HomeMy WebLinkAboutFall 2006 Xtra Education .- J '."1 '. :1 .. :.'-i 'I ., '1 ~~ ~.~ .~j . , j '1 .1."';1 1 , ~ ~ 1 ] ; ., -''f ,-- -~------- ~' ' --- --- Education We Provide The Good Things In Life i I I I Xtra is a cooperative joint adventure involvingCollege Station Parks & Recreation Department and CSISD. We have worked together to produce the finest quality educational/recreational , programs and made them available to you. Take a look at the Fall 2006 selection of courses and make choices to enhance the-quality of y~ur life. These creative activity programs are designed to give you quality educatioital activities 'that are fun and rewarding. All of our programs are conveniently scheduled during the evening hours to allow you to utilize leisure time, for educational activities. . We give no exams, grades, or degrees, but instead, we offer you the opportunity to learn and explore your special interests in a positive learning environment. Class size is limited to insure class quality, so be sure to register .. early! Let us know if you have any suggestions for class offerings that you would like to see in the future. Please call us at 764..,3486 for more information on our leisure l~arning ...., equcational programs. , I , I I' ) I I 1 I 'I Meet Our Staff Program Director Dana Albrecht Supervisor Jenny Hartsfield Site Supervisor -, Jamie Lukeman ' Info Class space is limited to insure quality of classes. We want to provide a quality learning experiepce for you. What Quality leisure educational programs to enhance the quality of your life; When Regi~tration begins September 5th from 8am - 5pm. Registration will continue until classes begin or fill. Where The Xtra Education Office is located in College Sta~on Central Park in the Parks & Recreation office at 1000 Krenek Tap Ro~. How Register in person at the Parks Ie- Recreation Department located in Central: Park: We accept cash, checks and Visa, Mastercard and Discover. Who All of our classes ar~ open to anyone 13 years of .age or older. We have classes designed just for seniors and some classes just for kids! Why Experience the good things in leisw;e learning programs. Register early to insure the classes of your choice. " 2 Xtra Education Is YOU ! I' t --,- -- - Registration Begins September 5th " Instructo'rs Needed XtraEducationisalwaysseeking enthusiastic instructors with innovative ideas. Wewouldl*e to be 'able to offer progressive classes-thatconstantlychallenge and explore. If you possess ' a skill ,or valuable knowledge that y(i)U would like to share with your community, be sure to contact us. Call .. . . . ., Xtra Education CS Crotral Park 7~3486 Paid instructor positions -~~ . Special Access Services' Call...., CS Parks & Recreation af764-3486 and inform us of. your special needs or circumstances. We will try to accommodate your needs. 'Refund Policy - All customer initiated refunds must be requested a full1.Jtm prior to the first scheduled class meeting. A $10.00 handling fee will be assessed to each , requested Class refund. ~ OJ. For Info Call Us 979/764-3486 I' ,.., on.... mm ........n.' u m.. n....' m.._", . ,.. ..._m........... m..m ~.... -..., Course Informotion Xtra Education classes will be ~eeting at CSISD campus locations, and CS Park facilities. Some of our specia~itY classes will be meeting in local establishments that can furnish a more well-suited environmrot. Exact class "locations are not posted with the class listings in this catalog. Class sites and room numbers are furnished to each patron upon registration for a specific - class. This helps us to guarantee you the quality program that you deserve. Supplies and Te~ks , We strive to keep the cost of our educational programs as low as possible and strive to ensure the quality of programming offered ~o you. Your class receipt will include the~specific information as to what is needed before each class begins.'Some arts & crafts classes wilJ have a supply list per student., Unless otherwise stated, supplies and textbooks are not included in the course fee. Some classes will have an in-class fee, as noted in the course des~riptions, to cover materials. I LiDbilitks Xtra Education exercises great care whro selecting instructors and class locations: Our class leaders and instructors are both knowledgeable and competent. We make no guarantees, expressed or implied, that classroom 'instruction will result in specific gain. We cannot be held responsible for any loss, material or otherwise, incurred while following an instructor's directions. Xtra Ed is not responsible for any personal property lei! at any > class site. Students take classes at their own risk. Neither Xtra Education, " City of College Station, CSISD, nor any of its agrots is liable for any injury you ,may sustain during your participation in our programs. CanceUed Classes Xtra Education reserves the right to cancel classes, change times or 10- ,cations, and substitute,instructors ~ deemed necessary by our director. Classes will be cancelled tlie morning of the scheduled start date if the , minimum enrollmrot numbers are not met. Register early for classes.. '-. Refunds and Transfers ' \ Full refunds are available for classes that are cancelled by Xtra Education due. to low enrollmrot. CustomeneqUested refunds must be requested a full 7 days prior to the start date of the class. A $10 processing fee will be charged for customer requested refunds. Refunds for fees take 2 weeks for pros~ssing and m_aijing. If you withdraw from a class less than 7 calrodar . days 'prior to the class start date, you will NOT be eligible for a refund. If you are unhappy with your selected course after completion, please write a letter to our director specifying your reasons for dissatisfaction,with the course. You must submit your request in writing withiri 14 days after the course's completion. We want to provide you with quality educational programs. Y~ur input is always important to us! Arts , Crafts Computers Cooking Dance Dog Obedience Gardening Hunters Safety Leisure Life Languages Messina Hof MusJc Outdoors Photograph~ Needleworks Self Help Seniors Sewing Swimming Tennis Water Aerobics 12 8-9 13 11 5 14 , 16 14 10 4 11 12 14 12 7 10 6 7 15 10 & 15 10 Can You TeaCh For Xtra Education? Xtra Education Needs You! We are always lookirig for new course ideas and input from our - community. If you have' a tal- rot or skill that you would like to share, be sure to contact us at 764-3486. Share your skills and talents with your community 3 L-- I I I- I- \ I I I 1 \ I , I , l I \ I I I ~ \ I ' Spanish I,' The most