HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-2902 - Ordinance - 06/08/2006 ORDINANCE NO. 2902 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART!: PART 2: PART 3: That Chapter !2, "Unified Development Ordinance," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibits "A" through "0", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance shall become effective July 3,2006, such effective date being not less than ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 8th day of June, 2006. APPROVED: ~J~~ RON "\l1\, Mayor APPROVED: ~fi'~N~ Ity Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 2 Exhibit "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 3.15 "Administrative Adjustment" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraph B to read as follows: "3.15 Administrative Adjustment B. Applicability The Administrator shall have the authority to authorize adjustments of up to ten percent (10%) from any dimensional standards set forth in Section 5.2 Residential Dimensional Standards, Section 5.4 Non-Residential Dimensional Standards, and Section 5.7 Design District Dimensional Standards of this UDO. Any adjustment request greater than ten percent (10%) shall be treated as a variance handled by the Zoning Board of Adjustment subject to the requirements of Section 3.16, Variances." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 3 EXHIBIT "B" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 5.5 "Planned Districts (P-MUD and PDD)," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraph C to read as follows: "5.5 Planned Districts (P-MUD and POD) c. Planned Development District (POD): The purpose of the Planned Development District is to promote and encourage innovative development that is sensitive to surrounding land uses and to the natural environment. If this necessitates varying from certain standards, the proposed development should demonstrate community benefits. The PDD is appropriate in areas where the land use plan reflects the specific commercial or residential uses proposed in the PDD. A PDD may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land utilization not permitted by other zoning districts. While greater flexibility is given to allow special conditions or restrictions that would not otherwise allow the development to occur, procedures are established to insure against misuse of increased flexibility. A PDD should not be used to: 1. Guarantee specific site or building characteristics within a development; 2. Apply additional development standards to a single site; or 3. Vary from certain development standards unless community benefits outweigh the requested modifications." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 4 EXHIBIT "e" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 5.7 "Design District Dimensional Standards," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "5.7 Design District Dimensional Standards The following table establishes dimensional standards that shall be applied within the Design Districts, unless otherwise identified in this UDO: NG-l NG-2 NG-3 WPC 2,400 SF ~4' 100' ~S' (H) None (A) 15' Minimum Lot Area Minimum lot Width Minimum Side Setback Notes: (A) Lot line construction on interior lots is allowed where access to the rear of the building is provided on the site or by dedicated right-of-way or easement. (B) Minimum/maximum setback from the back of any curb, including lots with single frontage, lots with double frontage, and corner lots with multiple frontages. (C) If the width of any public easement or right-of-way is in excess of the maximum setback, the maximum setback will be measured from the edge of the public easement or right-of-way. (D) Maximum setback from back of curb for University Drive is twenty-five feet (25'), Wellborn is thirty-five feet (35') and one hundred feet (100') for South College. (E) When cafe seating is between the cafe's building and a right-of-way, the building may be setback a maximum of thirty-five feet (35'). (F) This area calculation shall not include any lot area encumbered by required easements, setbacks, sidewalks, detention, or area dedicated to civic features. The area of a porch or arcade fronting a public street is included in the calculation of lot coverage. (G) The 2-story requirement shall not apply to structures existing on or before April 2, 2006." (H) Minimum front setback may be reduced to fifteen feet (15') when approved rear access is provided, or when side yard or rear yard parking is provided." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 5 EXHIBIT "0" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 6.3 "Specific Use Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraphs X.2.b, and 4 through 10 to read as follows: "6.3 Specific Use Standards X. Wireless Telecommunication Facility (WTF) 2. WTF Categories b. Intermediate Facilities 1) New transmission tower less than 35 feet (10.5 meters) in height. 2) New transmission tower that does not extend more than 35 feet (10.5 meters) in height above a support structure and that meets the definition of a stealth facility. 3) parabolic antenna over two (2) meters in diameter. 4) Omni-directional antenna (whip antenna greater than 6 inches in diameter and/or extending twelve feet (12') above the support stru ctu re. 5) Directional antenna more than one (1) meter measured across the longest dimension and extending over twelve feet (12') above support structure. 6) Attached WTFs. 7) Antenna collocating on an existing tower. 4. Requirements for Attached WTFs a. WTFs may attach to the exterior of any non-residential building within any zoning district provided the antenna and antenna support structure or equipment are mounted flush with the vertical exterior of the building or project no more than twenty-four inches (24") from the surface of the building to which it is attached and does not raise the height of the building more than ten feet (10') and does not violate the maximum height restriction of that zoning district. b. Any antenna meeting the stealth antenna definition of this ordinance and locating on an alternative mounting structure may attach to the exterior of any non-residential building within any zoning district with approval of the Administrator. c. If an antenna is installed on a support structure other than a tower, the antenna and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment must be of a neutral color that is identical to, or closely compatible with, the color of the supporting structure so as to make the antenna and related equipment as visually unobtrusive as possible. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 6 d. Application Procedures 1) An inventory of the applicant's existing and future towers that are either within the City, the City's ETJ, or within at least 1 mile of the City's boundary where the ETJ does not extend that far. The inventory shall include specific information about the location, design, and height of each tower. The owner must have on file with the Planning and Development Services Department a master list of all existing tower structures owned or controlled by the owner. Such list must specify the name, address and telephone number of the owner of record, the tower locations by address and legal description, tower height, the number of antenna arrays on the tower, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all other users of the tower structures. The Administrator may share such information with other applicants or organizations seeking to locate antennas within the City. 2) A site plan drawn to scale clearly indicating the location, height, and design of the proposed facility, equipment cabinets, transmission buildings and other accessory uses, access, parking, fences, and landscaped areas. 3) A visual impact analysis, presented as color photo simulations, showing the proposed site of the WTF. At least four views shall be submitted looking toward the site (typically north, south, east and west) including views from the closest residential property and from adjacent roadways. The photo-realistic representation shall depict a "skyline" view showing the entire height of the proposed tower or WTF to scale, and the structures, trees, and any other objects contributing to the skyline profile. 