HomeMy WebLinkAboutMilitary records of J. O. Alexander, Jr.r+.+M• . HE~iT~~U,ARTERS EIGHTH CORPS tiREti SPEC I ~ 0£tliE~.S , Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 11~Iay 12 , 191x.2 . NC. #, ~. x 26. By direction of the President, and contingent upon accoptance of Ftip:nt as 2d Lt, C~;I-Rcs, e Bch of the below nw^~ed praspective 1tOTC grads of ~~&;T. Colg of Tex, Colg Ste, TEx, is ordered to 1iD effective July 6, 1~1.~2. On that date each 0 will pracoad wit ou delay to - e sta indic~.~t;ed ~~ for his n~,.me and report upan arrival to tho CO for temp duty far the purlloso of undergoing a completQ physical cxUmin~~tivn. Upon cor~^.p 'cn of -..his duty, e~.ch 0 tia~-;.11, if found physically qualified, proceed without delay to F't Francs L. a~arrFn, `~uyo, and report upon arrival to the; CG for duty with the >>.~~TC, F,ach O ti~ril rank fr July 6, 191.2. N.(~1,,~, SEILI.AL NO, k;~iD HOr,, a i~,DDI~ESS TEP~.g' DLtTY STh Jx1~:~S OBED t,LEX~,T~DER, 1 , 99, C~unp Bowie, Tex Route !{., Box 83, Bryan, Tex ~~ILLIi T~1 ROBERT 1~S~jDEl SCIvT, JR, O~.b550Q Ft Sam xr.~ustorl, Tox kgua Du1ce, Tex CHILES I'~EI'~~P~ET1I B1~KE1~, Q1.~6550I Caanp ~JOlters, Tex Raute 1, Corsicana, Tex hLBERT HETIRY 1~3.titTSCI~li:~ID, JR, o1~b55o2 Barksdale Fld, La 2839 ~~ Capartan St, Shreveport, La 't~ILLI,~,i TI~iCI!!~S BEi3.RY,~, 0~~7393 Camp ?"voltErs, Tex Box 102, Ft '.forth, Tex LEL0~1 T,E~L1~1~,C=E C1~;'1', J~., 0~.~5503 ~ pErrin Fld, SherMAn, Tox Daingerfield, Tex kLDEI~~ LkNIF C1~THEY, 0~~6550~. Camp l;cwier, Tex '' Box 1x.537, Calg Sta, Tex JACK CLEVELi~TTU, 0165505 .!~'S, Lubboelc, Tex Plains, Tex EDBERT CLkYTOR; CLIT~E, 0165506 Ft Bliss, TRx Box 361, Vaa~, Born, Tex FELIX G=ttJ~1DY CGLL1utD, J"iZ, 01+65507 Canp iaclters, Tox RFD ~;`3 , Ogle sby, Tex - P1E;~~TOI~! VINCENT CR~iIG, O2a.6j508 Ft Sill, Clsla Box 227, i:iarni, Tex THCI!k,S ~,GI'~ykL C"t2IS' .ALL, 0l~65509 Perrin Fld, Sherman, Tex Box 163, Forney, Tex Jr~l'~~ES -GOOD ~C'~~ CROUC:I, 01x.65510 Ctunp ';jolters, Tex 2922 hve E, Ft ~:;orth, Tex ~~~OCRllRO.~ EUGEivTE DOi~SL'Y, 01k65511 Perrin F1d, Sh:;rman Tox Cla.rkeville, Tex , JOHiT JGSEPI~ FITZSTEPIiE1~TS, OL~b5512 Ft Sill, Okla 1a.2j Chickasaw hve, Bartlesville, Okla CURitI~' LEE G1~~LETT, 01.65513 Ft Shin Houston, Tf3X 923 S Staplas, C~~rpus Christi, Tex GEGRGE CL~uZ.ENCE GOi<ZYCIiI, 01.~65511~ Comp $owie, Tex PO Bcx 1b5, Colg Sta, Tex GOFLDON HEi~?RY Gi~OTE, Gi~65515 Goodfellot~~r Fld, Tex l~~ASOn, Tex GUY F1~t1~V KLIN H1~sl~ ISGT~~ , 01~n5516 ~~FS, Lubbo c1L, Tex 1903 25th St, Lubbpck, Tox (o~rm~ } j 128. - E XT R ~ C T - x x (Par 26, 3G I28, P+4ay 12, 1912 Continued) "~ -- 'v~ HEI~'RY ~ILLI~.I k1xSSE, JR, oL~65517 Ft Sam. Houston, Tex Oakland, Tex JOl~1 i~:~~iRTI~~! ~iEFLEY, JR, 065518 Ellington Fld, Tex .Route 1, Box 257, Port larthur, Tex iS.~,nC T1E'~~1TGT? FiICK'i~"1~I`?, OJ.~6551o Camp 3arkelcy, Tex Route 2, Rising Star, Tex FRED ChnL HOl:~~Y~l , J Ot~65520 - C~rsil~ Bowie, Tex Route 3, Box. 293, 1~ustin, Tex . JOl-i!~. ;~ILSG- Ll-~iAB, 0.65521 1iFS, Lub~~oclr, Tex "Box 25, Plash., Tex ... . ROBEL~T l~.IizK LONG, 01.~h5522 Ellington Fld, Tex 2624 9th St, Port 1lrthur, Tex ~tiILLTti,~ JOSEPH I'~?cBRIDE, 0~.~65523 Ft S~xn. Hous~..on Tex Box 31t~., Falf urrias, Tex , CFL~r~LES T~iOT~3kS L.cCru~TY, 01~.~552~ C~snp i~oltcrs, Tex 1025 E Ramsey, Ft -north, Tex IiERBritiT CLIFFORD T.Ic'~~rIOI~TEl~., 0>~.65525" Ft Bliss, Tex Route 1, Collinsville, Tex ZCLUS C,i~.LTOT~; r~IOTLEY, 0165526 Camp Burkcley, Tex IULFl S 15th St, lioilone, Tex ' JE:~EL C1,L~TIl7 1~~kGF, 0>~.65527 cep `„jolters, Tex Iredell, Tox CUttTIS DEE LhI~:2SEL, U1~65528 1~'S, Lubbecl: Tex c/o H.B. Harn, Co. ~igent, Plains, Tex , ~tlsY BELL ISINGE , 01.x.65529 Carnp ~3c~~~ie, Tex itout~ 7, i;aco, Tex . ELY T:1~IL~L nOSEIdT~IlyL, GL~65530 Carp ?~olters, Tex 30I~7 Lipscomb St, , Ft -k~arth, Tex " JCH?~ llGYLE SCOGGII'I, Oi~65531, Perrin F1d, Sharman, Tex Rt I, Collinsville;,-_Tex D~~1'IS STli~'FG'RD SHELTGi~1, 0]~.65532 Ellington F1d; Tox 21i.35 Del i:~C~Yite Dr, Houston, Tex ,_ I~::,~LSH,ALL SPIVEY, 0.65533 Camp Botivie, Tex 120. House. ,eve, Lufkin, Te:x LEE ROY STFI~:~GEL, OLi.6553,~ C~m.p B~.rl~cloy, Tex li~ason, Tex TO;;i;~IE EDISOri STUAiL`", 0.65535 IiFS, Lubbpcl~, Tc;x Roby, Tex jL~;LPi JGSEP~I -.~1ir.1~E~'', 01.65536 C~xap Botvic, Tex 337 Cax~nerce St, P`iarlin, Tex Tr~~vEl dix-GCted is necess~.ry in the mil sere. FD 31 P-02 k 01~.25~23-; C'~i 100 P03 .h 0500-23. If shipment of auth b~~4g~:gc is ,desired ~;ppli;,ati~n ~r~ill be oracle to the c.~,~,BCti., i+t S~sn ?iouston, Tex, rc;questing instructions ~~s to tho T of such property. Dependents c.re nat uuth to c.ccc:rrp~.xiy the G to texra duty sta. (o~ti-353-E1~D-I~oTC Grads/~,~~~T) t " ~ ~ .a,y k ~' ~~ - '=~.~ _e~oo4~~ ~'c~ f !3y cc~slc1 of Pti~;~:jor Genors~l 1..~GNC'U'.FT~ ": r, ci o ~ O 4• ~~ ~ ~ C.e ~:5. 1lV Vi1 {~J:L, ©0 : r ,~ , Co"loncl, Gener~~l St~.ff, a , ~' ~'' : ®~ C' ' ~_ __ ~ ~. ° ;:; J ' Chief of Staff . oj y , J ~ ° o OFFICT~iL: ' ~~ , r~ ~ °~b,. ~=?pe ~^Z ~vut~~nt General ~ s Department, a ` < ~ % r .•; ~ ~ F~~~~n~ ,~d j utant Cr' one r ~,1. ~, .~R~~~~ ~' WAR DEPARTMENT ~' 134$ THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S ORRICE ~„AG .201 Alexander, James Obed, Jr. WASHINQTON May 16, 191,1,2 (1-3o-42)RA Appointment under Section 37, ~'~*= National Defense Acts as amended. Through: Professor of Military Science and Taetics~ Agricultural &c Mechanical College of Texas, A 0-k651r99 College Station, Texas. R.©.T.C. 't'a 2nd Lt. James Obed Alexander, Jr.~QM--Res., Route 1+, .Box 83, Bryan, Texas. _~ j i 1. By direction of the Presidents you are appointed and j comai.ssioned in the Armor of the Urzi.ted States effective this date, ~ in the grade and section shown in address above. Your serial number is shown after A above. 2. You mill not perform the duties of an officer under this appointment until specifically called to active duty by competent orders. 3. There is inclosed here~rl.th a form for oath of office ~I.ch you are requested to execute and return promptly to the agency from which it was received by you. The execution and return of the required oath of office constitute an acceptance of your appointment. No other evidence of acceptance is required. 11.. This letter should be retained by you as evidence of your appointment as no coasni.ssions ~i.ll be issued during .the ~rar. Inclosure: By order of the Secretary of far: Form for oath of office. Copy for: The Quartermaster General. C.G., 8th C.A. ~~._ . for Gener , utant eneral. J Or .hes.Form Vo. a ~ la.-~3-~.2 f1L) Hr.;A?~~UARTERS EIG~iT~I CORPS AREA Gffice of the Coros Area Corru-~ander OR-201- _...,,;.~,~~. .$~~..~~ $ Fort Sam Houston, Texas, ( Serial Nc. 0.._ .... ~ , 19~..~.._. - ~ ~'hTEh:F..-~?T OF SER.~iICE FOR LOIy'"NEVI TY t'AY - The records s.t this Heade~uarters show that ~^ the above-named officer: From To a. j~'as a co~rmissioned officer on active ~ ~ ~r d, a~ status in the United States Ar_r~,rs _ " '~ '~ , '~ _ Ib. Pr~.or to t~:is active service in the TNorld I Z~:~ar, he eras a Reserve officer, inactive: '* ~' " '~ c. j f ~ d. Acce~~ted appointment ~.n tY~,e as ~ ~ ~ and is on ............._.. ~":' ~ 19 ''~~ `' .. ........ ....................... ....... ~, I now a - ',~.~ :..........:....°".......~.................................................................. ~ during which time he has had the Periods ~ I ~ I"~ of active duty as indicated;------------------- 1 - _._.._.r_.....~ _. e . tL:jtl!i1~111~15 By command of ~~ ~ rT_~,TRIBUTIOPI ~'=~-i.cinal and ttvo copies to officer; 2 for use '..r. connection with preparation of pay -'~.~!.:~1e ;^; and 1 to be retained ].T1 order ~:. _ ~ ~ "~ a tlrue copy can be ;nt~.de vrnen nFeded. C.;~_~y to cfiice-of-record { } ~~ , ~l ~~ ~~ ~~ '' _ . ~:p ~~~ r ~ \ `,~ ^ t 4 3 .r ~ 11 y 1 ll! ~".) ~ " AASIC COMri~UNICAmION}.~ ' " ; `~~~..4~,~ ~a ,. ~:{ ,.~~ Orig copy of rpt o.f phys exam madQ u, ,, ~~r .. ..~, ....................,.......~...w.~............ ,,...._.._. ~ ........~. .~_....... ,~ OR..201•• is t Iz~d . ~IURG HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH CORPS AREAL , 1942. - To The Adjutant Gen~t~31. ~....~a+~: .................... 1. The above--named Rea~rve officer is c~+nsidered physically qualified. ......,.,,..,~,k. ~,........ 2. Action relative to waiver of physical defect{s}: N,, '~C?~i~ 3. Action relative t• appeal: ~. coon relative to relic 4. f fror-i octave duty: ~ ~~~ s~'t~ ~~ ~ ~. Remarks and recommendations: ~~,~ 1 _~ l~or the Commar~c~ ink General s ~~ ~- ~ ,~ ~~~ ~ ~~ k. 6' C thru ~~~~~ ~~ to above.-nomad kes~rve officer w~copy ~f basic commur~icatian.) ~~ j ~ih REPORT OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (bee AR 40-100 and 40-105) Instructions.-Unless otherwise preauibed, this farm will be used for all physical examinations of officers, nurses, or warrant officers: a ]icants for appointment as such in the Regular Army, National Guard, or Officers' Reserve Corps; and enrollment in the Reserve Officers Training Corps. Use typewriter if practicable. Attach p sin additional sheets if required. (Last name) (First name) (Middle initial) (Serial number) ~., , ~~ _ ~~__ j~Ti~k±~~~' ~• - Age-------~ ----- - - Years of service----- ~---------------- 2. --------------------------------- -- --- ---------- --------- - ----- ~-- (Grade) (Organization and arm or service) (Nearest birthday) (Whole number only) 3. Nature of examination i__ ~_t~ _ ~~tt4, ~,_ ~ _ ~~`a?~_--_______ Component of Army 2___ _= ?~ _ ~?~_____*__ ~s ____________ 4. Typhoid vaccination. No. series completed _________+~!____________________ Last series ________~$1P___________________________________, 19____+!~ :~ 5. Date ~f last smallpox vaccination .________ ~_,~__ ~_ _ _________________ Type of reaction .__~.1 ________________________________________ 6. Other vaccination or immunity tests _____ ~~~ _ ~#__'~~-rF_ ~~~`~ __________________________________________________________ 7. Medical history 3--------------11~'~`'-~,~--~~r--.ir.~---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Eyes __ '_'__ ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distant vision: Right 20/---~'"~-------------- correctible to 20/------------------bY 4------------------------------------------------------------------ (Snellen type) Left 20/_____________ correctible to 20/____________-_____by 4____________ Near vision: Right J#---~~-------------- correctible to J#------------------bY 4------------------------------------------------------------------ (Jaeger type) Left J#_________________ correctible to #__________________b J Y 4------------------------------------------------------------------ Refraetion s (under cycloplegic): Right ________"'_________________________________________ Left __________"____~_ ----------------- ------------------ Coloxr erce ion (red and green) 6_______________'~"_____________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,¢~t 9. Ears ----------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearing (low conversational voice): Right __'______ /20. Left _____~_~___ /20. Audiometer (percent loss): Right ___'_"" Left ____ 1" c~x~;;r:.~,. 10. Nose and throat --------- $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Teeth:' Right (Examinee's) Left y O, 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $~` Indicate: Restorable carious teeth b nonratorable carious teeth by /; missing natural teeth by X. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Remarks, including other defects ________________~`? _______ - -- -- - - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Classification ----- -~~- ------------------ Prosthetic dentapliances -----------------g----------------------_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Posture ------------ ----------------------------- Fi ure ------ `~`-------------------------- Frame .~ ---------------------------------- (Excellent, good, fair, bad) (Slender, medium, stocky, obese) (Light, medium, heavy) 13. Temperature _ Height _______:_ i ches. Weight~"_~~____ pounds. Chest: Rest______ inches; inspiration ~* ____ inches; expiration _______-__ inches. Abdomen _________ inches. 14. Cardiovascular system: He rt._~~~`r#'____~ ___________________ ____ _ - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood pressure: S. __________~ _______, D. ___~~ ___________ Pulse: Rate-Sitting __!~ __________ Immediately after exercis____ Two minutes after exercise ___ -________ Character ________ ~ _ _ ~:~"____________________________________________-___ Arteries -------------------------~~1'~- -- Varicose veins _ ----------------------------------------- - - -------------------- -------------------- 15. Respiratory system ------------;'-~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A--- 16. X-ray of chest s---------------~-"!I'~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Skin and lymphatics --------- - -------- ---------------------- Endocrine system ~~t _ ~' -------------------------------------------------- 18. Bones, joints, and muscles ________________ --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Feet ---- - -------------------------- --------------- 19. Abdominal viscera -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. Hernia ----------------------- ------------------------------------ Hemorrhoids ----- ~ ---------------------------------------------------------- t Appointment, promotion, retirement, annual, active duty, sprcial. r Regular Army: National Guard; Officers' Reserve Corps: Reserve Officers' Training Corps. $ If annual physical examination, record only for pact year. 9 If annual physical examination, record only distant and near vision, and state whether defect is properly corrected. s When indicated. ~ Not required for annual physical examination. 7 If rejected for appointment in Regular Army becawe a~f malocclusion, send plaster models to the Surgeon General. s Requved for candidates for commission. W. D., A. (;a. O. Form No. 63 is-ioopg August 1, 1939 - ~ 1 _ i 21. Genito-urinary system ----------- -4~'~`~ ' ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- - ----------------------------------------------- 22. Nervous system -------------------- ~`~11~:`~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. Laboratory procedures: Kahn ____ _~..~ _ Wassermann 1______________________________________________________ .,, R. Urinalysis: Sp. gr. ------ ~.. ~.;,~~'------- --- -------- Albumin .----- R#~,.t#-~'9r~.------------- Sugall~,*~!!'~--------------------------- Microscopical (if indicated) 1_______ ~±~~~~;._ ______________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------- Other laboratory procedures ________~__._~"„i.._ ~':~!'_____________________________________________ --------------------------------------------- 24. Remarks on defects not sufficiently described -_-= ~_.'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. Corrective measures, or other action recommended ____'~'~__________________________________________________________________ ------------------------- 26. Is the individual permanently incapacitated for active service? __'~_`_'______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------- '; If yes, specify defect -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 27. If applicant for appointment: Does he meet physical requirements? ~____ Do you recommend acceptance with minor physical defects? ______"~__ If rejection is recommended, specify cause __________________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28. Examinee states he is _ "drawing a pension, disability allowance, or compensation or retired pay from the U. S. Government. If yes, state disability---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F .... - ----------------------------------------------- ~ ~~~~~Corps. i r '.a 8T i~nd gr ! ! a~+~ ` ,, ~)' .'~ ~+ , t r < ~ <~- is ~~ '~-~ r'^ (Place) L1/"j ,. a~ --- C~~-~"-~~--- - - , -- ------------------------_ _ G,7 ~ Corps. 4, . ~ i f /~ ~ ~ -------------------------------------Dat -- ~-- ------------- 19_~ir~ , - m --- - ~,-- - - --------------------- --; ------ ~ ----- -.....~... w . C p . > ____. Or S 1st Ind? Headquarters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Commanding General ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks and recommendations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name) (Grade) (Organization and arm or service) Commanding. 2d Ind? __________________________________________________, 19______ To The Adjutant General. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Required for candidates for commission. a State action taken on recommendations of the board. If incapacitated for active service, state whether action by retiring board is recommended x ~"- V. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTfNG OFFICE 18-10008 . ~ ~' K 'Sly, ~~ HEADQUARTERS CAMP BOWIE OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER In reply refer to AG 201-~A7~EXAIr~ER , James G . (0 ) JADlr'o~ j cw Camp Bowie, Tezas July ~l , 19~~? SUaJ'ECT: Ter~lination of C~nxasters. TO i 2nd Lieut. James 0. Alexander, Co, "A", Officers Replacement Pool, Bldg. 249, Fort Francis E. Warren, ~'yoning. This is to certify that under the provisions of tsaxagraph 13 b (3) (a) 1, AR 210-10, the assignzrlent of quarters to 2nd Lieut. James G, Alexander, 0-465499, is terminated effective July 13, 1942. For the Colrruanding Officer: 2 ieut., Infantry, ssistant Adjutant. 1 - •r I~~IDQUARTLRS FOURTH QUAP~TER~~iASTrR TR~.I~TIIjG R,EGIN`~`NT QUARTERI~A~'ER R~LACE'r~~TiT TRAIT' IAiG CE?`TTER FORT FR~?CIS E. r~TARREN, t,~TYOiti~I=~TG SPECIAL ORDERS ) ~•~~~~..... 154 } PARAGR.t~H 1 E~R~,.CTED JJM~ourh 2 SEPTLi~iBER lci~-2, 2. The follot~.~ing named 0 having been atchd to this refit eff ~ September 1842 by Par 1 SO #245 Ht~~ QNIRTC dated 2 September 1942 are atchd to companies of this refit as ix~.dicated: 2nd Lt JAr~~ES C. ALTX~?DER JR, 0~-~5~•9g ~~,1.'fC Co,~npany ng-r. 2nd Tit DATTID 0, r'EI,Di~~u=~:r 1? O'; 623~~ CSC Company rrFri 2r_d Lt ti^TI%LI_~d J, l~C ~?iDE, 0455523 ~ic Company "C". 2nd Lt ~-IUEERT J. K~RAu :~+ir~iT, 0467260 ~~iC Company "bar. 2nd Lt JAN~S ?~r. CROUCrI, 0455510 Qt~~C Company rrFr-. 2nd Lt FRED C . ~1C~~~C~R JR, 0465520 Qt~iC Company "L'r, 2nd Lt 8.~.RNEY U, BRCS^FTt JP~, 0446006 Q~~fC Company "A" . 3. Under the provisions of AR 615-5, as amended, and upon the recommendation of his organization commander, Cpl JOr~? ~~. TRC~~;~?, 3?275S1S, Co C, 4th QN Tng Refit, is reduced to the grade of private. 4, Linder the provisions of AR 615-5, as amended, and upon the recom.TM~endation of their or~•anization commanders, the follo~rrir._g promotions are made in organizations, this regiment, as listed belour: TO 3E SFRGEA,'~TT S (TEP~~OF:~'~.`s Corporal LEON ~'. JOh;TSOI•.~ , 36021464, Co nAa , 4th ~~ ~R Corporal JL'?~,rEL MOSES JR. , 3402225, Co "J,~.", 4th +~"iTR Corporal AITDR.E~~ J, 0?'r~I?S JR 37003559, Co "l~", 4th Q~+iiR TG BE CCP~GR~iLS (TEI~~OR~iRY) Private D.iLTO~? BROC~, 3'-~-122713, Co "F'", 4th QIViTR Private TiI~xTOiT LIXOT., 3430i53e, Co "Ft',. 4th `~~'~ Private LAt~~~?CE iT. L~L~~r_'R?AY, 34282361, Co "F'-, 4th Q!~f~TR TO BE T.ECHS, _51 ~"xR, ^( 1'E'~'"FORt~RY} Private Cr',~.L PEEVY, 37201579 , Hq_ Det , 4th 'QTR Private HOT•~..R D. SIi~GLETOi~ 34301287, Hq Det, 4th ~~~TR 5. Second Lieutenant Z~IILLIs'~i J, RRC~~~TE, 0-4475pS, ~~%C, 4th R~7 Tng Refit., is granted a leave of absence of four (4} days effective on or about 10 September 1842, under tLe provisions of AR 605-115. ~.~~~~ By Order of Lieutenant Colone) VAN DUZEE: O F F ! C ! A L 6'~ ~ ~i1l J. J. h1L'CKERi11AN, - _ - ~ - - - + J. J. hiUCKERP~AN, Capt., hth Qh1 Tng Rcgt.s Capt. 4th Qhi Tng RecJt., ADJUTAfJT. r~,DJUTANT. . .~..' ~ R E S m IL I C T E D ' Q,LT~;1T~'.TE,i~i:;%y.STER 1~~L4CE_:~i1T T^Rl-~I".;IPIC CEi;II' aR FoILT F~~~~~cl~ E. :rnR~tE ~~, ":~:~o~:~I~.~~ Sr1+,CI1Z OR.Di,IiS ) I~IO. , , ... ...245) ~ ~ E X T F~ A C T * ~, 2 Scram; m~cr 1542 1. Trio follo~°Tirg ~~med of~'icers ire rcld x" r further duty ti~;ith Officor Rep1 i o01 ~-; c1 .~,re ~tcl<d, ePf'ective 1 S:~ptember 1C-~2, -co tho' Refit ilzcli Cs;tc~rl for furtl:~:;_r tk:F; a:~d duty: -. ~ ,, S' 141 T i;% 1 flu t t: 2 L LT L1~:~~~;v CE J. i~~iC I~~iI ELAN O~i 62 J 10 QI~.IC 2:~ 1.,.~~i.1i.~t.L.G~ J. ~~_1;C=~riJOS 04•~~760 i:~.C 2~ LT LLr iCT iZIL,Y 0452357 Ql'fC 2:~ L'! =~1iI~~Y L. STURGIS 09:~~--9787 !~I:IC 2D L`~ JOIIT C. i1ILII00L~: Oc-•5212 Q~ C 2 D LT II OLDI' ~;lv v/'^T. L~ ~:~EPpt 04 G? ° 05 QI~~''C ~a,.; 2i~ L'1 ~J'V~LL1i7.i~1~ Co DLTEiS.~ G'z':_05e'7~ ^'~..v 2D LT JOI?~'d L. Tr 01~50~,~ 049782 Q~:TC 2..U LT F OL~!'~T~_ITI t~ ~ C1iS , ~~=~ 0 04 9 78 0 QI~:C 2ll LT JOIN C;~CIL, Jig. , 046685~~ QR:;C 2d Qi>? Tr~~ cat: 2D LT GOP~D~!l~ E. ,rILLIt1I.~Sv49783 QI~C 2i~.~ Ll~ '1':d0.1~S C. Gl-~L~~iE.~TH OyC3::53 ~:~;,:.~C 2D LT -:+t~SL~Y C. STLIIlc 046'00'7 ~;~I~.IC 2D LT JJLIi`:iv E. GIL~LS~ .T.E C-1~`~53,~a 2D LT CTv':~illS D. I~l.~SEL 0465528 C?4~' 2:9 L"' Lli~r ~EI:CE ~",r. ETu1:i;«Y 0 . _:°361 QI~IIC ;, 1 .,~xtir :,.rs~~ ~ i i Ii~ ~~~~sv 6~ ~ ~,l~I 2U .~,~ iLOr`:a_..l ;r. "TILL ~~~169991 ~;~:~~ ~;~.7 LT Jt~C%i CLET~JEL~~ O~s65505 QI,iC . L_ iJ L-. +~. 1.J.7TOI T11 0 `J.~ilil ~~ ~~~~Jt7V0~ Q~.+~~C 3d ~I':i T~.:,~ pert 2D L1 JG~- Jo FI'TZSTE P~IE~1S 0'65512 Q1:iC 2~, Li' C1uZL D. SIC1JitOTT 04v2J60 Q;.C 2D LT C,~.~L ~.=J~; L. G_~~~.'ETT 0~~>65513 Q,I.~iC 2~J L`~. • F~~Ili u . CV~JL~~-u7 Jrt 0`16~5~07 Q.'1C 2D L.L ._..,~;.v ii. ~r. ._~.ns+~-~, J4:.. U•--CJ c1 2D LT 'rILLIru' T. BL1~itY JR 0-s67393 Q~%iC 4th QI,~ Tr_k Refit 2D •LT Ji~~S 0. i~;~r:I~~F,R JR 0465"-93 QI~~TC 2D LT ll~~V ::D 0. F-SLDI:Ill~dl'1 0-X62354. QI~iC 2:C LT : ~LLIL.= J. ',~C Bx~ID~ O~s65523 Qi:iC 2D LT B.TJn~rtT J. ,i?1liT':uii~ Ot67260 QI.'C 2D LT J1~i~5 ~. C~-OICIi 0~=05510 C-,,~=SIC 2~ L`l' F1Z~D C. FiC;_EYE~. ~~~;. 0}:05520 Q~.C 2D LT B1=~hi'IEY U. Li~0'~'ti~l Jt2 04~I-600b Q.<C { s' 5th Q,i T~~ Re~;t 2D LT tOBLtT K. LO1~,C 0465522 ~r~l,1C 21~ LT i.~~~LLL S. '~ l'~k'L_~ 04~~9291 QI:'~C 2i~ L'-~` C':111LLS fi. KLI`I~IETT 0~~67256 t~:IC 21~ Li J-,.VID S. S~TELTO~~ O~6552 ~:Z`:iC n -. „ r^ r 2D L1 G0_~DC3i I~. C~i~OT~ 0•=~;~5515 '? `C 2. The folloti.-? rig erll mc~~ «r:. -r~::1ct f-r ~tc~lu, a>~<:~sgd, to tiv~ i;.o.~t ~:~1 Co i d.ic~:- „ed, ~n~ ~~re ~.tc1~3, Ul~~,.~~;-, i~~ {r ~_~' p,~~, olxc.c__ti-e 2~ _~L~;_as~ 13~~, ~o ~.z., ~,.,;~,t ' nd Co i~c~icatec~: _ ~E:~i~ F'Ft r`:.T C}D, ir~:~1~SC~D, T 0: Robert F. urav 37375<~35 Co i~l, 5-~'.z ~~"i i'rg ~~cegt Co ~, 1st ~ _ Trb~-- i~e~;t ~....-.y~_ -----= ~,,2~, ,~ ~5 Co :' 5th .ri .T. R, ,.t r ~ 1 .~- ^T,r Tr,~ .Le~~t ~cn.~1 1 Jr 110 ~~O~~i ~ S t~`1- S-L v r ~ ~ l:~jY} ~- 7-~ V O yl, iJ 'J ~'{~1:+ b Stcpl^,.c3i~ (.dcne: Ilapol.i 342%x368 - Co I;i, 5th QI-- Tz.,~; Ft.'~t Co , 1St Qi. '.I'z;g Refit ~. 1 .. 2J L' JOI-Ii' I:'. .I'~FLE'ji Jig O~~cS°J18 QI~iC 2D ?~T CLYDE u. r~OT3BS 09.-s6005 ~~i'~;IC 2!:~ _LT JOiI? L'. SC Hsu i'`•T 0 ~-65531 Gti%~iC 2D LT ,:ILT~;~,~ G. ~'~L=.~.~ ~. Os~s6~:22 QI}C 2D L':~' ':rI-~~LIa`i~:: E. S`:[~C =IEEE C~:I~000~/ {ti;I:ICi Saj~24-5, riq. ~~tTC 2 S~~p cclriber 19:2 - co,--,tJ: J ~- _ 9 3. Pvt .Jacob :~. hoover, Jr., 39172.%159, is r~~l. fr a~~.ch~a, u~yas~., to a ~ci~:I p~ Tnr_ Co. , ~~~-~1'C, at,d ; s atchd, u:;^.s~:r:~~, i~. `r of ~_,vt, ef~'ecti ~~:; 2 Sapte::ibor 192, to ~~ 1St ~~1:_ T;g ie?'t. 4. Pvt C~.r1 iI. Poczszus, 3715C3S1, is rolll fr a_tchd, uras~ci, to Co 1;, 3d~-~'~~: T~;~ ~e~t, aid is atchd, u;.~as~:~., i~ ~;r cf pvt, offectitiro 2 Sopte?rber 19~i2, to Spe- cial T~;g Co. , ~I:~T'C o (Liir~i te~~1. Sorvi ce ~. 5. Tile fO110~~r1Y? eral iT1Vr.i are ri;1a fr c~tC!'iCi Ulan ~; v0 B ~~ n~+s `~' ~ , S~C3., O , ..~ :~;:.. t41~ ttO~t, a~C! are ~'_tc:n.d, ul,~ sgu, in ~r os" pvt: v'ffeCtivo 2 Sepi;,en-:b?r 19~°.2, to Spocial T~~ CC. , ~1.i1~.T C : Pvt TrvrOt`G ~:- 1,'"iE~r?~e 3618u61o" t'T~'i, Slnith (ivon~~) ~`:ar~s ~',5~3952i 6. ~ vt i~-it "~. JunM, 395~~~5896, i s roll f r o_~~chd, un,ass~~!, to Co r, 2~. ;~^~ T,_~Q Piegt, n_r~~. i S _.~~ chi., u~,~~s Vc?_ itd gr of part, c;f fecti r~s 2 Sept, -~~ b ~r 192, to SL'coi:~1 ~.a _, C o . ; ~I;~iZT C . 7. vTt vhaxi~s ,. .