HomeMy WebLinkAboutKitty's Teaching Years Scrapbook Joseph Wm. Rowe (age 14) Grandfather of W.P. Worley and husband of Minnie Copeland Born April 11, 1952 Plymouth, England. Died September 27, 1930 Dallas, Texas. - .~~ . , ~ Charles Cook Copeland G. grandfather of W.P. Worley Born Dover, Vermont Jan .11, 1818 ,. Died Choctaw Indian Nation, 1869 Mary Semple (Minnie) Copeland Rowe (about 17 yrs.) Grandmother of W.P. Worley, wife of J.W. Rowe They married in 1876. Born Choctaw Indian Nation, March 28, 1859. Died Dallas, TX, April 7, 1939. \ William Rowe (age about 55) G.grandfather of W.P. Worley Born 1831 Devon - Maryston. Died st. Budreaux, near Plymouth, England July, 1898 with Lottie, second wife and former housekeeper F , a~"'";;.~ -!" i ..~ . D"~)'.. ".~ tl'. .& -~; ~ ~:::l . :t ~:'. . Lt, ~ > a ~ -$'. 'J l' I'J ,IIJ . Joseph Wm. Rowe (age 14) Grandfather of W.P. Worley and husband of Minnie Copeland Born April 11, 1852 Plymouth, England. Died September 27, 1930 Dallas, Texas. "" . ~ ~. /A . ~.'~I/ . v V . '\ ~ ~ s;-- ~ ~. Herbert Greenslade Rowe About 20 Brother of Miriam, Eleanor, and Olive Rowe I I I -18.'.y: - -- L9 f' /-f :- -;. ;;.~ -F' ( \ .... irlr: /) '9 . Miriam Rowe Trapp, aun~ of W.P. Worley September 12~ 1879 - January 14, 1956 with James S. Trapp, .Jr. I .4 I- I I I "----- .--- .--- .--- .--- ---- .--- 1__1t .__a I.-- I... .-:. -- :=:: _... ,... I... :=..:.r; ~:;rrr' -.:........r ~:::.=:;,... ~~:;- ~~-- .-~.... ~~~~ r::~!u.f ...,1 . ~ ..; I - '" :r~1 I; '=' = '=' I ......, :::: I ;::I Co ;;;; == ;;;;: ~ .... '. .... . . .. r I .- I I I I. ~ ~. ~'<~lf' -:-), -'. ,. :"?'.,':- '-'. . '.. '- '}c;r,~'r' . ,......' . . ,'...-c. ;-, '. . , ~ -- - rLl<' '- "l: ~... '~:':""'-- . '. . . I I 51.52 CONDIT ElEM. SCHOOL DAYS 1954' .55 Southdowns ----1.. ~..... ~ .... .... . ,. ~- ....~ ....--...J-_ ~ ; , .l.. .. r~.. .;.... . ~... ... .L....-. -:t ... -'.- . " .r' . ~ I.. o!.. "). .... ~' ~ ~ ~.~ J}'~~~ ~ t~ M-f;t~~~,/ TWO-P~RT 2 THE BRYAN DAILY EAGLE, BRYAN-C,S" TEXAS SUNDAY, MAT iI, 1111 ~~/ / l , . )l~ , ,;j "I' .<13.E.fltESHI14ENT TIME AT DANCE - Eighth grade students at A&M Consolidated High School gather around the refresh- l#ent tabLe lit the Friday night dance at Briarcrest Country Club, The entire eighth grade class was invited to tll, 'pallty given . by parents of 12 graduating students, (Eagle photo by Gene Dennis). Eighth Grade Graduates Honored I ~py ith Dance At. Briatcrest Club E Eighth Grade ,Graduates Honored ' With Dance At. Briarcrest Club ,~~r~Ei~:~~~~;r~;c~l:~: ~;;:re:~~;;;J :::FoXe[-I.-, o~ate<r'1Iie' BnarGrest \;;'ountTY ed In 'WnIte, was "edged wIlli IVY ,Club ,entrance for the Friday and tiny paper daisies. The or- night semi-formal dance honor- gandy skirted table held refresh- f ing A&M Consolidated students. ments of cake, punch, cookies j The graduation dance honored and sandwiches. A Victorian , ,12 boys and girls who will at- bouquet in a milk 'glass contain- 1 tend A&~ C(}nsolidated Hi g h er centered the table. :t ,School ne~.year. Red and white streamers lined' ! . Honored by their parents were the length of the ceiling and I Kim Alexahder, Jim.AJ.1i.Y:?C, Jim tiny, long balloons were hung I Beamer, Lorelei Brown, Mary in clusters. i Beth Calhoun, Diane Leipper, White covered tables were set l Ruth McGill, John V. Perry III, "up on one side of the room for 1 , Robert Reid, L i n d a Rudder,' the g u est s. Small hurricane I' i Timmy Wolters and Fred Wor- lamps decorated with ivy and ley. small paper daisies adorned the Invited guests, all tnembers I tables. . of 'the eighth grade, danced. to Parents h 0 s tin g the dance l m u.s i c provided by Manwng were Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Mc- { ~ Smith,. Mpthers of , the hpnotees Gill Jr. and Messrs. and Mmes. I had decorated thelcouh,try club James Y. Alexander, James W. J \Y ~ ~,h 'nus,~" .h~u.q?l_1:~ '~~l' ~i<!.ney O. I.3;:<;~'1~, J.