HomeMy WebLinkAboutLuedke Personal Records-- t `I"EXAS MUNICIPAL POLICE ,-; I ~~ SCHOOL ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J ~ ~ ice/ ~ ~~ ~V~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE pART OF 7Nc TEXAS A&M COLLEGE SYSTEM ~~ I~~j~I,J ~~~~~ ~~,~ ..~ ~- Student Name Date ,. _ _ r t /" ~~ ~ w K~ r C 1938,~f ' HOME OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS T .,,,~i~~~~ IIII March 4, 1958 Y II D O ~ IIIIII~1 F S COLLEGE STATION Mr. Melvin H. Luedke City Hall College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Luedke: The city council at its last meeting instructed me to write you a note of appreciation of the record you made at the Texas Municipal Police Training School during the month January 21 - February 21, 1958. We are espe- cially appreciative of your interest in maintaining peace and order. Please accept our good wishes in all that you do. Yours very truly, FO THE COUNCI ~T Q si Ernest Langfor Mayor EL/or ru~a. %~ =%yo-v Policeman `Finishes CS Traffic Study IVl:elvin Luedke, College Station policeman recently completed the first report on local traffic prob- ems ever sent in to the National >afety Cou~xcil. The report was made in an ef- ort to make College Station a afer city to live and drive in, the fficer said. It covered all phases f traffic px°oblems and what is eing done in an effort to solve Luedke has been working on the ;report for several months and has made studies and brief reports of all traffic accidents happening in- 'side the city limits since 1954. It :.also included all traffic violations ~' recorded in 1957 as well as safety programs in the city in an effort to cut down violations and acci- dents. "Safety programs such as the Consolidated Schools' driver train- ing• program and safe driving cam- paigns sponsored by local civic clubs are all a vital part of our ~ day to day safety campaign," Luedke said. ~ He said the .College Station re- poxt would be evaluated and com- pax•ed with other cities having sim- ilar problems by the National • Safety Council and the evaluated report returned. In this way we can leax•n what other cities ax•e do- ing to curb their problems and get new ideas to experiment with and possibly adopt permanently, he added. College Station is in the 5,000- 10,000 population bracket and its report will be compared with those from. cities in this group. "It is through such reports and their effect that the nation's traf- fic death toll was cut by 3 per cent last year," Luedke said. Thx•ough a more complete coop- eration of public media, stepped up police activities, public accept- ance of safety drives, activity of safety organizations, court activ- ities and traffic engineering, the National Safety Council hopes to soon cut traffic accident to a ~ minimum. i Luedke believes better educa- tion of the public is the answer to i most traffic problems. "A good driver is the educated driver," he said. "Most violations and accidents occur through ignor- ance and heedlessness, not because the violator wants to break a law." Luedke Named P'residen~ Of Police School. COLLEGE STATION (Spl~ - Melvin H. Luedke, assistant chief of police, College Station, was named president of the 2`lnd class of the Texas Munici- pal Police School and twenty five law enforcement officers received certificates indicating - completion of the basic course ~ at the Friday luncheon which ended the school. Voluntary Statement (Not Under Arrest) The school, conducted bSr the ineering Extension Service En ~~ -State of Texas , g ty of 'Texas A&M College. System and ~ ore me, the undersigned authority in and for held on the A&M cairpus, offers li ti d a l i st i said County aad State, on this 'the day of ll ALI on ea ng n ruc p r a c t c ~~ y . 19 ____, persona with laws, practices and proced- appeaced who after being by me ures of the police profession. duly sworn, deposes and says: Those receiving certificates included Hubbard Henry, pa- * * ~` * * * # # trolman; Carl E. Mi.iler, patrol- man; Eugene W. Randall, pa- trolman, all of Bryan. Subscribed and aWOrn to before me, the under- hi th d f d h i i d ay o s a or ty, oa t s e gne t ~ ~. n 19 ~ 25 Get hiplomas Notary Public is and for From Police School - . ~+unty, Texas - ---- Twenty-five law enforcement of- ficers received certificates indica- ting completion of the basic course of the Texas Municipal Police 'School recently. The school, conducted by the En- gineering Extension Service of- fers practical instruction on laws, practices and procedures of the police profession. Melvin H. Luedke, assistant chief of police of College Station, was named president of the class. ~---- ~_~, ~.;;~,<_ ~,; TEXAS ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERV Texas A. and M. College System and State Board for Vocational Education Cooper Box 236 F. E. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS March 14, 1958 Chief Lee Norwood Police Department College Station, Texas Dear Chief Norwood: It was a pleasure to have Melvin H. Luedise as a representative of your police department in attendance at the Texas Municipal Police School which was completed here at Texas A. & M. College on February 21, 1958 Attached is a progress report ref lecting the grades by the above mentioned student. Trusting that we may have the opportunity to serve you and your department again in the near future, I remain, Sincerely yours, Wallace D. Beasley Coordinator, Police Training ,,.... ~ .~~-y ,us ur ca~~ " BY C~ Police Ins ructor ~~ TEXAS MUNICLPAL POLICE SCHOOL Texas Engineering Extension Service Texan Ae and M„ College System PROGRESS REPORT Name Melvin H. Luedke City College Stations Texas _;~ Wallace D. Beasley Coordinator, Police Training Date ~ ~~ f ~`o Subject Grade ~ Book Reports .Submitted Authority of Police ~~ Public Relations Police Tactics ~ ~Q .Attitude Toward Job and School Laws of Evidence ~•Z ~S~ Criminal Law Criminal Investi ation ~ Absent Traffic Control L~ :.,.J Traffic Law Enforcement Accident Inve sti ation DO Late to Cl.as s State Traffic Law Motor Vehicle O eration 0 Re orts and Records Final Grade Observation ~~ .Juvenile Control Care and rans:. of Prisoners ~40 Sex Crimes Investigation ~S" Wallace Da Beas y ---~ Coordinator, lice Training ROSTER TEXAS MUNICIPAL POLICE SCHOOL (Texas A. & M. College) Jan. 27 through Feb. 21 1958 Name Title Town Anderson, Walter R. Sergeant, Police Dept. Lubbock, Texas Patrol Division Arthur, R. D. Patrolman, Police Department Denison, Texas 1915 Collier Drive Banner, William C. Sergeant, Police Department Corpus Christi, Texas 4811 Monitor Burr, Kenneth D. Sergeant, Police Department Grand Prairie, Texas 1725 Carrier Park Way Chalko, Wm. J., Sr. Patrolman, Traffic Dept. Corpus Christi, Texas 115 E, Vanderbilt Dr. Epps, Vernon S. Patrolman, Police Dept. Houston, Texas South Houston 1621 Knox Street Findt, Arthur L. Chief, Pol ice Department Tahoka, Texas 1812 Kelsey Good~ta, Sammie R. Patrolman, Police Dept. San Angelo, Texas 803 McAnn St. Henricksen, Wayne Detective, Police Dept. Wichita Falls, Texas 2029 Gilbert Avenue F,'~e~ ~' Henry, Hubbard Patrolman, Police Dept. Bryan, Texas 206 South Sims Street Joyce, Willis D. (lst wk) Chief, Police Dept. Newton, Texas Campton, Robert D. Patrolman, Police Dept. San Angelo, Texas 1709 Hassell Street Lisso, Finley A. Patrolman, Police Dept. San Angelo, Texas 1146 E. 18th Street Luedke, Melvin H. Asst Chief of Police College Station, Texas 207 Cooner Street I Name Title Town Miller, Carl E. Patrolman, Police, Department Bryan,. Texas Route #3, Box 104 Nelson, Charles A. Patrolman, Police Department La Marque, Texas 317 Elaine Price, Truman W. Sergeant, Police Department Lubbock, Texas 5006 38th Street Randall, Eugene W. Patrolman, Police Department Bryan, Texas 708 S. Washington Simpson, Gary E. Patrolman, Police Department San Angelo, Texas 614 East 19th St. Shubert, Howard Detective, Police Department Wichita Falls, Texas 2308 Yale Street Trevino, Crespin C. Corporal, Police Department Harlingen, Texas 1222 West Van Buren Ave. Villyard, Billy R. Patrolman, Police Department Kilgore, Texas Rt. 2, Overton, Texas White, David G. Sergeant, Police Department Lubbock, Texas 3812 25th St. Wilbanks, James T. Sergeant, Police Department Lubbock, Texas 1306 40th Street Wilkins, Walter Lieutenant, Police Dept. Corpus Christi, Texas 4922 Gabriel Dr. Woodard, Edwin Earl Patolman, Police Department Seminole, Texas 708 Southwest Ave G. Collins, James (3rd wk) Police Department Houston, Texas South Houston French, J. A. (3rd wk) Police Department Houston, Texas South Houston Norris, Daniel (2nd wk) Police Department Houston, Texas Jacinto City Partin, Bill (3rd wk) Police Department Nederland, Texas Poirier, J.J. .(4th wk) Police Department, So. Houston Houston, Texas Reid, Jim W. (3rd wk) Police Dept, Jacinto City Houston, Texas Stevenson, Billy W. (4th wk) Police Department Mineola, Texas i "JACKIE, THE SON OF A HARD BOILED COP" So you think I'm a hardboiled copper Writing tickets as though they were free. Well, perhaps I'm thinking of Jackie And all that the boy meant to me. How's that ? Tell you about it ? Well, stranger, the boy was my son. God, what I'd give to hear "Daddy" Once more when the day's work is done, The driver was just in a hurry, He didn°t intend any harm, But the sun and the stars quit shining When I picked up my boy's lifeless form. Well, mister, Idon'tlike to give tickets. I don't want to pinch anyone, But I'll do my job if it kills me To protect another man°s son. So the next time you feel like speeding Or passing a boulevard stop, Just pause and remember my Jackie, The son of a harclboiled cop; ; ``~~° n d n rn r rn V d ~~ ~~ ~~ ~r ~~ ~~ ~~ ~a nH oz° ~~ cr 0 --c ~ co rz d ~c r~ ~~ '.