~ oily, 1S07~S25, is rold fr a-tchd, uriasr~~~, to Co C, 3d ~,:: ins Legit, ..,:~~au. :ts ~~tcl~J, u~aas`~., i~; ~r of pvt, effectiv'o 2 Sap-c:;~.,.r.,r ?9~2, to ;;pe- n ~• J'(~ tg• PVt Joh:: :-'. LLl~:.aZr, 3332;951, iS ra1c1 fr ~,;tC7.:', uY1~IS, C~, tO liC ~, 2':i ~~,~.. 7'I;b .t~C3~t, C.~..l 1a O.~C !Ct, ll,.i,''.S~C~., 1 ~;r Ol %Vt, v.~..L~:C,~_V~, 2 :.Ci;t:tGs.bCr ,i;i`~. , ~U ~Jr C a t /1` (v 1 ry • 9. Loavo of <:_bsai~ce for a: pox°ioc~ of ~'I~'TEEi" (15 j B~YS, f{'~oc~L-iv~:; 7 Sopt's~~:~bor .1 L'1 v H i. t i~~ ,.J } 19~r2, ' s - ~: t d .,~OJi .~ Ii~.~ vo ~ ' ;'`'1 ~- ~'~~~ r .. ar ~~~.e provisio s _ 4 T ~SS ~ n 1J ~1L~T i4 L/j`~177, .1 C~• , '~-J~u:i Ll V, ~L~ L of l~i~ G05-115. 10. Tho fo1lo-:rir~ ~r!1 ~nex~, ha.viry roport~ac. at ~~r?.s sta. i;a cozrplia.~~ce Trrith P~~r. 17, SQjt=v 7, i1 C{ • , ~~' ~ r St 5~~~:; C1~~1 SG1"DTI CO Or CC.', ii O~'t d~1111~i1 !"I~%lsr~;r ~~arr~ SOi~, t~U:IGi;~".,, i:ort~~ra, c:~:.~~~~. 27 siu~u.~ , a.rc ~:tcxz~~, urn':~~c~, i~~~ ~_,r shov~~r~, to ~t~;~~~t ~l~;oj Co irs, G.%ca~tod, effecti vc 30 1.u~ust 19'x2_: 5th ~~T:I Try r~3~,t - Co L: 3c'. r„=__ T,,,, ~a~;t - Co C: S~:;t :;alter J. Loppa 170C1~?'79 Pti~+ -..U1t~,r :;. Lcr~~,th~r-~.-rcod 3~~275224 v 11. So r.uch of Pa.r. 19, S~j'ZSi=, this ~To1., ~-a.t,~,~ 1.S.~:pto~r~b~:r 19~r2, pertaixairi~~ tc nor-co;r~~:~issia,_ad officer to taL_e cAi~:.r~e of troop movc;mc;l~t to FOL'i` i~E:~IS, ,,~iJ_FiIiuG10., a ~ci ° if ~+`!- ... ~ Z (,~~, L n ~ r'~' }- ~, 1..: r ~i r r'1 ^~ n rea:c~..~ S~~ 'Tc;rris ~~.~.t1:;r, ~7J 22,.>7, vo C, -_th 'r?ir_ ~ ...~`; ~t, Vt, .s ~^une?~c.o~. to r:,~td '~St'.~'_ ._r ~. _~i,ch:;1i, F:~:G7593, Co ~', ~~~~. ~' .Lot.' ,U ., , 12 i So much of Par. 22, 50;; 2~ , 'phis L ~±. , ~'-~~tod 1 ~S cpt~,r.b<~r 1ST=2, p;;rt~,.iz~ ~1~~ ±c i~,ox,-coi.L-~ i ss~.or,e;d of ficer „o ~~ .~ c ~1 ~:~ of troop ~~~lovo rcer~t to ATE ; P~ O~~L~,i.~`S, LGUISiI~.~~`:.a a:s rs,. ~ calf Sit !_o~?rr :o ~a~.. ._~.~.1, ~S2o7~i93, ~o r., 'rth ~,"r:;. 1:~~~ ~_4a~~, ~s arnex~a~.;<.~ to rc,ad tt a t A~crr~U r~u - r, ~ r G: '2 1, ~o C, ~xth ~_~~ T1~ ~, liv t. V. * ~ ~ ~ By com;~sax~d o~ ~~~ri 4~c~.Or C>e~. era1 `~xi;3:U~%~T: ~_ _ "~ ~ ~V JJii1J 11• .t'i llLil y 0 .r F I C 1 :~ La ';j" r ~,~ ~ 1 ~!. _~ Co1~ e1, ~~:'~C, ,. . ~v ry ' TNIa. j o r, ~l':'iC, I.L~~7 J t ~,• .~ 1. i:..' eJ l-: ~J t_l r~ ~~ '.~~ ' Distribution;: "ti" -jmp -- 2 -- ~. i~trllt~T~'1 ~~~111'Pf'!'rt.?~aA`JT,~~i. TF~;. 1.y?11:`(z RL'.'~'1..~--~~rl Quartermaster Replacement Training Center Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyoming certificate of ~roficiencp ~~ji~ ig to 4Certifp t~jat ~: ~~ ~:.z~~. having satisfactorily completed the prescribed course in..-..... ~':~:~.~z.. .~~....~:...:_.:.~:~" ........................is awarded this Certificate of ProSciency. } Given under my hand and seal this..........i ~t~~:._...---..day of...........: ~'~ ~ der ................. nineteen hundred .., and fortya• . •~ ~•,,, ---- -----------_..... I' ~ _ P ~...jr ~'--..... '.~..~...._. ..D~ree~e~. ~';1J Lt , Col. , _ ~~ '•;~t~~ Tr~~,, r`~~; u °% ~_.~~l~TrG '' •° T7"~j r" '~91' Lhetructor. ~r ~ . ~, _:L., ~ .pia ls~ T~.eut, Q~iC OFFICER'S AND WARRANT OFFICER'S QUALIFICATION CARD COPY (1) (2) (3)-® (4)-® (5) FT. IN. (6) LBS. (7)-® (8) ~S O1~D JR A ' Aa~ER 9~ 04b54gg w~?~!C Reg 5 a lb5 260ct 22 J. , NAME (LAST NAME) (FlRSr NAME) (MIDDLE NAME) SERIAL NUMBER ARM OR SERVICE COMPONEM HEIGHT WEIGHT DATE OF BIRTH RACE ~ W ~(9)-© - YEARS MONTHS ARM OR SERVICE COMBAT OR ADMIN. DUTY (T1}-® -.. ? w WAR SERVICE LIMITED SERVICE PHYSICAL OVER-AGE 1N GRADE RETIRED W - (12)-©SERVICEOR ~ ` RESIDENCE OUTSIDE ~ (10)- ® ~ YEARS MONTHS CORPS AREA TYPE DUTY CONTINENTAL U. S. LOCATION YEARS MONTHS ~ D ~ ~ Z C. C. G. (13) ENTRY ON EXTENDED ACTIVE DUTY ~ AUTHORITY: PAR. S. 0. _. O SERVICE / (RES., N. G,RET.&A, U, S.°FFICERSONLY) pATEOFENTRY 6 Jul ~+~ HQ~ DATE b Jul L~2 tL 0 (9 (lA)-Q GRADE-APPOMTMENTSAND PROMOTIONS ~.. - - . ~ . a tc1 $ WARRANT OFFICER (JUNWR GRA[IE} CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER ~ LIEUTENANT 1sT LIEUTENANT CAPTAIN MAJOR LT. COLONEL COLONEL U k 4 :.:I~y .. ~y Z W O ?, DATE APPOINTED OR PROMOTED Z 0 ~DATEOF RANK IN GRADE b .July 1*2 9 1',~ay 44 w (15)-Q RECORD OF SERVICE (ONLY PRINCIPAL DUTY OF 3 MONTHS OR MORE DURATION) U DATES NAHNER OFPER• Y Y UNIT, ORGANIZATION DATES MANNER OF PER• INITIALS , ~ = TYPE OF DUTY UNIT, ORGANIZATION F°RM• INITIALS T PE OF DUT OR CATION F°RM• F - OR STATION FP,OM- TO- pNCE FROM- TO- nNCE Z ~ M 1 TuU;2 250ct42 Ex R'"'B Pla+ Idr Cas Co 1 b ~;~ar45 1SA r4 E RLC N Oz"£ C8 4 9th ~~~? Re t 2ffOct42 31Dec42 VS DCB Casual 4th TtD 3A r45 ?;~ay45 -- _ ~Co Off '~ 1 Jan1,3 4 Jan43 VS JCR Plat Ldr 40th ~~ Co 5L"ay45 OJun45 5.2 ~ 7 ~. L PIPt Ldr Tr A 252 ~~;~ Sq 5 Jan43 5 Feb 4 ~x EP~N Plat Ldr 40th ~~1 Co Ju145 Nov45 5.5 .RAH ~ ~ Plat Ltd Rt A 252 ~~;~~ ~q Feb43 30Aug43 ~J L CO 4th ~P.'. Co ^dov45 ec45 .0 ,~[, W ~ w Unassi ned nth Hq Spec Trps /^e~J43 40ct43 11R~ Z ~' F].at Idr 341? Q~" Trk Co 150ct1~3 31DQC ~3 Su ~,A ~ a Troor? Off 253d ~~ R1~T SQ Jra 4J~ ~ a *' U (~ `~. Trop Off " e ~ pr ~'~ o '"roop Off Pr ~ "..; P st S- Prov Fld Gn OQMG 30Junlll{ 22Se 44 Su GFC ~ w~ Troo Off Ft Rena O~r^ 23Se ~ 3 Oct/+4 NR o S~ °~ ~ ~ DT OOr~tG . ~tr_.hd unas r pct 2OOct "tR ~ rT w`'RP Ft Reno 2.lOct1~4. 24?1ov44 E LV w '~ Student Cav Sch ~'t 1Riley 4 Decl~,. 13Jan45 'VR ~ ~ ~ Pool Off CRTC Ft Riley 14Jan45 7P+~ar4 NR ~ ~Q a ~ (16)-® SPECIAL SERVICE SCHOOLS (17)-®GENERALSERVICESCHOOLS -' w 0 DATES, SCHOOL COURSE success• ~'C0M" COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF SCHOOL ARMY WAR ARMY INDUSTRIAL NAVAL WAR .~ $p° PLE TIaN COLLEGE COLLEGE COLLEGE ~0 U w FROM- TO- rES N° ~ 4 ec Ja 3 ~ Cavalr y Off Pack No lO X YEAR AND COURSE YEAR YEAR YEAR L. ~ (18)-OT LANGUAGES U ~ 0 SPANISH FRENCH GERMAN CHINESE RUSSIAN JAPANESE OTHER ~ 0 4 SPEAK U W Z O WRITE 5 ~ O TRANSLATE L a GC I-' F- WD ,AGO FORM ~~_4 This form supersedes 6i'D A00 068, l October 194-4, which maybe used uDtff esisting stocks sre eshaustod, ~ 4 d 1 DEC 19 4 4 is-~9sL-1 1 OFFICER'S AND WARRANT OFFICER'S QUALIFICATION CARD COPY (19)~ NUMBER OF DEPENDENTS ' x 0 MARRIES DIVORCED Wlf)OWER (OTHER THAN WIFE) MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS: SINGLE ~ ' (20) LEGAL RESIDENCE: NO.ANDSTREET ROUte # la R~~ ~,~ CITY Bran sl•ATE Texas (21) NAME LU,C7.~ 11° ~~. A1pXAnr~ar ~r~Ar9~ RELATIONSHIP MO rheP EMERGENCY ADDRESSEE Texas SfREETADDRESS CITY ~r ~ 51'ATE (22)-© EDUCATION z SCHOOL XD. eF ~~ NAME OF INSTITUTION SUBJECT MAJORED IN GRADU ATED DEGREE YEAR LEFT ~ v HIGH SCHOOL A & ?~~. Consolidated hi h school Co11e e Pre x 193 ~ COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY _ Texas A ~ N! wnimal Husbandr X POST GRADUATE. ~ z a 0 z (23) TESTS ~ ~ TEST DATE SCORE TEST DATE SCORE TEST DATE SCORE TEST DATE SCORE a ? W - ao ai (24)-® PARTICIPATING SPORTS ~~ I. @OXING C XL 3. BASEBALL C XL 5. SKIING~SNOWSHOEING C XL 7. EQUITATION ~x C XL SCHOOL OR TEAM _ S k ?randba'l r00LDa.l1 ~ oa ~ 2. SOFT BALL C XL 4. BASKET BALL C XL 6. MOUNTAIN CLIMBING C XL 9. OTHER N (25)-® ACTIVE HOBBIES ~ rcN 1. RADIO ^ 2. PHOTOGRAPHY ^ 9. RIFLE OR PISTOL SHOOTING ^ 4. AVIATION ^ 5.OTHER UZ o (26)-® MAIN CIVILIAN OCCUPATION (27)-® SECONDARY CIVILIAN OCCUPATION Go nn.E of YouR POSlT10NORJOB ;~t`.ld --Animal Husbandr Sold ..;~~:~.nt~s durin school. For ball awes ~a and also to decorate rooms. ~9 rked for sel . ' EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DR) v REM INERATION ~D FROM- TO- ORNNGOMEALARY s FROM- l 1 TO- 19 ~ OR INCGMEA~Y S SPECIFICATION SERIAL N0. AR 615-26 Q OCCUPATIONAL DICTIONARY CODE r~ AR filrr26 01. / ~ OCCUPATIONAL DICTIONARY CODE a Z 0 (28)-© QUALIFICATION IN MILITARY SPECIALTIES (30) INITIAL INTERVIEW BY: DESIGNATION SPEC. SERIAL ND. DATE DF DESiGRATIOx 7 16 1 2~ ~ DATE n o , f 370 1 Au ~, t r?9 Q ~ L Qp ~ 1 Jan ~ n (PRINT PLAINLY) NAME, GRADE, AND ARM OR sERVICE DF INTERVIEWING OFFICER ~ p, C! k f' 0660 18 1~?ar4~ ~ ~ r s SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWBVG OFFICER a ander Jr 0 Al J a m . ex ames s SIGNATURE OF OFFICER y o p D f+ p- 6d LLOTIi Texas ~ '?c `p:. ~8$ Grad Sr T~ gC Q~ CQmY ' I (32)QUALIFICATIONSINARMS oz• . (31) REMARKS: ualified ma and aerial hoto resdin 24 May 44. h4a area Cont ~ WEAPON coURSE QUALIFIED SCORE DATE ~W ~ t 1 A h Br t o a Rib for So P C mp, , q ep ar a u a. w , ., ~ e e ap - - j I U N ? z a ~ y ~ o o WD AGO FOAM AA 1 DEC 19 4 4 &6-`i' This form supersedes WD A00 Form 068,1 October 1844, which may be used untll e~stiug stocks are exhausted. iB-~Dai-1 u, a, fAYEENYENT PEIMTING OFFICE u ~ R E S T R I C T E D IiE~D'wUl'~.I~TERS S '.1 lY~ I-: '~1~.T 1T, m T.? T`1T."m .~~il'ZTE;c.::.~,STE~i it~,r I:.,~:~_ ~~,.T 1i~..,~ilr:IiT 1 CLid lER F Oi~T r'I~'~'C I S ~ . 'r ar'~Ii~:~Y'~ , 'r`,YC=.:IIv G Sr'ECII~L 0'r~~;.~5 ~0....... ~ .?96) * * E ~~ T R .ii C T * '~ 23 Cctobcr 19 35. The f ollei~it:',g ra~ned officers are reld. fr further as~~~ or atcrmt, as s'~o~~~: ,1 m`:* r `" -" ('+ rT, _. !^I ,.. .-,z m^-,'J r ~-+ T'. mr mT• ..~,-. this sta, and ar~~ as~;d to ~6'91~_ ~~! ttE,:T (.~.r~:i), viy:iP :'ir..X~Y, 1t'~itii. 'Ir z.UI: 1L ti ~~i..~ 3t P 431-~:?1, 0~, 03, 07, 08, ~~ 0<25-23. :iiJ Ct~LVI?~r F. ,SrL~~U~T.,IS 01513"3 Q::~C - a~tchd, u''<~as~d, CLiI, atchd ,~°~J D OI~T r~. ~S~-I~; PF1=u~.D Cni'T .~~~.T :LTR ... ~.r'~''~,RRI;.~ :tiG J 1 • 1',~ V L J. CAPT EL.?O ii. ~7~ia:;RID.~~t 1ST LT r ~::i~~K (i1 C~;'?E) Ia,L;,C~ 1ST LT ~`TILLIl~: C. luir~TI~'s 1ST LT FELII~ lz. J~:V^RSIiI 1ST LT ~T~i~•~Is~L G. L. RCTII y r,~ v ry n''1TT ~'~r, T ;~s LT J",,~,iil I?. COL.L.ii~tu 1S'i LT Criv ILLS E. ilitLITZ .:~~i~~.: 1ST LT C t~: C I L C . :~ 1~D"r5i I'1 D L T J OI~~T C. Bk~'~Y ~D LT ;:~OBLriT C. TOLL GTi~ LT .RI~~L~~~.LLL~ E. .~L l)LC•l~ ?D LT BUIiJi:III i. Vti4lRli m T1 T'iwT T ( R uD Ll R.~r~.v~uZD I~T~7JDLi:ur{N m T T.. - ~ ~_.+ G1? Ll DLiiL;;~ E. ~;~Y~ ~~iu 2D LT 1iLI~I~T ~. :IGaIi~S 2D LT EL~'~EP~T T4T, =IrGI~~iS 2D LT ELLI!`1'T i.. STi.L'DTE 2D LT Jri('?i if. T~~..~~`~rit ~D L.~ v~u ~~7 ~~• .~ 1st Q:I T~,~ iiE' ~;t 02255n8 ~,``C - a„~ d .;~ a:':hTC n. .99 0,5f~ QI','C - as~d 2d Z'':I T'~~' ~p~t ' " 4./J~.l, `~rk~ v~l.': l.' ~ ' ~~n~ nth l~ Ti,~ .tl~~t i~~~>~`~'~Fi ii..i~; - ~.tchd, uz:as~d, Olin, ~:ztchd 3d ~:.': T'j~ Ite~t 0~~51153 ~?°''C' - asgd 1st '~~_ T~.:>g fte~t )~511~ 6 `,,' :, - a: ~;d ? d ~~,:"? `I'.,x; ;;test 03± ` 3<,~4y ~. `C - a s ~d ,~_:~ 2 d '. " T:,~ ii.e ~t c~~~~~:~ ~~ ~::z,~c - ~~~~,d 3a :a~:~ T~,~ ~~A;~-,t ~??,c~"I~ ~:.~r:C - as~,d rth `a,,' T:a~, Iie~:t Ue`'_~x7?`"? ~L°::C - as~d 5th '~i, T~;~ RPrt C'•tr;3952 :~~~:iC." - as~d ~d C~,°-~ Tr;~~ 1~e~t 015739F5 ~I':O - aU;c~. 1st iii:: T: ~ ItP~t 0•r8~~039 Q~:.~C - ~~tchd, uz~~~sd, i~RI', ~{tchd 1st ~.I~:~ T ~'~~ I~~~ gt 0310210 ~+ ~~Ci atc.l~.d, Li~k~.S~~a., Cil~'.t, cit"1id O~t8.7704 ~,:::C - a tchd, ur;as';Mr~', ~`RF, ~~tchd ryry 'ttJ.i ~,_'.. Tri r., 11 ~.^t r o~s92c~7~ ~;~:c - ~z~-~~~d, L~~;~~skTa, ~~~~~~~>, _At~.ra 1st ~,I~ Tray: lte~t Ors 92 092 =rC - ut c~.d, u,aa s;d ~ CIF' s ~t chd 0%92091 Q~.=~C - atchd, u~a<<sgd, C'.i~P, atchd 1 ~ t ~~', 1 I<~ ii E' ~,t 0~~~~r'~C25 ~,'.'C - atc7~d, ur,as:;d, OIiF, atcl~d 2d ~~, : T?,~ itept n~.:92 0 9 ~.:~: rC - atci~d, u:~~ ti, {,d, C~i~', atchd ,- m ~~ d ~i,. 1 ~;~:, ~e ~t 0•t9206%~ '~l,i~~' - .;-tchd, ui_a: .d, ;)PAP, ~~tchd 0<:9~ rS,r, l~."C - ~.tchd, u. s~,d, CFtF, ~,tc:~d • .~ N ~ r,,~ -, -- z -- Far 35, .5077296, iiq QT;~itTC, 23 Octobar 1942 - contd: (i~uth 2 D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2 D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2 D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2 D LT 2D LT 2 D LT 2 D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT 2D LT JEROT:~, L. CA.FLt~N 0~=98622 QT;aC - at chd, u~~asgd, ORP, atchd 5th Q: i Tng Ra fit CTil'~RLES 1~. Fili~TSOTd O~s92078 Q~.~_C - atchd, uriasgd, ORP, atchd 5th Qr,: Tr g lie fit ~'~ILLIx'ii: F. X, iT~~RISON 0492067 QT:iC - ~.tchd, urasgd, ORr~', atchd 5th QT:-: Tng itegt i~li.LP~i E, KELLER 0192064 QT;~C - atchd, urasgd, C~Li', atchd 5th '~~.~ Trig ltiegt liLBr,i~T ~~. '~.tRIFILLD, JR.0492095 QT,iC - at chd, urasgd, ORP, atchd 5th Q?:'': Tng Refit JOiiN ~T1. ORVIN 0492069 QTcC - atchd, urasgd, ORP, e{tchd 5th QTr_ Tng i~egt T;~,FtI~ R. SILVERT~..A.N 0<-92074 QT~LC - atchd, urasgd, Otu, atchd 5th S~I~rI 7.'Y,g Refit ERIVEST F. SLATER, JR 0492065 QT,-iG - atchd, urasgd, CRP, atchd 5th QT.~T Trg tegt JOHN C. GILHOOLY 0445212 Q.:C - at chd, urasgd, CRP atchd , 1st QT:i Trig Re fit JOHN CECIL, Jh. 0466854 Q~iC - atchd, u~~asgG, C?ltP, atchd 1st QT:.i Tng i~.egt L1~1iENCE 'l~'. ET.~RY 04-'19361 Q~~;~C - atchd, urasgd, OIiF', at chd 2d Ql- Trag F~egt THO.~;,S C. Gi,.LBREliTTi 0463953 QT:.:iC - atchd, urasgd, ORF, at chd 2d QT,1 T~~g Refit NIiTIti.P1 ZIVIN 0166870 ~,I:,C - atchd, urasgd, OhF, atchd 2 d QT~:T Tr g Re fit 'J~~SLEY C. STEHR 0464007 QT~~TC - atchd, ui<asgd, Oi~F, atchd 2d Qr:i Trag Refit ROBERT !V. HILL 0469991 Q~LC - at chd, ur?asgd, ORt, atchd 2 d QT:T Tna Refit J1iCK CLEV:~LI~ID 0465505 QT:"C - atchd, urasgd, ORP, atchd 2d QT~ri Tr,•g Ftegt CL''nTIS D. I~zIiSEL 0465528 QT~C - atchd, urasgd, OAF, atchd 2 d Q~~I Tng Refit NE-JTOTu V. C~~nIG 0465508 QT:~C - atchd, urasgd, Ci~sF, atchd 2d QT~T Tng Ttegt HENRY l~l. HA4SSE, J 0465517 0,~.'~C - atchd, u~~.as•gd, ORt', atchd 3d Q~~ Tr;g Refit ~'~ILLI~;~:' T. BERRY, Jlt. 0467393 QT.IC - ~~tchd, urasgd, ORF, at chd 3d QT.'~ Tng ire fit J~'~:','ES 0. I;.LEXI~.NDER, JR. O~s65499 QT:~C - atchd, urasgd, OtP, atchd 4th QT;~ Tng Refit J~~:~,~5 ~'~. CROUCH 0465510 Q.-C - atchd, unas~d, ORP, atchd 4th Qi:~l Ti]g iLegt FPtiED C. ~TOT~~~EYETL, JR. 04-65520 QT~TC - at chd, urasgd, ORP, at chd 4th QTJi Tng Re fit CORDON H. GROTE 0465515 QT:IC - at chd, urasgd, ORP, at chd 5th Qr~T Trg Refit v1ILLI~._ E. STinCIiLEE 04.16007 QTiC - atchd, urasgd, ORP, atchd 5th Q~:~ Trg T~.egt Dt~VID S. SLiELTON O~s65532 Qi•~:C - atchd, urasgd, OP,P, atchd 5th QT ~ Tng, Ra fit ~'ostal Tg, 1iG0, 10-22-42, SPXFOA _. * * ~ By, ~omr.:ard o .5 Brigadi General -~1i~ARD~'~T: OFF IC IxL: `-~"~! ~ ,1 'Y GE 0 t~. 'BERGEr,'.~ ~ Ji~,r , ~~a j or , Q.iC, Dist: "li" jp~ rs- ~s st ~d jutat~: _ X31541 J~~T~`~'S $. CLEri.cz~~ 1TER, C o l o ri e l, QTt~iC , ~~djutart ~RESI"RI CT:;~J ~~ J ~I:~c~U~T"~S ~ CARPS Office of the Corlrganding General SP~CI~L ORDERS Sherman, Texas, X30. 152 Dec 31_, 1U~2. 1. C,i~'T GIBSOAT S. PETERSGv, Ojfi39g1~, is reld of asgr:t to f~4th inf Div and sta at C?~ Howze Tex and is asgd to 1st Hq ~ Hq Bet Sp Tr, Third ~, C~ Shelby I~~,iss. WP. TP~1~ TDi~T FD 31 P u31-O1-02-03-n~-o5 x DI+~25-2.3. Ruth: VOCG Third. A., and Ltr Hq Thirci .~, ~~G 21D.31 -Gen G)~~1Ct~-1, sub Bel- egation of .~uth to risgn and Reasgn Individtaa7. 0 encl. ?~JO of the SUS, g~l/~-2, as amended by Ltr Hq Third A, AG 210,31 Gan GT~iCE, sub as above, 1G/14/42. 2. The followin.~; named ~~i fr orgy. at Oro Gruber Okla are trfd in ~r to Hq Bet X Gores, Sherman Tex and asgd to sec as indicated. S~F Sherman Tex reporting upon arrival to the CO Hq Co :~ Corgis. GR I~Tt11'1. ~ 5~~'ZI1'.L id0 O~.i~TG AT GP G:'U3:~R 1~S(?D TO Pfc John J. Cassidy 32374255 (In Gharge} 350th Inf Refit G--3 Sec Pfc John I'[. Santerre, 31135~~~, Co F 319th Inf Regt G-4 Sec Travel by x~rivately owned conve~Tance is authorized. TC or ~,t~~IC will furnish the necessary T. I~'ionetax~~ travel alws in lieu of rat prescribed in Table- II par 2 a, .r1~R 35-1520 ~~ill be paid each of the above named~7 in advance far one-third. (]./3} day for the entire ,journey. TDi~ PB 31 P 1131-02 xi'~4~n=23. ,Huth: Ltr Hq Third k, .~G 2(3.33 ~ G:~?'iCa, T~1ov 20, 1911?. .~ u 3.~. f~vt Gilbert J. `Debar, 3rd-25'l1~, Co B ~a-5th :~ngr Regt (C), Cp Gru- be~ Ok3a~~ is trfd to the 1551st Sere C Unit, Cv~ CTruber Ukla and will rpt to 'the ~G0 t2iereof. ISo change of sta involved. huth: Sec IT r~a,r ~, b, '~~ Cir 32i, ~/~~/~~2,sand. Ltr Hq Cp Gruber, ~G 220.13, 201-Weber, Gilbart~J. (:anl) sub rrocaed:irigs of a Board of 0, 12/21/42. ~.:1?.;' 2i~Tl3 L~ J~i~S 0. nLo;Xe~:tSD~~ Jr, D11~51=9g, and 2iSD I,~.~' a~"~,~dTOi~ V. C?~IG, 04655(3, ~tr,re raid :of asgmt to 4bgth ~> Trk Ragt and sta at C-o iax~;y Tex and are ~s'gct-'to ~D~t `Tr~. ~ .?52nd Qj~i 'mt Sq, Pt Rano Okla. ~y'P. TPn. 1Bi~ PL 3l P 1~3~.--O1-02-O3~C?7-n~ ~~ 0425--23. xuth: VUCG ~~hird .is, and Ltr Hq Third .~~, nG 2~.0.3x "~ Geri G~~++~Cn-.~, sub Delegation of mouth to Issgn and Reasgn Izid.iv- ic~.ua1 0` anc~ tJ0 a~f 'tH_~ ,~~Ufi, 5/l/li?, as arnznd.ed by Ltr Hq Third ~~, .~G 21D.31 G~~i G;,iC~, sub as above, 10/11i/42. 'S, So nuch of par 2, SO ii-l~.~a, c. s. , this Hq pertaining to raasgrat of b z#.~med therein' fr~,~34th Inf, 84th Inf Div, C_o rowza Tex to Hq i Cor-~~s, SYiermari Tex; '~s r~atlsi ~ "LT, CSI, Fn,D~ICK Z, KT..JtJDSOT~; Jr, 01191y," is a- mend~d to rae,d ,'f~T COI, ~,;, ~ RIIt L. y~~aNBSD~ i Jr, O11'":1 r , n . ~ ~ ~~ ; By command. o ~;~ aral iiODG.~S 0 ~~~ /` sexa1 0 OFF.I CI,KL }~ .... .~/ , ~ `~Sax~~ dc~e ., , . LAlts'~i~CE; E: kaa~L. ~s, .. ` ` -G.t ~ .;-~~~lC' ' fi~~ ~. ~~ x Lt, Colonel, ~.. G. Ta. ~.~ ~, - ~'{ ,~~~. ' Asst. H.d~ , General . ~ x~z.1~- -._~... ~cL%`~`'c ~~"`~. G:~ORG,~; ~~. D~1VI S, Colonel, G.S.C., Chief of staff.. .. - 2 RLSTRIC'~~D (Par 26, SO 123, DZay l2, 19.2 - C ntinued) t DISTRIBUTIOT?; bkn 315 - Pi~4S8cT, A~cP~y Colg of Tex, Colg Sta, Tex (7) Each 0 ~ W 663 - CG Ft F.E. Z~arren ~~yo 70 - CO Camp Bo~~rie, Tex a 1.x.0 - CG Ft Sam Houston, Tex 70 - CG Camp 7olte s, Tex l0 - CQ Barksdale Fld, La 1.~G - CO Perrin Fld, Sherriu.n, Tex 50 - CO AFS, Lubbock, Tex } 20 - CO F-t Bliss, Tox ~' 20 - CO Ft Sill, Gkla 10 - CO Goodfellotiv Fld, Tex 30 - CO Ellington Fld, Tex 30 - CO Camp Berkeley, Tex 1~5 - CG 7C,~ 2 - Ex 1Tt.Ik t 2-Ex31~~ } 3 - ~~G (Personnel Div) 1.~0 - OR (w~r) 5 - CG ~iGF, ;gash, DC L~0 - 0 Div 1-l~GC~C t 1 -Sung 1-G-1 1 - FO SCE 1 - =2 ; l-PubRe10 1 - 1~G Files i ~~ i i WAR DEPARTMENT Q. M. C. Foam. No. 484 • -a~tev#sq~ June 30, 1942 SHIPPING TICKET CONStGNOR• '~ C:''~iu SUi'PLY 0?+i,IC~R~ "~P.2 BR, s -, r, r-,,r-, - C ~.~m l_ F~1.:...: ~. ~, T . ~~~. DATE SHIPPED OR DELIVERED __________~ _____________________ - --------------------------------------------- SHIP TO- ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ QUANTITY ORDERED "~-'R ' .~;,: , ~C ~~~'' STOCK Nt~. ' 1 I 73-C-~/ 6' 1 ~ 74. L -76 1 ~ 7/,.-8- ~~ -f 1 74.--F -62 l 2L~ B --360 l '~ 27-B-3/~~ 1 ~ 74.-8-~:{~~ ~. 74. -C -~> C 1 ~ F 7 -C -74.0' 1 74. -C - 1 74. -C -37_l~, 1 7l~ F'-63 1 ~7IT-l"'0 1 74. ~ ~ -•115 1 r~1Y -Ii -<-~ 7 .1.0 7 4. P-1?~~ yy l ^4.-~ -'J_~' 0 1 71..-,5-312 1 74--~ -333 1 74.-~-3~.~ 1 r14: P -16~ AUTHORITY OR REQ. NO, Qf'{'i C°i ~ S IS:~'U.G TRANSPORTATION COST OF S_______________________________ CHARGEABLE TO PJA NO.-----------.._.. ARTICLE i UNIT I COST I TOTAL COST rp Cap z'~ool knit M~.1 Lin~;r, helxl~t ~ ?~ Bend, k~ieac~ Bend, ri~ek B~.~, canv~~.s, fi ~1~., od,P1~3C' Bar, r~o°~.uito Belt, ?~s_ tol or r~vo3.vr,r B1_anI{Ut;~9 v~~ool9 od9 ivI34. C~.n, >~r~~jt, ~,~32 C~~rteeli9 . X10 C oaf ort cr, r, ott on-f it a_ed C~v-:r3 c~.ntee:n9 c?.:7.Sr~,, i,7/~, Cup, x.210 Forlr9 r~_?6 r. 7 HJadx~.t, :,1Oa`~,'L7.1tO9 ~:i4.<_ II ~;1"ZC~t y S ~ec~1y 1~1 Pins, font, s}.~cat~~r half P.~l,..;,c9 t:n~~19 4111~~.t :r p Ou^}19 i :1_r `it ~'.J_C~. 'J'.G'I: G-'t ~~ ~n~on, P:!i,~C~ Str~~.p, carr. tr_n~, cxl, b<,~g, canv~~. ~~ fi~~_d SL.^-,~cndcr~ b-"lt, P~~36 T ~>>n ts, molt r h~:.ll I certif .r th<.t the ~?.rt~_cles listed h pro iaizslJ i~~;e issued to r~!e, e~ e: e~ e c on nl~.v-~ i - ~ ~~ ~. ~ certs.f T that I have thi_;~ data issue the ~.t~ns ~iNted h~;r'eon to the ~.rsc~n z~ho accol~~,l.~~_ished tho f re~o~ n~ cer~~ificate. - ST !~ {y ... ~. .. _. "N~„~11~ .ii0 -f Ni Yiq~ ~ 1~ ARTICLES LISTED !N COLUMN "ORDERED" HAVE BEEN RECEIVED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN CONSIGNOR'S VOU• N0. _________. ' COLUMN "SHIPPED.' ~, CONSIGNEE'S VOU. NO. -_.. ----- N~~ MBER OF SHEETS --------°---------------- s (NAME) {RANK) (ORGANIZATION) '~s' . ~ ______________ U. 5. GOV F,RN MENT PFlINTING OFFICE 18x2 I :; 3.5'1~~~/~ _. ~, ~~--- / ,,, PROPERTY TURN - IN SLIP Stipplr 00(err or Clattilrcallon Odietr VOUCHER To: GYz~~i~~l ;~~~rP>~r ~rop~rt~ ~?~"fict~r xo. THY FOLLOWING ITRMa 0- PROrRRTY ARa TVRNRD N BY (O QANI2ATION ~~~~.,.,~ ~ ~~~~. ~~h~~~~ ,~~c i~t fit T --~~ ~~ ~. , ., . , , STOCK NO NOMLNCLATURR UNIT QUANTITY RRMARRS ACTION `~sk~ ~e~ , ~t ~~'ic es Vie. 1 n~:~~. REMARKS CIRCUMSTANCES L caarlFY that the articles listed herein ue turned in under FWT-UNSERVICSABLa, DVS TO FAIR WEAR AND TEAR. the circumstances indicated in "Remarks." R/S-UNSEAYiCEABLE, REPORT OF SURVEY ATTACHED. SIC-UNSERVICEABLE, STATEMENT OF CNAROES ATTACHED. FOR TN8 COMMANDING OFFICRR' ' SEIR-SERVICEABLE, TO BE EXCHANGED iOR Naw. EXS-IN EXCESS OF AUTHORIZED ALLOWANCES. O-geAiteli0a Sit ly O~Ieer. TipN Quantities shown (n Quantity' Datc FOR STA $ aA OR C6ASSIFICATION OFRCER: column bave been received. to ~~ ~ •, (~// t1L i tl~ - lssusnce OI quantities shown in "Action" column is authorized. Dart FOR THE COMMANDING OFFICER: Items m;tirked "E1ct" will be ordered. Zeroed Items will be avail- able on the dates Indicated hereon. When received, Items will be issued on presentation of this slip. Inquiries must refer to No. ~ 194 57alloA Supply OAlttr. Quantttles shown in "Action" column Dore have been received. 194 AulAoriztd A rcatntdNvt. ~v ~• • +~•~ ~• v v i'L~llt i~p• 9470 A{IEYi[ 17M3 FAS, Fort Sill, Okla., (2-16-44-260,000)-28800 PROPERTY TURN - IN SLIP Supply OAlrrr or C/aattllrolfon O,Qierr VOUCHER To: ~a81.YlA~7,~9 No. THE FOLLOWING ITtY9 OF PRO~LRTY ARt TURNED tN sY (ORGANIZATION) .:`'y~, ~~! ~.'~,.° ~~~: ~ . E 5 r~~'~ `.~'°:}r~ lit ~'~. - DATE ~ ~ .194 ~ ~ . . , , . . . STOCK NO NOMENCLATURB UNIT QUANTITY REMARRB ACTION -C~•64.b?' ~~p, >~ool, ktiiL, ~1~1 Via. 1 WT 4-~-62 ~,~tz~, as~,tc "' 1 ~ ~ 4-8-265 ~~lt ~is ®l c~ar rev©14~r ~ ~ " ~i -8-6'7~ ~31sA~+~ ~~, wool, ~. ~3. , ~3~ 2 '~ ~.~'~-~~ ~%~n, ~-e~t, X32 ~ 1 4-C-80 v~~~an, X14 ~+ ~ " ?-C-?1~tJ0 Cemtart~r, c~a~ta~n-P~~II~d ~ 1 " ~-~ - ~ lt~ C up, '~1Q " 1 " e y ~ y r ?-~-1~0 FFse~.taet , mo~t~~it o, ~1~2 ~- 1 t---~0 ~ Waif e , 2 ~i I ~.-P-125 ~-!~-22 5 ~in~, t,~ alt, ~b~rlt~r l^~~ if to ~1L sh~~.t ~sx• "~vle ~ ~ ~ ~~ 2 ~ " ~-~-255 , . '~au+~h f i r~ ~ e~. c3 ~ ck~~ ~ 1 ~-R-110 , . Full, bi~d~.ir~, wtrprP, X35 " 1 '~ 4-8-~33 ~tr~, I~arryin~, aid., bag, na~~r~>~, ~'i~ld " 1 '~ g-~ 4- ~ 3 9 r ~-ds ~ t~~ 1~ 3 6 ~a " 1 ~' ry // ~~ // ~~ ~#r j'~1 V V ~ , , ,~ g~ r ,,,y # ,i (~~b ~ ~i ~lt ~r ~l ~ j G !'~ 4_p-lb~ , ~oak~et, ~a~~-zia~, 11-1~ i " RbMAaxS CIRCVMSTANCE3 FR'?-VNSERVICEABLII, DUE TO FAIR WEAR AND TEAR. I CERTIFY that the ertlCles listed hereiH at! turned in under a stances indi Ted i 'Remarks." R1S-UNSERVICEABLE, REroAT OF SURVEY ATTACHED. SIC-UNSERVICEABLE, STATEMENT OF CHARGES ATiACRLO. FOR CObIMANDI iF , SER-SERVICEABLE, TO BE EXCHANGED FOR NEw. EXS-IN EXCESS OF AUTHORIZED ALLOWANCLB. OrpanizatioR Su ly DaEesr. s Quantities: shown in "QUantfty" Datt FOR 7AT UPPLY ER R C FI '[ ON OFFN:aR: column have been received. ~~ 30 - tl Issuance of quantities shown in "Action" column is authorized. Date FoR T MMANDING OFFICER: Items marked "Ext" will be ordered. Zeroed Items will be avail- able on the dates indicated hereon. When received, Items will be issued on presentation of this slip. Inquirlas must refer to No . s 191 SlatioR Supply O/Jlea. Quantities shown in "Action" column Dorc have Deen received. 141 AulAorfzed R eatntafla'e. n. Y,. A• V. v. tutus 14 V. 147-o AIiERiI tws FAS, Fort l3i11, pkla., (2.16-44-260,000)-28800 _. _ 1 11 ~~ `I ~" ~,~. ' exa r ~ tip' Subject: keaasigrment to the 253rd i~uart®rmastcr : quadron (Remount ). ~, AG 210031/1 (Alexander, Js.xuas 0. } ~.th Ind (5 ~TOV ~3) GT~±CA-~ :~i~ THIRD AI~dX, AI'0 X03, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 20 November 19l~3. TiIRUs Cor~aa.nding General, 9th Hsadquarters and headquarters Detachment, Special Troops, Tilird Army, Camp ~xey, Texas. TO t Commanding Officer, 3L~1l~th Quarter~.ster Truck Company, Camp Nlaxay, T exa.s . 1. Not favorably considered. 2. T~iere is insufficient evidence to indics.te that the transfer sought would be to tine best interests of t~.le service. By cormnand of ~a j or General ~3ITF: ). . H LiN G.D., Asst. Adj. Gen. AG 210.3 - Gh'~.