HomeMy WebLinkAboutProgress Report, 1942-1943 PROGRESS RECORD A. & M. CONSOLIDATED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .~ 1942-1943 ,y Ffi"L"S NAME -:u?f~--~~ Grade~0_-=___ Promoted tonnk_nn Retaim.d innnnn__n_ ---1tIJM_.--!h~LJ~~--~n- 1-7~ PrIV.pal --~--~~------------ -------- o Teacher This progress Record is being introduced in the hope that the child the parent, and the t~acher may gain a better understanding of the child's educational development. On this card you will find li!;;ted skills, attitudes, and habits necessary for satisfactory living. Grades in sub- jects have be~n omitted becam,'e these marks represent comparison of one child's work with another and do not show 'progress in the child's school life. The checks on this card re.present the teacher's e~:timate of :rour child's progrss in school. Any check other than "s'atisfactory pro- gress" should receive your immediate. consideratiol1. You are urged to discui';s your child's progress with his teacher. .... -" FIRST SIX WEEKS Teacher's Comment Parent's Comment and Signature , ,~/kt.l(~ THIRD SIX 'WEEKS I I ~ Teilcher's Comment Parent's Comment and Signature ,.iI ~j-.r. ~ .\ FIFTH SIX WEEKS T"acher's Comment g: I .\ ~ ) Parent's Comment and Signature /~~J~ ~ { , I, t. J' , ,. \... 1\ . SECOND SIX WEEKS Teacher's Comment Parent's Comment and Signature Ihv.} _ c>. ~ II F0URTH SIX WEEKS Teacher's Comment , 4 Parent's Comment and Signature lJu.1C.~ ~~: II SIXTH SIX WEEKS Teacher's Comment -- Parent's Comment and Signature ATTENDANCE RECORD Six Wks 11th Six Wks voJt:;1.VS P rC3en t .jY~ ~ \Ii11ws Absent ") .,. Times Tardy :1.3 ~- o :J. 7 o '.st Six "'ks. 2nd ~1'C Wks 3rd Six Wks 4th Six Wks 5th :;.r ..!l.. :10 b .2.. o / ( :J.Y' .2. :2. A ~ 30 C) (!) t. 1st Six "'k, :':ufl SIx Wks 3,.d Six 'Wkp Itl, <;1" Wks/ C,th Six 'Wks 6th Six Wk)' - ., ., ., ~ ., - ., > > > > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... bO "'- b/) Co ~ C. b/) Co ~ a. ~. .., >. <= E >. " .s >. <= E >. " " C E to .5 .... .;: .... .... -;: .... -;: .., .... -;: .::: .;: .... -;: 0 0 0 0 c c ~~ >> 0 ....i/i. 0 0 "'Ol 0 B "'Ol 0 0 "'71 0 0 "'Ol C o' ATTITUDES i5. ... t~ r.r. ... .... "Ol .... ~~ .... .... "Ol .... .... t..'oc. .... .... , AND HABITS ... "'" "'- oj'" p, Ol P, Ol oj., P, 0: <('" P, Ol ....... E oJ: ......... E Ol ........ E ........ i:: ........ E ........ g ~b.O 'tl ~~ "" !3~ "" ~~ "" :P~ "" ~~ "" ....0 .... ., .... '" .... '" .... ",. .... OJ .... '" oj.... ., oj.... ., ...... OJ oj.... '" oj.... ., oj.... ., rJJP< '" Z ooP< Ol ~ .20.. Ol ~ ooP-. Ol Z 000.. Ol Z u;P< Ol Z" >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< .... HE-\I.TH HABI ~. " KE'f\ps neat a i........ J~ V clean I/' V V- ii 2. Is ohysically t-- f normal v 1- .".- ,bO' L' .' :l. T-lR,r-; g-o(ld ~elf. control V' - V' ",.,. V- V ---- 4. Is usually hap ~ ...... t.