HomeMy WebLinkAboutRisinger Family in WWII In 1941, news by today's standards, was limited and travel was not the norm. So when the radio announced Pearl Harbor's bombing, very few people knew where or what it was. But when President Roosevelt officially declared war against Japan on December 8, 1941 the people responded. Seven Risinger brothers and their brother-in-law were among those. Jimmy, a newspaper man, served in the USAF-dates unknown. Stationed in Puerto Rico. Noble, a carpenter, was a private in the Army, joining June 4, 1944. He was discharged due to disability. He had polio as a child and his feet were crippled to an extent. He served as a fireman at Moore Field, AF training base at Mission, Texas after his discharge. Jodie was a welder in civilian life. He joined the Sea Bees, Nov 16, 1943 and served in the Pacific theatre until his discharge Dec 14, 1945. Rank Mc3. Frank Guioco, Marines Quotes from his son, Sam: "My dad was a sergeant in the Marines. He served on the Island of Guam after we had defeated most of the Japanese on that island. Since he was a butcher and cook in civilian life, they made him a butcher and cook in the Marines: He said there were still a lot of Japanese soldiers left behind in Guam when the Japs took off. These Japs were hiding in the jungle and they were starving. He told me he never killed one but he shot over their heads many times to stop them from stealing pigs, sheep and cattle from the Marines. They fed the ones who would finally surrender." Grover, a carpenter, served in the Marines from May 29, 1942 to May 28, 1946 with rank of Corporal. His son, Barry said: "From August 1942 to December, 1943 he was in Sitka, Alaska. He arrived at Okinawa Jima June 3, 1945. Participated in the occupation and defense of Okinawa June 3, 1945 to March 2, 1946. He served 3 years and 6 days. Dad received the Good Conduct Medal May 28, 1945." Kennith, senor in high school, Navy, Yeoman 2nd, joined Dec 16, 1941, Pacific, and served for some time after the war Harvey, senor in high school, Navy, Radar man 2nd, joined Dec 16, 9141, Pacific, discharged Sept 15, 1945 Harvey and Kennith went to boot camp in San Diego and boarded the USS Bagley DD 386-destroyer on Feb 4, 1942. They served 3 years aboard. The Bagley was at Pearl Harbor on Dec 7 and shot down 5 enemy torpedo bombers and assisted in the kill of another. Among the battles the two brothers participated in were Guadalcanal, Tulagi, Savo Island Saipan, Tinian, Okinawa, Formosa, Iwo Jima and Nagasake. The Surrender of Marcos Island was on the forecastle of the Bagley. They came home to Texas on leave in June, ~944 when Kennith married Veda, my best friend since the 5th grade. I was in Ventura, California with them on VJ Day. Harvey returned stateside in October-discharged on the point system He had served a minority cruise. We were married in Ventura October 28, 1945. Robert was a career marine. His son Del wrote: Major Robert Oscar Risinger joined the Marine Corps in 1942, but could not be sent into active combat until he turned 18(he lied about his age to get in). He saw action in Tinian, Tarawa and Saipan, serving with distinction and suffering no serious injury. It is unclear to me whether his rise to the rank of sergeant was a battlefield promotion or occurred stateside. He was stationed at Little Rock at the recruiting office. He signed up for OCS in Quantico, VA. He was called up for the Korean conflict and went with the Fifth Basic bearing the rank of Captain. He returned from Korea with two Purple Hearts, two Bronze Stars, a Letter of Commendation and the rank of Major. The Fifth was heavily involved at Chosin Reservoir. He was stricken with cancer and died June 14, 1961. Although I was too young to know and appreciate my father, his legacy of honor, duty and courage have been an inspiration to me all my life. Thank you for letting me look at his achievements again. His dress sword and medals hang over this computer, and I have looked at them differently as I typed. I should not be sad he died, but proud that he lived at all. As should the world." All seven of the brothers and their brother-in-law miraculously survived WWII and except for Robert, lived many more productive years. Colleen Risinger (Mrs. Harvey Risinger) Gallery Talk Texas in WWII George Bush Presidential Library & Museum Sept. 3, 2005 . JAMES EDWARD-ARMY AIR cORPS- STATIONED IN PUERTO RICO - ."::'':- G r.- NOIILE FRANKLIN-US ARMY-PRIV ATE- .JtJNE 5, 1944 'ro AIJ(. 