~hn. ,J daISIes, red .and w111te crepe pa- 1 . aUioun Jr., Dale F. LeIp-per,' ~ ,per streamers and multi-<;olored John V. Perry Jr.,' Robert O. ) balloons. Reid, ~arl Rudder, Freddie A. .j On the far wall of the danc- Wolters, W. P. Worley and Mrs. ] ing area were large white paper R. J. Beamer, - daisies from Denmark centered with pale yellow' paper carna- tions. On either side of this area, used for a stage, were spiral bamboo streamers in red and yellow running from the ceiling to the floor. The streamers were .... <1" t I .... '1 -j 1 ,- I I I .i'. r,;; ~. F~\. f~ i'.~. .& " 56-57 A.& M. CONSOLIDATED II ! . '~ t , '\ .,. -..", / v. ''J~I /'" I ',J 1; , il 'I( ,.. /~. , ),.-.! J.: ", 57-58 A. 6- M. CONSOLIDATED ~ 59-bO A. I; M. CONSOLIDATED 1- -- I -- - ---1 I I I .. .... .... '""1,1 '\. ~ . -'~ . I ,~ i..... ..~.., If'l. '" ;';! I ., ~ I,J '., " ... , - , I ..l .... .... .... .#- -\ft I ,I -....- l' ~ - '-.... t, .~.. IT CAN BE DONE t"l"~' I ~_.~ hat \, \. ~ ~ Ao, ~ car pig J ~ ... - ~ _J '. r -- -- -. I ?na~ ,/ 9 ~ 3 ~czJi:;v .' .~ ~a.~ i ~ ~ I ~~tf, Qo.A.lo.. / ~.RLr ' ~ I ~-hm, ~, ~ '1'1Vw.~_., ~ /,.' 0 a. 14: -L".+.n :fQA1L ~ 13. td. ~~ 0' '~-~.IblP1 ~ I t:r ~ L-/ii1. L(4. ....J")AeA, , niA..4.V:'U ~a... 0-' .- r ~ ~ a...Jea. ~ (t' &. :::- b~ ~~'~...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f!II. .~>>~~1.~' l ..,.. ~ ....,.~ "'~q~~ ... , - _ .' . '-, - .,;1;: - . . .' -. ,.' ~. A8 M CONSOLIDATED "ECEMENTARY 19_6_5-"6"6 ; 0;.0 . . _ - - _ ....;.... :-"'"-~ _ -----=......-=- - - - - -~ - . .. ::,). 51.52 KASHMERE GARDENS EL ) I ~ f 55,56 SCHOOL DAYS __L_ /' ~- ~"\ I I I i I I \ I \ I l .., 60.61 A. (, M, CONSOLIDATED l,. ' t\- // I \~;f ~I;).; \ : I . - . ~/ , / r - ) / / ...1 ~..-- " " ..... CI" rf~,."'s_ ". . -I(., .' ~~~II~,_,." :~" " ~,';.)- . 1'/ .,", ,.::-. r .\, .~ "l . I i. i ~..~--.. r~" ..."" ~..- '..:...-.,... j _I. ". -., .~[~-- ~- '-:- ~.~:.fit..-;..S~.> l,.1 ~.,~q~_... '- ~~.>~~: -'.'~ ~,.... oj, fii~ ~. \ "' "". ' .' I' , liv. - - 'J" - ~ . ~ '~ "L ~ -, .' ~....- ~ ,.... .-'" .,W~i i> ~JfO;t~)'"~ .r ''''-_:~-'-:~~-~~-~ ~ :.( oF ,.. .. , .... u(;l ?' I vY . ~ ,. ) I I I~ .f... . . .... - I ~ ~ . '-it"; e~H. ~. '! _ e!l;:.erf OO~ ,'roc.( po..ec.e . .50' II';) ff"" '~-Of"'.o.~ . . -' .... , - ,/ ~ ~, .' .~ , - .... ., .... , . .... r' ..' '., " -- l .f r! ~J ~ClYrf\ ~ \~ ~ . ~~ ~ ,...... o. '. ) _ . . --1' ,. , f.{ .{' r -.....J" ,r J ~ .. .c ~ "" z o :c .. ::; . ,c'l;.' . / /- "" The Static Overcurrent Relay and 115 Applicalions Presented by F. T. FREE Systems Relay Engineer Switchgear Department ALLIS-CHALMERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY to SIXTEENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE FOR PROTECTIVE RELAY ENGINEERS College Station, Texas April 8-10, 1963 This paper; autha,ed by O. Oalasla, f. T, free and A. P. deSnaa, was previously pre.enled as Paper 63.21801 the lEE Wlnler Meeting on Janua,y 28, 1963 In New York, N.Y. ...,...,..,--1 I .