~C9 5th Ind . 9th Hq, Third Army Sp Trs, Cp Maxey, Tex, 23 r~ov 1943. _°~ To: CO, 3413th Trk Co, Cp A~axey, Tex. ~`' ~ E. L. ,~ ~ 3 - ~] ~,, . ~~.~_._... - ,_ ____ _-__.~~ ~ ~~ _ _ _ _ T _ _ - ~- 3413th Quartermaster Truck Co~apar~y ~ Camp I+daxey, Texas ~ 5 November 1943 SUBJECT: fte-assignment to the 253rd Quartermaster Squadron (Remount) TO The Quaartermaster General, Washington, D. C. (Thru Channels) 1. Under provision of Regulation 605-1.15 request re-assignffient in Quartermaster Corps, Army of the United Stat®s. 2. Request that I be assigned to the 253rd Quartermaster Squadron (Remount). 3. ~ experience and qualification for this type of cork are: a. Spent fifteen (15) years on ranch, working with live stock,. chei~ly horses and mules. b. Tiro (2) years basic, two (2) years advanced, and six (6} weeks summer camp in Cavalry (horse) R.O.T.C. c. Senior year in cull®ge, taught equitation to freshman students in Cavalry R.O.T.C. d. B.S. degree in Animal Husbandry from Texas A and ~ College in 142. e. ~Tas assigned to Troop A, 252nd Quartermaster Squadron (Re- moun~) from 11 January 1943 to 17 September 1943 inclusive. ~,. Due to excellent qualifications and past experience Frith this type of work, I believe that I would be of greater service to the 253rd Quartermaster Squadron (Remount) than in my present capacity. . G ~'k'~~f'~CUt~ o. aT. eunER JR. 2nd Lt., Q.M.C. J ~~~ _ 1 1 _. 201-A1~'xander, James 0. Jr. (Off) 1st Ind. HEA~3~,UARTERS, 3~+13TH QUART't;R,"~~ASTER TRUCK COi~1PANY, Camp Maxey, Texas, 6 November 1943. T0: Commanding Officer, 191st Quartermaster Truck Battalion, Camp Maxey, Texas. Approval Recommended. LESLIE OST:h~tT~iN 1st Lt . , QMC Commanding. 201-Alexander, James ©. Jr. (Off) 2nd Ind. t~L~ar Hc, 191st ':~~ Bn, F.~obile, Csmp ~~Lrax~y, Texas, S Nove.rnber 1943 To: Cor.1mG,nding General, Ninth I-ieadquarters, 3 A, Sp Trs, Cp P~axey, Tex. 1. Approved. 2. This officer's classification number is 4370 (remount) ~ For the CammaneL..n~; Offic~cr: ~,~,~ f :~'~~IN L. LA~~JRE~dCE, JR, is t Lt, :~~~.C , Ad,i txta nt . ' D ~ 1 ~ ~ ~: ~ - ~ ~ ~ AG 2iC . 3 - ~Iv~C9 3rd lnd . "",,. ~. 9th H~, Third Army Sp Trs, Cp Maxey, Tex, 15 Nav 19.3. :~~~-' Ta: CG, Third Army, Ft yam Houston, Tex. `~;u' -~ z ~, A ~~proved . ,- { "~ay,~ ~ For tie Cor~nandin~ General: r ~ ~,~ M ~~(~ ~ s EowiN ~ANGL~'°x '~ Lt. Col,, AG[~ Adjutan# _ i i ~~ ~. ~~ ..2_ a e HEADQUARTERS , REi~~ 0 QUARTERr~:IAS TEFL DEPOT ( -~'~:IOUi ~ T ) Fort Reno, pklahor~a z~~ `; ~..~., ` ~ ~t '~~~ - 24 Februarys 1943 SPECIAL ORD.ER~ IdUMF3ER 3 ( } 2. 2d LIEJTLi~'A~dT JAiIES 0 . ,tiLL~;1~ilDEFL, JR. , 0465499, Troop A., 252d qII Squadron (Remount) and Corporal Paul L. Curtis , 32189816, Troop A~ V~TP o/a ~5 February 1943 fr this st ~ , a to Fort Bliss, Texas, as attendants ~ta:~th shipment of animals. Upon completion of this duty Lieutenant Alexander and Gorporal Curtis will return to their proper sta, Fort F~eno~ Okla A delay of five days is authorized. TOT. In lieu of subsistence Lieutenant Alexander is authorized a flat per diem of 46.00 per day far two days going and one day returniir~g as authorized in Par. 7, xR 35-4F2O, in accordance ~ritlZ existing latw and regulations. IG~', the Finance Department will pay in advance to Corporal Curtis travel allowance prescribed in Table TI, Par. 2a, AR 35-.4520 as changed by Executive Order 8'704, dated P,iarch 4, 1941, at the rate of 4x2.25 per clay for one man for ttiao days going and 4~~3.00 per day for one man for one day returning. TDN. FD 34 P 434--C2 A 0425--23 ~ Auth: Par, lrj,, AR 30-965.. By order of T;t ~ Col. FUDGL: Offic-ial~ (' P. PVI. iIIE1~.2CZ ~ Cj 0 , AUS Ad j ut ar-t ristribLtionx 5 AGO 1 ~:iG 2 CGSSC 2 CG Ft Bliss // CJ ~~' i Fc~ F~'ers onnel 2 Troop .~. l ~r_O~°f 1 ~Y:~ s e 4 i%p1 C'ai is 1 F~?e R T 1 l" ~ I ~ /'~ 7'tTi~ ,. ~ 4~.1,. i:_.El~J~~~- .~ d. j i ~.- , ~ rl ~~ ~- ,:,~ .~~ ~ ., ~; rL l ~ ~ ~. ~~~ N ~ ~ ~ /'? <.. ~3 ~t~7-yY~ ~~G'~7 cam;, (~ ~ f~'~j,L.C~ ~i~ f ~~ ~ ~ J ;;, ,~ .~ ~ - ~ .~ ~ ~ f ~ ,~ . ~ `~ e.~-Lam.-~-~.., li ~ , } t - ` ~r t ,~ a `~, >_ ~~ ~ . :~~ r ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ t~- :.sit a~, * +~. :.f, ~' ~ ~' `~aa. ~- ~~ e ~~,~, .-K ",~,w„~"~."'t `x.,~~ ~ .. a {; N,ta~Pr: w f a w~..... if1~ #~ *p' tiles ~~~ ~ '~~1~• g ]~. ~.. ~. ., .. HEAD~UAItT~RS VdDPC FSHT 201-- Alexander, James Obed Jr. (0) 0-465499 Qmc SUBJECT Promotion. I,LS/ ~ rs 18 January 1946 ~ ~ 1st Lt James ©bed Alexander J'r. , Rt ~4, Box 83, Bryan, Texas 1. By direction of the President, you s.re tFmpors,rily ,nro~r-oted effective 18 J a ~„]~~ to the grad~v of C~,rst~ i n r . y w.+ in the Army of tt.e ni.tad tatcs. 2. Neith:r an acceptance nor an oath of off icy; is necessary ~.s this promotion vaill b~; .rcgarc'.ed as having; bean wcc~;ptEd cn the efff=ctivo date listed in paragraph 1, ~.:bove, unlesG it is d~:clineci in writiri~-. Captains eligible: who decline in order to coll~:ct mustering out p~~.L~r will be reported, by this he;adqu.~~,rtF3rs, to The Adjut~~.nt Oencr-~1 for ~fr;~r.~oti_z~ on day after reverting to indct].ve status. 3. NGUS Officers ~~.re advt.s~ed that th3_s promotion dues not ~~fi~ect NGUS status, is tempor~:ry, acid terrrin.~,t~:s automatically 't the end }~f the duration of the emE_,rget~cy plus six ri~.7nths. I~~uUS Ofd°ic~rs desa.ring commissions in Officers Reserve Cc~'ps, i_n gra.d; indicated in para:t~raph 1, ~ bove, ma,~T secure necessary application forr~~s b;~ writinx-~ dir~et ~~ho Adjutant Gen..ral, ~rashi ngtan, I}C, ~.t~tenticn, Officers Br^nch~ Prar:2oti.on Section. Such comr~3.ssions will .~,utorr~~,tically termin~~te r~GUS sta.tiis, 4. Authority 'I'~dX, TOGO SFX.rO-F, dated 1 November 1915 ~.nd ]_ett~;r, Headquarters, eighth Servictl Comm~~.rd, File .'.G ?1C, 2 (G<.;ner^.1} S~`I.,F'0~ dated 3 November 1945, subject: "Promotion of ~teserve, ~dGUS, a.nd ~';US Officers," a,nd TVirX T~,G dated 14 Dec~~rib~:r 1945 in addition to T~'~,~. TlxcxO 31 October 1945. BX COI~~~`~I~~ OF BP,Ir.^,DI~R G:~.T~~aH:"_L F~~OX; lnfarmation copies to: T~:G, Attn Officers Branch promotion S~~etic>n CO 8th Serviee Coed ORC if applicable ~~, /~ -f L . L. ST~a',,1~-- 1'!ia j ~ r OIC, Sept"`'Ctr. `0 ., !~JJ P~rSJi~Ii'dC~, CE.VT~R SED:1~ATyni~i C~I~T~R FORT SAPjI ~i0'.,S'i0A1, TEXAS. In Reply' Refer ta~ SU??:1ECT:, Appointment un:?er Sect~.o~~ 37 hat~.on~il De~.etlSw r~!:'v, 9 amended T0: JJl1~S OB~D ALEXA~I)ER, JBe D a f e :~ 19 J aaaarg 194 6 A Capt., QyIC R d--46b499 ].. The Secretary of War has dirocted me to inform you ~'.nat by direct- ion of the Presilent, you are apponted in the Army of the United States Offic*~r~' Res%rv~~ Corns, effective this crate, in the gk^ads and sect.on s5~~~~rn after A a'~:ov~:. '_'otar seri.ai n~.:mt~~~r is 3t10wn after 13 anoT•r~~. ti. Yotz will not rerfor~~ the dutiQO of an officer under zhi_s appoin;;rn~en~+ until 3pc~if'_cc~ly ca?led to act~E•~e dt:ty 'o;•' eompeten~ orders. 3. upon rec:;ipt in the War bepart:neat of the Ja~h of Offi co wh ch was propprl;,r e~ec~z~ad at the ~:e~3:~.r~.~ion L'enter, a comMissio:z evidot~cing your appoint^~ent :rl; i2 'oe son ~ to ~rou. ~. `~Jh~YtleVQr your pErrn.c'i'.'?e:2t if.CtCirt?S 7.S cna:~~cd, ~. v 15 lt'_',pOrt~:l t that you noti y~, the Commanain~; General, "'~'OLrP." Sr:rvicf ComaNand, nTTE.'dTIO'~': 0 R C Branch, using the in;iosed Personal ~:eport Form, rs`~'. Ct~~iP~'A'd0 ~~.` i'"T":~Al"~R C~..~~~}~'.~li. FJX: 3}.ATL 0~'' ~IGCEPTANC~ 19 J enuary 194 6 enclosures;. Personal Report F~rrn L: STLW~IRT N_`ajor ~ ~~ Officer in Charge Separation Center i~~E.P ilE.I'r3RT~.~ ~'~~T Tht; J!.cl;ia~#~a:~,t G~,rac:r}~1's Gf'.fi.ce ~~ SUBJECT: hpprF~ciation 19 Jeauary 196 TG: JA1K~S OaFD AL~IQDI~R, J$. i,AP;AID', Q,, M. C. 1. It is desi.re:f to express to ycu the approcic~.tion of the Hear Department fir your cantin~.zed service to Ale.tiore.I D~;f.=~nsc3 by yaiir aee~~nt- anca pf ~~n ~:ppointmerlt as rn atfiecr ir_ the Res~rvu Corps. 'four ~.id cr.,d thst of th~~: oti~~«r v~atarYn affi.ccrs arho, like you, ~;rv displt~ixa~T ~z~ active i.nt~~~rt:;~t by remfiirn~ in t?ze Reserve gill bf ir.•rnlu~b~.% ire b~.~:ildirg _ and r~rintf~inin~: c sa~ard ar:c~ cf'f:~c±i~ce ~ostv~ar ~.rmy. You ~~ d ;,rc~t.~r ca.nre~dES ~~ by your cour,;;r:l, y~.ur let~dQrsk~ip, cntz ,your 1~halcs~~rnc+ ~.i~f`l~ac:r.c~ on ~~ublic opinion r':~~r well ~,~,k~.. ~Y~~: dii`fcrf.:r.v~ k;c~--r~-e:~ ~~diocrity ~:.;~~d c~~:?~}al~?ce sucss. Z. ~._R 140-6 €~nd she other .~~•m;,r Re;~.1F:•tian.s ~overninM tiie Gf'i'i~~~~rs i Res~:~rvr; Corps necessFzr:~ly '.,rill bt; r.~vis~d to' canf'orm with suc~. s tet~at~,s ~s mG.;~r be en~:ct,ed to ~;~~vErn they postwar ~rr~y.. The rev;s€~d rt:Jult+.tion.s a.nd other inf'ormF~tion cor~c~:rnin~: ~tYic- Cff.'icers ~ :~.c~serve Cores tiviil b~: ~,.+d avnilsblc~ in this future. 3. ~s soon as the press of ~Yor3: pt~rm:i,ts, a form~:l ca~rrniGsion evidencing ye~~r a.ppoir.tmont will be r?.~~,led to ,you. f3Y C~~:U:~R OF 'I'.~E SE G~iET.:R~~' OF iV.'~ R : '. r~uITSELL neral 'hc, ^~d jutant general Phone: (979) 680-0361 Faz :(979) 6932962 DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS ~I Johnny Yeppez USA Ret. Bryan/CoAege Station . Health Services Administration ' Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic 1605 Rock Prairie Rd. Suite 212 CoNege Station, TX 77845 MILITARY RECORD AND REPLIRT ~~- ~:rPARATIDN CERTIFICATE ^F 5ERVICE 1. LA~'K[ NAME - FIRST NAME NICOLE INITIAL 2. ARMY SERIAL NUMBER 3. Aus. GRADE 4. ARM OR SERVICE 5. COMPONENT .~, 6. ORGANIZATION 7. DATE OF RELIEF 8. PLACE OF SEPARATION ~I r:,,~~M„~ ~ 4~~ ~~ ~~' ~M '~#L FRON ACTIVE DUTY ~ ~~ r ~ i ~ g +~ ,~ ?~r, yq~ ~ 9. PERMANENT ADDRESS FOR MAILING PURPOSE5 ~. ' . `~ 10. DATE OF BIRTH 11. PLACE OF BIRTH +~ ~' -:rY~ ~ i[[i +1M lIE~16~R. WYt~i~ 12. ADDRESS FROM WHICH EMPLOYMENT WILL BE SOUGHT 13. COLOR EY ES 14. COLOR HAIR 15. HEIGHT tB. WEIGHT 17. NO. OF DEPENDENTS .yI ' #~ y a1F. ~ ~~ ~ BS. 18. RACE 1$. MARITAL STATUS 20. U.s. CITIZEN 21. CIVILIAN OCCUPATION AND NO. WHIT E NEGRO OTHER ($pecify) G LE SI N HARRIED OTHER ($~~fy) YES HO yy pp L,o ~ + ~ ~ +. py,. MIL 1 T A R Y H I S T O R Y SELECTIVE 22. REGISTERED 23. LOCAL 5. S. BOARD NUMBER 24. COUNTY AND STATE 25. HOME ADDRESS A'[ TIME OF ENTRY ON ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE YES NO - DATA +~ ~, ;~. y 28. DATE OF ENTRY ON ACTIVE DUTY 27. MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY AND NO. r~ t,`AF YIRaiA q4f~~ LI9 i°~; 28. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNSryt, ~1E~ aw'"R! S AND CITATIONS ORATI O N 29, DE C ~a ,, #~ q ~,y~ ~~y,r~~y~ e p. `~ ~~Iy~~aLL SO. WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION 81. SERVICE SCHOOLS ATTENDED 32. SERVICE OUTSIlJE CONTINENTAL U. S. AND RETURN ~ Iltd~, ~:~ ~~B_Mlla+as .,1+ ~ _ DATE OF DEPARTURE DESi1NA'[lON DATE OF ARRIVAL p Y~.," ~1, ,w~}, 33. REASON AND AUTHORITY FOR SEPARATION ~ ~,~ ~ +~ ~,~i 34. CURRENT TOUR OF ACTIVE DUTY CONTINENTAL SERVICE FOREIGN SERVICE 9S. EDUCATION (years) YEARS ~,. MONTHS~y ~ DAYS ,~ YEARS ,, MONTHS., DAYS ~. GRAMMAR SCH~OL HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE INSURANCE NOTICE IMPORTANT IF PREMIUM IB NOT PAID WHEN DUE OR WITHIN THIRTY-ONE DAYS THEREAFTER, INSURANCE WILL LAPSE. MAKE CIi ECIC °3 Oa MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO THE TREASURER OF THE U. S. AND FORWARD TO COLLECTIONS SUBDIVISION, VETERANS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINI'iTON 29, D. C. 36. KIND OF INSURANCE S7. XOW PAID 38. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ALLOT• 30. DATE OF NEXT PREMIUM 40. PREMIUM DUE 41. INTENTION OF VETERAN TO HAT. sERV. U. S. covi. -NON! ALLOTMENT DIRECT 70 MEN'[ DISCONTINUANCE OL'E (One month after v8) EACH MONTH CONTINUE GDNTINUE ONLY DIa CO NTINUE Y.A. N~ MR R~ MIN. t~ya ~ ~ #y ~{.ry A^' ~~ '~ ~pl f 4Y ~Y ~T f ry~ 44. SIGNATURE OF OFFICER BEING SEPARATED 4S, PERSONNEL ~iFFiCER (Type name, grade and organization -signature) ' $ . :: ,, ,~ - ,, . a. ,, WD AGO FORM 53 • 5B ~•~ ~ ~ , 7. ti'EEItZPLOYMENT COMMITTEEMAN COPY (To: State Directoz of ~• This form supersedes all previous editions of WD AGO Forms I November 1944 53 and 230 for officers e,':titled to a Certificate of Service, Seiective Service fos State shows in Item I2) which will not be eased after receipt of dais revision. ~S/~~~~~ a~f~e ~C~a<~~ J~ic~~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ~~ CAPT~iIN JA~~S 0 I~LEXANDER JR 0-465 499 C~UARTER~SASTER CORPa" ~~~~~~~~2~ d~~e~ Z~Z ~G~L~~ ~~~~~~ ~~2~-L~ ` 6 JULY 1942 ~ 11 FEBRUARY 1946 R, ~~~~ owe die SEPARATION CEPITER FORT SA~d HOUSTON TEAS y y 11th ~~~ ~ FEBRUARY ~~ 46 O FJ b ~ I ~~ ~~ 0 ~a o ~ ~: ~ ~, 0 rn v m N O c 0 vf' J fU r~i \\ ._..------- r .~ R ERT F G LE1Tui COLONEL CAC f (vIiLITARY RECORD AND REPORT ©F SEPARATION CERTIFICATE DF SERVICE 1. LAST NAME - PIRST NAME -MIDDLE INI7IAL 2. ARMY SERIAL NUMBEk 9, A115. GRADE 4. ARM OR SERVICE ~9. COMPONENT Alexander James E1 Jr U-465 499 i%apt IjaliC URC 8. ORGANIZATION 7. DATE OF RELIEF B. PLACE OF SEPARATION quartermaster Com anz 40th Infarltr 4Uth p J y FROM ACTIVE DUTY Separation Center Division At'U -~40 ~ 11 reb 46 r'ort Sam Houston 'T'exas 9. PERMANENT ADDRESS FOR MAILING PURPOSES f0. DATE OF BIRTH fi. PLACE OF BIRTH T~.oute ~ Box 83 Bryan Texas 2E Uct 22 Bryan Texas 12. ADDRESS FROM WH1CN EMPLOYMENT WILL BE SOUGHT 13. COLOR 14. COLOR 15. HEIGHT 18. WEIGHT 17. NO. OF EYES HAIR DEPENDENTS Same as Item ~~9 k~lue Brown 5t8" 165 1 LBS. I8. RACE 19. MARITAL STATUS 20. u.s. CITIZEN 21. CIYI LIAN OCCUPATION AND NO. WHITE NEGRO OTHER (sPec(fy) SINGLE MARRIED OTHER (gpe~fy) YES NO x x x Student .~-02 M I L I I A F( T H i ti I (] H Y SELECTIVE 22. REGISTERED 29. LOCAL S. S. BOARD NUMBER 24, COUNTY AND STATE 25. HOME ADDRESS AT TIME OF ENTRY ON ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE ® YES NO DATA x - - ,(.~ I~a.Y~ aS -~-teD~, ~~J 28. DATE OF ENTRY ON ACTIVE DUTY 27. MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY AND NO. 6 Jul 42 ~ernount Ofd°icer 4370 2B. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS ~~ -- i( ~ ~ ..~ ''` ^`~..saa!l~~~s.~ ~~~'~$ "" >;~~~ , Southern Philippines ~,..~ : x , . .,, 29. DECORATIONS AND CITAT[UNS •.--. ~ _ ~ - - - - ~ - Asiatic-~'acific Campaign pedal with 1 }3ronz~~cer~~ta^~~ ~l~clr~l,'~e~'~ sign T.iedal Philippine Liberation gibbon with 1 "-~~"!.~'e~~"~ ~'~~~` ~+ ~.a~.~" 3D. WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION ~~ one 9I. SERVICE SCHOOLS ATTEND ED 92. SERVICE OUTSIDE CONTINENTAL U. S. AND RETURN ? Q Officers ~aCI{ I~Chool DATE OF DEPARTURE DESTINATION DATE OF ARRIVAL ~,t ~~iley Kansas 16 liar 45 Asiatic Yacifi 18 A p r 45 S9. REASON AND AUTHORITY FOR SEPARATION 6 1JeC 45 V~,p 7 ~ 11 1/C G• 4GJ B.el®ase under provisions of Rid 1-5 (1~emobiliza~~ion) 84. CURRENT TOUR OF ACTIVE DUTY CONTINENTAL SERVICE SS. EDUCATION (yeaYS ) FOREIGN SERVICE YEARS MONTIiS DAYS YEARS MONTHS DAYS GRAMMAR SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE 2 l0 lU U 8 2 ~3 7 4 4 INSURANCE NOTICE IMPORTANT 1F PREMIUM IS NOT PAID WHEN DUE OR WITHIN THIRTY•ONE DAYS THEREAFTER, INSURANCE WILL LAPSE, MAKE CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO THE TREASURER OF THE U. 8, pND FORWARD TO COLLECTIONS SUBDIVISION, VETF_RA NS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON PS, D. C, 88. KIND OF INSURANCE 87, HOW PAID 98. EFFECTIVE DA7E OF ALLOT- 39. DATE OF NEXT PREMIUM 40. PREMIUM DUE 41. INTENTION OF VETERAN TO NAT. SERY. U. S. GOVT. NONE ALLOTMENT DIRECT TO MENT DISCONTINUANCE DuE (one month after 38) EACH MONTH CONTINUE CONTINUE ONLY DISCONTINUE Y.A. x x 31 Jar 46 28 k'e~r~ 46 s 8 ~U s . x D AGO FORM s9 - 9e This form supersedes all previous ons of WD AGO For»u 1 1~Tovember 1944 53 and 280 for officers entitled to a Certificate of Service, which wild not be used after receipt of this revision. 42• ~ 49. REMARKS (This space for completaon of above ite»IS or entry of other items specified in W. D. Directives ) t 4 -r ~~ ~~~, ~ (1) Lapel Button issued ~ ~ ~~ ~`:~ ~ (2 } t~ualif ication in Awns s .3U cal rifle t~~arksmen 13 Sep 43 ~~~ ~ .30 cal Carbine expert 14 ~ular 45 ,. ., b ~3) ASR SCOPE (2 Sep 45} 49 r~ , ,, ,, a (4) `T'erminal Le - 19 J 46 0 ll ~'eb 46 -I i 4 $NATURE OF OFFI R BEING SEPARAT qs. ERS OFFIC (Ty name, grade and organization -sign tune) ~ J ~ A~',~~`;5 U AL::~L-L~~~l~ .k+1.~ Jt ~t ~ t.;°~(; ;° ~ 1 ~t JiltuBt~IW JR (:a -'t .piUB Asst ~,~i er ~~ HEADQUARTERS ARMY GROUND FORCES OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 0 23 February 1946 First Lieutenant James 0. Alexander, Junior Route ~4, Box 83 Bryan, Texas Lear Lieutenant Alexander: As you go back to civilian 1ife~ = want to send with you my deep personal thanks for th® devoted service which you have given your country during the war years. The pride which must always be yours in the ach~.~vsments and associations which you have made in the Army is shared by Army Ground Forces and by your couritrymozl. As ore view the great responsibilities ahead it f.s cause for proud confidence that ore shall have the deepened wisdom of our ex-soldiers to guide our Nation. sincerely, JAQQB L. D~1VERs GeneralR USA t2©mmand3,n~ HEADQUARTERS ARMY GROUND FORCES OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL WASHINGTON 25, D. C. O 23 February 1946 First Lieutenant James 0. Alexander, Junior Route #4, Box 83 Bryan, Texas Lear Lieutenant Alexander: As you go beck to civilian life, I want to send with you ray deep personal thanks for the devoted service which you have given your country during the war years. The pride which must always be yours in the ach3.evements and associations which you have made in the Army is shared by Army Ground Forces e.nd by your countrymen. As we view the great responsibilities ahead, 3.t ie clause for proud canfidenae that ire shah. have the deepened wisdom of our ex-soldiers to guide our Nation. Sincerely, JAQtJH L. DIDY.~RS General, USA Commandiz~ R E S T~ I C T E D ~' ARTJIY SERVICE FORCES EIGHTH SER?rICE COP~'.~?D Fort C 1 ark Brackettville~ Texas SPECIAL OpDER) wrh~rb s TTO , 70) 21 March 1944 1. In trie case of Tec 5 John W. Wynd er 33371859 H ~c S Tr 162 Eng S q Fort Clark, Texts tried by Summary Court-Martial ?~q Ft Clark, Texas case No. 2, 22 Jan 19~i4~ `'the entire 'proceedings are declared Void Ab Initio. 2. Pfe Howard M. Lantz 31137522 •Ord S ed` X855th sU, Fort Cla°r~k, Texas is trfd• in gr to Sta Corng, Camp mood, Texas for dy with the OY'~d Dept and z,~p by rail o~a 22 March 19~.1.~. reporting upon..arrival~ thereat to the CO Sta Comp, Camp Haod, Texas for as gmt, • In accordance with Ch 5 AR 35-4520, 21 Jan 19.4 FD will pay ~in adv prescribed mon alws in lieu of rats a~r X1.00 per meal for 2 meals to 1 person ea. TDN 1-508o P 431-02 A d.~.25-2l~ • ALTTHs L~r Hq BSvC, ASF, 18 March 1~1a. file AG 220.3 (General)Sub~ect: Transfer of enlisted Personnel.. •~ 3. The follo:hring named EIv1• Med • Det '1855th SU, Fort Clark, Texas, are trfd in gr to ASF Personnel Replacement Depot, ASF, Camp Reynolds, Greenville, Pa and WP by rail o~a 22 P.iPSCh lg~~. reporting not later than 1 April 194 to the CO ASF Personnel Replace~ient Depot, ASF, Camp Reynolds, Greenville, Pa for dis- position and dy. These ET? are attached unassigned to the receiving organizat- ion as Medical Replacements t NAP~2E RAI~TK AS N __,..~. Abe (APT~~iI) Brown T~5 38413691 George J. K>unkel Pv't 3z591•~-26 Frederick F. l~Tiller Pvt 34399536 Seven (`j) days delay enroute is authorized above named EP:~2. Authority is granted to carry excess iri g.r until absorbed by normal attrition. In accordance with Ch 5 AR 35-4520, 21 Jan 194~.~ FD will pay in adv prescribed inon alws in lieu of rats a~r •'~1.Q0 per meal for 8 meals to 3. persona ea. TDPl 1-5080 P 431-02 A d.~25-24 AIJTFi : Ltr BSvC, - ASF, 16 Mar eh 1944 file AG 220.3 (General) S ub~ et Transfer of Em for Pool Replacement, ~.~.. Under the prov of ltr Hq 8SvC ASF 17 Dec 1~3, file SPLBF 430.2 (Field' Ration) 2D LT OL•AUDE C AF~l~~ TT JR '01309332 II~F' will audit the aceo unt s of the Post •5~.,1es Cor_m^'Iissary•for'the period Pear 11-20 1944 andwill report to the Sales Officer ate 0830, 22 Mar 1.~4, .. 5. The fallowing named 0 ar~d Egg of the 253 2M F.emount• Squadron WP to Ft Reno Okla on ?_2 P!dar 1944 as attendants to animals being shipped that scat 2D LT PAi1L ~ BUP~DETT 01591620 ~~1+2C (In Chg) Sgt Hows,rd ~F. Schroeder 36813086 Tec 5 Robert E. Heytens 36811268 Pfc El.t*ier G3 xoop 3653801 . -3.-- RES T~'IC TED (OVER) RES T~2 IC TE D ARTJtY SERVICE FORCES • ~ EIGHTH SER~TICE COT,~i.Al~r?D Fort Clark Braekettville~ Texas SPECIAL ODDER) var•h~rb No . 70) 21 i~ar ch 191. 1 • In the case of Tec 5 John ~~V. Wynd er 33371859 H & S Tr 162 Eng Sq Fort Clark, Tex~is tried by Summary Court-rllarti al ?iq Ft Clark, Texas case No. 2, 22 Jan 191~1a.~'the en'tire~•proceedings ale declared Void Ab Initio. • 2. Pfc Howard ill. Lantz 3113?522 •Ord Sec` Y855th SU, Fort C1 rrk, Texas is trfd~ in gr to Sta Comp, Camp flood, Texas for dy with the Ord Dept and ta'Vl' by rail o~a 22 PZarch 191~~. reporting upon• .arrival• thereat to the CO Sta Compi Camp Hood, Texas for asg_mt. In accordance with Ch 5 AR 35-x.520, 21 Jan l~ FD will pay in adv prescribed mon alws in lieu of rats a~r X1.00 per meal for 2 meals to 1 person ear TDN 1-5080 P1~31-02 A d~25-2~ • AtTTHs Ltr Hq 8SvC, AJF, 18 I+lIarch 1~~. file AG 220,3 (General)Subject s Transfer of enlisted Persannel~•• 3. The follo~nring named EM• T,led • Det •1855th SU, Fort Clark, Texas, are trfd in gr to ASF Personnel Replacement Depot, ASF, Camp Reynolds, Greenville, Pa and WP by rail o~a 22 T.~areh 19~~ reporting not later than 1 April 19J.~. to the CO ASF Personnel Replacement Depot, A.SF, Camp Reynolds, Greenville, Pa for dis- position and dy. These ET-T are attached unassigned to the receiving organizat- ion as i+!Iedie €il ReplacemF:nt s t Nx'it~'iE RAATK AS N Abe (NT~4T) Brown ~ T~5 3.13691 George J, Kunkel Pvt 32591.~Li.26 Frederick F. ~diller Pvt 3399536 Seven (7) days delay enroute is authoriz ed above named EP~~T. Authority is granted to carry excess in g.r until absorbed by normal attrition. In accordance with Ch 5 AR 35-1520, 21 Jan 19~~. FD will pay in adv prescribed iron alws ~in lieu of rats a~r •'~1.~0 per meal for 8 meals to 3• perscazs ea. TDN 1-5080 P 1.31-02 A 2~~25-?.~ A1JTH : Ltr BSvC, ASF, ' 16 M~ eh 19~ file AG 220.3 (General) Subje et Transfer of Em for Pool Replace:~ent. 1~, Under the prov of ltr Hq 8S4C .ASF 17 Dec 1~~3 ~ file SPLBF J~.30,2 (Field' Ration) 2D LT CL•AUDE C ART~IETT JR '01309332 IDIF will audit the accounts of the Post •S~Ies Com~?iissary • for 'the period ~Zar 11-20 191 .and will report to the Sales Officer at+ 0830, 22 It2ar ~, .. • ~. 5. The fo 11oUring named 0 and. EM of the 253 ~~ F.emount~ Squadron WP to Ft Reno Okla on ?_2 Ttlar 19L~ta. as attendants to animals being shipped that star 2D LT PAiJL~ ~ BURDETT 01591620 ~RZC (In Chg) Sgt Howard `F. Schroeder 36813086 Tec 5 Robert E. Heytens 368112b8 Ffc El.~~er G~ Koop 36~i53801 . -1,- RES T ~ 'I C TED (OVER } R E S T R ~ G T E D SF~'CiAL OP.DER ~0 Conttd, Page 2 21 F~•Zarah 191. '~' ~'fc John ~, ~'Iaddox 36653847 -Pvt Elmer E. Hazelett 36813100 ~Pvt• Ccirl R. SYiipmsn 18020127 In acc orlon co wi th Ch 'S AR 35-1+520, 21 Jan ~. FD will pay in €~dv pres-~ Bribed mori. alws in lieu of rats ~a~r •1,00' per meal for ~ meals to 6 persons ea. Per die-a a~r X7,00 per day is authorized 2D LT BURDETT for period of dy on this detail. TDN 1-_ 5oao P 131-02 A OI-x.25-2~. ATJTH s ~Itr Hq 8SvC ASF 27 .July 191:3 Upon compl 0 and ET~4 will- report to~ the CO Reno QPJ: Depot, (~',emount) Ft Rena Okla for duty pending arrival of their Org• 6: So much: of Par 3 SO~b9 this Hq 20 F!tar ~. as reads twill report to the CO 253 QR~~ Remount Squadron's is ch anged to read T~wil~. r©port to the CO Reno Qr,~ Dek~ot (Remount) F't Reno Okla, for duty peed ing arrival o f their Org, Origi:na.l order hereb~r amended aut~.orized obl igation of funds under allotment serial 'r 1-5080 P 431-02 A ~.25~24 • 7, -The fo llovring r~ med 0 and EI!? 253 Q112 Pemount Squadron ~`aP on 23 1!.ar 1~ to Ft Reno Okla. as attendants to animals being shipped th^.t etas 2D LT JAi:~~S 0 ALEX~T~?DEP. JR OI~E~5~.9;' Q~~C (ln Ghg) Sgt Hot~rard Iu1. Hounshe 11 6837905 - Pfc Leon J. DeP.