HomeMy WebLinkAboutTigerland 1974 L0~dl~ II I ~. ~ i t }.~.r " " .... presenting o Leading Roles. . . . . . . . . a4 Crews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Notable Performances. . 100 Cast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 a2 Direotors/Prod ucers . . . 194 Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . 216 Stage Crew . .. _., ~ .'r" o . o L7LD A & M Consolidated College Station, Texas Volume a8 All the world's a stage And all the men and women merely players They have their exits and enuances And one man in his time plays many parts - William Shakespeare - . 1973-74. One act from the play of our lives. The script was written and the parts cast. It was up to us to act our parts. Regardless or whether the part was . . major or minor everyone had to act in accord to make it a success. .' 2 :1 I I I . ,. ,~ ~. '-;', f . ~ \ \...: Success or not'! 90me say yes. some say no. Either way it was acted out with emotion. with desire to achieve and with prid~. 5 Pride in what we were presenting to our families and to the community - but most of all - pride in what we were present- ing to each other. The performance was an unique one. We were individuals acting together to be one. .,' 6 Freshman Initiation ". . . and THEN we. . ." 10 ~I ~ I ~ I C'mon it's not that bad! r I know they're in there somewhere!! " , ....-. ~" ~ \ r What are ya' doing? I just washed my hair! 11 The mighty bonfire builders! Homecoming .' 12 The Belles prepared a flag routine. And the bonfire is lit. The Homecoming Queen and her coun. The Twirlers perform with fire batons. Okay, kiss her and get it over with! 13 Powder Puff The annual Powderpuff game was held November 17. After weeks of practice the two teams clashed. In the end the sopho- mores won with a score of 27 -6. Better luck next year Fish! ~ Hey! TIME OUT!!! 14 How you EVER managed to get that stuck on your head, I'll never know! Why can't you do it right?!! One, two, three, KICK! Christmas Ball This year the Senior Class decided to revive a once annual tradition of having a Christmas Ball. The date was set and plans were made. The Christmas Ball was a grand success on December 21. " 16 And the band was Bulldog. Boogie T.J. ! ! 17 Winter Frolics The Lions Club, in cooperation with the music depanment. sponsored the Winter Frolics. a variety show featuring student talent. Winners included Renee Hostetler. first place instrumental solo; Joyce Cashion, second place instrumental solo; Mala Farmer. first place vocal solo; Pam Welky, second place vocal solo; Black Awareness Club, first in club ensemble; and Quill and Scroll Society. second place ensemble. 18 r- March of Dimes Basketball Game The Induustrial Arts Club and WT A W disc jockeys promoted a basketball game in order to raise money for the March of Dimes. Students elected Mrs. Riv- ers, Mrs. Nuckolls, Mrs. Leland, Mrs. Neighbors, Mr. Scarmardo, Mr. Delamater, Mr. Dennis and Mr. Rucken who acted as cheerleaders for the game. 'J '19 Little Mary Sunshine T'~ \. f ~ ... +" :. ..,'.c.o '" ".;.,h f The musical "Little Mary Sunshine" was presented by the choral depanment this year. Kim Moore and Tommy Davis star- red in the leading roles. " 20 ., I 1 . 'I j FFA Banquet , . .,' Hensel Park was the site of this year's Future Farmers of America banquet. Hon- ored members receiving awards included Tom Ros- ser, Mark Griffin and Hamp Keahey. 21 Awards Assembly 1973-1974 SPECIAL AWARDS DAR - American History Award Peggy Kieffer DAR - Good Citizenship Certificate Jody Linger DAR - Scholarship A ward Susan Watkins KORA Outstanding Bandsman A ward Renee Hostetler ARTS COUNCIL OF THE BRAZOS V ALLEY AWARDS An Achievement Karen Copp Electricity Bill Ledbetter Drama Tommy Davis Music (Vocal) Jody Linger First Draftsman A ward Kirk Schneider Music (Insuu) Karan Lay French Robin pfannstiel German Zora Djuric KIWANIS A WARDS Kiwanis EssayAwards Joyce Cashion, Paul Haensly, Jody Linger, Robin pf annstiel, David Schneider Outstanding Choir Senior Boy and Girl Larry Covington Patricia Davis Outstanding Bandsman A ward Paul Frederickson Karen Black Arion National Music A ward (Insuu) Bob Boller Arion National Music A ward (Char.) Claire Oxley Outstanding Student in Homemaking A ward Frances Wilbom Outstanding Student in HECE Raben Holubec Star Chap. Farmer Award Hamp Keahey Star Greenhand A ward Mark Griffin Outstanding Student in FHA Brenda Williams Outstanding FF A Member Tom Rosser LIONS AWARDS History Award Lester Byrd Spanish Award Laura Allred Government A ward Paul Haensly French Award Kerstin Archer German Award Bill McGee English A ward Paul Haensly Speech A ward Joel Hall Dramatics A ward David Cowen Journalism A ward David Roop Chemistry A ward Jeb Hensarling Physics A ward Paul Haensly Toshiko Ichiye BUSINESS AWARDS Biology A ward Kara O'Connor Gena McMullan Typing - Dinetha Richards Shonhand - Susan Watkins Accounting - Guy Holt Craftsmanship A wards Bill Adkins, Mark Schneider, Fred Haas, Seth Bovey Photography A wards Black and White - Peter Leabo Color - Dan Beach l .. Home Economics Award Cheryl Casimiro An Award Mon Inglis Mathematics Award Paul Haensly Vocal Award Jeff Hampton Writing Award David Schneider Insuumental Award Walter Scott 22 I:~~. .:. RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS '"; '~ ~'I~ 1 '<1 Jr. Engineering Tech. Society T AMU Drafting Contest - Bill Ledbetter Recognition of Achievement in Math Competition - Paul Haensly and Toshiko Ichiye ''ll C ; Recognition of Boys' State Rep. Lester Byrd, Jeb Hensarling, Bill McGee Band Beau - Jeff Zwolinski Band Sweethean - Anne Ferris OTHER A WARDS Best Thespian Award Lisa Sutphen Stage Center Thespian A ward - Man Inglis Bausch - Lomb A ward Paul Haensly Crisco Award Frances Wilborn UNB Vocal Award Robin pfannstiel John Phillip Sousa Award - Joyce Cashion Betty Crocker A ward - Karen Chancey Eagle's Most Valuable Staffer A ward - Robin pfannstiel Poetry Society of B'-CS Steve Upham - 1st Outstanding Chemistry Student - Kerstin Archer Cen. of Achievement in Home Economics Sterling Whitely Kelly Walker - 2nd Jim Nance - honorable mention Dinetha Richards - honorable mention Robin pfannstiel - honorable mention Brazos Valley Home Economics Association Outstanding Girl in Home Economics Catherine Kapchinski STUDENT COUNCIL AWARDS Recognition of organizations with outstanding panicipation and Achievement - Industrial Arts Club and Black Awareness Club Outstanding Student Council Repl - Peggy Moore President's Council Award Faculty Volleyball Team Outstanding Tigerland Staffers - Elaine Merrifield, Marla Gammon, Toshiko Ichiye, Pam Path Outstanding FT A Members Renai Baker and Jeff Haislet Outstanding Tiger Troop Member - Cindy Slaydon Directors Special A ward David Roop Perfect Attendance Cen. Sandy Dechiro, Don Mason, Linda Sandstedt Honor A ward for Academic Achievements - Mark Sicilia, Mimi Sicilia Outstanding Office Assistants - Peggy Garrett, Pam Neelley, Vanessa Phelan, Cindy Slaydon, Sharon Sloan, Susan Watkins, Kathy Williams. 23 Election Day I I , , . , I I ... l , I l 24 J I J . 'a t -,.,'1.... ~ r -~- I r I -- . I II j / Senior Day R H Senior Day was held at Galveston instead of the usual Somer- ville. Besides swimming and sunning, activities included bury- ing people in the sand and feeding the gulls. After a full day of salt and sand, everyone was ready to go on their way - the long bus ride home for,some and a trip to the Bamboo Hut for others. a I J , ~. , m II I , III .~' ."'.~_.~_....,,:~~ .JJ ....:. 1 . I R ~ " 9 U H R ~ I ) 25 Mock Wedding Home and Family Living class members staged two mock weddings with all the trimmings. After the ceremonies, receptions were held to honor the couples. Liz Smith and Richard Schubert and Steve Posey and Suzanne Hahn were the two couples wed in the mock ceremonies. I now pronounce you . It 26 Turnabout Day I " Turnabout Day is the day on which students assume the responsibil- ities of the f acuIty and administration. The FT A took over many of the teachers' jobs while the Student Council filled the positions of the administration. ...- --, .........~ L~ ~ "-.. .......-- - ,~ ...1 f;-:- 'i 27 Junior-Senior Prom The Junior Class honored graduating Seniors with a prom and breakfast. The prom setting was that of a southern plantation with music provided by Red Dog. The breakfast was held at Cindy Petit's home where ping pong and row boat rides were featured attractions. II I, ~ - . 28 . ' .. \ I f ", ," , ,t ~;' '-II I,.., \ }JJ.. . .1... ~~- J ~. .) 29 ~- II Graduation Exercises Commencement exercises for the Class of 1974 were held on May 21 at the High School auditorium. Lisa Webb was named Valedictorian and Toshiko Ichiye was named Salutatorian. M. L. (Red) Cashion was the speaker for the evening. 30 r g I C.H.S. I Crews II ~ . In ~ Action III J. 1 I M ;~ i I II .. . Ii ill . B ~ ~~ q r ~ 57 Black Awareness Office rs Pres. Raymond Henderson V-Pres. Vicki Williams Sec. Many Tucker Treas. Pat Thompson Parl. Larry Johnson Sterling Whiteley Program Committee Chairwomen Francis Wilbourn Faye Simms Sponsor: Ms. Tiggs BACK ROW: Raymond Henderson, Paul Waldon, Calvin Heard, Francis Wilbourn, Larry Williams, Larry John- son, Phillip Steen, Johnny Townsend, Sterling Wliiteley. I FIRST ROW: Carolyn Whiteley, Sherlinda Townsend, Kathleen Waldon, Many Tucker, Sylvia Simms, Faye Simms, Pat Thompson, Tawana Calhoun, Pat Boone, Karen Johnson, . ~ 58 Concert Choir BACK ROW: Pam Welky, Peggy Kieffer, Kent Gent, Charles Byer, Jeffery Hampton, Bill Landy, Larry Coving- ton, Chuck Cluck, Jeff Haislet, Jeww Zwolinski, Robin pfannstiel, Abby VanDoren. THIRD ROW: Margaret Adams, Lisa Byrd, Jenny Hutchinson, David Roop, Tom Davis, Jim Case, Terry Bar- nett, Paul Whitt, Cun Lard, Carol Staten, Manha Leonard. SECOND ROW: Bobbie Hampton, Claire Oxley, Ann Bryant, Mala Farmer, Janet Allison, Connie Vas, Sheri WHliams, Kim'Moore, Jody Linger, Frances Wilborn. f!~~T ROW: Lorena Thomas, Mimi Sicilia, Sally Hoover, Jenny Gough, Sara Feldman, Sharon Neeley, Suz- ette leBoeuf, Pat Davis, Brenda Rowland. .....1 ~ '" ."1" . '{ ~."! 59 Mixed Choir ~ BACK ROW: Julia Crawford, Laurie Keese, Martha Lamben, John Brannen, Phillip Steen, Scott Van Cleave. FIFTH ROW: Ronny Morgan, Mark Dixon, Donny Simpson, Karen Dunkin, Judy Glover, Susan Ridgeway. FOURTH ROW: Bobby Strawn, Jennifer Phillips, Bonnie Bates, De De Sidles, Teresa Collado, Elizabeth Lawhon. THIRD ROW: Becky Bagnall, Mary Ellen Reed, Leslie Noe, Polly Wiese, Julie Dieken, Elizabeth Evans. SECOND ROW: Kathy Benton, Doug Small, David Heyde, Scott Saunders, John Cooper, Mark Divine. FIRST ROW: Melissa Poner, Honeybee Hewitt, Julie Gasaway, Helen Marquis, Candy Jones, Kathy Beck. " 60 All Region BACK ROW: Peggy Kieffer, Charles Byers, Carol Staten. MIDDLE ROW: Mala Farmer, Kim Moore, Kerstin Archer. FRONT ROW: Pat Davis, Doug Small, Helen Marquis. 