting here. Miss Vernor SeLLERS wentto.BryanThursday. Prof. SMITH of Chapel Hill, was a visitor here last week, lookingattertheinterestof his school. Mrs. L DAWSON and Miss Mary Lou MONROE have returned to Kosse. Miss Mattie FARQUHAR of Wellborn, visited Miss pearl LEWIS last week. Rev.CASEN filled hIs regulc:ir appointment at the Baptist church Sunday. Mrs. W. P. DAVIS and children, returned to Houston Sunday. Mr.G.W. SCHOEPS andJarnily wenfto Galveston sunday, and will go from there to their home in Rock Island. Correspondence. August 31, 1899, p.3,coI.3 Correspondence. Millican New~..The sick ofthistownare.improving. Miss.EulaLEWIS returned from Anderson Saturd~y. MissAliceDUNLAPis visiting thisweek in Navasota,the guest of Miss FERGUSON. Sam BEENE is working intheH.Q.Officein Houston. Miss Janie LEWIS is spending a. while with friends, in VVellbornand atMinter Springs. Rev. E. M.MEYERSand family returned Monday from Union Hill, where a very successful.meeting was held. Mr.andMrs. B. WHITE,Mrs.E.M..DUNLAP, WiUie'[)lJNLAP, Misses Lettie and Gertie CUNNINGHAM, and RobertMcGREGORattendedthelTlieetingat Union Hill. Dr. D. A. JAMESONofN,avasotavisitedthe sick here Monday. Mrs. W. C. POOLE is visiting in Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs.. J.W. HOKE of Trinity visited here the past week. A number of our people spent a day lastweek on the river fishing. Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. H.I-IEMPLlNGWednesd~yeyening a daughter. "AuntNet"SCOTT,anagedcolored woman, who nCisbeen very sick for several weeks passed. peacefully away i. Tuesday . morning . .at 4o'(?lock. "Aunt Net" ,.. was .'. one. of the landmarks of our town,. and will be greatly missed. Sfue was faithful in all things and liked by everyone. . ... . . ,. Frank SPANN and Bob McMENspent Sundayh~re. Correspondeht September 7, 1899, p.3, col.1 Correspondence. Millican News. The cool weather last week Was a pleasant surprise reminding us that the fall of the year is here. Misses Rosa FRENCH of Galvieston and Anna BR()()KSqf Somerville are visiting Miss Lena.HOLLlDAY. Mr. WAGNER has gone to Galve$tcm to have his~yes treated. 17 Mrs. STEPHEN$ON,andold resident of this county, after a lingering illness of several months, died last Monday and was buried here Tuesday. The bereaved have our sympathy. Rev. E. M. MYERS did not fiHhis regular appointment here Sunday as he had to attend quarterly conference at .Waco. The health of our town is very good at this writing. A good rain is. needed badly. The shower last week just settled the dust. Correspondent. September 28, 1899, p.3, coL5 Correspondence.. From Millican. The weather is dry and cool, and there is some sickness in our town. The farmers are about through with their crops, and are making preparations for another year. Mr. A. J. EDWARDS has opened his new stock of goods, and is doing business with a will. Miss Gertie CUNNINGHAM and Willie DUNLAP leave for Greenvillethis week where they will enter school. Mrs. Tom SCRIMSHIRE is visiting in Wellborn this week. Correspondent. October 12, 1899, p.8,coI.1 Correspondence. Millican News. Health in this community is betterthan it has been for some time, though there is some sickness reported yet. Mr. Knox WILLIAMS is among the sick. Mostofthefarmersarejust about through gathering their crops. Mr. L. L.SPANNis visiting his mother. Mr. Marcellus RQBINSONofAllenfarm, died and was buried here Friday evening. He was noble hearted and had manyJriends. Messrs. Bob McMEN and Tom BURROUGH Were up from the bottom Sunday. Mr. Sam BEENEwenttoHearne Monday. Mr..A. HUREWas . over from.Grimescoyntyyesterday. Dr.J..F. EAVESwas calledtoWellbomSaturday night to see a sick child. Mr. George KNIGHT is moving from hereto Washington county. Correspondent October 19, 1899,p.3,coI.1 Correspondence. .. Millican News. We had a rain last Monday night.which was very much appreciated. Mr. Jim WOOD, from Hunt county, is visiting relatives here. Dr.S. F. EAVES, went to Austin last week. Mr. Gus BAKER is a visitor to our town. Mr. Will DUNLAP left for Trinity last week, where he will study engraving. Mr. Knox WILLIAMS went to Cypress lastwe.ek and returned Saturday. Mrs. TaylorBEENEis visiting her daughter, Mrs.J. R. STRAUGHN, at Hempstead. 18 Mr. Bob CLAMPITT arrived Saturday; He will.makeBrenhamhisfuture hqme. Mr.L SELLERS went to Dallas last week. Rev. E.. M. MYERS and family went to Alexandria JastFriday. Mr. L. L. SPANN left SaturdayforMontgomery county, County Attorney Charles GAINER Was down. on business last week. The Oak Grove schoolopenedMonday with Miss Annie SMITH as teacher. Correspondent November 2, 1899, p.3, col.2 Correspondence. From Millican. Mrs. MILLER has returned from a"isit to Mississippi, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. THOMPSON. A crowd of young people, chaperoned by Mrs. DUNLAP and Mrs.SPANN,wenttothe Navasota river to fish lastweek. Mrs. M. MOORE has returned from.a visit to her daughter, Mrs.C. SEALE. Mr.WillTHOMAScamedown from Bryan Sunday evening. Miss Mollie POOLE has returned from a visit to Houston. Dr. JAMESON came up from Navasota Sunday to see Terrell STEELE whoisverysick with malarial fever. K..T. WILLIAMS went to. Hempstead Sunday. L. L. SPANN has returned from Montgomery county. We had a nice rain last Thursday night, followed by a brisk norther. Correspondent. November 16,.1899, p.3, col.5 Correspondence. From Millican.. Miss Malissa WILLIAMS has returnedto her home at 19 Wellborn aftera twoweeksvisitto rel~tives. Lula, daughter of Mr. andMrs.CREEG. of Peach Creek, departed this life Nov. 9, and was laid to rest in the Wheat cemetery. The parents mourn the loss of their precious girl, and we deeply sympathize with them in their sad bereavement. Dr. ADPERHOLD is having an office built .on the north side. of the railroad. Miss Pauline SPANN has finished her course in shorthand and has accepted a position with CLARKE & COURTS of Galveston. Dr.J. F. EAVES was called to Wellborn last week. Rev. E. M. MYERS and family returned. Sunday from a pleasant visit to friends at Wellborn. The I.ittle son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank. MEEKINS has fever. Col.John D.ROGERScameupfrom Galveston Sunday. Mr. Harry HAYES went to Houston Saturd~y. Prof-HARRINGTON was. here .from GollegeSaturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed CARL were visitors to our town Sunday. Mrs. Q... LSTEELEand Miss. Minnie FERGUSON. of Navasota, visited Mr. and Mrs. WAGNER Sunday. Seyeral.of .our citizens went to. Bryan Sl.mday to attend the unveiling ceremonies of Mr. J. C.WILLlAM's monument. Correspondent. Novernber?3, 1899, p.3, col.3 Correspondence. From Millican. At the residence of the bride's father,W. C. POOL, Novernber15~intheafternoon,Mr.W. T. FURMAN, of Houston, and Miss Mollie POOL, were l.mited inrn~rriage,Rev..E. M. MYERS officiating. Presiding ElderJ. C.MICKLEarrivedWednesday on the eveningtrain,and preached that night, an eminently practical sermon. The audience was greatly edified. Mr. and