~ay 36586301 Pfc 1-henry J. Elmer 36653809 Pfc George Iti. Hillgoth 3E~653565 Fvt ~Nalter E. Frazer 36586834 Fvt George %. Gaca 36b5381o ' 7.n accordarle e vrith Ch 5 AR '~~-~520d 21 Jan ~.~ 'FD will. pay in adv pros cribed man alws in lieu of rats a~r X1.00 per ine rl for 9 zrieals to 6 persons ea. Per diem a.~r ~ 7.00 per day is authorized 2D LT ALE:I%~T~?DER for period o f duty on tF-~is det€~il. TDT1 1-5080 P 131-02 A d~25-~2~- AUTH: Ltr Hq 8SvC ASF 27 July 1~_~3 Upon compl 0 and EPA will report to the CO Pena Q:~Z~Depot (Remount) Ft' Reno ~kla pending ~.rrival of their Org. 8. :Sgt John F. Ross 38360302 Eng Sec driving Govt Veh =109127 and Pvt John 0; G~.l~.f~ghor 3E~073~+7j Ord Sec driving Gaut Veh =3220257 e'UP on TD to San Anton~.o, Tex. on 22 1~7^r Z}~ in connection with EPO activities. In" ^-ccord^nco with Ch 5 AR 35-.~~520, 21 Jan ~- FD wi1.1 pay ir. ndvanc,e prescribed mon alws in lieu of rats a~r ~I.00 per :~.eal for 2 meals to 2 pers- ons ea. TDN 1-5080 ,P 1.32-02 A x;.25-~1~, ANTI? s Ltr BSvC ASF 27 July ~~3. tTpon cornpl of TD EiJI will return to pro per sta. ~ . ~ ' By order of Lt. Golonel I3ET~?TOArs 0 FF' IC L~. ~-''r - . ,~ C~,~~JO, USA .his st .~ Eid j~_rtant :: .:: ii , L . ES KEW C?~t0, USA ~~sst. Adjutant R •E S T R. I C. T. E D s F~ESTRI CTr'D HEA D~'UARTPRS, RENO ~U~.RTER~iA STER DEPOT (RECOUNT) /hdr Fort Deno, Oklahoma 21 day 1944 SPF~;CIAL ORDER) ~~~~ 109) E X T R A C T ~ X ~ 4. The follovling named Officers 2534 Rmt Sc~: 1ST LT ~ILLIA~i STIkLING, JR., 0374624, ~~~C 1ST LT J~~rS 0. ALEXANDER, JR., 0465499, .C 2D LT DOtNALD J. R~~.UD, 01592004, c~~C 2D LT THO~:AS A. GREEN, 0515112, ~~C V~'P Camp Lee, Va o/a 22 day 1944 reporting upon arrival thereat to the Q,uartert~aster Board for temp dy for approximately 15 days. Upon completion of this temp dy will ret to proper sta, Fort Reno, Oklahoma. Govt c~ua.rters are available. TDN. FSA 1-5407 P 432-02 A 0425-24. + Auth: Telephone Conversation, O~G, 20 ~aay 1944 try Orcier of Colonel MORRIS: - P. ~i. NI~ICZYK C~+O, USA, Adjutant. O~'F~ICI.~..L: p . ~. ~tIC~ Y~ Ci~.G, USA Ad juta.nt Distribution: n~l~~ R E S T R I C T E D Symbols: TDN~--Travel directed is necessar;T in militar~T service. V'rP- ~idill proceed to. TPA--Travel by officer or his dependents by privatel;T o~dvned autoriobile is authorized. D5 for officer's travel is authorized, par 1 e, AR 605-130, changes P1o. 1. PCS..~-Permanent change of station. EDCN~R--Effective date of c}~a.nge on nri~rn3.ng report. r ` AR~~TY SERUI CE FORCES Office of The ~uarterr~iaster General Tr~'ashington 25, D. C. SPECIAL ORDERS) 5 September 1941 N0. 227 ) E~TRAC T 10. Capt. Eugene A. Gerlach, 0-299701, t~, (LS ), is reld fron further as~~r~1t and duty at Headquarters, Gamp Lee, Va. and is asgd to f~T~~~P, ASFTC, Carnp Lee, Va. EDCMR---11 Sept. 19}x. ~'~P. TDPd. TPA. PCS. X01-31 P 131-01, 02, 03, 07, Of3 A 212~~0~25. 11. Par. 13, SO 1t~6, On,~1iG, 8 June 191.x!}, which directed I~.~.j or Arthur L. Garner, 0_333679, Q~vC, to proceed from 0~4G, ~~fashington, D.C. to Camp Indian Bay, Fla., on temp duty for a period of ninety-three (93) days in connection with tests to be made by Provisional F''ield Group, Tropical, Ot?T,ZG, at that campy is At.~iET;DED so as to extend this temp duty an additional fifteen (15) da~rs. Upon coraplution of this temp duty officer ti~rill return to his proper station, C1~::T~P, ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va. No per died while at Camp Indian Bair, Fla.. ~~3"P. TDI; . 1-5t~07 P 432-02 A 0l~25-25. 12. lst Lt. James 0. Alex-inder, Jr., 0--165499, QP~:TC, is directed to remain at Camp Indian Hay, Fla.,`vrhere he is now on temp duty, until on or about 25 Sept. 191 at y~rhich time he will return to his proper station, Reno Ct ~ Depot, Fort Rono, Okla. No per dieri while at Camp Indian Bair, Fla. 'dfI'. TDT1. 1-5107 P 1.32-02 A O!#25-25. 13. 2nd Lt. Dave G. Vile, x1591367, ~~IC, is reld frorz further asgmt and duty with t~bYRP, ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va., and is asgd to OQ,T~2G, t~,~ashington, D.C. EDC~lR--12 Sept. 1941, ti1P. TDTS. TPA. PCS. 501-31 P 131-O1, 02, 03, 07, 08 A 212~50~.2~ . _ 1~. So much of par 10, SO 217, O~IUIG, 21~ August 19i~~, as details 2nd Lt. Robert C. Franken, 0-1595371, ~T~IC, on temp duty at the School for Special and T~~orale Services, L ~., Le~ii~o~y ~'~~~i~i~~~,to pursue Orientation and Education Course No. 12, is AR~i]DED so as to detail hir7 to pursue Athletic and Recreation Course IJo. 25 at fihat school, and upon completion thereof to return to his proper station, Q~~IRP, ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va. Governr~lent quarters and government-operated messing facilities are available. X2.00 per diem is authorized while student. at the School for Special and T~~iorale Services, under provisions of Cir 2b0, ~i~'D, c~s. tidP. TDT; . 501-3 P 132-02 A 212~~0~.2~. ~.5. Capt. Thomas ~J. Y.Iartin, 0-157£351,, ~~TC, is reld from further asrzt and duty at The Ql;i School, Camp Lee, Va.., and is asgd to Philadelphia ~TtrY Depot, Philadelphia, Pa. EDCl~~1R--11 Sept. 19l~1~. ~7P. DTI. TPA. PCS. 501-31 P 1x31-Ol, 02, 03, 07, OB A 212~501~25. # ~3: , -~ - ~ . By Ordor of The Cluartermastcr General: r :~ ,, '$ , ~. ; ~~ ~,~~ c~ .~.t ~, ._. ~.., 'r° r`~'f ,'~ ~. ~ ,~. ~ ~~~ ~ V°: ~~Z. HALLY+t~Ar~, JR.~` ~` . ~ ~~ ~ `-- ~;~ut. Colonel, Q,T~~C H . D . P~'rUTlrv IRYiUYSF~3 , Brigadier General, ~.p.2.C, ~SSlstant ~'~ _ ~,. ~_____ ~~~ ~~ WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE QUARTERMASTER GENERAL WASHINGTON ~t~'~ ~,5~1~1- ~tv~r-~.l~a, ~`lc~r9~d~. 1~ L-~.a~lt+ru~. ~'+-~ ~. le~tudar, fir`., ti~#~ ~~C. ~~~ +'~afl ~.3.+rvt~+~ ?~+ar mat, ~3-~l~la~, , i~ d riri ~~ ~' '!mss ~~~~~~t .rd, ~~~ s '~'~.r~E.~La, sr~ g~i~i ~ ~! ~. ~ ~py~tA~Ng~~ rsso'1t^n t_~+y~P, 1c~+r~~.~r ~~ +~r ~-~~ ay$, J~ ~+~4 0, ~~~ ~r°~~-+rr irk ~ ~~~ F~VICTORY ~r vj~;' BUY ``~~y'' i viTeu WAR i ~ F• aorrns ,,N~ STAMPS R E S T R I C T E D Symbols: TDN--Travel directed is necessar~T in military service. V'J~'- dill proceed to. TPA---Travel by officer or his dependents by privatel~T owned automobile is authorized. D5 for officer's travel is authorized, par 1 e, AR 60>-1n0, changes PJo. 1. PCS..-Permanent change of station. IDCMR--Effective date of c~~a.nge on morning report. k AR~,iY SERUI CE FOJ~CES Office of The ~uarterr:iaster General ti'Fashington 25, D. C. SPECIAL ORDERS) N0. 227 ) ~~ E X T R A C T ~ September 19?~4 10. Capt. Eugene A. Gerlach, 0-299701, ~, (LS}, is reld. fron further as~~r~1t and duty at Headquarters, Camp Lee, Va. and is asgd to (~T~~P, ASFTC, Car2p Lee, Va. EDCMR---11 Sept. 194. Z'3'P. TDT . TFA. PCS. X01-31 P 131-01, 02, 03, 07, OF3 A 212/50125. 11. Par. 13, ~0 116, OQ~1iG, 8 June 191~l~, which directed I~::aor ArtJ~ur L. Garner, 0_333679, QjuC, to proceed fron 0~4G, ~~lashington, D.C. to Camp Indian Bay, Fla., on temp duty for a period of ninety-three (93) days in connection with Costs to be made by Provisional J''ield Group, Tropical, OtwT~IG, at that campy is AT~.-~T;DED sv as to extend this temp duty an additional fifteen (15) da~rs. Upon corapl~aion of this temp duty officer grill return to his proper station, C1~:~ZY, ASFTC, Camp Leo, Va. No per dier:~ while at Camp Indian Bar, Fla.. ~~TP. TDt; . 1-5107 P E~32-0~ A 025-25. 12. 1st Lt. James 0. Alex-~nder, Jr., 0--1~65~99, Q~,.iC, is directed to remain at Camp Indian Hay, Fla., `v~here he is novr on temp duty, until on or about 25 Sept. 191. at ylhich time he will return to his proper station, Reno C?~ Depot, Fort Reno, Okla. No per dieri while at Camp Indian Bair, Fla. 'd11'. TDTI. 1-507 P X32-02 A oi~25-25. 13. 2nd Lt. Dave G. Vile, 0-1591367, ~~~IC, is reld fror,7 further asgmt and duty with tl,~iRP, ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va., and is asgd to OQ,J~G, ~fashington, D.C. EDC~~R--12 Sept. 191~t~. ti1P. TDTS. TPA. PCS. 501-31 P t~31-O1, 02, 03, 07, O8 A 212/50I~25 • . Y~.. So much of par 10, SO 217, O~I~TG, 21~ August 19tt4, as details 2nd Lt. Robert ~ C. Franken, 0-1595371, C~T~TC, on terlp duty at the School for Special and A~orale Services, ~ Us~;~"., ~,e~ai~g~o~r ~'~~~i~i~~a,to pursue Orientation and Education Course No. 12, is AA~iTDED so as to detail hirZ to pursue Athletic and Recreation 0ourse No. 25 at that school, ar~d upon completion thereof to return to his proper station, Q~~iRP, ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va. Governr~lent quarters and government-operated messing facilities are available. X2.00 per diem is authorized while student. at the: School for Special and T~~iorale Services, under provisions of Cir 260, ~i~D, c/s. 1~dP. TDT. 501-3 P 132-02 A 212/;0?~2>. ~5, Capt. Thomas ~T. I.Zartin, 0-157B81t~,, ~~TC, is reld from further asbr~t and duty at The Ct.~.:i School, Camp Lee, Va., and is asgd to Philadelphia CZTiJ Depot, Philadelphia, Pa. EDCt~IR--11 Sept. 1~1~~.. ~7P. TD~i. TPA. PCS. 501-31 P 131-O1, 02, 03, 07, OII A 212i501~25. 7~ . B~ Order of The Cluartcrrnastcr . ,. ~• ~ ., .. ~l~" -r. .. •i '•~ ,~ ,,f',' V°.1 lt'I • HALLt~:AI~, JR.I` ~t` ~,,~ ~ ~~~ ~ -~ ~;~ut. Colonel, Q*~~sC• .~4 r -\ General: ~ ' ~~~ ..~ ~., ' ~_ ~t3`- H . D . ZL''~Ul`}T3TKJiUYSF~3 Brigadier General, ~.F.Z.C. assistant ~-' HEAL~UARTFRS C ~~?F TNDI,A~? B~.Y Broo~.~sville, Florida .. ~~ SPECIAL ORDF,R ) NTJAdBER 45 ~ l6 September 1944 1, 1st Lt. LA'T~rREI~CE F. T+ti'OOD, JR. , ~J1C, 0-1585102, on TD this Camp per radiogram OQ~~:G, ?^Tashington, D.C. , 27 Jul 44 is reld from further dut~T this Camp eff o/a 18 Sep 44 and TV/P to ASFTG, Cp Lee, Va. TDN. FSA 501-3 P4.32-02 A212/50425. Auth: Ltr, Hq 4SC, .~tlanta, 3, Ga. dtd 11 Sul 44. File SPIS~3. 370,5 2 . 1st Lt . JOHItiT A. 0' COI'~~TOR, ~w7C , 0-1578933 on TD t hi s Cp per Par 9, SO 100, Hq The ~~'T ?Board , Cp Lee , Va. dtd 3 Jun 44 is reld frog further duty this Cp eff o/a 18 Sep 44 and ~N/P to proper sta, Cp Lee , Va. TDN. FSr1 501-3 P432--02 A212/50425. Guth: Ltr, F?q 4SC, 1~.tlanta, 3, Ga. dtd 11 Jul 44. File SPIS~~ 370.5 3. Char lain (Capt) J~k:?ES A. L;s'~~TS, 0-403170, on TD this Cp per Ltr 0, Fq 1'~SF, r~GD, T~Jashington, :O.C, dtd 1 Jun 44, is reld from further dutT this Cp eff o/a 18 Sep 44 and 'AJ/P to proper sta, Cp Lee, Va. TDN. FS.,~1 501--3 F432-02 :1212/50425. :"~uth: Ltr, Hq 4SC, ltlanta, 3, G~~ dtd 11 Jul 44. File SPISh 370.5 4 . 2nd Lt . D ~1LE P . KI"°'SFLL , ~~1C , 0 Cp per Par 4, SO 100, Hq The ~~~ Board, Cp is reld from further dut~r this Cp eff o/a his proper sta. TDN. TP ~. 501-3 P432-02 OQ~2G, 3 Jun 44, and Ltr, Hq 4SC, ~itlanta, File SPIS,fi 370.5 -1583214, on TD this Lae, Va. dtd 3 Jun 44 20 Sep 44 and zpT/P to :"212/50425. <iuth: VQ, 3, Ga. dtd 11 Jul 44. 5. Lt. Col. CH^STFR R. HUNT, CE, 0-184231, on TD this Cp per Par 2 , SO 186 , ~.SFTC , 7SC , Ft Leonard t'~ood , 1!o. dtd 4 Sul 44 1.8 reld from further dut~r this Cp eff o/a 25 Sep 44 and 1~/P to his proper sta Ft Leonard s"Jood, rfTo. Per Diem to 0 after 20 Sep 44. TDN. FS ~, 501-3 P^:32-02 ,r~212/50425. Truth: Ltr, Hq 4SC , ?Ltlanta, 3, Ga. dtd 11 Jul 44. File SFIS.t'L 370.5 6. 1st Lt. J-u:'~S O. IyLEK~,?`~'DER, JR. , ~~v;C, 0-465499, now an TD this Cp per radio order dtd 28 R.~ay 44, as amended by Ltr 0, dtd 2 <lug 44, 0~!1G, '~~ashin~ton, D.. C. is reld from further duty this Cp eff o/a 20 Sep 44 and TN/P on further TD for a period not. to exceed 30 datTs, to O~I+.~G, ?'~Tashington, D.C., and upon completiol thereof return to proper station, Ft Reno, Okla. TDN, F~~~. 501-3 P432-02 ri212/50425. iiuth: ?:tr 0, OgMG, '"rashington, D.C. dtd 16 Sep 44. Sub j ect- .~mendraont of travel orders. 7. Capt JOHi~T B. DeHOFF, T'iC, 0-330227, on TD this Cp per Par 12, SO 132, .r~SF, 4SC, Cp Blending, Fla. dtd 2 Jun 44 is reld from f urther dutST this Cp eff o/a 20 Sep 44 and <<~J/P ~to his prop e? sta , Cp Blending, Fla. TDN. FS~ 501-7 Pr~3~?-02 , -03 T~212/50425. Muth: Ltr, Hq 4SC, Atlanta, 3, Ga. dtd 11 ~'ul 44. File SPIS~i 370. ,: SO 45, Hq, Cp Indian Ka~T, Broo'~s~rille, Fla. (font} 16 Sep 44 8. ~~Ia~ or _n~Ft~T-?TJR L. Gf~R~?~"R, ~,T~.FC, 0-333679, on TD this Cp per Far 13 , SU 146 , dtd 3 Tun. 44 anal as amended pp 11, SO 227 , dtd 5 Sep 44, 0~,?ITG, ~~~lashington, D.C, is reld from further dutar this Cp eff o/a 20 Sep 44 and ~N/P to his proper stet ion, Q~~~RP, ~~SFTC , Cp Lee , jTa . TDTI. FS~~I 501-3 P432-02 :1212/50425. 1`luth: Ltr, Hq 4SC, Atlanta, 3, Ga. dtd 11 Jul ~'~4. File S?'ISIl 370.5 9. VdOJG J' ~~~'~S R. B.hLDt~IN, USA, '~d-2]:06181, on TD this Cp per Far 2 , SO 135 , ~"NSF, The !:~t7 Board , Cp Lae , Va . dtd 19 Jul 44 is veld from further dut~T this Cp eff o/a 20 Sep 44 and '"~I/P to~ his proper sta Cp Lee, Va. TDN. FS '} 501-3 P432-02 ~~212/504?5. Muth: Ltr, Hc~ 4SC', Atlanta, 3, Ga. dtd 11 Jul 44. File SPIS~1 370.5 10. So much of Par 18, SO 40, This Hq, dtd 11 Sep 44 as refers to Pvt Panagiotis L'conomos, 36£72742, Hq Det, Sec 1, ~ is rescinded. 11. Pvt Panagiotis ~'conomos, 36572742, on DS this Cp per Par 5, SO 132, I-~q, Ft Benning, Ga. dtd 1 Jun 44, now ab sk Reg Sta Hosp, Dre~ro Field, Tampa , Fla. , is reld from further duty this Ctitnp. Upon release from hospital, ~+; vain return to his proper sta, Ft Ker_nin~,, Ga., reporting upon arrival to CO, Hq Det, Sec 1. S/R ar~d allied pan3rs and belon~,ings of ~3 ~Nill be forwarded to Reg Sta T-Iosp, Drew Field , Tam?~a , Fla. TO will .furnish nec T anal meal tickets for trio journesT from Tampa, Fla. to Ft Kenning , Ga . TDTI. FS ", 501-7 F432-02 -X212/50425 . Muth : •Ltr Hg 4SC, t~itlanta, 3, Ga. dtd 11 Tul 44. File SFTSa~ 370.5 By Order of Lt. Col. COI~'1~YER: D ~',ZF Mc a1N`CTLT~' Captain, CJ~IC -ids utant O FFIC II,L ~~~~~~ D ~'iL~ 1~~7C T.~TtJLTY Captain, O~UIC iXd j ut an t j i`~ HEAD~?UA_~TEP~S CAPt~IP ;ti~TDIA~~? BAY - Brooksville, r lorida. 1_~ ~e;,~~reinber 194~~ ..: _ _ _ _ t~a~,1.n;- ;a= Y Fz~x 4n r=~ x• :.,,..,~.. ae ,(-:-~'w`'k s.,r ,x. ~.~ ~%`S' {'f~' ~:~`'~ ~ ~° - _ Y SPECI.P_L Oi~D~R) a_~ ) ,t .r ,. '~~ 3. There ~bei~l~ no or~.~.nized mess ~'o.cilities avaisa?~l° ~~.i~ ,~~h; N Came, ,~ajcr .~~HIJFt L.. ~r~T~~1~, ~~l~iC,, 0-3~3E79,, is u L-~~. J~-~4.~.~ _ Q--405499, a~~d t~'V~~JG) ~T~~:~'i~~ Ft. ~~.LD'.'JI~~?~ ?J~_`L, :RJ~2r10o1~8i ~` are aut'rloi~ ized per ~ieni of per l9 ,yep ~ei~~ber 194?--. By Greer of I~~Ia j or GA:~?~v~,R ~~'~L~ n.ic A~JLi Y G,a , ~ ai ~1, ~I~,iC ~d j tz% an l 0~'.~k I CI~=1L Js'? LLi ldlC.t'1 ~~ U ~..t l ~ t/~ ~? ~.%~ -'i. x,1`1, r16~~ v .,d ju'Uaxlt ~~ ~,~; . . ~. ' ~ WAR DEPARTMENT • OFFICE OF THE QUARTERMASTER GENERAL ` WASHINGTON IN REPLY RBFER TO -S.P~~--~1 (Alexander, James 0., Jr.) 1st Lieutenant, (~1~C 7 tletober 1944 SUBJECTS Leave of Absence. TOs 1st Lieutenant James 0. Alexander, 0-465499, QI',~?C, c% T~Rilitary Planning Division, Q. Q. ~~~. G. 1. Leave of z:ibsence for one (1) day, effective on or about 7 October 1944, is hereby granted you under the provisions of Paragraph 6, AR 605-115• ~ _ For The Quartermaster General: , ~~~ J ~~ JAi~;ZF:C B. CLEAR~3AT ~~~~~ Colonel, t~.~?.C., Assistant. VICTORY BUY tfN ITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS i y i 1 's• I f }i ADDRESS ALL REPIc I.ES TO ~HE COMMANDING OFFICER WAR DEPARTMENT MIRA LOMA QUARTERMASTER DEPOT OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER MIRA LOMA, CALIFORNIA 2l October 19LFt* IN REPLY REFER TO _"QILE: ~_ ~: Lt. J. 0. Alexander, Jr., ~Pilitary Planning Division, Office of the quartermaster General, '~`~ashington 25, D . C. Dear Alexander: Thanks very much for your letter of October 6th giving me the dope on closing the accounts of Indian Bay and the letter forwarding the Certificate of Audit, Since going on leave and starting across the country, I have been pretty much out of contact with the world in,genera.l and our problems in particular. It w:~s not until I arrived at D,"_~i.ra Lor~~a that 3 received the .mail, and then not alI of it, at first. The signed surveys are inclosed. I hope the delay has not caused you any difficulty. If it has I am very sorry. If riot, I am glad you had the experience of living and working in ~`ashington. Our trip out hei°e by automobile w4s a revelGtion. Having never been in the wide open spaces, I couldn~t get over the feeling of vastness and freedom that comes over you. 'r'}~e stopped at El steno, as you know. ~`;e also stooped at Santa Fe for a day. That is a place "out of this world". I have never served with a group of officers that I enjoyed working 4 with as much as that Keno crowd of yours, and know you will do all right no matter where the ~r~`ar Depa.rt.~ient finally places you. If I can help you at any tittle vrith a recomrrlendation, 1e~t me know, because I think you did a whale of a job as Supply Of'f'icer. Yours sincerely, EFENSE r ~ ~UY UNITED lTAT[S SAYINGS I NOYDS I A\YSIAM/7< Colonel, t~„~C. t .,. I 'i R E S T R I C T E D Symbols: TDT~--Travel directed is necessary in military service. ~,t~- ~'~ill proceed to , TPA--Travel by officer or his dependents by privately owned automobile is authorized. DS for officer's travel is authorized, par 1 e, AR 605-180, changes 1"10. 1. PCS--Permanent change of station. EDCt--Effective date of change on morning reports. AR:~Y SE€~~IICE FORCES Office of The quartermaster General ti~ashington 25, D. C. SPACIAL ORDERS) ~~. 294 ) EXTR~,CT 17 ~Tovernber 1944 1. The fol changes in asgmts and duties are directed. ~'+k' TDN TPA PCS 501-31 P 431-01 O2 03 07 08 A 212/50425. X X ~1ame ~Ca~'R. Reld fr- lst Lt James 0. Alexander, 24 Hov Qt~iRP, Rem 4~ Depot Jr., 0-465499 Q.~dC 1944 Ft. Reno, Okla. =1 1st Lt ~„xilliam H. Johnson do 0-1577357, Qt~~C OFFICIAL: /s/ V. ~~~. Hallman, Jr. V. HAIS~iAN~ Jet. , Lieut. Colonel, ~..C., Assistant . C~TIFIr~D ~, T, COPY: ~; ,- • ~:~~. ~ , Captain,~C. d0 By Order of The Quartermaster General: Asgd to- (atchd unasgd} ORP, CRTC, Ft Riley, Kans. ~~~ill rpt 2 Dec ~ to The Cav Sch, ths.t sta, to pursue ofcrs Pack Crs, C1 #10. Upon compl rpt to proper sta, loo per diem vahile stu at Cav Sch. do /s/ H. D. unnikhuysen H. D. b2[31L?~'IKHUY~ ~, Brigadier General, Q.Q.C. Assistant. ADQUARTER ~ '' UNIT D STATES ARMY FORCES ~ A Q- Pv ~"b~a ~ ~/r1 yrY v ~~ u, J NGV 12 ~ X85 o~~qC SE~~ i st~l~ D Q Pg`~`~,- /' ~-o. ~~~.G_.,t i ~~~,~ HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES ARMY FORCES -~M!~+BURMA INDIA~~Q'~ aPo d~u- ~O~ ~~~~~ r~~..~a~ a '~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~'~~ ~', '~ e-~- t, Sa w ~„ ~~ ~ ,la's ~ ~ _.0~1 >~l z~ ~~ r~ l ~ ~~~ '7-- HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES ARMY FORCES BURMA INDIA ,~G' ~ o ~ -zap ~j ~' ,~.~_ aG~~ 2 ``r°'"`Q -~ -fit ~y...-L ~` .~-~&.., ar ~L c~c wee ~ ~,~,,,,, ~~ ~~ ,~..~. u.~.:~.. ~ . ~~~ k~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ .~'~ : ~.~.. ~~...~'.z.~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~~ ~- ~L L.f .~ ~~"' -~`~~ HEADQ' ~RTE.Ra EIGn~?`H CORPS AREA SP~TAL ORDERS) F ay ~ ~~am H:pus ton.,TExa^ , +~iay i2 , 1942 . ~o. ~ 28.) E ' `~' ... '`. C T - X 2: X 2c'. By directio~iz of '.he P,:.~esident, ~znd continent upon. ~.cc eptanc e of apmt as 2d Lt , ~,T,,~_Res , each of the beloti~r-named prospecti=,re ROiC• ~racs of Ac?°~~_ Ccl~; of Tee>, ColET Sts,, Tex, is ordered +~ o AD effective JL~1~i 6 , 1942. 0~_~ that date e~ ~c~~ 0 ~~rill proceed ,~Tithcut delwy to the ,sta i'_1di c~.ted after his r_a:i~1e and report upon arrival to tho C"0 :~ cr temp ciu~c~r for tho pur- pose Cf uilderOln ~, COiTl~lete ~'i'l;y'S~_Cnl eXc;.T"iil=ltlOn. t1pOn CO:R- plet-.~on of ti~is duc,~,r, eac_: 0 ~ri11, if found physically c;uali-- fied, proceed T.rithout del~.y tc rt Fr~~.n.cis E. :warren, ~Tyo, and report upon arrival t o t ~,~e C""• for uuty ,sith the Qi~~'gZT C , Each 0 z,ri11 rant: fr Jul~,r ', 1_x;42. 1VTA.ME, SERIAL 1T0, A~TD i~Ci~~~ ADDRESS x ~ JAMS OBED AL~...~?DEC~ JR, 0455499, Route 4, Bo.~ 8J, ~;ry^n, Tex. ALDEiV' Ll'~.IER CATNEY, 04e5.,C4, Box 4537, Col` Sta, Tex GEORCTE CLARE_vCE GORZYCYiI, 0465514, PO Box 165, Colg Sty., Tex FRED CARL ri0EYEft, JR, 04E>5520 a Route 3, Box 293, Aust~.n, Tee: RAY BELL RISIi~~GER, 065529, ROUte 7, TIraCO, Tex N.~A.:R.S~ALL S PIVE"~ , 0465533, 120 House Ave, L•uf~~iiz, Tex RALPH JOSEPH -:'iAR,REI<, 04r~55jo, 337 Co Zmerc e St , ~_arlin, Tel= x ~: TEifP DUTY STA x C~,m~~ Bogie, Tex. C=amp Boti~ri e , Tex Came Bo?rie, Tex Camp Bogie, Tex C a:_~p B oti; i e, T eft Camp ~3ovrie, Tex Camp Botaie, Te.~ x Travel .directed is necesszry in the mil serv. FD 31 P-02 A 0425-23-; Ql~! 100 P03 A 0500--23. If shipment o:f auth bad ~a.r;e is desired application trill bF• m~~de to the Qi~i 8CA, Ft Sam Hous- ton, Tex, requestinU instructions as to the T of such property. Dependents are not auth to acc^,mp~~,ny tine 0 to temp duty sta. ( OR-353-EAD-RCT C Grads /QT,,; ) x x x By command of r.~a, jor General DOVG`TAi~: OFF ICAL E. C. DESOBRY, Colonel, Ad juta.nt General ~ s Depa:.~t;~ient , Act ink Ad jut ~k1t General. A TRU~E~COP<': ~J. A. DAt?T~, 2nc~ i eut,. , Inf ant ryr , Ef Asst. Adj. C. B. RUC~ER, Colonel, General Staff,, Chief of Staff. ~~ __ R I: S T r` Y ~ '^ E D Symbols; TDIJ--Travel directed is necessar~r in rlilitary service. "Jt'--'°rill proceed to. TPA--Travel by officer or his de_endents by privately owned automobile is authorized. US for officers travel is authorized, par. 1 e, .~; 605-180, changes I'~?o. 1. PCS--Permanent change of station. hDCi1R--Ei'fective date of chanf;e on ~iiorning reports. AId,Y SL~'RVICE FOkCES Office of The Quartermaster General '.Vashington 25, D. C. SPECIAL Ot;DLkS> 14 October 1944 N0. 263 > EXTRAC T 1, The following named QP$C officers are reld fr further asp~-nt and duty at stations indicated after their names, eff 19 October 1944, and are asgd to ASFTC, Fort Devans, i~$ass., (attached unasgd for preactivation trainir~g~. LI?Cvlt--19 October 1944. '"1P. TDN, TPA. ACS. 501-31 P 431-O1, 02, U3, 07, 08 A 21250425. Capt. Robert J. Al.erding, 0-1578096 ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va. 1st Lt. James D. Benz, 0-1580622 do 1st Lt. Robert C. Cully, 0-521181 do 1st Lt. Joseph P. Donahue, 0-1589168 do 1st Lt. .Allen It. Perny, 0-1591366 do 1st Lt. Robert Id. i,lyers, G-1593123 do 1st Lt. Stephen L. Ringer, Jr., 0-518122 do Capt, Arthur h. Truseott, 0-196218 QI!]RP, ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va. 1st Lt. Frank L. Fiein, 0-1594224 do 1st Lt. Joseph A. ~~4onteith, 0-1591329 do 1st Lt. Gilbert R. Porter, 0-237665 do Ist Lt. Victor B. Shoemaker, 0-1590179 do 2. Capt. "'illiara T. Dailey, 0-1573146 Qi'IC, is reld fr further asg~at a21d duty ti^~rith Q~~il~t', IFTC, Fort Francis E. Marren, "yo., eff inuaediately, and is as ~d to 4336 Qi.1 Service Co., Camp Breckinridde, ICy. LDCi1R--20 October 1944. ,.P. TLiI. Tr~11,. PCS. 501-31 P 431-O1, U2, 03, 07, 0$ A 21250425. 3. 1st Lt. James 0. Alexander, Jr., 0-465499 aI$C, is raid fr further asgmt and duty tiwith 253d Q1$ Remount Sg. , Reno QI~$ Depot, Fort keno, Okla. , and is asgd to Q;~tP at that depot. EDCi,1R--21 October 1944. ?"dP, TDN. TPA. PCS, 501-31 1' 431-01, 02, 03, 07, 08 A 21250425. 4. 2nd Lt. TJorris T. 'lTiitbeck, 0-1597670 Qi$C, is reld fr further asgr:a and duty ~:Jith QiIIEtP, ~i;;FTC, Camp Lee, Va., and is as ,d to OQl$G, '.c"ashington, U.~ C. I~G~,~--20 Oct. 1944. '':'P, 'Tlild. TPh. PCS. 501-31 P 431-01, ~2, 03, 07, 08 A 21250425, 5. Capt. I:alph Z'T. Sidway, 0-I573583 ~~~.1C, is reld fr further as~,it and duty v i~h QiIP, Uavannah ASF liepot, Savannah, Ga. , and is as; ~d to perm duty at that depot. E1~Ci1I~--21 Oct. 1944. ''P, TUN. TPA. t?CS. 501-31 P 431-O1, 02, 03, 07, 08 A 21250425. 6. Capt. David A. Blank, 0-482436 QT$C, (LS) is reld fr further as~*~at sand duty at Savannah AST' Depot, Savannah, Gay, an<i is asgd to Q~.d.i' at ti'iat depot. LDCi'~1R--21 Oct. 1944. '°:-t~. 'i'DS~. TPA. PCS. 501-31 P 431-O1, u2, UPS, 07, 08 A 21250425. ~.,, - * ,~ ~;:. ,~, ~. ~ -~ ,'~- ~~,:Arder of Tl:ie Quarterriaster General: c : ~~ , ~.,~ ,1\ < , . .IL_~ _~; i i ~ r ~; r Or~I~~ CI~:, "y s~ -~.., %~ ~ ~ _,__Ga~ t ~ - ' JAI,iES B . C L1~lAit";ATER, ~. Colonel, Q,I$.C., Assistant. • ~; ± ~ 4 l ~' ~ . ._ f t ; II. D. liUi1i1I1{IiJY~LI1, Brigadier General, ~,.;;.C;., Assistant. ~` RESTRICTED Symbols: TDN--Travel directed is necessary in military service. 