HomeMy WebLinkAboutHenry, Frances - Resume RESUME Martha Frances Shock Henry March 1993 Date of Birth: 9-19-20, Columbia, MO Married: 2-13-43, Watertown, SD Spouse: Walter Keith Henry Sex: female Spouse's Occupation Professor Emeritus Meteorology, TAMU LTC, USAF Retired Children: Three sons and two grandchildren Home Address: 1202 Caudill, College Station, TX 77840-4310 Phone: 409-693-1984 Re~istered Dietitian: #421010 Licensed Dietitian Texas #00724 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Foods and Nutrition, University of Missouri 1941. While a student I was the dietitian for the pilot program of the first "Hot School Lunch Program" in the state of Missouri. The allowance of money was $0.02 per day per student plus surplus commodities to provide the meals. My first post - college job was with the NYA Hot School Lunch Program as a county supervisor of 12 schools in Cole County, MO. Quantity Cookery & Institution Management, Iowa State University 1940. Update courses, Texas A&M University, Graduate courses 1973-74. Continuing education is required to keep dietetic registration. Important workshops & Meetings attended for continuing education are: Nutrition Conferences College of Agriculture TAMU 1977 through 1986. Annual meeting of the American Dietetic Association: 1978 through 1984. Texas Dietetic Association State Meeting 1979, 1981 through 1986, 1989. Numerous other seminars are also attended. EXPERIENCE Retired 1989 Private Practice, College Station, TX, Diet & Nutritional Counseling 1978 through 1989. First Private Practice Dietitian in this community. This included Individual counseling of private clients, assisting them with learning proper nutrition and behavior modification to control and help maintain their health. Many diets were therapeutic as Diabetes, Allergies, and many others. I Worked with the following projects for Brazos Valley Community Action in 1987-1988. They included working with mothers of malnurished children in the Headstart Program. Meals on Wheels which provided meals to eligible persons and to Adult Day Centers in Bryan and Hearne. Individuals at the Day Care Center received individual counseling. I planned the meals for Meals on Wheels and for feeding the elderly who came to the centers to eat. I was a guest lecturer at Texas A&M University, 1986 through 1989. This was to students who were studying Public Health. 1 Hennesey Nursing Home, Giddings, TX, Dietary Consultant 1982-1984. This was a Dietary Consultant position where I did meal planning, some supervision, inservice training and counseling to residents of the nursing home. MHMR, Bryan/College Station, TX, Consultant, 1979-1983 When working for MHMR I did the following; worked with men at the "Family Tree Residential Facility", worked with mentally retarded women at "Dilly Shaw Sheltered Workshop Facility" using Behavior Modification to help them control their weight, plus planning menus and inservice for workers at "Mary Lake Residential Facility." St. Joseph Hospital, Bryan, TX, Dietitian - Administrative and Clinical Dietitian 1976 -1978. University Health Care Center, Dietary Consultant, 1975-1976. Sherwood Health Care Facility, Bryan, TX Consultant, 1974-76 a 215 bed facility where I worked with patients and dietary personnel to insure proper nutrition. Bryan Hospital (now called Humana), Bryan, TX, Dietitian 1972-1974. While at St. Joseph and Bryan Hospitals provided assistance to dietitians by instructing them how to make diet plans and areas dietetics enabling them to become Registered Dietitians. Administrative and Clinical student of community TAMU Laboratory Assistant in Immunogenetics Laboratory 1965-1971. Assistant Director of Residence Hall of University of MO Sep '46 to Mar '47. Assisted in the establishment of a cafeteria for WWII veteran students Manager Cafeteria Mcquay Norris Mfg Co., Defense Plant, St. Louis, MO Fed 3000 every day at noon. April '45 Oct. '45 Manager Employees Cafeteria, Scruggs Vandervoort, Barney Dept. Store fed 1500 persons daily April '43 - April '45 Dietitian for Missouri State Sanatorium, Mt. Vernon, MO Jan. '42-Jan '43. Fed 1100 patients and 300 employees three meals per day. County Supervisor NYA Hot School Lunches Cole County, MO June '4l-Jan '4~ National Youth Administration Program closed because of WWII PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS The American Dietetic Association Member of the following ADA interest groups: 1. Consultant Nutritionists - National Group a. President Lone Star Consultant Nutritionist (State President) 1984, Treasurer 1985 - 1989 2 2. Geronotology Group Texas Dietetic Association Mid-East Texas Dietetic Association, College Station, TX a. President (1981-1982), President Elect, Secretary, & Treasurer plus serving on numerous committees Brazos Valley Home Economics Association - Past President. VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Board member Brazos Unit, American Cancer Society 1977 to present (16 years). Have served as