HomeMy WebLinkAboutTigerland 1975 .' ~~ .~.,.... .';'" ..,......... :, .-"" "Year of the Tiger" A portion of the 1974-75 school year coin- cided with the Chinese "Year of the Tiger." The Tigerland Staff would like to present to you. the Student Body. our record of how the Consolidated Tigers set out to prove that in everything we do. it truly is the .. Year of the Tiger. .. .tI'\ 2 ."~r Throughout the Year We Share Different Experiences 6 I We work. . . we laugh . . ~ we show Tiger Spirit! . But we are Proud. . . And why? Because we are the Tigers! ....~. 10 Freshmen Encounter Seniority Early Saturday, September 21, the freshmen encountered an event that they will NEVER forget and the seniors will ALWAYS remember. The initia- tion took place at Hensel Park.:where the seniors went to. work' 'beautifying" the' 'fish. " After a two hour parade around town and across 'campus they were treated to a Coke at Handy Burger. (l-r) Debbie Davidson. Laura Burnett. ~nd Kim Caldwell demon- . strate a drill of the "fish patrol. " ....~, Debbie Yeager and Georgia Arhoplos discuss the treatment they are undergoing as seniors Carol Whitaker and Catherine Kapchinski look on. What's this. . the 1978 Miss America line up? 12 Homecoming 1974 Homecoming '74 activities included a snake walk, bonfire. and a special pep rally at Tiger Field. The annual homecoming festivities were highlighted by the crowning of the queen. The Tigers were victori- ous over Brenham with a 13-0 win. To top the eve- ning off, there was a dance in the cafeteria with Aransas providing the music. Ronald Woessner and Jeb Hensarling congratulate Homecoming Queen. Lorena Thomas, as her father proudly looks on. How sweet it is! Another Tiger victory! ! 13 Boppin'to the 50's For the first time the student council sponsored a 50's day. Everyone came to school dressed as those in the 50's. The cheerleaders gave a 50's pep rally to promote spirit for the football game to be played against Huntsville. A wards were presented by the Student Council to those who were best dressed forthe day. The guys and gals meet at the malt shop for a quick lunch. ""''. 14 Abbie Van Doren proves to be the "cat's meow" in the 50's day contest. . I I L ::-. Bill Leland, "Joe Cool," was named the best dressed guy of the 50's day. . . ~ I Sophomore and Freshman Girls Clash The Sophomores and Freshmen once again meet on the gridiron after long hard hours of practice. The young ladies, suited up in their pads and helmets, got ready for the big game. Dressed up as girls, the guys of the freshmen and sophomore classes provided an entertaining halftime show. In the end the fresh- men were victorious over the sophomores with a win. 1974 Tiger Football Award Winners: (l-r) Doug Chester, Valuable Back; Peter Gilmore, Valuable Lineman; Bill McGee, Most Valuable Player; and Vernon Mobley, Tiger Award. Football Players Honored With Banquet The 1974 Tiger football players were honored by the Tiger Club with a banquet Saturday, November 23. This year the banquet was held in the high school cafeteria and food was catered by 3-C Barbeque. Bob Davidson was the gueSf,.~peaker and Ed Cooper was the emcee. Players were honored, awards-were presented, and to top it off a dance was held afterward with music provided by ARANSAS. Howard Young, Philip llcken, and Richard Ilcken wait for the next dance. Christmas Ball Highlights Season The annual Christmas Ball, sponsored by the Sen- ior Class, was held Thursday night, December 19, at the Aggieland Inn. Music was provided by ARAN- SAS. Everyone appeared to be in Christmas spirits and looking forward to the forthcoming holidays. I I I . I yers. The ChrisTmas Ball was a success as can be seen. Kathleen Waldon and Barbara Ford get down to the beat of ARANSAS. Grace Hood, Jim Case, Julie Diecken, and Eric Hood take a break. 17 Choir Promotes Talent Show The Lions Club, in cooperation with the Music Department, spon- sored the annual Talent Show, featuring student talent. Solo winners included Pam Vinzant, first place, freshman-sophomore division; Kathy Hancock, second place, freshman-sophomore division; Pam Welky, first place, junior-senior division; Pam Path and Janet Alli- son. second place, junior-senior division. Club ensemble winners included Industrial Arts Club, first place; El Club Castellano. second place; and Future Teachers 9f America. third place. Contestants provide comedy. .,~. 18 Banquet Honors Basketball Players .' The Tiger Club honored the 1974-75 Tiger Basketball Players with a Banquet Monday, February 24th. The Banquet was held in the high school cafeteria and food was catered by 3-C Barbeque. Bob Gobin was the guest speaker and Dr. John Randal was the emcee. 11 Pat Ranson and John Brannen "chow down" on 3-C Barbeque. ~ Leave some for us Randy! 19 Industrial Arts Sponsors Basketball Game The Industrial Arts Club and WT A W Disc Jocks promoted a basketball game in order to raise money for the March of Dimes. Students elected Mr. Morgan, Mrs. Kieffer. Mr. Wilkerson, Mrs. McCord, Mr. Ellis, Mrs. Goodwin, and Mr. Pullen, who acted as cheerleaders for the game. The Spanish Club and Black Forces performed at halftime. "...--- Black Forces "Picken' Up The Pieces" at halftime. .,~. 20 "No, No Nanette" Is 'Super Hit "No, No Nanette" was this year's musical pre- sented by the A&M Consolidate~ choral department. Leading characters were Tommy Davis, Peggy Kief- fer, Gary Whitehorn. Pam Welky. Carol Staten, Paul Witt, Helen Marquis. Scott Saunders and Sally Hoover. ~"J Carol Staten and Paul Witt look "lovingly" into each other's eyes as they sing "Tea for Two." Tommy Davis looks as though he has his hands full! 21 Student Council Promotes Interschool Dance The second annual Interschool dance was held in the Zachary Engineering Building on the 26th of April. It was sponsored by both the Consolidated and Bryan Student Coun- cils. It was a great success in promoting friendship among the two schools. Cun Lard. Helen Marquis. Susan Ridgeway and Bill Har- per look as though they are taking a serious break. As can be,Seen the dance consisted mainly of students from Consolidated. 22 . A ward Winners Named at FFA Banquet Wellborn's Community Center was the site of this year's Future Farmers of America Banquet. A ward winners were presented. Star Farmer A ward went to Mike Sayers. Star Chapter Farmer was Mark Griffin and the Outstanding FFA member was Ray Prieve. Ping pong was the main source of entertainment . Huebner. Hungry FFAers stand in line for food. 23 Students Receive A wards at Assembly SPECIAL AWARDS DAR - American History Award Lisa Kuvlesky DAR - Good Citizenship Cenificate Peggy Kieffer DAR - Scholarship Award Sharon Cullen KORA Outstanding Bandsman Award Lisa Kuvlesky ARTS COUNCIL OF THE BRAZOS V ALLEY A WARDS An Achievement Barbara Worley Instrumental Music Renee Hostetler Dance Theatre of Harlem Calvin Heard Johnny Townsend Michael Johnson Drama Sherry Powell Vocal Music Janet Allison KIW ANIS AWARDS Arion National Music Award (Vocal) Sally Hoover Kiwanis Essay Awards Tammy Berry Donna Lenz Cathy Hein Ronald Woessner Bill Ledbetter Outstanding Choir Senior Boy and Girl Tommy Davis Peggy Kieffer Arion National Music A ward (Instrumental) Kieth Lancaster Outstanding Student in Homemaking Award Tamero Gresham Outstanding FHA Member Irene Davis Outstanding Bandsman Boy and Girl Tim Jones Sherry Powell Star Chapter Farmer Award Mark Griffin Outstanding HECE Member Carol Warlick Outstanding FF A Member Ray Prieve Star Greenhand Award Mike Sayers LIONS AWARDS History Journalism Home Economics Jim Nance Eric Lindquist Irene Davis Government Chemistry Vocal Music Award to Jeb Hensarling Kirk Schneider Outstanding Spanish Physics Undergraduate - Helen Marquis Randy Ray David Stewan Instrumental Music A ward French Biology August Wenck Gena McMullen Paul Bassett Crafts German Mathematics Rodney Zalobny Sharon Neeley Kirk Schneider Rod Haney English Typing Drafting Peggy Kieffer Amy Plapp John Bryant Kirk Schneider Rotary Club Outstanding Shonhand Bandsman v1<athy Beck Photography (Black and MegBury White) Julia Staw Accounting Greg Hostetler ../'. , Anne Reed Speech . An Photography (Color) Scott Saunders Vincent Kapchinski Steve Posey Drama Virginia Koppa 24 RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS .National Mathematics Association , 1st Place Finish , Don Mason f,Industrial Arts Club Outstanding . Senior Scholarship .. John Bryant Outstanding Achievement in Math and Science Peggy Kieffer Electrical A ward Bill Ledbetter . Boys' State Representatives (David Comstock r Jim Nance . Kieth Kuttler Girls' State Representatives Mala Farmer Sara Feldman OTHER AWARDS Crisco A ward Ann Molett . Bausch-Lomb Award Dinetha Richards Betty Crocker A ward Karen Belk , John Phillip Sousa A ward Paul Fredricksen University National Bank Outstanding Vocalist Award Janet Allison Brazos Valley Home Economics Assn. Outstanding Girl in Home Economics Diana Van Cleave Poetry Society of College Station Cindy Benton STUDENT COUNCIL AWARDS : Recognition of Clubs or Organizations . with Outstanding Achievement ; Industrial Arts A wards to Outstanding FT A Members Renai Baker Kim Moore Perfect Attendance Awards Arnold Ashburn Roban Gaugler John Gardner Honor A wards For Academic . Achievements Bill McGee Diana Van Cleave Janet Allison Brenda Rowland Jeb Hensarling Peggy Kieffer Binda Sandstedt Karl Kapchinski David Stewan Dinetha Richards Choral Department point A ward Sally Hoover Spring An Festival-Certificate of Merit Barbara Worley Dale Smith Stage Center Drama A ward Tommy Davis 2S Students Run for Offices The elections for the upcoming year were held on May 9. Candidates ran for the offices of Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Stu- dent Council Representatives, Class Presidents, Cheerleaders and Tiger Mascot. Gary Moody. next year's Student Body President, gives his election speech. David Bagnall "stripping down" to a "Tiger. .. ... ~, 26 New Braunfels Site for Senior Day This year's Senior Class went to New Braunfels for Senior Day. Activities included losing the way to Camp Beans, swimming in freezing river water, riding the rapids, roasting an armadillo and a few minor car breakdowns. Even though the sun didn't shine, everyone enjoyed their day off from school. Rod Haney. Vernon Mobley and Broce Rose seem anxious to \' shoot the rapids. John Sowers. Ken Prow and Joe Denton enjoy a swim in the icy water. 