Mrs. ~.P. EDWARDS, of Lampasas are visiting relatives here. Ina~ifficulty between Willie WATSON and Tom CAUTHRON, of Peach Creek, the latter was shot and. killed. The remains. of the. deceased was interred in the Wheat cemetery, last Saturday evening: Our school. "",~s suspended . last week on account of sickness. \Ne~ad a severe windstorm Sunday night, followed by . a goodr~in. Several negro cabips~ere demolished; sheds and fences blown down. At this writing we do not know the exten~ p~ the damage done. ..... .. Mes$rs. G.W.. McMICHAEL and W. T. .KNOX came down from Bryan Sunday evening. Mr..J.. E. PLAYER who owns the public gin here, has ginned 535 bales of cotton this season. Inehealthof pur town is improving, we are glad to say, as there has been a good many on tnesick list for some time. ~.C.WI LLlAMS returned. from · Belton .I~st. Wednesday. Correspondent November 30, 1899, p.3, col.2 Correspondence. From Millican. W. H. DUNLAP returned from Trinity last week. 20 The cold weather predicted byFOSTER arrived. here last Fridaynight,afteraveryhard rain, which began falling Friday about noon, and continueduntilla~e in the night. . Much good was done by the rain. F. A. SPANN was up from the bottom SUnday. Mr..Ellie HODGES ~nd wife, and Miss Etta and May MILLS ofthe Bottom, were visitors here Monday. Mrs. ThomasTAYLOR and Mrs. ANDERSON from Clay Station,vi~itedMrs. McLEOD Monday. Mr.W. M. DUNLAP returned ftomWaco, lastweek. Mrs.J. R. STRAUGHAN of Hempstead, has been on a visit to Mrs. Taylor BEENE, and returned from Waco, last week. Dr.ADDERHOLD is on the sick list. We hope to see the Doctor alright in a few days. Correspondent. December 9, 1899, p.3, colA Correspondence. From MilliCan. Mrs.W. C. POOLE returned home last week from a three months visit to relatives in Mississippi. Miss Fannie HAYES, having received a telegram, stating that her sister Mrs. POOLE, was dangerous.i11 at Houston, left for that place Wednesday. Rev. J. M ADAMS and wife... of Houston, enroute to Reagan, stopped off here Wednesday to visit Mrs.. WAGNER, IVIr~. ADAMS' mother. The dance. given by the young ITIen last Thursd~y nightwasvery much enjoyed by those who like. to trip the lightfantasti.ctqe,andwaspron9uncedbythem, a grand success. Those in attendance from around were Miss Katie wyATT of Navasota, Misses Lillian and Annie BROOKS, and Miss . PAGE.. of Somerville, Misses BOARD,/JONES, HARBERS, THOMAS, CONWAY, and Mr.V\1iILTHOMAS and Rob ROBERTS of Bryan, music was furnished by the Holman. ban(:J,ofBryan. Mr. and Mrs..H. P.. . EDWARDS, took the train Wednesday. eve~ing. enroute to their home in Lampasas, butwHI stop off in Navasota to visit their niec.es, Mrs. O. LSTEELE, and Miss Minnie FURGERSON. ...... Miss Elanor STEELE of N~vc:isota Visited Miss IdaPEVERYlast Week. Mr. and Mrs. JohnWAGNERwentt9BryanThursday, on a visittoG. W. McMICHAEL and family, Mrs. WAGNER is a sisterofthe County C.lerk.. ... . MissBessie..STEELEvisited~elativesin .Navasota..last week. Rev. E.. M. MYERSpreached.~islastsermon of thi~ c9nferenceyear lastSunday night. He left ThursdayJor. Marlin, ,^,her~thean~uc:il conf~renc:e meets. MissE~la LEWIS,.whoisteaching.s.choolat Roan'sPrairie,.vhsitedthe home.folks last week. MissMamieKENEDY of Moscow Texas, visited her uncle, Mr. H. C. MEEKINS, last week. Mrs. M. L. WALLACE of Bryan, has been on a.. visit to .Mrs.McLEOD and returned home. Correspondent .~~_. -~O~~~ 21 T. hefo..lloWing is a series of items on the.combined Trade Edition. of The. Brazos Pilot and Bryan Eagle on September 12, 1895. Transcribed by Janis HUNT. GusHARBERS .. Cotton If you want the top of the.marketforyour cotton, take if to Gus HARBERS, cotton factor, office upstairs . over the. Merchants & Planter's National. bank. He. thoroughly understands classing, keeps accurately posted on the market, willseJl your cotton strictly on its merits, and render you account sales and settlement promptly. Give him a trial. * * * * * Judge v. B~ HUDSON If energy, industry and ability are the only avenues of Success in business, they are none the lessessentialJo professional and public life, and the man who possesses them in either sphere will always be found enjoying their well merited emoluments. Those who know Judge V. B. HUDSON will readily concur in the opinion that he. possesses these qualities to a unusual degree. Ambitious force of character has always been one of his leading characteristics, and . his steady ascent yearafter year to better things, larger trusts and greater responsibilities, shows that theworld appreciates and requires these qualities of its best servants and workers. JudgeHUDSON was born at Eilaville, Ga., June 13, 1861. His education was obtained in the. public schools.. of his native town and at GuthbertCollege .in .1879. His first occupation was thatofteachingschool,which he did with marked success both in Georgia - and Texas for four years after cpmpleting his OWnCourse. He came to Texas first in 1880, locating in Brazos county and remaining one. year after which he returned to his native state, read law and was admitted to the baratAmericus. Returning to the Lone Star State in 1882, he located in Bryc:in for the practice of law in which he was also successful from the firstandto such degree that he was elected county attorney in 1884, and served most effectively and satisfactorily in that capacity until last November when he was elected to the office<of county judge. In both these offices he.has shown a strong desire for a better and more effective administration of public duty than usually obtains and notably in the last he has systematized matters perfectly and inaugurated a number ofuseful reforms. Judge HUDSON was rnarriedJanuary5,1886, to Miss Alice ERWIN and has two children. He.is.a member of the Knights of Pythias, and a democrat of unwavering faith and principle. * * * * * 22 M. .H. JAMES-The Leasing Druggist Mr. M. H. JAMES was born in Fauquier county, Va., February 24,1859. He attended the public schools in boyhood in his native state and came to Bryan in 1875 at the age of fifteen years, and began to learn the drug business underDr.J.W. HOWELL. Since that time,>or during. a period of twenty years,. he has lost no timeout of his chosen occupation. After five years with Dr. HOWELL he began business for himself in Hearne. and remained for eighteen months there. Selling out, he wentto Temple. and opened the first drug store ever established there. He returned to Bryan in 1887 .and established the business at which he is still proprietor. His trade has grown every year from the beginning. His long residence herehas given him the confidence and .esteem of the people through-out Brrazos and surrounding counties.. They know that his drugs are the purest th~t can bebougbt.andhis pre.scription work as careful an~:taccurate as knowledge and experience in pharmacy can make it. He handlesdruglSexclusively inwholesaleand retail quantities, and has. a large and well-selected. stoc~.His Jineof druggists' sundries and toiletarticl.es . is. complete. He has