~ -~,.~" +G '~ ~• ~• ~~ +~'~? tC '~ +~ +"~ b C~ H z N H C'~ CrJ ~ ~ H d b ~, H ~~ V] H O z H x r m x O~ ~• ~• 0 ~+ to r r~ TEXAS POLICE OFFICERS' CONFIDENTIAL ACCIDENT REPORT aAeu rn. r_..... n_.,,....__.....a a..~r:_ c_t_.._ .,_ .._.._ c._ r PLACE WHERE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE ACCIDENT OCCURRED County ...... , . ~,I'BZQr~ ................ . ...... . ... . City or town ,COll$~e „Sta't~.Ori... , .... , ........ i.otai Nu. _ . . L If accident was outside city limits, DPS No . O indicate dtslance from nearest town .........:... miles ^ O D ^ ot ................_,..._ ,_. ... C ........................ . North S E W ' ctiroiTown"""""""""""""" l oc A T ROAD ON WHICH / ^Yes Road 7 under Farm ACCIDENT OCCURRED i~ ~ 5 . _. ._ .........................._.,._ , . . .., .. !i•,. Construction? ~1 No Grve name of sheet or Mehway number (U.S. or Sblr). II no Archway number rdenlrly by name _. ''N O , . N Check and AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH ....................................,. .. .. ~t. rec. ....,.,......_..,...,. , r ... ........,.........,..,.......,.. ... Name el mlenetlin` sUeel er Archway number complete one D. iec qq only IF NOT AT INTERSECTION..1. QQQ. feet JO$ ROLltt B1Vd ~. .. ^ ~ ^ ^ of ..............................t.................. . . ......................... ... .... Show nearest mlenegin street or A7 hwa Aouse no., Dndge, RR uoss~ orth E W a e r. Code .._..__..... ..._.., . , mc, alter, dnvew ay, culvert, milepost, underpass, or other landm;rk, T 1 ME Date of ~^' p LaDay of rT~ ~` A.M. a eaacuy noon 1tp or mid n~rnt.so Accident.....G.e.~'.Qb$x'..~9............ 19..V9 Week + KY $a~ 7:~4 ^ P y ~ H M rYDc ._. .. _ fAT ... ,. .... ... . . . ................. .... . . OU( .... ' ~ state. . P.L P.D. VEHICIE NO. 1 Make and Yeal LL+7 Type of ~+ a Vehicle I I Commodity $e~ Yes Model..... ~.9~2 J........ Vehicle ... J; QxK..~.$.~AI1.... Registration „k,~C3jjl~;~',, ,T8.~i3. ,~!3.2~µcj.7.. , , Carried , , , , , .NOXl.$ ................. &Its ^ No . Sedan, lraclorsemi toiler, Iasi, etc. Year Stale Number Butane, mlaed helghl, etc. Melvin. Henry„Luedlte ,,.1.x.01 Lawy ~r, G 9~. g~ ~ ~~ Z1 DRIVER... 18 S 8 O T8Xr3 3 S ~ '®Hos • , .,, , • ,., . , , ~., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•.,,, ex... .... Drinking? Name 101 le~,$ ~+ttArt~d~il Cily and Stale V 1 ~ s7 ' Race of Driver s Date of Driver's ^Chau(feur Driver .....~J~l~'t.9.....,.Occupation .~tk1~8.~..fJ~..~O.~..~.C.$........... eirth....~.2-'2~-~9.'...:.. License.. TE37C>rl,$. ODerator ^ .2~~Q262 ~t ......... ~p . Carpenter, doctor, sales derM, etc. YontA, Day, Year State Number dJCom, Op. V Speed Legal Maximum • Physical • Approximate cost BeloreAccident,.,.,~}(~...m.p.h. Speed Limit.„a~,,.,,.m.p. h. Safe Speed.,,,,,~,;,,m.p,h. Condition,,.,,,,~TQrJI1~,1...........,•torepairvehicle•S.12r1..Q0.,.,,,, E H Vehicle OWNER......rt~.try.4~°..~'i•Oll.~g@..t5.~e$c~.~.02~...,........ ... .........................Removed To. ..~,X'.~.V$TI..~W$~.. N ( ame Adduss Name of gauge, home Dy owner, dnven away, etc. ~ VEHICLE NO. 2 Make and , E S Year Type of Vehicle Commodity Had ^Yes Model. ~.~6~............ Vehicle...i~QI'C~,71~ tan..p..lftCgistration.,.6~•,T@X,as„ST-~ ~ ~ Carried None ~~ ~No , , „..,,,,.,,, ...... s Sedan, IraclorseMidrarler, Usi, elt. Year Stale Nomher Butane, mued heigtlt, etc. `°' other Charlie Smi++h ~'„ G r + ^Yes DRIVER ........................Y............. •....-..~.Q~ 603 GQ~-~:~ ~ S~a~~Ori Ttaxas ~~ ~... ~ • renules . .... ~ ................................ Sex........., Dunkin ~ Q. ~qNO Xame Address City and Slate use Another Form ,.Race of Driver's ,Date of ~ Driver's ^ Chaulfeur Driver...... .~gx~..... Occupation ,,,~,ettreCl.... ... ........,. Birth .., F1D era . .. ~.-~-Q3..... , , .. License TBXt~,S...~ 27359...... p for Car nt r d l l t " "" pe , e oc or, sa ts c erk, etc. Yonlh, Da Yur Y Slate Number ^COm, Op. ~ Total l Speed • Legal // Maximum • Physical • ADDroximate cost BeforeAcciGent..,~.5,,,,,m.p.h. 5peedlimit....!I~D.....m.p.h. Safe Speed.,,.~0,,,,m.p.h. Condition.,,,,,•NOI"I71&1 torepairvehicle'5 ~G•G~ i.otr ea ,,,•, ... 2 S.&,A18 8 S• DY` j, V 8Iw V eh i c l e OWNER.......... .................. .. .Removed To. Dr~.VBn AMY ..A Nam ... e ddress ........................... Name of garage, Aome hY owner, dnven away, etc. CODE FOR INJURY SEVERITY DAMAGE TO PROPERTY NOrie (Use only the most seNous one in each space for injury.) OTHER THAN VEHICLES .......... ................ ,,,,,,.,.,,,....5 ............................... A -Serious visible injury, as deep, bleeding wound, ...... Name oElecl and stale nature of damage Estimated Cosl • ~ ~ distorted member, etc. Name and address of B -Minor visible injury, as bruises, abrasions, swelling, limping, etc. owner of damaged property .......................................... ...., ..r.:.. .,.. ...............,,,,,, C - No visible injury but complaint of pain or momentary unconsciousness. NO. 1 C A Name ........................................................ Address..............................:............:..~...,...., ......... eh Driver ~In v N ^Passenger o ...................... S Date of ^Pedestrian U Age ............. Sex,.. .......,.. Race...... ....................... Was persoq killed?........... Death ....:.....:......... Severity ^ A ^ B ^ C L Taken lo ............ ... , By., .. ... .................... .......................................................... SeatBelt•••^ Used ^ NotUsed•, ~ NO. 2 E Name ........................................................ Address........ .......................... .............................. ^Dnver ~In v eh. ^Passenger No. S Totat Date of Age ............. Sex............. Race.. ........................ Was person Killed?........... Death ...........-.................... ..................... ^Pedestrian Severity ^ A ^ 8 ^ C Taken to .................... .... ... .. ... ... ..................... By................................................,............. ...............,................. Seal Belt ^ Used ^ HotUsed PASSENGERS AND~OR WITNESSES Name......: ...................................................... Address....... ......................... ...................................... Location ... ....... In veh. 2 NF, yed. i0 It. east, etc. Name .............................. .....,.....:~........,,..:. Address... .. .. ..... ....................~ ..,..........................,. Location . .........,......................... Name ............................................................. Address .......................................:•............................... Locatto ..................................... n Name ................................... ....... Address ,........ Locatr .......... ....... ,..............................,......,....,.................. on ..................................... Name .............................. ........................... Address ......... ............. ........................................... Location ..................................... Name ................... ......... ....... : .. Address. ......................................................, Lo on ..............,...................... """ tali Name ............................................................. Address ...~..,............,........ ....,...................,.............. Location Name ................ ..,........'......... dress .............., ...........................................,...,....... ..........,.................... . ..... ............ ... Ad Location ...... "^""'-~ 'THESE ITEMS REFI.EGT THE INVESTIGATOR'S OPINIONS. REV.~Y-1-6q r ~°~ KIND OF LOCALITY ROAD IANES (TO TA U (ChecM ont) WHAT DRIVERS WERE GOING TO DO BEFORE ACCIDENT ~~ (Cntck L»es on road used by each drive.) (Cnecw one for eun darer) 1. ^ Apartments, Stores Drirer D Factories, Schools ( ~ river 1• ^ ^ 1 lane 1 2 2• ^ One•famrly homes Driver _ Drive 1• ^ ^ Go straight ahead 2• ^ ^ 2 lanes 3• ^ Farms, Fields 1 r 1 2 1 2 Driver q• ^ ^ Make left turn 7, ^ ^ Start i 1 2 t • ~ ^ Overtake and pass ~• ~ No marginal 3' ^ ^ 3 lanes 3 ^ n raffic lane 10• ^ ^ Remain stoDDed in S• ^ ^ Make U turn • 8, ^ ^ Start from Pa traffic lane k development q. • Make right turn ~~ 4 or more lanes TR W •~ •• ••" r ed osition 11. p ^ ~ Remain parked 6• ^ ^ Slow or stop y ^ ^ B ack AFFIC CONTROL """"'•• HAT PEDESTRIAN WAS DOING ^ Along (CnecM one or mote) ^ ^ Drvrded roadway Pedestrian was i ^ ^ ^ go ng t• ^ Sta s; n ^ N S E p 8 ^ Expressway, Iree• 1• ^ Crossing or enterin t ~ ^ Across or into,,,, •••From,,, (Streelnime 'N;; 'AiRri r; g a way, toll road, etc. intersection ~• ^ Stop•and-go signal Z• ^ Crossing or entering not at ROAD SURFACE 3 ^ , , ) y a q• ^ Walkin .. To,,,,,, gin roadway- 1. ^ Pushing or work nE onrvehicleE• lOrne^ rOtheroinaroadw with traffic ¢ c.) 5 ^ • Officer or watchman (cnecw one) intersection 3• ^ Getti ay • Walking in roadway- 8. ^ Other working in roadwa against tr ffi 1 ng on or off vehicle a• ^ R•R•gates or signals 1' ~ Dry ' VIOLATIONS CONTRIBUTIN 5 a c Y 1. ^ Not in roadway 6• ^ Standing in roadway 9. ^ Playing in roadway G TO • , •. 