27 Juniors Honor Seniors With Prom The Junior Class honored the Seniors with a prom and break- fast. This year the prom was held in the Zachary Engineering Building. The breakfast was held at Hamp Keahey's home where delicious hamburgers were served. Having a swinging time at the Prom. / ~l( "! 9 iD'l~J; 11 f ~""f ~- ""Heather Blac~" pro~ided good music to boogie to. 28 Tiger Club Hosts Steak Fry for Spring Sports Athletes The Tiger Club honored the 1975 spring sports ath- letes with a steak fry at Hensel Park. The sports rec- ognized at the picnic were baseball. cross country, golf, swimming, tennis, track, and volleyball. Several students enjoyed a game of softball after eating a good meal. While Coach Scamardo recognizes the golf team everyone sits intently enjoy- ing the cool spring evening. 29 Students Return to Days of the Old West The student council sponsored a western day this year. Teachers and students came to school dressed in their western attire to fit the occasion. Some students rode their horses just as they did in the Old West. .,--~ -~- - - - -- i Pioneer women pose for a snapshot. r...-....--..-- Riding horses was pan of the fun on Western day. 30 Students Assume Office Duties for a Day Once again the Student Council sponsored a Turna- bout Day. Turnabout Day is the day on which student council members assume the responsibilities of the fac- ulty and administration. For those who participated it was quite a learning experience. Mr. Caskey giving Gary Moody some Administrative advice. Commencement exercises for the Class of 1975 were held on May 23rd at the High School auditorium. Out of 161 students forty of them maintained a 90 over-all aver- age. Out of the forty, eighteen were honor graduates with a 95 over-all average. Cathy Hein was named Valedicto- rian and Ronald Woessner was named Salutatorian. Dr. Lee H. Smith, President of Southwest Texas State Univer- sity, was the speaker for the evening. Parents of the Sen- iors'sponsored a party at the American Legion Hall follow- ing the exercises. Thomas Kelly eagerly adds the final touch to his graduation attire. ...,~ . Regina Tippitt taking time out for quiet moments of reflection. 32 Graduation. for Reflections, Sadness, Happiness . . a Time After receiving their diplomas. Seniors listen to the school song. sung by the choir . Honor Graduates: (I-r) Front row: Dinetha Richards. Sharon Neeley. Jeb Hensarling. Brenda Rowland. Janet Allison. Cathrine Kapchinski. Second row: Lester Byrd. Peggy Kieffer. Leslie Kieffer. Sharon Cullen. Carol Staten. Jim Wick. Third row: Cathy Hein. Diana Van Cleave. Bill McGee, Kirk Schneider. and Karl Kapchinski. 33 Student Council Presents an Assortment of Assemblies The Student Council presented several assemblies this year for the enjoyment of the student body. The assemblies included; a karate exhibition by Steve Powell; a concert by a local band, Cottonwood; a performance by the Harlem Bal- let; and a show by the Claude Kipnis Mime Theatre. The council also had a money making assembly for the student lounge. They showed old movies for a small charge of 50lt. Excedrin headache number 5871 ....~ . 34 38 A new honor in the 1975 TIGERLAND is the Outstand- ing Senior A ward. Fifteen seniors were selected by fac- ulty vote. Voting was based on scholastic records, con- geniality, leadership qualities and participation in school activities. 44 Student Council The Student Council was led by officers (l-r) Gary Keese. treasurer: Peggy Kieffer. .secre Jeb Hensarling. president; Anne Bryant. vice-president and Tommy Davis. parl1amentari Back row: Mrs. Hensly (sponsor). Gary Keese. Lauren Stacell. Gena McMullen. Martha Lamben. Eric Lindquist. Arnold Ashburn. A Fitch. Terry Barnett. Phill1p Steen. John Brannen. Kevin Manning. Eric Pearson. Middle row: Cherly Cunningham. David Walker. Garner. Damon BUffington. Anne Ferris, Debe McCandless. Garry Moody. Linda Preston. Ronnie Morgan, Jana Anderson. Front row: Rowt;. Colen Ward. MarltRobeck. Jay Carlton. Jeb Hensarling. Anne Bryant. Mike Thomas. T. J. Wainerdi. Jim Case. Helen Marquis, Loveless . 50 The Student Council progressed in many ways this year. Activities varied from a Thanksgiving Turkey Raffle to raise money for school projects to completely revising the Con- stitution and formulating class chaners. Open meetings were held for the first time this year. Another first was the vast number of opinion polls sent to the student body. Many times throughout the year panies were held for the faculty. All activities required the support of members and outside students. One big turkey and three big "hams." - -.. ......... ....- """-;1 ~':::'~ 1 'i ~ f Kim Moore was chosen to represent the Student Council in the Cotton Pag- eant. 51 Industrial Arts Members include. back row Jimmy Hirsch. Manin Haas. Mike Douglas, Phil Gaugler. Shawn Bovey,' Jo Reed, Chip Keely. DerryI Elliot, Jon Hennigan. 11th row: Todd Bovey, Cynde Colson. Paul Painter. Joan Perry, Beth Mamaliga, Joe Hutchinson. Eddie Hobson. 10th row: Tom Hansley. Ken Stover. Roben Earle Terry Stover. Bill Ledbetter, Greg Gammon. 9th row: Kirk Schneider. Vernon Mobley. Patty Shannon. Rob- en Morgan. 8th row: Dale ,Cox. Cindy Pettit. John Bryant. Lauren Stacel. Harold Home. 7th row: MarK Dixon. Mark Schneider. Rex Janne. 6th row: Guy Moody, Chris Gehring. Steve Monroe. Mike Thomas. Mike Earle. 5th row: George Spain, Ronnie Morgan. Tim Folts. 4th row: Ashraf Ayoub. Lester Byrd. Peter Bogucki 3rd row: Barbara Worley, Paul Haugen, Geof Gehring. Jay Carlton, Larry Williams, Scott Shafer. Front row: Mr. Bernhardt (sponsor). Paul Basset, Deerick Shyrock, Pat Canwright, Arnold Ashburn. Doug Chester. and Mr. Burke (sponsor). .-,:. Officers are (l-r) Arnold Ashburn. president; Doug Chester. vice-president; Jay Carlton. secretary: Pat Can- wright, treasurer; and Tim Folts, sergeant 'at arms. 52 Club memberS take time out for fun at a Somerville lake outing. III Symphonic Band: BAck row: (l-r) Cunis Lard. John Vastano. Walter Scott. Paul Fredricksen. Gary Whitehorn. Manin Haas. Philip Gougler. Mark Painter. Walter Boone. Cindy Feagan. Susan Ridgeway. T. J. Wainerdi. Third row: Mark Junek. Steve Bertrand. David Comstock. Peter Gilmore. Ken Stover. Tim Jones. Tim Lyda. Joel Hall. Debra Zalobny. Linda Sandstedt. Sara Feldman. Diana Feltz. Second row: Kathy Beck. Sherie Powell. Lisa Kuvlesky. Anne Ferris. Amy Plapp. Leslie Kieffer. Diana Van Claave. Karen Sackett. Kathy Smathers, Meg Bury, Grant Wolfe. Greg Hostetler. Julie Diecken. Susan Sack!ltt. Michelle Burns. Front row: Pris Files. JuI1e Straw. Cindy Benton. Mary Bogucki, Kris Smathers. Glenda Gates. Rene Hostetler. Marian Maxwell. Not pictured: Mia ZwoI1nski. Concen Band: Back row: (l-r) August Wenke. Jack Lampkin. Vincent Kapchinski. Steve Sloan. Dan Hogan. Kevin Jacobs, Tom Wilkes. Wesley Wayland. David Petit, Robin Bowman. Holly Harper. Third row: El1zabeth Hoover. Tern Niles. Steve Smith. Terry Stover. Carlton Powell. John Hennigan. Roben Gougler. Chris Ramsey. Dennis Chester. Craig Thompson. Rodney Zalobny. Lorena Stancel. Sandy Sandst- edt. Kieth Merrifield. Second row: Julie Lewis. Sylvia Medina. Lydia Hernandez. Rita Villarreal. Karen Anderson. Louis Castenon. Peggy Kapchinski. James Storrs. Diana Zalobny. Many McGraw. Sheri Copp. Tina Dodd. James Stancil. Front row: Virginia Koppa. Donna Day- hoff, Jackie Froid. !enine Holland. Diane Garrish. Teresa Bernall. Mary Hirsh. Toni Castenon. Wally Harwood, Roben Hunter. .;j'~. 54 Tiger Band Diana Feltz: Assistant Dnun Major. Drum Major 11m Wick takes a much 56 deserved rest. .I Region Orchestra Winners - Joe Simmons and Paul Fre- dricksen. Area A ward Winner - Paul Fredrick- son. S7 Flute Trio Medalists. (Solo and Ensemble Contest) French Hom Medalists. ',-'''',- " 58 60 Twirlers Sara Feldman ~~. Tina Dodd 62 Honor Choir: (1 to r) First row: Sara Feldman. Cathy Benton. Terri Mitchum. Mala Farmer. Sally Hoover. Janet Allison. Kathy Simmons. Helen Marquis. Susan Ridgeway. Second row; Jenny Hutchinson. Peggy Kieffer. Bonnie Bates. Kim Moore. Karen Dunkin. Abby Van DOle Mary Bogucki. Brenda Rowland. Third row: Scott Saunders, Johnny Gierisch. Mark Davis. Craig Forehand. Lawrence Maninez. Cun Lard, Ruthy Davidson. Pam Welky. Carol Staten. Founh row: Charles Byer. Doug Small. Paul Whitt. Terry Barnett, Gary Whitehorn. Rex Jann . Scott VanCleave, Bill Landy. Chris McBride. John Brannen. ' Honor Boys' Choir: (1 to r) First row: Scott Saunders. Cun Lard. Craig Forehand. Second row: Mark Davis. Johnny Gierisch, Terry Barnett. Lawrence Maninez. Rex Janne. John Brannen. Third row: Doug Small. Charles Byer, Paul Whitt. Chris McBride, Gary Whitehorn, Scott Van Cleave. Bill Landy. ..... 64 Choral Department Freshman Girls' Choir: (I to r) First row: Mana Coleman. Lesa Colson. Diana PfannstieI. Margaret Johnson. Kathy H cock. Second row: Anne Stoner. Mindy Pierce. Jane Cluck. Kim Caldwell, Leah Hardcastle. Sharla Wallace. Third Sarah Copp. Rosemary Behrens. Linda Smethers, Lisa Moore, Lynn Johnson. Patty Noel, Sally Donaldson. Founh Karen Griffith, Laura Burnett. Annetta Harvell. Joyce Thomas, Carolyn Pritchard. Choir members sing during Christmas week at the University National Bank during the noon hour . ..,fI'\. 66 '\ --' Many Win Honors lcers (I to r clockwise) are Peggy Kieffer. alto section . :rerry Barnett, tenor section leader; Brenda Rowland, sec- . iI'ommy Davis. president; Janet Allison. soprano section , CUn Lard. bass section leader and Carol Staten. vice-pres- All-Regional Choir Members: Front row: (I to r) Cathy Benton. Sally Hoover. Helen Marquis. Second row: Peggy Kieffer. Janet Allison. Kim Moore, Doug Small. Top row: Charles Byers. Pam Welky. Not pictured is Tommy Davis. 67 Madrigal: Front row: (1 to r) Cathy Benton. Cun Lard. Helen Mar- quis. Second ,row: Sally Hoover, Janet Allison. Scott Saunders. Third row: Paul Whitt, Doug Small, Carol Staten. Founh row: Peggy Kieffer. Charles Byer. Pam Welky. ~'. 68 "BRAZOS" - Folk Group: (I to r) Kim Moore. Tommy Da Brenda Rowland, Bill Landy and (kneeling) Mala Farmer. Musical Production Takes Lots of Practice ....~. 70 ------1 Terry suppons her Tigers while Beth suppons her back. 73 Bengal Belles Drill Team The Belles and dates enjoyed the Tiger Troop Valentine banquet. 