President (2 years), secretary, assisted with special events, held Open House for the medical community; had a "Thanksgiving Festival" (a non attendance event to raise money for the ACS. American Cancer Society Brazos Unit 1984-1988; District 19 1987-1993. committee. and Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation monthly newsletter Chairman Chairman for this Service Service Write a Area II Chairman of Service and Rehabilitation (now called Patient Services) Committee 1988-91. Served as a trainer for volunteers. President Brazos Unit 1987-88 and 1988-1989. As president established a plan for getting corporate sponsors for special events by making requests at the beginning of the year to allow corporate sponsors to plan for his donation to the society. District Lay Director of District 19 of Area II of Texas Division 1989-1990. Write a monthly column on Cancer and the activities of the Brazos Unit ACS for the Golden Eagle. The Golden Eagle is a monthly publication for Senior Citizens (15,000 circulation). I have written this columns for 43 months. Recipient of the Texas Division Media Award for this column. Twenty one awards were given and I was the only non journalist. Participates in presentation of Patriotic Flag Shows. Wives of National Sojourners, Inc. are called "Campfollowers" because in colonial times the wives followed their men into battle to help with cooking, fighting etc. The Brazos Valley Chapter #378 of National Sojourners, Inc. presents Flag Shows to schools, clubs, civic events, fairs and other places. Dressed in colonial costume they travel as far as 100 miles each way. Campfollowers support this program by helping wherever they can. These are presented 6 to 8 times per month or as scheduled. They are presented at no cost to the receiver. Organized publicity for "Pause for the Pledge". This was held in a local park on June 14 at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge was 100 years old in 1992. Many organizations were invited to participate. 3 Responsible for publicity for La Villita Chapter DAR, The Governors DAC, Stephen Williams Chapter USD 1812, John Person Chapter Colonial Dames XVII Century and the Brazos Valley Chapter lF378, National Sojourners, Inc. For the last 6 years I have propagated plants for students in the first grade in one of the public schools. In 1992 150 plants were propagated and potted for the children. The teachers give them to the students at Christmas time. The plants are grown in my greenhouse. For the most part the children come from under privileged neighborhoods. As a story teller told stories for the local RIF Reading is Fundamental. For this program my objective was to tell interesting stories which might motivate children to read. This was a group of 57 girls. Fifty four were black, two were Hispanics and one was white. I told stories about colonial times, how people lived and stories of the activities of the boys and girls. In addition I told stories about black people who lived in the colonial period. As a story teller representing the Animal Shelter. Stories are about dogs, cats and other animals. These stories to be told in schools and at Phoebe's Home (a home for Mothers and children from abusive homes) . Participated in KAMUTV of vo lunteer hours volunteer hours for telethon February 17, 1990 for contributions to the community. This program netted 320,000 the remainder of 1990. Worked as a volunteer to establish a city park. Over a two year period of time; went to city council meetings, helped get several hundred names on petitions for the purchase of land for a city park. The land for the park cost $150,000. It is used by a large number of individuals. Organized the American Diabetes local Unit in 1978 Chairman, College Station Recreation Council Age Group Swimming Program 1965-68. I arranged transportation, lodging and chaperons for 50 to 100 swimmers who were competing at swimming meets most Saturdays every summer. On occasion I also helped with timing swimmers in competition. The Recreation Council provided all expenses of the meets at no cost to the swimmers. President Band Boosters club 1965 -1967 In 1964 the school purchased some band uniforms. In 1965 was a large increase in the size of the band occurred. We took bids and made a marketing study and persuaded the school board to purchase all new uniforms rather than add to the ones they had. We had band carnivals to raise monies to assist the music department in the school. Arranged transportation to places where only a few might be going to contest and arranged for bus chaperons. 