'IP--?dill proceed to. TPA--Travel by officer or his dependents by privately oyvned automobile is authorized: DS for officerts travel is authorized, par. 1 e, AR 605-18u, changes IJO. 1. PCS--Perr,:anent change of station. EDCi~t--Effective date of change on morning reports. AR~,11' SERVICE FOkCES Office of The Quartermaster General Washington 25, D. C. SPECIAL OhDFdtS N0. 294 E Y T R A C T 17 November 1944 I. The fol changes in asgmts and duties are directed. ?~iP TDTd TPA PCS 501-31 P 431-01 02 03 07 08 A 21250425. Tdarne -~--- EDCi:IR I Reld fr- , Asgd to- Lt Col Tdewell B. Lee 0-156297 QTlIC 2d Lt. John C. Stehle CA-1596517 Qj~tO 2d Lt Raymond ?'V. Brousseau 0-1592677 QT~dC 2d Lt James 1'J. Laing, Jr. 0-1.595431 QidC 2d Lt Sidney London 0-1595664 QT1IC Capt Foster H. Edwards 0-921498 Q~.4C 1st Lt James k. T,Iorris 0-1584641 Qi',IC 2d Lt Axidretiv F. Frey u-1594117 QI~IC Capt ?'dilliam F. Riordan 0-1579020 Qi.RC (LS) 1st Lt Harold ti'd. Hicks 0-510745 QLIC 1st Lt Le~;vis E. Rosen 0-1595133 QI~7C 2d Lt :erle L. C~~rlson U-1597389 QI,dC 1st Lt Alden S. Henry 0-1583094 QT~IC 23 Idov 44 ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va QI/IRP, ASFTC, Camp Lee, Va do do ASFTC, Indiantown Gap Military Res, Ind3,antown Gap, Pa (atchd unasgd for preactiv tng) do QttIEZP, ASFTC, Camp do Lee, Va do do do do do do 24 Nov 44 Field Hq, Perishablo QI~I Section, ASF Br, Subs Div, OQ~~ZC,, Depot (Classifica- Chicago, I11 tion), Ca,np Beale, Calif• do QL~P, California QId do De ot, Oakland, Calif w~ta at California QWI Repair Sub-Depot, Oakland, Calif 27 Idov 44 QT~tP, ASFTC, Camp do Lee, Va QI~ Sac, ASF Depot, do Jersey City QTd Lepot, (Classif.j, Fort Jersey City, N. J. Lev~ric, 1~Iash 24 Nov 44 QtIRP, California QId do De ot, Oakland, Calif w~ta at California Ql~ Repair Sidi-Depot, Oakland, Calif. 27 Idov 44 Q6.~.P, ASI~'TC, Camp do Lee, Va do QLIRP, ASFTC, Fort do Levens, I:Iass 26 Nov 44 QI:fftP, ASFTC, Fort Hq, I,:~F TC, Fort Francis E. ?":Tarren, Francis E. '"Darren, --fyo ?'tyo SO 294, 17 Nov 44 Par. 1 (contd~ Name , EDCi-IE: I I.eld fr- 1st Lt Jaiues 0. Alexander,; Jr. , U-465499 QI:TC 1st Lt '~illiarn H. Johnson 0-157 r ~~7 QT'aC 2d Lt i,Ionte L:. Livingston ~~ 0-1589893 QTrIC f lst Lt Lucius B. T~Iangum G-1583714 Q1dC 2d Lt Joseph A. P. Berube 0-1587035 QT~C 2d Lt Milton I. Bockoven Q-1597369 Q~C 2d Lt Jar~res l:I. Coogan ~-1597398 Qi;IC 2d Lt Jacob "oeidenbaum U-1594368 Qi.IC 2d Lt Itobert L. Lupean 0-159291 QT,IC 1st Lt Stephen D. Tdartin, Jr., 0-1585826 Q~~IC 2d Lt Herbert ?":. hoover, Jr . , 0-1589181 C~(C 2d Lt Daniel T. ':reber U-1597$50 Qi~C 2d Lt Paul Davenport U-1592245 Qi.2C 2d Lt George 1~d. Gowans 0-1583017 QIJiC 1st Lt ICenneth E. Knox U-1577437 Q~dC 2d Lt Irving Gordon U-1597466 Q1QC 2d Lt Robert H, Forster 0-1597446 QaIC 2d Lt John H. Grimes 0-1588622 Q~aC Capt Charles D. T~Ianes 0-1579971 Q~:~IC 24 Tdov 44 do 25 T1ov 44 24 Tdov 44 do do do do 27 Ttov 44 do 25 Idov 44 do do do do do do do do i i As d to- ' atchd unas d) G~IRP, Reno QRI Depcty 3P, CRTC, ~t Riley, ~'t, Rene, ~~kla. ;Kans. '.;ill rpt 2 Dec 44 to The Cav ::~ch, that sta, to pursue Ofcrs Paclc ((~s, C1 7'10. Upon compl rpt to proper stagy No per diei.i tirhile stu at Cav 5ch. do OQI.iG, ';+Tashington, U.C., ef'f o~a 25 T1ov 44 Ql~tP, ASFTC, Ft Devens, l.Iass do do do do Riclunond ASF Depot, Iticlunond, Va, eff ir.u,ied. laira Loma Q~~ Depot, Taira Lorna, Calif, eff irrrned. Qj'riEtP, Chicago QI~I j Depot, ChicaCo, Illj Qi:fftP, ASFTC, Ft Devens , 1.Ia s s do QT;4tP, ASFTC, Carne Lee, Va do do do At:i~'TC, Camp Lee,Va do ~, ~ w .. `=,1,=.~ uy„ By Order of The Quartermaster General ~ r~ ~~\ ~; 1 . `, r~~~~ rf ~~. ~~ ~ j~`,~ t~~ ~. ,,, ~ ~ ~~ w V, . T~ HAx,L1,4AN, JF:. , ~ ; 1 ~~, Lieu~i , Co~:nnel, Q.Id.C.,v `~=--~'~ 'Ass'istant. do San Francisco QI:I lilkt Center, 248 Battery St, San Francisco, Calif 5 days delay enroute is auth clrar~;eable as lv of absence. ASFTC, Ft Devens, T:iass (atchd unas~;d for preactiv tnl;~ do do do do T,gira Lorna Qi:2 Depot, Taira Lor;ra, Calif. 5 days delay enroute is auth chnr~;eable as lv of absence. Richrirond iiSh~ Depot, Richmond, Va Chicago QT,I Depot, Chical,o, I11 ~~Iid-'"'astern Br, U. S. Disciplinary Bks, Ft Benjamin Harrison, Ind Camp I~ilrrer, Id. J. do SCU 1473, Camp Shelby, '; I:4i s s 'iSCU 1458, Ft Jackson, f S. C. QL4 Div, Carne Shanks, I1. Y . QLI Div, Camp Shanks, Td. Y. (for ltd sv only 1858 SU, 8th SvC Det~, Pine Bluff ~~~rsenal, Pine Bluff, Ark * ~, ~ r , % ~~ ,~ ~~ ,.;, t , i ,` ~ ~~ II. D. I3UT~12dIKI~iUYS ~' ~1, ~~ Brigadier General, Q.I:I.C., Assistant. 8 ~, Z = ~ Q,' W 7 f ~ _ ~ ~ N A Z Z W 2 v ~ = p f Y < '~ F' f 6 < S S f d '~ /~ `I N ~ ~ ~., N Z `~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~ j~~ W ~ °' a ~ ~ E-~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ • o ~ ;C ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ o ~ ..r, ~ ~ } d' J tl1 t ~ 7Z J} K f~ IC1 ' Z ri !1 O) V ~ ~~ V V Ztll ~ LL: U O ~ S r J k y, a Z Q -~ Z o ,o Z >~ .~ ' d ~ o ~ WU ~ ZF Z .. o ON Uy eT a W m W U k W O ~ W h n " 'J ,~ _~ ~r- 1 STUI) NT OFFICES DFAGfii~'"1~ISi TI~~.E CAV"ALRY SCHOOL Fort Riley, Kansas _ 1 ~ ~T~A ,19 °~___ -- Representative s . Signature D~?te E OOK DEI' ~~RT: ~E?`J~' , '"'HL C.", 'r.L3Y S CIT00 L ~ -':`_ ~ , ,-.~ ~ / I .~ a~-r,•.;.~'' _ __ - __ CCi~~iV~'t;^JICATICNS DEPAiiT.i._?JT.~ ''HE CAV.r:LRY SCE±OOL ~.c./..%.,/,~ ..~:;.~....~ ~ i" .~..c.~ _ ~~ , '.yIOTCRS DF1P ~'T ..~i-m , T ~~`~ C "~_VALRY SC'-iOCL = ~..~_...~..r~....~'.s--C,~rs~.J /,/ .. ti~~APOP?S DEP.~RT~t,~`i'~', Tin Cr T~_I.RY SCHOOL ~ f f~~ ;::,.-~.!l,,+e'~.'" ,~ ,. y r~~: ~dSFIP D~'Iy:~`'~~l'~~T, nI~; C'iV'.L~Y SCHOOL ~'C''~S~i~~A r, ~~~~ /~, G~~ _ 3'1t:T I ON iiOSi' IT i~ ~ (':.~.i t s i de) 1~/L,!-~` ~..~C.•~t c~t"s~ ~_ ~~~--~ _ _ _ -_ TH~~ Cr.'~VALRY SCiICOL iy>~'SS (Officers Club) ~ 1' ~ ~ ! -- - -- ,T, y - n ~ r; ~~ .C. :;r~~~~~~5 I~i!~,SS , ~~ . T;iFJiI~yd kOC~' (Texts, IVlanual~, Etc.) ~' ~ ~ ~ f ~:~~~ _ S , ,-- ~, r ~ C ~,-.;,t~ SUPPLY ~ T T l: G1' F I CyR LET ~ ~~~ C r , :~ =_~ ~~_ ~ ,~"'{ . '' T t ; i '' ~ ~~ ~-~- ~"~ ~3^'~'S c ce, E ~7ivD (i:7es~,_ Room Serv ST'T OFF. DE ,. - --- - -- ------- • a '' %' / . If no car, write in ~~no Car's , & Initial ~,rcurself ~ : ~ ~ ,~_, ,__ 1 _____ I certify that I have settled any financial anal property accountability I have had ~ivith each of the activities listed above and below. Property Office, The Cav. Sch. Carr Ha11 Jless Post Library Quartermaster Property Post Bi~_.~eting Officer The Cav. Sch. Library Ordnance Office post School Officer ~ t . / ~r ~~Studer.t ~ s Si ;nature) _ .T~At+t~ Q. A.Lii~l1 :~8 Clearance Approved: (Rank & Organization~~ Student Off i~c/er Detachment (Before terminatio of our of` d.ii~ as a student officer, The Cavalry School y~~u ~r~ill obt~.~in a signori clearance from each Activity shown in block above, sign t're certificate, and submit this form in duplicate to the Commanding Officer, Student Officer Detachment or his representative, vrith Change of Address Card and_ Student Officer Question~..irre attached, to secure clearance from The Ca.va.lry School, Fort Riley, Kansas.) ~ r I I, i~l '~'~ ~ ~ ~,S I'tICTED .. ~ ~ ~ RC Pao lacement C o ,~ • ,~ a' . > :. 3, , .~ '~ ,~ , ., . aymbols . p ~ ~d• ' , R~ ~ + r x~~. BFAMl~ B~ lat available mil acf't ~ ., EDCA9R E#`feetive date of cht~ngc on P.J/R TCNT TC will furni;~h noco~saty `I' `!; i 1 VYT T~atcr T IIEI~TJ~TI~~i.TFRS ~ FOURTH REP L,'1C~F.4LNf Drx'OT UI`t1Tfi.~D STI;TES Pdv':4Y FOIZCLS IN THE Fa.R Li;ST sFI;cIlL oI~~DE~s) 1o P,Rr~,y ,1.5 ,, ~, N~r.~T;I'~.....1?s) E :~ ~ rti ~~ c T 61, Follavaing named (2g) 0, 11405 & br of sv ir~i.cated, atchd ~u ~ sCd 272d KC, asgCi. 24th Ini° Div, 1~P0 24 ~ wP BFI;P~11 or L9T . `l'DN . TC1~Pr .~ CI,Ir~ 17 A'k~,Y/~.5. U will be equipped with Ord. {Ruth: RTO 5L,.1-1+5u, I~~ ~~.epl E ,";P 0 2 Pla Reif: 1 ighth A lst Ind t1G 200.3 I ~ (~ } Comd, uS1lk,F , 95, 5 Y/45, F`° ~l (29 llpr 45) to USi;FFE Ltr FI?GA 322, sub: Personnel Credits (20 l,~r l.5): 1st Lt BAUr.~, EPI~~i1ULL L o~.646~38 151,2{0532) ~n lst Lt BEi;UgOPaT , ALl;N 010!,.6009 1542 I 1st Lt BETTS, JOIIN I~4 01633l~1,.3 15/2 I i£ 1st Lt B I,SIiOP, J't°~~irS i, 0101x.502 5 1.51.x? ' z ~' 1st Lt BI~P.4EI~, CHARLES H P11 0105104b 01180146 '1-5/~ 4010(0632) - Fit 1st 1st Lt Lt Ct~LETON, 1~LBION DUK1~~R.T, LEOi1l,R;D 01042.77 151'' Ir~f 1st Lt Ht;ZEN, RAYi~~40~ID E 01259087. 151,2(0632) 1st 1st Lt Lt LOCKI-i11RT, ROBE:' P TURNER, Z~3EELY G 0128631.1 01285144 15L,2 1222{0632) I~{TD) 2d Lt AROIt4INSKI, ED?t~l~IiD A 0132`19 7.5~"' 2: 2d Lt BI~.D.(Lr42, NICHOLIi.S D O1g47220 1512 I1f 2d Lt Bt;KEx1., 30SEPH F 01329669 15~'t2 In£ 2d Lt CLfu'1Y, IAIa~D 3 O7A55945 2110 Inf ' 2d Lt CtOCISETT, LEON A JIt x117 ;263 0605 Ia A 2d Lt Dt~Pd3.OW, C1IRROLL K 0>26985 0605 ~' 2d Lt EBEL, GEORGE H 01332156 151+2 Ir.~f • 2d Lt ELLIOTT, RICH1',I~D 1iJ ~t 0547065 1183 ~~'~ 2d Lt GrHitiIG, Jlu:1ES J 0].328991 151;2 Intf 2d Lt GIFUNE, FRt.NK P 07.332054 1192 Tnf 2d Lt GI'~OSSM(1.IV, ERN~ST 0204731,2 1.512 Inf 2d Lt LII~GEFfP!(i,N, RUSSELL .i 011521?.6 0?00 7a'.f~ 2d Lt IIi;~~IG.f1N, JOiiN V 01327737 052 It~t 2d Lt P.4t;CP.4URCHY, WIILLI~IM T 01646823 /.,~.~ Sig C 2d Lt t~J11RD, P!IERLIN II 01337.1+5?. 151 , I#if _ 6 Following named (25) 2 0, 'r~iCbS, br of sv & ;tchd unas p.,~ Px~C indIc~;t~d, a:;gd 93d . Inf Div, j;PO ~3 & ViP B~'.> i~:~; or YuT. TDN. TCNT. I~DC1'R 1.7',~~~y;~45.. 0 wi1 1 be equipped with Ord. (fiuth: ILTO 51+1.458 3 (F c 1 d i G 200 I Iiq L~epl Comd, 9 ~~pr )(D) 2 /45 ~ISF=F;rE, ( ~~'ti,S:,FF 1P0 ' 295 F Ltx 5 Ma EG~i r ~ . . n y/l+59 T3.ef: gtll I~ 1st ?2 sub: Personnel Credits, 20 iapr/4.59 3 , . & VOCG 8th ~:, 14 i!~hy/1 ° ~}: P~~I~. ~ C , OLT ~ i;L1-.~XI.SdDER T 0350c~1;.6 1.19' { 2901} Fi, e ; $g _C~ ~ P4e.3 G REIGIITOId, LUT(I~rti J 0325373. 1.542( 4x10; Inf i ~q ~ ~ Capt BP,,C~~TI, HUGJi~RD F 04039Gg 0200 ~~`ri ~~i 27 ~d ' i ~C Capt COOK, P=~UL L E 0~.~.93376 0600( ( 01287502 1542 : OE3?_) :Enf f ~; 0632) Inf (6rmc1) R ~ -~ Capt F ISHLfi., Ji~.,~ . _~9.. R ~EaTRCTiSt? g ~ ~ I ._ ~ , ~ !~ RESTRICTED Par 62, SO 128, Hq 4th RD, lO P~4ay/1~5. (Cont i d) Capt FLEIti`ING, HENRY C JT2 0406959 151,.2 Inf 272d RC C$pt HAST~ROUCK, Ti~~LPH D 0228791 1542(2136) Inf 275th RC Capt JOTTLVSON, PAUL R 0911524 1542{4210) Inf 272d RC Capt IN~~CK, DOT~ISNICK T Ol:?.70839 2110 Fii ~~ Capt 0-BRTOT?, ED1~Jl:RD H 028713 1542(2136) Inf ~ ~t Capt PE:':RSON, CLEi;J;NS P 01285290 1542(0632) Inf ~, ~~ c~pt r~~~~sEY, Jii~.~ ~ 5 K JR 0466389 4eoo(o632) Inf (~~rmd} n 1st Lt CHRISTPl~N, ESTLN B JR 0378796 154?_.(0818} Inf 275th RC 1st Lt CLOSE, W~LTLR D 01].77739 1.193 Fii u 1st Lt CCGHLtiN, JOHI`T E 01011314 1542 Inf 27?d ~ RC 1st Lt DEP.~OSS, Ji~P.~5 tiJ JR 0101+.5392 0600 Inf ~ -~ 1st Lt DUOS, ROV~ZLL J 0!x.02131 1183 Fit n , 1st Lt FREE, i,TdDRE?a G 01166065 2110 F% a ,b 1st Lt HorNER, JOE H 01168~?g2 0600 Fly ~~ 1st Lt JiiCOB~,iC, ar.itNiaRD 01178519 1183 I'ii ~- 1st Lt JOHNSON, ROLd~ND 01170022 4000 Fig 275th i;,C 1st Lt KIRKPI.TRICK, LITTLET~I 01169186 2162 Ta'!~ 272d RC 1st Lt LLGIiN, FRi~T~TK C 0130l~08!,. 151x2 Tnf n 1st Lt RISCH, LOUTS G 01312720 7..542(0632) Inf ~~ 1st Lt SPENCER, FR.NK W 01013933 ?.203(0632) Inf +~ 63. Folltn~ing named '{~) 0, NiOS, br of uv & atch~I una, s~~. LC indicated, asgd 40th Inf Div, APO 1,.0 & P~'P BFI,1•~A or V~'f. TDN. 'i'Ci~i . EDCI'R R 7.7 T~!a;rflx,5. 0 will be equip~ed with Ord. (Muth: Fir1'0 541-1~5B, TTq ke 1 Comd, U51`~'r'I!1, APO 285, 5 P.1aS'/459 Ref: .Eighth A 1st Ind 1-;G 200.3 (Repl ~ (D) (2~; .Apr 45) to USIs.T'FE Ltr FEGs~ 3?2, su?a: Perso~inel Credits (20 Apr 4,5): 1st Lt ALuXAidDE , JAPIi~S 0 JIt 046549 0660( 0632) t?I~:iC 272d RC 1st Lt DODGE, RICT3AFD ?N 01059435 15!-~ Inf. ~` 1st Lt FI'r,LDP.!~TJ, AAF~ON 01845170 15!x?_ Tnx" tr 2d Lt B7JIaLING, HERP,T~~T E ,IR 01326x135 1542 I1: " 2d Lt IuiNS:~AI, OLIVER A 01588826 1,,1.30{ 0632) nT:;C rr 2d Lt HAI=~P, LEONAt'~D E 0132060 ?.51+? Inz' '~ 2d Lt HUPi~PHT'WY, a~OBERT C 0556808 0410 Sig C 275th RC 2d Lt POLLYEA, D_~V ID 016!,.9812 :~40U Sig C ; 72d RC 2d Lt S'_'k~~Gi1E, GOI;I70N K 01330000 1512 Trf 'r By order of Colonel a1RNY: S . Tug . T:03Gi~T, Jr. , rda. j or, A^~7 , Asst :~:.dj General. ~. OFF IC I~1L: S , P~. P.2URGaAt, ; ~'~. , T.4ajor, l,CD, sst lid j General. llISTRTi3UTI0N: uE~n ziB~~ ~ ~ ..2C- R~STi~ Z"T r~ ~ _ .s rf i ~.', LL i_' .u ' ~t' ~.SS I' lLr ...i•.1.L..La_Li7 +:a. n '~ 9~: ~ 4'_ . ..,_ w ~~'~ _j'•f>...~~ry,r_ ~vi,y~"rE'rly .... .t.-~ •"~•l.r Tl.t }-. c.~%1.~`7.it ;, 1' .. t :.7; , , u r`•eY-,_ s, t,r ~._ ~f~h....s . t;ea.. ~_ :4: _,. ...:'!1 "~". i.. _f ., ,.'~+rra .:r'~11:?• ~?. ~. Z: _) ~"',7 crrY 7J.-j. (7 r: l,'7 vtiw ~'.J 1. _.~ Y it^..y t r _ _ ~ - -> - .. ... _T''i^i-.. _. . ~' "'r_~ r -F C?}; 'I:i .i I:..c,!', 1'i :. {•.. .~r')_'} '.~T':?i. +i'. .i F' .~:: Y •,.. .. ~., .. ciC1!'` t. r .. T`r, t j~ .. ~ ~ 1 ~. ', ,~! '"! .~..C~i'.,"}l ~~r' C.. ;") ~'_ )T:iC~'('_ 1 _ ~ .'7~'.C:?J_ ''Ji . . .~:, ,.'} r '~ ,'~" . .. r~" ,ry".~~ . , .j 7_i 1., : ~';";'1{)"?,^ '1.1C~ f. 3. ;~.;1!.'a.Ua1S. '11~; _... , _ - . t .. .~ ,.i '.? l..r rn+~ ''. i'~ ', . ~ T. ) ,~ ,. ,. ~~ 1 p: t~.... i _ ..L_f +..ll~ Nc,. '~ . ,~ .. ,~ . , .. aL,'.}+2 n,. l~` ..! .;it,~1 1 _ .F-_t~d .:?'l . ..~a•.)~.. _"1 ~~.: ~' :'.L•1,~ ('•~~/~ • YTV :~Tc?; X'O .+~- i i '7; it' .-+' .~'"".) . , _,:'1.1 ,.. '~'_.. '~l' T, `', f:2'i" ~ ~` L~ c:i:. fi•i'O:II t11:: 5IiIT:,~~ , ~ -. ,.; r, _ ~- _ _. . 1 ~L~,. Y!t:~: ..-~__.• _.. ...... C 'i!.~.. ^' .. ~~i~':1't"., 3:i 21:x`, ,'-3.21 ?3`.y ~~51:~ ~ ,. ,- _ ,. -~- ,;. .. ._ ~.~ .'~`._t:_j~. f_) _.~.,- .`~?4 .~ '3_ ,r.. }CL?T"/`_2;:'i;.l ;,. ,. lJii~... 1...11Es'vE?"' 't.25.~: . __ ~. ... .__ G.. i. 1, i' y ~ a t . t- Y c: t.^. ~_,~ .7 i ~' _.?? ~ i.l ` .`.:1`, ~ `~ ~~ f 1.73'? .. ., , _ y '_ ,. ~. C;..~ , _ t. .. _ .. z•. !..,. .-y~...- L i ~: ~ ._ . ~,! :.".' .`i1.iy'}7~..L-_r~A'i! ,., '~~':1~.. r; i r, i~ e. ~'?"1 .:- .,i, .;~-r 1.~,sC 4 i,f~;±H <~,r.~. iraMTr.. ?+e'T^r. ' ^~'~!S2'1°, ._ `'a; r": ,.,, .1; •~. ~_. '_ :? . ,.. .. !C~_ ..?iiC; 'S. T ~ .._ af~.ti..`:'~• ±':~± ~_Q~?ia~~1v ' i..~ ,f' x.")21 _ (.~ _:. L t, ~ . _ 1 , ~.., r,X• T ".,:1 ~ 1' : ' ; r ,... +.,h t;*r.'' 1'T!_ L.~ :'fi l.`,~ n {' r CiaT` g~x.3~. ~_. _t:-T ~„ n f`2 ^1-! i^ ir~._,^^ .,].?~i ':.I°':i 7'^ ~ _'"T{;j', fi~~ +~... :'<"~~._Cr=: '1C~11C?"'T;'~ ., ._ F..,-T ~. . , :. , n ~-,. 7 " ~ ,- .,,a .x ~-, .,~ ., .~ „~ ., .. ~ _, - • .~ ..+ ,. ~,,~.~ ... -. _ .. ~, t . .~~_ ~ . ~?'fix .. .. .,. ._~t ,.~ .1 .,, .. ~'. ~. (')_•. ter...^.. ?. ~ ....,~ %'?"!.~ ~.'.C^"!?•!i1_._....:1,C7~1'„ ~ _...3rf'' }];.w ,.i;_:. .. i. ~C1:_. • t,l*. _''.`I",!" 1'. ~. ~•. .;~ T _ ,`t r',._'j ~,L ",rnrl;a'1,.~w..,71G'•'?'i3. r ,w _.. 1- .,_ 1 +T' __. .~ .,•,7. ~, i,~ ~~ .... k') )?"y. sr .,..•~. r.TT-., .,fit,,-~y 1n .F,- i^('„{; .~,}, j".n~t;.i. i7?~1F_'"i. !~ „ ~~~.;-~,_- ;r, .,_,. , ri ~ ~al., L'as3•ted tutQa 1{ y ~._w_.____~ ~ ~ ~ C~,c~ ~uart~xrrt~,stor ' r ~~ ~ 1r'.,. C....:.:1 4 I certify that I azn not drat"rind; a Nension, disability allo~a~~ce, disability COrtiliellSat:l021, or s°etired pa;~ i'ro.~ the Govvrrurient oz the li. S. I certii'y that I eras on r'oreign S©rvice lox° the ~}eriod clai~„ed o~i this voucher. I certif~~ that no period of service in t;he ational uuard is included in ray clan:: for increased longevity pay. WAR DEPARTMENT Form No. 336a~Revised Form approved by Comptroller General, II. B. September 23, 1940 WAR DEPARTMENT D. O. Vou. No. PAID BY PAY AND ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT APPROPRIATIONS: (Commissioned Officers, Army Nurses, Warrant Of&cers, Contract Surgeons) --------------------------- PAY OF THE ARMY, 19-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) THE UNITED S ATES, Dr., ~ - /ST ~ To: _ _ 4E'_d'RND.~~r--- J~'-+.fES----Q--~!~'----`-` L7~ ~l_tt ~=--=-----_f/__~~`-S-~_~/' ,Q =ame of payee) (Rank and organization) (Serial No.) (2) Station ---r =--~© ----r7~-G-------------------------------------------- Station No. ----------------~ ------ -- On duty at present ration per Par~,,~_____, S. O. No. ~_'Z~ _____, Hdqrs. ~~ '_r~ ___. Departed from_~~l~t_~'t~____~sr__` 19Y~__ Reported for duty at ___~G_?~~ (For use o[ paying office) DEPENDENTS: ~ '' (3) Lawful wife ----~-~-~ 1-:_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------or (State her Christian or given name in full sud husband's surname snd her address each month) Unmarried children under 21 years of age ----/-~~°-`~=~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (State names, ages, and addresses each month. Evidenco of dependency attached hereto or filed with voucher No. _____________________ _____________________________, 19--------+ accounts of----------------------------------------------------) (4) Dependent mother ---------~'-~-z'~-=h~L------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ° (State her Christian or given name in full and husband's surname and her address each month) During the current period for which allowances are claimed on account of my dependent mother I have contributed to her support the sum of $_________________________ in cash or its equivalent, without any consideration in return, which contribution is her chief support, and each and every statement set forth in her affidavit dated ________________________________________, 19______ (attached hereto), filed with voucher for the month of _______________________________________, 19______, is true and correct, and so remains at this time, except---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (State fully changes occurring between date of last affidavit and si;ming of this voucher) 5 For over __ _______ ,CJ____ pay period; ___,:~______ years com leted on_ ~ __ __ ~. O years' servlce; ---- A ~ !~ ~------------------------------ 19-~- CREDITS: //`` // AMOUNT (6) For base and longevity pay from--_l___l-v~ , _ - ---____-, 19ys _, to ---„1/__---~vl -- , 19~.~- $------------- ------ -- --- - --------- --- ('n For additional pay for __~L/__Elt~t_~__,,,2C1"1l~_~ from ,~ _ _ _ _ _______tit______ 19_ _ _ ________________ ______ , _1~7c3-d~_______, 19_5, to_t~l__ _~~~ , (8) For pay for --------- mount- ---------------------------- from ---------------------, 19------, to -------------------------, 19------ of which I was the actual and exclusive owner, which (was or were) suitable for the military service, and maintained at---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ (9) For subsistence allowance from ~_-~ - ----------------------- 19-~-, to__-~1__-- ~DlC' ~ --------------____-, 19_},r ______________-- ____-- (10) For rental allowance from -----------------~---------------------- 19------ tO ----------------- ~ ------------------ 19------ during which period I was not assigned adequate quarters~at my permanent station; if without dependents, I was not on field or sea duty; if with dependents, I did not occupy with theln any public quarters assigned to me without charge at any station, nor did any of them occupy public quarters assigned to them or to any other officer or his dependents, except for bona fide social visits___________________________________________________________ ___________ __ _____ TOTAL CREDITS-_----__--------------------- $__---_-____-- -- DI;$j' j+S; AMOUNT (11) Class "D" Government Insurance Premium_______________________________________________________________ $_____________ ______ (12) Class .,E„ Allotment---------------------- - ------------ -- - -- -- - ~~~ [~'~_ (13) Class "N" National Servi L'fe Insurance__ ________ _ __ _ _______ ________________ __ _ ___ __ _ 6z,S~~D (14) Due United States for -,~~~'~--_----,z(_~---!n~~,t{1~'__.,¢_'~_.,.~t± ~~~~!_~Q~c~-1~---- -~Qt~.---- _ ~- -------------------------------------------------------- - - - --------------- ---------------- ------ ------------`--------------- TOTAL DEBITS------ ------1=~-=~--_~~- ------ --'-- NET BALANCE---------------------------° $----------°- ------ (15) On _________ (ordinary or sick) leave or absence; Departed _______________________________ 19______, under Par. _________, S. O. No. _______________, Hdqrs. ---------------------------- ---------------------, 19------; extended by Par. ---------, S. O. No. ------------, Hdqrs. ---------------------+ ------------------------------------------- 19------; Returned -------------------------- ------> 19------ (1G) I certify that the foregoing statement and account are true and correct; that payment therefor has not been received; and that payment to me as stated ou the within pay voucher is not prohibited by any provisions of law limiting the availability of the appropriation(s) involved. Place to my credit with __________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SIGN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL MEMORANDUM ONLY) Date .--------------------------------------------> 19------ (17) I certify that during the period for which rental allowance is claimed on this voucher the above officer was not assigned adequate quarters at his permanent station. (SIGN ORIGINAL ONLY. ON Name MEMORANDUM, TYPE OR Rank Date ----------------------------------, 19____-- PRINT NAME AND RAN1;7 Comrnandinq Officer. - on measurer OI Lne V nI>;ea Check(s) IQo.(s) _______________, dated ________________________, 19______, for $______________________ _ States in favor of payee named (1.8) Paid b above. y Cash> $--------------------, On ----------°----~--_______'-_., 19----° OONLY) L ,s--l~a~l MEMORANDUM __ • -~ - r- wAIt BN;YARTMEiti'P (TI2iPLICATE) ~. d), xs'ou. l\o..--•-' ..:..•.. ~ _. _ . Form No 336-Revised "6~~-~~;! F~irmapprovedbyComptrollerGeneral,l7.E. \p~(,Ot~ DEPARTRIEEV'P• FAII)"BY September 23, 1940. APPidE)PR1AT101VS: PAY as allalNaNcE ACCOUNT (Commissioned Officers, Army Nurses, Warrant Oltleers, Contract Sorgeons) ~} '", ~ - _---.-_ PAY OF TA2~ AIiSYP, 19 ___- ._. . -_-. _.-- ._-_.-._ ....._ ' ~' '~ 212 ' 60425 65-208 P41 l-OI . - ._ __ _ _ - ~ - - -_~.~~k.. .~ ~ ' , a I - .. ... ,..t~ 4 ~C) (I) THE UiVITED STATES+~}, Dr. ~i f ; • ' i; s U~~aJ~~~. ~ %..~g. y ~,:... I•O Use ,Q )..®,...~ ~C:ilfd ti'YJ i.d tl.~.f'd..::it~t~3r ~ ~.-._~k} ~ ~•° • -- _ -- ~, (Name oY payee) (Rank and or anization) ~~erral No.1 ,.., Station A P o c~~ ___ -. - Station \o..- __---- _.--- - _-. ~~~ - ~' Ild rs ~ ~ ., ,h On duty at present station per Par, -~a'~_ __ , S. O. l~TO..-,~,..~~:. -- , 9 ~~`aac--,~~,E"i 1.. .~`1,.;..~ ~..;-- fly- , : Departed from ____-__ __-., 194__. - Reported for duty at_-_ 194_ -- - -- -- - DE pEN l)L+' 1VTS: ~~~ r (3) Lawful wife _. _. _ - -- -_ ---.. _ -_..__ ___. - - -- - - - (Mate her Christian ox given name in Pull and husband's surname and her address ea,.htmonth) Unmarried children under 21 years of age.- - - _ _ - - - ---- --- ... - - ....--- - - - -... - -._ _ . - -- _ (Efate names, ages and address each month. Evidence of dapend~ncs attachPrl hereto or filed with voucher No. __ __ _ _ _ .-__..__.____-_ .. r9 _---... accounts of __.. __ _.. _-_------. _- - ) (4) Dependent, mother.--- _.. _ .. -- - - - (Etate her Christian or given name in full and husband's surname and her address each mouth) During the current period for which allowances are claimed on account of my dependent mother I have contributed to her support the sum of ~----------------_-_-.._-_, in cash or its equivalent, without any consideration in return, which con- tribution is her chief support, and each and every statement set forth in her affidavit dated _ ____-------______._., ly_._--.__- (attached hereto}, filed with voucher for the month of _____--__.-___.______._-.--_______...__., 19_-_..._, is true and correct, and so remains at this time, except (Certificate of depender;cy attached).._....------_. -__-.---------------------------------------------------._._...-_-....--_-----...----. .. - --- - - - - (State fully changes occxn•ring between date of last affidavit and 51 ~mn~ of this vouchP, > • _ _ -- - __ ----'~--- years' service ti~paY period- ~ -Fears completed on__ ~~ ,~~ ,_19~- (5) l+or over _ _. _. - ~ A14IOi7NT CREDITS: - "6) ti ar base and longevity pay from ~..-._ ~`G ~f?~?!~:~' _ _- ,--.. - , 19~? , to -- '?,~„ 1,."tu_~C' ~f3~_ . .-- - -- , 1~ ~ ~ - - - -..