~ ,~ '" Not released for publication except by permission of Allis-Chalmers, T~chnical Press Bureau ALLIS-CHALMERS :~~ ,'", , .~.......;...i.:;~ ..ti~...r. 20 P '466 ",,;- --'-1 'l_~ ~ ~- '"__-:;s,-';",- ~. ". -- .... : " ,~ ~ ....., ? '"Ii" ~i - ~ .. ~ ~ .. " ~ ~ :.. .. .. ~ .. .. .. , .. ~ ... . " .. -:- ~ ~ ~ .;. ~ . "" .;. .... :.. .. h Ii 51 ) 1 I 1 .1 ~ ~f?E? ~ :d" ~ ~ " ~--:: ~ ~ :;: ::: Our family has grown by three in /983 Carol married Kevin Moran, May 7 .:~...~ .'k \..i'eti<"'" - . lfIJII"""'oa\1\C A. o ~a\\ I ~et '1 \', UeCe~ 1(. lltie 1'llll.!c 411Ch. ohnSOll ~llSt 6 1:'::11 !"'.::I !l' '"'=' ~ C':lI = IIlI i: .::II '9i't ~ ~ '" ~ P:o " 1i00::. 'I:! ;;;;::1 ::Il:lI ~~ CI "'::l ~ '="" c::: ;;;J !) .::I 10'::' ;;; . = .. E:.."':::l ~ ~ 'i~rradQ. - - ----~ ~ , ~CAN'riV"~~ewt 'Mr. and Mrs. Mel . r an Pedro, plants " surprise on 4- . .~Shong, daughter ~., al DeShong of 3204 tup,day is tne day for all sw'eethearts.t .' of affection in re Valentine, a Ch.f ancltnt Rome. Ne . bit with .a box'. 0" F~ida,y at ChiIdcr W. 30th. (Staff Pqot > \~,lq7? ~ ;;; :.::;; ~ :;;; = ~ A ~ ~ ~oL~~ ~QA....lI /q 72. j(~ ~ /9IPti4J ~ I ~..zc-d.c c~ 4- 7Jt4d, ~~ hf~ ~ola. Lf ~~a ~~,S/II/.I ;. 0:1 ;;;;; '," E;:; .::. == ~ ;- co ClI::l ~.;;: ;;;;;l :;;: .- -~ co ~ w::. mg...;-~ = '=w: ;;;I ;;; Cl = .... ~ .:::J !:l I'" CII: '=<::l ...::lI ~ ~~ 1JLd.., mt1.~ ,(Je~ f(~ .,.. ~ovU~ .'----~~-----~ --~ o ;:I 1;;:1 CIClI CI - :~ .....o~~"~'~ ' ".._. :li!.' ::-II>'...~ "..;, ,t " _""T. I f ,,- Y - 7 { '1 '.ec~o ~~...~~ ~~ tlt-.to- ~- v~ + 'W\~ :~~~ ~ ":f r.....,~~....u.. ... ~ rJ~~t!Jn ~ ~ ~r GRADUATION EXERCISES ~ & M CONSOLIDATED SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ~ r ~-" , Sunday EfJening, May 28, 1967 Tuesday Evening, May 30, 1967 Eight o'clock ." 'Baccalaureate Sermon...., A&M CONSOLIDATED AUDITORIUM Sunday Evening, May 28, 1967 Eight 0' clock r----- * ~ Organ Meditation Processional - "Marche Romain" ........................ C. Gounod Invocation ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rev. Carlton E. Ruch- "Remember the Island of Childhood" F. Coulter Concert Choir Sermon - "Temptations" ...................... Rev. Carlton E. Rllch Pastor, Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Benediction ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .. Rev. Carlton E. Ruch Postlude - "Trumpet Voluntary" ........................ H. Purcell (No Recessional) Organist and Choir Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Frank C. Coulter ~ , " ~ ,-..,. ~ ~- ~ ;--.. Commencement Program...." A&M CONSOLIDATED STADIUM Tuesday E\'ening, May 30, 1967 Eight o'clock CONCERT - TIGER BAND ~ Processional - "Ceremonial March" ".................... Morrissey Invocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The Rev. E. George Becker Ca;;;pus Minister, University Lutheran Church and Student Center "March of Freedom" ..............................,....,.. Myrow Concert Choir, Mixed Chorus and Band Introduction of Speaker ................... . . . . . . . . . . .. W. T. Riedel Suptlrintendent, A&M Consolidated Schools Address D. K. Warren Aerospace Technician, M,anned Space Craft Center Awarding of Scholarships. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. A. D. Bright Principal, A&M Consolidated Senior High School Presentation of Graduates ............................ W. T. Riedel Presentation of Diplomas. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . . . .. Dr. A. B. Wooten President, A&M Consolidated School Board r 1'C. H. S." .......................................... . ~~unnerlyri Benediction. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., " The Rev. E. George Becker Recessional "Ceremonial March" ...................... Morrissey C. H. S. Voices ring out to thee, Hail C. H. S. ! Hearts filled with loyalty To C. H. S. Ever so faithfully- Ever we bless Each happy memory Of C. H. S. Band Director William Atkins " David Lawrence Alexander Howard Neil Anderson, Jr. Linda Carroll Anderson Homer David Barrow Mary Beth Bailey Carnell Banks Kevin Robert Bean Paul David Becker .1 ack Charles Beezley .1 oAnne Berner Randy Gwen Wise Bice .Tames L. Boone III Stephen D. Boring Patricia Boriski Elizabeth Anne Boykin James Wilson Bradley Charmille Bridges ,T anet Lynn Calliham LaSandr,a Ruth Cathcart .T acqulyn Ann Carroll Elizabeth Bottrill Clark Shelly Elaine Cooper Linda J .ee Crenshaw .1 ames Eenter Creswell Robert Patrick Culpepper Gayle Eileen Darroch Alfred Webb Davis III Richard Harvey Davis III Maurine Eli~beth Dawson Carolyn ,T ean Eimann William Ervin Ethridge William David Falls Rolando Farfan Kerry Ann Fisher Paul Embry Garvin .1 ames Ray Gilbert David Ray Glover M,ary Elizabeth Griffin Charlie E. Grayer Kaye Pennington Hancock Barbara Sue Hedges Stephen Allen Henry (lass 1{oll Thomas King Hens,arling Donna Marie Heritage Burnest Douglas Hollis Larry Gene Holt Margaret Todd Huebner David William Ibert Faye Sommervell Inglis Edethel Gayle Jackson ,T ames Robert Jackson Terry Miller Jones ,Tulius Ludwig Junek, Jr. Hebecca Ann Kirby Larry Neal Laird Carolyn Layman David Merrill Lechelt .1 anet Eli~beth Leipper Paula Gaye Murphy Letbetter Katherine Aileen Litterst Terry Seth Logan Elmer .Mable, ,Tr. Fredrick Andrew Maddox Hobert Marvin Marcotte, Jr. Kennith W. Martin Mary Jane McBride Larkin Arthur McNiel Kenneth James Meyer Lynda Ann Miller Clemmie LaVern Mitchell Richard D. Moon Barbara Jean Moore Kenneth Jerome Morgan Richard Kenneth Murphy Oma Dell Nash Robert Paul Norton Dixie Olden Melissa Gray Owens .Tohn Dewitt Parsons Blenda Joyce Smith Peterson Rebecca Lavonne Plantt K,aren Prater Tomy Ray Preston William Franklin Price Oliver 'Vayne Prieve ~ '- ) William James Powell , William Howard Ramge' Linda Elaine Redman Asiline Reed .1 ames C. Reed Nancy Osborne Reid Zaida Raquel -Rich,ardson David Charles Riedel Allan Dexter Riggs Melfred Doyle Robertson .T ames M. Robinson Gary Norman Royder Norma Kay Royder Ray Gregory Rowe Deborah Gwynn SchaUe Sharon Lil Skrivanek Beatrice Smith Celi.a ,T ane Stark Lawrence Ray Sterling Rhea Kaye Storey Robert Ronnald Stump Patricia Lynn Highnote TaJ,asek. Ivory Joe Taylor .T ohn Duane Teer Karen Juanita Thompson .Tack William Upham, Jr. ~ Laura Louise Vestal ~ Boyd Mitchell Vincent Edward Reed Walker, II .T ohn Steven Watkins Wanda Sue McTee Watts Ronnie Lee Watson David James Wehrly Evelyn ,Toyce Wells .1 oseph Elias White Delores .T ewel Wilborn 'Wallace Leonard Williams Dorothy Mae Wilson Phyllis Ann Wolf Evalyn Worley Donna M,arie Young Nolan Bradford Young - - -"'--- \ ! \ \ I \ \ '.. .f ' -.... 0:- #- ~, .-- '~ l _" ~~/~~ ~2: 19"7 I e.a.z~ ~ CtM.1::o - /' ' -8<<4.~4 "t.. ~ .I ~~ ,,-- II ~ =::lI 0;:; ~ ;O:l Ii;;;;:lI :;; !:.;:II !::II c::::J :I Ci '" ;!l = i::lI .:: =' I;,.:; .:: ~ .:II ~ ~ ;::0 " '!:I:! " :::. == ~ I::l c...::II II ~ .,;:; .... -- ...