4 Worked as a volunteer at the Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center from 1958 to 1970. Transported a physically handicapped, blind and mentally retarded child to therapy once a week for several years. Worked with children in the day care unit while my son received his therapy. Den Mother Cub Scouts 1958- 1966 The den had 8 to 14 members at anyone time. They met in my home all the time. Perhaps the greatest accomplishment was teaching an autistic child to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of American. In 1960 I served as a member of a team of volunteers from the Brazos Valley Home Economics Association, who trained the cooks how to run the kitchens; the Government Day Care Center when the Day Care program were first established. The Day Care Centers could not operate unless the employees were given specific training. ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIPS A&M Methodist Church member 1958 to present. a. Doer's Sunday School Class - past president b. Flower Chairman June 1958 to June 1988. This involved finding members to pay for the flowers, make plans for special occasions, contracting with the florist for the best value for the money spent. The church uses about $4000 worth of flowers per year. c. Sunday School Teacher - 1958 - 1970 and I teach six or more times a year at the present time. Frequently teach a Sunday School class at Crestview Retirement Community. d. Planned menus and did purchasing for weekly all church supper called "Wednesday Night Live." 1987-1990. Also planned meals for special church dinners. e. Life member UMW. f. Have served on the Evangelism Committee. g. Compiled a book__of menus, quantities of food needed and instructions for food preparation. h. Before coming to Texas in 1957 I worked in various churches where we lived. (St. Louis Chicago, etc.). College Station Order of the Eastern Star lF1026. membership in Missouri and Texas. Twenty seven years Director of United Way for College Station, TX 1975-1978 Helped organize United Way Drive each year, as well as helped with distribution of monies to organizations. Brazos County Historical Commission 1970-1988. Brazos County Bicentennial Committee - Secretary 1975-1977. Campus Study serve as woman I s 1914. Club, Co lIege president for organization Station, TX President 2 years. Elected to 1993-94. This organization is the oldest in College Station. It was organized in 5 Member Republican Women, participated in telethons, worked as election clerk for s number of years. Member of Brazos Writers Association Member of a number of genealogical societies Have compiled two volumes of Miscellaneous Genealogical Records. Volume I Selected Bible and Family Records 1970 Volume II Selected Bible and Family Records 1981 A chapter about descendants of Jane McMurry/John Reed in McMurry Family compiled by Bone. Provided Bible Records for a compilation of Bible Records for DAR 1989. HERITAGE ORGANIZATIONS Dau~hters ~ the American Colonists Organizing Regent of The Governors Chapter 1977 Served as Chapter Organizing Regent, Registrar, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian. Texas State Society Chairman: America, Lineage Research, and Records) Committees. I organized the Colonial Heritage program, enlisting the cooperation of two DAR Chapters, one USD 1812 Chapter and The Governor Chapter to help the Colonial Dames XVII Century program in the local community. In the fall of 1991 and 1992 had 36000 bookmarks printed each year and distributed to schools and libraries. One hundred thousand bookmarks have been distributed in 1989, 1990, 1991 & 1992. Each year as a visitor, dressed in colonial dress told stories to approximately 3000 to 4000 students. Tbese Stories are about famous and less famous people who lived in colonial times. Flag Our of the Colonial United States of Heritage (Visual Photographed and wrote the script for a Visual Records Program "Berkeley Plantation" which was donated to the National Society in 1991. In 1993 I photographed and wrote script for "Wild Flowers of Texas" and donated it to National Society. State Lineage Research Committee Chairman 1979-1981 Texas Society State Historian 1981-1983 Texas Society First Vice Regent 1983-1985 Texas Society Regent 1985-1987. Made Honorary Regent at 1987 Assembly Endorsed by Texas society for consideration for National Office Texas Society Parliamentarian 1987-1989. State Regents Club, National Society, Treasurer 1985-1993 National Chairman Radio Television Committee 1988-1991 State Radio/TV Chairman 1988-1991 State Chairman Our Colonial Heritage 1991/93 State Chairman of Patriotic Education Committee National Chairman Microfilm Committee 1991-1994 Dau~hters ~ the American Revolution La Villita Chapter, DAR, College Station, TX Regent, 1st Vice Regent, Registrar (2 terms), Librarian, Treasurer (4 terms)plus many chairmanships 6 Texas Society Organizing Secretary 1973-1976, organized 15 chapters in Texas Texas Society Lineage Research Committee Chairman 1976-1979 Reorganized Brazos De Dios Children of the American Revolution 1970, served as Adult President United States Dau~hters 1812 Stephen Williams Chapter President (2 terms) Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Chaplain. State Chairmanships: Flags of the United States, School of the Ozarks, Lineage Research, Reciprocity and National Headquarters. Texas Society USD 1812 State