practical, of all fort?ign lan- guages for anyone living close to the border. This beginning level class will focus on communication, conversation, class dialogue, grammar, vocaqu1ary, and proper pronunciation of the Spanish language. All class materials are pro- vided and no previous foreign language experiroce is required for this beginner class. Section A T/Th, 'Sept 12 - Oct 19. I-4:30pm $85 class fee Section B l'ffh, Sept 12 ~ Oct 19 6-"7:30pm $85 class fee Section C T/Th, Oct24 - pec 5 I-2:30pm , $85 class fee - Section D Trrh, Oct 24 - De~ 5 6-7:30pm $85 class "tee , - Spanish II Amore in depth class designed for those who have previous Spanish language training or as a continuation of begin- ning Spanish. This class will provide more emphasis on pronunciation, ex- troded vocabu1ary, and grammar. T /Th', Oct 24 - Dec 5 7:30-9pm $85 class fee French' ,Have-you been planning to learn , -French or maybe travel abroad? ~ Make your trip more pleasant' and ....dedicate yourselftothe adventure of learning this romantic and beautiful language. No previous foreign lan- , , guage _experience is required. M/W, Sept 18 - Oct 25 6:30-8pm ' 4 $75 class fee -: LANGUAGES SPEAK TO THE WORLD Beginning , Spanish Language Just for Kids A beginner's level Spanish class taught ~specially for childrro. This intenSive language class' will cover vocabu1ary, ,- basic grammar, pronunciation and listroing skills. This is a 12 week pro- , gram with quality language instruction designed especially for children. $120 class fee Monday Sept 11 - Dec 4 South Knoll Elementary School Grades K-l ,3:30-4pin Grades 2-4 4: IS-4:45pm' Southwood Valley ElemrotmY School Grades K-l 3:30-4pm Grades 2-4 " 4:15-4:45pm_ Thesday Sept 12 - Nov 28 Pebble Creek Elementary School Grades K-l 3:30-4pm- Grades 2-4 4: 15-4:45pm Wednesday Sept 13 - Dec 6 Forest Ridge Elementary School..._ Grades K-l 3:30-4pm Grades 2-4 4:15-4:45pm . Thursday Sept 14 - Dec 7 College Hills Elementary School Grades K-l, , 3:30-4pm Grades 2-4 4:15-4:45pm Friday Sept 15 - Dec 8 Rock Prairie Elementary School Grades K-l 3:30-4pm Grades 2-4 ' 4:15-4:45pm $120 class fee Japanese I, This class is an introduction into the Japanese language and an insight into the cu1ture. The inStructor is fluent in both the English and Japanese lan- guages and has life experience with the daily cu1ture. The last class will be an authrotic Japanese Tea ceremony. M/W, Sept 18 - Oct 30 6:30-8pm $75 class fee Japanese II . Acontinuation ofJapanese just for those of you with previous knowledge. _M/W, Oct 30 - Dec 11 , 6:30-8pm $75 class fee ESLI A beginner course designed for those whose native language is not English Learn the language with an emphas~ on vocabulary, pronunciation, com munication and grammar structure, Section A Tffh, Sept 12- Oct 19- .Section BTffh, Oct 24 - Dec 7 6-7 :3Opm $85 class fee ESL II Special sections will cover variOl.: aspects of American life, culturl customs and basic'survival skills, I Section A T/Th, Sept 12- Oct 19 Section BT/Th, Oct 24 - Dec 7 7:30~9pm . $85.class fee Sign Language I Sign language allows .for comple communication within the world , the hearing impaired. This course designed t6 help you learn signiJ and communication techniques. TITh, Sept 12 - Oct 12 6:30-830pm $75 class fee Sign Language II A continuation of sign language just those of you with previous knowled T/Th, Oct 17 '-, Nov 16 6:30-830pm $75 class fee .~.. . 1-'_ -. C&W Dance I Dust off those boots and learn all the basics of the Texas two-step, Bolka, and Waltz. This class is designed for beginners who wal'!t to learn to C& W dance. A great way to meet lo~s of new people a~d learn 'to dance in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Singles or couples are .welcome to sign up for a clas~ load of fun. Section A Tues. Sept 12 - Oct 3 6-7:30pm $30 class fee Section B Tues. Oct.1 0 - Ocf31 6-7:30pm $30 class fee C&W, Dance II Go two steps further and polish up those newly leamed dance steps. Try out the cowboy cha cha, new _moves with the . , polka and waltz and work on some opro and closed jitterbug moves. Tues. Oct 10 -; Oct 31 7:30-9pm $30 class fee Jitterbug Don't just sit there on the side and watch all the action, be the hit of the d~nce floor. Start out with the basic dance steps and then progress at_ your own pace to the latest jitterbug turns, twists and dips. This class is great fun and you can register as a couple or as singles. Tues. ,Sept 12 - Oct 3 7:30-9pm $30 class fee Latin- Dance Discover Latin Dance with a strong sense of timing, rhythm and style. Learn th~basic,s of ~alsa, Merengue, , ChaCha ~nd more. Get a group of _ friends together- orjust sign .uP your- ,self. A great time will be had by all. Thurs. Sept 14 - Oct 5 7:30-9pm $30chiss fee, Ballroom Dance Polish up those_ dancing shoes and learn the basics of~1l1 of the traditional ballroom dances. This dance' class will cover the basic steps of the waltz, fox trot, tango, cha cha, and rumba. Thurs. Sept 14 - Oct 5 , 6pm-7:30pm, $30 class fee , STEP BY STEP _ " Bellydance I Middle Eastern bellydance is a beauti- ful art form as well as great exercise for everyone. This class ' wi~l cover the basic bellydance movements and styles. Learn to move with grace, , charm and control. Bellydance is a lot of fun and great exercise ~oo. Section A Thurs. Sept 14 - Oct 19 6-7pm $55 class fee Section B Thurs. Oct 26 - Dec 7 6- 7pm $55 class fee Classic_ Ballet F:or Beginners A beginner level class for high, school through adults. Classical ballet taught with the Cecchetti methOds; This class is for toning through proper ballet tech- 'nique with emphasis on Ballet Barre , work. No experience necessary. Thurs. Sept 14,21,28 5:30-6:30PI? $30 class fee Jazz Dance For Beginners Learn the basics of Jazz dance in a, class for beginner adults. Basic rhythm, movement and coordination are taught using pop/hip-hop music. , Mon. Sept 11, 18,25 7:30-8:30pm . $30, class fee Bellydance II A continuation class forineJividuals with previous bellydance experi- ence. Practice the basics skills and refine your new talents. This class will give you the opportunity to take , your new sk~lls to a higher level. Thurs., Oct 26 - Dec 7 7.