- .... t,- V- --- SOCIAL HABIT~ V Iv- 1. Is c1ependable It--- V- - I/' I 2. Is desirably I independent V - V- i -- V- - I 3. Is considerate f others IV' ,- V c,....-- V - i -- 4. Practices good Iv - citizenship V'" I~ I ....... V- i I WORK HABTT~ , 1. \Vorks well w'~ ..-/ y .... ,--- oth ers I - - I 2. Works well a] ~ ~ - v -- -- 3. Makes good u. r t- 1,- time .... I...... I "" - 1. Takes good ca 1.....- I Iv of property ~ Iv - V" 5. Follows direc- V tions ,....- ~ ~ ~ .......... 6. Docs work car .- fully V ,/ y '- ...... e--- 7. Finishes work ,..... ....--- ~ V l--- y s. Shows 'lbillty 0 v --- attack and solv 1.- I {,....'- ,p' i- t-- problems f~ l~ ~(, ~ II 1'1 1st Six Wk> "~Ild Six \Vksl lrd Six \Vks Hh Six 'Wk, ith Six \Vks Jth Six Wks ., ;:: > > " > > > I 0 0 0 c 0 0 ... ... .... ... ... .... b.O P, bO e bO .:. bO Co ~c P, ~o "'" >. " E ;.. :: " >. <= E >. <= ~ >. .5 E t <= i:: .... .;: .... .... -;: ... .... '> .... .... .;;: ... .... -;: .... 0 0 0 0 0 > 0 ~~ 0 0 "'OJ c 0 ~~ 0 0 ....v; 0 0 ..... c 0 "'Ol 0 B SK1LLS ... '" "Ol .... ... ~ .... " ., .... .... t.:'-".l .. .... C)lj.1 .... ::. ., '" "" "., <1'" P, ol<. "'- oj., ::>. ~~ E 71 ........ f. OJ ........ 10 '" ....... E Ol ....... E: Ol ....... 1: OJ 'tl ~~ 'tl ~~ 'l:l =~ 'tJ ~~ '<,. OObt. 't:l _bl: .... ., H " .... OJ .... ., >-< ., ::;0' >-< ., ....0 oj... ., oj'" rr. ., r%P: Ol ., UiP: '" '" oj'" ., oj'" OJ '" ooP-. 71 Z ooP-. Z Z ~ {lJP-' OJ Z ooP-. Zt >-< H .... .... >-< >-< .---. 1. Gets thought f 'q!P" V ;--.... I printed pagE' V V V- 2. Child's indlvld aj...... Iv y ,- V' -- re"ding speed I 3. Reeognlzes wor s V V r V - with meaning .." I , , Use of dletlonal vV- V' IV J/ - -- I V- k"", V I V' ./ - I i 5. Reads good bo V- I .f , ....... ,. ./ -.... i, 6. Reads well alo ~.." V- J' 7. converSatiO~al - t.- V' I V .... ~ I\! English Y' p' ....- \ V- i J/ I '" V- 8. \VrJtten Englls J,.o' -- 9. Funp.t1onal gra p- V' 1/, .' i V- I ... y , mar '- V' - --- I . 10. "'ritlng in all V V J....- V .... V - ~[:per~ - J )1. Speliing- In all P", - ~ ,........ ".... .... V . : papers --- - 12. Fundal1wntal p c- j.../ , 1)"" .J/' 4:S- -. I, eesses in arith V- b' ~ --- . 13. SolYing arithen I~ V -- V probleuJ.s V- V - ..--. I .- 14. Acti\ f> Interest bv 1"/ V V 1__ hist':I'Y and eiv V - 15. Active Interest 1....-- IV" J.- - geograph~' V- i/' -.. .-- , j16. Active Interest n - t.- V - - science "... \ I 17. Partielpa tes In rt iIY t.- ..... -- \ activities ~ V I 'I: , 18. Participates In I V j/ (./ - II music activitie ~ -- ,.- - l~iJ:.i"PMeS In - 19. V /...-"- ......- , uq'i'H""a:ctlvities ,.... !t-- ~ -"--- ~W ~ 11" Is this ~~!~ pas~ ':~ r? % .....<I It II.... , in If.. 4 ~kl. nVrHo ' ;"r ., ,.. , L-. , . . v t .~ V , '\' ~ '~~ J~ II ,\ :( I ,1;, J '11 j, 1 I~ lr .1 \1 I) J