74 Rita Villareal 76 Tigerettes Vital Part of School Spirit ~. are left to right back row Mary Ann Piazza. Belinda Scott. Jane Cluck. Marta Coleman. Leah Hardcastle. Kathy Hancock. -wis. 7th row: Peggy Featherston. Pat Garrison. Cam Payton. Rosemary Behrens. Annette Eaton. Jackie Foresythe. 6th row: Lan- ,lngton. Debbie Harmel. Renee Riley. Sally Donaldson. Colette Osaba. 5th row: Andrea Keahey. Sharla Wallace. Jana Ander- Caldwell. 4th row: Debbie Davidson. Debra Walters. Laura Burnett. 3rd row: Carla Price. Charlotte HODSOn, 2nd row: Nancy Ann~toner. Barbara Co}C.,sylvia Medina. Lesa Colson. Front row: Becky Covington. Ted Richardson. Tiger Troupe spirit never dies' ...... Tigerettes waii to perform. 0> 78 '.. 'ilJ 4 I . . 1- ~....-- 1.........-,..-- French Club I " tI .. German Club German Club Officers: (left to right) Julia Straw. vice president: Dwayne Parsons. representative; Lola Fe secretary; Keith Kuttler. ueasurer; and Unda Mullins. president. ~ - ..- German Club members include (I to r) front row: Miss Kelly. Beverly Jones. Sandy Sandstedt. Cindy Jones. Kris Das. Robin Benignus. Jack! Nutall. and Meg Bury. Second row: Mrs. Dunnam. sponsor. Cindy Benton. Betty Cochrane. Sarah Treybig. Mike Davis. Steve Kramer, JuliC Straw, Kris Boatwright. Debbie Zolobny. Jack Lampkin. John Gardner. Linda Mullins. Tommy Schaffer, Lola Ferris. Gregg Schmidt. Dwayne Parsons, K,eith Kuttler. Greg Moore. and Bill McGee. "'-', 'l~ 80 ---"'II!if" rbread house above was made by Betty Cochrane. After explaining how ~e the cake it was served as refreshments. Mike Trevin. an exchange student from Austria who attends Bryan High. spoke at one of the regular meetings. "', . mbers of the Edel weissgesellschaft meet monthly to learn more about the German language, literature, ms and the country itself. The group sponsors a booth at the Annual People's Festival. Other highlights of ear: attending the Wurstfest, folk dancing, skits and the Schnitzeljagd. 81 El Club Castellano Que buen auo! Dia de los muertos Dia de las Lupitas Las Posadas. . Dia de los reyes Convencion . Brazoswood . Trajes tipicos La Primaria . Parras de la Fuente! Back row: Pat Canwright. Peter Elliot. Paul Fredericksen. Grant Wolfe. 5th row: Ran~y Ray, Joe Simmons. Marian Maxwell, Kevin Man- ning. David Bagnall, Susan Pomenta, Paul Whitt, Mala Farmer. 4th row: Karen Duncan, Jim Case. Andrea Keahey, John Vostano. Gilben Curiel. Mary Boguski. Steve Upham. Wally Harwood, Craig Thompson, Carol Staten, Tobi Pledger, Susan Pope, Bob Randall. Leslie Kief- fer.Debbie Hamilton. Martha Lamben. 3rd row: Joe Wilborn, Cathy Hall, Tammy Berry. Grace Hood, Kieth Klatt, Russell Decastongrene Ann Kettlebour9ugh. Debra Thomas. Dean Spannagel. Connie Tenorio, Teresa Collado. Lisa Sweet. Glenda Gates, Jeb Hensarling, Julia Crawford. Bina Davis. 2nd row: Mr. Mike Barber, Mrs. Kitty Worley (sponsors). Polly Weise, Rita Villareal. Sylvia Medina. Karen Lewis, Teresa Cooper. Kathy Smathers. Terry Niles. Karen Copp. Becky Rowe. Kathy Williams. Kathy Pettit, Debra Boren, Donna Phariss, Karen Anderson. 1st row: Robin Bowman, John Jimeniz, Many McGraw. Kathy Simmons. Alex Datzschkowsky. Margaret Johnson. Sarah Copp, Sharon Boatright, Cindy Pierc~, Mary Gerlow, Charlotte Cooper, Vivian Fredericks. ~~. 82 ~ Ready. . . Aim. . . Swingl! 83 Drama Clu Back row: (1 to r) Karen Sackett. Rebecca Callaway. Keith Merrifield. Pam Welky, Carla Whitaker. Dan Hogan. Amy P1app. Joel Hall, Terri Richardson, Pam Path, Craig Forehand, Jack Lamkin. Front row: Virginia Coppa, Cindy Beck. Sherry Powell, Debbie Wagner. Scott Saunders, Diana Dotson. Bill Forehand. ...,,~. ~ Officers: - Virginia Coppa - President - Dan Hogan - Vice-President 84 Thespians Pam Path - President Sherry Powell - Vice-President James Dennis - Sponsor _~W' !,tlng: Becca callkway. Joel Hall. Clockwise around ladder: Virginia Coppa, D1my Davis, Pam Welky, Brenda Rowland. Dan Hogan. Carla Whitaker. Jackie ,undo Peggy Kieffer. Scott Saunders. Sherry Powell, Kris Smathers. Dianne Nor- , Jackie Nutall. Thespian Review Board: Pam Welky. Tommy Davis, Sherry Powell. Peggy Kieffer, Joel Hall. . . The cast of "Goodbye. Charl1e" takes a bow. "Kaleidoscope III" was per- formed early in the school year. 'Q ~~. ~ 86 Gymnastics Club The purpose of the Gymnastics Club is to give girls a time and place to work out and perfect skills. At left: Debbie Warden does a jump on the balance beam. Below: Brenda Hayes does a forward roll stunt. J Art Club An Club members (l-r) are Martha Lofgren. Sharon Bergum. Karen Copp. Carla Whitaker. Charlotte Cooper. Bernal, Bec~y Bagnall. Diana Dotson. Debbie Wagner. Becca Callaway. Mary Fredericks. and John Jimenez. ..;j'~ . ~ 88 In an effon to brighten the student lounge. an students spent hours painting the mUIal designed by Steve Posey. Sherree Nesch. Sandy Dechiro display their talent in Brazos Valley An Show. 89 Future Teachers Projects and activities that the Future Teachers participated in this year are: - hosting coffee for teachers in August - raising membership to record high - welcoming teachers with signs the first day of school - participating in district activities - hosting "Open House" - attending leadership workshop - second place trophy for project "Adopt a Grandparent" - first place trophy for district scrapbook - sick sacks for children in hospitals a t Christmas - State Convention in Ft. Worth - Turnabout teaching days - covered dish dinner - formal installation of new officers FTA Members: (left to right) Back row: Glenn Richards. Kathy Beck, Jane Cluck. Sixth row: Susan Ridgeway. Helen Marquis. Elizebeth Gerlow, Belinda Scott. Fifth row: Michelle Burns, Alex Datscholski, Rosemary Barrons, Jeaneane Holland. Founh row: Mrs. Hensley. sponsor. Debbie f-!armel. Pat Garrison, Cynde Colson, Kim Loveless, Laura Burnett, Faith Kuvlesky, Debbie King. Lanette Buffington, Le&a.Colson, Debbie Yeager. Third row: Nancy Pedulla, Lynn Johnson, Sarah Copp, Debbie Scott, Brenda Hayes, Sally Donaldson. Sec- ond row: Jana Anderson. Brenda Rowland. Mary Gerlow. Cathy Hancock, Kim Caldwell. Sarah Feldman. Pat Mcle. Tammy Gresham, Cindy Beck. Front row: Renai Baker, Peggy Kieffer. Cheryl Cunningham, Diana VanCleave, Dinetha Richards. Linda Sandstedt, Carol Staten, John Brannen, Scott VanCleave, and Doug Small. 90 . Oneida Hensley (sponsor) is all smiles at the FT A Banquet Cheryl Cunningham (historian) presents her with a potted t. The A&M Consolidated FT A Chapter was renamed the Ida Hensley FT A Chapter in her honor. Dinetha Richards presents an unidentified patient at St. Joseph's hospi- tal with a "sick sack. " one of the FT A projects. Renai Baker (left) and Diana Van Cleave present a banner to Mrs. Riv- ers - The school year's first teacher-of-the-month. 91 Future Farmers Mark Griffin. Star Chapter Farmer. Front row: (I to r) Kneeling: Paula Dooley. Mary Palazzo. Jeane Pateete. Brenda Honeycutt. Lvnell Divin. Nancy Redman. Susan Honeycutt. Annette Harvelle. ~e, Donna Lenz. Bettv Freeman. Eddie Hill. Second row: Bob Kruse. Steve Wythe. Hamp Keahey, Steven Bemand. John Redman. Billy Junek. Tommy Hodges. David Cole. Ann Huebner, Wesley Hecox. Sherry Wade. Dale Hayes, Sue Smith. Nelson Surovik. Mike Divin. Ray Prieve. Clyde Bethard. Third row: Joel Cowan. Mark Sandel, Mike Sayers. Terry Smalley, Steve Lewis. Buddy Wilson...MazlL\olilliams-.ayne Crenshaw, Billy Pratt, .Jeff Boriski, Billy Smith. James Chambers. Thomas Coleman. Founh row: John Cooper. Mark Rogers, Mark Griffin. ~, Fay Arnold. Keith Wade. Mike Dooley, Joe Schoppe. Mark McCollough. Bobby Leeth. .,~. , 92 pter Officers (l-r) are Kieth Wade. secretary; Brenda Honeycutt. reponer; Lynell Diven. treasurer; David Cole. -presIdent; Anne Huebner, sweethean; Hamp Keahey. advisor; Ray Prieve, president and Mark Griffin, sentinel. Receiving the Star Greenhand award is Mike Sayers. 93/ Home and Family Li ving F.H.A. Chapter H. and F.L. Officers are (1 to r) Brenda Rowland - president, Diana VanCleave - president. and Irene Davis - vice president. Home and Family Living Club members standing on back row (I to r) are Terry Barnett. Billy Leland. Gary Whitehorn. Greg Leeth. Jim Redman. Bruce Rose. Pa~ Ranson. 3rd row: Teresa_Luedke, Sandra Dechiro. Lynell Divin. Dianne Bradley, Anne Huebner, Suzanne Hahn. Kerfy Walker. June Glo~er. Mrs. Pam Gilmore - sponsor. Faith Mohr. 2nd row: Lorena Stancil. Karen Lyda. Teresa Bernal. Mary Whitely, Lorena Thomas, Carla Poner. Carol Warlick, Sharron Mobley. Sitting: Vernon Mobley, Brenda Rowland, Irene Davis. Diana VanCleave, Scott Shafer. 94 J I ~~ cr Mock wedding ding cake. Home and Family Living and Child Development classes panicipated in the fol- lowing activities this year: painting the school office, mock weddings, visiting nursing homes, pot luck suppers, candy-grams and valentines, Area and State Conventions, and National F. H. A. II I Senior FHA Club Senior FHA Officers: Standing: (1 to r) Advisor Mrs. Reed. Secretary Cindy Jones. Srd Vice President . Annette Eaton. 2nd Vice President Philip Steen. Treasurer Sue Smith. 1st Vice President Cam Payton." Historian Cheryl Weatherbee. Seated: President Jeff Rowe. Parliamentarian Bobby Gardner. Senior FHA Members: Seated: (l to r) Laurie Clark, Pam Glover. Jeff Rowe. Bobby Gardner. Derrick Townsend. Standing: (1 to r) Connie Teneiio, Cindy Jones. Mrs. Reed, sponsor, Savanna Calhoun. Cheryl Weatherbee, Philip Steen. Debbie King. Annette Eaton, Billy Junek, Brenda Hayes, Pat McIe. Debbie Warden. Sandra Luedke, Sue Smith, and Cam Payton. ~. ~ .,..-- ~. I i l ~t ~ William Carr. I ing items coHee home and belon ~ ~ ;# j , i~ " . -'~ -.j Randall Johnson paring food for I Nations. ~. l ~ William Carr. Brenda Mitchell. and Beverly Janac assist Don Williams in pack- ing items collected in a school wide drive for the William's family after their home and belongings were destroyed by fire. 1J,1I1' ~ I I I Debra Thomas and Teresa Feathemone working with the Expanded Nutrition Pro- gram at Lincoln Center during the summer Homemaking Program, Members of all FHA Clubs presented special pro- grams to nursing homes in Bryan and College Station at Halloween. Brenda Williams serves refreshments. ... 97 Junior FPA Junior FHA Officers: (1 to r) Debra Thomas. 4th vice-president; Deborah Jordan. 1st vice-president; Otha Vaughn, parliamentarian; Teresa Featherston, president; Elizabeth Matous, 2nd vice-president; Cindy Mace. 3rd vice-president; and Annette Kettlebrough. 