- '=;;;l ;::I -.;::;, r::;;:: c ... .. a~a.L eI1~a.-dlA- r UJaL~ ..:::::l II ;o;:l - - -- --= ~ C:: I;;:;; C:;;;; r;:.. ~ :~d4/~~!. \;~~ c1~ l~/ /97;<.; ... ' -- : II:,; '" C' Local Man -:. Girl Scout Award William P. Worley, of 1001 Village Dr. in College Station, received the Girl Scout "Thanks Badge," the highest a~rd in Girl Sc~uting, at the Blueponnet Girl Scout annual dinner meeting in Waco Thursday, The "Thanks Badge" is "reserved for recognition of truly outstanding servic~ so significantly a b 0 v e and beyond the call of duty' that no 'other award would be appropriate," according to a Girl Scout spokesman. Worley has worked with Girl Scouting for 19 years, serving on the Camp Howdy local' committee and the Camp Kachita Established Camp committee, " He 'has been Camp Howdy chairman for four years, serves as . a trustee of thE\. cJlmp and helped in the! original.planning for the cam~ when it was.' established i 1,956., Worle.y" a.1s.o"p~cipate with Ii catnp committee i . general up-keep work,.for th site.. ,.,.. . I Worley. serves ,QD. the boy and ~ipls eommit~ee, of th Kiwanis Club'. in addition' to work in other' g!~fl '-youth activiti~s. He has~served .as a Cub ,Scout master for the past thr~ years." Mr. and Mrs. WQI!ley have three daughters and a son.' ..I . Others receiving"qjrl'Scout awards jlt' 'the a~l,liia[' mee were Mr: and ,. Mrs. M. A. Walters' of Bryan who received Girl Scout.,Sta'flpettes: Nelson Taft of rMadisonville, Mrs. Harold, Fullet of Bryan and Mr. and 'Mrs. "AI Roberts of Hearne received cer- tificates of appreciation. Newly elected Council board members were installed at the meeting also. Among these are Mrs. James Fleming of !Hearne, Jerry Barton, Jesse Vivel'O and Dr. Lannes Hope of Bryan and Joe Sawyer of C6llege Station. .. ,.-.. -....=.- ANNUAL MEETING AND 1970 ANNUAL REPORT Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council, Inc. ~ f"' "-'-- McLENNAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENT CENTER WACO, TEXAS JANUARY 21, 1971 REGISTRATION 6:30 P,M, DINNER 7:00 'P.M. ,.'- UjApq MRS, CARROLL McREYNOLDS, Council President. MRS, W, E. SIDPP, Executive Director BLUEBONNET GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL, INC. Annual Meeting January 21, 1971 :J McLennan Community College STU DENT CENTER Waco, Texas 7:00 P,M, D PROGRAM Master of Ceremonies - Jack Tompkins, Ph. D, Invocation ____________m____________________________________________Rev, Richard Spinn Flag Ceremony ______________m_________________.__,._______m__Troop # 119, Waco r~ DINNER (BUFFET) Welcome ________________m_________________.____._ __"_' .____ Wilbur A. Ball, Ph,D ,-...~ Introductions _____________..:.___________________.__n_ ___,_______,________Dr, Jack Tompkins Business Meeting _________________________.___________________________Mrs. Carrol McReynolds Recognitions Election, Board Members; Nominating Committee; Neighborhood Chm. Ins~allation of Board, President and Nominating Committee, and Neighborhood Chairmen .____________._____.._n.__________Mrs, Will Worley Speaker ________________________________________._______..,__Lt, Gen, Beverley E, Powell Introduced by Dr, Tompkins Awards _____________m____________________n __________n__n____ __no_Mrs. Chas, H, Cornwell ADJOURN ," ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS r. For making this annual meeting possible, appreciation is expressed to the following: Chairman, Arrangements ______________.m._______.