been a member of the board. of pharmaceutical examiner$for this district ever since the pharmacy law was. enacted. Mr. JAMES was married November25, 1885, to MissHattieWEBB.Hi~hornehasbeen blessed with three children, . two . boys and one girl. He is a... mernberof the Knights of Pythias, Masons, A. O. U.W.,andthe B~ptistchurch; When you need anything in hi.sline.ofbusiness, heis a good man to huntUs and trade with Store qn Main street,> Bryan. * * * * * D. B. KNOX Mr.D.B. KNOX, one of Bryan's spbstantial and enterprising businessmen, is a native ofJhe Lone Star state, havingb~(3n born in Millican, this county, on the 17th day .of September, 1853. He has lived in the county all his life and a firm. believer in the advantages of "Old Brazos" and acknowledged his native state and country. At the death of his father he being the eldest of the children, was left the entire control and responsibility of a large estate, which he has condupted with the ability of a man of mature years and ripe experience. He came to Bryan in 1891 and engaged in the. saloon business, and his honesty .and fair dealings has built up a .Iarge andiflourishing trade. 23 .on the 8th day of February 1893, hewas married to Miss EdsaBOYETTE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. BOYETTE. At present he is sole proprietorofthe Merchants. & Planter's Saloon where he keeps constantly on hand a large and weU-se.lected stock of the finest brands. of wines, liquors andcigar$. Visitors to his placeofbusinesswiU receive honest and fair dealing, and kind and courteous treatment from the genial proprietor, D. B. KNOX. ~~- 'T'his issuecontinues.anotherseries on individuals in The BryanDaily Eagle Business .1. Issue on April 22, 1913. Transcribed by Janis HUNT. Bryan Cotton on and Fertilizer Company The Bryan.CottonOiland Fertilizer. Company, iS,oneof thegreatest.industriesof its character.in the State of Texas, which has contributed more to the solid and enduring reputation.of..the city of. . Bryan. as ..the.. leading city .of ..thi.s .section than ..any other establishment located in its midst. The great plant of this company was constructed on its rebrganization inthe year 1905, andcon~ists of thelatestmodern machinery, equipment and accessories fortheconductofits immense business, which includes the manufacture and production of cottonseed oil, cake, fertilizers, 'and all by-products' of cottonseed, in immense quantities for supplying . its enormous patronage. The presenfofficersofthecompanY,are: J.Webb HOWELL,. president and general manager;W. C. BQYETTE,vice president;L. LMclNNIS, vicep'resident;~.W.HOWELL, secpretary;H.O. BOATWRIGHT, treasurer; and R. S. WEBB, Jr., cashier,aUc>fwhom are among the most prominent and leading .businessmen and financiers in the city. Mr. HOWELL, the capable and efficient president and generatmanager of the company, wasl'eared in Bryan. He is oneofthe most ~ctive, progressi",e,.andsuccessful bU$inessmenin Texas, esteemed for his personal honor and unimpeachable integrity of character.. No man who. has ever lived. iq the city of. Bryan has laboredrl]qreintelligently and unceasingly for the improvement of:thecity or the betterment of theconditionofthe fartning call of Brazos Couhty. Mr. R. S. WEBB, Jr., is the capable cc:ishier ofthe company, is a businessman ofthe first order of capacity. He. is a native of Bryan, where he is weB knqvmand highly appreciated as a leading, progressive citizen,justly popular with his numerous friends and acquaintances. Mr. Welty McCULLOUGH, the expert seed Weigher for the company,i$ qworthy native of Brazos County, who has rendered valuable services for the establishment for three 24 years"during whichhe has demonstrated his rare capabilities as an attentive, courteous and accurate man in the discharge of the duties of his department of work. The extensive. and modern fertilizer plant used...by the company in manufacturing. the highestgr~des of fertilizers known to agriculturists,.is unequalled in its thorough and complete equipment. by tbat pf any like. industry intheStateof Texas. The pay . roll. of employees of this comp~ny,.inthenurnerous departments of its great industry, amounts to the sum of $24,000 per annum, a fact indicating, in a measure, the.extensive activities of this great enterprise. This company is constantly engaged in intelligent and scientific experiments having for their purpose the discovery of the superiority of cottonseed mean and hulls asacheaper and better food for. horses, poultry, and hogs, as compared with the more expensive feeds now commonly used for thatpurpc>se, with the result thatit has already demonstrated that its use as feed for chickens causes them to thrive and lay better than when other feed is used; also that as a feed for hogs and horses it is unexcelled inthe production of the best results at a minimum cost in comparison with other less satisfactory and more expensive feeds; all of which point~unerringlyto thefact hat hulls and meal are destined inthe near future to form thestapl~ feed for stock in the South. No institution in this part of Texas has done, or is doing more to stimulate and develop an interest upon the. part of farmers/and agriculturists in increasedproduction>of the highest grade of all kinds C)ffarm products. Tn furtherance of this it has.beenthe liberal policy of thecornpany to offer cash premi.umsin gold for such farmers of Brazos County as produce the best yields of corn. or cotton rai.sed uponfertili:zedwiththeexcellent.grades oUertilizers manufactured bytbe company; as also.forthebestcolts and pigs fed on daily rations, one-fourth of Which should consist of cottonseed meal. The city of Bryanang..BrazosCountyare proud to have in their midst an enterprise of the magnitude and sterling worth of the Bryan Co.ttonOil and FertilizerCompc:iny,andare not inappreciative of the intelligent and scientific labors of its officers devoted to the advancement of the city and ,county. Bryan City Cemetery J; Webb HOWELL W. C. BOYETT Lillie Medora BOYETT 11 Jan 1875 060cf1951 08 Aug 1860 14 Mar 1861 07May 1931 05 Nov 1932 Louis LowryMclNNIS Lilla Graham MciNNIS .1855 1856 1933 1940 Robert Wistar HOWELL 21 Jan 1877 11Jul1960 25 H.O. BOATWRIGHT Lela LAW BOATWRIGHT NL NL 1933 Bur: 12 Aug 1933 1944 Bur: 14 Jan 1944 * * * * * Bryan Ice Company The Bryan Ice Company, capitalized at $50,000, is one of the modern business enterprises which are a credit to the city. last year the immense business of the concert necessitated the construction by the company of a modern building for newer and additional machinery and accessories to .its plant, whi.ch is now among the most complete and modern in all respects of any in the State and has a capacity of fifty tons daily. Mr. L STEPHEN, the capable manager of this company,isa man of ripe experience in his line of business, having first served in that capacity upon the occasion of his succeeding the original builder of the plant. Resigning his position, he succeeded the firm of PARSONS&RAY,engaging.inthebottlingbusiness,and