HomeMy WebLinkAboutUncomplicated Living Preserved ~. .. r," _-:.4 ~Ge'Jn' the Ztiiiis~pentury 'fi(g( w~ich, , n rl.l~esJ: was r;'li6mes were 't1i' ':ibe c~l'iege ~;;Ulree 01' four . ,:'l1esidenoe and ',heads. s.1aiure, for a ovided funds o additional \vith 'seniority, ",,~eq\lirements for ,'".( . , . ,,'e:,triiddle of the ~ipi,st~,ff mep1bers ,Il.~pjis resided'in the ,il.'La,ter an annex .t:11h~ 'shirley Hotel 1-00'm' 50 bachelors. sel"v.ed' in the hotel. ,young ,married staff 'thousing was more . ~ li9'1 f Bachelor Hall ',tiemodeled into four 'f Js,'ttle.first on camPUS, ../ ~' ;r.eo;t~d to young married . ~~~ilrfieJFIl3ers. . " ".'\~:~~ll: :;., " 'E~'.:MAJOR'ITY, however, ~ 'l~-?\:liye~~, in 2Bryan or. had . ~~~{':u~aHls,i -JlI1 The Shrr.ley With~h1s se(Yed downstaLrs. .M\>itjjw~~A'wait~..g' their turn for ~amih~,:cp.lhut{!s" .EwientU'ail1ly the; legisla~ure, :~~[~~lW'i~~f' Th~ re;il estate 'lrusinefs::.'and' ute "coUege built '.a'dd~'t-i0tl3)i; "ti-ome~' ' for staff ;$i~rribel;s 'to ~a~ the housing :;(ituation. ....,:}\t onelt~e' - in 1910 - ~dent hoUSing was so critical r~~' '. > _"'~I. " . _.. .10' ~1" ~ -i'>~. :t r'.. , -' ; j' t.' :. / 5~"~}.\ ,-:..\."} '~,/>:, ~."! . ~~t ~', ' :.L ../.)?" " , " , rof". :.~.;: . . ~ ".\. tIi!.... "':',', \"r.;r''''''''I''' )~~"..r--<.t(,/.t,~,t'~ ~~, a\;'~"'''''''''''')"'''''-''~ '. < '. -\,,;<; . . ,:);~';; !,\'.Jf,~~;.t ~ :~. :,C,:" ~:.'" ;:i':i~;"':..lJ~J:F"~":;;;o> ~., -::;:1~:=-:~. due to a 'quick;'eDl\~Dwl,!nj?~ ~fini~i~~~ij f~~';~adet;s.;an' .,' ':~Y" ." . , ", i'Ll' '"-..' .., ' .~.. .,.,.", l" cr.ell:s~ tHat "{~a.I~lP' J,yJ~t::li}~~!; chjlw:~n~:;~~a~,'W ' .1iS'-.~ , complex of flool1e.d:t~F1ts Iio.lli!!flg..ow.ere, unal>~:~,-!r.~~: " '1 300'students, \f~s;!'1as_~iIf e-pt 4ltll \Christ;ma~'" -:ta~l!)t*.~.. ,. " *t:P use ~t~ 1913 w:h~~r adeq:u?t~, '~~v.i~e& '-t,hem.w, .~~t/I~'~W" ~ ,1~~ dOr1l11tory Faclhtll~s were. deoon"at$ 'tree ana et~~li~l~ ~it<!~ completed. -' party willi th~m:a~ the. ~J.tg:' ~.1(:; , For visit-ors to the.camp~ 1.b~ :':. '~ }', fu!~ Shirley Hotel wa..s the only-,a,c. IN O~DJj:R'!o haye fun~ for' . a~a conimodation other than private Hie occalSi<!J)/ ~ch faculw W@' houses. member was)is~ssed 50 'cents wel'e. From the hotel's opening in used 'for '~, 're€reshment~, da~ 1906 ~til completion of the dec9ra~ion~ ~d ,&ifts. La~~ ttl~,~ oft;,~, YMCA ill 19)4, The Shirley was 'assessm~nt rase to $1. When- wee ,I the center for the limited social enrQ.~lment increased heavilH thr and recreation activities for ah!;\. the, event became too un- faculty members. ,VO.eldy:;. it was discontinued. " 8\Jt )he yearly oc..casion, WITH THE ADVENT of tl}e ,col!{>ledwitJ:t wives meeting as YMCA came a more active members of. the Red Cross social scene for faculty mem- during World War I, marked the bers. Until then there were no beginning of the Campus organized social activities for Women's Socia.l Club which faculty or wives. \ celebrated its 50th anniversary Unmarried Faculty members last year as the TAMU Women's had frequent dances at The Social Club. Shirley and occasionally played Staff homes played an im- tennis. Other than visiting each portanfrole in the social lives of other wives likewise had few students. Prime social functions, organized activities. They for students were many fonnal gathered mainly to play .bridge. d~ces held throughout the year. . For extra curricular activities, Girls came from over the st-ate there was at least one classicaJ to iittend the "hops" as well as theatre group called the atl1letic events. "Illyrians" that staged a production of Sha.kespeare's "Twelth Night" locally and eveI-l traveled to Houston. for 'a per: formance at the Grand Thel\tre in March 1911. Amazingly, the cast included a few women. The Christmas season was the catalyst for the first campus- wide social event which was --' I. .', . ~ g' _ 'was con- "'. $flpot' ,t~om -JdesiBnat~ e 1pn~fi.deRt llesid~ltt at ftltat ijle ,nee<iifor er)'t'..Was "Q' tiUilt 8! . ~'i ',,'.