5th vice-president. Junior FHA'ers and Sponsor: (I to r) Mrs. Owens. sponsor. Annette Kettlebrough. Lizabeth Hoover, Jill Von Roder. Linda Mullins. Barbara Ford. Teresa Featherston. Charles Jones, Nancy Creagor. Debra Thomas. Larry Williams, Pat Thompson. Otha Vaughn. Grace Hood, Terri Harris. Elizabeth Matous, Cindy Mace. and Brad Smith. .,. 98 ~ \. Dot Harborth. Judy Green and Diane Reese were guest speakers during FHA week. 'J ,'/ ~. Every \ and requ~ H.E.R. O. HERO Officers for '74-75 are Sandra Broxton - 5th V-President, Bridgett Weise - Historian. Carol War- lick - 6th V-President. Suzanne Hahn - Treasurer, Steve Posey - Yearbook. Vickie Broxton - 3rd V- President. Jackie Nutall - Corresponding S retary, Brenda Williams - 1st V -President. Catherine Kapchinski - Recording Secretary. a arren Earhan - President. I >l!>> r :1 HERO members standing (1 to r) on back row are Jackie Nutall. Debbie Borlski. Suzanne Hahn. Steve Posey. Catherine Kapchinski. Vicki Broxton, Beverly Janac! Kenneth Payton. Regina Worsham. Second row: Terry Morgan. Carol Warlick, June Glover, Sherri Williams, Brenda Mitchell. Jean Ford. Sandra Broxton. Bridget Weise. Cds McCommon. Front row: Brenda Williams, Jill Von Roeder, Mrs. Harris. Karren Earhan. Shadotte Wade, Jim Elmquist. . HERO projects for the school year 74-75 included: Campaign to help family fire loss Panies for older persons Operation Big Sister or Brother Secret Grandparents "Appreciation-Employers' . .;,j'~ . ~ President KIl~"n l'::nh~i::tJlresents a cenJficate of completion of the HECE pro- gram to Vic Broxton. All seniors received a cenJficate. 100 Every Wednesday night four students from Consolidated operate the KT AM Tigerland Turntable, Dedications and requests are taken for one hour as favorite songs are played. -11II National Honor Society Officers: Peggy Kieffer - President David Stewan - Vice- President Sally Hoover - Secretary Renee Hostetler - Treasurer .,~. Distribl managem business f: i~ Back row: David Bagnall. Kieth Kuttler, Karl Kapchinski, Richard Cox. Stephen Wythe. Bill McGee. David Stewan, David Comstock. Third row: Doug Chester, Jim Nance. Carol Staten. Paul Fredricksen, Janet Gardner. Kim Moore. Renai Baker, Lester Byrd. Jeb Hensarling. Second row: Glenda Gates, Peggy Keiffer. Tobi Pledger. Janet Allison, Brenda Rowland, Donna Phariss, Sara Feldman, Leslie Keiffer. Dinetha Richards. Front row: Krls Smathers. Margaret Adams, Cara O'Conner. Cheryl Cunningham, Sharon Neeley, Sally Hoover, Renee Hostetler, Sharon Cullen. Back row: (1- Terry Miller, "PIatt, Anne! Shulz, and Ii 102 The National Honor Society is an organization of students selected by faculty vote from the Junior and Senior classes. Candidates are selected on basis of scholarship, leadership. character. and service. Distributive Education Distributive Education is a cooperative work program where students spend time in the classroom learning management and business procedures. The principles learned are put into effect by working with cooperating business firms. Back row: (l-r) Larry Lisenbe. Ray Tank, Mike Creagor, Thomas Kelly. Mike Ramsey. Bruce Baldwin. 3rd row: Wayne Ward. Peter Bassett, Terry Miller. Travis Tapley. Kelly Walker, Sunni Blinka. Kathy Williams. Sharon Cullen. Aneita Johnson. Mark Boller. 2nd row: Roben l'Iatt, Anne Seaback. Steve Boyd. Ann Reed, Jane Tenorio, Darla Shryrock. Regina Tippitt. Front row: Ken Loveless, Tim Brundige. Danna Shulz. and Iim Case. Fellowship of Christian Athletes F. C. A. met every other Monday night in the homes of various mem- bers to hear occasional speakers, sing songs, and enjoy refreshments and games of ping-pong or pool. A Homecoming Breakfast was spon- sored as well as a March of Dimes benefit basketball game. Members also gathered for a picnic in the spring. " ". Officers: (l-r) Karl Kapchinski. treasurer; Greg Leeth. president; Cheryl Cunningham. sec- retary; and John Brannen, vice-president. Karl Kapchin FCA Homeco: Top lOW: Stephen Wythe,~Kyle Cunningham. Margaret Wythe. Laurel Keese. 2nd row: Mike Thomas. Vernon Mobley. Jimmy Redman, Robin Bowman. Karen Anderson. 3rd row: Polly Weise. Keith Kutler. Tommy Wade, John Brannen. Scott VanCleave, Gary Keese. 4th row: Mary Whiteley, Peggy Kapchinski, Kenny Davidson, Paul Gardner. Diane Bradley, Cindy Sikes. 5th row: Coach Wilson (sponsor). Renal Baker, Doug Chester, Lester Byrd, Martha Lamben, Cynde Colson. Bottom row: Bill McGee. Diana VanCleave. Greg Leeth, Cheryl Cun- ningham, Karl Kapchinski. 104 Karl Kapchinski introduces Billy Lemmons. speaker at the FCA Homecoming breakfast. The faculty and FCA got together for a game of basketball to raise funds for the March of Dimes. Good Sportsmanship League The Good Sportsmanship League is made up of five representatives from each school in District llAAA. These representatives met at the end of each spons season to vote and present a Good Sportsmanship A ward. This award is given to the school that has displayed the best sportsmanship throughout each different sport. The above were selected to represent A&M Consolidated. Back row: (l-r) Mr. Denton, sponsor; Gary Keese. Front row: (l-r) Brenda Rowland, Doug Chester, Sara Feldman and Renai Baker. "'., 106 r- I f f ~ Cindy Feaga the latest QU Quill and Scroll Quill and Scroll members are selected by scholarship and their outstanding contributions to the PAPER TIGER and the TIGERLAND; this is a recognition of dedication and effon for all. Photography Club members are (l-r) Vincent Kapchinski, Travis Hughey. Peter Hoeve. Karen Sackett. Greg Hostetler. Steve Smith, Peter Elliott and Randy Pher~s. Mr. Hamilton reminds Greg that there are "no handouts" in this business as Janeen Holland listens. Photography Club ~ ~ 108 Mosquitoes chased Steve Smith. Peter Elliott and Greg Hostetler up the windmill at the club picnic while Vin- cent Kapchinski and Peter Hoeve wonder where they'll seek refuge. Club Officen: tetler, vice p: f. 'Ii , Club Officers: (l-r) Steve Smith. secretary: Vincent Kapchinski. president; Leslie King. treasurer; and Greg Hos- tetler. vice president. PAPER TIGER Staffers standing (l-r) are Eric Lindquist. Mrs. Crittenden. advisor; KItty Ellssalde. Pam Wade. Jayne Gutcher. Kneeling are Lea Hill. Terri Benton. Debe McCandless and Joel Hall. PAPER TIGER Keeps Students Informed Editor Debe McCandless discusses headline with Joel Hall. headliner. "'. 110 Jayne Gutcher, tor in assembl~ Staff members I is Dana Hoover. ~ Jayne Gutcher. sports editor, operates the colla- tor in assembling the PAPER TIGER. Typists and reponers Karen Mallett and Cindy Feagan work to meet a deadline. Staff members seated (1 to r) are Bob Sowers, is Dana Hoover. .,;,j'}. ~ Business manager Pam Wade gets a plate ready to run on the offset press. 111 Kneeling (l-r) are Barbra Worley. Steven Smith. and Vincent Kapchinski. Standing (l-r) are Iim Nance. Bob Randall, Dianne Bradley', Karl Kapchinski, Cheryl Cunningham. Renai Baker. Cindy Sikes, Cindy Coison. Diana VanCleave, Bill McGee and Mrs. Crittenden (sponsor). TIGERLAND Staff Editor-in-chief -n--Cheryl Cunningham Sections: Introduction. Personalities. Closing Class Editors Freshmen-nnn--nn---Cindy Sikes Sophomores----nnn-Dianne Bradley Juniors nnn-n----n-Cynde Colson Seniors nn-n-nnnRenai Baker and Diana VanCleave Activities Editornnnn-Lorena Thomas Sports Editors nn--nn-Bill McGee and, Karl Kapchinski Faculty Editorn-n-nn-n-Bob Randall Advenisements -nn-Diana VanCleave. Renai Baker. and Bob Randall Editor. Cheryl Cunningham and Mrs. Crittenden look over some negatives of prints Organizations nnnnn---Cindy Sikes. for the annual. Cynde Colson. Cheryl Cunningham. .,. Lorena Thomas. Dianne Bradley Photographers -nnn-nBarbara Worley, Fm Nance. Stev~ Smith. Vincent Ka pchinski Lorena Them book. f 1.t I' Lorena Thomas and Bob Randall discuss layouts for the year- book. TIGERLAND Records Year's Events Staff Members: (l-r) Cheryl Cunningham. Dianne Bradley. Karl Kap- chinski. and Lorena Thomas worked late hours to meet deadlines. .:,j'., p Staff members relax after a long hard day. 113 Tigers Start Slow, Pick Up Pace in Zone. Play These players compiled a 2-7-1 record on their way to a third place finish in zone play. Front row (l-r): Doug Chester. Jim Redman. Keith Wade, Garry Moody, Calvin Heard. Middle row: Brad Smith. Harold Eaton, Richard Cox, Sterling Whitley, Kevin Mollett. Top row: Ashraf Ayoub. Peter Gilmore. Vernon Mobley; Greg Leeth. Mark Pantel, Jim Jewell, David Mitchell. Scott Van Cleave. Bill McGee, W. T. Gilben. Hamp Keahey. Keith Kuttler. Tigers "'.. 116 FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD 6 o 8 12 6 12 7 13 6 13 Wharton Crockett Taylor Hearne Spring New Caney Navasota Brenham Tomball Huntsville Opponents 42 7 25 14 19 o 34 o 29 13 An indispensable pan of the football team this year were the managers. They were responsible for cleaning uniforms, repairing equipment. and quenching thirsts. They are Front row (l-r): Ricky Wagner. Mike Douglas, Jerry Anderson. Russell~dke. Top row: Donald Blavier, Mark Griffin, Ricky Garrison, Billy Cochrane, Karl Kap- chlnski. The coaches are the backbone of all football programs. Their efforts are reflected in the desire and discipline shown by the players each Friday night. This year's coaching staff gave their best efforts and gained the respect of the play- ers. They are (l-r) Fred Warhol, Tommy Goodwin, Jack Wilson, Larry Linder, Head Coach and Athletic Director Bob Mcleroy, Grant Lee, Charles Pullen, and Larry Ellis. Pride is another name for the tough Tiger defense shown here lining up to do battle with New Caney. An unidentified Tiger latches onto his prey as Harold Eaton (22) and Garry Moody (87) give chase. Following close behind are David Mitchell (89) and Peter Gilmore (75). 117 Tigers Take Homecoming, Beat Brenham 13-0 Doug Chester (36) sweeps around left end for yardage with Calvin Heard (40) and Bill McGee (10) leading interference. Fullback W. T. Gilben comes off the field for a much needed rest while Coach McLeroy looks on. 118 "Watch your step." says Vernon Mobley (62) to a flying Tiger. Mobley puts the sleeper hold on his opponent as Keith Kuttler (64) and David Mitchell (89) wait for the stretcher. Watching anxiously on the sideline are Mark Pantel (60), Kevin Mollett (88), Vernon Mobley (62), and Captain Jim Redman (12). Trainer Karl Kapchinski paces grimly. Touchdown! Tigers! These men were honored as the outstanding football players for the '74 season. Front row (l-r): Doug Chester, Most Valuable Back; Brad Smith, 2nd Team All-Zone; Vernon Mobley, 1st Team All-Zone, Tiger Award. Back row: Bill McGee, Cap- tain, Most Valuable Player; Ashraf Ayoub, 2nd Team All- Zone; Peter Gilmore. 