2. ^ Wet (Cneck one or more for each drirer) ^ S ' ~ lp ^ Nod been Drinking' ACCIDENT Decity a tAir 6• p No traffic control 3• ^ Snowy or Icy Driver DrlVer 1 2 Driv r 1 2 IIGHT CONDITIONS 4. ^, 1• ^ ^ Speeding -over limit (Cn 4 ~ 9• ^ ~ Improper turn-wrong lane ~ 18• ^ ^ Fail to yield ROW to d tc one) SDetily orher•"' 1•~Daylight 3,^Darkn•ess ROAp CHARACTER 1. ^ ^ SPeed'underlimit-unsafe ' pe estrian ID' ^ ^ Wr~n$ Side-not passing 19• ^ ^ Improper parking 31• ^ ^ Wrong way 1 wa r d 2•^ Dawn " 4. ^ Dusk (enecw rwo) 3. ^ ^ fail to Yield ROW to Vehicle 1• ~ Shaight road WEATH y oa ~ 20• ^ ^ Driving under influence (liquor or drugs) 12• ^ ^ Followin too cl ER tcnecw one) 2. ^ q• ^ ^ Disregard Stop Sign or light Curve 1. Clear 3 ^ S ^ g osely 21• ^ ^ Defective Brakes 13. ^ ^ Overtake and pass-ins ffi i . Snowing • ^ Disregard Stop and Go Signal 3 Q u c ent clearance 22. ^ ^ Defective lights ]q• ^ ^ Pass in No P i . 2.^ Raining q•^ Fog ; Level 6. ^ ^ Disregard Flashing Yellow Si nal ¢ q ass ng Zone 23• ^ ^ Other Defective equipment 15 ^ ^ • ^ On grade 7. ^ ^ Impropertum-wide right 5'^• • ~' ' •""" . . All other illegal passing ^ Other Violation 2q' ^ Speciiy oinii ' S, ^ Hillcresf 8. ^ ^ Improper turn-cut s.. 16. ^ ^ No signal or wrong signal of intention • • •' •" corner on left INDICATE ON THIS DIAGRAM WHgT HAPPENED 17• ^ ^ Improper start from arked osition • • ~ • ~ • """ p p 25. fi~ ^ No violation INSTRUCTIONS as accident cause "' ~ • ~ ~ ~ r • " 1. Follow dotted lines fo draw _ outline of roadway at place of INDICATE .___ accident. : NORTH --= " 1. Number each vehicle and show dir ecti on of travel by arrow: • • • • ~ ' ~ ~ , Use solid line to show path / before accident J ~ : • "`~ ------ _ ' • ~. -' - v~ _ ..... , , • , p __ ~ ~ ~~` ........... ~ '/ dotted line after accident Z'` ~ ~~"~'~' '~i s ~ Show pedestrian by ~l.(~'rd1"^~ S. Show railroad by: ~`~ '-._`...~~~_._.',... l `*~~ ` • -- --.~ --- - _._ ,~ 6. Show distance and direcU %F: ; ~~''.`~- ; to landmarks; identify landmarks ; ~ ~ by name or number •• .~ • ~: . ~, ~ DESCRIBE WHAT HAPPENED ~ ~ /' "' ~/ ~ ' (Refer to vehicles by number) „, VehiCl@ • . ~..~. , '~•s • •traveling north ' i ' ' •....•.....~nd,was Passi V h n th e r ght lane of Farm ......................................... Road # 2154 .... .. ng• e j,cle ...... .......... "' • ' • • . # 2 when Vehicle ~ ~ • "" ........................?~ ttem~ • 2..8 ....... tea to make a ri ht t ...........the . ~xking'.. ~,~ t ..•fxor~.. t lie.. ~.r~s~.d.Q.. fan • . g urn into ........ . • • ... POLICE ACTIVRY •••••••'••...•.••••., SHOWARRESTS Name.,,,,,,.:. C11az"l.ie Smith , AND CHARGES . ............ • ............. Gharge . ?Proper right turn Name ................... . ... ......... .. .................. Ticket No..... 671 . ......... ................................ Charge Time notified a olaccident ~ 265 ~ .................. •.•.•„••..•.~••••••••~~~ ,•.,• 7t 06 Time arrived at oar.' ... """""•••••••••••..M scene of accident ~~~29-6~i Mhere else w NOer ... '•' ""••••••• TickelNo., ............ W 7: ~ Q ~ „ as laves r ' oiri• • • """""' t~gation made?,,,,•„•• g ° Yes as investigation made • • • • • • • • • , M at scene o1 Driver report ~ Drrver 1 'rioer•~ accidentl ^ N ••••••••••••••••.•. .............• ~`• ' """"' • • • • SIGNATURE. - C.'. l f/ - ...................... . ~..'., ~::' ~ ~ . (: : ~, ~~ /ice/ ~ • " ~~ ``~ " o form furnished to ~ Orirerl Were photo• ^ Yes IS investigation ................. graphs taken? $I No ~'e3 complete? . 1 , • ~!Oll6 e ,. rnvesriearor•a name and ran or numeer --.~~ :~ ~. ~ ~~'•- g Sta •~ ...... .... ......... ' I P ce De ...................... tion Poli t . , M ORTANT! Drivers must also submit a report to OPS if there were at all r ~ ................... 10-29-68 •' Date of report ..... casualties and/or state, county, and cit ~•"""" total damage of;15 or m Y police offices ore D i . . r vers accident report r~.m~ .... __._•, . . •; ~` ~, C ~ ~ ~ ESTI~PIATE O1F ~`~' ~s'~ ~ ®~ ® REPAIR C4S3S ~ ®~® .~~~ ~,INC~L.N 1~~RGURY _1~~~~~~e~~u~ Two LocnTlorrs: 1309 & 1700 Texas Avenue P. Or, Box 352 Telephone 823-004 Bryan, Texas 77801 ,. ~ ~ % ,~ NAM E----------- ~ ~ ------ ~'`'1----....--- ~===. ~ , t ~,, '~ '` "' -~""` ~; - -.~ - ~~- ------ ='=~=--- ---------------------------DATE---------~- ~------ ~~---------- --..._..._. ADDRESS------------------•---.._...----------------...------------._.....----....----------- ~ ----- PHONE_..--- .7 .~/~~_ x BELOW i5 ESTIMATE TO REPAIR YOUR_...._.~' ._~_..---1~~"'~ ~ ~~ ~ '~ ----------- =~-- -------------- ------ ---~--------------------------------._.AUTOMOBiLE INSURED WITH------------------------------------------------------------- MODEL LICENSE ,CIO. MOTOR NO. SERIAL ~h i ~+~ f .- p PART Nl1MBER PART6 NECE6SARY AND E8TlMATE OF LABOR REQUIRED M ILEAG E LABOR C08T I PARTS COST ESTIMATE ESTIMATE .~:~. ~~ S v ,S ~ Sir :5 G" S ~ ~ ~ ` .~ - fJ ~~ r ,~ J) a ~ E/' ~~ ~ y~ o TOTALS /~~ C~ PART6 AND LABOR +=5TIMATE GRAND TOTA~~.-y ~i;,(}S, v ~c The above is an estimate on our inspection and does not cover any additional parts ~ + or labor which may be required after the work has been opened up. Occasionally $i ned_. f char the work has started damaged or broken parts are discovered which are not ~"~-"-- ,.-~ widont on tho first inspection. $ecouse of this the above prices are not guaranteed. _ .~e__ :-;.~_~, _,;~, Lr' Ly -, ._.. _~~ ~~~.~ i~"'~ , /'* I S _' V ~~'~~~~i NG/1 N~~..i..V V ~~~~i~~'GI~V V 1~1~~ ~/(Ti~.f-', .. ,'f' '. ''.:.,~°y ~~ . ~--~ ±-' ',, ff -~ NAME_:_ ~.. ~r.a ADDRESS ..~ INSURED EiY AD1 USTER i ~.s e ~ t PHONE PHONE _~.. ;. I-OALSELi. ~8®T®~ Ct~~~~,w:°F°=.~~, 0~. DODGE -CHRYSLER -IMPERIAL DODGC- "POWER GIANT" TRUCKS 1411 Texas Avenue 823-817 T BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 ~,, r _, ~. ES~"I MATS O~ REi~A~ RS ~~ ~~~~w .. ~.__ _ .___...........~..._......._~........_H:,:.~,,:..~..,.~.,,..~.: 'THIS MEANS WHAT IT SAYS," Assis#an# Chief M, H. Lued ke of the College S#afion police force tells Cub Scouts Ricky Boone, Tad Woofer, Chris Bale, Mike Mills, Kit Kling, Wade Brannan, Paul Oxley,. Robbie Schleider and 3immy Lock. Cubs a# Den 3, Pack 102 will hold a Bike Rodeo Sa#urday a# 4 PM o n The Slab a# Consolida#ed School. Boys will compete in even' r +d~icrned #o erssvhasizs safe daicvcla nrerari»ra LEaale ph0#O by ~eri@ DeE1I11S)~ [Incident in Texas BY BOB COCHNAR NEA Automotive Editor COLLEGE STATION, Tex. -The sun lingered' on the horizon like a fat orange; in a half-hour, dusk would settle on the Texas plains and lights would wink on in the widely spaced houses along tht two-lane farm road. I was driving north in my rented Plymouth rather alertly, I thought, since I was watch- ing for the imminent turnoff to the airport for the last plane out that day for Dallas. The terrain was flat and I could see a good distance in all directions. As I approached an intersection at about 60 m.p.h. (noting a clear road ahead and no stop signs or caution lights), a car appeared, quickly, from the ~ptst. THE NEXT FEW seconds seemed like _minutes. The westbound car wasn't ste^ping at the crossroads and I had reached the in- tersection. It wasn't stopping and it was, un- questionably, going to hit me with full force. Doesn't he see me? I thought. Isn't there a step sign? Can I get out of his way? Instinctively, I ,tabbed at the brake pedal and attempted to put the Plymouth into a looping skid which would run it off the left side of the road and out of harm's way. But it was too late. The driver of the other car, which was an Oldsmobile, finally noticed me and, apparent- ly, mashed his brakes, which threw the Olds at me broadside in a lovely, classic pirouette. • The impact was solid and the Plymouth shuddered and bounced. I could see the startl- ed face of the Olds' driver through my right side window as he seemed to crunch into my right fender, y LIKE A WOUNDED, confused bird, the Oldsmobile wandered same 100 feet down the road and stopped, finally, in a field across the north-south highway, about 200 yards from the point of impact. I was able to drive the Plymouth ante;.. she. shoulder and click off the ignition, breathing heavily as the adrenalin coursed through my system. It was over and I seemed whole. I staggered away from the car and walked across the road to the stricken, silent Olds- mobile. Two men fell along beside me as I walked and one of them said, "Don't you worry. We saw everything. He ran the stop sign." . A white-haired man had stumbled out of the Olds and one of us asked if everybody was all right. "No," he replied and looked toward the car. Inside, two little girls, about 8 and 9, were crying and bleeding. The driver, ap- parently their father, was quiet, but alive. His door had smashed Into him. THE MAN WAS in great pain and we all grabbed the crushed door and ripped it open. His left arm hung limply and the red stain grew larger as we watched. Another .witness had called the police and several minutes later the first of three patrol cars was on tie sce~~. A noi,~p,Y,~,,, r~~ ^na neatly pressed, ap- nro^r''°~' ~ .' - ^' `~-- my license. He „1_~ .. `~ ~'iit out his forms. Several other policemen arrived, in- spected the cars, directed the wrecker trucks now standing by, The ambulance screamed up a minute or two later. Now, as an Easterner, I had in my mind the Eastern image of a typical Texas cop. Big, crude and nasty. As an Easterner, I ex- pected the worst. BUT THESE COPS were polite, efficient and understanding. I explained to one that my`~ plane to Dallas.. was leaving in about 15 min utes and will it be possible for me to make it "We'll have .you out of here as soon as we can, sir," the officter said. And he did. Thirty minutes after the im- pact, an Avis employe was scooting me to the airport. The injured were on their way to the hospital, the wrecked Olds was gene and the policemen had given me- a few forms to com- plete, shaken my hand and waved me off. A to Z in 30 minutes. In New York, or any large city, the procedure would certainly have taken hours. A few days later, I wrote a letter, to the College Station police chief and, within a week, the mayor had responded. "To say the least," he wrote, "a letter of this type is unusual, and this is what prompts me to write and thank you far the compli- mentary remarks made relative to the of- ficers involved and, indirectly, to our police department." The Press, Friday, December 12, 1969' 41 r z n x x~ ~~ r c~ x r z a r ~r xa n ". ~ ~d d~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~a ~~ r r~ t v ,e ~-`~ `~ 0 A . `~~ ~_ _ ~ y, ti m ~ o ti ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ C ~~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, z ~~ y A K ~ °~ r ~ n N rn ~--h A A• ~ ~, ~, d .