4) Plans for the antenna and the antenna tower shall be prepared and signed by a licensed professional engineer and designed to withstand sustained winds of at least 90 miles per hour. 5) All telecommunication facilities must meet or exceed the current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC, and any other agency of the Federal Government with the authority to regulate telecommunication facilities. An applicant for a permit shall submit an affidavit confirming compliance with applicable regulations. 5. Requirements for Collocation a. Intermediate facilities shall not exceed thirty-five feet (35'). b. If the existing tower has been determined to be stealth, the antenna must be integrated into the tower design as to retain the stealth designation. The Administrator will determine if the antenna is stealth. c. If an antenna is installed on a support structure other than a tower, the antenna and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment must be of a neutral color that is identical to, or closely compatible with, the color of the supporting structure so as to make the antenna and related equipment as visually unobtrusive as possible. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 7 d. Application Procedures 1) If not completely locating within an existing, fenced mechanical area, a site plan drawn to scale clearly indicating the location, height, and design of the existing facility, equipment cabinets, transmission buildings and other accessory uses, access, parking, fences, and landscaped areas. 2) Plans for the antenna shall be prepared and signed by a licensed professional engineer and designed to withstand sustained winds of at least ninety (90) miles per hour. 3) All telecommunication facilities must meet or exceed the current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC, and any other agency of the Federal Government with the authority to regulate telecommunication facilities. An applicant for a permit shall submit an affidavit confirming compliance with applicable regulations. 6. Requirements for New Transmission Towers a. Setbacks The standard setbacks for each zoning district will apply to WTFs with additional setbacks or separation being required in the sections below. To protect citizens in their homes, transmission towers shall be placed a distance equal to the height of the tower away from any residential structure. And, non-stealth towers shall be set back a distance equal to the height of the tower away from any R-1, R-1B, or R-2 zone boundary. b. Proximity To Major Thoroughfares To preserve and protect the appearance of the City's major thoroughfares and entrances to the City, additional setbacks are placed on WTFs proposed to be placed near these areas. The setback for these areas is determined by measuring from the centerline of the right-of- way of the thoroughfare. Applicable thoroughfares include freeways and expressways, major arterials and minor arterials, as shown on the Thoroug hfa re Pia n. 1) Intermediate WTFs must be one hundred fifty feet (150') from applicable thoroughfares. 2) Major WTFs must setback from applicable thoroughfares by the height of the tower x 3. c. Separation Between Towers In order to prevent tower proliferation and protect the City's natural beauty and skyline, the number of transmission towers per square mile has been limited. New transmission towers must be placed a minimum distance from existing towers as described here: 1) New transmission towers thirty-five feet (35') or less in height shall be separated from existing towers by a minimum distance of one thousand five hundred feet (1,500'). 2) New transmission towers more than thirty-five feet (35') and less than seventy-five feet (75') feet in height shall be separated from ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 8 existing towers by a minimum distance of two thousand five hundred feet (2,500). 3) New transmission towers seventy-five feet (75') or more in height shall be separated from existing towers by a minimum distance of 3500 feet. d. Height Limitations 1) Intermediate WTFs are subject to the normal height restrictions for each zoning district where permitted by right. In any zoning district where a tower is a conditional use, the requested height may be reduced through the review of the visual impact analysis. 2) In no case shall a proposed transmission tower exceed 150 feet within the city limits, except where a height variance is granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustments to allow a tower or antenna that demonstrates a hardship that can only be remedied by locating a tower or antenna exceeding such height on a proposed site within the city limits. e. Stealth Towers Any tower determined to meet the Stealth Tower definition of this ordinance by the approving authority may be located in any zoning district with a Conditional Use Permit. Approved Stealth Towers do not have to meet the tower separation or thoroughfare setback requirements of this section. f. Landscaping, Screening, and Aesthetic Standards The following requirements shall govern any transmission tower or any parabolic antenna larger than two (2) meters. 1) Landscaping: Refer to Section 7.6, Landscaping and Tree Protection. Plant materials and/or fencing that effectively screen the WTF site from view of the public right-of-way will be required. 2) New transmission towers shall maintain a flat (not shiny, reflective, or glossy) finish or be painted in accordance with any applicable standards of the FAA (unfinished galvanized steel is not acceptable). 3) WTFs shall not be artificially lighted with the exception of motion detectors as security lighting, unless required by the FAA or other applicable authority. If lighting is required, the City may review the available lighting alternatives and approve the design that would cause the least disturbance to the surrounding properties. 4) Towers may not be used to exhibit any signage or other advertisi ng. g. Application Procedures An application for administrative approval or a Conditional Use Permit for a WTF shall include the following items (in addition to the site plan and other information required for a standard CUP application): ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 9 1) An inventory of the applicant's existing and future towers that are either within the City, the City's ETJ, or within at least one (1) mile of the City's boundary where the ETJ does not extend that far. The inventory shall include specific information about the location, design, and height of each tower. The owner must have on file with the Planning and Development Services Department a master list of all existing tower structures owned or controlled by the owner. Such list must specify the name, address and telephone number of the owner of record, the tower locations by address and legal description, tower height, the number of antenna arrays on the tower, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all other users of the tower structures. The Administrator may share such information with other applicants or organizations seeking to locate antennas within the City. 2) Site plan drawn to scale clearly indicating the location, height, and design of the proposed tower, equipment cabinets, transmission buildings and other accessory uses, access, parking, fences, and landscaped areas. 3) The linear separation distance from other transmission towers within a one-mile radius of the proposed tower site. The linear separation distance from all residentially-zoned properties, residential structures and applicable thoroughfares as outlined in Section 6.3.QA.b, Proximity to Major Thoroughfares, within 500 feet of the proposed tower. 4) A visual impact analysis, presented as color photo simulations, showing the proposed site of the WTF. At least four (4) views shall be submitted looking toward the site (typically north, south, east and west) including views from the closest residential property and from adjacent roadways. The photo-realistic representation shall depict a "skyline" view showing the entire height of the proposed tower or WTF to scale, and the structures, trees, and any other objects contributing to the skyline profile. 