HomeMy WebLinkAboutEarly Polish Settlers in Brazos County ~---- John and Victoria (Boriski) Bukowski r--~-- r ..... ~'" -" ... ;; ;;,ff-p ~ -"-....,;-.... ......... iiiiirW f' '..," 'l'$,~' , ., ; I ~ ;;:~ J, ~. '" "bt_'.'" .~;,~~),,~~ ~"" ,~r~~_, ~~ . ~ .;('1';;- ,. ~. .,.: i...~ 'I...,;;:':.... I - d, ~,~,t't~.. 'kt~. .; . "-I /~.z ~._...,~ " .(,.::~~:- ~;,~i{~' " .~:t~~' '" . o:t ~ r, ""- " ~~. [! ''Z .... .~'\ . ";~ ~ ,~-tf .~- '.;i~.~,.~ /r:. Ji~ !'- _-~~.~l ~:-..'~.-',." ~ f" ~ .. ~~ i- '" ...,,~ .~ , -l; .. ,7 $t;;,,,r;" ... -.j-~ 'i!l, .1l:.~-;,fo.t-:.:4 ~-. .... ~ ..... ", A, ~"<t!t~ - 'If Ge,neva (Woiten) & John Kosh .:;- -';;;'.~~;;;.;;. -:: Joe and Mary (Andert) Boriski ~lwr"fIR, _ ~ -' ..",.,.-..".;.....~~~~~...c~~_ J. bd ~ -.-~-:.::. '-' i- -~ ~ 1....;- ~ ~ -~~r;=c f' ~ . FRANK PE- 78.6S 1< I -==::=-:.:;.~ 10 /~51 JCj~r .. -. I _I":. ._: -. L- -.J -. ::. :Z.~ ~ ~ - - ~=:::; ---=~ == i:: ~ ;~"~ '~,5;;, _~ ~ =.' =-r:r.....r - ~. ~ ~ - -- ._ __ __ 0,"-:::' -. Antone & Ann (Zulkowski) Sadoski ~- ~~ ~~ -;;'~ ;- ,- ,- .- -.- .- - ;;... ~,--,;,~" ./ W.F. & Allie (paradowski) Wisnieski, ~ \, 'II 'J [," ~I ~I L. ~ ~, I I ,. 'l'I"fl"""I1"~-''''"-'' """1 ":'Illi'lll ,ji'I'H!I'l':pl'''h''hl'~P..". " i1t~I;I':'\i':"~1'~ " i' - I': lIt \ Felix Bulmanski ">,, -ij ';.." .; ~ if: .. ~"' Il i~ IP , I I l c' [1' Q Q r I I I ~I t, , ~ II II ~ 1111 ~ ~ [ a1 ~l 11 11 LJ ~I W LII II III '] Ben Bulmanski - ~ ).7 ' ~ t. u , ~ '\ ! ~ , , r f .. 1 ,I , ,~ . I -.., i ! i . 1 I I l~ 1 I t I .f I i ! L Joe Sikorski, WWII, Purple Heart BRAZOS COUNTY POLES IN THE UNITED STATES MILITARY SERVICE by Joanne Dominik Glowski Being unable to locate a rare book Veterans of WWI and WW/I, Brazos County, Texas at the Bryan Public Library and the Evans Library at Texas A&M University, I obtained a list of Polish veterans who served in the U.S. military from the Military Discharge Books at the County Court House in Bryan, Texas; The following is the list of Polish veterans: Volume 1: (WWI) Joe John Bukowski, Stiney Boriski, Frank J. Cizek, John Chesak, Walter Chesak, Harry V. Gorzycki, Theodore J. Krolczyk, John J. Machos, Joe A. Melasky, Lee Melasky, Stiney Stetz, Joseph Stec, Peter Stec, Stiney Sikorski and Frank J. Visoski. Victor Dominik was in the U. S. Guards in WWI, however, he is listed in Volume 8, along with Anton Boriski. Volume 2: (WWII) Felix Bomnskie, Albin W. Dominik, Charlie W. Kosh, and Henry Visoski. Volume 3: (WWII) Lonnie J. Boriski, John T. Borski, Kizer Bomnskie, Jr., Ben L. Bomnskie, Jr., Joe M. Bukowski, Johnny L. Dominik, John Glowskie, Raymond J. Jadlowsky, Harry H. Jadlowsky, Stephen Kologinczak, Emory E. Lero, David Laskoski, Joe C. Lero, Frank J. Melesky, Joe J. Poholek, Edward A. Patke, Ike J. Sikorski, Raymond Sadoski, and Walter Sikorski. This volume goes to November 1945. Volume 4: (WWII) Theodore Boriski, Leon L. Bienski, Louis J. Dominik, Raymond C. Gorzycki, Pete W. Kologinczak, Pete Krolczyk,.. Charlie F. Krolczyk, A. L. Laskoski, Floyd Petroski, and Harry J. Wisnewski. . Volume 5:_ (WWII) Albin J. Kapchinskie, Paul F. Krolczyk, Alfred Lero, Vince J. Lero, Geo. C. Machos, Martin Olexey, Joe W. Sikorski, and Joe Slominski. Volume 6: (WWII) Steve Borski, Marvin Bomnskie, Louis J. Gorzycki, Edwin