1973-74 CHOIR ACTIVITIES ,; TMEA All- District Choir. TMEA Region 18 Choir. Hosted All-Region Choir Clinic and Concen. UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest, received thiny - three medals. Presented the first annual "Winter Frolics. .. Musical "Little Mary Sunshine." University National Bank Christmas Concerts. Joint Christmas Concen with the Band. Spring Concen May 9. ACCOMPANIST: Mimi Sicilia, Sally Hoover, Janet Alli- son 61 OFFICERS: Pat Davis, President David Roop, Secretary MADRIGALS: Tommy Davis, Charles Byers, Paul Whit, Robin pfanstiel, David Roop, Carol Staten,Cun Lard, Peggy Kieffer, Janet Allison, Jody Linger, Sally Hoover, Pat Davis. FOLK GROUP: Jeff Hampton, Pam Welky, Chuck Cluck, Terry Barnett, Brenda Rowland, Kim Moore, Abbie VanDoren, Claire Oxley. 62 The Choir Presents. . . . Little Mary Sunshine , ~ , Mata Hari! This is Fleet Foot? 63 Symphonic Band I ~~ ~ #)7 iff Concert Band '" -,' 64 FI utes BACK ROW: G. Gates, S. Guard, C. Pettit, L. Cote, T. Pledger, W. Harwood. MIDDLE ROW: J. Fruend, K. Smathers, C. Weather- bee, M. Hirsch, P. Files, C. Benten. FRONT ROW: V. Koppa, J. Straw, P. Bergum, A. Castonon, E. Maninez, D. Dayhoff. Low Woodwind ~_ ...--"'"- """-;;;;:'!mIl BACK ROW; M. Bury, G. Wolfe, S. Sacket. MIDDLE ROW: T. Dodd, C: Smathers. \ FRONT ROW: L. Holmgreen, S. Cobb, R. Ozment. " .....\. " . t: .... Bb Clarinet &;.- BACK ROW: D. VanCleave, E. Want,J. Vernon, J. Stores, A . McFarland, S Waters, J. Cashion. MIDDLE ROW: A. Ferris, K. Lay, S. Sloan, A. Plapp, L. Kuvlesky, L. Kieffer, S. Medina. FRONT ROW: S. Powell, K. Beck, L. Castanon, H. Marquis, L. Hernadez. Saxes BACK ROW: J. Hall, S. Robinson, D. Brown, J. Gardner. MIDDLE ROW: J. Wick, L. Stacell, D. Zalobney. FRONT ROW: S. Boatwright. B. Williams, D. Bots- ford. 65 Cornets BACK ROW: D. Mason, D. Comstock, C. Byers, H. Horne, K. Stover. MIDDLE ROW: L. Lisimbe, R. Zalomboni, K. Lan- caster, T. Jones, T. Schaffer, B. Boller. FRONT ROW: C. Thompson, D. Chester, S. Ber- trand, M. Davis. Basses I ----, Left to Right: M. Haas, P. Gaugler, R. Ozement. NOT PICTURED: B. Boller. ... J 66 French Horns BACK ROW: M. Zwolinski, P. Leabo, K. Merri- field, L. Sandstedt. MIDDLE ROW: S. Feldman, S. Sandstedt, C. Tine FRONT ROW: D. Feltz, S. Perkins. Trombone and Baritone ;" BACK ROW: P. Gardner, D. Hogan, G. Whitehorn, S. Honeycutt. MIDDLE ROW: J. Vastono, B. Sloan, P. Frederick-, son, P. Moore. FRONT ROW: B. Cochrane, D. Dunlap, C. Lard. Band Happenings Summer Band Rehearsals. . . Ten football games and pep rallies including Homecoming. . . Student Con- cen. . . Texas World Speedway Performance. . . U!L Twirling Contest. . . Janet Gardner I, Sara Feld- man I, Cindy Pettit II. . . Region Orchestra Tryouts. . . UlL Marching Contest, 1st Division. . . Christ- mas Parade. . . District Band Tryouts. . . Region Band Tryouts. . . Area Band Auditions. . . TMEA State Convention. . . Solo and Ensemble. . . Talent Show. . . Stage band played several concerts for elementary schools. . . Mid-winter contest on March 5. . . Sea Arama - Galveston - 1st Division (Sym- phonic Band). . . Clinicians invited to come. . . ConceIt for band boosters. . . Sweepstakes and Special Award at UlL Concen and Sight-Reading Contest. . . Briarcrest Banquet. . . Orchestra for "Little Mary' Sunshine" . . . Spring Concen. DISTRICT BAND Keith Lancaster Jim Wick Renee Hostetler Susan Gard Bobby Boller Phil Gougler Paul Frederickson Gary Whitehorn Bill Boswell T. J. Wainderdi Grant Wolfe Rickie Ozment Meg Bury Joyce Cashion Siobhan Waters Lisa Kuvlesky Leslie Kieffer Sherrie Powell Amy Plapp Helen Marquis Percussion Karen Black Terri Niles Tim Jones Steve Powell Janet Gardner Cindy Feagan Ronnie Ozment Mia Zwolinski Many McGraw Kathy Beck Eileen Want Diana Van Cleave REGION BAND Keith Lancaster Jim Wick Renee Hostetler Susan Gard Bobby Boller Phil Gougler Paul Frederickson Gary Whitehorn Bill Boswell T. J. Wainderdi Grant Wolfe Rickie Ozment Meg Bury Joyce Cashion Siobhan Waters Lisa Kuvlesky Leslie Kieffer Sherrie Powell Amy Plapp Helen Marquis Karen Black Terri Niles ALL-ST A TE BAND Bobby Boller ALL-STATE ORCHESTRA Paul Frederickson ALL-AREA BAND Joyce Cashion Bobby Boller 1 I, L to R: Terry Niles,. Bill Boswell, Chris Powell, Jeff Zwolinski, Chuck Hayes, T. J. Wainerdi and Walter Boone. 67 9010 and Ensemble Winners FLUTE TRIO: L. Cote, P. Files, L. Webb, G. Gates, C. Pettit, K. Smathers. FLUTE, OBOE, CLARINET: M. Maxwell, A. Plapp, 1. Straw. B FLAT CLARINET QUARTET: K. Lay, S. Sloan, J. Vernon, D. Van Cleave. MISCELLANEOUS WOODWIND ENSEMBLE I: K. Beck, K. Black, M. Bury, J. Cashion, L. Cote, C. Feagan, P. Flies, S. Gard, J. Gardener, R. Hostetler, L. Kieffer, L. Kuvlesky, T. Lyda, T. Marquis, M. Maxwell, M. McGraw, E. Merrifield, R. Ozment, S. Powell, D. Richardson, S. Waters. FLUTE SOLO: P. Bergum. FLUTE SOLO II: G. Gates. B FLAT CLARINET SOLO: K. Beck, J. Cashion, L. Kieffer, L. Kuvlesky, H. Marquis, A. Plapp, S. Powell, S. Waters. BASS CLARINET SOLO: T. Marquis, R. Ozmont. PIANO: M. Zwolinsk. TROM- BONE SOLO: P. Frederickson, S. Walter, J. Vastano. TUBA SOLO: Bobby Boller, P. Gaugler, R. Ozment. PIANO SOLO: D. Botsford, A. Ferris, M. McGraw, S.Ridgeway, J. Straw. CORNET SOLO II: B. Boller. MIS- CELLANEOUS WOODWIND ENSEMBLE: J. Wick, L. Webb, G. Wolfe, M. Swolinski. SAXOPHONE QUARTET: S. Boatright, D. Brown, J. Hall, B. Williams. CORNET TRIO II: S. Beruand, M. Davis, C. Thompson. COR- NET TRIO I: P. Haensley, 1. Jones, R. Zalobney. CORNET QUARTET I: P. Haensly, M. Junek, K. Lancaster, S. Powell. FRENCH HORN QUARTET: D. Feltz, P. Leabo, S. Perkins, M. Zwolinski, K. Merrifield, L. Sandstedt, S. Standstedt, C. Tiner. TROMBONE TRIO: P. Fredericksen, P. Moore, G. Whitehorn, D. Hogan, S. Honeycutt, J. Vastano. BRASS: B. Boller, S. Feldman, D. Feltz, P. Gougler, M. Junek, K. Lancaster, P. Leabo, P. Moore, S. Powell, W. Scott, G. Whitehorn, M. Zwolinski. PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE: W. Boone, B. Boswell, C. Powell, T. J. Wainerdi. MIXED CLARINET QUARTET:, A. Ferris, H. Marquis, M. McGraw, G. Wofle. SAXOPHONE QUARTET: C. Feagan, J. Gardner, T. Lyda, J. Wick. CORNET QUARTET: H. Home, L. Lisenbe, D. Mason, R. Zalobney. Band Sweetheart Anne Ferris 68 r--- I Band Beau Jeff Zwolinski Direotor Mr. Charles Maxwell Band Council ,~ -, I Drum Majors Jim Wick, Head; Joyce Cashion, Asst. Linda Sandstedt Paul Frederickson Jeff Zwolinski Joyce Cashion Peggy Moore Renee Hostetler Jim Wick Helen Marquis Anne Ferris 69 Twirlers BACK ROW: Sharron Sloan, Senior; Janet Gardner, Junior; Cindy Pettit, Junior; Karen Black, Senior. FRONT ROW: Sara Feldman, Sophomore; Terry Niles, Sophomore; Cindy Feagan, Sophomore; Mia Zwolinski, Sophomore. ' Mrs. Nuckolls Sponsor 70 Karen Black Sharron Sloan Janet Gardner, Asst. Head Cindy Pettit Sara Feldman, Head Mia Zwolinski 'Cindy Feagan Terry Niles 71 Bengal Belles Lorena Thomas Junior Suzan Byrd Senior Sam Fisher Senior Nancy Lancaster Senior Anne Huebner Junior 72 Linda Sandstedt Junior Cindy Sikes Junior Joan Perry Junior * it -:11 D II Company B I I g I I III f ", Jan Vernon Senior Beth Donaldson Senior Diana Van Cleave Junior J 73 Cheryl Casimiro Senior Carol Staten Junior Donna Thayer Junior OFFICERS: (L-R) Suzan Byrd, 2nd Lt., Nancy Lancaster, Captain, Peggy Moore, 1st Lt. Savanna Robinson Senior Peggy Moore Senior Brenda Rowland Junior 74 .:-~ Activities '73-'74 Tiger Football games Pep Rallies Tiger Basketball games Marching Contest T AMU vs TEXAS basketball game Talent and Fashion shows The Belles received a second place trophy during summer camp at SMU. None of this would have been pos- sible without the dedicated sponsor- ship of Mrs. Gilmore, Mrs. Reed, and Mrs. Woodell. 75 Industrial Arts Club STANDING, From Left to Right: Joe Hutchinson, Dennis Gimlin, Jim Nance, Gary Keese, Billy Dean, Manin Haas, Steve Lewis, Greg Gammon, David Nonhcliffe, Ashraf Ayoub, Seth Bovey, Eddie Hobson, John Reid, Guy Moody, Scott Shafer, Bill Ledbetter, Harold Horne, Doug Chester, Rex Janne, Arnold Ashburn, John Bryant, Lauren Stacell, Doug Woods, Barbara Worley, Mr. Jerry Bernhardt. SITTING, Left to Right: Jim Jewell, Fred Haas, Tommy Davis, Raben Morgan, Geof Gehring, Tom Haensly, I Phil Gougler, Lester Byrd, Chris Gehring, Mike Douglas. ~ ..'" 197a Offioers Fred Haas, President John Bryant, V. Pres. David Northcliffe, Sec. Jim Nance, Treas. NOT PICTURED: Don Arnold, Reponer ~. 76 John Bryant presenting $425 to March of Dimes representative (' Raising money for State Fair " . l' ~I' :J~ ' 1974 Officers Pres. John Bryant V. Pres. Geof Gehring Sec. Barbara Worley Treas. Jim Nance Rep. Chris Gehring 77 Student Council BACK ROW: J. Brannen, L. Stacell, K. Manning, D. McC'andless, J. Brannen. FIFTH ROW: S. Williamson, L. Thomas, J. Hensarling, H. Marquis, K. Manning. FOURTH ROW: P. Steen, S. Neelley, G. Keese, P. Neel- ley, P. Canright. THIRD ROW: M. Sicilia, N. Lancaster, L. Zingaro, S. VanCleave, M. Poner. SECOND ROW: J. Zwolinski, R. Woensser, H. Hewitt, T. Ichiye, P. Kieffer. FRONT ROW: J. Copp, S. Ber- trand, T. J. Wainerdi, P. Moore, T. Rucker. (' ..,:'iC Pres. Keith Manning, V. Pres. Tommy Rucker, Rec. Sec. Pam Neelley, Cor. Sec. Toshiko Ichiye, Treas. Jeff Zwo- linski, Pari. Jim Brannen. 78 Activities '73-'74 Inter-school dance Sponsored "Clean-Up" Day Work-shop with Bryan Sent relief money to Nicaragua Sent Christmas Cards to Sherwood Residents Sponsored Pam Neelley at the Cotton Pageant esconed by Keith Manning Student Exchange with Hearne French Club BACK ROW: Connie Voss, John Elmquist, Sissy Williamson, Larry Covington, Meg Bury, Robin pfannstiel, Kim Moore, Geof Gehring, Dan Hogan, Susan Sackett, Kerstin Archer, Mrs. Rivers, Sponsor. MIDDLE ROW: Sunny Blinca, Jana Moore, Renee Hostetler, Tracy Neblock, Claire Oxley, Elizabeth Holm- green. t ' FRONT ROW: Karen Abenh, Gena McMullen, Amy Plapp, Mary Favreau, Sherri Cobb. Membership in the French Club is open to any student interested in learning more about France and French culture. Students currently enrolled ~n French I, II, or III or former French students are especially encouraged to join. Emphasis this year has been on foods, and members have prepared an array of gourmet dishes _ French onion soup, fondu, chocolate mousse, pate, quiche lorraine, and ragout. In the spring, students celebrated Mardi Gras with a masquerade pany. The highlights of this year were the presentation of a French Club assem- bly "Les Vacances," and a gourmet meal served with flame and fanfare at the Texan Restaurant. ...., . .....\ . t: .'y"f 79 Cheerleaders 80 't:' . ,., '1 " , ) ,.~ ~'J , iPj ~... 81 \ Tigerland Turntable Keith Manning, Marla Gammon and Jim Brannen Jan Vernon, Suzan Byrd and Nancy Lancaster .... Renai Baker, Cheryl Cunningham and Margaret Adams 82 '~~~~~ ~~.> ~ Future Farmers Officers Pres. Tom Rosser Sweetheart Laina Adams Treasurer Lesley King Advisor Ray Prieve V. Pres. Billy Hill (not pic. ) Sec; Ronny Muegge (not pic. ) Sponsor: Bo~ Kruse ... , ' ." 