HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/19/2024 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board (2) College Station, TX Meeting Agenda Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: www.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting Meeting ID: 269 753 645 57 | Passcode: QfdsL9 Phone: +1 979-431-4880 | Phone Conference: 917 612 881# The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. February 19, 2024 3:30 PM Heart of Aggieland Multipurpose Room College Station, TX Page 1 Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the meeting body will be present in the physical location stated above where citizens may also attend in order to view a member(s) participating by videoconference call as allowed by 551.127, Texas Government Code. The City uses a third party vendor to host the virtual portion of the meeting; if virtual access is unavailable, meeting access and participation will be in-person only. 1. Call meeting to order and consider absence requests. 2. Hear Visitors. At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to citizens wishing to address issues not already scheduled on today's agenda. Each citizen’s presentation will be limited to three minutes in order to allow adequate time for the completion of the agenda items. Comments will be received and city staff may be asked to look into the matter, or the matter may be placed on a future agenda for discussion. A recording may be made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record. 3. Agenda Items 3.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Attachments: 1. January 8, 2024 3.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding priority rankings for unfunded projects implementing the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan. Sponsors: Aspen Pflanz Attachments: 1. Unfunded Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Prioritization Criteria and Weights and Score Adjustments 2. List of Unfunded Sidewalk Projects 3. Map of Unfunded Sidewalk Project Priorities 4. List of Unfunded Shared Use Path Projects: Along Street ROW 5. Map of Unfunded Shared Use Path Projects (Along Street ROW) 6. List of Unfunded Shared Use Path Projects: Off-Street Paths 7. Map of Unfunded Shared Use Path Projects (Off-Street Paths) Priorities 8. List of Unfunded Bicycle Facility Projects 9. Map of Unfunded Bicycle Facilities Project Priorities 10. List of Unfunded Bike Route Projects 11. Map of Unfunded Bike Route Project Priorities 3.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the development of activities for National Bike Month in May 2024 including a Cycle with Council event. Page 1 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Page 2 February 19, 2024 3.4. Presentation and discussion regarding the following items related to biking, walking, and greenways: a. Public Meetings of Interest b. Capital and Private Project Updates 3.5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board calendar of upcoming meetings. a. March 2024 TBD b. April 8, 2024 ~ Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Advisory Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the Heart of Aggieland Multipurpose Room on the 3rd Floor. 4. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 5. Adjourn. Adjournment into Executive Session may occur in order to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on February 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. Page 2 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Page 3 February 19, 2024 “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 3 of 37 MINUTES BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND GREENWAYS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING January 8, 2024 MEMBERS PRESENT:Chairperson Elizabeth Cunha, Board Members Brad Brimley, Kathy Langlotz, Joy Chmelar, Jake Madewell, Dennis Jansen, and Neo Jang STAFF PRESENT:Director of Planning & Development Services Michael Ostrowski, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services Molly Hitchcock, City Engineer Carol Cotter, Transportation Planning Coordinator Jason Schubert, Transportation & Mobility Graduate Engineer II Katherine Beaman-Jamael, Graduate Traffic Engineer II DeAnna Ordonez, and Staff Assistant II Grecia Fuentes AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order and consider absence requests. Chairperson Cunha called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. There were no absence requests for consideration. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear Visitors. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Agenda Items. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.1: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Board Member Langlotz motioned to approve the meeting minutes from December, Board Member Jang seconded the motion, minutes were approved 7-0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.2: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding priority rankings for unfunded projects implementing the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan. Coordinator Jason Schubert presented this item. Page 4 of 37 Chairperson Cunha asked how many crashes were considered to be in the red area and how many crashes were considered to be in the yellow area. Coordinator Schubert answered that he did not have that distinction available, but there was an average of around thirty pedestrian and forty bicycle crashes a year which included major and minor crashes. Board Member Madewell inquired about what a bike-route project would entail. He referenced to number one on the list that included Park Place from Dexter Drive to Timber Street. Coordinator Schubert stated that it would include mostly signage or striping, but ideally staff would have to make sure it was wide enough to do it. Chairperson Cunha mentioned an example of Southwest Parkway as being a bike route that just included having green signs along the path that indicated it was a bike route. Board Member Jang mentioned that he noticed a column from the list that included the speed limits and asked if there was any consideration of lowering the speed as part of the criteria. Coordinator Schubert stated that most of the bike routes were thirty miles per hour and that the State of Texas could default some speed limits depending on the type of development. He added that to do something less than thirty miles per hour there would have to be a speed study done. Chairperson Cunha said that from her understanding, if someone wanted to change the speed limit, they would have to do a study of the existing driving records and get an average of the speeds already being driven. She clarified that they do not get to just pick a speed limit. Graduate Engineer II Beaman-Jamael explained the reason for the study being that if a drastically lower speed limit were to be placed it could potentially lead to accidents based on expectancy issues. Coordinator Schubert also added that there were other factors such as how the street was designed, how wide the lanes were, how sharp the curves were, and whether it was going horizontal or vertical. Graduate Engineer II Beaman-Jamael said that staff would not want to artificially reduce speeds without having the road engineered because that could induce drivers to drive slower. She said that adding things such as bump outs or lane narrowing are more intensive projects than just changing the signage. Board Member Jang brought up an example and asked about the possible reasoning behind two yellow center lines appearing overnight in a residential street that was already seemingly quiet. He asked if there were any other things the city could do such as placing the center lines that could be used to reduce speed. Page 5 of 37 Graduate Engineer II Beaman-Jamael said that that was a good point and mentioned that striped lanes could induce drivers to drive slower because when there was none present then it gave drivers the illusion of a wide one-lane road where they drive more towards the center and have more comfort in driving faster. She said that was one option to inducing reduced speeds. Board Member Langlotz brought up another example for making bike routes safer and referenced to the one on Glade Street. She said a lot of people commute on their bikes on Glade Street and thinks it would be much safer if the parking were restricted to one side of the street. She stated that cyclists had to be really careful to stay out of the way of traffic while going around parked cars because someone might be open their car door and they could run into it. Graduate Engineer II Beaman-Jamael stated that was a complicated issue because of the narrowing of the road that could be a speed deterrent. Board Member Brimley asked if the rankings and scores were based on some of the changed criteria that had been discussed recently. Coordinator Schubert clarified that the criteria input used was with the updated census information, the development from the city, and the crash range from the 2023 crash set. Board Member Brimley asked if it was known how the rankings had changed with any of the projects. Coordinator Schubert stated that staff did not have the number score or whether it went up or down. Board Member Dennis asked who decided on those weights. Coordinator Schubert stated that the Board had discussed and had chosen these in previous meetings. Board Member Brimley clarified that the Board had previously discussed these and had an opportunity to make changes to the weights