H. Karnowski, Walter J. Lero, Raymond L. Patke, and Raymond L. St~tz. From the book Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Brazos County and the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas published by The Earl Graham Post #159, American Legion, Bryan, Texas, the additional are listed: Herman L. Bomnskie, Willie W. Boriskie, Robert O. Boriskie, C. W. Dingell (Dzieglewicz), Raymond C. Gorzycki, George C. Gorzycki, John J. Machos, Carrol S. Machos, Walter Sikorski, and Ike Sikorski. These veterans served in WWII. From the Honor List of Dead and Missing, Fred Lero was killed in action while serving in Italy. He was awarded the Purple Heart. Those who were wounded and received the Purple Heart included: Emery Lero, while serving in Italy; Floyd Petroski, while serving off Honshu; Joe Sikorski, while serving in Germany; and Walter Sikorski, while serving in Germany. Louis and Lena (Jegerski) Lero had four sons serve in WWII: Fred, Alfred, Joe, and Emory. We sincerely regret any exclusions of names, as well as errors listing non-Poles, which may have occurred in this article. With the inter-marriages of so many Poles and Czechs in Brazos County, it was difficult to determine their nationality. If at least one parent of the veteran was Polish, he was included in this listing. Thanks to Raymond Stetz for his help in identifying the Polish veterans and for allowing us to use his book on veterans. '\_-- - - ..l.. '. Carl and Tommie Paradowski, WWII . ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=--== J -' -~....- .... L I I ;:' ~ ~ ~ g I ~ I } , I: 1 JJ [~ I 'I ll~ B l~ , , , ~ ,........... ..:........... (. t.:.r . (' :0 ., .. " I I .( ",'f r.'" ,; ." ~..., f'>t' .I ,r,.t', 'l -!( /.1 l' 'l..',., H ,r .,.... .-~.~( . (. ;- , . . 1J7.' ..\" ..... ,.. ( S~1m"llrtVJr Iwldn:) = = I"'t- = ., = - -. ~ = I"'t- _. Q = "C = "C ~ ., rIJ ., 8:;' ,.; '7 f} (:" ~.it . ~- ~.... I"'-.~' j~!I,.:yt~~.'ltI:d/l..('lIN:j'NI . ,), ..), ,\ ~1~ ~~ . I"/I/nn'.!y'nl, -'ii'i.',"~,.l.-n.,-u,',.Jli: ...,~~~It~.. '/~..~,.~'o~. I'1; ~~~".. ~h~'~."t... -;,-~ ;.,j.I~lli~ ,a..i" ~),/ ~-" ...." ,1::.P~ ~" (~ . !'A. ~ Mal __ '-..______~. ~.~~_'J:' -==::-~:....~=___._____,,_ Ct!ImqlW'~~~-I[~!.~~~B!BG!I' ~~"1@Jl'!~~~~ : ~;;;I/I. t);~III'_~~.!}~____.,' .. /1/~JI;;p 126. r:/f.'Nlp/lilJl t/Jr;;;/:'1: ,r ;6-1',_ .f)!_ /I/Irtl.,); Jfr~;///I_f: ;t:y. 3 jjU;!;:{/C#I!:;;. ,/ ',,/,1/ 1/ I (l// _, ,,_ _. _. ll. ,~!'!~._. ______ , . Ir/;/II' 1;.11/1:1, _ 1) ro wn . ..>I]);;J;r#/taq~/rJ 1 a cl.. I 1/ /Jllr/~:j,___,..__!!9}J~L____ _. '/!~;711/~/o/'f!;IIIIIt//t/;;r:;r;;:~ilitf'l111';,~#/ luinie , restdes wi. th J)imselt'. . //I;1111.'),iYr:!JI'7tI~kr;:trp~J/itf'llIr;;/~jtt1tffl/{~~(/1P. ,J olm , bo rn Nov. :21st , 1901 i...~ary, born Oet. 5th, 10.q~; Joseph born l{ov. 1907; Antone, bo i~ ft'\1'Ch joh.)' 1.0' ; 1.0.!'1 ,) 'I' r '\ 'j .J ?~IJPllal':'y ~t3tIl, 1f) ,+3 '~;l~rt_)q, \.0 "n, .l~. t15 11 l~r,- Do III l; Ltl ;y ,,~O Lh11.,; , Cu - .,. "~~', tc l.~ '1' r: f;l .' T " 'l'li' n ~;' '1',,"'- ^ , ' l'....' ~ I' lJ. 1 I J I1. j~J \.J~ .L j'J. . il....1 ? r I ..;.\ ,;t4"~~ :. J . ",.""~ o';r.,~ l.;.;.' , ./", .;: COUWry OF 1;Ei'~6GS. ) SS: /1' 'l'.' ..r, : ~:%k4/~J11/!1I1IiJ'-r4dit/. J 0:.; ep 11 F arado wslci g;'IIIr.