__________________,_______Turner E. Hubby ill, Waco _ Board Member Master of Ceremonies _________m_ ____ __..m______m..____________..__~_._m__._____Jack Tompkins, Ph.D Vice President, Texas State Tech. Institute, Waco Opening Flag Ceremony n_m________._______m______m ..Senior Girl Scout Troop #119, Waco Invocation _____________m___________.._____m__.nm.Rev. Richard Spinn, Associate Pastor, . Austin Avenue Methodist Church; Waco W elcome --------------m---------m------m---------'McLei~~~~o~.~~li/3~ie~~~S{$:~~ Speaker _____u.____._______mum.________________Lt. General Beverley E. Powell, Commanding General, ill Corps and Ft. Hood Business Meeting ___m__m__________m_____ __m___ ,"___m_ ~iu~~ri~t ~f:}e~~~~~sc:;;;ii Installation Service ______________________n___________n__Mrs. Will Worley, College Station Camp Committee Awards __________________m___________m____________.m._____n __Mrs. Charles H. Cornwell, Marlin Board Member Decorations ____________________________m____________________Waco Girl Scout NeighbDrhoods Head Table _________..___________..._ __00__ ________..___.._n__._______m Woodway Nbrhd., Waco Name Tags _____m_____m_________________.._______.___u__Mockingbird Neighborhoood, Waco Registration m______..__..._______________m____. u____ _______Connally Belles, Sunset, and Brazos Neighborhood, Waco Balloting _________________..____________u______,___.._ __u__ _. ___ _..Lakeside Neighborhood, Waco Hostessing _.._____m____________________.._.m______'._____.._ _n______Huaco Neighborhood, Waco CDffee ______u__________nm..__m___u._.mm______. ____n____N orth Troopers Neighbor hODd, Waco "Pickets" --------------______.___________________...______________m__________Waco Girls Club o BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1970 r --.:o..JI Executive Committee: President ------______________________c__m_mm________________Mrs. Carroll McReynolds 1st Vice President -----------m--------______________________________________Joe Sawyer 2nd Vice President _______________m___________ m________'___m__________P. L. Stanley 3rd Vice President -.-----.------------.--------.------------__________.__-Robert O. Harris, Jr. Secretary ---------------.-------------------------------.---__..__________Mrs. Thos. R. Kirk Treasurer ------------------------------------------------_..___________._Tom ]\,1. Oliver, Jr. Members-at-Large: Mrs. Wm. A. Johnson Joe HeJldt~ C. L. SlIgh Henry Beckham Paul F. Bromser Mrs. Charles H. Cornwell C. E. McCandless Mrs. Beverley E. Powell Mrs. Jas. R. Lindley Mrs. Edward G. Farrand Albert Roberts Mrs. S. J. Vaughan ill Emil Plasek, Jr. Tom B Popejoy Mrs. Arthur O'Connor Mrs. L. C. Grumbles Mrs. A. M. Johnson Mrs. W. Todd Stewart Marshall Warren George Ferrell Irvin A. Carroll Turner E. Hubby ill District Chairman: Mrs. Alan L. Stacell Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Neil Farrell Mrs. Douglas R. DeCluitt Mrs. Glenn Stover Chairman, Nominating Committee _______m.___...__ m_. __.___ .._. ._..____Mrs. L, Frank Jones ANNUAL REPORT 1970 PERSONNEL ______m_.