-8pm $55 class fee Tap Danc~ For. Beginners ,Learn the basics of Tap dance in a class for beginner adults. Beginner tap is taught using a graded tap method. Sat. Sept' 16, 23', 30 llam - 12 noon $30 class fee Aerobic Bellydance A class for individuals with previous bellydance experience to emphasize the aerobic exercise aspect of the art of belly dance. Come and dance with us for great e~rcise and lots offun'too. Thurs. Sept 14 - Oct 19 7 -8pm $55 class fee ;. Salsa Dance An introduction to the basic rhythm and style of Latin Salsa dancing. Basic techniques will be taught along with the elementary steps and timiiig. Tues. Sept 12, 19,26 7:45-8:45pm $45 class fee 5 SPECIALTY SENIOR CLASSES All of these ennchment classes are desIgned WIth semors m mmd, but open to anyone that IS mter- , ested in attending. Call the Senior Services Coordinator at 764-6371 for more information. I 1 "- Bridge 101 Come join the fun andlearri the game of bridge. This class is designed espe- ci31lly for beginners and is taught in a fun way to learn the game of bridge. Mon. Oct 2 -'Oct 30 ' 9:30-11 :30am $35 class fee Friday Bridge This group plays for fun on the 1st : and 3rd Friday ,of each month. No partners needed. 9:15am - 12 noon Free forAII Writing Memoirs This course is designed for ordinary people that wish to write their remi- niscences, life stories and document events of the, past. Tues. S~pt 19 - Od 31 2':'4pm :' $35 class fee Photo Preservation ,Organize your photos 'and safely pre- serve your memories. This class will introduce you to storage and organi- zational methods and tips to develop- ,,' ' ing a photo-safe storage system. Tues. Sept 19 - Oct 3 , 9:30-11 :30am $35 class fee - Senior Dances Join us for a ballroom mince event. All types of ballroom music wilfbe played for you to dance' the night away. Just pay at the door. Thurs. Sept 21 & Dee 7 7-9:3Opm $5 event fee Yoga Yoga for seniors (55+) is a pre": -ventative car~ activity that utilizes a combination of breathing, posturing, stretching and physical strengthening to increase bone density, lubricate joints and promote better health. , Sat. Sept 16,23,30 r'6' 9-10am \. U ) $30 class fee Computers 101 Now is certainly the time to discover compUters., We have geared a beginner computer class to nm at your pace. Section A M/W, Sept 18 - Oct 4 lO-llam Section B Tmi, Sept 19 - Oct 5- 1l:15am - 12:15pm ' Section C T/Th, Oct 17 - Nov 2 1l:15am - 12:15pm Section D T /Th, Dec 5 - Dec 21 , lO-llam $55 class fee Computers 102 Section A T/Th, Sept 19 - Oct 5 lO-llam Section B M/W, Oct 16 - Nov 1 lO-llam Section C _T/Th, Oct 17 - Nov 2 olO-llam Section D T/Th, Dec 5 - Dec 21 11:15am - 12:15pm $55 class fee PC User Tips, Section A M/W, Oct 9, 11 lO-l1am Section B T/Th, Nov 7,9 lO-l1am $30 clas~ fee Internet & E-mail Discover the basics need.ed to use the internet . and learn how to setup and send your own e-mail. Section A T/Th, Oct 10, 12 10-11 am Section B ,T/Th, Nov 7, 9 11:15am - 12:15pm $30 class fee Computer' Club Seniors interested in improving their computer skills and learning new ap- plications are invited to attend the com- puter club meetings. Call 764-6371 for locations. ,Club meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month. Quicken y A program to help you manage your income and expenses. Learn'to set- tip checking accounts, transactions, balances and generate ~eports. Section A T/Th, Oct 10, 12 11:15am - 12:15pm , Section B M/W, Nov 6, 8 10-11 am $30 class fee "42" -Players Group Gather with other adults who rojoy the game of"42" on the 2nd and 4th Thurs. each month. ' Group meets at the EXIT TeroCroter. Call764-6371 ,9:30am - 11 :30am Free for All . " Senior ,World, Passport Program Discover the world around you! The sessions are led by an expert on each of the countries or region. You will rojoy learning the day-in-the-life discussions along with displays and taste interna- tional cuisine. Educational sessions tha1 are also socially rojoyable. ' Baltic Sea Region Tues. Sept 19 Russia Tues. Oct 3 Qatar Tues. Oct 31 India Wed. Nov 8 Puerto Rico Tues. Nov 1 ~ Indonesia Fri. Oct 1~ The EXIT Teen Center ,'t8' .,',.' ,;::." lOam ' Free.(ol[,,: . ~ / '.~ Digital Photogra...., ' An introduction to digital pho~ 'raphy and the basics of selectinii digital camera. Learn how to usetl~ special features to take betterplc~ Discover how to correct digital irij . ages ~d print great pictures. .-j Thurs. Sept 21 - Oct 19 >1: 10-11 am ' ~: $35 class fee ,!] .~ Crochet ' Learn the basic crochet stitches ,and practice putting it all together. Learn how to read patterns and select projects. No previous experience is necessary. In class fee $7.50. Section A Thurs. , Sept 21, 28 lOam - .} 1 :30am Section B Thurs. Sept 21, 28 5:30-7pm' , $25 class fee Knitting I Learn the basic stitches and construc- tion methods of knitting. Learn the skills to enable you to, create sweaters, blankets, baby clothes or afghans. In class fee of $8.50 for supplies. Section A Tues. Sept 12, 19 " lOam - 11:30am, r' Section B Tues. Sept 12, 19 5:30-7pm Section C Tues. Sept 26, Oct 3 lOam - 11:30am Section D Tues. Sept 26, Oct 3 5:30-7pm , $25 class fee Knitting II . , " Continue with. the knitting learning ex- periroce in this intermediate level class. hi class fee 'of $4 for supplies. Section A Tues. Oct 10 lOam - 11 :30am Section B Tues. Oct 10 5: 3 0-7pm , $20 class fee Knitted Socks This workshop will have you knitting your own socks. Come learn and knit with us. Class fee of$15 for supplies. Sat. Sept 9, 16 2-3:30pm $25 class fee Knitting Workshop 1;bis a hands-on workshop for those with basic knitting skills. Improve your, - technique and finther your skills. Thurs. Oct 5 6-9pm $20 class fee PINS, AND NEEDLES Sewing 101 A Techniques Class A sewing techniques class for begin- ners. ~is class is taught at Sew Vac City. Learn the basic sewing tech- niques needed for sewing clothes and creating home decoration items. This is not a project class but you will go home with samples of basic learned techniques. A supply list is available \ at the first class meeting. Section A Mon. Sept 11 - Oct 9 6-9pm Section B Mon. Nov 6 - Dec 4 6-9pm $85 class fee -Spinnin~ DroD Spindles ' Learn this almost lost method of spin- ning. Spin your own yarn using the drop spindle method. There is a $15 fee to'cover all tools and supplies. Mon. Sept 18 5:30-7pm $20 class fee Hand 'Held Loom' Weaving Learn to loom weave with a hand- held loom that fits in the paw of your hand. . Create swatches that. can be assembled into afghans, lap throws, pillows and other -decorative home items. There is an class fee of $22 to cover all tools and supplies. Tues. Sept 26 6-9pm $20 class fee Quilting I Learn the techniques for creating a sam- pler quilt which includes five basic quilt blocks. Skills learned will include fabric , selection,. rotmy cutting and piecing. Supply list at the first class. Mon. Sept 11 - Oct 16 6-9pm $70 class fee Quilting II This class, is for experienced begin- ners. Construction