-')/;j;/~/I/Ail~ noute 4" Eryal1, $14 d~.J/ J. J/ltle ,,/ // . )fAI~:~r ' {. . . 17. J _..' _ ~/!f!?~/- 'l'e~: as t). .'7. 1/lrrt?/rr!~~(J'tJ /h~f)IrI/t~/r/,{J71/t(JIl;/(///.l///'r/;::'r t/ 'l.llU HCilublle 01 l.)oJ <mcl I ;//ltYlIt/f#dr'//;A.M(~,///I:t'?/ ,I//r;1:11 /j,/~:/11t1//tyi.Jj,,/r::J'a//6;I/'I1;"lt'4//illl#111/#~///.' 11'/IIMhv PC:' :;u 1 ar //ifJm;(/J./.~t? 1',/ '7 I \ / 71 /" '. / 1 / . , '7:'- 1t9//lt~' Dra;:,os County, 'l'e::as , I/~;/td:. Ci tv of l~rYH.n I/IJ//f~ 13th /@tf;t,r:Fehl"Uary I li<d;'rlrr'~1dJf:!?I/o;IIy(,!1!;I//1r~1tL 2: . ,:/4f.fjr:ffl//;p;/ltrltljj;i/&~~/;;;/I/!~~//~f/;~r~ll/f #/1///)1/.)4: 1/i1/1 //i~. ~/k//.$,k) )/1/1;;#./P/lY~rf1/1'j.,!(/III/lll~j~/#twl;;rl:IIIlJIt1r,wlj/jJll/IIYtf/~1yfj'f1{{r~f!/k 1t/t#,tj/'kyfh;f':,tj/t;:';J,//);/J/l:.111111 /k/j./I//;~~//;;iJlllf/~lh#1I14ff;!t:;;/t1J11/1/1/714tjl#/Pl61/l/Y'{ /k~~M/1/';'f//I// . li#IY;O 1(I~y~f;//~y4dklfl/~~/;1 i~(;;1/;II,g~1r/rj 1~11/(/!;'L.A1f~rJ(f7!/I/1;1 ~;;;,:iI :l'ltI/:~Y~rl-//'fti.~7;~(JJb //lr,1'1r'l~ ~ y ~. /o'/////./1///J/ /k,L Ifl' 1i~/II~Jl/&~t/t~f~/11jl'l~;:II/$~.1bltky/.~//.') r~/I/'IrI?/: 11 tmtinlllll~ WIJrrlllt" ../A~'/~'1{j~/~~;'r7//II~i.j//:7r.w/I/t;.r#:lr/;;'I1I/h; 1:1tl1 /(h~:t/'-"~I'ebrl1a]":v ; J;!;d'l/lw?~'~~r/I~/r.ktllil/*r7/-;,//ft;ll/brr~"II// 2 3 ,/l'?I~;%(/I:/ ~$t1t'/ltt0llly:{/k' .1//l/:;.lfitll/h'/r;{/tll/1. 4.6 y /K / Wl!:~ te ,_,,/'-rJJ/~h.l/;lt; . 'I/rdlift;ltJkI.//tttj'/~~Zq // / Sept. nth, Charles born 1910 Cl crI~ . ~ :1 I .11' I'.H'HI{ ~~,,~, ~_.O' ~~~'. ,.~._.~ I . .. I J"",p,"""",l. ------ ",- ~ ~ '::::~.g._e-:;- ......-""""--- - ---- - ~--- ~~ -::;~..~.-= -= --= ~ ~. '.":",, ... 'I ~ --- -- .., ----.., ---- ~ ~- -.. -- --... - ~ - --.. - -., ~ ----, - - -- ~.._--- -- -~ --- -.. --- --.. - .--..... . ...--., --. - -- ---0..... _ -. - -- . - ~ ;-\,.. J c. W. Ding~ll (Dzieglewicz), WWII - . ~ ~ I .~ 't r' . . ( , ~ i 1 ~ I [ " I, " I [ ~; [ l.. ~' II f 1 ~ ',\ it 11 11 11 11 ~ J lJ ~ r IJ I ,~ II ~ 1'1 d Ij ;~ Ij " ,~ " (j oj 1 It 11 ~ ~ S i ci I~ j a~ j '6 'i ~ 'j ~ 6 ~ n I \ I , j I I J 1 "-- , .~ '- Mary (Rutkowska) and Anton Krzesinski ca. 1909 \ , I ~ I -: i: ~ . n \I !I I ~ I II ~ I: il 'I' ~ I ~ ~ li (I I Ii CI CI Ii II (I "I o I il (I ~ K r: fI Ii fl 'I 'I I II 1"1 ~ Y ~ I I i ", .~ .' " .. / " , MARY (el VA) d- ~ACOl3 LERO Present day home of J~seph Paradowski's childhood in Poland " - - -- I .' ... - - .... "' --~ -- ~ ..... w-- -J"z.. ~ .- \\ 'I . I \ \ .MI ,,*:,,< I . . - . . -. - --- ELBA Ship that Joseph Paradowski came to the U.S. in about 1882. I' -- .-. -- ---- -- . -- - --- , ',' ,. WL... 'c__J;'c...,'w"L...'I',..!ih..iJ'c.t L ~.~,L._ ..L.....l..L..,..W w:..~ 1......,.:: ~ I.....J, l....I, l--_ L-.Ut.-J.' L..-lIiiW: t......I~ L...l..l-l '.-,JJ L.,. ~ L..;,~' W W .' . .. \I -f 1 u ;d (f~ I~ :l I' If' jl~ (~, ,j .) J j l . " ~~' I) Q n;/ "i)1I ," "II I' II ( I, I:' .. . '. .1 I I 1 . 1 JOSEPH PARADOWSKI and second wife, ANNIE II II I --. -----~ - ' '=il;;::l ~ ~ 8-'~ -; ~~.~~~-=~~ ~ 3= I -- , --- ,- Martin Steve Zigmont ~onnie ~... -;' ......~ . . .. , ~'J'" . "':( fJ .It,i~'t~$~"!-... /JJ;/( 14. ~ " - !f-jf:~~ -"~:<t:l~ ,'4 r h) ..; ",,', .