5) Plans for the antenna and the antenna tower shall be prepared and signed by a licensed professional engineer and designed to withstand sustained winds of at least ninety (90) miles per hour. 6) All telecommunication facilities must meet or exceed the current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC, and any other agency of the Federal Government with the authority to regulate telecommunication facilities. An applicant for a permit shall submit an affidavit confirming compliance with applicable regulations. 7) Grid plan (propagation map) of the service area for existing and future structures for a period of not less than two (2) years. The submission should include a map showing the "search ring" that was required for siting the proposed facility. 8) No new tower shall be built, constructed, or erected in the City unless the tower is capable of supporting additional wireless telecommunication facilities. The applicant must submit a letter addressed to the City declaring an intent and willingness to ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 10 construct a proposed tower that would allow additional service providers to locate on the new tower. 9) No new communications tower shall be permitted unless the applicant demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the approving authority that no existing tower, building, structure, or alternative technology can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna. The applicant shall submit information related to the availability of suitable existing towers, other structures or alternative technology that can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna. The zoning official or approving authority may request information necessary to demonstrate that reasonable alternatives do not exist. The applicant must submit: a) The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all owners of other towers or usable antenna support structures within a one-half mile radius of the proposed new tower site, including City-owned property. b) A sworn affidavit attesting to the fact that the applicant made diligent, but unsuccessful, efforts to obtain permission to install or collocate the new facility on existing towers or antenna support structures located within one-half (V2) mile radius of the proposed tower site. The affidavit shall spell out the efforts taken by the applicant. c) A description of the design plan proposed by the applicant to the City. The applicant must demonstrate the need for towers and why technological design alternatives, such as the use of microcell, cannot be utilized to accomplish the provision of the applicant's telecommunications services." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 11 EXHIBIT "E" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 604 "Accessory Uses" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by adding paragraph E to read as follows: "6.4 Accessory Uses E. Portable Storage Structures 1. Residential Use a. A permit shall be obtained prior to placing the temporary structure on the property and the permit shall be posted in view from the right-of-way for the duration of use. b. No more than one temporary structure shall be allowed per dwelling unit and shall not remain on the site longer than ten (10) consecutive days from issuance of the permit. c. No more than four (4) permits may be issued to a property per calendar year and there shall be a minimum of sixty (60) days between the issuance of permits. d. No temporary structure shall exceed a height of eight feet (8'), a width of eight feet (8'), or floor area of one hundred twenty-eight square feet (128 sq. ft.). e. Temporary structures shall be placed on improved surfaces as specified in Section 7.2.G or screened from view of the right-of-way and adjacent properties. f. Temporary structures shall be placed outside the site triangle as established in Section 7.1.e. 2. Non-residential Use a. Site plan approval identifying the location of the structure shall be obtained prior to placing the structure on the property. b. Structures shall meet required setbacks as stated in Section 504 and shall be screened from view of the right-of-way and adjacent properties. c. Screening requirements for the structure shall include landscaping and an eight foot (8') wooden fence or wall. d. Additional parking shall be provided based on the square footage of the screened area for the structure according to Section 7.2 Off-Street Parking Standards." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 12 EXHIBIT "F" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 6.5 "Temporary Uses" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraph A to read as follows: "6.5 Temporary Uses A. Particular Temporary Uses Permitted 1. Garage Sales; 2. Indoor and outdoor art and craft shows, exhibits, and sales; 3. Sales of Christmas trees or other seasonal goods; 4. Religious revival tents; 5. Temporary buildings and equipment for uses incidental to construction work on premises in any zone but shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of construction work. None shall be located on any public street or public right-of-way at any time during construction; 6. Temporary Concrete Products Temporary facilities for manufacturing concrete or concrete products may be located in all zoning districts where they are directly associated with construction in the area. Retail sales of concrete products shall be prohibited in conjunction with temporary concrete plants. The production site must be returned to its pre-construction state following completion of the associated project; and 7. Farmers' Markets a. Temporary outdoor sales of products in an unrefined state, by a State Certified Farmers' Market may be operated for a maximum of two (2) days per week and are permitted on: 1) Public properties, with locations approved by the Administrator, and 2) Private property in zoning districts that allow for retail sales as a permitted use. b. The Market must be located within a paved parking lot, and shall not utilize more than ten percent (10%) of the required number of parking spaces on private property. The Market may not be located within drive aisles, fire lanes, or parking setbacks, and in no case shall the market be located within the Public Right-of-Way. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 13 c. The Market must comply with Section 7.5 Signs. Attached Signs advertising the Market, or any products for sale, must be securely attached to the sales area. Temporary Freestanding Signs and Commercial Banners, as described in Section 7.5, are not permitted. d. The Market shall have approval of the City of College Station prior to location or sales." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 14 EXHIBIT "G" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.1 "General Provisions" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraph D.3 to read as follows: "7.1 General Provisions D. Required Yards (Setbacks) 3. Features Allowed Within Required Yards The following features may be located within a required yard but may be subject to additional regulations applied herein: a. Trees, shrubbery, or other landscape features, excluding gazebos or other similar structures that require a building permit; b. Fences and walls; c. Driveways; d. Sidewalks; e. Utility lines, wires, and associated structures, such as power poles; f. Mechanical equipment such as air conditioning units, pool pumps, and similar equipment; g. Uncovered porches, uncovered steps to building entrances, and uncovered patio decks; h. Covered porches that are open on three sides, may extend up to six feet (6'), including eaves, into any required front or side street setback; i. Openwork fire balconies and fire escapes may extend up to six feet (6') into any required rear setback; j. Sills, belt courses, cornices, buttresses, chimneys, flues, eaves, and other architectural features may extend up to eighteen inches (18") into any required yard; k. Balconies or decks located more than eight feet (8') from the ground may project up to six feet (6') into the required front yard; I. Accessory structures that do not require building permits; m. Bus stops that offer shelter from the elements. Such shelters may be located within a front or side street yard. Shelters may be located within a public right-of-way if a Private Improvement in Public right-of-way permit has been duly issued; and n. Swimming pools and hot tubs without shelter." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 15 EXHIBIT "H" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.2 "Off-Street Parking Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraph G to read as follows: "7.2 Off-Street Parking Standards G. Surfacing 1. General All surfacing of off-street parking areas shall be constructed of either asphalt or concrete as described in the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANOARDS. Alternatives to the standards may be approved by the Administrator if it is demonstrated that the materials and design are equal or superior to the requirements in the Standards. All off-street parking areas shall be graded to drain and maintained so as to dispose of surface water accumulated within the area. Parking spaces shall be so arranged and marked so as to provide for orderly and safe parking of vehicles. 2. Non-Public, All-Weather Drive Surfaces Temporary or permanent drive surfaces that are required for emergency access or turnaround for emergency vehicles must be constructed to function under all weather conditions. To accommodate a project during construction, phasing, or permanent installation, drive surfaces that do not meet the requirements for permanent pavement surfaces may be allowed at the discretion of the Administrator for the specific conditions stated below: a. Temporary All-Weather Surface (During Construction) A structure under construction must be accessible by an all-weather drive surface as specified in the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANDARDS. This temporary all-weather surface must be reworked or replaced to meet the permanent pavement standard as described in the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANDARDS prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. b. Semi-Permanent All-Weather Surface (During Phasing) In cases during phasing of a large project, emergency access and turnarounds often must be added as a temporary measure until additional phases are constructed. These emergency access areas may consist of permanent pavement surface as specified in the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANDARDS. When the additional phase is constructed these areas must be removed or reworked to meet the permanent pavement standards as described in the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANDAROS. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 16 c. Permanent All-Weather Surface (Permanent) In some development scenarios, an emergency access or turnaround must be constructed to meet emergency access purposes and is not required for public traffic, service vehicles or sanitation vehicles. In these cases, the area required for emergency access only may consist of permanent pavement surface as specified in the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANDARDS." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 17 EXHIBIT "I" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.2 "Off-Street Parking Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a new paragraph H "Curb Required" and renumbering the current paragraphs H "Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required" to 1. The new paragraph H shall read as follows: "7.2 Off-Street Parking Standards H. Curbing Required 1. General The perimeter of all paved surfaces shall be curbed as described in the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANDARDS. Alternatives to the standards may be approved by the Administrator if it is demonstrated that the materials and design are equal or superior to the requirements in the Standards. 2. Temporary Curbing A temporary curb may be permitted in lieu of the minimum standard stated CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANDARDS, at the discretion of the Administrator, when a project is phased in such a way that a permanent, monolithic curb may preclude development of future phases or limit access to a recorded private or public access easement adjoining properties. Wheel stops shall not be permitted as temporary curbing. Temporary curbing must have the appearance of permanent curbing and shall be temporarily attached to the pavement surfacing below and meet the minimum standards for dowelled in curbs as described in the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SITE DESIGN STANDARDS." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 18 EXHIBIT "J" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.2 "Off-Street Parking Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a new paragraph J "Drive-Through Facility Queuing Requirements" and renumbering the current paragraph I "Alternative Parking Plans" to K. The new paragraph J shall read as follows: "7.2 Off-Street Parking Standards J. Drive-Through Facility Queuing Requirements 1. Minimum Number of Spaces Drive-through queuing spaces shall be provided as indicated in the following table: Automated Teller Machine Bank Teller Lane Car Wash Stall Automatic Car Wash Stall Self-Service D Cleanin or Laund Oil Chan e Station Photo Lab Restaurant Drive Throu h Restaurant Drive Throu h Other 3 Teller 4 Teller or Window 4 Service Position 3 Service Position 2 Window 3 Service Position 4 Pick-U Window 4 Order Box 3 Order Box to Pick-U Window As determined b the Administrator. 2. Design and Layout Queuing spaces or queuing areas shall be designed in accordance with the following criteria: a. Queue spaces or queuing areas may not interfere with parking spaces, parking aisles, loading areas, internal circulation or driveway access. b. Each queue space shall consist of a rectangular area not less than ten feet (10') wide and eighteen and one half feet (18W) long with a vertical clearance as specified in the building code. c. Queue spaces are not interchangeable with parking spaces except for the following uses where the space providing services may count toward the parking requirement: bank teller, car wash, and oil change station. d. A twelve foot (12') by-pass lane may be required adjacent to queue lines to allow vehicles an opportunity to circumvent the drive-through activity and exit the site. e. Queue areas and drive-through facilities shall be clearly identified with the appropriate signing and marking. f. Spaces within a car wash faCility or drive-through oil change station may be counted toward the queuing requirement." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 19 EXHIBIT "K" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance,". Section 7.2 "Off-Street Parking Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraph K.6.c to read as follows: "7.2 Off-Street Parking Standards K. Alternative Parking Plans 6. Eligible Alternatives c. Bicycle Parking The Administrator may authorize a reduction in the number of required off- street parking spaces for developments or uses that make special provisions to accommodate bicyclists. Examples of accommodations include bicycle lockers, employee shower facilities, and dressing areas for employees." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 20 EXHIBIT "L" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.3 "Access Management and Circulation" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraphs C.7.c through f to read as follows: "7.3 Access Management and Circulation C. Driveway Access Location and Design 7. Geometric Design of Driveway Access c. The curb return radii for driveways intersecting at right angles with the roadway and without a deceleration lane shall be as follows: 1) Curb return radii for residential (single-family, townhouse, and duplex) driveways shall be between three feet and ten feet (3'-10'). Flare type residential driveways must also adhere to these dimensional criteria. 2) Curb return radii for commercial and multi-family driveways shall vary between twenty-five feet and thirty feet (25'-30'). When special traffic conditions exist, the Administrator may require larger curb return radii up to fifty-feet (50'). 