HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrippled Children's CenterPlans For Crippled Children's Center To Be Nlade Thursday A ray of hope for the estab- i lishment ,of a crippled chil_ dren's therapy center for Braz- ~ os C«~i~ t y will be kindled Thursda night when a dozen leaders in the move hold a plan- ning meeting. Heading tomorrow night's meeting at the home of Marc Davenport, 1010 Dexter .Street, will be J. O. Alexander, chair- man of a committee charged with the responsibility o.f set- ting up the center here. Meet- ing with the committee will be Dr. John J. Sperry, president of the Brazos County Crippled Children's Society, and several members of his board. The meeting, at "r :30 p.m., will. be the first one held by the newly named committee. But it h.as its work cut out for it, lead- ' ers in the movement to set up the Center said today. The committee is charged with advertising the need for such a center in Brazos County ; selecting a site, obtaining need- ed personnel to operate the cen- ter, advise the board of direc- II tors concerning sources of .funds ` arxd to assist ire obtaining funds, ~to prepare an organizationali plan and to set up rules and reg- ~, I ulations. for operation of the'. Center. The committee had already i had the offer of three free sites for. the Center, but so far no lo- cation of the Center has been c~esigrated. Mrs. George Foster, Easter Seal ~~i•ive chairman, said toda3J ,~;~~ «` ~ ,° a.mpaign is nearin its " " g-- - etrd and it is still "short of its $3,500 goal. "We are hoping to reach the goal," Mrs. Foster said,.. "espe- cially since more money is need- ed to start the therapy center here. VPe wish everyone could see one of these centers in op- eration and learn of the grand job they are .doing for crippled children in other towns. We can do the same here." Members of the committee to establish the Center .in Brazos County besides Alexander are J. M. Abercrombie, Dr. Robert H. Benbow, Dan. S. Chadbourne, `Mrs. L. P. Coffey, Leslie V. Hawkins, M. G. Perkins, B. F. Vance, anal Marc Davenport. ~ < ~ r~~ ~. x y^ ~~ AN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MARCH 15. 1957 DOING HIS BIT FOR OTHERS-Six-year-old Doug Chadbourne is doing his bit so other afflicted children in Brazos and Robertson counties may have the same opportunities for treatment That he has had. Doug, the son of M r. and Mrs. Dan Chadbourne of Bryan, became totally paralyzed when he was nine months old. Since then the bright eyed lad has through #herapy and the help of understanding paxe nts, gained the use of his limbs' and is able to walk, feed himself and take off his shoes-all real accomclishments #or a youngster of six who has spent life undergoing treatmen# ~ to overcome the paralysis. For three years, Doug received treatment at Brownsville's Crippled Children's Center. Doug is shown helping M ~ George Foster, Easter Seal Sale chairman, get. the seals ready for mailing. The sale srL',~S~A`., '~ Today. Proceeds will be used. to fur#her work of the Texas Crippled Children's Socied~ a ' ' ~ help with establishing a Crippled Children`s Center i-' Bryan. (Eagle Photo by Ell: --- - ---f _.__.._..- _. ._._A. _ ___~_~.._._ _- - _ _