of a table runnerl wallhanging will provide the oppor-. tunity to expand piecing skills, apply borders, layer and baSte, bind, and quilt. Supply list at the first class. . Mon. Oct 23 - Dec 4 6-9pm $70 class fee Little Lone Star If you know ho~ to cut and paste, thro you can make this beautiful quilt. This quilt is about instant gratification. Easy, and Fun! See sample at registration. Mon. Oct 2,9, 16 6-9pm $30 class fee Lucky Stars An easy star quilt that uses fat quarters. Every star will be floating across the quilt with no lost ~mers in the seam allowances. Sample at registration. Mon. Nov 13,20,27 6-9pm $30 class fee Weddina Ring Make the tradltional wedding ring quilt using a faster and easier meth- od. See the sample at registration. W!M/W, Nov 29 Dee 4, 6 6-9pm $30 class fee Green Bean Salad A super easy quilt that looks very in- tricate in design. Fabric selection and block layout creates a design delight. Mon. Sept 11, 18,25 6-9pm $30 class (ee 7 Floral Arranging A great 'course for those of you who are interested in either silk or dried flower arranging. Emphasis will be in the areas' of color coordination, material selection, principles of floral desigp., and drying techniques. A sup- ply list is available at registration. Secti~n A Wed. Sept 13,20,27 1-4pm $45 class fee Section B Wed. Sept 13,20,27 , 6-9pm $45 class fee Twist on Walls Faux Finishes You won't believe how EASY it is for YOU to create fabuloUs fauX wall fini~hes. A professional faux painter will share, her shortcuts and secrets as you learn---hands' on: It just takes a tWist of the wrist and the' tricks of , the trade to beautify a wall! Learn ~techniques' and styles to be able to trarisform your home into a work of art. In class fee of$27 for all supplies for class use. You will leave with the " knowledge and the tools to begin your own faux finish adventure. Wed. Nov 8 6-8:30pm $30 class fee Terra Cotta. , Tiled Flower Pots ' Put together mosaic tiles, potterypiec- es aIld odds and ends to create mosaic flower planter.' Hands otiinstruction to complete a class project and take hom~ th~ know how to do more on your own. Most supplies are included in the registration fee . You just bring you oWlt ~erra cortaflower pot Section A Wed. Oct 4, fi 1-4pm $35' class fee Section B Wed., Oct 4, 11 8 I-4pm or 6-9pm $35 class fee CRAFTY CREA TIV'E ENDEAVORS Mosaics Made, Easy All introduction to mosaics using a small table top as a class project. You furnish a small table or card table and we will give the in class experiroce to com- plete your project. Some suppliC!i are incluQed. Supply list at registration. " Tues. Oct 3, 10, 17,24 6-9pm , $50 class fee Soap Making Learn how to make. your own soaps by iising an easy kitchen method. You can control the additives and scents to create a specialty soap just for you. In class fee of $4 for suppiies. Section A Thurs. Sept-14 6-9pm , $30 class fee Section B Thurs. Oct 12 6-9pm $30 class fee -Professional Upholstery , Techniques Learn the basic upholstery techniques needed to enable you to do simple projects. We supply the shop and all the tools for this hands-on class with ' a local upholstery professional. The first night is a demonstration and supply discussion. You will be able to complete a beginner level project. Thurs. Sept 21 - Oct 26 6:30-9:30pm $125 class fee - Crochet Rugs L'earnto crochet a beautiful rug ~s..; , ing cotton t-shirts. If you know the basics of crochet and would like to try something new, then this will be a great experience for you. Supply list is available' at registration. Section A Wed. Oct 18, 25 l-4pm Section B Wed. Oct 18, 25 6-9pm $35 class fee < ' , Homemade Toilebies Learn how to make your own toiletry items such as lotions, bath oils, toners and face masks. There is an in class fee of $6 for handouts, ingredients and finished product containers. Thurs. 'Sept i8 6-9pm $20 class fee 1 1 Billiards 101 This is an introduction to pocket bil- liards. More commonly known as "Pool", it is the 2nd most popular leisure activity in the US. Come-find out why and learn to play for rojoymrot! Learn the basic rules and strategies, discover shooting techniques and gain some skills. This 'class is for beginners and is taught by a, competitive player so you , will learn to play this great game the right way! There are no home football games on these Saturdays, sO you might as well do something fim. Class meets at POETS Billiards. Section A Sat. Sept 16 5:- 7pm $25 class fee Section B Sat. Oct 7 5-7pm $25 class fee Section C Sat. Oct 28 5-7pm, $25 class fee Section D Sat. Nov 18 5- ?pm $25 class fee The Art of Stained Glass Create your own beautiful stained glass artwork, windows or wall hang- ings. This class is geared toward indi- vidual interests and budgets. You will lea~ glass cutting, foil wrapping, and soldering. All stained glass art tools are available for in class Use. Each stu- dent must purchase their own project glass foil and,soldering supplies. Section. A Tue.s. Sept 12 - Oct 17 2-5pm , - $75 class fee Section B Tues. Sept 12 - Oct 17 6-9pm $75 class fee Section C Thurs. Sept 28- - Nov 2 2-5pm $75 class fee Section D Thurs. Sept 28 - Nov. 2 6-9pm $75 class fee - Recycle This Cat~log Share It ' . With a Friend Build Your- Own Custom Fly Rod Students will learn to build their own fly rod from a purchased kit. All tools ," for construction and all' supplies will be provided during class to enable you to complete you own, custom 4 piece fly rod. Rod,kit cost of$125 to be paid upon registration. Class is limited and you must register before Sept 24 to allow time for kit ordering. Wffh, Oct 4,5, 11, 12 6:30-8:30pm _ _ $35 class tee (+ $125 kit fee) ENJOY CREATIVE DISCOVERY - Calligraphy I Explore the world of fine writing and develop your own flair for artistic letter- ing. Learn the basics of several writing styles and calligraphy typtis for invita- tions, poetIy and special documrots. Supply-list at registration. Tues. Sept 12 - Oct 24 7-9pm, $50 class fee ,Call igraphy II Take your new skills of fine writing to a higher level. Develop your own persoIHll style. Each student will work on an individual, project for the duration of the class. Tues. Oct 31 - Dec 5 7-9pm $50 class fee Basket Weaving: Make, an authentic woven African basket. This class will use natural sisal fibers that are native'to East African regions. The baskets are woven uSing the sisal threads that are dyed with nat- ural plant extrac!S to generate a wide array of colored threads. A hands-on creative. experience designed to teach authentic hand weaving methods. In , class