3) Curb return radii for driveway types not included in (1) or (2) above shall be determined by the Administrator. d. The maximum width of residential driveway approach, measured at the property line, shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25') in width, while the minimum width shall not be less than twelve feet (12'). e. The maximum width of commercial and multi-family driveway approaches for two-way operation, as measured from the property line, shall not exceed thirty-six feet (36'), except that the Administrator may issue permits for driveway approaches greater than thirty-six feet (36') in width on major streets to handle special traffic conditions. The minimum width of commercial and multi-family driveway approaches for two-way operation shall be not less than twenty-four feet (24'). f. The combination of two driveways for residential circular drives shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25'). " ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 21 EXHIBIT "M" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.7 "Solid Waste" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending paragraph C to read as follows: "7.7 Solid Waste C. Guidelines The following shall be considered minimum standards: 1. All dumpsters shall be screened. Screening shall be at least as tall as the dumpster(s) and may be achieved through the use of buildings, fences, or walls. Plant materials may be used to supplement required screening. Dumpster screens should be located outside of utility easements. Property owners with dumpster screens located within utility easements are hereby warned that they will be responsible for the replacement of the screens if it becomes necessary to remove them for utility construction and/or maintenance. 2. Multi-family developments shall provide the required pad and screening for one eight-yard dumpster per sixteen (16) dwelling units. 3. Townhomes not served by approved, accessible alleys, shall provide the required pad and screening for one eight-yard dumpster per sixteen (16) dwelling units. 4. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a single 300-gallon container enclosure shall be ten feet (10') deep by ten feet (10') wide. 5. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a single (one eight- yard) dumpster enclosure shall be twelve feet (12') deep by twelve feet (12') wide. 6. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a double (two eight- yard) dumpster enclosure shall be twelve feet (12') deep by twenty-four feet (24') wide. 7. Bollards and other such devices shall not be set within the minimum width dimensions noted above. 8. All required containers and dumpsters pads shall be constructed of six inches (6") of steel-reinforced concrete. 9. All required containers and dumpsters shall be screened by means of an approved six-foot (6') high opaque device on a minimum of three sides. Depending on visibility to pedestrian and vehicular traffic, a gate may be required for all enclosures except 300-gallon side loading automated ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 22 containers. Gates shall have a minimal width of twelve feet (12') when open, shall swing 180 degrees from the closed position, and shall utilize a positive locking mechanism while in the open position. Three hundred-gallon side loading automated container enclosures shall be open on the side facing the collection point. The open side cannot be facing the pubic right-of-way. Materials may be dictated by the terms of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) or the Design Review Board (DRB); and 10. The ingress, egress, and approach to all dumpster pads shall conform to the fire lane requirements." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 23 EXHIBIT "N" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.9 "Non-Residential Architectural Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards A. Applicability The design standards of this Section shall apply to development, redevelopment, and fa~ade changes to all non-residential buildings located in any zoning district with the exception of the M-1, M-2, R&D, NG-1, NG-2, and NG-3 districts. All buildings shall be subject to the following standards. This applies to single tenant buildings, multiple tenant buildings, and any grouping of attached or stand alone buildings and associated pad sites. Exemptions: . Churches B. Standards for All Non-Residential Structures The following table summarizes the Non-residential Architectural Standards for the City of College Station: ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 24 s: s: s: s: ci ~ ci ~ ci ~ ci i "' " "' " "' " "' Fa~ade Standards .c .c .c .c '" 5 '" 5 '" 5 '" 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ 'u 'u 'u .. .. .. ... ... ... ... R,ne R, no 2 elements of architectural more more R R than 33% than 33% relief every 45 feet on same on same plane plane 2 elements of architectural R R R R relief every 60 feet No more than 66% of roofline R R R R at same elevation 10%Rif 10%Rif 10% 10%Rif Brick, stone, marble, granite, visible visible required visible tile or specified concrete 10%R from 25%R from 25%R if visible 50%R from product ROW ROW from ROW ROW Stucco, EIFS, specified 75% max; 100% allowed w/2 colors, 75% max concrete product if under 5, OOOs.l. Wood or cedar siding 30% max Smooth face, tinted concrete 10% max blocks Reflective glass 80% 100% max Stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal. premium 20% max grade architectural metal Painted steel panel siding and Rear of building only if not visible from ROW, parkland, greenway, or residences galvanized steel ouble pts Tree wells n mum tree s ze R R calper calper R = Required . = A lacade is considered to be "lacing public right-aI-way" when an imaginary plane could be extended unobstructed by a wall or structure from at least 25% 01 the lacade into the public right-aI-way adjacent to the building plot (see illustration below). For the purposes 01 this section, public rights-aI-way shall include all lorms 01 passageways (such as streets, sidewalks, and bike paths) dedicated or deeded to the public lor public use. .. = When a property does not have lrontage on a public right-ol-way, the primary entrance lacade 01 the building(s) will meet the standards 01 a "Iacade lacing a public right-ol-way." '-----' '-----' L._.._.._.._.._.._.._. Public Right Of Way r'-"-"-"-.'-"-"-.'-"_oo_,,-,,_oo_., i-Indicates 25%or more of facade faces a right of way. i L.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.-i "U ~ <' '" ,... ro :;J:J [I US' :::T ,... 0 -., ~ [ '< [0 II "U C 2: n' :;J:J US" :::T ,... o -., ~ '< II 1. Required Screening All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view or isolated so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way or residential district within 150 feet of the perimeter boundary of the subject lot or tract, measured from a point five feet (5') above grade. Such screening shall be coordinated with the building architecture, materials, colors and scale to maintain a unified appearance. Acceptable methods of screening are: encasement, parapet walls, partition screens, brick/stone/masonry walls or fences. Detention ponds shall be screened using berms, shrubs, brick/stone/masonry walls or a combination of these to achieve a three-foot (3') high screen above the visible perimeter of the pond's finished grade. No screening is required for retention ponds designed to also serve as year round water features. 2. Building Mass and Design In order to provide visual interest, the first two (2) stories of any fa<;ade facing a public right-of-way shall use architectural relief every forty-five ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 26 horizontal feet (45') by incorporating a minimum of two (2) different design elements within each forty-five foot (45') section from the options below. All other fa~ades shall incorporate a minimum of two (2) different design elements within each sixty-foot (60') section as described above. Wall sections less than forty-five feet (45') or sixty feet (60') respectively, shall also be required to provide the two (2) different design elements. . Canopies, permanent decorative awnings, or windows accompanied by overhangs; . Wall plane projections or recessions with a minimum of four foot (4') depth; . Pilasters or columns; . Recessed entries, stoops, porches, or arcades; . Balconies that extend from the building; or . Boxed or bay windows. ~l It] ; I . WINDOWS AWNINGS ARCADES ENTRY AREAS Roof or Parapet Min. 2' ax. 0 engt As represented above, on buildings three (3) stories or less, the horizontal line of a flat roof (or parapet) along any fa~ade facing a public right-of-way shall vary by a minimum of two feet (2') up or down so that no more than sixty-six percent (66%) of the roofline is on the same elevation. 