• ~' A m ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ +"+~ ~ +r3 '~ ~ +p~ ~K S~ b H o Q ~z ., a~ R Fy x "z o~ <~ ., oz ~; K _t,~ k .. ' e j LrvJ ~+.~.~ a..v .. ... .... ~ v, .. ~ d_. ... L ~. v .. :, 4. s A.;r r a 4. ~ . ~ A ~f-•. ~ r~ it L~ February 2?, 1969 Mr. l~'allaee D. Beasley Executive Director Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education 1501 Lavaca. Street Austin, Texas ?8?D1 Dear Mr. Beasley: Enclosed you will find an application for certification for Law Enforcement Gfficers. Would you please examine and determine which certificate I would be qualified for and make such certification. Tf I qualify for the Basic certificate only, would you please advise the courses and hours that I would need to qualify for the Intermediate and the Advanced c~rtifica.te. Your consideration in this matter would be greatly appreelated. Yours truly, Melvin H. Luedke Chief of Police MHL/lc ~ S ~~ f ~ D ,~ 1~ TEXAS COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 3-A-34 STANDARDS AND EDUCATION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS I. NAME r:elvin H. Luedke RANK Chief of Police DEPARTMENT City of College Station Police Department lol ChuPCh St. ~r Box 3220 College Station, Texas 77540 Street City Zip II. EXPERIENCE: City of College Station Police Department From; Jan. 1-1954 To: Julyl-1964 .~- Agency .IGul 1-1966 Texas Liquor Control Board Austin Texas From: July 1-1964 To, y Agency City of College Station Police Department -From: July 1-1966 To• Present Agency From• To• Agency Total Years 15 yrs. 2 mo. III. EDUCATION: Otto, Texas Nigh School Otto Texas Austin Texas High School and High School Equivalent Certificate- Texas ~dueation agency Name Location College Name Location Major Minor Hours Credit ~ Type Degree (Specify quarter or semester hour) T iv. Accident Investigation R- Traffic Law Enforcement- 40 Name of Course Number Hours Staff Texas Department of Public Safety Instructor Agency Safe burglary Seminar l~r Name of Course Number Hours Staff Texas Department of Public Safety Instructor Agency ~~~~ Texas Municipal Police School 160 Name of Course Number Hours Staff ___ Texas A & M Engineering Extension Service Instructor Agency Police-Community Fe lation ,~0 Name of Course Number Hours Staff Texas A ~ M Engineering Extension Service Instructor ~ Agency (TJse supplementary pages for additional training) I affirm that I subscribe to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics, and that all of the information listed above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature APPROVED BY: hief of Police Title Chief of Police February 27, 1969 Date February 27, 1969 Date jx~livl~vc;; Accident Investibation 70 Name of Course Number Hours Staff ~ - _ _ rv'orthwe~stern~ University F~ Tex.:~Frh; Engineering extension Ser Instructor ~ Agency Supervision of Police Personnel 70 Name of Course Number Hours Staff Northwestern University ~?~ Tex. A~~M Engineering Extension Se Instructor Agency '.a Texas 7,i uor Control Board ~ 160 Name of Course-, Number Hours _.__ _ ._. Staff Texas hiquor Control Board Austin, Texas Instructor; Agency Name of Course ~ Number Hours Instructor .. _ ~.,...-... _____ ___ Agency t { I t. ti' ,, - ~ $ , INVOICE ~~~b~Y~' r .ADDLES & EQUIPMENT ~ ` ~ ~` ' i, WESTERN CLOTHING ~''~ '~' ,~'' ,c. COWBOY BOOT$ ~.~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ ` ~., ;,, , HOUSTON'S WESTERN STa VETERINARY SUPPLIES ' "`" '~'~ y~ , %~ ~'', ;, ~; P, O. BOX 727, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77oa1 ~ ~' ~ '' I ' ` PHONE: 223-4344 '~' ~ ,•L FREE PARKING -- 410 LOUISIANA - SIDE ENTRANCE '., ; ,' 's, ,~ .~ ~ s~'. This account payableoffice of seller, Houston, Harris County, Texas; Terms 30 days net cash, 1 " ~ `~~ > '•`"~ ,. •,,. past due accounts p1 s interest at 6% plus 20% for attorney's fees if placed in hands of attorney ' for collection; Mortgage retained to secure purchase price; repossessed goods subject to private ~ ` , ~ ' ~:`,, sale and proceeds to be applied against account, ,I ; 't ~ 4,~;~ ~ ' ': All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill. ', ' ~`,' I t ,~.'• ~' i ~.,'.r.r E 6~4H8 Recd By r. ~' % ~, , Customer's Order No. Date 1g ~~ Name ' 1 / Adtlress Sold 8 Cash C.O Charge On Acct. Mdse.Retd Paid Out U NtITY DESC R 1 PT I ON PRICE AMOUNT r .~ , ~ r /~ ,, l ,/ {~ ~ .. ( ~~ d' March 11, 1969 Chief Melvin H. Luedke College Station Police Department P. O. Box 3220 College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Chief Luedke: We are pleased to award this certificate to you for having fulfilled the requirements for certification as a peace officer by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Offieer Standards and Education, We trust that the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics will be a constant challenge to you in your chosen profession of law enforcement. Our records show that you have attained the training required for the Intermediate Certificate, and that you were officially certified by this. Commission on the date of this letter. Congratulations to you and best wishes for the future. Yours sincerely, ~ _ ...~ Wallace D. Beasley, Executive Director WDB: rgw Enclosures {aLEN ~-I. N1CLAiJCaHLIN ~~lc~ld"611~C1 RUFF -JOR~?AN Seeretdry CRAWFQB~E~ MARTEN ,!. W. EDGAR ~~ ..,~, HC3MER GARRI~C?N, JR. NOTICE OF CERTIFICATION ACTION To Chief Melvin H. Luedke Date March 10, 1969 _P. O. Box 3220 College Station, Texas 77840 Regarding your application for award of certificate; X Award approved, certificate is attached. Award not approved. Required signatures not present. Insufficient law enforcement experience. ~_____`_ Insufficient education points indicated. Insufficient training points indicated. Training not completed in approved school. __~____~ Education points not earned in recognized college. Failure to meet minimum standards of recruitment. _____~ Probationary period not completed. X Other To receive the Advanced Certificate you need 13 more points or college semester hours. In substitute for the 13 points, you can take 260 more classroom hours. Director Wallace D. Beasley gy Wordie W. Burrow t~~ r L x ~~ ~~ r ~, y a C c~ r ~, z --+ ~D C a r ~ r xa ~~ ttyyee~ ~• H to V A .. a ~ K ~3 ~--~ o A ~' ~ N `~ 3 ~ ~ o r ~ N. ~' C h ~~ ~ `~ `-' ~ ~ ~ Z p~• ~ A ~ •i ~:, ~ , ~ ~ ~ ° +~ CIj ~^ ~ A `"'' ~.' ° '- '~ n ~' ~. * m ~ ~ A ~. ~' ~ ~ ~ ~• a m 'Zr ~. ~ ,, ro r~ ~O ~z ., o~ 7 N --; x ~9 W Y' :T ~ ' °a ~z ~~ W ~_ ~~ ~I v .v `J 1 z ~~ 0 0 v V ~~ ~(~ H z 0 0 z ~I.1 `~ U C O w w ~~ Q cs t wee w oVi jQz v " 0 G •v m ~~~\ 0 o~ V V •~ ~ _ ~ , ~1 1 vw111} 1 o, ~ v W i ~~ ~ T I v ~ - a i 1 ENE pM1ERICAN LEA/pN ~~ PRESENTED TO c~<l~ o~Yedk FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO HIS COMMUNITYTHROUGHCARRYING OUT HIS DUTIES AS A POLICE OFFICER IN A MANNER WHICH REFLECTS CREDIT UPON ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND FOR DEDICA- TION TO HIS PROFESSION ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY. ~: WILLIAM F. HAUCK J. MIL ON PA RICK NATIONAL ADJUTANT ,;; ~ ;~ ~ ~ NATI011tX1L COMMANDER DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT II// ~ DEPARTMENT LpM~I°ANDER T ADJUTA ~ E' ,, - u POST COMMANDER f *,<-' EARL GRAHAM POST POST N0. 159 DEPARTMENT OF 5 MARCH 193_ NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA \~ _0 cn Z O V Zu 0 W `< N U Z~~` DO A ~~ W F JV W ,4 ~~ kF ~% D W Z \~,,_1 Z F ~ ~ w O CITY OF COLLEGE STATION OATH OF OFFICE I, Melvin H. Luedke , do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of a Palice Officer, of the City of College Station, State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this state and the charter and ordinances of this city; and I furthermore solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed or promised to contri- bute any money ar valuable thing, or promised any public office ar employment as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election to secure my appointment, so help me God. Signed ~,C;-- Person taking oath SUBSCRIBED .AND SWORN to me, the undersigned authority, on this the 4th day of December , A.D. 19 70 , Jud f Municipal Court Cit of College Station, Brazos County, Texas A & M CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT JERSEY & ANDERSON STREETS • COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 • PHONE 846-5110 ~E~O-LET'I'ER® TO .Police Chief Melvin.. Luedke__ _ oaTe December 3, 1.971 BOX 9960 SUBJECT College.. Station, Texas. 