Chaplain 1984-1986 Colonial Dames XVII Century John Person Chapter Secretary, President (2 terms), Registrar Designed bookmarks for Colonial Heritage Week. 100,000 bookmarks were distributed to public and private schools and Librarian from September 1989 through September 1992. Dressed in colonial dress told stories to about 3000 students each year. The stories are about how people lived in colonial times; stories about heroes and lesser known heroes including blacks and ethnic groups. Have show and tell objects to make the stories come alive. Arranged for the Heroes of '76 to do flag shows about the development of our flag to about 2500 children each year. Six cities made Proclamations of Colonial Heritage Week. This project was done. in cooperation with four other heritage organizations. Conference Chairman of State Conference 1990. VA Volunteer Service. Deputy Representative. Help with visiting veterans in nursing homes and the VA hospital in Marlin, TX. Member of the National Tellers committee 1992/1996. Elected State Organizing secretary for 1993-1995. Ma~na Charta Dames Life Member of the national society since 1976. Member Houston Colony. The Order ~ the Crown - descendants of Charlemagne in the United States Life member since 1987. Dames Court ~ Honor member since 1989 Sons and Dau~hters ~ the Pil~rims became member in 1992 7 HONORS Designated "Outstanding Woman of Br'!zos County 1992" Listed in Who's Who of the Southwest 1980-81 Listed in the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, in American Women Awarded Texas Division Awarded Sword of Life 1989 Honored in "WOMEN IN BUSINESS" section of Oct. Bryan/College Station, TX. Have been featured on TV representing professional interests and different community interests. One of nine women nominated for 1988 Outstanding Woman of Brazos County Awarded Pin & Certificate for being member of Brazos Unit American Cancer Society for ten years 1987 Recipient of Quality of Life Award - American Cancer Society 1985 Runner up 1987 for Distinguished Dietitian of the Year for Texas Dietetic Association Named by Brazos Valley Home Economics Association as their representative for Woman of the Year 1985 17th Editions of Who's Who American Cancer Society, Media Award 1991. from Texas Division of the American Cancer Society 16, 1988 Eagle, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FROM MAY 1992 TO MAY 1993 Each month publicity for' local paper was written for five organizations. Served as Program Chairman for two organizations. May 02 May 04 & 05 May 06 May 07 May 12 May 15 May 17 May 18 & 19 May 21 May 28 May 31 June 01 June 06 June 13 June 14 June 15-21 June 24 June 30 ~uly 2 July 4 July 7 July 8 July 14 July 18 ~g 05 Aug 06 Aug 17 & 20 Aug 24 Aug 26 Sep 09,10, Sep 13 Sep 17 Sep 21 Sep 25 Sep 29 Oct 01 . Participated in Flag Pageant on the lawn of Milam Co. Courthouse. 120 miles RT Worked at American Cancer Society office Attend DAR Regents Council, Huntsville 110 miles Wrote column for ACS for Golden Eagle Wrote newsletter for Units in ACS District Participated in a driving test at TAMU Annex Participated in Flag Pageant in Madisonville 80 mile round trip Taught Sunday School at Entertained State Pres. Worked on DAR yearbook. during summer Received Outstanding Woman of Brazos County Award Taught Sunday School at Crestview Retirement Community Late May and early June worked on Publicity for "Pause for The Pledge Assisted with a prospective DAR member's application Wrote column for ACS My husband and I hosted Annual meeting for National Sojourners Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageant, Conroe Pause for the Pledge Attended National Sojourners Annual meeting My husband I were filmed giving a patriotic program to be aired on the 4th of July. Our part amounted to 11 minutes and 35 seconds and was shown 4 times per day for seven days. This amounted to more than five hours of TV coverage. Wrote column for ACS Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageant at our church Attend local Flag ceremony in colonial costume I gave a patriotic program at Bryan Noon Lions club I gave a program for Girl Scouts 1 hour Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageant in lola, TX Worked on Colonial Heritage Programs to help a Colonial Dames Chapter in New Braunfels, TX get started. Attended DAR Regents Council, Huntsville, TX Wrote column for ACS; Wrote newsletter for ACS District Attended National Republican Convention Worked at ACS office Had Committee meeting to count 36000 bookmarks and prepare for distribution to schools &11 Attended three workshops in Salado TX Taught Sunday School in Doers Class, A&M Methodist Hosted catered DAR dinner in our home for 35 Worked three hours for Republican Phone bank Worked on prospective DAR member's application Hosted a tea for prospective Colonial Dames Members Placed old books on exhibit in Public Library Wrote column for ACS Crestview Retirement Community of CDXVIIC and held meeting Produced three club