83 Future Homemakers Junior Chapter, left to right: Tina Sparks, Judy Glover, Thersa Featherston, Debra Thomas, Susan Rodgers, Debra Waltershield: Penny Jerger, Thersa Cooper, Gail Schmidt, Renee Riley, Karen Lewis, Derene Wells, Charlotte Hopson, Kate Holt, Nancy Creagor, Linda Thompson, Mrs. Owens (Sponsor). 84 BACK ROW: John Gardner, Rickie Ozment, Jackie Nutall, David Schneider, Diane Gerisch, David Cowen, Jerry Anderson, Keith Kuttler, Greg Moore, Greg Schmidt. FRONT ROW: Tommy Schaffer, Chris Boatright, Kris Das, Debra Zalobney, Linda Mullins, Julie Straw, Brenda Huneycutt, Sandy Sandstedt, Sarah Treybig, Cindy Benton, Mrs. Dunham (Sponsor). f t German Club Members of the Edelweissgesellschaft meet monthly to learn more about the German language, literature, cus- toms and the country itself . The group sponsors a booth at the Annual People's Festival in Manor E East Mall. Other highlights of the year: attend- ing the Wurstfest, folk dancing, skits and the Schnitzel- jagd. Offioers Pres. David Schneider V. Pr~s. , Bill McGe Sec. Diane Gierisch Treas. John Gardner Rep. Jackie Nuta!l" ..... \ ,1" ., .." 85 Spanish Club \ \ , I BACK ROW: Tobi Pledger, Leslie Kieffer, Zora Djuric, Terry Niles, Julie Combs, Pat Canwright, Phillip Steen, Mary Hirsch, Desi Richardson, Mariam Maxwell, Jeb Hensarling, Grant Wolfe, Beth Donaldson, Debbie Webb, Randy Ray. SECOND ROW: Eddie, Paul Fredericksen, Lisa Zingaro, Kathy Williams, Karen Johnson, Penny Jerger, Karen Copp, Ellen Mabrey, Susan Gard, Glenda Gates, Meg Bury, Wayne Evans, Ray Proctor, Jim Hedges, Steve Upham. FRONT ROW: Laura Allred, Malla Farmer, Carol Staten, Nancy Lancaster, Tanny Irvin, Mark Sicilia, Tony Freeman, Lisa Kuvlesky, Savana Robinson, Dianna Rex, Karen Lay, Kathy Beck, Carla Poner, Sharron Boat- right, Jim Brannen, Joseph Wilborn, Eddie Hill, Gillberto Curiel, Johnny Maninez, Ronald Woessner, Brenda Williams, Damon Buffington, Mrs. Worley (Sponsor). ,'"', 86 f t Celebramos como siempre nuestras fiestas tradici- onales; Dia de los Muertos, Las Posadas y Diade los Reyes. Participamos en Fiestas Patrias y UNI- CEF. Trabajamos en AyM. LA ESTUDlANTINA DE GUANAJUATO NOS ENCANTO. Pensamos todavia en San Antonio, Saltillo, Zacatecas y Guadalajara. --.~. ~ ..{> ., .,:1 I, Oficiales de EL Club Castellano ,Presidente - Jeb Hensarling V. Presidentes - Abbie Van Doren Beth Donaldson Ronald Woessner Tesoreros - Gary Whitehorn Randy Ray Secretarias - Sharon Boatright Kathy Williams ,0 Representante del Foro estatal Panamericano - Paul Fredericksen 87 Fellowship of Christian Athletes BACK ROW: Harold Eaton, Richard Cox, Hamp Keahey, Coach Fleener, Brad Smith, Karl Kapchinski. r FIFTH ROW: Chuck Cluck, Keith Manning, Lester Byrd, Greg Leeth, Scott Van Cleave. FOURTH ROW: Tallie Thompson, John Brannen, Kevin Molett, Calvin Heard, Alvin Filio. THIRD ROW: Paul Gardner, Keith Wade, Tim Lyda, Walter Boone, Larry Williams, Phillip Steen. 1 SECOND ROW: Bruce Britton, Greg Schmidt, Mark Pantel, Mark Dixon, Gary Keese, Suzette Le Boeuf. FRONT ROW: Beth Mamaliga, Margaret Adams, Mary Whiteley, Laurie Cooper, Marla Gammon, Peggy Kap- chinski, Cheryl Cunningham. Officers: Gary Keese, President Bobby Williams, Vice President Aneita Johnson, Secretary- Treasurer .;, 88 ~, .,.!t' l ~; I I a IIIl ra a d Thespians .~, I I " & " U " n H I , '. BACK ROW: Lisa Sutphen, Claire Oxley, Sherrie Powell, Jackie Fruend. MIDDLE ROW: Mr. Dennis, Jana Baker, Pam Path, Patricia Davis, Brenda Rowland, Paul Gaines, Siobhan Waters, Dianne Norman, Tommy Davis. FRONT ROW: Larry Covington. n n I I I Among,the plays the Thespians presented this year were: ' Officers 6 i u II Fieffer's People' " , A Chrislmas Carol ' .' Reveriger's Tragedy'" President: Paul Gaines Vice President: Pam Path Secretary: Lisa Sutphen H ! 89 BACK ROW: Kerry Kuttler, Robin pfannstiel, Dennis Gimlin. David Stewan, Karl Kapchinski, Lisa Webb, Bill McGee, Jody Linger, John Copp. Peggy Moore, Savanna Robinson, Mark Sicilio, Kerstin Archer. FRONT ROW: Dinetha Richards, Sissy Williamson, Renai Baker, Peggy Kieffer, Janet Gardner, Francis Wil- born, Siobhan Waters, Sally Hoover, Pat Davis. Jim Wick, Cathy Comstock, Jeb Hensarling, John Bassett, Ronald Woessner, David Roop, Toshiko Ichiye, Mimi Sicilia, Mrs. Comstock (sponsor). National Honor Society Offioers President Jody Linger Vice President Peggy Moore Secretary Joyce Cashion Treasurer Nancy Lancaster 90 \ Tiger Troop ROW 7: Deborah Walterschield, Charlotte Hop- son, Manha Lambert, Laurel Keese, Julia Craw- ford, Karen Olree, Pat Thompson, Karen John- son. ROW 6: Deborah Boren, Candy Powe, Karen Dun- kin, Deborah Thomas, Derene Wells, Mala Farmer, Susan Rogers, Becky Roe. ROW 5: Tina Sparks, Sheree Nesch. ROW 4: Karen Lewis, Linda Thompson. ROW 3: Carolyn Whitley, Rene Riley. ROW 2: Vivian Frederickson, Tami Bradberry. ROW 1: Candy Jones, Julianne Gasaway. LEFT: Capt. Cindy Slaydon. RIGHT: Lt. Mary Ellen Reid. Sponsors: Margaret Sawyer and Frann Dixon. -, ~ In their first'-year, the'Tiger Troop joined together to help boost spirit during pep rallies, football games and other extra-curricular activities. 91 Distributive Education ~ BACK ROW: Mr. Dyer, Bruce Hall, Darrell Krueger, Ken Morrison, Keith Wills, Thomas Kelly, Travis Tap- ley, David Parker, Paul Gaines, Todd Fitch, Roger Anderson, Stan Lewis, Austin Fitch, Bruce Baldwin, Mr. Files (Sponsor). MIDDLE ROW: Stephanie Schwab, Jan Allen, Maggie McGraw, Sonja Lyda, Pam Neelley, Reginia Tippett, Liz Smith, Carla Pf annstiel, Kathy Carlton, Gina Moore. FRONT ROW: Robin Shannon, Tim Brundidge, Fred Bowers, Rolf Marks, Clifford Young, John Elmquist. Officers Pres. Sonja Lyda V. Pres. Pam Neelley Treas. Stan Lewis ParI. Robin Shannon Rep. Regina Tippett Sec. Lisa Sutphen (not pictured) Sponsor Col. Files ... 92 BACK ROW: Shannon Perkins, Linda Flippen, Gail Miller, Debra Dechiro, Pat Earhean, Karren Earhean, Mar- gie Hejl, Vicki Broxton, Donna Putz, Katherine Kapchinski, Gaylen Haveron, Raben Holubec. FRONT ROW: Pam Ellison, Debbie Boriski, Bridget Wiess, Gail Williams, Laura Womack, Vicki Williams, Pam Marvel, Debra Manuel, Donna Denny, Mrs. Perry (Sponsor). Hero Officers Pres. Vicki Williams Vice Pres. Debra Manuel Julie Hewitt Hist. Debbie Boriski Corresp. Sec. Karren Earhean Rec. Sec. Katherine Kapchinski Pari. Robert Holubec Song Leader Jean Ford 93 l Hero Thanksgiving Banquet At the Thanksgiving HERO Meeting with Ex POW Alton B. Meyer as guest speaker. He gave "a day in the life of a POW" in his presenta- tion. 94 BACK ROW: Jeff Haislet, Renee Koehler, Brenda Rowland, Mrs. Hensley (sponsor), Kathy Beck, Linda Sandst- edt, John Brannen. MIDDLE ROW: Sharron Sloan, Cheryl Cunningham, Sara Feldman, Donna Phariss, Mary Whitley, Lorena Thomas. FRONT ROW: Diana Van Cleave, Dinetha Richards, Kim Moore, Carol Staten, Sissy Williamson, Renai Baker, Peggy Kieffer, Zora Djuric, Liz Alverez. Future Teachers Offioers Pres. Renai Baker V. Pres. Jeff Haislet Sec. Sissy Williamson Treas. Sharron Sloan ParI. Brenda Rowland Rep. Diana Van Cleave 95 Tiger land ST ANDING, I. to r.: Valarie Hewitt, Karen Earhan, Sissy Williamson, Renai Baker, Cheryl Cunningham and Pam Path. SEA TED, 1. to r.: Cathy Anderson, Diana Van Cleave, Toshiko Ichiye, Elaine Merrifield (editor) and Marla Gammon. Sponsor: Frann Dixon. Photographers left to right: Dan Beach, Steven Honeycutt, Don Arnold, Peter Leabo, David Harvey and Kerry Kuttler. Spon- sor: B. B. Holland. 96 Paper Tiger -fiilIliaII--->/1F, t 1: ~ . ~ Ii t ......- ~. ~o BACK ROW: Suzette leBouef, Dennis Gimlin, David Cowen. FRONT ROW: David Roop, Robin pfannstiel. Scott Lewis. Maria Rosalas. CO-EDITORS: Robin pfannstiel David Roop '. 97 ( Quill and Scroll STANDING, Lto R: Dennis Gimlin, Marla Gammon, Sissy Williamson, David Cowen, Elaine Merrifield, Pam Path, Cindy Feagan. SEATED, L to R: Diana Van Cleave, Valarie Hewitt, Scott Lewis, Robin pfannstiel, Cheryl Cunningham, David Roop, Mala Farmer, Debe McCandless, Julie Smith, Renai Baker, Patty Bergum, Karen Mallett and Jayne Gutcher. Officers David Roop - President Robin pfannstiel - V. Pres. Elaine Merrifield - Sec. Marla Gammon - Treas. Quill and Scroll members David Cowen, Scott Lewis, Robin pfannstiel and David Roop formed a hillbilly group and sang "Okie from Muskogee" at the WINTER FROLICS. The group won second place and received a $50 .... , . cash prize wh!ch was used for the club's annualpany. 98 Good Sportsmanship League II Left to Right: Brenda Rowland, Junior; Renai Baker, Junior; Jeff Haislet, Senior; Toshiko Ichiye, Senior; Gary Keese, Junior; Mr. Denton, Sponsor. Gymnastics Club Left to"Right: Diane No;man, Karen Abenh, Don Arnold, Tracy Neblock, Anne Reed, Kent Gent, Sunny Blinca, Vivian Frederickson, MIS. Potter, Sponsor. 99 <- 1st ROW: Karen Abenh, Diana Dotson, Kathy Smathers, Carol Whitaker, Diana Feltz, Patty Shannon, Carla Whitaker, Sandy Sandstedt, Cathy Comstock. 2nd ROW: Russell de Castongrene, Donna Dotson, Linda Sandstedt, Julie Combs, Bill Harper, Prank Casimiro, David Stewan, Peter Leabo. 3rd ROW: Billy Kuvlesky, Mrs. Leland, David Comstock, Eddy Hill, Chris McBride, Rex Painter, Bill Leland, Kerry Kuttler, Bob Leland, Coach Steve Montgomery. Bob Leland was one of the most outstanding swim- mers Consolidated has ever had. He was chosen All- American swimmer, won 1st in region and 1st in state in the breastroke and qualified for Nationals in the 100 and 200 breastroke. He placed 1st in every breastroke event he swam his senior year. He was also chosen All-American in Water Polo for the third straight year. ... 102 Swimming 2nd Place State Workout. . . workout. . . workout. . . 5000 yds a day. . . U of H Invitational. . . Christmas "holidays" (11,500 yds a day). . . more workouts . . . TISCA. . . regionals. . . morning AND night workouts. . . State. . . TIGER SWIMMING '73- '74 l BACK ROW: MIS. Leland, David Stewan, Bob Leland, Jeff Zwolinski, Bill Leland, Kerry Kuttler. FRONT ROW: Peter Leabo, Rex Painter, Eddie Hill, Bill Harper, Bill Kuvleskey, David Comstock. Water Polo Workout. . . beat Fish team. . . A & M Novice Tournament - 1st place. . . workout. . . workout State Champions . . . more workout. . . lose to Fish team . 2nd place Southwestern States Tournament. . . beat Des Moines I. S. D. team. . . more workouts . 1st place State Tournament 4A and under . CHS Water Polo - Undefeated in High School Play. . . Tiger Water Polo '73-'74 ... " 104 - I ,..~.~ 1 ~ ~ n n u Q u u iii I It II ~ I ~ ~ I H n ~ I .; . R I . ~t . - ,:e,. " - . ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ D . -_. ","4..~ ...._ . ._tkl' '" - ~.. . ...., '" - ....., 105 Football 1} I~~, " \' 106 r ~-n, l 1 .l ~ ..t I Ii J I practice . . practice. . . prac- tice. . . rain. . . disappoint- ments. . . 3 wins. . . 