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Hazards to Avoid
hazards to avoid, polio virus POLIO COIITl"UIO HAZARDS TO AVOID :.......A .~ ocO\n.J;n 1'001..5 may iaCnllL>04 rnanClel o( .00000iri~ tM polio ,lru~ t"itbtr (rOGl dllCCl COIItaCI or fl'tlJtl the ""If-f. "htcla UlA1 be: tonlalDWIN b,- ..all", 1(,\ v,' ;\1I...i: 1M" lK' (l(ll'IlalDiAl~1 b) in..oc~ or b, ~ oul ollho air. ~ O\'ElU'.\iICUI-: (101:1 ICJo) "'f'. OUt tlla,. "e4~" rc-.i,lanc<: II) \"in.. TIJ:'\SII.U:CTO)t\' in . UIllD1cr ta n.L.. DIo&) (,Ic:~,ue'ml' or .ll&d. l"l.n::; rury \iru.. 11~)' IIC a..' or in(~lr',n. J.'CoOIJ ,'."ul.J to!! CXlH