~ ~ J ,:-J Z,o,1.,',' ,... l J . l l . i J Charles & William Gorzycki A&M Uniform (Charles) Brothers of Michalina -------- -- -- Home of FLORIAN STETZ about 1900s Home of F:LORlAN STETZ lived in today by great-grandson, Joh~ Opersteny .,.. - ~ Joseph Boriski ./ ..,. Home of John Borucki, Leonard Community, ca 1909 I ,-. ",...,'(. front row: Joe and Anna (Glowski) Boriski, Joe and Mary (Andert) Boriski, baby Frank, Frank and Susie Andert and their daughter Susie. back row: Frank Andert, S. Andert, cousin, Helen Andert ruchs, Joe and Pete Andert. c..-a. 1920 Mil Joe and Stella fr~r~dowski) Stetz c.a. 1921 '... ~ - .-L / , .~:~'t;.:.;'~ . JOE H, K~US ~S \ (j.. " WOUNOED WI AGTlor. IB~z~~6u~b"!$~ _., , First' .V olunteer " .. ....F_or'.War Service . .. ,.- t ,- .-.,.- - .._-" '. t', ~~,;' ~:~ .:':. i I . . I I Th,. i\~...tleiall'd J'rt.l'o,'; n'J}orfl'l I" Tr i J':;I~It' that alllOllJ,~ Ih,. marin.'!'! woun, ; I,d 10 d"grt'I' undl'lt'rminl'd j:; I'ri, :1: ; JIll' II. l(rl1~. rural rOllt.. fi\l', Br~({ t ---"..... _..:._- " it h *"/:, ,,"~v' ~{:: JOE KRUS. .J..., Krllll. a ~il\JIIg 111;111 ,,r 1'''lil'l1 par. .,.itag". \\1" th.. firM! rr"lIl't1d~ "O'''lt~. tll volt".!....r iu 1:lIdl' :-;:1111':\ arlll)" a(t,'r war \\ i1-- dl"'lan.,J .\ pril I;, JIIIIIIIII{ tl\l' IlIarl.... . '.11''' /I.. It- !lOW at :-.:~Irrlllk aild dlll\\IIIL: $:::: a III'Jldll. Illli-fat!Jl'r j,. " \1. "Ill.... II,. \0\:.., Ih., ';1'...1 ,"I111111'f'r fro -.-._- IIra/lt~ fOllllt.' :dtl:r II:.' l.nilt'd :--t.J( dl'clilrl'd \\ ar 1111 (;,'rlll:iny. :lIId I"; t. "011 III ~I r. and .\1 I", .\. ~1. h ru... September 27, 1917 -----.----.. -- July 11, 1918 1 -._~~... ~ REMAINS OF JOE LERD TO ARRIVE,IN BRYAN Fr:lllk 1."1'"", ~r., ()f Itryan rrl".j,'N! 11 :,'!"~r;dll :hi.'" 1l1l1rllin~ from th.. war d"l'al'~m"!lt at \\'a,;hilll:ti,n. ~ayin~ :h" "..d~' ,,( 'h:.", :'Il~l. ('"rpnra! Jilt' F I..'r.., whll Wa..; kill".! ill adion rn I-'r:II:,,'" in :h,' \\" r!,1 \\'ar \~'''l1ld nr.1 r'\ " In 1I..j,(lk..n. ;\..J., ,~,'pt,'mtlt'r, 1/;: h, :1 !I,~ ',\, q:!,f ~I" ....hil'l'".\ t" Ilry:\n! (..r :':lr::l1 at ull. .', ' Y..I:nl.:l."l'Il W:I"; :, J:r:L/.''''; ,.,,:'111:-; !...~., ~.'n n( :\Ir. :llld ~Ir"', Frank IA'1'"': lI" ,'!:!:,,:,.,l in th.. war (rrolll thi", cI'lIll'! :~. ,l!I~:,'l~17, (,"'~lll'a:l\' ,I:., 111~1 lr..' ::I~::r.\.. 11.0 \\a..; ";1'!~t'lll Flirt ~am: II"tbt"lI. :Ilt'n,'" I,l IIidakll I\nd "\,,or.1 ".:,- in J'\j:, l~q" :In) \\a~ kilh.c! in :1":: Il i!\ 1-'1';\::.,' ().'!,,},.'r ~'th, 1!l1~ \\'b"n lh,. 1"..I~' :'rri\.,~ (lllll'r:!l lI,'r. \.i......; \\:1j I". 11,1.1 and illt,'rlll"l\t ill th.. .,'it\. ("'lIld, I'~'; Th~ .rdurn IIf th"l 1....1....; {,.r 1I.;r ol,.;,.\ s..!,1:,,!"', ar.' ro'. I 1l!:lId, r- OJ( :h., ~r":lt 1'1'\"" I:r:\"o. I '.,"::!::~. 1,;\.1 :.. I','~' (..r, 1"':\1'". I -,- .,- ~ September 15, 1921 October 6, 1921 - I ~ Joe Lero, -WWI, killed in action in France son of Frank and Joanna (Opersteny) Lero \ ''\. '., .......----- --._~- ~\ '\ Stiney Boriski ~; "\, Joe S!~!z! WWL , ' - ~.. """ Peter Stetz, WWI .j --.~-,_I/ rf ..- "'--.--.. \'\ I) "' 1.1 a :. ~ I .J III II #' iii ., .!Z) . ~, !J .;II , D Oi.~~ I;lI r~ " ] ;) '- " -..I.:J, 9P' :fJ~ a .., CI .' , I.:l .. if ~ . '~ c :lI ~~~ ., ~ -..-' ~ .:1 ~ ,~ ,:~ -'.' .. c ,~:;:,~-:-=_, :c>';-:~.e" Stiney Stetz, WWI, stationed in France _ t ~, lI":"., I'! '.. n..,,", .:.J.J _, r,::~ ' .