criteria. Board Member Dennis expressed that to him it seemed like the weights were reflecting peoples’ preferences. He added that small things would make big things in those weights. Board Member Brimley asked Board Member Jansen if he was suggesting some kind of sensitivity analyses. Board Member Jansen agreed and said that he recalled someone at the last meeting asking what if we only cared about safety. He said that if you were to put 100 percent weight on safety, you would get a whole different ranking. Coordinator Schubert explained the rankings and weighing. He said that with the consideration of population and some equivalent of demand, if there was a higher population group with more Page 6 of 37 pedestrians or more cyclists it was likely to be closer in proximity. He also added that obviously safety was important, but they all would get some level of contention by weight. Board Member Jansen said that hypothetically speaking if that list was handed out to the Board and members were asked to fill out the rankings, then there would be a wide variety of answers. Coordinator Schubert stated that those personal experiences were the purpose of the criteria, to try and start off with that objective, to put facilities where people were at and to fix issues. He said what was missing from the map was the importance of that area. Coordinator Schubert suggested that staff go back and make some adjustments to help list the projects as high, medium, and low priority based on gathered information and then to present to the Board. He said it would make it easier to decide on the feasibility of each project. Chairperson Cunha asked the Board if they agreed to let staff make the adjustments and discuss at the next meeting. Board Member Jansen stated he remembered being told before that very few of these projects get funded. He said without a budget he did not see the point of discussing the projects rankings. He told staff to do the analysis and let the Board know which ones were being chosen to discuss. Coordinator Schubert explained that some of these projects are broken down into smaller feasible segments for bonds and other funding that may become available. He clarified that being able to have these projects ranked helped when coming down to submitting a grant application or funding to City Council. He said it makes it more likely to get funding. Chairperson Cunha told the Board that when the prioritizing is done and the Board is happy with it, it should be presented to City Council to make them aware so they can become accountable for funding. Board Brimley asked if the Board should be working with staff to provide a recommendation to council. Director Ostrowski said that it really depended. He clarified that on projects like this one with capital it was a different type of funding than general. He mentioned that staff would review and provide a recommendation for the department. He stated that they were also able to add service level adjustments, which meant additional funds for this particular project or service. He added that the exercise helps take specific high priority projects and put them forward. Mr. Ostrowski mentioned there was a small amount of small funds that they could use to fund projects identified in planning efforts. He said that as Mr. Schubert had mentioned before, none of the projects had a feasibility analysis done, therefore staff had only provided estimates of the costs per mile. He clarified that to answer the question, as staff identifies the projects it puts them forward to being potential capital projects and start looking into them depending on what they are valued at. He mentioned it would be good idea to get this list solidified over the next month or two. Page 7 of 37 The Board agreed for staff to make the proposed adjustments and discuss the priority levels at the next meeting. Director Ostrowski asked the Board if there were any other components or criteria to add. Board Member Madewell agreed with the modification just adding or taking away points based on existing facilities. Board Member Brimley asked if the revised list could be provided within a week or two for the Board to look over before the next meeting. Coordinator Schubert stated he could have it shared with the Board in a couple weeks. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.3: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the development of activities for National Bike Month in May 2024 including the Cycle with Council event. Chairperson Cunha pointed out that the event came about because there was nobody doing any cycling events before. She mentioned that once more citizens started doing them on their own, like Board Member Jang, then the Board would not have to continue planning it every year. If the Board decided to do it again next year, then perhaps the bike routes would have to start to be reused. She mentioned again that if the event sparked enough momentum within citizens to continue cycling events on their own, then the Board would retire the Cycle with Council event. Board member Langlotz suggested having volunteer help to monitor intersections for a safe left turn. She mentioned that the underpass at Midtown if it rained, cyclists would have to go over the top where there was no crosswalk. She also expressed her concern for not using the feeder road for the route and instead taking the bike path back. Board Member Jang clarified the route did not include the feeder road and that there was actually a shared-use path for the route. Board Member Brimley said he liked the route and he felt that any cyclist would be able to ride the route without any major issues. Chairperson Cunha asked Coordinator Schubert to initiate the approval process to make sure there were no issues with the city using that route. Coordinator Schubert asked the Board to decide on the event date. The Board agreed to go with May 4th. Staff will look into further arrangements. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.4: Presentation and discussion regarding the following items related to biking, walking, and greenways: a)Public Meetings of Interest – No upcoming updates. Page 8 of 37 b) Capital and Private Project Updates – Rock Prairie coordinating with Union Pacific on the railroad crossing following the Cain Road closure. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.5: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board calendar of upcoming meetings. a) February 12, 2024 ~ Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Advisory Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the Heart of Aggieland Multipurpose Room on 3rd Floor of City Hall. b) March 11, 2024 ~ Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Advisory Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the Heart of Aggieland Multipurpose Room on 3rd Floor of City Hall. The Board agreed to move the March meeting to March 4, 2024 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Board Member Brimley inquired about learning how the budget works for these projects. Chairperson Cunha requested a follow up on the Bicycle Friendly signs. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: ____________________________ ____________________________ Elizabeth Cunha, Chairperson Grecia Fuentes, Board Secretary Page 9 of 37 February 19, 2024 Item No. 3.2. Unfunded Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Priorities Sponsor: Aspen Pflanz, Staff Planner Reviewed By CBC: Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Greenways Advisory Board Agenda Caption: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding priority rankings for unfunded projects implementing the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan. Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services & Infrastructure, Improving Mobility Recommendation(s): Staff recommends the Board review the adjusted priority rankings for each project type and make any necessary adjustments to establish a finalized list of project rankings and prioritization categories. Summary: This item is a continuation of the discussion from the January 8, 2024 Board meeting regarding priority rankings of unfunded bicycle and pedestrian projects. Recent revisions to the planned pedestrian and bicycle networks adopted into the City’s Comprehensive Plan initiated an update to this list of stand-alone projects and their associated prioritization. One of the duties of the Board is to provide recommendations regarding capital project priorities related to biking, walking, and greenways. The updated priority rankings for stand-alone bicycle facility, bike route, sidewalk, and shared use path projects are attached. The Board began discussions of unfunded sidewalk and shared use path projects at the December 18, 2023 meeting and of unfunded bicycle facility and bike route projects at the January 8, 2024 meeting. The Board expressed interest in prioritizing projects that were near schools and high crash areas, created recreation opportunities in open/undeveloped areas, and qualified for additional funding sources. Staff has compiled notes to provide additional context to assist in the Board’s assessment of each project, such as if the project fills a gap in the network, if there is an existing facility on one side of the street, if the project is in a low-to-moderate income area (LMI Area), a criterion for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding, if the project abuts a park, if the project is aligned with the street right-of-way or not, and