fee of ~ 12 will cover all qf the tools and materials needed . Section A Tues. Sept 19 - Oct 10 7-9pm Section' B Tues. Oct 17 :. Nov 7 7-9pm $25 class fee Balloon Animals Clown 'Style Discover the basics ofballoon blowing, tying and twisting,offue balloons into, artistic creations. Balloons, air ptunps and lots of creative .ideas are furnished for this class. Come out and rojoy a clowning art. You could be the hit of any party or just clown around Mon'. Sept 18 6:30-8:30pm $20 class fee ,Photo Preservation Organize your photos and safely pre- serve YOW' memories. This class will introduce you to storage.and organi- zational methods and tips to develop- ing a photo-safe storage system. Tues. Sept 19 - Oct 3 9:30-11 :30am ' , $35 class fee. Sewing 101 A Techniques Class' A, sewing techniques clasS for begin- ners. This class is taught at Sew'Vac qty witp. sewing machines proVided , for your in class use. Learn, the basic sewing techniques needed for sewing clothes and creatillg designer home decoration items. This is not a project class but a class to learn all of the basic ' sewing techniques needed to create on your own. You will complete the class with samples of basic learned tech- niques. All supplies will be discussed and explained before you purchase ' anything. A, complete supply list is available foryou during the first sewing class meeting at Sew Vac City. Section A Mon: Sept 11 - Oct 9 6-9pm $85 c1ass1'ee Section B ' Mon. ' Nov 6 - Dec 4 6-9pm $85 c1~s fee 9 ~ Basics of Investing This course is designed for novice investors or those just wanting to get started. The course begins with very , ,basic concepts su,?h.as goal setting and risk evaluation.. The student is introduced to stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and options. Emphasis is placed on practical understanding. , Wed. Sept 20 - Oct 18 7-8:30pm $35 class fee Clown College Did you ever wantto run away andjoin the circus? Well now is your chance to' fulfill that childhood dream to be a clown. Learn QOw to dress, apply makeup, create skits, mann~ms and ' , develop your own clown persona- 'Mon. Sept 25 - Oct 30 ,6:30-8:30pm $45 class fee , How to Buy A House . Explore the pathway to the purchase of your new home. This class will ' introduce you to the world oflenders, mortgage companies, inspectors and Realtors. Visit with a group Of profes- sionals to learn some cost saving do's and don'ts for buying a home. Sat. Oct 7 1-4pm $30 class fee Tennis Lessons Session I Session II Session III .., ~ ,.. - fit Adult Beginner Team Tennis M/W, 5:30-7pm , - ,Adult Intermediate Team Tennis M/W, - , 7-8:30pm Adult Advanced Team Tennis I M/W, 7-8:30pm 10 $65 class fee per session Au~ 28 - Sept 21 Sept 25 - Oct 19, Oct 23 - Nov16 :... SPECIAL INTEREST ENHANCE YOUR LIFE " Photo Preservation .Organize your photos and safely preserve your memories. This cla~s will introduce you to safe storage methods, organizational methods ' and tips on developing a photo-safe storage system. Class fee includes a photo-safe box for photos. Tues. Sept 19 - Oct 3 7-9pm $35 class fee Alpacas in Texas? Can you make a living withAl- pacas? Can they thrive in Texas? I , Are they easy to raise? How much do they cost? Apswer all of your' questions and learn all the ins and outs from local ranchers. A follow- up visit at Roberts Alpaca ranch is also included in' class. Wed. Oct 4 6-9pm $20 class fee H20 Fitness Exercise Class Stretching, toning, s.trrogthroing and aerobic exercise all without getting your hair or face wet Class meets in heated indoor pool. Great for all ages. Morning Class Mon - Fri 9-lOam Come as many times as you want , Fall Pass $80 (Sept, Oct, Nov) Winter Pass $60 (Dee, Jan, Feb) Evening Class Mon- Thur 7-8pm Fall Pass $60 (Sept, Oct, Nov) Winter Pass $45 (Dee, Jan Feb) Tae Kwon~D~), Tae K won Do is a mlU;:tj~l$ art form . -l ;. (;. that facilitates the development of personal discipline, mutual resp~ct, concentration, and the basic marti~l art forms. Uniform fee of $30. Section A Mon. Sept II - NOv'~ 8-8:30pm -~ Section B Thurs. Sept 14 - Dee 71 8-8 :3-0pm , $120 class fee Combat Hapkido Hapkido is,a Korean form of self-de- frose that focuses on practical unarmed , self defense. Increase flexibility, strrogth and rodurance while you learn to defrod yourself. $30 uniform fee. Section A Mon. Sept 11 - Dec 4 Section B Thurs. Sept 14 - Dee 7 7:15 - 8 pm $120 class fee Pilates I A body conditioning class focusing on the abdominals. We; will s.trrogthen, stretch and tone the rotire body while using the abdominal muscles to stabilize body movemrots. Mon. S~pt 11, 18,25 llam -12noon $30 class fee Yoga Fitness A beginners level fitness class based on Hatha Yoga designed.to enhance physical fitness, tranquility and fos- ter" stress relief. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a Yoga mat. Sat. Sept 16,23,304 9-10am $30 class fee ,Pr~natal Yoga Strengthen your body to prepare fa chilfll bearing and relieve the common ~~ comforts experienced dwing pregnansy. Classes will also help you strengthen the emotional, physical, and spiritual hood between mom and child Sat. Sept 16, 23, 30 8-9am $30 class fee Special~ Cooking Classes All Messina Hof Cooking classes in- clude instruction, recipes, a 4 course meal, wine with each course, goody , bags and entry to win 2 giveaways ! Chef's Mushroom Cooking Party Join the Messina Hof chef for 5 spe- cialty dishes with mushrooms. Expe- rience Portobello, Crimini, Shiitake, Enoki and Oyster mushrooms pre- pared in gourmet delicious dishes. Thurs. Sept 14 6:30-8:3Opm $65 class fee Seafood & Shellfish It's a nigh! of seafood and shellfish delight. Join us for a selection of specialty dishes from the sea. Enjoy stuffed clams, Lobster salad, toasted ~callops, and Shrimp Polmodoro served with angel hair pasta. Thurs. Oct 12 6:30-8:3Opm $65 class fee American, Thanksgivings Experience specialty Thanksgiving dishes that are from different regions of the U~ted States. Explore dishes from New England, the Pacific West Coast, the Northeast, the Deep South, the Great , Plains, and the Southwest. This class offers something for everyone! Thurs. Nov'9 6:30-8:3Opm $65 class fee Chocolate Lovers Enjoy some of the, most delicious desserts created for chocolate lovers. ..,J" _ 1- Experience Chocolate Cappuccino Cake, dipped strawberries, White , Chocolate Raspberry Bread Pudding, and Ch~olate Voodoo Cake. Anigl:lt of sweet, chocolate. dessert fantasy. Thurs. Dec 7 6:30~8:3 m' $65 class fee MESSINA HOF WINERY & RESORT , Call nS-9463 x34 For Reservations For Classes Wine Tasting Classes All Messina HofWine