HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-2870 - Ordinance - 02/09/2006 ORDINANCE NO. 2870 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART I: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day of February, 2006. APPROVED: ~ j~Lu;' RON S VIA, Mayor ATTEST: ~1rIkN~ ~ ConnIe Hooks, CIty Secretary APPROVED: Ci?~V~/~- ORDINANCE NO. 2870 Page I 00 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from A-O Agricultural Open to R-l Single Family: 9.95 Acres Morgan Rector Survey, A-46 College Station, Brazos County Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector Survey, A- 46, in College Station, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the called 10 acre tract described in the deed from Frank Matous, Jr., and wife, Helen F. Matous to Elizabeth Matous Swetish and husband Stephen M. Swetish, recorded in Volume 4040, Page 107 of the Official Records of Brazos County Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit "B" and graphically shown in Exhibit "C." ORDINANCE NO. 2870 l EXHIBIT "B" Ellzlbeth MlloUi 8W11111i 8.81'Aora Traat Morgln RlotOf lurvlY, ~I Ooll'gl 8Illlon. 8razol OOunly, TeXII FIeld notll of I U, IOI'Ilraot orPIIWI ofllnd, Iylng Indbtlng Illllllld In Ihl Morvan Rlolor 8urvlY, Abltraot No, 048, Oolltga 811t1on, 81'11ot Oounly, Tellll, anil btlrqpll1 oflht 0Il1td 10.ore lrIot dllOI1btdlnlht dltdfroIllFranl<MIIOUI, Jr., and wtfe, HtllnF. M.lou. to EllzabethM.loUI 8W1lllh .ndhulbInd8t.PhtnM, 8W1lllh, reoordtd In Volume 4040, Pagel07, oflht OlIIol"l\toordl of81'1&01 OOllnly, T'llIl; BeOlNNINO .1.1i" Iron~d found mll'ldnQ lhl OOmmon oomerbt~'n ihe belorementlol1ld 10 .....lrtot.nd. 2~,838 .....1raoC dtlClltbtd In Iht dI.d to e.n A; M.lht....1nd Yvonne 0, Moll reool'd.d In Volurnt 18~8, Page 271, oftht Ofllol., RlOorde of8razoe OOUnty, Te",., "'dli"lrOrH'OdbtlncllnlhteOllft\wo'lIlneolLol &, 8loel( 1~. Emer'ld FO"'et Ph..e 8 'OOOI'dlncllotht pllt "'oordod In Volume 2078, P.ge '1, of tho Ofttol.1 Reoord. of'8razo. Oounty, Te",., ..Id Ii" Iron rod belno Iooeled N ~ll' 18' 29" E 03<1.81 fee, froIn the eOUlh OOmer of Lot 3. 810el( 1~; THENOE S 38'.08' 06"W .le>nglhtoommon Ane bttweenlht btforomontloned 10.........ot.nd lhe 2~,.35..... ....onor.. dl.lanoe of ~04,78 f"'Io."' fron rod found m.",1ncI Ihe OOInmon oomer belwe...",. Itld 10.........ot Ilnd North Fortll SWdlvt'Ion_2t~2 .ore., ~ngIOIhoPlllreOOI'd'dInVolume8005, P.o. 130, oflht Offlol.l Reoordo of8razoe CoUnty, Te",., Itld "'Iron rod It m'rI<lnglho e.., comer of · 2.~3<I 'ore Gr"nw.y dodloellon ....., bolncl PlIIl of Iho Not1h Fo",,, SWdlvtolon; THENCE N ~8'18' 2~"W elonolhooommonllnobetwoenlht bororemonllOl1ld 10.........ot ""d No"" F....1t S"bdlvJ.lon lor. d1.lanoe of 1083.85 f.o' 10 . Ii" Iron rod ,.t It Iht I1ot1h """'er of Lot 1, Bloel(~, North F....1t SubdlVloIon and In Iho IOUIheattriotll-<>t-weyRne'ofNorthFOI'IStP8Il<wayo6O' ~Oht-of-wey, e. 'hownon... pllII Of lord', Aore, - Lot 2, ....oordl<f In Vokuno 6709, PiQO 188, of "" Omotel R_ oIBrezo. County, Te""..lho wolt oomor of Iho 'eld 10 een Irlcl be.,.. N ~8' 18' 2~' W - '.2 feel; THENCE elong1ho 'OUlhoo.1 ~ghl-of-waynne oINorth Fore.t Pert<wey -60' right-of-way es fOllows; . N ~2' 2~' 28" E fore d1slanoe 01210.13 feello eli" Iron rod sol " Iho beginning Of . OUIVe conceve 10 Ill. ~It havtnci. redluo Of ~O.oo f~ .NorIheester1Yllong .eld 0llIVe tor anll'Odlatenoe of 83.20 feetlo . Ii" Iron rod .et .t tho Ind of lI1Ie ourve, ... chord be.... N 3B' 81' ~3' E 0 83,17 feo~ N 38'19'08"E tor. cIl'lanoe ofl02.~2feello'Ii'lron rod '0' ot Ihe b09lnnlno of a OUIVo _VI to Ihe 'outhe..,!"'VIncI. redlu. of 370.00 feet, NorIheosIOllYOIe>ng Mid ClUIVo, tor.nerodltt.noe of89.88fe.1 to 0 W . . Ironl'Od .0tltlhewe.toomerofaLot 11, BIOOl< 1~, Emoreld FOI'II! Phua 8, the oI1Orl/ boa,.. N 38' 21' 81"'E - 38,83 fo.t; THENOE S ~ll' 15' 29'EeIonglhe ool1ln\On Ilne bttwe,ntl1e beforementloned 10 aore 1raot Emerald Foreit Ph.., 8, ala cIllftn.. of8.l! fe.lpell tho no"" oomer of the _aid 10.ore lraol, oont1nuo ontora toIel dl.tenoe ofl071.89feettoIhtPLACE OF BliOINNING, OOnlalning 8.85 ...... of land; more or 10", . ~Nove By:; . UA \ KJU;J , . R.P.L,S. No. 2008 Page 2 of3 () EXHIBIT "c" Page 3 00 00 '" APPOMATTOX DR (- I [? ~(lYi)~ ~~@S ~@S~ ~@@; ~Q!s 00 '" , \ '" '" ""'" '" N ~ 0:: ""'" I 0:: 111& SOU1\'1) OE.R rRE.E.'i'I"'1 'E."R'- RUO '10. \ SI"IE. \'I'i'I Z ""e'Q! ........ ~ ,- l " Ol ~098 N ~ ~ N I LO o Qj III C\l () ~ 0... l- ff) W a:: o LL. :t: I- a:: o z LO r-... o N 3: w :> w a:: I- Z w ::2: c. o ...J ~ W o )