other considerations. These project lists have since been updated to incorporate the Board’s initial feedback and the draft priority rankings have been adjusted accordingly. Because several projects had equal ranking scores, the Board advised staff to refine the project scores further and arrange projects into distinct High, Medium, and Low prioritization categories. Specifically, the scores of sidewalk and shared use path projects were adjusted to add points to projects with characteristics not already accounted for in the GIS prioritization model. Sidewalk projects received additional points if the project has no existing facility present, is along a thoroughfare, or fills a gap in the network (+0.5 point each). Shared use path projects received additional points if the project has no existing sidewalk, is along a major arterial or highway, connects to existing facilities, or is within city-owned property or easement (+1.0 point each). Bicycle facility and bike route projects did not receive adjustments to their scores due to the technical considerations of their feasibility and potential to include with ongoing city street projects. After adjusting the project scores, staff sorted the projects into High, Medium, and Low Priority categories to focus the Board’s discussion on groupings of projects rather than on each individual Page 10 of 37 project. The Initial 2024 Rank and Score (calculated before staff adjustments) and 2021 Rank and Score are included on the project lists so the Board can examine how project priorities have changed throughout the evaluation process. Projects that have significantly risen or dropped in rank are typically the result of the 2021 unfunded projects prioritization process in which staff and the Board concluding that a project should move to the top or bottom of the overall prioritization list based on factors such as the completion of a preliminary engineering report (PER) or an existing facility already in place. Staff added a “BPG Board Priority” column to each project list so that the Board may indicate which projects they determine should move up or down in the current High, Medium, and Low prioritization categories. This approach is intended to finalize the Board’s recommendation of the unfunded stand- alone projects implementing the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan and will assist in further discussions about specific project selection and implementation. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Unfunded Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Prioritization Criteria and Weights and Score Adjustments 2. List of Unfunded Sidewalk Projects 3. Map of Unfunded Sidewalk Project Priorities 4. List of Unfunded Shared Use Path Projects: Along Street ROW 5. Map of Unfunded Shared Use Path Projects (Along Street ROW) 6. List of Unfunded Shared Use Path Projects: Off-Street Paths 7. Map of Unfunded Shared Use Path Projects (Off-Street Paths) Priorities 8. List of Unfunded Bicycle Facility Projects 9. Map of Unfunded Bicycle Facilities Project Priorities 10. List of Unfunded Bike Route Projects 11. Map of Unfunded Bike Route Project Priorities Page 11 of 37 Unfunded Bicycle and Pedestrian Project PrioriƟzaƟon Criteria and Weights PrioriƟzaƟon Criteria:  PopulaƟon Data – sourced from BCSMPO (future) and Census/ACS (exisƟng)  Safety (automobile/bicycle/pedestrian crash incidents) – sourced from PD crash incident reports from the last 3 years  Schools – CSISD Property – sourced from city data layer; includes exisƟng CSISD structures  Parks – sourced from city data layer; excludes cemeteries  Texas A&M University – sourced from city data layer; includes Main Campus, West Campus, and other perƟnent parcels (HSC Campus, Future Rellis Campus, Equestrian center, etc.); excludes the golf course and any green space on Main and West campus  Bus Stops – sourced from TAMU and BTD; includes Aggie Spirit fixed stops and BTD Ɵmestamp locaƟons (as BTD does not currently have fixed stops)  Key DesƟnaƟons – sourced from city data layer; includes exisƟng desƟnaƟons under construcƟon/review  Public Requests – sourced from city data; includes data from public input on surveys/interacƟve maps and public meeƟngs PrioriƟzaƟon Weights and Score Adjustments:  Sidewalks: Factors Weight PopulaƟon Served (PopulaƟon Density) 12 EXISITING PopulaƟon Served (PopulaƟon Density) 6 FUTURE Safety (Automobile/Pedestrian Crashes) 12 MAJOR (FAT, MAJ, HIT/INJ, DWI/MAJ) Safety (Automobile/Pedestrian Crashes) 6 MINOR (MIN, NON, HIT, DWI/MIN) Schools (ExisƟng and Future) 18 Parks (ExisƟng and Future) 13 Texas A&M University 10 Public Requests 10 Other Key DesƟnaƟons (Shopping Centers, Grocery Stores, Major Employers) 7 Bus Stops 6 100 Score Adjustments Points No exisƟng sidewalk on opposite side + 0.5 Along exisƟng thoroughfare + 0.5 Fills gap between exisƟng sidewalks (<= 0.1 miles) + 0.5 Page 12 of 37  Shared Use Paths: Factors Weight PopulaƟon Served (PopulaƟon Density) 12 EXISITING PopulaƟon Served (PopulaƟon Density) 6 FUTURE Safety (Automobile/Bike & Pedestrian Crashes) 12 MAJOR (FAT, MAJ, HIT/INJ, DWI/MAJ) Safety (Automobile/Pedestrian Crashes) 6 MINOR (MIN, NON, HIT, DWI/MIN) Schools (ExisƟng and Future) 18 Parks (ExisƟng and Future) 13 Texas A&M University 10 Public Requests 10 Other Key DesƟnaƟons (Shopping Centers, Grocery Stores, Major Employers) 7 Bus Stops 6 100  Bicycle FaciliƟes and Bike Routes: Factors Weight PopulaƟon Served (PopulaƟon Density) 12 EXISITING PopulaƟon Served (PopulaƟon Density) 6 FUTURE Safety (Automobile/Bicycle Crashes) 12 MAJOR (FAT, MAJ, HIT/INJ, DWI/MAJ) Safety (Automobile/Pedestrian Crashes) 6 MINOR (MIN, NON, HIT, DWI/MIN) Schools (ExisƟng and Future) 18 Parks (ExisƟng and Future) 13 Texas A&M University 10 Public Requests 10 Other Key DesƟnaƟons (Shopping Centers, Grocery Stores, Major Employers) 7 Bus Stops 6 100 Score Adjustments Points Along Street ROW No exisƟng sidewalk + 1.0 On major arterial or highway + 1.0 Score Adjustments Points Off-Street Paths Connects exisƟng faciliƟes (not dead end) + 1.0 On City property or exisƟng easement + 1.0 Page 13 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Sidewalk Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+0.5 each): No Facility (N), Tfare (T), and Gap <= 0.1 miles (G) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 1 8.33 N, T, G 12 6.835 7 7.000 TIMBER STREET 630 FT SE OF GEORGE BUSH DR PARK PLACE 0.20 A $ 243,846 No facility; LMI area 2 8.266 N, G 1 7.266 1 7.393 PARK PLACE 1 ANDERSON ST BACK OF HEB 0.34 A $ 404,623 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; limited ROW and design constraints due to topography; LMI area 3a 8.000 N, G 2a 7.000 n/a 7.000 POPLAR ST 1 TEXAS AV 165 FT NE OF TEXAS AV 0.03 B $ 38,479 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 3b 8.000 N, G 2b 7.000 n/a 6.561 ASH STREET 2 EISENHOWER ST NIMITZ ST 0.06 B $ 67,970 No facility; LMI area 3c 8.000 T, G 2c 7.000 3 7.000 UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD 445 FT NE of GEORGE BUSH DR E GEORGE BUSH DR E 0.08 B $ 99,947 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between existing facility out to proposed facility on George Bush Dr E; LMI area 3d 8.000 N, T 2d 7.000 5 7.000 GEORGE BUSH DR E 1 DOMINIK DR UNIVERSITY OAKS BL 0.12 B $ 144,531 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; desire paths present and high pedestrian use; LMI area 3e 8.000 N, T 2h 7.000 6 7.000 UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD 3 OLYMPIA WY STALLINGS DR 0.14 B $ 164,572 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 8 7.917 N, G 11 6.917 n/a 6.234 POPLAR ST 2 EISENHOWER ST 445 FT SW OF EISENHOWER ST 0.08 B $ 101,878 No facility; fills gap between facilities; LMI area 9a 7.500 N, T, G 25d 6.000 2 7.000 FOSTER AVENUE LINCOLN AVE WALTON DR 0.10 B $ 120,555 No facility; fills gap between existing Walton Dr and Lincoln Ave; LMI area 9b 7.500 N 2e 7.000 n/a 6.589 LIVE OAK ST 1 EISENHOWER ST TURNER ST 0.13 B $ 161,438 No facility; LMI area 9c 7.500 N, T, G 25n 6.000 9 7.000 NUECES DRIVE GUADALUPE DR HARVEY MITCHELL PW S 0.07 A $ 85,351 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; connects into SUP on Fm 2818; LMI area 9d 7.500 T 2f 7.000 86 7.613 HOLLEMAN DRIVE 5 430FT N OF VILLAGE DR ANDERSON ST 0.16 A $ 190,362 Existing facility on opposide side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 9e 7.500 T 2g 7.000 75 8.000 ANDERSON STREET VILLAGE DR. HOLLEMAN DR. 0.11 A $ 129,160 Existing facility opposite side of street; LMI area HIGH PRIORITY 1 Page 14 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Sidewalk Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+0.5 each): No Facility (N), Tfare (T), and Gap <= 0.1 miles (G) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 9f 7.500 N 2i 7.000 n/a 6.735 TURNER ST POPLAR ST 145 FT SE OF ASH ST 0.13 B $ 161,021 No facility; LMI area 15 7.377 N, T 16 6.377 56 5.716 NAGLE STREET INLOW BL CROSS ST 0.13 A $ 151,344 No facility on most of segment; connects into City of Bryan; LMI area 16 7.233 T 13 6.733 n/a 6.816 EISENHOWER ST 1 UNIVERSITY DR E ASH ST 0.18 B $ 219,618 Existing facility on opposite side of street; LMI area 17 7.096 N, T, G 61 5.596 20 6.769 DEXTER DRIVE SOUTH 1 WINDING RD HANES DR 0.25 A $ 298,204 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities on Dexter Dr S; establishes a pedestrian crossing over Holleman Dr; LMI area 18 7.013 N, T 23 6.013 19 6.802 FAIRVIEW AVENUE GEORGE BUSH DR LUTHER ST 0.39 A $ 472,846 No facility; LMI area 19a 7.000 N, G 25b 6.000 17 6.976 