infarming. In January ofthis year he resumed his position. as manager of the company. The extensive improvements in the buildings and plant made by the company, coupled with efficient management .of Mr. STEPHEN, is an assurance of the continued success of this important enterprise. Mr. STEPHEN has valuableassistanc.e in the conduct of the business byhissons,Charlesand George STEPHEN, each of whom is familiar with the details of the work which they discharge in a manner rendering them invaluable adjuncts to the company. The summer climatic conditions in this section ofthe State are. such as to necessitate a supply to the public of the purest and best grade of ice in abundant quantities, and there is no establishment more adequ~telyequipped to render this. necessary service than the extensive plant of this company, which is justly noted for the purity and excellence of its output. Another prominentfeature of this enterprise is the large quantity of coal of best grades handled by it during the winter months which it supplies atthe most reasonable prices to the extensive trade in the city and its environments. This .extensiveand complete modern plant is a credit tothe<cityofBryan, and.will always command attention and enthusiastic mention in the enumeration of the great commercial enterprises which have so signally contributed its. present. prestige. Bryan City Cemetery Larry L. STEPHENS 28 Oct 1873 08 Dec 1932 * * * * * 26 Bryan Lodge Directory Ivanhoe Commandery No. 8,Knights Templar H. N. BISSELL, Commander R O. ASTIN, Generalissimo O. E. SANDERS, Captain General T. K. LAWRENCE, Senior Warden RA HARRISON, Junior Warden H. B.STODDARD,Prelate RW. HOWELL, Treasurer W...E. SANDERS,R.ecorder W. F. GIBBS, Standard Bearer R B. DUNN, Sword Bearer G. M. BRANDON, Warden E. S. DERDEN,.Sentinel W.r.ASTIN Chapter No. 87, Royal Arch Masons W. E.SAUNDERS,High Priest J. D.MARTIN, King 1 H..O. FERGUSON, Scribe R A. HARRISON, Principal Sojourner R W. HOWELL, Treas4rer T. A ADAMS, Guar~ J. .a. REED, Secret~ry Brazos Union Lodge No. 129,AF. and A M. A L. MONDRICK,Worshipful Master T. A ADAMS, Senior Warden G. H. BLACKMAN,~unior Warden R W.. HOWELL, Tteasurer P. M. RAYSOR,Sec=retary R B. DUNN, Senior Deacon, M. H. JAMES, Junior D~acon A W. BUCHANAN,!Senior Steward J. B. REED, Junior Steward M. R PHILLIPS, Tiler Bryan Chapter No. 222,O.E.S. Mrs. R. K. CHATHAM,. Past Worthy Matron Mrs. Fannie GIBBS, Worthy Matron J. M. DUNN, Worthy Patron 27 Mrs. Cassie DUNN, Associc:iteMatron J. B. REED, Secretary Allen SMITH, Treasurer Mrs. Dona CARNES, Conductress Miss Annie DEARING, Associate Conductress W. W. DAUP,Chaplin J. N. THOMAS, Sentinel Brazos Lodge No. 64, Knights of Pythias J.M.. CALDWELL, Chancellor Commander Rob SMITH, Vice Chancellor C. E. JONES, Master of Work J.W. HALL, Priest T. I. PETTY, Master at Arms J.B. REED, Master of Finance J.M. HARE, Master of Exchequer Law HENDERSON, Inner Guard W.B.ROMAN, quterGu~rd A.. S. WARE, Keeper of Records and Seal Bryan Lodge No. 847, Independent Order of Odd Fellows W. T. JAMES, Past Grand M. E.WEAVER, Noble Grand J. N. THOMAS, Vice Grand Glenn FLINN, Chaplain J. B. REED, Secretary J.B. PRIDDY, Treasurer H. B. FINNEGAN, Warden L.. M. HEWIT, Conductor J.J. TATUM, Rig,htSupporter of Noble Grand Will HOLMES, Left Supporter of Noble Grand W.W. DAUP,.Right Supporter of Vice Nobel Grand P. S. PARK, Left Supporter of Vice Noble Grand John WILKINSON, Inner Guard Pat WALLACE, Outer Guard L. L. CHAPPELL, Right Scene Shifter J. ,0. RIGGS,. Left Scene Shifter Jim.GRANT,..Di.strict Deputy Grand Master L. M. HEWIT, Special Deputy Grand Master 28 Vulcan Lodge No. 37, AO.U.W. F. WETTER, Past Master Workman C. E. JENKINS, Master Workman J.W. BARRON, Foreman George HIGGS, Overseer William RIGBY, Guide Joe PIETZER,Recorder J. B. REED, Financier W. J. CHRISTIAN, Inside Watchman Lem. B. HALL, Outside Watchman Woodmen of the World J. W. HAMILTON, Past Consul Commander J. H. GAMMON, Jr. Consul Commander T. D. MASON, Advisor Lieutenant W. J. HIGGS, Banker J. B. REED, Clerk C. H. WATSON, Watchman W. P. TRANT, Sentinel R. P. LEE, Escort Dr. SIMS, HUNNICUTT, and HARRISON, physicians T. A SATTERWHITE, R. P. LEE, and M.E. WEAVER, Managers R. P. LEE, Captain of Degree Team Bryan Grove No. 460, Woodman Circle Miss Dora UMENSETTER, Guardian Mrs. Alice COLE, Past Guardian Mrs. Lillian MILLER, Advisor Mrs. T. B. HIGGS, Chaplain Miss B.ertha STUART, Clerk Joe B. REED, Banker Miss Lucy CHRISTIAN, Attendant Mrs. Lilla JOHNSON, Sentinel. Miss Sunshine COLE, Musician Bryan Tent No. 16, K.O.T.M. E. W. CRENSHAW, Past Commander J. W. PRIDDY, Commander A H. SUTTON, Sergeant J. J. RAY, Chaplain J. R. REED, Record Keeper and Financier 29 A. G. STALLINGS, Master-at-Arms G. W.BUCKHAULTS, Picket George HIGGS, Sentinel Ladies of Macabees, Bryan Hive No. 120, L.O.T.M. Miss DoraUNMENSETTER,Lady Commander Mrs. Pauline PEVERLY, Post Commander Mrs. Tom HIGGS,UeutenantCommander Mrs. Maggie BATEMAN, Official Prompter Mrs. Philip HENSARLING, Finance Auditor Mrs. Georgia MO!3LEY, Record Keeper Mrs. T. L. PETTY, Lady-at-Arms Mrs.J. D. MARTIN, Chaplain Mrs. Will COLLARD, Sergeant Mrs. T. A. ADAMS, Captain of Degree Team Mrs. Thurston COLE, Color Bearer No. 1 Miss Fannie May MILLER, Color Bearer NO.2 Miss Bertha STUART, Sentinel Mrs. D. MUNDAY, Picket Mrs. Lelia LEE, Musician Bryan Lodge No. 612, Modern Order ofPraetorians D.C. VICK, Past Sublime Augustus W. M. RIGBY, Sublime Augustus W. W. McNEELY, Senior Tribune J. H. LAWLESS, Jr. Tribune T. D. MASON, Recorder C. E. BULLOCK, Soothsayer W. F. MILLER, Tygian H.M. BULLOCK, Attorney J. F.CANTABURY, First Centurion H. P. FINNEGAN, Second Centurion John FULLERTON, Sentinel Huge JAHN, Musician Miss Pearl FULLERTON, Praetorian Queen A. D. GRAHAM, Degree Captain T. B. HUBBARD and .C. N. SIMPSON, File Leaders Lady Officers Miss Florence LOCKE, Sublime Augustus Miss Ellen RIGBY, Senior Tribune Mrs. Pearl JAHN, Junior Tribune 30 Mrs.. William RIGBY, Attorney Mrs. A. D.GRAHAM, Tyglan Mrs. J. F. CANTABURY, First Centurion Mrs. FULLERTON, Second Centurion Mrs. D. C. VICK, Sentinel Bryan Lodge No. 16, Fraternal Union of America J. H. MAWHINNEY, Secretary Bryan Lodge No. 859,B.P.O.E. Lamar BETHEA, Exalted Ruler H. PEVERLY, Esteemed Leading Knight A. K. BROWN, Esteemed Loyal Knight Lawrence PARKER, Esteemed Lecturing Knight Geo. A. ADAMS, Secretary Wilson BRADLEY, Treasurer Osborne JOHNSON, R. W. HOWELL Loyal Order of Moose, No. 664 W. P. WALLACE, Past Dictator J. W. PAYNE, Dictator M. R. FRANKLIN, Vice Dictator George E. HADLEY, Prelate W. R. BATTLE, Secretary I. A. SPELL, Sergeant-at-Arms Chester BALDWIN, Inner Guard O. E. SAUNDERS, Treasurer Wade COX, Deputy Supreme Dictator George M. BRANDON, JoeGROGINSKI, Trustees R. H. HARRISON, B. U. SIMS, physicians. C.S. and P.S. No. 158 Ed PIASEK, President John TAUBER, Vice President Tom HORLICK, Secretary Frank ELENSER,Financier Frank STANEY, Treasurer ~ 31 Bryan. Lodge No. 99, Sons of Herman . Fritz SOMERLA TTE, PreSident John WITTMAN, Vice.President Philip END LOW, Secretary