Tasting classes are for partons that are 21 years of age or older. Delicious foods are served with the wines of the evening. Food,& Wine Pairing Luncheon , Join Messina Hof and Paul Bonarri- go, in presenting the newest'vintages for 2006. During a lunch seminar, we will be paring new wines 'Yith favorite and interesting food~. Sat. Nov 18 12noon -,2pm $65 class fee Bordeaux Wines Bordeaux is the largest and no doubt the most famous wine growing region in the world. Texas is privileged to have two growing regions that allow us to make excellent Bordeaux like wines. Learn about the great wines of this region and sample several award- , winning Messina Hof wines in the- Bordeaux style. Your wines will be paired with delicious foods prepared, by our own Messina Hof chef. Tues. Sept 5 7-8:30pm $25 class fee Wine' Tasting Classes All Messina HofWine Tastmg classes are for partons that are 21 years of age or older. Delicious foods are served with the wines of the evening. German Style'Wines Let Messina Hofwelcome you to the world of German style wines. Th~se versatile wines range from the dry to the very sweet. Sample popular Rieslings and Gewurztraminer and enjoy a meal prepared by the Vin- tage House Chef. Tues. Oct 3 7-8:30pm $25 c1a~s fee Wines for the Holidays Holidays are about celebrations and social gatherings. Wine is perfect for entertaining, dancing and gatherings. Learn which wines to pair with your, special holiday feasts of ham or tur- key and other favorite dishes. Enjoy. award winning wines and learn how to make mulled wine to keep warm on those cold winter nights. . 1 Tues. Nov 7 7-8:30pm $25 class fee Big Reds for a Winter Evening ''Paulo'' is Messina H~f's signature wine and it is oJ!ly made whro wine- maker Paul Bonarrigo decides that the blrod is absolutely perfect. We will rojoy Messina Hof's premium ''Paulo'' red wines and Messina HofPorts. You willleani what goes in to making a red wine and savor the vanilla and allspice Undertones of Messina Hof red wines. Delicious foods will be paired ,with the . red wines for a perfect gourmet food , and fine wine evroing. Tues. Dec 5 7-8:30pm $25 class fee 11 D~awing This class is' designed to allow each _ individual to work at their own pace. Work with st.ill-life, shade and shadow and depth studies. Pror Beginners! Section A Wed. Sept 13 - Oct 18 lOam -12noon- Section B Wed. Oct 25 - Dec 6 lOam -12noon' $45 class fee ' Painting Examinethe basics of painting using a va- riety of acrylic techniques. Instruction will include materials, color mixing light and shadows, paint application, and finishing, 'techniques. This class is designed for all , levels of artistic ability. Section A & B ,Tues. Sept 19 - Oct 24 9am-12noon or 6:30-9:30pm Section C & D Tues: Oct 31 - bec 5 9am-12noon or 6:30-9:30pm $55'class fee Watercolor A study of the basic watercolor ~h- niques suited for the beginner. Learn various watercolor wash and brush stroke techniques. Explore ,all of the possibilities of color hu~ and values. Section A & B Thurs. Sept 14 - Oct 19 ' 9am-12noon or 6:30-9:30pm Section C & D Thurs. Oct 26 - Dec 7 9am-12noon 9r 6:30':9:30pm $55 class fee Draw,the Natural Human Figure " This class is for season~d ma~e art- ists. only. ~is course will cover-all ~ the'!:l8pects of the-art of drawing the natural human figure. Each of these studio sessions will utilize a series of 'live models for artistic human figure , ,study. Must be 18 to register. 'Tues: Oct 24 - Dec 5 6-9pm 12 $85 class fee ~~~-~--'- ART AND MUSIC L--:- Instant Piano For Busy People M~ic teachers wouldn't want you to know this, but you don't need years of lessons to learn roough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoymrot. You can learn all the chords you will need to play any song in one session. Any song, any style, any key. If you can find middle C and you know the meaning of "Every Good Boy Does Fine" thro you already know roough to enrolL In class material fee of$28. 'Wed. Nov 8 6:30-9:30pm $40 class fee Recycle This Catalog Share It With. a Friend Learn to. Play the Guitar Have you always wanted,to play the guitar? Then this class is createdjust for you! Iri this class you will earn most of the major and minor ch9rds, strumming techniques, picking, and the music theory, necessary to , develop a strong' foundation. ~e sure to bring an acoustic guitar to Section A Tues. ' Sept 12 - Oct 17 6:30-8pm $85 class fee , Section B Tues. Oct 24 - Dec 5 6:30-8pm $85 class fee Photographyl. A class for nonprofessional photog- raphers who wi~h to improve their photos through hands-on experience and guidance. Discover how to maxi- mize your photos with cOI)centration on subject, composition, perspective, and overall photo impact. Ex.'plore still ppotos, 'scenic, candid, portraits and architectural photography. This · class wilf utilize film and digital cam- eras. Get the most out of your camera and really enjoy your photos.' ' 1 Sect A Thurs. Sept 14 - Oct 5 " , 6:30-8:30pm $50 class fee Sect B Thurs. Oct 19 - Nov 9 6:30'-8:30pm $50 class fee Photography II This course is forthose of you who want to know more than the basics of camera operation and develop your basic tech- , niques. Class will coverpropef lighting, poses, action evrots, still-life, after dark photography, dose-ups, portraits, and travel photography. Basic photography skills with film or digital cameras are required for this very insightful course. Thurs. Nov 16 - Dec,14 6:30-8:30pm $50 class fee . Explore Digital Camera 'Software ~ , ; Enhance your digital photography j skills. We ,can show you how to use camera software that is easily avail-_ , able for you to use for your digit~l--'l photography. Learn to maximize all ofthe advantages of digital photog- raphy. Practical, easy, and direct for the everyday camera user. Wed. Oct 25 ' 6-9pm , ' - $45 class fee Intro to Windows ,Discover your computer in plain terms and simple language: Learnthe compo- , nents of the PC, basic terminology, and . software applications. Practice, basic . fimctions and develop confidence for learning software programs. Sect A M/W, Sept 11, 13, 18, 20 6-7:30pm Sect B T/Th, Sept 12, 14, 19,21 6-7 :30pm Sect C TfTh, Oct 24,26,31, Nov 2 6-7:3Opm $60 class fee , . MS Office Overview This Microsoft Office overview course is designed to give you a good look at all of the individual aspects of MS Office package. MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point and much more. ' Sect A TfTh, Sept 26, 28" Oct 3, 5 6-7:30pm Sect B M/W,'Oct 16, 18,23,25 7:30-9pm $60 cla'ss fee How to Buy & Sell On the Internet Can you shop on the internet? Do you want to sell on the' internet? Discover how to b!1Y andse~ utilizing the world of internet resources. Discover the ins and outs of success and security and pick up lots of helpful tips to save you money.