2nd Team All-Zone, Most Valuable Lineman: W. T. Gilben, Captain, 1st Team All-Zone. 119 JV's and Freshmen Break Losing Streaks This year the Junior Varsity broke into the win column after three years of frustration by cElmpiling a 4-5 record. Members of the future varsity are Front row (l-r): David Heyde, Chris Gehring, Dean Spannagel, Billy Dean. Middle row: Jim Bowman, Reggie Carr, Greg Schmidt, John Watkins. Top row: Mark Dixon, Tim Lyda, Bruce Woods. Tollie Thompson, Steve Boatright, Maynard Tucker, Sammie Jones, Kenny Davidson, Paul Gardner. Dale Cox. Not pictuted: John Brannen. ..,~ . .. Sammy Jones rushes through a gaping hole in action against Bryan. 120 ~ , ~ i B I f .j; "t I I r (: The lV's were more than scrimmage bait to the Varsity this year. Besides acting as the opponents for the week, they put together a consistent and spirited team effon. At left the IV line presents a formidable wall to attackers. Below, Tim Lyda uncorks a pass behind good protection. The Freshman team won their first game since they staned in 7th grade this year, compiling a 3-6-1 record. Front row (l-r): Dennis Mobley. Derrick To~send, Kevin Schlllidt, Randall Brown, Chet Churchill, Mike Thomas. Middle row: Pat Clarke, Mark Harville, Scott Stewan. Bobby Gamer; Jerry Dayton, Mike Sayers, Mark Williams. Top row: Ross Naugle, Richard Clark, Randy Miller, Wayne Crenshaw. Gary Jewell, Thomas Coleman, 'Charles Jones, Jeff Rowe, Roben Phillips, Glenn Richards, Chris Bryant, Colin Ward, Billy Junek, Billy Thayer, Scott Sutphen, Kyle Cunningham, Claude Brusse. 121 Tigers Trapped in Land. ofCiants The 1974-75 Varsity Boys Basketball Team: The team members are (l-r) Lester Byrd, Pat Canwright, Geof Gehring, Phillip Steen, Joe Den- ton, Scott Shafer, Gary Keese, Greg Moore. Larry Williams, and Pat Ranson. In the middle, kneeling are Mgr. Kris Das, Coach Jim'Fore- man, and Mgr. Karl Kapchinski. SEASON RESULTS: 10-18. DISTRICT RESULrS: 3-7. The 1974-75 Varsity Coach, Jim Foreman. 122 The award winning boys basketball players are Pat Ranson (1.) selected for the Sponsmanship Award and Scott Shafer voted Most Valuable Player and selected to the second team all district. ~ Coach Foreman gives instrUction to the Tiger Varsity in practice. Phillip Steen hauls down a rebound against Tomball. "Spitz" Williams guns up a jumpshot. Scott Shafer was the leading rebounder and scorer with 142 rebounds and 318 points. 123 Scott Shafer is barely out-tipped as Phillip Steen and Pat Ranson await the outcome. -----1 Gary Keese shoots as Joe Denton gets in position to rebound. 124 \: .W'I" Y Co-Captain Joe Denton sets up to shoot a jump shot. . -- Lester Byrd and Scott Shafer attempt to tip the ball to a waiting Phillip Steen. The Junior Varsity Boys Basketball Team: The players are Standing (l-r): Chris Gehring, George Hilton, Ronnie Morgan, Kevin Mollet, NickBorelli, Maynard Tucker, Paul Gardner, Bob Randall, Tollie Thompson, Brad Smith, Greg Schmidt, John Brannen and Calvin Heard. Kneeling center are Coach Larry Linder and Mgr. Kris Das. JV's Start Slow End Strong J. V. SEASON RESULTS 7-17 FROSH SEASON RESULTS "A" Team 5-13, "B" Team 6-11 Members of the Freshman Basketball Team: Front row: Kevin Schmidt and Mgr. William Bouse. Sec- ond row: Derrick Ford, Jamie Wainerdi. Dennis Mobley and Derrick Townsend. Third row: Jerry Dayton, Scott Stewan, Roben Ondrasek and Doug Hutchinson. Fourth row: Kyle Cunningham, Claude Brusse. Jeff Rowe, and Richard Clark. Top row: Assistant Sam Oglesby, Scott Sutphen, Charles Jones, Ross Naugle. Randy Miller and Coach Grant Lee. 125 Girls Face Tough Foes The 1974-75 Girls Tiger Varsity Basketball Team: Back (l-r): Mgr. Karen Mallet, Coach An Bright and Mgr. Sandy Mohr. The team members are Debbie Quitta, Beth Mamaliga, Cathy Hein. Julia Crawford, Susan Pope, Minette Manin, Martha Lamben, Mary Whiteley and Debe McCandless. SEASON RECORD 5-12 Minette Manin and Debe McCandless put the evil curse on a Tiger opponent. 126 DISTRICT RECORD 0-8 The award winners in Girls Basketball are Beth Mamaliga (1.) Most Valuable Player and Cathy Hein, Best Sponsmanship Award Win- ner. Co-Captain Cathy Hein was the high scoring girl with 332 points. The Girls Junior Varsity Basketball,.Team: Front row: Cindy Feagan, Denise Brown, Faye i.'rnold and Linda P'reston. Middle row: Pat Garrison, Nancy Crea- gor, Julie Diekert and Debbie Harmel. Top row: Bina Davis, Margaret Wythe, Peggy Kapchinski. Laurel Keese, and Coach Art Bright. Girls coach An Bright gives instructions to the J. V. players. Co-Captain Beth Mamaliga wins the tip of a jump- ball situation. 127 Volleyball District Gets Tougher Karen Lyda uses her ballet form in returning the ball as Nancy Creagor awaits results. .....~ The Girls Junior Varsity volleyball team membeIS are front row (l to r) Kevier Ludke, Rosemary Behrens and Linda Preston. Middle row: Lauri Clark, Pat Garri- son, and Pam Wade. On the top row are Coach Tommy Goodwin, Robin Bosman. Sherri Wade, Bina Davis and Mgr. Jackie FoISY the. Not pictured are Sue Smith and Karen Anderson. 128 Debbie Quitta. shown making a return hit, was voted most valuable player. Boys'Doubles, Girls' Singles Advance to Regional The giru and boys tennis squad. The members are front row (I to r) Terry Niles, Mary Gerlow. Gena McMullan. Elizabeth Gerlow, Lola Fares , and Janet Coom:od. Middle row players are Debbie Hamilton, Margaret Wythe, Manha Lamben. Cheryl Cunningham, Renai Baker, Raben Hunter, Chris Gehring, and Peter Elliot. The top row boys are Glenn Heyman, Mark Davis, Tom Wilkes, Peter Hoeve, Paul Gardner. Jim Nance, Bob Randall. Tommy Schaffer and Coach Mike Mills. Not pictured are Jeb Hensarling, Clayton Hall, Eric Hood, and Gary White- horn. Gena McMullan was girls district singles champion and was voted most valuable player at CHS. 129 Jeb Hensarling ana. Clayton Hall were the boys' zone doubles champions. Bob Randall serves in zone singles competition. , 130 ~ ____~ J Renal Baker and Cheryl Cunningham, winners of their doubles match. accept congratulations from their opponents. G 1 I, The Vanity I Steve Helllel Jerry Martin I Golf Team Shares District Crown The Varsity golf tearn was this year's district co-champions with Aldine-Eisenhower. Members of the team are (l to r) Steve Hensel, Rex Janne, Coach Steve Scamardo, Pat Ranson, Jerry ~anin, Phil Gougler and Tim Jones. Jerry Manin prepares to hit an iron shot out of the rough. Steve Hensel cocks back to chip the ball onto the green. 131 The newly formed girls' golf team coached by (back row) Coach Steve Scamardo are (I to r) Marion Maxwell. Karen Sackett, Barbara Cox, Janeen Holland and Sally Donaldson. The boys freshman and junior varsity golf team are August Wenck, Jeff Hutchinson, Claude Brusse, Darrell Elliot, Kim Mayo. Scott Saunders and Randy Miller. I Girl's golf was a new addition to the golf team this year. Here Marion Maxwell shows her form. 132 "" --I@!-..... - '3fII!r~"- ---~-. For their we meet. We a Kunze. Jolu Coach Giese running whil, other in the I Pat Ranson plans his shot as he prepares to putt. Cross Country Wins State For their work and dedication, the Cross Country team finally received the recognition they deserve by grabbing first,in the state meet. We are proud to call them STATE CHAMPIONS. Standing (l-r) are Louis Castanon, Joe Wilborn, Mark Schneider, Allen Kunze. John Bassett, Jay-Carlton, Chris Powell, Damon Buffington, Nelson Surovik, David Bagnall. Top Ten Times In Cross Country PLACE NAME YEAR TIME Coach Giese instructs John Bassett in the finer ans of running while at right three Tiger runners pace each other in the early goings of the state meet. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10.09 10.11 10.15 10.18 10.19 10.26 10.29 10.31 10.34 10.37 Louis Castanon Joe Wilborn Jay Carlton Chris Dale Chris Powell John Bassett Dennis Gimlin Nelson Surovik Kevan Staten Damon Buffington 1974 1974 1974 1969 1974 1974 1973 1974 1970 1974 133 r-- As spectators begin to assemble, the runners begin to shed their sweats and streich out. Only 4,659 more strides thinks Jay Carlton. r I I I T ( , , Eight school I Smith in the t Tucker, Haro Spannagel, C Mark Schneid, Tiger runners wait nervously at the staning line. The champs gather to show off their medals. Tiger Thinclads Place Second in District --Wi"'- -.....---... - Doug Chester relaxes after race. V ARSITY TRACK RECORDS EVENT NAME DATE TIME & DISTANCE Mile Relay Steen, Johnson, 1975 3.22.8 Chester, Eaton 440 Relay Rose, Steen, 1975 43.0 Johnson, Jones 2 Mile Relay Wilborn, Chester, 1975 8.04 Eaton, Carlton 4 Mile Relay Whitten, Surovik. 1975 19.01 Powell, Bassett Mile Medley Eaton, Brannen. 1974 3.34.2 Johnson, Rose 880 Yd. Dash Iim Brannen - 1974 1.54.8 State Champ 120 High Hurdles Larry Holcomb 1971 14.1 100 Yd. Dash Steve Roop 1970 9.8 440 Yd. Dash Rasteen Wilson 1968 50.2 330 Int. Hurdles Mike Dehaven 1972 40.4 220 Yd. Dash Steve Roop 1969 22.8 Mile Run John Bassett 1975 4.33.8 2 Mile X Country Louis Castanon 1974 10.09 High Jump Harold Steen 1970 6 ft. 3 in.. Discus Steve Parsons 1961 183 ft. 10 in. Pole Vault Mike Litterest 1969 12ft.6in. Long Jump Phillip Steen 1975 21 ft. 11 in. Shot Put W. T. Gilben 1975 54 ft. 2 in. Distance Medley Mollett, Chester, 1975 10.52.5 Relay Wilborn. Bassett ._--~._~~ Doug Chester. Harold Eaton. Phillip Steen, and Larry John- son combined their running talents to set a new school record of 3.22.8 in the mile relay. . _::1... . ,. rl .;;~,~~......fl,~''n ~---=~'~. ~,.... ~ -') , -"""'~. ~~;;l- ~ -~ ~ ~ 4$.4"4 '" -- -__f' '~"~~1~"" Each year the varsity track squad chooses five girls to reign in the track coun at the College Station Relays. This year's girls were (l-r) Sherrie Williams, Pat Thompson, Debe McCandless, Diane Bradley. Beth Mamalagia. Bruce Rose explodes from the blocks in the 100. -".J., Members of freshman track included top row (l-r) Billy Thayer, Thomas Coleman, Charles Jones, Pat Maninez, Scott Sutphen, Dennis Chester, Richard Clark. Middle row: Bobby Leeth, Mike Sayers, Johnny Gerrish, Colin Ward, Bobby Gar- ner, Jeff Rowe, Kyle Cunningham, Roben Phillips. Front row: Roy Brown. Paul Bassett, Jamie Wainerdi, Roben Ondrasek, Chris Ramsey, Scott Stew an, Dennis Mobley. --- 4 D Ifl n J. << D " t , I Girls uack II (1 to r) Beth ford, Sherri . III III III D II .. IIlI J j ,II III 1 a 'I \D l I, { "Th, l~e , . " ,~ ,.,. I & Mile Relay Clocks 4:07 at State j J B a I I l' " ~~ a 0.::. Girls track showed much improvement this year as they placed in several track meets and the mile relay team qualified for state. Kneeling: (1 to r) Beth Mamaliga, Many McGraw. Sheryl Dunn, Polly Wiese, Annette Eaton. Kim Loveless. Standing: Coach An Bright, Julia Craw- ford, Sherri Willia~s, Betty Cochrane, Pat Thompson, Peggy Kapchinski, Faye Arnold, Debbie Quitta and Mgr. Karen Lewis. Coach An Bright had six track gizls qualify for regional, and the mlle relay team went on to state. The regional qualifiers are (1 to r) Julia Crawford, 220, Mile relay. 