7 losses . . . bugs at Friendswood. . . only six seniors. . . Homecoming . coffeehouses. . . dances . pep rallies. . . Indian rain dances. . . injuries. . . TIGER POOTBALL '73 - 107 108 .... (\) '8 s o <II ;l~ CI) t P.2 C)~ ~..t:: ..t:: 0 o <II <II 0 o U U - --5 '+-< t (\) .m ~3 - '" 0 bO ~E< ~~ I'Q>.,'; 't~ <II (\) gp (\) _ -50 S......o(\) 'c; :::: ...., ..tl ~ ~ I'< ..... >.. (\) 0 ~GS~'5:::E ::::1 _ S '0 ~ .\1).... ..... <II (\) 0 I'Q~CI)~US ~ .~1l~ .~~ ~~~~~~@~ .....8"0 (\)"OO-5.!:: ~:::E~..gJj:::E""o ~ <II ~ bO l:l ..... - .... <II ~ (\) ::r: .0 (\) ...., t (\) ..... .0 '~ ~ ~ 'E Bj co~ Q) t- - - CO ..c ... '0 o u. l:l <II S "0 & >.. s S ..... ...., (\) "0 >.. ::r: "0 ..... > <II o L. Q)", QO~ .- (\) .... a I'Q l:l o ~ ..t:: "- ..g S <II .....:l .... (\) ..... '" (\) ..t:: U bO ;::l o o - I l:l o I!l <II ~ >.. l:l l:l (\) ~ .... (\) - ..... ..... ;::l ~ -5 ..... (\) ~ .... (\) (\) E-< >.. S S '.... ...., >.. (\) ..t:: <II (\) ~ P.. S <II ::r: '" S <II ..... - - ~ >.. .0 .0 o I'Q l:l o '" l:l ..... .g p:: ~ <II :::E (\) ..... :El ~ '" ..... - - ~ (\) (\) ~ o :::E l:l o l:l .... (\) > (\) '" (\) (\) ~ ~ <II ~ (\) - ~ (\) :::E bO (\) .... ~ (\) .... o S - is .... (\) ..... (\) p.. >.. - (\) ~ bO l:l ..... - .... (\) ..... CI) l!l (\) .0 S <II ..t:: U '" (\) S <II ...., >< o U "0 .... <II ..t:: o ii1 .0 ;::l o >.. <: >.. l:l l:l (\) ~ - - (\) ~ (\) ...., s ..... ...., .... (\) .:.:: - <II ~ l:l ..... > - <II U .- t:EJ (\) 0 .~ ;; ~o ~.:.:: o <II ~...., '5 - <II - 0 ~u B"O S1 ~ "O::r: ..... > <II o >.. 8 - . ~ (\) 0 13:::E ..... t ~ (\) 13.g S p:: ~'5 '5 ~ ~u u ,. . . I ~ . , . , ! . : t Season's Results Wharton Taylor Friendswood Columbus Mexia Hearne Crockett Brenham Navasota Huntsville ""'. Il. ,I' Tigers 8v 7-- o 7 8" 14 7 14 o o Opp o 8 37 32 o 34 29 21 20 14 ., .J!: . . Awards BACK ROW: Peter Gilmore - 1st team all-district, Most Valuable Player, Most Outstanding Line- man; Richard Schuben - 1st team all-district, Tiger Award; Jimmy Redman - Hon. mention all-dis- trict. FRONT ROW: W. T. Gilmore - 1st team all-district; Gary Keese, 1st team all-district, Most Outstanding Back. Season Record 3-7 Zone Record 0-5 Basketball 1st ROW: Karl Kapchinski man., Lester Byrd, Charlie Owen, Pat Ranson. 2nd ROW: Coach Larry Linder, Ray Tank, Jay Treat, Richard Carroll, Alex Walker, Kenny Olree, Joe Denton, Jeff Hampton, Gary Keese, Coach Jim Foreman. five staning seniors '.' . Obie Ray. . . beating Bren- ham TWICE. . . high hopes. . . lots of disappoint- ments. . . Tricker. . . Gitty Gitty Gitty Gitty Git On Up. . . Chas. . . Jeffrey. . . Dick. . . beating Crockett at home. . . Uncle Jim. . . TIGER BASKET- BALL '73-'74 ~. 110 J ~NOO _____I B p . ".... ~ - .,-.. ....... .. -,~.,., ,.~~, ~ ~:.Q' .~. --' .~ Awards BACK ROW: Richard Carroll - Hon. Men- tion all-district; Charlie Owen - 2nd team all-district; Jay Treat - Hon. men- tion all-district. FRONT ROW: Jeff Hampton - 1st team all-district, Most Valuable Player, Good Sportsmanship; Kenny Olree - 1st team all-district. 111 r , f I STANDING, Left to Right: Larry Williams, Pat Canwright, Kenneth Payton, Geof Gehring, Calvin Walker, Ricky Lewis, Scott Shafer, Phillip Steen, Greg Moore, Bill McGee and Bob Rand~ll. KNEELING, Left to Right: Mgr. Karl Kapchinski and Coach Larry Linder. J. V. Basketball , ' .", 113 ~ Volleyball 1st ROW: Linda Cote, Karen Lyda, Donna Thayer, Sharon Cullen. 2nd ROW: Debbie Quitta, Mary Whitely, Julie Baker, Laurie Copper, Coach Steve Scarmardo. Julie Baker w.... Most Valuable Player ~ 114 ...~ J.V. Volleyball 1st ROW: Donna Dunlap. 2nd ROW: Jean Ford, Honeybee Hewitt, Nancy Creagor. 3rd ROW: Denise Brown, Many McGraw, Sharon Mobley. 4th -ROW: Susan Pope, Karen Mallett, Jackie Nutall, managers. ,.--- 115 Varsity Track ST ANDING, (L to R): W. T. Gilben, Jim Jewell, Jim Brannen, Harold Eaton, Larry Johnson, Phillip Steen, Larry Williams, Sammy Jones, Mgr. Peter Bassett. KNEELING: Kenneth Payton, David Mitchell, Eddie Guerrero, Bruce Rose, Nelson Surovik, Dennis Gimlim, Da vid Bagnall, Harold Horne. SITTING: Brett Whitten, Mark O'Connor, John Bassett, Chris Powell, Doug Chester, Allan Kunze, Daniel Muegge, Greg Merkle. - --~~.01. 4S Mile Relay Jim Brannen was the fiISt person in Tiger history to win state in an indi- vidual running event. He won the 3A 880 yd. dash in 1:54.8, a new school record. He was a 3 year letterman and 2 year MVP. Bruce Rose, Jim Brannen, Harold Eaton, Larry Johnson, Doug Chester.' 116 .. - II' Cross Country Letterman ABOVE: 1st ROW, (L to R): Brett Whitten, Allan Kunze, John Bassett, Chris Powell. 2nd ROW: Nelson Surovik, Jim Brannen, Dennis Gimlin, Eddie Guerrero. RIGHT: Joe Wilborn, Louis Castanon. ) Cross- Country Region Champs State Runner- up 9quadmen Greg Leinweber Chuck Cluck Bruce Rose Ken Prow Chuck Gilmore David Bagnall Peter Bassett Damon Buffington Wesley Hecox Mark 0' Connor Greg Merkle Jim Bowman ..... . 'r -,.'I j Freshman Track FIRST ROW (L to R): Tollie Thompson, Damon Buffington, Louis Castanon, Greg Schmidt. SECOND ROW: Keith Wade, Brad Smith, Calvin Heard, Wes Hecox, Scott Van Cleave, Mike Muegge. THIRD ROW: Randy Ray, Joe Wilborn, Kevin Mollett, Jay Carlton, Mark Schneider. FOURTH (Top) ROW: Harold Eaton, Maynard Tucker and Mark Pamell. ....' LEFT TO RIGHT: Joe Wilborn, Harold Eaton, Jay Carlton, Maynard Tucker and Brad Smith. 118 r A&M Consolidated Track Records Varsity Mile Relay - 1974 3:24.7 440 Relay - 1970 43.3 880 Yd. Dash 1974 120H.H. 1971 100 Dash 1970 440 Dash 1968 330 I. H . 1972 220 Dash 1969 Freshman Mile Relay - 1973 Willis White Alex Tenorio Eric Pearson Joe Marshall 3:39.4 880 Yd. Dash 120 H.H. 100 Dash 440 Dash 330 L. H . 220 Yd. Dasl:1 1974 1968 1973 1974 1973 1973 ..... , ' .In Jim Brannen Larry Johnson Harold Eaton Doug Chester Johnny Feagan Steve Roop Richie Wootan Larry Holcomb Jim Brannen - 1:54.8 Larry Holcomb - 14.1 Steve Roop - 9.8 Rasteen Wilson - 50.2 Mike DeHaven - 40.4 Steve Roop - 22.6 Jim Brannen Greg Merkle Doug Chester Dennis Gimlin Bruce Rose Larry Johnson Harold Eaton Jim Brannen Mile Run Long Jump High Jump Discus Shot Putt Pole Vault 440 Relay - 1973 Larry Johnson Eric Pearson Alex Tenorio Joe Marshall 45.8 Joe Wilborn - 2:06.5 Larry Holcomb - 15. 9 Larry Johnson - 10.3 Harold Eaton - 52.2 Phillip Steen - 42.7 Larry Johnson - 23. 8 Mile Run Long Jump Pole Vault Discus High Jump Shot Putt 2-Mile Relay - 1974 8:16.9 Mile Medley Relay - 1974 3:34.8 J 1974 Dennis Gimlin - 4:37 1970 Phillip Steen - 21'6 1/2" 1970 Harold Steen - 6'3" 1961 Dave Parsons - 18'10" 1959 Jim Wright - 53'6" 1969 Mike Litterest - 12'6" 2-Mile Relay - 1974 Jay Carlton Joe Wilborn Louis Castanon Tim Lyda 8:58.9 1974 Jay Carlton - 4:52.1 1974 Maynard Tucker - 20'41/2" 1967 Mike Letterest - 10'6" 1973 Tom Allen - 152'6" 1974 Brad Smith - 5'10" 1973 Calvin Walker - 50'5" 119 Tennis BACK ROW (L to R): Clayton Hall, Paul Gardner, Tommy Schaffer, Julie Crawford, Bob Randall, Laurel Keese, Joel Hall, Jim Nance. MIDDLE ROW (L to R): Mark Davis, Manha Lamben, Kathy Marzec, Gary Whitehorn, Renai Baker, Diana Van Cleave, Gena McMullan, Jeb Hensarling. , FRONT ROW (L to R): Mimi Sicilio, Suzette Le Boeuf, Mary Gerlow, Elizabeth Gerlow, Debe McCandless, Mark Sicilio, Kris Das. Not Pictured Jimmy Teer Cheryl Cunningham Bruce Upham Randy Massey Chris Gehring District Champs 19th Straight Year Practice. . . practice . . . . sprints . . laps. . practice . . serve drills . . line drills tournaments . . "Ho". . . "ooga chuga" . . two nights at Bay town . . . Coach Mills. . . black eyes . . . J. T. . . . "Boss". . . Our Honey. . . more drills. . . clean sweep of zone. . . District Champs again! . . . TIGER TENNIS '74.' .... 120 '/ u I II n J .:. .. I .. ,~ iii A III Mimi 9icilio iP iii III jI ~ Advanced to Region Playoffs in Girls Singles '& I .J , . 1 H n I Mark 9icilio Most Valuable Player 121 Baseball Lester Byrd Most Valuable Player Sitting on the ground in a hole. . . fire hard big Cliff. . " a new coach. . . bring your own blanket. . . TIGER DEN. . . Brenham. . . no more night games. . . home run Manning Clifford Dayton . . . TIGER BASEBALL '74. Wayne Smith Award ....' . . 122 ~+ r i , I I I I I ~ 1 I i ~ I i I I ilt\.itff; .?fi..1T......~ ~'- """- "" 123 STANDING (L to R): Kevin Manning, Rick Garrison, Burce Woods, Tom Smith, Doug Merkle, Guy Moody, David Mitchell. KNEELING: Jerry Anderson, Mike Douglas, Jack Schute, T. J. Wainerdi, Jay Ward, Don Weihs. J.V. Baseball c; I I D Coach Fred Warhol . .....\. '"'t" . " .,J' 125 1st ROW: Karen Copp, Peggy Kapchinski, Polly Weise, Many McGraw, Karen Lyda, Sandy Mohr, Mary Whitl y, Karen Lewis. 2nd ROW: Rita Villareal, (man.), Cindy Feagan, Beth "Mama" Mamaliga, Terry Niles, Minette Martin, Pat Thompson, Margaret Adams, Marey Whitely, Suzie Honeycutt. 3rd ROW: Coach Larry Linder. Girls'Track Beth Mamaliga Most Valuable Player ...' , , . 126 ST ANDING (L to R): Phil Gougler, Bill Landy, Mitch Stevens, Tim Jones, Steve Hensel, Rex Janne, Pat Ranson, Jerry Martin, David Harvey, Wayne Tiner and Dale Hickson. KNEELING (L"to R): John Deloach, Dale Smith, Mike Douglas, Scott Saunders, Ed Elliott, Kim Mayo and Douglas Small. NOT PICTURED: Jeff Clark. Golf Tied for District Championship. Third in Region. Wayne Tiner named District Medalist. ~~:... ] It ~ .,i> ..~..*""~ ~, $;; **fl %'~I""- % 127 Girls' Basketball 1st ROW:.Sherri Williams, Coach An Bright, Debe McCandless. 2nd ROW: Debbie Quitta, Beth Mamaliga, Cathy Hein, Laurie Cooper, Susan Pope, Faye Sims, Sharon Cullen. 128 Laurie Sue Cooper Most Valuable PIa yer Practice in old Middle School Gym. . . IUnnin' IUnnin' IUnnin' .. senioIS in the back. . . coop . mama. . new uniforms FINALLY getting in Sharon Cullen . Nonh Zu1ch. . . Lexington. . . Coach Bright. . . cheeseburgers and cokes. . . winning more games than last year. . . trying to sleep 011 the bus. . . practice 1st period.. . trees. . . bushes. . . meow. . . TIGER GIRLS BASKETBALL '73-'74. Good Sportsmanship Award J.V. . BACK ROW: Minette Martin, Sylvia Simms. FOURTH ROW: Polly Wiese, Laurie Keese, Julie Dieken. THIRD ROW: Julia Crawford, Manha Lamben, Mary Whitley. SECOND ROW: Peggy Kapchinski. Many McGraw, Karen Lyda. FIRST ROW: Terry Niles, Cindy Feagan, Denise Brown. Managers Nancy Creagor, Marla Gammon - head, Rita Villereal. 129 1973-1974 Tigers . In Action . _ lO1II.m1l .....,....... _ ~..._'" -~ 130 , )!I -31 ~, ~ ~-"7t 1 S i I . t. ~, ~. ( ~- t , ~ i l j 1 I I 131 ... Senior Class OFFICERS: Pres. Mark Sicilio V-Pres. Jeff Hampton Sec. Marla Gammon 134 Laina Adams Linda Alvarez Jana Baker Sara Benedict, Bill Adkins Roger Anderson Tom Bautz Dennis Billingsley Jan Allen Kerstin Archer Dan Beach Karen Black Liz Alvarez Don Arnold Nancy Beltrand Bobby Boller ... . " .~ r J 135 Kathy Boughton Seth Bovey Fred Bowers Kathy Bury Jim Brannen Suzan Byrd Mark Sicilio, our school's flashiest dresser. ... . '. David Roop greets a new student. 136 ~ iii iii 4 ~ o .t t !II Are you calling me a liar? -1 ~ .. .. .... t m H .I e D ~ ~ D Ii III It lac __ Richard Carroll .... Terry.C.