778+0 Form ML4-N72 The Drowinq Board, Inc., Box 505, Dallas, Texo, i V4 raL~:RC~ ~. PE,~SL~Y, ~XE~UT1'v £ C7S~k:~1`~f2 rcvocrc ~ v, ~ivea i n 15~~? LRVACR STREET R11S71N, "TEXRS 7~7~1 R.C. 51~' - X77 416 WALTER. Su~'°CLE March 2 9 , 19 71 Mr. Melvin H. Luedke Chief of Police College Station Police Department Drawer CS College Station, Texas 77$40 Dear Chief Luedke, We are pleased to award this certificate to you for having fulfilled the requirements for certification as a peace officer by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. We trust that the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics wild. be a constant challenge to you in your chosen profession of law enforcement. Our records show that you have attained the training re-- quixed for the ADVANCED Certificate, and that you were officially certified by this Commission on the date of this letter. Congratulations to you and best wishes for the future. Yours sincerely, --~"~~ , ~ Wallace D. Beasley, Executive Director WDBe rc Enclosures r E~3.~d, will ~ i` cei.~a~ee ~~ tat€~1 X61 ~s~ocm~ haure, ~~~ you please re-evalu~.t~ ~Y points ~'~ ~~~e~ Certiflaaa~e, Yoiae truly ~J%.~irR~ G~ Kelvin ~I. Lued3~e Chief a~f Palice ~~f lt~ cn W zc ~o ~~ wv > ~~ 0 z" A A ~a V ~ K ,.a w d '~ ~~ •~..r ~..+ ~ o W ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ Q ~~ ~; ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~; a "`~ ~~ ~ is ^ ~ ~ ~ '~i ~ ~ ~ ~ `Ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~N ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~o N ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ t~ ~ ~ 0 w ~~ ~iZ ~T z x x ~ ~ C 4 a ~ ~ c ~ z~ o~ x z ~ W a '~ c7 F-b TEXAS COMMISSION ON lAW ENFORCEMENT OffICER STANDARDS AND EDUCATION NOTICE OF COURSE COMPLETION This is to certify that L~ec:ke, ~~+~Ivi~ 1<,. Name of ~©Ila~~ Stetia~ police i3ept., ~sraw>esr CS, 778A~ Department or Agency Tsars A3J~ Uri:ivarsit~ Polite Trainia~ :~iviuivn has successfully completed the approved police training course indicated below: BASIC OTHER '~"~' pr~LI4~ PSYG)<3t3Lf3~7 t13~"A SCIE~'TI~'IC ?~~1:~3dIQt7L5 Specify Type The above training course began on Jj~• ~, 1971 and ended on Month Day Yeer Jsn- ~`~• 1971 comprising a total of 161 hours of instruction. Month Dey Year Classes met from ~ ~ pm toy ~ ~~ ~~'`~ pm each day. School was con- ducted in Brya~y texas , Town Jan. 29, 1971_ Dete Name of Academy or School Address Signature of Schoo ordinator Instructions: This form will be completed in at least three copies. One copy for the trainee, one copy for trainee"s department to be placed in his personnel file, and one copy to be sent to the Texas Commis- sion on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. I! ,~ .. ~; ~~ ~! : F-6 TEXAS COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS AND EDUCATION NOTICE OF COURSE COMPLETION This is to certify that__~.t~~dke, "~~lvin ~i Name of College Station Police dept., Drawer CS, 77~4q Department or Agency Address has successfully completed the approved police training course indicated below: BALI OTHER ~f`iVAi~CE~ POLICE PSYCE~t~IAGF AZ+iD SCIEN'TIPIC ?ECfLi2QtJ~S Specify Type The above training course began on J~-n. 4. 1971 and ended on Month Day Yeer Jau. 29, 1971 comprising a total of 16C hours of instruction. Month Day Yeer am am Classes met from g. ~ pm to ~ ~ ad pli pm each day. School was con- ducted in _ Bryan, texas , Town Tex$al ~l~Pi University Jan. 29. 1971_ P®lice Trainizt~t :3ivision Date Name of Ncademy Signature of School Coordinator or School Instructions: This form will be completed in at least three copies. One copy for the trainee, one copy for trainee"s department to be placed in his personnel file, and one copy to be sent to the Texas Commis- sion on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. F-b fiEXAS COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT OffICER STANDARDS AND EDUCATION NOTICE OF COURSE COMPLETION This is to certify that I.UEDKE, Kelvin H. Name of College Station Police Dept., Drawer CS, College Station, Texas 77840 Department or Agency Address has successfully completed the approved police training course indicated below: BASIC OTHER p(LT~;F _ Cn~Ir1TTy RF7 TIDNS Specify Type The above training course began on Auk' 3a' ~ ~~~~' and ended on Month Day Yeer Sept. 3, ~ ~~ ~~ comprising a total of 32 hours of instruction. Month Dey Yeer am QO P~~ am Classes met from 9 ~ OU AM pm to S' pm each day. School was con- ducted in College Station, Texas . Town Texas AtxI~i University Sept. 3, 197 Police Trait:*ng Division Date Name of Academy Signature of School Coordinator or School Instructions: This form will be completed in at least three copies. One copy for the trainee, one copy for trainee"s department to be placed in his personnel file, and one copy to be sent to the Texas Commis- sion on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. ~ ~. ,~ F-6 TEXAS COMMISSION ON LA~i ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS AND EDUCATION NOTICE OF COURSE COMPLETION '!+i'~.'i~'~."4 i~ a T.,fx.~:,1~ _M This is to certify that Name of ~c,~ ~.~ .. : i_, :.3 'ra. ,. c. e=~<~rC~uen~ fr:?l.}"e ;i.n~ } ,,ss~a Department or Agency Address has successfully completed the approved police training course indicated below: BASIC OTHER =r: s:r . , '~.~*c~F-.,? ' ',~r', s'-,.,w Specify Type The above training course began on ~~'=~~~'~'~ ~ ' 1 '! and ended on Month Day Yeer '~r'`,'~'~€'r ZI 1'~Tl ~I comprising a total of hours of instruction. Month Day Yeer Classes met from ' ~ -~ ' '-fix to ~} ~ ~ ~~` pm each day. School was con- ducted in , Town '~j~. , 1`',~' "1' ?I ne: ~i~~-=1. :'~ ~° zr_ i.fi~ ~ Cc:ni.er G~,~ n ~~i / Date Name of Academy Signature School Coordinator or School Instructions: This form will be completed in at least three copies. One copy for the trainee, one copy for trainee"s department to be placed in his personnel f'sle, and one copy to be sent to the Texas Commis- sion on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. .~.~ ~ ~~~u~ ~nfurr~m~n~ (~~~trr~r, mr~ ~undamenEa6 duty is to serve mankind; to sa~eguard lives and propertr~; to protect t~xe innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peace~u~ against vio~ence or disorder; and to reepect t~e C~onstitutiona~ rights o~ a~l men to liderte~, e~ua~te~ and fustice. // ~Q DQ 1 D ~t~~ keep mr~ private lie un~uGLeecL ad an exampfe to a ; maintain coura- geous cam in the ace o~ danger, acorn, or ridicu~; deve~op se~~restraint; and 6e constant~i~ mind~u>r o~t~e weC~are o~ others. ~./~onest in t~oug~t and deed in dots. m~ persona and o~~cia~ ~~e, ~ wi~~ de exemp~rr~ in o~ec~ing the laws o~ the Cane and the regulations o~ mc~ department. VVhatever ~ see or dear o~ a con- ~dentiaC nature or t~iat is con~ded to me in mr~ o~~cia~ capacity wi~f 6e ~rept ever secret un~ess reve>Qation is necessarr~ in the performance o~ mr~ dutch. u1tI1 never act o~~ciousfc~ or permit personal ~eedings, pre`udices, animosities or friendships to in~~uence mr~ decisions. VV it~ no compromise ~or crime and r~vith relentless prosecution o~ criminals, ~ wif~ en~orce the ~aw courteouslr~ and appropriate~i~ without ear or~avor, malice or i>~~wi~l, never emp~o~inc~ unnecessarr~ ~orce or vio~ence and never accepting gratuities. ~'~,(~~~~~~ the badge o~ mc~ o~~ce as a s~fmbo~ o~ pudCic with, and accept it as a public trust to 6e heCd so Cong as,~ am true to the ethics o~ the police service. ~ cvif~ corzstantf`~ strive to ac>/iieve these objectives and ideals, ded- icating m~seC~ be~ore ~od to mg c~osen profession ... Caw enforcement. National Conference of Police Associdiions Copyrighted 1957 -Washington. D. C. a a z 0 O ~i~y ~o ~ J Y . ~ N • a~ NA~`~ d ~~ d ~ ~± ;', ,, c ry! a ^I °~i of ww~ Y/bi ~~o is-9i-L w ~OfO{/-S a~ 1 N obi S IS'/Z-i II } -u ZS~`-E ~I ~-C ~ . ~ J ~ ~ I ~', v x a~ a x .,~ O Ab W 'O cry N f-a •,~ U x v .r., v w 0 a~ a~ 0 V w 0 0 a~ a 0 U 4~-i U U o. O x x 0 ~i ca x 0 c~ w x d a d A a~ v v 0 a d~ ~° a ~~ ~~ ~x N O U O u Q 0 U V d Y _~ d Q ~ ;, V ~ ~~ az ACCIDENT OCCI~RRED County.....,~~'8505„ ...................:.......city orTown..,Bryan,..Texas...,....,.......... lotolNo.,,,,,,,,,.,,,.„ L accident wis outside city limits, ^ ^ ^ ^ . .. . . f il N th 5 E W 6 oPS No,, , , , , , , , ,,, , , ,,, , , ~ ..... ...... ........................ ... .......... es or o nce f)~om nearest town , , , , , , , , , , , , ,m indicate dist Loc A ^ Yes . , T ROAD ON~SNHIC ACCIDENT OCCURRED........`,~£'~t~:S..AXE....~.•St.$:tr£.~~-~kl~:y.#~~. .. ...................... Undnr Construction? ®No s.R...................., ~ Give name of Bred or highway numbu(U.S. or Stob). If no hphway numMr, Wati(y -y aanse. ~ N AT 1T5 INTERSECTION WITH DQ,d€;e St. Check and ........ ...... "' ni • .......... ..................... . ' .... . Fat. rest. """""" "' ~~i of i mating strgt er Highway number complete ons~ or. rec,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .... feet of ....................................................,.. only If NOT AT INTERSECTION ^ ~~ ^ ~ ................ North 5 E W Shaw neonst inbnediag NreN « highway, hoes. ne., kidpe, RR a"u ing, alley, driveway, culveA, mihpoN, undnpns, er Nher londmak. Cod. .. . ........... . . ' ' ' Y 'M E ~ A.M. It emcd9 noes Accident Day of ~ 11 2 P.M. mamedni M, so . ~-~~~ 19 ..~.~.. Week , ~', r~d8x.. .Hour ~ ~ . ^ TYp• FAT....... P.I.. , . , • , I.D. YOUR VEHICLE #1 Make and p ~] Front Only Had Yes-j` k t F t b B S 4~ , ea oc ron t J Year Type of License Model ...