440 relay, Sherri Williams, mile relay, 440 relay; Beth Mamaliga, mile relay; Peggy Kapchinski. Mile relay, 440 relay; Pat Thompson. 440 relay; Debbie Quitta. shot put. "They went that-a-way coach. .. 137 Tiger Tankers Finish Third Overall These swimmers finished third in the State Water Polo Tournament after losing to a tough laMarque team. the eventual state champs. They are standing (l-r) David Stewan, Bill Kuvelsky. Bill Leland, Bill Harper, David Comstock, Chris I McBride. Kneeling: Russell de Castogrene, Mark Robeck. Steve Kramer. Mike Kramer, Chris Stephenson. f \'l. H,," '\I I 1- oif.. This year thll boys' swim team placed second in the state meet while the girls took third, resulting in a third place finish overall. They are top row (l-r) Bill Kuvlesky, Bill Leland, Bill Harper, David Comstock, Chris McBride, Chris Stephenson, Paul Whitt. Middle row: Mrs. Mary Leland, Roben Elkins. David Stewan, Russell de Castogrene, Tom McGraw, Mark Robeck, Steve Kramer. Mike Kramer. Bottom row: Hollie Harper, Linda Sandstedt. Diana Dotson, Car1a Whitaker, Many McGraw, Faith Kuvelsky. 138 1 ~ " r 1 Water Polo Places Third in State David Stewan, Most Valuable Swimmer, advances ball in water polo actioD. BUl Leland dares his opponent to keep that arm up. Swimming the butterfly, Mike Kramer eyes the finish. 139 Tigers Swing Into Third in Zone Play Tiger Baseballers held their own this,year by posting a 5-5 record for a third place finish in zone play. Team members are standing (l-r) Coach Fred Warhol, Karl Kapchinski, Gary Keese, Tom Smith, Greg Leeth, Stephen Wythe, Richard Cox, Coach Bubba Pqllen. Kneellng: Walter Boone, Jim Redman, Garry Moody, Mark Pantel, Bill McGee. Sitting: Tim Lyda, Jay Ward, Lester Byrd, Colin Ward, Ronnie Mor- gan. .....~ The squad voted Lester Byrd most valuable player while the coaches presented the Wayne Smith Memorial Award to Bill McGee. 140 Karl Kapchinski gets a kick out of the pick-off attempt of Lester Byrd and Jay Ward. r I t . I ! f~ .......... "". .... ..;:, A Stephen Wythe fires hard from the mound. Garry Moody returns to plate after planning strategy with Walter Boone. Lester Byrd tells another of his .. sure - fire jokes" to an opponent. 141 JV Baseballers Turn in Successful Season Bill McGee applies.the tag as another prospective base-stealer bites the dust. 142 T. J. Wainerdi shows off his "golf swing" to Leah Hardcas- tle and Terri Richardson, Tiger bat girls. Officers Austin Fitch - Pres. Karl Kapchinski - V. Pres. Guy Holt - Treas. Dianne Bradley - Sec. 144 Carla ), Becky f Sandra Debbie Carla Adams Becky Barker Sand.&'l Beard -Debbie Boriski ~ Janet Allison Bruce Baldwin Robin Benignus Dianne Bradley Kathy Anderson Terry Barnett Mariela Blasini Pete Bradshaw Renai Baker John Bassett Sunni Blinka Vicki Broxton 145 Lorena Thomas and Karl Kapchinski find a more enjoyable way to sell yearbooks. Jennifer Cannon Jim Case Cynde Colson Kathy Carlton Christy Cass Julia Combs 146 Tim Brundidge Charles Byers John Bryant Lester Byrd Chosen as final ties day is Step' Mrs. Goodwin Night. During the Homecoming pep rally Peter Gilmore gives a rous- ing speech as Beth Mamaliga cheers him on. Chosen as finalist for Best Dressed on nf- ties day is Stephen Wythe. Mrs. Goodwin presents a carnation to Cynde Colson and Diana Feltz at Senior Night. Sharon Cullen Cheryl Cunningham Ruthie Davidson Tommy Davis Joe Denton Lynelle Denton Raymond Henderson socializes with an underclass- man. 147 Karren !':;lThHt.. Jean Ford Diana Feltz Janet Gardner David Stewan and Guy Holt advise Bill Kuvlesky on the neat ways to make money - "by using cups out ' of the trash can. " 148 Austin Fitch !loll G al'l'mm Geof Gehring Mary Gerlow r I ' " r ,_I , ~\ " ;~ JtJ. T, ~ Clay!( Rod Hi _W. T. Gilbert ~~(;Iovpr Cia YlOn Hall ' Rod ita ne y ~ Peter Gilmore Suzanne Hahn Frank Hall Wanda Heard Reliving the days of the fifties at a "Malt Shop" are Kim Moore, Carla Porter, Joe Hutchinson, Dianne Bradley, and Bob Randall. Russ Reed assists a junior in the delicate procedure of dissecting a shark. 149 Cathy Hein Glen Heyman Jeb Hensarling Mary Hirsch ..~. ~ Eddie Hobson Sally Hoover Guy Holt Renee Hostetler 150 Steven Honeycutt Anne Huebner Joe H Jim Jl Joe Hutchinson Jim Jewell Mon Inglis Aneita Johnson Rex Janne Micheal Junek Ca therine Ka pchinski Gary Keese Karl Kapchinski Thomas Kelly 151 Leslie Kieffer Bill Kuvlesky Teresa Lee ~ott Lew~ Peggy Kieffer Bill Ledbetter Greg Leeth Andy MacFarland .;I'~ . .. 152 Senior Carol Whitaker gives finishing touches to an "inferior" fresh- man. Austin Fitch and Peggy Kieffer preside over the first Senior Class meeting. ~--- i a g ! i a I a a I I i Beth ~ ~ i II f , i I , \. t 1 t ., Jim Wick an stage band p' ,~ P I , B 1 a I III " ;:, ~ 1 Ii Beth Mamaliga ~rnon Mobley Jerry Manin Faith Mohr ~ , " a Jim Wick and Andy MacFarland display their musical ability as the stage band performs. Bill McGee Ann Molett Terry Miller , Guy Moody Anne Huebner, Pam Welky, and Kathy Carlton reluctantly find references for their research papers. 153 Greg Moore Margie Nonon ~ Kim Moore Pam Path Cindy Pettit iY- Pam Welky, Janet Allison, and Kathy Simmons, foreground, sing a trio dur- Ing the choir Christmas concen. Sharon Noel Diane Norman Ii Janet Gardn hammer in t l \ Joe Hutchinson shows Tiger Spirit by buying a ribbon from Beth Mamaliga. Carol Staten, Pam Path, Bill McGee, and Diana Van Cleave show signs of disapproval during a class meeting. She Pat Is this a typical day in Senior English? Paul Phillips Steve Posey Janet Gardner gives a heany Heave-Ho with a sledge hammer in the Tiger Troope sponsored car bash. Sherry Powell Pat Ranson Ray Prieve --!immy Redman Ken Prow Dinetha Richards Donna Putz _Karen Rogers 155 Rex Janne and Bill Ledbetter pay close attention to an Industrial Ans Lecture, or are they day-dreaming? Linda Sandstedt Patty Shannon Kathy Simmons Kirk Schneider Cindv Sikes John Sowers ~'l7 .;,t'\ ~ -1- The Senior Football players lead crowd in a cheer at the Homecoming pep rally. 156 r l , Cal Lor J Linda Sands in their last 1 Ray Tank Diana Van Cleave Jill Van Roeder Eileen Want - Trevis Tapley Abbie Van Doren Charlotte Wade Wayne Ward Linda Sandstedt and Carol Staten join other senior Belles In their last football dance of the season. 157 r ~ 1 o Fred Watkins Carol Whitaker Kathy WilH'ms Stephen Wythe . Pam Welky ~jl:r1;ng Whitley Ronald Woessner Mary Zingery Gary Whitehorn Bridget Wiese Grant Wolfe Clendon Adams Jim Wick Gail Williams Barbara Worley Gilbeno Curiel .;t"'. ~ 158 They sought And found To become one mind One soul They grouped They loved They sought And found To become one individual Themselves They changed They left C. J. Carnes Margaret Adams Brenda Allen Arnold Ashburn Ashraf Ayoub David Bagnall Julie Baker Peter Bassett Mary Beathard Kathy Beck Mike Bell Cathy Benton Sharon Bergum Teresa Bernall Tammy Berry Charlee Black Teddy Blanks Mary Bogucki Nick Borelli Jeff Boroski Todd Bovey 161 Steve Boyd Sandy Broxton Anne Bryant Lisa Byrd Mike Carr Reggie Carr Pat Can wright Frank Casimiro ~ Antonia Castenon Doug Chester James Chambers Clyde Clark Jeff Clark Billy Cochrane David Comstock Karen Copp ... ~. Richard 'Cox Mike Creagor Irene Davis 162 I r--~ !- , , Chris Chris McBride and Tod Bovey listen to picture critiques in photography. Mala Farmer loans the car key to Bill Leland "just one more time." Sandy Dechiro Lynell Divin Mike Divin Karen Duncan Louisa Dunn David Edwards Karen Eimann Elizabeth Evans Mala Farmer Mary Favreau Sara Feldman 163 Cindy Feagan Bob Frank Kent Gent Martin Haas ""l, .. 164 Anne Ferris Paul Fredricksen Elizabeth Gerlow Robert Pratt and Carol Warlick exchange laughs. 1 1 Roben Haensly Debbie Hamilton Cheryl Hanks Chuck Hayes Joel Hall Bobbi Hampton Bill Harper Wanda Heard "'''', ~ "And THIS record goes out for. . ." says "D.l." Margaret Adams. Steve Hensel Dan Hogan David Heyde Eric Hood 165 Harold Horne Brenda Huneycutt Philip Ilcken Kevin Jacobs ~!I~ Henry Johnson Karen Johnson Larry Johnson Randall Johnson Cindy Jones Robin Jones Sammy Jones J'~, Tim Jones Mark Junek Hamp Keabey Leslie Kieffer T ...... Terry Morgan,CIis McCommon and Gary Spencer look over the final copy of the maga- zine. ~ Lorena Stancil decide which I t Lorena Stancil proofreads while Tanny Irvine tries to decide which end is up! ! Kieth Klatt Sheila Kocher Yvonne Kote Allen Kunze Keith Kuttler Lisa Kuvlesky Bill Land y Cun Lard Suzette LeBeouf Bill Leland Donna Lenz Randy Lewis Bud Linklater Larry Lisenbe 167 J) ~ Hamp Keahey. Bruce Woods, and David Heyde put their lunch to better use. Wanda Luedke Kevin Manning Joe Marshall Debe McCandless Karen Lyda Minette Manin Don Mason MO ~!U ^)/A W reelS$ Chris McBride lama McGill I " ",1,!;';1 Garry Moody test Debe McCandless' reflexes. Mike Watkins works on his woodshop project. 168 - f /I ~ , Jl { 1 , t I I ! 'a 'I ~, , i I I', 1 ~" Many ~ Brenda Iim NaJ \ -- , --- I/~ Arnold Ashbur riments . I " III i ... II II 11II l I ~ , ,(I II Many McGraw Brenda Mitchell Iim Nance LeAnn McMillin David Mitchell .~ Neal Vicki McMillin Sharron Mobley Sharon Neeley Craig Meade Garry Moody Sheree Nesch Dennis Meade Terry Morgan Terry Niles ~ 1 j , l I I Jackie Nutall Arnold Ashburn, Scott Shafer, and Diane Norman do a few "shocking" expe- riments . 169 Kara O'Connor Mark Painter Paul Painter Kenneth Payton Eric Pearson Donna Phariss Jenifer Phillips Toby Pledger :l! Susan Pope Chris Powell Robert Pratt Debbie Quina Jane Ramirez Mike Ramsey Bob Randall Anne Reed ..