~eek .... . " Joyce Cashion John Cochrane '!l I didn't do it! I was just an innocent bystander! J Cheryl Casimiro Cathy Comstock Karen Chancey Laurie Cooper 137 John Copp Clifford Dayton Linda Cote Depra Dechiro Cutest Couple? Milk makes strong swimmeIS, ya know! 138 Larry Covington Zora Djuric Pat Davis Beth Donaldson .....-~~_.... Don't take my picture when my eyes are closed! 'I"'" f /~ 1 ~ ~ 1 i t Randy Dooley Pat Eimann John Elmquist Connie Dowling Pam Ellison Wayne Evans ~ ; -... ~....'WiI'i~I.,.... @ ~'.\ ,. . 2Jlt r ;J1~.. . r ?"~. .... It:. .I #" .' , ~" .. ~",. I J'I J1] . t> , -, ( E '. What a rough day! Smile, Lisa! ' 139 Bill Ferris Tosh likes those Dr. Scholl's sandals! -" Joyce Cashion with her normal expression. 140 r Marla Gammon Dennis Gimlin Tom Grady Susan Gard Susie Glover Pred Haas Two D. A. 's for the Mock Trials: Marla Gammon and Stan Lewis. Don't you dare make me cut my hair!. 141 Now Sam, I heard that hats are coming back but this is ridiculous! Hey man, how do you get off this thing? Paul Haensly David Harvey Bruce Hall Doris Heard Jeff Hampton . Julie Hewitt .... 142 Valerie Hewitt Toshiko Ichiye Dale Hickson Georgia Johnson i ~ ! .~~ Not too high, Felecia! Billy Hill Roben Holubec 143 Julie Hewitt listens intently. . or is she daydreaming? Dan Beach and Stephen Taber enjoy their usual mid- morning brunch in MIS. Nuckoll's class. v'.' 144 Jan Jordan Kerry Kuder Karen Lay Darrell Krueger Nancy Lancaster Charles McDowell What's up, pussycat? Peter Leabo Jody Linger Bob Leland Sonja Lyda Now, I know that answer's somewhere in here! Takin' a Bud break. 145 Hey man, cut that out! What happened to your 'fro, Mark? 146 Look Cheryl, the funny man wants to take our picture. Greg Merkle Ken Morrison Elaine Merrifield Ronald Muegge Eat your heart out. Gail Miller Jane Murray Peggy Moore Pam Neelley What a man, what a man. 147 r- , ~." , " .. t ,j ~ :..J: j . " . . .~.I!.. '. .;,. Maggie McGraw, Mrs. Hensley for a day. "", . Robin pfannstiel Shannon Perkins Charlie Owen Vanessa Phelan Claire Oxley Robin Raska 148 1 ~ 6935482.900 . . or is it 695580.835? Bob Rennich Savannah Robinson Mark Robinson David Roop 1 ~} . \ ' \ Tom Rosser Tommy Ray Rucker 149 David Schneider Robin Shannon Mimi Sicilio Sharon Sloan Richard Schubert Mark Sicilio Cindy Slaydon Debbee Smith ... 150 --,-= I wonder if she knows that there's a bug crawl- ing in her hair. I see you fixed up your Corvair, Roger. Liz Smith Jim Teer Mark Stribling Wayne Tiner ..... .. Lisa Sutphen Jay Treat Stephen Taber Bruce Upham 151 She thinks she knows everything! Believe it or not, some seniors really do study. 152 Jan Vernon Susan Watkins Lisa Webb Vicki Williams Connie V ohs Debra Webb Frances Wilborn Sissy Williamson - f II II g I " " . "J ...) . j I a. I Keith Wills R Dena York ~ I ~ ~ jI I I <<- I u Dan Wiser Clifford Young iii I . i n ~ ~ Now, where did that "j" go? Laura Womack Lisa Zingaro Doug Woods Jeff Zwolinski SENIORS NOT PICTURED Judy Barnett David Bell David Bennett Pelecia Bowers Otis Clark Debby Dayhoff Cheryl Dominik Pat Earhart Danny Foster Jeff Haislet Judy Little Kenny Olree David Parker Steve Powell Eddie Sisco Kevan Staten Sandy Tatum Alex Walker Bobby Williams Karen Zocher 153 Moods of Senioritis .".~ ~ i-- 4' , .... 154 , f, · ,-~, " " 4 r .~ I I ~ ; I I I .~ I 1 I f ~ 155 ...' J'unior Class Officers: Pres. Chuck Cluck V-Pres. Gary Keese Sec. Renai Baker Treas. Peggy Kieffer 156 Brenda Allen Janet Allison Kathy Anderson Renai Baker Bruce Baldwin Becky Barker John Bassett Robin Benignus Sharon Boatright Debbie Boriski Dianne Bradley Vicki Broxt~ Tim Brundidge John Bryant Charles Byer Lester Byrd Kathy Carlton Jim Case La wrence Chambers Chuck Cluck 157 Julia Combs Gilberto Curriel Joe Denton Karren Earhan 158 David Cowen Sharon Cullen ~. ~ . , i.,_~~~& Diana Feltz Cheryl Cunningham Tom Davis Donna Dotson Jean Ford "'- Webb Ford Jenny Gough Suzanne Hahn Clayton Hall Janet Gardner Geof Gehring W. T. Gilben Peter Gilmore Mary Guerlo Frank Hall Cathy Hein 159 Ra ymond Henderso~ Jeb Hensarlmg Mary Hirsch EddIe Hobson G Y Holt u Honeycutt Steven Sally Hoove\ Renee Hostet er Cliff Hudson An.ne Huebner Philip Ilc~en " Mo~ InglIs ~ 160 Rex Janne Jim Jewell Aneita Johnson Michael Junek Catherine Ka pchinski . Karl Kapchinski Gary Keese . Thomas Kelly Peggy Kieffer Lesley King Bill Kuvlesky Keith Lancaster 161 Bill Ledbetter Teresa Lee Greg Leeth Greg Leinweber Scott Lewis Eric Lindquist Jon Logan Bill McGee Andy MacFarlane Beth Mamaliga Jerry Manin Terry Miller Vernon Mobley Faith Mohr Ann Molett Guy Moody ..... 162 Rick Ozment Pam Path Joan Perry Gina Moore Greg Moore Kim Moore Willie Moore Diane Norman Jackie Nutall Mark O'Connor ,,, 163 Cindy Pettit Carla pfannstiel Paul Phillips Ken Prow Carla Poner Steve Posey Sherry Powell Ray Prieve Russ Reid Donna Putz Pat Ranson Jim Redman Dinetha Richards Al Robinson Karen Rodgers Bruce Rose Jack Rowe Brenda Rowland Susan Sackett Linda Sandstedt ....'. 164 Kirk Schneider John Sowers Ray Tank t:~ Stephanie Schwab Roben Sowers Trevis Tapley Patty Shannon Carol Staten Donna Thayer i t I Cindy Sikes David Stewan Lorena Thomas Paye Simms Gene Stevens Patti Toth 165 166 Diana Van Cleave Abbie Van Doren Jill Von Roeder Eilleen Want Wayne Ward Siobhan Waters Pam Wekly Rolf Wellnitz Carol Whitaker Gary Whitehorn Sterling Whiteley Jim Wick Bridget Weise Clifford William Donald Williams Gail Williams Kathy Williams Ronald Woessner Grant Wolfe Barbara Worley t j Juniors ~ ) 167 .... 168 ~",9ophomore Class Officers: Pres. Richard Cox Sec. Sherry Williams Ashraf Ayoub , Julie Baker Peter Basset I Kathy Beck Z I . ft Tom Beltrand Sharon Ber~um I Cheri Blac Marilyn Blinca II I i ! Bruce Boller Jeff Boriski Todd Bov1 III Steve Boy I I .,. I David Bradberry Penny Brown Sandra Broxton Ann Bryant I ~ Margaret Adams Tom Allen Laura Allred Arnold Ashburn 169 Jackie Burch Antionio Castanon Stephen Chavey Clyde Clark Jeff Clark Bill Cochrane David Comstock 170 Karen Copp Yvonne Cote Julie Cowger -5)AY'7m- , ;1 Brown Cooper Richard Cox Irene Davis ., . ---CYneTIbivin t'." - Karen Dunkin Lowea Dunn Mike Divin Cheryle Cox Mike Creagor Sandra Dechiro Arango Eduardo 171 Karen Eimann Mala Farmer Oidy Feagan Mary Favreau Sara Feldamn Anne Ferris Brenda Ford Donna Fortner Paul Fredericksen Tony Freeman John Bardner Glenda Gates Keith Gent Kent Gent June GloveJ: Phillip Gougler Rachel Guardo .-Eddie GuerrQ Jayne GutCher Martin Haas v". 172 Roben Haensley Joel Hall Bobbie Hampton Bill Harper Chuck Hays Wanda Heard Steve Hensel David Heyde Dan Hogan Harold Horne Eric Hood Brenda Honeycutt Tanny Irvine Beverly Janek Henry Johnson Karen Johnson Larry Johnson Randall Johnson Robin Jones Sammy Jones 173 Tim Jones Mark Junek Hamp Keahey Leslie Keiffer Keith Klatt Shelia Kocher Allen Kunze Keith Kuttler Lisa Kuvlesky Bill Landy Curtis Lard Suzette leBoeuf 174 Oh, my goodness! ~ (L?~ ~~~ ~~~~ CL(< ~C;~~...:.~. Larry Lis~e ... ~ <:e Ken Loveless ~ ~ ~ Wanda Luedke ~ " -~ Karen Lyda c:<...~ _' L.; ~ ~ -=--' e7 W ' '7'c?~ ' >:- ~ '"c....> Ellen Mabrey Kevin MannIng Joe MaIShall Benny Maninez Minette Manin Don Mason Larry Matous ChrIS McBride 175 Debbie McCandless Marty McGraw Greg Mead Doug Merkle Danny Muegge Jim Nance Tracy NeB lock Sharon Neeley 176 Don't I look innocent? Debbie Quitta Ann Reed Mike Ramsey Lisa Reed Bob Randall John Reed J Kenneth Payton Eric Pearson Donna Phariss Jennifer Phillips Tobi Pledger Mike Poniz Susan Pope Candy Po we Chris Powell Robert Pratt Kim Proctor Perry Pruitt 177 Rusty Reid Charles Saul Scott Schaifer Joe Schoppe l-"J, . l fl., ~st oS, f(-{!((1c\ -' l j) c \ J ~(( ~ " (I , J r7' ^ \ to ~. "" (}." fVj;ke COI.f"'/:"to ,,{Ol ._ Jack Shute DarIa Shryock Donny Simpson Kris SmatheIS Billy Smith Debra Smith Julie Smith 178 Hmm, lE~t me think . Johnnie Townsend Pam Wade Many Tucker Steve Wagner Steve Upham T. J. Wainerdi Mitchell Stevens James Stoors Ken Stover Mike Stribling Darla Sturm 1'n~~ . S lpfi(>ld Nelson Surovik Alex Tenorio Magaret Thompson Patricia Thompson Becky Tippitt Valerie Toliver 179 Cathleen Waldon Calvin Walker Kell y Walker Jay Ward Karem Warlick Fred Watkins Kenny Watson Daniel Webster Willis White Mary Whiteley Carolyn Whitely Paul Whitt Brenda Williams Dwight Williams Larry Williams Sherry Williams Bret Whitten Bruce Woods Rodney Zalobany Mia Zwolinski .... 180 Sophomores ~'. Freshman Class Officers: 182 Pres. Walter Boone V. Pres. Gena McMullin Sec. Doug Small Treas. Tim Lyda Karen Abenh Roy Alvarez Jerry Anderson Rebecca Armstrong Becky Bagnall Bonnie Bates Cindy Benton Patty Bergum Steve Bertrand Teddy Blanks Kris Boatright Steve Boatright Mark Boller Patricia Boone Walter Boone Debra Boren Nick Borrelli Bill Boswell Debbie Botsford Jimmy Bowman Bonnie Boyce Tami Bradberry John Brannen Bruce Benton George Brower Denise Brown Raben Buchan Jesse Buffington Michelle Burns MegBury Towanna Calhoun Rebecca Callaway Jay Carlton Louis Castanon Dennis Chester 183 Leslie Clark John Cooper Sherrie Cobb Thersa Cooper Julia Nancy Cregor Crawford Mark Davis Susan Davilia Bill Y Dean Julie Dieckert Russell De Castogrene Mark Dixon 184 You wouldn't dare. . . Yrrch! ! ! That's not right! Diana Dotson Donna Dunlap Mike Douglas Mike Earl Ed Elliott Agnes Flowes Elizabeth Evans Bill Forehan Vivian Frederick Paul Gardner Jaque Fruend Rick Garrison This class is a drag. Who did that? Brenda Dove Harold Eaton I ". ~ . -- Teresa Feathenon David Foster Prissy Piles Debra Pranz Wayne Gable Juhe Gasaway Greg Gammon Chris Gehring 185 Are you kidding? Diana Gerrish Judy Glover Mark Griffin Roy Guajardo Tom Haensly Wallace Harwood Dale Hayes Wesley Heacox Jim Hedges ~. 186 Now who WAS she? ..... Honey Bee Hewitt Eddie Hill Lee Hill Tommy Hodges . Elizabeth Holmgreen Kate Holt Grace Hood Charlotte Hopson. Debbie Hudson Susan Honeycutt Richard Ilcken Penny Jerger Brenda Jeske John Jiminez Michael Johnson Bill Johnson Candie Jones Sandy Jones Peggy Kapchinski Cynthia Kay Laurie Keese Annette Kettleborough Renea Koehler Melissa Koldus Virginia Kappa Manha Lambert Milli Landy Elizabeth La whom Andrea Leabo Karen Lewis 187 Steve Lewis Gina McMullen Karen Mallett Elsie Maninez Cathy Marzac Kim Mayo ... 188 Manha Lofgren Mark McCullock Russell Luedke Tim Lyda Ompah, Ompah, Ompah, Ompah. Will McGill Cindy Mahoney Helen Marquis Mary Maninez Merrian Maxwell Roben Morgan Leslie Noe Ronnie Morgan Rex Painter Mark Pantell Ronny Ozment Vincent Palazzo Richard PaISons Kathleen Pettit Cindy Pierce Amy Plapp Diana Phillips Jo Ann Pike Ray Proctor 189 Mary Ellen Reid Renee Riley Scott Saunders Mark Schneider Diana Rex Becky Roe Schaffer, Thomas Walter Scott Randy Ray Desi Richardson Susan Rogers Greg Schmidt Debbie Sidles Johnny Redman Susan Ridgeway Sandy Sandstedt Gail Schmidt Faye Simms ..... 