~: r"..""...~._,,toIIl""'_-4;> ~' J......,. ... ". ..."..,....llIkoo. ..;:.....,........ ..:..........r IrL ~ 1jfI'" ..... ,~:~ 17'111II' "i '0. '''..'':::.:s::-''-'' -" ..., '~'.....-.. . , "" , ~ ;r.1 ~ .""".,,. J..,.,;: ..."............~'~ . __--::::I . ... ~ . I~ , .' '-""-'.,0--- :., '_II,I~ " ~ l I, 'lot At ..1",."",..... '''''''11/111I..., ...............oo!llII..'...'....,,,,,.. ,~:. .""_.r_..~oII<N~,"IIooI_",:' '"." "I' "r"'; ii' ,I'- W' .,,//' . I .. .. .... ~~ _OJ ... It, ,..Iii ,...".w.......,~IU:,,-.l '...... .It ,.;tIi__........;;,;.;.;. ~ "'......,",_"""., "'111!~~'1!IIII~1o~"'~ I 'I '..."...'.".,"",..."'.1'''....."....... l. .. I~ , .~ 'L 1'1'..4"11I ~ i r: ~ .: 1"-" ".... ~,'. ., J ....,..........,........,. -=:J: e1 ~ ~ ::::11 III "1 Joe Stets in WWI, left, front row, stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, as a baker, with his crew Anton Boriski -~ - -- - - ,\ ~ - - - -- ~ , '. ;tY ~ LA T E 5 T PO R T R A IT I JUST ME . i - .l l. f I I , , . \ I I I I I I I I I I .' -----.I ',;"" :.t\" :;~~ \: \. :r V ~i ~ .,.;".,ii, ., , >.'-\- ~., ;;' .1 ,,' .,:;. ....' ~~. ,1" Home of Florian and Magdalena (Syrek) Stetz Leonard Community c.a. 1900 .?....~~~-~~~~~,...,~~J~...?~ ." .' "~~_, =~_=., _ ~r _. ~_l, ~~~~~~~,~.~-~-~ .. .~-:..... ... " '\,d <' ., "if- I:l ~-- -1 ca. 1920 \ I I L Mike Stetz I. / 'v Antone Boriski Martin Paradowski and Carl Paradowski Joe Stetz,_c~__1970_ @' ~ ..... ,....,.-........,.....,......,..............................-......-.........-- Walter Dzieglewica c.a. 1942 I I I .1 I I I I I S~rrG?('c-Sroa108 -- __0 ~ ..-: Florian Dingell (Dzieglewicz), WWII t , --_ _ J ..--- " ,.,. l f: ~T/JI}fY "",,- ~f'..... ~ . ~" ~ .. t jt( ( I I ~ . 1 ~ . ~ -....J ...... f . I " to. .i , -, ," , I , ! J... 'I J I j .... Theodore and Anna (Banach) Dzieglewicz ca. 1930's ; , , Jt __ q;~ ~. * ,a , '* . .. l, p .. . .. '1' , I , I T" , .. . .'" 1930 - ----~ ~. ~:~ I/o ~~.:''1.~ J.~. .' ~I:S. . ,. ., ., ~ ~.. ...,:- '~~~,,~. .~ * -... Ii t ), 'Wi ,,4 .' r, lift .. j ~~~., . ,c,.' ...' .."." ',' f,.. . '~,~,' , . ',-\ t J '.. , \ \', · ~'t if ~ . _ ~t;"-'~:.f:~......;;.... ~, '... .-IJ 1 CAtHER/AJE. (ZULKOWSKI ) BOMfvS'KIE. rf- DIIVGHrEI(. FLOR.ENCE.. ~ ,,~ ~ . Il~:~it '., .. f' AlVtVlE. PA. HOLEK uJlrE OF JACOB PItHOLE!< (1~) f" ,~- l,',~ '7,"c:.., i/~~ \eJy"",. , , '.,,', ", ' ~ . ,,; , ,r · "ilf. ~,. ' .1' " "', "i~,. .JiI~~1 '," '"""'I" Ii", ',JI'" II '"": " '~I " ' ", ' ,', ~"" .>1..",.", ,''''" .. , ,,' ,,'!M!' 'A ',., ,!,,~";ihlll~,.. ;':'~"~I, JOE. BILL) BEA) LOUJS) AND DAD BE.N L(JUIS 60MN51</E) 51<0 . , " .,.:...1" ,," '"".1"" il~I"!~~lI!~,oit:I; i,M"{::i:~;:(!'!I,',"';i::;:\:i..~tir.~r' ,r: .. f' . ~ <<; ~, ~ ..1 .OSCAR (wA7T) BULMO~S/<1 a- wIFE.. ZUL/<OuJ5kl ... ~,~,.' l" '." ,,,... " ~o..- I ..-:~,.... -!~. ~-i;.J ';~j~-,-.~-., - ~ J, >;fj, , J :F#1 . ""41- . ~-, \ ,~. -f,.o-iI! p ~ "t ~ -\ ~~ " . ,"-~~,"~ ~ ~,. ...- ~ ~ till -ifF f 'li' '" .. .-' i, I' .. ~t jf. t~== . 't ,.. ,~ ,",,>Ie -j~,.,t.'t !,'<$ .. " . "'. ~ . - . .. ... . " - , ~ ... ~~" W oiton Children r- JOHN THEODORE SWATLOSKI 1874-1930 KONSTANCYA KAPCZYNSKA 1877-1963 (KATIE KAPPE SWATLOSKI) MARRIED BRYAN, TX 10/22/1894 'I , Anna (Machu) Kurtin <T , . , _ ,Af . .' ~:~;;.t::i ctt.:!..2 :,~;. . ~' .