- Just in time for the Holidays! Wed. Oct 11, 18 , 6-9pm $60 class fee MS Excel This ~preadsheet class will teach the basic techniques of entering, mov- ing, manipulating and copying data. Create worksheets' that" incorporate charts, formulas, date! and functions. SectA M/W, ,Sept 25, 27,Oct 2, 4 7:30-9pm Sect B T/Th, Oct 10, 12, 17, 19 6-7:30pm $60 class fee . TIME FOR 'TECHNO TRAINING MS 'Word' This is a word processing software' course. Learn how to create and enter text, navigate and edit, format pages, and create tables, save, retrieve docu- , ments, insert files and use graphics. SectA M/W, Sept Ii, 13, 18,20 7:30-9pm Sect B, T/Th, Sept 12, 14, 19,21 7:30-9pm Sect C M/W, Oct 16, 18,23,25 '6-7:30pm Sect D TfTh, Oct 24,26,31, Nov 2 6:-7:3Opm $60 class fee Explore Digi~1 Camera Software We can, show you how to use camera software that is easily available for you to use for your digital photog-. raphy. Learn to maXimize all ofthe advantages of digital photography. Wed. Oct 25 6-9pm ., $45 class fee AutoCAD An. introductory course for new CAD , ,users. In this course we will explore all the basic aspects of the AutoCad 2000 program. ' Learn to create and dimro-: . sion drawings in a production setting: Requires basic compu,ter user skills. Sect A TWTh, Sept 19'- Oct 12 - 6-8pm Sect B TWTh, Oct 24 - Nov 16 6-8pm $175 class fee , Web Page I , Learn how to create, your own web pages. Write HTML files, link to other . local files and web pages, and embed , graphics into your own web page. Wed. Sept 13 - Oct 4 6-9pm $75 class fee Web Page II A continuation class for web masters : , to be. Learn tricks, short cuts and ways to create theu~timate web page. Wed. Nov 1,,8, I?; 29 6-9pm $75 class fee' II Adobe Photoshop Discover the darkToom inside your - computer ,with this Photoshop class. You'llleam pixels, editing, masking, cloning arid so much more. Basic com- puter skills required for this' class. Sect A Tues. Sept 12 - Oct 3 6-8pm ~ Sect B Tues. Oct 17 -Nov-14 6-8pm . $85 class fee PC Security How to protect your PC in 3 easy steps. Explore internet firewalls, , computer updates, and ,the latest virus protection software. We will discuss spyware, the use of pop-up blockers, and how to transmit secure data. MIW, Oct 30, Nov 1 6-7:30pm $35 class fee MS Power Point A must for anyone that is responsible for group presentations. Learn the basics of creating a presentation in the Windows environment. Create title and bullet slides, use drawing tools and vadous presentation options. ,SectA MIW,Sept 25, 27, Oct2, 4 ' (j-7:30pm ' Sect B. T/Th, Oct 10, 12, 17; 19 7:30-9pm $60 class fee 13 Texas Fly Fishing J:lyfisliing in Texas? A fun fly fishing workshop covering all the aspects of this fast growing sport. Learnhow to fly cast and all about the equipmrot, fli~s, and gear needed to get started. This class is , for the true beginner as well as those with some experience. A great way to leam the basics, gain valuable insight into the types of equipment. 'TITh, Oct 17,19;24,26 6:30-8:30pm $45 c'lass fee Fly Tying The increasingly popular sport offly- fishing uses countless different flies. Learn the basics of tying the more coinmonly used fli~s with hands-on lesso~. Take home what you make to test your waters. ($20 in class fee for all needed supplies) T/Th. Nov 7,9, 14, 16 6:30-8:30pm $35 class fee Build Your Own Custom Fly, Rod Studrots will learn to build their own fly rod from a purchased kit. All tools for construction and all supplies will' be provided during class to enable you to complete your own custom ,4 piece 'flyrod. Rod kit costof$125 to be paid upon registration. Class is limited and , you must register before St:alt 24 to allow time for kit ordering. WITh, Oct 4,5, 11,12 6:30-8:3Opm $35 clas~ fee ,< + $125 kit fee) Bird Watching Learn to idrotify a wide variety ofbirdS. Discover fiel,d marks, songs of our area ~, and the birds that migrate through our area in this class. There are (2) op- tional field trips on Sat SePt 30 & Oct 14 to explore the natural habitat and migration of birds. , ,Mon. Sept 18 - Oct 9 7-8:3Opm 14 $35 class fee I QUALITY LEISURE TIME Intro to 'Canoeing A great class for the novice adult that is interested in leamingthe basics of canoe paddling. Learri the basic canoe stroke , how to outfit a canoe, basic safety an~ rescue, and how to have fun. Come prepared to have all rojoyable day at the lake and bring a sack lunch. Saturday, Oct 21 9am- 3pm $35 class fee Canoeiog . for Family Groups A great class for 'family groups or parents and kids (min age is 10) Each child that registers must have a par- ent to accompany them in the canoe. Learn the basics of canoeing, come prepared to have an enjoyable day at the lake and bring a sack hlllCh. Saturday, Oct 28" 9am -lpm $45 class fee ,per, pair Private Pilot Ground School Private pilot ground school is for those wanting to p~e a pilot li~, need- ing an aviation knowledge reView, Or simply interested in air navigation, weather, aircraft systems, and regula- tions. This class will prepare the student to pass.the FAA written exam. Optional materials, in class for $110. TITh, . Sept 26 - Nov 2 6-9pm . $175 class fee Kg Kindergarten' ,A beginning obedience class for 'puppies that are at least 12 weeks of age. Learn how to teach your puppy the basics of dog obedience. Get your new'puppy off to the right start for a life time of mannerly com- panionship. All puppies must have proof of vaccination. Do not bring dogs to first class. . Section A Sun. Sept 17 -Nov 19 j 5-6pm $85 class fee Section B Sun. Sept 17 - Nov 19 7 -8pm ' $85 class fee 'Dog Obedience Our obediroce class for adult dogs (over 1 year) teaches you how to train your dog to be well-mannered. Exer- cises include: lead 'Yalking, greetings, and basic sit, Stay, and come com- mands. Positive pet training method Do Qot bring dog to first class. . ' Sun. Sept 17 - Nov19 6-7pm $85 class fee Texas Hunter's Safety Certification Class '.pUs course is required by Texas Paries & WIldlife to insure that all hunters are properly prepared for the hunting season. All hunters over the age of 12 must have successfully completed thiS hunter's safety comse to hunt in Texas. Be sure to register early for class. Section A Sat/Sun. Sept 16, 17 ,!