HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnual Dog and Pet Show ..TH AnNUAL DOG AND PEr SHC'vV .- of the A. & M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Date: .Saturday, Novemb~r 20J 1943 Time: 7:00 P.E. Place: Animal Husbandry Pavilion on A. & M. College Campus Entries: All dogs and pets to be entered must be brought to ~h~ West entrance to the Pavilion not later than 6:30 P.~. the date of the show~ All dogs must be on leash. A~~rds: Each breed of dog or pet will be judged in separate class and ribbons will be awa~ded for first, second, and third places. A ribbon will also be awarded for the best ir.l. each group. Groups: 1. SPORTING DOG GROUP - Pointers, Setters, Spaniels, etc. 2. SPaRr ING DOG (HOUND) GROUP - Beagle, Blood Hound, Deer Hound, Fox Hou.Tld~ etc. 3. WORKING DOG GROUP - Collie, Doberman Shepherd (Police Dog), Great Dane, etc. ~- 4. TERRIERS G. JUP - Airedale, Bull, Fox, Irish, Scottish, etc. ;i, 5. TOY GROUP - Chihuahua, Pekingese, Pomeranian, etc. 6. NON-SPaRrING GROUP - Boston Terrier, Bulldog, PoodleJ Chowchow, etc. 7. CROSS BRED DOGS 10. PUPPIES 8. MUTTS 11. CATS 9. TRIC K DOGS 12. arHER PEl'S In Addition - Special ribbons will be awarded for the following: ~. Best dog in the shaw. 2. Best other pet in the show. 3. Most unusual entry in the show. 4. Best exhibitor in the show. Judging: Judging will begin promptly at 8 P.M. Judges are Dr. H. J. Flategual and Dr. H. S~ Martin. ~,Proceeds ,from admission anq sale of refreshments go to the Motpers'. Club of the . ~. ~ M. Consolidated School. The show is sponsored by the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grades. . ..A.<hn.issiODt , ", C hildr-en l<iJt - Adul t.s 25;