190 Laura Stacell James Stephens Craig Thompson Teherlindra Townsend Starla Steen Debra Thomas Linda Thompson Sarah Treyblg Wonder if he's really taking my picture? Tommy Wade Debbie Rick Waggoner Walterschied Derene Wells Keith Wade Paul Walden Julie Straw Patty Thomas Tolly Thompson Ma ynor Tucker John Vastano Bobby Strawn Vicki Thomas Candy Tiner Scott Van Cleave Rita Villierreal 191 Phillip Weihs Sherry Weatherbee Carla Whitaker John Wick Polly Wiess William Wilborn Bernis Williams Linda Wills Regina Worsham Debra Zalobney Not Pictured: Scott Arbuckle Terri Benton Shirley Burkhalter Teresa Collado Mary Garrett Blair Halliwell Sydia Hernandez 192 Jennifer Hutchinson Jana Moore Trini Ramirez Brad Smith Carol Sousares Debbie Taylor Anna Wedin Da vid Williams Freshmen 193 TAYLOR RIEDEL Superintendent Administration FRED HOPSON Principal JIM FOREMAN Assistant Principal PAT OZMENT Director of Curriculum BUDDY DENTON Counselor Administrative Assistants ..- VIOLA WESTBROOK Regisuar AGNES BAKER Receptionist SARA TABER Secretary JANE MILLER Secretary MRS. W. E. DONALDSON School Board CHARLES HENSARLING . , MRS. JAMES TEER r-- A. C. VINZANT BILL OXLEY O. C. COOPER President LAMBERT WILKES . 197 Athletics JACK CHURCHILL Athletic Director. Head Football Coach MARSHALL FLEENER Football. Baseball. Boy's P.E. ROBERT GARNER Football. Related Math I LARRY LINDER Basketball. Girl's Track. Am. Hist. . CHARLOTTE POTTER Girl's P.E. ROBERT RUCKERT Football. BioI. w''. ~- o \ i '_!IOU,". ~t. THIS is our track coach? JIM FOREMAN Head Basketball Coach ROBERT McLEROY Football. W. Hist. PAM GILMORE Child Dev.. Home and Family Living Home Economics THA Y OWEN Home Econ. I and II I I I ~ ; i MARSHA TIGGS Typ. I. Accounting DIXIE WOODELL Typ. I and II. Snorthand ! I t That's the way. Mr. Holland! Foreign Languages ..:1'\ FRANN DUNNAM German I and II BETTY RIVERS French I. II. III. Eng. IV KITTY WORLEY Spanish I. II. III 199 JUDITH COMSTOCK Eng. II, Sociology CAROLYN NEIGHBORS Eng. II JAMES DENNIS Drama. Speech. Eng. III, Teacher of Year English ETT A CONNELL Eng. III SANDRA PARKER Eng. I Fine Arts FRANN DIXON Journalism w'\ 200 CHARLES MAXWELL Band MARSHA McCORD Eng. IV and V . STEVE SGAMARDO Eng. I, Girls' Volleyball JAMES MATHENY Choir. Music Theory HELEN PERRY An I MIKE BARBER RON BURKE Phy. Sci. . Biol. Phy. Sci. , II' iI II It !I Il II t Super Stevie strikes a pose! . KEN MORGAN RA Y STREGER Zoo-Bot. . BioI. Chemistry H Social Studies I m Science r i . .. ONEIDA HENSLEY Government BEN DELAMA TER Am. Hist.. W. Hist. B. B. HOLLAND Tex. Hist. , Phot. , Golf Coach . t II II " D 11 I ..-, ~ f \~ ~~~__4. HARRIETT SPERRY Am. Hist.. Rec. Am. Hist. JAMES GIESE W. Geog.. Track 201 Vocational JERRY BERNHARDT Drafting. Elec. ROBERT KRUSE Ag., Ag. Coop. LOUIS BOND Woodshop VERNON FILES Dist. Education EDITH PERRY H.E.C.E. 202 MARY HANEY Librarian POLLY KENT Vocational Adjust. Coordin. ART BRIGHT Advanced Math. Alg. I. Girls' Basketball Coach MARY LELAND Plane Geometry . Swim Coach MARY HIRSCH Alg. II, Plane Geometry VIRGINIA NUCKOLLS Trig., Adv. Geom., Physics Mathematics GRACE KIEFFER Alg. I and II. Related Math I and II MARGARET SAWYER Cons. Math, Alg. I, Related Math I . 203 What can you say about a man who is both an administrator and friend in the number one sense of the word? Mere words cannot express the thanks felt for FRED A. HOPSON by the people he has been associated with in his four years at A&M Consolidated High School. As outgoing principal and incoming superintendent. Mr. Hopson will not be lost to the school dis- trict. But the loss at the High School will be great. He has done so much for the school system and students that it would be fruitless to list everything. He cam.e in with the Class of '74 and it should only be fitting that he leave with them also. Not everyone agreed with his actions and ideas but everything he did was done with the students in mind. The years were long and hard. We only hope that our thanks can be as great as what he gave us. Therefore, it is with great pride that the annual staff of A&M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL dedicates this,. the 1974 TIGERLAND to FRED A. HOPSON. It will be small payment on the debt owed for a job well done. - TIOERLAND 9TAFFI 1974 205 ADAMS, LAINA KELLY ADKINS, WILLIAM GILES ALLEN, JANET ELIZABETH 1. Transferred from Daniel Webster Jr. High School, Los Angeles 2. Band, 2 Ensemble Medals, 1 rating, French Club 3. Band, Ensemble Medal, 1 rating, Tri-State Ensemble, 1 rating 4. DECA Club AL V AREZ, ELIZABETH ANNE 1. Honor Roll. SWT Students Working Together, Choir 2. Spanish Club, Honor Roll 3. Homecoming Nominee, Spanish Club, FTA, Government Day, Three Year Graduate ALVAREZ, LINDA SUSAN ANDERSON, ROGER MARK 1. Track, Basketball, Spanish Club 2. Spanish Club 3. Ralph # 1 - Corvairs 4. Ralph #2 - Corvairs ARCHER, KERSTIN ANN ARNOLD, DONALD ABNER 2. Lettered in Electronics 3. Electronics 4. Industrial Arts Club BAKER, JANA LEE BEACH, DANIEL BLACK 1. Spanish Club 2. Biology A ward, Spanish Club 3. Photo Award, NHS 4. Photo A ward, NHS BETHARD, KATHY M. BELTRAND, NANCY JEANNE 1. Houston Post Art A ward, Brotherhood Art A ward BENEDICT, SARAH RUTH 1. Tiger Troupe, SCOPE 2. Tiger Troupe, Secretary 3. Photographer, Honor Roll, PSAT-NMSQT Honor Student A ward, Enrichment Program 4. Enrichment Program BILLINGSLEY, DENNIS LEE BLACK, KAREN JANETTE 1. Shawnee High School 2. Transferred from Shawnee High School, A&M Consolidated: Band, UlL Ensemble Medalist 3. Band, UlL Ensemble Medalist, District Band 4. Band, UlL Ensemble Medalist, District Band, Region Band, Outstanding Bandsman, Twirler BOA TRIGHT, SHARON FRANCES BOLLER, ROBERT ALLAN 1. All-District Band, All-Region Band, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist, State Solo Medalist, .,. , Honor Roll . 2. Ail-District Band, All-Region Band, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist, State Solo Medalist, Honor Roll 208 3. All-District Band, All-Region Band, Area Band, All- Sta te Alternate, Region Solo and Ensemble, Honor Roll, Chess Club, John Phillip Sousa A ward 4. All-District Band, All-Region Band, Area Band, All-State Band, Region Solo and Ensemble Med- alist, Arion Award, Honor Roll BOUGHTON, KATHLEEN JANICE 1. TARS 2. French Club 3. Office 4. HECE/FHA BOVEY, SETH IV AN BOWERS, FELECIA LEA 1. FHA, Choir 2. FHA, Volleyball, Basketball, Student Council 3. Student Council, Drama Club, Homecoming Queen 4. Black Awareness Club, HECE, HERO, Drama Club BOWERS, FREDERICK LEE BRANNEN, JAMES. ALLAN 1. Football, Basketball, District Champ 880, Choir, Class Favorite 2. Football, Basketball, Letter in Track, Regional Qualifier in 880 Mile Relay, Class Favorite, , 'Brigadoon" 3. Letter in Basketball, District Champ, Regional Champ in'880, Letter, Class Favorite, Student . Council, Boys' State 4. Cross Country Letter, District, Regional State Champ 880, Letter, Student Council, Class Favorite BURNS, LAURA LEE BURY, KA THLEEN SYLVIA BYRD, BRANDON SUZAN 1. FT A, Powderpuff, Volleyball 2. Spanish Club, Powderpuff Captain, Pep Squad, Volleyball 3. Bengal Belles, Spanish Club, Tweety Bird No. 1 4. Bengal Belles Lt., Tigerland Turntable, Office CARROLL, RICHARD EARL CASHION, JOYCE EVELYN 1. Band, District Band, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist, FT A, State Ensemble Medalist 2. Band, District Band, Region Band, Region Orchestra, Area Band, All-State Band, Twirler, Kiwanis Club Outstanding Bandsman, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist 3. Band, District Band, Region Band, Area Band, Twirler, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist, NHS, America Youth Performs, KORA Musician- ship A ward, State Solo Medalist, Band Secre- tary, South Pacific Orchestra 4. Band, District Band, Region Band, Area Band, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist, Asst. Drum Major, John Phillip Sousa Award, Sec. of NHS, Band Council, Second Place in Lions Club Talent Show, Little Mary Sunshine Orchestra, Third Place Kiwanis Essay Contest CASIMIRO, CHERYL DIANE 1. FT A, Homecoming Nominee, Powderpuff 2. FT A, Tigerettes Pep Squad, Powderpuff -: -~'; --III~~'" 3. FT A, Bengal Belles, Tigerland Turntable 4. Bengal Belles, Honor Roll, Home Economics Award CHAMBERS, LAWRENCE CHANCEY, KAREN LYNNE 1. Band, Annual Staff 4. HERO, Betty Crocker Award CHEEK, TERRY ANNE COCHRANE, JOHN ROTH 1. Football, Baseball Manager 2. Football, Baseball Manager 3. Football Trainer, A th. Trainer 4. Football Trainer, Hon. Mention All State Foot- ball Trainer COMSTOCK,CATHRYNLYNN 1. Lettered in Swimming, Honor Roll 2. Debate Team - Belleville West 3. Lettered in Swimming, NHS, Honor Roll 4. Lettered in Swimming, NHS, Honor Roll, Recip- ient of Joe Slug A ward COOPER, LAURIE SUE 1. Band, FHA 2. Basketball, Band 3. Basketball Letter, Volleyball COPP, JOHN FREDERICK COTE, LINDA GAY 1. Band, Solo and Ensemble, Crew Head for School Play "Bye, Bye Birdie," Volleyball (Intramural), Swim Team, Honor Roll 2. Band, Varsity Volleyball, Michigan Girl's Ath- letic Association (Voting Member) 3. Band, Lettered Varsity Volleyball, Intramural Basketball, Michigan Girl's Athletic Association (Voting Member) 4. Band, Solo and Ensemble, Lab Band, Lettered Varsity Volleyball, Annual Giving Fund Scholar- ship to the University of Michigan COVINGTON, CHARLES LAURENCE 1. Choir, Drafting 2. Choir, Boys Choir, "Brigadoon" 3. Choir, "South Pacific," French I 4 . Choir, " Little Mary Sunshine, .. French II, All- District, Choir A ward, Thespian Society, Sym- phony Society DA VIS, PATRICIA JO 1. Choir, Spanish Club, Powderpuff, Tigerettes, Victim in Senior Initiations 2 . Choir, All- District Choir, Madrigals, I in Regional UlL Vocal Solo, II in State UlL Vocal Solo, Chorus and Dancer in "Brigadoon," Chorus and Lady Brock-Hurst in "The Boyfriend," Tiger Troupe 3, Choir, All- District, Madrigals, I in Regional Vocal Solo and Madrigals, I in State UlL Vocal Solo, NHS, International Thespian Society, Tiger Troupe, Laurel in Stage Center's "Chalk Garden," Bloody Mary in "South Pacific," 209 Choir Librarian, Arion National Vocal Award 4. Choir, President of Choir, All-District, All- Region, International Thespian Society, NHS, Madrigals, "A Christmas Carol" cast, Choir V ariety Show, "Frolics," Mme. Ernestine von Liebedich in "Little Mary Sunshine," Outstand- ing Senior Girl in Choir DA YTON, CLIFFORD DALE 1. Fr. Basketball, Fr. Football, Varsity Baseball, Powderpuff Cheerleader, Band, Freshman Favor- ite 2. JV Football and Basketball, Varsity Baseball, Powderpuff Homecoming Nominee, "Brigadoon" 3. Varsity Football and Baseball (All-District), "South Pacific" 4. Varsity Football and Baseball, Wayne Smith A ward Winner DECHIRO, DEBRA LYNN 1. FHA 2 . Office 3. HECE DJURIC, ZORA MARIA 1. Powderpuff, Spanish Club, Honor Roll 2. Powderpuff, Spanish Club Secretary, Honor Roll 3. Three Year Graduate, FTA, Spanish Club, Masked Rider's Society, Forgot to turn in grades for honor roll, Cafeteria-no-gas Lunch Club, German Award DONALDSON, NANCY ELIZABETH 1. Tigerettes, Honor Roll 2. Tigerettes, El Club Castellano, Honor Roll '. 