<i 1-7pm $10 class fee & $5 cert fee Section B Sat/Sun. Oct 21, 22 1-7pm $10 class fee & $5 cert fee Section C Sat/Sun. Nov 18, 19 1-7pm $10 class fee & $5 cert fee Tae Kwon Do Afun martial arts cIassjuStforchildren to learn the broefits of fitness, discipline and self-esteem. Uniform $30 Monday Sept 11 - Dec 11 College Hills Elem 3 :30 - 4: l5pin South Knoll Elem 4:30 - 5: 15pm Tuesday Sept 12 - Dec 12 Pebble Creek Elem 4,- 4:45pm Wednesday Sept 13 - Dec 13 SW Valley Elem 4 - 4 :45 pm Th,ursday Sept 14 - Dec 14 Rock Prairie Elem 4-4:45pm Friday Sept 15 ~ Dec 15 , Fo~est Ridge Elem 4 - 4:45pm $120 class fee ;;; , Karate For Kids A special martial arts class for all kids 7 to 12 years old. Program focuses on physic~ and mental development by emphasizing discipline, confidence, 'respect, and cO!ltrol. Uniform $30. Section A Mon. Sept 11 - Nov 27 6:30-7pm Section B. Thurs. Sept 14 - Dec 7 6-7:30pm $120 class fee Tiny Tigers Karate Our Tmy Tigers program is geared for children from 4 to 6 years of age. We focus on motor skills and mrotal devel~ ' opmrot with an emphasis on listening, following directions, and working with others. Uniform fee of $30. Section A Mon. Sept 11 - Nov 27 5:45-6:15pm Section B Thurs. Sept 14 - Dec 7 5:45-6:15pm . $120 class fe.e 'Baton Tw{rling Twirlin.z is a unique ~nd entertaini~g sport that teaches hand-eye coordi- nation as well as balance and other athletic skills. Batons are furnished . for students to use in class. Thurs. Sept 21 - Oct 26 6:30-7:30pm $45 class fee JUST FOR KIDS Cheerleading , These cheerleader clinics are offered for kids from K - 4th grade. We will focus on building the basic skills needed in ch'eerleading. We will , teach cheers, chants, jumps and spirit dances: Great fun and a great way to learn what cheerleading is all about.' Monday , Sept 11 - Dec 4 3:30-4:15pm tto'ck Prairie Elem School Forest Ridge Elem School Tuesday _' Sept 12 - Dec 5 3:30-4:15pm Southwood Valley Elem School , Thursday Sept 14 - Dec 7 3:30-4:l5pm Pebble Creek Elem School , South Knoll Elem School Friday Sept 15 - Dec 8 -3:30-4:l5pm College Hills Elem School , $120 class fee 12 week class Survivorcize This Survivor style activity class is designed for kids from K - 2nd -grade. This adventure series will prepare kids for sports, dance, athletics and other physical ac- tivities with increased flexibility, endurance, strength and teamwork attitudes. We emphasize the impor- tance of physical fitness with this adventure exercise series. _ Sept. 7 - Dec 8 Mon. Rock Prairie & Forest Ridge ~es. Southwood Valley Thurs. Pebble Creek & 'South Knoll Fri. College Hills 4:15 - 5pm $120 class fee 12 week class ' Spanish for Kids A beginner's Jevel Spanish cl~ taught especially for childrro. Class will cover vocabulary, graInmar , pronunciation. Grades K-1 3:30-4pm Grades 2-4 4: 15-4:45pm Monday Sept 11 - Dec 4 South Knoll Elementary School Southwood Valley Elementary School , Tuesday Sept 12 - Nov 28 Pebble Creek ,Elementary School Wednesdav Sept 13 - Dec 6 Forest Ridge Elementary School Thursday Sept 14 - Dec 7 College Hills Elementary School Friday Sept 15 -' Dec 8 .' Rock Prairie Elementary School $120 class fee 12 week class . Swimming Lessons Session Dates 'Se.,pt 25 - Oct 19 . Frogs (I, ll, Ill) , $35' fee Miw or T/Th 5:30pm or 6pm Minnows MIW 6:30pm Seahorses MIW or T/Th 6:30pm Crocodile T/Th 6:30P!ll DolphinsT/Th 6:30pm $40 Class Fee MaMa & Me-a Let's Make a Pizza - A class for Mom (or Dad) and Child. Together you will create delicious homemade pizza in about the same time it takes to order from the pizza man. Each child (ages 6 or older only) must be accompanied by a parent. Section A Thurs. Sept 14 6:30-8:30pm Section B Tho/s. Oct 19 6:30-8:30pm ' $30 class fee ( per team) Tennis, Lessons Session II S~pt 25 - Oct 19 Session III Oct 23 -Nov 16 Youth Beginner Team Tennis TITh, 6:05-7:05pm Youth Intermediate Team Tennis T/Th, 4:30 -6pm , Youth Advanced Team Tennis T/Th, 7:1O-8:40pm $65 class fee er session . @ Hon:-e' Landscape Deslgn'& Planting < Plan your entir~ landscape or rework an existing flower bed. 'We will, cover everything from bed prepara- tion to pla~t selection and caring for the finished 'product. Learn design principles to giver your home that professional land~caped look. ' Tues. Oct 3 7-8:3Opm $20 class fee Herbs at Home Learn how to grow, harvest and preserve herbs for your own home use. This class will include a cooking ~ demonstration Complete with recipes ' - (samples will be available to share). Tues. Oct 10 7-S':3Opm $20 class fee Wildflower Seeds for Spring Flow~rs Fall is the time to plant wildflower seeds for those beautiful spring flow- ers. Explore variety selections, plant- ing guidelines and tips for success. Tues. Oct 17 7-8:3Opm $20 class fee CSISD Xtra Education 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, TX 77840 America's Country Store Close Quarters Feed & Pet Supply 14675 FM 2154 Wellborn Hummingbird and "Butterfly Gardens, Discover the tricks to attfacting butter- flies and hummingbirds to your gardro. We are in the migratory path of both of these gardro gems. Entice them into your space with their favorite plants. Tues. Sept26 7-8:3Opm $20 'class fee Winter ColQr Incorporate plants into' your landscape that will provided color in the cool sea- son. Perennials, annuals, and bulbs that ad.d, color, texture and interest to your wmter landscape will be covered. Tues. Oct24 7-8:3Opm , $20 class fee BlIl bs Discover which bulbs will naturalize in our area. Learn how to fertilize, divide' and care for your bulbs. Tues. Nov 7 7-8:3Opm $20 class fee Recycle this ,Catalog Share it with a Friend , Ornamental Grasses Fall is the time of the year for the best show from omamro~l grasses. Learn how to incorporate them into your existing landscape. We will discuss selection, planting and proper care of ornamental grass types used in this area and how to care for them. Tues. Nov 28 7-8:30pm . $20 class fee Container Gardens We will help you select pl~ts and teaCh you the pr9per care methods to make you the rovy of the neighborhood. Use color, texture, and plant compatibility for,~' Bring a container of your own or choose one of ours to build your container gardro. Tues. Nov 14 7-8!3Opm $20 class fee Fruit Trees, A mi,ni course on fruit-tree selections that perform well in our area. ' We will cover proper tree care, pruning ,techniques, pest control, and harvest- ing times. This class will also include berries and citrus trees. Tues. Dec 5' 7-8:30pm $20 class fee Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit #217 Registration Begins' Se tember' 5th , Now" Accepting VISA Mastercard Discover Education . Xtra Education Office - C S Central Park 764-3486