~."Z~j ' Q~ { ;) For additional pay for Foreign wervice, f rom ~„--_~;t,~ ~,~rjQx _. _.-, 18~ , to ~~-.. -(,,.~-~,~~}~~ .- , 194 .. _ ~Q, ~~. ._ -- _. (°) F'or pay for - ---.....-.mount, ------- ~ from .. ---. _ _ , 19 __.. _ to -- - , 19 , -- --- - of which I was the actual and exclusive owner, which (was or were) sortable for the military sec- .. vice and maintained at ._ r~ - _. _ -..- ----- ~ ~ ------- i9 to -v - 194a3 .. _ . ~1 ! 7~- (9) For subsistence allowance from ~-_ ~a~~'.C3t t`T ~• ~~ ~'-~~~`~ ----•--- - ... , {10) For rental allowance from ---- -..- _ _--., 194 to - -_-_ _--_ ....-..._..... , 194 , during which period I was not assigned adequate quarters at my permanent station; it without dependents, 1 was , not on field or sea duty; if w[th dependents, 1 did not occupy with them any Public 4uarters assigned to me xvithout charge at any station, nor did any of them occupy public quarters assigned to them or to any other officer or his depend- i _ I ants, except for bona fide social visits o r receive a monetary allowance in lieu thereof.-._.__ ..............___....__-..-....--.-.__...... ._.-. . ......... I ------ ~g~ 1 _ _ _ - 7~OTAI. CiRLTDI'r8......... ~~ -----,_.-+Gl~ I f t7EB71'S: "1i" Allotment ~ AMOUNT --- - .....-.-.. - B. ~~ -- - _.... -- - -- -- ~ (11) (,lass "D" Government insurance 1'remrum __. _.-. _ (12) Class "E" Allotment ---- I'' I 1'?~ ~~_ (13) Class "N" National Service Life Insurance N• . -- ~ i~~- i - -- (14) Due United States for ~**-~ --- -meals at 25f` ta) fur during -.:~~f3 ~1?s'r~x.,.~161" - -~.~! ! 208-218/70504 7-C-181 .. ...._ .. _...-__ _ .- __-- -- --- -... ~ I~~' I i __ _ _ - - @ TOTAL D)CBI7S .................. ..... I -- - ~ ? ~-i7 Qi13 Purchases 208-218/70504 7-C-187 NET BALANCE ........................ ~~ ...__-..----~~. ! ~. - - -- ___ -- (15) On.--- __... (ordinary or sick) leave or absence; Departed _. - - --_ .., 19 .-, under Yar -------, S. O. No. --- - - ,-- _ Hdqrs _- _ , .. - , 19_ . - extended by Par. - ---- -- > S. O No. _ . ...... ,Hdqrs - -- ._ ._- ..-- -- -- - - --_.-- __ __ -- .... , 19.._.--...; Returned - -. ---- - - --- - - -- --- , 1 ---- - (1~) i certtfv that the foregoing statement and accnt. are true and cox•rect; that uasment therefor has not been rPCeiv, d and that, payment to me as stated on the within pay voucher is not pro It bs ens pro visions of law ]imltingthe availability of the appropxration(s) involved. Certificates on reverse made a Dart hex•eof. Place to Iny credit with Cas+---- _ t -.... .... (SIGN ~~~~~q ~h,,~~g ~~~~y~g~-~ ~~ YY yy~~ ~~ -- ---...-... ORIGINAL `1~F~''1~"`t'LfiR~l"JcF"I y ` ONLY) t ~~ ~ Date ---- -- -- -- - - , 19~ (I7) I certify that during tho period for which rental allowance is claimed on this voucher the above ofllcar was not assigned adreluate quarters at his permanent station. Name Auth. per par. 18 AR 35 • 4220 (S ICiN ORIGINAL ONLY, ON Rank _-_,- MEMORANDUM, TYPE, OR .............._..._-----_...._-.-._.__-_..._.-_.__--__.___.-_--.._.____.-....-._.._-...__..-_.....-._____-. 194 PRINT NAME AND RANKI O07fl9ricGri(ltirip OffiCCr, Date- -------- ---•---------------•------' ---- _- (Check(s) No __ _ ___, dated .................................... 19,-.....__., for ~-_..-......--.....-_..........---- on Treasurer of the Unit- 18 Paid by •j Cash, ~. - • ' ig (SIGN ed States in favor of payee ( ) ( 4,~.~~.._......_, on ............................ .._....08,x,----• ooniwA` named above. 4;iY E Nd ED R 1a Iw D ><J P 3 ,_:, Form No 336- Revised _ g ~ - ~ p, T " }{ ,' .'„rms~ppror-adLS'ComptarollerGenera).It~ x~a'~.~ ~b~~~+~~~'~~i'°~`d' [ 9eptemher 33, 1940. ~i ~~yy jj~~ p ;'"r"ias?P1iP~4.'t'1(}V:"s: 1 ~GCmmissletnn'! Officers, Army Nurses, 4+darra>!t 0fficars, Canttac! Surgecas) _._ _ _ __ "? 12 60425 65-208 F'41 1-Q t _ _ ~ .,..:~~:~.~-r~..~~. ~-~ ~ 1. _ ~„y F O ~ ~ p e cr t~, (1) `FHE UN1'S`ED STA'TE~, Dr. '%, • .~4 ~ I..i.a r. ~ ,~-,ffi,~,...~,.®..e.~>~.w.~~.,.M `~Oa• .._ --~- -- ,Ranh.~niia.gauizatiou) (°,•° (iam© of p~e) station '~o.--- -- -... ;2) Station_ ~a >' o __ K~ ]Idgrs ~dc~~l- }kt~ .rl. ~E~ :~~.,~ w ~:~ "4- tan duty ~t presen9, statavn per 1':ar f?.~ _ °~, t7. ~o-.~*~~ - 1°4 Departed from _ .194 Reported for duly at .. _ _- -_ _-- _. _. -- ___ - -- _ _ _ __. IyEPF.)vnp.NTS ,,< ,3'~ t.~€wful wife _ a~JI3 _ __ - (Mate her Cln•fstian c,+ ~i men nuue in full and hi?~hand's ~surxcame and har a k!reas Aa h4nonthl - - -- _ __ t7nmarried children under 21 years of age._ _.---_ _ ..__ ____--- ----- -._ .. __ --- __ _ __ o. ---~ -- - ~_---- -- -- - - tSYate names. apes and aeld,rss esu°h n;cnth, N.~i<i+~xu'e r)f dapend°ncJ' attached b~reto or tilad with vonr~er -- - t4} D~>>!~ndeltt mother --- -_ __ _ _- _ tataee, her Christian or given uauxe m foil anti hnsi,an i n s~roaxtrc, and he + arldre s5 each`Inouth) 13uring the current period for which allowances areclaimed on account of my dependent Inchher I have rohtrlbuted to her support the s1lrn of S_____..--.:-__---_-, in cash or its equivalent, without any consideration irl return, whii~b cox:- -. , 19_._ ___ rribution is her chief support, and each and eveey statement set forth in he.r afflda.vlt dated ___ - __ __-..____ 19 htlae and correct and ~o attached hereto), filed with varlcher for the month of __ _-. _ __. ___ .. xemains at this time, except (Certifica e of dependency attache )__-_ ____ .. _. _ ___ -- _ _- __ _ _ ( tats fx 1!y changes occiuxing betwReai d vie of last affidavrt and si ntn), of this vpuc er ~ _ _ -- __ -_ _ - __ _ -- = a _ ~~ ~r;la~ 84~ -- Pxlod: years completed on ;,C>} ,'or «vc:t ~ years' service- paY p -- ~=-- 1- ., __ -: _: ~_ _ _ _ A ~ 4 REDI'IS ..a~' ~ t94 to `~~ E3'.7L , 794«x? ~ffi ~ ?~ - ~ r9) 1+or base and longevity pay from _ __ _. - ~• __ +, >E3_C++~'•± 184 ~, to _ . t'~'l,1 . =B'C)~i ., 194 i . _t..- 1;) 1+'or additional pay for 1?'oreign ~ervlce, fraln _ --_ -" - _ _ _ _ ___ - __.. , 19 _ _ , to ;~i I+or pay for, _monnt, - _ from -- ~ 19 - -~ -. -, ' of whrch I was the actual and exclusive owner, which (w is or were) snitiable for the mxlltary sec- ..- vice and maintained at _ __ ~ - ,~ Y _ e _ _ ~~ ~-%S ~ 194 _.__ ~~ i9) For subsistence allowance from -.-.-_ . _ ... --• t ~ ~. -. 194 +~ Yo . _ - _ _ -- -- ~ .. ~ 194 194 to _. - - " - ~ ~ -- _ - - ;1(3) For rectal allowance Tom ..-_ _ _ - during which period I was mot assigned adec7uate ~uart~rs at m.v permau~nt stat.lon it wrthout dependents, I was ~ not on field or sea duty; if with dependents, I did not occupS with them any public quarter assigned to me without charge at any station, nor did anS of them occup9 public quarters assigned to them or to any other officer or his degend- ~ ............ ~ ---n~e «~ I _ _ _ ents,exceptforbona fidesocia] visi(4orreceivea monetarg allowance in lieu thereof. .-_.__ i `i:OTAI. CLtEDI2'3 .................. ~ ... .. _- r +..-.,; _. _--__ ___.__._._ __ - I . - - -- A;V10L "V 1 - ---- --__ - llEE31T'S: ' I3" Allotment --- -- , + Mass "D" Government Lnsuraace Premium B' ~ Ott) I.. -_ _.._ (12) Class "E" Allotment _ __~ ~ JU ~ "National Servl~~ife Insurance ~,~ l - -- ~ j d13) Class ` N ~;t4) Due IInited States for ___ .meals at 25f? rc~ fur during ~ __- ~ i ~~ '~~ j 20$-210 / 70504 7-C-101 _._- _ _- - . __ - __ I _._ _ _. 'I OPAL DEBITS. . • - NET BAI ANGF.. .. .. ~"rf ~.~. li ~ .- _. t-3` ~~ . QD'i Purchases 208-216/70504 7 C-167 _ _ _ -,_ - -- _ -_ ___ " --- --- - _ - --- ag under Par S. O. Ir'o. ---- • -"-- - (15) On._---- (ordinary or sick) letve or absence:. spar _ _. _' ... -+ Adgrs.." --- Hdgrs _ _ , 19 ..... ,extended by Par. _- S O No. 19 - - 19 .._ ,Returned _ - - --=- --- _ f16) I certify that the Pore„oing statement and account are true and correct, that pacment thei efor has not baen rec®lved, and that paSment to mo as stated on thewithtnpaYVOUCherisnotprohibttedby any provieionso[lawlimitin~the availability or the appropriation(s) Involves, Certificates on reverse made a part hereof Place to my credit with Gash __. _. _ __._ _ .. ,, , , , (SIGN ,;: ..._ ORIGINAL -~- ONLY) +` ~~ ~ x, - -" - ;~~' ~ ~ ~ 194 _ ~-_ __ -- _~_ Date-_ _ _. _. ___ _ __ - __ (1a) I certify that during the peuod for tvhtch rental allowance is claimed xn this vo cher the above oHtcer was not assigned adc+luale. quarters at his permanout station. Name Auth. per pat. 18 AR 35 • 4220 (SIGN...CRIGINAL ONLY, CN Rank .... . ---.. .....- -_-. ....... .._ _.,.... ..... Date , 194 PRINT NAME AND RANK) - 1Ip CIfY2CG1', ~~~~~` MEMORANDUM TYPE OR ~ •• ",fOT ~ -On TCBaSt T6r ~ -..__ --- -"-' =- ~}-_-_ .'~ ._ _ Of til j71Tlt- Check(si No.(`.31;1 ~ dated .. _ .. ......., e ,r,- _ _ (SIGN ed States in favor of payee i.18 Paid by Cash, ~_ s~ ' ` ~'n.... -~6~~~ ' oRI~IN'~'- ^aflled above. ) ..L ~~~tJt ~~~ .... ~ ONLY ) WAP LEPAIIThIENT Form No 336-Revised F,a•mlapproced by Comptroller General. U. S. eeptember 23, 1940. APFROPRiA'1'10NS: (TRIPLICATE) D. O. Vou. No ............................................., WAR DEPARTMENT PAY AND Al.LO~fANCE ACCOUNT (Commissiened Otlieers, Army Nurses, Warrens Officers, Contract Surgeons) PAiD ]3Y _--_----------------'----------- PAY OF THE ARhIY, lg---._.._.....__----._._.-----.. - - 212 /' 60425 65-427 P41 t-O l ~--- -- ---- ------ ---- ---- ----- - ------- ----•-----•-------------~ -- .....~QI-..-$!"~- (1} THE UNITEID STATES, I?r To: ~' ~«~"'~~ I .. i ~ , ---1- ~!.~ f.sl ~-~~-----::Y•' ~.~....x},.°..s...'`~?.... ~~ r' f : (For use of pacing office) -'~-- -- - - -- --- - - .. '...4d'.~r~.-S- - - - .~: ...... ~ (Name of payee) (Rank and organization) (Serial NoJ (2) Station-.......?. r'---°---------`1-~--- -- - ----- Station 1~0. ~--~~ - -- On duty at present station per 1'ar_-- -, S. O. No ~._ ~' - , ITdgrs. '~`r~a.':'-~~ ~~fI~1C~~.~....~...;~ _ 19 __.~j Departed from -- _ - ---- --- - - - -_ 19 ---- -Reported for duty at----- -- -- ------- --- --_. ..___.... __- -- ---------- --- + 1 Q.-- - -- -- -- DFPENDF,NTS: i z a ~ '} (3) Lawful wife -----..... .~'_~~' _..:•~. "- - - -- --- -- ... -- ... __.._or (State her Christtan or given name in full and husband's surname and her address each month) Unmarried children under 2l years of age--------------------------------------------------- ---- ----- - ------- -------- ----- ------------ -------- --- .-.....- -- ---------- - --- - -- - -.. . Evidence. of dependency attached hereto or t}led peith voucher No, _._.._ ....__. _._. (Etatenames, a,~es and address_gach,month. _. ~.,. 7D........, accounts of ~ - , , , . •, ,;r• 'i; .. !S r, .r -,; ,r (4) Dependent mother ---._.-_ ~i~.I( ------. ..- -- - - .,-~.,--. 5. ... .,,..... ,_ ..... (State her Christian or given name its fall ttnd hAsbitnd s airrharri~ and her address each month) During the current period for wnlen anuwanr.or .,.•~ , .~,oa .,~~ .t or my dopondcnt mother I have contributed to her support the sum of ~ _.___... ,,i,n cash r its equivalept, without any consideration in return, which con- tributio., is her chief sa'pporb, a'hd etich~and every 5ta1)emerit set' forth in Yter' affidavit dated__._ - .___-__ ________ , 19._•.__- (attached >;>ereto), filed watYt vouchex fox .~Il~ lnorttl~ of.,,,, ,~._~-x„19__.__., is true and correct, and so remains at thtc time, except . - - - -- ....------------ ---•_.------------ --------- --- ------ -- ------- ----------------•------------ -----------------••----•-------.....--------- t$tate ~ully,chau~~s occurring bet -- ~• - (5) For over "'__,_years' aergice; _ _ pa ~ period;, -, CRfir-tTC• ~- 16) For klase auu >„--a_,,;tv ~ay from. _-~;.1~_~` (7) For additional pay for ci,o,e_ service, from _ ~;~~- Iv?eaa date.pflastaf idapit and-si~ipgaaf.thts v erl --- - vears comple _ ---~- • _ fed on ... r' rt f~~ . _. _ - -- --- ' 19--- - .§ t945, to . _ :*~~, yl~ .... . , 1945 ~ ----------- - - - -- - 1945, to. .. r?,~. <. ~'~-_...... , 1945 .~D -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - (A) For pay for _..mount, ----= a ~ f;~om ...: - _ t. 19 ., to. - - , 19 of which T was the actual and exclusive owner, which (was or were) suitable for the military ser- vice and maintained at '• ' ---------- - ... - - - (9) For subsistence allowance from (. ,tit,- 1945 to - , .,- -- , ~~ ~ - ._.... , 1945 (]0) For rental allowance from---- lg - ---- -- ------------------------------------------- + 45, to.....--- --- 1945 during which period I was not assigned adequate quarters at my permanent station; if without dependents, l was not on field or sea duty; if with dependents, I did not occupy with them any public quarters assigned to me without charge, at any station, nor did any of them occupy public quarters assigned to them or to any other officer or his depend- ents, except for bona fide social visits or receive a monetary alldwance in lieu thereof ...................._______--_-__ _ TOTAL. CREDITS .... . ..... ...... DE131TS: `B" Allotment " " Ah10UNT (L l) Class D Government lnsurance Premium.--_-_-------__------_-_--------_ - _ _ - _ -- --- ----- _- ----- B. I $ s „ L'. (12) Class E Allotment ____ -- -- ---. yy«"p .L^,:~L) __ _____ ~~/ 9-- S.+V (13) Class "N" National Serya~e Life lnsurance._-_-__,_--_ N• ---------- ----- - --- - - - - - ---- ------ ~^ u -- ---- - --.. r^ • (14) Due IInited States for_---~-_- _-_meals Earn. during __- ----- ---- ;,)`I~~„ X45 ~ _ . ._ @ .25Q,.-_:--_-_--_--,-. - - - 427-210 / 70504 7-C-161 _--_-- -- _ . .... %%. -~~ -.~~ --- _. TOTAL DEBITS.......... .............. ~------------~~'tsi .7~ QM Purchases 427-216/70504 7-C-167 NET BAhANCE ................4~,.~~ ~$-~ , -__ ---- (15) On., - ___ (ordinary or sick) leave or absence; Departed --_ _----._ _---.---, 19_.___----, under Par__--.----._-, S. O. No._-__---_--_._ Hdqrs. -- - - -- - - -- --- ----- - -- - - - , 9 .... ;extended by Par ------- + S. O. No...---- -- -....., Hd rs.--- _ ____ -- , 19 --- Returned_ q _------ - --------- (16) I certify that the foregoing statement stated on the within pay vouchep is nog on reverse made a part ereoff ' Place to my credit ~ Cash are true and correct; that payment therefor has not been received; and that payment to me as any provisions of law limiting the availability of the appropriation(s) involved. Certifica±es ' ---- c - -_.. - ct~.-- -- -~~~--~-r~------ -------------- ---- -- - O ON LNY) L ~"~ ~~" ~'~ ~ M Date---------- •----------------------•---- , 1945 z ~ ~•~s: 2~^~ ~~ (17.) I certify that during the period for which rental allowance fs claimed nn this voucher the above officer was not assigned adequate .quarters at his permanent station. Name Auth. per par. 19 AR 3S - 4220 (SIGN ORIGINAL ONLY, ON MEMORANDUM, TYPE, OR Rank ------------------------- DatO_----_ ................................. 1945 PRINT NAME AND RANK) ....._.__.._...._.__._....____-.._._._....._._. - Commandtinp Officer, ( Check(e) N ) . ______________, dated.--...-•-----•-•--------------------- 19....------+ for ~.------ ' (18) Paid by j Cash, ffi_--- ~ - ---------~-~-•-----------• on Treasurer of the IInit- ( -----_.•--....____.--, 19- (51GN ed States in favor of payee - ---+ on------------------ - -' - •-..""-' ORIGINAL P ......................;e.~~...... Converted @ .50f' to Phil. Pesos ONLY) named above. M E M O R A N D U M ,: _ j i~FS`":RICT~;D '_~?FAD~ti~';?TE~S L,.OT: I:'FA~'TRiT DidISIO'..? APG L,,U a~ ,5 fl~aST l~a!,5 ~._ , SF:~CI1~~ G~?%T''S 1 s C::,i 1 ;tr.~LDlAnti L'~eI~TCr, ~J :l, V~<532J, ~~c ~t'i Ar„S-~ ~"?0 3L~?, ~.n con:~ection ~~~ith :hie G~~T, of ~. 75 P.rR~ty l{5, fr ~.PO !,0 to APO AC, ?..9th SAP, is cl3ced on T 7Y ?~rith ~~iJ. activities. 0 Tu';~P rJT first av~.il- 34;.3. Uron co_cl~l of TDI C ;,i ~7_ ret ?~ T'na i010:':?~_?1? nu'.`^,e:l ~ f'' ~~~ Or~'!^.S iTl~?.C3ted ha ~ e-7 •. i '-I-~;' ving peen ~.c 1<:.., - o ~ » ~zPO `r115 ~,~ GAl On 2.5 i °~' L,.r, .:r c`itchd L1n~SQ~ t0 L', V O;L' 8.tieri~.S 9 r"esrital, k??G C~~FT ::~IC~?ArtD ~?. F?1~-T,~,,;;I~u~ C40LY:71, Ii'F', 1 Wirth Inter I'.'c .-?:~rcld P.. ^eiss, 365c 3~K2, ~03d Prcht Inf ~~e?' t~ut'.Zo L~Sr..Fii ~ _Zeg ~0 50-25, 1 ':dov 1~,.. 3. ~O ':il_C'_,• o{+ 1„''nl' ~y, SG 5G, t~ilS `-~q, C.°, "_''er+:ainln~ tC `..'1e ?:n:nt Or Cilc`~,BS Jer"' (~S _..'1_G. .L8.1~CY' ~Or:'~rCi Gs, 7.S a~?1_;,1C~~~. }:~ 1'olet-_n~, t1... n.~.. Of :;1r:.J ~' J,..n=n ~ ~'. ii, Lv F- (:, i c7 1? :`ie ~ _~L'..~ ~TT. _ii .,~:!y `^, /~~.i~, .'<.C'. ~',. 3r'_, `.2-iil $'ill"~a't=-t'~.1~~1nJ thCY'"i01" t~:e ,1v~T:° OJ'r`i~'kT r.L .'~:~. =~ To CZ~i1~..J ~~, (,. 1~7"'?~~y,, ~'h'~C~ Lax ~ o t:.utho iii 7-.~~• !~. The fo~lo~-=in`, r.cme' C R. FIh, l~ jtr~ Fn~r Vin, T,~*+r> ~~; ''-rst Grail~'~le rl~ or. ?rI', o~a ~_~ $a~;~ L,,^, f.'r I.FO L.~O to !~?O 159, to re,?cir, pro~'er orgy: ?L- LI J'GS ~r~ F', J,nT„_^r, /'~., Glll,"Ol~, CL++, m °. (', N- ~,,r~ _v~-„~A~' ~CJ'r nZ;+g JL. ~`;.~rl ~, ~..J~ rl'f sa rp'~?.-.~ .. ):.. .. l~. i • .. a. T}-_e ~ o ±_loT~~-ir:^• n.,~l~ed Cs, having aeer~ asgd to this ~.v rer n~.N 53, SC 12~, F'4 !t'i -~e•,1 7~;~ot 1~^ 70'= '0 T,`a-r Lr a_,o ~:r^•c~ t ,'r e y; _ , - ~, - - .. ~-?, o o_ _ns inc'i:^~t d fcr d ,`4a rlI":~ 1 ~ 1~:1 ~ Tt f ~T,'~1J T~ ~ C r(1 R Lylit7. GTrA Co ~~,l~.:J ~. ~!. eT .. ~:.~ tG--~~ G...~:, ,, :.t.~ ~~ , e1 i~, GLC~,n~/.t.--9, C ~,C,1,, r. ~•5 ~~~ ~~ ~~~__~~~.U t. DGDI.,r, C'.l~J~~~~i 5, I^?F, 1.nth In- 1.S LT ~~_nGr,T FI T D"r,`?, 0' ~!,.~~_'7''~, =~`•'F, ":~' P~.a.t L~.O~:,h Irf Div ~iJ LT rL~~ ^r,*., n -,rT' T ~ s f1 ?~~„3~, ii-H ~ ' f ___ ~~., ~ b.,~-,~T_'i~-G JP, ~ l~~~Ot_1 In.. n- 7 r r,.~ ~ 1 n,~- rn G. ~•~ n ~.~ LT GL~v ~. _ 1 t°,I~.JSri, 015~~ ,2~, _?IJ, I.Oth X11 Co ?_D I T L~'0"i!:~D ^. 7~~.F,~ , 0133.2.0 ~0, IP'F, 1nOt'_n Inf ~D I T ~.0?~''tT C. TiiJr°Fi-~';r:~, OcSo~:09, S; a t,;, ~rGt?Z cif; ^o ~D ? I' D>~TTD POLi:`t ~r<<, Gl.! 1;.~ `~32, Sig C, /~^th Sig Co 2D LT "..C ~DG.^? ~t. cnri.f:GL;F, C1._3'CGGO, IT', ~ hvth Tnl ~?'ST'~CT^D .:n.,,N c' .. a .. _.. ~ . _ .. ., _ r: ... e s,~ : ~~., a ,. _ . . , ,., ' 1 ~ a ~ vi b~ ~.~ w L~ ?~.. .M ~~ a'~.f~ ~L.~!'y, ~, t ~ £iT~~ .~ .. a ,.. _ . y . .. ~. ,. . «. N q (( y .~:; ~ -.. .. ..J'.a.,.. .. ti,.: ":r.`q .C: °`lr. ... y!. s. f`7 rv, i~._ .,. !.. G },. ~ o u ..~ i.' ..~ y Ol i ~ t+~s{ be ~.. +fa.: ~.J ~. S. *+~~.,~ n ax.~. N'eY k4, r a .8e ~.. w.a.E i - ~ w ~n ~V :.E ~~-tl +, ~~.~:.. ~'.f ~it Cl i elSt~ I°.', ,. 1. ,. f+.,' a ~.. ... :k,. ,. ., ,. .. ., i. ,. ., ,i,r ,>~5c 3.. ~ f.~3~}~~• Y. t. sc_ , ;•~ S , o r ~ _ ~, tX Q ~ u~~~ __ c...r ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~v. s~) ~~~r~~a~ ~. ~ ~. ~c~T, pssss, a~aa, 1~ reld ~~ x~~~~ts~,t~n~ ~~~~.802' 1'pT ~j1 ~'!I ~1~tC8r Auth t 9th. ~6. 18~ IrT TAi~ 4. AI.~Yd#]~11~, 0465499, C, 1~ ~~td Im1-~stit3.~g t?ffit3er Por Sp 'Try t3mit~. Auth: ~ 7Q. BY QRU A~' I.IU~.~~NT G03AN. R00t txzi:~il..t~ ?. ~, C~~st~1T2., ~i Cr, Ac3~ utant. ~. 0~`FZGI~. s ~- G4 ~'. $Rri~, tw~3aptai~., ~i~ C, a.iK~~tr~i W e AI~i.~i.A471iL}t~ i 4th, 4~ th IIIf Di ~ -1. /fir ~t'~1~ifB ~~• ~i ~xTi aaP ,.Q~ • r wAR aE'PARTMENT WAR DEPARTMENT Filed with Aceoan! Current TrINANOE DBPARTMENT-F'Orn1 NO. 4G (Comptroller of the Treasury Nov. 4, is2o)' FUNDS INTRUSTED TO AGENT Month of _______~ ls____ AP 0 40 (Aee Jane 4, 1920) Station ._ Date $ ge~~l~er , 19-4$- (1) I certify that I have this day intrusted toJ$•m~$_-~~-_-A~-~x$jl~S, A.,~as~my Agent at _____________ (Name and rank) (2)~ the following funds: Check No. __________________ bn the Treasurer of the United States ______________________-_- (3) Cash -------------------------------------------------------- ---~~` .~8--------- (4) ~~ -__ pOllC11~I's covering the following; Ammmt repreuwted 6y cash (I Amount represented 6ytheck (~) ---44~ki.-4M---(-~o.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ---2112.P8--11 $---------------~----- (6) Total amount of this trust---------------------------------------------------------------------------_---------- ~---L1-1-~+-~~---------- (7) Balance per statement dated ----------------------------------, 19------~ ------------------------------------- $-------------------------- (8) Funds per trust receipt dated ---------------r 19------~ ------------------r 19------~ -----------------r 19----- $----------------------------- (9) Total amount of funds intrusted to Agent to be accounted for-_________________________-______________~__~l~'~_~8_-_____-- NOTIy.-i'hia form to be accomplished in ,---------------~ -- _ _ ) ------_, U..5~. A., duplicate by Disbursing Officer and for- Signature of disbursing officer warded with funds and vouchers to Agent. ~ a, wQLj'~~~ L+ rj j'~ See Instructions on reverse hereof, s---•~---------- .a --_ ~ ~'- • (Official designation) 1S - -- ~ _ WAR DEPARTMENT WAR ®EPARTI~PENT rricE CHIEF O.~ FtxnxcE-Form No.45-C (Old 9•C) ;OWLEDGMENT OF RETURN OF FUNDS AND STATEMENT OF BALAN. (Comptroller of Treasury, Nov. 4, 1920) (Act June 4, 1920) _ r ---------------------------------------- Date ---------5-----------r-~---- --- (9) Received this day from ____.? _c~~ `c y ___ ~_: ___ ~~ LO) per statement dated _______________________________ 19_____. L1) Cash amounting to ----------------------------------------------- L2) Check No. ____________________ amounting to __________________. L3) ______1_~_______ correct paid vouchers amounting to ________. l4) ________________ incorrect vouchers returned, amounting to l5) Cash balance in hands of Agent _____________________________. u -~ c ~ 1--~:•~ _- `=~-'t-4 D e-~--~ 1~~---, U. S. A., Agent. COLUMN A COLUMN B ~_._ __ --------------------------- ------------------ ------ Total lines il, 12, and 13 --------------------------- ------------------ ------ --------------------------- ---~--~--~-1- "~ ~-- -------~--~--~-- ~-~ y- `~' Total lines 14 snd 15 ------------Q -~ -~---- -------------- -- ----- TOTAL ----------- --------------------- ----- L6) Statement of Balance trust funds for which Agent is accountable per Form No. 9-B, dated _______________________________ 19______ $__________________, to be carried to account current for ____________________________________, 19______ NOTE.-This form to be accomplished in _ ____~{,~_ _____ __ _ _~_~ ~_ __~ _~ __ v. S. LI. rplicate by Disbursing Officer and forwarded (Signature of disbursing o~cer) f Agent. See Instructions on reverse hereof. -------~--------------------------~-g~~--~------~--~-----~----------- (Offieial desi nation) 3-8014 _ :~ , ~"~"'' T''''-'~n'r '"T BAR DIrPARTMENT riled with Account Current ~- :_ ,-:~,~ a r c.~sury '+in . ~, 1L` ct) - FUNDS IItTTIvIiSTED TO AGENT yQ ~~ ~ ~~~r of ............... 1s----.. v ~ 3 111 cl ~ t ~'y .~.~ i J i510Ta (Act June 4, iszo> is :J~+ 7 °~ - - - -~---- ----- a --- ----- ------- - --- ------ ---------------- 19-------- ------------ - - F ~'anea 0. ~'>`lexander ~ 1 s ~.t ~ ..._~_ 'y r :..~~ tl.i~ c?ay i~ztrusted o----------------- ------- ---- -------------..,U. S. A., as my Agent at------------------- (Name and rank) c`__e f~i;c•di:; fu.~a: Check No.___.....___......on the Treasurer of the United States $ ..________.______ _ _ ___._____ -- --- Cash--- - - - - - - ___ Z7_a26~:t72 3 --- - ---- - --- - -- - ---------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------- ~---- ------ -------- -- ..'~ OL'.Cl'1C1:'S C6'v'Cri. ~; tl1 fOllOWlri Amount represented by cash Amount represented by check ---- -------------- .p~R_-for .t~.Oth__i~~T-- C°'-._.7.0 --st ~ ~13t. 3Sth TC Sv Gp .- - $--------------------~ ---- - - - - --- - - ----- --------------- ----...-------------------------------------------------...----------------------- ------------------- - - - - ------ --- - --- -- - - - -- ---I--- - ,_..; , :~. ~ ~..~ _c_:„ cafe ----- - -------------- - ----------------•~ 19------ > ------------ - °. ~ c _ ~ c led---- - -----------~ 19.-------> --------•--•------ .., 19-- ~ -- -------•----, 19-- - -- -l/,~ -- -- -- c~ c'.., .rtiusted to Agent to be accounted for..... ~~ _. ... ~., a~= .~~...- ,~' l / / -4 _ ,is r-r ., to L a,...trplic?:ed in -------- - --.~! ~-k:..~..?.~z.:l.r%.~- ------ r i 'l.._i--- ~ U. S.f~., -~ .,- r a,i., for- -~~ ~ a ~cc Agent. -' (Signature of disbursm offrcer) - - - ----- ' . .'--- r ------ 1 -=---- E. _. _ ~.. ~,L~_:,_.,~ erl rotei•se hereof. (olrrcral oes~enation) 3-soh WAR DEPARTMENT WAR DEPARTMENT Chief of Finance--Form No. 45-C (Old 9-C) a r,KNOwLEDGMENT OF RETURN OF FUNDS~N~ ~TATEKT OF BALANCE (Comptroller of Treasury, Nov. 4, 1920) (Act June 4, 19 [ - fl{ ion __,--- ~--=~-----=~=•-'----------- __ Dat~-- --- - ----- ---------------------------------•--~ ------.. - - • ----- / C Received this day from.