9, 19L15- DISCHARGED DUE TO DISABIUTY. SERVED AS FIREMAN AT MOORE FIELD- 1)ILO'r TRAININ(. IIASE- IN MISSION, TX AFfI~R DIS(~HARGE ,I JODIE WILLLUI-USN (SEA IIEES)-M3C- 11-16-43 TO 12-14-45-PACIFIC THEATRE GROVER.RILEY-US MA,RINE CORP- CORPORAL-MAY 29, 1942.TO MAY 28, 194G-AlASKA KENNITH .JESSIE-USN, YEOMAN 2ND- DEC16,1941 TO ?-PACIFIC THEATRE ROIJER'r OSCAR-US MARINE CORP- HA..JOR-JIJLY 1942 TO Dt:A'fn JIJNE 14, 1961-PACIFIC THEATRE, KOREA HARVEY HENRY-USN, RADARMAN 2ND-DEC 16, 1941 TO SEP 15, 1945- P A(~IFIC 'fnt:A'fRE FRANK (.UIO(~U-IJS MARINE (~ORP- DATES UNKNOWN-SERVE)) ON GUAM ~~ > -. l ~ i -l ENGRAVED BRACElET GIVEN TO HARVEY BY COlLEEN: "TE OUIERO MUCHO" AN)) "SEI)'fEMIJER I 6, 1945" ,-. t'" .., P15/(09) UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET THIRD FLEET Serial . 42 January 16, 1945 ~ Fr om: To : Via : Commander THIRD Fleet. Commanding Of_fJcer, U.S.S. BAGLEY. _ _ _ Co.mman.der_:Q~_trQl'Slr SQuadron Sn_e --~ SUbject: Letters of Commendation, Award of. Reference: co USS BAGLEY eonf ltr, file P15, serial 053 dated 26-0ctober 1944, with endorsements thereto. Com2ndCarTaskForPac cont serial 0726, dated 2 January 1945. Five (5) Letters of Commendation with Commendatim Ribbons. 1. Based on recommendations contained in references (a) and (b), enclosure (A) is forward~d herewith for presentation by you or your representative to the below listed officers and men with my congratulations: (a) (b) Enclosure: (A) ~-.,.. ~- Lieut.(jg) Ernest Causey KIEHNE, C-V(G) USNR, (160583) Lieut.(jg) John Pershing LA~CHAW, C-V(G~, USNR,(16l018) WOODWARD, Peter, Jr., 27' 48 76, BM2c, USN RISn~ GER, Harvey Henry, 360 53 36, RdM2o, USN 0 BUTORAC, Matt (n) 664 19 83, WT2c, USN . ., -... ..~bti 8:2Q~A--{H~B-;6I.!/ff~.,.4 ""a 1 ~~+. A~l. of' eDmm~nda~1p". may be used by th b . am S8Cur1 y regulations, for forwarding in e t~e o=i~~med recipients for press release and 3. By copy of this letter the Chiet of Naval Personnel is requested to file copies of letters ot commendation in t personnel concerned. he records of W.F. HALSEY Copy to:(less ribbons) DuPers CiaCPac eSCTF Pac (less encl) ':: COpy -...:; - -- -..... - -\ \ - 7: ...- _ .. -~ ?- "'~-~,-:..._~,.~~'I\'""'r'-;.~~_~~":. .~ "",i 'i~1;:~:''''' . " ',' I:. ) ~ I' ..~ '0: ",itf.~:' , .~~.p' ,f., ... ">~ s.:';, - :~~~li:F'<" , '1 ~ ~ .... ". ' ) ". 'l.>~;-."'. "~~l~'~;~:'". 1 -0';- !"~ F~.of. o.if tt*l .;: ! .-.1.'.<.' 1 -,-] ~ sup:port Ii' .either NaV7 at lour part i~. tbese f,II_lie' tene as . '~', ai ve . IDhe Ha~ 19l"-HJ'1,$ wi.,.' vememb&r you ". J 1 f ":~ 4:i~'~~~- . The li>~l8t "Good luCltT .'. J l' [" . ~i- :~i~S >' 1- -:~ -"-\I,~~. \;~::..~~.:. ....... ,...~' ..::~ -1'"_~~~1I~~ ~ ,~' ~ ..ik~~.:" ',. I ~ r I I " .~'-.- ;,; , Mp . .~"~;iif;~iM(~~_bM '~. ._~~. :~~~:~"r1!'~~'Y"" Bli);IC ,~~. . . .. ',.' ;rl:lsr. ~MS~. ~~ . I .. ~,"';' .- ---..dL If '. f II !I .1 1:1 ~ --;......;'_..- -""-" l .' 360 53 36 " COMMANDER THIRD FLEET The Commander, Third Fleet, United States Pacific Fleet, takes pleasure in commending HARVEY !!mRY RISINGER, RADARMAN SECOND CLASS UNITED STATES NAVY for service as set forth in the follovdng CITATION: "For outstanding service in the line of his profession in action against the enemy while serv- ing as radar operator of a destroyer during the actions off Formosa and Okinawa 10-13 October 1944. During this period his skillful operation of his equipment under adverse conditions and his devotion to duty contributed materially to the success of the mission. His conduct was at all times in keep- ing with the highest traditions of the United states Naval Service." - -()J:t. -J~ ~ w. F. HALSEY, Admiral, U. S. Navy. COMMENDATION RIBBON Authorized. ~.....J . Non-classified~-- t 10 , '----- ~ J . UNITED STATES NAVY RATING DESCRIPTION RADAR MAN, Second Class ltABWl' R Il~.!Jfi!!eNjJ.2. 53 36 ~. . e tI Cdr uSNR ~~ ' , S~ture or Certlr7n rCl11M1 Date or Issuance NAVY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL NAVPERS 15190 \ ... . Harvey Henry RISINGER :~ /ti~~~}/ , , '.' /,?m~t#/f~lIlU ~ r;J . . ~J/! //At1.' l!!th /~PP- ':Pet/lber 1945 ~ r ~~ ~;A~~ ,'-./," -:7. . '. ' .'. , v.. , . . . (/ ,".., v~ ,~/$d#fr4k;tLi/P~t:ltWfidft.~~.,;,~~..,f;h~ @I'ff/tf7~: 'Z;.,7(~ ~ l'- L. G.wl'),J1!B. ~ ,lIr . (S) Tlsa , -liV' D:ilz. - t.i: em ~ lj ~ h ~ t ''''! ., I . .'- }... ,\, ~I j't' I , '" r ".,1 . . I \ j I I , ~ '4 ~ ": t! .. .' ., . . . I ~ 1 1',@4;3 6'> 6 0 l ~EW,S'ED J'L!J,L Y NAVPERS l l ~ ! 1 I I ~