yearbooks Oct 06 Oct 08 Oct 12 Oct 14 Oct 19 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 27 Oct 30 Nov 01 Nov 02 Nov 03 Nov 04 Nov 06 Nov 09 Nov II Nov 13 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 21 Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 25 Dec 04 Dec 07 Dec 09 Dec 10 Dec 18 Jan 09 Jan 10 Jan 25 -31 Told stories about Columbus for 5 periods at College Hills Elementary School Told stories about Columbus for 4 periods at College Hills Elementary School Told stories at Allen Academy (a private school) for two periods Told stories at College Hills Elementary Schoolfor 1 period Told stories at Brazos Christian School for 1 period Worked 4 hours at Republican Phone Bank Worked 3 hours at Republican Phone Bank Worked 5 hours at Republican Phone Bank Picked up Microfilm for National DAC in Austin. I am in charge of getting applications microfilmed. Told Stories at Southwood Valley Elementary School for 4 periods Provided coffee and goodies for Sunday School Attended a VAVS meeting as a Representative at Marlin, TX 140 miles round trip Worked 13 hours as an Election Clerk Provided program at church after weekly dinner Wrote Column for ACS Walked cemetery to count veterans graves Served as Judge for 4H Food show Helped place 230 flags on veterans graves Told Stories at Navarro Elementary School for 3 periods Told Stories at St. Michaels Academy for 3 periods Hosted United Methodist Women Circle Told Stories at Southwood Valley Elementary School for 7 periods Told stories at Sam Houston Elementary School for 4 periods Told Stories at College Hills Elementary School for 3 periods Participated Navasota, TX Attended DAR Told Stories five periods Told stories at Johnson Elementary School for 7 periods Showed slide show at Sam Houston Elemenatry School for 3 periods Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageant at Sam Houston Elementary School for 2 periods Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageant at Sam Houston Elementary School for 2 periods Told Stories at Brazos Christian School for 1 period Wrote Column for ACS Told Stories of Early Texas at Rock Prairie Junior High School for 4 periods Attended Xmas party at Sam Houston Elementary School dressed in colonial dress for three periods. Hosted joint Luncheon for DAC and USD 1812 Worked on DAR Programs Attended Sojourners meeting in Oklahoma City, Participated in Campfollowers Degree in Sojourners Flag Pageant at Webb 40 miles round trip Regents Council Huntsville, at College Hills Elementary School TX School for Feb 02 Feb 10 Feb 12 Feb 18 Feb 23 Feb 25-27 Feb 28-Mar 1 Mar 02 Mar 05 Mar 08,09,10 Mar 11-14 Mar 15 Mar 17 Mar 20 Mar 23 .Mar 26-28 Apr 10-19 Apr 20 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 03 Note: Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageant in Rockdale, TX This was given for the 4H Club. 160 miles round trip Told stories at South Knoll Elementary School for two periods. This day the students were students learning English as a second language. Told Stories at Southwood Valley Elementary School for seven periods Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageant at Webb School, Navasota, TX 40 miles round trip. Presented Colonial Heritage materials to the principal of the school. Told stories at St. Thomas Episcapol School 1 hour period Attended DAC State Assembly in Dallas Attended USD 1812 State convention in Dallas Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageants at Sam Houston Elementary School, giving 2 shows. Told stories for the five additional periods Participated in Sojourners Flag Pageants at Webb School in Navasota 40 miles round trip Attended the Texas Society Colonial Dames XVII Century State meeting in Arlington, TX. I was elected State Organizing Secretary. Attended Sons of the American Revolution in Brownsville, TX ACS Board Meeting Provided refreshments for Eastern Star Chapter Representing the Animal Shelter I told stories to 12 children at Phoebe's Home. This is a home for mothers and children who have left an abusive home. The stories were about animals. I have written 5 stories for this program. Attended DAC meeting. This is the Planning Meeting for the 1993-1994 year Guest speaker for the Association of Retarded Citizens. Topic "Diet and Nutrition" Attended Heroes of '76 Conference/Encampment in Waco, TX Conducted Camp Followers Degree Will Attend National Meetings for DAC and CDXVIIC Will tell stories at Crockett Elementary School for 4 periods Will particpate in Sojourners Flag Pageant at Rock Prairie Junior High School. Show will be given 4 times. Will participate in Sojourners Flag Pageant at Rock Prairie Junior High School. Show will be given 3 times. Will participate in Sojourners Flag Pageant for the Retired Teachers Association Will Attend VAVS meeting in Marlin, TX 140 miles round trip Will tell stories at Webb School, Navasota, TX for seven periods 40 miles round trip This is being submitted as of March 28. The April dates are commited