--~A:7~.L'.5--..(.~-,--------~e~d~~~-~-'----L~L•.:--<-.-------- ~t,---~~.' -~-'-----'----.., U. S. A., Agent. per statement dated ......................................... 19-.....-. COLUMN A COLUMN B ._ Cash amounting to-------------•--•....----•-•-----------•----•-----------• ---...~ ~-- --- ~-- -- Total lines 11, 12, and 13 Check No ..................... amounting to................. - ------- ~ ------aJ •--•----- correct paid vouchers amounting to-------------------••------•----•-------------•• --~~ --(~---~`~- -/._ - ------~-~7 ~ `3 I ~ ~'- Totai lines 14 and 16 i ...................... incorrect vouchers returned, amounting to......-...-_-........._.....-.-..._ .__._._.._..........._., __...... 1 Cash balance in hands of Agent------•---•---------•----------------------- -------- -------- - - - -------- ...--------------- -------- I -------••-- Total------------------- -------------- ----- ----- ------------- -- - Statement of Balance trust funds for which Agent is accountable per Form No. 9-B, dated ..................................... 19......-. -, ) _ $..-....._____-__-_._, to be carried to account current for-..-.• .............. _ ), 19.._. ,. )TE.-This form to be accomplished in •---••- -- ~_..li.~~_.... .__-_re'Z..^. _.. ..., lt' ... -~• S• A• route by Disbursing Officer and forwarded (S)gnature of,dsbursinglofficer)r _~T ~~ _- •i i, _ >'~ HEAUC:UARTERS L,.OTH INFA^1TRY DIVISION APO 40 SPECIAL ORDEF:; 13 October 1945 NUIt4I3ER 212 1. Fol of"s Gre antd Cl A A~ez:t offs accountable to G G ':"+JEH~2LE, LT COL, FD, Fin 0, !,,t;;,}. 1:~i Div for pmt of orgns desiF;nated bel.ovd*. Maximum amount to be entrusted t~o e:ach b,;Ent of.f is :„:25,000.00. No chants in Anent offs will be made ~r?ithout i~,ritten ord ers from th is Hr,. This dy is nn obligation of these offs and take 3 -~r~cedence -o ver all other orders or ~auties incluain~• ~ossi'~le transfer. Orr..s rttill ~ae• ad vised v~h.er. Agent offs may rece ive cash for the pay ro11s: RANK _:~TI' _~ ~ ASN ~ ORGNS 1ST LT' ALLAT P n:TLLER 0447225 40th Inf Div -- Hq - EM . „ ~ Hq Co - EM . 2S~' LT AAROP' FTE'?,Dt~gi~i O1c4517'O .. - }~ Hq Sp Trs - EM . " . MP Plat _ EM ~~ CIC .Jet - UM u 3azid *- EM 16T LT ?%7II~LI~?~ L 1;OR.RIS 01.555b03 7lfOtli Ord Co = ~EP~t ~, 1ST LT JAiVIrS 0 ALEXAP+OEFt.. 0~;65499 L~Oth, ~.P~4 Co - EM APT FRAJ.,LI"d :) IRTCtc 01634o0I 40th Sig Co• -- EM 1ST LT CARL K UL~O11 . 01030277 40th Cav Rcn firp -- ~P.,7 CAPT ?~rILLI3 JI 1'HOI~~iAS 011F30745 40th ,Div Arty .: `Hq 3try - Offs ~ EP1! • ,~ MQd yet - EM 1ST LT DR.L:"~J ~~1 i,t'TE:I J3 C465330 ~ 160th Inf -Offs 1ST LT JOHN ~' C1~CSIi~y' 0341214 " Hq Co - EiV! Med Det = EM 1ST LT ~`:ILLI ~.l,i A Esi~1;Ft 0425252 " Sv Co - E~lI . ~ 1ST LT CL1~3EJTCE '~~ ,~(:~~CKER 01315279 r' ~. ~ ' AT ^,o - EM 1ST LT ALF:2EJ „ JO'VE3 01302657 " Cn Co - EM 1ST LT E,Ni~~.E~9 J 3GSi'~I.1~IS 01.309206 ~ ~' , Hq Co, 1st Bn_ - EM ' 1ST LT DONaL ~) ~; .)liG~11 01.305025 " Co A -- E'M 1ST LT RIC'V:~~D ~i:` DODGE 01059435 ~ " Co B - EM 1ST LT LOUD ~a ~i..1RI~d0ii~T`ii G1305~.35 " Co C M EM 1ST LT FR ~dt~ HO`.': ~~LL 01305590 " ~ Co 0 •-- EM 1ST LT PF1TL G "4C~~T`F,i~l 0411353 " Hq Co, 2d Bn - E'~ 1ST LT ROB SFr ~ Jf"ILLS 012959'7 " Co ~ - EM 2D LT THO"~.~_~ P~ ~31x1LEY 02Q27U46 '~ Co F - EM _ 1ST: LT CH~J_.;7 KOS±: JR ~ ~ `01305831 " Co G - EM 1ST LT HFJi.O)> > ?+'7 ~I,DS 01312530 't Co H - EPA _ 1ST LT PHILIP :~P PE,^P),3 01311555 " Hq Co, 3d Bn - EM 1ST LT CLYDE: R ~E1~OL~. 01.311727 " Co I - EM 1ST LT Rig i CiQL J I-:J~~P-I~t.EY 01313532 ~~ Co K .. EM 1ST LT RI~LPF-+ "~ SrIEGLTTZ 0131?_?00 " Co L - EM 1ST LT t.JGELO .r }~41,2~TI. 01305616 '~ Co M - EM R,_.E_S_.T-R-I-C-T--E--L (SO 212, Hq 40th Tnf J.1iv 13 Oct, 45 contd) Rl.NK ,dt. !~:. i>Sid OR;?JS CAPT HOi!;~~R ? I inuS^i~, C3c753'7 1?,~i FPS :'3n - Bn Ofis ~s Hq 3try - EP,~ r- Sv Btry ~. Ell1 1ST LT ELSiVL~~. .,. ~C`?OHO 011 ~^'7U '~ ~ Pn7ed ~)et - ETJI " 3try B - E'D,4 ' '~ Btry J - J1~ Cl:PT T STE'!V1:H.fi FETTY 0379757 104th FI, Bn - Bn Offs ~~w EP.%1 Cl.PT RICHl.`~:) is FO ^'1;.~5 01165`63 213th r ~`i Bn -- Bn Ofrs ~ %P,~ Cl~PT T;-iO:Ut~ 7 r ~rILL O1i715~1 2?_2d F!i Bn - ET~I 1ST LT GE'CRGE :' 3I1I~1TS 01110969 115th Engr 3n- H & ~ C~-= F,~ " r~Ied het - ET.i ,~ Co 3 .. Er.q Ct~PT Rl~YTJfOi~TL s~; C C ~L~S 01543406 115th Trled Bn - Hq Det - ETUI 1ST LT ROL;'~iu0 t~, I,CHSE 62047046 n Co A - E~~ Cl~.PT R:',LP. L UIGH 043049 21st Portable SurUical Hosp - Cff. s El'~2 CAPT ~~lzi~~V ~~ :3hOKE:3 ~ 0153301$ 71st Sta Hosp= Offs ~c E147 1ST LT KEi~r`~£TH P: BLi~K~' 61574558 724th 1VtP Bn -- Co B -Offs _~ Eli IS`P LT VINJE;:`1i J R'J5a0 C923985 200th Port Co- Offs 8c ELI 2_. Pfc Sze 3ruaha 30279653, Hq Co 40th Ir_f i)iv is trfd i.n r to 185th inf . EDCMR 13 Oct' 45 . 3. Pfc ~r~si.:i C :Z~:ith 37009002, 185th Inf is 'reld fr DS with He Co l~Jth Inf Div and 1;.;11 °et to proper orgn.. y 4• 1ST L`~ ERAiEST P:4 BP~IGHT 010~~6491~ aGD,this Hq is dasi~nated lliv Rctg Off. LY vUl'~R~~l' ~.T~TD OF BRIGADIER GENT.~RAT~ 2YERS : ' OFFICIAL: E. S. HARTSHORTd JR Celon~l, GSC C?iief of Staff ~~ r'~•'~ f ~ , GEOFFREY CL! tK , ~r ~ ~~ Lt Col, fir') Adjutant Genora.l UISTRIBUTIOP?: A, 1 ~a ofi', 1 e~: Unit, 2 R-E-S-T-R-I-C-~ -E-D ,~ 6;;, WAR bEpARTbIENT WAR L)EPARTMlrNT Filed with Account Current Finance Department--Form No. (ComptrQ~l4i'~p~.lthe}'~-~,a~+fAAFo~r 4~7$?Il3}.~;!-<t)"s FUNDS INTRUSTED TO AGENT „~ ~f, y1lYlonth of ......... ......... 19.-_.. '~ l (Act June 4, 1920) '~ ~ r • ..j > .. Station -------------- --------- ------- u--- -----_ Date------------ -------- - -- ---------- -- - -----. 19-------- (1) I certify that I bane this day intrusted~to__._-...._.. _ _ . - ...__..... _ __,~: S. A., as my Agent at______.______ ...................... ------------- (Name and rank) (2) the following funds: Check No.__.__._.____.__...on the Treasurer of the United States $_._._____ ............................. (3) Cash------...------ ----- -------- - - ----- --------- ------ ----------------- ~--2~`C...`_~~a-.+=~--------- (4)....-__._ ~-___.___...VOUeherS covering the following: Amount represented by cash Amount represented by cher.k .. _ :_ .................._._......-_......._______...__..__.____..._..__..._._____.__._..........__......._____..____.. _....__________._.......... ___. _.-_.____.__ i _- - -, (6) Total amount of this trust------ --------------- ---------------------....-...-- - - - -- ...- -- - -- ---------------- ----- ------- ---------- ~---} ~~'-'-~=%-%~r• -::f---------- (r) Balance per statement dated---------------------------------------------.., 19------ -~ -- ----------------- -------- -- -------------------- $--------------------------- --------- (8) Funds per trust receipt dated____ ............... 19.....-. ; .-.._......_. __. , 19 .... _. __~.. 19 --.- $ __ __ __ - ---- (9) Total amount of funds intrusted to Agent to be accounted for. ~ _. _ '.~ ..~ ~~ _'. ; .... -... J ~ ~. r , d NOTE.-This form to be accomplished in --------------•-"~`=~-~-*3---)=- -i/-It----- --'i: t - -- --• U• ~- A•, duplicate by Disbursing Offieer and for- (Signature of disbursing officer) warded with funds and vouchers to gent. See Instructions on reverse hereof. (official designation) 3-8013 wAR DEPARTML+'NT WAR 9~EPAR 6'lah~NT Office Chief of Finance---Form No. 4u-C (bld 9-P%) ACKNU~i'LEbGMENT OF RETURN OF FUNDS AND °"1'ATEMENT Ok' BALANCE (Comptroller of Treasury, Nov. 4, 1920) (Act June 4, 19`20) Station ------------- - ---- --- -- -- - ---- ---------- --------/-r ---- ---- - - ---- - Date 3~--/--- - - -- - -- -- ----------------~ 19.--- (9) Received this day from.-->~-CL7zz.~-S----~~,---l~--he.}~R<_27.4..~.h-----..-_-..h.~~---------------------------, U. S. A., Agen. (10) per statement dated ....................__.....___........., 19.._..... COLUMN A COLUMN B -- _. (11) Cash amounting to......-..._._ .~----.~~ ~ -~- 9 -~ Total lines 11, 12, and 13 (12) Check No ..... ............. amounting to._.. _._ - -- ---- ....... correct g ~ ../ t10 ~(•~' - (13) .........~--.. paid vouchers amountin to. - - -- ._- - /r-/~_ . -- - s ~~--~ ...-..... incorrect vouchers returned, amountin to ......................._._.-.....J ~ Total lines 14 and 15 --- _ - (15) Cash balance in hands of Agent.---•-- -------------------- --•---- -------- ---- ----- ----- ----- --~ --•--- -------- ......I~--------I .......l--Y.~./V.. ~ --- ___.. Total-------- --------li~------- -I -- -.. ---• (16) Statement of Balance trust funds for which Agent is accountable per Form No. 9-13, dated....__....._.._-.____..._..., 19........ $ .... .. ......... to be carried to account current for............. ,~:. .. , }9- ~ t , ~ ~ In .. ~ ~ ~' v a~. NOTE.-This form to be accomplished in -- ~_ f~ _ ~/..C~'~J ~i.~ ., ~{~j:..~~r r ~'._jJ,S. E~. .. -- duplicate by Disbursing Officer and forwarded x" to Agent. (Signature of disbursing officer) P _ ----- See Instructions on reverse hereof. - ~ - - -~-~~~----~~----~~---~~--,-~~~---~-------------~---. `~~.-------.- iOf%icia] designation) - .--"3--5014 INSTRUCTIONS Line 1. Name and location of agent to whom funds are intrusted. Line 2. Number of check and amount. Line 3. Amount in cash. Line `1: Number of accompanying vouchers. Line 5. Distribution by appropriation titles. Line 6. Amount of this trust. Line 7. Balance of funds on last statement to disbursing officer. Line 8. Funds intrusted to agent since last statement, but not including the amount of this conveyance. Line 9. Total amount of funds in possession of agent-officer which have not been accounted for by return of accented. vouches°s, chocks, or cash. i~T(3TE.-This form will be used by all disbursing officers for each transaction invol~,-ing funds intrusted to an agent. A signed 'copy of this form will be submitted with the Account Current to substantiate the items thereon representing "Funds in Transit", after the 25th day of each month in all cases not covered by a "Return of Funds and Statement of Balance", form 9-B. 3-so13 INSTRUCTIONS Line 9. Name of agent. Line 10. Date of his statement, Form No. 45-B. Line 11. Amount returned in cash (corresponds with line 5). Line 12. Amount returned by check (corresponds with line 6). Line 13. Amount of correctly prepared vouchers ~~hich the disbursing officer can enter in his account. In column "B" will be entered the total amount of credit, lines 11, 12, and 13, as shown in column "A." Line 14. Amount of incorrect vouchers far which the disbursing officer will not give credit to the agent and are returned for correction (see line 7, column "C"). Line 15. Amount of cash balance in hands of agent corresponding to line 8, column "B", where all vouchers returned are accepted, and corresponding to column "C", if any vouchers are returned and no credit given. (The totals of lines 14 and 15 "A" will he entered in line 15 "B.") Line 16. The amount shown in column "B", line 15. NOTE.-This form will be used by all disbursing officers for each transaction involving the return of cash, check, or paid vouchers and statement of balance. 3-8014 ~U~~RTERS $~CIAL TROOIS, 4pTFi IT.F1~aTRX DIVISION aF0 ~.o s~ ~cI1~L oRDI;RS I~' Ub~BER 129 1$ October 1945 1• Follot~in~: named Officers;are hereby aptd Recruiting Officers and Seminary Courts, f'or or~ns indicated, for purpose of accepting enlist- ments in the Regular ads 1ST LT .~11;,I~' i~:iILLiR, 041#.7225~ II~1F 15T LT J;~.~S 0 . :,L~s:,i~DER, 0465499 + 6~MC 1,5T LT .',:1ROty F1LI.lI~~u: , 01345170, INF 2D LT 3E;::~d H~ BRO~~Ns 0~0~0626, ORI} 2D LT IL:,VID 7:'OLLYLi, 016~.y912, SIG C 2D LT I05LJ'A BR:'~.`'I:LTCId s 03019448, C,'.V 'aut'r:; I'ar 8, GI-i~„ :+:.+T'1~C Cir 76, 22 ^ep 45. and ~°•sT' BY ORDLR OF LIyUI'EN~~I~T CCL(.I~i`~L LY~ICii: 2d Lt, liti~: ~r~ /,'~, ~ :~d jutani IS.',RLT. ~ FiOCii G Ci d T ~~ ~-t..`J~ .l,d jutant I?IS'1'Ri't3UTI0N CG, 40th Inf Div - 1 !iG 0~'fice - 1 Ea Officer - 2 Hq Co, 40th Inf Div 40th G.~ Co 40th T~~ ~~lat 740th Ord Co (LP:~) 4oth Sig co 40th Mecz Rcn Tr 10 •. H:~~Ji~U~~"~Tz :~;.~ 4gTH IT~F',t~~Ti?~' ,i'~~ Z . yG~'< ~~ ~:. ~~ 1~ Naverr~'~er 1~31~; 5U"d~~CT: Corn:nendatian 2°i~"u.7: Co:~r~ndi~~r Cf:: icer Sr~~ci~i Trr::o~s 1EOtn I~far-try Division e~z'Ci 1~0 TC: ~f°~~ Nt:t~ilC~i1"t;~ CJ>f~.Cat' ~{.~tii ~g::tiiX"t+5,'.t'Ciii'.$tE`r ~it).'=2p''•27rr Ar G +`-F~ The cols ~r.ti~1 ins section can la :~oveariaex' ~^ev~r~u:~.e:~ era ex- treY:rel;~ co!~lenc~able or~~niz<tio~. The h.itr.r.e::, -iuaa't ~r°s, :itlp%;iiY.- TC.ICJTJJ, i.'isiV,t.°~, ~L.~:i~.:~ C^s..J :-:~:~ ~..L:i"JtJi':-,:. ~ } p;~;.CCl:t:G'L, `.~l t~;E: ::~:: '.`i(~T'f3 `.'i.Cty.._i.G;Xlt. .~. C18;iiP'L' tJ Cu _;t~:"aCl ;~'au. ti1U. L~;C' <;3.1 _C-E,. 3 c':i';% .':ivi: O~ your C:C):.~ ti:TiC. ~~OY' t}243 t:i;~a i21.i.t#'} r; St~.t '~ T''... iG'+_F;i T1F;C~. .`Y µ . ~)ft~.~a t~• .:. Bri~a~ier General, U.S.A. 1st Ind ~isad~uarters Speaisl Trti-ops, 40th Zni°antry Division, ~ 40, 11 Nov 48 ~r t3u~.ixi~ OP~ic~es~ 40th +~uart~rtuaster Ca, ~ 40 `the Co~uaea~dir~ Ugfia~ of ~peaial Ts~c~aps is pleased t~ xw~Ge e~:fid foxYrard the above ca+o~weruiQti4a. ~L .T• TA~1~ti"k aa~'~ ~ I~tt`ax~try ~ad#~g, i. ,ap~".PTf1~i°13` ~~~o "~ t~ ~ , ~' s: S~ ~,'[19TL1~~'; ~ fir G"~~ i4 ..... . ......... ...~j~4~Fj e"~(~ s. `~ =~'#'t=~',Y ~•c the ~~s~t or m~~ ~~Ynw3~t.~~ Y,~. :~~- A; ,y ct;~ a the z `;n •r E; i~> ~. tr~:aa sint cOr-"~OC.t «t~-te~~~~nt of t~.P t~c~x,~,uy ~a~:l, ,~.~ ,~~~.rta~.•.. ;il ~t':t,r°; Y' ••%~")i~l~"~F3.I1-:j~"F~"t/~ ,^. .1.j.LL~ Ei~.~. ~11t~tfiila.j.21~ ~.~~- cial.it~ec a*~.i ~.i~~<, ,~e. eni ths~t tti~ ~:'cc~~a!rty l,Ct;l1~i't +~jl~ °~~ o i,ve~i. :'rer. 1. ~ t L t J ~=mar r 0 . r~ ie~ xan x~.r, f`~~:Y:t ~?f C~ ~h wK,t}~F r t'~" 7' t n r w'1r7.''';'.22~Y L°_u '''t1t11. ~ =1i;, t, `J !? tl~ v 1'~.'i'}i.. e.~,~i twc~ ilun :r~~. ~~ Jwr+,Y_+nro~~, jr~r; °_.cz ;~iY.t,a~_~'i~r~ ~' ,J; ~ r ` / r, ~~t :., t , .~~d ~. i ;' i~~' `>' ,~ ~ ,j,. F j J 1 ~. i 11 i r i `y ,' R_E_S_~_?_i-C-_.- J-D ~T' ~~ ?1r?T Ti ~+~'"-~~ 4~T_''.. 1~,'F,f T.,-m,r,~T T Ti,~i l~? X1.1 l .l ~.. ~,. 1 ~._ D..Z; i ?0 !~0 AG 210.31 (~,G ) SUBJECT: Letter OY•ar T1o 12-363 (Travsi Orders} T0: ~ See Distribution I~'.ceiit?per 1945 1. Fol off crgn indicst~ed is placed on DS and °"O o/a 2 Inc 45 to a US ~',irport svh ;re ha ~~rill be gra..tcd a thirty (30) day c~~:~=r~?er:cy lv exclusive of tv1 time. Upon arrival US l,irport off *.-,Ti11 report to the Port Ocmdr ~e~ho will issue, the n:cessary orders for emor,_;encyT hr, rT.,,,n. ,x~i.ration of lv off. Maill report to the CG of his. appropr~ ate R~.ceotion w`"~=. i n ~ccord~::nce smith par 7 Supplement P'o. 5 to ~'R2 for disposition und~sr the. provisions of. current re- ad~ustment regule.tions. N1i'. ~ I:DDRESS RF,CEPTIOf STA 1ST LT JAN~S 0 I:LEXI,NDER .*R Rt ~,, Box S3 10 -. Ft Sam Houston 0:65499, "40th QPr? Co Bryan, Texas Texas ARO 40 (ASKS 49} Score as indicated above is bas:~;d on roco:<:ptl uat.on ^s o? ? S~'p 45. 2. Disposition Cert:-:r ~•~ill rauio C:I~iCfyF'=l,C, Cite 3013052 DTG 235094, as to ETA and place of arrival in US. 3. Tvl by first avsilabl: ~^ovt or ccml ac~'t is aut?~. APR is S"1-US-3- 3229--hEF. Govt or corm ~vat~r transpor tat~cn s s auth ~-rh~r. a no acft is o,vail- able. All tvl from overseas coed to a L?S ",;F, ••rll b; at govt expense; all tvl ss~hile on lv in continental US •vv?11 b: r„a~`c ~t indivi~~~ual's expense. 4. nhysical ir:snection as presc~~ibed in Sec ?II Cir 26 irSl~'FE 45 ~aTill be required prior to d~;pr~r•t~ar.•e. Off ;~=i11 arrange foY• transportation through i;ir~ Sec, H~ XXIV Corps, R.aom 31g, Hanto Hotel, Seoul, KorLa. 5. Provisions of GR 35--4520 apply for pa~rmeMt of ~~ar diem curing periods of tvl by air. Personal baggage to accompany off ~viil ',:>v ls.mitc;d to 65 lbs " vuhile tvl by air. 6, Fore: 65-10 (Officer's identification C~:rc.;), .Form 66-1,66_2, or 66-3 (Officer's. and '"'arrant Officer's Qualification G~~.rr), corm 77 Officer's Pay Data Card), and Fora 81 (=nraunize_tion Register) and r.~cord cf lv (Sec I ?ar lc l,R. 605-115} ~~rill .iae carried by off while a~^ray.from_ nrasant st.~ R-•E-S-T-R-- I- C-~T-E-D R-~-S-T-R-I-C-T-~-D (Ltr Order No 12-~63 ~~~, 40th. Inf DiV AG 21..31 . (,',c') ? Inc /_,.5 con±d) 7. In tn~~ e~,*ent t'.lat off is raassigr~?d U~~thzn L:= U5, i ~~ i s r. ~cuested that the CO of or;_;n ~,orc=r:7~d b~ furnished cen.ea or o-.°a -. ~,ssi€nin~ off to nevi sta. Autl~:: P~:r i2 "7D I"~r tiG ~ I~ . ~ (^~;, Auk; µ) (ice-S-_-.S°OT-l~~ subj : Sup- pler.~nt Jo . 5 to PRI '; 5:-'~~ w~ . g. DS. TDi`r. 12,,~~0.!.^5 ~5-000 P 432-G2-03: li.t'~ : Cir 47 GHQ !;F'RI',C 20 Aug 45 a~~d Ltr "7D T~,GO f~_l~ ~;"~ ?70.5 (2!_~. lug ) G?--S-~-S''~;0T-11~ subj': Sup-- picrrient r?o. 5 to °RI - t;iov •r:a : ~-~•c,. _ . ;cJ_~ c~..bl c; _. o A . ;,e~ 14 Tag / 5 /. Sep 45, and "1l~RT G Radio 7.00' ~~ ,°' t ~~, n ~ ~ r ~ ~ BY C0: ", .~~' ~r 0. ,,I, :;~DI~R ~~''~_~,L ~ _ .,~ . t'~ ~ `J .` ~ ~' 1st Lt, Inf Ants Asst ~idj Gin pISTRI$tITIOT:i c 20 - Off- cenc::rr:_~~ 5 ~ LTS Air~~rt Comdr (c o off) 2 ~- TAG` 5 -..Reception Sta 2 - CJS 2 - ~ G--1 5 - C III C1,F`°~,C , - SF~~ Ft l~7ason, Calif 2 - loth $?0 r,n0 g~-5 2:..--107t~~. i~~.U ~;~'0 235 5. -- F.., r s 5±-~ c 2 - G--4 ; 1-G-2 5-Air Sec 5 - !,G r ~.le 2 R-^•-S- -T-R- I-C- -~- n ~'.c-_ ~L ~~~~ ~ 1, I ~ i ~l .r..~~ '.~.i:.i-. . ~J. ~1~ t'.i ~i 1.. ~ L ~.. ~.I 11 ~~ := o.~ =~~~,~ v :.. .~-5 . D~z~e i; F f~ T~ F 1 ~ ,E_ T r~ ~~i.Z"~)?.J"_'.1 ~: ~',O t~1F.: JrCiVl ~~UTl..> O~ ~C ~_vri ~~ ~ C11' ' ~7' ;~":r T' _, ~~_ ~ ~~a5~ uw Ji~1~;T1:~~~~ ry ;~~Ct.1J~1 `'ZT ~~ ';''d• r'. I;lTGtz.! 1' 1~_ ~.r,~r ~ E:.'7 , nd ~,~~~tter 1.~' ~•::~:i.l T~YICx) H~:~{i:~.u~rt.c;r~' :~`~ i:jl 1, i „-.; ~ , ~ ,+ °~ ~ ;~ c to b c r 1:~ ~~ :~ t ~1~. s i :_ ~ ,:, 1,,1j':)~:,) :t1~..~•~'C-l: c.. 1. '~1'l7; «1. f., :.? ~ i. ~ ~~~~ l.' E:•l~~.t+li.;i~ ~O T~~Ct'lr, 17? T1L5 ~_!~:i,a ."~1.~.~'~ tti].E f'c~lioYrv]_n;'; Ct Ltsil'%;C~ ra,~t~-x•~:._I_ . ,_: tr=);ttiy; ~?~~~t ~~ai i~ttxl ~t^1~_ 1. t.,;~~~~lyr ~~~c~l~ir"d. :~ ~ T~~ ~~. co~~.7_ ~~~~1~'rz~~ir ~~:~ ~~: -' ~- :~ ~~ 7, .~'.% ~~ •./~ J rsESTla~cT>_n_ t ~J - 1 N t~T1FL 1 ANCE Wt TH HRT - HkVI"'G EFO~TE THIS AL - WJTH: LTi, HQ, ~.~~~, i'ACD - aTC, I502o a~F~, Hh`1iLTOP! FIEL., CALIF, ~,TtTl 15 N7V t~~ SU3: wAUTH Tn ISSUE TVI. 0 •,.E~ . A f + T ~,'~FO ~T CiT''P1i~~ PACIFIC -1VtSi0?~l, uIEST ~r~ST WI N6 15030 ,~„F fiASE UNIT Hlt°i1LT01v FIELD, C',UFO;~Nta Sf'EGt Al G ~ `E'•S) tJ.MBER 345) E X ? ~~ ~_ ~ ?' 11 Dec 194 5 ,r 29. 1ST LT (0660-1~SRS-49-•NO) J~ii~'-S 0. t~LLX~~I~1D~R, Jr~, (TvI-fit) QTvIC, 0465499, Comp Rt~S, Hi~T Pt1E 11 sec 45, ICVU Ltr 0, Hq 40th Inf Div, . tiPO ^nd ass~mt with 40th Inf Div,.. l;PO 40,. 40, dtd 2 Dec 45, is reld fr dy ~• (40th QP~4 Co, ~"APO 40), z,•nd is asgd to ltc_~c2ption Sta ~t10, x~'t Sim Houst~n- Tex, Off VVP o~a 13 Dec 45, with thirty (~~0) days emerg del~.y .,nr,~ut , at expiration of whisk Off will report 16 Jan 46, to CO, asgd str~, for disposition. PCS TDN 60131 P 4'~1-02, 03 1" 21260425 S 99.999. t~UTH Ltr Ti~GO, iiG 370.5 (24 ~iug 45) Subj: Supp ~'5 to PRI. TBNli~i 1~L. i~To `, F;DCTuI~~ to Piyr; EDCMR 16 Dec 45. Lv address; Rt 4, Box 83, Bryan, Tcx. 30. 1ST LT (1193-~'.SRS~-42-NO) W~~LT=:R J. IvIIDDLT~;KiiUFF, JR, (M-TR~?) F~i~ 0328196, Comp FcL'S, HRT Pt~L 11 Dec 45, ICjN Ltr 0, Hq 1st Cav Div, IiPO ;:: 201, dtd 6 Dec 45s 3.s reld fr dy ~•,.~d asgmt with 1st C~v Div, ~~PO w01, (Hq Btry, 1st Cf:v Div tarty, i:PO 2G1}, and is asgd. to T~eception St~~ X19 Cp Blinding, Fle.. Off WP o~c 13 Dec 45,, with thirty ~ 30) d~:ys emerg delay enrouto, at expiration of which Off will report 17 J^,n 46, to CO asgd sta, for disposition. PCS TDN 601-31 P 431-02, 03 A 21260425 S gg_ggg~ r~UTH: Ltr T~'~GO, i,G 370 5 (24 pug 45) Subj : Supp ~k5 to PRI.... TBMtI.? t'~L. No LDCMF: to Pt~_-,; ~DCTJI~ 18 Doc 45. Lv ~ ddress: 2~3 W 24th St, J~.cks~nville, Fla. 31. 1ST LT (1174-tiSTtS-65°NJ) HOT°J~iRD L. u'd.''iGNON (TvI-VU) 01050979 Ct~C, Comp :'LUS, ki~T Pr,?~ 11 Dec 45, ICVJ Tvl 0 X55, Hq 11th P0~`, Prov Pors Ctr, i1P0 901, dtd 5 De c ~}5; WP o f a 14 Dec 45, with f iv:-~ (5) days emerg de ~ ration Ctr lay enr;;ute, to Ft 1~IcPherson, Ga, reporting to the CO, Sepa _ 1-~ 6,_t thcr~~at for separation fr the sv under prov of Sec VTI, VVD R` ~~ No 1_2~ ~,nd R~; 1.-5. PCS TDN 601-31 P 431-02, 03:. 21260425 S 99-99 EDCIVI~ to P~~L; EDCTvTP 18 Dec 45. TBIViiiti 1'1L. 1'.ddress: 111 Gwinnctt St, V~(est, Savannah, Ga. 32. 1S`r LT (1981-1iCl U-75-YES) ~~LB:~~~:iT F. KOCH~~i~TSKT ('rJI-W) 0117821.4 FA, Comp IiUS, HST P~~ 11 Dcc 45, ICW Tvl 0, hq 11th POA Prov Pcrs Ctr, hP0 901, dtd 3 Doc 45, V'dP o~a ,13 Dec 45, ~n TP.Y to i:ecrption c•tu -~, Off will be r~_, Ft Sheridan, I11, for period of rest and r~cup.~ration. turned by r.:ception sty: to this PI.F, Hamilton Fld, Ca1if,TDN 601r39vP to pr ~pc-r overseas sta. (r~P'R No u US-SW--3-4526-tGF-N ). 432--02 ~, 212/60425 S 99-999. ~iUTH: Ltr T1,G0, .~.G 370.5 (24 ~iug 45) Subj: Sapp ~--5 to PrtI. :~L. 1^~ddress~ 7151 Packwood i~vc, Detroit, 10~ Mi ch. .~ ;; ~~ ~~DL~-i OF COLONEL CHi~.r'T~I1~'~N: ~ ~' 7 OFFICI~iL: ~- ~ ~, ~'HILI ' L. ?~ ST_~? .. i Captain, t~ir Corps ~issistant E;d jutant PHTLIP L« KLIST--.Ti Captain, ~" it Corps l~ssist<.nt ~,d juts-nt iiEST!?IC7E RFSTRTCTED ARI~s~Y S~:VICE FORCES HEADQUARTERS, I`~AT~ DEPARTi~;EP1T P~,SON1`,~YL CENTER SPECIAL ORDERS - - Fort Sam Houston, Texas N0. 16 E X T R A C T 16 January 194b 134. 1st Lt JAMES 0. ALEXANDEP~, 0465499, QP:iC, (RE), having ret US and having rptd at Recp Sta-~10, Ft Sam Houston, Tex in cornpl with par ?_g, SO 345, ATC, i'D, tiICV~, 1503d AAFBU, Hamilton Fld, Calif dtd 11 Dee 45, is reld fr atchd unasgd. this sta and trfd to atchd unasgd SEPARATION CEPI DET~ l$57TH SCU, SEF CEN, FT SAM HOI3STON, TEXAS for release from AD frog: the AUS, Auth: RR 1-5 and- Ltr Hq AGF 210.31/5$46 (6 P3ov 45)~GAP. EDCMR: 17 Jan 46, 135. 1st Lt LL-'`~IIS E. HILTPOLD, 054156t~, ~igC, (Hosp)~~having rptd at Recp Sta #10~ Ft Sam Houston; Tex in cotnpl with- par 47, 50.7#12, ASF, $~SC, Hq, Brooke Hosp Cen, Ft Sam Houston, Tex dtd 15 Jan 45, is reld fr atchd.unas.gd this sta and atchd unasgd to AP,~~IIY GROUND AND SERVICE FCRCES F,EDIS`i'RIBUTION STATION, FORT SAIai HOUSTON, TE:{~.S for processing and reasgmt, - Officer will proceed to Clemville, Tex in connection with forty-five (45) days TDY for re cupe-ration. Upon expiration that period, 0 will proceed to AG & SF RS, F't Sam Houston, Tex reporting thereat not later than 5 Mar ~6. Auth is granted to visit such additional~pla.ces tivithin the US as may be desired during this period of TDY for recuperation, rehabilitation, and recovery at no expense t o the Govt, Per diem for the period of travel from tale reception sta to the point of recuperation designated and travel therefrom to the new sta will he paid in accordance with prov of AR 35-~+g20, 1q Apr ~.5 as amended, No per diem will be paid for the period of recuperation.. - Officer departing this sta 1700, 16 Jan 46, - - - TDN. TPA. No T/R furn. PCS. 601-31 P 431-OT, 02, 03, 07, 0$ A 212/60425 S 99-999• Auth: ti"~JD I~Iemo No. 600-45 Tr~~a,sl"i DC 1945 as amended; VJD Ltr AG 370.5 (10 Aug 44)OB-S-SPMOT-M dtd 1'o Aug 44 as amended; ASF Cir tl7?