PHOENIX STREET HOLLEMAN DR 445 FT SE OF HOLLEMAN DR 0.08 A $ 100,951 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 19b 7.000 N, G 25c 6.000 11 7.000 JAMES PARKWAY NORTHSIDE FRANCIS DR SOUTHSIDE FRANCIS DR 0.03 B $ 35,527 Would create crossing between each side of Thomas Park; adjacent to existing crossing; LMI area 19c 7.000 N, G 25e 6.000 49 6.000 FLOWER MOUND DRIVE WESTFIELD DR SPRINGFIELD DR 0.03 C $ 37,099 Fills gap between existing facility on Flower Mound Dr and path from Westfield Dr into Creek View Elementary School 19d 7.000 T, G 25f 6.000 80 6.716 HOLLEMAN DRIVE 1 FAIRVEW AVE GEORGIA ST 0.03 A $ 37,090 Existing facility on opposide side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 19e 7.000 N, T 25h 6.000 25 6.547 ANDERSON STREET 1 SOUTHWEST PKWY ENTRANCE OF COLLEGE STATION CITY CEMETARY 0.17 A $ 204,190 No facility; LMI area 19f 7.000 N, T 25l 6.000 53 5.999 SCARLETT OHARA DRIVE UNIVERSITY OAKS BL HARVEY RD 0.15 B $ 178,665 No facility; LMI area 19g 7.000 N, T 25m 6.000 8 7.000 WALTON DRIVE PURYEAR DR FOSTER AV 0.22 B $ 269,595 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 19h 7.000 N, T 25q 6.000 55 5.802 UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD 2 TARA CT RHETT BUTLER DR 0.42 B $ 498,672 No facility; LMI area 19i 7.000 N, G 25w 6.000 n/a 7.000 GROVE ST WELLBORN RD 135 FT NE OF WELLBORN RD 0.03 A $ 31,609 No facility; fills gap between existing facility out to Wellborn Rd; LMI area 2 Page 15 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Sidewalk Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+0.5 each): No Facility (N), Tfare (T), and Gap <= 0.1 miles (G) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 19j 7.000 N, T 25x 6.000 21 6.724 WALTON DRIVE 1 NUNN ST FRANCIS DR 0.26 B $ 312,907 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 19k 7.000 T, G 25ab 6.000 78 7.000 HOLLEMAN DRIVE 3 375 FT NE OF ELEANOR ST ELEANOR ST 0.07 A $ 85,356 Existing facility on opposide side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 19l 7.000 N, G 25ac 6.000 41 6.000 ELEANOR STREET MONTCLAIR AVE THOMPSON ST. 0.06 A $ 70,620 Fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 19m 7.000 N, G 25ad 6.000 48 6.000 HARVEST DRIVE SPRINGFIELD DR WESTFIELD DR 0.03 C $ 36,423 Fills gap between existing facilties on Harvest Dr into Cypress Grove Intermediate School 19n 7.000 N, G 25ae 6.000 4 7.000 KYLE AVENUE PURYEAR DR 130 FT SW OF PURYEAR DR 0.04 B $ 42,301 No facility; fills gap between existing facility on Kyle Ave into Thomas Park; LMI area 33 6.999 N, G 55 5.999 n/a 6.760 MOSS ST TEXAS AV FOSTER AV 0.09 B $ 105,756 No facility; LMI area 34 6.948 N 14 6.448 n/a 6.651 POPLAR ST 4 EISENHOWER ST TURNER ST 0.14 B $ 162,459 No facility; LMI area 35 6.930 N, G 56 5.930 n/a 6.537 FIDELITY ST WELLBORN RD MONTCLAIR AV 0.21 A $ 252,663 No facility; LMI area 36 6.898 T 15 6.398 77 7.000 WELSH AVENUE 1 NEVADA ST SOUTHWEST PW 0.19 A $ 233,523 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between existing facility out towards SH 6; LMI area 37 6.860 N 17 6.360 18 6.828 CAUDILL STREET HOLLEMAN DR GUNSMITH ST 0.37 A $ 448,678 No existing facility; LMI area 38 6.854 N 18 6.354 29 6.413 GUNSMITH STREET TRIGGER ST CAUDILL ST 0.09 A $ 111,459 No facility; LMI area 39 6.763 T 19 6.263 16 7.075 WELSH AVENUE 2 SOUTHWEST PW HARVEY MITCHELL PW S 0.46 A $ 546,546 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between existing facility out towards SH 6; LMI area 40 6.756 N 20 6.256 15 7.000 TRIGGER STREET GUNSMITH ST DEXTER DR S 0.12 A $ 142,449 No facility; LMI area 41 6.623 N, T, G 70 5.123 40 6.000 BRENTWOOD DRIVE EAST BRENTWOOD DR E BRENTWOOD DR (ACROSS TEXAS AVE S)0.05 B, A $ 57,137 Fills gap between existing facillities on Brentwood Dr E between Dairy Queen and Aggieland Automotive; LMI area MEDIUM PRIORITY 3 Page 16 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Sidewalk Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+0.5 each): No Facility (N), Tfare (T), and Gap <= 0.1 miles (G) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 42 6.585 N 22 6.085 27 6.514 HAINES DRIVE TAURUS AV LANGFORD ST 0.27 A $ 323,303 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 43 6.509 N 24 6.009 22 6.596 WELLESLEY COURT UNIVERSITY TOWN CENTER CONNECTOR TARROW ST 0.15 B $ 174,529 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities 44a 6.500 G 25a 6.000 14 7.000 PURYEAR DRIVE KYLE AV DOMINIK DR 0.03 B $ 38,099 LMI area 44b 6.500 N, T, G 77b 5.000 51 6.000 MERRY OAKS DRIVE DOMINIK DR MAGNOLIA DR 0.05 B $ 58,684 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities 44c 6.500 N 25g 6.000 46 6.000 PEDERNALES DRIVE SAN BENITO DR VAL VERDE DR 0.05 A $ 58,361 No facility; would shorten gap between facilities but not eliminate it; LMI area 44d 6.500 T 25i 6.000 76 7.000 HOLLEMAN DRIVE 4 ARIZONA ST WELLBORN RD 0.18 A $ 218,393 Existing facility on opposide side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 44e 6.500 N 25j 6.000 39 6.000 HONDO DRIVE SOUTHWEST PW NUECES DR 0.21 A $ 251,325 No facility; LMI area 44f 6.500 N 25k 6.000 26 6.523 SOUTHLAND STREET ONEY HERVEY DR WELLBORN RD 0.20 A $ 239,132 No facility; connects to Oney Hervey cul-de- sac; LMI area 44g 6.500 N 25o 6.000 12 7.000 GEORGIA STREET HOLLEMAN DR NEVADA ST 0.25 A $ 294,394 No facility; LMI area 44h 6.500 T 25p 6.000 13 7.000 WELSH AVENUE HOLLEMAN DR SWISS CT 0.15 A $ 184,714 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between existing facility out towards SH 6; LMI area 44i 6.500 N 25r 6.000 59 5.453 VALLEY VIEW DRIVE LONGMIRE DR SOUTHWOOD DR 0.28 A $ 330,421 No facility; LMI area 44j 6.500 N 25s 6.000 28 6.489 NEVADA STREET WELSH AV PHOENIX ST 0.19 A $ 229,035 No facility; LMI area 44k 6.500 N 25t 6.000 31 6.207 GILCHRIST AVE EAST FOSTER AV PURYEAR DR 0.16 B $ 187,670 No facility; fills gap between facilities; LMI area 44l 6.500 N 25u 6.000 10 7.000 DEXTER DRIVE SOUTH LLANO PL CONCHO PL 0.11 A $ 131,547 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities on Dexter Dr S; LMI area 44m 6.500 N 25v 6.000 45 6.000 PHOENIX STREET 1 680 FT NW OF NEVADA ST NEVADA ST 0.13 A $ 150,981 No facility; LMI area 4 Page 17 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Sidewalk Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+0.5 each): No Facility (N), Tfare (T), and Gap <= 0.1 miles (G) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 44n 6.500 G 25y 6.000 52 6.000 COMAL TO ARBOLES CONNECTION COMAL CIRCLE ARBOLES CIRCLE 0.07 A $ 80,938 Connection between two cul-de-sacs; would require ROW acquisition 44o 6.500 N 25z 6.000 30 6.302 VAL VERDE DRIVE RIO GRANDE BL PEDERNALES DR 0.20 A $ 234,313 No facility; LMI area 59 6.392 N, T 64 5.392 79 6.751 HOLLEMAN DRIVE WEST 1 MARION PUGH DR CORREGIDOR DR 0.43 A $ 520,613 Existing facility on most of the opposide side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 60 6.361 N, T 66 5.361 60 5.116 MANUEL DRIVE CREST ST CORNELL DR 0.26 B $ 309,992 No facility; LMI area 61 6.357 N 57 5.857 54 5.989 TODD TRAIL 1 LONGMIRE DR BROTHERS BL 0.27 A $ 329,315 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities 62 6.328 T 58 5.828 80 6.716 HOLLEMAN DRIVE 2 ANDERSON ST WELSH AVE 0.68 A $ 815,226 Existing facility on opposide side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 63 6.204 N, T 69 5.204 58 5.589 TARROW STREET E 29TH ST PEYTON ST 0.50 B $ 603,227 No facility; LMI area 64 6.191 59 5.691 32 6.193 TODD TRAIL SOUTHWOOD DR RIO GRANDE BL 0.36 A $ 437,704 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities 65a 6.177 21 6.177 n/a 0.000 WALTON DR 2 TEXAS AVE S WALTON DR 0.10 B $ 119,172 Existing facility present; this project is somewhat of a realignment/alternate route; LMI area 65b 6.177 N 60 5.677 n/a 6.000 EISENHOWER ST 3 180 FT SE OF COONER ST COONER ST 0.03 B $ 41,103 No facility; would shorten gap between facilities but not eliminate it; LMI area 67 6.066 N, T 71 5.066 24 6.563 HOLLEMAN DRIVE WEST WOODWAY DR LEGACY LN 0.27 A $ 319,626 Existing facility on a portion of the opposide side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 68 6.032 N 62 5.532 n/a 6.000 NIMITZ ST 415 FT SE OF COONER ST COONER ST 0.08 B $ 94,615 No facility; would shorten gap between facilities but not eliminate it; LMI area 69 6.028 N, T 73 5.028 47 6.000 HARVEY ROAD EARL RUDDER FW S FRONTAGE RD W 740FT NE OF RHETT BUTLER DR 0.32 B $ 378,167 No facility; fills gap between facilities; LMI area 70 6.022 T, G 74 5.022 81 6.000 NAVARRO DRIVE WELSH AV PINTAIL LN 0.09 A $ 102,811 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 5 Page 18 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Sidewalk Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+0.5 each): No Facility (N), Tfare (T), and Gap <= 0.1 miles (G) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 71a 6.000 N, T 77d 5.000 66 5.000 DECATUR DRIVE FRONT ROYAL DR. PUBLIC ALLEY 0.17 C $ 202,478 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities on Decatur Dr 71b 6.000 T, G 77e 5.000 44 6.000 FM 2818 SERVICE ROAD 1 LONGMIRE DR 250 FT SW FROM LONGMIRE DR 0.05 A $ 59,226 Fills gap between Glo Premier Auto Spa and Longmire Dr; adjacent to funded shared use path project with TxDOT 71c 6.000 N, T 77g 5.000 57 5.657 TARROW STREET EAST TARROW ST UNIVERSITY DR E 0.20 B $ 238,100 No facility; LMI area 71d 6.000 N, G 77h 5.000 38 6.000 RHETT BUTLER DRIVE BAYOU WOODS DR HARDWOOD LN 0.06 B $ 73,329 No facility 71e 6.000 T, G 77k 5.000 43 6.000 FM 2818 SERVICE ROAD HILLTOP DR. 500FT SW OF LONGMIRE DR.0.09 A $ 110,339 Fills gap between Hilltop Dr and the end of Post Office