-~. Rusty Reed John Reid Chris Saul Danny Sch~ 170 t , t I , ,~ ,i Anne SI Jack Sh Gayla ~ Philip! I \ ~ ~ , I: :1 I' , [ J Scott Shafer Donny Simpson Tom Smith Joe Schoppe Kathy Smathers George Spain Darla Shryock Billy Smith Lorena Stancil Anne Seaback Jack Shute Gayla Smith Philip Steen Pam Seydel Joe Si~~,~~ \\'vq l1JQ~ ~~--(Y- Mitchell Stevens .,;,rl. Daria Shryock, Peter Basset. Sara Feldman, and Chris Smaters get inspira- tions for poems. 171 J ames Storrs Ken Stover Mike Stribling Alex Tenerio Margaret Thompson ., Pat Thompson Becky Tippitt Mike Toth ;V Johnnie Townsend Otha Vaughn Pam Wade Steve Wagner T. 1. Wainerdi Kelly Walker Jay Ward Carol Warlick ........, Mike Watkins Kenny Watson Tim Weiner Dan Webster 172 ~ t ~ ~ "But T .J., Z wolilllki. I :; Caroline Don wn: Bruce W, I 1 ,~ I r jl "But T.J., Mother never told me about Ultra-Bright'" says Mia Zwolinski. l I 1 .~ Caroline Whitley Don Williams Bruce Woods Mary Whiteley Larry Williams Rodney Zalobny Paul Whitt Sherri Williams Mia Zwolinski Hamp Keahey and Walter Boone "stick wrestle" in off-season pro- gram. Brett Whitten Connie Winters Brenda Williams Johnny Winters 173 Officers Gena McMullen - Pres. Chris Gehring - V. Pres. Laurel Keese - Sec. Brad Smith - Treas. I I I , , I Karen Aberth Jerry Anderson Becky Bagnall Bonnie Bates Cindy Benton I I' I I, Terri Benton Patty Bergum Steve Benrand Steve Boatright Kris Boa twright Patricia Boone Walter Boone Debra Boren Bill Boswell Debbie Botsford I:. If I ~ i ~ I 175 And please bless this experiment whispers Paul Gard- nero Teresa Collado Charlotte Cooper John Cooper Theresa Cooper Dale Cox Terry Crabtree Julia Crawford Nancy Creagor Ruth Daron Kris Das Donna Dayhoff Susan Davilla Kenny Davidson Mark Davis Mike Davis " " .;,/'1, 176 Billy Dean Russel de Ca John DeLoac Julie Dieken Mark Dixon Marian Maxwell, Theresa Cooper, Cathy Smathers and Martha Lambert express their opinions at a class meeting. -~ Billy Dean Russel de Castongrene John DeLoach Julie Dieken Mark Dixon Tina Dodd Mike Dooley Diana Dotson Mike Douglas Brenda Dove Donna Dunlap Mike Earl Harold Eaton Ed Elliott Roben Elkins I y I;: ! ' Teresa Feathenon Pris Files Agnes Flowers Bill Forehand Vivian Fredericks Jackie Freund I' 177 Wayne Gable Greg Gammon Paul Gardner ~ Julie Gasaway Chris Gehring Dianne Gerish Mark Griffin Roy Guajardo Tom Haensly Blair Halliwell Wallace Harwood Dale Hayes La wrence Heads Calvin Heard Henry Hecox Lydia Hernandez Leslie Hewitt Lea Hill Eddie Hill George Hilton Elizabeth Holmgreen Kate Holt Grace Hood Lisabeth Hoover .;,t,,:, ~ I' '. ~arlotte HODson Susan Huneycutt Debra Hudson Jenny Hutchinson Richard llcken l 1 Brenda Jeske John Jimenez Michael Johnson Bill Johnson Candy Jones Sandy Jones Cindy Kay Peggy Kapchinski ' Annette Kettleborough Laurel Keese Renea Koehler Melissa Koldus Virginia Koppa Mike Kramer Steve Kramer Manha Lamben Milly Landy Elizabeth Lawhon Andria Leabo Karen Le wis 179 Steve Lewis Martha Lofgren aussell r np~l1.", Tim Lyda Cindy Mahoney Karen Mallett Helen Marquis Elsie Maninez Kim Mayo Marian Maxwell Mark McCulloch Gena McMullen Sylvia Medina Keith Merrifield Karen Mitchum The Sophomores get off to a great stan with their annual magazine sale. r . I-I . . I I- , Helen Marquis and Susan Ridgeway find an unusual but quiet place to study. Sandy Mohr Kevin Mollett Steve Monroe Roben Morgan Ronnie Morgan i !' Linda Mullins Leslie Noe Patty Noel Karen Olree Vincent Palazzo Mark Pantel Richard Parsons Jack Perkins Kathy Pettit Dianna Phillips 181 Cynthia Pierce Amy Plapp Mike Posey Randy Ray Johnny Redman Maryellen Reid Dianna Rex Desfee Richardson Susan Ridgeway Ra y Riley Rebecca Roe Mark Sandel Sandy Sandstedt Scott Saunders Tommy Schaffer Gregg Schmid Gail Schmidt Mark Schneider Walter Scott Dede Sidles "'.t, 182 Sylvia Sims Bill Sloan Doug Small Brad Smith po r f I I ~ Dale Dean LaurE Starli Julie Dale Smith Dean Spannagel La.ll1en Stacell Starla Steen Julie Sua w Bobby Strawn Nelson Survoik ...Kathy Smathers Debra Thomas Vicki Thomas Craig Thompson Linda Thompson Tollie Thompson Tcherlindro Townsend Sarah Treybig Patty Bergum models one of the latest fashions of the 50's when the Student Council sponsored 50's Day. I, I I .~ ,I > I" - , I I' i D D ~ ~ Maynard Tucker Eddie Valasco 1.- Scott VanCleave John Vastano t III I B a Debbi, ,g Debra Vaughn t Rita Villarreal Tommy Wade ~e Cathleen Waldon Roben Walker Debbie W al terscheid Wesley Wayland {\~~ Debbie Walterscheid, Carla Price, Ch~rlotte Hopson, and Karen Sackett seem to be involved in a conspiracy. Could it just be girl talk? 184 t I I Debbie Botsford. Donna Dayhoff and Sandy Sandstedt express their INTENSE excitement while watching the powder puff game. '!' Officers Mike Thomas - Pres. Linda Preston - V. Pres. Debbie King - Sec. - Treas. T I I 1 Kim Caldwell Shirley Caner JoAnn Chambers Chet Churchill Tami Alexander Jana Anderson Karen Anderson Georgia Arhopulos Faye Arnold Mary Ann Banks Paul Bassett Cindy Beck Debra Bernal Donald Blavier Peter Bogucki Mark Boller Lawrence Boughton William Bouse Shawn Bovey Robin Bowman Rosemary Brehens David Brown James Brown Randall Brown Claude Brusse Chris Bryant Bob Buchanan Lanette Buffington Laura Burnett 187 Laurie Clark Pat Clarke -{( Jane Cluck Mana Coleman Thomas Col"m~1L Lesa Colson Janet Coonrod Ricky Cooper Sarah Copp Becky Covington Barbara Cox Tina Cox Dirk Crawford Kyle Cunningham Ronda Dawson Debbie Davidson Bina Davis Jerry Dayton Paula Dooley ",,, Sally Donal!l'son Alex Datshkousky 188 I I Faye Arnold tries to tell Gary Jewell she's already got a date. Sheryl Dunn Tammy Earhan Annette Eaton Kitty Elissalde Darryl Elliott Peter Elliot Phillip Fann Lola Fares Peggy Featherston Tim Folts Derrick Ford Craig Forehand Jackie Foresyth John Fossum Mary Fredericks ~~ lenFryxell Bobby Garner Pa t Garrison Johnny Gierisch Pam Glover Robert Gou,gler Tamara Gresham Karen Griffith Alvin Hall Kathy Hancock Holli Harper Leah Hardcastle Debbie Harmel Terri Harris Da vid Hart Annetta Harvell Mike Harville Paul Haugen Brenda Hays Ella Heads Cynthia Heard Jon Hennigan Ginger Henry Adi Hillel Jimmy Hirsch Tommy Hodges Peter Hoeve Janeen Holland Dana Hoover .;,-~ Greg Hostetler Travis Hughey Robert Hunter Doug Hutchinson Dale Jacobs 190 The freshman Tiger Troupers were on Tiger Field for Homecoming. I I . I I Gary Jewell Lynn Johnson Margaret Johnson Reginald Johnson Beverly Jones Charles Jones Deborah Jordan Billy Junek Vincent Kapchinski Andria Keahey Chip Keeley Debbie King Leslie King Jan Kluszczynski Faith Kuvlesky Jack Lampkin Bobby Leeth Kathy Letzring Julie Lewis Pa t Lott Kim Loveless '1 191 Kevier Luedecke /...'/ Sandra Luedke Cindy Mace Karen MacKinnon Shoala Maghaddam Lawrence Maninez Elizabeth Matous Debra May Pam McDowell Tom McGraw Patricia Mcle Randy Miller Dianne Mitchell Dennis Mobley Lisa Moore Mike Moore Ellen Morrison Ross Naugle Roben Ondrasek ~'. Colette Osoba Mary Palazzo Mike Parker Camillia Payton Nancy Pedulla Jean Peteete David Pettit l [ I . Menielle Petty Diana pf annstiel Randy Pharess ' Laura Phillips Roben Phillips Mindy Pierce Susan Pomema Carlton Powell Bllly Pratt Linda Preston Carla Price Kim Priesmeyer Carolyn Pritchard Trini Ramirez Cris Ramsey Pauline Rangel $\Iti.'Ii~ VlrP Nancy Redman Glenn Richards Teri Richardson Mark Robeck Mark Rodgers Jeff Rowe Karen Sackett Mike Sayers 193 Kevin Schmidt Garry Schulz Belinda Scott Debbie Scott Tim Scott Patricia Seaback Mark Shipley Peter Schorn Deerik Shryock_ _ Terry Smalley Deborah Smith Sue Smith Lauren Smith Steven Smith ~ddie Sta~ "",1. ., ...... Debbie Scott, Julie Lewis, Debbie Warden, and Cindy Beck let everyone know what they think about the "buddy" system, 194 Chet Churchill and Dennis Mobley discuss the 5 to 1 odds on who' 11 finish first. James Stancil Bruce Steen Chris Stephenson Hugh Stearns Scott Stewan Connie Stone Anne Stoner Terrance Stover Kevin Stroud Norman Sturm Scott Sutphen Lisa Sweet Connie Tenoria ~ Th~YPT ~ Mike Thomas Marcia Thompson Bill Toth Derrick Townsend 195 Joe Uzzel Pam Vinzant Sherry Wade Debbie Wagner Ricky Wagoner Jamie Wainerdi David Walker Sharla Wallace Colin Ward Debby Warden Kenneth Watkins Nancy Weiner August Wenck Cheryl WeTherbee- - Tom Wilkes ~ark Williams Debbie Yeager "".1, Diana Zalobny 196 The Members of the Board of Education are: Seated (l-r): James Teer. vice-president: Mrs. W. E. Donaldson. secretary. Standing (l-r): Mr. Charles Hensarling. president: Dr. O. C. Cooper. Mr. William Lancaster. Mr. Lamben Wilkes. and Dr. Jon Botsford. "". MR. FRED HOPSON Superintendent of Schools 198 MR. F MR. JIM FOREMAN Asst. Principal MR. ALLEN DENTON Counselor .. I got you again. Jim. tic. tac, toe!" MRS. IAN YEAGER Secretary MRS. ROBIN RASKA Secretary i . 199 Social Studies \ MRS. HARRIETT SPERRY Am. Hist.. Tex. MR. BEN DELAMA TER Am. Hist., W. Hist. MRS. ONEIDA HENSLEY Gov., Adv. Gov. MR. ROBERT McLEROY W. Geo.. Ath. Dir. MR. LARRY LINDER Eco., Am. Hist., Coach """. Mrs. Valerie Goodwin and Mr. Charles Maxwell present awards and flowers to Senior band mem- bers and Belles at the annual Senior Night. 200 Are you pushing for another term paper? MRS. EDITH COMSTOCK Eng. II, Soc., Adv. Soc. ~ MRS. BETTY RIVERS Eng. IV, Fren. I-II English MR. STEVE SCAMARDO Eng. I, Coach MR. JAMES DENNIS Eng. III, Speech MRS. PATTY PARKER Eng. I-II MRS. SANDRA PARKER Eng. I MRS. ETTA CONNELL Eng. III 201 Science MR. RON BURKE Phys. Sci., Gen. Elect. MR. BARRY WILKERSON Chem., Bio. MR. KEN MORGAN Zoo. , Bot., Bio. ";"-t, 202, MR. JAMES M. BARBER Biology MR. GRANT LEE Bio., Coach - This guy thinks I'm just another easy pick up! MRS. M; SAW Pre. Alg Ma I can't beli "whole" th MRS. MARILYN HOOD ReI. Math, Cons. Math Math MR. ART BRIGHT Adv. Math, Alg. I Girls' Ath. Coach ~ MRS. GRACE KIEFFER AIg. II, Geom., Trig Adv. Geom. Physics class conducts one of their many experiments. MRS. MARY LELAND Geom., Coach MR. LARRY ELLIS Pre. AIg., Alg. I 203 Home Economics Vocational """. 204 MRS. THA Y OWENS Home Econ. I-II MR. JERRY BERNHARDT Drafting MR. VERNON FILES Dist. Education ..... MRS. JANIE HARRIS H.E.C.E. MRS. ROWENA REED Home Econ. I MR. LOUIS BOND Woodshop .A fi~_ MRS. PAM GILMORE Child Dev., Home and Family Life MR. ROBERT KRUSE Ag., Ag. Coop. Come on, it's only my second serving. Mrs. Perr~ MRS. JI THO A MRS. F CRITTI Jourm MRS. HELEN PERRY Art Photo Journalism ;.. MR. GEORGE HAMIL TON Photography Music MR. CHARLES MAXWELL Band Foreign Language MRS. RITA DUNN AM German MRS. KITTY WORLEY Spanish I tell you it was this big! 205 Business MRS. DIXIE WOODELL Typing I-II Shorthand MISS MARSHA TIGGS Typing I, Accounting Physical Education MR. JACK WILSON Boys' Phys. Ed., Coach "'. .. 