August JAHN,Treasurer Paul RUCHTI, Guard Fred WINTER, Inner Watchman Carl SCHULTZ, OuterWatchrnan W.WIPPRECHT, P, KOENIG, FritzYEAGER, Finance Committee A. GRIESER, A. THOMPSON, H.W. MOEHLMAN, Trustees. C~rpenters' Local No. 1855 W. W. FINEN, President Sam GOODIN, Vice President Jim WITT, Financial Secretary C. L. WEISS, Recording Secretary H. G. WALLACE, Treasurer W. W. FINCH, B. G.WALLACE, W. W. HALL, J.. G. SMITH, Sam GOODIN, John ROSENHOUR, Executiv~C()mmittee F.M. JONES,A.M. HUMPHREV,W. E. SMITH, Trustees T. M. CLEERE, John ROSENHOUR, G. H. BOWEN, Auditing Committee Painters' Local No. 659 R. FINNEGAN, President W. DOAK, Vice President C. HARDING, Treasurer C. BALDWIN, Secretary Jim POWERS, Warden Tom CALHOUN, Conductor AI PATTERSON, Bob MARTIN, L.ROB, Trustees Moritz Lodge No. 715,LO.B.B. Samuel LACY, President Joe GROGINSKI, Vice President B. KACZER, Monitor H. MARWILL, Assistant Monitor H. BLOCH, Treasurer Will GELBER, Secretary .. ~- 32 T. .. he foil owi nil informatiQn Wa$tlil.n$(:Iibed from the OriSi. nal Abstract BOOkSlo.cated inthe Brazo.s County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office, Bryan, Texas. The Abstract B.ooks were used to prepare the Tax Rolls. This is a continuingseri.es. . 1863 TAXABLE YEAR BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Transcribed by Ruth J. HARY NO. NAME AND TAXABLES VALUE TOTAL STATE COUNTY . WAR COMBINED VALUE TAX TAX TAX TAX RAGSDALE, WM. 6 HORSES 300 1 POLL 300 2.50 0.70 0.75 3.95 WM. RAGSDALE SMITH, CHARLES 384 AC HR GRIFFIN BAYNE 2500 704 AC HR DAVID HARVEY 3000 329 AC HRJOHN WILLIAMS 1000 36 SLAVES 24600 17 HORSES 1275 37 CATTLE 320 235 SHEEP 1410 2 WAGONS 200 1 CARRIAGE 500 1 POLL 34805 175.02 35;20 87.01 297.23 C. SMITH SMITH, A. P. 1 HORSE 75 19 HOGS 38 1 POLL 113 1.56 0.51 0.28 2.35 A. P. SMITH SPOTTS, W. M. 1 POLL 0 0 1.00 0.40 0.00 1.40 (NO SIGNATURE) SCHAFER, J. P. 2 LOTTS (sic) IN MILLICAN 2500 2500 12.50 2.50 6.25 21.25 J. P. SCHAEFER SIMMS, MICHAEL 394 AC HR A. D. HOUSTON 600 356 AC HR I. CURD 712 160 AC BC H. G. HUDSON 300 189 AC HR J. M.BRARERA (sic) 189 5 HORSES 50.0 75 CATTLE 450 2 OXAN (sic) 50 100 HOGS 312 MONEY AT INST 400 CASH ON HAND 800 1 POLL 4313 22.56 4.71 10.78 38.05 S. M. SIMMS SIMMS,GEO. 30 AC HR C. C. RANEY (sic) 75 160 ACHR J. M. BRARERA (sic) 160 " 5 HORSES 450 70 CATTLE 420 100 HOGS 200 1305 6.52 1.30 0.00 7.82 GEO. SIMMS 33 NO. NAME ANDTAXABLES VALUE TOTAL STATE COUNTY WAR COMBINED VALUE TAX TAX TAX TAX SHOULT~E, WM. SEN. 205 AC HR C.. BAKER 500 5 HORSES 250 25 CATTLE 150 2 OXAN (sic) 50 1 POLL 950 5.75 1.35 2.37 9.47 WM. SHOUL TZE SHOULTZE, JR. 1 POLL 0 0 1.00 0.40 0.00 1.40 (NO SIGNATURE) SWEAT, LEVI 22 HORSES 1100 100 CATTLE 700 CASH ON HAND 1600 1 POLL 3400 18.00 3.80 8.50 30.30 LEVI SWEAT SEALE, A.F. 375 AC HR H. R CARTMELL 1000 729 AC HR ISIAH CURD 1500 8 HORSES 800 15' CATTLE 90 50 HOGS 125 1 POLL 3515 17.57 3.51 0.00 21.08 AF. SEALE SMITH, SARAH 200 AC HRR CARTER 500 500 2.50 0.50 1.25 4.25 (NO SIGNATURE) !STUART,WM. S. 170 ' AC HRWM. S. STUART (sic) 425 160' AC HRTHOS. WEBB 400 32.' AC HR A. MCMAHAN 80 1 POLL 905 5.52 1.30 2.26 9.08 (NO SIGNATUR!:) SEALE, J.A. 337;5 ' ACHRJ.F.CADDENHEAD (sic) 1500 320 AC HRJOHN A ROADES (sic) 320 2 SLAVES 1800 8 HORSES 700 45 CATTLE 270 2 OXAN (sic) 50 70 HOGS 175 CASH ON HAND 200 1 POLL 5015 26.07 5.41 12.43 43.91 J. A SEALE SEALE,WM. H. ESTATE 448 AC HR JAMES PRUETT 1500 6 HORSES 500 2000 10.00 2.00 5.00 17.00 RUTHASEALE, AGT. SEALE, THOS. DECO. PAID BY c. C.SEALE 700 ACHR F.QUOTA 1000 5 HORSES 500 12 CATTLE 72 1572 7.86 1.57 0.00 9.43 ~ J. A, SEALE, AGT. SOUTH, BESTER 118 ACHR R. CARTER 500 1 HORSE 150 34 NO. NAMEANOTAXABLES VALUE TOTAL STATE COUNTY WAR COMBINED VALUE TAX TAX TAX TAX 1 POLL 650 4.25 1.05 1.62 6.92 BESTER SOUTH SIMS M. H. BY J. B. MULLINAX. AGT. 1107 Ac HR S. T. ALLEN 12722 32 SLAVES 14250 4 HORSES 400 10 OXAN (sic) 250 75 HOGS 187 27809 139.04 27.80 69.52 236.36 J. B.MULLlNAX. AGT. SHACKELFORD, C.C. 1 HORSE 200 NOTES 500 1 SILVER WATCH 25 1 POLL 725 4.62 1.12 1.81 7.55 C. C. SHACKELFORD STINER. J. T. 250 AC HR M. A FOSTER 750 1 HORSE 150 8 CATTLE 48 20 HOGS 50 1 POLL 998 5.99 1.39 2.49 9.87 J. T. STINER SHELBOURN, A. B. 4 SLAVES 3100 2 HORSES 275 25 CATTLE 150 1 BUGGY 200 3725 18.62 3.72 4.30 26.64 A. B. .SHELBORN STAGNER, J. P. 1 LOTT IN MILLICAN 150 1 POLL 150 1.75 0.55 0.37 2.67 J. P. STAGNER SMITH, JANE MRS. 80 Ac HR C; C. SEALE 160 6 HORSES 300 30 CATTLE 180 60 HOGS 150 790 3.95 0.79 1.47 6.21 JANE SMITH SHOEMAKER, L. W. 1 POLL 1.00 0.40 0.00 1.40 (NO SIGNATURE) SPENCER. HARRIETT 365 AC HR W. REED 1095 1 SLAVE 800. 5 HORSES 250 225 CATTLE 1350 3495 17.47 3.49 8.73 29.69 HARRIETT SPENCER STEWART, J. R. 200 AC HR J. SEALE 1000 453 AC HR J. W. STEWART 906 1 SLAVE 1000 9 HORSES 540 ~ 50 CATTLE 300 2 OXAN (sic) 50 75 HOGS 187 1 POLL 3983 20.91 4.38 9.95 35.24 738 Ac HR C. W. STEWART IN 35 NO. NAME ANDTAXABLES VALUE TOTAL STATE COUNTY WAR COMBINED VALUE TAX TAX TAX TAX WALKER COUNTY 738 738 3.69 1.38 0.00 5.07 J. R. STEWART STEWART; W. A. 200 HR J. SEALE 600 253 HR J. W. STEWART 506 5 HORSES 500 NOTES 200 1806 9.03 1.80 0.00 10.83 738 AC HR C. W. STEWART IN WALKER COUNTY 738 738 3.69 1.38 0.00 5.07 J. R. STEWART. AGT. SCOTT, T. J. 1 LOTT (sic) INIVIILLlCAN 100 1 SLAVE 500 1 GOLD WATCH 100 1 POLL 700 4.50 1.10 1.75 7.35 THOMAS J. SCOTT SEALE, JOSHUA 700 AC HR J. W. STEWART .1400 91 ACBC ELI SEALE 136 160 AC HR J. M. ESTAS (sic) 240 8 HORSES 400 2 OXAN(sic) 50 1 POLL 2226 12.13 2.62 5.56 20.31 JOSHUA SEALE SEALE, SUSAN M. 407 AC HRJ. W. STEWART 814 3 HORSES 125 939 4.69 0.93 0.00 5.62 SUSANM. SEALE SEALE, C.C. 4400 1476 AC HR L MCLAUGHLIN 1476 AC HR J. C. STUTEVILLE 1476 320 AC HRC. C.. SEALE 320 640 AC HRSTEPHENCOOLEY 1280 3 LOTTS (sic) IN BRYAN CTY 150 3 SLAVES 2800 50 HORSES AOOO 23 CATTLE 138 100 HOGS 500 NOTES 658 1 POLL 15722 79.61 16.12 39.30 135.03 1107 AC HR C. C. SEALE IN ROBERTSON CO. 1107 1107 5.53 1.38 0.00 6.91 C. C. SEALE SEALE,B.T. PAID BY C. C. SEALE 12 HORSES 800 2 OXAN(sic) 50 850 4.25 0.85 0.00 5.10 (NO SIGNATURE) SEALE, ELI DECO. ESTATE OF PAID !:IY C. C. SEALE 910 AC HR ELI SEALE IN LIMESTONE CO. 910 640 AC HR J. A. HEAD IN LIMESTONE CO. 640 177 AC HRT. M. PLUMMER. ?? CO. 177 1727 8.63 2.17 0.00 10.80 C. C. SEALE. AGT. ~- 36 ADAMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ii, 14,20,26,29, 30 ADDERHOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. 19,20 ALLEN ............................... .. 34 ANDERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. 20 ASTIN..................... .............. 26 BAKER . . . . . . . . . . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7, 17, 33 BALDWIN. ............................ 30.31 .BARRON .............................. .28 BATEMAN ............................ ..29 BATTLE. . . . . . . . . . ... .. . .......... ... .. 18.30 BAYNE .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .32 BEENE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 12-14.16-18,20 BETHEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' 30 BISSELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 BLACK .................................. 