____._____.mm,..._...._m__._..m___.._______Henry L. Beckham, Chairman An executive director and six District Advisors are currently employed as the professional staff of the Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council. One full-time and one part-time clerical workers are employed at the Council office. A full-time caretaker IS employed at the Council established camp site, Camp Kachina. The accounting firm, Scott and Casper, is employed to do the bookkeeping service for the Council. Thirty-five staff members were employed at established camp, Camp Kachina, summer, 1970. Mrs. Lionel H~d! professional staff member, was the camp director. d All staff are employed under Social Security. A retirement plan is in effect for staff, as well as a group health plan. Five hundred, forty new leaders, assistant leaders and/or troop committee chair- men received training for troop leadership during 1970. Training methods were a modified form of the new training design as offered by the Girl Scouts USA. A .......... wide variety of training worshops were offered upon need throughout the six districts of the Council during the year. PUBLIC RELATIONS'._.___.__~_m_m_____._m________,___..._mTom B. Popejoy, Chairman Constant use has been made of all media for publicity, T.V., and local newspapers throughout the jurisdiction of the thirteen county Council jurisdiction. All events h' 'e been given proper publicity. A continued effort is being made to improve relations throughout the Council with other agencies and all organized civic and welfare groups, as well as the general public. PROGRAM ____________..._.m..___m_______ __,umm__..___mMrs. W:m. A. Johnson, Chairman The program committee has met five times during' 1970, and prior to each Board of Directors meeting. The Girl Scout pr~am as carried on in troops has been reviewed, weaknesses studied, and recommendatjpns made where help was needed. Community service has been emphasized. 'A Senior conference was held at A&:M University; a Cadette conference was held at Waco. Both were well attended. Eight girls, Senior Girl Scouts. made a Council sponsored trip to the Midwestern G.S. Center, Ten Sleep, Wyo., summer 1970. One senior Girl Scout, Bryan, partici- pated in a National Girl Scout event. An increasing effort was made to retain leaders. An increasing number of troDps are meeting the minimum size in number of girls serviced, as recommended by National Girl Scouts of the USA. Also, there is an increasing number of wide.age range, open end troops within the Council. The Council is organized into six districts, and thirty-three service units. 6204 girls were registered, 1970. 8,700 girls served, ages 7-17, 1,294 adults were registered, 1970. 1505 adults were served. " , CAMP ______._________________________m..___m_____._______Charles L. Sligh, Chairman Owned Camps: Camp Kachina, Lake Belton; Camp Howdy, Bryan; and Camp Adair, Hill County. Day Camps, 1969: Sixteen day camps were held summer, 1970. 1,678 girls were in attendance. 280 adults aided program as leaders. Troop Camps: Council has twenty approved troop camp. sites. Records indicate that approximately 2,700 girls attended a troop camp at Camp Kachina, 1970, and 800 girls to Camp Howdy. Resident Camp: One resident camp was held at Camp Kachina, summer;~ 1970 meeting for 8 weeks, plus one week for staff training. Number of campers" 530 \-~ plus staff. The summer resident camp, 1970, operatelI, within its budget and camp "- fees. New structures at Camp Kachina, 1970, include, a tri-Ievel tree house. Improve- ments were made to existing lodges; repairs and mai~litunce were' made as need- ed; eight new tents wer erected to replace worn tents.