3. Building Materials All buildings determined to be a single building plot by the Administrator shall have materials and colors that are similar and complement each other architecturally. This applies to all stand alone and pad site buildings, ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 27 regardless of their use. All exterior fa~ades of a pad site building must meet the requirements for a fa~ade facing a public right-of-way. All buildings shall employ architectural, site, and landscaping design elements that are integrated with and common to those used on the main/primary buildings or structures on site. These common design elements shall include building materials associated with the main/primary structure. In the event that a pad site or non-primary bUilding(s) is developed before the primary/main building(s), then all other buildings, with the exception of stand alone restaurants, shall have materials and colors that are similar and complement each other architecturally to the building constructed first. Existing buildings may continue to utilize materials other than those listed below provided that any material replacement is for maintenance purposes only and the existing material is continued. Any material change or replacement of more than ten percent (10%) of the total area of all fa~ades shall require that all building materials and colors be brought into compliance. All other materials are prohibited unless authorized herein or by the Design Review Board (DRB). When determining area herein, windows and doors are included. a. The following applies only to the first two (2) stories of all buildings. All building fa~ades that are visible from a public right-of-way shall have at least ten percent (10%) of the surface area of the fa~ade consist of one or more of the following building materials: 1) Fired brick 2) Natural stone 3) Marble 4) Granite 5) Tile 6) Any concrete product so long as it has an integrated color and is textured or patterned (not aggregate material) to simulate brick, stone, marble, or granite, or is covered with brick, stone, marble, granite or tile. b. Stucco, EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems), hardboard, concrete products as described in Section 7.10.B.3.a.6 above, reflective glass, certain metal products described in this section below, and cedar siding are allowed on all fa~ades subject to the following limitations: 1) Stucco, EIFS, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the appearance of EIFS, hard board, or any material equivalent in appearance and quality as determined by the DRB, shall not cover more than seventy-five percent (75%) of any fa~ade. 2) Wood or cedar siding shall not cover more than thirty percent (30%) of any fa~ade. 3) Smooth face, tinted concrete blocks shall only be used as an accent and shall not cover more than ten percent (10%) of any fa~ade. 4) Reflective glass shall not cover greater than eighty percent (80%) of any fa~ade facing a public right-of-way and may cover one hundred percent (100%) of any other facade. Exemption: When ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 28 calculations are provided by a licensed professional engineer or architect verifying that energy code compliance cannot be achieved without the use of reflective glass, there shall not be a limit on the use of such material. The calculations shall be approved by the Building Official and comply with the International Energy Code, as adopted and amended by the City of College Station. 5) Stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal and premium grade architectural metal may be used as an architectural accent and shall not cover greater than twenty percent (20%) of any fal;ade. 6) Painted steel panel siding and galvanized steel is allowed on the rear fal;ade of buildings when the fal;ade is not visible from a right- of way, parkland, greenway, or any residential area; provided however, that these materials may be used if the fal;ade is screened from adjacent properties. This screening shall be installed regardless of adjacent property zoning or use and in no way shall this Section diminish the requirements for Buffering required in Section 7.7. Plantings, fences, or walls which meet the specifications established in Sections 7.7.F.2 or 7.7F.3 with substitutions allowed as provided for in Section 7.7FA are permitted screening materials and methods. Use of these alternative building materials shall count toward the required percentages of materials as described herein. 7) Galvanized steel and painted steel are allowed on doors, including roll-up doors. 8) Metal, standing seam metal, architectural metal or steel may be used as a roof and or canopy/awnings with no limitation on percentage. c. All architectural submittals shall provide elevation drawings for each fal;ade and a material legend (see sample legend below) for each facade. Total Square Footage of Fayade 'A': 10,000 s.f. Material Area in Square Feet Stucco Brick Doors and Windows 2,000 s.f. 5,000 s.f. 3,000 s.f. Percent of Overall Facade 20% 50% 30% ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 29 4. Building Colors a. All building fa<;;ades and roofs shall consist of only colors from the color palette approved by the City Council, as amended by the DRB, and maintained in the Office of the Administrator. All other colors shall be considered accent colors and may be used on no more than fifteen percent (15%) of the fa<;;ade on which the accent color is applied b. Neon, metallic (except copper and silver metallic colored roofs) and fluorescent colors are prohibited on any fa<;;ade or roof. c. When applying brick, colors normally found in manufactured fired brick are permitted. All colors of natural stone are permitted. d. Building and roof color requirements apply to all new buildings, redeveloped buildings, and fa<;;ade work. Color samples shall be submitted for approval to the Office of the Administrator. e. Existing buildings may continue to utilize colors that are not from the approved color palette provided that repainting is done for maintenance purposes only and the existing color is continued. Any color change on existing buildings shall be brought into compliance with this ordinance and color samples shall be submitted as provided herein. 5. Pedestrian I Bike Circulation & Facilities a. Each building shall provide a facility capable of storing a minimum of four (4) bicycles. The area provided for such a facility shall be approximately fifty-five square feet (55 sq. ft.) in area, approximately nine feet by six feet (9' X 6'), or as approved by the Administrator. b. Facilities shall be separated from motor vehicle parking to protect both bicycles and vehicles from accidental damage and shall be sufficiently separated from building or other walls, landscaping, or other features to allow for ease and encouragement of use. This separation shall be a minimum of three feet (3'). Bicycles may be permitted on sidewalks or other paved surfaces provided that the bicycles do not block or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. c. Bicycle facilities shall be constructed so as to enable the user to secure a bicycle by locking the frame and one wheel of each bicycle parked therein. Facilities must be easily usable with both U-Iocks and cable locks and support the bicycle frame at two points. Facilities shall be anchored securely to the ground. 6. Parking Lots These requirements are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements established in Section 7.2. Off Street Parking Standards. a. Where parking or drive aisles are located between the building and the public right-of-way, there shall be a minimum ten foot (10') setback from the public right-of-way line to the parking area or drive aisle. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 30 b. In order to break up the parking lot area and minimize visual impact, one of the following parking concepts is required on any parking lot with greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. Parking concepts shall be approved by the Administrator provided that it meets one of the following minimum criteria. Pedestrian ways are allowed within the below-described areas. 