HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/1998 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS January 12, 1998 6:00 Q.M. Training Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears, Vice Chairman James Holster, Board Members Glenn Thomas,Robert Mooney, Bill Lewis, George McLean, Steve Abalos(alternate) MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member alternate Wick McKean STAFF PRESENT: Building Official Lance Simms, Fire Marshal Jon Mies, Plans Examiner Carl Warren,Building Technician Lisa Hankins, Senior Secretary Melissa Rodgers AGENDA ITEM NO, 11 Call meeting to order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Sears AGENDA ITEM NO.2: Hear visitors for items not on agenda There were no visitors AGENDA ITEM NO.3: Approve minutes from Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting on Monday,November 17, 1997. Robert Mooney motioned to approve the minutes, George McLean seconded the motion,The Board concurred, (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.4: Consider Variance request 98-001 to request modification to Section 504.1,"Commercial Hoods", 1994 Standard Mechanical Code. An exhaust hood shall be installed for all commercial,industrial, institutional and other food heat-processing equipment producing smoke or grease-laden air. The applicant is James Holster for Peace Lutheran Church. Dan Sears asked for staff to explain the variance request. Jon Mies,Fire Marshal took the floor to explain the variance request to the board members. Jon told the board that the applicant submitted plans for remodeling the existing kitchen of the Peace Lutheran Church. The plans indicated the proposed expansion of the kitchen with the CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS January 12, 1998 Minutes "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL,, relocation of existing appliances and the addition of classrooms. Jon said that when the church was originally built,the cooking equipment was installed without a fire suppression system. However,since a church is considered a commercial building, it is the fire departments interpretation of the code to require a commercial vent hood and fire suppression system for the kitchen cooktop. Jon told the board that all the churches that have been built in the city within the last 15-20 years complied with this code requirement. Jon Mies said the Fire Department did not support the variance request. Dan Sears opened the public meeting. Board Member,James Holster abstained from voting because he was speaking on behalf of the applicant for this variance request. Mr. Holster took the floor to explain that even though the church was going to be expanding the existing kitchen,they were not planning on installing new kitchen equipment. Members of the church who handle most of the cooking for various church functions,agreed they would use the existing cook-tops and oven. He said most of the time,the members bring a covered dish prepared from home,and do not use the appliances in the kitchen. Mr. Holster said that he understood the Fire Departments concern regarding life-safety and fire protection, and he agreed that all churches are considered commercial buildings, however, since the cooking equipment is residential in nature, the code requirement for a commercial hood should not apply in this situation. Dan Sears closed the public meeting. The board held discussion on this variance and directed questions at staff. The board members verified with the applicant that the existing residential kitchen appliances would remain,and that no commercial cooking equipment would be installed. They asked about the cost of installing the vent hood and the fire suppression system for the church,which staff said varied from building to building. The board members asked staff about existing safety features existing in the kitchen. Glenn Thomas made a motion to grant the variance with the condition the church install a 40 BC fire extinguisher in the kitchen area in addition to any code required fire extinguishers. George McLean seconded the motion, the board concurred, (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.5: Consider Variance Request 98-002 to request modification to the 1994 Standard Building Code, Section 1006.2.4. Exterior stairs shall be separated from the interior of the building by walls with a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour, with fixed or self-closing opening protectives as required for enclosed stairs. This protection shall extend vertically from the ground to a point 10 ft. (3048 mm)above the topmost landing or the roof line,whichever is lower,and horizontally 10 ft(3048 mm)from each side of the stairway. Openings within the 10 ft(3048 mm) horizontal extension of the protected walls beyond the stairway shall be equipped with fixed 3/4-hour assemblies. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS January 12, 1998 Minutes page 2 "SUBIECT TO APPROVAL" EXCEPTIONS: 1)Exterior stairways may be unprotected when serving an exterior exit access balcony which has two exterior stairways,remotely located as require in 1006.2.2. 2) Such protection is not required in two story buildings where there is a second exit remotely located as required in 1006.2.2. Dan Sears asked staff to explain the variance request. Lance Simms, Building Official, took the floor to explain the variance request to the board members. He said the applicant approached him about constructing a 10 unit apartment addition to an existing 8 unit apartment building at 701 A Balcones Drive. According to the code,a building with a single exterior stair requires a separation of the stairway from the interior of the units. Lance displayed a copy of the building plans to the board and explained what the code was referring to on the variance. He indicated that the proposed stairway balcony was the only entrance and exit to the second floor units. In the event of a fire, there would be no other balconies or stairways to exit from, possibly putting the occupants in a hazardous situation. Lance said that because of this building floor plan,the code required a one-hour separation for the walls,and 45 minute rated doors, door frames and windows that surround the stairs. Lance Simms confirmed that existing apartment buildings were allowed to be constructed without the required rating because the Building Department was only recently aware of this code requirement. He said the applicant was willing to rate the walls,doors and frames,however, he was requesting a variance for the window rating because of the expense involved. Lance said staff recommendation was to grant the variance since the applicant agreed to rate the walls, doors and door frames. He said he felt that Building Staff was partially responsible because they had not previously discovered this code requirement, and the applicant was allowed to construct other apartments without the required separation. The board members directed questions at building staff. They asked about changing the location of the living room windows. Lance said that was an option, however, that would require a complete change to the building. The board members verified cost of fire rated windows,which proved to be expensive. Dan Sears opened the public hearing The applicant,Joe Courtney, took the floor to speak on behalf of the variance request. Mr. Courtney said that they had agreed to rate the walls,doors and door frames, however to rate the windows would add too much cost the project. Also, he said it was not practical to change the floor plan because this was an addition to an existing building with the same floor plan as the previously constructed. Mr. Courtney asked the board for the variance request on the windows,and to allow the construction of the building as the plans were submitted. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS January 12, 1998 Minutes page 3 -SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" The board members asked aft the possibility of installing another set of stairs behind the building,but Lance said that would interfere with the rear setback. The board continued to discuss different scenarios regarding fire hazards,escape routes and other options to the rated walls and doors. Some of the board members thought the building would be safe in the event of a fire,saying there would be ample time to escape the building. Other board members thought it was too risky to leave the building designed as is. After further discussion, George McLean made a motion to deny the variance,Robert Mooney seconded the motion, the motion failed by a vote of 34. Glenn Thomas then made a motion to grant the variance,James Holster seconded the motion,the board voted 4-3 in favor of granting the variance. AGENDA ITEM NO.6: Other Business; Discuss minimum foundation requirements in reference to updating the latest standards. Lance Simms took the floor to brief the board members on the process of updating the minimum foundation standards. This briefing was a follow-up from the March 1997 Construction Board Meeting where Lance initially presented the updated proposed foundation standards. Lance handed out information to the board members that included the existing foundation standards, proposed foundation standards and an outline of the updating process. Lance reviewed the information with the board and requested a formal vote so he could inform the council of the Construction Boards recommendation. George Mclean motioned to submit the revised foundation standards to City Council as presented, James Holster seconded the motion,the board concurred,(7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.7: Adjourn CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS January I2, 1998 Minutes page 4 "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" APPROVED- Chairman: Dan Sears ATTEST: 91744Let_ ding Technician: Lisa Hankins CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS January 12, 1998 Minutes page 5