_, 1945. EDC~'IR : 20 Jan 46, 136. Capt IRA P. CROUTHA2~IEL, 0-305712, TC, (RE), having completed recuperation period,, is reld fr atchd unasgd this sta and trfd to atchd unasgd ORP, NEVJ ORLEANS yOE, NF?a'~ ORLEANS, LA for dy and i"1P thereto, .Delay enroute of seven (7) days is auth for the purpose of visiting in E1 Paso, Tex. Officer departing this sta 1700, 17 Jan 46 and m report ~o new Orgn ~~ sta not later than 26 Jan 46. Auth is granted to visit such additional places vaithin the US as may be desired during this period of delay enroute at no expense~to the Govt. TDN, TPA. No T/R furn. PCS, 601-31 P 431-011 02, 03, 07, o$ A 212/bo425 S 99-999. Auth: Par 19 2b, Cir 431 dtd 30 Nov 45. EDCP~R: 2b. Jan 46, 137, Not Used. !; -„- ;: OF COUJNEL GLEIlt~: OFFICIAL: ~= ~+ ~~ h: e . ADAMS P Y 1'1'1,f~T1.C11Y1 1Y1 ~ Majors Inf Adjutant. VdILLIAM M. ADAMS Major, Inf Adjutant, IiEST:~iCTED ARFv4Y S,~?,VICE FORCES HEADQUARTERS, T~AI~, Dr~PARTI,~VT PERSONP~TEL CENTER SPECIAL ORDERS N0, 16 E X T R A C T 134. lst Lt JAI!r~S 0. ALEXANDER, 0465498, ~iaiC, (~), rptd at Recp Sta~~10, Ft Sam Huston, Tex in compl titaith ~itCVls 15034 AAFBUJ Hamilton F1d, Calif dtd 11 Dec 45, is sta and trfd to atchd unasgd SEPAF.AZ'IOPJ CEN DETs 1$57' HOUSTON, TEXAS for release from AD from the AUS, Auth: RR 1-5 and Ltr Hq AGF 210.31/5&46 (6 I1ov EDC?vIR: 17 Jan 46. Fort Sam Houston, Texas 16 January 1946 having ret US and having par 29, SO 345, ATC~ PD, reld fr atchd unasgd this S CU ~ SEP CEN, FT SAM 45) C~TGAP. x.35, 1st Lt LET'dIS E, HILTPGLD, 0541664, 3igC, (Hosp)t-having rptd at Recp Sta #10~ Ft Sin Houston Tex in compl with' par 47, SO 7'x].2, ASF, $~SC, Hq, Brooke Hosp Cen~ Ft Sam Houston, Tex dtd 15 Jan 45, is reld fr atchd unasgd this sta and atchd unasgd to ARMY GROUND AA1D SERVICE FGRCES REDIS~i'RIBtJTION STATION, FORT SAI.i HGUSTGN, TEX~.S for processing and reasgmt. Officer wi11 proceed to Clemville, Tex in connection with forty-five (45) days TDY for recuperation. Upon expiration that period, 0 will proceed to AG & SF RSA Ft Sam Houston Tex reporting thereat not later than 5 Mar 46. Auth is granted to visit such additional'places with~.n the US as may be desired during this period of TDY for recuperations rehabilitation, and recovery at no expense to the Govt. Per diem for the period of travel from the reception sta to the point of recuperation designated and trave]_'ti~erefrom to the new sta will be paid in accordance with prov of AR 35-4520, lq Apr 45 as amended.. No per diem will be paid for the period of recuperation. Officer departing this sta 1700, 16 Jan 46.• TDN. TPA. No T/R furn. FCS.' 601-31 P 431-O1, 02~ 03, 07, 0$ A 212/6.0.25 S 99-999. Auth : 1~'rD Memo No, 600-45 T+tash DC 1845 a s amended; VdD Ltr AG ,370,$ (10 Aug 44)OB-S-SPidOT-~I dtd 16 Aug 44 as amended; ~1SF Cir ~172~ 1945.. EDCM:;.: 20 Jan 46. 136, Capt IRB ~'.~ CROUTHAP~~L, 0-3©5712, TC, (RE) ~ having completed recuperation periods is reld fr atchd unasgd this sta and trfd to atchd unasgd ORP, NEVd ORLEANS POEM NETdJ ORLEANS, LA for dy and VVP thereto.. Delay enroute of seven (7) days is auth EI Paso Tex. Officer departing ti~is sta 1700, 17 Orgn ~~ sta not later than 2fs Jan 46. for the purpose of visiting in Jan 46 and m r~gort i~o new Auth is granted to visit such additional places tivithin the US as may be desired during this period of delay enroute at no expense'to the Govt, TDN. TPA. No T/P, furn. PCS, 601-31 P L~31-O1! 02~ 03, 07, 0$ A 212/60425 S 99-999. Auth : Par 19 2b, Cir 431 dtd 30 P1ov 45. EDCMR: 26 Jan 4b, 137. Not Used.. e . ~~ e..~~.. 111 J..~ .sjs .• .~~`~~; ~9 ~~ ~~~ t~ttN t 1~ ~. . a • t '. OFFICIAL: _ ;;;~;~~o~:~~ COIlJNEL GLEN: t'1ILLIAIvI M. ADAMS Z~Iajor, Inf Adjutant. ~'.Ci~'f~u1, ADAMS Ma j or a. Inf Adjutant.. ~" ` .,- y: ~~: ' ~ .~ J_ 'il ORGANIZEQ RESERVE CORPS CURRENT STATUS QUESTIONNAIRE sECrioN r : I. ~~I~T .raf~ES o. ril'..~~I~nxOF~, JR. Q~-REs RFD 4 BOX 83 BR'fAPI TEX SECT 10 N II 2. GRADE ry _, 3. SECTION (Arm or Service) ~ 0.S.N. ' , ~ J-t_~ t~-;r l_c~.. S. RESERVE UNIT TO WHICH ASSIGNED (~o.,,Re~t, Drv., if applicable) ~_ i.._,..rar~~.-.~3.'t3-- CODING DO NOT U S.DATE OF MOST RECENT APPOINTMENT IN ORG 6.DATE OF BIRTH DC1y MO YY RAGE UN I ~ ,~ ~ ~~ ..~ , .1~s ,~> ~_ 2 DAY MONTH YEAR STATE A MY A EA 1 Jan 9i.i_v 2~ Oc T ~ 2 -e `Z x s R R t'ourth 3 9.IN YOUR OPINION ARE YOU IVOW FIT FOR (Cck one ~ ! ' ( ( ~, Lam, :~_ ~ 4r,., ~:~ ..... v GENERAL SERVICE D LIMITED SERVICE ® PHYSICALLY UNFIT 7 1 FOR P A P P O 0. L NNING UR OSES- H W MANY HOURS PER MONTH CAN YOU DEVOTE TO PLANNED AND IMPLEMENTED TRAINING ; O. NONE ~ b. LESS THAN 10 HRS. Q C. 10-20 HRS. Q d. 20 HRS OR MORE ~ I DESIRE: EADD 14 DAY AD ~ 90 DAY ADO NO AD s II. EDUCATION i ions see InStrU YEAR LAST AT N ED TYPE COLLEGE MAJOR SUBJECT COL GE s-lo C NON HIGH SCHOOL GRAD. X X X X UNDER GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL GRAD. '' j X X X X ^ -~ ~jL1 andr~~ II-I alt 2 YRS COLLEGE OR LESS - X X X X MASTERS ABOVE 2 YRS COLLEGE X X X X It-2 COLLEGE GRADUATE ~.9 IG L~•~:ia-''~ DOCTORS NIA°TF RS DEGREE l3 _ DOGTc~RS DEGREE TRADE SCHOOL COURSE ._.__ _ ~ ; l5 12. REGISTERED WITH NATIONAL ROSTER OF SCIENTIFIC AND SPECIALIZED PERSONNEL' HouRS LENGTH IN MONTHS a YES sL NO __.____ ~ t7-I 13. PRESENT CIVILIAN OCCUPATION (See Instructions) YEARS E~ERIEIvi~ °an~~.~3_r~~ 'artaier of a cor_Zbi~iatian cotton far._~ rta~r d S Thi tr h i ~ ttl I~- - .er an on pa s s a- o e ranc . ca SALARY MONTH S'llly~ l"~1t~1 t1P. ~On aS _a,_ai1a~?;er• ~;~J~~)r0. ,;300.00 IB-1 FIRM NAME (Dept., Shop, or Branch) - ~ KIND OF BUSINESS FIRM ENGAGED IN: F tm? cc. ~~anch le-2 14 SPECIALIZED FIELDS (S l I t ti 15 YEARS COMMISSIONED ACTIVE . ee ns ruc ona -. __ _ . DUTY AS OF I SEPT 1948 '- STe ars 3 MOS I , MOS 2 16. HOBBIES (See Instructions) • ~ ~ :.~ i ~~a.ntin~ and lai~~et Shootinr~ ~id:it~1 ~~istols 22-I 17. FOREIGN LANGUAGES HOyy TRANSLATE INTERPRET 18. GOUNTRIESOFFOREIGN RESIDENCE (See Instructions) ACQUIRED . lSe I st t ) MONTHS EXC FAIR EXC GOOD FAIR e n ruc ions 2 -- _ - ` ~2 22-3 :i _ ' . . 19. DEGREE OF MOBILIZATION AVAILABILITY 0 M DAY Q Mf30 ~ Mt60 ® Mt90 ~ 8 POSITION ~ TYPE UNIT M O S (If known) 1st CHOICE ;,, ,. ,,~,• ,~-~ ~,i~ 'h©c>-;~ 0>.:~J 2nd CHOICE Cai__,-~, Su~~~>l~ '%2~'!r;_, ur-~ 21. WORM WAR II PRIMARY DUTIES lSee Instructions) TYPE OF DUTY ~ MOS ~ ENLISTED ~ TYPE OF UNIT ~ INCLUSIVE DATES 5 19 22. SERVICE SCHOOLS ATTENDED (See Instructions ) .OF COURSE LENGTH IN YEAR OFFICER OR SCH OOt COURSE IF KNOWN YEARS COMPLETED ENLISTED 23. SPECIALTY RATINGS (Check opplicoble items) --- ~- - [~7LlAlSON P/LOT ~GL/alE'RMAN C7N1/NE PLANTER DEXPERT INFANTRY Q PARACHUTIST ~J DI VER ©GOMBAT INFANTRY G~COMBAT MEpCAL Q FLIGHT SURGEON QFLIGNT PoC/RSE Q OTHER AERONAUT/CAL RAT/NG 24. PERSONNEL ON EXTENDED ACTIVE DUTY (DOES NOT INCLUDE ACTIVE DUTY TRAINING) DATE LEAS RESERVE OFF/CER OAS WARRANT OFFICER OAS ENLISTED MAN RE l; INSTRUCTIONS Two original copies must be completed and returned to your Senior Instructor. Do not use carbon paper to make second copy. Use typewriter if possible. Otherwise print. Enter (-) in any item that does not apply to you. For clarification of instructions, see attached sample form. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR ITEMS INDICATED 11. EDUCATION : Include ASTP under education guages in which you are most proficient. Show rather than Service Schools attended. dialect, i.e., Modern Greek, White Russian. How acquired: "Home," "Foreign Residence," "School", 13. MAIN CIVILIAN OCCUPATION: Give com- etc. Translate indicates ability to read and write. plete job description listing duties and responsibili- Interpret indicates ability to speak and understand. ties. Clergymen enter denomination. Warrant of- ficers and Enlisted Men on EAD as such list under 18. COUNTRIES OF FOREIGN RESIDENCE: main civilian occupation your present grade, serial List the countries of longest residence. number, organization and primary MOS. 21. WORLD WAR II PRIMARY MILITARY 14. SPECIALIZED FIELDS: Enter specialized DUTIES: If any of your World War II service was field or fields in your profession or occupation, if in a commissioned status do not complete this item. applicable. 22. SERVICE SCHOOLS ATTENDED: Do not 16. HOBBIES • Describe your participation in include unit schools or service schools of less than one month duration. Indicate constructive credit hobbies or avocations which you feel are of value to under "length in months" if you received construc- the army. tive credit equivalent for completion of a service 17, FOREIGN LANGUAGES: List those Ian- school in lieu of attendance. 4 A FORM e ocr 1948 IA-RES 8 ORG~4~iZED R~S~~`~ GQ$~S a~lALBFiCATiOrd (~~?ESTIOP!ldAORE ~ tsetore completing work sheet TMPQRT®NT: Read instractioas on reverse sicLe of eopy 3 1. LAST NAME - FIRST NAME - MIDDLE NAME 2. ARMY SERIAL NUbSSER 99 h5)~ 0-1 C O DIIJG ~or u~r; DG e . .-;- rilAya?Z~.er ~a?TL~.s Obed~ ,fir. ~ _ j. GRADE 4. ARM OR SERVICE (Section) 5. UNIT TO WHICH ASSIGNED 1 if E; i (Company, Regiment, Division. ~ Cic`~.~t• ';~+i le applicable) __~ v. DATE OF P105T RECENT 7. DATE GF 8. RAGE UNIT 2 APPOINTMENT IN ORC BIRTH Ti1~,Ct:~vE'. ReS !~ DAY MONTH YEAR DAY MONTH YEAR STATE OR DISTRICT ARPAY j th ~l~e xas ~ i t ^ '- 22 T ~l ? `' '' ~ ~ o ~ Oc ~, _ ~ ~ ~~ 1Q ,Tan l~ d -- -,' _ *9. FERMAPJENT MAILING ADDRESS (Number. Street, City, County and State) 4 ~ 'i~ellborn, Texas Brazes moo. R- ~ . - -T - +10. FO:r PLANNING PURPOSES (Check onc) f CESIRE EXTEIJGED ACTIVE CU7Y +000MtAENCE A30U7(Dato)~ ~ 5 f ~j L.~ ( y ~ IRE 14 CAY AD L~'L lD0 D; OT DESIRE kD DES E 90 DAY AD I IDESIR ' - __ _ -- _ 3'1. IN YCUft CPINIOPd ARE YOU N04J (Check one) i ~~~FIT FOR GENERAL SERVICE n FIT FOR LIMITED SERVICE ~ PHYSICALLY UPJF17 y __ 12. EDUCATION (Check YEAR EDUCATION (Check high- PEAR LAST TYPE MAJOR SUQJECT (College) T highest level at- tamed) LAST AIiEND~ est level attained) ATTENDED DEGREE NON HIGH SCHOOL GRAD. ~[ CO'LLEGE GRADUATE ~ Q 2 .Animal ~ILIS x NIGH SCHOOL GRAD. Q ~ YR.OR MORE POST GRAD ~~ 2 YRS COLLEGE OR LESS MASTER'S DEGREE 9 ADOVE 2 YRS COLLEGE. DOCTOR'S DEGREE _ TRADE SCHOOL COURSE HOURS (W a y) L H(Months) 10 DCRIP710N OF OUTIES 3. MAIN CIVILIAN OCCUPATION t bination cotto Y f 11 nch d R ~ com er o J anaging a IT LE Farm an , d f arnl a ranch. Have at leas t an (~v~mP ~ e T my control at all t1T?2P.S fi 12 Operator _ v s manor as 200 at peak peri(~ds. _ ss i b i ' I w us ne n 15 the ma o tiota cif Beef j YEARS EXPERIENCE SHOP 8 ANCH IRM NAME AND DEPARTMENT KIND OF DUSINESS FIRM ENGAGED 1N S F TdTr~ . .'r ~ r.. :~~E;::~1;~.;D1' :c Son ~ai~n & Ranch 14 L S 1 REGISTERED WITH NATION11Rd. ROSTER OF D 14. SPECIALIZED FIE SCIENTIFIC AND SPE- I'aStUre and Livestock CIALIZED PERS. YES NO 15 lb. NODDIES {Indicate Proficiency) '''arT;et Shooting with Pistols 16 TRANSLATE INTERPRET 18. COUNTRIES OF 17. PiONTHS - FOREdGN LANGUAGE HGW ACQUIRED EXC 600D FAIR EXC GOOD FAIR FOREIGN RESIDENCE 17 acifi Q - - 18 ) 19. DEGREE Gf MC3ILIZATICN AVAILABILITY (Check one) 20, YEARS ACTIVE DUTY OPd 1 APRIL 19 ~ AS 19 ~M DAY ~M+~O ~P1,+60 nM+90 - ENL M W0~ OFF!CERV ~ ' 20 . ^~ tRGENCY YOU FEEL MCST SUITED IN EVENT OF EM MILITARY ASSIGNMENT FOR 1~dHICH 21. CHOICE POS IT ION ~~'7~~ TYPE OF UN IT A`OS (If knotie•n) -~` _._ FIF:sT Pack Officer fact: `I'DO ~ 0 ~0 ~ z1 ~, --~ E ~ n-, D ~r1~ Sui~T~ 1v ~ ~ ~ ''-~- _----" 22 ' ~ VJOIJLD WAR II PRIMARY t` LIT"RY DUTIES 'p' N I -r--- TYPE OF UN17 i IIrCLUSiVE CATEa GRADE l i ~ ~ __ TYPE OF DUTY MOS 2j _ 24 1 L5 26 -- _ -~ ;~ SERVICE SCHOOL COURSES SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED f _~ ;~, MOS LERGTH COMPLETED OFFICER OR 27 SCHOOL EXACT COURSE TITLE IF KNO'J?N IN tiCtiTHS L"~CNTH YEA~t ENLISTED a 28 r - - -- ---- I~ 29 -- >> ~ I ~~~ <4. SPECIALTY RATINGS (Ct=-°ck ^pplica6lo dtem~) ~ GLIDERMAN ~I?INE PLANTER ~ EXPERT INFANTRY j0 ~ ~a LIAISON AIL07 ICAL ~j1 I JC^v Z;3 AT INFANTRY OCCMBAT MED ~PP,RACHU7IST DIVER L ._ FLIGHT NURSE T SURGEON ~ FLIGIi 2 OTHER AERONAUTICAL RATING (Specify] j DATE SIGNATURE ~~ AG® FORFA °~~3 IMPORTANT: Retain work sheet for future reference. I GEC 4g ~,' G. P. O.: 1948 - 815847 . T y : ° N __ iz~~~ ~~~ t~~ ~" ~Pa ~<~s i~i;;" ~~ ~'60N ~,~ QJES~'IONNAIF~ . ,._ . _- ~ ~ ; . ~ i..~:l - • ~ ~.d t~:ac n; a _ _.._. L :ee~erse _i:a o? cog,q 8 Lri"or Om ..e ing. Ha ~ t~ex ~ LAST HA41E E LSi I.-0. ~.. a E{ - NICOLE NNC.E " AR!{ Ft;ItL NUk.L Lf~ Y +f.~ , i~nc~ .Tn}, ri iia nn~ri ~ I l7(.t J o ~ e -s7 ro .._-_ _. _ ~-- - - i_ GRADE 46 A 4 C = ~C ('c t=on)1 TO ~ H A I( ,_ 1 ~ t'., .., r. r:~ r _t~-.:~ ai 1 .., ~ ` ~ 1 -- T T , ?`a for 1 ' ei 7_P Q e'r`r. ~ cnhl ) _ ~ _ -~ - c. _..-_ L Iz__-_ ~_._~d - uF~E o= .""T P,.cLE; I:. a . ~. :e. _f ~ - ~~ , t ,: t~I._ +gOl.r I 81RTH 1 r kv, ~_F4 2-~ - ~_ _T ,~ ^~- ''"i r Et.R ~.; :~.' 'l JNIH YE R ... ._..`.ICT ,fi/!.Y ~ p P I ~ i ri 1i_~_~'F,_ ~".rl i ~-'r~ :,~4n ~ .,,_,,,.1 ~ F rl» __ .. ~...~.. _. __ . _~ _. . ' - .~.._ _ 9 a t _ "ar _ ~ l . ~.._.._ . _ ___ ~ j _ _ ' __ _ T r„ ` I 7 f ~ FL,,.` CsiY L ~Lc,' I ( 11 ~L IiiL U fAY /' ! ':F '_ .:) ~~L f '~ E ~ 1 `~ ,~a 1 IQ ~ - I I ~ , . ...- /. I i ~ L ,lv C..:. ,. :l ~ t Y~ ~~ ~ I I I 1 ~ Y r,iF IT i t IC,. I "EL _ II l j r I- I I ~ (~ ., . . -. . ..,. i. . , ..i I _ _ _ . ~ .,, ... c' 1~ I JS1 I ~~ ~ ~~~ r 1 ~ . . ~ _ ~_ r~ 3 r ~ ~ _, xc; s) I LECf;E I ___ _ _. -r, N ~_uL r I j ~ ~ b ,. _._._ ....___ _ c -- N'.-_._ __ _.._ ----._-._._p._-_-- -- -. _.. ... I B 7r. rL ~~I :_C ~ .~ sIC c _,1 ~ ' i _r ...: _ _._ . _ . .. _,_.., _ ...-.-, - __ .__~ -._ _ _.. ._.. ___ _. _. _. -_. r. I I I ~~' I ___ ! -u rr I F I __- _ _ ._- __ -- I ... ._ : r i T _. . ._._ -C_.1.. ~_.._ .__ .__ .._..- _._-:.-_.-- _.__-~_ ..__ .. _ .. __..__-._ _,SDc ~ COL C U _ 1.. ._( _ .t r} a _ ._ _. ~.:, ~-.,..... I ~ _-_ - - ~ ~ a f II? i. i1 l N0 Ur l; IJJ I .F3C ~~ Uf C L7 I _ _. ~ _ .._--I I _ __ 1 ~ i .1 LE ;.,.,L~ _5~ ' .. (7 r.. ~. I ti'1PC t .,,,y C.o.. _.rK..'t$ ivic r-l-o^` y y ci n<o ~~+ t, _,:r _. .G.:..:..~ t...L.i C.._ L..,'.'. d!.. ~ .; :. 1'C n°t~"i (7:f ..~._ .,--....__ ter. f ~ _ _ -„ ,:, iz pl ~ (~c~e a ~ ~ ~ .._..~ ~ i., i C t r ,....e ] j ~ .. .~~ J- ~ i ~ ~ ~ . Al irl-;0 OF DLa .S ~ l!! _.. ,,,3 .K t.A.L ~, r10 JEl f, F.f L. r Lk EFi NCN .99 ~ - ' i V. s _ ; q; ^ fr* (",.•n. ~I r+r r,c~ t i ~ t n ,~ . . ~ I _.... ___ .~...,... ._ . r f I I Z E F L I 5 ~~ I <. 1 h, e -.7 f C !' TI ..I ""- I I ~..It~ _ ~ _ _ 5, iC6 LS . ~ at cie en y) -- -- _ ` _. ^,,~ ~ a ~1 r~ ,, _ r , r t.. ~'~. r- , t a c 1 ~ ~ ~ ~5 ~ ~ _ _._ ~ . _.~.____ .-. _ _._ . r p - - i• .~ ~ ~~ TI v "t I ~ ~. , ~ .._. . - Iti'rii --T FC ~FIGN L~vd6L.~E 1 ~n ul rUIHe~ ~L YG CD~ f .~ ~ h ,;; ~ I 1'" i LJ .~~ 7.7 I ". . _ -- -.__ s ~ f ~ t.,, c ~ 16 ~ ~ Cn;-r,n ~ ^ ~ 1 .r n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ - __ .-- rr ~j - ~~___. is ~ I-_ I ~. ._ h I.C Ei;1 ~ ~ ~ _ - 1`?. DcS I:EE OF GJ;: Li Z1.T ION~AV t.. Lt.BILITY (Check c.;cf G YFt.~?~ ACi!VL Lti- ° C1 1 ;.ARIL -.9 ICl r AS tt 14 ~ T __ _ _I 77 _ .y.~i- '~{ M UA'f l _I N+jO ~~__~ M+60 iC.~1 M~t9~~._.._r~N O. .-_- TOFF ICER .-- ~- ~ ~_- ~ ~~-~'_~ ._I ~ - _ . ..~... ~ f u20 -t'I-L~ITF.kY A°SIG~:.I/ENT FQR 4'.'HICH YCU FEEL I`O:iT SJITFD IN Fr~FrlT OF Lk'"P FRCy I Ch01CE I _ POSITION TY E ~F 91T l05 (_'f k~rou~) ~21 ~ _ ~ C;C~ _ 1~~ FIP_T i:.~i'a_4'f ny ~ _h~}~'~ Cpl sEeoND d ~a',~,~Fr rF,,r,~:aj, c` '..~?~`~? FA C=ry ~~~ Lk80R WORLD WAR I1 PRIt1ARY MILITARY DUTIES 22 TYPE OF DUTY MGS GRADE TYPE OF hN IT IAC LUS IVE DATES ~=T , } n ~t _~66 Strt FA aury_~C~rm~_ 1~~ ct 1-15~ov z ~3 '' it commander 11°~ 2~ It F't ~itrv platoon 16':dov 2-6Jun. _ T''a unit commander _ 11~ ' __ 1st L_t~ 'F-a_ gtry _ ?_unn~3=lAtJr l~ 24 ~v mai.nt& e-lair 0 t,.hOR Cant I Ha FA ,, -•---- ~~~.r/~ -6Au~ 6 -.----1 -- ~ _ -- - 25 2j. ~~ ----- :;Fk'VICL SCt •-t :00L CCJRSFS SaF - ----~ ISFA~TnR!LY COMPLETED ~ _ ---~ __~_ ~ ~5 _ .. ` SCHOOL -- -~ i EXACT COURSE 'tiFtF I __ _ CFFI cF: CR ;tCS ~ LL"ClH CUtiY cly MF :CNGNN IIIN KCf TNa~C Ihi A6~ ENLf STED 7 ~` ~ ~ ~ f~ r,a ~ n s~F~,~-_T ~ 7,~ Yr~_~ i'° __ ~ ~ ~ ~ __ ---- ----- -~ -" -----r __r.-_-~ _ fi_ _ w ':`:~. CC IAU Fi AT IR - k a F .- ~'0 ~' -~ ~ u~NE fLAflTtn t ,c ART IUTAi15 RY L(O~P tN J. ____. LIA SON F. L07 ~ -~.. ,-...~, t -i y~ .- ~,~'L kT ! t :.'t7 Y I-_.-~.~,c AT to f 1~AC C ~~ PAF ACFIIT I l ~__,~ U~ R ~ ___ ~~ _ ~. FLI N ~URG CN. ~ FLIGHT LRSE ~ .. _- _- 2 _._ -~~.TN ER 1FR~ -!;i fCAL CA,T (xcffv) . ~ -._ __.-nay~. ~ ,~~ b"~ i e err 4~P~.u.d ai'. ,.~ .~ r~~' ~`!J ^?'rj !'•~(+ 1. W~~11 '-~ e," ~ `P - (11 "•'i i~'1' ",' Ti~.: 1' ~ I. .D .. ~1:~ .,a 'JAr'~ D _~T,•>~ 1 P ~ ,~:~_..~ C_ i c~r,,,,.~, G_^.L~R ~ ^ ^t e.: __.. _. ~ ~0r_v .~c:?1 iOLl.~ O":, 1i?~,1:i ?10 ~ 18 E X T R A C T 18 Janu:~.ry 19~.~G ~ _ ~ ~ 19• L1'~ ~SCT1 Of ChB f07-liat:?Cd O~:f ~.!;^rS are ~_T,r~1t1t8:T t?i'==1~.1^~ iV i~0 ='?Ci~.- r..~.t~~3 e;: ~ 19~ J~.nu~.ry 1946 ,. tt~7 t.'_:'.. ;.IJ~:I.;3 Or• l:n_ ~ Y'Za.,k'_,:J ... ~~ ,~~lOwn .,O as to SrrTVe tYtereat not lat?r than Gatos 'tl~iica':,ed at ~~r!~.tch tiro ofi .cars are reld fr' atc'r.cl unas~d Sep Ceti this iin and fr yurt'.l~r ^D, an•3 rn~r;;rt to '~.- active status not by re,xson of ~oizs~si~al disa'o?lity. AU5 arriontrni:,~nt h~' 1 COnt1nU2 in lQY'i:E'. dlzr~n tf7°. praSent £!!i?r,~-"O'.1C;~ p~U:'i S:i.:i I?1Cnti2S and?3 c;);1}7cr terminated D'I'. A~~S-.'1C ai)?ointmen°s ter~:.inat:, in co:;~p:~ance Public I,a+ 4`>? 7'ith Ccngrass. Officers entitled to "'J 1G0 ~or?n 5'z-98 «z'.ch tiv__l bo comp-- 1.Et°il prior i.?11;1Y'~:1,'v~ -F~:~r.,(..:~J,`-a.1. ~ V .^.,.^i ... '~__ "~-.r:~ ,..'~_'Ci 3~ ~~'.'*1'r';ti 7n titar,.:vf CIS rcq~ ' re: ^'_,r ~?'~,; l'iJ,, 6 p:.c ~'2., r - .1 j _"~. ~,'~ . TFF:i-i L V HOi+w Git Lip I T D.:.TE .~L~7 N~,N~E G R:u~TTED REi~?DEZ~TGLS 1'ROi~i ~~D CnFT THONi~S J SC~.NIO 2 ..cs ::~ 16 days West, Tex. 5 «pr ~z6 0-480 552, h1C (nUS) €~ 1 d=:y tvl Niaili,ng address ; 801 N Davis St. , West, Testis nuth: DP; R~ 1-5 as ' ~ncnded; Sec 2 ~dD Hul 37, 26 Dec -41; ~1Fi 605-10, 26 M~~.y n= Msg fn #~~ 3F--169 r 19 Dec ~=5 H q ~,.Fy DC 2D LT CORr's L SCn~EMLER 20 d~.ys nocazoke, Tex. 10 Feb ~i6 L-fill $9'7,`4dsiC (nUS)" c?c 2 days tvl tlailin~;,~c~dress; P„0,, Dox ~,`-2F, RoGnoke, Texts Muth; I1r'; Par 1~~, SO 7, Hq, «shford Gencr~l ia~osp. West Vir~;i.ni-a dd 9 Jan 46 ~: ~~utkl cited therein. 1ST LT ETHEL L TUC ? 22 d•_.ys Hutchinson, 1~~ Feb 46 I;-701 '353>~7~C (1iUS) ~ 4 dz:ys tvl Kansas ~+i~,ili.ng address: 902 W Walker St. , ~3reckenrl-dge, Texc.s auth: DP; ~ ~ 1--5 Pis 28, SO 7, Hq 2nd ri_r Force, Colorado Springs, Cclcrado, dd 9`Jan 4G 2-auth cited therein, 1ST LT' •I,OUiE C 'DeiviOVILLE 2 *:os w 10 days San ,elo, 30 Niar 1~6 0-1 549 695,O3,D DEt'T (rsUS) £a 1 day tvl 'Z'©r--• Mai7.ing ,~d:dress: 5251 R chard St. , Dallas, Texe.s - auth: ` DP; R.~~i 1--5; aSF Gir ;~18, 14 t~ov ~r5. 1ST LT Jr~NN~S' 0, aLEX~i?:?DER JR 22 days Bry~~n, Tex Il Feb ~x6 0-~65 4~9, ~Qj.~C (ORC) & 1 day tvl Nlai 1 ng t~dcir.es~,: Route ~.I, Box 83, dry^.n, Texas nuthi DP; 'RR 1-5 and Ltr rq r,G~ 210.31~58~L6 (6 Isov 45) GiTG.:P. CaPT BERT in' BROWI? 2 Taos & 16 days Der_i.son, Tex, 6 .~pr ~r6 0-562 630,aC ~aUS) & 2 days tvl Mailing r~d.dress: 1316 W N.IOrtbn St . , Dena son, Texas auth: DP; RH 1-5 as a..~lended; n-3F FFR 1987, T':~X ~'FDC, 23 Nov =5. 1ST LT JOHN D D~VIDSOTT 1 ~0 8: 16 d^ys lu.arillo, Tex: 10 M^.r 46 0-1 301. 443, INF (~~iJS} ~ 3 dhys tvl Mailing address; X1-01 N ~'olk~ St. , ar:arillc, Texas Muth: DP; RR 1--5 as ar_ler~.ed. 1ST LT HUGH T DOr~t1N _ 1 rlo & 21 days Don^ldscnville, 13 Liar ~=6 0-1 060 414,TC (aUS) ~ 1 day tvl La. Naffing address: 109 Opelousas St., Dcn~ldscnville, Lou-_siana _ Guth; DP; .~ l<?.1-5; ~ti.SF Cir ~~}18, l~~ Tdcv ~~'5. ~~ . 1ST LT LOUIS ~C Gr,RZ,ii. ,~ 2 r.os ~: 21 days , , A~ii,•s-si.on,. -Teak. 10 apr ~r6 0-1 592 843, G~}~iC (~x,.US} • cc 1 day tvl Mailing address; 1813 South 18th St., P'rliladelphia -i5, Pen :sylv~.nia auth: DP; i~ 1=5 as vlenc~ect; Lt~r pq,- ,aGF 210.3158=16 (6 Nov .T5} GNGriF .. •;, . SO 18, laSF, Hq WD Fers Cen, ~SHI.', par 19 coat ~ d i'~ oe 2 18 Jar_ ~6 . - BY CO ti~ifiND OF $riIG~,DIER GENERnS, 'OX: ,t - . ~~~ ,QT,RS~N/~ ! •, Vl•ILLI~ `r"i .rl,D~i.l~i5 • ,: ~~'O .*~•.......~ ~^,,'. i~ajor~ Infantry chi +' ..: •~ ..~, .~_ .~~ ~. . c; ~ OFF I C In.L : • ~' '. .~ w Niajor`'~ ~7ni~.ntry . Adju-~~nt Distributions ~ - 8 - ea Officer 5 -- FO .SC .WDPq. FSHT ' 2 - TAG (~SI'XPG-S~•R~-i~C~ 2 - :CG 8 .SvC Chief i4i~.aage;:sent Br A~-~D 2 , -= CG' .ice: (C ~ S ): , 2 ~ CG t1n"' F:I'C . . 2 -- Surd Gen 1-T~~Re~,Off 2-OnC .. 2 - Ch~.ef° of OhD DElIT, Wask:. , DC 2 -- ~"1 G.en, Vlasho , DC (2) 2 -Chief of TC,. Wash. ,DC 2 - 7th SvC, .:iq, Or_:aha, Tlebraska . 5 - Exam Sta. _ .. _ . 1 -• Loaa~tor fi]_e WDFC ' 1 =Post'' Offiee - 1 -~ SO f:ila • 8 - 201 .file Via, Off . ~... Publ;. c Relations Off rJDF~C . 1 - O~er~~tions Gff 4VDFC 1 - C~unsel~ng 1 - U. S ~'iibli c 'rie~1 tiz Service ` HEADQUARTERS TEXAS IILITAr~Y DISTRICT Arnericar, Statesman Bldg 7th do Colorado Streets Austin, Texas 1 April 1953 SUBJECT: Identification Card T0: Reserve Officers upon Separation 1. The use of identification cards after discharge is prohibited by Army regulations. 2. Par II, SR135-2i~].-5 requires that each Reserve Officer sur- render the Reserve Identification Card, DD Form 2A (Res), upon discharge or resignation. 3. Request you return the Identification Card issued you to this headquarters. BY ORDER OF COLOPIEL JOATES s i D . J . ?NI C iiLATID i'IIa j or AGC asst Adj HEADQUARTERS TEXAS MILITARY DISTRICT AMERICAN STATESMAN BUILDING ~Tw a co~oR~oo snec~s AUSTIN. TEXAS AKMTE-201 (Addressee Shown Below) 1 April 1953 Captain James 0. Alexander, Jr., 0 465 499 ~lellborn, Texas Dear Captain Alexander: There is inclosed a certificate evidencing termination of your Reserve appointment, Which expired on 1 April 1953 by op- eration of law. Any appointments you may have held in the Army of the United States also expired on that date. The Secretary of the Army has requested me to extend to ynu his sincere appreciation for the service you have rendered your country and its Armed Forces. 1 Incl DD Form 256A Sincere- yours, M. TONES Colonel Armor Chief Copy Furnished: The Adjutant General ATTN: AGPR-F I REGIONAL OFFICE ISSUE NO. " __ ..,. UNITED STATES _ ~ ~~~ .~ ~ ~ .~ _- ` x rc1 ' OF DATE ISSUED 5201133 AMERICA SEP 291955 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION ~~~~j ~ ,~ j ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~T~t~t~~ ~~~ ,ril ~ .c'~i~f~~ 2~~ NAME OF VETERAN: c1c',tS:'l~s L, r~~1~7~t1t`.til•~p' ~T:C", SERVICE NO. ENTITLEMENT BRANCH OF SERVICE DATE OF BIRTH iJ 7 ~~~~ 4~7 ® ~ WWII PL550 ^ ~ ^ AIR ^ MARINE ^ COAST ~ ARMY NAVY FORCE CORPS GUARD '7~ (~~~ ~~~~ K IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE BENEFITS OF TITLE III OF THE SERVICEMEN'S READJUSTMENT ACT OF 1944, AS AMENDED, AND HAS AVAILABLE FOR THE GUARANTY OR INSURANCE OF LOANS THE AMOUNT OF ENTITLEMENT SHOWN ON THE REVERSE ~ HEREOF AS NOT RESERVED. ADMINISTRATOR OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS , i Sly ATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT ~.uaar,t;uaranty Qi>;Isigp U Wacb. Texas ISSUING OFFI E C III eafl~ c~»E„ co.oi_ t~t~: ~' NtRi7'~:~?N ~'b~~ St,~~ .: 0 5 LJ 6 ~ 7 (~`or Veterans ..?dtninistration Use dNZ~'~ INI- - ENTITLEMENT - ,_ TIALS - OF USED' . NOT RESERVES (Aarailable~ .LOAN NUM$ER ~ DAT,E VA REAL ESTATE.' :' - ,NpN•REAL REAL ESTATE NON•REAL ClJA1FIRMEp _ . ~" . ... AGENT 501 6 OTHER ESTATE 501 (b~ OTHER ESTATE & uERIFIE;O (Dote Fni ini~ } ,, f 1: SEP 9" 195 --_ _ --- .. ..__ .. _ - !.~ ~ ~ `~~r-:c~ :~, . a. - 5. - t , . _ &. :' ,~ ~- - Et+tTtTC<-EMhNTNOT RES!`R1F~D t~ SU6.1~~T70 ~iEPUCfifQN~P~'. A 1NC11R5 ~ ~ R6C~tl~"Et7 .' PiCTUAL LIA$1lITY OR LASS ~N Tf~i~'l.Lit{-~F4Sl:'!V~ ANY:`L.ISf~C1'BELOW; INITIALS OF. i7$TA1N'ED BY THE V~TIARAN YYITH THE A$S15TANCE OF LOAN BENE•. ' iTEM DATE VA AGENT' ~;1TS DERIVED FROM M{LITAR~' SERVICE 1N WCIRLD WAR II: , ,. ~ ~_, OUTSTANDING LOAN. NO {S) UA~'E ~ 11~11TIALS'OE .~: ~ ,,t.,, ., ..~ . YA AGENT _~ ~E= ,, ,~M . - - VG FARM •. ___ .. Nov. ,ss3 '-,"," VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CENTER WACO,TEXAS Loan Guaranty Division Waco, Texas YOUR FILE REFERENCE: ';}-~^,;;,j--'~'~ IN REPLY REFER TO: ii,:,J,'y'~...,y,~,iT; ~.i~. ~Za:nes ~. ki~;xa~~dE:, ~r. ~?~7: of The enclosed discharge paper(s) has (have) served the purpose of this office in determining eligibility for loan benefits. The amount of entitlement available for loan benefits is endorsed on the reverse of the enclosed Certificate of Eligibility. The Certificate of Eligibility will be used in lieu of discharge papers in future loan negotiations. The Certificate of Eligibility must be returned to the Veterans Administration at the time a loan application or loan report is sub- mitted in order that the amount of the benefit used may be recorded thereon, Very truly i yours, `~ 'OTT RGI~:D PP~~ ti Loan guaranty Officer W:.co, 'T'exas Loan Guaranty Officer or Designee Encl. FL VB4-287 Jun 1955(RS) An inquiry by or concezning an ex-service man or woman should, if possible, give veteran's name and file number, whether C, XC, K, N, V, H, RH, RS, or loan number. If such number is unknown, service or serial number should be given. VA-MFD-ST.L. M.28995