~.~7.~ .......... Vehicle . . ~' c?xd , .Mr . C~x'... , ,, , .. Plate .F~xe~pt..Texas..1.~9-5.7. ~. . . .............. ... Belts ^ No Sedan,trodnr-semi-frailer, cod, Nc Year SfNe tbmler owNER..C,ity„of, College„ 5tatian..,,,,,.1207.,Texas ~ye,...,,,,.Col.,lej;e„Station,, Texas,.•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Noma Moil Address Gry and StNe V Date of DRIVER ~~.~P~'..5.~......G.~?.?.~-!E'ge..Stra~~S?117r,..~'g7~g$... Birth.....~.~".'~.~:"."z9... ~z....~.. ~~aR~ ~r1~f34~~~ Pr ~X~ Z1 ~ I`~ ' , E H ~ ... .......... . . .. . . , r . Nam. ~ Moil addresr ~r •nd ~+•~' ^ Chauffeur Race of Driver's Driving Driver's . ^ Operator ~Q ~.~ ~CQ...G ~~~ ~ .............. . . Experience ....... ~~j:.......... licenses . `~G', Via. S...~~~~0~62.... , Occupation Driver W ' ' ' ' ' C , , , , , , , , , , , . ... , , . , . ®Cam. Op. YYhib, negro, Nc Carpenter, doctor, sal" dark, Nc. Yean Stob Numbv L ~ At what speed were you driving when you VVlwt was the Approximate cost ~ i `~'~jl~ hi l S ~ ~ ~ e c ............... m.p.h, to repair ve .. . . .... .. . ........ first saw you might havc this accident? . , , .........Q . ........ . .... .m.p.h. speed limit? .......... 5 OTHER VEHlCI~~~mplete information you have available) For aha VeUso" Year Make and T e License S~k Model.... ,) 9~?1k ... ............... of Vehicle yP ... Doa~~ Hart Sedan ................... .. Plate .:1,9.7.1, ,Texas , SPM6 , .... , ...... . Another Form Sadao, cenrertible, pickup, truck, trades, Pod, eft Year Stete Numbar ' Total :Albert Stewart~ ......743..Rio.~'1~~..W&s.~~-~~:~Q~1..$t.~......,..~~'y.~,~,,., xe~t~~.. ... ........................... awNER • • • ' ,Vehitles darolYed .. . City and 51Ne " Noma Mai{ Addr"s DRIVER. Gafford Oakley„ Stewart,,,,,,,, 703„Emmett„St,.,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,Bryan,,. Te~a,s Est. of Domaga ... .............. 27 00 . S ..... ..... Noma Moil address G1y and 9Ne DAMAGE TO PROPERTY None. A roximote OTHER THAN V EHfCLES ............. ... .... . . ......... ........... ........ .............. , ........................... cost to repair f .................... Noma object, show ownership, and dab nature el damages NO. 1 ~S~ow only pedestrians or persons injured in your vehicle) ^ Driver ^ Right Front C Name. Address ............................. ....................................................... ................. .. .. ^ Passenger ^ Right Reor ^ Center Rear d S Dote Of Race Wos erson killed? Death Age Sez P .... .................... " " ^ !e(t Rear U .. • . , , _ , . , . , ,, , , ,, , , , , , , , , Seat Belt ^ Used ^ Not Used ~ Taken to , By ^ Pedestrian L IWO, Z ^ Driver ^ Right Front = Name ....................... . .:.............................. Address ........................ .... ............................ Date of ^ Passenger ^ RigIH Rear ^ Center Rear ~ $ Race.................. .... .Was person killed?.......... Death ...... ..................... A9e .............Sex............. ^ leit Rear . •Seat Belt ^Used ^Not Used Taken to .......... ...By............ .......:..... ^ Pedestrian STATE lIiRFEFLY WHAT HAPp'ENED Veh. #1 was traveling North on Texas Avs. in the inside Lane of traffi x~x~r~x~x.~r~xffi~x~~~~f~x~x~.~xi~~ttt~ when an unknown vehicle in front of Veh.#1 had Y~~;dizc~'d" i.ta "s'p~ed "to" a"ri~~r "~tcip "to"avai'd" hitti'Y~g..V~~i:#3': 'Veh': #3"~~t3rinitted"'tYie "un1tricwil "veh..... to 1:proceed without contact. ~Vehe#1 had stopped behind the unknown veh. Veh.#3 then ~.7roceeded ........ 'tci•'iriakP ' itsTeft" tiiTri 'onto "'I'e:xas "Ave': "from 'West' Dodge ~'S~t': ~'Whi~le~'V~:h:#1..wt=is ~ ~stop~~ed~ ~ i.t~ was .struck in the entire rear bum~~er and rear deck panel with the emirs front end and head li~;h of Veh.#2 which was traveling behind Veh.{~1 . Veh.#?... atapl.~ed its brakes after noticing Veh.#1 stepped •and„s.k~.dcled,.spme.,r~i..stance, hofor~..,the„co,113.szon..,,Af~ter,, r;o113.son..~f.~.h..#l...y.!a.s.. ~'~r~~d...... forward same distance by the impact. Veh.#3 was not contest#;ed and failed to xetnain at the s.cene. ................................................................................................................................:.............................. ................................:...ry.~.,.,,...1..~..........,..~.,,,.j............................................,..............., ,....,.....,................................... ~ DRIVER'S SIGN711TURE~,/ .r~' .............................. Date o4 report.....~."'.r!...~~. L` .~rG..,C r~ "$` ~ .~Gr~"~'~-'#' "~ J . .. . . . . ...... . ~ USE OTHER SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND/OR DIAGRAM, _, ~;. ~•.; , .; f k,~ it ;: r.; !, ": r , g: :~ .: o''y' ". ': '• : `.. !~7. .~.ILI I:NT fZ~t~~Y~~ ° ~r tf iK ib~a Ji~^~ 1'='. A,.. a.:., '.;; .t`, i?, ... .. A~5 , .""'Ae ~ u e`id Ter&C .a 44 ~:m a aaU.~ i°-{}C3 r'' ., r . ,. ' DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE PLACE WHERE ACCIDENT OCCURRED County ..............................................City or Town............................................. tecelNa.................. L If accident was outside city limits, ^ ^ ^ ^ DPS Ne, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , O indicate distance from nearest town , , , , , , miles North S E W of • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ~ • , , , , , , , CitvorTown L A ^ Yes ROAD ON WHICH oc, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, T ACCIDENT OCCURRED,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ... .. .,. .....................Under Construction? ^ No ~ s.R.,,.,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,... Aighway numberlU.S, or State-. H no highway number, identify by home. Gire name o{ street a N Check and AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH ......................... .............. ...... ............ ............................ .. Far. rec............,...... Nam. e( inleneeling stnd er highway number complete one Dr. r.c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, only IF NOT AT INTERSECTION ,,,,,, ,,feet ^ ^ ~ ^ of ......................................... ......... ,,, ,, , , , North S E W Show nearest intersecting street or highway, house no., bridge, RR cross ing, alley, driveway, culvert, milepost, underpass, or other landmark. Code ... . ............... . TIM Date of Day of ^ A,M, H exactly noon xlnigM, so k H ^ P M W d • 19 ~ Tyw ................... . E . our, . ee ............ sta e enf ........................................ Acct .......... ........ .............. FAT. P.I. P.D. YOUR VEHICLE ~ Front Only Moka and Had ^Yes Year Type of License Seat From b Back Plato ...... .............. .... ....... ...... ........... Belts ^ No : Vehicle . Model . . . ~ ~ . . . ....... ......... .. .............. ... Numbs Srate , Tea Sedentradera.nd~lralor, teal, Mc OWNER .................. ... .. ...... ......:................. .................................... .. ... ._. ............. . .............. Name ~ Mal Address City and Stare V -Date of E DRIVER ............. ... ............................... .. .... .. ~ • ........................... , . ................ .. . Birth ................... .... Sex ......... H Nome Moil addrns Gb' and Sfae ' ^ Chauffeur I Race of Driver's ..Occupation............................... Driver s Driving Driver ......... Experience....... ..........license..... • • .. .......... .... • ' .... ^ Operator ' ..... ........... White, negre, etc. Capeaer, doctor, sales clerk, etc. Yesn Nunibtr sisi: ^ Com. Op. ~ At whoa speed were you driving when you What was the Approximate cost E first saw you might have this accident? ............................m.p.h, speed limn? ..............................m.p.h. to repair vehicle S S OTHER VEHICLE (romplets information you hors available) ~• For vhi., Year Make and Typ License ue. Model.... , .~.9f?.~ ..................of Vehicle...~r~..~''Qx~..~t,.C~x....Sta.t~Qn..W..f~g~?n..... Piste ..~.9.72..Tf~xa.s..STG664................ Another Sedan, cenrectible, pickup, truck, (recta, tesi, ek. Tear Stale Number Form Terel owNER..~a,~y..Suf..~..~xan.,D.airsQn...........7.O3..Maryem.St~............College..Ste.tion,..T.exas ............................. Vehicles ~~ Moil Address City and Stae Involved Est. of Damage ...... DRIVER..Mary...S.u1~.a.vaxa..Aarr~.on............7Q~..Maryem .St.............Colleg.e..Station.,..Texas.. (~ Name Mml address Gty and State s ....... •`~ ............. . DAMAGE TO PROPERTY Approximate OTHER THAN VEHICLES ........................... ...................... ........ .................................. ..... cosito repair S .... Name object, show ownership, and stoU nature of damage ............... N O. 1(S(fow only pedestrians or persons injured in your vehicle(' ^ Driver ^ Right Front C ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Name ........................................................ Address........................ ..... ........ ~ • Possen er ^ g ^ Right Reor ^ Center Rear A S Was person killed?.......... Race Sex Age Date of Death ........................,...... ^ left Rear U ............ ......................... ... ... " • ""' Scot Belt ^ Used ^ Not Used A Taken to , By ^ Pedestrian ~ NO. Z .-^ Driver ^ Right Front T I Address .... .. ... Name . ............................. . ^ Passenger ^ Right Rear E ............. . . .................... .................................. .. .. Date of ^ Center Rear $ A9e .............Sex..............Race.. ............. ....... Was person killed?.......... Death .............................. ^ left Reor Scot Belt ^ Used ^ Not Used Taken to .. .... ....... .. .By ............................ .... ... ... ^ Pedestrian STATE BRIEfLY WHAT HAPPENED r ...... .................................. ..............................'..............r............... ...................................... ............... .... ............ *' ORIV ER'S SIGNATURE .... ..................................................:.... Date of report.:...... ...................... .... ...... y. ... .. .... TEXAS ii>i~'r'9:, a,r4~E F4'~~,F4~ ~R-~1 SR CASE NO. SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78751 TEXAS MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT INSURANCE INFORMATION COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT IT STILL ATTACHED TO YOUR ACCIDENT REPORT. (FORM sT-2) Was your vehicle operated under permit. or certificate of Texos Railroad Commission? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If so, give No.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.:,,.... Is Form SR 23 (Notice of Policy for Fleets of 25 or More Automobiles) ~ on file with the Texas Deportment of Public Safety for your vehicle? ,.....YDS..,,....... ~ + Has a certificate of self•insurance been issued •by the ~ Texas Department of Public Safety for your vehicle? ...... . .. . ................... If so, give No. , .. , , ............ , .............. If the answers to oll of the obove questions are "No" the next question must be answered. Did ou hove 510,000 20,000 bodil in'ur and 55,000 ro ert dame a liabilit insurance in effect on the date of the accident ? , , , , , , • , • • , , , , , , . , . ' Y ~ Y I Y P P Y 9 Y~ •••••••••••• If the -obove is answered "Yes" answer all the items below. Name of liability insurance Compony. (Not the Agent)•.•.,.•.•,••R.Oya,]..,Globe ............................................................................... Policy No...... ~?!~~~4?.4.1 ............. ........... Policy Period: from ...........1.-1r-7.2................ t'o............~.~~.-73...................... Name of Policyholder.,,,,.~1~,3r,p~,•~Q~~ge,.y~j~a,.tj,pn. Mail Address„~~01„~Q~,,g„~Y,0x3,ue,.,College.•~tat~.on,•••'I'e~&S~• 1 COMPLETE THIS FORM ALSO-DO NOT DETACH ~, FORM sR-Zt Date of Accidsnt.......3 : 3.1-.72 ....................... Plats of Accident ...... ~.Y'3?c1:21~.. ~e~c~,S....................... ..~'aZ©:S........................... . Cilr o~ Town '~ Cov~lr Make of Vehicle Involved in Accident .....F'.4Y'd ........... ........... . ........... Yeor...... 7~.... Typs ~ , a~' •.. , .....Motor IdentiFicotion No.. , ,~,G5.1 ~~ ?Q5 Q2• • • • • • ........ . .... ......Royal„ Globe... ... ............ ................... Owner's Name.....Ly.?:ty. o~..CQI~...egs..Station........................ 'Name of Your liobility Insurance Co. (Not the Agent) Owner's Addre::... , , .207.. Texas.. Avenue.„ • . COll@ge. ,,~tat~.0~ Policy No........~~~9~~~j;1 ..................................................... Driver's Name ..... Melvin• •H... Luedke• . . . ............................... . ~y~~, ... , . ^ Owner . ~././~!~I...~~..~~7^.4g~"-•~-... ~] Driver Driver's Address 1401 , Lawyers.. College.. Station,,..Te.~e..s. Usual Signature ~ ~~~~ Person filling out SR•21 form DOES NOT write below this line. :Insurance Company is to return this Form only if liability Insurance Cowroge is Rejected. ',Reason for rejecting coverage Name of Insurona Compam ..... ..................... ................... Dote ..................................'. ~, Authorized Representative 'I , t! 1 ! ' I ., 't...: ~ .. ., .. ~ ~ ~ ~ •Y . TEXAS DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY Safety Responsibility ~ MAII To: P. 0. Box 4087 Austin, Texas 78751 L ., ••i ESTIMATE OF REPAIRS 713 / 823-0044 1309 TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 Lincoln Mercury 4 ... , ~_ ,,) "~ ~ Date ` ~ c 19~ (, ~ , . ~ ~. Car Owner ~''~ ddress ~ ~`- ~' Phone Make Year ~ Serial N~_ _~Mb~f'or ~o. _ Body Style Mileage License No. Paint No. Trim No. Insurance Co._ Adjuster Phone No. File No. QUAN. ~ ESTIMATE OF REPAIRS PARTS I MISC. I SUBLET LABOR -_-1 HRS. ~ '~ 1 J %~ TOTAL The undersigned agrees to complete the above repairs for ~ Of this amount the above named insured is to pay $ insurance deductible depreciat-on work not covered by inswance v By u Labor $ ~ Ports $ Misc. ~~~--rs.=~ ~'' Sublet $ Soles Tox $ EST{MATE TOTAL $ ADVANCE CHARGES $ GRAND TOT/til $ ~ J Jack Winslow Body Shop REPAIR COSTS COMPLETE BODY WORK * WRECKS RE-BUILT * WRECKER SERVICE /07 tiURNETT - PH: 71S-i42-SS19 - t.,, ~ BRYAN, TE 77801 DATE__ 0 ~, ~. --- PHONE BELOW IS ESTIMATE TO REPAIR YOUR ~ ~ ~ _AUTOMOBFLE INSURED WITH MODEL LICENSE NO. MOTOR NO. SERIAL NO. MILEJ-GB ~~. T PART NUMBER PARTS NEC658ARY AND ESTIMATE OF LABOR REQUIRED LABOR COST ESTIMAT PARTt COtT BTIMATt E C .~ ~= 1 '` - ,, -~-~' - ~..~=- p p ~ ~- ~~ -'+~ ~' TOTALt ~ .~- ~ ~ PART8 AND LABOR EtT1I~ATE ~iRAND TOTAL The above is an estimate on our inspection and does not cover any additional parts or labor which may be required after the work has been opened up. Occasionally Sign d after the work has started damaged or broken parts are discovered which are not evident on the first inspection Because of this the above prices are not guaranteed. B AUTHORIZATION FO EPAIRS YOU ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED. TO MAKE THE ABOVE SPECIFIED REPAIRS TO MY CAR. SIGNED Date __ ....~ i 1 O o~ 9 e ~7,` _~, ~~ sr~ p E~ s,•p~ To; ~~~~ n h X ~ ~~ ~~ I~ x °~ 41 ~ ~~ a i \i 7'a CoJJe9~, ~qTi on a~~ i l3 ~.`( i ~ II ~I f a ~, ~ ~' ~ 1 ~° ~ ~~ TcriRS Hve pad pa~p~ ~r weRihe~e _ cJ~~+~E' , Ro Aal Cdn~~Tj'G,a -, 0~~/ ~v UrJ Kn ou1 r7 Vcl,. .rTV P .Ji Srr - =--'~ 1 ~- ~y G h ~ ,e 9 .e w ~ ~- t~ ~=Rj1 rv y,~~J ~! R~9~ r d~ wx~~ S6 UT~ / 9 %,' sp=are ~ ~,~ ~ z E ,s -~ ~, y~,' ~, # ~ ~ 7~ 0 9 s'sl ~. f: ,~ V ,p a ~ --- ~ - ~ _ ~ ) ~- -r7 : n ~ m < ' U Gam,.-6-^G~(~/Cct'~*~,.~ C_,!72, ~J :~ I r , ;' a ~,) ~ ~ M LEAVE TH13 SPACE BLANK Name ~•uedke , ~'ie lvin Henry (Surname) (First name) (Middle name) Class. (Please type or print plainly) Alias No. Color j,,~3,te Sea ~,~ le Ref. RIGHT HAND 1. Thumb \ ,~.P ~,,.-•= ~~ ~ ~ 2. Index Finger 1/~/~ \ 4 \\ 3. Middle Finger 4 ~.. ~: ' bpd! a\,i~~`4t ~~i , l \~~\ 1. 4. Ring Finger S Ye fid'~,' di j ~~~Rµ r \'\ ~ 5. Little Finger z s^ap ~ A '~ '~l~'ijl~ 1 ~ /4( fY ~ i . l ~ -,~`~ ~\ -. ffFf ~ r ~~\ \ f//jJ~~ // ~ ~J'-... j f +~ t ~. ! P.j n fWY\ 1 .'F laF {~dk~y~~ ;\~ "' ~ ~'j ~ y ! \ \~ , J' - i`°ti ~~ ~"YV / + Jk0. :_ ( M v •~ ~~~~ ~'t. ~" ti' F,~ \ ... - .. LEFT HAN1~7 ..iia^, ~ ~. .. 6. Thumb 7. Index Finger ,,~,,~-, M3~r F~c,~r I 9 Rinq Finger 10. Little Finger !rte, ___ F r f f ~,./~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ a J > J/r/~~~ rj~ R !!~~;; l v ! rj y ~ / ~ ~'~\ r ';` ~\\}`~~ ~S ,fir \ ',l F r 1 t,1 ~ '1 ~ `\ ~ 1 -~ yr ~ ti~`~i~ti\ - ~ ~ ~~1 \\1`` ~~ ~ (Y l~~ `j1;4\\\ ~ _ _ - ` ;~ t X11 ~ e I 4 ! J 4 it ~ ~ a , , ~ ~ ' Jr'S" ! F s'-!~f y~f f } "+~' ~ r : i k ~ e r,, / 'y '' ~ ~. 15k `"% ~ t ..~ iF~ ~~~~ 9 {'jy f ~~,,~ /1~ '{¢, ~ / ~~ - ~ j 13>3~ I J1 '' - ~ J/e7 ~{7~ ~.~~ ~+, ~ 1111 to .+.!; Impressions taken b Note Amputations Signature of person fingerprinted ~i (Signature of of(iaia akinq prints) o~a l ' '~ ,~~ l ~!~ f :.! .e~~~~ c Date ~1~X ~ ~.1 -~ ,_~ . . ................. . . ...... .. , ..... _ ~T _ _ _ Four Fin~a~rs Take - -- --- n Simultaneously - Left Thumb - - Right Thumb -- Four Fingers Take -- n Simultaneously LEFT 1-IAND i~ --~ ~r ~ _ ~ E _ ~'~~ RIGHZ` HAIV'D \ti jC~jf ~~~~~~ a, ,` ~~ i ii~~g ~~~ , t s~R" 'R PRINT ~Aea. ''~LE.ziSE DO NOT FOLD THIS CARD ~ ~^"°` C ~~ MOO N. J„ U. ~. A. __ A P P L I CANT LEAVE THIS SPACE BLANK i..cr ~ n~-i~u 6. Thumb I 7, Index finger ~ 8. Middle finger ( 9. Ring finger I 10. Little finger Impress!ioyynyys~~take by: /~ --- Note ampu'6~2biis (Signature fficial taking prints) ~q{J -- - - - - - -----_1--~.-i----------°---- - - --- °---- Date impressions taken _ ___ ~ __~ _-'_~,~ ___________ (Applicant's signature) Four fingers taken simultaneously Four fingers taken simultaneously Left Hend Left thumb Right thumb Right Hand ; _- ~~ r- ~ Y ~ f y~'~ /`fry ~ e ~ ~ fir, ;? .. t - .fir t rff ~ ' :k~ sue,' r~ _ ~~. ,~ .+,r y . _ PLEASE DO NOT FOLD THIS CARS ~'" °. ~~' ~'`~ - .~ Name --------------------- ~- ----'~y~--------------------- ~"- Classification -------------------------------------- -------------------------- (Surname) (First) (Middle) (Please type or print plainly) r No. -------------------------- Color --~J-'~----- ---------- Sex --`~11 ------- Reference ---------------------------------------------------------- RIGHT HAND BY.VIVIAN CKABTREE SOUTHWESTERN LAW STAFF' FOR THE AVERA("~F, motorist, weary of searching for pennies, nickles and dimes to put into the in- satiable maw of parking meters, the City of College Station, along with the neighboring City of Bryan, would sec like paradise. Neither city has a single parking meter. "Phis is no accident. The merchants of the two cities have, been unalterably opposed to the pickle-grabbers, hcliev- ing their customers shouldn't he pe•nal- izcd for parking on a strut thry al- ready have bought and paid for with t:txcs. •1'o discourage "syuaticrs," the police. dcpartrncnt has established one-horn', two-hour and six-hour parking zones, with tickets placed nn windshields of cars which are parked in excess of the time allowed. This courtesy to motorists hasn't gone unnoticed, either. Police Chief l.cc Norwood says violations of time limits on parking places am practically nil. Motorists realize they have a good thing and don't abuse the privilege. Bryan, with a population of approxi- mately 30,000 and College Station, with 15,000 citizens and 8,000 students, are probably the only towns of that May 1964-Page 40 SOUTHWESTERN LAW 'What - No Parking Meters?' Not In College Station size in the state without parking mclcrs. College Station and Texas A. Rt M. University arc almost one and the saute in the eves of the rest of the state. The university was founded in 1876, the first institution of higher learning in Teas. 7'hc business lift of the com- munity revolves around the university. The t~+'n arc so inextricably tied to- gcthcr that a professor of business law tt th<• university, Phillip R. Goode, is also crn•poration court judge in C:olicgc Station. I3cing a college Mwn, College Sta- tion's biggest police problem is traffic control. Thcrc are 3,600 student cars at t:-te ttnivcrsity and 2,000 belonging to civilians c•mploycd at the school. Thu'in~ sports seasons, especially foot- halt, hugr crc,~rds descend rnt thr town, creating a knotty traffic problem. 