1) Concept 1 - Every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be a separate and distinct parking area connected by driving lanes but separated by landscaping strips a minimum of eight feet (8') wide and the full length of the parking row. Where pedestrian facilities are located within landscape strips or where vehicles would overhang these strips, the strip shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') wide; or, 2) Concept 2 - For every one hundred and twenty (120) parking spaces, an 1800 square foot landscaped island shall be installed (Landscape Pods). Such island(s) shall be located internal to the parking lot and shall be located so as to visually break up each one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen square feet (15 sq. ft.) of landscaping per parking space; or, 3) Concept 3 - For every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces, an additional 1,800 square feet of landscaped area shall be added/distributed to the interior row(s) end island(s) located closest to the right-of-way line (i.e. in conjunction with the minimum setback creating a double row of landscaping) but in no event shall the additional landscaped area be located farther than one hundred feet (100') from the right-of-way frontage. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen square feet (15 sq. ft.) of landscaping per parking space. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 31 PROPOSED BUILDING c~ ~\ ----j i .....II!t .'/'[J -2:::::~:i~/'" PROPOSED BUILDING J ~. '1 ~,'<~-' " ".,~ :'-. ,~' '- ~ ",. "'~l" /.."',_ ",< , j .... ~ l' ~:,,..,, /\~ J. ! " tJi; ~ -~~~ 1 '/,< ",/ - '/.-' -~ " ~:_1-:}:_ ,.", \' v * -,,'--~ , J. ~).< >~.":".:~ .~\ /'" .~ :</ "~. :i'J'-::<:':/i::::::1 L ,,'\, t. --~--" I~ :::f-: ~ -:~>- ;I; /)< It ill '"J,;; ~ <- ~" -~ ~ CONCEPT 1 LANDSCAPE STRIP / MEDIAN CONCEPT 2 LANDSCAPED ISLAND 1800 SF PROPOSED BUILDING l PROPOSED BUILDING , ~/ J ft CONCEPT 3: INTERIOR Row 1800 SF PER 120 CARS: LANDSCAPE BUFFER ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 32 c. Interior island area requirements, as required in Section 7.2, may be consolidated into end islands, landscape strips, and landscape pods. d. Shopping cart storage spaces shall be identified on the site plan. These spaces shall not be located in landscape islands or any areas designed for plantings or pedestrian or bike access. C. Standards for less than 5,000 S.F. A single building or combination of buildings less than 5,000 gross square feet in area, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot, may use one hundred percent (100%) EIFS, Stucco, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the appearance of EIFS, or hardboard, but only if it is painted or tinted with a minimum of two (2) colors to avoid monotony. D. Additional Standard for 20,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in Section 7.10.B, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 20,000 gross square feet in area, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot. Building Material: Any facade facing a public right-of-way shall have a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) (calculation shall be based on the area of the first two (2) stories of any single building(s) fal;ade) brick, stone, marble, granite or a material fabricated to simulate brick or stone (not split face concrete masonry). E. Additional Standards for 50,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in Sections 7.10.B and 7.10.D, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 50,000 gross square feet in area or greater, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot. 1. Building Mass and Design Fal;ade articulation (wall plane projections or recessions) is required on the first two (2) stories of any fal;ade facing a public right-of-way. No more than thirty-three percent (33%) of any fal;ade facing a public right-of-way shall be on the same continuous geometric plane. Restaurant pad sites are excluded from this articulation requirement but are required to provide architectural relief as provided in the previous Section 7.10.B. Wall plane projections or recessions shall have a minimum depth of four feet (4'). 2. Building Colors Accent colors may be used on no greater than ten percent (10%) of the fal;ade on which the accent color is applied. 3. Landscaping These requirements are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements established in Section 7.6. Landscaping and Tree Protection. a. The minimum required landscape points for a site shall be double (2 x minimum landscape points) of that required for developments of less than 50,000 gross square feet in area. The minimum allowable tree size is two-inch (2") caliper. Streetscape point requirements remain the same and shall count toward the landscape point requirement. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 33 b. Tree wells are required along fifteen percent (15%) of the linear front of any fac;ade facing a public right-of-way and shall include a minimum of one (1) canopy tree for every required six feet (6') in length. Non- canopy trees may be substituted in the tree wells, provided that the number required shall be doubled. This landscaping shall count toward the overall landscape requirement. Each tree well shall be a minimum of six feet (6') square. Tree wells may be at grade or may be raised a maximum of thirty inches (30") in height, so long as the soil is contiguous with the soil at grade. If the tree wells are located within interior parking islands, then the islands shall not count toward the required interior parking islands as described in Section 7.2.E Interior Islands. c. All landscaping strips, islands, pods, and areas used to segregate the one hundred twenty (120) space parking areas as provided for above under "Parking Lots" must include canopy trees or structural shading. This requirement shall not apply to auto sales lots. 4. Pedestrian I Bike Circulation 8r. Facilities a. There shall be designated connections among primary buildings and pad sites for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Locations for sidewalks and bicycle parking facilities shall be provided and shown on the site plan. Pedestrian walkways may be incorporated into the landscape strips separating parking areas only if the strip is ten feet (10') in width. b. In centers with multiple tenants, one or more facilities capable of storing eight (8) bicycles shall be placed in clearly designated, safe, and convenient locations, such that no tenant entrance is farther than one hundred fifty feet (150') from a bike facility. c. Pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum of five feet (5') wide. Pedestrian walkways shall connect public street sidewalks, transit stops, parking areas and other buildings in a design that ensures safe pedestrian use. When the walkway is within a parking lot area, it shall be clearly designated using brick pavers or a stamped dyed concrete pattern . d. There shall be a ten foot (10') sidewalk along the full frontage of any fac;ade facing a public right-of-way. Tree wells and planter boxes shall be placed along this walkway and in a manner that does not obstruct pedestrian movement. Bike parking facilities are allowed in this area. Vehicular parking or cart storage is prohibited. Outside display is allowed but only if it does not occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of this area and meets the requirements of Section 7.12.B. This requirement does not apply to developments meeting the definition of a pad site. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 34 F. Additional Standards for 150,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in Sections 7.10.B, 7.10.D, and 7.10.E, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 150,000 gross square feet in area or greater, whether connected or not but determined to be a single building plot. 1. Each development shall contain a plaza developed as an integral part of the development and not less than five hundred square feet (500 sq. ft.) in area. This area shall not count toward required parking islands or area requirements of a parking concept as described in 7.10.B.6.b. This area shall incorporate a minimum of three (3) of the following: . Seating components* . Structural shading* . Water features* . Decorative landscape planters* . Public Art* . Outdoor eating accommodations . Hardscape elements at entrances and within the parking area such as decorative pavers, low masonry walls, clock towers, etc. *These public areas may be located within the parking landscape areas. 