property line; adjacent to funded shared use path project with TxDOT 71f 6.000 T, G 77l 5.000 82 6.000 DEACON DRIVE DURANGO CT FRATERNITY ROW 0.06 A $ 71,791 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between Fraternity Row and Durango St 71g 6.000 N, G 77n 5.000 65 5.000 HEARTHSTONE CIRCLE CHIMNEY HILL CR TARROW ST 0.04 B $ 46,289 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 78 5.969 N 63 5.469 n/a 6.000 MACARTHUR ST 1 UNIVERSITY DR E COONER ST 0.13 B $ 160,862 No facility; LMI area 79 5.891 N 65 5.391 n/a 6.000 COONER STREET 2 260 FT NE OF MACARTHUR ST END OF COONER ST 0.05 B $ 55,533 No facility; would shorten gap between facilities but not eliminate it; LMI area 80 5.799 T 67 5.299 63 5.046 UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD 1 TARA CT MERRY OAKS DR 0.04 B $ 46,507 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between existing facility out towards SH 6 81 5.739 N 68 5.239 36 6.000 ARGUELLO DRIVE CHIMNEY HILL DR TARROW ST 0.11 B $ 137,456 No facility; LMI area 82 5.553 N 72 5.053 42 6.000 AIRLINE DRIVE SOUTHWOOD DR SHENANDOAH DR 0.20 A $ 242,346 LOW PRIORITY 6 Page 19 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Sidewalk Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+0.5 each): No Facility (N), Tfare (T), and Gap <= 0.1 miles (G) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 83 5.507 N 75 5.007 37 6.000 BAYOU WOODS DRIVE RHETT BUTLER DR. HARDWOOD LN. 0.17 B $ 202,735 Fills gap between existing facilities on Bayou Woods Dr 84 5.506 N 76 5.006 33 6.051 WOODWAY DRIVE WOODSMAN DR HOLLEMAN DR W 0.03 A $ 38,289 No facility; would shorten gap between facilities but not eliminate it; LMI area 85a 5.500 N 77a 5.000 61 5.105 AUTUMN CIRCLE TARROW ST 130 FT E OF TARROW ST 0.02 B $ 27,492 Fills gap between existing facility on Autumn Cr out to Tarrow St (which has no facility yet); LMI area 85b 5.500 N 77i 5.000 67 5.000 SHADY DRIVE FOREST DR FRANCIS DR 0.15 B $ 183,823 No facility; fills gap between facilities 85c 5.500 N 77j 5.000 64 5.017 NORMAND DRIVE DEACON DR PONDEROSA DR 0.47 A $ 560,439 No facility 85d 5.500 G 77m 5.000 84 6.000 FRATERNITY ROW 1 FM 2154 FRATERNITY ROW PARKING LOT ENTRANCE 0.02 A $ 24,481 Fills gap between existing sidewalk and Wellborn Rd 89 5.471 N, T 91 4.471 68 4.597 GATEWAY BLVD LAKEWAY DR SH 6 0.20 D $ 235,768 No facility 90 5.272 N, T 92 4.272 69 4.318 SOUTHERN PLANTATION DRIVE SH 6 S STONY CREEK LN 0.46 C $ 557,837 No facility; stubbed out to SH 6 91a 5.000 77c 5.000 n/a 6.000 JANE ST 1 135 FT SE OF COONER ST COONER ST 0.03 B $ 31,104 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between existing facilities; LMI area 91b 5.000 77f 5.000 83 6.000 FRATERNITY ROW DEACON DR FRATERNITY ROW CORNER 0.11 A $ 129,351 Existing facility on opposite side of street; fills gap between existing facilities 91c 5.000 N, G 93a 4.000 72 4.000 WILDERNESS DRIVE NORTH BUTLER RIDGE DR RAINTREE DR 0.08 B $ 91,779 No facility; fills gap between existing facilities 91d 5.000 T, G 93b 4.000 n/a 5.000 PONDEROSA DRIVE SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD W LONGMIRE DR 0.03 A $ 35,465 Existing facility on opposite side of street (but is not connected to anything else); fills gap between existing facilities 7 Page 20 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Sidewalk Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+0.5 each): No Facility (N), Tfare (T), and Gap <= 0.1 miles (G) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 95 4.732 N, T 96 3.732 n/a 4.000 FOXFIRE DRIVE SEBESTA RD. CONCORD CR. 0.46 B $ 548,512 No facility; rural tfare context zone 96 4.631 N, T 97 3.631 n/a 3.000 GREAT OAKS DRIVE ARBOLEDA DR ROCK PRAIRIE RD W 0.76 C, A $ 912,041 No facility; LMI area 97 4.500 T 93c 4.000 74 4.000 RAINTREE DRIVE WILDERNESS DR N FOREST OAKS DR 0.19 B $ 230,144 Existing facility on opposite side of street; would shorten gap between facilities but not eliminate it 98 4.082 G 98 3.582 73 4.000 WOODCREEK CONNECTOR BROOKWATER CR. SHADOWCREST DR 0.06 B $ 73,044 Fills gap between existing facility on Brookwater Cr and path into Woodcreek Park 99a 4.000 N, T 100a 3.000 71 4.000 SANDSTONE DRIVE EMERALD PW SEBESTA RD 0.12 B $ 148,896 No facility 99b 4.000 N, T 100b 3.000 n/a 2.639 ARBOLEDA DRIVE QUAIL RUN GREAT OAKS DR 0.33 A $ 399,643 No facility; LMI area 101 3.503 N 99 3.003 70 4.000 SHADOWCREST DRIVE TIMBER KNOLL DR WOODCREEK DR 0.24 B $ 286,355 No facility; fills gap between facilities 8 Page 21 of 37 nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 85d 85a 91a 19i 101 19b 91d 19m 19d 19c 84 3a 19n 65b 71g 80 79 41 44c 44b 71b 98 3b 19l 71f 71d 44n 9c 19k 91c 68 3c 19a 8 70 33 38 71e 65a9a 91b 9e 44l40 3d 99a 15 44m 78 9f 9b 34 3e 43 19f 44h 85b 44k 9d 83 19e 44d 16 44j 97 44o 36 89 71c 44f 82 1 44e 101 35 19g 44g 17 19j 60 67 42 61 44i 2 64 37 18 19h 59 39 95 90 85c 63 62 96 HOLLEMANDRS BARRO N RD HOLLEM A N D R UNIVERSITY DR EWEL L BO R N R D N W VILLA MARI A RD H O LLEM A N D RES O U T H W ESTPWANDERSONSTWEL L B O R N R D E 29TH ST CO L L E G E A V WELS H AV TE X A S A V S E A R L RUDD E R FW S C A V I T T A V DART M O UTH STGROESBECK STUNIVERSITYDRLINCOLN A V SOUTH WEST P W EE VILLA MARIA RDS CO L L E G E A V E BROOKSI DE DR N EA R L R U DD E R FW GEORGE B USH DR W S T E X A S A V VI C T O R I A A VFINFEATHER RDCAPSTONE D RRAYMOND STOTZER P W HARVEY RDLEONARD RD AR R ING TON RD TE X A S A V GEORGEBUSH DRGREENSPRAIRIERDFM 2 1 5 4 N H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L P W H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L PW S ROCK PRA I R I E R D W O O D L A K E D R SH 30BRIARCREST DR SH 6 S FM 15 8 WILLIAMDFITCHPWRIVERSIDEPW RAYMOND STOTZER T O R I V E R S I D E P W nm nm nmnmnmTI M B E R S T JO N E S B U T L E R R D DEXTER D R GLADESTDEXT ERDRS NUE CESDR FA I R V I E W A V MARION PUGH DRPARK PLACELUTHER ST W GEORGEBU SHDRGEORGE BUSH DR W ANDERSON ST SOUT H W E S T P WWEL SH A V HOLLEMAN DR H O LLE M A N D R WWE L L B ORNRDTE X A S A V S 19i 19d 84 19l 44n 9c 19k 19a 38 2 67 9e 44l 40 44m 44h 9d 44d 44j 36 44f 1 44e 35 44g 17 42 59 37 18 39 62 nmTANGLEWOOD DR WALTONDRSPRING LOGARDENACRESBL MU N S O N A V FRANCIS DRN ROSEMARY DRTARRO W ST LINCOLN AV S T E X A S A V UNIVERSITY DR UNIVERS I T Y D R E TE X A S A V 85a 91a 19b 3a 65b 71g 79 3b 68 8 65a 9a 78 9f 9b 34 43 16 71c 19g 19j 63 ¯0 10.5 Miles Unfunded Sidewalk Project Priorities February 2024 Prioritization Category HIGH MEDIUM LOW nm Schools Parks A B A B Page 22 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Shared Use Path Projects: Along Street ROW Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+1.0 each): No Sidewalk (N); On Major Arterial/Highway (H) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 1 9.420 N, H 5 7.420 1 7.433 HARVEY ROAD WEST 1 TEXAS AVE DARTMOUTH ST 0.67 B 1,347,622$ North side of street, construction funding available through MPO; existing sidewalk along south side of street; LMI area 2 9.124 H 1 8.124 n/a 0.000 TEXAS AVE LINCOLN AVE UNIVERSITY DR E 0.32 B 641,567$ East side of street; would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 3 9.057 N, H 6 7.057 5 8.103 WELLBORN ROAD 1 GEORGE BUSH DR LUTHER ST 0.40 A 800,861$ Portion near George Bush Dr to be constructed w/ Bush/Wellborn grade separation project; LMI area 4 9.000 N, H 7b 7.000 2 7.433 HARVEY ROAD WEST 2 MUNSON AVE SH 6 0.57 B 1,143,288$ North side of street, funding available through MPO; existing sidewalk along south side of street; LMI area 5 8.427 H 4 7.427 16 7.527 UNIVERSITY DRIVE EAST TEXAS AVE LINCOLN AVE 1.13 B 2,260,847$ South side of street, would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 6 8.000 N, H 15b 6.000 7 6.298 WILLIAM D. FITCH PARKWAY 1 BARRON RD GRAHAM RD 0.82 C 1,648,130$ No existing bike/ped facilities along roadway; LMI area 7 7.943 N, H 17 5.943 6 6.298 TEXAS AVENUE HARVEY MITCHELL PKWY DEACON DR 0.69 B 1,383,295$ No existing bike/ped facilities along roadway; LMI area 8 7.575 H 11 6.575 23 5.784 RAYMOND STOTZER PARKWAY 2 WELLBORN RD HARVEY MITCHELL PKWY 1.06 A 2,123,485$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 9 7.551 N, H 22 5.551 8 6.298 WILLIAM D. FITCH PARKWAY 1A SH 6 BARRON RD 2.17 C 4,335,629$ No existing bike/ped facilities along roadway 10 7.467 2 7.467 13 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY SOUTHSIDE 5 WELLBORN RD SOUTHWEST PARK 0.10 A 193,905$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 11 7.454 3 7.454 17 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY NORTHSIDE 3 WELLBORN RD WELSH AVE 0.54 A 1,075,413$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 12 7.308 H 13 6.308 19 7.202 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD 3 WELLBORN RD BRIAN BACHMANN PARK CONNECTOR 2 0.80 C 1,595,091$ South side of street, would replace existing sidewalk 13 7.172 H 14 6.172 20 7.000 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD 2 BRIAN BACHMANN CONNECTOR 2 NORMAND DR 0.52 C 1,047,227$ South side of street, would replace existing sidewalk 14a 7.000 N, H 25f 5.000 9 5.128 HARVEY ROAD EAST 1 SUMMIT CROSSING LANE SH 6 1.47 B 2,947,389$ HIGH PRIORITY MEDIUM PRIORITY 1 Page 23 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Shared Use Path Projects: Along Street ROW Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+1.0 each): No Sidewalk (N); On Major Arterial/Highway (H) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 14b 7.000 N 15a 6.000 3 6.000 TARROW STREET AUTUMN CIRCLE BRYAN CITY LIMIT 0.03 B 54,765$ City of Bryan has designed extension along 29th Street; LMI area 14c 7.000 7a 7.000 17 