(::, Jozefa (Ulanowska) and Stanislaw Bratczyk ca. 1890 P()land ... " i.... . James Alexander, Katherine(Bratczyk) Kurtin, Odelia . (Kurtin) Alexander, Jozefa (Ulanowska) Bratczyk ~ \ ~ ,. Mary (Bratczyk) Nitch~ Josephine (Boriskie) Bratczyk, l5atherine (Bratczyk) KUl"tin, Jozefa (Ulanowska) Bratczyk, , ,. Helen (Bratczyk) Manczynski - Monski, Thomas Bratczyk ca. 1949 Bryan, Texas I-" ~ Cl) I-" - ........-.... ~ c::: z t:rj Claude, Clarence, Frank, Julian, Katherine, Ursula, Odelia, Gertrude, Stanley Kurtin Stanley Kurtin and his mother Katherine (Bratczyk) Kurtin ca. 1940 . --v '. ~ ; I Monsignor J. B. Gleissner and Jozefa. (Ulanowska) Bratczyk .... . ~ , ~. . '~.' . ...... Antoinette (Ochala) Ulanowska and Jan UlanolVski brother of Josephine (Ulanowska) Bratczyk , j 1 1 1 J, ..*~ . 1 . :'1 J l I . -'j '- .. . ' - . i i I ,{ I ! ,1 I 1 i , v ,.... .... <0 A Cll V> .... C '=' ~ V' !> .... m x Phyliss Nitch , \ '~......... I "'\ ,,\ '::0:.-..;. /' Julian, Stanley, Claude, and Clarence, sons of Frank Kurtin, Nov. 1954 at the baptism of Stanley's first son Michael Kurtin ~ /- Standing: Robert Councill, Phyliss Nitch, Ursula Kurtin, Stanley Kurtin, Rose Sikorski, Benny Sikorski, ? , Seated: . Josephine (Boriskie) Bratczyk, Katherine (Bratczyk) Kurtin, . Frances (Andert) Kurtin, Josephine (Ulanowska) Bratczyk ca. 1948 Bryan, Texas \ . '- . -. '. " ...' / ~' .Ja,; 4: ': .. .... ~ ,,'~ Stanley Kurtin and Beverly Lewand~~ki PNA dancers ca. 1950 .... . - ,w.. 7':\.~-' . c ";-'~~q,(~.~~~ . Judge.J~:J1r,ron .;~,a~:~'s;~ . D,epulyCourtRepo/rter' ... - . . , . ~ Mia,1 Victoria D~mi'nik Swor.ri I~; . ",) '" .''-., -.." 'Goe. T~' Work, Thil, MQrninl_ ~ / , :\ 11 ..' ~ ,\ ~ I (." t f . ria' J,) () n 1 j n i k . \\ h (. b :1'.' A h (' fin J. n 1 pIn ~. ~ d . j It t t h (- 0 f f i (" c' () r .( .,oult.'<r "II(tllP('~~" 'ut1torJlP.\ -~ltl;I".. ",I.I~ ~y. orn ~~ fl1 I:.ridu).' lll(trrli!lJ:,"~_"H~ . ,n e flU t ). C nl) r l r l' pc .r l ( r. f Ct, r the' ~ :,' th 'judi~,i.l (11,~trict.'nnti . il~:"u'ltl,e~ll1l.r " I...". 'du t i.(~~. Il~.,()'rlcl'.-' , . ." .\ . .'Slu!'." to Jl t. ',~ irh,:,J: u C1J:f'-,:\'-. ,".S.,' .IJa r, T(ln.,.' \\ IlO',:U dnlilli~"'t ~~r~tl',~'flip~'-'i"~Jt.rn--~~ , , ' ,u nd. (~~ur,t.. .,I~,.~:p~.~t~r':;.:'~:~.., 1,()>)I."(;1)()~':~f' , 'JllcJ'~:c:...t 0 '~ f~ I~a n k ] tn.,,:' .,"~ller(".".>tl~~,.:'~.;\~:D~ ~~jl;; ", ., ._ _ ,', -,' ", ,,"_" ,'" ""_","'.':' -. :_ ,,' of_ .,:_"~_~, .:-:-' ~_' :-".'. ~_,:}-~-l...~ ((,,' i: nl',., (,; d i ~t.r ir~'t\'/(-:'dlIr:(<:~r;::~,~fj.:t~;i.~.":;'~.:;~.i( tii:'~',", ,.:" - Sui u r'.d it \.:, \,-: i.ll., , l)i~.';.~~1.il'~,-~,:,;.~J;';~1~t}."'1;~1'J{~:~;&~;~i'ft. :'.._" '. :;" ..~ . . _ . .,' _ _. ;~.'; ~~~. -, ~.~:f ." ~ "_,,':;;, _~.., ',.'-~. " :' ~-' ," .. _ _. , lli t' ,,' (j,\. << · .". p t', k :.1 (~I,:::Jll-??'t 'l':d~/! (':: (,tJ]:~'r~t;,.~~~~,,,~~iTI~~, \(;r;~'n ..:'i n. .'. Ill' lSii,!\>:('~ll;n't~.:~i'(i~tdI;r; ,fl\ U ..11 in': (() r a1. !i i,x;~:.'t~t. k ~,,-t-('~.J~~Jl~" '. ", ., . ' 'V'." '>'"","" . _. '7:--- ~;~' ~: - -.-. --- '~~-"'-'/-o--"~'-"" "'-.:. . ..~ . . ..'.": ..' "'. '. - .." ____~ .A- .. --- X LU "- <i vi ::.: .... a :;) "- of' co ~ (]I .- v ,..., Phyliss and Constance Nitch .. ..