2. All facades facing a public Right-of Way shall have a minimum of fifty percent (50%) brick, stone, marble, granite, or a material fabricated to simulate brick or stone (not split face concrete masonry). 3. The minimum allowable tree size is two and one half-inches (2V2") caliper. 4. All parking areas must be screened from the public Right-of-Way using berms. 5. Accent colors may be used on no more than five percent (5%) of the fac;ade on which the accent color is applied. G. Variances - Design Review Board (ORB) The DRB may grant a variance from the standards contained in Section 7.10 of up to one hundred percent (100%) of the total percentage permitted for the following: 1. Substitutions of building materials if the applicant shows that: a. The building material is a new or innovative material manufactured that has not been previously available to the market or the material is not listed as an allowed or prohibited material herein; or b. The material is similar and comparable in quality and appearance to the materials allowed in this Section 7.10; or c. The material is an integral part of a themed building (example 50's diner in chrome). ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 35 No variance shall be granted to requirements for brick or stone on buildings twenty thousand (20,000) gross square feet in area or greater. Financial hardship shall not constitute a basis for the variance. 2. Alternate colors or materials on each fac;ade if the applicant shows that: a. The applicant is a franchised and/or chain restaurant to be developed as a single detached building (not integrated into a multi-tenant building); and b. The proposed colors/materials are part of its corporate branding; and c. The applicant provides.1!!! of the alternative color/materials schemes the chain or franchise has used. 3. Alternative materials on fac;ade work that does not involve an expansion of an existing building as defined in Section 9 of the UDO or constitute redevelopment if the applicant shows that: a. The materials allowed in Section 7.10 cannot be utilized without a structural alteration(s) to the existing building; and b. A licensed professional engineer or architect verifies in writing that a structural alteration is required to apply the permitted fac;ade materials to the building. c. The DRB may grant a variance of up to 100% from the fac;ade articulation or roofline standards herein if the applicant shows that it is not financially or structurally feasible. 4. Alternatives to the options for screening listed in Section 7.10.B may be considered. 5. Alternatives to the options listed in Section 7.10.B.2C may be considered for approval provided that the alternative incorporates a minimum of two (2) architectural relief elements with spacing as required under Section 7.10.B.2. 6. The DRB may approve the follOWing alternative parking lot concept as follows: a. The area of a landscaped plaza may be credited toward the area(s) required for parking lot landscape concepts in Section 7.10.B.6 provided that each of the follOWing conditions are met: 1) A minimum of three buildings must be clustered around a plaza; and 2) The area of the plaza and associated landscaping/water features/fountains shall be no less than 1800 square feet for every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces; and 3) The clustered buildings may not be physically separated by parking spaces. ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 36 b. The area of the landscaped plaza shall only count toward parking spaces located directly behind the clustered buildings and plaza. The point of orientation for determining what is "behind" the clustered buildings and plaza shall be from the adjacent street with the highest rating on the Thoroughfare Plan. All other parking spaces shall meet requirements established in 7.10.B.6 for minimizing visual impact of parking spaces. c. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen square feet (15 sq. ft.) of landscaping per parking space. 'rf11't:!IIl'IITflI j iJITli'iYI~ -\ j~l!il!~\ ~~ ALn:ItNATlVI< PARKING LoT CONe!!:P'T 7. Alternate colors on a fa~ade if the applicant shows that: a. The applicant is a franchised and/or a chain business to be developed as a single detached building (not integrated into a multi-tenant building); and b. The proposed colors are part of its corporate branding; and c. The applicant provides 2.!! of the alternative color schemes the chain or franchise has used. H. Submittal Requirements 1. When non-residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted site plans shall include the following, in addition to other site plan application requirements: ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 37 a. Accurate building footprint(s); b. Mechanical screening details; c. Detention pond screening details; d. Location and number of bicycle parking facilities; e. Parking lot configuration in compliance with 7.10.H, Parking lots, if applicable (120 parking spaces or more); f. Additional landscaping requirements, if applicable (50,000 square feet and greater); g. Location of pedestrian walkways, if applicable (50,000 square feet and greater) ; h. Traffic Impact Analysis, if applicable (5,000 trips per day or greater); and i. Location and details of public plaza and amenities, if applicable (150,000 square feet and greater). 2. When non-residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted building plans shall include the following, in addition to other building permit application requirements: a. Scaled building elevations for each fa<;ade, depicting the following: 1) Required architectural relief; and 2) Location of building materials. b. Accurate building footprint(s); c. Sample building materials and color details; and d. Table of vertical square footage and percentage of building materials for each fa<;ade." ORDINANCE NO. 2902 Page 38 EXHIBIT "0" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 11.2 "Defined Terms" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending "Building Plot or Premises", "Clinic", and "Hospital or Sanitarium" to read as follows: "11.2 Defined Terms Building Plot or Premises: All of the land within a project, whether one or more lots, developed according to a common plan or design for similar or compatible uses, that may have shared access or parking, and that singularly or in phases is treated as such for site plan review purposes. The determination of the boundaries of a building plot shall be made as the first step in the site plan or project review, unless such determination has previously been made at the time of plat approval. For development not subject to site plan review, the building plot or premises shall be the exterior boundary of any included lots, in the event that the structure sits astride two or more lots. In the event that two or more lots are under single ownership and the structure does not meet the required side yard setback, both lots shall be considered the building plot or premises. Demolished sites located in larger parking lots that may not have previously been considered part of a larger building plot, will be considered part of the plot if access is shared with the site. Clinic: A faCility operated by one or more physicians, dentists, chiropractors, or other licensed practitioners of the healing arts for the examination and treatment of persons solely on an outpatient basis. Hospital or Sanitarium: A building, or portion thereof, used or designed for the medical or surgical treatment of the sick, mentally ill, or injured persons, primarily on an inpatient basis, and including as an integral part, related facilities such as laboratories, outpatient facilities, or training facilities; provided that this definition shall not include rooms in any residential dwelling, hotel, or apartment hotel not ordinarily intended to be occupied by said persons."