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY NORTHSIDE 1 WELSH AVE BEE CREEK TRAIL 0.83 A 1,662,414$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 14d 7.000 7c 7.000 18 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY SOUTHSIDE 2 SOUTHWEST PARK WELSH AVE 0.40 A 793,392$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 18 6.869 10 6.869 8 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY SOUTHSIDE 3 WELSH AVE BEE CREEK TRAIL 0.84 A 1,677,303$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 19 6.731 H 18 5.731 24 5.634 GEORGE BUSH DRIVE HARVEY MITCHELL PKWY WELLBORN RD 1.25 A 2,493,643$ North side of street, would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 20 6.713 H 19 5.713 21 6.425 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD 1 NORMAND DR LONGMIRE DR 0.32 C 643,910$ South side of street, would replace existing sidewalk 21 6.649 N, H 32 4.649 19 5.128 HARVEY ROAD EAST 2 FM 158 ASCEND LANE 0.70 B 1,396,655$ LMI area 22 6.617 N 20 5.617 10 4.816 F&B HARVEY MITCHELL PKWY TURKEY CREEK RD 0.52 A 1,043,516$ 23 6.507 12 6.507 17 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY NORTHSIDE 4 BEE CREEK TRAIL DARTMOUTH ST 0.82 B, A 1,640,790$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 24 6.052 N, H 35 4.052 11 4.000 RAYMOND STOTZER PARKWAY 1 HARVEY MITCHELL PKWY TURKEY CREEK RD 0.36 A 723,219$ 25 6.000 N 25e 5.000 n/a 5.908 WOODLAKE DR VICTORIA AVE GREENS PRARIE RD 0.52 C 1,032,723$ 26 5.660 N 31 4.660 n/a 5.000 VICTORIA AVE WELLBORN RD WOODLAKE DR 0.71 C 1,418,286$ 27 5.632 N 33 4.632 n/a 0.000 MCCULLOUGH RD WELLBORN RD BREWSTER DR EXTENSION 0.48 C 963,144$ 28 5.607 21 5.607 17 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY NORTHSIDE 2 DARTMOUTH ST SH 6 0.66 B 1,318,869$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 29 5.485 23 5.485 18 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY SOUTHSIDE 4 DARTMOUTH ST SH 6 0.65 B 1,307,025$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 30 5.290 N, H 36 3.290 12 3.592 WILLIAM D. FITCH PARKWAY 2 ROCK PRAIRIE RD CARTER'S CREEK 0.91 D, B 1,814,054$ 31 5.098 24 5.098 25 5.067 LONGMIRE DRIVE ROCK PRAIRIE RD GRAHAM RD 0.35 C 696,604$ Would be upgrade to existing bike lane and sidewalk 32a 5.000 25a 5.000 22 6.077 ARNOLD ROAD BRIAN BACHMANN PARK CONNECTOR 1 ARNOLD RD TRAIL 0.12 C 242,743$ Along edge of Brian Bachman Park, Arnold Road ROW LOW PRIORITY 2 Page 24 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Shared Use Path Projects: Along Street ROW Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+1.0 each): No Sidewalk (N); On Major Arterial/Highway (H) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 32b 5.000 25c 5.000 4 6.000 SPRING CREEK 3 SOCO APTS SPRING CREEK 2 0.08 C 160,510$ Along Arrington Rd; would replace existing sidewalk 32c 5.000 25d 5.000 14 6.000 PEBBLE CREEK PARKWAY LICK CREEK TRAIL ROYAL ADELADE DR 0.59 D 1,174,062$ Along Pebble Creek Pkwy; would replace existing sidewalk 32d 5.000 25b 5.000 15 6.000 ALEXANDRIA AVENUE SOUTHERN PLANTATION DR SPRING CREEK 4 0.33 C 661,047$ Path along Southern Oaks Park & Alexandria Ave; connects to future Spring Creek trails 36 4.328 34 4.328 18 0.000 SOUTHWEST PKWY SOUTHSIDE 1 BEE CREEK TRAIL DARTMOUTH ST 0.82 B, A 1,631,071$ Would replace existing sidewalk; LMI area 3 Page 25 of 37 nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 14b 32b 10 32a 21 2 20 32d 31 24 14d 3 27 25 22 13 11 4 32c 29 28 1 7 26 12 36 23 6 14c 18 30 8 5 19 14a 9 HOLLEMANDRS BARRO N RDUNIVERSITY DR EWEL L BO R N R D N W VILLA MARI A RD H O LLEM A N D RETA R R O W S T SOUTHWESTPWHOLLEMAN D R WWEL L B O R N R D E 29TH ST CO L L E G E A V SOUTHWEST P W EWELS H AV TE X A S A V S E A R L RUDD E R FW S C A V I T T A V UNIVERSITY D R DART M O UTH STGROESBECK STLINCOLN AV ANDERSONSTE VILLA MARIA RDS CO L L E G E A V HOLLEM ANDRE BROOKSI DE DR N EA R L R U DD E R FW GEORGE BUSH DR W S T E X A S A V VI C T O R I A A VFINFEATHER RDCAPSTONE D RRAYMOND STOTZER P W HARVEY RDLEONARD RD AR R ING TON RD TE X A S A V GEORGEBUSH DRGREENSPRAIRIERDFM 2 1 5 4 N H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L P W H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L PW S ROCK PRA I R I E R D W O O D L A K E D R FM 1 5 8 SH 30BRIARCREST DR SH 6 S WILLIAMDFITCHPWRIVERSIDEPW RAYMOND STOTZER T O R I V E R S I D E P W nm GLADESTDOMINIK DRSOUTH WOOD DR KRENEK TAP RDCOLGATEDRG E O R G E BU SH D R E HARVEY RD ANDERSON ST H O LLEM AN DREEA R L RU DD ER FW S SOUTHWEST P W SOUTHW ESTPW EHOLLEM A N D R TE X A S A V S HARVEYM ITCHELLPW SDARTM O UTHST 718 14c 1 29 28 36 23 ¯0 10.5 Miles Unfunded Shared Use Path (Along Street ROW) Project Priorities February 2024 Prioritization Category HIGH MEDIUM LOW nm Schools Parks A A Page 26 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Shared Use Path Projects: Off-Street Paths Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+1.0 each): Existing Facilities Connection (F); City-Owned Property/Easement (P) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 1 9.000 F, P 2b 7.000 8 7.187 JOHN CROMPTON PARK CONNECTOR HOLLEMAN DR W JONES BUTLER RD 0.39 A 780,525$ Crosses existing City park property; LMI area 2 8.240 F, P 6 6.240 9 7.000 BEE CREEK 2 HARVEY MITCHELL PKWY BEE CREEK PARK 0.57 A 1,146,797$ Path likely accomodated with existing City property and parkland; LMI area 3 8.161 F 1 7.161 23 6.984 WOLF PEN CREEK GEORGE BUSH DR E TEXAS AVE 0.24 B 489,438$ Requires acquisition of access easements; LMI area 4 8.129 F, P 5 6.129 10 7.000 BRIAN BACHMANN PARK CONNECTOR 2 ROCK PRAIRIE RD ARNOLD RD TRAIL 0.23 C 457,403$ Crosses existing City park property 5a 8.000 F 2a 7.000 7 7.975 LEMON TREE PARK CONNECTOR GLADE ST LEMON TREE PARK TRAIL 0.10 A 197,375$ Requires acquisition of access easements; LMI area 5b 8.000 F, P 7b 6.000 11 6.389 BRIAN BACHMANN PARK CONNECTOR 1 ROCK PRAIRIE RD ARNOLD RD 0.23 C, A 455,372$ Crosses existing City park property 5c 8.000 F 2c 7.000 4 7.351 BEE CREEK TRIB B HOLLEMAN DR SOUTHLAND ST 0.26 A 525,116$ Requires acquisition of access easements; LMI area 8 7.030 F, P 16 5.030 2 6.000 SPRING CREEK 4 BRIDGEWATER DR SOCO APTS 0.21 C 410,441$ TPWD grant application to be submitted this year 29 4.810 F 33 3.810 6 4.159 GULF STATES UTILITY EASEMENT 1 BRYAN CITY LIMIT SOUTHERN POINT PKWY 8.18 D, B 16,355,828$ Consists of length of Gulf States trail in City limits 9a 7.000 F, P 17c 5.000 15 5.000 BEE CREEK TRIB 3 DARTMOUTH ST CENTRAL PARK 0.23 B 463,066$ Located on property owned by City; LMI area 9b 7.000 F, P 17d 5.000 17 5.252 SPRING CREEK 1 SH 6 LICK CREEK TRAIL 1.29 C, D 2,577,765$ Located on property owned by City 9c 7.000 F, P 17f 5.000 12 6.000 SPRING CREEK 2 SH 6 S ARRINGTON RD 0.37 C 748,426$ Existing 30' wide public access easement 9d 7.000 F 7c 6.000 n/a 0.000 BILLY MADELY PARK TRL 1 COONER ST BILLY MADELY PARK 0.10 B 198,011$ Requires acquisition of access easements, provides access to City park currently only accessible from City of Bryan; LMI area 9e 7.000 P 7e 6.000 14 5.000 STEPHEN C. BEACHY CENTRAL PARK CONNECTOR SH 6 CENTRAL PARK 0.08 B 158,822$ Located on property owned by City; connects to future path to be constructed as part of TxDOT SH 6 project; LMI area 9f 7.000 P 7d 6.000 18 6.000 SPRING CREEK WOODLAND HILLS CONNECTOR WOODLAND HILLS PARK SPRING CREEK CONNECTOR 0.09 D 174,038$ MEDIUM PRIORITY HIGH PRIORITY 1 Page 27 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Shared Use Path Projects: Off-Street Paths Draft Prioritization February 2024 Adjusted 2024 Rank & Score Score Adjustments (+1.0 each): Existing Facilities Connection (F); City-Owned Property/Easement (P) Initial 2024 Rank & Score 2021 Rank & Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Sidewalk Zone Conceptual Cost Estimate Notes 15 6.966 F 13 5.966 28 6.219 SPRING CREEK 7 REATTA MEADOWS PARK VICTORIA AVE 0.28 C 561,656$ Requires acquisition of access easements 16 6.783 F 14 5.783 29 6.053 SPRING CREEK 8 VICTORIA AVE SONOMA PARK 0.42 C 833,166$ Requires acquisition of access easements 17 6.707 F 15 5.707 22 6.171 LICK CREEK 1 LONGMIRE DR HIBISCUS ST ROW TRAIL 0.84 C 1,672,263$ 18a 6.000 7a 6.000 24 6.588 UNIVERSITY DRIVE CONNECTOR UNIVERSITY DR E SHADY DR 0.17 B 332,653$ Requires acquisition of access easements; LMI area 18b 6.000 P 17a 5.000 19 5.636 SPRING CREEK CONNECTOR SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION SPRING CREEK TRAIL 1 0.18 D 350,938$ 18c 6.000 F 17b 5.000 1 6.000 SPRING CREEK 6 REATTA MEADOWS PARK BRIDGEWATER DR 0.29 C 580,066$ 18d 6.000 P 17h 5.000 21 5.000 SWITCH STATION ROAD CONNECTOR APPOMATTOX DR GULF STATES TRAIL 0.21 B 429,749$ 18e 6.000 7f 6.000 5 5.000 APPOMATTOX DRIVE CONNECTOR HORSE HAVEN LN APPOMATTOX DR 0.15 B 298,135$ 23 5.964 F 26 4.964 16 6.811 WOLF PEN CREEK CONNECTOR POST OAK MALL WOLF PEN CREEK TRAIL 0.08 B 160,246$ Requires acquisition of access easements; LMI area 24 5.591 F 28 4.591 27 4.405 LICK CREEK 2 HUNTINGTON APTS LICK CREEK TRAIL 0.66 D 1,326,972$ 25a 5.000 17e 5.000 3 6.000 SPRING CREEK 5 SOUTHERN OAKS PARK SPRING CREEK 6 0.24 C 477,685$ Located on City park/greenway 25b 5.000 17g 5.000 30 6.000 SPRING CREEK TRIB 7 WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY SPRING CREEK 6 0.43 C 857,435$ To be constructed by private development 25c 5.000 17i 5.000 20 5.000 GULF STATES UTILITY EASEMENT CONNECTOR HORSE HAVEN SUBDIVSION GULF STATES TRAIL 0.09 B 186,968$ Potential to break project into phases 25d 5.000 F 30c 4.000 26 4.557 LICK CREEK TRIB 10 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION LICK CREEK TRIB 11 1 0.31 D 626,772$ 30 4.712 27 4.712 25 