HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummer Water Carnival, First, 1949 ,,- , -,~ -, '-'~"-<-"-. - "~ ~,._' r.l ~ " , .. FROORAM . "'''~'-. ."': FmsT S~ W~T~t: CAENIVAL July 14. ~9.49 . . -"dJr: SPONSORED BY THE COI.LEnE stATION' RECREJfONAL COUNCIL f.' SWIMMING COMMITTEE: Mrs. P'red Hale - Chairman; Mrs~' G. H. Draper, Mrs. R. B. Hioketson, 'Mrs. J. W. Potts, Mr. H. W. Barlow', Mr. Sam ClelJd, Mr. R. W. Steen, Art Adamson - Swimming, Coaoh, >>nil MamaJriga - Diving Coach,'~s. Reinarz - Synchr<imized Swimming Coach . tEi. : .;" . . "f.. _ . S1JGGESTION: for enj oying, the carn1v~".." Pick a teall\ JlBroon or white ~nd' cheer it to victoif ~ ;'j; Event I .. Awarding of Turtle Badges by Mrs. Fred Hale to Jack Burns, Michael lltlGuire, Diokson Pa:f:,'" Rona:r,l Coleman, Larry Leighto~, C,parles' Tigner, Susan Greula ","Karl lfpppess, Nl1ncy Terrell, F:t'a~ Barnes, Walter Dalberg, W~ ' Dalberg, Jim Simpson, Bob Allen; Bi+l Armstead, Erne~;,~zer, Vicki Gl'eulack, Judy .Litton, Walter Ba~es 0..,: Ev~nt II - Boys 13 and under, 2 lengths F:teestyle i;/)~;""~ 6 Tommy Tertell .. ~roon, 7 Skippy Fletcher":~~QOn. .' 8 Tom Barlo\'l <Ii ,'Ma,~ -~/f;(l}' nh1;<;,.J/ "Ih;:- 9 Albert Stovens"~ ~ Lane I Wartter Dalberg - White 2 Pete lIickman -, Vlhi te 3 Jerry Odon - White 4 Don Draper .. Maroon, 5 John Robt. Smith - MaroOft>,;, , pomS SCORE · 6 - 4 .. :3 - 2 .. 1 Event ill Girls 13 and urider 2 lengths Backstroke Lane 1 Pam Wilson - White 2 Ann Copelam, ... White 3. Marian Gaddis'. White 6 Rdsemary Lenert - Maroon 7 Martha Terrell - Maroon ,8 ~ancy Hale - Maroon " ,POINTS SCORE 6 - 4 ..' 3 -':2 - 1 Everit IV - Exhibition of Synchronized Sui~ng a. Entry into water - group ,tloat - lick across PO?}: in unison (uhole class) ,'. Breastroke and surface dive by Am HickeJ;s,on ard; Na~cy Hale Barrel Roll (Variations' of CrQwi'slroke) Kay Parx.lland Eleanor Priee Side stroke and English overarm ,- ''Sue Anna BinneY'> am Marilyn Floeclft Double Trudgeon ~,Rosemary Lenert .i. Oarolyn LaOOis8" , Back Crawl - Back Somersault.. Mary"Jo Par,~ons' .. Madalyn Gaines BepkCrawl - Linda Potts and Nanef Hoppe'ss " , Siamese Cra'wl - J el1n Penberthy .,;' lugenia Rush b. c. d, ., e~ f. . g. 'h., Evem:.:,'V '~e . Length Backstr~ke',~reray by Low InterllM>diate IrA", 4- swimmers oaCh to S\iriJll ane ~ I Ii I . ] II Evont tx History of Swimming Dog Paddle by: Susan Greulack~' John Hamner, Ada Vlhitworth, Richard Reiser Backstroke by: Dave Bonnen - Tom Terrell , Sidestroke by: Barry Belcher, Gail Schlesselman, Martha Fletchor, Jack McNeeley, Stuart Helvey English Overarm by: Pam Wilson - Barbara Birdwell Trudegon Crawl by: Dorothy Spriggs, Pete Hickman American Crawl by: Robert Cleland, Nancy Hale Event X EXHIBITIONS OF DIVING BY BEN TROTTER, JOHN LYON, DON DRAPER, MARTHA TERRELL, ANN OIBANNON, FRANCIS SIMEK Event XI Boys 13 and under 2 lengths Breast 1 Joe Steen - White 5 Tom Bl1rlow - Maroon 3. Tommy Terrell - Maroon 7 Dickie Hickerson - Maroon POINTS SCORE 5 - 3 - 1 Event XII mY' INTERMEDIATE liB" ONE ViIDTH FREESTYLE RELAY 4 Swimmers each to Swim One Width White Team # 1 White Team # 2 White Team # 3 David Jones TIinifred McIlroy George Sousares Donald Burchard Alternate: - Gail Schlesselman Richard Miller Rita Hughes Stuart Helvey Ken Potts Sonia Stadelmann POlly Cnrney Jack Smith Warner Dalberg Alternate: - Barry Belcher Maroon Team # 1 Maroon Team # 2 Fred Anderson Sandra Mcilroy Paul Bourns Rosemary Lenert Alternate: - Jack McNeely POINTS SCORE ON THIS EVENT 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Pat V1hitworth Ann Southern 'Vielton Jones Dan Bourns Alternate: - Martha Fletcher Event XIII Comedy Act - Scotty Potter, Gayle Klipple, Patsy Bonnen, Fred 1l.nderson Event XIV High Intermediate One Length Backstroke Relay 4 Swimmers Each to Swim One Length White Team # 1 White Team # 2 Lane :3 Skippy Fletcher Ann Schlcsselmnn Bon Trotter Jerry Oden Lane 1 l~rian Gaddis Leigh Price EJ,eanor Price Dickie Blank Maroon Team # 2 Lane 7 Bobby ~ilkins Bet.h Penberthy J olm ~~TO:l Jolm Robort Smith .' Maroon Team /I 1 Lone 5 Barbara Miller Dick Hickman Richard Smith Craig 'Thompson, Maroon T<?8m # 3 Lane 9 Marilyn Floeck Martha Terrell Don Draper George Boyett POINTS SCORE 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 lttt GOO D N I G H T t111