HomeMy WebLinkAboutLuke Patranella 082103d (2) LURe. r acraneua , M~mqrialldea Is ~~ ~~h!,~~~ ~ Bryan and College Station who f-wcre stunned by new,; of the pop- I ular civic-minded citizen's sudden I death in Mexico City Saturday, to- day were enthusiastic. over' the re- sponse accorded announcemelit that a Luke Patranella Memorial would be establbhed, according to W. L. Penberthy general chair- man. Immediately after' publication of the anrlOuncenH~n.t that ,the me- morial was planned Mr. Penberthy received a telephone call fromJ. C. 'Culpepper, realtor, who made a handsome contribution to head the list of donors. When he arrived at home Monday evening Pen- berthy's chililren, Wally, San\ Jean an,d Beth, met their daddy at the door and handed him the contents of theil' savings banks for the me- morial -fund to the hillillLgrocery- 1111an ,~ho~e intere~t in th,e childr~n of this community mal1lfested It- I self in an Easter Egg hunt for the little tots up through his awards to'them at graduation time. C. G. "Spike" \Vhite also was among the . first to contribute to the Memorial Fund. The Luke Patranella Memorial (coll1miltee bwed the following statement: With the passing of Luke I'at- ranella the community lost a fine citizen and the youth of the com- nlllnity lost a fine friend, Luke's love for and interest in our chil- dren was evidenced fi'om the first time they took part in his annual Easter Egg hunt until they were 'presented his scholarship award upon graduation from high school. He is going to be missed by people of all ages and classes, in many ways and on many occasions. It is the thought of many that a memorial to Luke should be es- tablisheu to keep alive his memory through the provision of whole- some, worthwhile youth activities. It is the feeling that many of his friends would like to contribute to this funu as their means of paying their last respects to his mcmol'y, in lieu of other expreS-l stons of sympathy. . It b impcssible to say in just: what form the memorial will nHll~i-, fest itself, but the commIttee wIll. make a study of the youth needs I' aml make the most fitting memor- I ial to Luke, I If this idea appeals to you and you would care' to contribute to the fund, you can make YOUI' con- tribution payable to the Luke 1'at- ranella Memorial Fund at'lll mail it to the committee, in care of W. L, Penberthy. 'Recreation Center At' Consolidated ~ Schoof Will Be Me.morial To Late [ . . Ll!ke PatraneIla, CODlmittee Decides EstaOlishment of a Luke patra-j and ~he was greatly pIea~ed by the nella RecreatiQn Center in COll~lec- committee's action in urging' the tion with the A&1\1 Consolidated POPUlal' CollC'ge Station grocer's School was agreed upon by a meet- friends to forego s~llding floml ing of the committee in charge offering". and contribute to the rof the fund it was announced to- memorial fund. day by W.' L. Penberth~', chair- lVII's, Patmnella further advised !man. I I Ml'. Penberthy that, she felt sure When the memorial fund r'each- her late husband would want any ed $500 almost imlilediately in re- memorial to be located at the sponse to the announcement, ~GV- A&M Consolidated School where eral questions arose and a special the childl'('n of the community in meeting was held Tuesday eve- whom he was so intensely inter- ning' to t:nswer tho"e questions. ested eouId l~njoy it. Mrs, Elsie PatralH'lIa, who ar- Mrs, Patranella added that she rived in College Station Tuesday. 