7 BLACKMAN ............................ .26 BLATHERWiCK.......................... 11 BLOCH ............................... ..31 BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ii, 20 BOATWRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23, 25 BOONE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 BOWEN ................................ 31, BOYD .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 BOYETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 24 BOYETTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 BRADLEY................ ... ........... ..30 BRANDON ........................... 26, 30 BRARERA .............................. 32 BRIANS ................................. 7 BROCKE ................................6 BROCKMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 - BROOKS ............................ 16,20 BROWN. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 6, 30 BUCHANAN............................. 26 BUCKHAUL TS ........................... 29 BuLLOCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 BURROUGH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 BURT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 CADDEN HEAD .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. ... 33 CALDWELL ............................. 27 CALHOUN .............................. 31 CANTABURY . ....................... 29, 30 CARL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 CARNES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 CARTIVIELL . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 CASEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 CAUTHRON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 19 CAWTHORN ............................ 15 CH,l\PPELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 CHATHAM .............................. 26 CHENAULT ............................. 12 CHRISTIAN ............................. 28 ClJ.\MPITT .......................... .11, 18 CLARKE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 CLl:ERi: . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ... 31 COLE>...... .... . . .. . . . ... ... .... .. .. 28,29 COLLARD . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . ... 29 COLLINS ................................ S CONNELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11, 15 INDEX CONWAY. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8,20 COOLEY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 COURTS. . . . . . . . . ... ............... ... 19 COX ............. .... ... . . .. '" ....... 30 CREEG . .. . .. .. .. .. . ..... ... . .... . .. .. 19 CRENSHAW......... ........ ........ .28 CUNNINGHAM......... ...... . .<11,14,16,17 CURD.......................... ... 32.33 DANIEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 DAUP ........................ .......... 27 DAViS.................................. 16 DAWSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 13-16 DEAN ...........;......; . . . . . . . .. . . .. 9 DEARING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 DEFU ................. ................... 5 DERDEN ..........................;....... 26 DOAK ................ ............... .31 DUNLAP. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ....... 11-14, 16-20 DUNN .... .. .. .. . ; .. . .. . ....., .. .... 26, 27 EADES .. .....................;... . ... 6 EAVES .................... . . . .. .. 15, 17, 19 EDWARDS............. ......... .... 17,19,20 ELENSER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 ELLIS ................................... 6 ENDLOW .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 ERWIN. . ; . . . . . . . . .. .................... 21 ESTAS .................................. .35 EVANS. . . . . . . . .. ......... ............ 14 FARMER. . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 FARQUHAR . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .; . ... 14, 16 FERGUSON...... ............ .13.16,19,26 FINCH. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . " 31 FINEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............. '31 FINNEGAN.. . .... .. . . ... . ... . ... .. 27,29,31 FISHER ..................... ... . . . . . 14, 15 FLINN .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 FOSTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . .. 6,20. 34 FRANKLIN .............................. 30 FRENCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 16 FULLERTON ......................... 29,30 FURGERSON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 FURMAN ...................... . . . . . .. 19 GAINER. . . . . . . . . .. . . . '.' . . . . .. 11,14,15,18 GAMMEL ................................ 5 GAMMON . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 GELBER... . . . . '.' . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 9,31 GIBBS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. 26 GOOCH ............ ................... 15 GOODIN . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . .. 31 GRAHAM ...................... ... 7,29,30 GRANT. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ; . .. . . . . .... 27 GREEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . .. 5, 6 GRIESER. ... . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. ... ..... 31 GRQGINSKI ................ . .. . . .. ... 30,31 HADLEY . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 30 HAL.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 27,28.31 HAMILTON.............................. 28 HANWAY ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 HARBERS ............................ 20, 21 HARDING .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . 31 HARE .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 27 HARRINGTON ................ ........ 11, 19 HARRISON. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 26, 28,30 HARVEY... . . . . . . . . " . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. " . . .32 HARY ...................... .......... .9, 32 HAWTREY .................................9 HAYES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12, 14,19,20 HEAD .................................. 35 HEMPILLlNG .......................... 15 HEMPLlNG . . .. ..... ... .. .. . ... . .... ;.... 16 HENDERSON....,...................... 27 HENRY .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. 13 HENSARLING ............. ............. 29 HEWIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . .... 27 HIGGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7, 28, 29 HODGES ................................ 20 HOKE.. ............ ... ........... 11,12,16 HOLLAND............... ..... .'... .......... 8 HOLLIDAY. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . ... . . .. 11, 12,14-16 HOLMES. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. 27 HOLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 10 HORLICK ............................... 30 HOUCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 9 HOUSTON .............................. 