HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/2003 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 19 May 2003 6:30 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears, Vice Chairman George McLean, Board Members: Frank Cox, Alternate Larry Patton & Kevin Kuddes MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member: Glenn Thomas STAFF PRESENT: Building Official Lance Simms, Assistant City Attorney Angela Deluca, Action Center Representative Regina Kelley, Plans Examiner Carl Warren and Staff Assistant Stacey Ann Smith AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call meeting to order. Chairman, Dan Sears, called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration, discussion and possible action of absence request from meeting Consider request for absence for member Glenn Thomas. Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to make a motion. George McLean motioned to approve the absence. Larry Patton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Hear visitors for items not on agenda. No one choose to speak. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve minutes from Construction Board of 1 of 5 "CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS May 20,2002-Minutes • Adjustments and Appeals meeting from Monday, March 24, 2003. Dan Sears asked the Board if anyone was ready to make a motion. Larry Patton motioned to approve the minutes. Frank Cox seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action concerning a variance request to section R302, 2000 International Residential Code, at 4746 Stonebriar Circle, lot 24, block 15, Pebble Creek Phase IIA. The applicant is John W. Allen, Property Owner. (Variance Case # 03-1539) Dan Sears asked staff to brief the Board on the request. Lance Simms, Building Official, took the floor. Lance stated that this case involves a section in the International Residential Code (IRC) that limits projections with respect to property lines. Lance said that the applicant is requesting a variance that would allow a 24" overhang off the side of a home proposed for construction. The proposed 24" overhang would be over the side property line. Lance said that Section R302 of the IRC provides details related to the building's location on the property, including the fire rating of exterior walls, permitted openings in the wall and limitations on projections. The code assumes that an owner has no control over the adjoining property, therefore, the location of the structures on the owner's property requires regulation relative to the property line. Lance continued by saying that the property line concept provides a convenient means of protecting one structure from another as far as exposure is concerned. Lance defined exposure as the potential for radiant heat transmission from one structure to another in a fire event. Section R302 requires exterior walls that are located less than 3 feet from the property line to be of 1 hour rated fire resistant construction. Lance reminded the Board that Section R302 also regulates projections with respect to the property line and does not allow building components to project beyond the property line. Lance stated that this requirement was new with the adoption of the 2000 IRC and the previous code used by the City allowed overhangs to project beyond the property line. Lance went on to state that under "special conditions" on the application, the applicant states that the lot was purchased with the understanding that the subdivision provides for a 24" aerial easement and the home was designed to include a 24" overhang on the zero lot line side. Lance also told the Board that the applicant states as a "hardship" that the house will look peculiar without the roof overhang. The applicant also states on the application that twelve of the fourteen existing homes on the street have 2 of 5 "CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS May 20,2002-Minutes projections over the lot line to some degree and that the zoning code requires a separation of fifteen feet between homes in the area. Lance concluded his presentation by stating that he recommends denial of the variance request. Dan Sears asked if anybody had questions. George McLean asked if the Architectural Control Committee for the subdivision had contacted staff. Lance stated they had not. Dan Sears opened the public hearing and asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the item. John Allen, the applicant, took the floor. Mr. Allen stated he bought the lot prior to the recent code change. George McLean asked if he would object to using hardiplank for the soffit material. Mr. Allen said he would not have any objections to that, but stated that he has heard it was a very hard product to work with. Dan Sears asked if anyone else would like to speak in favor of the item. Larry Marriott, the homebuilder, took the floor. Mr. Marriott addressed the use of hardiplank for the soffit. Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to or in favor of the item. No one came forward to speak. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. Frank Cox made a motion to approve the request for a variance of a 24" overhang, so that his house can be architecturally consistent with the other homes on the street. George McLean seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0), AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Public hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action concerning a recommendation to City Council regarding the adoption of the 2002 National Electrical Code. Lance Simms, Building Official, took the floor. Lance stated that City of College Station currently uses the 1999 Edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC)to regulate electrical installations. He stated that the code is updated every 3 years, and the 2002 NEC is now available for adoption. Lance said that the City has several local amendments to the NEC and he proposed keeping the existing amendments as part of the adoption of the 2002 NEC. 3 of 5 "CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS May 20, 2002-Minutes Lance turned the floor over to Carl Warren, Plans Examiner. Carl presented and briefly discussed the major changes in the 2002 NEC. Lance Simms, Building Official, took the floor. Lance stated that staff recommends that the Board vote in favor of forwarding the 2002 NEC and local amendments to Council for adoption as presented. Dan Sears opened the public hearing and asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the item. No one came forward to speak. Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the item. No one came forward to speak. Dan closed the public hearing. Larry Patton made a motion to forward the 2002 NEC and local amendments to the City Council with the recommendation for adoption. Frank Cox seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0), AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Presentation, consideration, discussion and possible action concerning rules and procedures of the Board. Lance Simms, Building Official, took the floor. Lance reminded the Board that at at previous meeting, they had directed staff to develop rules and procedures for presentation, discussion, and possible adoption. Lance then preceded to present a draft of the rules and procedures for the Board's consideration. As Lance presented the rules and procedures, the Board discussed changes they felt should be made_ After lance's presentation, Larry Patton made a motion to accept the rules and procedures as discussed. Frank Cox seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0), AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Consideration, discussion and possible action on future agenda items No items were presented. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn 4 of 5 "CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS May 20,2002- Minutes George McLean motioned to adjourn. Frank Cox seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0). The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman: Dan Sears ATTE a st/aff AssistapiSt c Ann Smith 5 of 5