3. El Club Castellano, FT A, Honor Roll 4. Bengal Belles, El Club Castellano, 3rd Vice Pres- ident, Honor Roll DOWLING, CONNIE MICHELLE 1. Powderpuff, .FT A, Band, Intermediate Region Band, UlL Medalist 2. Band, UlL Medalist, Powderpuff 3. Band, UlL Medalist 4. Band, Teen Patrol EARHART, PATRICIA LYNNE EIMANN, PATRICIA ANN 1. Powderpuff, Freshman Initiation 2. Powderpuff, Young Life 3. Young Life, Tweety Bird #2 4. Initiation ELLISON, PAMELA LEA ELMQUIST, JOHN PETER 2. Band: All-Region, Ensemble Award 3. B.D.S. Award, D.E. Club EV ANS, ARTHUR WAYNE FERRIS, WILLIAM GLENN FISHER, MELISSA ELIZABETH GEDDES r:. _ Spanish Club: Pep Squad, Choir 2. . Spanish Club, Choir 3. Spanish Club, Bengal Belles, Spanish Club Rep- resentative 210 I LID I ., 4. Bengal Belles - Publicity Rep., Bengal Belle Let- ter, Spanish Club FITCH, TODD FLIPPIN , LYNDA JEAN FLOWERS, JIMMIE, JR. FRENCH, JAMES P. GAINES, PAUL RUFUS 1. Student Council, Spanish Club, Tiger Troupe, Thespian Society, Band 2. Thespian Society, Tiger Troupe, Band, Spanish Club, Best Thespian 3. Student Council, Tiger Troupe, President Thes- pian Society, DECA, Three Year Graduate GAMMON, MARLA MARIE 2 . Office 3. TIGERLAND, Quill and Scroll - Treasurer, Il Writer for Pictorial Press 4. TIGERLAND, Quill and Scroll - Treasurer, Out- standing TIGERLAND Staff Member, 3rd Place State Yearbook Theme, Enrichment Program GARD, SUSAN ELIZABETH 1. District Band, Ensemble Medalist, Spanish Club, Spanish A wfird, Honor Roll 2. Spanish Club, Symphonic Band, Ensemble Med- a list , Powderpuff Band, Honor Roll 3. "South Pacific" Orchestra, District Band, Region Band Candi~ate, Symphonic Band, Ensemble Medalist Honor. Roll. v~ ~ . 4. .Spani!?h Club, l&s Nuevecitos, District Band, Region Band, Symphonic Band, Studio Lab Band, Woodwind Choir, Ensemble Medalist, "Little Mary Sunshine" Orchestra, Honor Roll GARRET, PEGGY MARGARET GIMLIN, DENNIS RAY 1. Basketball, Track (School Freshman Record in Mile Run) 2. Basketball (JV), Track 3. Cross-Country, Track (Letter), NHS, American Association of Mathematics Award, National Merit Commendation 4. Cross-Country (Regional Champs, State Runner- up AAA and under), Track Letter (School Record in Mile Run), NHS, Quill and Scroll, Paper Tiger Spons Editor, Industrial Arts, Mrs. Nuckoll's Pest Award GRADY, THOMAS MICHAEL 3. PSAT-NMSQT Letter of Commendation, School Wit HAAS, FREDERICK WILLIAM HAENSL y, PAUL JOSEPH HAISLET , JEFFREY ALAN 1. Band, Tennis, Doubles Champ, Freshman Divi- sion 2. Choir, Madrigals, Tennis, FT A 3. Good Sportsmanship League Member, FT A, Boys' Sta te, District Tennis Champ in Doubles, Varsity Letterman 4. FT A District VI Treasurer, Good Sportsmanship League, Boys' State Jr. Counselor, Member of Democracy in' Action Workshop, Kiwanis Club Outstanding Student A ward for the Month of March, Bank of A&M Scholarship, Optimist Club Outstanding Citizen A ward, FT A Recognition A ward, Choir, Attended Police Community Rel- ations Workshop HALL, BRUCE WAYNE HAMPTON, JEFFREY DW ANE 1. Freshman Basketball, Track 2. Taipei American School - JV Basketball, Most Valuable Player, Varsity Tennis 3. Secretary of Junior Class, Varsity Basketball, 11- AAA District Champs, Varsity Track, Sergeant Kenneth Johnson in "South Pacific" 4. Vice-President of Senior Class, Varsity Basket- ball, 1st Team All- District, Most Valuable Player, Sportsmanship Award, Corporal Billy Jes- ter in "Little Mary Sunshine," Kiwanis Recogni- tion A ward, Outstanding Senior Boy in Choir, All-District Choir HARVEY, DAVID CHARLES 1. John Marshall High (San Antonio), Fr. Basket- ball, Fr. Track 2. Golf JV 3. Golf Varsity, Letter 4. Golf Varsity, Letter HEWITT, JULIE LEE 1. Chorus 2. Overseas, Revelation Generation, Red Cross Club, Red Cross Volunteer 211 3. Concen Choir, Girl's Choir, Madrigals, District Choir, Region Solo and Ensemble, State Solo and Ensemble, TMEA Choir Contest, "South Pacific" Crew, Letter in Choir 4. Concen Choir, "Little Mary Sunshine" Echo, Cookie Crew, Make-up, Props, Publicity, Girls Choir, Madrigals, Tigerland Turntable, HECE HEWITT, VALERIE JEAN 1. Beginning Choir, Girl's Quartet, Solo and Ensemble - Region and State, Tigerettes, "Bri- gadoon" 2. Tennis Team 3. Three Year Graduate, Quill and Scroll, Year- book Staff HICKSON, JIMMY DALE 1. Band, District Band, JV Baseball 2. Band 3. Golf 4. Golf - 2nd in District, Golf Letter, 3rd in Region HILL, WILLIAM EUGENE HOFFMASTER, BARBARA KINNISON HOLUBEC, ROBERT ALLAN ICHIYE, TOSHIKO 1. Student Council, Pep Squad, Powderpuff, Honor Roll 2. Student Council, Powderpuff, Honor Roll, Merit A ward for French 3. Student Council, Cheerleader, Lions Club Math- ematics A ward, Honor Roll, Annual Staff, NHS, Quill and Scroll, Good Sportsmanship League 4. Student Council Secretary, Cheerleader, ILPC 2nd Place Cover Design for Annual, 2nd Place Team in SHSU Math Contest, Honor Roll, Annual Staff, NHS, Quill and Scroll, Lions Club Physics Award, Optimist Club Award, Good Sportsman- ship League, Salutatorian JOHNSON, GEORGIA FAYE 1. FHA, FTA 2. FHA, FTA 3. FHA, HECE, HERO, El Club Castellano 4. HERO, El Club Castellano, Black Awareness Club KAZEMI, IRAJ KRUEGER, DARRELL KUTTLER, KERRY HYDE 1. Honor Roll 2. Swimming, Honor Roll, Water Polo 3. Swimming Letter, Honor Roll, Water Polo State Cham ps 4. NHS, Swimming Letter, Honor Roll, Water Polo State Champs, All-State Goalie, Second Team LANCASTER, NANCY CAROL 1. Pep Squad, Student Council, Powderpuff, Girl's .,.~asketball; B~.ginning Chorus. . 2. .1~t Lt. Pep .Squad, Tigerland Turntable, Powder- puff, Choir, Spanish Club, P ASF, "Brigadoon" Stage Crew 3. Bengal Belles, Spanish Club, PASF, FTA, NHS, 212 I , ,.. Head - Tigerland Turntable 4. Captain - Bengal Belles, Head - Tigerland Turntable, Spanish Club, P ASF, Treasurer -, NHS, Senior Favorite, Student Council, Enrich- ment Program LA Y, KAREN JEAN 1. Transferred from Crockett High School, Austin, Texas 2. Band, Spanish Club, P ASF 3. Band, Spanish Club, P ASF 4. Band, Spanish Club, P ASF LEABO, PETER BROOKS 1. Band 2. Swimming, Band, District Band, Region Solo and Ensemble - 1st Division Ensemble 3. Swimming Letter, State Champion Water Polo Team, Honorable Mention All-State Water Polo Team, Band, District Band, Region Ensemble - 1st Division, "South Pacific" 4. Swimming Letter, State Champion Water Polo Team, All-State Water Polo 2nd Team, Band, Region Ensemble 1st Division, Brass Cnoir - 1st Division, Lion's Club Photography Award LENZ, MICHAEL EUGENE LELAND, ROBERT ERIC t" 1. Choir, Basketball, Swimming Letter 2. Choir, Swimming Letter, Water Polo, All- American 3. Choir, Swimming, Letter, All-Region Finalist, State, Water Polo - State, All-American, ., South Pacific" 4. Choir, Swimming, Letter, Region Record Holder, State Champion Record AAAA, Water Polo, 1st Team All Star, All-American Water Polo, All-American Swimmer, Cutest Couple, Most Athletic, "Little Mary Sunshine," 1st Place TISCA, National NCAA Swimmer LEONARD, MARTHA EVELYN 1. Taft Jr. High, Albuquerque Drama Club, Speech Club, Honor Roll, Honor Club, Choir 2. (Valley High) Honor Roll, Tutor 3. Spanish Club, Concert Choir, "South Pacific, " TMEA Choir Concen, Honor Roll, President of Emile (D. L.) de Becque Fan Club 4. Concen Choir, "Little Mary Sunshine," Girl's Choir, Solo and Ensemble LEWIS, STANLEY ROY LINGER, JODY ANN ELIZABETH 1. Honor Roll, Chorus 2. Honor Roll, 3rd Place Typing Contest (UlL) , , I' I' I [ , . Typing A ward, French" COO A ward 3. Concen Choir, District Choir, Honor Roll, TMEA Choir Contest, NHS, "South Pacific, " Madri- gals, Girl's Choir, Girls' State, DAR Excellence in History A ward, Outstanding Student A ward, Choir Letter 4. Honor Roll, NHS President, DAR Good Citizen A ward, UlL Solo and Ensemble, District Choir, "Little Mary Sunshine," Madrigals, Girl's Choir, Concen Choir, Arts Council Vocal A ward, Bank of A&M Scholarship, President of the Michael Matheny Fan Club LITTLE, JUDITH MARIE LYDA, SONJA JO McDOWELL, CHARLES GWENN McGRA W, MAGGIE B. MANNING, KEITH DAVID 1. Basketball, JV Baseball, Student Council, Pow- derpuff Cheerleader, Band 2. JV Basketball, Baseball, Student Council, Pow- derpuff Cheerleader, Students in Office Panici- pant, Spanish Club 3 . Varsity Baseball (Letter), Student Council, Span- ish Club, Students in Office Participant, Bellar- mine Shirt Recipient 4. Varsity Baseball (Letter), Captain Team, Student Council President, Academy of Freedom Rep., Good Sportsmahship League, State Convention Delegate, Mayor for a Day, Mr. CHS MANUEL, DEBRA ANN MARQUIS, ELLEN TERRY 1. Band, 1st Division Solo at Solo and Ensemble Contest 2. Young Life, Band - 1st Division Solo and Ensem- ble Contest, FT A, District Band, Region Band 3. Young Life, Band - 1st Division Ensemble at Solo and Ensemble Contest, Spanish Club, District Band, Swim Team 4. Band, 1st Division Ensemble at Solo and Ensem- ble Contest, Spanish Club MARVEL, BETH ANN MASSEY, RANDAL WAYNE 1. Football, Tennis, Never Study Club 2. Tennis, Cycle Club, Toklein Reader 3. Tennis, Cycle Club, Pan-Time Jock, J.D. Fan Club - Pooh's Park 4. Tennis - 1st Place in Zone (Singles), Colorado Springs, the "Brothers," Bamboo Hut, 5-in-a- Capri MERKLE, GREGORY OWEN 1. Football, B Team Basketball, Track 2. JV Football, Track 3. JV Football, Track, Lead Bass in Chorus 4. 2 Weeks Varsity Football, Track, Economics Award MERRIFIELD, ELAINE 1. Band, Wind Ensemble, District Band, Region Solo 213 and Ensemble Medalist, Freshman Initiation, Honor Roll 2. Symphonic Band, District Band, Region Band, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist, PAPER TIGER Staff, TIGERLAND Staff, Honor Roll 3. Symphonic Band, District Band, Region Band, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist, Tri-State Ensemble Medalist, Cotton Pageant Duchess (Rotary Club), PSAT-NMSQT Letter of Commen- dation, TIGERLAND Staff, Quill and Scroll - Secretary, Honor Roll 4. Symphonic Band, Region Solo and Ensemble Medalist, TIGERLAND - Editor, 1st Place Activ- ities Spread at SHSU Summer Workshop: 3rd in State in Yearbook Theme Development, Balfour Outstanding Yearbook Staff Member Award, Yearbook's Outstanding Staff Member Award, Quill and Scroll - Secretary, Bank of A&M Scholarship, Opponunity A wards Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Honor Roll, Band Letter, Enrichment Program MILLER, GAIL LOUISE MOORE, MARGARET ANN 1. Band (Letter), Band Ensemble Medalist, Stage Band, Band Council, Cheerleader, Freshman Class President, Student Council, 3rd Place UlL Ready Writing, Track, Basketball (Lake Dallas High School) 2. Band (Letter), Band Ensemble Medalist, An Club 3. Band (Letter), Band Ensemble Medalist, Bengal Belles, Outstanding Member of Company A, NHS, German Club, Orchestra for" South Pacific" 4. Band (Letter), Band Ensemble Medalist, Stage Band, Sr. Representative on Band Council, Ben- gal Belles - 1st Lt., NHS - Vice-President, Stu- dent Council, German Club, Outstanding Student Council Representative of the Year MORRISON, RICHARD KENNETH MUEGGE, RONALD HENRY MUNIZ, MIGUEL TENORIO MURRA Y, MARTHA JANE NEELLEY, PAMELA DARICE 1. Student Council, Band, Intermediate Region Band, UlL Medalist, Powderpuff. Class Favorite, FTA 2. Student Council, Band, UlL Medalist, Powder- puff, Cla~ Favorite, FT A - Treasurer, Home- coming Nominee, Track Coun 3. Student Council, Class Favorite, Nominee, DECA 4. Student Council - Recording Secretary, DECA - Vj.c::e President, !J;ack Coun, 1st Runner-up . H?