~$IO,OOO was set. aside from the profits of the annual cookie sale, 1970, as a restricted fund for cgnstruction of a Camp Kachina swimming PDOl. The Board of Directors vot construction of this pool, effective immediately. It is expected it will be com the t:late of camp opening summer, 1971. Size is to be 75' by 35', with bat se, ~er- water and overhead lights, and cyclone fence, The pool will be bL' \'it' 'lit.. ': sale profits. '" -, Camp How.dy, :a'ryan, received a new winterized shelter during 197 as Ii new .-o'l1ping unitt:Complefe~ith eight new tents. Other improvemel __<! made to t.. ,ite duri~ tlie year as well as proper ml.lintenance of th'e perty was '~made . . " Th; camp committee has voted that two pit latrin~ will be made ~vailable for . , r:amaWdY, Hill County, and these will be placed at the site, early~ 1971. ~,~. ... , .~~..#;-c~:~~iibud_;;t-.;~~-~~~~~rt~d-.b;.-f~~~~~~~_.~~~;e:~::~:' ~~~~~~: ..rteev. county area Council: Belton, Bryan, College Stalion, Copperas Cove, Ft. {oor!, .,. "Vontague Village, Groesbeck, Killeenl Marlin, McGregor,. Mexia, Teague, fem, 'st, and Waco. Seven independent lUnd drives were held: . Clifton, Fair- fi~ ' Hillsboro, Madisonville, Moody and Whitney. '1'lie-.I.utuebonnet Girl Scout Council operated within its budget during 1970. Mmimecgraphea fiaancial s; ;'ent for the year, 1970 may be found on the dining ~ables. "-li.,~.. " . ThE. -.". ,""'-: 14\.8 are audited annually by the Waco U.lited Fund. A copy is sent to.. .' tJti ef U.S.4.. arid a copy is r,_ . in the Office files. ..\ -.. '... ~ .. t\' \-,t2 .. ~ ~\~ ~ ~ \5 S~ ~ W. \f9, l'fq~- .. 10(2- ~ ~ {M<P ~ ~~~ffleo ~- ==.=- -- - --- I I . 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And' since trout was in short supply, Lawrence turned to the plentiful whitefish, a fish caught locally, insuring a fresh product. Served along with new potatoes, little white onions, coleslaw, bread, lemon wedges, and topped off with a piece of Door County Cherry Pie...the Viking Fish Boil was a hit. Today much about the Viking Fish Boil remains the same. From the atrention paid to fresh ingredients, the picnic-like atmos- phere, the drama of the preparation, including the fiery boilover, to the satisfied customer who has just finished a meal they will remember for a long time to come. So come take part in an historical event at one of Door County's dining landmarks. The Viking Grill in Ellison Bay. Make it your ~ Door County Tradition! we serve our famous fish boiI4:30-8:00PM daily, mid-May through October. No reservatiom necessary. "- Indoor and outdoor patio seating available. , Special fish boils can be served any time by reservation. ""'" Motorcoaches welcome. ~ The Viking Grill opens daily at 6:00AM all year. a..a 6', AT H~~~n~~~~~~~)~:~VES 8~ 16 small red potatoes (ends cut off) ~ 16 small onions (peeled) , 1/2 lb salt 2 gallons water Add 1/4 lb. of salt to water and bring to a boil. Add potatoes and boil for 12 minutes. Add onions and boil for 4 minutes more. Add fish and 1/4 lb of salt, boil for 10 minutes and drain into colander. Serve with melted butter, lemon and coleslaw. THE VIKING GRILL & GIFT SHOP 12029 Highway 42 · Ellison Bay Phone (920) 854-2998 · Fax (920) 854-9281 Email: fishboil@aol.com Web Address: http://doorcounty.orglrest/vik.html .~...~.....,.. '.,.. .....'~.,...... ,... ,.....,.. -..-".... About THE BRYAN DAILY EAGLE Bryan,College Station, Texas Sunday, March 7, 1965 Page 1 Women . ........., ---- ./ t <. ---