~ ,.. ".jI - .,",0 '..... I"" ~-"llIO'";'P!''' l~ ~ !i' " ~ ( fJ, f .us Ie /' I Julie Novak Paradowski and Joe Paradowski c.a. 1934 Students attending Leonard School about 1930 \ \ \ I f (. l' , , , ! 1-' \ Bottom Row Frank Boriski Tommie Paradowski Rueben Beerger Fred Luther John Boriskie 3rd Row Martin Paradowski Clyde Berger (broken arm) Ted Bukowski Cecilia Krezenskie (not known Luther) Pauline Blazek 2nd Row Mary Krezenskie Helen Bienskie Lillie Mae Berger Josephine Boriski . Mary Oliver Berger Albina Blazek Nettie Krezenskie Top Row Eleanor Lovell AnnaMae Boriskie Charlie Paradowski Helen Bukowskie Agnes Lero Stella Krezenskie Mrs. Hearne \ BRACZYKSALOON JAKE BORISKI ':J. .);j '1';<,ol.. ... i;"'J JJ '" \. ~ -"(. !h!1J:,_":"';~~"-::"'-~ ;.;,..,;,. ,~~~,;.;;.~"- ~_'''_'-'~~,~~.' iiij,,'t;;: "1i;.~ "'~ . ,'. ..... '" .. . "". :"'L11 I... 'J.::f::fV O:'Clg~"l"U.n. u.... cJ.e:.:., U.IWoloUa)', ,")' , ;~ " ~ ~ ~' '.~"~~~~"'o~'\.'~~'a~~;,;.,~"t Bo'riiki~'~I1~a~me,d~,~~J. .. ';f-~>,~;,.,,~~t;.\:cJ~~,;V ',~, '"; ...~ _~ ~~f'-'_"r"~ r~ ~~-ij ,~S,.9l:1!~,~,~ndin,g"~;' ... 'rfl'"t .t~C;:fP~n~'\ ",r!" f~:<'J_~.""}:{f' f"~;?;' ~- qoyntYGler.~'i~IJJ~ , Vi ir.., }:~. _,t__;1:~'.l!f~:;~,:~.l" ,1;l~~l."J-':,}->_,:~~,c , statel~;of;i'T exas~r-t~', ;.;c ,,~'1'1~ ";i'i'f't~j. t;~;~{ '~.-41Ti"it~::lr .~i'i';~'';';' ,r'!'!;;;~<I;;bJ lti"tJi:\\?b)~t';:l4;,~tl-liit~,.,.:}, "". ,"" ',,,",',,'" ., " "5:Prariit'j ,r. Bonskie, , the:,Brazos County Clerk, was named, th.e oui'':, standing' CountY'Clerk of th~ State of Texas for, the' 1989-90 by'thcf Countf and \District Clerks'ASsoci-: , anon of Teias"~;'f~';'/:,~'1~i[);"'i~,,;~~.,r cen bClieve:that public service'is' , ah'hbrioie<i'12'iid' honorableiprofes':; sian. During the past 24 y~s, my , philosophy' has ;been' that &erVice',to,.' , the public is the oIily rearon.foithe . ,', >"". '~~., , ,. .'.-' ''':t~,. ":f eXlstence:of'a country.'clerk's, (),y,;: fice,t Boriskie said. "I: have 'been \f fortunate'io" have the'support"of,rni.., wife Helen;;thfee;daughtCci; 'an "ex;; celIent, staff,ljih~,'.comlDi~i(>n~rS: "coUrti,and;I'~ow.look{foiWiri1_fio~ " . f ; , - " ..,' ,,';, . , ", ~ years 0 re~emenl >F., i _~:'^~\:~~'''<' . ~ , ",'BoriSkie will tetire Jan:H,'l~~n:l; .. - ,. ~ .~ ":> ,... ~ .~ ..r .-"<~ '-'i<-t:'::--~Mj~'~~ " , Frank Bflriski911~!,A"" ,~, .~~ "~;1:O-~.J."" t' "'. '~~,S(5~'~,"'.- C'f .~':~ ""~4:-. .,~. _.~ - ... -., ....... --'-.....~,..... "'"' ..... .....~-- ------ I ,Clerk "fUepfbri'.fJ:~elecfi(fA:t: ., . . - ',,'. ',< -.' '~1rl";'}'f.";-,i;')i!M._ :jr-l: l? ,.~< '''of'' ' ,Jj;:{;_ ".J.~\! i!~~~,c_":;;" , With' a' 'lea'l'e"'of " (;<. i>",",,',(W "", ,.", , >-''''''. '< · Vice~JCount~ CllilC'F 1. ' '" . .filed fOf' a' fourth teT'!" 'today, ' ~. t,., '; .. . . .. I He paid hi~ $3~ Ai, . e~, t~~ ,~[((, /,i! : \Brii~~s County DeqJ.()J: a~y$~ '", ,rDiJ: Charlman Neeley Lew~. ., ~" '.," 'p, , " I" Boriskie has 'se~;d '~'s :county'" .i~,"B,.9~!~:,:" ,; clerk, g yeats. He said this morning, . , I If "When. I took office we 'had four.,,; ~ deputies. Now we have seven;", ,,:'. .. "t <1 . : Arid. he added. "TherVolume of'? 'work has more than tripled" since~'" he first took office. ~.. .' .~: ! i The carid~date sa.id ~is\office is '~:~~~fnlr~:~t~.ii~oU.