11'ith so many young students ch'iy- ing ru~s, violations naturally arc pres- ettl. C:oocle has established :t policy fur dcalin~ with student violators that has wot- resprc•t of the students as ~~rll as Collcgr Station citizens. First miner offenses usually arc dismissed with a warning. Repeated violations bring fines rn• pail sentences if the offense warrants it. ~[•hc conduct of thc• court has brought a feeling of respect for the judicial system. fmm the students. Of thc• police department, Coode says; "•1'he personnel of the College Station poicc dc•partmcnt is the l.x•st in the state. All officers have profes- sional attitudes. They study the tech- nical aspects and handle all problems with extreme diplomacy." April 1, 1pF-f, nt:u'kccl '~:i ~c•ai. .•t law enforccnu•nt in lit:v.os (:~~unt~ t~•, Chief Norwood. I lr „•a< ;t ln~lir, ni.ii: in l;tyan before s~citchin~ to (:~,11~~~•~• Station as city nrtrshal in l ~t 1.~. '~11 didn't even have a patrol car until 19~i(l," Norwood says. IIc• ~~.i< thy. town's lone. law enforcenu•nt i~tfic ~•i for seven years. The departnu•nt no~~ consists of frntt• officers and this ~~•.tr they hat•c• their second pahol car. Co-operation het~ceen thc• lu~lirc• c1~ - })al'tlnfnts of l~ryan and C:olle~c tit.~- tion is so close they both use th~• satn~ radio systcnt, ~~•hich is located in tl,~ l~ryan police de•parttnent. ?~e•ith~•r < its has a jail and both use the lirazr,: County jail in l~rvan for housing pris- oners. 'Both cities pay the colntt~ ~' :~ day per prjson<•r for his lod~~ins~. "~1`r't•c• Tither fortun:tt~• of lt,t~c• .~u exceptionally lair-ahidin~ conununitc. for .,'c• have ~•rry fe~~• I>risoner- h~ I~~~ I. up," I\ror~~•ood said. In 1~14i;;, the fires nntnlc•r ~irn ~• ~~•, wood took office as a lir~an I~~ .t~ ~• ~~t ficcr ~~•as conuttittrd in ("olle~~e tit.iti~~i~ It im•olved two 1~'c•gt-oes in an .ti ~,~i meet over 65 cents. The killer .hot l,i~ victim and then returned a horro~~~•cl shotgun. V1'hen he arri~rd at the }rl:t~ ~• from which hr had horro~~•c•c{ thr ~~~~t~ Assistant Police Chic•f 1\1e1~ in l.cnclk~ was waiting to arrest biro. With all thr h~affic• hc•;tclachc•< .~ ~ ~.l- legc• town can produce. it's natal+lc• tli.it there's be~e•n only one traffic f:tt:tlit~ in Collcgr Station in the last ci~.;ht years. Nothing could he a better h'stitnoni:~l to the city's traffic control s~~stem.* .~ COLLEGE STATION POLICE CHIEF LEE NORWOOD MELVIN LEUDKE ASSISTANT CHIEf 6tll LUSK PATROLMAN BOBBY WILLIAMS PATROLMAN PHtIIIP 8. GOODE CITY JUDGE MARVIN BYRD PATROLMAN SOUTHWESTERN LAW College Station Has Veteran Chief BY BONNIE BOOKMAN ~OLLEGE Station's Chief of Police Lee Norv~~ood has come a long wav since he first took office as city marshal in 1943. Now fi3, he was a li,yan policeman before switching to College Station. Norwood grinned as he recalled those da~~s: "We didn't even have a patrol car until 1950." College Station, site of Texas A&M College, has a current population of 11,396. The town adjoins Bryan, which leas almost 30,000 population. "Our main problem is with traffic," the chief said. "In addition to having' ,! through highway, the football games kt'ep tts busy in the fall. "Aftt'r traffic, our next problem is pru~~•lrrs," Norwood continued, "but ~~~~ really don't havr too uluel, of that.." Trt ltis almost `?0 years as a College titation }xtlice officer, Norwood watch- t'd tht' town {brow.. And with it the traffic. ""I'lu' accidents have increased tre- mendouslv," he remembered. "In 1943 thrrr ~ti•ere less than 100 student-owned ~-e}ucles on the A&M campus. Now I'd gut's there are at least 4,000 of then. ".VUt thJt t}lt` Stlldl'iltti d011't g1V(' l!S t;~ood co-operation," the chief added, "Irnt. just naturally the' mor(' cars .lrnund, the bigger the problem. '`"I'o sho~.~ how busy I was when I first came here," he explained, "they pltt n!e to penciling out utility bills if [ looked like I didn't have anything to dn." The only major crime College Sta- t1t1I1 has had recently was when almost ~+i,000 in shot's and sport coats wt'r(' stolen from a merchant's warehouse. The' chit'f, who was the town's long la~~ rn;r,t for- st'ven and a half years, uuw has four other offict'rs on th(, force, with one patrol car. Assisting the vMeran chief are Mel- vin Luedke, assistant .chief; William L!lsk, patrolman; Marvin Byrd, patrol- rnan; and R. M. Williams, patrolman. College St.atiou dots trot operate its own radio net, but receives its calls through the Bryan Police Department. The department uses the B r a z o s County Jail. "And we use that vc±ry little," Nor- wood said. May 1962 ss The College Station Police Department, left to right: Patrolman Marvin Byrd, Patrol- man Robert Williams, Police Chief Lee Norwood, and Assistant Police Chief Melvin Luedke. Patrolman William Lusk was not present. 'Local hero CS police officer rescues man from burning auto ~' By VIRGINIA KIRK Staff Writer It's been said that there's never a policeman around when you need one -- but David Luedke was in the right place Monday night. The College Station patrol officer's quick action saved the life of a man trapped in a burning car. Another 30 seconds and Kenneth Cook might not have made it. Luedke, 32, was patrolling at the corner of Dominik and Munson streets at 6:42 p.m. Monday when he saw flames around a curve on Munson Ave- nue. When he pulled up, he saw people bleeding and two cars on fire. Luedke said he radioed for help and then asked if anyone was still in the caz. "One guy said `my buddy's still in the car,"' Luedke said. In the front passenger seat, Luedke saw Cook pushed up against the dashboard with his leg hanging on the gear shift. The Caz was in flames from the front of the dashboard to the hood, but Luedke did not hesitate to stick his head inside the burning auto. "I told him I needed to get him out. He was semi-conscious and said some- thing Icouldn't make out. I tried to push back the seat to get him out. He was bloody from head to toe. I put my arm behind him and tried to pull him above the geaz shift lever. " But then Luedke noticed that ~ the gear shift had no plastic knob, and the wires sticking out had caught Cook's blue jeans. So Luedke unhooked the Jeans and pulled Cook out of the car onto the ground. Thirty seconds later, The other four people involved in die two-car, head-on collision also were treated and released at die hospital Monday. Cook, 19, of 1401 Holleman Drive, said he did not remember what hap- pened from right before the cars crashed until he woke up in the ambu- lance. He said he plans to call Luedke to thank him for getting him out of the car. ` `I don't know what would have hap- pened, but I imagine I could have been burned pretty bad,,, Cook said. "The police were good. They were already there by the tune my friend and I got out of the caz," said driver Andrew Humphries. He suffered a broken ankle, an injured knee and re- ceived stitches around his eye. Luedke's actions also were noticed th .something in the car blew u and spread the flames a little more Luedke m e police department. ' ~ `I'm glad to know I have people like , said ghat working forme, Sgt. Bruce Sims "It was awful hot in that car. I could .said..... ---_. - feel the heat and smoke and fumes, but Luedke ~ worked for die College my main concern was to get him out," Station police 31/z years. He previously Luedke said. had worked as an assistant store mana- Luedke said he had never rescued ger in Temple, where he got involved anyone before, but he had always fi- ~'rth the reserve police force. gored his adrenalin would be flowing "I figured I wasn't getting any youn- enough in an emergency situation that ~ ger and I'd better make a move," he would know what to do. Luedke said. "I had no time to really be scared. If _ _ It was a natural transition, since his - I had stopped and though about it, it uncle, Melvin Luedke,. was the former might have made the difference in College Station police chief and his whether the guy lived or died." father worked for the Bryan police and Luedke received no injuries in the the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Com- rescue and Cook was released from St. mission. His younger brother Darrell Joseph Hospital after receiving several has now joined the College Station stitches in his head, wrist and elbow. Police Department, too. `'{ David Luedke