HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Lights 020905Cit T Thi 1. st For Cit is By TONY HUDDLESTON Battalion Staff Writer The College Station City Coun- cil agreed Monday night to help fund the cost of street lighting for the western part of the cam- pus. The Council agreed to pay a third of the estimated $38,666 cost for lighting, after David Wilks, president of the Civilian Student Council, delivered a mes- sage from A &M President Earl Rudder, that the u n i v e r s i t y "would compromise with the coun- cil on the cost." The proposal was to be submitted by the council to President Rudder for a de- cision as to whether A &M will pay the other two thirds of the cost. The Council also stipulated that the university contact the Texas Highway Department to see if the proposed lighting sys- ' tem meets its standards. City Manager Ran Boswell pointed out that the lighting system must meet the highway department re- quirements because it would be located on farm road 2154 right of way. Wilks also read a report by Officer J. D. Gossett of Campus Security that said that the the A &M enforcement unit had been forced to double its surveillance in the western area of the campus because of the high rate of thefts. The report noted that the number of thefts had doubled since Janu- ary, and it added that if adequate lighting was not installed soon, the thefts would double again. The Council voted to accept $82,067 payment from the City of Bryan for the transfer of a 20 -inch water line into the Bryan city limits from College Station. The Council also approved the combining of the offices of fire chief and fire marshal. Mayor D. A. "Andy" Anderson noted that there had been a conflict between the two offices in the investigation of fires, and that only one office was now needed. I Fire Chief Elwood Sevinson was appointed to fill the combined office. The Council also agreed to hold a public hearing May 26 to decide on whether or not to establish a Mobile Home Park District in College Station.