~~~~l:~?j~:i 'Q ~ ~ ~ Is~If-supporting: p~ym~ Its o~n way proPerty tran,sa" ';';';'~:~~>.'~.~ :; i ~ s ,~s. we!l as brlJ~gmg m aSI~eable. The countY c "IS a 'iifetime. ~~:i~ mcome to the county:. " resident .Ofr:Br\aios'''COUrity and 'he ' .' :a. g :: r-- ; Boriskie. said the functions.of his t, and his ttWifet Hefentlive at 1417 E p.:: ~ :lofficeinClude filing'birth andFdeath ;28th-SV He is a, member of 8t: u ~ ~ r:! certificates, s~ningand recordipgJoseph's C~i:tholi'c 'Church and has ~ t. marriage license,s. '}Cf'!eping,records..been active in1numerous.civic and = = of j~,~en!le .an~ C~!l9try,-'Cc;l.gt;c,a,,~es~,;~~:r~~~~I~ activ~~ies.. .':~ ,~. ':,~ T~e EA~LE/~?:~!l-~o"ege St~~on, Texas ~ MOI1d(JYi'Jan~C;Jry30. 1,97~l'1 ~ I i;,'~,,"';", f ~'lF\\~ , "'* t,ti "f,t y..... .",'" .....~'~ .rIlIl .4'.~ ."-;,,~ r- Cc:mntYClerkFraDkJ:Bcmskiewas named 1989.90 Outstanding County ..clerk for the State of T6casdurilig a) 'ceremony on .June, " " 22' 1i1, Laredo., The , aw~d~was presen." . ted by the, County ari'tl '-'District Clerks ~Asllociation'of Texas' during' .its. annual conference and coo.: , /<vention,. 1 Officials, With the 'in" " associaUonJ cited" BPRI~KIE !3ortskie',s 24 j years of cl1stlnguished service to Brazo~ County. as well as Ws"service to the assOCiation: in select- ,ing him from' among the 254 county, ~'clerks in the state,"'" '. r., He has been"honored before for,his work"rpe Order of the Sons of Herman , gave him the organization's HUmani- · tartan Awaidln 1984 for '::rhe fulfill- j j'" ,mhiIent of dli!gh; hUmanitar1anc id~s 1f " w.".. e con uctlng the "1;>USineSS'Of,,the j. co:unty c~erk's office." Il ,,' " .... .:;} ... 410- Bonskie, 80. Will retire. Dec. I 31 at . , i:he end of his sixth ten,n,. . ~~~ -...- ,'.... '" ......- -~ -, ~' Frank J. Boriskie A Ufelong member of St. Joseph's Church, MI'. Boriskie is' County Clerk of Brazos County. He served on the building committee for the new St. Joseph's Ohurch; a charter member and vice president of the parish council. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus and has served that organization as Grand Knight, District Deputy and State Committeeman. He is a member of the St. Joseph's Ushers Club, Bryan Lions Club, and A&M Club. He is a board member and treasurer of the Brazos County Community Council, aiIld is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the Bryan United Fund. ELECT FRANK J. BORlSKIE COUNTY CLERK The Man You Will Always Find On The Job Ready To Serve You I Sincerely Solicit Your Vate and Su.pport ~~ ,_ BtYU4Jde Subject To Action of The Democratic Run Off Primary June 4, 1966 FRANK J. BORISKIE CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CLERK BRAZOS COUNTY ... I Will Sincerely Appreciate Your Vote and Support Subject to Action of the Democratic Primary May 7, 1966 ~- - FRANK ..J. BDRISKIE CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CLERK BRAZOS COUNTY I WILL SINCERELY APPRECIATE YOUR vqTE AND SUPPORT SUBJECT TO ACTION OF THE DEMoCRATIC PRIMARY MAY 7. 1966 J-.{ ~ ;,. ....~, . '>t~' .. ... 1'" ~"..' .. ,I " front row: Boy unknown, Martin Paradowski, Ted Bukowski, Cecile Krezinski, back row: Mrs. Hearne, Mary Krezinski, Helen Bukowski, Anna Mae Boriski, Stella Krezinski. " ~- J - ..I Mrs. Hearne and Nona Bell '