HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Boykin Letters sm Cal, Rosemary, and Anne present: Cal: ccboykin814@aol.com; Rosemary: RBoykin995@aol.com; Anne: LWInk2@aol.com BOYKIN LETTERS December 2007 As we celebrate Christmas, we also celebrate our wonderful families, our great friends, and our fond memories. One Christmas Story from a Family of Three Historians MANY GOOD THINGS COME IN GROUPS OF THREE CAL CONTINUES HIS WRITING & TRAVELS Cal has continued teaching his memoirs course for Xtra Education, a City of College Station Parks and Recreation and College Station Independent School District program, lasting for six weeks of Fall and Spring. He has participated in a book review group, meeting on first Fridays at Barnes and Noble. ROSEMARY VOLUNTEERS & PERSEVERES Rosemary has been the sole newspaper clipping service for Anne’s Project HOLD. She carefully gleans any and all news from The Eagle each day, records the dates, and stores them in archival boxes for safe keeping and later scanning by Anne’s office volunteers. ANNE FOLLOWS IN THEIR FOOTSTEPS Anne’s work with the City’s Project HOLD and the Public Communications Department has officially become full time at last. The benefits are nice. Check out her progress at HOLD.cstx.gov. Tamara is making progress restoring her 82 year old house. Thomas Arthur and his family are getting ready to sell theirs. Life goes on. We can expect to learn much more from this 61 year marriage! Christmas Issue MAILBOX::THE BOYKIN FAMILY 8407 SHADOW OAKS COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 TELEPHONE979.693.0224 FACSIMILE979.764.5604 Cal, Clay & friends at Virginia Beach Rosemary at Embroiderers Guild 25th Anniversary Rosemary and her work BOYKIN LETTERS! PAGE2 We ran out of room before we ran out of family news. So keep in touch through the year and we’ll keep you up to date! Cal and his sister Jo Anne participated in the 7th Armored Division Association Victory Tour in southern Holland 21-31 May. The tour focused on the dedication of a monument honoring the 7th’s Armored Infantry Battalion men killed in the area. The monument was erected by the Hendrix’, a Dutch family. The tour also included the Ardennes, where the 7th Armored Division and its attached tank destroyer battalion (in which Cal served) fought (St.Vith, Vielsalm, Salm Chateau). They visited Cal’s longtime WW II friend, Enny Vromans-Sanders, and others of her family and friends for two days in Maastricht, Holland, prior to the tour. As a donor to the Texas World War II Monument, Cal participated in a special event held in August at the State Capitol in Austin, then he and Jo Anne attended the dedication of the Monument the next day. Cal and elder son Clay participated in the annual meeting of the Seventh Armored Division Association, held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, 26 September - 1 October. Cal, newly elected First Vice President, served as Master of Ceremonies at the Memorial Service held in honor of those of the Association who had passed away since the last reunion. In the meantime Cal developed shingles, and is suffering from the aftereffects, making it difficult for him to keep up with Rosemary’s schedule. Rosemary has been struggling with diabetes, low kidney function, rheumatoid arthritis and occasional bouts with gout, reducing her mobility to using a walker for transport. Recently, her kidney function dropped to dialysis level and she began her first treatments at The Med after surgeries to place the temporary and permanent ports. She is now having treatments at DaVita on an outpatient basis, three times a week for 3-4 hours at a time. Sometime in January she will have more surgery to remove the temporary ports. This is a major life change for her but our hope is that she will slowly begin to improve her mobility. She has already been able to cancel many of her prescriptions due to the treatments. Karen, Clay and Ryan all came to pitch in during the time at The Med. It was a tremendous help having them here. Thomas, Katyla, Brandon and Kensey are always a comfort and help, as well. This gives Cal and Anne a bit of a break. Even still, Rosemary keeps up with the Food Channel (which keeps Cal busy in the kitchen), the nightly Wheel of Fortune show, and her Mitford series books introduced to her by Karen. Anne has had a busy year organizing IMAGINE: A 60s Decade Reunion in honor of her A&M Consolidated High School 40th Class Reunion. The event was the first ever for her decade and brought over 250 to the weekend event including many of the teachers who were the hit of the weekend. She coordinated the event to coincide with her Project HOLD work with scanning in scrapbooks and memorabilia and hosting a 60s exhibit. Several TV spots highlighted more of her work with Project HOLD. Outside of the office, Anne is now an appointed member of the Brazos County Historical Commission, following Rosemary’s (and Cal’s) many years with the commission. In January, she begins her first term as a member of the Veterans Memorial Park Board continuing Cal’s work with the group. Scrapbooking became Anne’s hobby as she finally finished the first of Cal’s WWII scrapbooks. Recently, she began the next project recreating Mother B’s WWII scrapbook and journal. A few of Anne’s Letters to the Editor, on behalf of historic preservation, made it to The Eagle this year. She is hoping to get back to the writing of her memoirs very soon. Love to all, Cal, Rosemary & Anne ON THE ROAD - In July, Cal, Rosemary, and Anne met up with a few members of our family in Galveston to tour Dickinson, the new Historical Society Museum and visit Galveston Beach. We were reacquainted with a cousin, Raymond Termini and his wife Deanne, and enjoyed some great family time. Karen and David, Thomas and April, and their three little ones came along as well. Then in November, Anne represented the College Station family at our cousin Joe DePasqual’s marriage to Dorothy in Dallas. Dorothy is originally from Canada and will be a delightful addition to our family. And speaking of additions, Rosemary and Cal are looking forward to their new great- grandson expected in March by Lance, Marcela, and Carmen in Tecoman, Mexico.