32 HOWELL....................... .22-24,.26,30 HOYLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 HUBBARD .............................. 29 HUDSON ............................ 21, 32 HUDSPETH .............................. 8 HUMPHREY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 HUNNICUTT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. .. 28 HUNT... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10, 21, 23 HURE ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 IRONS .................................. 6 JAHN ................................ 29,"31 JAMES.. .. .... . .. ... .. . . . '" . . .... 22,26,27 JAMESON ......................... 11, 16, 18 JENKINS ............................... 28 JOHNSON ........................... 28, 30 JONES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. 5,18,20,27,31 KACZER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 KELLOGG ............................... 8 KENEDY . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 KIRKLAND .............................. 11 KNIGHT ................................ 17 KNOX.... ... . . ... " . . . ... . .. . . . .. 19,22,23 KOENIG ................................. 31 KUBAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 LACY .................................. 31 LAMDENS .............................. 11 LAWE .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .... 6 LAWLESS .............................. 29 LAWRENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 LEBO ................................... 7 LEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... " 28, 29 LEWIS. ... .. ... ..... . . ..... . .. . 11-16,18,20 LOCKE " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 LONG '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 LOWE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 MARTIN ......................... 8, 26, 29, 31 MARWILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 37 MASON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28, 29 MAWHINNEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 McCULLOUGH . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... ... . 23 McGREGOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14, 16 MciNNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23, 24 MCLAUGHLIN ............................ 35 McLEOD . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 12, 14, 20 MCMAHAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 McMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-18 McMICHAEL .. . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. 11, 19, 20 McMIHAEL ... .. . . . .. . . .. . ... ... '" .. . . .. 12 McNEELEY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 McNEELY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 29 MEEKINS ............................ 19,20 MELASKY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ...... 8 MEREDITH... . ... . ..... ... .... . .. . . . .13, 14 MEYERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 15, 16 'MiCKLE............................. ... .19 MIDDLETON.. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . ... 12,15,18 MILLER.. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . ... 15, 18,28,29 MILLICAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . ; 5 MILLS... . . . . . ... . . .... " . . . ... . . . " . .12,20 MOBLEY. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' . .29 MOEHLMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .31 MONDRICK ............ i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .26 MONROE ............................ 11,16 MOORE. .... . .... . . .... .... . ........ . ... 12,.18 MULLINAX ............................. .'34 MUNDAY ............................ ....29 MYERS. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,17220 ORTEGA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .; 7 PAGE .............................. 3, 9,20 PARK .................................. 27 PARKER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 PARSONS ............................. .25 PATTERSON ........................ ....31 PAYNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .30 PECK ................................... 5 pETrY.. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. ... . .... 27,29 PEVERLEY .. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . ; .11 PEVERL Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29, .30 pEVERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . '.20 PHILLIPS ............................. ,26 PIASEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .30 PIETZER ............................., .28 PLAYER .. . . . . .. . . ... .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. 15.,19 PLUMMER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 35 POOL ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 15, ,h9 POOLE.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... 16, t8, 20 POWERS ............................. .,... 31 PRESNALL. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .,. i<8 PRIDDY ...........................;.. 27, 28 F'ROCTOR ............................ .. 14 RAGSDALE ............................... 32 RANEY............................... .'. 32 RAY .................................. ~5,?8 F'tAYSOR.. . .. . . . . .. ... . '" . . .. . . ... . . . .';. ~6 REED.......................... .... 26-~8; ~ RIGBY ...............................28-30 RIGGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. 27 ~OADES ............................... 33 ROB ................................... 31 38 ROBERTS ........................... 15. 20 ROBINSON. . . . . ; . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . ... 17 ROGERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 ROMAN ............................. . 27 ROSENHOUR .,..............; . , . . . . , . . 31 ROSS............... ........... ....... ... 9 RUCHTI ............................. . 31 SANDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1-13 SANDERS. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... .>26 SATTERWHITE ........................ ..28 SAUNDERS ....................... 26.30 SCHAEFER ...................... . .32 SCHAFER ......................... .. . 32 SCHOEPS ......................... 14.16 SCHUBERT .......................; ... .. 8 SCHULTZ.......... .. . . .... . ... ..... . .,. 31 SCOTT .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .14.16. 35 SCRIMSHIRE ........................ ....17 SEALE. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..1a.33-35 SELLERS. ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. ..>16,18 SHACKELFORD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... 34 SHELBOURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . 34 SHOEMAKER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .3:4- SHOUL TZE . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '" .33 SIMMS ................................ .32 SIMPSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .6., 7.29 SIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28;~P.34 SMITH. . . . . . . .. . .. . 6,8.12.13,16.18,27,31-3:4- SOMERLATTE .. . . .. .,. ... . ... .. ... . . ;L. .31 SOUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '.i33,3:4- SPANN. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.,13-;20 SPELL ............................. .:..30 SPENCER ............................. ..3:4- SPOTTS...... .......................... ....32 SPRATT......................... .... .15,.16 STAGNER .......................... .12.3:4- STALLINGS ......................... ...29 STANEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .30 STEELE ..................... 11-14, 16, 18-20 STEPHEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.' . ... 25 STEPHENS ......................... .... .26 STEPHENSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; .. ; .17 STEWART ........................... .3:4-,35 STINER ............................ ..... 34 STODDARD.........................; ... ..26 STRAUGAN ......................... .13,14 STRAUGHAN........................ .;. .20 STRAUGHN ......................... .... 17 STUART . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... 28,29,33 STUTEVILLE ........................ .i..35 SUTTON............................ .... .28 SWEAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. ..33 rATUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 27 TAUBER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . ;,. ..30 TAYLOR . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .',12,20 Tt:iOMAS ......................... 1a, .2Q, 27 Tt:iOMPSON . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5"t8,31 TRANT......... .................... ...i,. .2a UMENSETTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..;.2a UNMENSETTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. .'29 VICK .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2~,30 WADSWORTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .11 WAGNER. . . . . .. . ... . . . . . ... .. .14, 16,19.20 WALKER ........ .. . .... . . ., . .. .. ... ...: ..12 WALLACE ...... ...,........... 20, 27. SO, 31 WARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . ....;. ... '2.7 WATSON... . . . '" ;.. .. .. ... . . .. .15,19,28 WEAVER............ .... " ..,.... ..... <27.28 WEBB . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 12.22.23, 33 WEISS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 WETTER .......... . ...... .. ...... . 28 WHALEY................ ..,. ... 11 WHARTON .............................. <11 WHITE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. 11, 16 WILKINSON . . . . . . . .. .................. .27 WILLIAMS .................... 12-15,17-19,32 WINFREE. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ; .. ... 5 WINTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. 31 W1PPRECHT ......................... .. 31 WITT... ...... . . .... ... .. . . ... .... ..... 31 WiTTMAN..... ........................... 31 WOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . " 17 W'rATT . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 20 YEAGER . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... 31 YOUNG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . .. . . . . . . ... . . .. 14 , PUBLICATIONS BY BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION AND MEMBERS Persons. interested in the publications of the BGA may order them at the address listed below. For information on publications by members, contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication of members will be between the person interested in thepublicatibn and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: Title: Content: -- "Butchers, Bl:ikers and Cl:indlestickMl:ikers: Notes on Bryan Businesses, 1867-1889" Abstracts on early Bryan Businesses. 45 pages with full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association, P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "The Other Pioneers: Notes on Slaves and Slavery in Brazos County" Abstracts from newspapers, Brazos County Commissioners Minutes, Tax rolls, Slave Census, deeds, court cases, etc. 40 pages with full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Published by Brazos Genealogical Association. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "Brazos County, Texas; Annotated Adoption Records, 1862-1933." 26 pages identifying 54 deeds listing the adoption of 62 Brazos County children with a full name index. Compiler: Bill Page Publisl1ed by Brazos Genealogical Association. Cost $5.00 plus $2.00 per booklet for shipping. "Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 1850-1910." Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by surname plus maiden name index. 328 pages. Author: Nadine Billingsley, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840. "Descendants of Joshua JONES of Alabl:ima.and Solomon KING of Nortl1 Carolina, 1771-1994" Story of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina and their descendants, 1771-1994. Over 8000 names, indexed. Author: Nadine Billingsley. "Brand book "A" and "B" The registration of a mark or brand maybe useful to Genealogists as a finding aid when developing a time. line, and may confirm the existence of a person or family in Brazos County. Registrations were compiled from Brand Book "A" and "B", and may.contain such information as surname, first name or initials, date of registration, book, page, and any comments made at the time.. It has 121 pages, soft bound, over 2900 registrations and is indexed. The cost is $17.97. Author: Nadine Billingsley. Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1876-1909,St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Indexed, intended to assist the researcher in locating records at this church. 96 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski, 4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. Marriage and Death Records, 1871-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. A complete transcript of these records. Deaths start in 1894, with a few recorded before that date. Includes a list of places of birth. 83 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski. "Italians of Steele's Store, Texas." Historical account of the Italian settlement at Steele's Store, Brazos County, Texas. Author: Rosemary DePasqul:ile Boykin, 1506 Laura Lane, College Station, TX 77840: The Brazos County cemetery book has recently been published an~ is now available. Included are 278 pages of names listed alphabetically from 85 cemeteries. Inf~lJl1atioq listed includes (where available) name, date of birth, date of death, inscription and cemetery. Ericson Books 1614 Redbud St Nacogdoches, TX 75961-2936 Send your order to: The price is $40. Add 8.25% Texas sales tax and $3.50 shipping/handling. BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805-5493 Vol. XX No.1, Winter 1999 iBOYKlN, Rosemary ;8407 Shadow Oaks College Station, TX 77845,,4603 It 111111111_11_11~1.1.1111111111111111111111111111111111