HomeMy WebLinkAboutJames C. Alexanderexample °f what im walked his talk; anty and unselfishishness lived with inter that goes a life He made an impression like. irit and changes looks eep to a person s sp ine.1'm down d know because he changed mowing rim today because °f kn lives. abetter person Terty GeCr`J _' Alexander. r ~ . ..~- Integrity, trustworthiness, honesty and ~,..;~~~ ~~ ,., wise-all words that describe our friend ~' yF~ and Team Member Jim Alexander. A hm wa s a source awards"du . ofrnany special reco with so Ong Excellence gnition meetings, ye find many parts of our busi was involved things to celebr Hess that it he packe ate in good was easy to Texas d when he traveled, to fun...from the way Aggies or some fu h°w he felt about accounting like nny event that th°se on an extra zer Dame out of a vendor the ° °r two ever ck• /im was y once in awhile a v y good and limr trm ntOO ether fun and worthwhil sport ma was ' ved in de many parts of e I mentioned that is an understate meet, lim our business tune with was always av • ~ and that me and my area in a ailable to invest sound like it nY issue and d°' l71 miss Dimas ki big deal or he had an3'thinever made it Ion calbert ndness...he was a good fri ndse to -fir ."` :S ~ ,~~ ~~~ ~, ~1 ' ' ~ ~ ~ .~ ..~:• ; smile, a laugh, a funny story-all things we could count on him to give us each and every duy. Jim Alexander personified the Purpose, Vision and Core Values of David Weekley Homes. And he did it not only in his professional life, but he lived out those ideals in his personal life as well. The great thing is, he did it all with a sense of humor and the kind of positive attitude that was contagious. It was hard to be around Jim without cracking a joke or a smile! We hope you enjoy these memories and stories shared by Team Members from around the courttry. ` As we all know, Jim really enjoyed his work and ~` possessed an unbelievable ability to stay focused regardless of what was going on around him. [ worked with Jim for 30 years and could tell -- dozens of stories. Here is one I always will remember: Jim and I were working on a project in Mobile, Alabama. The bankers wanted to see the project so Jim brought two of the Bank's top officers down to Mobile on a private plane. After inspecting the project, the four of us left Mobile on the private plane heading for New Orleans. The weather was horrible and the plane was being bounced all around. One of the bankers started vomiting and the other one was white as a sheet. Jim and I were fine. In the middle of all of this Jim looked at the two bankers and said, "Well are you going to do the loan and what are the terms?" The bankers were so sick, they just looked at us and said we could have whatever we wanted. Just hurry up and land the plane! Jim and I laughed the rest of the flight. Randy Braden I miss Jim often -yet when I think about him a smile always creeps onto my face! You see, I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know and work with Jim, There ai•e just some folks in your life that leave a lasting positive impression, and Jim was one of those people. He truly embodied the company's Purpose of "Enhancing People's Lives" -not because the company said it, but because that was how Jim lived his life. My favorite memories about )im include his stories of when he came back from family vacations with Vicki and the girls. As a Chief Financial Officer of a major corporation, you know Jim was good at financial planning and budgetin to New York Cit g -Yet when he took his girls Y - he lost all control! And when Deanna got married a couple of months ago -forget about it!!! So, while lim was a great financial man -his love for his family caused him to lose all control, and show the soft heart we all know he had...So, I miss Jim and I miss the positive influence he had on me and this company: Yet I know he is looking down from above, wondering what all the fuss is about and just wanting me to get back to work! So, Jim, here I go...be seeing .vou.,..David Weekley :~ i ,; ~.~°' nder was like a g°od ed like with lim plexa 6 ears, it seem working with us y e aeound. Our time only worked ~ihile he ,m was always C0~~f °rtable t0 b s handled tnarriage• and alway een forever. l if not more, laining• it had b would do, without comp said he manner did what he h prof essional ition or a thoroug • did without recogn issues in many things lim o realize and uncover There were so e for us t ill take a long tam our f anf are, it w for our company' ed us to enjoy the items he d~ o ed what he did and help always had the Iim enl y self too seriously, d took him roblems an never s help others solve p He own l°b' situation , way. defuse ~ a hunlo~ous land ability to news in es. pCesentations, so gp0 d on a number of issu work deliver not It was always fun to We work ether. ore than his share half-baked ideas tog s did m deals and s Ne alway 'Chat s one °f the those 4rOject.. art. on hard p rojects with with rim o the 'Ceam p was my and would Volunteer to d ed to work °n s 1 liked being assign with lin'~ He reason l liked working him The best reason friend'• Russell Rice (-- I was luck the recruiting ~ Y enough to Weekley. Dunng ' ;i`~ 18 years old liave kno 's first day at were a growing ~, and a s wn limm is of Jim that while we the sprin . °Phomore at T Y fora My best memory him R °f 1968. g°r than most of Ss 1 told conservative the ' exas A$ rote. , a very • ~ lollowin We develo M, and he us• 1 w mterviewfng p erated on Very careful gYear Ped a frier was as and ' large. we still op we were ~ lortun and friends dshi a freshen fairly risks, and ate eno for ~ P and bee an in company and ugh to YLars to ame roo We did not take unreasonable the road i be take inmates Houston ; ,.