5.172 ALUM CREEK TRIB 1 LAKEWAY DR ALUM CREEK TRAIL 0.99 D 1,972,227$ 31 4.504 29 4.504 13 5.056 BEE CREEK 1 SH 6 GULF STATES TRAIL 0.79 B 1,582,779$ 32a 4.000 30a 4.000 32 4.000 ALUM CREEK TRIB 4 NANTUCKET DR EXTENSION ALUM CREEK TRAIL 0.37 D 731,191$ 32b 4.000 30b 4.000 31 4.730 ALUM CREEK SH 6 PEBBLE CREEK PKWY EXTENSION 1.16 D 2,311,610$ 34 3.000 34 3.000 33 3.038 ALUM CREEK TRIB 2 LICK CREEK PARK PEBBLE CREEK PKWY EXTENSION 1.07 D 2,144,977$ LOW PRIORITY 2 Page 28 of 37 nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm HOLLEMANDRS BARRO N RDUNIVERSITY DR EWEL L BO R N R D N W VILLA MARI A RDTARROW STSOUT H W E S T P W HOLLEMAN D R WWEL L B O R N R D E 29TH ST CO L L E G E A V WELS H AV TE X A S A V S E A R L RUDD E R FW S C A V I T T A V HOLLEMAN DR E UNIVERSITY D R DA R T M O U T H S TGROESBECK STLINCOLN AV ANDERSONST SOUTH WEST P W EE VILLA MARIA RDS CO L L E G E A V HOLLEM ANDRE BROOKSI DE DR N EA R L R U DD E R FW GEORGE B USH DR W S T E X A S A V VI C T O R I A A VFINFEATHER RDCAPSTONE D RRAYMOND STOTZER P W HARVEY RDLEONARD RD AR R ING TON RD TE X A S A V GEORGEBUSH DRGREENSPRAIRIERDFM 2 1 5 4 N H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L P W H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L PW S ROCK PRA I R I E R D W O O D L A K E D R SH 30BRIARCREST DR SH 6 S FM 15 8 WILLIAMDFITCHPWRIVERSIDEPW RAYMOND STOTZER T O R I V E R S I D E P W 9e 23 17a 25c 5a 9d 17f 17b 17c 8 17e 5b 4 9a 25a 3 5c 14 17d 25d 32a 9c 1 15 25b 29 2 24 31 16 30 34 32b 9b 29 29 ¯0 10.5 Miles Unfunded Shared Use Path (Off-Street) Project Priorities February 2024 Prioritization Category HIGH MEDIUM LOW nm Schools Parks Page 29 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Bicycle Facility Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Rank 2024 GIS Score 2021 GIS Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Street Classification Speed Limit Housing or On- Street Parking? Asphalt or Concrete? Notes 1 8.000 7.900 STALLINGS DR 1 DOMINIK DR UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD 0.15 Minor Collector 30 P (one side) A Sidewalk on one side (west) 2 7.685 7.061 DOMINIK DR TEXAS AVE S MUNSON AVE 0.79 Major Collector 35 H, P A Fills gap between existing bike lane on George Bush and bike route on Munson; sidewalk on one side (south) 3 7.260 7.512 NAGLE ST INLOW BLVD CHURCH AVE 0.28 Minor Collector 25 H, P A Bike route currently; incomplete sidewalk network/significant gaps 4 7.169 7.256 UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD GEORGE BUSH DR S SH 6 FRONTAGE RD W 1.19 Minor Collector 30 H,P A Incomplete sidewalk network/intermittent gaps 5 7.058 7.328 HOLLEMAN DR WEST MARION PUGH DR HARVEY MITCHELL PKWY S 0.62 Minor Collector 35 H A Bike route currently; fills gap between existing bike lane and shared use path 6a 7.000 7.960 TIMBER ST GEORGE BUSH DR PARK PL 0.33 Minor Collector 30 H A Partially within School Zone (Oakwood Intermediate Elementary / College View High School); connects to existing bike lane on George Bush 6b 7.00 8.000 GLADE ST 2 PARK PL HOLLEMAN DR 0.36 Minor Collector 30 H, P A Bike route currently; sidewalk on one side (west) 8 6.974 6.915 SCARLETT OHARA DR UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD HARVEY RD 0.16 Minor Collector 30 A Does not connect to any existing bike/ped facilities 9 6.937 7.707 MUNSON AVE GILCHRIST AVE HARVEY RD 0.36 Minor Collector 30 A Bike route currently; sidewalk on one side (west, most of segment); fills gap between existing shared use path on Harvey and bike route on Gilchrist 10 6.440 0.000 ANDERSON ST SOUTHWEST PKWY BEE CREEK 0.32 Local 30 A Fills gap between existing bike lane on Anderson and shared use path in Bee Creek Park 11 6.379 7.014 BRENTWOOD DRIVE DARTMOUTH ST ANDERSON ST 0.74 Major Collector 30 H, P A Fills gap between existing bike lanes on Dartmouth and Anderson; sidewalks on both sides (most of segment) 12 6.348 7.290 SPRING LOOP TARROW ST UNIVERSITY DR E 0.60 Major Collector 35 H, P A Bike route currently; sidewalks on both sides HIGH PRIORITY 1 Page 30 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Bicycle Facility Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Rank 2024 GIS Score 2021 GIS Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Street Classification Speed Limit Housing or On- Street Parking? Asphalt or Concrete? Notes 13 6.008 6.259 NEWPORT LN EAGLE AVE SOUTHERN PLANTATION DR 0.72 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides; connects to existing bike lanes on Eagle and Barron 14 6.003 6.557 NAVARRO DR WELLBORN RD WELSH AVE 0.58 Minor Collector 30 H (few) A Sidewalks on both sides; connects to existing bike lane on Welsh 15a 6.000 5.656 BROTHERS BLVD TEXAS AVE S LONGMIRE DR 0.25 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalk on one side (north) 15b 6.000 7.118 DEACON DR 1 RIO GRANDE BLVD BROTHERS BLVD 0.30 Minor Collector 35 H, P A Partially within School Zone (Southwood Valley Elementary); fills gap between existing bike lanes on Rio Grande and Deacon; sidewalks on both sides 15c 6.000 6.308 GENERAL PARKWAY 2 140 FT NW OF CAPPS DR ROCK PRARIE RD W 0.26 Minor Collector 30 H, P A Fills gap between existing bike lanes on Rock Prairie and General Parkway; sidewalks on both sides 15d 6.000 6.046 GLENHAVEN DR UNIVERSITY DR E DOMINIK DR 0.57 Major Collector 30 H (few) A Fills gap between existing shared use path on University and bike route on Dominik; sidewalks on both sides 15e 6.000 7.000 RIO GRANDE BLVD 80 FT SE OF GAIL PL PONDEROSA DR 0.17 Major Collector 35 A Fills gap between existing bike lanes on Rio Grande; sidewalks on both sides 15f 6.000 6.951 SCHAFFER ROAD 160 FT NW OF BOUGAINVILLEA ST GRAHAM RD 0.38 Minor Collector 35 A Fills gap between existing bike lane/shared use path on Arnold and bike lane on Eagle 21 5.987 6.444 ALEXANDRIA AVE GRAHAM RD SOUTHERN PLANTATION DR 1.12 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides 22 5.529 6.000 DECATUR DR BARRON RD 150 FT SE OF ALEXANDRIA AVE 0.65 Major Collector 30 A Fills gap between existing bike lanes on Barron and Decatur 23 5.458 5.720 SOUTHERN PLANTATION DR 2 SAN MAR DR SH 6 FRONTAGE RD W 0.96 Minor Collector 30 H, P A Terminates at SH 6 (without crossing opportunity) and dead-end (street to be projected with future development) 24 5.298 6.000 CASTLE ROCK PW 1 630 FT W OF ROCKY CREEK TR 50 FT N OF WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY 0.41 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides; terminates at dead-end 25 5.201 6.100 CASTLEGATE DR VICTORIA AVE GREENS PRARIE RD 0.86 Minor Collector 30 H (one side) A Shared use path on one side (north); connects to existing bike on Victoria MEDIUM PRIORITY 2 Page 31 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Bicycle Facility Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Rank 2024 GIS Score 2021 GIS Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Street Classification Speed Limit Housing or On- Street Parking? Asphalt or Concrete? Notes 26 5.125 6.000 SPEARMAN DR 2 150 FT N OF FORE CT ST ANDREWS DR 0.47 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides 27 5.082 6.000 LAKEWAY DR 2 AGATE DR VENTURE DR 0.22 Major Collector 35 A Bike route currently; sidewalks on both sides 28 5.015 6.000 PARKVIEW DR LAKEWAY DR SPEARMAN DR 0.38 Minor Collector 30 A Partially within School Zone (Pebble Creek Elementary); sidewalks on both sides 29 5.013 5.108 BIRMINGHAM RD NORMAND DR SH 6 FRONTAGE RD W 0.37 Minor Collector 30 P (one side) A Sidewalks on both sides (most the length of the segment); recurring truck/trailer parking 30a 5.000 5.017 CORSAIR DR EMERALD PKWY PAVILION AVE 0.32 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides 30b 5.000 5.000 CREEK MEADOW BLVD 2 CREEK MEADOW BLVD N COTTONWOOD CREEK LN 0.32 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides 30c 5.000 5.660 APPOMATTOX DR 1 HARVEY RD SWITCH STATION RD 0.40 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides; connects to bike lanes between Horse Shoe and Switch Station 30d 5.000 5.000 CREEK MEADOW BLVD 1 VICTORIA AVE CREEK MEADOW BLVD N 0.58 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides 30e 5.000 5.000 PAVILION AV 1 CORSAIR DR SEBESTA RD 0.12 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides; connects to existing bike lane on Sebesta 35 4.955 5.377 EMERALD PKWY 290 FT E OF SH 6 ROSEWOOD DR 0.30 Major Collector / Minor Arterial 35 A Bike route currently; sidewalks on both sides 36 4.409 5.000 NORTH FOREST PKWY 1 SH 6 FRONTAGE RD E APPOMATTOX DR 0.50 Minor Collector 35 A Sidewalks on both sides; terminates at SH 6 (without crossing opportunity) 37a 4.000 5.000 APPOMATTOX DR 4 PALM CT NORTH FOREST PKWY 0.17 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides 37b 4.000 5.106 STONEBROOK DR CONCORD CIR ROCK PRARIE RD 0.57 Minor Collector 30 H, P A Sidewalk on one side (west) 37c 4.000 4.956 WOODCREEK DR WHITNEY LN FONTAINE DR 0.05 Minor Collector 30 H A Fills gap (small/~265') between existing bike route and bike lane on Woodcreek 37d 4.000 5.000 APPOMATTOX DR 5 NORTH FOREST PKWY EMERALD PKWY 0.68 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalk on one side (east); terminates at dead-end (street to be projected with future development) LOW PRIORITY 3 Page 32 of 37 nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm HOLLEMANDRS BARRO N RDUNIVERSITY DR EWEL L BO R N R D N W VILLA MARI A RDTARROW STH O LLEM A N D RESOUT H W E S T P W HOLLEMAN DR WWEL L B O R N R D E 29TH ST CO L L E G E A V WELS H AV TE X A S A V S E A R L RUDD E R FW S C A V I T T A V UNIVERSITY D R DART M O UTH STGROESBECK