HomeMy WebLinkAboutDirector of Naval History ~ \~ DIRECTOR OF NAVAL HISTORY AND CURATOR FOR THE NAVY DEPARTMENT MAR:3 '~n ~ . , Mrs. Marie Bennett Alsmeyer 1901 Creekwood Drive Conway, Arkansas 72032 Dear Mrs. Alsmeyer, Since receiving your welcome letter of 9 Feb- ruary, Captain Hancock has delivered your fine man- uscript, The Making of a Wave. I have thoroughly enjoyed the work which seems to me to be exception ally well written and to have much interest for researchers. With regard to the legal questions you raised, I can assure you that you and later your heirs will retain all literary rights in the document unless these are specifically transferred to another party. Such rights are sometimes referred to as a "common- law copyright" and provide legal protection against unautho~ized reproduction or extensive quotation. We are less sure on the matter of protecting you against legal liability for the content of your work. I can say that we have numerous personal accounts by naval figures that are extremely frank in their appraisal of other individuals. In none of these cases are we aware of legal proceedings having been initiated and, for that reason, I sus- pect you may have little to worry about. Neverthe- less, I also stould note that we are not thoroughly familiar with this area and that you may want to consult a qualified attorney if you continue to be concerned. Until this matter is resolved, I believe it will be a protection to you if we restricted the manuscript to official users. I assume that you have retained a copy of the work. If not, of course, we would be pleased to prepare ~ duplicate with your permission and send it to ArKansas. MAR ~ >>Ii Because of your experience in the Navy, it also occurs to me that you may like to have the enclosed list of our publications. Should you note an item or two that would be of interest, it would be a pleasure to forward copies as a small token of our appreciation.