~ecoming .Queen, Cotton Pageant Duchess - Princess in Cqtton Court, Most Beautiful, Miss CHS, Lion's Club Representative in Queen's Con- test 214 OLREE, KENNETH C. OWEN, CHARLES SIGLER, II OXLEY, CLAIRE 1. Beginning Choir, All-Region Choir, Maggie in "Brigadoon." Tiger Troupe 2. Concen Choir, All-District Choir, Tiger Troupe, International Thespian Society 3. Concert Choir, Drama Club, International Thes- pian Society. National Arion A ward, Member of Folk Group of Choir, Gold Medal at Solo and Ensemble, Three Year Graduate PERKINS, LESLIE SHANNON 1. Band, Powderpuff 2. Band, Brass Choir, Powderpuff, FT A, An Club, Props for "Brigadoon, " Young Life 3. UlL Solo and. Ensemble Medalist, Brass Choir, Tri-State Solo and Ensemble Medalist, Treasurer forFTA, Girl's Choir 4. Band, UlL Solo and Ensemble Medalist, Orches- tra for "Little Mary Sunshine, " Girl's Choir, Treasurer for HERO/FHA I i r I ,iff' PETERSON, PEGGY PFANNSTIEL, ROBIN WALTER 1. Beginning Chorus 2. Concen Choir, All- District and All-Region Choir, Powderpuff "Bengal Belle" Captain, UIL Solo Medalist, Madrigal, Tennis, "Brigadoon," State Ensemble Medalist 3. Concen Choir, All-District and All-Region Choir, PAPER TIGER, Baseball, Madrigals (1st at Region), "South Pacific," French Achievement Certificate, Quill and Scroll Society, Perfect Attendance 4. Concert Choir, Paper Tiger Co-Editor, Varsity Baseball Letterman, Madrigals (1st at Region), UIL Solo Medalist, NHS, Quill and Scroll Vice- President, All-District Choir, ILPC Proficiency Citation for Paper Tiger Column, Second Place in Lions Club Variety Show, Arts Council French Award, University National Bank Vocal Award, Honorable Mention in Poetry Contest, Kiwanis _ _~,!al!IlIllI I - Club Essay Contest Winner (2nd Place), EAGLE'S Most Valuable Staffer Award, Elk's Youth Gov- ernment Day PHELAN, VANESSA POWELL, STEPHEN FORREST PUTZ, DONNA GAIL RASKA, ROBIN MORGAN RA y, KENNETH ROY RENNICH, ROBERT RUDOLPH RICHARDSON, CLAYTON EUGENE ROBINSON, SA V ANNAH LINA 1. Band 2. Band 3. Band, Bengal Belles, NHS, Dance Committee, Liat in "South Pacific" 4. Band, Bengal Belles, NHS, Dance Committee, NMS Finalist ROBINSON, MARK NEIL 1. Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track 2. Football, Powderpuff Twirler, Track 3. Football 4. Football, Baseball ROOP, DAVID ALAN 2 . Madrigals, Frank in "Brigadoon" 3. Madrigals, Professor in "South Pacific," All- District Choir, Lettered in Choir, Summer Jour- nalism Workshop at SHSU 4. NHS, Co-Editor of Paper Tiger, President of Quill and Scroll, Vice-President of Choir, Slim in "Little Mary Sunshine," All-District Choir, First in District Feature Writing, Lions Club Jour- nalism Award, Special Director's Award (Choir), Madrigals ROSSER, JOHN THOMAS RUCKER, TOMMY RAY SCHNEIDER, DAVID VERNON SHANNON, ROBIN BRADEN SICILIa, MARK STEPHEN 1. Freshman Football, Tennis, Powderpuff Cheer- leader, Honor Roll 2. Tennis, SpanIsh Club, Sophomore Magazine Sales Group Leader, Powderpuff Cheerleader, Honor Roll 3. Junior Class President, NHS, Concen Choir, All- District Choir, Madrigals, "South Pacific, " Spanish Club, Honor Roll, Most School Spirit, Nominated for Class Favorite and Most Friendly, Tennis 4. Senior Class President, NHS, Tiger, Student Council, Honor Roll, Concert Choir, "Little Mary Sunshine," Spanish Club, Tennis, Most V aluable Player, Honor Student, Kiwanis Club Student of the Month, School Wit, Most School Spirit, Most Friendly SICILIO, MIMI 1. Student Council, Tigerettes, Swim Team, Region Finalist, State AAA Runner-up, Class 215 Secretary, Spanish Club, Tennis Team, Powder- puff. Freshman Initiation 2. Student Council, 2nd Lt. Tigerettes, Swim Team, Tennis Team, Spanish Club, Powderpuff, Choir, UIL State Solo in Piano 3. Cheerleader, Swim Team, Region Runner-up, State Qualifier, State AAA 1st in Diving, Tennis Letter, Runner-up at District, Spanish Club, Choir, NHS, Most School Spirit 4. Head Cheerleader, Tennis Team, 1st in District, Choir, Choir Accompanist, NHS, Most School Spirit, Honor Sweater A ward, Cutest Couple SIMS, DELANER FA YE SLA YDON, CYNTHIA ROSE 1-3. Forest Park High School 4. Captain of Tiger Troupe, Cenificate for Tiger Troupe, Drama Club, President's Club, Office Assistant (Award) SLOAN, SHARON CAMILLE 1. FHA, Band 2. FT A, Band, Powderpuff, Young Life 3. Band, All-District Band, FTA, Service Award 4. Symphonic Band, Twirler, Service A ward, FT A Treasurer, Girl's Choir SMITH, ELIZABETH JANE STEWERT, BRENDA F AlE STRIBLING, MARK LYLE STUBBLEFIELD, TOMMY WAYNE SUTPHEN, LISA GAY TABER, STEPHEN WELTON TATUM, SANDRA DIANE TAYLOR, GERALD TEER, JAMES WARREN 1. Tennis, Football, Student Council, Powderpuff Cheerleader 2. Tennis, Powderpuff Cheerleader 3. Tennis, District Champs Doubles 4. Tennis, 2nd Place District Doubles TINER, WAYNE REYNOLDS 1. Band, Golf 2. Golf 3. Varsity Golf - District 11-AAA Champions (Team) - 2nd Medalist District 11-AAA Golf 4. Varsity Golf - 1st Medalist Columbus Tourney, District ll-AAA Golf Co-Champs, 1st Medalist District 11-AAA Golf, Photo Club TOTH, PATRICIA LYNN TREA T, WILLIAM JAY 1. Student Council, Football, Basketball, Track 2. Football, Basketball 3. Lettered in Basketball, Tennis, Boys' State 4. Lettered in Basketball. UPHAM, BRUCE D<?UGLAS . VERNON, JANIS KATHRYN 1. "BAnd, Girl's Basketball, Powderpuff 2. Band, Ensemble Medalist, Tigerland Turntable, Powderpuff 216 3. Band, Tigerland Turntable, Bengal Belles 4. Band, Tigerland Turntable, Bengal Belles - Sec- retary - Treasurer VOHS, CONSTANCE LEA WALKER, ALEX DARROW 2. JV Basketball 3. Basketball, JV All-Tournament, Sound Effects for" South Pacific" 4. Basketball, Letter, FLA Volleyball Team WATKINS, SUSAN BETH 1. Honor Roll, French Club 2. Honor Roll, UIL Typing Participant, French Club 3. Honor Roll, Accounting Award 4. Honor Roll, Shorthand Award, UIL Shorthand _ 3rd Place District, Regional Participant, DAR Scholarship A ward, Office Assistant WEBB, DEBRA ANN WEBB, LISA WILBORN, FRANCES ANN WILLIAMS, GAIL WILLIAMS, ROBERT LEE 1. Freshman Football, Baseball 2. Footbat'l 3. Football - Letter 4. Football - Letter, Varsity Captain, Vice-Presi- dent FCA WILLIAMS, VICKI LEE 1. JV Basketball, Choir 2. JV Basketball, Pep Squad - Lt. 3. Choir - District, Solo, Spanish Club, HECE/ FHA, HERO 4. Choir - 1 at Solo and Ensemble, HERO President, Black Awareness Vice-President, Reporter, His- torian, Soul Sister, HERO Advisory Committee, II ,; i I i I ./ , 'I 'I it i ~ Presidents Club, FHA WILLIAMSON , CAROLYN DIXON (SISSY) 1. Student Council, Girl's Basketball, Powderpuff, FT A, Pep Squad, Freshman Favorite 2. Student Council, Powderpuff, FT A, Cheer- leader, Sophomore Favorite 3. Student Council, FT A Secretary, Cheerleader, TIGERLAND Staff, Homecoming Court, Friendli- est, Junior Favorite, NHS, Three Year Graduate, Quill and Scroll WOODS, DOUGLAS GENE WOMACK, LAURA JEAN YORK, FREDENA WADE YOUNG, CLIFFORD ALAN ZINGARO, LISA LORRANINE ZWOLINSKI. BRUNO JEFFREY 1. Band, Region Solo Medalist, Swim Team 2. Band, Swim Team, Water Polo Team 3. Band, Region Solo Medalist, All- District Band, Swim Team, "South Pacific" .Cast and OI.fhes- tra, Water Polo Team, Kiwanis Outstanding Boy Award for Band 4. Band, Band Letter, Water Polo Team, Student Council - Treasurer, Choir, Photographer, Band Beau 217 Congratulations to the Class of 1974 . ~ UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK ..- liOn the Side of the Tigers" 220 In the Brazos Valley ill ICfdhi CUSTOM OOT MAKERS >~ " ,LETE SHO AIR SER VICE -PF;;P and" PORTAe}: SHOES MEN AND flBIG l~OYS" (Sizes to 14 Av4ailable) JUSTIN BOOTS L I!':.~ ' LEATHER GOODS " HOLICK'S, BOOT SHOP "". A k'M Since 1891 North Gate ,0 College Station 846-6721 MINS CL.OTH'N~~'NCi II aaVAN - TIXAS 221 v AND ~~~N ASSOCIATION:I Station, Te~197840 (713) 846-7774' 222 EDGE'S "ON THE CO'RNER" <ne Clothes ~or5e) 3801 E. 29th Street Headquaners for Tires and Service I.. ... \,[\ f\'i.~lJ) : j~ /1 2;t:&. Tex.. Avenue an:\. Office <lI.'.i; Bryan, Texas 77801'. 223 .1 I Elaine Merrifield Jody Linger Jeff Haislet Recognition A ward Recipients Counesy of BANKOFA&M, I!:I BRYAN BUILDING & LOAN ^ S S 0 C ^ T o N 2800 Texas Ave. 713/822.0181 114 South Bryan ~~. 225 Bryan, Texas 77801 ~~,.i THE ~I!,.;lage EMPLO' 1706 TEXAS' Ii. . 'LROOM 205 . , f 713-822-9125 UR PRODUCT" ." ~ Weddings 226 I t' {; iiiIiilt.!lliiIIfI; & Country 'II , "Thank you for shopping Woolworth!" 110 N. Main.' T APOTHECARY 'Ik' re With the Big Discounts Texas Avenue Telephone 823-0029 227 .,.. Pruitt's . Southside and Redmond Terrace 228 r . HARDY IARDENS YOUR COMPLETE LAWN AND GARDEN CENTER 1127 VILLA MARIA RD. BRYAN PHON E 846.8319 2301 TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STATION PHONE 846-1932 II II 303 College A venue {!;fb MOORE BUSINESS FORMS. INC. EMBREY'S JEWELRY 415 UNIVERSITY DRIVE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 846-5816 Ke'eps'ake. DIAMO". I'MGI ROYCE HUDSON. 'INSURANCE Room 208 ..:1"\ Bryan.Building and Loan .J 229 Best Wishes to the Class of 1974 . I ALEnco Aluminum PRODUCTS A DMSlon OF REDmAn InDUSTRIES. Inc. BFn'Rn.TEXAS 77801 230 "~no t ISland of refresh."el1 GOOD FOOD - FAST SERVICE DINE IN YOUR CAR OR IN OUR DINING ROOM THE HOME OF liTHE BURGER FAMll Y" AND FROSTED ROOT BEER MUGS OPEN 11 A.M. . MIDNIGHT SUNDAYS 2 P.M. - MIDNIGHT PHONE 1846-33331 FO~ ORDERS TO GO 2 BLKS. NORTH OF TEXAS A&M CAMPUS AND RAMADA INN AT 4611 S. TEXAS AVENUE r r ...' ,,' ~Dair CongratUI Good-LUck Seni Right On.Se Good-LuckS Ditt Congratulatioiis Seniors , Dr.lJ. R. Parker iP . CongratulatIons Class 0 Mr. and Mrs. Davis M€ ill Good Luck - Bud Dentin .J 231 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH College Station Welcomes You WITH A PROGRAM FOR YOUTH - Coffeehouses in the Fall- Singing Groups - Musicals - Retreat - A Summer Youth Director - Summer Trips to Glorieta and Ridgecrest - Youth Rap Sessions - Banquets -- Adults that Listen - Fellowship - Specia I Bible Study - Recreation 232 ~ ~ n II ~ I D G I. CHERYL CUNNINGHAM Stage Crew KARREN EARHART DIANA VAN CLEAVE VALERIE HEWITT Directors and Producers Directors and Producers Juniors Activities Activities MARLA GAMMON Notable Performances RENAI BAKER Crews Freshmen SISSY WILLIAMSON Crews Juniors ..,~ . ELAINE MERRIFIELD Editor Senior'In?e,x and Opening TOSHIKO ICHIVE Seniors Leading Roles NOT PICTURED PAM PATH - Ads/ Business Manager KA THY ANDERSON - Sophomores 233 ... ~ 1\ il 'II :1 I II :1 r ii' III II' ~ ...' . ' -0 t'"".. ...' '. , .J ~I Y JSP ~9 ~/ .,ffl' Y ? ~ ~. T~ c/' / '" / 1 ~r: ~JY~. ~. CJ . .~\, , .,... . ..1 ~ '\ 1 ~ ~', v Y~l .,.'. . . , , J r