'del' to have Luke':: was c(Jnsultl'd hy MI'. Pl'nherlhy friends contribute" to the Memo- I ial Fund in lieu of other expres. sions of symtmthy. A t the meeting it was decided that the I\Iemol;al wiiI manife>it .itself in the form of a I{ecreation' Ccntel' in connection with the school which Luke I QV('lfl so deal'- Iv Penberthy said. This center ., , eventuallv will include a skating slab, ten'nis courts, an outdo'lJr swimming pool and other facilities for the building of OUl' youth into "'ood citizens. Penberthy added. l:'! , . . "\Ve do not anticipate being able to finance all of theSe things with the contributions of this fund," Mr, Penbl'lthv Ilointed 011t. but "'''. should make a goocl start and with finances from other sources the I center should be completed in a r reasonable time. . I "Contributions will be received at Luke's Grocery, Black's Phar-, macv, South Side Food Market,! Murleley's Pharmacy, Casey Con- ,fectionery, George's Confection-, I ery, any of the Bryan banks, or I lroail to any member of the com-,- mittel'. I I "Checks may be post-dated over a period of a year, if any person I : desires to' contribute in a series, 10f monthly gifts, i. "\Ve have been g,etting' a' fine \ I'espon~e to this worthy fund, and I. have an opportunity to build a liv- ino' and useful memorial to a '" 'fine citizen." 1 Members of the commit tee in- i dude: Keith Aldrich, Frank An-I lderson, Harry Boyel', .John Brave-I .nec, Hershel Burgess, Sateh I~l- kin", Gordon Gay, Fritz Hensel, Sam Hoppel', Doc Lip~eomh, Ford Munnerlyn, Dough Rollins-, Carl 'l'ishlpl', Spike White, Joe Woolkct and Byron Winstead. I T -.- ~ p...,j... ""-' -. -; -. ;,J"':""I - - ....1 I L u k e P atranella ! F une ra (" Service Will Be Friday! The bod\' of Lul;c Palranelln, I aged 4G y~ars, who passed away I in Mexi('f) City suddenly at noon I on Saturd~y, will ani"e in Bryan on l:hul'sday, and be taken to Hil--l' lieI' Funel al Home, r Funeral servi(;e~ will be helel 0111' I F;l'idtIy mOl'lllng at, the FIrst Pl'c~- . ,b;;tennn ehL!rc~,()i Bryn!) at D:."O I ,lo'c10d: conducted bv Re\', N 01'- , '. I I man A, A nd~I',on. pa,tol' of the I I First, .Presbytel'ian chr.lrch, of DOl-I lege Station, I Moo. P(ltl'anella. wns bor:n in Bl'Y-1 <,n on ,Tuly 22. 18D~I. and had lived here, all l;is Ii fp, He was a d?a-l con 111 the A & :\1 Pl'esbvt('l'llln .' . ehul'eli, a member of the Wood- men of the \oVorld, the Earl Gra- ham Post No, 15~', the Bryan Ro- tary Club Hnd a me1l1hel' ot' the Retail Grocen' A~soC'iation. He is survived bv his wife, one . daughler Joyce, and three h,'o- 'tIle:~. .Toe (111(1 Charles 1'atnll1ella of Bryan and John Patnlliella of I ~aHa~, ~ .. ~ -. -- 000'1 _ _~ _ _ ,Mrs. Pu.w'ane,lla and daug-hlet.,! It ,is nol known at lhi~ time when Inlemb,er~ inllnediately sugesletl Jtyce, al'l'IveJ In Dallas Monday, thl~ wdl be. 1l<l'SIble, that fund~ could be put to a lasl- and were expected in Collegoe Sta-I I twas fe1t by' mem bel'S, of the ing tribute to the man by estab- lion sometime Tue~day. MI'. and Menlol'ialcommittee that Luke's Ilishing a permanent mean; for the Mrs. J. J. Woolket who wel'e va-many fliends.would expre~s their youth of the cOl,)1munity to con- cationing in Mexico City with the bel'li.avement with a~g'l'~at vollJl11e tinue to enjoy the wholesonle ac- P~tl'anellas ~taycd to attend to de-1 of' f19ral bff'Jrin~s, "and. k,lrowihg Ilivi~ies L,uke, PatralH:lla sponsored 'lads of sendlllg' the remalns- home., M r, Palranella. :\s,. th'l'Y dId, the I d~lI'lng hIS ll:fel1me.