~ n We/bor n rn by his Lome' While at sc basis. verhead. fiddle o[ a ' n 77~eir hor whole famil pool I was c,nses and o a Monday, rn them T office `' dorm for Y whic rw our dates to sta• ne was always open f h lived down about exp' with us °n new HS ay, After Yon /ootba// lien started ved into our recently rr10 and it had gone became t getting to kno weekepds. and we had just •in AIC problems, the building w his fa or ome cooked meals, summer, erienc. g he perso mi1,Y, ther. °rlust a place had been exp the temperature in After• e was to get morn g building to school nd ll knew and loved. building• We in n0 d°ubt ho By Monday around the apart thr mar•ria w ~""'nY Saturday As 1 took lien e began to sweat. It °ugh the ge, as ' off that Tees. hers, w sec Years, and 's often the was well over 100 deg Team ivlem e we made it up except for an case, our st all of our Prot°n hand information from a mur °ccasional cony paths grew wet by the am Y much to him to mo, oaking shook ersation introduce We were s ' kept up with me, st touch. Then, i ual fiiend or and worse. gut lien a of Week/eY 1011 he n April of °r business got worse Dept. area. ith everyone• Not that 1 had and 2000, associate, we (ioor Design eetings w the not heard in someone calling me as I came out the to the third leasanAgr w aired later in was y old n Years• I looked by mY old cone e doors and exchanged p as rep m Erie even' hand, him. The d with his han uP and g nickname faint from down. Homes. Thro `~ few ste word of comp uickly cooled our first day ugh the d out welco ps in fro next few Ming me rat °I m office for tune catchin Years to David e the building 4 came to my of the air g up and • we were Weekley morning and Dora Iim ~ the issue difficult, the fortunate to that aftern be bring up tanned renew'ng our past. Althou spend Later then did ed and p 'n mY heart. Bat Only CFO, he hop could remotes 1 have of/irnrnY will a1w gh his passing has bee wrap up meeting• that as our new He said wherein the future we ~ Sm;th ays hav n conditioning• h profits to the weekend!!!! 1 will e a special make en°ug over Place on helping us the air conditioning And 1 will smile leave on and in my memor1l• afford to in my heart One of my favorite memories of Jim is how he ve Jim Sohn Johnson always ha of him• enjoyed telling a good story. Don't think he could every time 1 think do it very well sitting, but he was at his best standing up. He would get really close, and you From the first time we met, Jim and l t"iereely fought the time could hear and feel his excitement. Most of the time honored rivalry that existed between those of us from UT and there was a lesson to be learned but sometimes it the Aggies. It didn't take long before threats were made (meaning was just a good old war story. Jim had more r~~,.. im resented me with a most unusual proposition. His bets) and) p experience than most and really studied people well. '` suggestion was that the side that won was supposed to deliver to He was always willing to help, and he used stories ~ ,, ~ ~ osin Team's mascot. The loser then would have very effectively. Mlke Humphrey ~ the loser the opp g `" ~, ~~~a t `g~ to keep this mascot on their desk until such time as the to es ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' s - turned. Well, UT has had a long rvn of victories over the Aggies ', y~ •, and needless to say, Jim was not happy when folks came in and I remember so m asked if he went to UT when they saw Bevo on his desk. It was any good times with Jim Alexander: He was such a fine example to me and to everyone around him. He was even mentioned that if you wanted to see someone boiling mad, extreme) br•itr Y ~ht and knowledgeable in so many subjects. Jim has hit the play button For the Eyes of Texas on this toy. Jim made our been a friend and mentor since tray early days in homeb ' ' rivalry fun, and funny, but more importantly he taught me that it's 1 remember one evening a few urldrng, working late, and I sto Years ago, we were both just agame-enjoy it. dim Rado Aped in to tell him bit. He was in such a g°Od n'ght and chat a g-•eat mood. He began telling me about the business trip he'd been on and how, in his absence, Vicki, Me an ,, r There are a couple of thin , `:, and Deanna had remodeled a room just for him, g gs that always just amazed me about Mr. Jim, FIe Repainted, put came through some very tough times working for Gener in a nice desk, some new and pleased him to no end.' Itdon't rem nib t was a huge effort was a graveyard for homebuilders then and those were excephonallHbadton Throu h "~ his birthda or Father's Da ; er now if it was for g all of that, Jim maintained his own irate Y times. Y has always been impeccable. I've never heard a ne at' y but it was a celebration of ' grity Iim s personal reputation `~?mething special. At any rate, he told me he finished his shenanigans Din g rve word. With all the business early and called Vicki to let her kno g g on in today's business world, Jim Alexander has been a pillar of inspiration to us all. People have said that sometimes ou a day ahead of schedule, Somehow, she & the h i d be home soul in the eyes of his children, Having been around Jim and Vicki's d overdrive and got everythin g' s went into Y can see a man's g completed before he Megan, for the last few years with our intern ro aughter; He was so touched and so roud. got home. true. Both Deanna and p dam, I'd have to say this is g Smile on his face. [t made me feel good justHo be nsthe samJ Megan are chips off the old block. Rick MOOre with him. Kaye Logan a room