206 MRS. CHARLOTTE POTTER Girls' Phys. Ed. On 50's Day, Mr. Caskey and Mrs. Potter demonstrate the "jitterbug. " Special Services MRS. PENNY PATTEE Special Services MRS. CATHERINE FOLEY L/LD Bengal Be Troupe M America! PETTIT. Cl~ 1. Band, Ell! 2. Band. POI 3. Band T iI 4. Indus! PHILLIP POSEY" 1 2. Bra~os Va 2nd ilk S Aw' Bryan-College Station , Fashion Leader MICKTHEA KENNELS BR Al Robinson BROWNIS SHOE PIT COMPANY 103LA Walton Dr. College Sta., Tex. 846-8484 or 846:.6292 210 Bizz G 822-1239 Downtown Bryan American Water Spaniels West Highland White Terriers Custom Boot Makers CO!TIplete Shoe Repair Service THERMASOL STEAM BATH Pool. Color TV 8 Hr. Valet Meeting Room 24 Hr. Restaurant 1601 Texas Avenue (Highway 6) Bryan, Texas. 77801 Phone (713) 823-5454 201 N. 11 Porto-Pep and Portage Shoes Men and "Big Boys" (Sizes to 14 Available JUSTIN BOOTS LEA THERGOODS SAK-N-PAK HOLICK'S BOOT SHOP Recoveril 208 Jersey 846-:3404 A&M Since 1891 Owners: Johnnie and Charline Junek Nonh Gate College Station 846-6721 bQrke . pftOtog(Qpfly Free Estir ~nh Gate 846-2828 Weddings Portraits Dances Groups 6 :i BRAZOS VALLEY.GUN SHOP C~~~~Ju ,S~ 210 Bizzell .c~ ~or-~ CJcsthi~~~ '\s ~ IndiyiclUa~~ ~ Bryan, Texas . Guns - Gun Repair - Gun Accessories Fishing Tackle - Reel Shop Phone 822-0316 THE FABRIC SHOPPE 201 N. Main Downtown Bryan Recovering Styling Re pairing Fabrics and Vinyls LOUIS KAPCHINSKI UPHOLSTERY 2202 Texas A venue S. College Station, Texas 77840 Phone: 693-7073 Free Estimates Pick Up and Delivery .;;f'. 217 :i II Ii I ~ I . 'I 'q , I II I . MADELEY PHARMACY "Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription" Since 1946 $INC~~46..:tIA (j)~ . J- COLLEGE STATION Southside and Redmond Terrace Bryan. Texas 77801 2707 Texas Ave. "". BRAZOS liRE SERVICE, INC. 822-1425 or 823-0551 218 South of Kyle Field "ON TH( coRNER" Bryan, Texas - Irvin Carroll Class of '40 . 'l 219' ( BRYAN PAINT & GLASS CO. HARDY GARDENS ,." ... YOUR COMPLETE LA WN AND GARDEN CENTER . Paint . Glass Picture Frames 1127 Villa Maria Rd. Bryan Phone 846-6319 Dandy Lion Manor East Mall Phone 822-1822 2301 Texas Ave. College Station Phone 846-1932 P.O. Box 3806 Phone 822-3741 2111 College Road Bryan, Texas 77801 In the Brazos Valley EMBREY'S JEWELRY la6hionJ 415 University Drive College Station, Texas 846-5816 Bulova and'Seiko Watches For Women and Children Keepsake Traditional Wedding Rings Means SOUTHSIDE BARBER SHOP oLedler j Downtown Villa Maria Dow Groce - Barber 846-8945 Specialize in= Men's and Women's . Shags . Layers . Styles Congratulations to A&M Consolidated H. S. Class of 1975 COMMUNITY SAVINGS AND LOAN AssN. ...... rw;idwest Video ~a= Corp. ~ 3609 Texas Ave. I Bryan /846-8876 Ridgecrest Shopping Center P.O. Drawer 2800 College Station, Tex. Phone: (713) 846-7774 220 J r Compliments of II II BANKS OF BRAZOS II II COUNTY II CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIA TION , 0 BANKOFA&M .' 411 Highway 6 South - 846-5721 - I . I ,. CITY NATIONAL BANK ': 301 South Texas Avenue - 823-5402 FIRST BANK & TRUST I 101 North Texas Avenue - 823-8031 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 120 North Main - 823-5471 UNIVERSITY NATIONL BANK 711 University Drive - 846-8751 I I . Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. ..". 221 222 Ii ~I =-= [:~ I; ~ I ~ ~ . == - Jlilll' 1 IIIIIIIII'~ Associate The decorator idea store. Texas Avenue Travel Any Where, Any Place, Any Time A & M TRAVEL SERVICE DRAWER Be - COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 COKE WELLMAN,MGR. r*J RAMADA INN LOBBY 713-846-8881 T ra~hioD ~ = 406 Fed ~art Dp. 846-0243 Hrs. Mon. -Fri. 9:30-5:30 := Sat. 9:30-5:00 = Carolyn Sandel - owner .,. i cS corner I I I Iii , / I : ~ "Bryan's Only Intimate Apparel Shop" (713) 846-1515 3618 East 29th Bryan, Texas 77801 .,.. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH College Station High School Graduates 1975 Cannon Perdue Cia yton Hall Cynthia Colson Cheryl Cunningham Donna Dotson Cindy Pettit Dinetha Richards Brenda Rowland Jay Dixon CONGRATULATIONS WE WELCOME YOU WITH A PROGRAM FOR YOUTH r : I' - Coffeehouses in the Fall- Singing Groups - Musicals - Retreat - A Summer Youth Director - Summer Trips to Glorieta and Ridgecrest ..,....- Youth Rap Sessions - Banquets - Adults that Listen - Fellowship - Special Bible Study - Recreation """. ALSO - A new ~ctivities Center With Indoor Skating, Shuffleboard, Ping- Pong, Volleyball, Badminton, and Basketball Renai Baker. Lester Byrd. Kim Moore Recognition Award Recipients Counesy of BANK OF A&M ~IM~~DseR;OOM @ MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY THE GENTLEMAN'S QUARTER Town & Country Center. 3731 E. 29th (713) 846-4708 Bryan, Texas See Us for Your Tuxedo Rentals for the PROM! Calla~a'J - Jone" Open Mon. -Sat. 9:00-6:00 3705 East 29th Street (713) 846-1706 Bryan, Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS .,.. (713) 822- 3717 3001 S. College Ave. 224 3616 E. 29 i!{uth's 1flashions 3616 E. 29th "Where Fashion Begins" For great looking hair Me Laughlin 5 of corpus christi f} 317 Patricia DI~[ou~ Redmond Terrace, C.S. I ' I' I I I I TOM'S PANT SHOP Q ~~ REDMOND TERRACE ~~ BARBER .vt!J AND STYLING SHOP Phone 846-8130 (Appointment If Desired) 800 Villa Maria 823-8213 Open Tues. Thru Sat. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Arthur Vinzant Barber 1408 Hwy. 6 South College Station. Texas 225 Congratulations to the Class of 1975 UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK ..... . ~ "On the Side of the Tigers" 226 H Guns Al . Reloadi Fishing Archer} Puma T TRI A&I 3600 0] and Sou Bryan, ' Raben ( At th l ~---- .- CENTRAL TEXAS HARDWARE CO., INC. "If it's Hardware we have it. " Downtown. Bryan 822-1388 Louie and Jimmie Walston clVan ':1 <B(oJJom Cc:;rlO/1 FLOWERS FOR YOU 1105 South Texas Avenue Bryan. T exos 77801 713/822-1658 Night 713 I 822-3505 /~i" ~. ., -~.. '"1 ,," a"'" . . ....... nn. Guns Ammo Reloading Fishing Archery Puma Tennis Shoes TRI-ST ATE A&M, INC. 3600 Old College Rd. and South College Bryan, Texas 77801 Roben C. Holmes 713/822-4328 A t the Triangle doing business on the square. 9~'l~f(, GWiogs BOOK & GIFT ~- ..,. ___ ~TORE 205 SULPHUR SPRINGS ROAD BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 ~MIKE MISTOVICH"- r BUSINESS MACHINES" .(7)[!]~.~.~rJD~. DIJ[jf.J~..DDtJf.J~ ....6fJ[!]rnO... 6D~II[!]iJiJllr:1[!][!][!] DOUGLAS JEWELRY 212 N. Main Bryan, Texas '4~ ~.,:,,( ~. J8 '~ ~FLOWERS 919 TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN. TEXAS PHONE 822-1486 822-2631 ~...tI1mt 108 NORTH BRYAN STREET. BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 , ~ ! . 227 the floral center Where you can buy flowers for ANY occasion 2920 E. 29th Bryan Located Next to Hospitals ~o~PO~(f) BOOKS & BRITCHES - Where the La test Fashion Is the Name of the Game - North Gate - Across from the Post Office BB&L 1 I THE Al P. c 3310 S. College Ave. . Bryan Bryan BullcUng .. Loan ~Uoa OftIces in BryanlHuntsvillelMadUoDville. Save-KobUe service to Caldwe11/FrankUnlNormangee 228 "Th ~lyc J\&~ ~1tuch ~ctlyohist Jatisly 417 UNIVERSITY DRIVE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 THE A8tM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P. Q. DRAWER BE . PHONE 846.8731 THE A8tM UNITED METHODIST WESLEY FOUNDATION P. O. DRAWER K - PHONE 846.6014 JAMES A. BRANNEN, MINISTER-DIRECTOR LARRY J. GRUBBS, CAMPUS MINISTER.PROGRAM DIRECTOR Rov B. SHILLING. MINISTER OF EVANGELISM WYATTIS SPORTING GOODS 505 University Dr. - Phone 846-6715 College Station, Texas 77840 Adidas Shoes Converse Shoes Tiger Shoes Puma Shoes Good Luck Class of 1975! ~ TIGERLAND Staff ~C5& 1 I ~ ~\ ~'Fe/i~~ J.<:<T,,"C.pj ""';".. :'.c..~ - - "----: ~ /f)/~ ICft //lCD l!orJ6 i.nftJ Lllft So 11/t S~NiIJL tiA;s /)r /915 .fEJi/"6 !J,.)l.Y 1J1t &u J,j hlO1CIfN fp{)/)_ . IN IIl/flKlY ~ ]JiH"" t. i2f1ot/\ /) i. HA}/gy ()/21~€. uJ/NOotAJ ~1IQ.. 'IIUL t..o,.)tJIE.NletJu. :.?6J1. Sa. Ceus:,~ ~~",'N6 10 &'LI..ELE ~Iir,()ll WAl'Ltl 1='0&2.. -'T',', MlN- 1lhli. 1l)..:~)AlII-II PI! FIlI-SAf 'O:I.,,4tn.nt~l1t ..!M(JA7 I/:1,'011-/VI' ":DO 011\ Winners of thE Pam Path. Bll Cunningham. - TIGERLAND Staff - Thanks Advertisers The.TIGERLAND Staff, the students, and faculty, extend our very sincere thanks and appreciation to you as an advertiser in the 1974-75 yearbook. It is our hope that you, as advertising patrons of ours, will reap a harvest of increased business and better profits as a reward for being a friend to all of us at A&M Consolidated High School. We would like to remind parents and other school pauons that our advenisers make it possible for you or your child to HA VE a yearbook. We can return this favor by trading with them. Advenisers, again we wish to thank you! "". 230 Assembled in t Lodge. Standir Schneider. Eiil Jeb Hensarllng, ...... ~ - - ---..., I I I I' Assembled in the College Station City Council Room are the students chosen to panicipate in Student Government Day sponsored by the Elks Lodge. Standing left to right are Charles Byers. Renee Hostetler, Charles Gilmore, Karl Kapchinski, Eric Lindquist. Renai Baker, Kirk Schneider, Eileen Want, Tommy Davis, Gary Keese, John Basset, David Stewan, Brenda Rowland, Bill McGee, and Kim Moore. Seated are Jeb Hensarling. Cheryl Cunningham. Peggy Kieffer. Lester Byrd, and Jerry Manin. ""'. 231 ..". ~ 232 1 [I I ~ H I , '....~ .. 1. a .1 I I L - I - a a ~ H I H f ~ , ~ , I 1 ,. 233 234 r 4 t II I I j 1 , . . . 1974-75 the Year of the Tiger. . . 235 ... ~ 236 1 ~ ) . I I , .~~ -= -_:. ~, ..". ~ , L !. 237 We Are the Tigers. . . ~ ~- ..... 238 . ., ,~."'- ,~l. , . 239 We Couldn't Be Prouder! ..".. 4i,sr -- . % -;~ ~~;..,~....". . , ~J& 240 'I 1 f.. j - ~--~ ~ "~"I - --- 0hDtL fuo ~}U . . I m l Qu Y2/1 (JW1{n ~ . I Cv-enu U1~G -ow 0J1.0 I &-.~ Wtu 'J 1.I.JJw I ~~~ ~J 6wt ' ~ J~~~-Wcd- I Co ClDDt W ~/~ ~ . A Lu-ltL ~ 81~~~OWG Jtwt utographs WCUG ~D.~Ch' ~hcme lJ) t-ikillimSl ~ ~. ~ll1l ~ ~l9\ fu~ OJnct Lunclvt.aoFh d ~ 1Jum ~t~~' - CL 'fjttw l}1UU (. 91~ iJ10 ~.Q0Jw Q~ ~lgu. 0ol)~ UJ0 ~u0 fiwY\ciLJ I. . I cluue-. L(fU ~ (0 ~', p~). C1~ 4~ cr~L '-h~p ~ Gn:Wl ~ Q ~~ ~ ~. u "". 0/' ~ ,1/ A ~ / ~,,~ f ~I\I\ ~ (~' ~(\( ~f ~ . l.~ ?: v(' ~, "". . ~ I I '1 ""'. I K ~ ~ ~ . 1 III , ,~ "". ,. - ~ . t I I 1 & ~ III ~ I !II i I I ~ - . t .~ - - .. .",.. . 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