STLINCOLN AV ANDERSONST SOUTH WEST P W EE VILLA MARIA RDS CO L L E G E A V HOLLE MAN DRE BROOKSI DE DR N EA R L R U DD E R FW GEORGE B USH DR W S T E X A S A V VI C T O R I A A VFINFEATHER RDCAPSTONE D RRAYMOND STOTZER P W HARVEY RDLEONARD RD AR R ING TON RD TE X A S A V GEORGEBUSH DRGREENSPRAIRIERDFM 2 1 5 4 N H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L P W H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L PW S ROCK PRA I R I E R D W O O D L A K E D R SH 30BRIARCREST DR SH 6 S FM 15 8 WILLIAMDFITCHPWRIVERSIDEPW RAYMOND STOTZER T O R I V E R S I D E P W 9 37c 30e 1 8 37a 15e 27 15a 15c 3 24 15b 3510 30a 30b 6a 6b 29 15f 28 30c 26 36 15d 37b 30d 14 12 5 22 37d 13 11 2 25 23 21 4 ¯0 10.5 Miles Unfunded Bicycle Facility Project Priorities February 2024 Prioritization Category HIGH MEDIUM LOW nm Schools Parks Page 33 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Bike Route Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Rank 2024 GIS Score 2021 GIS Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Street Classification Speed Limit Housing or On- Street Parking? Asphalt or Concrete ? Notes 1 7.126 8.000 PARK PLACE 2 DEXTER DR TIMBER ST 0.26 Local 30 H, P A Connects to existing bike route on Dexter 2 7.034 7.796 MONTCLAIR AVENUE 1 GEORGE BUSH DR LUTHER ST 0.39 Local 30 H, P A Connects to existing bike lanes on George Bush 3 7.006 7.656 STALLINGS DR 2 UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD HARVEY RD 0.17 Minor Collector 30 P A Connects to midblock crossing on Harvey to Wolf Pen Creek Trail; abuts Oaks Park 4a 7.000 7.000 CHERRY ST COLLEGE MAIN ST NAGLE ST 0.16 Minor Collector 25 H, P C Fills gap between existing bike lanes on College Main and bike route on Nagle; sidewalks on both sides 4b 7.000 7.316 CROSS ST NAGLE ST COLLEGE AVE 0.23 Minor Collector 40 H, P A, C Connects to existing bike route on Nagle; sidewalks on both sides (one side only on half of segment) 4c 7.000 7.139 ELEANOR STREET MONTCLAIR AVE HOLLEMAN DR 0.27 Local 30 A Incomplete sidewalk on one side (west); connects to existing bike lanes on Holleman; abuts WA Tarrow Park and the Lincoln Recreation Center 4d 7.000 7.579 GLADE ST 1 HOLLEMAN DR SOUTHWEST PKWY 0.63 Minor Collector 30 H, P A Sidewalk on one side (west); connects to existing bike lanes on Holleman 4e 7.00 7.781 LUTHER ST MONTCLAIR AVE WELSH AVE 0.11 Local 30 H, P A Sidewalk on one side (south); connects to existing bike route on Welsh 4f 7.000 7.000 MONTCLAIR AVENUE 2 LUTHER ST ELEANOR ST 0.06 Local 30 H, P A Abuts WA Tarrow Park 4g 7.000 0.000 NIMITZ ST UNIVERSITY DR E COONER ST 0.13 Local 30 H A Incomplete sidewalk on one side (west) 4h 7.000 7.364 WALTON DR NUNN ST GILCHRIST AVE 0.52 Minor Collector / Local 30 H, P A Fills gap between existing bike lanes on Walton and bike route on Gilchrist 12 6.997 8.000 MAPLE AV FIRST ST WELLBORN RD 0.06 Minor Collector 30 C Sidewalks on both sides; half of the street is currently closed for construction staging 13 6.961 7.000 RHETT BUTLER DR UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD HARVEY RD 0.17 Local 30 P A Sidewalk on one side (west) 14 6.487 0.000 COONER ST TEXAS AVE END OF COONER ST 0.37 Local 30 H, P A Connects to funded shared use path on Texas; incomplete sidewalk network/intermittent gaps 15 6.230 6.987 AUTUMN CIRCLE TARROW ST SPRING LO 0.47 Local 30 H, P A Sidewalk on one side (south) HIGH PRIORITY 1 Page 34 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Bike Route Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Rank 2024 GIS Score 2021 GIS Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Street Classification Speed Limit Housing or On- Street Parking? Asphalt or Concrete ? Notes 16a 6.000 6.178 COLGATE DR DARTMOUTH ST EASTMARK DR 0.45 Minor Collector / Local 30 H, P A Fills gap between bike lanes on Dartmouth and Central Park Lane; abuts Wolf Pen Creek Park 16b 6.000 6.000 BRANDENBURG LANE EAGLE AVE GRAHAM RD 0.44 Minor Collector 30 A Fills gap between existing bike lanes on Graham and Eagle; sidewalks on both sides 16c 6.000 7.000 EDELWEISS AVE WELSH AVE ROCK PRARIE RD 0.41 Minor Collector 30 P A Partially within School Zone (Rock Prairie Elementary); connects to existing bike lanes on Welsh; sidewalks on both sides; abuts Jack & Dorothy Miller Park 16d 6.000 6.375 NORMAND DRIVE 2 PONDEROSA DR ROCK PRAIRIE RD 0.21 Minor Collector 30 H, P A Fills gap between existing bike route on Ponderosa and bike lane on Normand; siderwalk on one side (east) 16e 6.000 6.015 SHADY DR END OF SHADY DR FRANCIS DR 0.15 Local 30 H, P A Connects to existing bike route on Francis; terminates at dead end (with projection to future shared use path) 21 5.700 5.281 BRIDLE GATE DR LONGMIRE DR SH 6 FRONTAGE RD W 0.21 Minor Collector 30 A Sidewalks on both sides; connects to existing bike lanes on Longmire; terminates at SH 6 (w/o crossing) 22 5.647 6.000 EASTMARK DRIVE START OF EASTMARK DR SOUTHWEST PKWY E 0.22 Local 30 A Sidewalks on both sides; connects to shared use path in Wolf Pen Creek Park 23 5.063 6.000 ALEXANDRIA AVE 1 SOUTHERN PLANTATION DR DECATUR DR 0.49 Minor Colelctor 30 H, P A Sidewalks on both sides; connects to existing bike lanes on Decatur; abuts Southern Oaks Park 24a 5.000 5.000 HORSEHAVEN LN APPOMATTOX DR HORSEBACK DR 0.04 Local 30 H, P A Fills gap between existing bike lane on Appomattox and shred use path on Hordse Haven; sidewalks on both sides 24b 5.000 5.000 APPOMATTOX DR 3 END OF APPOMATTOX DR RAINTREE DR 0.08 Local 30 H, P A Sidewalk on one side (west); terminates at dead end (with projection to future shared use path) 24c 5.000 5.956 ARRINGTON RD 2 DECATUR DR SH 6 FRONTAGE RD W 0.25 Major Collector 35 A Sidewalks on both sides; connects to existing bike lanes on Decatur and Arrington; terminates at SH 6 (w/o crossing) MEDIUM PRIORITY 2 Page 35 of 37 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-Alone Bike Route Projects Draft Prioritization February 2024 Rank 2024 GIS Score 2021 GIS Score BPG Board Priority Street From To Miles Street Classification Speed Limit Housing or On- Street Parking? Asphalt or Concrete ? Notes 24d 5.000 5.000 BACKWATER LN CREEK MEADOW BLVD N ROYDER RD 0.08 Local 30 A Sidewalk on one side (west); connects to existing bike lanes on Royder Rd 243 5.000 5.000 CREEK MEADOW BLVD 3 BACK WATER RD CREEK MEADOW BLVD N 0.11 Local 30 A Sidewalks on both sides 24f 5.000 6.000 MISSION RANCH DR GREAT OAKS DR FEATHER RUN 0.23 Local 30 C Partially within rural tfare context zone 24g 5.000 5.000 GREAT OAKS DR ARBOLEDA DR ROCK PRARIE RD W 0.76 Local 30 H A Rural tfare context zone 24h 5.000 5.000 SPEARMAN DR ST ANDREWS DR PEBBLE CREEK PKWY 0.40 Minor Collector 30 H (few) A Connects to existing bike lanes on Pebble Creek; sidewalks on both sides 32 4.894 5.000 COTTONWOOD CREEK LN CREEK MEADOW BLVD N WILD CREEK CT 0.21 Local 30 H (one) A Sidewalks on both sides; laydown curb along street 33 4.840 5.207 OLD ROYDER RD ROYDER RD VICTORIA AVE 0.16 Local 30 A, C Connects to existing bike lanes on Royder; abuts Wellborn Community Center 34 4.766 5.732 ST ANDREWS DR SPEARMAN DR PEBBLE CREEK PKWY 1.05 Minor Collector 30 A Connects to existing shared use path on Pebble Creek and into Lick Creek Park; sidewalks on both sides 35 4.441 5.000 WILD CREEK CT COTTONWOOD CREEK LN END OF WILD CREEK CT 0.16 Local 30 H, P A Sidewalks on both sides 36a 4.000 4.721 FOXFIRE DR 2 STONEBROOK DR FROST DR 0.46 Minor Collector 30 H A Rural tfare context zone 36b 4.000 4.900 NANTUCKET DR HARPER'S FERRY RD SH 6 FRONTAGE RD W 0.36 Local 30 H A Rural tfare context zone; terminates at SH 6 (with future extension to the east projected) 36c 4.000 4.419 RAINTREE DRIVE 1 WILDERNESS DR S FOREST OAKS DR 0.15 Minor Collector 30 H, P A Connects to existing bike routes on Wilderness and Dexter; abuts Carter's Crossing Park 36d 4.000 4.624 RAINTREE DRIVE 2 APPOMATTOX DR FOREST OAKS DR 0.13 Minor Collector 30 H, P A Sidewalks on both sides 36e 4.000 5.720 SANDSTONE DR EMERALD PKWY SEBESTA RD 0.12 Minor Collector 30 H (one) A Connects to existing bike lanes on Emerald 36f 4.000 5.000 SHADWOCREST DR STONEBROOK DR WOODCREEK DR 0.31 Local 30 H, P A Abuts Woodcreek Park 42 3.153 4.000 FROST DR FOXFIRE DR BIRD POND RD 0.83 Minor Collector 30 H A Rural tfare context zone 43 2.459 2.851 BIRD POND RD 2 BIRD POND RD STRAND LN 1.04 Local 40 A Partially within the ETJ; rural tfare context zone LOW PRIORITY 3 Page 36 of 37 nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nmnm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm HOLLEMANDRS BARRO N RDUNIVERSITY DR EW VILLA MARI A RDTARROW STH O LLEM A N D RESOUT H W E S T P W HOLLEMAN D R WWEL L B O R N R D E 29TH ST COLLEGE AV WELS H AV TE X A S A V SEAR L RUDDE R FW S C A V I T T A V UNIVERSITY D R DARTM O U TH STGROESBECK STLINCOLN AV ANDERSONST SOUT H WEST P W EE VILLA MARIA RDS C O L L E G E A V HOLLEM ANDRE BROOKSI DE DR N EA R L R U D D E R FW GEORGE B USH DR W S T E X A S A V VI C T O R I A A VFINFEATHER RDCAPSTONE D RRAYMOND STOTZER P W HARVEY RDLEONARD RD AR R ING TON RD TE X A S A V GEORGEBUSH DRGREENSPRAIRIERDFM 2 1 5 4 N H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L P W H A R V E Y M I T C H E L L PW S ROCK PRA I R I E R D W O O D L A K E D R SH 30BRIARCREST DR SH 6 S FM 15 8 WILLIAMDFITCHPWRIVERSIDEPW RAYMOND STOTZER T O R I V E R S I D E P W 24a 4f 12 24d 24b 243 4e 36e 36d 4g 16e 33 36c 35 4a 13 3 16d 32 21 22 24f 4b 24c 1 4c 36f 36b 14 2 24h 16c 16b 16a 36a 15 23 4h 4d 24g 42 34 43 ¯0 10.5 Miles Unfunded Bicycle Route Project Priorities February 2024 Prioritization Category HIGH MEDIUM LOW nm Schools Parks Page 37 of 37